17 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1918. BUTTER VERY FIRM Prices From Now On Expected to Work Upward. STATE OUTPUT CURTAILED Oregon Dairy Herd Said to Have Been Cut Down 10 Per Cent as Consequence of Extreme Cost of Necessary Feeds. At coirs prices thm batter market un questionably la a. strong affair, and a gtu eral upward trend In prices from this time n ts counted Inevitable. To what level the market may go In ths oomlns; Winter month la a matter of conjecture, but In view of the present supply and demand sit uation there would be nothing surprising In prices a few months hence above any fcltherto known la the local market. Butter dealers generally are averse to that conditions here at this time are such as to warrant crave concern for the future. One of them said yesterday: Ia the face of a demand during tht next atx months, probably greater than was ever known before, there Is the certainty that Oregon'a butter output this year will be Tender the average of recent years. It Is probably aafe to say that the dairy herds of the state this year have been cut down 10 per cent, and what that means will be Shown In the butter market "Between war-time costs for bay and feed of all kinds and the extremely dry weather f the past few months, which baa all but dried op the pastures, the dairyman has been driven to extremities, and many of the milk and butter producers have been virtually compelled to either cut down their herds or quit the business. There have been times this season when It was utterly rm possible for dairymen to obtain neceesary feed, regardless of prices. The stuff simply was not available. "Dairymen in all parts of the state, see ir.t no other course open, have sent hun dreds of their cows to the market. This, or course, wss unfortunate, and many, not fully understanding; the facts of the lltua tlon. win say It was an unbuslness-llke pro cedure, but If those who condemn the dairyman for his action will put themselves In his place and see the hard facts that he la forced to face, they will understand, and there will be less criticism. "High butter prices nobody now can aay how high they will be are a certainty, and beyond question the producer will be as hard hit as anybody." BARLEY BTT1X ACTIVE FEATTBE Bales at Merchants Exchange Show Market Is Holding; Firmly. Transactions at the Merchants Exchange yesterday Included two salea of 100, tons each of feed barley. August and Septem ber deUverr. at S53. The market appeared to be strong In tone. No sales were ported In the oats division and quotations generally were unchanged. The latest Government crop report was as follows: -Winter wheat. 536.000,000 vs.' 4lT.000.009, bushels: Spring. 322.000,000 vs. 238.000.000 bushels: corn. 2.9S3.000.000 vs. 8.101.000. 4)00 bushels: barley. 232.000.000 vs. 203.000. 000 bushels: oats. 1.428.000,000 VI 1.45S. OO0.000 bushels: rye. 70.700,000 bushels: flax. 14.800,000 bushels. Conditions: Spring wheat, 70S per cent: corn. 78.S per cent: oats. 82.S per cent; barley, 82 per cent: flax. T0.6 per cent: oats on farms estimated at 4.1 per cent, or S.S04.000 bushels. " . Weather conditions over the Middle West were reported as follows: "Winnipeg clear. 60: Dulnth part cloudy, ceol; Chicago clear, hot: Peoria clear, warm. 80; St. Louis cloudy. 70: Kansas City part cloudy. 82. drizzling; St. Joseph part cloudy, 74, had light rain last night: Topeka cloudy, 76. sprinkling: Hutchinson raining. 80, been raining since 11 P. M. ; Omaha cloudy, 70, nly trace of rain here: Davenport clear, cooler, raining at Cairo -and Champaign. IX. i Winnipeg: Severe frost In Northern Alberta. Saskatchewan. Manltoga. suffered little; abundance of rain In South Dakota; raining In Trrre Haute. Dayton, O., and Bloomlngton, 111. "forecast: Illinois. Missouri. Wisconsin partly cloudy, unsettled with probable show ers tonight, Friday cooler; Minnesota. North and South Dakota generally fair and warmer tonight and Friday; Iowa. Nebraska. Kan sas part cloudy tonight and cooler. Friday fair and warmer." San Francisco reported the arrival of 102.S20 centals of Australian wheat. Grain movements in Chicago were: Receipts Wheat, 2.8S9.00 vs. 83T.0O0 bushels; com. 4.M.0OO vs. 520,000 bushels: ata. 1.200.000 vs. 053,000 bushels. Shipments Wheat. 1.866,000 vs. 384,000 bushels: corn, 402.000 vs. 333,000 bushels; oats. SSS.OO0 vs. 5KS.0O0 bushels. Terminal receipts In cars were reported by the Mercbanta Exchange as follows: tons of fair quality and condition sold to retailers at $2 SO for standards. Turlock. Cal., reported: "Demand an movement active, market slightly stronger; Quality and condition good. Wagonload trackslde. bard ripe, standards mostly f 1.30 01.60; few best 81.65; ponies, demand and movement slow, (1.1061.80, mostly 81.13 flats mostly 60c; ripe a. standards, 8161-10 ponies mostly 73c; flats. 40c Shipments mostly rolled unsold." Twelve cars of watermelons arrived from California yesterday. Demand and move ment were limited on account of cool weatber. The market la slightly weaker. Some top stock moved at 24e to retailers, but most of the stock was moved around 2c and some smaller as low as 14a Turlock. CaL. reports: "Demand and movement good, market slightly weaker. Wagonloada, trackslde, Tom Watsons, bulk, per ton. $7 30 3 8.60; Angelinas. 88610; car loads, f. o. b. cash track, various varieties. bulk, per ton. 810 q 12, mostly 112." Peaches In Good Supply. Peaches were fairly plentiful In the mar ket yesterday, the arrivals Including three carloads from California and about 300 boxes from Oregon and Washington points. In quality the offerings generally were good and prices held In a fairly satisfactory way. the best going at 81.25 to $1.40. Small fruit In some cases sold as low as 65 cents. Portland, Thurs. Year ago Reason to date. . Tear ago Tacoma. Wed... Tear ago Feason to date. Year ago Seattle. Wed... . Year ago .. S-astn to date. . lear ago Wheat. Barley.Flour.Oats.Hay. 37 1 .. 2 1 a l l is SP7 37 123 73 83 85 10 70 82 11.'. 11 t .. 3 2 1 1 .... 8 inn T 24 37 12 3 .. 14 111 41 1 6 2 18 4 147 T 169 84 124 88 15 130 60 8-0 COMMODITY PRICE SCHEDCTE OUT list Issned by Food Administrator Shows Quotations Recommended. For the week beginning August 7, the price-interpretation schedule Issued by W. B. Ayer. Food Administrator, makes recom mendations as follows: Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Portland 3.5S7.2B Seattle Tacoma 7 In, 461 Spokane 1,203.354 Balances. 29.04 704.3 44.2MS 570.7o PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS 'Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc Merchants' Exchange, nooa session. August delivery'! Oats Bid. No. 2 white feed $59.00 Barley Standard feed 33.00 "A" 55.50 Eastern oats and corn la bulk: Oata So. 3 white 52.00 33-pound clipped white 53. oO Corn- No. 3 vellow - 69.00 No. 8 mixed 65.50 September delivery: Oat b No. 2 white feed 39.00 Barley Stnndard feed 55.00 "A" ii.iO -( No. 3 white 52.00 38-pound clipped . 53.50 Corn No. 3 yellow . 69.00 No. 3 mixed 60.0O Rat.. 1G4 tons Aueuit feed barley 853: 100 tons September feed barley at $55. San Francisco receipts include lJ-,e-V cen tala Australia wheat. WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 pe bushel. FLOUR Straights. $10.93011.15 Per oar- rel: whole wheat. $10.30: graham. t w 10.85: barley flour. $ll(j!2 per oarrei; rye flour 811.50 012.50 per barrel; cornmeai. $11.40012 per barrel; core flour. $12,209 13.40: oat riour, JU.MBl2.io. uitiritEn Nt minfeed nrieea. cariots: Bran. 831 Dtr ton: shorts. $33 per ton; mid dlings. $33: roiled barley. $70; rolled oats. $69. rnRV whole. S7s: cracxea io per ton. HAT Buying prices f. o. b. Portland: r.,r.rn Clrr-mn tlmothv. 834 Der ton: Val l.v tlmothv. $2: alfalfa. 828S27: Val ley grain hay, I26&2S; clover. $26828 straw. $8 010. see- car- Dalry and Country Prod nee. BUTTER Cubes, extra. S49e; onds. 44c; prints, extra, box lota. 52c tons, box lots 3c; halt boxes, Ho more; leas than half boxes. 1c more: butteriat. No. 1, 55c per pound delivered Portland. EGGS Oregon ranch current receipts. 47ft 48c; candled. 49c; selects, 50c per dozen. CHEESE Jobbers' buying prices. 1. o. a. dock. Portland: Tillamook triplets, jac; Toupg Americas. ZBc per pouna; toos ana Curry, t. o. b. Myrtle Point; Triplets, 24c; Toung America. 25 c per pouna; iobs homs. 23 "4, c per pound. POULTRY Hens. 23 024c; D rollers, 200 27c; ducks, geese and turkeys, nominal. VEAL, Fancy. 1S1VC per pouna. PORK Fancy. 23 MU 34c per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, Valencia. $808,60; lemons, $7.50 10.25 per box: bananas, so per pound: graperruu. ftfov. "ul loupes, s. 0 2.au per crate, wict meiuuo. 2&2V4C per pound; peaches, iocvfi.u, new apples. $1.250 3 per box; plums. $2S2.25 per box; apricots. $2 per box; pears, $3.23 3.50 per box; casabas, 4c per pound; grapes. $8 ft 2. 25 per crate. VEOETA.UL.ts lomaioes, 1 .,.. 1 per crate: cabbage. 4f4tte per pouna; lettuce. $2.50w3 Pr crate, cucumbers, 5C0$1 per box; peppers, joc per pounu, iiw, . - w 12c per pound; Deans, mviio per pouna; celery, $1 per dozen; bummer squasn, i per dozen: eggplant. 100 per pounu; corn. $2.73 per crete. POTA lUt.! .BW, , J. j o. , u per uuu- dred. otvTONS Walla waua. x2.7a03.uu; -au- 62.25 per crate. Ktanle Groceries. Local lobbing quotations: SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry. $8.05; beet, $8.73; extra C, $7.o5: powdered. In barrels. S3, to: cuoes, in iiiu, NUTS Walnuts. 30c: Brazil nuts, 16c; filberts. 20c: slmonds, 18623c; peanuts. 19o; cocoanut. $1.60 per dozen. SALT HalJ-grouna, iwe. io.vu per wu, 50s. $17.25 per ton; dairy, -'. per ton. RICE1 Blue Kose, ll.iiii per pouna. BEANS Jobbing prices: Small white. tnfi'lc: large white. 12c; bayou, 10c; lima. 151c: pink. 9c Oregon basis, buying nrices: White, bpjwc; cuiurru, ic t,ui rs,BMii u . v Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, choice, 35tte: standard. 34 He; skinned, none; picnics, -oc, cottage roll. 31e. LARD Tierce oasis, lutnuini pure. inc, compound, 23c " BAUUA r ancy. m.iui pure. 44&4.".c; choice. B4W41C DRT SALT Bnori, cieax oacaa, zvvosc; exports, 28JT31C ITops. Wool, Etc HOPS Nominal. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 35 O 56c; Valley, S4ff61e per pound. MOM Al n ureson, new cup, 000 per VOUBd. . . CAc-CAKA Aitt new auu uiu, no jt Pound. . . TALLUW A, Jc per pouaa; no. . . lie per pound. GRAIN BAGS cariots. ZBfta Bides and Pelts. HIDES Salted hides. 25 pounds and up. 15c; salted stsgs. 80 pounds and np. 11c; STOCK TRADE SLOW Wall Street Reports Sluggish Movement Generally. MANY LEADING ISSUES SA Shares of Telephone and Telegraph Companies Weaken; Proposed Extension of Federal Con- trol Affects Securities. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. The proposed ex tension of Federal regulation over various lines of trade acted as much as anythln else for the further sluggish and uncertain course of stocks todav. Shares of the telephone and telegraph companies again weakened, with Western Union at a new minimum and packing la wero heavy on the severe arraignment of those interests by the Federal Trade Commission, which recommended control of that Industry and Its many collateral branches. For the third time this week United States Steel repeated its recent maximum of 110. Kalis were in the background. bales amounted to 160.000 shares. Rates on London and Paris moved favor. ably to those centers and the weekly state mrnt of the Bank of England disclosed an other material gain, almost $3,500,000 in gold holdings. Bonds were above the average. Frencn municipal and state Issues hardened. liberty third 44s rertstered a new low record at 94.80. Total sales, par value, $3,923,000. Old L lilted states bonds were unchanged on can CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closln Sal-s. Hiih. Low. bid. 200 69 4 t9Vi DO0 47V 464 4Va 500 84 84 4 4"4 .M10 6j"m 66 G 1,200 7S 77 ? 77 4 110 1,400 91 4 90 y, 91 i 1 400 IS"-. 18 IS 1,200 664 6?4 6o'if 103 300 63i 534 53 4 800 27 4 26 26 is-. 200 152 152 !."- 67 55 44 4 914 23 4 200 39 4 394 an 2nn 4m. 46 46 300 44 43 43 4 1 mo R(lM Brt'i e'. 1.200 80 4 30 80 0,(100 ' 59 58 f! 200 15 13 14 KOO 143 144 145 600 155 154 154 2U0 90 4 90 4 90 4 ?14 "00 07 St 97 90 2,500 52 514 81 7(1(1 98 9714 7 2.800 294 29 29 ::::: ::::: 334 1 1.1 200 24 26 4 26 1 aim nil V. 101 101 22 67 20 Tnn 72 U 72 72 800 40 39 39 ?7i .... ..... 29 1,000 44 43 434 60 23 8S 92 1 91 92 ..... 164 B.I 84 1 85 23 234 234 44 131 152 121 121 121 129 12S 12S4 110 109 nm 110 110 1094 81 80 ! ..... 23 78 77 774 41 414 J1 84 So ? 00 7B Am Beet Sugar, American fun.. Am Car & Fdry American Loco. Am hm A Refg. Am Sugar Relg. . Am Tel Tel.. A in Z L & 8m.. Anaconda Cop.. Atchison W I S S L , Bait Ohio . .. B S Copper... California Petrol . Canadian Paclf. Central Leather , Ches A Ohio ... . Chi M A St P.. Chi N w R I & P ctfs. . Chlno Copper. . Colo Fu Iron. Corn Prod Kerg Crucible Steel.. Cuba Cane Sug. Distill Securities Erie General Electric General Motors. Gt North pfd . . Gt Nor Ore ctfs . llinols Central, nspir Copper.. M 31 DIO. .. nter Nickel . .. nter Paper . .. . C Southern. . . Kennecott Cop. , Louis & Nash.. . . Maxwell Motors Mexican Petrol. Miami Copper... . Missouri Pacifio Montana Power. . Nevada Copper. . Y central . .. Y N H & H.. or A Western. . orthern " Paclf. . Pacific Mail Pennsylvania Pittsburg Coal.. . Ray Consoi cop . Reading eo lr A Fteei. Shat Arlx Cop.. . Southern Pacif. Knnthern Rv ... Studebaker Co.. . Texas Co ...... nion Pacific... s ind Aiconoi U 8 Steel do Dfd Utah Copper .. abash pra a.. U"..irn union. Westing Electric ethlehem u. .. 1.000 44 4 444 600 33 33 300 22T4 22 3.300 1.400 '506 COO '400 1.3O0 2.600 41,600 6110 900 '906 300 2.600 Total sales 'for the day. 160,000 shares. .. BONDS. 8 ref 2s reg.'OS Nor Pacifio 4s... 80 do coupon. ..1064,'U S Steel 5s. .....94 Atcen sen 4s 81 Sou rae cv 00. . D K G ref 5s. . 13 Anglo-French 5s. 93 NYC deb 6S...934I US Liberty 3Hs.100.00 Bid. Commodity - Fresh eggs .. Butter. lreh. creamery potatoes, new ..... Cheese, full cream ................................. reh salmon, pound Corn meal, yellow, bulk, 100 pounds Corn meal, white, bulk. 100 pounds. ................ . Corn rr.eal. yellow. 10-pound bag. bale... Corn meal, white, 10-pound bag. bale................ IloMed oats. VO-pound bags, barrel. ........... Kolled oats. P-pund bags, bale Rolled oats. Co -ounce packages, dosen l.ice fl'jur. bulk, per 10 pounds. ............ llarley flour, bulk, barrel llarley flour, 9 4-5-pound bag, bale pice, head, per 10" pounds Kurar, dry granulated. 1 pounds .................. , Corn flour, white, bulk. 100 pounds Corn flour, white. 10-pound bag, bale..-. l.re flour. 4!-pound sack, barrel... ltve flour. 10-pound bag, bale. . Hominy. 10-pound bag. bale. Cornstarch, pound Beans, small white, pound Irtel fruit, raisins, packages, 100 pounds Com syrup. 5-pound cans, dosen .................... . heat flour. 4!-pound bags, barrel Wheat flour. 244-pound bags, barrel.......... Wheat flour. l-pound bags. bale... Lard aubstitute (shortening), bulk, pound Lard substitute (shortening), small cans. each....... Lard substitute (shortening), medium cans. each..... l.ard substitute (shortening), luge cans. each....... Rice. No. 2 grade r. lisans. white, Oregon Retailer pays. Consumer pays. $ .470 ,4S $ .50 .52 Ht .64 .55 n .60 . 8.00 a 8.50 .04 .05 .27" .27 4 .30 fi .33 .17t -IS ' .20 ft .23 , 5.70 .064 (V .07 6.00 .07 -.074 , ..".0 .07 f .07 4 , 6.SO .75 ig .80 12.50 .OS 4 7.03 .80 .85 1.33 4 .15 . 9.25 9.W ' .12 12.00 .07 O .(V7 4 6.70 .80 0 .85 . 11.70912.00 .13 . S.OO'if 8.05 .09 ? .10 , 6.10 6.30 .07 & .08 . 6-90 7.10 .80 e .85 12.50 S.65 to3.75 6.95 .85 7.0S .83 .IO .124 . I3.70ff14.25 .174 10.95 .12HW .13 , 4-S06 5.20 .50 (i: .55 11.15 8.00 (&3.05 11.35 1.50 to 1.55 6-sn .70 .23 .27 4 .60 .75 1.05 1.33 ffl.30 2.18 2.60 6 2.70 10.25 9 10.65 .124 11. 50UI2.O0 .14 O .15 Boston Mining Stocks. BOSTON. Aug. "8. Closing quotations: Allouex K,Tl ""?. rls Com V""""'"" Calu Arizona. .64lusceoia alu ft Hecia ..: wum. 7 fentennlal 13 bupenor nVSzT R.M.... 47 !sup & Boston .13 42 0U 694 .4 at IKhannnn ..--.....4 "a li;ih Con 94 1264 Wolverine 24 4 . .5Granby Cons 80 574iGreene Cananea .44 The Food Administrator urges grocers to I salted and green kip, IS to 23 pounds, 16o: beware of strangers who may attempt to purchase sugar with a view to accumulating tne same. He aaks that every effort be made by all to conserve the Oregon supply. Consumers at the same time are requested to assist In the great problem of delivery by carrying their purchases horns as far aa this is possible. Continued use of flour sub stitutes Is urged. CANTAXOrPE MARKET 13 . HOLDING Day's Receipts Fairly Large, bat Prices bhow Little Change. The local cantaloupe market registers lit tle change. Five cars arrived from Califor nia and one from Washington. California stock is selling to Jobbers at practically un changed figures, standards moving at $2e) 26, ponies $L73 and fiats 80c Wasting- salted and green calf, to IS pounds, 26630c green hides, 25 pounds and up, 12c; green stags, 50 pounds and up. 9c; dry flint hides. 28c: dry flint calf. 32c: horsehldes, $L25t 2; salted horsehldes, $394. PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. 40e; dr short-wool pelts, 25930c; salted pelts, Mai takeoff.-$3 e 4. Oils. GASOLINE Bulk. Sic; engine distillate bulk. 12c: kerosene, bulk. 10c; cases, 20c LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels. $2.01; cases $2.11; boiled, barrels, $2.03; cases. $2.13. TURPENTINE in tanks. 79c; cases, 89c Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Aug. 8. Butter higher. Creamery. 39 9 44c. Eggs lower. Receipts 8603 cases; firsts, S74w38c: ordinary firsts, 330 360; at mark. included. eeiiiuc East Butte Franklin . Isle Royalle . Lake Copper Mohawk . ... Money. Exchange, Etc NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Mercantile paper unchanged. . . , .nnri 14.75: cables. $4.76 Vrancs." demand 6.694. cables 6.68; guilders, demnnd 524. cables 52; lire, demand 7.71. cables 7.70. Bar silver and Mexican dollars unchanged Time loans strong, unchanged. fii tnnnev firm. High. 54 per cent; low. 5'4: ruling rate 64: closing bid, 6; offered at 54; last loan. 64. LONDON. Aug. 8. Bar silver, money and discount rates unchanged SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 8. Butter 50 33 4 c. Eggs Fresh extras, 504c; fresh extra pullets. 484c. cyieese New firsts. 26c; Young Ameri cas. Oregon, 27 4 c. Poultry Hens, 2931c; roosters, young, 36c: broilers, one-pound, 40c; fryers, 36c; pigeons, $2.50; squabs, $2.60; geese. 2125c; turkeys, live, 25 to 28c, Vegetables Green peas, 8 IT 9c; asparagus, nominal; Summer squash. 75c$l lug box; eggplant. 5075c lug box; peppers, bell, 50rg60o lug box; chile. 6575c lug box: to matoes, small boxes, 25 & 50c; lettuce, 90c $1.25 crate; celery, nominal; potatoes, white. $2.50 cental; sweet, bdiuc; onions, new, red. $l.25r&1.50 cental; new yellow $2.25& 2.60; garlic, 15c; cauliflower, 4060e dozen; beets, new. 73c$1.2o; carrots, 50c$l; tur nips, new. 656 75c; rhubarb. $1.7542 box; cabbage. 181c; artichokes, $2.504 large crate: cucumbers. 00c(g$1.25 lug box; string beans, green. 465c: wax, 466c; lima, 67c; okra, Sft 10c: cantaloupes. Turlock stand ards. 41.2501-75; green corn. 2S2.25 sack: watermelons. $1.50 S 3 per dozen, casaba melons. 2 4o. Flour 1L20: wheat. Government, $3.50; barley, new crop milling grade, $2.55$2.60; oats, red feed and seed, $2.3062.33; corn, California, yellow, nominal. Fruit Lemons, fancy. $57 per box; grapefruit, $586 box; oranges, Valenclas, $6.5097.50 box: bananas, Hawaiian, 57c; pineapples. $4.500 5 dozen: apples, new crop. $-00&2.50 box; strawberries, $710; cher ries, nominal 4 blackberries. $S10; riap berries, $8810; peaches. $161.50 lug box: gooseberries, nominal; currants, $3 SO chest; loganberries, red and black. $76 9; apricots, as to slzoj per box. $102: pears, 50375c lug box; flKS, California, double-layer box, $lut 125'; white. 73990c; plums, $10L23 large basket; crabapples. $1 small box. Hay Wheat and wheat and oats hay, $22 e '4; tame oat. $24626: barley. $16022; alfalfa first cutting, siocrzv; second cut ting $22624; barley straw, 500 80c alfalfa, new crop, 32634c; Receipts Flour. 1632 quarters; barley, 3832 centals; beans, 1038 sacks; potatoes, "S60 sacks; onions, 907 sacks; hay, 416 tons; bides, 123; wine. 23.900 gallons. - Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Gs,, Aug. 8. Turpentine firm. 34 6 54 4 c: sales, 300 barrels; re ceipts. 48 barrels: shipments, 145 barrels; stocks. 27.710 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales. 737 barrels; receipts, 3S barrels: shipments, 2373 barrels: stocks, 78 811 barrels. Quote: B. $10.03610.10; D, 110 10610.20; E, $IO.2010.25; F, $10.35; G '$10.43610.47; H. $10.50; I. $10.55; K, $110561110; M. $11.25; N. 1L50U.53;i WG. $11.60; WW. $11 70. Sacking Scale Adopted. At yesterday's session of ths Merchants Exchange Association ths new seals provld- meals. cocoanut, nom- ing for a six-cent reduction on "bad order" sacks and an 18-cent reduction where re sacking of wheat is found necessary was i adopted. The old rates were four and 11 . cents. This scale is the same as that pre vailing at other Coast grain . centers. The differential between bulk and sacked wheat was fixed at 9 cents per bushel and on oats at $4 per ton. 1 Pears Firm and Unchanged. Best grade pears In the Front-street mar ket yesterday found ready sale at $3.35 to $3.50 a box. but the movement was moder ate, offerings being limited. No carlot ar rivals were reported. In other markets California Bartletts are said to be weaken ing to some extent, and as a consequence slightly easier prices are expected before long. . Coffee Futures Decline. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Recent advances were followed by scattering liquidation in the market for coffee futures . here today. The market opened at a decline of. 8 to 10 points in consequence, with September sell ing off to 8.35c and December to 8.64c, The market steadied later, closing at a net loss of 3 to 9 points. September, 8.38c; Octo ber. 8.49c: December, 8.6Sc: January, 8.7501 March, 8.90c: May, 9.05c; July, 9.19c Spot coffee dull; Rio 7s. 84o: Santos 4, llc Brazilian port receipts, 28,000 bags. . New lork Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Evaporated apples, dull; prunes, firm; apricots, firm; peaches. quiet; raisins, firm. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Lead, unchanged. Spelter, firm; East St. Louis, spot, 8.22 9 CORN SCORES 0,1 Unfavorable Crop Conditions Stiffen Market. REDUCED OUTPUT CERTAIN Oats Ruled by Action in Corn Divi sion and Trade Light Provi sions Strong as Result of Record Hog Prices. 8.32c New York Sugar Market, NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Raw sugar steady and unchanged. New York Spot Cotton. NEW YORK. Aug. 8. Spot cotton quiet. Middling, 81.15c. Dnlath Linseed Market. DULTJTH, Aug. 8. Linseed, $4.52. PRIME HOGS IN DEMAND BEST GRADE STOCK SELLS READ ILY AT TOP QUOTATIOX.- Market on Other Lines Reported to Be Holding Well Business at Tarda Moderate. The day was a rather quiet one at the North Portland stockyards. Receipts were of fair size, the total being nine carloads. comprising 230 -cattle, 25 calves, 450 hogs and 200 sheep, but only a moderate volume of business was put through. The market on all lines was reported to be holding up ell. Two small lots of medium-grade steers wore disposed of at $10.50 and $11.50, and cows and heifers sold generally at $6 to $S. On calves the range of the day s sales was $8.50 to $13.50, according to weight and quality. I71 the hog division there was one sale at $19.15. the extreme price of the past few days. Indicating continued strength in that line. Other hogs but little short of the top quality sold at $19 and $19.10. while less desirable porkers movert at $16.75 to $18. 80. snippers at the yards yesterday were a. Hodsou, Myrtle Point, 1 load cattle; J. S. Flint, Junction City. 2 loads of mixed stock; H. Farmer. McCoy, 1 load of sheep and hogs; Tillamook Farmers Co-operative Com pany, Tillamook, 2 loads of mixed stock: U. H. Malcass, Harrieburg, 1 load of mixed stock; Frank Wann. Mount Angel, 1 load of mixed stock, and Robert McCrow, Golden dale. 1 load of cattle and hogs. The day's sales included the following:. Wt. Price. 155 $ 8.50 191 19.00 100 17.00 11(1 19.00 10 I8.S5 118 1. 415 17.25 CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Correct anticipation that the Government crop report would have a decidedly bullish aspect made the corn market today average Slshcr. Prices ciosea strong at c to lc net advance, witn September $1,624 ff 1.624 and Octo oer si.6o6I.644. Oats finished He to 4 up. In provisions the ontrnme varied from i-'iriac decline to 25c advance. Despite good rainfalls west and south west and notwithstanding that temper atures were somewhat lower, the corn market quickly took an unward swing strengen appeared due altogether to gos sip current tnat Dig reductions were in evltable in the Government . estimates of probable yield compared with a month ago. as a matter of fact the official report when made public after trading for the day had come to an end showed a much more radical cut than the gossip had sug gestea. Oats were ruled bv the action of corn Trade as a whole was light. rtecora-oreaking prices in the hog mar. ket tended to strengthen provisions. Rib though, were depressed by sales from deal ers who simultaneously were buying lard. i.eaamg futures range as follows CORN. Open. High. ..$1,614 $1.62 . 1.62 4 1.64 4 OATS. . .69 .70 K . .70 .714 MESS PORK. .44.00 44.50 44.00 LARD. Morris Brothers, Inc. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building:, Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bonds Yielding from S.25 to 7 If yon must SELL roar Liberty Bonds, SELL to US. If yon ess BUY more Liberty Bonds, BUY from Us, V e BUY and we SELL at the New York market. Telephone Main 3409. Liberty Loan Department Open 6 P. M. Saturday Until Sept Oct. Sept. Oct. Sept. Low. $1,604 1.62 4 .69 .70 Close. $1,024 .704 .71 44.50 Sept. Oct. 2R.S0 26.S2 26.67 26.70 Sept. Oct. ..26.82 SHORT RIBS. ..24.82 21.82 24.47 24.60 26.1 26.1 24.62 24.77 .24.97 24.97 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.80; No. 3 yellow. 81.70Sfl.7S; No. 4 yellow, Sl.68ai.72 Oats No.. 3 white, 6969ic: standard 694 ii 70 4 c. Rye No. 2 $1.58. Barley U0c$1.02. Timothy $6.50 9. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard $26.62. Ribs $23.87 24.87. Minneapolis Barley Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 8. Barley changed. Wt. Price.l 8 steers . .1110 $10. 50'56 Iambs. 5 steers ..1160 11.50119 hogs. . lcow.... 910 6.00!21 hogs. . 1 cow 10SO 6.00 82 hogs.., 2 heifers.. 695 6.25! 4 hogs.., 7 heifers.. 840 8.00!11 hogs. . 2 heifers .1OS0 7.25! 2 hogs.., 2 heifers.. 880 7.25 15 hogs. . , 8 lambs... 97 13.501 Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattle Prices. Prime steers $11.73 'a 12.75 Good to choice steers 10.754J11. 75 Medium to good steers ........ 9.o0ft10.70 Fair to medium steers 8.50( 9.50 Common to fair steers 6.50 9 8.50 Choice cows and heifers ...... H.uu 8.5u Med. to good cows and heifers. 6.00$ 7.50 Fair to mea.,cowa and hellers, o.uotf o.uu Canners 3.00V 4.5U Bulls 5.50V 7.50 Calves 7.00 11.00 Hogs Prime mixed 18.50019.15 Medium mixed 18.00918.23 Rough heavies 16. 7o& 17.00 Pigs 16.00wl6.50 Khee East-ot-the mountain lambs ... 13.0014.00 Valley lambs 12.50 S 13.00 Yearlings 9.508 10.00 Wathera b.oOm 9.5U Ewes 6.00 8.00 DESTINATIONS OF LIVESTOCK LOADED Shipments to Leading Livestock Markets of . United States. Destinations of livestock loaded August 7. (Double-decks counted as two cars) : Cattle. Horses.Mlxed Ca Ives. Hogs.Sheep.Alules. Stock. New York Hop Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 8. Hops, unchanged. Dried Fruit Manager Arrested. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 8. Carl H. Zen- tlni. formerly manager of the California Dried Fruit Company, of San Francisco, was arrested today under a Presidential warrant and Is now being held pending an lnvestlga- tlon of his alleged activity as a dangerous enemy alien. 13 PROVES HOODOO AGAIN 195 19.15 Japanese Applicant for Citizenship Fails; Then 12 Get In. With the assistance of Harry Yoshi kazu Ito, a Japanese, the numeral 1 asserted its "hoodoo" reputation yes terday, when a class of 13 young men from the Benson Polytechnic School presented themselves before United States Judge Wolverton for natunaliza tion. Inasmuch as the treaty between the United States -and Japan inhibits the naturalization by either country of the subjects of the other, Judge Wolverton was obliged to deny Ito's petition. They should have known better than to come with 13 in their party," com mented Deputy Clerk Buck, of the District Court, who administered the oath of allegiance to the other 12. The young men admitted to citizen ship are Christian Uhnbrand,- Charles J. Fitzgerald, Harry Gale, Albert Henry Hart, James J. Greene, Ove !. Kure, John Leslie, Oscar E. Nelson. Joseph Vanondenhaegen, Otto R. Sabro, Frank liusso and Carl O. Wick. Austin, Minn... Boston uffalo Cedar Rapids. . Chit-ago Cincinnati .... leveland ..... udahy. Wis.. J Denver Detroit St. Louis. . . . Ft. Worth ndianapolis .. Jersey City ... Kansas city ... Loe Angeles . . . Louisville - ..... Milwaukee .... ew York ..... Oklahoma City. niaha Ottumwa, la... Philadelphia .. Portland. Or... St. Joseph..... St. Paul San Francisco.. ioux City Wichita ...... arlous 16 4 137 5 14 2 8 4 "6 26 10 10 26 5 55 24 7 121 63 10 9 11 20 TRAFFIC MISHAP KILLS 3 Sixty-Four Persons Injured in Such Accidents in City in July. Totals 247 One week ago.. 2738 our wks. ago.2i.-io 1553 509 1500 4113 2008. 610 Srate origins of livestock loaded August 7: For Portland 3 12 "i ""is 20 2 5 20 2 ... "3 4 6 63 "i "'2 2 4 83 13 121 326 117 300 120 477 Oregon . . . . ashlngton . . . Ttls. Portland One week ago. Four wks. ago. For Seattle Oregon Washington ... Ttls. Seattle.. One week ago. For wks. ago. For Sookaue Idaho Washington . . . Ttls. Spokane One week ago. Four wks. ago. 4 1 5 7 10 10 11 6 Three persons were killed and 64 persons injured in traffic accidents in the city of Portland during the month of July, according to the current monthly report which has Just been completed by Captain Harms, of the traffic department of the Police Bureau. Three hundred ninety-seven acci dents were reported to the traffic de partment during the month. The esti mated damage resulting from these ac cidents is $15,000. Minor traffic violations caused the arrest of 272 persons during July, ac cording to Captain Harms' report Fines totaled $4126. "The number of traffic accidents will undoubtedly be reduced to a very great extent if the one-way traffic system, now before the City Council, is adopted," said Captain Harms yesterday. Omaha Livestock Prices. OMAHA. Aug. S. Hogs Receipts. 16,000: market steady. 15c lower. Heavy, 18.25; mixed. $1S18J5; light, $18.1519; pigs, $1517: hulk of sales, $18 318.15. Oattle Receipts, 5400: market steady, lower. Native steers, $1118; cows and heifers, $712; Western steers, $?16: Texas steers, $8.5011.50; cows and heifers, $6.7510.75; canners. $5.506.50; stockers and feeders, $6.50i312.50: calves. $10 13. Sheep Receipts, 12.000; market steady. stronger. Fed muttons, $16 17.50: West ern, $13 14.50; wethers, $12 & 13.50; ewes. $10013. Chicago Livestock Prices. CHICAGO, Aug. 8. (United States Burean of Markets.) Hogs Receipts. 16.000; 10c 15c higher. Top, $20.05; butchers. $19.25 20; light, $19.406 20.05; packing, $18.20 9.10; rough, f 17.704J 1S.IU; hulk, $ia.4uigi 20; pigs, $1818.60. Cattle Receipts, 10,000; slow. calves steady; beef cattle, good, choice and prime, $17G1S.80; comison and medium. $1017; butcher stock, cows and heifers, $7 14.25: canners and cutters. $6 7; stockers and feeders, good, choice and fancy. $10 13: in ferior, common and medium, $7.50 6 10; veal calves, good and choice. $ 16.50 17.25. Sheep Receipts, 16,000; steady to strong. Feeders and breeders, strong to higher. Fred Norris Wounded. Fred Norrls. member of the 162d Regiment, has cabled from France to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. t: c. Morns, that he has been wounded in the right foot. His message insists that the wound is not serious. STREET TO BE IMPROVED Industrial Plants on Llnnton Road Will Pay Part of Cost. After a month's continued effort Charles Fisher, of the Department of Public Works, has secured sufficient money pledges to insure immediate im provement of Nicolai atreet, from Twenty-ninth to the county roadway to Linnton. Complaints have been made more than a year of the deplorable condition of this street. City Commissioner Bar bur has attempted to institute improve ment proceedings, but was always blocked by property owners. Under the agreement reached by Mr. Fisher, the property owners will pay a portion of the cost and industrial plants on the Linnton road will pay the remainder. The work will be done by the Municipal paving repair plant, an ordinance going before the Council next Wednesday for authorisation. The job will cost approximately $2000. LOCAL LABORJTO PROTEST Hanging of Thomas Mooney De plored by Portland Boilermakers. Portland's Central Labor Council last night "accepted" a communication from the Boilermakers' Union favoring, a mass meeting on behalf of Thomas J. Mooney, "now being held in San Fran cisco at the mercy of the Chamber of Commerce." Appointment of a com mittee to arrange for this mass meet ing was authorized. The council approved a memorial i$80,630 City of Lemoore California 7 onds Denominations $1000 300 $313 $250 $150 $100 ' Optional July 2, viz.: whenever there is a surplus in the Improvement fund above requirement for paying bonds regularly falling due at the next maturity date tho city Is required to advance the maturity of a sufficient number of bonds to take up the excess funds, giving not Irss than nine months' advanra notice of calling for payment on July 2. Cpon receipt of notice the holder is en titled to make immediate presentation for payment and to receive full interest to Euch advanced maturity (up to twenty-one months, but not less thsn nine months' interest) as a premium, 1. e., up to 112.25, but not lots than 105.25. Due $S063 July 2, 1919. 8063 8063 806.1 S063 1920.. 1921. . 1922. . 1923. . Price . .101.70 . .103.30 ..104.10 . .105.30 . .105.90 Yield 6.25 5.25 5.50 5.50 5.625 Due $S063 July 2, 19 8063 8063 8063 063 4. . 1925.. 1926., 1927. . 1928.. Price . .106.90 . .107.10 ..107.10 . .106.90 . .107.16 TieM 5.625 6.75 5.876 6 6 Accrued Interest to Be Added. Actual value (officially estimated) Assessed valuation, 1917 , Net debt Improvement Bonds (this issue only).. . JJ.ooo.OOO . 629,074 12.150 80.630 Population, 2000. This is an old, substantial community, the center of a very rich' agricultural area that has been farmed since 1870. The character of Lemoore is best illustrated by its financial statement showing a net General Debt of only $12,150, and by the fact that this paving improvement amounted to $160,000, HALF OF WHICH WAS PAID IN CASH BY THE PROPERTY OWNERS. Callable prior t- maturity, but only on July 2. Redeemable at 105.25 up to 112.25, ac cording to date of call. Approved by Heller, Powers & Ehrman, San Francisco. These bonds are the general obligation of Lemoore. , Entirely Exempt From Income Tax Call or Phone for Circular LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capiial and Surplus $600,000 LUMBERMENS BUILDING FIFTH AND STARK commending the plan of the bnitca States Government to send a commis sion to Russia and advancing Charles P. Howard, former president of the body, as a desirable member of the pro posed commission. Reriorts from tne uenirai utiuui Council's annual picnic indicated tnat receipts exceeded $3200, and tnat tne net proceeds will be near $3000. MISSING SOLDIERS FOUND Two Clarke County, Wash., uoys IiOeated In German Prison. VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug-. 8. (Spe cial.) Word was received here today that the McEneny brothers, Robert and Fred, have been located In a German prison camp at Geissen, Germany. This was done by the Red Cross. The boys. both from Clarke County, have been mourned as dead lor a month. That they are yet alive may mean that they may escape or be exchanged and yet return home. They were reportea miss ins in action, one within a few days of the other. and lasting- about four minutos were recorded by the University of Wash ington sei-smograpluhcre early today. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. BLOSEN To Mr. and Mrs. IL H. Blosen, Malcolm apartments, July 31. a son. SIMPSON To air. ana -Mrs. w. a. simp- son, 10:1:; Kast Morrison, July ol, a son. PA 1ST To Mr. ana Airs, ueorge -aist, 328 Koss. August 3, a daughter. McKKOWN To Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jlc- Keown, 137 East Sixty-second, July 81, a son. LEONARD To Sir. ana Mrs. w. Leonard, S6! Piast Twerif y-slxth. July 2S, a daughter. WILSON To Air. ana Airs, i.eonaru i.. Wilson. 305 East Seventy-! Iftli Norm, July 2. n son. OAKS To Mr. ana Mrs. m. uaKS. i.i East Thirtieth. July 20. a daushter. BHEEX To Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Green, 430 Glenn avenue, July 2!, a son. fTATES To Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cates, 324 Twenty-fourth North, July 31, a daugh ter. . PEARSON To Mr. and Mrs, rrani: t-ear- son, 2tw .East seveniy-min- flonn, juiy oi, daughter. MAY To Mr. and Mrs. David O. May, 15u2 East Tenth North. July Jl. a son. REAM To Mr. ana .Mrs. uiarK uaua Upant iTS Rmf.rKnn. Jillv HI a Son. FARRJN To Mr. ana Airs, joesio urepn- leaf Farrln, lOSo East Sixteenth North, July 30. a son. m TROY To Mr. ana airs, jonn v. j roy. 27 East Eleventh, Melcliffo apartments, ulv 31, a son. WILLIS To Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Willis, 50(J Hawthorne avenue, August 3, a & U h t O T" LOFSTEDT To Mr. and Mrs. A. I.ofatedt. 412 Larraliee. August 6, a daughter. STEWART To .Mr. ana Airs. inancs Thomas Stewart. 01)2 Garfield avenue, Au gust 0. a daughter. NETH To Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Neth, 452 East Fifteenth North. August 3. a daugh- er. Marriage licenses. EHRHARDT-PAIOE E. M. Ehrhardt. 37. Lewlston. Idaho, and Susie Boone False, Ja. 772 Talbot road. , SARO-SINNIO Henry Saro, legal. 710 Michigan avenue, and Augusta Slnnto, legal, ttl45 Forty-third avenue S. E. SKINNER-DOUGHERTY Harvey E. Skinner, legal. Tacoma. and Catherine Doughbrty. lugal. Campbell Hotel. LEE-ALFSU Andrew E. Lee. 33, a75 Cor btt street, and Mary Alfso, 32. 1327 Haw thorne avenue. , REEDER-ARMSTRONG Elmer T. Reed er, 22, Steamer IratUa, and Eva Jean Ann strong. 21. St. Helen's Hall. .... LOEDING-WELCH Charles J. Loedlng, legal, Rose Friend Apartments, and Mur garet J. Welch, legal, 1470 East Morrison street. New Flour Rule Made. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 8. (Spe cial.) Graham and whole wheat flour may now be purchased without buying the usual substitutes. This was the welcome news received and given out today by George B. Simpson, Clarke County food administrator. However, if one buys white flour he must also buy the 60 per cent ubstitutes. Earth Shocks Recorded. SEATTLE, Aug. 8. Earthquake tremors extending from east to west DAILY METEOROLOGICAL KEPORT. PORTLAND, Aug. S. Maximum tempera ture, 60 degrees; minimum temperature, H7 degrees. Klver reading, H A. M.. 6.9 feet; change In last 24 hours, 0.4 loot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to fi P. M. , none: total rainfall since September 1, 1017. 30.09 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1, 44. HO Inches; deficiency of rainfall since Septem ber 1. 1917. B.M Inches. Sunrise, 8:02 A. M. ; sunset. 8:31 I. M. ; total suiiNhlne, 39 min utes; possible sunshine, 14 hours, 29 minutes. Moonrlse, 8:08 A. M. ; moonset. 8:Au P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level), 29.09 Inches. Relative humidity at noon, 60 per cent. THE "WEATHER. S 5 J Wind g c c - o 6TATIONS. 3 s: i : o o t "f S 2 . B a Waathar v 2 : " ' 3 S " ? ; : : Raker Boise Boston Calgary ..... Chicago .... Denver Ies Moines.. Eureka Galveston ... Helena t.luneau Kansas City. . Los Angeles. . Mamhfleld .. Medford .... Minneapolis . New Orleans. New York North Head. . North Yakima Phoenix Pocatello .... Portland .... Rose burg .... Sacramento . . St. Louis Salt Lake ... San Diego.... San Francisco. Seattle Sitka Spokane Tacoma T.itoosh Island tvald.- Walla Walla. Washington .. Winnipeg .... t A S2I 6S 0.001. . N WjClnudT Bo 62:0.00,18 N WiCloudy 60 74 0.00 . .IE iCloudy 4Ri R0 0.0l)12 NW'rt. cloudy D.oo 12, sw Cloudy MMl.iM 10SE IPt. cloudy ."2 0.00,. .In B0 0. 00 14 N XK 0.00 1 I'S 80 O.OO10 KW . ill.O- . . H Clear Clear Clear Clear .Cloudy Clear Clear 52 41 in' n on' v 4l 7X0.01! ..'SW 4i 74 0 (Mil. .:NW Pt. cloudy 4.'il 84 O.Oil 13'NWIPt. cloudy lioi 80 0.1121. ,!nw, Clear 7 110 o.ooi. .Ike 1't. cloudy mi 94!o.on!. .ke Clear r.Bl 60 0. ltt:. .in w Cloudy r.S 74 O.IIB lB'NWiPt. cloudy 84 11.1)2'. .S WlClou.ly 82 0. 00' 18 S JCIrar o.ool. . SW Cloudy so 0.00 10N Clear 88 0.00 . . iH (Clear 92 0.00 lolsw rt. cloudy 84 0.3(1 12 W ICloudy 72 O lio 22 SW Clear 6110.00 22iSW Clear 60 0.S0' . . SB Kain 64 0.00! . .1 Cloudy o. nulla sw Cloudy 64 0. 02i. .!sw Cloudy 6s. (1. 111 12ISW Pt. cloudy . . 0.00;. Cloudy 70lo.0li..SW Cloudy IIH0.32I..IK Cloudy 84 .0.00116 SB Clear M. today; P. M. report preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably fair; fen tle westerly winds. Idaho Probably fair; warmer north por tion. Oregon and Washington Probably fair; warmer except near coast; gentle westerly winds. FRANK GILLAM. Mftforoloi,'lft HOTEL PERKINS riFTH A Nil WAIHIXCTOV aTH.sl.lC r " PORTLAND. OREOOR. At Clty'a KsUaH Crater. Rates to Suit You pedal Luw ualcs to fsnasaesl usrsta TRAVELERS' GlIDE. FRENCH LINE UKPACNIE CEKERALE TMXSATUHT1QUE Eiprttt Potti Stnrlei NEW YORK BORDEAUX PARIS FREQUENT DEPARTURES. Fugarl Broft., Pac. Coast Aecnta, 109 Cherrj bl.t Beanie, or wit a.uci skchu. QjLVflhaUq last . S. Mall ri. 6. SONOMA. VENTCBA. Pacific Tours 37 .30. First Class, bailing duto on application. Oceanic 8, S, Co., 601 Market St., 8. F C