THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER " 7, 1918. 17 HO SHIPS FOR FLOUR Government Buying in North west Temporarily Held Up. ALL PLANS WORKED OUT Tonnage CJruestion, Gajl M. H. Hon eer, Sow Before Shipplnb Board for Settlement Purchases later for Export, War Use. being harvested In TTint County, former good, latter poor; Fall plowing ts progrsss 1ns wclL Nevada Harvesting and thrashing wheat, barley and oata continues; yields ara gsn erallr rood, bnt aome shrinkage due to wa ter scarcity and warm weather. Second cutting of alfalfa J abort In many localities. The flour buying programme of the Food Administration Grata Corporation la aet forth In detail In a bulletin that has just been Angeles. PEACH SEASON NEAKINO AJ END About 80 p Cent of Orrgon Crop Haa Now Been Moved. . The Northwest peaeh season la about eloaed and the dealers ara already turning their attention to such lata varieties as the California Solways. of which a few cars will probably be brought in. Oregon haa few lata peaenes tbu a ear. The Mulra are ex peeted next week, whlrtr -will clean up the orchards. Probably 80 per cent of the croi Is moved. KecelDta yesterday were 390 boxes of Oregons by express and 400 by boat and 78 boxes of Washington by expresa The market was stronger, Elbertas selling at 1.:3S1.50. mostly S1.2S01.SS and poorer packs at 11.18. Pears were steady with moderate receipts. Fresh stock sold at Iiei-SO and storage Bartletts at 11.T802. Oregon pear ship ments reported were T cars to New York. 3 to Chicago, 2 to The Dalles and 1 to Los STOCK SALES HEAVY Curtailment of Credits Leads to General Liquidation. LOSSES OF 2 TO 5 POINTS seat to millers In this sons by M. H. Houser, second vice-president of the corporation. The bulletin stares that purchases will be made oa the 1st and 13th of each month and tharoffers ara to be made prior to Plum receipts Included 100 boxes of Ore- gone by express and large home-grown ar rivals. The demand was slow. Italians sold generally at 23 cents. Grape arrivals have alowed up somewhat and stocks ara being reduced by dealera that date. On account of the lack of ton- MaIa,M are moving generally at 60S cents nags, however. Mr. Houser Is not In a po- , -.,. . .,.j ,t lM?7I sltlon to accept offers at this time. The L erat, ,Bd RoM otpini at IL25S1.75. ac- w, V . "u!"n ' "w snipping eordInr to condition. Board for Its decision, and as aoon as any definite conclusions ara reached the mtllera will be notified. The bulletin la sent to the millers in the meantime so they can fa znillarlze themselves with the plan of opera tion. The flour purchases, when made, will The cantaloupe market was slightly better. Egg Supply Is Ample. Conditions were unchanged la the local I egg market. Consumption Is large, but the rr.;." .w"-"..":' w" supply of jOregons and Easterns Is fully - tvuimm IV inMf III' 1 1. )n position IU BCU 1 . , . , -,, -. . . for Pacific Coast delivery. Th,e flour buy Ing from mllla In the Inter-Mountain terrl tory will be bandied by the New York office. The Government's flour buying will be for export shipment for the requirements or the allies, the Army. Navy, Marina Corps, Belgian Relief Commission. Red Cross, Y. at- C A. aud aimllar agencies. The flour must bo 100 per cent straight, unbleaeed and milled In accordance with the Food Administration rulings. The grades specified -are Hard Pacific Coast Straight, which must I equal to requirements, and at the present I high prices buyers are exercising caution. Cuba butter was firm with extras moving I at 62 cents. Prints were steady at the recent I advance. There was a good demand for the liberal I arrivals ef poultry and full prices were re alized. Country dressed meats' were steady. Potatoes and Onions Weaker. Potatoes are weaker In Portland, largely I due to the arrival of Inferior stock, for . . " hntT Idaho Rurala are jobbing at la.BOS uiiiieti . rum at lease oo per cent nam I , v , n . wh..t .n Rft t.ii r-... s,ni,hi miii. ' wmie vreson oiuu ' "'"" may offer as much flour as can be supplied h"'"' b,r", "J5,3'15; mMtlr. ,3', : with fVashlnguia Is Mow Globes bringing witbln time of shipment specified. The terms are demand draft on Grain Corpora tion, Portland, against railroad or ocean bill f lading. Shipment must be made within SO daya from date af acceptance of offer, and offera may be submitted by mail or wire. Sack specifications for export and foi . Army and Navy requisitions are given In detail. 1X2662.50, and California Australian Browns I2.T5. Tomatoes were steady at 40050" cents for good stock and 30033 centa for seconds. About eOtt boxes arrived by boat. Bank Clearings. W.W ..1 -,., a . , - VnHhwiilwil -t ,1-L The following milling bulletin has also I ...,..h,v ,.r. vcen issuea oy air. riouser: l "Under recent bulletin Issued by the Feed I Portland Administration, aomo mills have understood Seattle that contracts could now be made for ship ment within SO daya Under the new rules, holders may have oa hand 30 days" stock af wheat flour or wheat mlllfeed or wheat; ; but so far as making of contracts is con- cemed It Is not permissible to make con tracts for shipment beyond 30 days." JIAT CROP IN IDAHO IS HEAVY Tacoma Spokane Clearings. ...I4."l,r.sH ... 6.607.070 ... Jul, 1 St . .. 1.S01.178 Balances. 3 762.774 1.262.251 143.142 626.4U7 Redaction of Speculative 'Activity Expected to Result From Action by Sew York Exchange. .Bond Market Also Reacts. NEW YORK. Sent. 6. Another lmnortant step toward the conservation of credts for an put essential and productive ourposes ws taken today when the stock exchange uui(,-u a resolution authorizing aally in vesication or its members' loans. This action. It is generally believed, will result in a further pronounced curtailment of speculative activity. If not a gradual iruut.iun oi oroiterr loans to nominal ai-menslons. Authorities of the exchange were quoted as saying the situation nrcui.H nnthine of a disturbing nature, but nublicatlon of the resolution was succeeded hv volume ftf selling in which many Important stocks fell 3 to S points under final quotations of the previous day. United States Steel bore the brunt of tne onslaught as usual suffering an ex treme setback of four points to 110,. from which it rallied a point. Other, industrials. equipments and numerous specialties for feited 2 to 4 points, but rails recovered moderately at the end. Total sales amounted to 820,000 shares, to which the last hour's outpouring contributed almost 40 per cent. The bond market developed a reactionary tone as siocks yieiaea. but losses in tna1 division were relatively light. Sales, par value. s7.7r7.000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on can. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closln Sales. High. Low. bid. (w0 70 88 i 6Si4 3.3H0 47 H 46 40 2.100 87 Vt 8S14 8jH 1.7K0 674 68V 6GVi 6.000 80 78V 7S 3,700 .10!) 307 5s 107 1..W0 l!8?l 97 07 1.400 17 16U 16 23,600 61) K 67 67 2,000 8H KOJ ott 1,200 103 102 li 102 3,.1U0 M .".", 53 3,000 20 V4 1H 6,500 164 159 Vj 1.800 6! 67 "i 2.600 68 57 hi porting a decline in Santos were followed by reactions here, with July selling off from 9.69c to s.HOo and with ther market closing net unchanged to five nolnts lower. Clos ing bids; September. 8.50c: October, .65c; December, 8.95c; January, 8.05c: March, 27c: Mav. S.47.. .Tnlv D.eOo. Spot coffee firm. Rio Ts, c; Santos 4a, Kaval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Sept. B. Turpentine firm. UlUc; sales. 303: receipts, 151; shlp- -tuo: stocks, a.eyo. Rosin firm; sales. 503: receipts, 473: ship ments, 255; stocks. 72.578 Quote: 33. $12; D, JI2.15; E. 312.30; F. 312.S714; G, 312.50; H, 112.57; I. 312.62: K. 313.23; M. $13.45; N. 13.60; WO. 313.75: vV"Vv'. $14. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Sept. 6. Butter higher. Cream ery. 4348c Eggs higher. Receipts 6287 easaa. Firsts, 4042c; ordinary firsts, 38 a 40c; at mark, cases included, S741c , Metal Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 6. Lead unchanged. Spot. 8.05c Spelter steady. East St. Louis spot, .15o. Alfalfa Is Moving at tlS Per Ton la Section Around Caldwell, The monthly newa letter of the Caldwell ' Commercial Bank aays: ina aecona crop or airaira is now ail in the stack and the third cron eromlMS to be nw7 sou ions. i am urst iwq cnips are generally reported as larger than of a year I Oats, aso. Buyers are In the field and the gen eral prica la $13 per ton, eight-foot mess- I'ORTI.AN'D MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Ktc, Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Seotember delivery: Bid. Oats, No. 2 white feed .$60.50 Barley, standard feed 52.00 Barley, standard A bo.50 Eastern oate and com In bulk: Oats. No. 3 white 32.00 3S-pound clipped white 52.50 Corn. No. 3 yellow 71.00 Com, No. 3 mixed ... octoner aeuvery: Oats, No. 2 Bariev. reed Barley. "A" Oats. NO. 3 clipped Corn, yellow Corn, mixed . 60. 52. f.4. oil! 70. . iciuwi, www, am. fw.a uuv, i bushel ana seller seem to oe sstunea witn tne 00 Government basis, $2.20 per price and while some hay haa sold at higher price, we predict that most of the bay will move at $15. The grain harvest and threshing Is well vnder way and many have already disposed . of their wheat. A considerable amount of grain la being handled looeo from the thresher and loaded on the car. a aavlng being made In sacks and rehandllng. The wheat is of splendid quality and ylelda, while good, are not quite up to expectations. Grain from the combines Is generally too damp for the elevators, milling or shipping and haa to be held tor a abort time to go through the sweat The price la $3 per ousnei at mam line snipping points, wun i ,,.,- r-,.K. r. nrlnt an allowance of T cents per bushel for ,. box int. 54C- cartons, box lots. 55c handling charges, and then usually some I half boxes, c more; less than half boxes. FLOUR Straights. $10.05911.03 Per bar- I: whole wheat, $10.25: gnham. $ 10.25: barley flour, $11911. u0 per barre rve flour, $12.50 per barrel; cornmeal. $11. r 12.70 per barrel; corn flour, $12.70? oat- flour, $12912.20 per barrel. MILI.FEED Mill run. f. o. b. mill: car- lots. $20.65: mixed cars. 330.15: less than ca riots. $30.65; rolled barley, $65; rolled oats, $63. CORN Whole, $75; cracked, $78 per ton. HAY Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland Eastern Oregon timothy, $31 per ton;-Valley timothy, $30 per ton; alfalfa,- $28 Valley grain bay, $262S; clover, $28; straw, $9 tTlO. . . ..- Dairy and Country Produce. - dockage for quality. This figures for the best grade of Marquis and Turkey red No. 1 $3.21 per hundredweight. The early potato yield has been folly np to expectationa and the bulk of the crop haa sold for $2 per hundredewlght. Several have contracted their later crops at $1.50 i per hundredweight, and one firm Is reported as having purchased 110 carloads at this price. One of our customers reports that from five acres of early potatoes ha received $1100 net for his crop. "One car of extracted honey was shipped ut at a price of 22 cents per pound. It Is predicted that the price will continue on this basis, with favorable conditions for an advance. Comb honey will bring about $8 per ease. The crop is above average and may prove to be a record-breaker. CHANGES IX BIDS ABE SMALL Local Barley Market Is Easier and Other Coarse Grains Unchanged. Aside from a slight weakening of the barley market, there was no change In the local grain situation, as shown by bids posted at the Merchants Exchange yester-eUy. Weather conditions in the Middle West, as wired from Chti-ftVo: "Winnipeg, part cloudy, 42; Minneapolis, clear; Chicago. clear, cold; Peoria, clear, cooL 52; Kansas City, part cloudy, 30; Hutchison, part cloudy. 54; Omaha, clear. 57; Ohio Valley, clear, fine. Forecast: Rala and warmer tonight and Saturday." San Francisco receipts from Oregon for ' August by water- Flour, 34.982 quarters; middlings, 720 sacks: bran. 2563 sacks. From Washington, malt.. 2S70 sacks; beans, 2500 sacks; flour, 54,622 quarters; wool, 173 sacks. Bradstreets estimates clearances from North America this week of 2.737.000 bush els of wheat and 263.500 bushels of flour. Argentine shipments are 1. 850,000 bushels t wheat. BOO bushels of corn and 1,200,000 bushels of oats. Terminal receipts, In cars, were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Whoat. Barley. Fir. Oat&Hay. Portland. Friday.. 69 Year ago 24 Season to date.... 1743 Year ago 377 Tacoma. Thursday 12 Year ago 6 Season to date.... 40 Year ago 317 Seattle. Thursday. 44 Year ago 23 Season to date.... 849 Year ago ......... 239 14 WEATHER IDEAL 8 22 13t 273 247 768 38 130 168 319 r."." in "i 4 14 ... 37 213 13 ... 29 843 4 1 IS 3 9 9 119 18 364 106 578 38 280 91 1055 FOB HARVEST Yields la Idaho Fairly Good; Crop Condi tions la South. Crop conditlona In Pacifio Coast states are reported by the Weather Bureau as follows: Washington Abundant sunshine. Ideal for harvesting and threshing, which la well ad vanced. at harvest la well along In West ern lowlands straw la short and the grain ts somewhat shattered. Third alfalfa crop Is mostly cut. yield good. Corn maturing owing to high temperatures. Some Winter wheat being sown, but ground Is generally too dry. Spring what harvest nearly eotn auetedt crop iight. Idssx Wb.t threshing r In full swing In Kootenai. Latah, Twin Kails and Bonne ville counties: yields better than expected In Latah and .not up to expectaj.tona In Twin Falls; Variable In Bonneville and av erage In Idaho countiea Alfalfa Is making aplendld growth. California Corn barveat Is general; yield good. Arizona Grain and hay harvests, with fair yields, have begun In the north. Al falfa harvest Is progressing well. i. Lah Sweet, clover and, alfalfa seed ara lc more; butterfat. No. 1. 5&c Per pound delivered Portland. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, rots and cracks out. 47950c; selects, 53c per dozen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook Triplets, 28c; Young Americas, 20c: long horns. 20c per pound: Coos and Curry, f. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, 27c: Youn Americas. 28 He per pound; longlioms, 28 per pound. POULTRY Hens. 227e: Springs. 30c; ducks, 25030c; geese and turkeys, nominal. VEAL Fancy, 2021o per pound. PORK Fancy, 2tjf27c per pound. Fruits and Vrgetablea.- Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges. Valencies, $8o.2.l lemons, $7?9.50 per box; bananas, S$84c lb.: grapefruit, $3.50r5; cantaloupes, $lft 50 per crate: watermelons. 2c per pound peaches. $10301.50; apples. $1.302.25 per box; plums. 23c per pound: pears, lSr per box: casabas. 8e per pound; grapes. $1.25 2.75 per crate. vegetables Tomatoes, sowooc per crate; cabbage, 44 o per pound; lettuce, $2 ner crate: cucumbers, 30&5OO per box peppers, 8c per pound; beans, 6ff-7c per pound; celery. 31.25 per dozen; eggpianr. o'a 10c per pound; corn, zur4UC per uozen. POTATOES oregons. S2.70 tr;j.: per hundred; Idaho. S3.5nra3.75. ONIONS Walla Walla. $2.25 92.50 per sack; California Browns. $2.75, Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry. $8.05; beet, $8.75; extra C. $7.65; powdered. in barrels. s.7o: cases, in oarreis, NUTS Walnuts, 30c: Brazil nuts, lc filberts, 20c: almonds, 18623c; peanuts, 19c cocoanuts, $1.60 per dozen. SALT Half-ground, 100s. $13.90 per ton SOa, $17.25 per ton; dairy. $23 per ton. BICE Blue Rose. 11.7012c per pound; BEANS Jobbing prices: Small white, 13 & 14c: large white. 11 & 12c; bayou. 10c: lima, 15c; pink. 10R1IC. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 174725a. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice. S6e37c standard. 35J36c; skinned, none; pic nics. 26c; cottage roll, 84c. LARD Tierce basis, standard pure, 29c comnound. 23c BACON Fancy. 49S51c; standard 45 tj47c; choice. 86044c DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 3035c exports, 2D g 32c Hides and Pelts. HIDES Government grades: No. 1 salted hides, 80 lbs. and up. 15c; No. 2 salted hides. 30 lbs. and up. 14c; No. 1 green hides. 30 lbs. and up, 12c; No. 2 green hides. 30 lbs. and up. 11c; No. 1 salted bulls, 50 lbs. and up. 12c; No. 2 salted bulls, 50 lbs. and up, 11c; No. 1 green bulls. 30 lbs. and up, 10c; No. 2 green bulls, 50 lbs. and up. 9c; No. 1 green or salted calfskins, up to 15 lbs., 82c; No. 2 green or salted calfskins, up to 15 lbs., 30c; No. 1 green or salted kip skins, 15 to 30 lbs.. 16c; No. 2 green or salted kip skins. 15 to 80 lbs.. 14 So; dry flint hides. 7 lbs. and up, 30c: dry flint calf. under 7 lbs.. 40c: dry salt hides. 7 lbs. and ud. 24c; dry salt call, under 7 lbs.. 34c: dry cull hides or calf, half price; dry. stags or bulls. 20c; ury salt, stsgs or Dulls. 14c; dry cull stags or bulls, half price: dry horse hides, according to size and takeoff, each $1.50ff2.50; salted horsehldes. according to size and takeoll, each $3 35. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts, per ound, 40c; dry short-wool pelts, per pound. 26tc30c; salted long-wool lamb pelts, August takeoff, each. $2.50t?3.50: salted sheep pelts. August take-off. each $2t?3; dry sheep shearling, each, 25 S 30c: salted sheep shearling, each, 50975c. Hops, Wool. Etc. HOPS Nominal. WOOL Oregon. 36071c per pound. MOHAIR Long staple. 60c; short staple. 40c; hurry, 30c. CASCARA BARK New and old, 12e pet pound. TALLOW No. 1, 13e per pound; No. 3, 12sc per pound; grease. No. 1, 10c; No. 2, $0 per, pound. Am Beet Sugar American Can., Am Car A Fdr? Amerlran Loco.. Am Sm & Refg Am Sugar Refg Am Tel & Tel. . Am Z L & S. .. Anaconda Cop. Atchison All U W I 9 a Bait & Ohio... B & Sup Cop. ,. Cal Petroleum. . Can Pacific... Central Leather Chea A Ohio. . .. Ch M 4 St Psul Chicago & N W 3,000 C R I ft P etfs 6,000 Chlno Copper. . . 7,000 Colorado r"i & ir n.0110 Corn Pro Refg.. 9.200 Crucible Steel. . 3.500 Cuba Cane Sugar 3,700 Distil Securities 11,100 Erie 4.200 General Electrlo 2.000 General Motors. - 2,300 Gt Northern pfd 3,000 Gt Nor Ore ctfs 1,200 Illinois Central.. Inspir Copper. .. 5,000 Int JI M pfr. . 24.300 Inter Nickel.... K.O'KJ- Inter Paper 7.0O0 Kan City South 8,000 Kennecott Cop. 2,300 Louis & Nash Maxwell Motors 2,200 Mexican Pet . . 16,700 Miami Copper.. 2.000 Missouri Pac . . 11.700 Mont Poiver .. 2.000 Nevada Copper. 3.000 N V Central 1,500 N T N H A H 33.200 Norfolk & West 3.000 Nor Pacific 6.0H0 Pacific Mall 2,000 Pac Tel Tel Pennsylvania... 3.400 Pittsburg Cial. 7.000 Ray Con Co'.... 5.000 Reading ... .IS.r.OO Rep Ir ft Steel 10,500 Shat Ariz Cop South Pnciflc... 4.100 South Railway. 18..-.O0 studebaker cor .4mi Texas Co 3,no Union Paclifc. . lt.7'10 U S In Alcohol 4.100 U S Steel 30.300 U S Steel pfd... 4.000 Utah Copper.. Wab Pfd "B" Western Union West Electric. Bethlehem ti 7.000 1,000 1.000 14.800 95 26 40 Z 47 43 68 30 57 16 347 131 :3 33 54 103 20 18 34 '28 104 20 25 71 20 75 45 106 00 32 44'' " 24 02 12T4 87 27 47 150 3 27 122 114 110 84 24 ..... 86 94 25 33 46 42 66 30 5 35 147 124 92 82 29 34 18 34 '26 101 28 24 70 20 73 43 3 06 0O 32 43" 5fl 24 80 90 S5" 25 45 155 122 118 310 110 83 24 43"" 83 Total sales for the day. 820,000 shares. BONDS. 95 10 360 67 57 53 04 24 46 42 67 30 56 15 3 44 3 23 92 3: 96 101 20 34 18 34 115 26 1- 2S 2S 60' 73 It 44 3". no 32 30 43 4! 24 K'.i ft 91 15 S 26 46 156 3 25 119 111 310 83 23 84 43 84 rr 8 ref 2s rer do coupon ....-wf rr s 3s rer 9 do coupon IT s 4s reg "inf.' do counon .,..-i"ovs Atch gen 4s 80 D ft 11 G ref 5s .. NYC deb 6s.. 0.1 W P 4 81 N P 3s . .'. 5" Pac T T Bs.... 87 Bid. Pac con 4s . U P 4s U S Steel 5s.. S P cv 5s Anglo-Fr 5 s.. V S lib 3s... do 1st 4S... do 2d 4s do 1st 4s.. do 2d 4 Us .. do 3d 4s... .94 . 86 . 9R . 91 . 95 101.84 95.00 94.32 95.00 94.30 95.70 New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 6. Sugar steady. Cen trifugal, 6.055c; fine granulated. 7.43c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK. Sept. 6. Evaporated apples dull. Prunes -strong. Peaches scarce. ' Hops at New York. NSW TORK. Sept. a. Hops unchanged, - Dnlnth Ltaseed Market. DULUTH, Sept. a Linseed. $4.11. HOGS DECLINE AGAIN MARKET AT NORTH PORTLAND 19 QUARTER, LOWER. CQRN TURNS UPWARD Scarcity of Contract Supplies Gives Chicago Market Lift. . BEARS AT DISADVANTAGE Receipts Are . Liberal and Prices Are Inclined to Be Weak, in All Lines. Livestock receipts keep up a good level. 31 cars being unloaded yesterday. The un dertone of the market continues saey, par ticularly in the hog divisions, where prices were off another quarter with the top standing new at $19.25. Cattle arrivals were heavier than for several days past. Receipts were 745 cattle, 43 calves, 867 hogs and 307 sheep. Shippers were "With cattle George H. Jennings, Baker, 0 loads; bol Diggerson, New Meadows, Ida., 1 loads. With sheep Fred Welch. Baker. 1 load. With mixed loads W. A. Ayers. Lassen. Cal.. 2 loads of cattle and sheep; James Hobson. Myrtle Point. 1 load of cattle, hogs and sheep; c JL Adams, Scappoose, 1 load oe cattle ana Sheep. The day s sales were as follows: Wt Price.l Wt. Price. 2 steers.. 1100 $11,251 1 cow 1210$ 8.50 4 steers... 903 11.00 1 cow 10.10 6.00 0 cows... 808 5.501 5 bulls. .. .1008 6.00 11 cows... 640 3.25 1 bull 1560 6.25 1 cow. ...1250 9.00121 hogs.... 219 19.00 1 COW. ...120 7.50! 2 hogs.... 300 18.00 4 cows... 870 7.00154 jfrllnes. 112 31.50 10 cows... 8S8 4.00167 y'rlings. 119 10.00 i COW..., 7JU 0-OUl Prices current at the local yards are as toiiows: Cattle Prime steers ..... . Good to choice steers . Medium to good steers ...... Fair to medium steers ....... Common to fair steers Choice cows and heifers Med. to good cows snd heifers. rair to med. cows and heifers. Canners . . . . Bulls Calves Hogs Prime mixed ... . Medium mixed . Rough heavies ............... Pigs bneep Prices ..$12. 00 &13. 00 .. 11.00 12.00 .. 9.7511.00 . . 8.75 9.75 .. 5.75 0 8.25 8.00SH 9.00 5.7Sfl 7.25 4.75 fe 5.75 3.00SI 4.00 6.00 '(J) 8.00 9.00012.00 39.00 019.25 38. 75J 18.85 17.50 ft 17.75 10.00 17.00 Prime lambs Fair to medium lambs yearlings ... Wethers wes 13.00 1914.50 11.0012.00 10.001 11.00 9.0010.00 6.50$ 8.50 DESTINATIONS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to Leading Livestock Markets of the United States. Destinations of livestock loaded September (Double decks counted as two cars) : Cattle. Horses.Mixed. Cal ves.Hogs.Sheep. Mules .Stock. l. 4 34 4 .. ID 18 .1 .... 9 .. 838 217 221 4 53 Mining Stocks at Boston, BOSTON, Sept. 6. Closing quotations: Allouez 50 Old Dora 40 ...1. -- . 1 r, 3i "l-rcnl n ... . . 53 Calu ft Arts 67 Quiney on en'z.Bup e sudiuu . . r-n nanv SH'ARuD & .Boston... -S Kast Butte .... 9'ihannon S'4 Franklin 4 Utah con ju Isle Royalle ... ::. 'wolverine Mohawk 5. branny ......... e-4 North Butte ... 13 I Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK. Sept . Mercantile paper, francs, guilders, lire and time loans un changed. SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET. Prices Current oa Eggs, Vegetables, Freeh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 6. Butter, 829 65c. Eggs Fresh extras. 04c: iresn extra pul lets, rtlie ner dozen. Cheese New firsts, not quoted; zoung Americas. 30c per pouna. Poultry Wens, large, S4CT36C; roosters. vonnar. :iKc ; frvers. 3I&.1&C: broilers. 5c: pigeons, s-.uu; squaos. 9'ao.dv; geese, to U23c; turkeys, live, 25&28C. Vegetables Green peas. 8G9c: Summer anuash. 75SrS5c: eggplant. 50185cr peppers, bell. 40&60c; chile, 40&6OC; tomatoes, 5U lattuce. 2offi35c: celery. nominal potatoes. whKte, $2.85v3; sweet, 4&4c; onions, $1.25SjL50 cental; yellow, JZia.j.,; irs.rllc- 16'fil7c: cauliflower, 75(ft:90c: beets, ii - rorrnti 75cftSl: turnios. 65ii'75c: rhu barb, $101.20; cabbage, 80w0c; artichokes. 2 5014; cucumDers. ug-ioc; string oeans, i .-,ir: lima. 4ia5c; okra. 64jtc; green corn, s-.euv--o. F-rnlt Cantalounes. $1.501. 75; water melons, $1(2; casabas, $1L75; boneydew melons, i.dui.ij; lemons. -t.outfo.ou, emonettea, o4; grapeiruit, ; oranges. aiencias. S1.0uwo.0u; Dauanas, nunaiian, &7c: pineapples, $4.0 5; apples, oraven- ltfi.5 box: strawberries. (as blackberries, $61i8; raspberries, $10il: peaches, $1.25(& 1.50: loganberries, nominal; h,,.i,i.hni-ripr 12i&15c: aoricots. nominal; pears. $1,2541.50; figs, white 75cCf$l; black. fi,.wiR- Tilums. S1.25fi' 1.75: nectarines. 50e $l; cranberries. $1 L50; muscats, $1.25 U, avaufuy-. , . soa. KeCSiPl8 riOiVi yutwieio, uov itj u-vg centals: beans. wckb; poiaioes, oa- sacks; Hay. 3ii3 tons: onions, 630 sacks; hides, 1833; wine. 14,500 gallons. CIVILIAN TRADE IX CLOSES TTMTTS. Conserr tlsm fs Predominant Sentiment la Business Circle. . NEW TORK, Sept. 6. Dun's tomorrow will say: Ot Only nas ins cnangmK vi-uutua nwu than the usual stimulating influence on general business, hut the tendency in not & few civilian channels is toward still further repression, of. activities, as the war risaT-nami- enlarge and become Increasingly Imperative. Mort completely than at any previous period, the producing and di-trthnrin-p f orces of the nation are being concentrated on work ot tne most essential hurartoi- and oriiciai rejcuiauons ana re actions extena io every . inaiuirjr ana t r.iio nt imnortance. Under the circumsiancen, oramary irans ctions are not unnaturally coniined witntn loser limits, and conservatism Is the pred ominant seniimeni m commercial ana nani-ii circles. Moreover, the disposi- tAn t nmrpptl cautiously in entering uDon forward commitments has been accentuated by the impairment of agricultural prospects and in sections where tne crop oamage has been greatest, aa in the Southwest, cancela tions Ol luiurs uruers 4.i v uut waunj absent. , . ' . A. eeKIy Dana -irwrinsa wcr-p fviiA-tiv.ivu. Reaction la Coffee Future. ' NEW YORK. Sept. 6. The action of the market for coffee futures her today seemed be chiefly iniiuencea oy fluctuations in Brazil. The opening was unchanged to rivo points higher on a rally tn the Bantos fu tures market, trade buying of the- near months and a scattering demand for later deliveries. There was no aggressive or gen erai support, -however, and latex caiJlesa- Boston . Buffalo ...... Chicago ...... lnclnnati . .. . Cleveland .. ... udahy enver Detroit Cast Pt. Louis. Fort Worth ndlanapolis .. ansa City . . Lancaster .... Los Angeles .. ouisvme .... iwaukee ... ew York .... Oklahoma City Omaha ....... Philadelphia Pittsburg , Portland, Or. St. Joseph .... St. Paul , San Francisco., Seattle Sioux City .... Spokane ...... Tacoma Various A 14 8 f? fi no 108 41 8 13 1 49 47 12 1 n 30 7 S4 34 31 6 S4 5 4 978 8 8 12 7 2 7 30 US 78 21 11 1.0 .7 3 63 Country Consignment Xotices Are Still Light and Receipts Are Small Oats Close at Advance. Liquidation in Provisions Fit. CHICAGO, Sent 6. Corn developed no ticeable strength today, influenced more or less by scarcity-of contract supplies in store nere. ine marKet closed firm - to l-io nei higher, with October $1.58 ! t l.C8i and November sLSd-K to H.56.' Oats sained a shade to c. In provisions thar was a loss of 25c to $1. Reports showinc that the stock of corn in Chicago elevators contained only 184,000 bushels of contract grade put the bears at a disadvantage from the outset. In ad dition count rv com! eminent ft ot Ices re mained llirht and receiDts here were small, Oats were upheld by the strength of corn. Most of the trade was local. Slowness of cash demand led to sharp liquidation in pork and ribs. Both staples underwent a maximum setoacK. iara aim- played relative firmness owing to a mod' orate call for spot. Leading futures ranged as follows: Oct. Nov. . , Oct. Nov. . . Sept. ... Oct. ... Sept. Oct. Open. .. 1.56 CORN". High. l5!t4 OATS. .72 .73 .7414 .74 MESS PORK. Low. 1.1S74 1.56 .72 .74 "CI OS 4. $t. .IS- 1.5654 .42.50 ..S8.9S 4i50 LARD. 2(1.1)5 41.4S 41.70 2.70 Ti6.52 SHORT RIBS. . ..S.1.K3 23.RS 23.70 6.7S Sept. Oct. 2B.75 26.82 2T7 23.07 4.:i0 24.U0 23.07 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.711.72: No. yel low. M.osffll.TO: No. 4 yellow, Jl.58iai.65. Oats No. 3 white. 70'871c: standard. 704 471c. Kye No. 3, Il.o7jjl.63. Barley 98c ia $1.10. Timothy, clover and pork Nominal. Lard 126.80. Ribs 23.20 23.70. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. 8eit. 6. Barley. $1.03. Flax, 4.014.11. 88c 9 Grain at San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6. Flour. $11.20 per barrel. Grain Wheat, Government price, SZ.20 pet bushel; barley, new crop, milling- grades, 2.402.50; oats, white feed, nominal; corn, California yellow, nominal. llay Wheat and wheat and oats. S23G225; tame eat, S24026; alfalfa, first cutting, 16 if 20: second cutting, S22W24; barley straw, 30'rr soc Meals Alfalfa, S34036; cocoanut, nomi nal. HOUSE LOOTED OF RUGS Warrant Out. for Man Suspected of $1500 Theft. 1 313 24 19 "i 12 7 05 308 110 10 The residence of the late Philip Jeu at 7D2 Hancock street was stripped of valuable Oriental anc: Anglo Persian rugs vaiued at approximately $1500, ac cording to information reported to the police. A tenant to whom the house was leased two weeks ago is sought by the police. I PL T. Street, agent for the late Mr. Neu, said he leased the house a short ime ago and took as part payment on the lease a check for $75. He said he conferred with A. W. Neu, son of the late Philip Neu, who is connected with the Portland Marble Works, and it was decided to accept the check as pay ment. The check was returned by the bank marked no funds, said Mr. Street, and an investigation disclosed that the house had been stripped of the rugs. A warrant for the arrest of the suspected man has been issued. Morris Brothers, Iiic. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bond Yielding from S.25 tm 7 If yon ssast SHI.L Liberty- Beads, CELL. I'S. It yo can BUT mare Liberty Boads, BUY from Is, Wat BIV aa we SELL at tk New York market. Telephone Main 3409. Liberty Loan Department Open Until 6 P. M. Saturday $49,000 Daly City California 7 -Bonds Protected by Municipal Taxes Exempted from Federal Taxes Denominations $1000 $500 $250 $150 Optional July 2, vis.: Whenever thers is a surplus in the Improvement fnnd above requirement for paying; bonds regularly falling due at the next maturity date the city is required to advance the maturity of a sufficient number of bonds to take up the excess funds, giving; not less than nine months' advance notice of calling for payment on July 2. Upon receipt of notice the holder Is en titled to make Immediate presentation for payment and to receive full Interest to such advanced maturity (up to twenty-one months, but not less than nine months' interest) as a premium,' t e., up to 112.25, but not less than 105.23. 4900 4000 4P00 4000 4000 Due. July 2, 1919, " 1020, " 1821. " 1922, 1023, Price. 101.75 103.30 104.10 105.30 105.90 Yield. 8.25 5.25 S.50 fi.50 6.025 $4900 4900 4!0O 4000 4000 Due. July 3, 1924, " 192H. " 19211, 1M27. ' 1928, Price. 10(1.90 107.10 107.10 106.90 107.45 field, B.25 5 75 IS 875 FINANCIAL STATEMENT Actual value, estimated. ...... ....... Assessed valuation, 1917....................... General bonded debt $88,000 . Less water bonds 88,000 Net debt .$4,664,520 , 1,554,840 NONE Daly City adjoins San Francisco on the south, the only direction in which San Francisco can expand, and is essentially a, residence community of 5500 population. These bonds are the general obligation of Daly City. Entirely Exempt From Income Tax Call or Phone ffdwy. 951. A 206$. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS BUILDING FIFTH AND STARK Reno, Kevada A. W. STETSON & CO. Telephone Main 3039. .2278 Totals One weelc ago..2.'i04 Four weeks ago.2107 1073 I0R6 153 HUf) 1105 147 1523 563 101 State origins of livestock loaded Septem ber 5: Cattle, Horses, Mixed For Fortiana California, Oregon Montana rt'l Portland One week ago. . Four weks ago For Seattle- Oregon ... TtM Seattle.. One week ago. . Four weeks ago For Spokane Idaho Washington ... Ttl Spokane. One week ago. . Four weeks ago 2 .... 2 .... Chicago XJvcntock Market. CHICAGO. Sept. 6 Hon Receipts 13.000. uneven but generally steady with yester day's average. Butchers, 119.15ft 19.85: light. X9.25 19.90; packing, 1S.1519; rough, sii.ouwia: pigs. Cattle receipts f uuu, steers ana cows. mostly steady. Calves steady. Beef cattle. KlO.fi0fftil9.10: butcher stock, cows and heif ers, $7.65g 14.25; canners and cutters, $d.6o 6V 7.6o ; stocieers ana ieeaers. a ta a : veaj calves, siS'd'iB. Sheep Receipts 16,000, steady to 10c higher. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Sept. 6. -Hogs Receipts 6.100, market 6c to 10c lower. Heavy, 18.79 19.15: mixed, 18.8019; light, S19.10 19.35; pigs, ?171S; bulk of sales, $18.75 10. Cattle Receipts 2100, market stronger. Native steers, 112 IS ; cows. 7.25 11.25 ; Western steers, 510&1Q; Texas steers, UP 11.75; range cows and heifers. $7(&10.50; canners. $fi7; stock ers and feeders, 6.50 15.50; calves, $8.60 13.45; bulls, $7 11. Sheep Receipts wjwj, market steady. Wethers. $11.50 it 12.50 ; ewes. $10 -ft 11.25 ; lambs, 516.2517.25; yearlings, $1213. Peach ea Are Marketed. TA KIM A. Wash.. Sept. 6. Special.) Lombard & Horsley. of this city, have just completed harvesting and marketing 50,000 boxes of Elberta peaches from their fruit ranch in Parker Heights. They netted from 75 cents to $1 a box,. the average being about 85 cents. . COOS BAY WANTS Y. W. C. A. Movement Started for Organization Well Supported at Marshfield. MAKSHFIELD, Or., Sept. . (Spe cial.) Plans for the organization of a Y. W. C. A. were discussed here last night by a Portland representative and local ministers. A delegate will be sent to the state convention at Rose burs: September 10 in the interest of the proposed organization. It is planned to rent a building and install all the facilities of a city "Y.t" including library, gymnasium, dining and living bails and dormitory quar ters. Local ministers vilil tortn.uU.te plans for the financial end of the enterprise m ELONA GRINSTEAD HELD Tonne Woman Under Arrestr on Charge of larceny. . Elona Grinstead, aged 18, residing at the Multnomah Hotel, was arrested last night by Inspectors Snow and Tacka- berry on complaint of H. H. Cloutier, manager of the hotel, and locked up in the City Jail charged with larceny. Miss Grinstead, say the police. Is charged with the theft of several arti cles that have been missed from the hotel during the last few weeks. Ac cording to the police Miss Grinstead, Hazel De Fritz, Ernest Ash and Will- lam Jeffries were rehearsing for musical and dancing skit that was to be booked on the Pantages circuit. In the near future. .- One of the members of the quartet said that they had been holding re- hearsels at the hotel for the last two weeks and were to start eouth next week. v MINE OWNER DIVORCED J. F. Callahan, Coenr d'AIene Mil lionaire, Wins on Cruelty Charge. SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 6. (Special.) James F. Callahan, millionaire mine owner of the Coeur d Alenes, was erranted a divorce by Judge Dunn at Coeur d'AIene this afternoon. He is ordered to pay Mrs. Helen Elizabeth Callahan $50,000, and he gets all the rest of the property. Mr. Callahan's charge against Mrs. Callahan is not sustained. Tire specific findings are not to be made public The divorce was granted on the ground of cruelty. In addition to the $50,000 Mrs. Cal lahan Is allowed attorney's fees of $20,- 000 and $13,000 suit money in addition to the $50,000 euit money already al lowed. Each party Is to pay his or her costs. Mr. Callahan Is the principal owner of the Interstate-Callahan mine.. Kansas City. Mo, STOCKS AND BONDS OLD NATIONAL BANK. BUILDING DO NOT SACRIFICES YOUR Spokane, Wash. LIBERTY BONDS We will loan 90 per cent of their market valae nt per cent yearly. Other active stock and bonds accepted aa collateral asralnst 60 per ecnt cash loans at 8 per cent yearly. Writo for free Information on securities yon are Interested In. DRAFT TO BE EXPEDITED LOCAL BOARDS WILL BE ENLARGED IF NECESSARY, week Mr. .Marsh will hold a series of conferences, the first of which has been set for Monday. ROUND-UP FAN RISES EARLY Pendleton Man tJp at 3 o'clock for First Place at Ticket Window. . PENDLETON, Or., Sept 6. (Special.) J. J. Hamley, who has bought' the first ticket for each year's Round-Up for the first 11 years with one excep tion, to assure himself a continuance of that record took his position- at the ticket office this morning at 3 o'clock. At 7 o'clock, when the next eager pur chaser came around, he turned his place line over to a boy and went home to breakfast. Tonight there Is the usual line of place holders in front of the office, prepared to remain all night to get their chancs at the pick of the Round-Up seats. Some Men Who Register en Thursday Will Be Inducted Into) Serv. . ice In October, WASHINGTON, Sept. . Provost Marshal-General Crowder is planning the enlargement of local draft boards j wherever necessary In order that some of the men who register next Thurs day may be inducted Into military serv ice in October. General Crowder has telegraphed draft executives in every state asking if an increase in the personnel would expedite work. Additional registrars have already been authorized for Sep tember 12. Employers or dependents of regis tered men who, for patriotic reasons, may object to entering a claim for de ferred classification on the grounds of dependency or the nature of their oc cupation will expedite proceedings and prevent injustice . by making tne ex emption claims for the men, it was said today at the Provost Marshal-Gen- erars office. There is a form for such claims in the Questionnaire, it was pointed out, and the local boards will find their duties more complicated if registrants entitled to exemption do not claim It or some Interested person does not make the. claim in their behalf. JUetalls in tne appointment or ad visory committees to each of the dis trict draft boards to assist the boards passing on exemptions claimed on occupational grounds were discussed today at a conference between repre- sentaives of the Provost Marshal-Gen eral's office, the War Labor Policies Board and the Department of Labor. Draft boards will name one of the three members to compose each com mittee. Mother Takes Girl Home. YAKIMA, Wash., Sept. 6. (Special.) Miss Catherine Lund, who was ar rested by the Yakima police while mas querading in men's clothing, was taken to her home in Seattle today by her mother. The young woman said she was tired of working for $9 a week in a store, therefore put on men's garments and ran away from home in order to better her condition. Sixteen Per Cent Rejected. MARSHFIELD, Or.,' Sept.' . (Spe cial.) It is estimated that 16 per cent of the 73 men who left Coos and Curry counties on draft call for Camp Lewis the latter part of August' hava jee.i rejects because of nhiuHccl disability. Flat feet and weak, hearts were numer ous, . WOMAN RUNDOWN BY AUTO Mrs. Charles-Fisher Injured; Driver Placed Under Arrest. Conrad Algesheimer was arrested late yesterday by Motorcycle Office! Scott and charged with reckless driv ing after he had run down Mrs. Charles Fisher, of 475 Jefferson street, at Thir teenth and Jefferson streets. Mrs. Fisher, the officer reported, was knocked to the. pavement and received severe bruises about the body. The in jured woman was later sent to her home.. The officer reported that defective brakes on Algesheimer's car were -responsible for fce accident. He tested the brakes of the car at a speed of 15 miles 'an hour and said that He was un able to stop, the machine within less than 150 feet. FACTS NO. 287 MUST SAVE TIRES All forms of waste m u s t be elim inated in the use . of tires and con servation princi ples followed that will bring out the last mile. Road surface is the cause of de t e r 1 oration and wear! ng oirt of tires. Auto tires wear longest when used over roads paved with BITULITHIC WARREN BROS.' COMPANY JOl'RNAL BI.DG. PORTLAND, OREGON. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. fiieamshjp1ji - y:z j nirrt strew, '-3 ' Washington and Alder Main 2. ALASKA Ketchikan. Wraneell, Juneau, Douglas, Haines, Skagway, Cordova. Valdea, Seward and Ancaorage. Special Summcyr Excursions. Hound-trip rates to all Alaska points. Largest ships, unequaled service, low rates. Including berths and meals. Mass reservations. Labor Conferences Sit. E. P. Marsh, chairman of the board of conciliation of the Department of Labor, arrived in Portland Thursday from, Washington. Before leaving next San Francisco - Los Angeles LOW BATES. By Stesmer Inclining Mea:s and Berth. THE SAN FRAJiCIMCO JOKTLAXD H. 8. COMPANY. Tickets at Third and Stark. Telephone Jiroadwar 4500. Bdwy. SCS. A 1SS4, A Bin. AUSTRALIA MW ZEALAND AND SOUTH SILAS TJa Tahiti Dd Krtou. JdaU and pu. wear rvl from a Jfraacuco vry M Aajr UNION 8. H. OF NEW ZfcAf..A Kit Ztfu California at., ban Franclisca, mt imiiU 4rimmaUw uti nuisttmi Manntai ,