13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1918. REAL ESTATE. $300 CASH. Woodlawn. ft roomi, full basement, f lre I P'aee, corner lot; $2100. balance easy; at. ! liens Included. East 47th and Francis, ft room and at I tic. fireplace, full basement, etc.; rood j view, $2-00, balance to auit; at. llena In- eluded. I Alameda Park. B rooms, hardwood I floors, fireplace, ceraent baeement; 1 2TOO, balance eaay.; at. liens Included. sllwood, choice of ( houses, $3150 to ' $2'-iO; street Improvements Included; bal ance easy. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 805-T Lewis Bldg. UVK wsnt to sell our borne on Kast Taylor street: It has T rooms and the (round Is loOxJOO feet, beautifully Improved; cement , basement under all. cement floor, furnace, i laundry traya. fruit room. I Separate toilet and room for maid en first floor: second floor baa three bed rooms, bath, toilet, one end being arranged as an outdoor room for Summer use; white i enamel finish on both floors: hardwood I floors on scond floor. Price Includes carpets on first floor and hangings on both floors; no Incumbrance and wi:l arrange terms. Family is out of town, but will show by appointment. Price 7500. Call Main 831. TOR SALE BI OWNER Our 7 -room fur nished frame residence, not new. at 453 JHth at., cor. of Jackson, equipped with ' gee. e;ectrtclty water, bath, two toilets, eta. tubs, sewer, yard. etc. Terms, pay ment of $1h or more, baL deferred, T per cent. This property Is located on the foothils of Portland Heights, a sightly view in among the trees, and bnt two blocks south of the new home of St. Helen Hall and 13-mlnule walk to tmsiness center of the city. Rental value 44 a month. Price StOflO with contents. WCaT SIDE BARGAIN, WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Only $230 for a wonderful home on Willamette Heights, near the car. Has hardwood floors and all the modern con veniences. Now vacant and ready for oc- cupancy. By all means see this. Terma Just think of being able to buy a. West Mile home at this low price. A. G. Tt.tPE CO.. 204 Stark st., near 3d. Mala SM6, Branch office 60th and Sandy. FORECLOSURE- BARGAIN. 13000 7-room bunzaiow: an attractive, practically new home. Piped for furnace. firenlace. all bullt-lns, canopy over kitchen range. A real home situated in Westmoreland. Imp. all In and Included in price. Terms. Shown by appointment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 814 Stark St. Main 883. NICE HOME BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. Large S-room house, fireplace, full ce ment basement, arounds VOX loo. nice lawn. fruit trees, choice rosea. It you are look ing for a nice home, lota or room, ana at the right price, let us show you this; Iocs ted on W hitman ave. &. K. Price $3750. terma C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE sV CO.. J03-5-T Board of Trade Bldg- Rrvsn riTT BUNGALOW. One of tbs most complete bungalows In Rose City: 6 rooms, oak floors In every room, finished in old ivory and white en amel; east front; one block to car. If you want something right up to the minute and at the right prlcefyou anoiua, see mia. B4U00; gluou cash. DEKR KINO. P4H Oak St, Broadway 266. FORECLOSURE BARGAIN. S2S50 S-room bungalow In beat part at Hawthorne district. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, full cement baeement. wash traya. at. imp. in; all Included in price. 350 cash, balance easy payments. Shown by appointment only. J. A, WICKMAJ CO.. S14 Stark St. Main BS3. fOOOO BUNGALOW. $2500. Fine, large S-room bungalow, fireplace, eak floor, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitch en, laundry trays, cement porch, brick piers, doubly built; half block to car. eloae la on Reynolds ave.. near Mllwaukle ave.. rear the river, price $25u0: $500 cash. $23 per month, including interest. GltUSSI A DOWNEY. 816 Board of Trade. Main T461. SWELL S-ROOM BU-NGALOW. Fine, large bungalow, hot water heat, fine plumbing, full cement basement, laun dry traya fine electrio fixtures, gas, full lot. street improvements all paid: on Jes aup su. near Union ave. Price $2100; (600 cash and 1-0 per month. 6 per cent. GRUSsl A COW.VET. 816 Board of Trade. Main 7432. UNPARALLELED BARGAIN. For immediate sale. fine, modern. 8 rooms: 5 rooms first floor and 4-room flat n secood floor; lot 40x110; JOO feet from corner of Kllllngswortb and Union. Price $2750. Easy terms. House alone worth more than price. C DeYOUNO CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1-KOuM house. Sellwood, steeping porch. naraae. ooxiou int. pavea street, an duhi In eCfecta; price $2100; terms; 5 rooms on first floor. 2d Iioor laid. r. as t zja St. fireplace, fu.l basement, street paved ready to move into: terma easy. B. 8. Cook. 6o2 Stock Exchange. saLMOST new. modern home, eight rooms. den. sleeping porcn. narawooa iioors. xur- nace. llrepiace. elegant fixtures, large, roomy porch, more than a lot. street Im provements sli psid : price 845O0: small payment and straight mortgage. Main U,: after 7. Marshall 80. HAWTHORNE. Strictly modern 6-rm. bung., fireplace. hardwood floors Dutch kitchen, burret bookcase, reception ball, cloakroom, full basement. tras; a bsrgsln at $3150; t-rms. Ross, owner, 404 Gerllnger Bldg. Marshall SOS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Buy thla lot and build a home to suit you. loti can save more on this lot the present price. $12imi. than the extra cost of building, and have what yoa want: nose In. good view. Owner. Main 1983. Mir. 8rt3. -ROOM BUNGALOW EASY TERMS. Good location, close to car, all on one floor, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors. bullt-lns. etc., $jou, including ait street Improvement a J. c I'OKHIX CO.. 805-T Lewis Bldg. WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. region. 6-room. 2-story, hardwood floors, s:im heat, garage, near 23d St. Price $4!OU. F.PTOX McCLELLAN. 812 Chamber of .Commerce. Main 2941. 1027 WILLIAMS AVE. Near Alberta st.. modern 8-room xiouse. f'ne 50x100 lot Istret Imp. paid); 830V0. This Is convenient ror shlpysnl people. THE CKGaSLEY-VIGARS CO.. 2TO Stark St. Main 3052. JUODKKN well built 6-room bungalow, fur nace, hardwood rioora. oroveiana rirs near Franklin high school. Hawthorns car. Owner. Main 4S33 or Tabor 3183. No agents. Suburban Homes. JUaT THE PLACE FOR THE KIDDIES. tfum oy a man wun a ismiiy tor nis family. Lot extra large with twenty of shruhoery and bearing fruit trees. It Is well built and convenient; near car line and ye: out of danger. 8 pleasant sunny rooms witls Play room for children, (laraco and furnace. Thla house we took In on trade and can offer the attractive rrlce of $4500 with a amall payment of .'Ovj down and easy payment on balance. The house has never been occupied except by the builder so is In good shape. Ulad to show it. MAC IXVE9. 2704 Stark. Phones Main 1700 or Tabor 8819; aventnga. IN PARKROSE $730 DOWN A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME rooms, hardwood floors tn living, dln-Ing-room and one bedroom; fireplace and built-in effecta Place Juat like new, chicken house and cow barn. Fruit trees and berri;. lots of shrubbery, corner tract 5 round 2o0 by 100. Price only $3700. U HA HTM AN COMPANY. Chamber of Commerce Uidg.. etn st etara. atain -us. A 2050. A GREAT BIG SNAP PARKROSE ACRE TRACT 1 block to Sandy Blvd and ear line. ground all cleared except a few trees left standing where vou would build the house. Price only $12.V. $150 down and $20 a month. Interest 8r-. J. !. HART MAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Com merce BMg. 4th A Stark Sta PARKROSE $200 DOWN $23 Month Acre tract and new Bungalow. 4 rooms snd modern bath room. Sidewalks to car. Bjnsaiow located Just 200 ft- to Craig Hoirt. (Macadamized Road) Price only 2t J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamoer or commerce- HUlg. 4th A '2050. I-v.H sale: 100x148 with bearing fruit trees and snruooery. o-room nouse wun furniture, haa elect, lights, city water and gaa; A-cent rare so. fac or ore. Electric AB 54. Oregonlan. FOR the best suburban home, and acreage out or Portland come to Aiaerorooa on Oregon City car, third house north ot Risiey station. e1500 $lo CASH. $13 month; 4 rooms. acre grouna. e ciearea; weii, rune to Kstacada car. Gibson. 286 Stark. Mar shall 12. flOiO OREGON CITY car, S-room. H acre. native trees, e Dtocas a. vers i ut n ; e-tuv cash. Gibson. 288 Stark. Marshall 12. 'EW 4-room -plastered house and acre; easy paymems. j&ain 1044. cary, 1219 n. W. Bank M.lg. For Sale Acreage. Ir, ACRE. V mile south of Errol Station on good road, smsll house and barn: small cash payment, balance easv payments, r. W. Cather. 410 Board of Trade bldg. llOOD RIVET? acresge. 90 acres; make xns an oxxer. an ;io.j urcgonian. REAL ESTATE. For Hale Acreage. CHEAP ACREAGE. rive acres. (250; $10 down, $5 per month buvs 5 acres or land betwsen Port land and Cenlralla. on the main Una of three railroads, 1V miles from a town of eoo population, sawmills and smngie mills: some of this land la partly cleared running stresxna. some bottom and some oench. Komi or tnis land is good onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. $18 Railway Exchange Bldg. DAIRY RANCH of 240 acres, 35 miles from Portland; 60 head of stock, first-class dairy barn, silos, modern farmhouse, tenant house, all necessary farm machinery and tools: everything In first-class condition: price $43.u)0; would consider some im proved property as part payment. Phone Marshall 2963, S. H. Burley. 683 Irving St. LOGGED-OFF lands, flO acre up; running water, good soil. U tillable, employment, eaay terma Jesse R. Sharp. 83 y 3d su For Hale Farms. YOUR CHANCE IN CANADA Rich lands and business opportunities offer yoa inde pendence. f arm lands. Ill to JU acre, irrigated landa, 133 to 50: 20 rears to pay; $2000 loan In Improvement. Loans of livestock. Taxes average under SO cents an acre; no taxes on Improvements, personal property or livestock. Good markets, churches, schools, roads, telephones. Ex cellent climate c rope and livestock prove it. Special homeaeekers' fare certlficatea Write for free booklet. Allan Cameron. General Superintendent Land Branch, Ca nadian Pacific Ry.. sua Ninth ave., Cal gary. Alberta. FOR SALE IMPROVED 100-ACRE FARM. Id miles from Portland on good road. IX miles from to w s of Damascua Rich, productlvs soil, 65 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture and green timber; S-room house, barn, wagon shed, mil k house, chicken house, vegetable cellar, hoghouse and 80-ton silo with cutter, all completely equipped with up-to-date Im plements, tools, etc Some livestock can go with the place or not. Life Insurance company holds mortgage for SosOO; this can remain, loan based on sppralsed value of $18,001). Will sacrifice for $6200 cash or terma Address AV 157. Oregonlan. 120 ACRES. WATER FRONT. Close to Portland: river and railroad transportation; cut up in 2, 6 and 10-acre tracts; you can buy B acres for $10 down and S3 per month; 10 acres. $20 down and $10 per month: fine place to raise ducks, geese and chickens, aa there la a large pond in the rear; also a good place to raise willow for market; some all cleared and some partly cleared; from $70 to $123 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. $18 Railway Exchange Bldg. 288-ACRE ranch. 4 miles east of Yoncalle. 180 acres under plow, house, 4 barns. hophouse and other outbuildings, cree running through place; water piped to house; crop goes with It if sold soon stock also: 75 sheep. 7 head cattle. horses. IS hogs and chickens, 1 registered stallion, 1 2-year-old Durham bull, all implements. 2 million feet of saw timber. Price 130.000. can De nandlea witn nttn cash, Aug. Fetsch. 288 11th at, Portland, or. X FINE farms for sale, located In the cholc est part of Polk Co.. all in cultivation ene 800 acres, one 175 acres. Party lesv Ing and wishes to sell at once. Prices are low. terms ir desired. Mlgnt take some Portland trade In good residence district. AH Ro. Oregonlan. 60O0 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low prices. $3 per acre and up. Write I or map snowing location, terms, viu. WETKRHAUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash. 63 ACRES of land near Tillamook City, on good county road, mostly level, good puua Ings: will sell or trade for acreage with good buildings Dear Portland. For further particulars phone Main 9404. $300, ON TERMS, 14 acres. 4 mllea west or unnion some genuine Deaveraam aood buildings, stock, tools snd crops. sacrifice. Ruthfleld, 618 Fenton Bldg. Broadway B37. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $19 to $200 per acre; eaay terme; beet soli; rarms ror ssie, all alxea McFarland. 1408 Yeon bldg.. Portland. SALE or trade, 320 acres of Montana land ror small rruit farm near Portland, t. R. Weeks, 2238 E. Pine st. 1 ACRE, house, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, well water ana pump at door, oso: K2d ave. 8. K. FOR SALE 8 acres 1 miles east of Mil waukie; on paved road; house, barn, bear ing orchard, Terma O 876, Oregonlan. Homesteads; Relinquishments. THREE good homeateada adjoining, county rota, neignoora, creeks, good school, giou eacn ir taken quick. 32a Morgan bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. SELLING city property Is a profession and wiuiiw experience, energy and integrity, sor years 1 have made a specialty of iiorxiea ana nave omit up a wide experi ence. Just now I have a strong demand for houses and bungalows, $3500 and under. If your house has merit and priced PAUL O. MURPHY, 27014 Stark. . Phone Main 1700 or Home A 1513. WE WANT HOI7SES to sell In Peninsula. Alberta and Rose City ' ' itncis. nave ouyers waiting. . wiiu u tor quita sale. T. H. Comle. Sales Mgr., COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 7ZT Chamber of Commerce. Main 4322. IF you have a moderate priced house for aie irorn to I3UUW list it with the neaity at Aiongage Co. ror quick results. Old established firm. Phone Mala 205L "- t-namuer 01 commerce. WANTED Lot 60x100, Birrell or Colonial Heights. 23d to 60th. on Sandy blvd. Must be good buy for cash, within 2 blocks to car; win ouy direct Irom owner. AN 884, WANT-at once, best 6-room hardwood floor nouse eoous win ouy. Must be modern iu mo miuuie. nave me buyer. Kennedy A Miller. 828 Salmon. ' LOST in Southeast Laurelhurst or vlclnltv. on improved street; must be priced right. Give block and lot and condition of liena. to, treaonian. waited To buy or trade a home within walking distance of Jefferson High. BO SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES WANTED. row must do rignt and terms easy. Ered W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. I WANT a nice home; will pay $1SOO to $2..00 spot cash. Give location. Address AB 451, Oregonlan. LAURELHURST lot. south of Burnslde. 60x 130 or deeper: give full location, unpaid --.. l,lu,i r-c. p io.. uregonian. I WANT two Rose City Park lota for -.h Muat be cheap. Give location, price, size. miHigtTOCnu. OtIICS. .SSt tHo. 1 mays, ssou cash and s good lots; will trsqe mr fir nouio. su Morgan bldg. O. C. GOLDENBERO TO SELL YOUR UOMC 'iinion xiag. 11111 4603. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 100-acre dairy ranch with Im plements, house furnished, modem barn' sell stock. J. B. Sonegren. Gervaia, Or. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 15-M. capacity mill In 8 hrs.. million feet of timber more available; Russell engine, boiler and carriage rig, splendid conveyor system. S-aanr adr planer, log haul, cut-off. new belts, extra aaws, BHxlO donkey, 4000 ft. trip, 2000 - wain line, an oiocaa, small toola. Including saws, wedges, peavles. axes. blacksmith tools, etc.; cookhouse outfit for " men owner going to war and will make a prlre of $7000 on the whole out fit. Call 218 Chamber of Commerce. CORDWOOD WANTED. Will contract for any amount of No. 1 ir coruwooa ana poie oak. an and W in ter ahipment; quote cash price f. o. b. cites rurtmnq. v tuv, oregonlan. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. Mccracken. 804 McKay Bidg. 2000 GOOD fir piling. 7 miles from Port land; also 1-500 cords of first-growth fir, C. W. Mlllershlp, Multnomah Hotel. OAK rolls, for sawmills. 1 1 lines Mill Manu- factory. Oakland. Oregon. PILING and ship knees wanted. O. V. Gam- Die, aus ixerunger Didg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO TRADE Orchard and home in town of wsnatchee ror mose.; price $8500. -incumbrance $3500. trade equity of $5000 and assume as much as lncumbranA my por tion of fruit with place. Ira L. Smith, Davenport, Wash. FOR TRADE 40 acres of heavy timber. only si miles out ot s-oniana, value $1000 for Portland lot or small house and lo or 1 to 5 acres near Portland: will as sume difference If not more than $2000. Address R 837, Oregonlan. WANTED Portlsnd home In exchange for 110 acres on auuslaw River; unimproved; close to Florence; some tide land: won derful Summer homeslte with fishing, hunting and ocean climate. AF 554. Ore gonlan 6-ROOM. strictly modern, attractive house at 4-'a ana ueimont sts. : all olesr: will exchsnge for smaller house, Paul Walde, 12.7 Belmont st. Tsbor 1212. CO-ACRE Improved ranch to trade for a good bungalow in Portland. C J. Culli son. 2051 Morrison st TWO lots In Alameda Park to exchange for nouse ana lot or ousiness. Mar. 5162. NICE Portland lots on easy terms or ex change. ux . .oaaesaaie. waao, FOR SALE. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE for modern 6-room bunga low in good district and worth the money, a first-class confectionery, ice cream, lunches, meals and cigars, with large stock on hand, doing a big business; popu lation over 7000, monthly payroll $200, ooo. This place is clearing better than $400 a month. It's a 12-month business, no dull season; will invoice about $4200, will take bungalow up to $3500, balance on time. Mrs. J. J. Keller, Klamath Falls, Or. I HAVE a fine 82 acre ranch with good 7-room bouse located on Improved road near Vancouver, to trade for house In Port land or Vancouver. A never failing stream of water runs through the place which mskoa it very desirable for poultry, geese, - ducks, pigs or slock. Address owner. 143 Haxelfern Place or phone Tabor 74114 after P. M. W ANT well-Improved farm 30 to 40 acres, on good road, within 40 rullea of Portland. In exchange for 640 or 9S0 acres, stock farm, at $10 per acre; situate in Lake County, 90 mllea south of Bend; small house, fair barn, 2 good wells. About 90 . acrea in cultivation. balance bluestein grass and sagebrush. GODDABD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. SALTA1K BEACH LOTS. Will exchange two choice lots. 25x140, at Saltalr station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and facea Paclfio Ocean, suitable for businesa or cottages. Want city property or close-In acreage. Address H SUU. Ore gonlan 40 ACRES ONLY $3200. One-half In cultivation: 30 acres under Irrigation; free water: one team of horses, two Jersey cowa and some young stock; good buildings. Will trade $10oo equity for small place ttear shipyard. HAGERS REALTY CO.. 825 Railway Ex. Bldg. Main 2330. 1060-ACRE stock ranch, with $300 paid-up water right on the best canal in central Oregon; good .buildings, with thousands of acres free out-range adjoining; will trade for Portland Income property and assume. Ituthfield, 618 Fenton Bldg. Broadway U7. 660-ACRE wheat ranch, all cultivated. 200 bummer fallow, best of improvements, clear of encumbrance. Want a good. well- Improved ranch, close to school, in the Roseburg or Days Creek countries, from $15,000 to $20,000. Lm. K. Moore, fccoia, or. ACREAGE TO TRADE. 87 acres, all cleared and In cultivation fenced, no buildings, on publio highway adjoining the town of Gervals: will take house and lot clear of debt for my equity of $."i0O0. Owner. 3io Board or xraae blag. MEDFORD property. $1200, for sale or trade for Portland property. What nave yout Marshall io;;o. ii stout su FOR TRADE 83 acres in Tillamook Co. for nouse ana lot. or wnat nave yuut - Schiller st. S. E. Woodstock car. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE 60x100 lot on E. Stark for fur niture, restaurant fixtures, or auto. Phone evenings. Peterson, iast a 1 1. TO TRADE, 803 Savage rifle for tent East Alder. 488 FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. A BARGAIN In Alberta district. 8-rooin house, good condition, full cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, pantry, t,nff..t vraried stseet cement - sidewalk, 40x100, one-half block from Alberta car. Price $3000. Very liberal terms. The house cannot be built for this price, and the lot Is worth $900. R. A. Schramm, 242 Stark St. Main 4420. . STRAW for sale, on the ground, also 10 good work horses and 2 colts, almost 3 years old. $80 to $100 cash. Call 228 Alder street. . BARGAIN. 1 pair of 2700 lb. blocky-bullt horses, well matched, with harness and farm wagon. 8s0 Front st. Trial allowed. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled awa free. Portland Itenaering t-o. t.au vv uou lawn 20. GOOD young delivery or saddle mare, sound. 1100 pounds; airt cuetu. tan juuwj. Sellvroed 141. , DEAD horses taken quick; we pay most for crippled horses and dead cows. Tabor 4203. 20 HORSES for sale cheap, 1300 to 1600 lbs. Being replaced by autos. ltn ana Everett. FOUR thoroughbred Holstelns. E. Lehman, Beaverton, Or. GOOD team, about So00 pounds, reasonable. C. M. Olsen Transfer co. GOOD run delivery or saddle mare, now lbs., very cheap, benwooa m. FRESH 4203. Jersey cow and calf, $45. Tabor Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $250 7-octave square piano, casn e 300 7 1-3-octave square piano, casn.. 275 7-octave English upright, cash. 800 7-octave French upright, cash... S.'iO American make upright, cash.. 400 large oak upright piano, cash. A.'.lk new. studio, model nlano. cash.. 60 45 85 95 185 215 875 new, stored, upright piano, cash. 235 423 new stored upright piano, cash. 233 4."i0 new.' stored," upright piano, cash.. 2tij 750 Weber man. player piano, cash.. 2'.'3 8."i0 modern many, player piano, cash 3C P3 parlor organ with mirror, cash., 25 123 parlor organ with mirror, cash,. 35 New pianos already gone $73 to $150 higher, the above pianos ought to sell quickly at this time. Pianos bought and sold for cash and stored for 50c monthly. 109 4th st. at Washington. DON'T buy old. unimproved pianos when the Security Storage Co. is ottering new, improved $350 pianos for $215 and modern $il50 player pianos for $383 cash at 108 4th St., at Washington St. ' DECKER A Son. rosewood upright. $100; Hamilton, oak, modern, $200. xlaroid a. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill at. 2M.25 $12 CASH, $8 monthly, buys 1018 mouei new improveu pianos in maiiogunj and oak at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th St. $550 HIGH grade Lester piano, cheap If sold at once, can at noon or evening. Katon Hotel. FOR RENT Pianos. Gralonoias and type writers. Empire rranster es biorage 4-0. Broadway 153. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOa HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor 8574. Grid, rtew a.ng. conservatory. RENT a piano, no squares or thump boxes. Harold a. uunert, an xamnut su ALMOST new player piano; will exchange for aeto. C. M. olsen Transfer Co. Furniture for Bale. TAKE ADVANTAGE. NEW FURNITURE. RUGS AND RANGES AT SECOND-HAND PRICES. We are closing out two large and com plete stocks of homefurnishings at whole sale cost and less. . FttLDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. I60-I68 First St.. Between Morrison end Yamhill. ROOMING-HOUSE, 9 rooms, completely fur nished; attic, run cement Dasement, good furnace, front and rear lawn. Excellent opportunity for housekeeping apartments, single or en suite. Nob Hill district; finest location in Portland; 12 xnln. walk to P. O. : W. car. Price $RSO. 624 Flanders. HERE IS A BARGAIN WORTH WHILE. An 84xl0hi Whittall Body Brussels rug In very fine condition: small allover de sign In a two-tone green; a $65 rug for $25; easy terms. M1SH FURNITURE CO.. . 1SS-190 First St. PRIVATE house, furniture of 7 rooms for sale, house can ne rentea; close in. 431 Lumber Exchange. - FOR SALE Furniture. vacuum cleaner. clock, hardwood brush, ice chest, zas range. Tabor 2411. FURNITURE of 6-room riat for sale; ma hogany dresser, oak oining-room set. rugs, curtains, etc. 300 E. 21at St. So. S-HOLE steel range, dining table, coal and wood heater tor saie cneap ix taken today. Call at 831 Gantenbeln. GARLAND range, gaa attachment, dining- room taoie, cnairs, rocKtrt, carpet, ar&BBer, by piece. 141 11th. cor. Alder. WHITE dresser, bed, springs, mattress, rug and two chairs, tseuwood 13 10. SOMEONE to Join me in shipping carload of furniture e-ast. t- si, oregonlan. Dogs, Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. THE BIRD SHOP Beautiful canary birds. all singers, guaranteea; man orders promptly filled. 1151 E. 2Sth st. North. C 2217. NEW Zealand and Flemish .giant rabbits reasonable. 110 vanuerunu o -001. FULL-FLEDGED pointer pup for sale cheap. V mO. OIU. mjm n -wvvv. Poultry. WANTED Some laying Plymouth Rock hens. 1 year 010. : win give gooa iaay s Waltham watch. 7 Jewels. Main 0972. Typewriter., GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL M A IS.E.S, sum un uiumniy payments; send for price list- The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept.. 821 Wash st. NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase, vismie moaeis. jtemington Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. Telephone Broad way 62L REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers, K. w. reaioto., liu sixtn. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut ratea P. V. to., liax fttarx St.. stain nuf. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon typewriter to, via. orn. aiain norm. Launches and Boats. SILK sail and new lea boards for canoe. $lo; Bargain. a.amusrsen ex ateio F03 SALE. Machinery. VnU CATC 1 . ; .. ,1, ...i 1. I..L. w.b un in. x . ! U( ID RyiHUlf w,vua 1ALUO, 14-ln. by 24-fL swing, has 3 chucks. 1 steady rest. 1 tool holder. Is for heavy work and is in fine condition; must sell I right away. Baxter Foundry Machine works, noise. Idaho. ENGINES, boilers, pumps, sawmills. compressors. pipes, hoisting engines. mining machinery, wire caoie. j. a. uyl lenoerg, machinery dealer, Barter, or. SIX power m&chlrfes . and electrlo motor also time recording clock. Main 711 8!4 Yamhill St. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no sgents employed; machines repaired and rented. $j per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. ISO 3d. near Taylor. A 328. Main 043L FOR SALE Launch 24 ft. long by 614 ft.. 12 h. p. Gray engine, complete fixtures. In nudes electric light, seats 12 people, l first-class condition; $175. A. V. Roberta, care of Grant Smith ec Co., Holbrook, Or. BIDDERS wanted for four tons of prun on the trees. Apply Oregon Humane So clety, 585 Colu ola bivd., 4 blocks east from union ave. USED hot water boilers, all sizes. SO-aal. $6; 40-gaI.. $8.50. Over 700 of our boll ers now in use, 201 Adams St.. east end of Steel bridge. Phone East 7859. FOR SALEl 250 account, fireproof McCas key credit register; 5-drawer pedestal, lat est type. Ralph Waldo Elden, Medford, Oregon. A FEW reasonable bargains in slightly marred out guaranteea linger sewing ma chines. 402 Washington CRANBERRY barrels for sale: 100 for $50 x. o. o. 'iiiiamooa. ju. Atkinson, sand lake, or. 2 T. W. DESK. 1 roll-top desk. 2 fllln cabinets, 3 chairs, 2 saxes. Bushong Co., 91 Park st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show. cases and wallcases, fixtures: easy terma w. j. cutgiey. 227 rirst. Alain D38U. NEW FRUIT JARS at wholesale cost; pints and quarts. 11th st. 90 FOR SALE or rent, logging and holatln engines, all kinds, machinery, rslls, cars Railway equipment Co., 230 stark st. RANGE, hot water tsnk. stools snd othe restaurant fixtures. 44 N. 1st. Broadway 31 1 o. YOU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO. tall oring for sale in Portland at 409 E. Mor rison St. only: showing new Fall line. SEVERAL aood second-hand safes at th right price. 48 Front St., Broadway 1988. TENT lOxlltt. $12. 409 E. Burnslde at-, room 8. Call after 8 P. M. COMPLETE moving picture outfit with 12 reels ror sale. Al condition. 848 2d street. FOR StALE Irons and gaa heaters, work tames, cnairs. Main ill or 4 Yamhill st. FOR SAIJJ $42 range. $17.60. St. S. E. 8303 B2d VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co. Main 8582. NEW miter saw, $10. Tabor 815L FOB BALE AUTOMOBILES. HERE la our today's list of used car bar gains, or course, these are continually changing:, as we are dailv ffertlns- In new bargains and we ask that you call at our salesroom and Inspect the cars that we may have before purchasing elsewhere. Broadway 2492. Chalmers $ 650 nuason six, o-passonger. lust re painted 1100 jiuuson six, same as above, slightly newer 1130 btuaebaker. good buy 8 Maxwell. 5-passenger 650 fetudebaker 450 Ford chassis 285 Ktoaaard-uayton delivery truck .... 35 Jeffery. with new 2-ton truck attach ment 1100 Ford, 6-passenger 350 Ford delivery car v 350 Cole 80, Ideal for bug 300 Maxwell, 6-passenger 675 Ford truck - 600 Briscoe 700 Ford, roadster. Just overhauled .... 425 Studebaker Six 650 carter car, suitable rebuild bug or delivery 185 Chevrolet 480, 5-passenger B50 Jackson 6-passenger, good shape.... 750 overland. 6-passenger. now behig re painted 800 Reo 900 Saxon '18 950 Keo 9; W. H. WALLINGFORD. Distributor. LIBERTY SIX, PREMIER SIX. BRISCOE fOUli, HOOD LUMBER TRACTOR, PARRETT FARM TRACTOR, 622 Alder St.. at 16th. BIG STOCK OF HIGH-CLASS USED CARS Studebaker Six. repainted, thoroughly overhauled, good tires $ 650 in aaxon eix, mechanically 0 K. good tires 850 1918 Haroun, run very little, snap... 750 jio cole might, a fine 7-pass. car.. 1050 3 HI 2 Pierce Arrow, 8 cord tires 1100 jyio Mitchell iix. thoroughly over hauled 775 1!J7 6-S0 Chalmers, a fine buy 1050 1917 Overland, model 90 850 jvii Aiitcneii six. 7-pass.. perfect condition nnn J!18 Ford, thoroughly overhauled, ,. . 300 1016 Hudson 6-40. snap 850 Model 79 Overland. 3 new tires 6o0 mil cnevrolet. excellent condition... 8.ifl 3916 Buick light like new 850 iuit Maxwell, new tires, snap 673 Open Sundays and Evenings. THE. ACME AUTO CO.. Phone Bdw. 2796. 831 Alder St- Guaranteed Auto Repair Work. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. r-i' rv UM!i OUT A IS O DRIVE IT HOME. They ere getting scarcer every day. Look these over: Two 1918 Chevrolet tourings. Just new. Two 1918 Ford tourings. Just new. One 1916 Ford touring, fine shape. One 1916 Ford touring, a snap.. One 1914 Ford touring, a dandy. One 1918 Ford bug, $200 extras. -One 11115 Ford bug, classv. One 3918 Stude., 4 new Republic tires. One 1914 Overland, completely overhauled. One 1018 Saxon Six. fine shape. One 1916 Oakland Six. snap. Lots of others if these don't suit. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. Grand Ave. and E. Stark St. East 7810. Liberty Bonds Taken at Face value. Open Evenings and Sundays. ' SPECIAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS Cadillac Touring .'.$300 i ora Roadster, losch magneto and de mountable rims 400 Overland Roadster 500 Studebaker Four Touring 650 WILL GIVE TERMS. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. Tel. Bdwy 82. 344 Burnslde St. REO. 5-pass.. all new tires, good mechanical condition; biggest snap ever offered; $273 cann. see car at btaieera Garage. Ninth and Couch. 1013 STUDEBAKER. new tires, 1 extra tire, motor overhauled newly painted; full set of tools. $350. Woodlawn 3631. $300 DOWN buys my new 1918 Maxwell. Al shape, extra tire ana tuDe, can Adams at Tabor 630. CLASSY 1914 Ford bug. first-class condi tion. May be seen at Dressier Garage, 20th st, near Washington. 1918 CHEVROLET $775. Guarantee same as new. Call Tabor (41. and save money. ROADSTER Late '17 model, like new. per fect condition. Room 807 Eaton Hotel, or Fashion Garage. GoODLOOKING 5-pass. car; a fine, serv iceable car; go any place; good condition; big snap. $200. Call 188 3d St. STUDEBAKER truck, large body, good top. s4-ton, newly overhauled, excellent shape. Price $650. 228 Alder. SEVERAL light cars for sale; also lfc-ton Ford truck; all will go at bargain prices. 321 N. 8d St., corner of Glisan. Bl- owner, series 9 5-pass. Franklin in good condition. For pi rticulars address M 300, Oregonlan. - a SLIGHTLY used tit is. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c: tire "epairlng. 207 Madison. CHEVROLET tourlr. r. good condition. A bargain; $525. 30 Grand ave. N. $200 DOWN buys by 1917 Maxwell, repainted and In Al shape. Call Tabor 630. NEW Buick roadster, run less 200 miles. A bargain, terma Broadway 1251. WHITE, late model -touring car. at sacri fice. Owner, 145 Front St.. East 68SS. DODGE SEDAN, practically new. 853. Call Mar. 1018 STUDEBAKER 4; leaving town, must sell. 530 Alder. FORD sedsn, like new, with $136 in extras; will sacrifice for cash. X 472, Oregonlan, 6-PASSENGER Ford in running order. $273 cash or Liberty bonds. 815 E. 34th st. METZ. chassis 1918. 80 Grand ave. N. will sell cheap. Owner, PACKARD roadster 30. J. L. Hoar. E. 6th and Burnslde. ELECTRIC lights, starter, fully equipped car, easy terms. Owner, Bdwy. 8125. CHALMERS car In good condition; ing city. Phone Broadway 4151. 2-TON truck, good condition. Phone Broad way 14H8 weekdays. $200 DOWN buys 1917 Ford 1-ton truck, or attachment only. 123 Lownsdale. 1918 FORD touring car. like new; must be sold quickly. 125 Lownsdale. BUG BODY. 370 EAST MORRISON SX. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. HFRE WE 00 ROMS) WOR0 with an enormous stock of Just new used cars, all makes, all sizes, all pricea, all overhauled and ready to run. The big stsndard firm, with a reputation money cannot buy; every car guaranteed as rep resented; compare our cars and prices with others and use your own Judgmenu 1918 Marwell. 95 per cent new t 750 1017 Maxwell. Just overhauled 600 1918 Maxwell, runs beautiful 650 1917 Chevrolet 490. Just about new.. 600 1916 Oakland Little Six. looks new.. 700 1015 Buick Little Four, overhauled.. 600 1913 Studebaker Little Four, newly painted 800 1916 Dodge tr. ; lfa perfect 80O 1U16 Oldemoblle Little Four, 90 new 800 1914 Velie Little Four, looks new... 650 1915 Hudson 6-40. runs like a watch. 700 . 91S Hudson 6-54. Just overhauled... 650 Seriea '18 Studebaker. 95 new 8H) Series '17 Studebaker, bXi new 700 faeries '17 Jbtudebaker. roadster. 907 new 700 1916 Mitchell, 3-pass.. cord tires 800 1917 Mitchell Little Six. 90 new... 1000 1817 Oakland 8. cord tires 900 3917 Hupmoblle tr 90 new 3200 $6700 Peerless Six. 7-pass., 90Ti new. 1000 191o Chalmers Master Six. 7-pass.. Just perfect 800 1914 Chalmers six. 7-pass.. elec. L. and starter 300 1915 Winton Baby Six, a beauty 900 1916 Ford tr.. 4-speed transmission. . . 430 1916 Ford, combination 400 1912 Cadillac Just perfect, new tires, sou 1916 National Six, Newport body 1200 1918 Hupmoblle. $800 ot extras. 1107. new 1400 New Buys Arriving Every Day. Open Sundays and Evenings. CONLEY'S UfcED CAR CENTER. Big brick building, upstairs, side entrance. s. w. tor. iotn ana Washington sta, Phone Broadway 2636. SEVERAL good used cars have been left with us for sale. Prices are comparable 'with those before the recent advance In price or all cars. Investigation will show every car a bargain. Below Is a partial list: Buick light six. 1917. Buick four. CS7. Apperson, 4 cyl. Velio. 6 cyl.. 1918. Cole "8" 1917. Overland 4. 1918. Reo, 6 cyl, B-pass. Ford. 1917. delivery. Maxwell. 1917, 5-pass. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., 14th and Davis. Fhene Broadway 1130. J. H. GRAHAM. 10th and Stark Sts. Case Agency. We are going to clean up our used cars at bargain prices. We have the following to orrer: 2 1917 Buick light six touring cars. 1 1917 Mitchell touring car. 1 Studebaker touring car. 1 Case touring car. 1 Cadillao touring car. All these cars are In good mechanical condition; we will give terms to reliable people; see us before buying elsewhere. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1913 Steams roadster. 6-cvI.. 6 cord tires, only $1200 ivit .Mitchell. 5-nass.. o-cyi.. late model 1-. 1150 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyl., late model.. 1350 Mitchell. 7-bass.. 6-cyl.. Just like new, only 1650 Mitchell 6-pass, 6-cyl 650 Studebaker, 4-pass.. coups ......... 00O Jeffery, 6-pass., 6-cyl 750 studebaker 6-pass., 4-cyL 72o Auburn, 6-pass., 4 cyl. 250 Two-ton truck 1250 Several othsrs to select from. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS & 6TAVER CO.. East Morrison at First St. Phone East 7272. B 1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak Sr. Phones: Broadway 615. A 8343. FEW BIG BUYS IN BIG TRUCKS. One SH-ton Federal $1000 One S-ton Denby, been used 90 Mays. 2000 One 2-ton Reo, all overhauled 750 You are safe In buying used trucks from us for we will take them back any time on new Garford trucks. ' MOTOR SALES CORP., 344-354 Burnslde. OR SALE 1911 seven-passenger Packard 30 touring car. Has been used only occa sionally during the Summer In past five years. Was overhauled, painted and all worn parts replaced with new. Has a new one-man top; also an extra Victoria top. They are Interchangeable. Has new tnnneau windshield, two extra tire. rims. and one extra tire and two tire covers, also trunk rack. This car is complete in every detail and almost as good as new. Price $1500 casn. can De seen at opeeaweu Garage, 14th and Couch streets. Telephone Broadway 30i4 orrj, o. enevnn, itiain nan A GENUINE bargain for someone who has $400 cash, my 1013 model i-passenger Studebaker, fully equipped, eleetrio starter snd lights, in first-class mechanical con ri it inn i new ton. extra tubes and rims. This Is really a good buy and will have to be sold at once, as owner is enlisting anu will leave by September 1. Call Broadway 403 or Tabor Son. AtTTO WRECKERS. We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good parts for less than nair price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. TticheNt nrices paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 232 Front Sr. MAIJN USED CAR BARGAIN. 1915 flva-passenirer. light four Stude baker repainted. Real snap. $550; $300 cash, balarice $25 per month, bee Mr. MountalrsjJManley Auto Co. Broadway 21 SLIGHTLY used 1917 Studebaker, 7-passen ger, - only driven jouu miles; iooks ana runs like new: save $1000 over new price of today; will saorlfice for $1250. Tabor 4506 to noon. MOTORS, tears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck an makes ot cars ana sen tneir parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. North Broadway and Flanders. MODEL 83, Overland, 6-passenger 4, almost new tires, newly painted, iirst-ciass me chanical condition; $650 cash or terms. Call Frank Smith. Broadway 1130. 1917 CHANDLER, 5 cord tires, driven onry 11.000 miles, upholstery ana xinisa like new; car has had nest care; must sen; will sacrifice for $1250; no trade. Main 7412. 1918 FORD touring car with speedometer. Yale lock, gooa tires, otrowuerg caroureiui, all In good AA1 condition. A real buy. Liberty bonas taaen. v . a. uester, t, m. C. A. auto school. Main BiOO. cmTnirR a. ft tr R HO. with bodv for llcht de livery, new tires, electric nsnis, ruiw running order, $350. Gibson Storage Bat tery Co., 12th and Alder. SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK Have unused truck attaenment ior saie at a uik sac rifice. Mr. R. L Call, 530 Alder St., Broad- way 2717. BRAND NEW HUPMOBILE. TTave order for new Hupmobile, will sell at stood discount if taken at once. East 7445. ion vrtTP 4-Dassenaer. a bargain for $300, $100 down, sua per moaio. boo air. moun tain at Aianiey jtuto t.o. pnwuniir .11. BUICK light six, 1917: Al condition; spot light and bumper; j.l.vv. jjemunsirate any time.' Main 3063 , CADILLAC in first-claas repair; good tires. 2 extra tires and tubes; easy terms. 614 Union ave. N. Phone East 1393. 1917 STUDEBAKER 6, 7-passenger: will take Ford and cash difference in exchange. Stalger's Garage, 9th and Couch. 1917 BUICK six, D-4S 6-passenger, like new, with extras. Stalger's Garage, 9th and Couch. . BRAND new Dodge touring, with $30 in extras; first party with $1150 cash takes It. X 471. Oregonlan. LATE model Ford roadster. 80x31, tires all around; easy terms. 614 Union ave. N. Phone East 1393. ROADSTER, Chalmers 80. 1913 model; fast, powerful car. In first-class condition; $350 cash. Main 8384. Apt- F. FORD touring, best of condition; owner must sell. Bargain, $350. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED 8 or 12-cyllnder auto, condition of body or chassis no object if engine is good. AR 691, Oregonlan. LATE model Ford touring car wanted... 608 Concord bids., city. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles Wanted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltalr station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroad: face the Paciflo Ocean: sixe 25 by about 140 feet, suitable for business or ior cottage; win pay some aixxerence. AoaressA 40U, oregonlan. LONG & S1LVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 60 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need ana we will duplicate tnera. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne ave. LET me repair your machine In your own garage; private service car; day an night. Ring Sellwood 3755. WILL pay cash for Harlev or Indian motor cycle. 17 or 18-mile: must be a bargain. Phone Woodlawn 1419. WILL pay spot cash for late models Fords, Dodges and Buicks. Fletcher & James. 33 rortn troadway. 1 HAVE for trade 2 nice lots on Greeni Heights lor a 5-passenger Ford automo bile. Apply woodlawn 613. GARAGE fur rent at 45uh St. and Hawthorn ave.; $15 per month. Call mornings be tween 10 ana 22 o clock. WANTED Ford body, any kind, at once ior casn. jo i-otv-nsaaie street. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED CARS, L. E. OB YE, Grand ave. and E. Stark. Auto Tires and Accessories. NEW $40 bicycle; Union Ave. N. will sell for $25. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2620, BROADWAY 2620. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. eo xotn st. sroaaway eto. JUST received, carload of new Overlanda to lease without drivers. G. N. Smith, 3d and Ullsan. Broadway 2829, A 2629. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, xunerais, caning, snopping. Jast 45H2. HIGH W A I AUTO SERVICE Good cars competent drivers. 6th. Wash., Main 7080 NEW Ford, experienced driver, hour. Tabor 1028. $1.50 per FINE 7-passenger Hudson car; careful. perienced driver. Marshall 2320. 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. snopping, ntgnway. nroaawar tt34f. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP 7.50 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the highest price tor suits, overcoats. snoes, etc. vve can anywnere in the city, aay or evenings, uaii .Marshall 1220. 220 Madison st. OUR specialty is buying ladles' and gents' cast-on ciotning. nignest caan price paid. win can uay or nignc, PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison St. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc New buyer. Try me before you can o tnera. roono xroauwayi avail. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price ana over, vve ouy shoes and hats. can Main 1UZ3. JUNK WANTED JUNK HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, rubber, second-hand goods. Main 734. Call SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER We need the clothing and we pay all It is worth, call Main 734. 201 1st st. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 86 8d. PAINTING, kalsomining. etc., absolutely right, J. H. Leckle, 703 Belmont st. iis 82S7. BICYCLE, SHOTGUN, RIFLE WANTED. Cash or eaual value in trade. NEWMAN, 12S FIRST. MAIN 4495. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash. 553 Plttock block. JUNK, raga, bottles, sacks, metals, old cloth lng. carpets; good prices, feast z4. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand clothes. Main 9344. WE buy and sell used tires. Division Garage, 1372 Division st. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First SL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming houses. office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small for ua prompt at tention and courteous treatment, MARSHALL 608L A 3224. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortmsnt of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and selL We specialize in shelf and heavv hardware, Bporting goods. household goods, office' furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or aril, call or phone. MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front st,, cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WB PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE9 EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BliLNU THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, - 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN SOU. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of fice furniture, etc Phone Marshall 687 and our buyer will call at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First St, FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 106-168 1st st., requires second-hand furniture, best prices paid. If you have any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4633. . 1 WANT used furniture: cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Mar. 2093. FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value for your second-hand furniture. beds, dressers, carpets, stoves snd house hold goods. Call Main 192a 193 Front St. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4H27 or 204 First st HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8832. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Man of good habits and who Is aggressive, to handle laundry route; ni route and good proposition; one who has had business or office experience and can drive machine preferred. Palace Laundry Co., East lotn ana Everett. MIDDLE-AGED man for permanent posi tion calling on homes in city ior eastern firm, no experience necessary; straight salary. Call 9 to 12, Mr. Huffman, Oregon Hotel. WANTED Young, experienced male eleva tor operator; 6-aay situation; gooa wages. Give age and experience. AB 4o: Oregonlan. WANTED Single man as collector, one who can furnish reierences; salary sio.oo per week and commission. Apply 406 Oregonlan Bldg., bet. 10 and 12 o clock. WANTED Man to work in wood and coa vnrd: aood man will have steady lob with good pay. Andrews A Conover Fuel Co., 37th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2467. WANTED Young man 16 or 37 for clerical posivion, good opportunity for right boy to work Into fine business; rapid advance ment. AK 554, Oregonian. WANTED Man for office position, strictly high grade. Give experience in your reply: also references. BP 4SS, oregonlan. YOUNG man for stock room; chance for advancement for right party, a 411, Ore gon lan. EDWARDS COMPANY. 6th and Oak. re quire the services oi a neiper on a xur niture delivery truck. WANTED Experienced roof painter. Sterl ing Paint Co., 220 Henry bldg. Alain TioS after 8 P. M. Marshall 5170. EXPERIENCED clothing salesman. Apply 9 to 10 A. Al, superintenuent s ozilce. Olds. Wortman A King. WANTED All-around cook. Apply Mult nomah Athletic ciuo dining room. 681 Salmon st. TEAMSTER One who knows the city well. Standard Brick & Tile Co.. S3 uth st. WANTED Elevator boy. Menlo Hotel, and Stark. ' WANTED Experienced egg candler. Front St. WANTED ADVERTISING SOLICITOR. APPLY HIPPODROME. WANTED Two first-class auto painters; top wages, covey Motor car Co. WANTED Casing man. Howltt Packing Co, 10th and Oregon. WOODEN HULL DRAFTSMEN: WAGKS FIT ABILITY. AMES. WOODLAWN 5610. DELIVERY man wanted: permanent place; references exenangea. ho cl. Kroadway. WANTED A janitor. Apply 61S Lovejoy at. HELP WANTED MALE. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This is no time to shirk; every man should do his utmost; middle-aged men can now "come back"; boys are needed at once to fill soldiers' places: the Y. M. C. A. Emplovment and Advisory De partment Is able to give priceless advice; it puts you into the largest place you are , able to fill successfully. A special membership of $5 has Ja devlsed to aid those who need It; don t miss this modern, scientific and thor oughly business-like way of securing a position. Phone Main 8700. A 656L Call at once In person if possible. WANTED. SECOND BAKER. I.EIGHTON'K DAIRY LUNCfT. BROADWAV AND WASHINGTON ST. MARINE ENGINEERS United Slates Shipping Board's free marine engineers' school at University of Washington, Se attle, Trains engine-room ofricers- for new merchant marine. Short cut to li cense. Nstlve or naturalized cltlxens only. Stationary, locomotive engineers, oilers, water tenders eligible. Course only one mouth. No enlistment. Address W. J. Grambs, 860 Stuart bldg., Seattle, Wash. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive con trol of good territory In Oregon and Wash ington; money advanced weekly, outfit and special training free, experience un necessary; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company. Toppenlsh, Wash. LARGE factory desires services of young man with clerical experience lor coat department: niust be quick and accurate at figures; moderate salary to start with; exceptional opportunity of advancement; young married man preferred. X 453, Oregonlan. MEN wanted by Portland Gas & Coke Co., at Gasco, on Llnnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take rree bus at garage, Front and Glifan sts., 6 A. M., or 23d and Savler at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. BOOKKEEPER and office man for smsll flourmlll to do other work in and out of mill when nut busy In office, stenogra pher preferred; mun able to work required as all-around helper in mill office about half time. M 320, Oregonlan. USE your spare time increasing your in come, may lead to whole-time permanent position if you have ambition; well-established financial Institution, not Insurance; . office here for few days only. Call LK D. Johnson, Hotel Benson. WANTED Strictly first-class boiler maker, wages 68o per hour, eight-hour day; only first-class man need apply; transports tlon furnished. Address E. M. Helgho, gen. mgr., P. & L N, Railway, New Meadows, Ida. LABORERS wanted: men under 65 years for general labor work for store department at Southerr. Paclfio Company's Brooklyn shops. Steady work at $3.90 per day. Storekeeper. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks tu basements of our consumers; average wage $1.25 to $4.71 for 8 hours. Inquire N. K. cor. 2d and Flanders. Port land Gas & Coke Co. WANT young man between IS and 20 for newspaper office. An excellent oppor tunity to leurn the business office end of a newspaper. Give phone numbsr, age and references. C 418, Oregonlan. FIVE men, 8 hours. 42o hour; free employ ment office. West Linn, across river from Oregon City. Strike on 10 months, but don't worry. If not now doing essential war work. AV 162. Oregonlan. WANT boy for newspaper office; salary $10 to. start. Good opportunity for promotion. Give age and phoae number. AC 405. Ore gonlan. WANTED A first-class slaugli ter-house butcher, also a helper; also a first-class . casing man; best wages. Frank L. Smith. 22S Alder. WANTED 8 experienced lumber car loaders to work by contract per thousand. Swedes preferred. Big money. Onalaska Lumber Co., Onalaska, Wash. WANTED Station agent at Onalaska: gen eral railroad experience needed; submit reference Newaucum Valley Railroad Co., Onalaska Lumber Co., Onalaska, Wash. WANT good strong boy to look after cow and garden; opportunity to leurn machin ist trade as well: can "bach" on premises. Apply 235 Stark St. WANTED An experienced reaawyer for night shift Columbia River mill; steady Job, Government scale of wages. AV 160, Oregonian. WANTED at once, first-class Janitor; must naerstana now to Keep plant clean; ood wages. U. S. Laundry Co., 10 Grand ave. WANTED One sticker mail, one wood turner and shaver man, one sash snd door man. Frank Schmltt A Co., ill. Slh and Yamhill. EX-PERT watchmaker to work on commis sion basis in Jewelry store; pay well; only expert with best references need apply. 252 Alder street. WANTED A competent bookkeeper and of fice man, a married man preierred; salaiy $125 per mouth. Address box 416 Monte sano. Wash. MILL and yard men wanted at Multnomah Lumoer & box Co., root or Bancroft ave.. South Portland. See night foreman, bet, 5-5:30 P. M. MAN for laudry route; good opportunity; give references. V 487. Oregonlan. FIVE men every day, eight hours, 42c nr.. west Linn mills, opposite Oregon city. Strike on. Come don't write If not now in essential war work. AV 161, Oregonlan. WANTED Teamsters and laborers; Lower Columbia Highway; Fernhlll, near Astoria; wages $4 per day 8 hrs. J. W. Sweeney Const. Co. MEN WANTED Conductors and motormert wanted. Call room 802 Electric building, or division superintendent's office at the carbarns. P. II, L. & P. Co. SHOE CUTTERS, good wages and steady work. Apply by wire, our expense. Zim-merman-Decen Shoe Co. NIGHT porter wanted for out-of-tewn hotel. Must understand steam heating system. A E 360, Oregonlan. BOY to carry dishes. $60 per month and board. Apply Broadway liazelwood, 127 Broadway. WANTED Boy 17 or over for store; good chance for bright, willing boy. Railway ' Equipment Co, 2d and Stark. WANTED 5 men to handle fuel. Crystal Ice & Storage Co. Bunkers. E. 1st and Hawthorne ave. WANTED Man over draft age for shipping room in candy factory; give age and wages expected. D 500, Oregonian. WANTED Single man farm work and stock. Board of Trade, city. who understands C Minsinger, 210 WANTED Experienced pressers for Hoff . man machine. U. S. Dry Cleaners, 180 Grand ave. 2 STRONG boys over 10 years, 1 packer, wholesale house; good pay, steady work. A pply 4sl Davis. WANTED Several good laborers; steady work, 50 cents an hour. Western Reduc tion Co.. 21th and Nlcolal sts. FUR cutter and nailer wanted; good oppor tunity for right man. N. M. Unger, 141 Broadway. WANTED Experienced, rapid billing clerk; state other experience and salary ex pect ed.T414Cegmian. PORTER wanted for new, out-of-town hotel. Must understand steam heating system, AG 863, Oregonian. WANTED Baker or henchman for out-of-town; $30 a week, board and fare paid. Apply 27 N. FirMt. bet. 8 and 9 Wednesday. WANTED Experienced car tallyman, good wages, good living conditions. Onalaska Co., Onalaska, Wash. NIGHT CLERK, for out-of-town hotel. AB 3-70, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bakers' helper at once, $20 per week. Winters' Bakery. Dallas, Or. JANITORS wanted, Multnomah Club, Salmon St. WANTED Day elevator man; give phone number. AM 2., oregonian. WANTED Night elevator mun; give phone number. AP 407. oregonian TRIPE cit-aneru aud casing men; good wages. 228 Aider st. WANTED Baker's helper. Apply 441 Bel mont st. EXPERIENCED price clerk in farm Imple ment line. Af DI3. oregonian. A MACHINE presser, steady position. Queen City Dye w ks., --"-ft mhiiiu ae. TAILOR for repair work In clothing store. J. J. Padden, Vancouver, vvaan. WANTED Boys 16 to 20. Apply factory, 34 N. lrt St. , BELLMAN wanted. Arlington Club. 209 r-arK st. WANTED Experienced nlsllt clerk. Hotel Ramapo. 14tn ana vanington. CARPENTER wanted. Apply J. C. Balrd k Co., Jiaritei. WANTED l."t-class automobile mechanic Apply 4Q4 pavis. WANTED Man to run extractor. Call Portland Launnrv t p.. mn ttnq I'oucn. WANTEO Boy for light delivery: good pay. jproeiuans urucciy, j owx su