THE aiORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918. ' 0 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF City Editor .' Main TOTO. A 0f Sunday Kdltnr Main TOTO. A 05 Advertlslnc Department ...Main TOTO. A SCfX Busarlntendcnt of building .Main TOTO, A SOW AMt-HKMEXTS. JfAXTAGES (Broadway at AMtr) Vauaa- vlUc. Three ahowa dally. 2:30. I ana :ua. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and moving picture 2 to 6; 44 to It P. M. Saturdays, Sundays, holl- ya. continuous, to 11 P. M. STBAXn (Washington street, between Park and West Park) Vaudsvllls and morlni ' pictures; continuous, fcTRIC (Foonh and Btark) ifualcal com' dy, daily, afternoon and niche OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK (On Wlllsnv tta River) Band concerts and dlyerslXlad entertainment, afternoon and night. ORXGOXIANS AT RESORTS. Subscribe with the following agents, st your Summer resort, to secure tho nioet prompt delivery of The Orego man. City rates. Subscriptions by mail aro paysols la advance: Bar-view. Or F. C. Robinson Kay City. Or O. E. Shelley Bay Ocean. Or H. U King Brighton. Or A. W. Row, Carson. Wash Mr a. M. C. Martin and Carl A. Smith Columbia Beach. Or...F. M. McCluro Keola. Or. ..Cannon Beach Merc. Co. Garibaldi. Or S. M. McMillan Gearhart. Or W. I. Robinson Long Beach. Wash. .W. E. Strauhal Manhattan Beach. Or.. Mrs. E. Elden Manzajilta. Or. E. Kardell JCahcotta. Wash H. J. Brown Newport. Or O. J. Herron Ocean Park. Wssh.Emma 8. Csmpbell Psclflo Beach. Wn., Lewis Burllngamo Rockaway. Or Frank Miller Feaslde, Or J. H. Jones Preview. Wash.. H. E. Perrln Tillamook. Or.... J. S. Lamar Wheeler, Or R H. Cady THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVINGS STAMPS on Sale at Business Office, Oregonlsn. Ladtstjos Facte Niw Peril, The local office of the United States for estry service has received an unique ang-gestion from Idaho in regard to Utilizing more fully the pood offices of the useful ladybug. The lady bug winters In the high mountain ranges. At an altitude of 9000 or 10,000 feet and. unfortunately, does not come down in the Spring early enough to be of the greatest value to orchardlsts in eradi eating the destructive aphis. Under the plan offered, it is suggested that the ladybugs be gathered in the Fall, kept in storage during the Winter and turned out as early as needed in the Spring. The plan is considered feasible auid may be tried out. Cojcvknttow la Postponed. J. Allen Harrison, chairman, and Mrs. Adah Wallace Unruh, secretary, of the Pro hibition party, announced yesterday that the Third Congressional District convention of Prohibitionists advertised to be held at Central Library next Mon day night has been postponed until further notice. In the meantime, the party has asked for a legal opinion as to the status of a nominating assembly under the provisions of the direct pri mary law. The purpose of this pro posed convention was the nomination or Indorsement of a candidate for Rep resentative in Congress from this dis trict. Bobxmiam to Raissj Ftnrcs. The Sohemian (Czech) National alliance of Portland In order to raise funds ap portioned as its quota for the main tenance of the Czecho-SIovak armies fighting with the allies in Europe and Asia, will give an entertainment and Informal dance at .the Bohemian Hall, East Fourteenth and Duke streets to Sight at 8 o'clock. Speakers who will ad dress " the audience in English and Bohemian will explain the political aims of the Czecho-SIovaks and the reason for their participation in the world war on the side of the allies. Pkbxatb Names Godfather. Dr, William Wallace Toungson yesterday received word that he had been ap pointed godfather to Henri L Mao, born October 16. 1907. address Rue St. Jean, Treboul (Flnlatere) France. The appointment was made by Major Lee Smith, of Pittsburg, grand master of the Knights Templar of the United States. The grand encampment has adopted 100 war orphans. Dr. Young- son being grand prelate is given one s his god-child. "Washington Gexerai, Herb. Briga dier-General Harvey J. Moss, Adjutant- General of the National Guard of Wash Ington. arrived from Seattle yesterday for a conference with Adjutant-General John M. Williams, who has recently returned from Washington, D. C. Gen eral Williams has recently Installed a card Index system which will give the rames and particulars of every boy of the state who has met death on, the battlefield or in the hospitals abroad. Soss or Veterans to Meet. A meet Ing of all Rons of Veterans of the Civil War is called to meet at Grand Army of the Republic Hall. 6TS Courthouse, n Monday evening at 8 o clock, the last meeting before the Grand Army encampment, which opens on August 19. All eons of Civil War veterans. whether affiliated with the organlsa tlon or not, are asked to attend and aid In the plans for entertainment and homage. risH .:oirPA!rr spes. Suit for re covery of approximately $1750 has been Started against the Hennlngsen Produce Company In a complaint filed by the roty Fish Company. Plaintiff alleges It pnrcnasea 'JZ ooxos or frozen smelt from the defendant concern for ehlD rnent to Boston. It Is alleged the smelt were not fit for consumption. Recovery of the purchase price, together with j:;0 lost in profit, is demanded by the plaintiff company. Wrist Watch Presented. A hand some wrist watch, suitably In graved, was presented to Miss Katherine Funk, chief clerk in the bureau of parka, who win leave juonaay lor Washington, Z. C. where she will accept a clerk ship in the War Department. The wrist watch was given to Miss Funk by em ployes of the Park Bureau. She has been employed by the city for the past ight years. FtrxERai. or Bot Held. Edgar Wal lac Hopkins, Jr.. the K-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hopkins, of 18C Willamette boulevard, died Wednes day after a five days' illness of diph theria. Funeral services were held Thursday with Rev. J. Bowersox offl elating. Interment was in Rivervlew Cemetery. Little Edgar was an only child. Auto Owrxr Is Sued. Because the ligaments of her legs were torn In an automobile accident. July 6, Ruth Eng lish Is suing Edith Avery for $5000 damages. The plaintiff alleges the ac cident, which occurred on Sandy boule vard, waa caused by the careless driv ing of the defendant. Face and scalp -wound's also were sustained, says the plaintiff. - Ranger Is Proud Father. Ranger Albert Wiesen, well-known forest offi cial at the Eagle Creek campgrounds Jn Columbia forest, is the proud father of a baby daughter born Thursday sight at a local hospital. Beoinntno Monday, Aug. 12. special attention will be given to the treatment nd care of children's teeth, to prevent decay and Irregularity. smith Long Clinic, Broadway bldg.. city. Adv. Razors Honed, safety blades sharpened. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th. near Stark. Adv. Scndat Trip Cascade locks and re turn; Ash-st. dock 7 A. M. Fr. $1.10. A 7T12. Brdy. 454. Adv. Dr. F. O. Lehman, 408 Alu-ion build ing, has returned. Main C718. Adv. En the ladles play ball Sunday; fce4itlfua-Crystal Lake -Park. Adv, Daughters to Help Entertain. Betsy Ross Tent. No. 1. Daughters of Veterans, will do its part in entertain ing the old soldiers who visit Port land during the Grand Army of the Republic encampment, according to plans laid at a meeting of the organ! zation Thursday evening. Committees were appointed to co-operate with the citizens" committee and committees of the Sons of Veterans in arranging for the reception of visiting delegates. Members were also assigned to assist at the information desk which will be maintained at the Multnomah Hotel during the encampment. Dr. Florence Sharp Manlon was named as an ad ditional delegate to the National con vention of Daughters of Veterans to be held at the Hotel Benson August 19 to 23. Pbeudo Policemen Operate. Two well-dressed men, one about SO and the other about 60 years of age, are masquerading In Portland a police Inspectors and are going about the city demanding permission to enter and examine homes, according to a report made to the police yesterday by Mrs. Holmes, proprietor of a grocery store at Fessenden and Oswego streets. The Police Department has requested that Portland people be on the watch for the pseudo officers and notify the police at ones if the men try to repeat the performance of yesterday. Salt Fish" Is Contraband. Two barrels of "salt fish." which upon ex amination proved to contain 80 gallons of whisky, were seized Thursday night by two deputy Internal revenue collec tors. Andrew Andersen, 677 East Elev enth street, who employed an express man to get the "fish." was later ar rested, accused of violating the Reed amendment and of misbranding liquor. Andersen asserts the barrels were shipped by Carl Swanaon. who naa Dromised-to send him some fish. He could not account for the presence of the whisky. Salmon Streams Inspected District Game Warden Clark and Deputy Fish Warden Rathbun returned Thursday night from a trip -of inspection in Clat- . .. ' i sop and trolumDia counues. there, they arranged lor me removal of portions of the- upper and lower falls on the north fork of the Nehalem River, tn nermlt the free passage of salmon and trout. Hitherto the falls have obstructed the passage of the fish to the spawning grounds of the upper river and the proposed Improvement will nrove an important aid in the propagation of fish. Book Circulation Gains. The sta tion which the Portland Library Asso ciation has established at the Albina engine works shows a very gratifying Increase in its circulation. Each Thurs day more and more of the men find their war to the librarian's desk out side the T" hut and get books. Be sides the technical works relating to shipbuilding the Library each week unDlles the yard with a case of the latest books on the war and on gen eral sublecta. The war books espe cially are very popular with the men. Pnun Res No LAW VIOLATION. The entire Portland police force was of the opinion last night that law violations had at last com to an end in this Mtv. laavlnsr them free to join ino colors. No arrests were made from 10 o'clock Thursday night until 4 o'clock last night. Every autoist gave the proper signals when he wished to turn a corner and not one drove faster than tho law provides. There wasn t even an arrest for intoxication or other violation of tho prohibition law. Geologist Opt for Reno. H. M. Lawrle. chairman of the Oregon bureau of mines and geology, left last even ing for Reno. Nev to attend a meet ing of economists and gold producers ir, union from August 12 to 14. The session is held at the invitation of Gov t.rnr Fmmtt Boyle, who has also in vlted the members of the Federal reserve banking district to discuss the crisis In gold production or me unnea States. . Waoon Stolen From Shop. Jim Retas, 29 East Third street North, re ported to the police yesterday that a single wagon, belonging to him, with shaft and running gear painted -yellow and top painted red and yellow, was stolen rrom Peterson's blacksmith shop. Grand avenue and East Glisan streets, on August 8. Retas was told by the owner of the blacksmith shop that two boys came and claimed the LOCAL QUOTA FIXED Portland to Furnish 260 Men 1 in August Draft. 1000 CALLED FROM STATE Some Boards, It Is Said, Will Be Obliged to Draw, Youths Who Registered in Juno Complete Quotas. to Portland will furnish 260 of the 1000 selectives called from Oregon for en- tralnment in the five-day period be ginning August 26, and the Multnomah County board will add 20 more to the contingent to go forward to Camp Lewis. Quota calls were sent out to boards of the state yesterday from the office of Captain J. E. Culllson, select ive service executive of the Adjutant- General's office. Two boards of the state, Nob. 1 and 9, of Portland, are not asked to fur nish men under the new call, announced from Washington Thursday night. These divisions have credits to their accounts which brought their omission from the list this time. On completing the filling of this new call Oregon will have sent 1869 class 1 men into the country's military forces. under five separate calls. This aggre gate is not yet as large as draft offi cials had been led to expect. In July 2500 men were called from Oregon and it was then asserted that the August calls would be of about equal size over the country. No surprise would be evoked were another demand for 400 to 600 men, to be furnished on or about September 1, received. Some boards of the state will be obliged to draw youths who registered M. Scott in a suit for divorce filed yes terday against Ida Scott. They were married at Livingston, Mont, in 1895 and separated In ,1916. John L. Schuyleraan, in a suit filed yesterday, says that Mae Schuyleman drove him from their home eeveral times at the point of a revolver. Other oharges of cruelty are made. They were married at Vancouver in 1914. Desertion Is alleged in the complaint which Roy L. Maule filed against Daisy J. Maule, whom he married at Medford in 1912. The plaintiff demands custody of their minor child. Ctroult Judge Stapletsn yesterday signed decrees granting Mary Ann Shaw a divorce from L. E. Shaw; Barney Dionne a divorce from Em man S. Dl onne, and Pearl McHale from Thomas McHale. Desertion was charged in each case. Belle Eoff, who married Henry EofT at Salem in 1892, is plaintiff in a dl voroe suit in which she charges ex treme cruelty. She asks for the cus tody of their two children and $50 a month for their support. COURTESY INSISTED Oil REGIONAL. DIRECTOR OF RAIL WATS PLASS HELP FOR PUBLIC. Administration Created for Purpose of Providlna; People With Adequate and Comfortable Service. Circular No. 12, of R. H. Aiahton, regional director of the northwestern territory of the United States Railroad administration, is devoted to the sub ject of "Courteous and Attentive Eerv ice to the General Public" With the in troductory statement that the director general feels very strongly that the railroad administration was "created for the purpose of providing the public not only with adequate service but with comfortable service, so far as this is consistent with the paramount neces sities of the war," the regional director classifies considerate and courteous treatment as an essential part of ade quate service. A feeling on the part of the public of a lack of attentiveness only in June in order to fill the latent ' and courtesy on the part of railroad auotas. In a general way, however, the filling of the call will mark the draining of class 1 men of the original. 1917 registration. ' Division quotas were announced as follows: Baker 801 Marlon No. 1 42 Benton 12 Marlon No. 2 15 Clackamas 40i Morrow 12 Clatsop ......... .651 Multnomah .......20 Columbia lSJFolk 6 Coos 40' Sherman slTUIamook 10 . 81 Umatilla SO .10 Union 20 .431 Wallowa 6 Crook Curry Deschutes . Douglas . . Gilliam .... Grant Harney . . . Hood River Jarkson . . Jefferson .. Josephine . Klamath . . Lake Lane ...... Lincoln ... Linn 801 Hf.lhiktir 12 Total 1000 41 Wasco . .10 Washington ... . . 6 Wheeler .. 61 Yamhill . .83i Portland No. 2. 6 5 ..16 .. 8 ..48 41 ..48 . SCO . 0 .10 .35 .80 40 Portland No. 3. Portland No. 4. Portland No. 8 25 Portland No. 6 zu Portland No. 7..... 25 Portland No. 8 8, Portland No. 10.... 45 employes has been created whether Justified or not that will require dili gent effort on the part of railroad em ployes and subordinate officers to re move. It is recommended that some "four minute men" be appointed on each dl vision to impress the employes with the Importance of efficient and prompt service courteously rendered. It is re cited in the circular that irritation has been caused by delays in purchasing tickets at ticket windows, and it is Bug gested that a study of each situation will enable the Immediate application of the proper remedy. Either the addi tion of more ticket windows or more ticket clerks, or of informed floor walkers to discover and adjust people's needs are suggested as means that may be employed in such cases. wagon. PRixn enters War Service. Rev. Father John Brltz. of Holy Redeemer parish, will leave Sunday to enter the service as an Army chaplain. He has been a pastor in the parish here for three years. The western province of the Redemptorlst Fathers has sent ten priests to the Army, five of whom have been stationed in -on.inu. to T.ransKT to Speak. Dr. W. Arnold t mir.mlnute man. has accepted an Invitation from tne management r-n,,nnll Crest Tark to aoaress tno .a mt this amusement resort to !. rr T.tndsev will speak at 10 o'clock, on "The MoblllxAtlon ofiaAmeri nn Man Power." nirTTTTT SHBllT OW TRIP. cnier Criminal Deputy Sherirr cnristonerson, accompanied by his wife, left last even ing for a six weeks' trip throughout the East. They will visit his relatives at Racine. Wis., and Chicago and will later go to Rhode Island, where they will visit Mrs. Cnristonerson a paroms. Tv.iTNr.RT Has Sham. Fire. Fire which started from the furnace In the rear of tne poruana Brass luunurj. 290 Union avenue, at i:u ociock. yes terday morning, did only small dam- age, according m a. v prletor. The loss is entirely covered by Insurance. i.trertt Boko Stolen. C. & Smith, t2S Colonial avenue, reported to the police yesterday that his home was entered sometime during the night of August 7, and a Ufceny Dona oi me third issue, J100 denomination, stolen. pmnicH to Dedicate Flao. Our Savior's Lutheran thurch. East Grant and Tenth streets, win aeaicaie xneir service flag Sunday night. Rev. M. A. Christensen will officiate. Stolen. Five-pas Ford car, Oregon ii.naj S9SS: factory no. ztsa7. Notify E. Cordano. 173 E. 15th; reward. Adv. KELLAHER TO SELL FISH Celebration of Sailing of City Fish ing Schooner Announced. Pronerlv to celebrate the, sailing of the municipal fishing schooner Pulitxer to sea on another nsmng expedition, manned with a new captain, riew cook and several new members or me crew, Commissioner Kellaher has an nounced a special sale on fish today at the municipal nsh market. xnira street. Halibut will be sold at 1$ cents per pound, rock cod (whole nsh), o cents; black cod, 10 cents; ling cod, 10 cents; whale steak. 12 cents; whale pot roasts. 10 cents, and cottage cheese will v.. nM at 10 cents Der pound. The crew on the Pulitser rerusea to sail on Thureday, but Commissioner Kellaher persuaded bait of tne crew to remain aboard the ship and secured Captain Culllson as master. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to extend our sincere thanks to our many friends for their kindness and for the many beautiful floral offer ings in our recent sorrow. Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar W. Hopkins. Band Concert, Dance. Tonight at Auditorium by First Pro visional Regimental Band. Adv. NEW YORK CALLS LEITER One of Best-Known Oregon yews paper Men Going to New Tork. O. C. Letter, one of Oregon's best known newspaper men, is soon to Join the staff of the New York Tribune. Mr. Leiter. who is now living in La Grande, has accepted a responsible po sition In the Tribunes editorial de partment and will leave for the East within the next few days. For 10 years Mr. Leiter was city edi tor of The Oregonlan and later occu pied a similar position on the Port land JournaL After leaving the Journal he became publisher of the La Grande Observer, which he resold a few months ago to Bruce Dennis, the for mer owner. In the recent primary campaign Mr. Loiter managed the can didacy of Louis J. Simpson for the Re publican nomination for Governor. JEWS WILL CELEBRATE Big Preparations for Holidays Being Made by Congregation. T? Atvraham S. RosencrantZ. of Con e-recratlon Nevah Tedeck Talmud Torah. Sixth and Hall streets, yes fnrrtav announced that great prepara. tions are being made for the coming Jewish holidays. A chorus of 15 trained voices will assist him in the services. The past year has been the most successful one In the annals of this congregation. The membership has been mote than doubled and it is an ticipated to reduce the outstanding mortgage $1000. THREE COUPLES IN COURT Applications for Divorce End Ro mances; Three Divorces Granted. That his wife's religious frensy broke their marital happiness is alleged by F. FOREMAN AND STEWARDS ABERDEEN TO TAKE ACTION, AT Demand of Emergency Fleet Corpora tion That Motorshlp Corporation Yard Speed Up Is Met. ABERDEEN, Wash., Aug. 9 (Spe cial.) As a result of a meeting last night at the Grays Harbor Motorship Corporation yards of the foremen of yard crews and -the stewards of the various craft represented in the yards 25 men. supplied by the Carpenters and Joiners of America, were put to work this morning caulking ships. Meeting the Cemand of the Emer gency Fleet Corporation that the Mo torshlp yard here be brought up to its full ship capacity of two and a half or three ships per month, the fore men of the yards and the stewards of the crafts represented, except the caulkers, gave expression last night to their determination to "build the ships and caulk them, too, if neces sary. The Motorshlp yards are now build ing two and a half ships a month, but only one ship a month is being caulked. The production, it is declared, can be brought to three ships a month, which is the desire of the fleet corporation, if the ships can be caulked. There are but 23 caulkers in the yard, and the request of the management to be al lowed to increase this number to 100 has not been met so far by the caulkers. There is little doubt the Carpenters and Joiners of America, who claim Jur isdiction, will now put on, the men necessary Independently of action of the caulkers. Everything in haberdashery here for every man and for every occasion. But we Can't , tell you of everything. So here are a few hurriedly gathered suggestions: New Fall Lion Brand Shirts ' for $2.00. Fancy socks In all fabrics, including silk Shawknit, Holeproof and other brands. Silk Shirts $5 and up. Silk front shirts $2.00. New Fall neckwear, 50c, 75c, $1 and up. COLLARS Lay in a stock of your favorite collars before the advance in price comes, which will be very soon. The Kuppenheimer House in Portland. MORRISON AT FOURTH ceived by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Isom, ot Washougal, formerly of Mosler, Or. Forest Isom graduated from The Dalles High School in 1916 with high honors. When war waa declared he en listed In Company K of the old Third Oregon. Later he was selected as sig nal man for Headquarters Company, 162d U. 8. Infantry, being transferred on May 1 to Company I, 28th Infantry. Before leaving New York he took out $10,000 worth of life insurance and bought eeveral liberty bonds, which he gave to his father and mother. He was 21 years old. PLATINUM BADLY NEEDED Treasnry Department Urges Imme diate Deposits of Scarce Metal. To relieve the present shortage ot platinum metals, which has em barrassed the manufacturers of deli cate machinery since the beginning ol the war, the Treasury Department has notified all Government assay offices to receivetdeposits of platinum metals in ' the form of Jewelry and dental scrap, which have been rejected heretofore. The Treasury Department has not yet set a price on platinum deposits, but assayers are asked to hold all contributions and encourage patrons of the mint to deposit with them all metals of the platinum group for th uses of the Government. GRIFFITH'S LATEST & GREATEST TODAY AND TOMORROW A ROMANCE OF THE WORLD WAR GRAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA HESLIG-LAST 2 DAYS MATINEE, 2:15 PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c EVENING, 8:15 PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 RESERYE "NOW" FOR CHOICE SEATS 'Tolly With a' Past" Next Mon., Tues., WeL, Thur. Kirk's Military Shop Portland, Oregon, Corner Third and Stark Streets. WHITE MIDDIES, with blue collar and cuffs, like cut; these aro a fine value and make vacation days a pleasure. Price $3.00 We Also Have Others Khaki, plain. .$1.75-$2.00 White, plain.. $1.35-$1.75 Unbleached $1.35 Blue wool $8.50 Blue Flannel. $3.50 Neckerchiefs or Ties priced . .$1.50 and $2.00 Lanyards 25c Navy Ratings, up to. .75c Folding Cots $ 5.00 Mattress $ 7.50 Sleeping Mattress, Kapoc $13.50 Blankets .$2.50 to $11.00 Regulation P o n- choes . . .$3.85 to $4.50 Steamer Blankets, make nice canoe rugs, up to $10.00 Hammocks, U. S...$1.00 Eain Coats, dress, up to $220 Bain Slickers ....$ 3.00 Serge Uniforms. .$30.00 and $35.00 Army Shoes, Mun- son last ..$5.50, $6.50 & $7.50 Barrack Shoes, size 6, 7, 8 $ 1.00 Head Nets 25 Clothes Stops 02 Sweaters, Flannel Shirts, Khaki Shirts, Canteens, Leggins, Hat Cords, Hat Straps, Mackinaws, Etc., Etc Write for prices. Telephone Main 4215. LITIGATION C0MES TO EN Agreement on Disputed Eilers Building Is Filed In Court. Settlement of all migration between Maegly & Tlchenor, owners of the Eilers building-, and the Oregon Eilers Music Bouse was effeoted yesterday through the filing In the Circuit Court of an agreement whereby the .Oregon Eilers Music House agrees to vacat the building by midnight October 10 and to pay Maegly & Tichenor $2000 1 rental until that time. With this agreement there was filed a stipulation dismissing another suit and another stipulation dismissing the pending appeal of the Oregon Eilers MubIo House In the case won by Maeg ly & Tlchenor In Judge Kavanaugh i court earlier In the week. FOREST I. ISOM KILLED Honor Graduate of The Dalles High Went With Old Third Oregon. A telegram announcing that their son Forest L Isom had been killed in action during the battle of the Mams was re- Spend Sunday In Mountains. The Arra Wanna Hotel in the Mount Hood district can care for a number o week-end guests as well as steady boarders, good rooms, the very best dining-room service including the spe cial fried chicken dinners. All at very reasonable rates. The roadB are in ex oellent condition and it takes about two and one-half hours by auto. Auto stag every morning at 8 o'clock. Routledge Seed Store, 145 Second street. Can make reservations long-distance phone to Arrab Wanna. Adv. Jail Stay Is Brief. LA GRANDE. Or., Aug. 9. (Special.) Into Jail yesterday for stealing grain sacks and gone this morning is the rec ord of Willis Wllkle, wbo has been in I I I pill!l!!Illlllll!II!l!Il!I!!!IIIIIIIII illllilllllllilllllllllllllillillill NEW MACKIXAWS, SWEATERS AND BATH ROBES HlllliHIIIIIIIipil llillllilllllllllliil Hill !iii!!!!illliiSIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Sterling Worth in Clothes Priced . $25 to $4Q --In clothes, wool is the very salt of service. But even in pure wool cloth, there is a variance in the quality which establishes several grades and the maker is placed upon his honor when he classes and prices his suits. For More Than Fifty Years Brownsville Clothes Have Been Proving Sterling- Worth These we speak of are ready-to-wear, built in our own factory, designed by our own drafts men, of woolens direct from the mill. - Brownsville Woolen Mill Store Third and Morrison II iliiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiliiilliiiiiH and out of jail so often that he Is a county Jails. He gained possession of familiar character about the city and a saw and worked his way out. Will Christ Come Soon? A letter from the Apostle Paul interpreted in the light of tho world war by DR.BROUGHER,D.D. 11 A. M. SUNDAY WHITE TEMPLE 7:45 P. M. He Speaks on A Preacher at a Circus or "The Philosophy of a Clown." FINE MUSIC FRITZ DE BRUIN, SOLOIST v, Yon miss a treat if you miss either service. (' j rritf rlniWintfiir ni 1- f ni j Special . Dinners Served 5 to 8:30 P. M. Daily Except Sunday. Twelve of Them! Ranging in price 30c to 90c Dinner No. 3--35c offers Mashed, baked or bouillon potatoes Stringless beans Creamed corn Stewed tomatoes Pie, Pudding or ice cream Tea, coffee or milk. Dinner No. 4 40c Head lettuce or fruit salad Baked salmon or halibut f. Bread and butter Coffee. Plan to dine tonight at 127 Bdwy. 388 Wash. First Presbyterian ChurchTwe,ftstr.A,der REV. J. K. Unsworth D. D. of British Columbia will speak 10:30 A. M. "and 8:00 P. M. Soloists: Miss Astrid Roal, Mrs. Mabel Orton . Wilson, ft'. - X 1N--M ' ' r mill the best you've ever tasted! Ask your grocer particularly for "HOLSUM" Wanted Chairs to Cane, by School for Blind FOR PARTICULAR 9 CALX iri52oo.' Mr. J.F.Myers PHONE YOUR WANT ADS TO THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 609 J