THE MORXIXG OREGONJAN. SATURDAY, . AUGUST 10, 1918, HH P WANTED MAI K OR FEMALE. WANTED 12O0 hoppickrs: make your vacation a paying proposrion by helping T. A. Lives ley k Co. pick their 6.u acres of hops, located on the folio wins well known yarda: Lakebrook. Holmes. Mur phy and Percival. situated at Salem and independence; nops very neavj. excei lent camp grounds. storts. butcher shop. restaurant, fine water, free tenia, straw and wood; apartment-house at Lakebrook: about IS to 20 days' picking-; will send oa Dickers about AuKuit J.i; other spe cial 'rains will leave Portland about Sep tember 3. 4 and 3; railroad tickets and accommodations may be secured on and after Aucust 10 at 3n McKay bldg.. cor ner 3d and Stark sts.; will pay 50 cents per box or SI per hundred pounds; call aarlv to secure tickets and accommoda tions, as Oregon has plowed out 10.000 acres of nops ana many less pic iters arc required to harvest toe crop, xeiepnonj number, aiain SPINNERS WANTED, GOOD WORK, GOOD FAT. OK ti'JO-N till AlXiLa, OREGON CITS. "WANTED at once, young man or lady, cap able of managing studio. ancouver, wain. Must be experienced; references required. Bdwy. 713. ON Government work, experienced spinners and weavers; gooa wages, steaay. auria . tive work. Portland Woolen Mil la St. Johns. K1CCAT1QN A L. WOMEN TELEGRAPHERS IN DEMAND. Great opportunity for women as tele graph operators, take piaces of men being drafted for signal corps. Positions paying a good salary and advancement. Particu lars, write or can ttauway reiegrapn xumi. 218 Railway Excb. bidg.. Portland ULRSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOl There is a great demand for PA TENT STENOGRAPHERS and BOOK KEEPERS. Our courses will Interest you. T.umbermens Building. irtn ana biaric. rnone ituwy. aim, oiiaa r. rm nr:i, JPKACTICAL training in gas. electrical and steam anaineering. mechanical drawing. machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene we.uing. auiumouiie biiu u Liu" wki uni and repairing. wrue ior caiaiogus. en title Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE- CRiPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work; heavy demand for women operators. . to Fuller's Telegraph School. Panama b!dg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 275 UNION AVENUE NORTH. PPEflAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7445. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. ARU HAWTHORNE AVE. Special Summer rates, day and night classes. "illS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short. Practical Course. Allsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. MOI.ER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send , for catalogue- 234 Burnside. Bdwy. 173L Miss MATTINGLYS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening, $0 month. 269 14tn. near Jefferson. Main 8893. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women tne oaroer iraoa area Paid while learning. 234 Couch at. wages whiie'learnlng; position guaranteed.' rir.vAn Rjrr.r In fP. "'.l.t Alr.allnD IL I FRENCH lessons given by Parisian lady. Call Marshall 44UO. Mrs. Hamilton, ju mira aptg. TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posi tions. Main 435. Fisk Teschers Agency. SHORTHAND and stenography. EAST SIDB COM'L SCHOOL, 122 H Grand ave. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND, OREGON. " YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY. Free reglst n. 911 Bdwy. bldg. M. 6274. 16 your child somewhat below grade? Ex- pert tutor, i aoor -.:. FRENCH CLASS. 801 Corbett bldg. Main 889. BIT CATION 8 WANTED MALE. SINGLE man with widowed sister with boy I ii and girl 11, wisnes wora on rancn wun i separate house; have own furniture; ex- I aia rw!? v ' " - - l Ing. janitor maintenance. Main 5536. 191 I 3d st. EXPERIENCED sausage maker, married man. wants steady job In or around Port land; worked at last place three years. Address Albert Senn. itiu r,uciia ave.. Sand point. Ida. XOUNG. intelligent Italian, age 2.. spears both languages fluently, exempt irom mil itary servit-A. desires responsible work : have had diversified experience of work. B 4w. Oregonian. COLORED man wants position in reliable family doing chores, drive machine; home more than wages, jamti riuason. wooa lawn 2R81. YOUNG man, 19. wishes position as private chaurreur; a years experience; careiui driver; good mechanic. Adrian Apt., room IMBALMER. first-class all-round man. would consider permanent position with Al firm. A V 212, Oregonian. CHINESE wants position, cooking, board ing-house or restaurant. Wm. Young. Phone A 2B95. SITUATION wanted by one experienced In furniture, hardware and paint. Phone Main 6782. WANTED Steady work on small farm, by I experienced midaie-agea man. k. ana. ure gonlan. TOUNG woman, good cook and worker, wishes situation, two or 8 adults. West Side. 3. to S40: references. Bdwy. 733. MAN and wife want position as logging I camp cooks; can nanaie any sise crew, i HC 34H. oregonian. - WANTED Night watch position: good ref erences and security If needed. BC 348, EXPERIENCED man, above draft age. seeks position as city salesmsn with a Portland mrg. co. K 412. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS automobile shop foreman wants position in small town; 12 years' experience, b. fcvans, Portland, Or. BARRELS and kegs repaired at your fac tory by expert trimming cooper. BD 463, Oregonian. GARDENER and florist, theroughly expe rienced, wants situation; single. AO 603, Oregonian. DENTIST desires position; reliable and up-to-date In every respect. B 487, Orego nian. FAINTING, tinting, enameling, floor finish ing, day or contract. Benson. East 2.1. WANTED Private driving. G. E. Hopkins, 17 Stont st. Marshall 1133. EXPERIENCED hotel Janitor, above draft age. desires position. R 339. Oregonian. A JAPANESE wants any kind job after 6 P. M. AJ 68. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED janitor wants position In apartment-house. Main 493. room . "WANTED Work for 2-ton truck, by day or month. Call Broadway 2927. even i n gs. CESSPOOL digger. Martin Ritx, Gresham. Route A. MAN. 47. would Ilk ke a position as night watchman. Main 2579. Copyright, 1918, by Newspaper 1 JL Jlflfti tlA DC situations wante n m ale. WAXTKD By a practical man. position as supenntenuent or manager or some busi ness requiring brains and technical skill: experienced in the manufacture and sale of lumber, paper and iron products. Abovr draft a se. Open for engagement now. Ad dress K. T. Webb. Camas. Wash. WANTED Position by married man, 46, whose present business Is non-essential and about wiped out. Excellent business and office experience; capable and intelli gent; best of references. N 511, Orego nlan. BY elderly man with some business ex- penence. w 44 Z, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. (WANTED Position by experienced off! man. cashier's work preferred : can sri high-class references. Address AB 531, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. DO.MLST1C science graduate, with teaching; experience, wnoso nusoana is in tne serv ice, wishes executive work along domest lines, vtoum consider desirable houaekee ing or office position. Telephone Tabor Do.?:, or write 1403 Wistaria, ave. YOUNG woman, are 24. desires oositlon chemist in a food manufacturing esiao llshment or as assistant dietitian. Address M. H., Modford. Oregon. R. D. No. . YOUNG woman with 1 child wants work housekeeper In widower's or bachelor home, who is able to pay good wages. tiox i.ii, lone, jt. REFINED and business-like young lady wants good position In or out of clt one of trust or traveling preferred. D 4o, oregor.ian. GOOD, strong, experienced woman, can man s work In shipyard or sawmill any outside work; man's wages. BD 401, Oregonian. WANT work as housekeeper in widower' noma who is aoie to pay good wages. 3irs. Delia Rose, General Delivery. .fort iana, ur. lady. MneoniHi. cnnri wnuid lik to accompany invalid or aa children nurse, for traveling expenses to Califomi Phone iil.Vi. room 6. lady going East w travel as nurse or companion for part of R. R. fare. W 440, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes housework no care of children. East 6M4. after 9:30 A. M. to 1' P. M. WILL travel to Washington. D. C. as panion or nurse girl. AO 812, gonian. CAPABLE young woman wishes to work until l P. M. cany; references. Tabor 4574. YOUNG woman wants clerical position; ex pert at figures and has good knowledge of typewriting, rnone vv oodiawn sv&, DISH washing or chamber work. in small Sell wood restaurant or rooming-house. 1444. LADY wants housecleanlng or other work. hour or day; satisiaclion guaranteed. Bdwy. ooo. EXPERIENCED, strong woman wants cook ing in camp; good cook, au b, ure gonian. COMPETENT laundress wants work Tues. Wed.. Thura and tri. References, Wood- lawn 1611. "WANTED -Refined lady wishes position as companion or light ti. k. at beach. a.ast 5460, 8 to 11 A. M. hour or day by tTon ittit GIRL wishes position, general housework. u oregonian. YOUNG woman wants position in grocery or confectionery store. P 327, Oregonian. WOMAN wishes housework; two or three idults. M 31d. Oregonian. GIRL 13 years oLd wants light work In good family. 11 w. prescott st. EXPERIENCED fitter wants position. Sifo, oregonian. WRITING and copying to do at home, ac curate and neat. T 456, Oregonian. YOUNG couple would like small child to board In their own home. Main W4J. PRACTICAL nurse wishes employment. Phone Columbia 777. Bookkeepers. Stenograph era. Office. YOUNG lady desires position, light office worn, answering ceiepnone etc., some aic tat ion. Call Marshall Salary 12. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi- tlon. Marshall BB21 YOUNO lady desires position In doctor's or dentist's office. Sell wood 1870. Dressmakers. LADY with 4 daughters would like mod ern o-room furnished apt., walking di tanre to Lincoln High school. Call oy pnone. Koom 426. Portland Hotel, -not later man -i:.-tu Saturday arternoon. PLAIN sewing. Room 316, Ramapo Hotel. Norses. WANTED Position by practical nurse; of references. Phone East 7o39. PRACTICAL nurse, capable of taking full charge, wants case. East 4o. Housekeepers. UNINCUMBERED widow wishes position as housekeeper in nice clean home; very neat and clesn: good cook; more for home than wages; widower or bachelor pre ferred. Call 244 H Killingsworth. WISH a position as housekeeper in modern home or apt., for widower; care of one smau child desired. Call- Sergeant Hotel, l i tirand ave., room 210. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. HELP SHIPBUILDING. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. Ton can serve your country by helping shipbuilders locate. List your vacancies, rumisned or unrur- nlshed houses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A, J. England, Main 1193. WANTED To rent 5 or 6-room bungalow. with good heating facilities, preferably in near Laureihurst; careful of prop erty and Jlkely permanent. BD 4S4, Ore gonian. or call Tabor 8240. TWO adults, no children, want 4 or 5 room bungalow or apartment. Beaumont. Mt. Tabor district, on or before September L Tabor 7497. WANTED By responsible couple without children, small furnished house or bunga low, attractive neighborhood, convenient to carline. Phone East 27A9. WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room modern house, with sleeping porch. Irvington dis trict preferred ; give full particulars. M 317. Oregonian. WANTED At once, modern unfurnished house of 4 or 6 rooms, in Jefferson High S'-hool district. Wood lawn 4872. WANT 4 to 7-room furnished house : have children, perfectly tame; can furnish ref erences. East 7842. BY Sept. 5. 4 or 5-room bungalow, with garage if possible; Hawthorne or Rose City district. X 427. Oregonian. MODERN furnished flat for 8 adults by August 13. P 840. Oregonian. WANTE D To rent a f urnished house or apt from $30 to $:.0. Call Main 3M7. WANTED To rent unfurnished house, 4 to 6 rooms, in good condition. Call Main 3617. WANTED Modern house, Irvington; will pay S7S to $90 month. K 411, Oregon! a n . I ro "Do, "But (sfeixf Feature Service be Great Britain 1 WANTED TO RENT. Apartments. WANTED 5 -room furnished apartment, modern building, must be reputable; or furnished house or bungalow in desirable community, near car line; garage and sleeping porch desired; will give any rea sonable guarantee regarding care. BJ 612, oregonian. WANTED A 4-room flat, near Jefferson High school, w 447, Oregonian. WANTED By refined young couple (no children), 3 or 4-room furnished flat or apt., by Sept. 1. Call Sunday, .9 to evenings after 5. East 2 S3 3. 2 OR 3 -room furnished apartment by office man ana wue; no children; oy Wednesday. .Must o reasonaDie. Marshall Z23S. Rooms With Board. CONGENIAL, respectable man wants room and board; north and west, off Washing ton st. nomciiKe main item. i 414, ore gonian. WANTED Home for bright boy 8 years old on farm where there are no children; state price wanted for keeping. AH 427, oregonian. WANTED By young man, downstairs sleep ing porch; also board; must be near carline. AG 391. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room, private family. West Hide, walking distance; use of piano. Marshall 4::no. WANTED A home for a Uttle 8-year-old boy; may be adopted. AV 373, Oregonian. FOB BENT. HOTEL NAVARRE, Alder St., Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated : handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. Furnished Booms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clltord is th principal East Side Hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Dally rates. $1 up; two In room. ii. ou; weekly rates. 4.oo and up. CON R A DIN E HOTEL, Absolutely Fireproof. 10th St. at Oak. Under new management; nicely fur nished throughout: rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath, popu lar prices, iirst-ciass notei service; spe cial weekly rates to permanent guests. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14tta St.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up. 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. NORTONIA HOTEL Portland's downtown, high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Rfzht In center of Portland's activities. Z!LhnPtlf aw2nwmnf -UvVni vouoSr $20 MODERN four-room flat, walking dia town hotel. We will g.adly show you our M- tftn. fi2ft ,Tft, Phone Eas, 997 accommodations and quote rates. STANDISH HOTEL. 548 Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modern. $2 per week up. t ree phones ano pains. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Large lisht rooms. S2.50 week un. itrlcic Diag., running water; close In. 66S Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th. Rates 75c per day up; weekly $3.50 up; running water; free pnone ana oatns. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side; modern, convenient, ntgn quality, low price. .East aa ana uurnsiae. SARGEANT HOTEL, 27 Grand ave.. fur nished room, hot and cold water, tele phone and elevator service. East 291. FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rtns.. 10 minutes walk from business center. 50 N. 15th st. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. In 1 good condition. $7: adults; A 1 bin a. Tabor 371. THE "WEAVER, 710 Wash. St.. Marshall 6170. Residential notei, private Dam phone In every room. Re Terences. I.iRr.P. nlrnlv fnrnthH aloonlnf room Oil first floor, walking distance; gentlemen only. 529 E. Ash. E. 113. ADENA HOTEL In heart of shopping dis trict; all modern conveniences. 144 ouar- rell st.. san rrancisco. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash, it.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; I stea ra heat ; rooms large, clean. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. All outside rooms, cool, clean and airy; rates $3 and up a week. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; room $f up. Main 9472. A 4783. HOTWfi TA IT. Newly renovated, large, airy rooms, $3.50 ana up. urn ana btara sis. ILLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone, $18 mo. up; without bath. $14 up. is.- wasnington. Furnitihed Rooms in Private Family. TWO business girls would like to rent furnished front room in fiat to one or two other business girls. Kitchen privileges if desired. Phone between 6 and 7. East 7097. TRINITY PLACE, near Washington; walk ing distance; a large sleeping room, well furnished, l or J. gentlemen preierrea. Main 3317. 1CELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2 young ladles, modem flat, walking dis tance, fine location. Main 9325. 547 hi 6th street. SEVERAL desirable sleeping rooms with vlftw of city and river, in private home on Grand ave. Sellwood 948. LARGE, light room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, modern conveniences. J4 Har rison. FURNISHED rooms for rent, two blocks from carline; employed lady preferred. 4 do Newton St.. Willamette Heights. CELY furnished cool sleeping room $S per month, call arternoon at 74 .East Taylor. PLEASANT outside room, private family; modern apartment. wanting distance. Broadway 4i45. SELECT room, hot and cold water, business men, west side. iol .-Nortn za st. NICELY furnished front room, close in. East j 6277. ALKING distance, large room, fine loca tion. Call evenings or Sunday. 353 12th st. URNISHED room, walking distance, pri- vate home. 705 Everett. Main iy2to. EAT furnished room in private family at 404 Clay st. Main 67a. Kent reasonable. LARGE front rooms, nicely furnished. N. 21st. Broadway 2087. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms, bedroom and tlng room, fireplace and furnace heat, pri vate home, walking distance. Main 2 ion. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL RESIDENCE HOTELS. The Campbell. 23d and Hoyt. Mar. 881. The Campbell Hill, 741 Wash.. Main 7584. OUTSIDE ROOMS WITH UUAKU. 1 person. $45 a month and up. 2 persons, $80 a month and up. Elevators, phones in all rooms; many rooms with private baths. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. RKQ Tenth st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. OuriClV IT a .m 1 1 V hntnl AtA Mn n H..mrv I t.. In South ParKway; waiKing distance: 1 excellent taole; reasonable rates. M. 6783. POLLY u.? 1 7t Rights Reserved Reisrael la U. & Patmt Office ASHXTR WAS OVERLOOKING FOB BENT. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; 3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th at. PRIVATE home for children from 8 to 18 years, 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162. THE MANITOU. 261 13th Pleasant rooms, double or single, with good board. Booms With Board In Private Families. NICE front room, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with good home-cooked meals ; modern, with all conveniences. Main 4157. 205 N. 21st at. ROOM, suitable for 2. with sleeping porch home privileges, business peoplet-preferred. n;ast iso. ROOM and board in private family; suit aoie for one or two. call at 649 Burn si1e GOOD board, nice room, home privileges. nuvt jonnson. Alain ey. ATTRACTIVE front room in beautiful horn across from Multnomah Club. Main 7 BOARD and room in private family in Irv- ington, to one or two. .ast did. ROOM. board, sleeping porch, D75 Ladd ave. East 2333. 2 gentle men. GENTLEMAN can have room and board In private family. 808 Third St., apt. C. ROOM in mod. home: home privileges; goo table, suitable for two employed, h,. loo. i FURNISHED room with board. 407 Clay it. Main 3834. Furnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the PaclfU coast; iurnlsned complete. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. References. WOULD like to sub-rent my modern three- room apart, for one or two months to re liable people, reasonable: no children. Max- shall 5617. f LADY, employed, would like to hoar from lady willing to share her apt. Phone Broad way 2665 after 5 P. M NEWLY furnished 4 rooms, hardwood floors, waiKing distance. Portnoman, xuu tj. lain CARLOTTA COURT. Co furnished Apartments. 705 DAVIS STREET. Seven-room duplex apartment in fire proof bldg., mahogany woodwork, fire place, 3 bedrooms and maid s room. KINGSBURY APTS-, 188 Vista ave.. 23d and Washington: very desirable 3 and 4-room with outside balcony, furnished and un furnished. I THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders. 0 and 6-room. reasonable. Main volo. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private porch. Flat. MODERN 5-room flat, Al condition, light and airy. 989 Savter st. Phone Broad way Bio $20 MODERN four-room flat, walking dis tance. 62S E. Main. Phone Kast ww. Furnished Flats. FOUR large rooms, furnished flat, walking distance: no children. 501 Aim St.. oe tween 14th and 15th. $25 FURNISHED flat, 3 large rooms and private bath ; walking distance ; diock to SS car; adults. East 5043. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall: walking distance, furnished for housekeeping; in eluding gas- ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath. Iaundrv. all free: 15 month up. Take "S" or 16th-st. car North, get off at Marshall st. Hroaaway ouss. 2 CLEAN, furnished H. K. rooms. 10 mln utes' walk from shipyards. Call dl Broadway W. . MAKE the Bushmark your home. Complete furnished housekeeping rooms; modern; close In; reasonable. 565 Washington st. SMALL suite of H. C. rooms $2.50 a week. 267 Knott st., near Williams. Housekeeping Booms In Private Family. 3 - ROOM suite, freshly papered and painted. 1 wo Deus, piano, etc., v in o 11 l 11 , no children. o3 Yamhill 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: olean. light, walking distance; adults; reierences exchanged, m. bdi. TWO unfurnished rooms, with bath, heat, light, in private family. 675 E. 19th and Stark sts. THREE olean, neat furnished housekeeping rooms, close to shipyard, $18.00. 5l bth. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. 205 N. 23d st. TWO large front furnished H. K. rooms. 174 I3th st. Houses. ONE high-grade mahogany dining-room set comprising bullet, china closet, 54-mch table and chairs: also overstuffed daven port, library table, 2 very tine vxiz rugs, one Anglo-Persian and Royal Wilton ; also Wilton stair carpet. Everything prac tically new and reasonable. 529 Tillamook. East 1945. BARGAIN Furniture of 4-room modern cottage for sale, $100. including sewing machine, and cottage for rent with lease $6 a month. 4304 66th st. S. E. ML Scott car. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTKIU light service. Broadway 580. A 6747. 6-ROOM house, large ground, close In, fruit and garden space, inquire 11 a,, -oin, corner Morrison. 4-ROOM plastered house;; water, gas; lOOx 115; 95th st., Lents; $12.00, includes water. Mr. Hall. 512 Panama bldg. 6-ROOM modern house, $32 a month. 225 Monroes Owner b2U Commercial st. c 2197. FOR RENT 2 acres with houfe, just off Base Line, on electric Mt. Hood line. 1203 Garfield ave. Wdln. 1263. FOR RENT 5-room modern house, ground 100x200, 1150 Steele ave. h. E., $25 per month. J. Schuff. Castle Rock, Wash. 0 STRICTLY modern, 0 rooms and sleep ing porch, Al condition. ast aioo. Furnished Houses. N1NE months' lease to strictly modern five- room bungalow, with furnishings, com plcte; party desiring must take furnishings or sunstantiai part, trice reasonaoie. ra bor 929S. LAURELHURST. Furnished 8-room house, sleeping porch. Oriental rugs and grand piano for rent. 110 Mirimar Place. Ifi-RnOM bunealow. modern. 406 East 12th st. North. Call Saturaay Derore noon, after phone M ain I (34. a't-lWE have several choice houses, nicely fur- nished. in different parts of city. 202 Wil cox bldg. MainahiL" FURNISHED house. 7 rooms, good location, rent $35, or $40 with garage; adults. 257 N 22d st. Tel. Main 3776. BUNGALOW house tent, for sale ' on river front: reasonable. Call at store, Oak.Grove Beach. FURNISHED, one of the nicest homes in the city. AR 684. Oregonian. 6 OR 8-room house, modern, partly fur nished. Marshall 5756 5-ROOM completely fur.; adults only. Phone Tabor 1310. Summer Resorts. otAnnAn 1 oeaumui .-imjsw on rid ere balance season. Box 854. Gearhart, Or. AND HER PALS 1 LSOTT Th, ' I 7h rt.l .1 NO CHANCE. BT CUFF STERRETT. .1 FOB BENT. Summer Besorta. FURNISHED 6-room bouse on the ridge, Deacn center, wasn., Daiance ox the sea son, $30. Phone Mars hail 898. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitaoie ior ugnt manulacturlng; offl building accommodation: rent reasonabi Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg, oa and wasnington. PRIVATE furnished office $10; vacant of fices reasonable; best service. Stock Ex cnange Didg. PRIVATE furnished office, $10; vacant of- 1 ices reaionaoie; oest service. Stock IS cnange oiag. 501 RALEIGH BLDG.. offices for rent, 6th a.uu aouiiiet.n. Aiam ouis. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, RESTAURANT in the center of a good bus! ness town, right on the Olymolc High way; automobile traffic heavy; best of the season to come. In same hands three years; best of reasons for seling. Rent only $20. Window sales of cigars, candy, bread and cookies more than pay this. wen stocKea; gooa nxtures. Price, $aooo -fame, sneiton, wash. $1000 WILL buy one of the best cash gro eery stores in Portland: a. fin corner, do ing about $75 to $80 cash business per day, fine stock; it can't be beat for a good location and money-maker. The owner is forced to sell on account of sick ness. C. J. Culllson Co., 205 Morrison GROCERY MEN, LOOK. Selling but full lin rf ru-tur thing cheap; large display ice box, scales, coriee mill, meat slicer, cash register, cuunters, sneivin? and 65-gaI. oil tan. Dooney & Fox. East 24th and Broadwa IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. rt. M. Niles, RITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. BAKERY for Sale. SnOO will tinnrila hnn fide proposition; terms to suit. Come and waicn us work and satisfy yourself. Bust ness has doubled in 6 mo. Machine shop, only shop in town of 3000. We have other interests to take care of. S 69, Oregonian. DRAFTED Must sell new and second-hand store, doing good cash business; will take light car m part payment; must be in gooa snaps. Address E. L. Irish, P. O. uo oo, A.eiso, wash. iAUib,& TAILORING establishment in neart ot ousiness district, complete equip ment and stock of staple materials; mus sell at once on account of illness. Ji09 central oiag., iioor. WHl work for wages? Have good pavin u us 1 ness or your own at sacrificed price. ine .lueai lanoring, Cleaning, Dyer Shop vuuu icason ior selling, see owner, 24. O l II Bl. RESTATTR ANT One of the best money-makers in Port land, doing an ave race dail v business o! $260. Price $2500 cash; no fake. Owner, aj .n. oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in esiaonsnea real estate business, ge auvice 01 jrortiana Keaity Hoard. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. FOR SALE First-rate suburban motion pie iure nouse; moaem equipment through out ; select location; no competition in lo cality; reasonable terms: exceDtional bar gain for immediate sale. T 457, Oregonian, HARDWARE and furniture store, located in gooa county seat town; will sell at in voice or lump at $2800. Business estab lished ten years. For particulars. AV dUt, Oregonian. HANDY man with $500 can buy in good auto garage with reliable mechanic; can clear $200 month for each; want a part ner to sell supplies, gasoline and help In snop. can room 4U8 uekum Diag. GROCERY STORE for sale in St. Johns, do ing $1600 to $1800 per month: no solic iting, no delivering; will sacrifice for $lmjo. Good reasons for selling, .Call Co iumDia iuo. PICTURE THEATER BARGAIN. Splendid equipment, elegant arrange ment, 400 capacity, finest town in state; great bargain; hurry, investigate. Liberty Theater, rtoseourg, or. FOR SALE Small, well-located cash gro cery, west biae : or might trade for rooming-house. Main 243. C 437, Orego nian. FOR SALE White House Restaurant at Forest Grove, doing good business. The only restaurant in town ; part cash, bal ance on time. Phone 292, Forest Grove. FOR SALE Old-established transfer and forwarding business; owner compelled ta retiro on account of sickness. For particu lars and terms apply at 31 2d st. MILLWRIGHT wanted as partner in small sawmill wno can invest some money, fine opportunity ior right man. Av 3o, ore gonian. THREE-CHAIR barber shop for sale, good ousiness, oest location; price $ouu; terms; will sell half interest Jos. Pfau, Toppen- ish, wasn. TON Packard truck, with power hoist and dump body, tor sale with 3 months' contract at $3.50 per hour. BJ 511. Ore gonian. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks and tobacco store. Good location, good business and clean store. 307 irst st. Proprietor en tering a war industry. FOR SALE. $250. old established coffee and lunchroom, steady trade, rent $25; 2 peo ple can handle; clearing over $200 month. Java Coffee Lunch, cor. 11th and Glisan. JAPANESE agent for selling or buying ho tels ana restaurants ana iana. ins no Takcmuaa. 92 N. 5th St., Portland. Phone A 1539. FtR SALE, or trade for city or farm prop erty, retail coal oil, gasoline and lubricat ing oil route. Appiy tea Tank oil Co. 207 E. 6th North. . NOTTCE. General merchandise store for sale at bargain. W. Butler, Skamania, Wash. 2 PER DAY for man with small means. Apply "West Side Fuel Co, 10th and Glisan sts. FOR SALE Dressmaking parlors, fully equipped ; trade well established ; terms reasonable. S29 3d st.. Auditorium Court. SMALL boarding-house, good business, fine location, $75 month clear. All new and clean. Broadway 2699. SMALL grocery and confectionery, in good location for sale; doing good business. Owner, 1090 Albina. on Mississippi car. FOR SALE or trade, good millinery store; also hemstitching and button machine; fine location M9 Williams ave. East 3440. ONE large hotel for sale or trade at Ter rebonne, Or. Phone Wdln. 693, or call at 1202 E. 23d St. N. ON account of draft, will sacrifice my 14 room hotel, with restaurant, close to ahip yard. 24 Albina ave. TWO $100 barber chairs, white enamel. In perfect condition. $70 apiece. J. L. Farley, 6922 41st ave. S. E. GROCERY STORE, sales $70 day. all cash, no delivery; will invoice. J. A. Bassett, 63 Union ave. N. FOR SALE Fine hotel site near station", St. Johns; price reduced from $7000 to $5000. Phone Columbia 1096. BARBER SHOP If you are looking for a shop, answer this add. W 444. Oregonian. FOR SALE eheap. cleaning and pressing; 23d and Northrup st. ; good location. FOR SALE 230 6A foot interchangeable ad vertislng signs: a bargain. East 4704. "BiG- lD4Po 'Rlfr- 7f t. XJJ.LU BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AN active business man wanted, to act as exclusive jobber in Oregon and Idaho for large manufacturer of staple product. Must own car, be capable of earning $1000 a month and have $2500 cash to be used by him if necessary. This is a splendid op portunlty for man able to qualify. See Mr. Gilbert at 321 Chamber of Commerce bldg., or phone Main 1330 for personal inter view. Hotels and Rooming-Houses. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of any kind, anywhere, see H. M. Niles. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE. 9 rooms, completely fur nished; attic, full cement basement, good furnace, front and rear lawn. Excellent opportunity for housekeeping apartments single or en suite. Nob Hill district; finest location in Portland 12 min. walk to r. j. 4,W" car. Price $850. 624 Flanders. A GOOD hotel, clearing $200 per month; near shipyards, 3 large lumber mills, oil association, box factories and woody ards: hotel always filled; cheap rents; long lease. Terms. Will stand investigation. From owner only. AV 278, OregoniatK WILL sell my elegantly furnished 10-room Income home for $1200 cash; have nine steady boarders and average $100 to $125 a month, rent $35. See owner before 10:30 and 1 o'clock; no agents nor dealers. 147 N. 17th st. DO you want a swell home, close In, and make $100 per month besides? it so, let me show you the best furnished apt. -house in the city for $2050, spot cash. (See Ott.) G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of Com merce. BRICK building, 18 3-room apts., bath in every apartment, 8 sleeping porches, au tomatic elevator, Al furniture and car pets, West Side; a bargain. Advance Realtj Co., 501 Raleigh bldg. 42 ROOMS, clearing over $175 per month; price $4000. Trade for rami or win give discount for cash. G. S. Smith & Co., 432 Chamber of Commerce. ROOMING-HOUSE. 9 rooms; nice. clean place, well turmshed; rent only $-0: clears $45 mo. West Side. Bargain, $300. See Garland, 188 3d st. SARGENT HOTEL. For sale, 9tf rooms, all equipped, part terms. See the owner, 271 Grand av East 291. FOR SALE Furniture of small hotel of rooms on Columbia Highway, in town 1000; rent $20 per month; price $400. Ad dress box mi, ciatsKame, or. $500 CASH Buys good clean furniture. 9-room modern house, low rent, nice income and noma. Phone East 4564. MARY" E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR best bargain In rooming or apartment houjes see members of the Realty i3oard Yates Realty Co., 249 4th. st. MIDDLE-AGED business man. single, seek; to buy half interest in paying notei or rooming-house. A K 62, oregonian. HOTEL for rent or sale at Mist, Oregon. Address A. Birkenfeld. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found cars of the Portland Railway. l..!ght A: Power Co., Aug. 8. 191S: 7 purses. 2 pairs gloves, 1 scarf, 2 books. 1 rule, 1 key, 1 bunch keys, 10 lunch boxes. 3 baskets, 7 napkaees. 2 coats. 1 bucket 1 ax scythe, 1 baby buggy, 4 suitcases, 2 travel inc bags. 17 umbrellas. Owners may obtai property at First and Alder-street station. LOST Saturday. August 3. a moleskin capi with Hudson iav t ur co. najne insiae, Reward for same. F.lnder please call East 3507. TWO Dackages in front of New Grand The ater, between I2:u and i:au rriuay. 1113 Rural ave., ParKsrod. LOST On Sunday, between Union Depot and E. 33d and Belmont St., leather suit case. Return to 1518 Yeon bldg. Main 97 FOUND Silk umbrella in Morgan bldg lav atory. Owner can have same oy identifying and paying Lor this ad. lanor '.' A paying &r this ad. Tahor 9230. r A blacIT coin purse with $15 in LOST A black coin purse with $15 in bills and some small change, m Meier & Frank Btore. Call Main 514B. Reward. LOST Boston Terrier dog. weighs 18 lbs. name Bindo; reward. call Mansiieia, Marshall 4000, or Broadway 2852. GOLD thimble in case, between July 19 and 26th. Reward. 703 Market st. drive. Mar shall 5893. LOST A pair of tortoise shell rimmed glasses. Reward. Return to room ;44 ore gon Hotel. t.dst A hat box. between Corbett and Multnomah station. Leave in Lenox .no te! and get reward. LOST Between East 13th street and town blue bag of automobile Keys, can t-ast 4206. LOST Lady's gold watch, with fob at tached; initials B. K. c. piease can main 2300. MALL cameo brooch. Address 496 East 16th st. North. Phone hast .i-i'. TjokI. Thurs. eve. umbrella, gold, pearl hndle, Initials E. G. Phone eves., 1 or. 4. newara NOSE glasses lost at Ryan Place. Flm call Main 2520. Reward. LOST A black coin purse, containing key and small silver. Leave at Jaeger Hros. OUND Bulldog, white, collar on T. E. Rockwell. 1021 Union ave. rv . SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. ILL not be responsible for any debts or obligations contracted by my wire, wyra M. w Mson, or any 01 ner pany. ueorge R. Wilson. NOT responsible for any bills contracted by my wife. Kay boss. c. k. ituw. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. CASH FOR ANY AMOUNT. EL WOOD WILES CO.. 211 United States National Bank Bldg. Open Saturday evening until a t. m. 200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. vv. u. ecK, Jia-zin Failing bldg Phone Main 3407. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. Will buy any amount ; open until 6:30 P. M. daily. 274 Stark st. IT. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash. 553 Ptttork Block. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtfs. purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 688. Money to Loan on Real Estate. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. 2d floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, eape daily In large amounts. 5 H per cent up. $300, $400, $500. $750, $1000 and up at low est rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. LOANS made on improved city and farm property. 301 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON & CO.. 408 Selling b I d g." $1000 TO $3500 to .loan, 7 be good security. 423 E. per cent; must Sth st. North. $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. SION. P. Q. BOX 873. NO COMMIS- jcwn9 kAfoie But MkB 15 1 FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR instailment plan is the bast and surest method of paying a loan. $32 26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proporltion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. XT a rtnmmliiulnn rllS Flf A d. EQUITABLE SAYINGS A LOAN ASS'N MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON 1 a n it iiMwr 1 nv,l TIMS IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORKO W ni ru j ivn.o,in 4 RATE3. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mao. MASTJiR, 831 U. S. NATIONAL BANK ; cLU(i POKTLAWU. PAT ftKfc' YOITK MORTGAGE! In easy installments with 10 years' time to repay; xulty protected oy uie insur ance under the home purchase plan of the Eauitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars I see Mr. strong, Lquitadie office, oreguniaa mag. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. $300, $400, $500. $750, $1000 and Up at low est Interest rates, liberal prepayment priv ileges; no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO , 31 Cha n iber ot comm. e re 9. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM & CITY PKOPEltri. .. 'c, G'c, ; UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. $500, $1000 AND upward on improved rial estate, favorable terms ; no delay: no brokerage. John Bain, 507 aiding bldg. MONEY :o loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto & Harkiua tteaity Co., 413 Chamber ot Commerce. $00 TO $-'500 without commission; improved reai estate. Jiuin 1 1 aour o4U. SEE US today; loans any amount, 6-7, LUiLLAHti-Jl UK TON CO., uaico oidg. LoANS on city and farm property, 5 per vein up. e. r uciu, --u tnam. 01 com. $2000 OR less at 7 per cent; no brokerage. 1 urt-goniun. .Uunej to Lmn Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice 'to salaried or worklnt men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. pianos, etc., wiinom removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made to persons 011 salary of fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds ana other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential, private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 300-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower, c. Myers iierrman, mgr., 394 Stark su Money loaned on diamonds, j jewelry. MONEY' to loan on anything of value. leel I rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office, b4 Third, near Oak. MONEY' to loan 011 diamonds, jewelry; ltgal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since li. Dan Marx. 2S3 Washington. Loans Wanted. LOAN wanted from private party. No com mission ; $4500 on $12,000 home. Main 3517. WANTED $30,000 at 6 lit "c on good business Income property. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Commerce. WANT $6000, 6- per cent, private loan on city property. Hl 464. ( M y;oii i;i n. vVK can loa n your money on ini proved property. ;;oi V. S. Nat I Hank huig. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST 20-inch wavy switch. -tp. $1.50 I 24-iuch wavy switch. 3 sr. Ail-around transformation 1.43 Halruressing, shampooing, face massag-, hair bobbing, manicuring, 2."k Hair 1 moved by electric needle, switch made of comhings. O.ic. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 4t0-412 Dekum bldg., 3i and Washington. Marshall 162. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a scientific mHttsage reduces high blood I pressure and softens the arteries. Iron- I side Institute. 327-8-y Pillock block. Nurse I a ttentiants. Phono Bi oaway 312. open 11 to 1. Minuays uy appointment. DETECTI V'E Private investigations by li censed and bonded ope rat i es of experi ence. United Service Detective Bureau, 504 -u5 Panama, bldg., Portland, Or. lum I 3812. SPIRITUALISM Mrs M. L. LA MAR, 235 5th St., cor. Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also lessons in science of lieal th and success. $1 WILL get both your feet fixed up good at W. Laion s, me v.mioponiHi uwii utit-sn 1 hurt you; 5 years here; exnni. tree. Glnhe I Theater bliig., 11th and W'uhIi. Hiiwy. 2J I, SOPHIA M. SEIP, mental, Kpiritual pt;ycho- metrlbt. Keauinga aaiiy. circles 1 ucs., Frl. S P. Al. 505 Goodnough bldg. Maibii. 2303. . FEB VET & H ANEBUT, leaain wig and loupe makers, I most stocK human n.ur goods: ha nd reusing, manicuring, lace and Bcalp treatment. 310 Alder. Alain 40. LIBERTY Pile Remedy is guaranteed or money returned. io 111 a tier now long ai- flicted. call at ia mock txenunso xm. or write Lock Box 441. ki : iv.u w .no ITS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch s multiple neeuie nieinmi, uiuuiaeu by physicians. 5U4 swetiana mug- Tt KV MRS. J. C. S. hoii 1 , leucner J rum R eat ling, ia liy rime, oun. nu 1 uui 8 1". M. 406 Jeffortion. A 38 U. FURS. New orders and remodeling. The Fur Shoo. 606 Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. RHECMAT1SM, constipation, nerve ant stomat n irouoirs m:. '' s'" 1 K 1 1 1 a Sorenseii, 5 OH 1'a nama bldg. j FACE massage. dandruif. itching scalp. inoies removtju. way 16S5. 2JU Fiiedner bldg. Lioad- MISSES DANIELS AND BRIGGS, mani curing, eiecxroiysin, lucmi " ce ment. 322 Fiiedner Bldg. Broadway M2. GRADUATE nurse treata lumbago, etc Hours - IO o or uy piuuiuioiii. "" Main 1040, flat C, 308 3d. ELLA CACKETTL, scientific face, scalp lroH men S. mauifuuriB, nimnvu. ivw Broadway bldg. Main 1307. 1 pk it PUJOLS hair, moles, warts removed by lu-neeu ie meinuu , u un 11 j uam m ley, 614 Eilers bide. Main 6368. PROF. SMIDT, 212 Swetland bldg. Mam l!t4 1. Al inerai siea m ua 1 iib, auieri 11 1 10 massage by one understanding the body. x.1 m STKVENS. 25 years Portland a r nowned palmist ana spiritual reauer. u Taylor at., cor, west t'arn. LA DV BA RBERS Shave Lie. haircut 2.r, Tire massage rt.c. itL'rt riisan St., cor. 01 n. PKIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 44 it;, a.ia. byi. n. mornings. HOME for two girls, 5 and 7 years, i'hoim Main 179, call Jack. F FERN F I ELD is in city call Marshall 4466 between M and A. fli. K. OLES, superfluous hair lemovrrt. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fiiedner bdg. Bdwy. 3173. 1 3