THE HORNING OBEGONIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 17, 1918. 17 SEED WHEAT HELO Action Taken by Houser Owing to Short Winter Crop. NOTICE TO WAREHOUSEMEN AH Fife and Turkey Red WUI Be Re tained for Fall Seeding Until It ta Determined It Will Not Be Required for This Purpose. Steps have been taken by M. H. Homer, econd vice-president of the Food Adminis tration. Grain Corporation, to reserve the . supply of fife and Turker red wheat pro duced In the Northwest for Fall seeding. The following notice was Issued by Mr. Houser yesterday: "On account of short crops of Winter wheat In erne districts. It Is Imperative that .'I fife and Turkey red wheat be held back I 10. for Fall seedlas. Hanover, 1: Washington, 1; St. Joseph. 1; Hutchinson, 1; Kansas City, 1; Marysvllle. L Bank Clearing. Bank clearings oft the Northwestern cities yesterday were ss follows: destines. Balances. Portlsnd .1.l03.Sit 11.37.845 Seattle 6.071.049 7S.lrJ Tmcoma 809.372 1 11.301 Spokane 1.458.008 0-!.TH PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc Merchants' Exchange, noon session. August delivery: - Bid. Oats. No. 2 white feed $59.00 Barley, standard feed 53.50 Barley, standard "A" feed 55.00 Eastern osts and corn in bulk: Oats. No. 3 white 52.54 38-pound clipped white S3. AO Corn. No. 3 yellow 72.00 Corn. No. 3 mixed 49.00 September Osts. No. 2 S8.00 Barley, feed 63.00 Bsrley. "A" nn.oo Oats. No. S 52.00 Oats, clipped 53.00 I'orn. yellow 72.00 Corn, mixed 40.00 WHEAT Government basts, 12.20 per bushel. rye flour. $12.5p per barrel: cornmeal, $11.70 FLOUR Straights. 10 0J11.15 per bar rel: whole wheat. $10.30: graham, $9,900 10 33: barley flour. $11.30013 per barrel: 012.30 per barrel: corn flour. $12.80; oat flour. I12tr 12.25 per barrel. MILLFEED Mill run. f. o. o. mm: tar- LESS WHEAT TO ACRE Washington Loses Advantage of Larger Area Sown. OUTPUT UNDER YEAR AGO Average Production Per Acre State Is 14.3 Bushels or Less Even Than Yield of 1917. Outturn Sew Plantings. in The estimate of 32.335,000 bushels of wheat In Washington this year compared to 29.218.000 bushels last year does not mean that the yield per acre will be greater than last year. In tact, the following fiaures lots $29.8.': mixed cars. $30.15: less than I indicate that the actual yield per acre of carl'ots. $30.65; rolled barley, $65; rolled wheat In the state will be considerably be oata. 409. I low that of a. year ago. The acreage of all CORN Wbole, $75; cracked, iO per ton. I wneat in Washington this year, according BAY Bnvlnc nrices. f. o. o. Fomana.ito a statement lust Issued by B. T. Mar- Eastern Oregon timothy. $31 per ton; Valley client, field agent at Spokane, was 2.190.000 timothy, $30 per ton; alfalfa. $28: alley acres which Is the largest acreage ever grain hay, $26 a 28; clover, $28; straw, $9 I planted compared to 1.860.000 acres last year, or aa increase or a-tu.utHi acres, rne average yield it all wheat In the state. Dairy and Country Produce. I weighed In proportion to the acreage In each county, for thia year, based on condl Washington , Tt t Portland T One week ago. . 6 Four weeks ago 3 For Seattle Oregon Washington ... Tfl Seattle.. One week ago. . 2 Four weeks ago 15 For Spokane Idaho X Washington ... ... Tt'l Spokane.. One week ago. . Four weeks ago RAINS WEAKEN CORN Improved Weather Conditions Cause Free Selling. HALF CENT OFF AT CHICAGO Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 16. Hogs Receipts. 12. 000; market strong. Butchers. $18,900 19.55: light. tl Oflosin s- n..uin iKma 18.75; rough, $17.2517.60; bulk of sales. 17.75ti21S.dO: nin. si 7 Tr.a i e ki caftU"',00.'"10!;.?' E"Iy Market Firm on Estimates of ioim; common ana medium. Reduced Yield Oats Firmer Because of Threshing De lays in Northwest. CHICAGO, Aug. 16. Improved weather "It la the dntv of evarr warehouseman to I tm-tts-p ruh. extras. 50c: nrinte. ex. -,,, ,rh h, ,, . determined that I traa. box lota. 62c; cartons, box lots. 63c; tion. will be approximately 14. bushels per T. v . i . w -7j hslf boxes. y,c more: less than half boxes, acre, including four-bushel yields In the U will not be required for seed. We would 1o mBn. butterfat. No. 1. 55c per pound de- I Big Bend counties and from IS to 85 bush- earnestly request all warehousemen to act I ilvered Portland. . I els yielda In the more favored heavy land a,aa..a..i.. I r.ii'iir-vir.'Mi ....i. " - . -- Knimu. """ '""" . cracks out. 47 e 41c.. selects, one per omen. The Increased a-reaae of 940 000 seres Th. Food Administration Grain Corpor- CHKESBTillmook. f. o. h. Tillamook, will proSScwTeW nun ninoi reuy u mow m mpi-n . """ . "J" J T ,. I year ago at 14.3 per acre. This Includes RlatVASS.. "2c: vJun.Am.rtca.-274. " ''" n"hlf 'Ul' ZV? stance, either In Issuing the necessary per. alts for holding, or advising location of ""pound" lonshornHc per pound. " 'J!,?0' piuced yr- t yields available seed reported to as." POULTRY Hens. 23&25c; Springs. 269 irI1,.2no u?hel1 "'I aJrL -J? 2 128c: ducks. S2C: geess ana turseys, nmuu 1 ' : -- aa.-.. VEAL Fancy. lS20e per pound. PORK Fancy. SSSasitse per pound. BCXK OAT PRICES ARK HIGHER I FmlU and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: v ii r iTt oim ffl AMltra vmim .ti. nwa v uv i lraon. $Sf cents on the local board yesterday, but I pound; grapefru Bids Raised 25 to 50 Cento st Merchants' Exchange. 10 50 per boa- bananas. So hav Produced 27.478.000 bushels of wheat, fruit. $56; cantaloupes. $1.25 wh'ch. i'7,4s:000 bu!,bels less than produced ste; watermelon, 2W2c per rear. Indicating that the actual yield on Increased acreage thia rear is deducted I from the estimated production of the atate 101 dk.jj.MMiu bushels there remains a pro duction of 24,473,000 bushels. In other words. If this year's croD had been a-rown I on last year's acreage the state would sacked oats bsld about steady. Offers for p' peaches! SltfLSO: new apples. I fr cn ot th atata this year will be ma- corn wore advanced 60e to $1. Tber. was $1 25S per box; plums. L.JT.! "I? miUj,Tllt'1 ' " I - . ne Imt' n.ars. XI 7.. ff J 2.1 Df I eif are, and the Droductlon. had the .frit. - little Changs la barley. I box: csssbaa. 34o psr pound; grapes. $1.00 I age been the same, approximately 2,000.006 Weather conditions la the Middle West, 2 25 per rrste. 52.5 1 . . - . . as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg raining. I r., a-iu., noundT lettuce. Weather Bureau, follow: . Dnlnth part clopdy. 62. Chicago clear. 1 1 2.50 0 3 per crate; cucumbers. 75cO$l pet I Washington Rains hava delayed hay bal- flne. ft- Laul. cloudy. TS. had light rain : ppp- --"" -V. , .k- T :r"' n ""t" i""," last nlxht. Kansas Cltr clear. 94. light I si " Flat will becin In two .lr. showers during night. Ohio Valley clear, I $1.23 crate; eggplant, 15o per pound; corn. I Winter wheat completed except In few late i i . t jt i tui. ..rt I? M tier crate. L.V'Z, r;h r POTATOKS-Ore,on..$.-.e3,50 per nun- . - irra. callfomlas. $.i.7r.it4 per nunarea. Ison. clear. 0. Topeka clear. Omaha ONIONS Walla Walla. $2.7$ per sack. clear. S4. Forecast: Iowa generally fair to- . night and Saturday except showers In ex- Provunosm. tnmi e..t wirtlnn tnnleht. Vlssourl. Ksn- Tjuil tnhhtnc QUOtStlonsI i-k-. ttun&rxSi rhe.r r.'rVr.a,r'y...d, settiea. nut generally rair ronignc ana caiur-i ... i Deginning to mature. day.1 Brsdstreet's reports exports from North I compound, 23c Mil X1f ,1AR1 Tierce ossts. stanaara pure. 2fs6i districts. Harvesting Spring wheat progress- ins. yieia poor, iste spring wheat made average to good advancement. Idaho Alfalfa and arrain harvemt mart. excellent progress: much threshing baa been done. Corn maturing alowly on account of cooi nignts. Lsiuornla Harvesting of bsrley and uneven. Corn Meadow, .nil rlniM, iieias are snort. Artsona Fourth cron of alfalfa In Hlt tin onift ia butcher stock, cows and heifers x7 25 ia 14.00; caaners and cutters. $0.50(97.50: stockers and feeders, good, $7,506)13.00: calves. $16.75017.50. aneep Receipts. 10.000. Lambs, renerallv steady; sheep, slow. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Aug 1 Hoes Receinta 6500: market steady to 5c hlerher. Heavy. $17.95 vxo.u; mixea, aia.ujitins.2o; light, xis.iu i conditions more than offset In the corn WJV.UU; P1KS. SXO.UUUilS.UU: bUlk. Of lftea. wia.lrat K- V...H1.1. - . ... 10 :, . u oit I . .. . .vuaj iub uuuiau CI 11:1,1 " ' ul i lower Native steers, $1 1.7517.75; cows and ,lC to '4c not lower, with September $1.61 n-iiers, $ii.23)iai.25; Western steers, $9.50 lo vi-uiii, ana October $i.e3s to i.t)J'; Mexss steers, s.oora 10.50: cows and oats finished c to un. and nrovl uener., ji.uunfii.ou, canners, )0.auBtki; slons Off 12c to 35c ." ... ' auiu . I. CI n. au.UU.10.uU. UtltVCB. f , -nr.-, . .. ..... . $10 0013.00; bulla, staffs, etc.. 6.0011.00. " me corn marnei am no. sneep ttecelpts. lZ.UOO: market, steady to uum auer a maienai new upium iuo lower. ujnM, yearlings. I m values nan taken place, tne result cniei $ 13.1504? 15.00; wethers. $12.50 14.50; ewes, ly of adverse opinions regarding the crop siruauon. in particular one expert ngurea that since August 1 the damage done amounted to more than 200.000,000 bushels. scarcity of offerings, rather than any urgent buying, accompanied the advance. News of good rains, however, brought about rather free selling and carried values well beiow yesterday's finish. Talk of delayed threshing In the North west tended to force the oats market up ward. Gossip was current also that many Illinois farmers were binning their oats and would not sell at present levels. Provisions lacked support. One of the ratrir trivmn wax th fofl- tVlftt at nplfS of Trading la Stock Market Confined to I lard in warehouses, here snowed a substan- . I tlal Increase. Italia ana Leadine futures ranted as follows: LIBERTY BONDS AT TOP FIRST 1SSCE SELLS AT SEW HIGH RECORD PRICE. . SpccnlatlTe Issaes Industrials Slagglsh. Sept. J.EW XORK. Aug 16. Trading today was Oct. uninteresting and unimportant. The noml nal turnover of 1S0.00O shares was & train I .qnr ceniinea u a lew favorites. one of the I Oct. signincant Incidents of the session, aa iUus- tratlna the i-muaria t iua. .,titMri. nt thaa .v- change, waa an order removing General ilo- 5f I (1 , irADI in. I r ha "i-l an ..H ' in thai future. General Motors has been one of the most sensational features of the market, I Sept, ivstmy . nuLiou resuiiea irom j l. epecu- I Qot. lauve rarmiicationa it was said tnat otner stocks lacking wide distribution may meet with like restriction. I Sept. Money once more proved a deterrent, al- I uct though local bankers were Quoted ss depre ciating reports of undue stringency. Call CORN. Open. High .$1.01,4 $l.K'2Ti . 1.6o-, 1.64S OATS. . .ei .70 'i . .70 .71H MESS PORK. . . ... 43 75 43.50 44.115 LARD. .2d.R0 2fi.R0 .26.60 20.60 SHORT RIBS. 24.57 24.50 24 77 24.67 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow. io. a yenow, Low. $1.61Va 1.62H .69.i .70 Vm 44.05 2fl.6- 20.60 Close. $1.61 1.63 Vs .70 .71 VI 43.65 44.05 26.6.1 26.60 24.".0 24.67 loans on mixed collateral held at 6 per vl.3l.S7. So. J'Uow- ' .fanAarA cent, an advance of u per cent being de- I O-10- 8 6069c. standard America this year of 1.058.000 bushels wheat and $95,000 bushels corn. Terminal reoelpts. In cart, war reported by the Merchants" Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hsy Portlsnd. Fit.. 3 .... B .... 4 Yar sso S S .... 10 F.iun to data. T04 4 1R2 41 Year ago 111 18 SH5 1HA Tacrmia. Tbur. 25 1 10 Tear ago .... .... t 4 Fesson to data. -O.t it .... 27 T7 Year age 117 3 .... 2-' 134 rVartle. Thur... $7 .... K S 23 ago It Feason to date. S 19 2?R AT 243 .Year ago PS 1 160 03 40 FEAR PRICES WEAK AMD LOWT:il 44fi4.'c: choice. 34t41c DRI halt snort, clear Daces, zsoste; exports. 28 0 31& Ktaole Cr Loral Jobbing quotstlons: BACON Fancy. 4e51c; stsndard pars, R'ver Valley being attacked by aphis. Oat " ' ' wwii unng oeneiitea. Utah Harvesting, haying and threshing continue. Corn doing well. Soma alfalfa ma excellent, out is generally poor on ac count of injury by weevils anil arr...hnnn.r. Nevada Winter wheat thra.h.a SUUARback basis: Fruit and berry. i'T.d.""Pi "ry-'and wheat only fair. Spring $$.05; beet. $8.75; extra C, $7.05; powdered, 1, "-"esting progressing in barrels. $s.75: cuues. in Barrels, s.a. i ----- ..;..;. -- oecona NUTS Walnuts. 30c; Braxll nuts. io: "?,D, "lralI . ,oin .except in soma lo- fllberts. 20c: elmonds. 1823o; peanuts. 18o: I """ rair crop wua hay being cut. rnraaniitx $1.60 per dozen. SALT Hair-grouno. 100s, io.o per ton; ftOs, $17.25 per ton: dairy. -a per ton. RICE Blue Rose, 11.70812c per pound. BEANS Jobbing prices: Small whlti isvcil4c: large white. 12c; bayou. lima. 15 He: pink. Ilidlc. Oregon basis. S ALL LINES ARE Jdarket Is Heavily Storked With Over. Rip 1'rnlU There was a good demand for pears, but prices vert weaker, as much dead-ripe I $49610 per pound. stock, mostly small-stxed. was en the mar- buying prices: white, 89c: colored, 7c. COrrlvi noaiiao, in arums. iiajMa, Hops. Wool. Etc MOPS Nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 55 O Sec; Valley, GOOD GENERAL DEMAND AT NORTH PORTLAND YARDS. MOHAIR Oregon. f8 960o per pound. nfti'A HA BARK New and old. 11a nai Bet. neceipts inciuaea aoout euu ooxea 01 1 p0Dnd. Oregons by express. Prices ranged from $1.730 2.23, according to condition. Carlo! shipments from Oregon and Washington were: From Oregon, August 15. One car each. Salem, Baltimore. Pittsburg; three to New York and six to Chicago. From Washington. An rust IS. One car ach to Springfield. Columbus. Philadelphia, Toronto. Tulsa. Free port. Olympls, Sioux Falls. Washington. Houston. Nashville. San Antonio. Brandon. St. Paul. Milwaukee. Can ton. Seattle, Altoona, Oshkosh; two esch to Fpokane. Cleveland. Denver, Des Moines, Mlnot. Baltimore: three each to Omaha and New York: five to Sioux City; T to Detroit TALLOW No. 1. 12a per pound; Nk X lie per pound. GRAIN BAGS Carlots. ZSftC Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salted hides, 25 pounds and up. 15c; salted stags. 50 pounds and np. Ilo; Prime Steers Sell at $13, To Boss BrlnK $19.50 and Lambs Go at 914. The livestock marketwas firm throughout yesterday, with a good demand in all di visions, sales f steers at $13, hogs at Bine to Pittsburg; 11 to Minneapolis and hulk. vic: kerosene, bulk. 10c; cases, 20c. salted and green kip. 15 to 25 pounds, 16c; I $19.50 and lambs at $14 represented top salted and green calf, to 15 pounds, 2530c; I quotations The run waa light, amounting green hides, 25 pounds and up, 12c; green I to only seven loads. stags, 50 pounds snd up, 8c; dry flint hides, I Receipts were 2JT cattle, 18 calves. $93 28c: dry runt cair. S2c; norsehides, $LZ5f I nogs and 800 sheep. Shippers were L. E 2; salted horsehldea, $394. I West, Worvallls, 1 losd of sheep; F. a PELTS ury long-wooi pelts. oc: dry I naggeaorn, Tekos, 1 load hogs: J S Ellnt short-wool pelts, 2530c; salted pelts. May Junction City, 1 load hogs and sheen: Ed- takeoff. $3 Si- .1 ward Brothers. Monros, 1 load cattle, calves. nogs and sheep; 8. L. Overton. Brownavin. Oils. 1 1 load cattle, calves and hoes: c r h GASOLINE Bulk. 21c; engine distillate, Af;-i. i. .C1?' ,Jla nogl,: K R- St to Chicago. MEDFORD. Or., Aug. 13. Demand good. "market steady. Quality and condition fine. Carloads f. o. b. ususl terms. Standard gAr," boxesi Bartletta fancy. $1.70BL90; "C" grade. $1.2061.40; IT ears shipped today. Total this yesr to date. 157; total last year. 401. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $2.01; cases. $2.11: boiled, barrels, $2.03; esses, $2.13. TUHFB-MiMv in units, mc; cases, so. FKANCI.SCO PRODUCE MARKET Oregon Toung Prices Carrent on Kggs, Vegetables, 1'resh I rults. Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 16. Buttsr. 490 b-arv. rmh extras. UUe: firsts dftr- VIIUiV.l "itilisx-x.3 amaax, ai.n.aa i freri, extra pullets, SIC aPeacbea Are In Large Supply and Prices I Americas. 27 toe. Are) Weaker. " I Poultry Large liens. 300.11c: young I . .... , . US.. K All H a... . . . . . , - . I rvostec ov, . . j . , . ..."-.. vu. aiwux ow duo i rra "r nound. 40c: pigeons. $2.50; squabs. $2.60; rtved by express. 300 by boat and 100 boxes I geese, 2)tj25c; turkeya, live. 25028c ot Washlngtons by express. The demsnd V.gstawes oresn pes a wc; asparagus. ' I nnmiTiil Sum ni. r sauash. 75cSSl: af was slow and tbs marks weaker. Oregon oiant. 70ft75c; peppers, bell. 50t6oc; chile. I 24 hoes Early Crawfords of good si as sold at $1.15 60tr 75c; tomatoes. 60ct$l; lettuce, 0c 8 hogs .. . . I $1 40; celery, nominal; potatoea, white, $2.50; 27 hoga .. J.S0, and small sixes at $L Supplies of 04,. oaloam red. $1.25W1.50; yel- 8 ewes .. wblts varieties are practically exhausted. I low. $2.252.50; gsriic. 15c; cauliflower. 44 California Early Crawfords and Belles sold toc; Deeis, nvi-'. . carroia, ioci; at $101.23. with a few lots of large six at uameiBon, Monmouth. 1 load hntr . sheep; Joe Kadrak. Sheridan, 1 load cattle. ana soeep; j. n. froltltt, Dayton, 1 load cattle, calves and sheep: Charles nm- cum, Wlllamina, 1 load cattle and hogs. iu uay s saies were aa xoiiows: Wt. Price. -vvt Price 920 $ 6.23 IT cows .. 614 $ 4.23 liU B OO a cows .. 740 5.50 1 cow . 5 cows 2 cows 1 cow . 1 cow . 1 cow . 1 cow . cows 7 cows , 1 heifer 1 heifer !3 steers ..1091 1 steer 8 calves 21 boga . B nogs , 8 hogs . 755 RIH) 100 700 000 560 6U0 860 870 3.00 4.00 6.00 t. .Ml, J cows 3 cows 2 cows 1 cow UIO cow. e mv a caw O.OU J 6.23 7.50 8.50 174 343 8 ewes 80 lambs 000 10.50 800 11.00 17.00 17.50 1116. 18.00 216 19 60 197 19.23 17.25 8.00 8.50 140 130 115 74 14.00 $L40L50- Taklma quoted Elbertas at 90c - la wagon loads. Sweetwater grapes from The Dalles ap peared on the local market In 4-baaket crates and sold to retailers at $1.50. Call- fornla Thompson seedless went at $1,509 1.75 and Malagas at 100 He per pound. turnlpa 575c: rhubarb. $1; cabbage, JJ" lulWc; artichokes. $2.60t4; cucumbers. " J-2 B5cj$1.25; string beans, green. 45c; wax. J -,5 50g 45c; lima. 64 7c; okra, 8610c; green l steer I .'l030 1.00 ..1160 ,.1415 .1060 . 716 , . 730 . 684 ,.1220 . .1098 . 885 . 934 . 655 . 840 .. 270 . 390 8.00 5.50 7.75 5 00 7.00 6.00 7.00 8.75 6.50 6.50 3.60 4.50 7.50 8.00 3 steers . 990 10 00 2 steers .1150 13.00 4 steers, eo 8 steers . 860 7.50 1001 405c: lima. 67c; corn. 32 a X 25. Fruit cantaioupee, l.i3W-. watermel- I Ions $1: easabae. $1.50; lemona, fancy, $3 t7: grapefruit, 35VB; oranges. Valenclaa, I SDDles. $4.5005; spples. $li2.&0; strawber ries. $S10; cherries. $7910; blackberries. I follows: a nf Taklma cantalonDea waa But anlnfrTe: r.anberri. $10'6rI2: peaches. $1,500 I Cattle T-.-. .ai.. i l 7 . . : aooeeberries. nominal: curranta nomi- i rnraa steers was variable. Turlocks were scares ,.' T-.rwxt: flss. double laver. XI ti Medium to good steers firm at unchanged prices. I. ... ui,- ? son.- ntnm. r,n 7-- g.rh. I Fair to medium steers spples. 75c: grapes. Thompson seedless, 118 i?1" ",r, m"T. . . . n . . . i.-. . a . r r I T a . . .1 ... I . tu a uu uai 1 CI . . . XMMnesxae uxuoai -.rop xgnier. a-io: --"-"""V .". Med. to rood cows and heifer. The Aagust report of E. L. Kent, field . "T'r",-. V-.-l n i Z. i F'r med- " helfera. Bgem 1 mt amiy. v. vj, Muui.ivt, I larxi; nay, o-v iuiii. ti..'., .v. wan., 11,1 w Halls t . .s ..1.. nro.ivrt r ni.11.11 ta gsllons; potatoea. uo sacsa' I calves . I I u.. per cent of normal ss to condition. In com- I . . .. prima mixed 1 ik an rant ef a v... ... I " " Medium mixea K " - I ajaaw I I ,.... u v.awl.,- idi muiiiwu . "a- - 11.1 smniLM ftf nrdmarT iraac runmn tjrntir f aa cent, aa compared with 84 per cent a year I I Sh -. - .w- I IMma l.nah. ago. xno conomoa o. aa. "v country TORK. Au 16. Bradstreefs to. V.V.T. n.dlnm a .a A . a-mH . . ..mnaHil wl.W fiO I I a a... over as a ---"- -""'a'. - v mnrrae will sav: I vesrllnss par cent la August, lttll. An unorilclal re- I War orders dominate every line and sup- I Wethers port from the Lake Labieh section ot Ore- plies for ordinary purposes are greatly cur- I r-wee 10 cows 8 cows 13 cows z cows 11.00) 5 cows 0 cows 1 COW . 2 calves 4 calvea T calves .. 240 11.00 a caivea .. 865 8 bulls ...10HI1 i;u nogs , 8 hogs . 14 hogs 27 hoars SI hogs . 0 bogs .. 4 hoas 22 hoas .. 7.001124 lambs a iambs 8 ewes .. 30 ewes .. 8.00 6.50 1S4 19.50 168 19.33 165 19.25 143 18.50 103 17.25 60 18.00 60 18.00 113 17.00 85 14.00 65 10.60 8.60 manded for all Industrials, while time funds I 69 70c. were limited, to small renewals, Hails and Industrials were Irregular and sluggish. Liberty 3!n,s at the year's new high of 100.14 and a moderate reversal In Paris 6s were the contrasting movements of a dull and contracted bond market. Total sales, par value, aggregated $4,750,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATION'S. Closing Rye No. 2. $1.561.57. Barley 95c(S$1.0j. Timothy $6S9. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $26.50. Ribs $2424.50. Morris Brothers, Inc. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building-, Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bonds Yielding from S.2S to 7 If yea mast SELL roar Liberty Beads, SELL VS. If you can BUY more Liberty Beads, BUY from la, We BIY and vac SELL at the New York market. Telephone Main 3409. Liberty Loan Department Open Until 6 P. M. Saturday the Times. After buying- out Mr. Car- ender. Mr. Brown succeeded to the full ownership of the paper and for 19 years ecmea. it witn credit and ability. WORKERS LEAVETACOl HIGH RENTS ARE PROTESTED BY UNION OFFICIALS. I Unionist Says Shipyards Are Unable to Fill Ranks Because ot Profi teering Landlords. TACOMA. Wash., Aug. 16. (Spe cial.) Workers are leaving- Tacoma shipyards to bo to other cities because they are unable to find homes or rooms here without paying: extortion ate rentals. This was the statement made today by C. R. Barrett, secretary of the Metal Trades Council, who declared that within the last fey days he has learned of at least six cases where men have been forced to quit the ship yards here. Mr. Barrett added that he is now receiving- from 15 to 20 com plaints a day against landlords who have boosted rents from 35 to 40 per cent. Captain Blain, representing: the United States Shipping: Board, declares the Government has no authority to rem edy the rent situation in Tacoma, ac cording to the report made to the Metal Trades Council meeting: last niRht by C. M. Kennealy. In view of this, the council decided that the only thing: left to do was for the labor unions and the city to find a remedy. 82c Am Beel Sugar. American Can.. Am Car & Kdry American Loco. Am Sm & Kefg. Am Sugar Refg. Am Tel ac Tel.. Anaconda Cop.. Atchison A O & WISSL Bait & Ohio ... B & S Copper. . California Petrol Canadian Pacif Central Leather Ches 6c Ohio . .. Chi M & St P.. Chi fc N W C R I & P ctfs. Chlno Copper.. Colo Fu & iron. Corn Prod Refg Crucible Steel.. Cuba Cane Sug. Distill Securities Erie General Electric General Motors. Ut North pfd . . Gt Nor Ore ctfs Illinois Central.. Inspir Copper .. Int M M pfd .. Inter lSlckel .. Inter Paper . . .. K C Southern.. Kennecott Cop.. Louis & Kasb . . . Maxwell Motors Mexican Petrol. Miami Copper.. Missouri Pacif... Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N Y Central . . . N Y N H & H.. Nor & Western. Northern Pacif. Pacific Mall ... Pao Tel & Tel.. Pennsylvania . Pittsburg Coal.. Ray Consol t-op Reading Rep Ir Steel. Shat Ariz Cop Southern Pao .. Amithern Rv . .. Studebaker Co.. Texas Co ...... Union Pacific .. U S Ind Alcohol U S Steel d0 PId rtah Copper Wabash pfd B.. 600 -nr TTnlon. 200 Weetlng Electric 1.S00 Bethlehem u Sales. High. Low. 3oo 6 vk 6u Ts 600 464a 46 1 "iob 78'" "77 5O0 100 Vs 10 1,300 9s 93 i 81HI 66 i 66 W 800 86 b53. V.OOO io77s 155' 3,700 70 69 V.SOO '49'ii '4814 "766 25T4 "idli "'500 "ii'vi "47" 1,300 43 43 'i 700 68 A 6H4 1,800 2UH -ft 300 58 a 58 i',8oo 134" i6at" 6O0 92 Vi 91 . Grain at San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 16. Flour. $11.20 1,700 51Ti 19,700 100 700 300 200 7,100 "666 200 5,800 36 1SS 83 101 "ii" 73 421 600 90 51' 9 "Soli 18'3 3314 10014 '2354 73 41 4 89 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 16. Barley, $1.01. Flax. $4.3714 &4.40M. Did. 69 74 4ti!t Ki I.. ttr. t. I oer barrel. 777? Grain Wheat. Government price, $3.50 pef 1091s (cental: barley, new crop, milling grades. Viit li:.40f z.du; oats, rea leea ana bcbu, e-.vv 661 2.KK: corn. California yellow, nominal. S5ri 1 Hav Wheat snd wheat and oat. $21(922: ,r tame oat, $24'2; barley, $18423; anaiia, ?7? I first cutting, $15ji20; second cutting, $22(tf 24: barley straw, 60ig80c. Meals Alfalfa, new crops, s-i-rji; cocoa nut, nominal. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Aug. 16. Turpentine, firm 5414 55c: sales. 168 barrels; receipts, 164 barrels: shipments, 217 barrels; stocks, 26. 40!. barrels. nnsin. firm: sales. 068 barrels: receipts. SOI harrela: shipments. 301 barrels: stocks, 63.724 barrels. Quote: B. D, E. $10.40 10.50: G. $10.60: M, sm.oo: l,; rv. $11.40; M. $11.60; N. $11.80; wu, WW, $12.00. Hops at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 16,-Hnps. easy; state medium to choice 1917. 33TO41C: iio. nom lnal: Pacific Coast 1917, 1U&22C; iwio. .13 g)15c. Dried Fruit at New York NEW YORK, Aug. 16. Evaporated apples, dull. Prunes, scarce. Peacnes, lirm. 400 3o6 4,900 1,300 44V4 44 0 2 y 24 89 91 1,666 '87t4 "87- 2,300 50O 45 H 1 r2 1,500 124 '4 800 127 28,100 11114 24 79 44 84'.. 4414 152 124i 127 110 24 79 43U 314 1 son Total sales for the day. 180,000 shares, BONDS. 251k 6014 157 69 4 67ia 48 9214 25 'a 3S 47 4314 6S1 29 a 5S 15 1451 153 02 & 96 51 100 2914 3614 1814 33 V4 114 25 JUl 2714 23 IP CLACKAMAS FARMER DIES 73 . . 42 105J4 John Eggers, Aged 55, Fasscs Sud- 3114 19 43 511 23 T4 8914 91 13 87 24 44 15114 111 11014 81 2314 79 43 84 116 140 10.60 Prices current at the local yards are as Prices. ..$11.75. 13.00 .. 10.78911.73 . . 9.50W10 73 .. 8.500 9.50 . 6.50 a 8.00 .. 8.000 9.00 6.00 0 7.50 5.0l'cS 6.00 3.00 ' 6 00 6.50il 7.60 8.50011.50 19.0019.50 17 00 $19.00 17.25 b 17.73 16.50 6 17.00 13.00 1H4.00 11.0012.00 8 30611 50 8.50i10.00 7.000 9.00 U S ref 2s reg..B8 do coupon U 9 la reg 994 do coupon .... V a 4s reg....'loo do coupon ...106H Atch gen 4s .... 8114 D & R G rer os NYC aeo os. N P 4s J N P 8s ......a.'SSH Pao T etc T 5s...8i Pa con 414s. U P 4s .9414 ."85 . 9814 . 9114 94 denly While Milking Cow. OREGON CITY, Aug:. 16. (Special.) . While milking his cow Thursday evening, John Eggers, a Clackamas County rancher, died suddenly from heart failure. Mr. Eggers had been doing the evening chores about his farm and had made no complaint re garding his condition. When he failed to return members of the family in vestigated and found him in a stall in the barn. Mr. Eggers leaves a widow and sev eral children. He was 63 years of age. Acting Coroner John N. Sievers. after investigating the death, deemed an inquest unnecessary. MINING COMPANY IS SUED U S Steel 6s s P cv os.. Analo-Fr 6s II s iiio Ba.,iuu.i j ... -w a n. ni do 2d 4s '. 9400 . B. Dennis Would Recover $420,- do 1st cv 4s I do 2d cv 4 lis. 83.96 do Sd 4s 95.58 Bid. Mining Stocks at Boston, BOSTON. Aug. 16. Closing quotations Allouez Aril Com lj Calu & Arlx 7Vi Calu tV Hecla...4S5 Centennial ..... 114 Cop Range C C. 4714 East Butte .... "J Franklin J Isle Koyalle .... 2514 Lake Cop Mohawk North Butte Old Dom . . . Osceola iQuincy SUP Ac SOS... Shannon Winona ...... Wolverine .... Greene Can 000 From Lane Operators. EUGENE. Or- Aug. 16. (Special.) Two suits to recover an aggregate of $420,000 were filed in the Lane County fMreuit Court by W. B. Dennis, against I the Black Butte Quicksilver Mining HOOD APPLES IN DEMAND American Slarkets to Vsc Most ol Newtowns Produced in Valley. HOOD RIVER, Or.. Aug. 16. (Spe cial.) While no hope is given to ship pers for modification of the British embargo on apples, local sales agencies expect to dispose at a profitable figure of Newtowns, which comprise a large percentage of the Hood River Valley crop. Newtowns, until the embargo prevented their export, were sold chief ly on English markets. While the English consumer fancied fruit of small sizes, sals agencies have been unable to work up a demand for the smaller eizes in America. This year, however, the annoyance of disposing of small-sized Newtowns will be largely eliminated, since the apples are grow ing to a large size, and are in demand for domestic markets. ALDERMEN ARE SUMMONED Attempted Bribery of Chicago Coun- cilmen Charged. CHICAGO, Aug. 16. Ten City Coun- cilmen were subpenaed today to ap pear before the grand jury tomorrow n an investigation of bribery charges resulting from the passage Monday of traction ordinance which provided for municipal operation, but not own ership of" surface and elevated street railways. Maclay Hoyne. State s Attorney, has charged that bribes of from $3000 to $5000 were offered Aldermen Icr their votes favoring the ordinance. BENNETT To Mr. snd Mrs. Albert Ben nett. 201 East Fifty-fifth North, August 5. a daughter. HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Harris. 566 Delay, August 8, a daughter. MORTON To Mr. and Mrs. Frsnk Her bert Morton, 363S First, AuKust 10. a eon. CON ROY To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Con ray, 678 East Seventy-fifth North, August 11. a daughter. BOWKN To Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Duwen, 1453 Oneonta. August 11, a daughter. JUNES To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walter Jones. Dover apartments, August 10. a daughter. Marriage Licenses. SATLOR-TALLMAN Frank S. Paylor. 80. Sherwood, Or., and Gladys M. Tallman. 20, Broadway Court apartments. WEBB-TAYLOR Ernest Webb. 21, Tlgh Valley. Or., and Amelia Taylor. 19, Ssward Hotel. HALLGREN-TJERNLUNO Bsrley K. Hallgren. legal, 825 Longview avenue, and Louise Tjerlund, legal, 893 Glenn ave. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. GENTRY-NEWTON Melvln Clentry, 23. of Indianapolis. Ind., and Flora Nowton, 23, of Portland. SAEGERT-ARONSON Georire Ssegert, le gal, nf Softer, Minn., snd Mrs. Mathilda Aronson, 41, of Sower. Minn. WOHFK1L-JACKSON Arthur Wohfell. 21. of Astoria, Or., and Kmma Jackson. 20, of Astoria. Or. MAHTIN-KROSS Joseph Mnrtln, 26. of San Francisco, Cal.. snd Elsie Kross, 26, of San Francisco. Cal. ROSS-CASEY Robert Ross, 46. of Port land and Maybelle Casey, of Portland. JOHNSON K ABLANOW Elmer Johnunn, 34, of tiuatlle. Wash., and Grace Kablanow, 18, of Everett, Wash. FOGL'E-TOKD Wesley Fogue. 20. of Port land, and Miss Verl Tord. 1H. of Oswego. Or. KEITH-LONG Bruce Keith. legal. of Portland, and Mrs. Gertrude Long legal, of Portland. SP1L.MAN-SMOKE Abram Spllman, 44. of Eagle Gorge, Wash., and Mrs. Arts Smoke, 37. or Eagle Gorge, Wash. McCAMPBELL-GRIFFlTII Roy MrCamp bell. 21, of Ashland. Or., and Mrs. Blanche Orlffith, SO. of Boston. Muss. HCHMCKE1SEU-VAN WINKLE Charles Pchllckeiscr, 38, of Portland, and Zella Van Winkle. 31 of Portland. HOLMES-REYNOLDS Stephen Holmes. 22, of Indianapolis. Ind., snd Altha Reynolds, 18. of Vancouver. Wash. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND, Aug. 16. Maximum temper ature. 75 degrees; minimum. 65. River read ing, 8 A. M., 5.5 feet; chance in last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.). 0.8 inch; total since September 1. 1917, 39.20; normal, 44.74; deficiency. 6.54. Sunrise, 6:12 A. M. : sunaot, -8.19 P. M. Total sunshine, 5 hours and 57 minutes; possible sunshine. 14 hours and 7 minutes. Moonrise, 4:15 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level! 5 P. M.. 29.92 Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 67 per cent. THE WEATHER. STATIONS. 3 SI -i n c Ftat f FIND MAY REVEAL MURDER Lower Half of Woman's Body Dis covered In Water Hole. "WOOSTER. Ohio, Aug. 16. James Martin, caretaker of the Point Breeze Chautauqua grounds at Smithville, near here, yesterday found the lower half of a woman's body in a weighted sack in a water hole near the grounds, ac cording to word received here today by the Sheriff of Wayne County. The legs of the body had been eawed in two at the knees. HAWES GETS COMMISSION 1414 40 60 65 22 4314 rat for sacked yellow globes from tbs Walla Walla section. Ectasia Meats Are Higher. Cube butter was In good demsnd snd firm. $0 cents being offered for extraa Eggs were unchanged, with candied stock I lections, except from the Southwest. LIVESTOCK LOADED Cattle. Horses. Mixed Calves.Hogs.8heep.Mules.8tock. goa has It that pulling will start In about tailed. Conservstlsm In regulsr hannela, .. - " . ,... mn , ., whether flowing from damage to the corn ( DESTINATIONS Or LI three weeks, some few a little sooner. It I c..ihw-.t fm rf.-,.. ! eaia ins yieia vnii h gooo out mm stoca for goods from belief that prices have shipments to Leading Livestock Markets of win range smaii wcus iu. auiHiaaa va i raacnea tne senna point or mm restrictions! United Btates. ISDOr prevents propr ummw. .- - -I--- - J- ri.aH.alU.. of livestock A,,-.... IK . a -.- ... i inervaiy aimost v,fuBuucu, inueea ini - a - ""-'- 7 great majority of wholesale trade reports (Double-decks counted as two cars) : testify to continued good demsnd ruling, . . . -' . . v. i kai.a A-ai i .i! . i I Poaton from districts of the Southwest where both Rapids' " " a. ' IChlcsro . Retail trade is fsir to good for a mid-1 r-i.xinn.ti summer penoa ana tne same is true ot col- I Cleveland lections, except irom tne ooulnwest. ItlCudahy selling at 4TC4SC I needs to be recanea, or coarse, that In the Denver Owing to the scarcity of irujw'm wiiwu u.aiuv. - . .vinna op w. . i H .a..l.r.t.H K. .;n..i.. . w 20 cenu and fancy pork bringing 2 cents. cropa, thus putting possible frost damage 1Indl'inR?''" Poultry was firm at -J y lor nens and I practically out or the reckoning. ritar mm - - a . I I U.lalw h.nlr laa.rln.a p ... OAS IWIA I ' leaa iw dfiw. i .. - - ' ' vv I Liwraitar . . . I Loa Angeles rotate) Market Is Stronger. . I ""'a s-aua un over. Louisville . The moderate supply or potatoes snd the -,,,,h .a,,, .tion of the state ... vi.ii.n Oklahoma City in aa.i. n oj a neavy downpour last evening ana mere I i'"'""' , : . a -. w ... t,ii. a. i I i v ... .m...),!. -ia. ..!.. k- ..... I Philadelphia QUI .!?.. IIWI. V. " ... u . alia, U4 I 11 a UVCM va.a.u . bu.v a wu uu.iua .11. f... . . . I 1 U4 St. Josepn , I cm A ntnnlA , . . . . . . w ai w ,. . v. .. .... aa. .in. .uuu. to I . ,,. average grades orougni sjaya.ou. can- , h-d threshed and waa under cover. S. r.i.;a I or th. pvuiiiiaa -1 - vu.iwv'a. I allien oi tne rpnni iraio is cut ana in tne I Seattle Tomato arrivals were heavy, amounting ta fields, but unless the rain continues several sioux City 400 boxes by express and BOO by beau Ths "- 11 wl" n" n" w" hiucb Spokane . . . . " ' .-a. i ,rnn I n this Dart or the state, an the ara.r a Varloua m-ms mr in. iap-i. wiapimi riar. .iii-i. jrwi.i land oetter part ot tne grain crop la sate. grades went as low as ao cents. I v nieago aaatry rroaure Orrgoa Plums Shipped East. I CHICAGO. Aug. 18. Butter, firm; eream- Shipments of Oregon plums on Thursday V.... Vv,,,h.r R.e.lnt. T71B c..: fir,... To Chicago. 4 cars: Pittsburg. 4; I (t.iii;.. ordinary firsts. 35ai3V4c: at Jfinneapous. 3; Winnipeg, ueover, i; I mitk, cases Included, 3tI3i lie, local stoca. a ii m . ui .uivh ia urge .u j oas uc, u iuhbiu.i .ut. iakiu u ui i ii a i ii . past i -' fairly well matured. When well graded It two daya It is believed no particular dam- Un. M-.n-a a. t,i-.h aa laiut Yimr i hae been caused. It Is estimated that 5; sells to retailers ss high as fSM per cwL. m Qf the FfU, gnln (n thjB eoun. Si Totals One week ago. . 10 lit .... 1 . 21 8 a 23 . . . . e . 211 172 208 1 8 33 2 .... . 14 . 10 1 49 .... 12 . 35 7 2 12 1 .... . 22 39 1 22 . 73 . 12 6 1 . 38 30 A 8 15 .... .111 49 11 6 . 34 .... .... .... . 19 5 5 12 12 . 72 41 . 35 19 . 57 59 268 .23 15 2 1 7 3 4 .... . 42 25 48 .... 1 65 1 . 21 7 .28 S .... 1 3 2 . 13 82 6 1 1 1 2 .... . 627 89 123 73 796 145 561 101 522 121 17 183 215 289 1498 939 2107 1502 trin r weeks ago.1726 1717 Stats origins ot nvestoca loaaea August 10: Cattle, Horses.aflxed Calves.HogaSheep.Mules.Stock. Tor Portland Oregon mAm Z X 2 ana 2 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. Mercantile paper. unchanged. Company, owning mines in Southern Lane County. Mr. Dennis Is manager of the Carlton Carlton. One suit rtgage dating from April, 1901, for 70.000, and the other to recover on notes in the sum of 3350JS 000. The mortgage covers a tract of 980 acres of land. i I Lumber Company at Ca f ii I is to foreclose a mortgs .i I . i, .nr., . , - n n , i Sterling. 60-dsy bills. M 73; commerc a CY, nniMf. QUFI I Itfll I Q 9 n I a, 1 L.UWII1U WllUkala IllbahaW . m.m Kin. n hanks. 84.7214; commerc! 0-day bllle. 4.711i: demand 84. 75 cables. $4.7. Francs, demand, .6.65H wt.. aiiu. Guilders. demand. 50 hi.. RH4. Lire, demand, 7.51; cables. ' Bar silver and Mexican dollars unchanged. Time loans strong, uncnangea. Call money strong, unchanged. Accident at Naval Magazine Puzzles Ordnance Officers. WASHINGTON, Aug. 16. Two men . ,1 u.... .nd discount were killed and one seriously injured LONDON, Aug. l.-Money and discount an exp,osion today at the SL Julien.s rates unchanged. Toffee Futures Steady, NEW YORK. Aug. 16. The market for "explosive D coffee futures was somewnat in-eguiar to- Creek naval magazine, near Norfolk. They were loading a six-inch shell with Ordnance officers are puzzled by the day but made a generally steady showing accjdent, as all the prescribed precaU' ans were taken. Those killed were R. P. Nicholas and on a small volume oa .""' ;-- e taken. unchanged, to i poiui w.r rrv7. niuj Ina waa . . . i iin.ilr1.tlnn. hut there waa a moderate demand from trade sources and E. E. Holland. C. C. Holcombe, who mill., followed reports that a Brazilian I waa injured, will recover. motorboat had been aunat otr me Atlantic Coaat. September sold up from 8.41c to 8.440 and May from 9.12c to 9.15c. with the mar ket closing at a net advance ot a to a points. Closing bids: eeptemDer. Oc tober, 8.54c: December. 8.78c; January, s.sao; March. 9.01c: May. 8.16c; July. 9.31c. Spot coffee steady. Rio is, oiic; santoa 4a. line. . Motors Taken From Clearing List. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. The common stock Man. Who Accompanied Mrs. Busch Back Enters Army. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 16. Harry B. Hawes, Nationally known in Democratic poll tics, has been commissioned a Captain in the United States Army, according to a dispatch from Washington. Hawes, a wealthy attorney, will be assigned to service with the general staff. He accompanied Mrs. Adolphus Busch, widow of the brewer, here from Switzerland on her recent return from Germany. LINN SOLDIER WINS BRIDE Corporal Thompson First to Wed English Maid, Liverpool Resident. ALB ANT, Or., Aug. 16. (Special.) Clifford Thompson, of Lebanon, is the first Linn County soldier and probably one of the first from Oregon to win a bride abroad. Relatives in this county have re ceived word that he was married in Liverpool, England, recently to Miss Kittie Kavanaugh, of that city. Thomp son is a corporal in the 162d Infantry. LINN PUBLICATION LEASED Brownsville Times Passes Into Hands of David H. Talmadge. BROWNSVILLE, Or., Aug. 16. (Spe- of tho General Motors Company, in which cial.) David H. Talmadge, whose there have been spectacular price move- father is editor and manager of the mants from time to time, wss stricken to- tralaav Kntemrise. has leased the day from the list of Issues cleared by the Brownsville Times, owned by F. M. The official statement of the clearing- A. Brown, a son of the owner, as editor house committee ot ths Exchange says the and publisher. stock "Is not widely enough distributed." The Brownsville Times has been in existence for 30 years. F. M. Brown came to Brownsville from North Da- Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Aug. ie.-Spot, middling. ka tne ye 189g and became a partner with Albert Cavender, now a member of the Portland firm of Pheg- ley & Cavendbr, In the ownership of 34.50c. Dnlnth Linseed Market. DULTJTH. Aug. 18. Linseed. fi.iX DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. SWENSON To Mr. and Mrs. Swen Ol Swenson. Kelso, Wash., August 11, a son. MACKIN To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mackin 940 Mallory avenue, August 11. a son. NAKAYA To Mr. and Mrs. Yasushi Nakaya. 85 Tenth street, August S. a son. SNYDER To William F. Snyder, 6404 Sixty-seventh Southeast, August 7, a daugh ter. VEDDER To Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Ved der. August 6, a daughter. SIEGENTHALER To Mr. and Mrs. Christ Slegenthaler, 495 Clay, August 10. a daugh- "kJES To Mr. and Mrs. Hubert N. Kics, 704 Upshur, August 13, a daughter. BAKER To Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker, 429 East Grant, August 11, a son. TAN To Mr. and Mrs. Chan Tan, 535 East Market, August 5, a son. HOWARD To Mr. and Mrs. Frederick K. Howard, 850 North Twenty-fifth. August 14, a son. DELK To Mr. and Mra L. Delk, 239 East Seventy-fourth North, July 31, a son. GALLAGHER To Mr. and Mrs. Thomss Gallagher 229 Knott, August 7, a daughter. Baker 621 8210. 221 . . NW Pt cloudy Boies 6 HS'0. 10 12IVW Clesr Boston B4J 7tliO.Oo. . In cloudy Calgary 3s 820.on..sW Pt. cloudr Chicago 70 71 0.00. .INK Pt. cloudy Denver HO 84:0.00 . .10 Pt. cloudy Des Moines ... 72 98 0.0o..JV Clear Kureka 50 82 0.00112 SV Cloudy Galveston .... So fHO.onlOS Clear Helena 64 72i0.0212:SW Pt cloudy tJuneau 64l,t2 0. 341 .. N W Cloudy Kansas City .. 74ilOOi0.0oil6HK pt. cloudy Los Angeles .. 68 72iO.OOI.. SW Clear Marshfleld .... 4H 8H 0.00112'sw Cloudy Medford 51 72:0.121. . SB Cloudy Minneapolis .. 62 12IK Cloudy New Orleans... 78 9sjo.00 . . IN WlClear New York til RIIO.OOlMlNWlOlear North Head ....BUI 68 O.OX24I.S Cloudy North Yakima 4SI 72 0.001 .. S11 Olesr Phoenix Btl 9M;0.00l. . NW Clear Pocatello 6J 76;O.OljlOS Pt. cloudy Portland B3(. .. 0.081. . ISW Pt. cloudy Roseburg 64 TOlO.JHl.. N Rflln Sacramento ... 54 7410. 00112 S clear .St. Louis 74 94 0.0IPI. . I K Clear Salt Lake .... 62 8210.00 . . s clear San Diego ... 62 72 0. 004INW Clear San Francisco. 66 B4 0.0OI14 SW Clear Seattle SOI X'0.00'10SW Pt. cloudy Sitka B8:0.001.. Rain Spokane 00 Si0.0012IW Cloudy Tacoma 62 70 0.00 . .iNW Pt. cloudy Tatoosh Island 62 A0 t .02!l2(S Rain tValdez 42 tloiO.OII.. Pt. cloudy Walla Walla.. 60 70'O.ORl. . IsK Clear Washington .. 2 Srt O.Ool. .'KI3 Pt. cloudy Winnipeg 58 680.0rt. .K ICloudy tA. M. today; P. M. report ot preceding day. FORECASTS. Poftland and vicinity Saturday showers, moderate southwesterly winds. Oregon and Washington Saturday proba bly fair except showers near coast, moderate southwesterly winds. Idaho Saturday fair. F.PWARD I. WELLS. Met.orolOKlst. FACTS NO. 285 : TRAFFIC : increase: 4 Within the past year traffic between New berg and Portland has increased to amazing proportions. ITurin K the busy hours of the day an average of ninety vehicles, or one and one -half per minute, pass over the road. This increase is. due to the fact that the road is paved with BITULITHIC WARRKV BROTHERS COMPANY. 711 Journal IliiilillnK, Portland, Oregon. TRAVELERS' CL'IBE. 8 ft . F iiiV'l inn Thlral fit HI ..In 2S 109 Third St. Main 26 ALASKA Ketchikan. WranrIt, Juneau, Douclaa. bain, Sktgway, Cordova. Valde Seward and Anchorage. Special hummer Excursions. Hound trip rates to ail Alaska pointa Largest eh I pa. unequaled aervice, low rates. In cluding bertha and meala alake reser vatlona. San Francisco - Los Angeles LOW RATES. Br Stranwr Ineli'tdinK Meals and Berth. THE SAN FRANCISCO ft IOKTLAD S. 8. CO.MPAM'. Tickets at Third wnd Ftark. Telephone Broadway 4500, Bd m y. 268, A -U34. A 6121. AUSTRALIA h'EW ZKALAND AND SOUTH 8KAS Via Tahiti aad Karatoafa. Mall and paa eeccer service trout Man JTranciaco verjr i dajre UNION 8. R. CO. OF NEW 7AT,ANIX t0 California tou. ban Frmncleea. ai local aiMuaiiu tuid A4iiroatl aeuclaa