THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1918. 15 WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE WANT HOUSES o sell In Peninsula. Alberta and Rom City Fark districts. We but niuera waium. 14at with u tor quick Ml. T. H. Comte. Bales MffT., COB A McKENNA A CO. T2T Chamber of Commerce. Main 45 Z HAVE S00 cash and mood lota; w trade for lair Bouse, a-v jiorKin diqb. ka, C. OOLDE.VBERO TO SELL. TOUR HOME. 115-le Abioctoo :idi. aiain eeoa. FOR KENT FAR1IS. (TOR RENT Oa BaM Uae, closa in. 17 acrea. all In cultivation: iruiu sooa oui: Inss; cash rent. Sunday call Tabor nan. "W ANTE r To rent oa shares, full fur nished farm, betre-n To ana lug teres. P. O. box 1S4. Willamette. Or. TIMBFTR tATS. IFOR 8AL.E New sawmill of 30.000 feet eaoacitv. fuL eanippea. iaea,iy locatea Inland lak la Washington; N. P. apur connection, on Quarter mue rrora simmhi. hUi feet of timber. Coat at prewar prlcea -0.OOU. will Bell at bmju. UI maa term on entire purchase price If pur chaser la able to carry on opperauon This most be handled quickly as owner Is making arrangements to enter mm tary aerelce. AV 3A oretonian. WOOD for sale. Fir a,t 1-1 SO. (rub oak. . f in ears at aianon. union. auw niu knees in car lots. C II. Smith. Jefferson, Oregon. 10 ACRES. Waahlnarton Co. five mile from station on red electric: aiz minion ft. Umber and stream. (10 per acre, o. Oresjonian. TIMBER LANDS BDUCHT AND SOLD. C. J. MaRACKEN. 30 McKay BMs;. ITILLNO and ship knees wanted. U. v. uam ble. S03 Ger;lner piac. OAK rolls, for sawmllle. Ililhee Mill Maau factory. Oakland, oreron. TO EXCHANGE BEAT, ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE for modern 0-room bonis low In good district ana wonn tne money, a flrst-clsss confectionery. Ice cream, Innchea. meals and clsar. with large stock oa hand, doing a big business; popu- latins. oer 700. monthly payroll -'. cwi Tnim nlace la clearing better than $400 a month. Its a 12-month business, no dull s.on : win invoice snout win take bungalow up to I3ju, balance on time. Mr a, J. J. Keller, Klamalh Falls, Or. iil.TliK KEACH LOTS. will ,ichinfa two choice lota. 23x140, at Ealtatr station. Tillamook Beach, near depot ana notel, aajoins wru irwuoix road and face Pacific Ocean, suitable for business er collates. Want city property r close-in acrea-. JMJaress a. , w gonlan. W A N'T a 6 or t-room bungalow from owner. In good neighborhood, near can nut be rood buy; give price, terms and location; A win not u m vui... dress P. O. Box SiJ. 10 MINUTES off Broadway brtdis, large. itr.rrl,, corner home- garage, nara lur- fac paid; $5700: trade for close-in Im proved acreage borne to f-UOO, clear. Ta bor 223i IftO-ACRE Improved ranch to trade for a gooa bungalow in roriiauu. . ,u4t- son, 2u0 S Morrison at. 'OR TRADE 10 acres good land. Volusia County. Florida, for rooming-house. BJ &13, Oregonlan, l:THir.E a oooooo feet saw timber. Douglaa County. Oregon, ana casa ior acreage. AK 6U4. Oregonian. FOR CALIFORNIA. X5.000 equity, (20,000 home: trade. O. S.i Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE XISCEI.LANEOrS. F.VJL.L. exchange new phonograph for your uptight piano, u. jr. Johnson I'lano vo. 14 6th. FOB SALE. Hones, Vehicles. Livestock. t'AIR chunks, 8 years old. with harness. farm wagon. a-To; pair mares, o ana o, for email ranch, with wagon, harness. 9-00: pair of bays, mare and gelding, hunks 1100. t and 10. with wagon, har ness 1175: A and 6-year-old team, with harness, wsgon and steady work; some f best pairs ox young muies in state, $275 span up: will sell sny of this stuff separate. 1 have farm wagons of ail kinds and harness. I guarantee ail my stuff as 1 represent It. Phil suetter, asu f ront St., for. Montgomery, 1AKE me an otter for a good looo-lb. horse; 1 cannot anora to Keep aim. iu Barbur, 1157 Freernont. at 3sth St. Phons week days, Brosdway 17HB. i'OUNO heifer. Just fresh. Jersey, perfectly gentle. months oia; scalers son i an swer. Call Main ::aoa and ask for alc- lonsld. STRAW for sale on the ground, slso 10 good work horses ana z coil, si most s years Old. 1 00 to (100 Cash. Call 2-S Alder street- tiEAD HORSES and animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. call w ooa lawn :. PAIR mares. 7 and 10. work single or dou ble, true pullers; Il.a taxes tnem ana hsrness; will give trlaL S44 Lake St. lRT-CLAiid SU-iu. waaon. with heavy rock bed. for (t.i. can coiumota any time after P. M. Monday. r'OK SALE, cheap, replacing with auto trucks, 10 heaa ot norses ana mares, nsr nesa and furniture wagons Russell St. )EAD horses tsken quick; we psy most for crippled horses snd dead cows, 'labor sjuj. pO HORSES for sal cheap. lSiM) to 1600 lbs. Being replaced by autoa. lth and Everett. I'OTJR thoroughbred Ilolstelna. E. Lehman. Beaverton, Or. Piano. Organ and Musical Instrument. ta'TRITY BTURA1E CO. CLUSINll OUT. g;r,o 7-octave square piano, cash..... z 3ix T 1-3-octave squar piano, cash.. 60 275 7-octav English upright, cash. 45 100 T -octave French upright, cash... 65 American make upright, cash., t 4w large oak uongbt piano, cash, 1H5 g.M) new. studio model Diano. cash.. -1 S75 new, stored, upright piano, casht 35 41'5 new. stored, upright piano, cash. 255 450 new, stored.' upright piano, cssh.. 2rt5 750 Weber man. player piano, cash.. 2U5 60 modern raahy. player piano, cash 35 5 parlor organ with mirror, cash.. 25 125 parlor organ with mirror, cash.. 35 New pianos slready gone (75 to (150 feigner, the above pianos ought to sell quick'y at this time. Pianos bought snd old zor cash ana stored for noc montniy. 109 4th su st Wsshingtoa. pON'T buy old, unimproved planoa when the Security Storage Co. la offering new, Improved $450 pianos for (-13 and modem (650 player ptanoe for (305 cash al Ills 4tn St., at Washington st. 'PRIGUT PIANO See this bargain. tVH terma $13 cash. $ per month. O. F. Johnson Plane Co.. 149 6th. bet. Aider ana Morrison. BUY. SELL. RENT AMI EXCHANGE TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS end all kinds musical instruments. NEWMAN. 123 1st. Main 441.5. Tabor 6798. MUST BE SOLD TODAY. GOLDEN OAJC COLCMBIA CABINET GRAFO.NOLA. MAK-E OFFER. 1-3 1st. FOR SALE Conover Broa upright piano. Clark case. 1501 a.ast Salmon at. Phone la bor 4624. ECKER A Son. rosewood upright, (100; Hsmilton. oak. modern. (200. Harold 8. Gilbert. IS4 Yamhill at. ;sl.2j $12 CASH. $6 monthly, buys 1918 mod! nw Improved piano In mahogany and oak at bcnwan Piano Co.. ill 4th at. L'OH RENT Pianos. Grafocolas and type writers. Empire iransler ex btorage Co. Broadway 155. BUSINESS girls want use of piano for storage. Phone between and 7:u. East 7097. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD 8. GILBERT. 34 Yamhlil St. r'lANOS tuned. (X George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. conservatory. aiENT a piano, no squares or thump boxes. Harold s. Hubert. 384 xamhiii st- '1A.NO for rent. Woodlawn S950. Furniture for Sale, .NB high-grade mahogany dining-room set, comprising oultet. china closet. 54-Inch table and chairs, also overstuffed daven port. Horary tame. - vary line 9x12 rugs, ne Anglo-Persian and Royal Wilton; also Wilton stair carpet. Everything prac tically new and reasonable. 529 Tillamook. East 1945. E-UMED oak dining set. carpet, lounge. writing oesk. white enameled bed. com plete music cabinet, gas range, reasonable. Tabor1575. BOOKKEEPER'S standing desk and chair. flat top oesa ana large caoinet or cloak closet. Room 610 N. W. Bank bldg. l-'OR SALE Furniture. vacuum cleaner. clock, hardwood brush. Ice chest, gas range. Tsbor 4211. COMPLETE furnishings of five-room bun galow ana nine months lease to place If aeslred. No dealers. Tabor 9298. FOR OR SALE Oak buffet, good as new, (18. Call ' r:- eotn outn. URNITURE of 9 rooms for sale, house for rent- 4jo tamniii at. 'URNITURE of 6-ronm house, all In good condition. oi9 r,. oom at is on n. Dog. Rabbits. Bird. Pet Klerk. FOR 'OR SALE Rabbits. Belgian hares Flemish t.iant. j-. r stepnens st. Ljuinches sad Boats. l N'OE model lumber and Pattern. chaD. Call .Woodiawa 3476 I Ul. FOR WAI.E. Launches and Doats. FOR eALE Motorboat; first-class, U-bot-tom runabout, good condition, call East I 6169 after 4 P. . FIRST-CLASS Evinrude motorboat for $115. A real snap. Call al. iv-io or w. zm. Mnchinery. 40 HORSEPOWER boiler. 40-barrel tank and oil-burner, first-class condition, for I sale cheap. Lace House Laundry. 26 24. 20th. FOR SALE cheap, two good 9x12 steam en- gl nee. r. c j orris, .ma Typewriter. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; end for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail aept., winuniL NEW Remington, rents.! plan; rent applies to purchase. Visible model. Remington - Typewriter Co.. 66 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 62L FOR RENT Pianos. Grafonola and type writers. Empire A ransier s atorag co. i Broadway 15. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers E. w. pease co., liu Bixtn. NEW. rebuilt, second-hen rentals at cut rsles. p. v. Co.. zdi ttr.ra su, atam A4ui. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. I Oregon Typewriter co. ma otn. Main acoe. i Cash Keglntem. We Make and Bell Only NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CREDIT FILES Lowest prices Small monthly payments. No Interest charges. Written guaraatee. Old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought. old and exchanged. J. R. MUM MA. Agent The National Cash Register Ce. 90-62 Stark btxeet Broadway 1816 MisceUajieoa. SEWING mschines. new and second-hand. I of all makes, sold for less; no sgents I employed; machines repaired and rented. I 6 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor. A 3626. Main P43L FOR BALE. REASONABLE. 1 rug 12x14. mixed brown. 1 rug mix light blue. 1 folding for art. Call 4-jh East Davis at, between snd 12 A. M. 10 EXTRA quality blackberries, string be mi ft. aaie plants. raDnits: save, pick them your- I sen. uorner swta ana cast stark, tit Tabor (.VI 8Sth car to end. four blocks north, one eaat. USED hot water boilers, all aUes, SO-gal., I o; ew-gai., s.oo. (jvr tuu ol our Doll- I ra now In use. 201 Adams st. east end I or Bteel bridge. Phone East 7659. FOR SALE 250 account, fireproof McCaa- key creait register: o-drawer pedestal, lat- I est type. Ralph waido Llden, aleaiora. Oregon. LARGE fireproof Mosler safe for sale at good I ligure: in Ilrst-ciass condition. Northwest- I ern Electrio Co. purchasing department, flltOCK OIOCK. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show- cases sna waucases, fixtures; easy terma w. J. Qulgley, Z27 First. Main 039a USED Thor washing machine and 6-fL mangle, reasonable. Apply at 65 E. 27th I St., cor. Oak st. FOR SALE Large gas range. "Reliable." gooa ss new, at a bargain. Phone .Broad way B4GV. FOR SALE or rent. logging and hoisting engines, su Kinas. machinery, rana. cars Railway equipment Co., 235 stark et. RANGE, hot water tank, stools and other restaurant fixtures 44 N. lat. Broadway! FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addlnr ma- cnine ana snowcas. li 1st St., corner I i amnuu OU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO. onng for sale In Portland a 409 E. Mor rison st. only; showing new Fall line. SEVERAL good second-hand ssfes at the right price. 46 Front St., Broadway I960, ED1HON moving picture machine, price (40. 1 U'JO main si., uregon city. TENT for sale. 14x16. 12 -ox. Make offer. 128 rirst. near Alder. ONE $25 type C Hamilton Beach electrio vibrator, cash $15. BD 465. Oregonlan. ACUUAI cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ei- changed. bought. Bentley Co. Main 8582. FOR SALE: Mahogany case Vlctrola with ng High-class records. $3t0. Sell. 948. FINE BICYCLE FOR SALE PHKIP NEWMAN. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. BARKER electric vibrator. 8 H. P. motor; iicarij new. aiarsnau .:'(. FOR SALE 25-33 Winchester rifle, model JBV-l. A 3318. FOR SALE High-class .22 rifle, cheap. vooaiawn boou. FOR SALE ArTOMOBU.ES. TRADE by owner. Have 1918. -.-vltn,1.r 7 -passenger sedan; 8 good tires, 2 bump, era. everything In good shape. Will take property or mortgage notes value (2500. Marshall 2586. 214 11th st. 1917 RATNES. In Al rendition; I extra tires. Ji-iii. caan or terma. Call after 6 P. M-, MODEL M. Overland. 5-passenger 4. almost new tires, newiy paintea, rirst-class me- I cnanicai conaitlon: $6oo cash or terma. an rrana nmltn. aroadway 1130. ORB touring. 1916 model; Just overhauled; nrpi-ciaiM snapc; gooa tires. J- or quick sale. $4O0 cash. Phone Eaat Oust L'71 m cm man St. BRAND NEW HIIPMORIl .k I will sell imy order for a new Hnp- ui'iia fiw uiscounu call Jast T445, BL'ICK 4 roadster, fine mechanical condi tion; electrio lights and horn: Just painted uaia cream; Margain at S-IUU. J eo, Ore- snnian. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at nan price. uavld Hodes Co.. pit),u way ana T lanaera FuR SALE Late 1917 model Ford, condition ; $423 cash, no trades. E. 30th at. N.. city. Al 549 PAIGE car, in fine condition, at half price rute uarage. Park and Couch. Phone .puwy. in. a n&ynvi vuy ior some one. my new $600 bug. In Al shape, for $400. ApdIv NEW Chevrolet touring. $100 off today's -siaw, wiuj run iwu nines, atiarsnau 4472. " ' oo. oregonian. omi li r Vlt M-A-L ti UJiv JUVtt unitM.I truck attachment for sals at a big sac-1 rmce. n. a., can Aiaer st. Bdwy. 2717. SALE or trade. Stoddard-Day ton bug; fine condition. J. Matheaon, houseboat, foot I California St. WANTED 8 or 12-cyllnder auto. innriitiAn o. uouy or cntun no ooject il. engine is I UTOuAn ori, vrcgonisin. 2 fc-TON truck, almost new Sterling: har. gain for quk-k sale. The White Company, OAKLAND roadster for sale. $200: will tak-l , an Don us. Apply jjover Apt.. 11. 24th and I Thurman. D 437. Oregonian. COMPLETELY equipped car, electric lights. ofut I. i.i auu, au u) , easy terms. 1 Bdwy. 3125. ! aUAJc moati (Jam an a Lsignt Six, or will take ord, casix. Owner, Tabor 1913 STUDEBAKER, new tires. 1 extra tire. motor overhauled ' newly painted; full set of tools. $300. Woodlawn 3631. FliR SALE Ford car. 11k now- -iisuiicis, Micf. ".-'waer leaving city andvrvi-f 7 -iv v " v- must sell. East 3068. 1913 FORD, like new, lots of extras; owner mull boii. v ui a-uu ave. near Burn tide. GOING AWAY Federal truck and Hudson car, mufli sen, a oargain, ootn good con- aitm.. ii.i. t rt a a u j M uiiivu. main a-u. uio or? v. vu u OAKLAND roadster for sale, $200; win taae all bonds. Apply uover apts., 11, 24th and l nurman. lj urcgouian. 1918 5-PASSENUEK Chevrolet, practically new, been run nuu miles; 814. Ak for w. is. worm, urna ave. Kaet 92. DOKT, 5-pass., good condition, must selL so urana ave. im.. near isurnsiae. I HAVE A 1917 Dodge sedan, looks like new; mane me an oner. Aiaranau aoa. WHITE, late model touring car, at sacri fice, owner, J4i i-ront st. 5-P ASS. Chalmers, $340. terms; starter, else- I trie lights. Tabor 6390. FORD chassis, good tires, will soil cheap. SALE 7-passenger touring car. good shape, $3.5; terms. Tabor 9002. FOR SALE Good Ford delivery. Owner. 533 I BY atseimom su 1 FORD touring, good condition" bargain, $325. I a? rmnu ae. ionn, near Jiumiliie. 1 SALE 1914 Ford tourrog car; Main oiow. NEW Bulck roadster, run less 200 miles. A FORD delivery car, completely overhauled, bargain, terms. Broadway 1251. NEW 191 5-PASSENGER 429 B. 13TH N. BUICK srx. 1918 .Otsh LANJO fWX. 6-PA3EvG&; FOB HALF AT7TOMOBTT.ES. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 614-516 Alder. Corner Sixteenth. Broadway 494. Open Evenings and All Day Sunday. A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE A REAL HIGH-GRADE AUTOMOBILE. Chandler demonstrator. "Just new" an In perfect shape, without a scsr or blemish. Will bs sold at a great reduction In price. Come in. Willys Overland Six. with Continental motor. Car can't be told from new. Cord tires bumper, spotlight, no-glare lens, ex tra tire and lota of other extraa. Must be old at once and no reasonable cash offer will be refused. However, terms may be arranged. Chalmers. 5-paas.. good tires and In splendid condition. For quick sale we are goilng to offer it for (450. Don't miss seeing this car, a It Is surely one of the greatest ouva we nave ever ouereo. Ford touring car. In good shape and splendid buy at the price of (350. Chalmers light "four," In dandy good shape and ready to drive. Left with us to sell for $300. if you bsve an idea of buy ing a car anywhere near this price you had oettor come in at once ana invest!' gate this offer. HIs loss la your rain." A man drafted and now serving in the United States Army has left with us to sell, a (1375 fiHiDB Six touring car. and his last re quest to us Is to dispose of this car at once for $1060. Come In ana secure tn best buy In Portland. 191 S Metx. Just new." The esr the whole town Is talking about. Winner of th "Glldden trophy." Will be sold for less than cost. Investigate at once. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Me-Elt Alder. Corner Sixteenth. Broadway 494. Open Evening! and All Day Sunday. J. H. GRAHAM, 10th and Stark sts. Case Agency. One 191T 6-passenrer Buiok. One 1917 S-passenger Overland. One 1917 5-paasenger Case car. One 1917 7-passenger Mitchell, all brand-new cord tires. One Ford roadster. One 1917 Hudson Super-Six, has been run 7000 miles All of these cars are In rood mechani cal condition, will give terms to reliable people. Furthermore, we are going to dispose of these cars at a bargain. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS 'GIVEN. 191T Mitchell. S-paas.. 6-oyL 1917 Mltohell. 7-psa... 6-cyL 1914 Studebaker coupe. 1912 Auburn 6-pass., 4-cyL Two-ton truck. Several others to select from. Prlcea (200 up. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVE R CO.. Used Car Dept. East Morrison at First. PHONES East 7272. B 1216. Bdwy. 615. A 8343? USED CARS. 1914 Studebaker Six, overhauled, re painted, fine tires: a big bargains 550 1915 Cole "6," a fine, powerful oar.. 1100 1913 Fierce-Arrow, starter, lights. 8 cord tires: a all't 1100 1916 Paige, 7-passenger; like new... 950 1916 Ford touring, fine condition 450 1917 Mitchell, 7-passenger, Just over hauled, oversized pistons, leak proof rings, good tires 1130 Open evenings and Sundays. Terms given. THE ACME AUTO CO., Phone Bdwy. 2796. 531 Alder 8L Guaranteed Auto Repairing. LOOK. 1914 Pone Hartford. 5-nassenger. with 6 Good year cords, 30x4 Si. worth (200; 6 Firestone rims and Inner tubes; car ift good mechanical condition, electrically euuipped. price (500, will accept part Grand ave. East 92. war bonds. Call 'Jack Herzlnger, 12 7-1' ASS. Studebaker 4. electric lights, self- starter, new top, extra rime ana tubes, side curtains, upnoistering in At snspe motor first-class and Is equipped with eak-oroor rings: owner enlisting, must sell at once: $450 cash or (495 terms. Call Broadway 493 Saturday, or Tabor 589 on Sunday FORD touring, good as new. demountable rims, new rubber, extra tire, tire carrier and cover, cutout, anock aosoroers. no- rl.ra lennes other extras: run 9M00 miles Sell under (500; salesman's car; 1 canned the driver. Carter, Carlton Hotel all day. FOR SALE 1911 4-passenger Cadillac; an exceptional buy ior a car ot tnia Kina. at mttrhanlcal condition, good tires, elec trio lights. Price $300 cash. Call for M r. Lester, Y. M. C. A. A Jto mobile School, Sixth and Main sts. S300 CASH. Lie-ht 5-nassenger, late model Stude baker: have been drafted; $300. Car Is left with Smith for qnick sale. 121 North Bd, corner Glisan. FOR SALE Nearly new 1-ton truck; ha run a oou t i out . mues; ie r m s. lih ai r. Nicholson. Marshall 867. 615-617 Wash In g ton st liT'i i-ic nmsihoitt. 1911 model: rood rondl tion, fine .engine, dox on rear, painieo ren and black; top and two new tires. Price $025. AJ CM1, uregonian, FORD truck attachment, ton and half ra- TiaoitT. complete with new body; i.wa. Cash talks for quick turn. 121 North 3d, corner Glisan. HAVE bought new Dodge, have 1918 Ford touring car, in gooa snspe, new Tires. $75 worth of extras; must be sold at once. Call Tabor 7416. 112 E. Sherman. LATE model Dodge. 4 cord tires, new extra lire; cmr in A"""1 FLETCHER A JAMES. 33 North Broadway. SAXON STX roadster. In first-class condi tion: will sell very reasonaDJe ior cash. Tabor 76.1fl. HHP MOBILE '14 for sale cheap by owner also No. 4 unaerwooa typewriter. 240 is. M st. N. SELL cheap, 5-psssenger touring car; looks like new. Saturday, 34 Front; Sunday, 1141 Clinton. for cash, balance on terms: $600. 121 N. 3d, corner vusan. FOR PALE. X220. 5-pass.. clec. lights, extra tires, etc.: win demonstrate baturaay or Sunday. VQQ is. i-tn sc. isortn. t LATE 1917 Ford, fully equipped, extra tires, $400 cash, can uroauway notei after 12, auk ior w orris. FOR SALE- 1917 Hup roadster, AlTiondl- tion. Ask ior Mr. riegei, rortiana ua- age. 5 to 7 f. m. - 1W17 HUPMOBILE in Tiftrfect shape: going awar: must sell. 829 East Plst st. N. Tabor 1667. 1916 CHEVROLET. 8 now tires, fine condi tion; $473. wooaiawn its. ioa m. ltn st. N. 1916 MODEL Hupmoblle. cord tires, new top ana seat covers, gooa conaitlon me chanically. Main ZD41. $14 AND 1917 Ford, by private owner. with Gray A Davis self-starter. 1917 like new. hoi in, zisi si MAN can earn $15 per day with our lH-toB Fnrd truck; saua caan. oaiance saw terma. 121 N. 3d, corner Glisan. OWNER 1918 Ford roadster, run less man mnes. ti i i-PASS., 1917 Maxwell, as good as new. .ou. van oruwuuu onm. $275. I SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $13 each; vul canized, -oc; lira iryainng. ui AiaaiSOn. 1996 E. Stark st. Tabor 1018. MITCHELL SIX. only run 3200 miles, for sale cheap ior cssn. e 11 wood 2728. .CELLEXT COXDITIONk EAST, 20 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. HERE la our today's list of used car bar gains of course, these are continually changing, as we are dally getting In new bargains, and we ask that you call at our salesroom and inspect the cars that we may have before purchasing elsewhere. Broadway 2492. Hudson Six, 6-paaienger, just re painted (1100 Hudson Six, same as above, slightly newer 1150 Studebaker, good buy 875 Maxwell. 5-passenger 650 Studebaker 450 Ford chassis 2S5 Stoddard-Dayton delivery truck .... 350 jeirery, with new 2-ton truck attach ment 11 00 Ford. 5-pasenfrer 850 Briscoe, 5-passenger, almost new.... 150 Ford delivery car ar0 Cole 30. ideal for bug 300 Maxwell, 6-passenger .......a....... 6t5 Ford '18 chassis 550 Ford truck 550 Briscoe Tun Ford roadster, Just overhauled 400 Studebaker Six 650 carter car, suitable rebuild bug or delivery S5 Chevrolet 400. e-passenger 550 Jackson, fi-pasaenger, good shape. . . . 750 overiana. o-passenger, now being re painted . 600 Reo 9uo cnevrofet 17, 5-passenger tttio Chevrolet '17. 5-passenger 600 Ford '18. new 575 Saxon '18 950 W. H. WAL.1.INGFORD. Distributor. LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX, PRISCOH r OL R. HOOD LUMBER IHACTon, PAR RETT FARM TRACTOR. 622 Alder St.. at 16th. BARGAINS. 1917 Baby Grand Chevrolet ( 800 inn otuueDaicer ................... 7 iii 1916 Saxon Six 600 1 1913 Oldsmobile Four 50 I 1913 Oldsmobile Four 750 iwib uiasmooiie Eight 950 191S Oldsmobile Six 1400 1915 Loxier 750 3918 Dodge 1000 1917 Oakland Six 873 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON. jzroaaway 22 iO. at Aorth Broadway. FOR SALE 1911 seven-oaaxenaer Packard ou touring car. Has been used only occa- I tonally auring tne Bummer In past five years. Was overhauled, painted and all worn parts replaced with new. Has a new one-man top; also an extra Victoria top. They are Interchangeable. Has new tonneau windshield, two extra tire rime, and one extra tire and two tire covers, also truna raca. inis car is complete in every detail and almost as good as new. Price (1500 cash. Can be seen at Speedwell Garage, 14th and Couch streeta Telephone proaaway OS le or Si. c snevun, Alain 4311. USED CAR BARGAINS. One Dodge, (690. One Bulck. No. 87. (635. One Chevrolet. (4R0. One Chevrolet. $373. One Chevrolet, (300. One Overland, (300. One Overland, (200. One Maxwell. (175. One Hupmoblle roadster. (375. One Hupmoblle bug, (225. One Maxwell roadster, (75. LONG ft PILVA. 462 Hawthorne. BEARCAT ROADSTER. One of the fastest cars in the state Mhln'a hill. -lulntine, h.I.if. I .nnl artillry wheels, four new tire., two extra rims and tires, fine top. The classiest I racy roadster offered for sale this sea- I son. rrice i:i&o. AUTO REST OARAGE. 209 10th st. STUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. MUST sell my Studebaker tourlnff car, newly pain tea, new pantasote top, new tires, two rood spares on rims. This car is In splendid running condition and looks fine; will consider any reasonable offer; will accept liberty bonds. Phone E. 2619 even- inga or Main 23S0 week days. 321 E. 8th st. North. XE 1918 G-passenger Cadillac run 6000 mues, gooa cora tires, 3 ox., seat covers. This car is as xood as new. Price S2600. One 191 S 4 -passenger Chandler Chummy roadster, wire wheels, run 3000 miles on cay streets only. trice 1H3U. Inquire owner. Marshall 1686, apt. 43, Foranam Apartments. AUTO WRECKERS. We wreck most all makes of cars and en the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old earn, PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 232 Front St. MAIN 4768. 117 BUICK touring car In strictly first-class ' conaitlon. .fct re water green with cream- i coiorea wheels, seat covers, curtains oDen with door, Pyrene, spot light and other ex tras. Government otlicial transferred, of fers car for $1250. Auto Rest Garage, 209 iuin si. FRANKLIN BARGAIN. HAVE FOR SALE FOR AN ESTATE 1916 SERIES 9 FRANKLIN: REPAINTED A.NU JUST OVEKM AUJjEO; OOOD TIKiSS; SIOUU; KAKK UrrUHTUMi 1 JfUti A BARGAIN. J 75, OREGONIAN. SOME REAL BARGAINS. 1 1918 Chevrolet, run 1100 miles, $790; model 60 Overland, good shape, $400; 1114 fctuaeoaKer, snape, $4o0. ALBINA GARAGE. Corner Garfield Ave. and Shaver St. FOR SALE. 2 Ford roadsters. 1 Ford passenger. 1 Ford bug. 1 motorcycle. 1 Overland, good condition; price reasonable. Call 301 1st st.. nignt or day. FORDS '13 touring, good shape, new tires: 'id roadster, Al shape see at 22 N. lath. or call Bennett, Bdwy. 5403, after 7 P. M. , Automobile Wanted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltalr station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroad; face the Pacific Ocean; size 25 by about 140 feet, suitable for business or Tor cottage; will pay some difference, i Aaaress a 4uz, oregonian. LONG A SILVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send In the parts jou ueea ana we win aupiicate them. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne avei HAVE Deluxe Player Piano, nearlv new. costing $1100, and some cash to trade for a tlrst-class car; prefer Dodge. Bulck. Maxwell or Overland. An excellent trade for someone wanting a fine player. Tabor : Apt. jo. di, iaureinurst Apts. in A te model, o-passenger automobile; must ba in B00H rnnrlit i,n - nrfar a Rnw-Lr Oakland or Dodge Will pay cash for a I good buy. Call for Mr. Lester, Y. M. C. A. Automobile School, bixth and Main sts. iwu cine lots in Bav (jitv or., to ex change for light 5-passenger car. Address isi. 11th, Portland, Or. WILL pay spot cash for late models Fords. Dodges and Buicks. Fletcher & James. 33 iNortn uroaaway. I HAVE for trade 2 nice lots on Greene ffetgnta for a a-passenger ord automo oiie. Appiy wooaiawn WANTED Bulck light six or Dodre. must be in good condition; will pay cash. Phone m-oaaway u.', ask ror jwr. Ablngton. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR USEDCARsT L. E. OB YE, Grand ave. and E. Stark. WANTED Franklin car: glvo series and price nrst letter, k. uregonian. with side sale cheap. 89 N. 5th st. I riir T 1 1 i I v eniiirvnan - meet -inillflvn fr- I LI. iTf.Hl 'V 1 .V. fof kxla- 1 l-ia.nitaii-.nn lib. new, cneap. .y uover st, west, in even-1 jj ings. I TWIN INDIAN, fully equipped; first-class I condition: 3100. N. B. Lesher. 4i7 Eaat I Ankeny. FOR SALE Reading Standard motorcycle, z speea. la gooa condition, sjd cash, fa- cirio lent Awning to., 1 rv. i'irst at. FOR SALE Harlev-Davldson motorcvcii with, side car, -speed, Al condition, cheap ior coin, uan raoor uzi. 1913 TWIN Indian in good condition, cheap ior casn. m ri. .tuimsiae. AT your own price, 1912 Indian; owner over there. Home phone C 1.JK9. Automobiles for Hire. 4 T VVIU irvAV MXll.. A J 111VU A Jr rv a - I ' ERS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629, BROADWAY 2629. I AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, bo iota st. sroaaway u. JUST received, carload of new Overlanda to lease without drivers. G. N. Smith, 3d and Glisan. Broadway 2629, A 2629. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, runerais, caning, snopping. .feast ; HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars. I miiiyoniii mivci.. wu, t -q., mm mow i NEW Ford, experienced driver. $1.50 per nour, laoor luzs. $2 EACH to Eagle Creek oa highway. Wood- lawn a-iui. FINE 7-passenger Hudson, carefuL expo- rlenced driver. Marshall S829. ft-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, cabling. snopping, nignway. uroaawav soif. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Left-handed golf sticks and bag; I must do in good condition, jaox io, Mayger. Or. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash. 503 Pittock block. JUNK, rags, bottles, sack?, metals, old cloth ing, carpets; gooa prices. n.asi --w-t. SAFES AND VAULT DOORS, 46 Front SL Pacific Scales A Supply Co. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand, sUala 8344t . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the nignest price lor suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere in the city. day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229, or 29 Madison su OUR specialty Is buying ladles' and gents' cast-oft clothing. Highest c&ah price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 8225, or 209 Madison Su HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-band clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc. New buyer. Try me before you call others. Phone Broadwayf 3932. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and over. We buy shoes 'and hat. Call Main 1923. JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, rubber, second-hand goods. Call Main 734. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and we pay all It Is worth. Call Main 734. 20H4 1st su WINCHESTER and Remington automatlo and pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 65 8d. WANTED 3-year-old Jersey cow; must be fresh or nearly fresh; will pay cash. CIS Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 5325. BICYCLE, SHOTGUN, RIFLE WANTED. Cash or equal value in trade. NEWMAN, 123 FIRST. MAIN 4493. PILING AND SHIP KNEES WANTED. O. V. GAMBLE. 503 Oerlinger Bldg. ROLL-TOP desk; must be worth the money. O 363, Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 183 to 191 First SL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res- taurant omnia, notele, rooming houses, office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too Dig or too small lor us. Iriompt at' tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 698L A 8224. READ IMPORTANT REAd7 We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city. There is hardly an item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In snell ana neavy nara ware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to. buy or sell. can or pnone. MAIN 9072, A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. 221-3-5 Front su. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 809. PA RH. CASH. fAflH We will pay the hi sheet price for year need furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of- Zlce xurmture, etc Phone Marwhall 587 and our buyer will call at once. GEVUKTZ FURNITURE! STORiS, 205 and 207 First St, I FELDSTE1N FURNITURE CO., 106-168 1st St., requires second-hand furniture, best prices paid. If you hare any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4633. I I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid I ior stovea ana ranges anu an amas oc I household roods. Call us for one artlclt I or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Mar. 2698. ' T WiVTFn ... M 1 FURNITURE WANTED We will pay full value for your second-band furniture, beds, dressers, carpets, stoves and house hold goods. Call Main 1923. 193 Front st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL. PAT CASH. MAIN 3332. HELP WANTED MALE. THE Meier A Frank Co. require the services of an engineer. lo founday work, e-hour day. Apply superintendent's office, base ment balcony, Meier & Frank Co. THE Chicago Portrait Co. requires a mld- aie-aged man to take orders in Portiana on salary, no experience required. Call, 11 to 12 Sunday, Mr. GUI ham. Carlton notei. WANTED M ACHINIST FOR LATHE WORK, STEADY WORK, GOOD PAY. FRED DUNDEE, BDWY. AND FLAN DERS. I WANTED Men, make $5 spare time of evenings; no Investment; no agents wanted. Call or write. Nelson, 1069 Prince ton st. ONE first-ciass oxyacetylene steel welder and man able to weld pipe and dltrh; big wages to right man. Portland Brazing Machine. Works. Broadway 4400. East 4186. LEANER and dyer wanted at once; must be able to do pressing; steady Job, good salary. .Dodge Dry Cleaners, oiympla. Wash. MILL and yard men wanted at Multnomah Lumber & Box Co., root or jancroit ave.. South Portland. See night foreman, bet. 5-0:30 P. M. WANTED A middle-aged man to act as chauffeur and to do little housework and gardening; comfortable home with board and good wages. Ay uregonian. WANTED Meat cutter for hotel, out of town. Call C D. Schreiter, asst. manager, Portland .Hotel. WANTED Chef for country hotel; good wages. Call C. D. Schreiter, asst. mgr. Portland Hotel. WAN TED A watch maker, also clock re pairer. Apply A. C. Feldenhelmer, cor. Wash, and Park. WANTED lst-class meat cutter: give ref erence; state age, married or single, bj 614. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced apt. house janitor. single, good wages, ooara ana room, see Janitor, ivingsoury apt., io r ora st. WANTED Two Inventory clerks. Apply to purchasing agent. Peninsula Shlpbuildln Company. WANTED First-class fireman, must under stand fuel oil ana tnorougniy rami liar with boilers. Doernbecher Mfg. Co. FIRST-CLASS machinist and mould maker wanted. Portland KubDer Mills, East 9th and Harrison. MARRIED man to do clerical work and ca on city trade ; state salary expected wit answer. BJ 496, oregonian. OFFICE boy; opportunity to learn good wholesale ousiness; siaio age, references and phone numper. ai uoi, uregonian YOUNG man In wholesale house. Address, stating age ana experience, axv. oat. ure gonian .aa WANTED Experienced fry cook) good wages. uive pnone numoer or aaaress. O 361 Oregonlan. V,ACi; C L iimivci "iiu won auu uib chine man tor airplane and ship work, in city. 507 Oregon bldg. - ior .nuuu.? 1 yi. i'h"""" give references. V 4M7. uregonian. TEAMSTER -One who knows the city well, Standard Brick A Tile Co., 83 5th st. YOUNG man wanted for bellboy, from 11 to 2 and from 5 to II p. m. taii at zo 0 st. BOYS wanted, factory, 16 to 20. 84 N. 1st street. AT once, man to keep time In logging camp. P 32.. oregonian. WATCHMAKER wanted, permanent posl tion. .AG 390, oregonian. MAN to run electric elevator. Apply Powers Furniture Co.. 3d ana y amnin. BARBER, male or female, to manage shop; wages guaranteea. u tiw, uregonian. ..tTT . ; , ; v 1 r . vvArr.Lr - Jiii n iur uub. UUU1'- r00 E. Morrison. TAILOR wanted to do pressing and repair ing. 207 Morrison st. EXPERIENCED price clerk In farm employ ment lino. ozrf. uregonian. AT once, man to take charge oi store; helper, f azo uregonian. WANTED Baker's helper, good wages. Call at 506 Washington St., Vancouver, w asn. tMDaT.ri.A;C maMnl-r for InthA unil ffen eral machine snop wora. taiitii rroni st. TRIPE cleaners and casing men; good wages. 228 Alder et. EXPERIENCED man for soft drink parlor. Apply 120 N. Broaaway. WANTED MUlrlght and saw filer at Car- men Mfg. Co.. 1214 McAdam st. NIGHT CLERK, for out-of-town hotel. AE STO, uregonian. BLACKSMITH wanted; man that can do shoeing; ateaoy joo. av ssa. uregonian. GOOD shoemaker wanted; steady position. Jim, in e gnoc uocior. - cugene, ur. EXPERIENCED janitor for apartment- house, ieierence. u aaa, uregonian. WANTED Barber, $25 week guaranteed. 5H0 commercial sc., Astoria, ur. BARBER wanted, steady job. 73 N. 6th st. OFFICE boy wanted. X 478. Oregonian. BARBER for Saturday. 120 Second st. JfOliTaW wanted -tot Aool aii, ,1 0H SU HELP WANTED MALE. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This is no time to shirk; every man should do his utmost: middle-aged men can now "oorae back ; boys are needed at One to fill anlHiera the Y. M- C. A. Employment and Advisory De partment la able to give priceless auviv. it puts you Into the largest place you are able to fill successfully. A special membership of (3 has been devised to aid those who need it; don't miss this modern, scientific and thor oughly business-like way of securing a position. Phone Main 8700, A 656 L Call at once In person if possible. . WANTED SAWMILL MEN. 1 re sawyer (3.20 oencn sawman, experienced In frame and specialty factory cut ting 5.00 Ail "-above are 8 hours' work, excellent hotel accommodations. Government rate, continuous work. Houses for married men. If above positions are filled we can give you similar work upon presentation of this advertisement. Apply CROSSETT WESTERN LUMBER CO., WAUNA, OR., 75 miles below Portland on S.. P. er S. Ry. WANTED. SECOND BAKER. LEIGHTON'S DAIRY LUNCH. BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON ST. TOUNO man as baker's helper. Good waves. Experience not necessary. Day work. Ap ply mornings at Davidson Baking Co., 2 2d and Oregon sts. EXPERIENCED millinery makers. Apply superintendent's office, basement baloony, Meier & Frank Company. WANTED Strictly first-class station agent for one-man station; must be telegraph operator; average salary and express com missions S146 Der mouth. Address E. M. Heigho, general manager, P. & 4 N. Rail way, rsew Aieaaows, laaoo. MEN wanted by Portland Gas A Coke Co., at Gasco, on LInnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take free ous at garage, i-ront ana onian sts., e a. M., or 23d and S&vler at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. WANTED Immediately, competent dairy man to miik small herd cattle and care for other stock on ranch : comfortable living quarters, permanent position for rignt party, -facino jrTuit A iroauce to., Yakima, Wash. MEN wanted to carry arbon briquets from trucks to basements of our consumers; average wage $4.25 to $4.75 for 8 hours. Inquire N. E. cor. 2d and Flanders. Port land Gas A Coke Co. YOUNG man under 20 for stock room work, steady work and fair pay. Apply In per son only. Jewel Tea Co., Inc. 21 South Grand ave. MAN wanted for executive division In local shipyard and manufacturing Co; age of applicant must not be over 35. In reply state age. salary expected and previous experience. C 438, Oregonian. WANTED TO LET Contract on station work, one to five miles of grading; light, cast over grading, very little rock. Work to begin at once. East Oregon Lumber Co., Enterprise, Or. PRINTER News, Bremerton, Wash., wants good all- round man, experience on lino type preferred, but not necessary; good job on live paper, good wages. Write or wire. EXPERIENCED middle-aged stock clerk. no automooiie experience necessary; auto mobile concern, good wages; state exp, and references. AK 406, Oregonian. WANTED 4 reliable men for our shipping aepartment; steady worn; opportunity lor advancement; ask for superintendent, Al len & Lewis, Front -and Davis. WANTED Teamsters and laborers; Lower Columbia Highway; Fern h ill, near Astoria; wages $4 per day 8 bra. J. W. Sweeney Const. Co. WANTED Floorman lor store room; ex perienced steam or electrio material, no subject to draft; state age and experience. 482. orrgonlan. WANTED Man and wife, cooks, for rail road construction camp. Apply western Commissary uo.. 314 secona ave. boutn, Seattle. M23N WANTED Conductors and motormen wanted. Call room 302 Electric building. or division superintendent's office at the carbarns, p. k., u. a . co. BAKER for hand shop In small town: mar- nea man prererrea: wire can worn in sales department. Address J. L. Keeler, Sequlm, Wash. CYLINDER FEEDER WANTED. Best wages and steady job to experi enced feeder. Metropolitan Ptg. Co., 211 Oak st. Phone Alain iii. to. WANTED Lumber tallyman. car ship ments, and nlaner feeder. American 77: out-of-town mill. Apply 327 Lumbermen! bldg. Wanted Men and bovs to Insert the Hun day Oregonian Saturday night only. Boys must be j years oia. jnquire oi &. u. Dewey, basement Oregonlan bldg. WANTED 2 first-class sheet metal workers at once; extra good pay and working con ditions for good workmen. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. r WANTED A first-class cook; must be fast man: salary $125 per mo.; worn o aays per week. See Chef, Broadway Hazelwood, 127 Broadway. OPPORTUNITY for a good cook as partner In live, wide-awake town, must be clear of draft; some capital required. Address AV 400, Oregonian. MOVING picture operator; four evenings weekly; state experience, salary. Y 536, Oregonlan. NIGHT porter wanted for out-of-town hotel. Must understand steam heating system. AE 369. Oregonian. KNEE bolter wanted, left-handed. Inquire Mr. Atchison, Western Cooperage Co., Willamette blvd., phone Columbia '52. JANITOR and wife for first-class apart ment house, good salary. See Janitor, High land Ct, Apts.. 711 Glisan. WANTED Dentist, first-class plateman; good salary; steady position. BC 824, Uregonian. WANTED Barber, $25 a week guaranteed. OHO commercial at.. aiv. .h, v. w. Hall. PORTER wanted for new, out-of-town hotel Must unnerstann iicaia iicmiui taioiu- AE 368, oregonian. BRIGHT boy. one with experience in print ing ornce preierreu. r luucoi i u iiu 212 V f ourtn sc. WANTED An experienced stock cutler for detail miiiwor-.. nw. . Su pply Co.. Tacoma, Wash. timkk KRPER. experienced in commlHsary. In repty give jjaai 1 ' n'riawuiui firms woraea iur. u -mo, vi cfcuuau. Tx-" a mtbti first-class oastry man. $35. (lava: must unuemuu dumuiuib a - 236. Oregonlan. WANTED Clothing cutter, experienced on shirts, overalls, macainv at tiw, -i o gontan. tit a x'Tcn nr.rifl.M automobile mechanics hio-hoar wares oaiu. ticauj Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. WANTED At once, mill superinienaeiii oi modern pine mm. c '-. ' " ""m"' Help Wanted Salesmen. IF YOU are an expert, we want you. If you wish to do taugni to one - clllties ior ooing il n """"" " s-nininv. nearlv a third of a cen tury old. one of the best In the United States, baa a place for either one. We can show you a proposition that will bring a Eood. big income. i you art? nurioicu write us. All communications contiaenuai, Address AV 87H. uregonian. SA LESMAN who covers all Eastern and 'antral i irf eon as cwntwAi""" v Thr ia making this territory In his car about Sept. 1. Can take a few samples. Address at once. L. C. Vanetta. Aioany, Or. WANTED AGENTS. a ncvTO s.l to 10 ner day selling the lat est electric aluminum umia i". t.c...n silverware; no taae. w n xor nnwu.o. tion. Home Supply Shop, 119 Brown St., Sookane. Wash. WANTED Men not subject to draft. , to aid us supply tne aemana ior iruu ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery, Salem, Oregon. AGENTS at once. Bell COc per month hos pital HCKeiB. 4UO J ltt:"-' HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel D Moy, 2d and lamnni. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained oy caiimg jnaio i. a ooi. EXPERIENCED carpet sewer at once. IL Jennlng & c-ons, oin ao- aaniagion. X PERIENCED waitress wanted. Central talc, j. r u. IA Bl. MIDDLE-aged lady to attend baby and mother, who is convalescent. n.ast iLo. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at 406 E. Burnside st. WAITRESS wanted. White Restaurant, 24 his 2d St. In. sis wee a ana up. PlXNa yaaUOtifik CftU Uin IAS HELP WAXTEP FEMALE, TOUNO LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. $9 PER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY. PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. APPLY TO TELEPHONE, COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL. SIXTH FLOOR, PARK AND OAK STS. BETWEEN 8:30 A. M. AND 5;30 P. M. EXPERIENCED saleslady for silk and dress goods dept., also one for domestic dept., one thoroughly experienced pre ferred; good salaries paid to competent women. Apply mgr. between and 1 1 A. M.. L. tin ana hao, 266 Wash, su, 123 Third st. RETAIL Jewelry firm needs the services of lady bookkeeper and stenographer ana general office work; desirable position for experienced and efficient lady and on who has some executive ability and steady. Address letter to M 330, Oregonlan. SALESLADY for ladles' suits, coats and dresses to help out ti our ladles' ready-to-wear dept., today; only those with ex perience need apply. Levitt's Store, cor. 4th and Wash. EXPERIENCED railroad stenographer, ary siu;; must be neat, quick and accu rate; send typewriter application, giving age, experience and references. E 421, Ore go nlan. WANTED AT ONCE PLAIN COOK, OREGON HOTEL. COTTAGE GROVE. OR. GOOD WAGES. WANTED Experienced woman pressors and hand sewers, also experienced opera tors on power machines. Call between 3 and 10 Monday A. M., Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., 80 hi 5th, room 202. WANTED Girls for stockroom and order dept., wholesale hardware firm, $43 month to start. Call at Y. W. C. A. Employment Dept., Broadway and Taylor, hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. EXPERIENCED young woman bookkeeper and stenographer wanted by contractors; salary $1UU; answer in own hand writ ins, stating references and experience. AO 6D&, Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPER who ilkes children, el derly woman who wishes home more than wages preferred. Call at 324 East 1st st. North, between 2 and 5. FIRST-CLASS millinery makers and trim mers for house; city and out-of-town posi tions; good wages. Muller A Raas Co.. of Oregon. AN 836, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl to learn tailoring business. Prefer one having had power machine ex perience. Apply Brownsville Woolen Mills, 3d snd Morrison. HEAD waitress wanted for dining room, for out-of-town hotel, serving about 40 meals per day; state experience and salary ex pected. F 46 J, Oregoiilun. WANTED Young girl between 16 and 19 years to assist in light housework; gooa home and good wages for a good girl. 575 East 15th st. North. EXPERIENCED woman stenographer te fill out-of-town position In lumber office, near Portland; good salary, permanent position. Answer, 374. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS millinery makers and trim mers for house; city and out-of-town posi tions; good wages. Muller & Raas Co. of Oregon. WANTED Machine operators, double and single needles, on shirts, overalls, marki naws and waterproof clothing. Apply Hirsch-Wels Mfg. Co.. 205 Burn aide iu WAITRESS far springs; other, out-of-town places; also cashier, Si5; housekeeper, cooks. Hansen's Employment, 327 Wash ington WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper; salary foil per month ; steady position. Apply "The Hazel wood. " asa washing ton st. HAVE calls for experienced stenographers. For full Information call at the Noiseless Typewriter Distributing Company, 8L 4th st. WANTED Girl to wait on table, wages 10 per week; fare advanced. Write or wire Charley L. Kue, 180 11th St., Astoria, Or. WANTED A woman to keep house for 2 children on farm. Write me. F. M. M., Ashwood, Or. WANTED Experienced nurse maid; good wages. Phone Main 1S28, or apply morn ings at 240 St. Clair. CASHIER and bookkeeper wanted for large mercantile house ; name references and phone number. AE 371, Oregonlan. WANTED A lady bookkeeper; must have practical experience. Apply at once. Le vitt's, cor. 4th and Waah. WOMAN for housework, mornings, from 9:3 to 12; must be good worker. Call Mar. 1134 or apt. 33, Kosefriend Apt., after 9. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the feaivatiou Army Kescue Home, tast 10th st. N.. or phone East 1J3. WANTED Woman to peel vegotnhtes and do cleaning. Apply Maimer Restaurant, J JO N. 6th. WANTED Practical nurse, sanitorlum ex perience, age 30 to 4.V; good health essen tial. AC 4u2, Uregonian LADY to take charge of rooming bouse on 6th et., 10 rooms, bee Lambenoa at lo N. 3th t. WANTED Lady who is a flrst-clsss pants and vest maker and an ail around helper. H. T. Lester. Pendjeton. Or. GIRI-S for fancy feather work: experience In millinery necessary ; good wages. Jianness Plume fcihop, Park and Yamhill. GIRL for kitchen work In private hospital; no cooking ; gooa wages, aiv ure gonian WOMAN for work in cannery. Star Fruit Products Co., 321 L. lamhill. WAITRESS wanted. Steen's Restaurant, 70 Broadway. STRONG girl wanted in packing room. The Columbia Mills, inc., a- Morrison sr., cny. WANTED At once, young ladies for out side selling. Room AOS Seward Hotel. WANTED Woman for kitchen work In res taurant. 109 South Ferry, St. Johns. WANTED Experienced waitress, 163 Broad way, China Inn. WANTED Good housekeeper, good home and good pay. East 20S9. 604 E. Irving. LADY presser; good salary; steady Job. Dodge Dry Cleaners. Olympia. Wash. EXPERIENCED dining-room girl. Old Peo ples Home, E. 82d and Sunny road. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gag e mMTt8iiotravej WANTED Experienced chambermaid. 322 Davis st. imm WANTED Experienced governess; refer ence. AV so. uregonian. WANTED Cook and second girl on ranch or cook ana neiper. av qui, uregonian. EXPEIENCED chambermaid. Palace Ho tel. 446 WANTED Experienced waitress. Call 227 Morrison St. YOUNG girl for general housework, or stu dent helper. Main i-mv. WAITRESS wanted. 8 North Third st. Wanted -Domestics. WANTED A girl to do cooking and Ironing for family or six at i-teeu twouege; ref erence required; salary, $40. Call Sell. 1 235. WANTED First-class maid for general housework, 3 In family, no washing, good wages. Tabor 7040. At 1092 E. Burnside. RELIABLE girl or lady to care for 4-year- old girl and 4 -room nnuse; no washing; parentaeniployedJ Woodlawn 1220. AN elderly woman for light housework In small family. Call 7 mi Album ave., or phone C 2187 after 5 P. M. EXPERIENCED girt for general housework and cooking; no wasning. . i irving st. Main 7007. WANTED Girl for general housework and help take care or cnuaren; no cooaing. Call at 606 0th st, COMPETENT girl or woman for general nousewor. uj '-. " ' . a uuuv Mrs. Voorhies, Sellwood 30u2. EXPERIENCED second maid to work in private family; gooa wages, xsroaawsy 2578 from 9 to 12 A. M. EXPERIENCED second girl; good refer ences; wages siu. x'uone aubs Ainiworin, Main 702. . j WANTED Woman to do light housework In Rose City Park bungalow, some cook ing. Tabor 8026; ' ? A COMPETENT girl or woman for general honeeworK ; gooa waes. on vorneii roan. GIKL wanted for general housework; small ramiiy, gimu " nm. iw. GIRL for general housework; no cooking. 730 Irving st., nr. --a. AT ONCE, girl for houaework, good wages. Phone zj. UOL'SEKEEPER wanted. Call Sunday at 94 Tnurnian st. WANTED Maid, general housework, two adulth. ail l-awt 4i i.i. WANTED Good maid for general house work. $40. call Marsuau 1064. If53 lot 9 I