1C THE MORXIXG OREGOXIATf, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1918. AHTSKTEJJTS. HEILIG 4 Nights"--Ang. 12 DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS MULT 7 PAST The Belasco Theater, N. T.. Comedy Hit. with the original superb cast intact. Including IN A ILAIKK, CYRIL SCOTT ini II. HEKVKS-SMITH. Prtcea Msrhta SOr. SX Wtl. Mat. COC-SLAO. i'f P THE HOUSE OF HITS A tH innnnnm r I m IFFUDKtfrlO vaudeville TODAY TODAY MILADY'S GOWNS Musical Comedy Draping" Novelty ALF RIPOX Scotland's Comedian PEAT & STEVENS Chinese Laundry 7 ACTS OF MERIT 7 GLORIA SWANSEN "YOU CANT BELIEVE EVERYTHING" TODAY ONLY MAE MARSH la "THE FACE IX THE DARK." Also Sunshine Comedy. xRoarlas; IJvaa and. W eddies; Belts." CIRCLE THEATER FOURTH AT WASHIXGTOX. COME! AMUSErVitNT CHAT 74 The Kaiser grave poisoned gases to warfare. You who believe in the law of compensation should come out to Oaks Amusement Park Tuesday night, Augrust 20, and watch Uncle Sam retaliate by giv ing him a charge of liquid fire. The two figures Kaiser Bill and Uncle Sam will be shown in midair, face to face, each in fiery outline. Suddenly Uncle Sam raises a huge gun, points it at the Prussian, pulls the trigger, and, presto! the immense barrel spouts forth a flaming liquid that wipes the Kaiser from view. This will be one of many remark able designs in fireworks that will be shown in honor of American victories in France. There will be many other spectacular designs, with patriotic backgrounds. JOHN F. CORD RAY, Mgr. OUNCIL CREST PARK Free Picnic Grounds Fstet SodI- Ravi I war the Coast other rides, (ameft, shooting gallery, re freshments. MONTE AUSTIN Portland's Favorite Songster singe with the d mucins; every evening except unday. 1KIJJA Art i inns' Night lm the Ore (et Pavilion BO'DAY Papular Concerts, t te ! P. M. Nelsen'a Orchestra. SPECIAL Albina shipyards. August t2, Af texaooe ana livening. DANCING Tonight Ringler's Cotillion HaH 14th Off Wash. G Coolest and largest halL Ball-bearing spring floor. Boof garden. Best music. Butterfield sings. Inform als every lues., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. eves. POPULAR PRICES. rACIG SCHOOL LESSONS DAILY. fHlVATE A.ND CLASS. lO LESSO.NS S4. nresswaj oasut a. 331. The Bir Poonlmr Pleaanre Reeori of Portland Reneh and Bathing New at Their Best DANCING every even Ins; and all flay band ay Musie and HOLLER SKATIXO and a score or more ef other amnsemente p. mm mm mm Pj'.i -l Satorday Afternoon A? I CALIFORNIA DAY ltrav Watch TiT Anneone. ; "lf ? 4 men g OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Boem 1SS Coorthoose, Sth SC. Kntraace. Phone from te 5. Main STS, Home Phone A 2523 Nishi caU after eXfice hours, Weed lawn 74. Report all casee of eraelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber tor smaU antmaia Horse ambulance for sick and" dis abled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring- a dor or other pet communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed etnek, as we look after all Impounding. There Is no more city pound, Just Oregon Uumt3.e Society. MAX AMTSKHITNTS. PANT AGES MAT. DAILY 2:30 lO? TE3IPTATION A. Musical Show With Pep and Go. Six Other Bis- Acta. Three Performances Daily., Klght Curtain at 7 and 0. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At the Baker auction bouse. Tamhlll and W. Park eta Furniture, etc. Bale at 10 A. M. MEETENO NOTICES. AL KADER TEMPLE A. A. O. N. M. S. A pilgrimage m-iii De maae to Astoria ana Besslde on Saturday. August 17. Train will leave North Bank station at 8:30 A. M. Return will be made from Sea side Sunday evening. Round- trip fare $5.18. Patrol, band and chanters will accompany the pilgrimage. V a 1 t 1 n ( nobles are cordially Invited. Wear your tea. HUGH J. BOTD. Recorder. OVEOXTa tribe. NO. 2, IMPROVED ORDER RED MEN Regular council thia (Thurs day) evening at nifi -,ast mxio street, corner bait Aiaer. visit ing brothers welcome. Annual Redman banauet Tuesday even in. Aurust 20 at 8:30. at rooms I or East Biae .Business Aienr liud, uranu avenue and East Alder street. Great Inco- honee Thomas a. jerrnes, 01 Atlanta, ja niMt of honor. Procure your ticket from I chiefs of tribe. Price SI. Lt. 1. CJliin. ,. 01 xv. B. P. O. ELKS, No. 142. Regular meeting this (Thurs day) evening. Elks' Temple, S o'clock. Visiting brothers welcome. M. L. SPAULDING. Sec. GOLDEJ RTTLE ENCAMPMEN'T NO. 28. II. O. O. F., meets this (Thursday) evening In Orient Hall. East Sixth and Alder streeta 1st 8 o'clock. Work In all three degrees. Elli son Encampment. No. 1, will pay them a fraternal vlait and Join In the festivities. an patnarcns coraiaiiy invited. p. A. STARR, Roc Sec. . SUNXTSIDE LODGE. NO. 163. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tnis trnursuay) evening at 7 o'clock. F. C. de gree. By order of W. M. E. M. LANCE. Sec. THE MACCABEES PORTLAKn TEST. I NO. 1. Regular review every Thursday even ing at hall. 409 Alder street. All members urged te be present. Visiting sir knights wel come. GEO. A BAKER. R. K. EMBLEM Jewelry buttona eharma nlna new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-3 6th St. FRIED LANDER' 9 tor lode, emblema. class pins and medala. S10 Washington at. DIED. DIEBEL In this city, August IS. by accl aeniai drowning. .Norman Cleveland Die bel. aged 27 years, hilsband of Mra Viol Dlebel. of thia city: son of Albert end Julia Dlebel. of Palouse. Wash. The notice of funeral will be given in a later issue, r. n. Dunning, lntx. In charge. SENET In this city, August 14. Augusta L. Beney, agea s years; beloved wile Earl F. Seney; mother of Marvel. Lois. Elaine. Aldon and Edward Seney. Funeral notloe later. Remains are at the reslden- tlal parlors of Miller at Tracer. FUN ERA L NOTICES. HANSON August 13. at his late residence. illV Syracuse street. Hans William Han son. aged 84 years; husband of Anna Han son. brother of Mra Emma Nelson. Beav erton. Or., and C. David Hanson, of this city: father of Carl Hanson. Boring. Or. Henry Hanson. Harshf leld. Or. ; Mrs Elms Kydman. Mra Esther Pearson, win lam. Edith and George Hanson, all of this city. Funeral services win be 'Conducted today (Thursday), August 15. at 2 P. ith from Plerson s undertaking parlora Rus sell street and Union avenue. Friends In' vlted. Interment Rose City Park Ceme tery. NELSON In this city at her late resl dence, D32 Williams ave.. August lo, Aim; K. -Nelson, aged oo years, late or ta Francisco. Cal.. mother of Frank E. Nel son. of Butte. Mont., and Albert H. Nel son. of this city: sister or &i ra a. rt. Brown, of this city: also has five sisters and two brothers In San Francisco. The funeral services will be held today (Thurs day) at 1 o'clock P. M., at the residence eatabl ahment or J. p. nnley c Bon Montromery at Fifth. Frlenda invited. Incineration at the Portland Crematorium. GRAMMEI.L August 14. 1918, Herman A. Grammell. age e4 years, late of i-ii Com mercial atreet: beloved father of Mra L. A. Richards. Mrs. T. W. Thomas and Fred Grammell of Portland. Funeral services Friday. August 16. at 2:30 P. M.. from R. T. Byrnes residence parlors. 901 Wll Hams avenue at Mason street. Friends ln vlted to attend. Interment at Rose City cemetery. LIND In this city. August IS. Fred C. Lind. aged Si yeara funeral cortege win leava the residential parlors of Miller A Tracey tomorrow (Friday), August 16. at 8:30 A. M.. thence to St. Mary s Church Williams avenue and Stanton street, where mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary Cemetery. BTJRCH At Portland, Ma, August 13, Mra Olive Burch. late or Narcotta, wasn. ihf funeral services will be held at the con servatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. 414 East Alder St.. cor. Kast tn. at z:30 P. M.. August 23. Friends Invited. In terment Klverview -oemeiery. . WINKLER At her late residence. 187 E. HBri at.. Aua-ust 14. Elizabeth Winkler, age 67 veers 11 months 13 daya Funeral serv ices will be held Friday. August 16. at 2 P. M., at the new chapel of Breeze A Bnook, ueimoni ai ooin. rrienos inviLea. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. H0LMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors ' Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 607. A 1511-I-ady Assistant. perfect Funeral Service for Is8. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directora Wash. et.. bet. 20th & 21st. West 8lde. Main 269L Lady assistant. A 788s. J. P. F1NLET aV SON. Progressive Funeral Directora Private Drive Women Attendants, MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main . A 158. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder SL East 2, B 2329. WILSON & ROSS dy'Aiutanl"1- East 54. c aies. DtTNNTNG A McENTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430. A 4538. Lady attendant. BREEZE & SNOOK 'TJs b IIS. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral servlca 173 E. Gllsan. Tabor 4313. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlora 12th and Morrison sta Bwdy. 2S34. A 223a. A. R. ZELLER COILTToLTc fffl 8KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. i. lercii i vt sissr u- CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Perpetual care assured with everj purchase. No expense afterward. Prices lower. Courteous treatment to all IXORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florists, 287 Morrison St. Main or jl lsua. rut nowers and floral deslgna No branch stores. MARTIN ft FORBES CO.. Florists. S54 W ashlngton. Main 26V. A 1269. Flowers foV all occasions artistically arranged. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 312L Selling LUBL1NER. Portland hotel. $28 Morrison sU A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready- reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCORDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING. 10 cents per yard; accor dion, knife and box pleating; buttons cov ered, tucking and braiding; also embroid ery work dona Mall orders promptly at tended to. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. 5tt Sth St., between Oak and Stark sta K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion sloe pleat, buttons covered; mail muera. r-moca clock. Erjadway luaa. AGATE CUTTERS AND MFG. JEWELERS. JEjy.Ei:Rr and watch repairing. Miller's, 3o5 Wash. St., Majestic Theater bldg. ALFALFA MEAL. GROUND FEEDS. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. 8667. ASSAYJERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 142 Second ing, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. mukkis A. GOLDSTEIN, practice In all lm. ixorinweetern iianK mag. . P. ADAMS. Attorn.it.!.w. 1037 namoer or commerce. Main 457. BARBER SUPPLIES. REYNOLDS MONEY-BACK TONIC Bar kers exclusive, sold direct. P. O. box 29. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy aeii an Kings or barber supplies. 250 3d. BEAUTY SPECIALIST. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by ""'i'"' "wci. aacLoog. out &wetiana mag. CARPET CLEANING. U II fi 0 The kind that wear the best, are II tl w U made from vour wornout Mra.ti by the Northwest Rug Co. (former aa dress. 153 Union ave.). Rag rugs woven an sixea carpet Cleaning, reacting ana resizing. Mall orders solicited, log East 8th. Phone East 8580, B 1280. FLUFF RUG CO. Phones: East 6518 B 1475 L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. si-- Morgan blag. Marshi.li eiea, CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 8S7 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. CEMENT WORK. R. G. Lundstrom. 457 E. Phone East 4610. 18th su N CHIROPODISTS AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florelle DeVeny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch soe- ciallsts In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder, Phone Main 130L DR. GARTNER, Chiropodist. Bunions a spe cialty. Only place In city foot arches maae to order. 226 Alder. Main 10S1. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMAHON, Macieay bldg., 100 chiro practic World's best. Adjustments made easy. Obstinate cases ouc rata CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 2582. 100 letters mnltlgraphed, S1.S0. COLLECTION AGENCIES. I.ETH sV CO., Worcester bldg. Main 179& No collections, no charge, established 1900. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private instructor; classes Tuea. Frl., 8 to 10. 109 2d St., between Washington and Stark. Main 2100. LEARN to dance Summer classes private lessona Ringler's Acad., 14th, off Wash., leading school; 10 lessons 5. Bdwy. 3380. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. H. HUTHMAN, veterinarian, hospi tal, 415 E. 7th St. East 1847, B 1902. HOSPITAL. OREGON SURGICAL HOSPITAL at 820 Montgomery offers best of services on con valescent and obetetrto cases; rates rea sonable. Main 1566. MUSICAL. WEST COAST INSTITUTE OF MUSIC. 6th iioor, jailers Diag. we teach from melody; no drudgery. WHOLESALERS AND AUTO TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L.DINKELSPIELCO. Stockroom and office 47 North 5th street HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO., 63-55 Front St. HIDES, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front St, PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis Sta PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN CO.. 2d and Taylor. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS, 264-266 4th SU, OppOBll" . r Neu ec eons lor memorials. E!BLA;SiNG granite: CO. pi THIRD VT MAPISON STREET NEW TODAY. Rose City Bungalow Corner loC on Hancock street, consist ing of 6 rooms. Pull basement, fire place, built-in buffet. Modern through out, front rooms, narawooa noon. Newly painted Inside and out. " Will make a nice home. Immediate posses sion. Price $42iu. Terms. Owner, Broadway 2S67. MORTGAGE LOANS m proved city and farm pro per tr li ate 11 men t repayment privilege If pre f erred prompt, reliable eervlce. A. H. BIRRELL GO. tl7-21 Northwestern Bank Building. MsnSaU 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE , PROPERTY. ROBERTSON fc EWING. . 207 - 8 Northwestern Bank Bldsr. ' IRVINGTON K. T. STKiiET. HUM-ES. IKV. AGENT. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette Valley farma No -commission. No delaya DEVERKAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY. 60 J Concord building, 2d and Stark sts. Portland. Oregon. JNO. B. COFFEY mortgage: loans. Insurance, Surety Bonds S03 WILCOX BLDG. Mala 703, A S70X REAL ESTATE. MODERNIZE your buildings: all kinds of repairs; see my designs for new homea Max M. Meyer, Concord bldg. Main 1373. Formerly Supt. Oregon Home Bulidera PREMISES 305-305 H 14th St.; part cash, bonds or mortgage. Owner, 407 Spalding bldg. For Sale Lota THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. We design and build anything. furnish the money if desired. Eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contracting architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. 50x100 LOT, Beaumont Add. Improvements In and paid, cneap. ii,asy terms. Going East. East 3S57. $500 WILL buy 100x100 feet. East 84th and Taylor streets; one block from car; cement sidewalks. L 857, Oregonian. For Sale Houses. $2250 $150 CASH $30 MONTH. 10-r0om house on West Side In Indus trial district; on carllne and paved street; needs some repairs. Fix It ud and It will rent for $30. See owner, 808 Oregonian bldg. $4500 5-ROOM house with furniture, close In on E. 18th. Eaat 4148. NICE modern home, in Piedmont; terma Owner. Woodlawn 5667. NICE modern home In Piedmont. Terma Call owner. Wdln 6667. FLUFF RUG AND RAG RUG FACTORY. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain. Brussels. Smyrna, Axminater rag rugs, all sixes, mall order prompt: booklet. 9x12 rugs, steam or dry cleaned. $1.5- CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. 84-58 Union ave. N. East 6516. B 14T5. NORTHWEST RUG CO. established 1803. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven, all slzea East Sth and Taylor. East 85S0. B 1280. MASSEUR. EMIL THEILHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner 4jldg. Bdwy. 1BJ9. MUSIC TEACHERS. VIOLIN, piano, mandolin, guitar, banjo In structions. Kol Keubeck. 409 YamhilL OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. GLASSES AT A SAVING. I solicit your patronage on the basis of capable service. Thou sands of satisfied patrona A trial will convince. Chaa W. Goodman, op tometrist. 209 Morrison. PATENTS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience V. S. and foreign patenta 601 ueaum cms. PATENT ATTORNEYS. GOLDBERG, 620 Worcester "bldg. Main 252 PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 905 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, sain irau bias- stnrfiach. liver. kidneys. bowels tnroat. goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. increased efficiency: drugless treat O mente. Goitre, paralysis, headache. tonsllltla Dr. Watters. SOB ssweuano. Mar. 4892. - PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale Prlcea Stark-uavis uo.. iniru. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. anri llnotvnlne;. 109e Front St., cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. ANDERSON PRINTING CO.. 73 V, 6th st Broadway edtss. nil I II Till n F. W. BALTES & cusrAsi, rfililllilU 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A 1165 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES, 404 Wilcox bldg. SANITARIUM. THR KEAL INSTITUTE treatment lor .ier.il under Ideal conditions; absolute .lu.rv .willed Attendants at Neal San ltarlum! 617 Kearney, between 19th and 20th. rnone jaroaoway oiov. SECOND-HAND STORES. MAIN 6490 Buy and sell second-hand toola Junk, old automooiies. jiwut. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 PINE.' STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ftDE-nnv TRiK'RFER CO. 474 Gllsan St.. corner lain, ueiepnone urgau.aj .-o. v. A 1169. We own ana operate two rs class "A" warehouses on terminal iracas. Lowest Insurance rates in the city. PHONE Main 6S04; res., Marshall 1821 movlnr and hauling of all kinds. 201 Third St., Portland, Oi CUT freight rates on household goods shipped East and soutn. manning a- r:,,v...J . Transfer Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Broadway 7na A 1793. ."..iMonu.cT nnrc A WAREHOUSE. Of flee lo9 xuaaisou. ueiieii and forwarding agents. Phone Main Xbvx. TK-Tjn MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO- 105 Park at. Alain pi wa- a iwi. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 428 FLANDERS STREET. WOOD AND COAL. DRY BOX WOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. M. B540.A211. lNIANUFACTURERS PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M, L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING St FARRELL. 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. 8ASH, DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis Sta WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper st Pt. Co.. 172 First St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 280 2d St. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. THIS IS A SNAP! $3400 Irvington res., a rms., large at- tic. FOX furnace. flrenlnCA? KDvlfUl ln, - basement; owner borrowed $2500 on same; vuiy eooo casn required. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. '35 Yrs. In Portland." Main 4803. MT. TABOR DISTRICT RIIVP.iliw 6 rooms, modern, close to school and car. Out of town owner will make very -BABuuauia tviuja. I I ICR . OUU. C. A Warrlner. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 B. of T. Bldg. NEAR S. P. CAR SHOPS. 6-room. 1 storv biinmlnw n TtrAAA stock car line, 28th st. near Francis. Price -.vu. .easy terms. C. A. Warrlner. RITTER LOWE" & CO.. 203-5-7 B. of T. Bldg. THIS IS A SNAP! $2800 6-rm. res., well Const'd, neat and good-appearing home; 100x100 lot, right on Ainsworth ave., accessible to Van. and St. Johns cars: only $500 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yra In Portland." Main 4803. NEAR ALBERTA AND 20th. 7-room bungalow, cement ba,.m.nt fire place, buffet, bookcases. - leaded glass doors $2650. extra well built; lot 60x100. Price GODDARD ft WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. OWNER GOING TO WAR. Will sell one of the choicest Irvington homes at cost price. New and never oc cupied. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, and all modern conveniences. Including garage. For Inspection call 808 Oregonian bide. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room bungalow, very attractive, all Improvements made and paid for; a bar gain at $3300. on terma F. W. TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. ROSE CITY 5-room bungalow; dandy fire place. oiocks norm sandy; only $22 50 $300 cash. Will allow you $100 off for aecorating. vol tast 63th St. Owner, Main 7129. 6 A. M. to 12 M. VACANT. READY FOR OCCUPANCY 6-room modern house, very choice loca tion, near tl. 2Utn and Hawthorne ave. at bargain price. $3500; easy terma F. W, TORGLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. OFFER you a very attractive 6-room cot tage, newly decorated. Rooms all on on floor; new electrio fixtures, bath, gas; only $1250. Very easy terms. Owner, Main 7129. 6 A. M. to 12 M. $2500. 5-room bungalow, large attic, fireplace, buffet, wash trays, garage, corner lot 60x 100; 1 blk. to carllne. J. J. Oeder, Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. SNAP Neat home of 4 rooms and bath. electric lights, full basement; price $1500, $150 down, balance $15 per month. Main 1963: after 7, Marshall 885. $1150 LOT and 4-room home on E. 21st St., near shops and snipouiiding; $150 oown ano 2u montn; per cent interest. Owner, Main 6630. 6-ROOM house and full lot, close to Wood stock carllne, $2500: easy terma John Bain. 607 Spalding building. MODERN 7-room house with sleeping porch, furnace, wash trays, newly tinted and garage: owner. East 7626. e 4-ROOM handsome, modern bungalow, Ala meda district: garage. Terma Kennedy. Miller. 329 Salmon. 6-ROOM house, near Union ave; Woodlawn car. Great bargain, $300 cash. Phone Woodlawn 3340. $5500 50x100, comfortable Irvington home 7 rooms. Wasco, near 19th. Terma Phone East 3899. SMALL house, comer lot, easy payments; owner, 1239 Burrage. Phone Woodlawn 8514. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WHY PAY RENT? LISTEN! T have three fine houses 1 am closing out away beiow original cost. SaOO cash, a few extra dollars with your rent money and your home troubles are over. One In Laurelhurst, 7 fine, large rooms and double sleeping porch, built four years ago on a very low market: cost tbuou. Price today, including all street assess ments. 1-iiM. Some snan. No. 2 Is located in very best part of Irvington. 8 large rooms; when built was considered one ol irvington s Xlnest nomea WU1 sell on easy terms for S4800. No. 8 Is finest location In Sunnyslde. ex tra large lot 60x140; fruit trees, flowers and shrubbery; s-room house, good garage; built for home and never been rented. Yours for 4400. Easy term a Phone today and evenings. East 2086; auring , week. Main ItUU. A xoio. Air. Delahunty. THEY'RE GETTING SCARCE, BUT I HAVE a modern 6-room bungalow In Laurelhnrst. 1 block to car, for $4250: $1000 cash. A modern 6-room bungalow In Alberta district, 3 blocks to car, $3500; $50 cash. A neat 6-room bungalow In' Woodlawn, $2400: $500 cash. A fine home in Laurelhurst costing over I ouuu, tor f.MUU ; $ooo cash. A 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch. In Hawthorne district. $3600; $500 cash. Also have larger and higher priced bun galows and houses. Gall Tabor 8433. 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. evenings, Tabor 69 In. .Ki .v..t..ti.i b . in YOU MAY MOVE AT ONCE best part of Irvington. To tell you that I there are 4 bedrooms, reception parlor ( with fireplace, living-room, dining-room, I hardwood floora, kitchen and pantry, that I there is a full basement with furnace, a I full lot with some fine trees, does not de- I scribe the house. It has character and home you will be proud of. You could not I duplicate this property for $7000. yet 1 1 can sell it for S4500: terms 11000 cash 1 and easy payments on the balance; glad I to show it. MAC INNES. 270 U Stark. Main 1700. Evenings. Tabor 8619. 1 NOW VACANT $8000 ROSE CITY PARK A real home, hot water heat, all hard wood floors glassed in sun room also den. Old ivory finished, rooms beautifully pa pered dandy view, will make terms $1000 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th Stark St. Alain 208. A 2000. ROSE CITY PARK, S4ino. Don't pass this up. It's really one of the most beautiful bungalows in Rose City Park built by one of Portland's best builders. Five large rooms and breakfast room. Of course, it has all the modern,, conveniences, such as hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet. French doors. French beveled plate mirror doors, etc Just a block from Rose City Park car. Bee this sure. You will own It. Owner has been transferred to Seattle and must I sell. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near Sd. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN ' TRUST COMPANY. WILCOX BLDG. Main S517. Sixth and Washington. ROSE CITY PARK. 100x100 BARGAIN. Owner wishes to sell beautiful 7-room bungalow, located within block of Rose City car. Exceptionally large grounds with lots of trees and shrubDery, garage; street paved. Bungalow has hardwood floora fireplace, furnace, etc. Very large living room. Requires $1500 cash. Loca tion, 702 E. 64th St. N. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main 3516. Branch office 50th and Sandy IRVINGTON DISTRICT. CLACKAMAS ST. 7 rooms and sleeping porch; large re- I ceptlon hall. French doors to-living room. dining-room, music room and Dutch kitchen; 3 bedrooms, large beveled plate I glass mirrors In each, sleeping porch; built 4 years. In perfect condition; ouxiuo; price SbodO. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $3500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $3500. 6-room artistic bungalow, lull lot on paved St., 1 block to car. hardwood floora furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining-room, platerail, built-in buffet and other conveniences: Dutch kitchen, stan dard plumbing. Price. $3500, terms. We have other bargains in this 'district. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $2650 ARTISTIC BUNGALOW $2650. 5-room bungalow, full lot, cement base ment, fireplace, sleeping porch, paneled dining-room, built-in bbokcases, Dutch kitchen and sleeping porch, fruit, flowers, grapes and berries, located in Terrace Park, close to school and cars. Price, $2650. Terms. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $100 DOWN NEAT COTTAGE $1000. Here Is an attractive cottage, 50x113 foot lot. dandy garden, etc.; E. 18th, near Insley ave.; convenient to S. P. shops and Central Door & Lumber Co.; price $1000; $100 down. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Euy Your Home. Main 1068. $1600 HOME, $200 DOWN, $10 PER MO. A o-room nome on lull lot, good Dase ment. bath, toilet, electric lights and gas. cement walk and graded St.; fruit and berries, close to car and school, good neighborhood; price $1600. $200 down, $10 per month- no st. Hens or mortgage. Seel FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $250 DOWN ST. JOHNS $1400. Neat 4-room cottage, like new; white I enamel bath and toilet, electricty and gas. one-half block to St. Johns car; on Huron I st., near Lombard; price $1400; $250 I down: convenient to shipyards. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. A BARGAIN In Alberta district. 8-room house, good condition, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, pantry, buffet, graded street cement sidewalk, ..k,,l-t . - - 1 . V. 1 n 1. n llh..ta r". w Price '$3000. Very liberal terms. The house cannot be built for this Drice. and the lot la worth $900. R. A. Schramm, I 242 Stark st. Main 4420. $2650 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW $2630. A 6-room modern bungalow, on full I corner lot. good basement, laundry trays, j modern plumoing, ouilt-ln conveniences. fireolace. Dutch kitchen, elect, and gas. N. E. cor. E. 83d and Davis sts. Price. $2650; terms. Close to car and school. Seel FRANK. L. AlCiUlrliy, A-tSlJNUl ON HLUIj. I To Buy Your Home. Main 10HS. $200 DOWN. MODERN BUNGALOW. 5-room attractive bungalow, cement basement, bath, toilet, elec. and gas; 50x 100 corner lot; fruit and flowers; cement walk and st. Hens all paid; no mortgage to assume. Price only $1800; $200 down, balance like rent- See FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068! DANDY 4-room bungalow on Mt. Tabor carltne; almost new, vacant and ready to move Into; bulit-ln conveniences, hard wood floors, fireplace and full cement basement; only $2200, $200 cash, balance your own terms. JOHNSON. ' 212 - Lnmbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 1612. $2100 ATTRACTIVE HOME $2100. 6-room home, cement basement, stand ard plumbing, elec and gas, bullt-ln con veniences; on corner lot, 2 blocks to car on 64th ave; price $Z100. terms, see FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $6000 7-room house. 705 West Glisan St., near 22d and 2 carllnes, bath, gas, elec light and furnace: dandv base ment; swell neighborhood; walking oc:: cZtl $7500. Phone Marshall 4194. or AG 427, Oregonian. 6-ROOM FURNISHED MODERN BUNGALOW. Owner leaving- city, will take $1100 cash and pay bal. at $25 month, including interest. Price $3500. block off Union ave. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT $800. A building that can be made into house on 75x100 lot. Phone after 5 P. M., Wooaiawn or cai at I04 I 83d et N-i cor. Alberta, FOR SALE Furnished or unfurnished, beau t.fui 6-room oungaaow. car z oiocks. nose i-itv Park. Owner called to service. For J"1 - " " DANDY 2-room home with city water, gas, I bath ana toiiet, zor ouu; wane auu casn, balance terms to suit. . Call at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE Double house, consisting of 2 flats, o rooms ana Datn eacn. income property, all clear, on Hawthorne ave; $3 500. Tabor 8139. $1100 WOODSTOCK car, 8 rooms, fruit and I berries: easy terms. Gibson, Marshall 12. VH avwsaa. . G-ROOM bungalow, furnished. 2 lots. $2150. easy terms; installments uae renc Alt. Scott carllne. Tabor eeo. ROSE CITY PARK, New 6-room, modern bungalow with sleeping porch. Owner. Tabor 9572. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, west E. 18th; ! walKing aistance; easy terms, sa. snu. 30TH ST., Rose City car, $3150, bungalow. Owner, Tabor 8824. modern. FIVE-room modern house, 7528 Woodstock ave., Woodmere-Mt. Scott line. Owner. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Honors. VEHICLE TO SUCCESS. Few have the natural gift of discrimi nating, able to recognise a diamond in the rough. The masses will pass over it. Do you realize if you buy a piece of acreage in a goon location, plant fruit trees. lence it and make a real home out of It. some guy will come along and almost force you to accept his life's earning, for it. Why, because in It he can then see an easy living. I offer Just that opportunity to you now. -i ne acre, with 6-room house. is at iitn and Alberta sta Phone wood lawn ou3. . JOHN B. MATTHEWS. 27th and Alberta sts. WEST SIDE BARGAIN, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Only $2850 for a wonderful-home on Willamette Heights, near the car. Has nardwood floora and all the modern con- . veniences. Now vacant and ready for oc cupancy. By all means see this. Terma Just tnlnk of being able to buy a West Side home at this Inw nriu. A. fi TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., near 3d. Main Min. branch office 50th and Sandy. I EAST 2TH ST., 100x100. 7-room residence. full basement, furnace, laundry, fruit room, maid's room on first floor. srnnri floor has 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch. uuiu auu touei; extra toilet first lloor; large front porch; white enamel finish, nardwood floors, beautiful grounds. Im provements paid, no Incumbrance, good district; anxious to sell; immediate pos session; easy terms; price $7500. Call Main oox. h.lo - ROOM house. Sellwood. aleaninv nnrrh. 6 h". AfuAiuu lot, paved street, an ouni in effects; price $2000; terms; 6 rooms on urai iioor, xa iioor laid. East 23d St.; fireplace, full basement, street paved, ready to move into; terms easy. B. S. uooa. e2 stock Exchange. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Buy from owner. 6-room house, full basement, furnace, fireplace, large airy rooms, lot euxiuo with frult-bearlng trees, ten minutes to city, two car llnea Improve menta paid. Terma or auto first payment. r-rice 30uu. TaDor 4296. PIEDMONT Modern 114 story bungalow; first floor has living room, dining room, library and Dutch kitchen; second floor two bedrooma bath and sleeping porch; house and lawn in appie pie order, rnce s4ouo. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $2000 EASY TERMS 7-room hard-finish house, built on nice Plans, ouut-ln conveniences, fireplace, con crete xounaation, nice light fixtures, gas. basement, wood lift. 2 lots In garden, fruits, berries, a nice neat home place, kept up by owner. You will make no mls- take If you buy this. N 478. Oregonian. I NEED $1000, must have It quick. Will sacrifice beautiful 6-room home with large Sleeping porcn, Kose Ulty park district; all assessments paid, for $3750. All mod ern conveniences, hard-surface street; good neighborhood. Will show you by appolnt ment. Call at 404 Piatt bldg. EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA 3 -room house, 43x100, $500. $150 down. e-room nouse, auxiuu, $ioou. $300 down. 6-room new bungalow, 40x120, $1750, H cash. Let us show you these bargains. G. S. SMITH & CO.. 432 Chamber of Commerce. ALMOST new 6-room house with dandy sleeping porch, close In; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, very convenient arrange ment of rooms; all built-lns, full cement basement; $3250 terms. JOHNSON, 212 Lumbermen's Bldg. Bdwy. 1612. BUNGALOW. $1650. Swell bungalow; Eaat Alder, bet. 86th and 88th, only $1650; $300 will handle. East 1347. THIS 18 A SNAP! $2450 $2450 $2450 $2450 $2450. 6-rm. attractive bung., 1 blk. Laurel hurst Pk. ; 40x100, paving paid, room for garage; bring In $500 as a down payment. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. In Portland." Main 4S03. MR. HOMESEEKER. Am leaving city, buy from owner, save commission ; lovely 6-room residence, close in, attractive, all street improvements paid; $1000 below value; furnished or un furnished. 468 East Broadway, Irvington district. Investigate; terms. HAWTHORNE. Strictly modern 6-rm. bung., fireplace, hardwood floors Dutch kitchen, buffet, bookcase, reception hall, cloakroom, full basement, trays; a Dargain at jioi terms. Ross, owner, 404 Gerllnger bid Marshall 858. ROSE CITY. Swellest bungalow In Rose City, St., $4800; some place. East 1347. MULTNOMAH STATION 4-room modern bungalow with small basement and fire place, city water, gas and electric lights, a aood buy at $1700. Will sell on terma See Multnomah Development Co., at 404 Piatt bldg. MODERN. 5 rooms with sleeping porch, hardwood floors. fireplace, bookcases. buffet, full cement basement, all improve ments In and paid; walking distance East Side. Terms. Owner, 435 E. 7th St. North, cor. Tlllamook CLOSE In. Sunnyside car, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, large bed rooms, newly lintea, targe lot. an ainu herrlea. Onlv $3000. $500 cash, balanci easy. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. LOOKING FOR SNAP? 4-room cottage, chicken-house, lot 100 x200. near East 40th st. price looo. sun Ject to $400 Hens. Pay $500 cash and as sume x;iim mortgage ana eivu iiena. GODDARD & WIEDRIOK. 243 Stark St. ARLETA PARK. Don't pass this up. It's really the most beautiful home in Arleta Park, built by owner, six rooms and sleeping porch, mod ern throughout; part cash. Call Tabor 2540. RIINliALOW BEAUTIFUL. Want something classy? See this; natty and attractive, 5 rooms and attic, strictly tnndern. with linoleum, shades, hot-water heater and "radiant fire" all for $3500. UNION SAFE DEP. & TR. CO.. 284 Oak. IRVINGTON. strirtiv un-to-date home. corner garage. Center of swell homes, $7000. East 1347. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, buffet, fire- place. lull Dasemeni, east iroui. East front, half block to car, large lot, good district. Price $2750. $250 casn, balance su per montn. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. v. iann piog. $1300 EASY TERFS. H-room Dlastered cottage, tinted walls, hot and cold water, toilet, bath, electric lights, paved street, near rooKiyn acnooi. Mlri.li, oi urmnger ziu&. ST. JOHNS. 1KR0 Macrum street: 5 rooms, bath. elc. fixtures; nearly new. Price $1850. Easy terma GODDARD ft WIEDRICK, 243 Stark St. ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Uncommonly well-built artistic house, tmnnr nw all hardwood. 2 bathrooms, Bleeping porch, large grounds, beautiful view, fine trees Marshall 4827. A 8839. a Tjrri and sleenlna norcn. narawoou floors, paved street, mouom, xi.wiuuiub district, $2000; $250 down, balance easy terms. JONES. 201 Wilcox. I AM THE OWNER of a 6-room, strictly modern bungalow on Denver avenue, close to Jefferson High School. Price $2600, with but $300 cash, bal. like rent. 806 Yeon bldg. MODERN well built 6-room bungalow, fur nace, hardwood floors. Groveland Park near Franklin high school. Hawthorne car. Owner. Main 4853 or Tabor 3165. No agenta . ROSE CITY PARK, beautiful 7-room. stirctly modern bungalow, nearly new, white enameled, corner lot, street paved, paid. Price $4500. Terms. Tabor 6441. BARGAIN -room home Irri. ojt $10,000. take 3000 less. Sons n Army. tion. Lot 66x100. East 273. 2600 7-ROOM modern bungalow. $1550, 6 rooms, modern bungalow, easy terms; Installments like rent. Other bargains on Mt. Scott carllne. Tabor 660. $1750. "Woodlawn, five-room cottage, ballroom. rarage ; terms. 620 Liberty st. Phone "Woodlawn 4165. 605 -THREE -ROOM plastered house, two blocks to good car; $200 cash,'$15 monthly. Nothing better zor tne money, 264 Oak. Mar. 756. 7r.rtn,f hs...... anri Ana in tsenn $500 cash, bai. $12.50 per month, 6 per cent interest. 6408 87th st S. E. Tabor 2326. 5-ROOM cottage, large sleeping porch, ce ment basement, furnace, paved street. 995 E Main, near 84th. Tabor 9457. LAURELHURST Modern 8-room house; fine location; 116 Laddlngton Court. Ta bor 3284, XEW 4-room house, never been occupied. RnY t iiu lot. r. jonriB OlBiriCU stlO. OH1V $75 down. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade. 55850, 7-room, modern, excellent bargain. Near Laurelhurst Park. Hot water heat. Mahogany finish. N 506, Oregonian. 4-ROOM house, without bath. Rose City Park dlst.; $S50; $50, bal. easy terma. JONES, 201 Wilcox. 4-ROOM house. Rose City Park district. modern, $1400: fiou aown, bal. easy terms. JONES, 201 Wilcox. - $1600 buys good 6-room cottage, lot 50x100. basement, lights, bath; in Albina. Inquire evenings at 01 Minnesota, G. REAL ESTATE. For bale bouses. SELECT BUNGALOW, CHOICE BUY. ROSE CITY PARK Better part; close to car; west of hill. Attractive, well arranged, strictly mod ern bungalow; nice size living-room, beau tiful dining-room with massive buffet, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, book cases and other built-in effects. Pleasing den, breakfast-room, delightful bedroums, real Dutch kitchen. Floored attic with finished room for maid or sewing. Neat and light concrete basement, large porch, full lot, nice lawn, paved streets. I MUST MAKE UICK SALE Price now only $4350. Here's your opportunity. Can be seen today. Absolutely as represented. Furniture if desired. Phone Main 19i2 or Tabor 613S. THIS IS A SNAP! 8 BLKS. WOODSTOCK CAR. $300 cash 8-rm. bungalow, fireplace, buffet and Al plumbing, all built-in fea tures; every rm. piped for furnace; cost owner $3000 to build house alone, pries Includes large lot. $2500, $300 down. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON tI.DG. "35 Yrs. In Portland." Main 403. $250 DOWN. WAVERLY HTS. BUNGALOW. 6 rooms. 2 halls and bath, gas heater and range, cement basement, furnace, cor ner lot. all hard surface In. close to car and school, price $2950. C. A. Warrlner. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 B. of T. bidg. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. S rooms, strictly modern, on hard sur face streets, one block from car. Price $2900. Terms. Watch our arts. We get , results. C. A. Warrlner. RITTER LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 B of T. Bkig. BEST THING IN HAWTHORNE. 6-room modern bungalow, close In, new, -block to minute car service; full ce ment basement, furnuce, cement garage and driveway, beautiful lawn. flowera vines; snow-white Dutch kitchen, bath, hardwood floora Perfect and a bargain. Main 3388. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 6-room modern bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors and all built-in features; room for garage: hard-surface street. Price only $3250, $500 down, balance easy payments. HAGARS REALTY CO.. 325 RAILWAY EXCH., MAIN 2330. THIS IS A SNAP! $1700 5-rm. old cottage, but modern and Well constructed; on paved sts., nr. 12th and E. Davis sts., walking dlst. ; only $150 cash. G. C. GOLD ENB ERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Yrs. In Portland." Main 4H03. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern Irvington home. rooms, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors; living room 13x24; one block from car. among beautiful homea Owner leaving city. Price $5000. . GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. $3000 9-ROOM modern, corner lot 57x100; pavea streets, garage, close in: terma $2500 5-room modern, 100x100, on Mt, Tabor car. $1850 5-room modern, near Franklin High. A. H. AKERSON, 506 Stock- Exch. Blrlg. HAVE three 5 to 7-r. houses for sale at right prices and terms; my own property. At 314 Cham, of Com. balance this week. Owner. Marshall 2549. For Sale Business Property. GOOD piece property on Front St. at half price. woiiBteln. ii4 f irst. Suburban Homes. FOR SALE 100x1411 with bearing fruit trees and shrubbery, 3-room house with furniture, has elect, lights, clly water and gas; 5-cent' fare So. Pac. or Ore. Electric. AR 584, Oregonian. FOR the best suburban honit-s and acreage uui pi ronwnu come to AlderDrook on Oregon City car, third house north ot Risley station. $1500 $100 CASH, $15 month; 4 rooms. acre ground. H cleared; well, y, mile to Estacada car. Gibson, 266 Stark. Mar shall 12. $1050 OREGON CITY car, 3-room, H acre. native trees, o oiocks evergreen; $400 cash. Gibson. 266 Stark. Marshall 12. NEW 4-rooni plastered house and K acre; easy payments. Main 1643. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. For Sale Acreage. FA KM B A Rii A INS. 80 acres fair bufUiin8. horses, cows, pips, chickens, Implements and tools: $3ou0; terms. :v,i acres, IS miles from Portland, 1 miles from electric station and on good road, good building, stocked and equipped; $.'(500; terms. 10 acres. 2 miles from Oregon City, on graveled road, house and outbuildings, 3 cows, hog and chickens, some implements, $1800; terms. E. A. LIN'DGREN. SAVON IjANP CO.. M:ir X. W. Bank Bldg. ONE acre and 3-room house, in Multnomah Ptauon district, jois oi iruit; a snap at $1200, on easy terms. See Mr. Prentiss, Sunday, at Multnomah Station Real Estate Office, or call at 4U4 Piatt hhig. ONE acre. 600 feet from Multnomah station. a oeuutnui Dunning sue; city water gas and electric lights available; a fine' buy at $1500; U acres close to this selling for $700 euch. See owner at 404 Piatt bldg. ONE-FOURTH acre on the boulevard, with a-room snaca, ai muunoman station, for $S00, on terms. For particulars, call at 404 Piatt bldg. OSWEGO LAKE acre, close to Lake Grove btation, 4.U down and $10 per month. See Mr. Atchison at 404 Piatt bldg. LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water, gooa sou, y iinanie, employment, easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. ACHES, highly improved, cement walks in and paid, .t blocks of car. Price $'.S0O; terms. A 42.'. Oregonian. HOOD H1VEK acreage, IK) acres; make me an orrer. ab oregonian. Homesteads: Kelinquinb meets. RELINQUISHMENT Choice 12M-acre claim. 6 miles front Mnlalla; one of best In land grant; price reasonable. Room 2 Wor cester bldg. For Hale Farma. FOR SALE IMPROVED 1O0-ACRE FARM. 15 miles from Portland on good road, 1 miles from town of Damascus. Rich, productive soil, 65 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture and green timber; 5-room house, barn, wagon shed, milk house, chicken house, vegetable cellar, hoghouse and 80-ton silo with cutter, all completely equipped with up-to-date Im plements, tools, etc. Some livestock can go with the place or not. Life Insurance company holds mortgage for $tiS00; this can remain, loan based on appraised value of $18,0o0. Will sacrifice for $6200 cash or terms. Address AV 157, Oregonian. CHOICE MONTANA RANCH. 6000-acre stock and grain ranch, well Improved, excellent soil, fine spring water, Ideal location for handling either cattle or sheep, joins Government Forest Re serve with pasture permit; near live town and good neighborhood; will stand closet Inspection. Only $15 per acre and terms to suit. Call Grunnell, Main 3517. FINE farms for sale, located in the choic est part of Polk Co.. all in cultivation; one 300 acres, one 175 acres. Party leav ing and wishes to sell at once. Prices are low, terms if desired. Might take some Portland trade In good residence district. AH 30. Oregonian. 6000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc WETKRHAUSER TIMBER COM PANT. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 53 ACRES of land near Tillamook City, en good county road, mostly level, gooa ouna Ings; will sell or trade for acreage with good buildings near Portland. For further particulars phone Main 9463. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; besf soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland. 1408 Yeon bldg., Portland. 1600 80-ACRB farm; 50 cultivated; build ings ana spring; on rt. n. ana toiumuis, $500 down. Owner, Main 6630. SALE or trade, 820 acres of Montana land for small fruit iarm near Ionian a. r . k. Weeks. 2233 E. Pine st. ACRE, bouse, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, well water and pump at door. 6602 62d ave. S. E. FOR SALE 3 acres 1V miles east of Mil waukee; on pavea roaa; nouse, earn, peer ing orchard. Terms. O 376, Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Lot 60x100, Blrrell or Colonial Heights, 23d to 60th. on Sandy blvd. Must be good buy for cash, within 2 blocks te car; will buy direct from owner. AN 384, Oregonian. WANTED To buy or trade a home within walking distance of Jefferson High. BD 483, Oregonian. I WANT a nice home; will pay $1800 to $2500 spot cash. Give location. Address AB 451, Oregonian. I WANT two Rose City Park lots for cash. Must be cheap. Give location, price, sire. Improvements. Stiles. East 6458. 6-ROOM residence from owner; no agents. Give location, best price and terms. C 413, Oregonian. HAVE good land, free and clear, to ex change for lots. Geo. Howard, 314 Cham, of Com. I HAVE $800 cash and 6 good lots; will trade for xair nouse. u .Morgan oiag. WANTED Cheap lot for cash, close in. C Christiansen. 53 fc-ast Davis. 6-room house In Overbrook. not over $3300, easy terms, frenwooq iu. C GOLDENBERG TO SELL YOUR HOME. 21u-14i Abington aag. Main 403.