14 TIIE MOItXING OREGOXIAN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1918. H Ki r WANT E D-M.llt Help W ajrte--S.leme. TWO sood salesmen, city or country. If you are clever you can make $J0 per day; no hot air. lust tell the truth, othera are doln It. XV nx. ilcLeaa, iwi bioc. r-x chance bldff. "V AKTKI) Four live solicitors; top com- miulnn' vnn cjin make some QUlck tnon -y: none but live wires apply; to 11 mornings. Koom -'.. Imperial Hotel. waxted-Two rood salesmen, capable furnishing- bond, city mora. Call A. M.. 402 . ashinston. WANTED ACESTS. WANTED Men not subject to draft, to aid ni auppty the demand for fruit trees and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery, rialem. Oregon. LADV agents wanted to sell useful article every nouitewife needs, sells on sight, big profit. Phone East 3S AGENTS at one. Sell 60o per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bids. HELP WANTED FEMALK. TOUJfO LADIES ' FOR TELEPHONE OPE RATING. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. 19 PER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. APPLY TO TELEPHONIC COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL. SIXTH FLOOR. PARE AND OAK STS. . BETWEEN 1.30 A. M. AND 8;S0 P. M. EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Apply superintendent's office, basement balcony, Jseier A -rana: Company. WANTED EXPERIENCED HAND SEW. KS AND FINISHERS: ALSO PRESS tZHii. EXPERIENCED TUCKERS AND OPERATOKS ON POWER MACHINES. EASTERN NOVELTY llt'li. Co.. Kuua MARKER and sorter, steady employment, good wages. Americas Laundry. 40 East d St. N. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper for ateady Dosltion. must be good penman and willing to start at bottom and work up; state age, married or single, salary expected and give, relerencea. a ow. cregonian. ASST. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER Moderate sa.ary to start, increase 84 days, if competent. 430 Northwestern Bank Bids.. Wednesday. t to 11 or 2 to 4. FIRST-CLASS millinery makers and trim, mere for house: city and out-of-town posi tions: good wages. Muller A Raaa Co. of Oregon. , YOUNG Scandinavian girt for general housework In small famlis, good home. good wages. Inquire Room 23, JOS Burn side. Phone Bdwy lb9. WANTED Combination bookkeeper or woman good in figures, experienced in buying, feeding and dressing poultry. Apply Fry Jk Co., Seattle. SALESWOMAN wanted for butter and cheese counter, one with experience pre ferred. Cooks Dairy Products store in New Central Market. 4th and lamnlll. WANTED Woman as buyer In ladles' ready-to-wear dept., out of town, steady position; chance for advancement. Inquire at 4iJ Plttock Dlock vteaneaaay sure. WANTED AN EXPERTENCEDTYPIST MAKE APPLICATIONS IN WRITING; DO NOT CALL OR PHONE. WOODARD & CLARKE CO. WANTED Machine operators, double and ainele needles, on shirts, overalls, xnacai naws and waterproof clothing. Apply Hlrsch-Wels Mfg. Co.. 205 Surname at. STRONG woman to make herself generally useful In dry-cleaning place; steady work, good pay. Apply Mr. Fraake, V. S. Dry Cleaner. 10 Grand ave. WANTED Young lady to work In office. clerical work; salary $3 a week. Apply 406 Oregonian Bldg., between 2 and 3 o'clock. WANTED Two girls, dining-room work S45 per month and board first month snd $55 and board second month. six- day week. Apply 127 Broadway. CHAMBERMAID wanted, experienced: ref erences required. Hotel Ockley, 10th and Morrison. GIRL wanted to work In grocery store; willing snd active; references required. Muln 4!S. WANTED Business colleite girl to work for room and board and small wages. Main 7457. WANTED Girl about IS years old to go to beach as children s nurse. Call Main 71U1 sfter V A. M. WANTED Housekeeper in widower's home, i child, nice home: no trlflers. AG 452, Oregonian. WA7.TED By father and son. mlddleaged working woman as housekeeper. Address -IIS -d St., Room 2S. Reasonable wages. NEAT girl who can leave city to work In confectionery store. Fare advanced. Ca.il or write room 710. Hotel Carlton. GIRL or youns woman to work In electri cal shop, experience not necessary. 42 Inlon ave. N., East 112. EXPERIENCED millinery saleswoman and maker; answer, giving amount of experi ence. AB 4tJ4. Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer with some experi ence for light office work; small salary to begin. o9 McKay. YOUNG lady for cashier for Saturday ooiy. Apply at 10 A. M., at main office Jones' Market. WANTED Experienced stenographer; must be rapid and accurate and good at figures. Simon s store, 2d and Alder. HOME for elderly lsdy. mostly company. Main 646. room 47, between 10 snd 12 A. M. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Reacue Hnm. 392 East l.th st. N. or phone East 1-3- W ANTED Experienced press women on Isdies plain and fancy dresses. Call at 1224 Sandy blvd. WANTED Girl to wait on table. Apply at Quong Tong cats, ISO litn st. Astoria, or. WANTED First-class housekeeper, capable taking full charge; good wages. Phone before e:3w or after 6. East 7983. WANTED Girl to learn shirt Ironing, two mangle gir'.s and one hand ironer. Yale Laundry. 600 K. Morrison. WANTED Girl to work In randy kitchen. $Kd per month. Ses candy maker, 888 Washington st. TWO girls to carry dishes; salary $50 per month and board. Broadway Haxelwood. GIRLS TO LEARN PRINTING. F. BALTE3 CO. WANTED Bookkeeper for temporary posi tion. Apply 12 First st. STENOGRAPHER. 10O: B. K.. $12.'.: dlcta phone operator. $s5. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. WANTED Good dining-room girl: wages. sjj montn, room ana noara. 261 13ui WANTED Girl to learn beauty culture. 404 Morrison St. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Hotel. West Park and Tamhlll. WAITRESS, atso short-hour glrL 6 to 8 P M. Campbell HIM Hotel. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gageroents. no traveling. Casino Theater. WANTED Experienced governess; ence. AV 3:H. Oregonian. WANTED Cook and second girl on ranch or cook and helper. AV 399. Oregonian. WANTED Operator snd finisher on custom- madepantSj60j4Cr0odnaugh bldg. EXPEIENCED chambermaid. Palace Ho tel. 440 Wash. st. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtslned by calling Main 102. A 2667. 'KITCHEN girl wanted at 303 Hawthorn ave. Phone Tab. 1303. EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Crown Millinery. 3rtO Alder St. GIRL to care for baby. Call at 3 P. M. room 61, Beaver Hotel, 13th and Marshall. WANTED Experienced waltresa Tele phone Bdwy. 8235. or 875 N. 16th St. EXPERIENCED Wssh. milliner wanted. 345 S EXPERIENCED waitress. Call 11:30 A. M. 847 ft Morrison. LADY wante4 in small coffeo house. Fast Alder st. W ANTE D Experienced Front St. egg candler. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; wages. 64 Kth St. good DISHWASHER wanted. Glob Dairy Lunch, r7 Washington st. LADY barber wanted. 120 2d st. WAITRESS wanted. 404 . Mxirrlsoa St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 9 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM COL SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. Wanted Oomestlce. WANTED. Girl to assist in cooking and general housework; good home and no fires to keep up. 243 Cornell road, head of Mar shall St. WANTED Woman for general housework. two adults, one small boy: no washing light cooking. Good wages. Wooulawn 4SI06. WANTED Capable girl for cooking and downstairs work. Io washing, S4U. .fort land Height. Marshall 1S70. OIKL wanted for housework, no washing; afternoons off. Phone evening, Marshall 312a. GIRL for general housework, good wages; references required. 206 Fairfax. Westover. Marshall 32u6. WANTED Girl for housework and cooking where second girl is kept; small family. Inquire 721 Main St.. cor. St. Clair. GIRL or lady for general housework: small family. Call Ml 2d St., between Hall and Lincoln. WOMAN to keep house In country for busi ness woman, light work. AC 400, Orego nian. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home and wages. 1500 Hawthorne. Tabor !. . . WANTED Girl for light housework; must be neat and willing worker. Call at on I 47th st. S. E. WANT woman for general housework. Phon East 2:190. Cor. PJast 10th and hassalo. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking. Main 48H3. Ida Flanders. WANTED Domestic girl for general house work in apartment eroaaway moi. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family, good wages, r.ast eoof. WANTED- Girl or woman not over 40 for light housework in small family. 444 rurx. WOMAN or girl for light housework; home more than wages, vtooaiawn ooou. HFXP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED 1200 hopplckers; make your vacation a paying proposition oy neipin T. A. LlTesley A Co. pick their 650 acres of bops, locatea on the xoiiowing wen known vards: Lakebrook. Holmes. Mur phy and PerciTAl. situated at Salem and Independence; hops very neavy; excel lent camp grounds, stores, butcher shop. restaurant, fine water, free tents, straw and wood; apartment-house at Lakebrook about 18 to 2U dayar picking; win aem 800 pickers August 19th: other spe cial 'rains will leave Portland about bep tember 3, 4 and 6; railroad tickets an arenmmodationa but be secured on an after August 10 at 305 McKay bldg., cor ner 3d and Stark sts. ; will pay So cents per box or $1 per hundred pounds: call early to secure tickets snd accommoda tions, as Oregon has plowed out 15,000 acres of hops and many less picaers are required to harvest toe crop, jeiepuonj number. Alain j4. HOPPICKERS. 140 seres hops, located near Forest Grove, 100 good, clean camp sheds, spring water piped to camping ground; all ac commodations. Including free wood sawed stove length, good store on grounds; sheds are built to accommodate three or more pickers, make up your parties accoraingiy. families ypreferred. Buy your tickets and maks reservations at ruiocK uiucn, 10th and Stark sts., J. W. Seavey Hop Co., phone Broadway 1090, A 5292, ask for Mr. ugiesoy. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK, GOOD PAY. (.mr-ix' 1 cat wuuui aiii,L. OREGON CH I. EXPERIENCED salesman or saleswoman for go-cart and carriage department, state experience ana give reierences. jlv. fit, Oregonian. K.XKRIKNCKD cashier and head book keeper, lady or gentleman, wnolesaie and retail trade: permanent position and good salary. O 445. oregonian. WANTED At once, egg candlers; men or women; steady position ana good ware Apply to The savlnar Co.. 100 Front st. WANTED Men and women for solicitors. California Perfume Co. a to P. Jl.. 103 12th st. EDUCATIONAL. WOMEN TELEGRAPHERS IN DEMAND. Oreat opportunity for women as . tele graph operators, take places of men being drafted for signal corps. Positions psylng a good salary and advancement. Particu lars, write or can ttauway -leiegrapn inst 218 Kallway txen. niag.. Portland PRACTICAL training in gas, electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetytene welding, automobile and tractor operating snd repairing. write for catalogue. be attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. PORTLANDS ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work; heavy demand lor women operators, $ to $80. Fuller's Telegraph School, Panama bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 275 UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7445. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short. Practical Course. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a, set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue. 234 Burnsldc. Bdwy. 173 L OU can get the training necessary for business, together with Spanish at Taylor s Business College. 605 Stock Exchange bldg. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison St. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $5 month. 209 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3893. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trad Ire. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi tions. Main 4835. Fisk Teachers' Agency. SHORTHAND and stenography. EAST BIDS COM'L SCHOOL. 122 Grand ave. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY. Free reglsfn. 911 Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274. FRENCH CLASS. ' 801 Corbett bldg. Main 8386. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ELECTRICIAN, age 33. married; familiar with small D. C. motors, colls, batteries, etc; also low voltage signal and communi cative systems, desires employment at this or similar Una of work. AP 405, Ore gonian. WANTED Position by married man. 46. whose present business Is non-essential and about wiped out. Excellent business and office experience; capable and Intelli gent: best of references. N 611, Oregonian. STEAM engineer with second-class Alberta, Canada, certificate wishes position on Pa cific Coast, is unfit for military service; state salary and service required. F. Mead. 1031 17th ave. E., Calgary, Canada. I DESIRE position, as follows: Topograph! cal mapping level-man. compass-man. plain-table man or chauffeur in prlvat lamny. j. At. wnitesiaes, gen. del. ALL.-KOO.NU job and newspaper man; one year aa linotype machinist-operator: ore fer suburban or nearby country proposition. a aa ress uox i juen ts. or. SALES manager, knowledge of advertising and good circular letter writer, originator or ideas, executive, wants connection where results count. X 473, Oregonian. YOUNG man under draft age would lik steady position as stock clerk in whole sale house, or clerk in cigar store, or any gooa paying joo. isoor 90s. JAPANESE boy wants position, anv kind steady Job; good experience. AP 406, Ore gonian. WINDOW trimmer and card writer with 6 years experience; can xurnisn. Al refer ences. 41, oregonian. MAN, 13 years' constructing and surveying experience uciirci youuoa. aw 4b f. ore gonian. MAN wants Job as dishwasher or watch man. 1065 J. 12th st. N. Alberta. Jor dan River. PIANIST, competent, wants position; have naa orcnestrs. experience, o aj. orego nian. GROCERY clerk 5 years experience, wishes position. Kcott vetor. St. Charles Hotel. EMMETT LEISURE, shlngler; old work a specialty; worn guaranteed. Main 9054. COLORED man wants work is janitor. Ad- a ress i. m. neatly, zeu look ave. ALL kinds of roof work and repairing done. Main DENTIST of experience open for position or snare uca, .adores v 350, OrsgoAiaa SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GOOD salesman, not afraid of work, wants to connect wun Portland rirm wltn a view I to permanency, where faithfulness and perseverance will receive due recognition: age 40. married, with family and recently arrived In Portland to reside. Telephone Main COLORED chef, all-around cook, wants po sition, rnone c 2240. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. HIGH-GRADS man, 34. married, university KTaauace, o years' Danktng and mortgage loan experience, wide general business ex perience, executive ability, capable taking entire charge office or department, desires position witn concern offering good fu ture, mnjoy nard work. Five years with juke employer, .nest reierences. Oregonian. D 490, BOOKKEEPER wants position; 12 years' experience; age 32. AC 441, oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALK. WELL educated young woman of tact and ability, desires position where steadiness ana capaoie management would be ap preciated; Good rapid writer. G 428, Ore gonian. WOMAN, with boy 10 years old, thoroughly competent to cook for large crew of men. wants steaay position in camp or hotel, out of city preferred. Address H 415, oregonian. WILL care for children while parents are away evenings or afternoons, capable with the sick, companionable to the old; refer- I ences. Mar. d-ltf. WANT position assistant In dentist's or doc tors office, accustomed to dealing with I public; lady of refinement. X 454. Ore gonian. NURSERY governess, middle-aged lady of reunement ana eaucatlon, desires position; teacnes music ana UTenca. Airs, ftyland. x. w v.. a., or .Main i i tj. A-i- i . goou traveler, wouia like to ac- comDanv invano or -. h it H - nHA for part expenses to New York.. N S08,' Oregonian. WOMAN employed will care for children eveninga. mon, jtsroaaway o328. o to 7 YOUNG lady would like outside work, such as collecting. distributing circulars nr puis; no canvassing, ti 432. Oregonian. WANTED Apartments In exchange for few hours' work, by married woman. P 818. vrrieonian. EXPERIENCED millinery saleswoman and maker; answer, giving amount of experl- an see, oregonian. LACE curtains And rfranr1. h&n laundered; called for and delivered by ax- I 1 " ' ia ami o 1 m. ASSISTANT In dentist's or doctor's office. accustomed to dealing with public; lady icmiciiieiiL v nop, oregonian. LADY. experienced in plumbing and hard- ware. wants work: will run ..oiin. pump. East 6340. EFFICIENT stenographer and B. K., 6 yrs. with on firm; best references. Main 2817. YOUNG Finn girl wants good place to work. .-.I CIBUIUII St. EXPERIENCED woman wants janltoresa work In office building. Broadway 2397. WOMAN, acquainted with the city, wants TWO girls wish work on elevator. Sellwood 1814. Phone VERY experienced woman wants all-round uay .om. expert laundress. East 1981 EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work. Good COOk. $40. AH. Orn.nnl.n' WOMAN wants light housework. AH 404, vicgiinian. EXPERIENCED assistant bookkeeper de- 1 ' " fai'i"n. vy r oregonian. MENDING and care of children; Ironing. GIKL. wants waahinr and Ironing, full days. W.?c by tna hour 35 cent an hour. Tabor 1XPER1EXCED steno&rranhor H.,ra r sltion. Phone Tabor 772. Moderate salary. LADY wants day work. Main 0132. Bookkeepers. Stenograph ere. Office. tloTno.fVi'ce """IJiT"' Mt" 9SCah,'C8 p.rooma swer phone in r rocerv or marVst t.v. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi- -ri aiici Auguai s.u, iaw oiiice preferred; wii Bu.iu.ry e-specieo. j ::u, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER will work 2 hours even ings; ajso fc-at. afternoons. Can take dic- mnun Qireci xo macnine. Main 674. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires Dosi- o"u reierences; moderate wages. a ijuiio iuaiDiiiill OillO. A iN rtA f tij work wanted, 8 months' cApenencBj give pnone number. L 350, WANTED A position as a stenographer, be- fenii.c.. Ar wo, oregonian. Dressmakers. SEWING by day, suits and gowns. Fittings I " n. urggonian. DRESSMAKER, thoroughly reliable, reason- rnune it. a si ooo. DRESSMAKING wanted; children and misses EXPERIENCED nurse wishes enffam-nt. Domestics. COMPETENT middle-aged woman want. cicmi uouseworic; good cook. A 440 Oregonian. w I tJnamber or kitchen work in """'"8 "wuw, can COOK. Main 6S23. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED A tent hoimn or mmm i ni.A. nl inH , a 'B'as: rent for re- 1, " " ",uou Auurcsi in to Ore-1 FREE RENTAL BUREAU. , COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency snd scarcity I vumi8 tviiiiinuB,uouB, -we request very patriotic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mail information of same to Columbia R. S. B. Corp.. box 1202, Portland Or. HELP SHIPBUILDING. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. Yon can serve your country by helping shipbuilders locate. List your vacancies, furnlshedf-tor unfur nished houses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England. Msli. WANTED by adults, 4 or 5-room modern xurnlsnea house. East Side, desirable neighborhood; references furnished. Phone feast vi L. EIGHT, nine or ten-room modern furnished nouse, centrally located. Phone Main tti.Mj or call 2d floor Yeon bldg., between 8:30 and 5. WANTED to rent, small furnished or partly xumisnea nouse on gooa car service or Lnterurban; not over $20. Main 6535, Mrs. Fen wick. WANTED About August 22, 3 or 4 -room turn is tied cottage with gas range, electric lights. East Side, within mile Albina B, B, shops. C 400, Oregonian. WANT to buy modern bungalow, not less man o rooms, narawooa rioors, fun base ment; not to exceed $3500; must be a bargain and close in. East 7842. WANTED to rent houssi or bungalow for family of three adults, employed during day; reasonable rent and not too far out. H 435. Oregonian. WANT a small, modern house or bungalow before Sept. 1; will pay $30 to $35 a mo. Call East 4508. WANTED 5-room house, near Sunnyside carllne. Sept. 1; references. Broadway 2876. WANTED 6-room furnished house. Call Mrs. Wells, Main 8700. bet. 8:30 and 5. Email house or apt. before Sept. 1st. Haw thorne or Sunnyside preferred. Tabor 179 WANTED Furnished apt,, flat or cottage with piano. Tabor 7010. WANTED Furnished modern flat or house. 3 adults. Phone East 6269. WANTED To rent Main 3517. a fur. house or apt. Apartments. WANTED by 3 adults, 3 or 4-room modern furnished flat before Sept. 1; permanent. Tabor 2111. UNFURNISHED 4 or 5-room apartment, in good location. Call East 3955. Dr. Hlrstel. 4 TO 6-room apt., unfurnished, dose In, Tel. Main 2841. Rooms. REFINED lady with 2 children wishes 2 or more furnished or partly furnished rooms, not too far from school. Call Sellwood 3632. WANTED By married couple, no children, one room and kitchenette, close to St. Johns line. Broadway 8822. WANTED By Sept. 1, 8 or 4 furnished rooms or furnished home. G 446, Orego nian. Rooms WiUi Board. WANTED Room and board in private fam ily; Irvlngton preferred. BD 487. Crego cuan . WANTED TO RENT. I Rooms With Board. BUSINESS woman with little girls 8 and 2 years old desires board, ML Tabor dis trict; will pay 75, permanent. AC 4 US, vnagoqittn. BOARD and room. In private home, by re fined young married couple; both em- pioea; reierences exenanged. iv 402, Ore gonian. FOR BENT. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East MorriEon and East Sixth. Hotel Clofford is the principal East Side xiotei ana is a notei or aisrnitv una re- I flnement. Dally rates. SI up; two in room I $1.50; weekly rates, J4.50 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE, Alder St., Corner lltb. New management. Thoroughly reno vated: handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. I BUSHMARK HOTEL, 505 Washington. Mod . . uuma, e TV ct II up. Furnished Booms. NORTONIA HOTEL Portland's downtonn. nign-ciass tamiiy notei; rooms en suite or! single, with or without hoard, for families I ana ousiness men and women. We give I you an the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th St.. at Waahlnetnn. Rates $4 per week up, 75c day. Fire- proot, large, attractive, spotless rooms, l close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. I NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Right in center of Portland's activities- Prices astonishingly low. Let us show you I our accommodations ana quote rates. STANDISH HOTEL. S4S4 Washlnaton St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cooi, comfortable rooms, modern, - per weea up. rree pnones ana oaths. I MAKE the Bushmark your home. Large light rooms. $2.50 week ud. Brick bldg.. running water; close in. Otfo Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at 10th. Rates 10c per day up; weekly $3.50 up; running water; free pnone ana oaths. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the .ast bide; modern, convenient, high qt.allty, low price. East 3d and Burnside. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rms.. 10 minutes walk from business center. 60 N. 15th St. 3JODERN busement room for respectable working man, $2.50 week. Hotel Baker, 25Vj Fifth St., opposite City Hall. THE WEAVER, 710 Wash. St.. Marshall 5170. Residential hotel, private bath and pnon in every room. Jrteierences. ADENA HOTEL In heart of shopping dis trict; all modern conveniences. 14 OFax- , .r-i.- ui-ci .,. .,. ... ,, : I -wu.w location respectable and strictly modem; it; rooms large, clean. steam heat BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. All outside rooms, cool, cieaa and airy; rates 3 ana up a week. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th St. Strictly moaern. private baths cn suite; room $3 up. jiain Mia, A ea. HOTEL TAIT. Newly renovated, large, airy rooms, $3.50 ana up. inn ana stark sts. HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone. $20 mo. up; without bath. $15 up. 733 Washington. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED rooms in private family, eass warning distance irom heart of city, lust ; two blocks from Washington St., nice reiti- aence district, inquire at 63 Ella st. WEST SIDE, 5 minutes' walk from Post U trice, room In modern flat. Rood loca tion, bath, adjoining, to lady employed. o3 titn si. CONGENIAL young man wanted to share VSL Pi-men Address A. A. Rogers, JJH IV. l.tn st. LARGE front room in private flat: all con- veniences. West Side. Uentieman pre' ferreu. Marshall 253ti. ROOM for gentleman, refined home, . $U mo.; home comforts. P 30, Oregonian. CLEAN room for man employed; electric iignts. running water. 3i2 tun st. walking distance. Main 3S93, AN attractive front room ia Irvington home. suitable lor gentleman, .bast U72t;. NICELY furnished front room, close in. East 0277. FURNISHED room, rear Broadway bridge. ;tit unerry. n-ast LARGE, neatly furnished bedroom; walking aistance; i. to per wk. otn. Unfurnished Koom a. INSIDE room for rent, large, convenient. Call room IS at I5 4th at. Booms With Board. CAMPBELL RESIDENCE HOTELS. The CantDbell. 23d and Hoyt. Mar. 8S1. The Campbell Hill, 741 Wash.. Main 7584. 1 person, $45 a month and up. 2 persons. $80 a month and up. Elevators, phones in all rooms; many rooms with private oaths. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. S80 Tenth St. For business girls and stu dents. ItMonjibUrateSj&larshan PARKVIEW Family hotel, 886 Montgomery St.. in South Partway: walking distance: excellent taole; reasonable rates. M. 3783. ROOM and board for business girls; all I modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4782. 12 E. 7th bl 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. choice rooms and I board; modern conveniences; . walking dis tance. PRIVATE home for children from 3 to 12 I years, 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162. A - l ROOM AND BOARD. 5S8 Delay st Wood lawn 555. THE MANITOU, 261 13th Pleasant rooms. double or single, with good board Booms With Board in Private Families. LARGE front room with sleeping porch. If desired, for one or two people, employed. East 5715. ROOM, with or without board; 1 block from park. Mi block from car; private rami ly ; nomeiiKe. rnonc Main 4L'i. GENTLEMAN can have room and board In private family. 808 Third St., apt. C. ROOM and good board. 629 E. Ankeny. East L'tiati. A PLEASANT, clean room for a gentleman.) 307 11th. flat C. Main 2655. SUNNY room, suitable for two gentlemen; poarn ir fiesirn. 147 in . i ?tn bt. h urn U tied Apartment. VILLA ST. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Faclfle Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection, Walking distance. References. - I WANTED A young lady employed to share apts., with another lady employed; rezer ences exchanged. Bdy. 4069. apt 28. TWO 3-room furnished apts., 2 unfurnished. 501 Raleigh bldg., 3274 Washington. MILL APTS. ; one room and kitchenette, I walking distance; adults. 629 Mill. CARLOTTA COURT. Cnfurnlshed Apartments. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment ; brick building; steam heat; $25, including private telephone. Waverly Court. E. 26th j and Clinton sts. 705 DAVIS STREET. Seven -room duplex apartment in fire proof bldg., mahogany woodwork, fire place, 3 bedrooms and maid s room. KINGSBURY APTS., 188 Vista ave., 23d and Washington; very desirable 3 and 4-room with outside balcony, zurnished ana un furnished. BRUCE APARTMENTS, 25th and Northrup; 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors; modern. Main 4a. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, o and o-room. reasonaoie. main 7010. WEIST APARTMENTS, 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private porch. FIIHN'ITTTRR for aa.le: 5-room flat for rnt: this is good. 250 isartliia St., near Chapman and Madison. FLAT to rent; new furniture for sale. 461 ft 6th st. South. Furnished Flats. MODERN 4 rooms, downstairs; private bath, sleeping porch: East Side, walking distance. Adults. $20. 152 E. 20th, cor ner Belmont, senwooa bti. NICELY furnished 4-room flat, $40. 6th st. Marshall 1582. 355 Housekeeping Booms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; walking I A distance, furnished for housekeeping; In cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 month up. Take "S" or 16th-st. car North, get off at Marshall st. Broadway 5038. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Complete lurnisnea nouse Keeping rooms; modern; close in; reasonable. 565 Washington at. 1 SINGLE housekeeping room and base ment room; also one sleeping-room. 633 Morrison. 1, 2 AND 3-room, light, clean- housekeep ing apartments, uawtnorne ave., tnira noor. 2 SMALL H. K. rooms, furnished, for rent. 27 .Knott st. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. COSY front housekeeping room, $14 month; I 2 waucins; distance o. .waanjagtoa k I FOB KENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO furnished rooms on basement floor with electric lights and gas furnished, rnone Muln Y304. FURNISHED, heat, lifiiu, phone and cook ing gas. -si'itn nice rooms, xucneueitu. Phone East 7897. ONE or 2 rooms with a kitchenette. 2 blks. from Morrison st. and Grand ave., in pri vate family. 154 Grand ave. East 370. 1 SUITE housekeeping rooms and 1 large single H. K room, all large, pleasant. clean and airy. Broadway 2Uo'J. LIGHT housekeeping rooms to rent, newly rurnisnea. 7ao Everett st. CLEAN, pleasant room, suitable for light Housekeeping; employed people, zoz A LOWER floor. furntsaed; yard, porch. 102 E. 18th St. FURNISHED H. K. rooms; adults. Tabor 3082. TUTPIT-RPI A- rBANrTS RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, EIGHTH FLOOR. Here you have choice of the combined lists of all desirable vacant houses, apart ments and flats in the city, with detinue, reliable information nertalnina to each. Records are kept up to date, new listings being added each day. There is absolutely no obligation or charge for this service. It Is maintained solely as an aocommodatlon to the puoiic Newcomers In Portland will find this bureau of great help in getting properly locatea quickly. FOR RENT S30 PER MONTH. Modern 7-room bungalow, half block irom Alberta canine on East 10th St. North; large lot and a double garage. In quire 1092 i Hawthorne. Dr. Onstad, of fice No. Tabor 444. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 5S0. A 674T. FOR RENT 7-room cottaire in s-ood repair; .-iose in on mast siae. Two canines, item, Including water, $27.50. Apply 697 E. 11th. MODERN Willamette Heights home; six rooms; sao. Marshall 3915. MODERN 5-room house, light, phone and I water inciuaea. can . wooaiawn .uit. MODERN 6-room house, furnace heat. 371 I ivnott St., corner union ave. 1 I-KUUa house, $20. 884 Warren St.. corner Twentieth. Portsmouth. 5-ROOM house. $18. 718 E. Morrison. Furnished Houses. ELEGANT 9-room horn in Irvlngton, 5 bedrooms and 2 baths, piano, vlctrola and large garage. Adults only. $100 per montn. 6-room house, modern, nicely furnished; piano. On Council Crest carllne; $40 per ui.u ii, i-iuviu .riiii eiaciuuB on Northrup, near 25th; $40. Adults only, lui TM suumuai v f iiwva viu0 4" 861T. BITSlVirsil wrs,mnn wlf stf im. ftfflc.r nnw in France. exDects to rent and xurnlsn suburban home, would like to communi - i," r. ',",, ""r:7 . , . nXltr inuuii.ui. icijui.uuii auu wiim oi.uuatn, fond of suburban life, to live with her and share expenses. For further particulars Address P. o. box ST, Portland. I ROOMING house, 9 rooms, completely fur: nished, attic, full cement basement, good furnace front and rear lawn. Excellent opportunity for housekeeping apartments, jine-l. nr nii.ttv Nnh Hill district: fin est location in Portland; 12 minutes' walk to Fostoffice: W car. .trice o: Flanders at. tTsTTVPTT. PREST. A.rAnm f urn i ahnri hmiKA. well furnished. including Vlctrola. piano, and Oriental nm and full auDolv of linen and silver ware : also crarase In connection. Rent $35. Call early A. M.. R6 N. 3d st. STRICTLT modern furnished D-roora house, 1 wrh niann: will rent: erone to war; move in at once; $30. 1801 East Everett, labor Stores. STORE for rent. Williams and Bi location, transfer point; $25. Broadway. Inquire I 3604 Williams ave.. Tabor OJCL Offices. I OFFICES, storeroom, and halls; also room. suitable for light manufacturing; offlcs building accommodation; rent reasonaoie. Sweeney Investment Co.. 815 Dekum bldg. 8d and Washington. DESK space to rent. use of phone. 506 j McKay Diog. 501 RALEIGH BLDG., offices for rent. 6th and w asnington. .Main om a. 501 RALEIGH BLDG. Offices: best loca- I tlon; rent reasonaoie. otn ana vv asn. Miscellaneous. NEW portable garage, 624 Clinton st. Phone Sellwood 2iss BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THR demand for mechanic's hand soap on the Pacific Coast is immense. we are j manufacturing a soap which has proven! far Buoerior to others. We need an as sistant for marketing the product. If I vou are able to take financial and per sonal interest in the proposition, please I write us. H 436. Oregonian. CASH GROCERY. I am going to enter Uncle Sam's serv ice and will sell my grocery business.. Selling $3000 per month, all cash, with no ; free delivery, will take about $3500 to handle. See owner at store, 538 Union ave. North. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of anv kind, anvwhere. see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles, RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 208-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. WHEN WANTING " to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and stark sts. DRAFTED Must sell new and second-hand store, doing good cash business; will take light car as part payment; must be in : good shape. Address E. L. Irish. P. O. i pox 458. Kelso, Wash. LADIES' TAILORING establishment in heart of business district, complete equip ment and stock of staple materials; must sell at once on account of illness. 209 Central bldg., 2d floor. RESTAURANT. One of the best money-makers in Port land, doing an average daily business of $200. Price S2.JO0 cash; no lake. Owner, AC 451. Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in estaoiLsned real estate ousiness. get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. OLD-ESTABLISHED transfer corner, by owner, light lunch, cigars, tobacco and rnnfpf tlnnerv : other buslnesH cause of sale; look this place over; a bargain. 360 Union ave., corner Broadway. FOR SALE $3000 takes steam laundry in good town of 2000 and growing; reason for selling, too much work and not enough help; investigate tnis. Aaaress av j.u, Oregonian. AUTO garage, fully equipped shop, good lAflft full of stora-ee: clears $400 to $oK) I r mo-nth; $1300 cash required. Call room 403 I Dekum bldg. I FOR SALE Cold storage and ice business in good Eastern Oregon town, doing gooa i business; will make terms to responsible party. AV 151, Oregonian. FOR SALE White House Restaurant at Forest Grove, doing good business. The onlv restaurant in town; part cash, bal- tmm Phn. OHO TTorfit Grov ttor RALE Old-established transfer an forwarding Dusiness; owner compenea " retire on account of sickness. For particu lars and terms apply at ax zd st. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks and tobacco store. Good location, gooa ousiness ana clean store. 807 First st. Proprietor en terlng a war industry. rit.atitY narlors. must be sold Immediately. stock and improvement, inc.uuing oaroer chair, vtorator, etc., togetner or separately. 406 Broadway rtidg. KYPERT mlnintr encineer wants to get In touch with sound mining concern: Knows the best copper and iron claims in B. C. f... JAPAN B8JS agent ior selling or ouying no- tia Hnd rpHtaurantn and land. Insho Takemusa, 92 N. 5th st, Portland. Phone A 1539. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sale at bargain. W. Butler, Skamania, Wash. FOR SALE By owner, restaurant in whole sale district doing uveiy Dusiness; cash. 154 N. 14th st. $12 PER DAY for man with small means. Apply west oiae r uei 00 auia ana Glisan sts. CASH store business on Yamhill st. for $800; can make large profits. Call room u3 pemim mag. GROCERY STORE, doing good business, liv ing rooms in rear; viuuu will nandie. Call East 456L BMALL grocery and confectionery, in good location ror sale; doing gooa onsiness Owner, 1090 Albina, on Mississippi car. GROCERY STORE, doing good business. living rooms in rear; fiouu win handle. Call East 4561. FOR SALE or trade, good millinery store; also hemstitching and button machine; fine location. 519 Williams ave. East 3440. WILL sell our cigar store, soft drink par lor and comectionery store, zo jviorrison st. Price $750; good reason for selling. - CHAIR ' barber shop for sale; price $375. or, Jt-erna .write xlcx vj oievn.suaa. .rvaea. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. I TENTS AND AWNINGS. One of the oldest and best-established businesses of this kind in the Northwest, clearing about SN00 per month; good loca tion on West Side, brick building, lease at $100 per month. Will trade for city prop erty or farm. Price 18000. terms. SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. General woodworking plant, located In good town on Coast where a large amount of shipbuilding is going on; running full capacity at all times, doing $40,000 to $o0,000 business per year. Good reasons for selling. Would consider some trade or will sell. Price $7200, terms. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. Located at small station near Portland in Tualatin Valley, business well estab lished with good opportunity for increase: frame building, rent $20, lease for two years; price $2400. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles, RITTER. LOWE A- CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. - I I I BUSINESS CHANCES. Responsible purtles to take over busi ness of well-known and established farm tractor. This is a going business, con sidered essential and productive by Gov ernment. Territory covers Oregon, Cali fornia, Utah and Southern Idaho. Ten late model tractors bought before last advance on hand, also stock of spare parts; $1000 will handle on contract or $7000 will buy outright. Good opening for live wire. Present owner occupied by shipyard work. AG 86, Oregonian. JEWELRY AND OPTICIAN, SPECIALLY GOOD OPENING (HIGH-CLASS NEW FIXTURES). "GREAT SACRIFICE." ABOUT HALF VALUE. WILL CONSIDER PARTNER (OPTICAS' OR BENCH MAN). $1000 WILL HANDLE (SALE OR PARTNERSHIP). GOOD ESTABLISHED REPAIR TRADE. (REFERENCE). ADDRESS OWNER, V 470, CARE OREGONIAN. EXCHANGE, CASH AND MORTGAGE. Two-story apartment building. com pletely furnished; present Income $230 per month; no expenses except taxes, in surance, water, phone. Price S17.500. Will accept good home $5000, balance cash and mortgage. EPTON & McCLELLAN. 512 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2941. $1000 WILL buy one of the best cash gro cery stores in Portland; a fine corner, do ing about $75 to $80 cash business per aay. line stock: tt can t be beat lor good location and money-maker. The owner is forced to sell on account of sick ness, c. J. Culllson Co., 205 ft Morrison EXCEPTIONAL opportunity, the best-pay- i ing grocery ousiness In Klamath Falls, dolng about $14,000 per month; first-class staple goods, best location, good Droflts. lnnfir l.ll.a nn htilliilno- aH, Clmm ... .. . . .' . .' . etocK ; win seu at invoice price; about 1 e-vw wuim of fixtures for $800. 1 L. Jacobs. IHAVE opening for handy man in auto ga- rage; can clear $200 month; only $500 re quired, luom 403 Dekum bldg. A GOOD real estate rustler wants a partner wun an auto ana some money. At bot. oregonian. I WOOD business; will sell cheap; have a good truck; plenty wood and making money, oau room 4U3 ueKum blag. Business Opportunities Man ted. WANTED To lease, with privilege of pur- ; cnase, gooa weeKiy newspaper in live town In Western Oregon, Washington or California; 25 years' experience; best ref erences. Jbock iox luti, oakesdaie, wash. WANTED TO BUY Complete insurance lists. Including busi ness ana agencies. au correspondence confidential. T 848, Oregonian. Hotels and Room Ing -Ho uses. WEST SIDE. 39 rooms, close in on West Side, fli proof building, good lease at $150 per month ; nice furniture and clean. Price $4000, some terms. 38 ROOMS. Some H. K. apartments, located near City Hall, frame building, rent $100; can get lease ; clears $200 per month ; price 9-uuu, fiauu casn, oaiance easy. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 501 RALEIGH BLDG. If you want to clear $50,UOO in the next 4 years, come in and see me. i nave me best nroDositlon in Portland for hotel : modern brick building, in heart of city. good lease; will stand Inspection. A I proposition you get once in a lifetime, 327 Washington. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of any kind, anvwhere. see H. M. Nlles. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE CO., 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. 42-ROOM apartment-house, clearing over j s 'ihi month. friPB si; . nan casn Nifty little apartment-house, clearing $100 montn, besides tine nome ior yourseu, $2650; $1500 cash. See Ott. G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber or commerce. A GOOD hotel, clearing $200 per month near shipyards, 3 large lumber mills, on association, box factories and woodyards; hotel alwavs filled: cheao rents: long leaso. Terms. Will stand investigation. From owner only. AV 278, Oregonian. S5-ROOM modern brick. fine location. strictly modern; rent soo, lease; ciears over $350 mo.; rooms and z-room apts.; best buy in city; $4500; nicely furnished. H. W. GARLAND, 188 3d St. " WANT SMALL HOTEL. Have $1500 cash, will pay up to $3000; must be modern building. PHONE MAIN 4543. " MARY E. LENT. HOTEL A APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR best bargain in rooming or apartment- I houjes see memoers ox tne iteaity .Hoard, Yates Realty Co.. 24 4tn st. WANTED Rooming house. 12 to 25 rooms; pay cash. Main tfobs. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars or the .Portland Kanway, i-.ignt Power Co.. A u trust 12. 1918: 5 purses, 1 glasses case, 1 knife, 1 pair glasses, I pin, l part dook ticKets, l jaoot, 1 pair gloves, 1 wheel, 1 suitcase, 12 lunch boxes, 1 sweater, 1 jumper 1 fishing rod. 1 rain coat, 8 packages, 1 sack tools, 1 traveling bag, 1 umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder-sts. station. SILK-FLOSS poodle, answering to name of Flip: has collar with name C. F. Berg, 1124 Franklin St.; strayed from this ad dress on Willamette Heights. Finder please phone C. F. Berg, Main 400, and be rewarded. rwr Ano-not- i ron.nnH.wliltA rhni,; pi EOia letters C. S. on face. H. P. In back. Reward If returned to Washington Hotel. 12th and Washington stB. lost Sunday night at Hippodrome, small blank nurse, containing ring with Stona; valued as a gift. Liberal reward. East I 7552. I T 0T Tup-rfav nitrht LO? LMBday nignt lady's black purse. mall change, on 5th st. I Pula"leu ' . " Return to working woman 544 Glisan st. Broadway 148. Reward. LoST In Bstacada park. Sunday, oval shaped agate breastpin, valued as keep sake, newara. rnone wiiwauKin ai. LOST Brown purse between 2d and Ash and- E. 2d ana .Morrison, xteturn to. ure- gonian. LOST Pin cluster of 4-leaf clovers; heir loom. Reward. Return to Nortonia Ho tel, 11th. off Washington. LOST Child's gold bracelet, engraved on In side, "Xmas, 14." Finder please call Tabor 6282. LOST Black handbag, with amount of money, on 2d and Alder; liberal reward. Call Tabor 3587, or 873 E. 41st Bt. T.QST Boston terrier dog. weighs 18 lbs. Name Bindo; reward. Call Mansfield. Marshall 4600, or Broadway 202 REWARD for return of black male kitten, part Angora; lost Sunday; fur tinged with brown. Phone Tabor 5012. LOST 1 brown leather grip on Willamette boulevard, St. Johns. Call Woodlawn 1233. LOST Lady's plain silver wrist watch; El gin movement; reward. Main 3408. LOST Purse, containing $210. Saturday; $50 liberty bond receipt, newara at uregonian. SPECTAX NOTICES. Miscellaneous. TO F. W. BLENKINSOP or his descendants. If Frederick William Blenkinsop (last I heard of in Alaska) or his descendants will communicate with the trustees of the will of his uncle, the late BENJAMIN BLEN KINSOP. formerly of KEN LEY, SURREY, ENGLAND, they will hear of something to their advantage. Communications to Messrs. Winter and Plowman. Solicitors. 26 Bastnghall street, London, England. MY wife having left my bed and board without my consent, I will not be respon sible for debts she may contract. .August 13. 1918. Chas. Vogel. THE C. F. Mfg. Co. will not be responsible for any bills contracted by Mr. Morris SU yacmaa. aXut jUiis aate, -0KLS FINANCIAL. wriRTilAfiR LOANS - on real estate security; any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm prop- THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 205 Corbett bldg. M. 8915. A SMS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASH FOR ANY AMOUNT. ELWOOD WILES CO.. 211 United Stales Nstional Bunk Bldg. Open Saturday evening until 9 I. M. kl'iui nun Tn HUM In nnu to suit: building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 215-21 Failing blilg. Phone Main 840i. ricu tnR MRHMTT BONDS. Will buy any amount; open until 8:J0 f. M. dally. 274 stark st. U. S. LILtEKTY BONDS. Will pay cash. :.:.: Plttork Work. LOANS, notes, contracts. miss, purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main oaa. Money to Loan on Real Kslata. OUR Installment plan Is the best snd surest metnoa or. paying a loan. $32.20 per month for 30 months, or $21.24 per month for 69 months, or $15.17 for US months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts In proporitlon. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IK DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Msc-MASr-ER. 831 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. , PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In easy Installments with 10 years' time to repay; fully protected by lifu Insur ance under the home purchano plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. strong. Equitable office, oregonian bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BiRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at low- est interest rates, liberal nreuavment ttriv. lieges; no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 631 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM & CITY PROPERTY, cr4. 7- UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., 23 floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond Issues, esps daily In large amounts. 6ft per cent up. WILL lend $10,000 or any part on Im proved portlana property; prefer amounts of $1000 to $3000. W. B. Roberson. 603 Title & Trust bldg. I koii eiftnn a X.-T. ......... ...4 1 . ... . I vw"v eww uvi.u uu luipiuvea real estate, favorable terms; no delay: na brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spaiding bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate security t going rate of Interest. Otto & llarkioa Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. lo00 TO LOAN at 77c on Portland real ef- tate security ; submit your wants to my attorney at 404 Piatt bldg. I 300, $400, $500, $750, $10 U0 ana up at low est rates, quick actlou. Fred W. German Co., 732 Ch. of Com. Main C445, LOANS made on improved city and farm property, avi u. a. Aut 1 Hank bitlg. MONEY; to loan on farm and improved city property. tL. K. Baxter, 704 SpaUiing bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 AND 7 PER CENT. IQUlri SALOMON & CO.. 408 Selling bldg. $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. NO COMMli- blUW. f. O. BOX 878. S500 TO $2500 without commission: Imnrov.l real estate. Main 375J, Tabor 341)2. SEE US today; loans any amount, 6-7. LdLiiAita-jsiuKTu.-s cu., 725 Oasco bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per f cent up. g. j ucits. 4u Cham, of Com. Money to Loan Chattels and tSalarirs. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MQSKY. SEE US 6ALARIES. CHATTELS, Loans made to persons on salary of fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty ; legal rates. Business confidential, private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.! 306-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished oy fontanel business men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herrman. mgr., 394 Stark su Money loaned on diamonds, jewelry. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. 84 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; an articles neia l year; established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED $5000 on property paying better i nun s.juuu income, ueslion & Hawk, 615 Cham, of Com. bidg. VVE can loan your money on improved property. 301 U. S. Nat' I Bank bldg. $20u0 TO loan by private party; no com mission; win aiviae. Koom 32. 1654 4th. WANT $6000, 6-7 per cent, on good city property. BD 464, Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PJbUOM. 20-inch wavy switch, 2 sep ..$1.50 24 -Inch wavy switch, 3 ecp l.tn All-around transformation 1.45 Hairdressing, shampooing, face mrissaxc. hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair ie moved by electric nedle, switch made of combings, 95c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington, aiaranaii I7b2. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a scientiiic massage reuuees high Diood pressure and softens the arteries. Iron side Institute, 327-8-9 Pittock block. Nurse attendants. Phone Broaway 312. Open 9 to 7. Sundays by appointment. MISS RAGNHILD JOHANSSON, mausuiie and medical gymnastic. graduate or Sweden; trained nurse; hours by appoint ment at your home; ladies only. Phone Marshall 3056. BEST steam bath, massage, vibration, elec- trio and chiropractic in city. Dr. Mar garet Haynie, 517 Swetland bldg. Main 1765. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR, 23 5th st., cor. Main, teaches palmistry .and card reading; also lessons in science of health and success. $1 WILL get both your feet fixed up good hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Glooe Theater bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2N24. SOPHIA M. SE1P. mental. eplrUual psycho mtriHL Readings dally. Circles Tues.. Frt ft P. M. 505 Goodnough bldg. Mardh. 2503. pkhvkt j& HAXEBUT. leadintr wjk and toupe makers, finest stock human hair goods; hairdressing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. LIBERTY Pile Remedy is guaranteed or money refunded. No matter how long af flicted, can at -10 ptoca 11, . 1.111114,0 aaiu. or write Lock Box 441. PROF. SMI DT, 212 Swetland bldg. Muln 11H1. .Mineral aieain u;iuis, iumb nuu blood circulating matisago, scientiiic mas sage by one understanding tne uooy. " " LADIES ONLY. -nviHv and bunt development and cabinet baths for rheumatism and reduction of flesh. 4h7 W. Park. . SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch s multiple neeuie iiieinnu, muuiscn by physicians. 504 Swetland bldg. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORL teacher Truth Keauing, nuny cn cit-, oum. iiuu a 11 ui a.. 8 P. M. 406 Jpfferson. A 3812. FURS. New orders ami remodeling. The Fur Shop, 606 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. RHEUMATISM, constipation. nerve and Btoniac-n irouoics curen. wiuuui ai. Etna Sorensen, 508 Panama bidg. I ItilSSES DANIiJLS AND BRIGGS. manl curing, electrolysis, taciai anu imp i.rci- menu B2Z g ueaner cms- Divnmj GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours u to o or ny upyuiuiwou a uwu Main 1049. flat C. 308 3d. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed ly JLU-neeaie memuu, umi vai a- m ley, 614 Eilers bldg. Main 6368. MRS. STEVENS. 2 years Portlands re nowned palmist anu -piiuutti icsiuor. ) Taylor St., cor. West Park. WANTED To adopt a baby one week to 2ft years: good home. Tel. Main 6092. LADY BARBERS Shave 15c, haircut 2Sc, face massage 35c. 325 Glisan St., cor. Rth. PR1MEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213, mornings. ELLIS DAVIS, write your brother. Joint Davis, Green Hotel, city. FACIAL and scalp treatments, manicuring. 409 Fleldner bldg.. iOth and Wash, sts. WANTED A little girl over 4 years; will adopt. X 451, Oregnniun. MOLES, superfluous hair lemoyed. Mrs. M. Jsa Hill, 429. Flicdnor b.jdg Bdwy. 8473,