Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 12, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. LVIII. '0. 18,008.
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HOW TOTAL 36,000
Anarchist, I. W. W. and
British Pushing On to
Upper Somme.
Pbkor, Four Hundred Miles Away,
Is Proposed Destination of Teu
ton Kaiser's Diplomats.
Old Line Held by Germans Be
fore Retreat to Hinden
burg Line Crossed.
Cannon, Rifles and Machine
Guns Hasten Flight of De
moralized Legions.
FRANCE, Aug. 11. (By The As
sociated Press.) The allied forces
continued their victorious advance all
along' the line last night and today,
pushing in the general direction of the
upper reaches of the Somme.
They were smashing the stiff re
sistance interposed by the rear guards
of the retreating Germans, the bulk of
whom, according to reports considered
reliable, are fleeing in disorder.
British Close to Nesle.
British cavalry are reported this
afternoon operating close to the town
of Nesle. (Neslc is six miles south
east of Chaulnes).
Many hours ago the British, French
and American troops had reached,
roughly, the old line held by the Ger
mans before their retirement to the
Hindenburg line. - They have " now
pushed beyond in many places.
Goyencourt, two miles northwest of
Roye, is reported to have fallen to
British troops. Other British forces
were on the front of Chaulnes-Hatten
court and Villers-Les-Roye.
The Germans are retiring gradually
everywhere in the face of the fire
from the British guns, rifles and ma
chine gunft.
Allies Push On to Bray.
The Americans and British north of
the Somme had further hard fighting
and with fine spirit pushed on toward
Bray. They have traversed the north
ern spur east of Chipilly, and Etine-
hem is as well as in their hands.
Gressaire wood had long since been
cleared of the enemy, the allied
forces passing around the wood,
which was reeking with gas from
many pockets.
Here both the British and Ameri
cans were helped on their way by
tanks. At one place a tank, contain
ing 12 volunteers, rushed a strong
enemy position. Scores of Germans
were killed and seven officers and 200
men were captured. This permitted
the infantry to get onto the line it
was holding this morning. The Amer
icans in the fighting of the past 24
hours have further casualties, prin
cipally caused by machine gun bullets.
But their casualties were no more
than could be expected among troops
constantly delivering attacks against
the enemy, who here put up probably
the stiffest resistance of any along
the line.
A considerable number of addi
tional prisoners were taken here.
Ten divisions of Prince Rupprecht's
reserves have been identified in tha
Many Prisoners Disheartened.
Large groups of prisoners, hungry,
thirsty and grimy and appearing
thoroughly disheartened, continue to
arrive at the collecting cages. Among
the captured were five regimental
commanders and ten battalion com
Late today strong enemy forces
were concentrating east of Proyart
and apparently were making prepara
tions to oppose a determined resist
ance. The German object probably is
merely to cover the retreat of the
large enemy forces.
Enemy Rushing Eastward.
Allied airplanes reported that long
streams of enemy troops and trans
ports were rushing eastward. The
enemy bombers also have been busy
and repeatedly were chased away by
the British pursuit planes to prevent
them from dropping bombs to hinder
the advance of the troops.
The Germans were reported to be
retreating eastward past Peronne in
the greatest disorder. Many were
said to be without arms, apparently
having discarded their weapons.
COPENHAGEN. Aug. 11. Tha Ger
man Embassy at Moscow will remove
immediately to Pskov, owing- to condl
Hons In Moscow, according to advices
from Berlin today.
Pskov Is 162 miles southwest of Pe
trosrrad and aDDroxlmately 400 miles
nearly direct west, of Moscow.
Owinr to traffic conditions. It Is
stated, the embassy will be compelled
to travel by way of Petrograd. Helsing
fors, Finland, and thence to Reval on
the Esthonian coast and to its destina
Mysterious HaDDenlngs In Marsn-
field Are Duplicated.
EUGENE. Aug-. 11. (Special.) Mys
terious marks have been louna on
door casings at homes lh all parts or
the City of Eugene and so far all
efforts to "determine their origin have
been futile.
The markings have been made with
a lead pencil at a uniform heighth of
about five and one-half feet from the
floor. The mark la in the form of a
letter "C. but has variations, such as
a cross through the lower part of the
latter or a dash under the latter. Sev
eral persons in the city reported find
ing these marks In different residence
Boys delivering newspapers were re
quested to watch for the marks on
their routes and they report finding
them in all parts of the city. No one
seems to be able to offer an explana
tion of their presence. A similar occur
rence has been reported from Marsh-
Radicals Welded.
Federal Agents, With Chicago
Police Run Plotters Down.
Twelve or More Persons Arrested
and Records Are Being Investi
gated by Immigration Agents,
With Deportation In View.
Warden Murphy Returns Empty-
Handed From Columbia County.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 11. (Special.)
Although certain that Bennett Thomp
son, escaped murderer is in coiumDia
County in the vicinity of St. Helens,
Warden Murphy returned today from
that town empty-handed after a-search
since Saturday. Deputy Sheriffs A. C.
Skinner and R. S. Leabo, of Multnomah
County, were with him. The Columbia
County Sheriff and members of the
State Police are watching the situation
closely. Warden Murphy stated.
Two people who know Thompson re
ported to the warden they had seen
him near SL Helens. He was dressed
a gray coat and overalls and was
wearing a cap, all clothing he had
picked up after leaving the prison.
While there was no sign of his being
armed. Warden Murphy is morally cer
tain he has obtained a gun somewhere
and is working on that supposition.
Banished French ex-Statesman
presses Hope for Victory.
PARIS, Aug. 11. Louis J. Malvy, ex
iled former Minister of the Interior,
left Paris last night for Irun, a town
in Spain, near the French frontier. Be
fore his departure he addressed a let
ter to President Deschanel of the
Chamber of Deputies protesting against
the judgment of the higher court.
He obeys the order of banishment.
he says, at this grave hour, when the
future of the country s at stake, to
save the nation from being distracted
by an agitation in his behalf. He calls
upon all those who are with him in
heart to give the best of themselves
to the country's defense, for "the vic
tory of France must remain first In
our thoughts."
Concluded on Page 2, Column 6.)
Disc-Shaped Insignia to Be "Worn
After September 1.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11. American
war workers after September 1 will
wear disc-shaped badges slightly
larger than a quarter with a red, white
and blue enameled bar attached. The
Department of Labor announced today
that the design for the war Industries
badge had been completed by Jo David
son. of New York, and that the first
of the medals would be ready for
award on time.
Four Thousand Men to Be Part of
Expedition to Siberia.
OTTAWA, Aug. 11. Canada will be
represented by a military unit of ap
proximately 4000 men in the expedi
tionary force which the allied govern
ments will send to Siberia.
This was announced here tonight by
the Dominion government, which prom
ised a more detailed statement within
a short time.
Sweden's Representatives Free Brit
ish and French Officials.
PARIS, Aug. 11. A dispatch received
here from Stockholm says that as a
result of the efforts of Sweden's repre
sentatives in Moscow, the British and
French Consuls who were recently ar
rested by order of the Bolshevik!, have
been released.
CHICAGO. Aug. 11. (Special.) Posi
tive evidence that the far-reaching
German spy system has gathered to
itself anarchist. I. W. W. and other in
ternational radical organizations in
America and has welded them Into one
great anti-war propaganda machine is
declared to be in the hands of the Fed
eral Government.
Disclosures that Federal agents. In
conjunction with the Chicago police,
have unearthed at least three different
angles of anarchistic activity, each ap
parently having a close connection
with German agents, and believed to be
largely financed with German funds,
came today with the announcement
that the plant of an aranchist newspa
per at S18 South Morgan street had
been raided and Frank and Nicholas
Carnavalis, brothers, of the late Dan
Wallace's group of conscientious objec
tors, arrested.
Much Literature Seised.
Detectives who conducted the raid
and made the arrests are said to have
seized a big supply of literature and
important correspondence which sheds
further light upon the personnel of the
men who are guiding the alien enemy
propaganda work, and indicates new
lines of UaXiSunlfJaatiens. -
It was learned that at least a dozen
other persons who have been arrested,
and whose records are being investi
gated by immigration agents, with a
view to deportation, are accused of be
ing actively engaged in one or more
of the German anarchistic propaganda
branches, which include:
The Anarchist Red CroBS.
The Milwaukee Defense League
The International Propaganda Group
of Anarchists.
It was stated that besides the men
and women who have been arrested and
questioned by the Federal authorities
at least 25 other persons in Chicago
are now under the close surveillance
of Government agents.
Quiet Raids Made.
In a number of quiet raids that have
been engineered by the police and Fed
eral officers, great quantities of liter
ature all of an anti-war and anarchis
tic character have been seized. Cor
respondence between various radical
German Officers Surprised at Their
Meals by Advance of Allied .
War Machines.
Copyrighted, 1018.. by the Press Publishing
Comoanv Th New York Woriaj. fua-
lished by Arrangement.
LONDON, Aug. 11. (Special.) Beach
Thomas, in a dispatch to the Daily Mail
describing the allies' attack, says:
"Abundant evidence is found at all
centers of the amazing impudence and
skill of tank crews. One large park of
motor lorries coming up with supplies
met the advancing tanks. Four mount
ed German officers, who could not be
lieve their own eyes, rode forward to
interrogate these poachers and were
shot. The tanks then proceadrd to deal
with the transport, which began by up
setting itself In a vain effort to wheel
and fly.'
"In the direction of Perronne, far be
yond our advanced posts, the cavalry
and tanks captured part of a Red Cross
train and burned another train meant
for troops. In the same village Fram-
vllers they charged down a street,
hootlna- through the windows at offi
cers sitting down to their meals.
"The alarm produced by this dash of
tanks was Buch that soldiers and trans
ports fled belter skelter back in the di
rection of Nestle.
'Miles farther back bridges were seen
to be jammed with troops and a state
of general confusion such as exerted
every energy of their staffs existed."
Military Pursue Mexican Outlaw
South of Chihuahua.
EL PASO, Texas, Aug. 11. Twenty-
six passengers and 40 soldiers of the
train guard of 60 on a northbound
Mexican Central train were killed and
70 soldiers and civilians wounded at
Consuelo, Chihuahua, 50 miles eouth of
Chihuahua City, Mexico, at 2 P. M-,
Saturday, by bandits who were under
command of Martin Lopez. The pas
sengers left alive and the bodies of the
dead were stripped of their clothing
and valuables.
A military train carrying a strong
force of soldiers was rushed to tne
scene and pursuit of the bandits begun.
Clilcagoans Clear Up Awkward Tri
angle for Allied Advance.
LONDON, Aug. 11. Reuter's corres
pondent at British headquarters de
scribed the Anglo-Americans' opera
tions that cleared up the awkward
Chipilly triangle as a remarkable feat.
'The Americans were chiefly from
Chicago," the correspondent says. "They
made over 500 prisoners and opened
the road to the further advance that
as been made."
rk r pi.., -r . v . .
... rni r l i wpon is urren out at
visits ot coia rasna Nantucket by Naval Scout
D I A:J..: Vessel.
DdltJU ill AlllUdVll.
NANTUCKET. Mass., Aug. 11. Nine
fishing schooner were sunk off
THREE MEETINGS MSRI flSEIl Gaor6'8 Ban tod y
in here tonight reported
The scout boat picked up word of the
raid from the auxiliary fishing schoon
er ieien Murley, which had rescued
four survivors and was taking them to
Georges Banks are 60 miles off this
One Thousand Officers
Included in List.
Publisher Said to Have Enter
tained Von Bernstorff.
Accused Denies Claims of New York
Attorney-General and Challenges
Official to Produce Facts,
Meetings Are Admitted.
fishing schooners off the Massachu
setts coast, a German submarine today
sank nine vessels of the fleet, the
Navy Department announced. The
schooners sunk Include the Kate Palm
er, Araita May, Reliance, Starbuck and
the Progress. The names of the other
four ships were not contained in Navy
Department dispatches.
Four survivors from the crew of the
Kate Palmer were picked up by the
fishing schooner Helen Murley and
have reached port in safety. No in
formation had been obtained by the
Navy Department tonight as to the
fate of the crews of the other
After the crew of the Kate Palmer
had been taken aboard the submarine
and held prisoner for one hour, they
were set adrift in a small boat.
(Concluded on Page 4, Column 1.)
Machine Travels 90 Miles an Hour
When Parachute Is Released.
FORT WORTH, Tex.. Aug. 11. Lieu
tenant James H. Dale, of St. Louis,
jumped from an airplane traveling 90
miles an hour at an altitude of 3000
feet with a parachute and landed with
out injury.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Merton E.
Lewis, State Attorney-General, de
clared in a statement tonight that he
could show by a series of affidavits
that William Randolph Hearst, the
newspaper publisher, had received at
his home at the same time, on two or
more occasions, Boio Pasha, who was
recently executed by France for trea
son, and Count Von Bernstorff, the for
mer German Ambassador.
Moreover, Mr. Lewis asserted that he
was "prepared to show by many affi
davits that Count Von Bernstorff was
a frequent visitor at the Hearst home
at about the time of Bolo's visit to
New York in the Spring of 1916, when
Bolo obtained 11,683,000 from Von
Bernstorff with which to carry on the
same German peace propaganda in
France that Hearst was then conduct
ing in America."
Three Meetings Disclosed.
Mr. Lewis declared that it had been
shown "by the testimony of Heart's
Paris correspondent, Bertelli, given on
the trial of Bolo for treason, that. In
stead of Hearst meeting Bolo only once,
he met him three times." v
These meetings, according to Mr.
Lewis, occurred . when "Hearst enter
talned. Bolo at luncheon; Bolo enter
tained Hearst at the Sherry dinner, and
Hearst entertained Bolo at a theater
party and supper."
Included in the statement were cop
ies of nine affidavits regarding visits
to the Hearst apartment house alleged
to have been made by Bernstorff and
Bolo. Some or these affidavits were
made by chauffeurs, who said they had
driven Bernstorff, Bolo, or both, to the
Hearst home at 137 Riverside Drive, on
one or more occasions while others n
eluded those by the doorman, superin
tendent and elevator boy at the apart
ment house.
Count Visits Heant Home.
An affidavit by Harry Block, a for
mer taxicab driver, now employed at
the Brooklyn Navy-Yard, said that "on
one and possibly two occasions I re
member distinctly driving Count Von
Bernstorff to No. 137 Riverside Drive
in company with a stranger whose pho-
auxiliary fishing schooner Gleaner ar
rived late tonight and reported an at
tack by a submarine on four other
fishing vessels off the southerly edge
of George's Banks Saturday afternoon.
Captain Edward A. Proctor, of the
Gleaner, saw one two-masted schooner
disappear, but was unable to say what
became of the other three vessels.
That same morning he said he heard
gunfire, but it was so far away he
could see nothing of the vessel doing
the firing.
Negotiations for New York Publica
tion Revealed by Accused.
NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Oscar B. Col
quitt, former Governor of Texas; Dr.
Bernard Dernburg, German propagan
dist; Bernard H. Rldder, editor of the
New York Staats Zitung. and George
Sylvester Viereck,- formerly editor of
The Fatherland, conferred at one time
on the purchase of a New York news
This information Deputy State At
torney-General Becker announced to
night he had obtained from Viereck
during his investigation of his Ger
man propaganda movement in this
Mr." Becker said that Viereck told
him several papers were considered.
Viereck claims he did not know wheth
er there was any connection between
these conferences and the later pur
chase of the New York Evening Mail
by Edward A. Rumeley.
Noyon, Between Montdidier
and Soissons, Appears to
Be Pivot of Resistance.
Bridges Across Somme Be
tween Peronne and Ham
Bombed and Destroyed.
(Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)
Bombardment of Paris Stops With
Advance Toward Noyon.
f; JEW . 4 '
PARIS, Aug. 11. The long range
cannon with which the Germans have
lntermittenly bombarded Paris, has
now been eilent for two days.
This may be explained by the allied
advance toward Noyon and Guiscard,
whence the recent firing is said to have
been proceeding.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 73
degrees: minimum, 58 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; gentle northwesterly winds.
Germans fleeing in wild disorder on British
front. Page 1.
Teutons are unable to stem advance of vlc
torious allied armies. Page 4.
Defiant stand made by Germans to save all
material possible. Page 4.
German prisoners taken In big battle now
total 38,000, Including . 1000 officers.
Pago 1.
Official war reports. Page 3.
Teutons busy entrenching on Franco-Amer
ican front on vesle River. Page 3.
Official casualty list. Page 3.
Submarine sinks fishing schooners. Page 1.
American casualties now total 20,112.
Page 3.
Tanks amaze with Impudent daring. Page 1.
America's power In field recognized by press.
Page 2.
Marines win fame on battlefield. Page 2.
Colossal German plan twice foiled. Page 2.
New battle west of Olse described by noted
French General. Page 4.
German Embassy to quit Moscow. Page 1.
BolsheTlkl regime in Russia is fast going
to pieces. Page 8.
Bolsherlki In peril, says Lenine. Page 8.
National. '
Government bares gigantic German-spy plot
In Chicago. Page 1.
Ship efficiency greatly improved. Page 5.
Hearst accused of courting Germans. Page 1.
Standifer wins from Cornfoot, 6 to 0. Page 9.
Clark C. Griffith fund to provide athletic
equipment for soldiers big success.
Page .
Portland and Vicinity.
Pastors discuss challenge ot Dr. John H.
Boyd. Page S.
Rev. J. Whltcomb Brougher believes return
of Christ will take place soon. Page 5.
Brave men sought to man land battleships.
rage T.
Pro-Hun suspect arrested says he doesn't
care who wins war. Page 7.
Thousands of Civil War veterans will be In
Portland next week. Page 12.
Benson Polytechnic School turns out big
class for U. S. service. Page 12.
Oregon's 1919 apple crop promises to approx
imate z.uuu.uuu Dusnels. rage 1J.
Four hurt in afternoon fire. Page 4.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page .4.
PARIS, Aug. 11. The number of
prisoners taken so far in the allied
offensive in Picardy is now estimated
at 36,000, including more than 1,000
More than 500 guns have been cap
tured, according to the latest advices.
The pivot of the German resistance
appears to be the town of Noyon, mid
way between Montdidier and Sois
sons. The enemy is throwing in re
serves from this base to prevent the
allies from gaining control of the
Noyon-Ham road, which is choked
with material, guns and troops.
Desperate Stand Expected.
The Germans are expected to make
a desperate stand on the Roye-Noyon
line to permit the columns which are
retreating in the direction of Nesle
and Ham to reach safety.
The resistance of the Germans is
stiffening against the fourth British
army under General Rawlinson. They
are reacting violently in the region of
Lihons, which changed hands twice
during the night but which this morn
ing was firmly held by the British.
All Bridges Ronvbed.
All bridges across the Somme be
tween Peronne and Ham, a stretch of
about 15 miles, have been destroyed
by allied aviators. The Germans have
been attempting to construct tem
porary bridges. Allied airmen are
now systematically bombing these.
Among the prisoners taken are
generals and colonels and eleven divis
ions have been identified.
PARIS, Aug. 11. Continued prog
ress was made last night by the
French on the right flank of the allied
front on the entire line between the
rivers Avre and Oise, the war office
announced today.
Big Advance Made By French
French troops captured the entire
Massif of Boulogne-La Grasse and
penetrated to the east of Bus, 6Va
miles east of Montdidier.
Notwithstanding the resistance of
the Germans, the French troops Sun
day gained further ground between
the Avre and the Oise rivers, taking
several villages from the west and
south of Roye to the Oise, according
to the. official communication issued
by the war office tonight.
Wooded Area Penetrated.
Further south on the line the
French have penetrated the wooded
area between the rivers Matz and
Oise, reaching in this region the en
virons of La Berliere and Gury.
Moreuil-Lamotte has been captured
and the French line has been pushed
(Concluded on Page 2, Column 8.
The Oregonlan was first with
Sunday's great news from the
seat of war. An extra telling of
the capture of Chaulnes. the Im
portant key point in the Ger
mans' southern line of the Somme
battlefront, was on the streets of
Portland at 8:45 Sunday morn
ing. Thousands of copies were
sold immediately and other thou
sands of copies were bought
eagerly by churchgoers when
they appeared on their way to
morning worship.
The extra gave readers of The
Oregonlan an entire page o
to-the-minute news telling of the
progress of the great allied of
fensive, all of which had devel
oped since regular morning edi
tions had come off the presses.
The matchless service of the As
sociated Press, always first with
momentous news, enabled The
Oregonlan, with its supplemental
special dispatches, to render this
service to its readers.
if The
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