THE MORNING OREGOXIAN", TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1918. FOOD OFFICIALS TO CHECK SUGAR SALES 11 PHONES: MARSHALL 4600 A6101 "Delineator" 1 Special . Offer Now Open For particulars apply at our Pattern Shop. Investigate at once the time is Limited. . September Delineator for subscribers is in; also August Butterick patterns Portland Must Furnish Rooms for the G. A. R. When the veterans and their friends come to our city for their National Encampment celebration next week (August 18 to 24). List available rooms at National League Headquar ters in our Sixth Floor Auditorium. This Store Makes One Delivery a Day By Governmental request this store makes one delivery a day over each route; charges for special delivery; lim its to 3 days the time within which cus tomers must return merchandise for credit or exchange. Hear Frieda Hempel On the NEW EDION First actual "Re-Creations" of the voice of this famous metropolitan opera star now on sale Sixth Floor. Emmett's Lullaby, with Criterion Quartet, and Long, Lone Ago. Ave Maria, with violin obligato by Mary Zentay. Aloha Oe and My Old Kentucky Home, both with Criterion Quartet. Each J2.50. The Quality" Storc or Portland Card System Limiting Individ ual Purchases Is Adopted by Administrator. and fashion sheets. Second Floor. The Great August ale of Underainislins HOARDERS ARE UNDER FIRE IS aagaaw 3 W. B. Ayer Gives Warning to Con sumers Wbo Persist In Baying More Sugar Than Allowed by Federal Orders, A card system for 11ml ting sugar pur chases to two pounds a person a month has been adopted by the food adminis tration. Each family will have one sugar card on file with the dealer, ac cording to ' the new rules which are being put Into effect In Oregon by Food Administrator Ayer. Every purchase will be recorded on this card, which will contain data on the sugar pur chased to date and a pledfo not to brak rules of the Food Administration. The cards will be filed with th Food Administrator, who will check them over to provide against duplica Hons. The new restrictions were made following complaints from retail deal era that many were repeating pur chases and were buying at different tores. A catechism summary of the sugar situation has been prepared to Inform the public of the seriousness of the art uatlon. "I wish to emphasize that any family having on hand sugar in excess of their needs for canning should return this to the dealer." said Mr. Ayer In speaking of the new rules. "This will assist the Food Administration In arranging fair and equable distribution of exist ing supplies: The catechism follows: What Is iuur hoarding? It Is bavin on hand more than Is needed for a reasonable length of time. Tou should not fall to return any unused sug-ar pur chased for canning purposes. May a household have more than month's supply of sugar on hand? This Is not Justifiable except in extreme eases where there are no stores available forepurrhaae. and It should be done only upon advice of the Federal Food Ad minis trator or his deputy. What are some of the evil effects of hoardtne? It Lhrows the distribution system out of Joint: it raises prices: It imposes a heavier burden upon those already doing their ut most: It results in waste wnere tnere are no proper facilities for storage; it la dis honest. What Is the moral wrong of hoarding? It Is selfish, cowardly and unpatriotic It Ik. In effect, taking unto oneself special privileges at a time when all Americana should be on the same footing, share and share alike. Is there snr punishment for hoarders? yes. The food control act provides fines f not more than $5000 and Imprisonment for hoarding by dealers, manufacturers or householders. ROTARIANS CHEER CAMP CLVB MEMBERS BACK FROM VISIT SOLDIERS AT LEWIS. TO Snsileage Beok Movement Gets Impetus a Resalt of Trls -Restroom to Be Furalsked. Members of ths Portland Rotary Club, who returned Saturday from Camp Lewis, report that the Oregon boys put on a fine programme of events and that they were very glad to see ome of the home folks if only for short time. Miss Dorothy Lewis went with the Portland party to sing at the evening programme. Oregon soldiers gave reci tations, songs, stunts and other enter tainment for three hours that night at T. M. C. A. hut No. 3. One hundred dollars worth of smileage books dis tributed by the Rotarians were eagerly received by the boys. The organiza tion Bow Is gathering up other smile age books to be sent to Oregon troops at Camp Lewis. Another movement that probably will be launched by Rotarians as a result of the visit Is the complete fur nishing of a comfort and rest room at the base hospital. Following the ex ample of Seattle women, who furnished a room complete, the matter will be taken up by the Ladles of Rotary, it is expected. Word has been received by Presi dent Waters that the International board of directors of Rotary have been received by President Wilson. Acting on Instructions from the recent con vention at Kansas City, the board promised the President their united support In the prosecution of the war and active co-operation in the work of social hygiene which Is about to be launched by the Government. A complete report on the reception of the board by the President will be nude, today at the weekly meeting, which will be held at Grant Smith Porter shipyards. The club will leave for the yards from tho Benson Hotel at noon. Box lunches will be provided. f. 5 ! 2 s SCOUTS ERECJNEW HOME Structure Will Be Located oni Shore of Wahtum Lake. Good progress is being made on the Boy Scout headquarters now under erection st Wahtum Lake, according to Forest Ranger Hon. in charge of the cascade iockb district of the Oregon National forest, who was in Portland Saturday. The building. Intended to be the permanent Summer quarters of the organization. Is being constructed of Oliver ttr logs. 13 to 16 Inches in diame ter. The structure will have a dining- room, on ice. assembly hall and com missar department. It stands on the shore of Wahtum Lake, a beautiful mountain lake at 3900 feet elevation. The water supply is being piped from a nearby spring. HARD DRILL GIVEN GUARD Two Companies Spend Strenuous Cay onj Clackamas Rifle Range Rigorous and effective training was enjoyed at the Clackamas rifle range by members of Companies A and B, Multnomah Guard, according to uni versal testimony of the men when they ieturned Sunday night from a 24-hour sojourn at the range. Field maneu vers, target practice, bayonet work, grenade throwing, trench training and lectures were among the instruction features packed into the week-end period. The two companies were under the command of MJos J. Francis Drake, with Captain W. Watson in charge of Company A and Captain McMillan lead ing Company B. "That Something New" . From Timothy F. Crowley and Other Celebrated Designers Features Our New Fall Neckwear From Crowley new effects in collars, sets, "modesty" vestees, etc. An attractive set is of white pique, collar and cuffs finished with net frills (illustrated). There are crepe hand-embroidered collars with the new "camouflage lace. Stocks and jabots of net with hand work and ribbon ties. Washable organdy sets with buttonhole edge. A host of other smart new conceits. Attractively priced from $2.25 to $7.50. Other Modish Neck Fixings for Fall have been received, from leading designers. A wide range of styles and prices $1.25 to $7.50. The assortment includes new pleated organdy and crepe sets. Mod esty vestees in organdy, crepe and satin. Real and imitation filet roll and Hat sailor DacK moaeis. iew organay pieatea mons collars. Three attractive new models illustrated. Meier & Frank's: Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. A Special Sale of 36-Inch Dress Embroideries Today Only, Yard 59c 36-inch dress embroideries of voile and organdy with scallop edges. In very attractive heavy floral designs. New Laces From Birken Bros. Yd. 15c to 85c Birken Bros. Val. laces, pop ularly known as BB laces, are exact reproductions of hand made Val. laces and are justly famous for their splendid wash able qualities. Many new designs are shown in edges with insertions to match, bead top edges and cam isole points. White and natural. For trousseaux, baby garments, fine lingerie and neckwear trimming. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor, Fifth Street Is Nowle Full Swin The August Sale of Undermuslins, which began yesterday, is an achievement of which we are justly proud. We have assembled immense stocks of fine quality undermuslins for this event. Great special purchases from reliable manufacturers comprise a notable part of this sale's merchandise. Of these several are SAMPLE lines recently secured in the East by our buyer. Part of our regular fine stock is included as well. ALL of the merchandise in this August Sale is up to the MEIER & FRANK high standard. The fabrics are consistently good, the designing unexceptionable, the trimmings all that one could desire and prices suDstantiaiiy lower tnan you are accustomed to paying. The August Sale of Undermuslins extends a supreme economy service to women at a time when it will be appreciated ALDER STREET WINDOW DISPLAYS). most. (SEE OUR GREAT FIFTH AND f Domestic A Wonderful Special Magazine Combination Offer Subscribe Now! "Woman's Home Companion" Now 20c Copy AND "American" Both for 1 Year $2.75 Newsstand Price $4.80 You Save $2.03 Leave orders at our Magazine Section, Main Floor or Book Shop, Fifth Floor. Just In A Fine Assortment of New FaU Suits You'll Be Surprised to Know They're Priced Only $25 A large assortment of new Fall suits in navy blue poplin has just been received and marked for quick selling at only $25. Belted jackets with collar that closes high at the throat or may be worn open. Some of the coats have pleated backs, others in full flare ef fects. Skirts are in a number of different models all new and smart. One of these Fall suits is illustrated. Kemarkable at $25! Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. undermuslins, of course, are a most impor tant part of our August Sale. Gowns A choice assortment. Of fine soft-finish nainsook. Slipover models with kimono sleeves or sleeveless styles. Trimmed with good Val and Cluny lace edgings, embroidery and clusters of small tucks, dainty hemstitching, insertions, beading and ribbon. Some pink batiste gowns included. . ' Special at 98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, $2.59, $2.98, $3.59, $3.95 to $5.95. Envelope Chemise An excelling collection. Of soft nainsook and cambric. Trimmed with fine lace and embroidery edgings, tucks, beading and ribbon. Some in plain tailored models with lace and hemstitched shoulder straps. Some pink batiste garments, included. Special at 79c, 98c, $1.29, $1.59, $1.98, $2.59 to $3.59 Petticoats Of cambric and nainsook. Trimmed with em broideries, laces, tucks, insertions, beading, ribbon. Special at $1.29, $1.59 to $7.95. Hand Embroidered undermuslins are an impressive feature of this August Sale. The materials are of good quality. Garments are designed on American patterns. Needlework is very fine. : Very special prices are in effect. Just a suggestion of the values is given here. Gowns Of soft nainsook. A variety of designs. Kimono sleeves. Beading and ribbon trimmed. Special at $3.59, $3.95, $5-95 to $7.45. Envelope Chemise A good assortment of designs. Special at $3.59, $3.85, $4.59. STRAIGHT CHEMISE special at $2.59 to $3.59. Corset Covers Even WE could not buy now at the prices some of these are marked for our. August Sale. One very ex ceptional lot Special at $1.98. 4 I I I 1 1 U AMI S Crepe de Chine and wash satin undergarments greatly reduced. Of excellent quality materials, these garments are trimmed with fine Val. laces, tucks and in sertions, beading and ribbon. Many have touches of hand embroidery. A good selection in white and flesh. Gowns A good assortment to select from. Of fine materials, beautifully made. Greatly underpneed. Special at $3.75, $4.95, $5.45, $6.95 to $9.45. p Envelope Chemise g Another notably fine assortment at very unusual price concessions for our August Sale. Special at $2.43, $2.98, $3.85, $4.29 to $5.95. Camisoles Of Crepe de Chine and wash satin in flesh and white. Fitted and plain ribbon strap shoulders. Special at $1.29, $1.59, $1.79, $2.29 to $2 98. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor, Sixth Street. "A Store It Pays to Visit Every Shopping Trip" Features Today a Wonderful Sale of Bed Spreads A Big Lot of Factory SAMPLES About 50 Styles and Patterns $1.59-$1.98-$2.49-$2.98 These Prices Are About Present Factory Cost or LESS! This sensational sale of factory sample bed spreads begins today at 9 A. M. in our Lower Price Downstairs Store. It is, we believe, everything considered, the greatest under price event of its kind ever held. Half a hundred varieties of spreads. Marseilles, honeycomb, satin, heavy quilted and jacquard effects. Some soiled, some show slight oil stains. But there's nothing to hurt their usefulness. It's a sale in which every home should share.. Sheets at $1.89 Size 81x90. Indian Head weave,' linen finish, best wearing sheets on the market. Blankets $3.98 Excellent quality soft wool fin ish blankets very specially priced today. They're .worth a fourth more according to present market costs. Size 64x76. Gray with blue or pink borders. 3 Cases $1 . Gold Seal pillow cases of good quality tubing. Size 42x36 with 2-inch hems. Comforts $4.98 Hand knotted comforters filled with finest long fiber 3-pound cotton batts. Best quality silko line covering. Full 72x90 size. Beautiful patterns. Extra good values at $4.98. ..lklk'lklkllklk11 " . . Sale of Women's Good $4.50 Lawn Dresses at $2.59 A very special lot of wom en's fine lawn dresses in Dresden effects light blue and pink on white grounds with pink or light blue ruffle on collar and cuffs. One illustrated. Today at $2.59 instead of $4.50. Gingham Dresses $2.47 Heretofore priced as high as $5.00. ' House dresses of excellent quality gingham, well designed and finely made. Plain colors and plaids. One illustrated. - - Meier & Frank'a:Thtrd Floor, Sixth Street. MEN! You Can Buy Today Fancy Four-in-Hand Silk Ties At the Special Price of 3 for 55c - ' Broken sets of much higher priced lines men's ties greatly reduced some close to HALF PRICE for quick outclearing. Hun dreds to choose from. Many desirable pat terns (chiefly stripes) and colorings. Meier & Frank's: Men's Furnishings Shop, Main Floor. WW Wirthmor Waists Sold Here Exclusively in Portland The greatest dollar waist values in America! Make their acquaintance today! . . ... Meier & Frank's: Waist Shop, Fourth Floor. $1 Sale of Pajamas The Popular "Billie Burkes" Billie Burke pajamas. In one-piece style. Made of soisette. Pink and light blue color- (PQ fTQ ings. Very specially priced today at.... DOJ Another good offering, today brings Billie Burke pajamas of pink batiste with blanket (PO QQ etitch trim at the greatly reduced price of vmUO Meier & Frank's: Third Floor, Sixth Street Folding Kitchen Stools 99c We offer at this very special price today a lim ited number of folding kitchen stools that wise housekeepers put to so many excellent uses. Substantially built, made to give long service. Can be folded up and put away when not in use. Stool as illustrated, special today at 99c. Meier & Frank': Housewares Section, Basement. '4 BIG CIRCUS DUE SEPT. 2 BARXUM BAILET ADVANCE MAX BRTVGS IHCWS. New ud Ravel Features for Eatertala teat of Toaa- aad Old Are Freely Premised. W. I. Wllken. press agent for the Barnum & Bailey circus, is in Portland with the announcement that the biff show will be exhibited here on Mon day, September 2. It is promised that nothing- to com pare with the present Barnum 4 Bailey performance baa ever before been seen under canvas. New and novel features have been Imported from abroad and a programme of events, thrilling-, educa tional and screamingly funny, will oc- cupy every Instant in three ring's, four stages, and riggings above and the hip podrome surrounding- for more than three hours. . There is a new and gorgeous pageant entitled "Aladdin and His Wonderful Lamp." In which nearly 1000 persons and 1000 animals appear. This will be followed by a host of acts In all parts of the great enclosure. There will be SO clowns, & greatly Increased menag erie, four great herds of elephants, sev eral caravans of camels and many re cently born baby animals. The street parade will start from the circus lot at 10 o'clock on the morn ing of circus day. Poor Farm Charges to Be Probed. WALLA. WALLA. Wash., Aug. 12. (Special.) A committee named by the County Commissioners to probe charges that inmates of the poor farm were im properly fed has set Thursday, August 15, as the date of the investigation. Superior Court Judge E. C. Mills, Oscar Drumheller. a merchant, and E. EL Shaw, a physician, are the committee. RULE IS CCURTED GEORGE PRICE SATS CAPITALISTS " STARTED WORLD WAR. Gnstav Erdman. Convicted of Violating; Espionage Act. Sentenced to Serve 15 Months la Prison. George Price, receiving a paltry $6.66 a day for light carpentering in a local shipyard. Is convinced that this Is a capitalist's war. He owes nothing to the United States, he says, and would Just as soon be ruled by the Kaiser as not. He refuses to fight or buy Liberty bonds, and declares that the more men killed In Europe the better laboring, conditions will be after the war. Price I Is likely to have a chance radically to I charge of being a slacker, and was yes amend his views, as he was bound over terday sentenced to 30 days in jail. At yesterday by Assistant United States Attorney Goldstein. He was arrested for disloyal utterances on complaint of his fellow workers at the Grant Smith Porter plant. Wilhelm Rohe, who was taken into custody Sunday for alleged disloyal ut terances, was questioned yesterday by the Federal officers. Assistant United States Attorney Veatch has wired for a warrant covering his case, and he will no doubt be interned. Frederick Linke, another alien enemy, was Interned yes terday and conducted to Vancouver. Otto Brandle, an alien enemy picked up for failure to register, is being held pending the arrival of a warrant for his internment. Gustav Erdman, recently convicted of violating the espionage act, was sen tenced yesterday to 15 months on Mc Neill's Island. Erdman was arrested at the Smith-Powers mill at Powers, Or., for opposing the activities of the Loggers' Loyal Legion. George Carras pleaded guilty to the the end of this period he will be ducted into the National Army. in- Wilson Praises State Councils. WASHINGTON. Aug. 12. Achieve ments of state councils of defense were praised by President Wilson today in a letter to Secretary Baker in reference to the Secretary's suggestion that the machinery of the state councils be used as far as possible by all Federal agen cies in extending their work. Tobacco Habit Easily Overcome A Haw Yorker, of wld experience, hu written a book telling bow th tobacco or snuff nablt may be easily and quickly baa. Ished with delightful benefit. Tho author. Edward J. Woode. 1821 A, Station E. Now York City, will malt his book free on requec Th health Improves wonderfully after tobacco craving Is conquered. Calmness, tranquil Bleep, clear eye, normal appetite, good digestion, manly vigor, atrong memory and a general gain in flclncy ar among tb many benefit reported. Get rid of that nervous, irritable feeling; no mor need of pipe, cigar, cigarette, enuff or chewing to bacco to pacify morbid Uealre. Adv