15 TTTF MORNING- OREGOXIAN. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1918. OLD BOARD NAMED Officers Merchants' Exchange Association Re-elected. ANNUAL MEETING IS HELD George A. Westgate Heads Grain Organization for Another Tear, Local Market Generally Firm With Oats and Cora Hither. The annual meeting of the Verehants Xxehana-e Association was held at tha con clusion of yesterdsr's noon session, and lha old officer and directors wars re elected by unanimous rots. The officers f Uia association ara O, A. Wastasta, pros Ident; J. A. Leach, vice-president: M. G. Russi. seeretsry-treaaarer. Ths board of di rectors la composed of tha above officers. together with 8. C. Draper and D. A. Pat tulla Prices In tha main vera firm. Bids on Backed and balk osta wars advanced 23650 cents, and corn offers were $16 3 higher than Saturday, although tha Eastern corn ptlon market was lower. Barley bids were Unchanged. Weather conditions In tha Middle West a wired from Chlcaco: Minneapolis, clear. eool: Winnipeg, cloudy, cool, 62; Dulnth, clear, fine; Peoria, cloudy. TO; St. Louis, cloudy. TO, raining; Kansss City, cloudy, 78; St. Joseph, cloudy, drlullnf. TO; Hutchinson, clear, ei sprinkle last night; Topeka, cloudy, threatening; Omaha, cloudy, trace rain last sight; Davenport, cloudy, cool; Ohio Val ley. clear. cooL Forecast Illinois. Michigan, Minnesota, vnsettled to s-eberally fair tonight and Tues day: balance of grain belt, unsettled, with possibly showers tonight and Tuesday Tha American visible wheat supply com ares as follows: Burhels. Auguet 1. 1019 82.7S9.noo August 20. 1917........ 4iui.ft) August 21. 1B1. ...... .SO.noi.rax August 2.1. 101 7.1.M.lxJ August 17, 1914. ...... .33,030.000 Increase. .2J.0.X) 37.1. ooo J.ina.000 57S.OOO laO.UOO Decrease. Wheat shipments from leading export ing centers were: Week Week endlnc ending Aug. 10 Aug 1X.-I7 8.41 J, (xx) a.inn.000 Fl um r. B. Can Argentina . Au.tralla .. India ...... Total. Week ending Aug. 17 ..2.So.00 ..8. 4-12. nno ,.. 7W).0"0 .. ISO. 000 2.e-3.0x) 60.000 J 10. (XX) 17J.IXM) l.'.fl.ixx) 856. 0O0 ...T.42,000 T.125.000 7.574.000 Shipments for the season to data compare s follows: Total atnre Seme period July 1. 1H. laat season. V. 8. and Canada. Argentina ....... Australia ........ Inula Totala .SI.5R4.000 ..32.77l.n0i .. 4.740.0O0 .. l.tWO.OOO :.6:s.ono I.THO.OOO 10.KIH.tMiO 4.U64.0O0 S3.647.0O0 ....60.676,000 Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported ay the Merchants Exchange as follows: Whest. Bar. Fir. Oata. Hay. rortiana. juonaay... 4 Tear ago 22 Season to date......7H4 Ti-r ago 13 Taroma, Saturday.. . .2 1 Tear ago T Feasoa to data 21 Tear ago 123 Seattle, Saturday.... 6 Tear ago 4 feeason to data. ..... 30.1 Year ago 110 the aame as last year and that they have been Injured by thrlpe and drouth except In Marlon County. PEACHES AND T-EAR8 ARE STEADS' Twenty-three Care of Latter Fruit Ara Shipped te Chicago. There was a fair demand for peaches and tha market was steady. Among tha receipts were S00 boxes of Oregons by express and 100 boxea of Washington. Craw for da gold generally at SIC 1-23, with holdovers bring lng 73990 cents. California orange clings ware auoted at II 50. and EIDertaa anu Level's at S 1.10 8 1.40. Pears were steady with 300 boxea of ore gons In by express and on car of Califor- nlaa. Oregon Bartlatts sold at tl.5O02.sa and Russetts at 12.23. California ripe Bart lets were quoted at 32.75. Bhlpmenta or Oregon pears on Saturday and Sunday were one car each to New Tork. Salem and Pitta burg, three cars to Baltimore and Loo Ange- lea and 23 cars to Chicago. Potatoes Firm In Local Market. The local potato market was strong with an active demand. Two cars of Callfornlas were received and were quoted at 13.7594 for long whites. Oregon Burbanka and American Wonders generally brought 3350. Altogether 800 boxea of tomatoes arrived ty express snd 400 boxes by boat. The local market was steady. The best stock brought 75 cents and seconds aold at 60 8 70 cents. Brisk Demand for Poultry. The poultry market opened strong and a heavy demand la expected throughout tne week. Heavy hens sold at 26 cents. Dressed meats were firm at Saturday's prices. There was a good demand for eggs and 48 cents, candled, waa the general quotation. Cuba butter was firm with 50H cents ob tainable for extras. . Canned Milk Advi All brands of csnned milk were advanced 33 cents a case yesterdsy. The new 11st quotations sre 36.75 snd 36.65 a case. These prices will prevail on the next shipments re ceived by jobbers. PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Floor. Feed, Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session. August delivery Bid. Oata, No. 2 white feed o.oo Barley, standard feed !i-"!2 Barley, standard "A" 65.00 Eastern oats and corn In hulk Oata. No. 8 white M .00 Oata. SB-pound clipped white 54.00 Corn. No. 8 yellow J4 w Corn. No. 8 mixed J,lyv BanlamlMF 1 -1 IV.TT n HI. Oata. No. 3 5.0 Barley, feed M00 ftarlev "A .................... 65.00 Oata. No. 8 JJ-" Oats, clipped r ? I? Corn, yellow Corn, mixed L00 WHEAT Government baste. 33.20 per buahel. FLOUR Straights. 310.85911.13 per oar rel: whole wheat. 310.30; araham, ss.vue 10:35: barley flour. U.80flli per barrel rye flour, 312.50 per barrel: eornmeat. $11. 70 6)12.50 per harrei: corn Hour, si.ou- . f:nnr ci2 12.23 oer barrel. , MI1.LFEED Mill run. I. o. o. mm; lota, f29.6S: mixed cars. 30.1.: less than eiriota la.6S: rolled barley. $63; rolled n. t n SR9. CORN Whole, $75: cracked, s.o per ton. HAT BiiTlnr slices, f. o. b. Portland; Eastern Oregon timothy. $31 per ton; Valley timothy, $30 per ton: alfalfa. Jo; vauey grain hay. $203 28; clover. $28; straw. $9 10. CORN CLOSES WEAK Mid-Day Advance Is Reflection of Other Markets. V 8 ref Ss reg..98 UO COUpOn ...."MO U S 3a reg 'n9 do coupon ....9a i TJ 8 4s reg. ...1064 do coupon ...106V4 Atch gen 4 ... so H D & R G ref 6a 53 NYC deb 6s.. 94H N P 4s 80S rninr o r- i nnn ai in mc " r - ?5 inHUC Ur LULKL IMH I UnC t os.. -st Bid. TJ 8 Tnd AJco... 800 127H 1274 12TH U S Steel 82,700 lllVi 110 111 do Dfd oix) una. nnu nou Ttah Cop sno 80"4 0 80 West Union .... 300 80 Vi SO 8014 Westing Elec .. 800 43 42 43 Bethlehem B .. 1.300 84 83 84 Total sales for the day, 172,000 shares. BONDS. Pa oon 4 V, a. 94 54 S P CV 4S 80 U P 4-1 85 H U S Steel SS 98 H S P cv 5s 91 Angio-Fr 6s 94 4 U S Lib 8tts..l00.90 do 1st cv 4s. 94.04 U S Lib 2d 4s. 93.86 do 1st cv 4Mb 94.08 do 2d cv 4 Vis 93.84 U S Lib 3d 414 s 95.42 Provisions Are Strong and Active Feature of Board of Trade Session at Chicago Oats Are Gener ally Firm Throughout Day.' Mining stocks at Boston. BOSTON, Aug. 19. Closing quotations: Aliouex 49 Arls Com 15 Calu Sc. Ariz. Jalu A Hecla. Centennial Cop Range .. East Butte . . Franklin Isle Royalle . Lake Copper INorth Butte Old Dom 67M Deceola .4H0 Uulncy 12 47 9 20 6 Mohawk 55 Sup ft Boston.. Shannon ....... ('tab. Con ...... CVinona ....... iVolverlne . . . , iGranby Con .... IGreene Can . . 14 39 60 69 1 8 8 1 22 44 HOGS AT 20 GENTS Portland Market Has Sharp Rise at Week's Opening. RECEIPTS ARE INADEQUATE CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Activity and strength of provisions was the feature of Board of Trade business today. Pork futures regis tered net gains of 40050a. lard 15 917c and rlba 87 ft 40c The trade waa lm pressed by an advance in live hogs at tne stockyards, where a $20 top was registered Another factor was the export figurea on lard and meats, which, while smaller than last week's were larger than a year ago at tht. nrlnri shorts were rree Duyers th. fiAmand from Daekeit moderately active. October lard closed at 3io.e ana ucwmr ribs at $24.95. There waa nothing In corn crop reports today to excite trade and. although the range -J of prices embraced 1 cents, the transac- I ,Mn' Per cenl- tions were local In cnaracter ana unimpi elve In volume. An easy tone at the outset . .iimin.tful for a time bv the atrengtn of oats and provisions, but tha close found prices practically where tney nao sia.ri.eu. Snl.mhr cloned C lower at $1.61. Oats were rainy active, Dut xauea m main tain an early advance. At the opening tne trade was disposed to regard oats as cheap comoared with corn, but on the advance cash houses sold September. There was con .irierahle chanrlng. too. to the deferred de llv.rles at about 1 centa difference. Ship pers were buyers on the sample market, but I SA!f there waa scarcely a niooie irom mo board. September closed 6c higher at 70T4C Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. ..429 1 2 11 54 ia.1 no 41 1 103 96 131 i 'i ii 11 .. 27 87 4 .. 23 157 ..248 7 19 134 Tt 254 18 178 63 533 MONET IS EC ACTIVE DEMAND Local Market Is strong and Sellers Raid for Higher Prices. There Is an active demand for honey, and the market la strong with some growers holding for higher prices. Local quotations follow: Cash to producers, extracted, am. bar. 13$)18e per pound: light amber, 17931c; white. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 50c; prints, ex tras, box lots, 62c; cartons, box lota, 53c; half boxes. e more; less than half boxes. le more: butterfat. No. 1, 53o per pound de livered Portland. EGGS Oregon ranch, candled, rota and erarks out. 4c; selects, 52c per dosen. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. o. linamooa Triplets, 27c; Young Americas. 28o per pound; Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Tripleta, 26e; Toung America, 27c n-r nmind! Innehorns. 27Vfce Der Pound. POULTRT Hens. 25026c; Springs. 25 26c; ducks. 82c; geese snd turkeys, nominal. veal, fancy, ytouo per pouuu. POKE. Fancy. 2542oo per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. TvaJ lobbing Quotations: FRUITS Oranges, vaienciaa, eswv; icti- ona. tT.Hiniac per ooa; . oa-nanu, w nound: rraoefrult. 33.50 64: cantaloupes. xi .23i a. 23 ner crate: watermelons. 2j(2o :24c: comb honer. S4.75es.23 Mr L.r nound: neachea. 7Scet$1.50; apples, $1.50 case. Sales to manufacturers, amber, 18e I ' S-15 P'r Dox: Plums, $1.25 per box; P- II.DVT..IIJ V ' D"i V - , " r". .sw.-u.i- i r.02.50 per crate. raiee airect to retailers, ex tract .a. water ' VEGETABLES Tomatoes, wnita aitaiia, o-gaiioa jacaets, gic wound; 2-galion Jackets, 20c per pound. Conditions eleewhere on the Coast are re ported by wire to the Bureau of Markets as follows: Spokane. Wash. Receipts very light. Sales direct to retailers: Taklma district, alfalfa white In S-gallon cans. 25c per pound. Caldwell. Idaho No sales. Inquiries attady. Crop not made yet. Taklma. Wash. Shipments light. Growers holding for higher prices. Few sales re sorted. Cash to producers. Alfalfa white. la 8-gaIIon cans, 22 o per pound. Los Angeles. CaL Supplies cleaning up. demand active, firm feeling. Cash to pro ducers en farm: Extracted, white 21 9 22c; light amber. 20921c: amber, few eaten, 15916c per pound. Comb honey, $69 per case. .Beeswax. 4 06c per pound. San Francisco. Cal. Shipments liberal. Demand and movement good, eteady feel ing, nagonioads. tracaside, extracted, per sound, water white. 2223e: sage white, SI 9 22c: alfalfa white. 20921c; light am ber. 19920c: dark amber. 13916c Beeswax. 3 935c per pound. FBODrCE SHIPPED FROM NORTHWEST Carlot Movement ex Plums sai Peaches From Oregow te Eastern Markets. Carlot shipments from Oregon wera re sorted by th Bureau of Markets as fol lows: Peaches August lTl New Tork City, X Piums August 17: Chicago 6, Milwaukee -S. Indlaaapolla 2. Elmereek 1, Marysvlli 1, Xsnsaa City L Ottumwa L Centralis 1. Pittsburg L Tha movement from Washington was as follows: Cantaloupes August 17i Seattle 2. Ta coma L Apples Minneapolis L Cutback L Grand Forks L Onions Mlnot L Peaches August lTl Chicago 2. Minne apolis 1. Brandon. Can, L August 18: Minne apolis 2. Spokane 1. Plums August 17: Denver 5. Corpus Chrlstl 1. Duluth L Detroit 2. iteosejsw 2. Indianapolis L Wichita L Chicago 2, Cal gary 1. Dodge City 1. August 19: Minne apolis 1. Grand Island L Potatoes August 17: American Lake 1. Wallace. Idaho. L Mixed fruit August IT: Minneapolis 8. Seattle 2. Pittsburg 1, Chlcsgo 1. Moosejaw t. Calgary 2. Anaconda L Reglna 1. Great Faila 1. Lincoln L Hooulam 1. Tacoma L Blsmark 1. Mandaa 1. Laramie 1. Roslyn 1. Fargs 1. August IS: Mlnot 2. Minneapolis 1. Apples August 18: Mlnot 2, Chicago 1. Cutbank 1. Idaho ahlpments were: Potatoes August 17: Denver 6. Kansas City 3. Fort Worth 1. Butta L Tulsa L Bid Buying est Selected Baals. Beginning this week, hide buying wilt be a a selected basis, made necessary by the new rules laid down by ths War Industries Board, according to an announcement made yesterday by George M. 8ullivan. vice-president of the H. F. Norton Compsny. In structions to butchers and fanners as to tsklng off hides and other Information re garding selections will be issued In few days. Mr. Sullivan also announces ths appoint ment of Ii. M- Scarritt. formerly of Seattle, as representative of the company for the Oregon and Idaho territory. Fce Seed Crop Short. A personal Inspection by the field agent In the northern and southern districts of ths Wlllamatta Valley conflrme prevloua re ports of amall sixes and short yields In the pea seed crop. A special reporter at SL Anthony, Idaho, reports tha garden variety of pea aeed about 60 973c per Psrlerate; cabbage, 4S4HC per pound: lettuce. 12 30 ner crate: cucumbers, bvoioc per box: peppers, 10c per pound; beana. 8o per pound; celery, 31-Z5 per aoxen; eggpiaui. 10c per pound; corn. $2.30 per crate. POTATOES oregone. H.Kav per nuu dred: Callfornlas. $3 7394 per hundred. ONIONS Walla walla. i.o per saca. Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: Rlir.AR Sack baals: Fruit and berry. $8.05; beet. $.73; extra C, $7.65: powdered. In barrels. $8.75: cubes. In barrels. $8.95. NUTS Walnuta. sue: urasu nuts, loo filberts, 20c; almonds, 18 9 23c; peanuts. 19c eocoanuta. $1 60 Per dozen. SALT Half-ground, 100s. 813.90 per ton; SOs. $17.25 per ton: dairy. -' per ton. RICE Blue Rose. ll.iuti.'c per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: Small white. 18zl4c: large white. 12c; bayou. 10c lima. ISMc: pink, 89c. Oregon basis, buying prices: White, 89c: colored. 7c COFFEE rtoeatea. in arums, utszoc Provisions. Local jobbing quotations: choice. 88c: standard. picnics, 25c; cottage HAMS All sixes. 8.1c; skinned, none roll. 1c LAKD Tlere oasis, stsnaara pure, zsc; compound. 23c BACON Fancy, ivsnc; stsnaara, sea 45c; choice. 85 9 42c DRT SALT Short, clear sacks, z34o; exports. 28 931c Hops, Wool, Etc HOPS Nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 50 9 81c: Valley, 84 4? 61 e per pound. MOHAIR Oregon. BBireoc per pound. CA8CARA BARK New and old. llo per pound. tallow ixo. a, ize per ponna; joa. z, llo per pound. GRAIN BAGS Csrlots, 26 0. Rides and Pelts. RIDES Salted hides, 25 pounds and np. 15c; aalted stage, 50 pounds and up, 11c: salted and green kip. 15 to 23 pounds, 16c; aalted and green calf, to 15 pounds. 25 9 30c; green hides. 25 pounds and up. 12c; green stags. 60 pounds and np. 9c; dry filnt hides, 28c; dry flint calf. 82c; hors.hldee, $L259 2; salted horsehldea. $394. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. 40o: dn short-wool pelts, 25980c; salted pelts. May takeoff. $39. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. 21c; engine distillate bulk. 12c; kerosene, bulk. 10c; cases, 20c. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $2.01: cases. $2.11: boiled, barrels. $2.03; cases, $2.18. TURPENTINE In tanka. 79c; cases, 89c, Coffee) Futures Lower. NEW TORK. Aug. 19. A renewal of scattering near-month liquidation, accom panied by re porta that Brazilian shippers were showing more disposition to sell, seemed to sccount for an easier tone In the market for coffee futureo today. The open ing waa 1 to 8 points lower and the market cloeed at a net decline of 8 to 7 points, with September selling off from 8 41c to 8.36c and July from 8.81o to 8.25c September. 8.87c; October. 8.4Hc; December, 8.71c; January, 8.79c: March. 8.96c: May. 9.11c; July, 9.23c Spot coffee, steady; Klo 7s, 8c; Santos 4s; 11C Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Aug. 19. Turpentine, firm. 554c; eales. 232 barrels; receipts. 96 bar rels; ahlpments, 16 barrels; stocks, 26,519 barrela Rosin, firm: sales, 470 barrels; receipts, 481 barrels: shipments, none; stock, 64.280 barrels Quote: B. $10.40: D and E. $10.60; F, $10.6010.70: U, $10.709 10.S0; H and I, $10. SO: K. $11.5511 70 and 11.70 911.85; N, $1L93 912.10; WG. $12.25; WW, $12.50. Metal Market. NEW TORK. Aug. 19. Lead unchanged, spot. 8.05c Spelter firm; spot. East St. Louts delivery. 8.87 99.12 Vie Phone your want ads to Tha Orego nian. Main 7070. A 6095. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. Sept. Oct. $1.61 1.64 44 .70 4 .72 26.70 26.72 .70 ti .72 4S.no 44.13 24.75 24.95 26.72 26.82 Ooen. High. Low. Close. ..81.01 sl.Oi-) i.oiia ti.viv, .. 1.634 L64 1.64i L63 OATS. .. .7014 .71 .. .72 .78 MESS PORK. 44.00 . 43.P0 44.15 44.10 SHORT RIBS. ..24.50 24.75 24.50 ..24.70 24.95 24.70 LARD. 26.S0 ..26.72 26.90 raah nrlre. were: Corn No. 2 yellow. $1.8891.91: No. yellow. $1.32; No. 4 yellow. 1.741.76. Oats No. 3 white, 70Mlc 71r71c. Kye No. 2. $1.66. Barley 88c Jtl 1.04. Timothy $8fc 9. Clover Nominal. Lard $26.60. pork Nominal. Bibs $24 V 26. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn,. Aug. 19. Barley, 83ct$l-01. Flax. $4.48 94.51. Grain at San Francisco. RAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. Flour, $11.20 h.n.1 Grain-Wheat Government price 60 p.. 6;ne, r.niai Hnej. mow " f . ... Money, Exchange, Etc, NEW TORK. Aug. 19. Mercantile paper. o per cent. bterllng 60-day bills. $4.73: commercial 60-day bills on banks, $4.72: commercial 60-day bills. $4.71 14; demand, $4.7555: ca blea, $4.7655. Francs, demand S.66. cables 5.65. Guilders, demand 51, cables 5144 Lire, demsnd 7.51, cables 7.50. Bar silver gl.01. Mexican dollars. 78c. Time loans strong, 60 days. 90 days, six montns. per cent, Call money strong: high. 6 per cent: low, 6 per cent; ruling rate, 6 per cent; closing bid, 54 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last LONDON. Aug. 19. Money. 8 ner cent. uiscount rates: Short bins. 3 17-32 per cent three months' bills. 3 17-32 per cent. Hay Yield Is Heavy. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. Aug. 19. f Spe cial. ) J. Frank Adams has -commenced to cut hay on a portion of h a 2n00-acre ranch. The tract was reclaimed by Mr. Adams, who ouiit a long dike by means of a dredge. Con structton work was under way for nearly two years. FRANCISCO PRODUCE MABKET Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., nt Bay City. 19. Butter, 49 standard. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug, 52c Eggs Fresh extras, 57c; fresh extra pul lets. 58 c. Cheese New firsts. 27c: Oregon young Americas, 27 c. Poultry Large hens, 80S 32c: young roos ters. 86c; fryers. 38c; broilers. 40c: pigeons. $2.30; squabs, 333.60; geese, 21925c; tur keys, live. 25 928c Vegetables Green peas. 89c; ssparagus. nominal; squash. Summer, 75?$1; eggplant. DOQiiSc; peppers, bell, 50975c; chile, 60 5c; tomatoes, 60975c: lettuce. 75c to f 1.60: celery, nominal; potatoes, white, 2.50; sweet. 6&6c; onions, red. $1.2591.60; yellow, $2.25 D3.au; garlic, ljc; cauliflower. 40 if 60c; beets. $191.25: carrots. 75c$l: turnips. 65975c; rhubarb, $1; cabbage. 191c: arti chokes, $2.a0&4; cucumbers, 60&75c; string Deans, green, 43c; wax, 495c; lima beans. 6tc; Okra, 6ftic; green corn, $23. r rult Cantaloupes. Turlock. standards. $1.5031.75; watermelons, $1; cassab&s, $1.50 per crate: lemons, choice, $4.50iW6; grape fruit, $66; oranges, Vaienciaa, $6.507.50; bananas, Hawsiian. 5 7c; pineapples, $4.50 tpb; apples, 31.50 2.50; strawberries, $79 10: cherries, nominal: blackberries, $67; raspberries, $710; peaches, freestones, $1.25 cvt.o; ciings, i0.i.o; gooseoerries, nomi nal; currants, nominal; loganberries, $78; apricots, tig 1.50; pears, 73c3$l; figs, $19 1.25; crabapples, 85c; grapes, Thompson seedless, $191.35; Muscats. $1.25L50; Avacadoes. $5 97. Receipts Flour, 8544 quarters; barley, 21.- 166 centals; beans, SO sacks; potatoes, 4577 sacks; onions. 507 sacks; hay, 715 tons; 89.500 gallons. $2 4092.60; oats, red leed ana seea, 4 . . -n r,nfnml, vellow. nominal. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, $21922; .t tzi5 2fi: barley. $19 9 23; airaira. first cutting, $15920: second cutting. .$22 OA h.H.v straw. 60&80C Meals Alfalfa, new crops. $34956; cocoa- nut, nominal. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Evaporated ap ples, dull; state, 18 915 c Prunes, quiet; Callfornlas, 8lo; Ore- '"peachesouiet; standard, 1212c; choice. 13c; fancy, 14tj.l4c Chicago Dairy Produoe. CHICAGO. Aug. 19. Butter, eggs, cheese unchanged. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Spot cotton quiet Middling, 33.60c FWES 111 DEMAND SHIPPINGS AND RAILS ARB ONLY ACTIVE STOCKS. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Raw sugar, steady: centrifugal, $6,055. Refined, steady; cut loaf. $: crushed. S8.75: mould A. XH: cubes, $8.25: XXXX powdered. $7.70: oow- dered. $7.65; fine granulated and diamond A, ei.tfv, uuuiwuuncra a, e'u; ro. X, el.oo. Hops at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Hops, aulet: state medium to choice, 1917, 33941c; 1916, nom inal; Pacific Coast, 1917, 1922c; 1910, 139 15c ALLEGED IDLER ARRESTED Walla Walla Police to Enforce Vork-or-Flght Ruling. Cattle Also Advance With Steers Selling at $13.25 and Cows at $9.25 Lambs and Year ling Sbeep. Higher. The local livestock market opened strong with higher prices ruling on all classes of stock. The run was light at 63 carloads and with the Inadequate supply prices were necessarily forced upward. Hogs advanced to $20. a rise of 50 cents over Saturday. Prime steers sold at $13.23, a gain of a quarter, and choice cows brought $9 and $9.25. In the mutton division, sales of yearlings at $11.75 and lambs at $15 rep resented a substantial advance over laat week's closing quotations. Receipts were 1102 cattle, 22 calves, hogs and 1688 sheep. Shippers were: With hogs C. A Spencer, Red Bluff. Cal., 1 load: J. W. Orburn. Anderson. Cal.. 1 load: A. Luce. Calusa, Cal., 1 load; W. J. wllch, Halnea, 1 load. With cattle F. Bellinger, Lebanon, 1 load; O. D. Burdlek,-Gerva!s, 1 load; C. Miller, Al bany. 2 loads; C. White, Salem, 1 load; J, W. Veatch, Creiwell, 1 load; Ellis Dement Myrtle Point 4 loads; M. H. Dement, 2 loads; Roy Dement 1 load; J. A. Morgan, Condon, 1 load; John Monahan, 1 load; J. W. Toner, Walla Walla, .1 load; W. H. Harris. The Dalles, 2 loads; Mr. Laughler, Condon, 1 load; Mr. Shumaker, 1 load; R. A. Rankin, 1 load; F. E. Hall, 1 load; C. A. Underwood, 3 loads; R. R. Rankin, 2 loads; Tom Cope land. Walla Walla. 1 load; J. A. Morgan, Condon, 1 load; M. Delan, Madras, 1 load; J. W. Sommer, Patterson, Wash., 1 load W. O. Elliott Redmond, 1 load; R. H. Boot, en, 1 load; J. W. Mercer, North. Powder, 1 load. With sheep W. A. Leaper, Yoncalla, 1 load; H. E. Barthameu, Meacham, 8 loads C. P. Ketchum & Son, The Dalles, 4 loads. With mixed loads F.. Warren, Mount An gel, 1 load rattle, calves and hogs; Mr. Caugherley, Harrlsburg, 1 load cattle calves and sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Liberty Per Cent Bonds) Sell New High Record in Wall Street. NEW YORK. Aug. 19. Apart from a new premium for liberty 3s. which rose to 1U1.06, and the Isolated strength of shipping and rails, today's stock market was one of the most insignificant of the dull Sum mer season. News over the week-end. Including the further successful offensive of the allied forces and the progress which Is being made towsrds a solution of the railroad contract dispute, evoked only languid response from any quarter. The usual leaders moved in very con. traded radius. United States Steel varying only the smallest fraction until the final hour, when It manifested a firmer tone with Immediately associated lndustriala.- Inquiry for shippings seemed to have Its origin In the belief that negotiatlona for the advaiftageoua sale of the Mercantile Marine Company's British assets are approaching a satisfactory conclusion. Marine preferred scored an advance or 1 points, the com mon gaining a substantial fraction and Amer ican International corporation 1 point on the growing recognition 01 its shipbuilding operations- Rails were featured by Canadian Pacific. which was unusually active at a 2-polnt at vancc Sales smounted to 172.000 shsres. The bond market was irregulsr. Liberty issues contributed extensively to the en larged tournover. Total sales, par value. aggregated $8,075,000. Old United States registered 4s rose per cent on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Da tea. Am Beet Sugar. Am Can Am Car 4k Fdy. Am I.O co Am Sm St Rfg.. Am Sug Rfg.... Am Tel & Tel.. Am XL. S... Anaconda Cop.. Atchison B A O B S Cop Calif Petrol ... Can Paclf Cent Leather .. Chea A Ohio ... C M A St P.... Chi 4V N W C R I 4V P Ctfs. Chlno Cop ..... C F t 1 Corn Prod Rfg. soo 434 43 Crucible Steel.. 1.700 68 67 Cuba Cane Sug. 800 80 29 Dlst Secur .... 7W os on Erie euu 10 io WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Ausr. 19 (Special.) The police have started a work-or-fight campaign and Arthur C. Hall was the first man arrested. He was released under $100 bonds to answer a j prime lambs ... charge of loitering and wandering about public and private places at late and unusual -hours of the night without any visible and lawful business." Hall is just above the draft age and the arrest was made on a city charge. 'Every able bodied man in Walla Walla must work, get out of the city or go to Jail." Chief Havens announced. Wt. Prlce.l Wt. Price. 940 810.00 1 hog.... 84018.00 955 ll.OOl 2 hogs... 325 17.75 11.501 5hoKs... 234 13.75 13.251 7 hogs... ISO 17 50 8.25! 8 hogs... 170 19.00 12.75' 2 hogs. .. 20 10.50 10.25110 hogs... 206 20.00 10.0016 hoKS. .. 218 19.75 7.001 9 steers. . 1113 1:1.25 7.501 6 steers.. 1010 11.00 13.00iS3 steers. . 1030 10.50 12.50128 steers. . 1005 10.75 11.251 Scows... 860 6.00 8.001 4 cows... 10.'i0 8.00 6.501 7 cows... 808 5.30 5.501 2 cows... 780 4.00 8.00!30 cows. . . 1040 8.75 7. 001 6 cows... 980 7.00 B.UUI 2 cows... 9-0 8. 6.00! 2 cows... 828 8.00 7.80' 4 cows... 972 7.00 6.7o! 20 mixed... 626 5.35 6.50110 mixed. . 740 5.75 8.501 1 heifer.. 830 6.50 7.251 8 calves.. 215 11.00 8.501 6 calves.. 265 10.00 5.501 1 calf. ... 140 12.00 5.00180 hogs. .. 218 20.00 7.00514 hogs... 175 20.00 6.65! 2 hogs... 75 1S.00 8.251 2 hogs... 175 19.50 4.501 2 hogs... !20 18.00 9 001 5 hogs... 828 18.50 9.25 519 lambs. . 70 15 00 8.65122 yearlings 97 11.75 19.851 Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattle Prices Prime steers $12.25S 13.25 Good to choice steers 10. 7511. 75 Medium to good steers 8.50(310 75 Fair to medium steers 8.50 9.50 Common to fair steers 5.50(8 8.00 Choice cows and heifers 8.00 9.25 Med. to good cows and heifers.. 6.00 7.56 Fair to med. cows and heifers.. 5.004 6.O0 Canners 8.00 (f 5.00 Bulls 5.50(9 7.50 Calves 8.50QI12.00 Hogs Prime mixed 19.50?r2ft.00 Medium mixed 10.0019.50 Rough heavies 17R0(S18.50 Pigs - 16.7518.00 Sheep 13 steers. . 84 steers. 34 steers.. 10S8 21 steers., 1035 10 steers.. S32 24 steers. . 43 steers. . 1 steers. . 19 steers. . 3 steers. . 28 steers. . 59 steers. . 5 steers. . 8 steers. . 1 bull.... 1 bull 1 bull.... 2 bulls... 1 bull.... 5 cows. . . 21 cows. .. 6 cows. . 22 cows. . . 44 cows. . . 11 cows. .. 1 cow. . . . 2 cows . . . 4 cows. . 8 cows. . . 11 cows. .. 5 cows . . . 22 cows. .. 39 cows. . . 7 cows . . 66 cows. .. 4 hogs. . . 1005 970 1022 878 esc 1105 ll:i6 BOO 835 920 1120 1610 1335 1190 9S2 955 90 9S0 810 908 760 745 825 928 7S6 800 900 995 1100 1002 225 Morris Brothers, Inc. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bonds Yielding from S.2S to 7 It yon must SELL yonr Liberty Bonds, SELL to US. If yon east BUY more Liberty Bonda, BUY from Va, We BUY and we SELL at the New York market Telephone Main 3409. ' Liberty Loan Department Open Until 6 P. M. Saturday Omaha 234 46 178 .... $ Portland. Or... 8 1 St" Joseph 38 17 6 S Salt Lake City. 1 .... 9 St. Paul 7 4 7 San Francisco 2 .... 1 .... Seattle. Wash.. 1 Spokane .... 1 Witchlta 27 10 1 .... 2 Various 42 46 26 28 1 Totals 1155 506 352 B4 60 One week ago. 9R7 849 3S0 56 49 Four w'ks ago. 1147 606 254 29 57 State origins of livestock loaded Aug. 18: For Portland Washington ... 3 .... California 1 Totals 8 1 One week ago. . 24 3 2 . . . . 1 Four w'ks ago. 17 2 8 .... 2 For Seattle Washington ... 1 Total Seattle. 1 .... One week ago. 3 .... 8 For Spokane Washington 1 One week ago.. 4 2 Four w'ks ago. 1 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 19. Hogs 25.000; mar ket unevenly 15c to 40c higher. Mostly 25c higher than Saturday's average; top $20; butchers, $19.25 19.90; light. $19.2520: packing, $lSial8.75; roughs, $17.50 18; bulk. $18.30 19.85; pigs, $17. 75g 18.40. cattle Receipts. 16.500: steady to strong. Beef cattle, $10916.25; butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7.25 14; stockers and feeders. good, choice and fancy, $7.50qrl3; calves, $16.7517.0. Sheen Receipts. 29.000, mostly 25c lower. Top Westerns, $18.50; natives. $17.75; lambs, choice and prime. $17.65 18.50; medium and good. $16.2517.65; ewes, choice and prime, $11.50 13.75. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Neb., Aug. 19. Hogs Receipts 5600; market 10 to 20 cents higher; heavy, $1818.65: mixed. $18.25(f 18.40; light $1S.40 fill); pigs. $1618; bulk of sales, $18.20 18.50. Cattle Kecelpts. lQ.unu; marKet steady to stronger. Native steers, sll-uOwl .50; cows and heifers, $7. 50 12. 50: Western steers. $1013.B0: Texas steers. $8.50011.30; cows and heifers. $711.50; canners. $67: stockers and feeders, $6.50(13.50; calves, $1013 Sheet) Kecelpts. 2-.uuu: marKet steaay. Wethers, $12.5014; ewes, $10.50( 13; laiobs $17.85 18.15: yearlings, $ 1.1. 50 14.50. HALL & COMPANY BUT AND SELL Railroad Public Utility Industrial Municipal BONDS YIELDING fo to Foreign Government Loans Local Securities Preferred Stocks Lewis Bldg. Portland, Or. John A. Roebling, founder of the Roebling Company, In Trenton, N. J., began the construction of the New York and Brooklyn suspension bridge in 1872. He designed the bridge and directed the work. After his death it was carded to completion in 1883 by his son, Washington A. ' Roebling. The total cost was $5,000,000. Fair to medium lambs... Yearlings wethers 14.00 ?15.00 11. 0013.00 10.00 11.75 9.00110.75 Ewes 7.00 9.06 DESTINATIONS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to Leading Livestock Markets of United States. Destinations of livestock loaded August 19. (Double decks counted as two cars): Cattle Horses Mxd. calves Hogs Sheep muletock. Baltimore ..... 29 1 Boston 1 48 , Buffalo 4 5 9 Chicago 252 210 108 1 11 E. St. Louis 38 20 3 3 3 Fort Worth 43 3 1 5 3 Indianapolis ... 6 1 .... .... 8 Kansas City 331 44 23 8 T Oklahoma City. 60 21 PARLIAMENT MAN TALKS Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Ham- mersley Honor Guest at Luncheon. Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Hammers- ley, of the British army, was the guest of honor and principal epeaker at the regular Chamber of Commerce luncheon yesterday noon. Colonel Hammersley, who comes from Oxfordshire, is a mem ber of Parliament He was delegated by the British government to tour Can ada, speaking of Britain's war aims, and a similar trip covering the larger cities has been arranged for him in the United States. Colonel Hammersley's talk was of a general nature, touching upon the pur. poses of the allied governments and asking closer co-operation of Amer icans in the world struggle. He was presented by Henry L. Corbett. Judge Carey and other citizens prominently identified with war activities were present at the luncheon. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. STAPLETON To Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sta pleton. Independence, Or.. August 5. a son. JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. E. O. John son, 12S5 East Twenty-third street August 13. a daughter. ... , BROWN To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Brown, 873 Clackamas, August 15. a daugh ter HOWARD To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Howard, 350 Twenty-fifth street North. Au gust 14. a son. O'CONNOR To Mr. and Mrs. A. P. O'Con nor, 814 East Morrison, August 14, a daugh ter HARflOOD To Mr. and Mrs P. B. Har good, 306 Fairbanks, August 15, a daugh ter KRUEGER To Mr. and Mrs. Ernie E. Kruegor. 1092 East Harrison, August 13, a BIVERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Olaf A. Iver son. 3S0 College. August 6. a son. NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson, 765 Hood. August 9. a daUKliter BUSHNELL To Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Bush nell. 1312 East Twenty-seventh, August 8, a daughter. TAYLOR To Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Taylor. Ketchlcan, Alaska, August 8, a son. Pl'TMAN To Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Putman. 759 Halsey. August 13. a son. WESTMAN To Mr. anil Mrs. W. W. West man. 1421 East Seventeenth, August 9, a son. PARK To Mr. and Mis. F. H. Park. Mo lalla. Or.. August 9, a daughter. HINKLE To Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hlnkle. Echo. Or., August 14, a daughter. HESS To Mr. and Mrs. Leonard B. Hess, 693 Sherrett. August 13. a son. STANDIFER To Mr. and Mrs. Guy M. Stamllfer, 475 East Eighteenth street North, a daughter. OAOSBY To Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Gadsby, 271 North Twenty-second, August 10, a son. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. HARDR ON-BROWN H. Hardron. 82. of 1 . .. u..li .. .. . I , , I .. . . ' 1 D-a... OA Of Portland. ALLEN-PORTER William Allen, 48, of Portland, and Mrs. Mona Porter, 39, of Roseburg. Or. COYNER-BURCH Walter Coyner. 44, of Portland, and MtsSNGoldie Burch, 29, of Portland. DUBOIS-LEDUC Victor Dubois. 39. of Yakima. Wash., and Miss Marie Leduc, 39. of Yakima. Wash. , FITZGERALD-BAILEY .1 Fitzgerald. 48, of Portland, and Mrs. Romalne Bailey, 33, of Spokant-, Wash. t M 1 LLER-TH I EL Peter Miller. 32. of Portland, and MIhs Wary Thlei, 27, of Port land. SLACK-LINN Willie Slack, 28, of Leton, Pa., and Mrs. Pearl Linn, 32, of Vancouver, Wash. SAVE-DAVIS Max Save. 30. of Chicago, and Mls Lillian Davis, 32, of Charleston, S. C. BOOTH E-THORPE Archie Boothe, 21. of Portland, and Mitfs Pansy Thorpe, 16, of Portland. HANNON-KAUFM AN Edward Hiinnon. 28, of Portland, and Mrs. Vina Kaulinan, 27. of Portland. LI VINGSTON-ESTLE Otis Livingston, 84, of Portland, and Mrs. Lucy Estle, 34, of Portland. DAVIS-MACOMB John Davis, 81. of Portland, and Mrs. Lettle Macomb, 44, of Portland. BORROR-RUSSELL William Borror. legal, of Portland, and MErs Tculah Russell, legal, of Portland. LANIGAN-VIAENE Edward I.Rnigan. legal, of San Francisco, Cal., and Mlsa Cora Vlaene. legal, of Hherwood, Or. RAILROADS REMAIN LIABLE Regulation Regarding Damage to Fruit In Transit Disapproved. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Waah ington, Aug. 19. The Interstate Com merce Commission disapproved a regu lation adopted by various railroads entering Canada under which those roads would be free from liability for frost or heat damage to fruit from Ore gon, Washington and Idaho, unless due directly to their actionable negliKence. The commission makes no order, but assumes that the Director-General of Railroads will give the regulations his attention. . . High. Low. 800 400 200 L4(K 200 900 200 S.900 200 200 8.800 "200 800 "'ioo 1.700 800 700 800 46 83 10914 94 18 66 Va 19 138 flS 67 48 "25 88 48 84 109 94 18 65 19 157 68 67 47 25 88 bid. 69 46 84 05 7M 10KLL 94 15 66 85 64 20 19 68 87 48 92 25 8S 7 80 SH 15 $475,000 CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON, ASSESSMENT COLLECTION 5x2 Coupon Gold Bonds DATED AUGUST 1, 1918 . DUE AUGUST 1, 1928 $150,000, Optional August 1, 1921. $130,000, Optional Augrust 1, 1923. $195,000, Optional August 1, 1925. Prices to yield 4.90 to optional date and thereafter Principal and semi-annual interest (February and August 1st) payable at the office of the City Treasurer, Portland, Oregon, or at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Oregon, New York City. Denomination $1000. : VVV .Va :-:- x- FACTS NO. 2H2. WORKED BEYOND CAPACITY In general session, the Chamber o f Commerce o f the United Slates declared "that the present traffic is beyond the capacity of the railroads. That it is im perative that our rivers, canals, intercostal routes and our main highways he irsed to move freight." This can be accompli shed by paving roads with BITULITHIC WARRKV BROTHERS COMPANY, JournnI Bide., Portland, Or. Gen Electric ..... ..... 145 600 88 83 nn Motors Gt Nor pfd .... 300 92 92 Gt Nor Ore ctfs. ...... ..... ..... Ill Central Insp Cop 1.000 51 51 M M pia...,. 04,wu 's iui Int Paper 400 85 85 K C Sou Kennecott Cop Lou la A Kaah., Max Motors ... Mex Petrol ... Miami Cop .... Mis Paclf ..... Mont Power ... Nev Cop N Y Cent N T N H H., Nor A West ... Nor Paclf 400 80 BO Paclf Mall Pac f T St T Pennsylvania .. 600 43 43 Pitts Coal Bay Con Cop... 400 23 Reading 2.300 89 Rep lr & Steel.. 200 91 Sou Paelf 1.000 86 Sou Railway ... 1.800 28 Srudebaker Cor Texas Co 4O0 151 Union Paclf ... l.SOO 124 200 8O0 200 600 1.8O0 8,400 26 101 27 20 78 42 28 10 27 20 72 42 23 89 91 86 28 isi"' 124 81 VQ 61 101 SO 18 83 11J 26 101 " I7 Z4 ' 69 20 ins 90 31 19 43 23 89 1 86 23 43 151 124 U I FINANCIAL STATEMENT (As officially reported July 23, 1918) Assessed valuation, 1918 : $284,819,955 , BONDED DEBT (this issue included) $29,474,498 Less water debt : $7,944,000 Less sinking fund 2,172,888 10,116,888 NET GENERAL DEBT 19,357,610 Total bonded debt includes $10,367,598 Improvement Bonds payable from assessments against private property. These bonds are issued to provide funds for the purchase by the City of property to be sold for delinquent assessments. FEDERAL INCOME TAX EXEMPT NO OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE REQUIRED LEGAL INVESTMENT FOR SAVINGS BANK FUNDS IN OREGON, WASHING TON AND CALIFORNIA Legality approved by Storey, Thorndike, Palmer & Dodge, Boston, Massachusetts. "Passed by the Capital lesues Committee as not Incompatible with the National Interest, but without approval of legality, validity, worth or security. Order No. A 1160. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY TRAVELERS' GUIDE. I H BgifcUai'y- fcV 109 Third St. Muln 28 10S Third St. Main 26 ALASKA Ketchikan. WranieelL Junean. Souslaa Haines, Skacwar. Cordova. Valdea Seward and Anchorage. Special Summer Kxouralons. Round trip rates to all Alaaka poinla. Largeat hips, unequaled eervloe, low rates. In cluding bertha and meals Hake reservations. LUMBERMENS BUILD1NO Capital and Surplus $600,000 FIFTH AND STARK San Fratocisco - Los Angeles LOW RATES. By Steamer Inclrdtng Meals and Berth. THE BAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. 8. CO.FA.NT. Tickets at Third and Stark. Telephone llroaUn-aj LiOO, Bdirj. 268, A 1234. A Hill. AUSTRALIA . Honolulu. Suva, Naw Zealand C1N10I1H AUSTRALASIAN ROYAL KAIL LIN? Largevt, newest, best-equipped steamers. For tares and sailings apply Can. Pac. Rail war. M Third St.. Portland, or General Aftnt. 440 bey m our tSfc., V annou ver. H. iX Fast American 8. 8. SONOMA. VENTlRi. Honolulu, tlO 1st, fSS 2d. balllnc dates on application. Oceania 8. S. Co., 601 Market BU 8. r. CaL