TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. FRIDAY. AUGUST 9, 1918. IS FOR SALE. Hmrtm. Vehicles. UTwtock. 5AIR chunks. 8 years old. with harnui. farm wagon. $273; pair mares. 5 and , for imill ranch. jin iuii. harness. $2n0: pair of bars, mare and gelding, chunks. 1100. S and 10. with wagon, har ness $l7i: 3 and 6-year-old team, with liirotK, wagon and steady work; some ? best pairs of yonnff mules In state. $275 span up: will se.l any of this stuff separate. I have farm wagons of all kinds and harness. I guarantee ail my stuff as I represent It. Phil auetter. 30 Front St., eor. Montgomery. llAKE me an offer for a good loOO-lb. horse: I cannot afford to keep him. E. Barbur. 1137 Freemont. at Jllb, St. Phon week asyi, Broadway lTui. ET RAW for pale on .the ground, also 10 good work horses and 2 colts, almost 3 years old. $W to (100 cash. Cail 22$ Alder tfL , r. A l HiRbS and animals hauled away free, Portland Rendering Co. Call Wood- lawn 2". FAIR mare. 7 and 10. work aingle or dou ble, true pullers: $125 takes them and harness: will give trial. 544 Lake st- lOR SALE, cheap, replacing with auto trucks. 10 head of horses and mare, har riers and furniture wagons. -2H Russell st. XEAD horses taken quick: we pay most for crippled horses and dead cows. Tabor 4203 2'J HORSES for saleTheap. 1300 to 1000 lbs. Being replaced by autoa. 12th and Everett. FOUR thoroughbred Ho'.stelni E. Lehman, Beaverton, Or. Plan ay Orris aod Musical Instrument. feECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING dlT. $''0 7-octava square piano, cash $ 25 30 T 1-3-octave square piano, cash.. 60 STS 7-octave Eng.isB upright, cash. 43 uO 7-octave French upright, caah... 65 i'o American mane upr.ght. cash.. 93 4' large oak upright piano, cash. IBS !: new, studio model piano, cash.. 215 73 ne'-. stored, upright piano, cash. 2t5 425 new. stored upright piano, cash. 2JM5 4') new. stored, uprlgnt piano, cash.. 215 750 Weber man. p,aer piano, cash.. 215 .'.) modern many, p.ayer piano, cash 3t5 3 parlor organ with mirror, cash.. 25 125 parlor organ with' mirror, cash.. 35 feigner, the above pianos ought to ouicklT at this time. Pianoa bought gold lor cash and stored for 30c wonthiy. 109 4:h st. at Washington. )GX'T buy old. unimproved pianos when the Security storage Co. is ottering new, Improved $350 pianos for $215 and modern $400 player pianos for $3& cash at lot eth St. at aening. on si. tPRir.KT rlAXO - this bargain. $US terms 13 cash. $6 per month. G. K. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th. bet. Aide! and Morrison. mi. SELL. KENT AND EXCHANGE TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS and ail kinds musical instruments. NEWMAN". 12t 1st. Main 44I5. Tabor 0'9. i'OR SALE Conover Bros, upright piano. C.ark case. liu? East Sa.mon st. Phone i bor 4M24. JkKA.N ICH A BACH piano. In splendid con dition. $2"": two other bargains, one at $140 and $i.i. tiouie Bros., iwiuin. rrk-PH a- Son. rosewood UDrlrhC $100 Hamilton, oak. modern, 1200. Harold S. Gilbert. 3?4 Yamhill st- I-sl 25 $12 CASH, $o monthly, buys 1919 model new Improved pianos In mahogany and oak at Schwsn piano Co.. ill 4tn st. loK RENT Pianos. Grafonolaa and type writers. Empire Transfer A storage Co. Broadway 15-. at BUSINESS girls want use of piano for etorage. pnone between o ana i :av. r.aat 7097. JWANTED -Used upright piano; must be bar gain ior C4 3ii r-n'n c -n w I PAT CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3s4 Yamhill St. HANGS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor ENT a piano, no squares or thump boxes. Harold S- Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st. feOLID oak Kimball organ, cheap. 3-1 b Sec ond sr. Fn rni tore for Bale. EXTRA SPECIAL. TTe are closing eat ever $30. 000 worth of fin new horn furnishings at leas than whole- sale cost. Come and take ad vantage of this opportunity. Fin new furniture, rags, carpets, linoleums, ranges and heaters at prices you will par elsewhere) for second-hand. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO. 166-163 First Street. Between Morrison and YamhllL IS5& . High-grade Packard piano, lrka new, golden quartered oak. Muat close oat at once. $295. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO, 166-16S First Street. Between Morrison and TatnhlU. WS HAVE several used gas ranges Cl eans. Garlands and Reliable In 3 burners, low oven: 4 burners and late model cabi net ranges with white splasher; some of them a. most new. We can save you from $10 to $3o on a range; every one guarantee-it eav terms. MIfH FURNITURE CO.. 1-190 First St. L.VE hirh-rrade mahogany dining-room set, comDnslnff buffet, china closet, 54-tnch table, and chairs: also overstuffed daven port, library table, 2 very fine 8xl ruga, cue Anglo-Prussian and Royal Wilton; also Wi.ton stair carpet. Everything iTsctlcaKy new and reasonable. 529 Tillamook. East I'.Mj. Vl'M ED oak dining sU carpet, lounge. writing desk, white enameled bed. com plete music cabinet, caa range, reasonable. Tbor 1575. SVO 60-tnch sanitary flat-lop desks; 1 55 Inch sanitary typewriter desk; 1 type-n-rlter chatr: 1 rev. armchair. 143 11th at. Phone Broadwar 155. BOOKKEEPER'S standing de-k and chair, flat top desk and targe cabinet or cloak Closet, noom oiw r. w. mnn Ping. 1 URNITCRE of 4 -room apt., everything complete for housekeeping. Bargain, $150 N 471. Oregonian. jri RXTTURE of 0 rooms for sale, house for rent. 43 Yamhill et- Dogv Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stock. fOR SALE Rabbit. Belgian hares and Flemish Gisnt. 1Q9 E. Stephens st. TOR SALE Child's playful pet dog. 10o6 E. 10th st THOROUGHBRED Eplta. male, 7 months, $12- Mam 3745- THOROUGH EKED Pekingese Spanish puppy, fern !e, $25. Call 732 Smith St.. St. Johns. Launches aod osta FOR SALIC Motorboat; f ir3t-clas. U-bot-tom runabout, good condition. Call East 1 K9 aftr 4 P. M. :AN0 model, lumber and pattern, cheap. Cn'l Mj-tt ,"47. Machinery. 4d HORSEPOWER boiler. 40-barrel tank and oil-burner, nrsi-ciass connition. jor rale cheap. Lace House Laundry, 26 N. 20th. WANTED Oil storage tank, capacity 100 to barrels.' tin cmita oc ttitsua iiqu v,'erkJ. . XR SALE cheao. two frod 9x12 steam en gtn. T. O. Morris. 270 '-4 6th St. Typewriter,. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL M4KES, sold on monthly payments; send for price lis The Wholesale Type writer Co retail dept.. 321 Wash st. NEW Re nlngtoa. rnal plan; rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Cow. 63 Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. FOR RENT Pianos, Grafono'.as and type writ era Empire xransier . storage La Prdwty 155. KEBLILT typewriters and supplies. Corona deaiera E. W. Peas Co.. 110 Sixth. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark it. Mala 1407 ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter vo., mom. jamoM, Mlscella A USED Thor washing machine aad b-ft. mang.e, reasonaote. App y at 00 t. ..in St., cor. Rock. GAS rasge. perfect condition, cheap. Phone Tabor l 7S. jLiANTAM corn. fine. Irrigated. 55c doxen. Fnone ooaiiwn up. 225 CASH reg.sier for almost hi i It. .Call 329 Salmon. ONE $25 type C Hamilton Beach electric vibrator, casn ou 1. .regonian. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, m- o, ooughL -t-ent.ey 10. uam osaL ' FOB BALE. 5-fellanrou. 6EWINT, machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents employed: machines repaired and rented. $3 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 130 3d. near Taylor. A 8626. Main 843L FOR SALE. REASONABLE. 1 rug 12x14, mixed brown. 1 rue 0x12. light blue. 1 folding Roeart. Call 4a East Davis at., between and 12 A. M. 10 SNAP & cases rasor clams. 60-gallon steam kettle, 5o-gal. steam retort with canning outfit. 8 farm pumps: phone J. Landigan E. 6"39. 4y6 Vancouver ave. Call Sundays or after 0 P. M. USKD hot water boilers, all sizes, 30-gal., ; 40-gal.. $'i.50. Over 700 of our boil ers now In use. 201 Adams st. east end of Steel bridge. Phone East 75. FOR SALE 250 account, fireproof McCaa key credit register: 5-drawer pedestal, lat ent type. Ralph Waldo Elden. Medford. Oregon. LA I : ' j E fireproof Mosler safe for sale at good iigurr: in xirst-ciasa eonauion. .ortn west ern Electric Co. purchasing department. Plttock block. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wallcasea. fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Qulgley. 227 First, Main S39B. FOR SALE or rent. logging and hoisting engines, all Kinds, machinery, rails, cars Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st. A COMPLETE set of ten numbers of new Hawkins electrical guides lor sale cheap. Call Main 1523 or w front. FOR SALE Cash register, sate, adding ma chine and showcase. 174 1st St., corner YamhllL YOU will find ED. V. PRICE A CO. tail oring for sale in Portland at 409 E. Mor rison st. only: showing new Fall line. COMPLETE moving picture outfit for sale with 11 reels. 348 Second st. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at th right price. 46 Front St., Broadway 1966. TENT for sale. 14x16. 12-ox. Make offer. 12S t Irst. near Alder. HOSE for sale. Woodlawn 8950. FOR SALE AUTO MOB ILEA. 1818 FORD ROADSTER. Demountable Rims. Speedometer. eThock Absorber. Yale Lock. Brand New. Extra Tire. Price $050. 3017 REO. 5-PASS., Newly Painted and Overhauled. Price $&00. 1-TON FEDERAL, French Platform Body. Fine Shape. Price $750. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, Tenth and Burnsld Eta, Broadway 521. WHY Is It. after selling- you a ear. we can a.waa look vou in the face and shake your hand, still friends? Just because we tell you th truth. If every car is not as represented, bring it back and let us make It right. 1917 Chevrolet. Just like new $0 1W1T Maxwell: perfect WiO J9IH Maxwell: It's new t 7S0 1PI6 Oakland Six: looks new 7oo 3tlt5 Ford touring: runs fine 45 191 1 Oldsmoblle Tr.. 95r new........ J00 Hudson 6-40; good buy 700 Bulck touring, overhauled...... 600 Series "IS Studebaker Tr POO Series "17 Studebaker Tr TOO 1917 ilupmoblle, just new 1200 Many Others In Ptock. Open Sundays and Evening. t CON-LEY'S USED CAR CENTER. Big brick building, upstairs, side entrance, S. w. cor. loth and aehinf?ton sis. Phone Broadway 26o6. COVEY"? BARGAINS. USED AUTOMOBILES 1917 Cadillac 7-pass $2330 litis Cadillac roadster 2750 3il Wlnton Six 8000 1917 Hudson 7-pass 1550 l'17 Oakland 7-pass 950 118 Dodge Sedan 1350 I'.'IS Mitchell 7-pass 1250 1918 Ford truck, worm drive 750 Dodve touring 650 American Six 700 Exchanges and Terms Considered. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Slst and Washington bts. Main 6244, LOOK. 1914 Pope Hartford. 5 -passenger, with ft Goodyear cords. worth 400; Firestone rims and inner tubes; car In good mechanical condition, electrically equipped. Price $500, will accept part war bonds. can jacic uerzinger. Grand ave. East 92. FRANKLIN BARGAIN. HAVE FOR SALE FOR AN ESTATE 191; SERIES 9 FRANKLIN: REPAINTED AND JUST OVERHAULED: GOOD TIKhS; 15u0; RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A BARGAIN. J 75. OREGONIAN. USED CAR MARKET. West Park ft Stark. SNAPS. 1917 Ford. 1916 Ford. 1913 Auburn. 1918 Studebaker. 191S Paige. 1918 Chev- -rolet. 1114 Winton. Studebaker roadster, Phalt bug. 1918 Veil. $300 CASH. T.iarht B-oassencer. late model Ptnde baker; have been drafted; $300. Car 1s left with Smith for quick sale. 121 North 3d, corner Ghsan. VYitu t.mrlnr. 1916 model: just overhauled: f lut-claw shape; good tlrvs. For quirk sale, $400 cash. Phone East 5086. 271 McMillan St. FORD truck attachment, ton and half rg. n.ritv com n let e with new body. $300. trash talks for quick turn. 121 North 3d, corner Gllsan. 1917 FORD, fully equipped, demountable rims, bumper, foot saddle, cut-out. speed ometer, newly painted; $550. Ask for Jack Herzlngrr. 12 Grand ave. East 92. 1916 OVERLAND. 5-pass.. In fine condition; driven only 450O miles and has had best of care: prl-c $725. AE S0. Oregonian. 1913 STUDEBAKER. new tires. 1 extra tire. motor overhauled newly painted; full set ef tools. $30. oeaiiwn swi. 1918 FORD, like new, lots of extras; owner must seiL oO urana ave. ri near 3 urn side FORD lfe-ton truck, must be sold at once for H cash, oaiance on terms; tuu. 121 N. 3d. corner Oilcan. GOING AWAY Federal truck and Hudson car, must sell, a bargain, both good con dition. Main 145. H4h Second e. 3-TON Packard truck, with power boist. dump body, for sale with three monthr contract. BJ 511. oregonian. GOOD-LOOKING 5-pasa car; a fine, serv iceable car: go any place; gooa condition; big unap. $2t0. Call 1S3 Third St. GOING TO WAR. Will tell my 6-cyllnder Chalmers for J50; can be ren at 3044 Oak st. HAYNES. 5-passenger, 1915 model, good condition, $uo for quick buy. 23 Lin coln St.- MAN can earn $15 per day with our m-ton Ford truck; $ii3 cash, oaiance acsoo terms. 121 N. 3d. corner GUsan. 1918 6-PASSENGER Chevrolet, practically new, been run liOf mnes; ssi. ask ior W. E. Worth. 12 Grand ave. East 92. 1917 CHEVROLET touring; overhauled and repainted. A rine jod ior sou. ask ior Underdahl, 12 Grand ave. North. HUPMOBTLE "14 for sale cheap by owner: also No. 4 l naerwooa typewriter. - frecond st. North. DORT. 5-pass., good condition, must sell. 10 Grand ave. near urnsiae. I HAVE A 1917 Dodge sedan, looks like new; make me an orrer.. Marshall 353. WHITE, late model touring car, at sacri fice. Owner. 14a rront st. OAKLAND roadster for sale. $200; will take a'l bonds. Apply Dover apts., 11, 24th and Thurman. D 4g7. Oregonian. FORD chassis, good tires, will sell cheap. 3 Grand ave. N.. near Buraside. FOR SALE 7-passenger touring car, ir good shape, $375; terms. Tabor 9052. FOR SALE Good Ford delivery. Owner, 533 Belmont st. ' FORD touring, good condition, bargain, $325. 3ft Grand ave. Nrth, near Burn side. FOR SALE or trade, cheap, 17 Chevrolet; fine shape. 251 Fremont. FOR SALE 1914 Ford tourtac cr; $273. Main 5709. ''.".. IOR BALE AUTOMOBILES. STUDEBAKER STUDEBAKER. Studebaker week at the bis East Side Used Car Depot. We have 19 of those good old reliable cars, burely you can select one -from this lot. Some of them look like and are Jubt aa good as new. Any model yon want at the price you can artord. on easy payments II desired. Here is a list ol them: 1918 Studebaker, 7-pasa. 4 new tires. $ 925 IHli studebaker. 7-pasa.. 3 new tires, bod 1917 Studebaker. 7-Dasa. good con dition 825 1917 Studebaker. 7-pasa, 5 tires 795 1917 Studebaker, 7-pass., fine shape.. S25 1916 Studebaker. 6-cyl.. 7-pass.. cord tires 975 191 Studebaker, 4-cyl., 7-pasa 750 1916 Studebaker. 4-cyL. 7-pass.. cord tires 793 1916 Studebaker. 6-cyl.. fi-Dasa.. Ilka new 750 3914 Studebaker. 4-cyl., 5-pass.. a snap 375 1914 Studebaker, 4-cyi 5-pasa.. fine shape 495 1913 Studebaker B, 4-cyL, S-passa ex cellent 42S 1917 Studebaker, 6-cyl., 7-pass.. complete ly overhauled and painted, new seat cov ers, slanting windshield, new de luxe top. This car is worth $2000. We only want $1200 for It. 1917 Studebaker B, 6-cyl., Studebaker sport model roadster. $600 worth of ex tra. Be sure and see this. 50 other cars of all makes to choose from. It will pay you to look over our stock before purchasing a car. V Liberty bonds taken at face value. Open evenings and Sundays. DEALERS' USED CAR CLEARING HOUSE. Grand ave. and E. Stark. East 7810. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEX. 1917 Mitchell, 8-pasa, 6-cyl. 1917 Mitchell. 7-pasa. 6-cyL 1914 Studebaker coupe. 1912 Auburn 5-pass.. 4-cyL Two-ton truck. Several others to select from. Prices $200 up. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER CO., Used Car Dept. East Morrison at First. PHONES East 7272. B 1216. Bdwy. SIS. . A 3343. BARGAINS. 3917 Baby Grand Chevrolet 800 1917 Studebaker , 775 116 Saxon Six 600 3fl5 Oldsmobile Four 650 1T13 Oldsmoblle Four t. 750 1U16 Oldsmobile Eight 050 IMS Oldsmoblle Six 1400 1915 Lozier 750 IMS Dodge 1000 1917 Oakland Six 875 OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OP OREGON, uroaaway 220. 27 North Broadway, FOR SA LE 191 1 seven -passenger Packard 30 touring car. Has been used only occa sionally during the Summer in past five years. was overnauiea, pain tea ana all worn parts replaced with new. Has a new one-man top; also an extra Victoria top. They are interchangeable. Has new tonneiu windshield, two extra tire rims, and one extra tire and two tire covers, also trunk rack. This car Is complete in every detail and almost as good as new. Price $1500 cash. Can be seen at Speedwell Garage, 14th and Couch streets. Telephone Broadway 3874 or E. C. fShevlln, Main 4dll. USED CAR BARGAINS. One Dodge, $600. One Buick. No. 37. $635. One Chevrolet, $450. One Chevrolet. $375. One Chevrolet. $300. One Overland. $300. One Overland. $200. One 51 ax well. $175. One Hupmobile roadster. $375. One Hupmobile bug, $225. One Maxwell roadster. $75. LONG & SILVA. 462 Hawthorne, BEARCAT ROADSTER. One of the fastest cars In the state; robin's egg blue painting, natural wood artillery wheels, four new tires, two extra rims and tires, fine top. The classiest racy roadster offered for sale this sea son. Price $1250. AUTO REST GARAGE. 209 10th st. PTUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. MUST sell my Studebaker touring car, newly painted, new pantasote top, 4 new tires. two good spares on rims. This car is splendid running condition and looks fine; will consider any reasonable offer; will accept liberty bonds. Phone E. 2619 even ings or Main 2380 week days. 321 E. 8th st. North. ONE 1918 5-passenger Cadillac, run 5000 miles, gooa cora tires. ox, seat covers. This car in as good as new. Price $2600. One 1918 4-passenger Chandler Chummy roadster, wire wheels, run 3000 miles on city streets only. Price 1850. Inquire owner. Marshall 1686, apt. 43, Fordham Apartments. STL'DE BAKER Six must be sold at once; will take liberty bonds, war stamps, cash or small car as part payment. All tires In good shape; 2 new tires; good mechanical condition; good top and side curtains. No reasonable offer refused. Must be seen to be appreciated. Main 4999 or Main 7517. Mr. Shaw. AUTO WRECKERS. We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 232 Front SL MAiN 4768. 1917 BUICK touring car In strictly first-class condition. Brewster green with cream colored wheels. Seat covers, curtains open with door. Pyrene, spot light and other ex tras. Government official transferred, of fers car for $1250. Auto Rest Garage, 209 10th st. 1917 HAYNES. In Al condition; 2 extra tires. $1275. cash or terms, cail axter 0 f. m., Marshall 2617. , 1917 6-cylinder, 7-passenger Studebaker. like new, seat covers, will sacrifice for cash. Best offer takes it. See car at Steigefs Garage,. 9th and Couch, this A. M. MODEL 83, Overland. 5-passenger 4, almost new tires, newly painted, first-class me chanical condition; $650 cash or terms. Call Frank Smith. Broadway 1130. , BUICK 4 roadster, fine mechanical condi tion; electric lights and horn; Just painted dark cream; bargain at $400. J 85, Ore gonian. LATE model Oakland Light Six, or will take Ford, Daiance cash, owner. Tabor 4573. 1916 OAKLAND, 3-passenger roadster, in Al condition; nas many extras: a oargain; reasonable terms. Tabor 6610. BUG BODY. 370 EAST MORRISON fiT. you cAiNivrrr heat this. HUDSON SUPER SIX. 1917 MODEL, LOOKS LIKE NEW; RUN ONLY 8300 MILES ; TWO NEW CORD TIRES AND EXTRA. ONE REAL BARGAIN AT $1575. TERMS FOR PART IF DESIRED. MAIN 83 20. SOME REAL BARGAINS. 1 1918 Chevrolet, run 1100 miles, t790; 1 modal 00 ovenana. gooa snape. 9400 1 1914 6iudebaker, fine shape, $450. ALBINA GARAGE. Corner Garfield - Ave. and Sharer St. 1917 FORD, AA1 condition, demountable rims with extra tire ana rim. shock aosoroers, Yale lock speedometer, Fpot light, foot throttle: a red-hot buy for cash money. W. J. Lester, Y. M. C. A. Auto School. Main S700. FOR SALE. 3 Ford roadsters, 1 Ford passenger, 1 Ford bug, 1 motorcycle, 1 Overland, good condition; price reasonable. Call 351 1st sc. night or day. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck tu mattes 01 cars ana sen tneir parts at half price. David Hodes Cot, Kortn Broadway and Flanders, FOR SALE Late 1917 model Ford, no trades. Al 549 condition: 42d casn, E. 30th st. N., city;. 1 LATE model Ford, 1 Chevrolet. In good oonditlon, cheap ior casn. 445 Hawthorne ave. . NEW Chevrolet touring, $100 off today's price; only run iuuu mues. .Mar? nan 4472, bet. 6 and 7 P. M.. or B 489. Oregonian. SALE or trade, Stoddard-Day ton bug; fine condition. J. judiueson, nouseooat, loot California at. 2 FORDS 'IS touring, good shape, new tires; '15 roadster, ai snape. ee at N. lath, or call Bennett, Bdwy. 5463, after 7 P. M. OAKLAND roadster for sale. $200; will take all bonds. Apply Dover Apts., 11, 24th and Thurman. D 4b7. Oregonian. 1914 FORD touring. Al condition, good tires, speedometer; terms. Call after 5 P. M. Woodlawn 27S5. COMPLETELY equipped car. electric lights, spot light anl starter, extras; easy terms. Bdwy. 3125. 1918 MITCHELL SIX. only run 3200 miles, for sale cheap for cash. Sell wood 272S. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul canired. 25c ; tl re repairing. 207 Madison. HAVE your Ford wheels tightened at 13S5 Division. Tabor 5803. WANTED 1917 or 1913 Ford. $200 cash, balance terms. Address 738 Minnesota ave. BY OWNER 1018 Ford roadster, run lea i than 1000 muea. oai a..k FOB SALE: AUTOMOBILES. HERE Is our today s list of used car bar gains. Of course, these are continually changing, as we are daily getting in new bargains, and we ftsk that you call at our salesroom and inspect the cars that we may nave before purchasing eisewnere. Broadway 2492. Hudson Six. S -taoas49nKr. lust T6- palnted $1100 1 Hudson Six, tame a above, uur newer Studebaker. rood buy 8T6 f Maxwell. 5-pass?nger . . 650 Studebaker 4."0 Ford chassis 2S5 Stoddard-Dayton delivery truck 350 Jeffery, with new 2-ton truck attach ment iioo Ford, 5-passenger 3i0 Brivcoe. 5-passenger, almost new..... 9a0 Ford delivery car Cole 30, ideal for but? 300 Maxwell. o-passenKer o 1-1 lid Ann fiiinpr Six nedatl. ucrfect shape 3800 Ford roadster, just overhauled 400 1 Studebaker Six 650 Carter Cn r KitltnhlM rebuild but? or delivery 18o I Chevrolet 490, 5-paseenjrer 850 Jackson. 5-paseenger. Rood shape.... 750 Overland. fi-naAsenser. now belnz re painted - 600 I Reo f I Chevrolet '17. 5-Dassenjcer W0 I Chevrolet '17, 5-paasenger 600 Ford MS. nw 575 Saxon 18 U50 W. H. WALUXGFORD, THtrihiitnT LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER SIX. BRISCOE FOUR, HOOD LUMBER THAClVtt, PARRETT FARM TRACTOR. 52 Alder St.. at 16th. TRADE by owner. Have 1018. 8-cylinder. 7-Duienr set: an: t. sooa Lires. - uuiuu- era. everything in good shape. . Will take : property or mortgage notes value J5U0. Marsnan oatj. 14 ncn st Antmobile Wanted. ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lots at Saltair station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, ad.ioins board walk, county road and railroad; face the Pacific Ocean; size 25 by about 140 feet, suitable for business ; or for cottage; wiu pay some aixierenco. Address A 402, oregonian. LONG &. SILVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we win aupiicate mem, Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6840. 4ti2 Hawthorne ava HAVE Deluxe Player Piano, nearly new. costing $1100, and some cash to trade for a first-class car; prefer Dodge, Bulck, Maxwell or Overland. An excellent trade for someone wanting a fine player. Tabor 2045, Apt. No. 31, Laurelhurst Apts. WANTED Light service car; Dodge or Oak land 6 preierred. Address 4U3, orego nian. ' I HAVE for trade 2 nice lots on Greene Heights for a 5-passenger Ford automo bile. Apply wooniawn osm. I PAY SHOT CASH FOR USED CARS. L. E. OBYE, Grand ave. and E. Stark. WANTED Franklin car: give series price first letter. K 400. Oregonian. WANTED Good second - hand Dort Dodg?. Addresa W 443. Oregonian. Motorcycle. INDIAN motorcycle, new, 1918, lightweight Twin. 1913 Twin and 1915 lightweight single. The Evening Repair Shop, 353 N. 23d. Phone Broadway 3060. Indian agency and other makes. 1916 HENDERSON motorcycle, with side car, fully equipped; gooa conaition; ior sale cneap. & rs. oin st FOR SALE: Reading Standard motorcycle. 2 speed, in good condition, io casn. r-a- cliic Tent & Awning io.. 1 rirai bl. Al H A R LEY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, fully equipped, with presto-nte-, speeaometer and tandem. Inquire 33 oak st. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson motorcycie with side car,3-speed, Al condition, cheap for cash. Call Tabor U"i:i. 1913 TWIN Indian in good condition, cheap for cash. 4b7 i. tiurnmae. FOR SALE 114 Dayton motorcycle, fully equipped, can east 000 1. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, IH1KL) Ai L UU&A. STS. A 2629 BROADWAY 2629. ATI TOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th st. jtfroaaway gnu. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funerals, caning, snapping. .ast ipsa. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars. competent an vera tun, wasn., main uau ! NEW Ford, experienced driver, $LoO per hour. laoor iuta. $2 EACH to Eagle Creek on highway. Wood- lawn FINE 7-passenger Hudson, carefuL expe rienced driver, aiarsnaii -'du. 5-PASS- Dodge for hire, touring, caJllng, shopping, highway, isroaaway bo.- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 47.50 AND UP $7.50 for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the highest price ior suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere in the city. day or evenings, call Marshall 1229, 229 Madison st. oiir specialty Is buying ladies and gents' cast-off clotning. Jtiignest casn price paia. Will call day or nignt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. or 209 Madison SL HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc New buyer. Try me before you call ot tiers, jrnone croaawayi 00-;. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and over. We buy shoes and hata. Call Main 1923. JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, rubber, second-hand goods. Call Main 734. WANTED Contracts for hauling cordwood within radius 01 v nines 01 city, or in city. Aak for Mr. lper, 44 Northwest ern Bank bldg., between 1 ana 4 f. ji. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clohing and we pay all It Is worth. Call Main 734. xuiVt 1st st. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic a..d pump shotguns wanted, iiocuieia, fid 8d. , WANTED Boys' bicycle; must be in good condition, win pay spot casn. Aiarsnau 3851. WANTED Left-handed golf sticks and bag; must be in gooa condition, box 10, Mayger, Or. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash. 553 Plttock block. UNK, rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old cloth ing, carpets; gooa prices. jf.ast ut. SAFES AND VAULT DOORS, 46 Front st. Pacific scales 6c buppjy co. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand clothes. Main 9544. ROLL-TOP desk; must be worth the money. ijtta. uregonian. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First SL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOB USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming houses. office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing too big or too small ior us. prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 696L A 8224. READ IMPORTANT READ. W carrv a irreater varied as&nrt merit nf new and used merchandise than any store I In the city. There is hardly an Item we 1 00 not buy and- sell. we specialize in shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel ana camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell. can or phone. MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO 221-3-5 Front st.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY, WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THE MONEY KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 193 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR, MAIN 309. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of fice furniture, etc, Phone Marshall 5S7 and our buyer will call at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 166-168 1st sc. requires second -nan a lurnitura. nest prices paid. If you have any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good trea tment. Main 4633. I WANT mad furniture: cash will be nald Ior stoves ana ranges ana u ainas 01 household roods. Call us for one ertlclt or a houseful and a competent, courteous Duyer win can, mar. zoo. FURNITURE WANTED we will pay full vaiuo ior your rwiiu-uau -uu.kura. 1 hold goods. Call Main 1923. 198 Front sC WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: hav. th. ready cash. PhZtX; M.i 457 or 204 First .t. HOUSEHOLD ' FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3333. ILEI.P WANTED MALE. UNCLE 6AM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This is no time to shirk; every man should do his utmost; middle-aged men can now "come back"; boys are needed at once to fill soldiers places; the Y. M. C A. Employment and Advisory De partment Is able to give priceless advice; it puts you into the largest place you are able to fill successfully. A special membership of f5 has been wWlseii to aid those who need it; don't miss tiiis w.dern, scientific Uior oughly busibess-like way of Wria; a position. ' vnemn Main 8700, A 6561. Can at in person if possible. WANTED SAWMILL MEN. 1 res & wye r $5.20 1 bench eawman, experienced in frame and specialty .factory cut- ting 5.00 1 boom man at mill slip 4.50 All above are S hours' work, excellent hotel accommodations. Government rate, continuous work. Houses for unmarried men. If above positions are filled we can give you similar work upon presentation of this advertisement. Apply CROSSETT WESTERN LUMBER CO., WAUNA. OR., 75 miles below Portland on S.. P. & S. Ry. "WANTED. SECOND BAKER. LEIGH TON'S DAIRY LUNCH. BROADWAY AND WASHINGT02 ST. THE Meier ft Frank Co. require the services ox 1 engineer ana 1 neiper. rso sunaay work. 8-hour day. Apply superintendent's oxiice, Dasement balcony, Meier ft i.ranK to. YOUNG man as baker's helper. Good wages. experience not necessary, uav wont. Ap ply mornings at Davidson Baking Co., 22d ana uregon sts. . EXPERIENCED stove man. Apply superln tendent s or t ice, basement balcony, Jieier ft Frank Co. WANTED Strictly first-class station agent for one-man station; must be telegrapn operator; average salary and express com missions $146 per month. Address E. M Heigho, general manager, P. ft L N. Rail way, New Meadows, Idaho. MEN WANTED who are not now engaged in essential war work. Apply West Linn Mills across river from Oregon City. Can use three men every day, so come along. Strike on but not bothering us. Wages 42c hour, eight hours' work FOUR able-bodied men to work on right-of- way clearing, with donkey engine; experi ence not necessary. Wages, $5.20 per day; board. $1.05 per day. See D. E. Stewart, 501 Lumbermen's bldg., at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. MEN wanted by Portland Gas ft Coke Co at Gasco, on Llnnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take free bus at garage. Front and Gllsan sts., 6 A. M., or 23d and Savier at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. WELL appearing, cleancut, high-class man, over aratt age, experienced in nancmng large propositions, now employed in Cali fornia, will consider employment In Ore gon. Telephone Tabor 3245, aak for Mr. Will lama WANTED Immediately, competent dairy man to milk small herd cattle and care for other stock on ranch ; comfortable living quarters, permanent position for right party. Pacific Fruit ft Produce Co., Yakima, Wash. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks to basements of our consumers, average wage $4.25 to $4.75 for 8 hours. Inquire N. E. cor. 2d and Flanders. Port land Gas & Cokt. Co. SASH and door estimator, by wholesale job bing house; must oe aoie, to reaa pians and one with some practical mill experi ence preferred. Permanent position. M 321, Oregonian. PRESSER and repair man wanted to take charge of hotel shop in good Eastern Ore gon town; salary and percentage; steady job. Give all particulars in first letter. AV 396. Oregonian. YOUNG man under 20 for stock room work. steady work and rair pay. Apply in per son only. Jewel Tea Co., Inc., 21 South Grand ave. MAN wanted for executive division In local shipyard and manufacturing Co; age of applicant must not be over 35. In reply state age, salary expected and previous experience. C 433, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED middle-aged stock clerk, no automobiie experience necessary; auto mobile concern, good wages ; state ex p. and references. AK 496, Oregonian. WANTED 1 reliable men for our shipping department; steady work: opportunity for advancement; ask for superintendent, Al len ft Lewis. Front and Davis. WANTED Teamsters and laborers; Lower Columbia Highway; Fernmil, near Astoria; wages $4 per day 9 ura. J. w. aweeney Const. Co. WANTED Fioorman for store room; ex perienced steam or electric material, not subject to draft; state age and experience. in 4a. oregonian. HOTEL clerk for SO-room mill hotel; must have some knowledge of accounting: state experience and wages expected. S 78, Ore gonian. WANTED Man and wife, cooks, for rail road construction camp. Apply Western commissary co., 01 becona ave. ooutn, beanie. MEN WANTED Conductors and motormen wanted. Call room 302 Electric building. or division superintendent's office at the carbarns, p. rt., L. & Jt co. YOUNG, experienced, single man to do in side and outside, work in grocery store must be able to drive Ford; references re quired. Main 8495. TWO first-clasa draftsmen for railroad maintenance work, one to have arch i tec tural experience. Apply 719 Plttock block. WANTED Elderly man who has had ma chine snop experience for tool-room man. ah 4iu. uregonian. NIGHT porter wanted for out-of-town hotel. Must understand steam heating system. a tu ant, oregonian. KNEE bolter wanted, left-handed. Inquire jar. Aicmson. w esiern cooperatre Co.. wuiamette Diva., phone Columbia 52. BRIGHT office boy, about 16, In large wnuiesaie nouse. npienaia opportunity ior . aavancemetn- j o-ti, uregonian. WANTED Dentist. first-class plateman good salary; steady position. BC 324, Oregonian. WANTED One first-class steel welder. service car driver. Portland Brazing Ma- cnine works, aa ana rusan. I PORTER wanted for new, out-of-town hotel. Must understand steam heating system AE 3SS, Oregonian. BRIGHT boy. one with experience In print ing oince preierrea. noneer printing Co. i"z rourrn st. WANTED An experienced stock cutter for detail miuwork. write xacoma aUUlwork Supply Co., lacoma, wasn. WANTED First-class pastry man. $35, 6 days: must unaersiana suostitutes. av 236, Oregonian. WAN ted ciotning cutter, experienced on shirts, overalls, mackinaws. AP 410, Ore gonian. WANTED lst-class automobile mechanics: hi-fhest wastes paid, steady work. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. FIRST-CLASS machinist and mould maker wanted. Portlana .Rubber Willis, East 9th and Harrison. MARRIED man to do clerical work and call on city trade: state salary expected with answer, bj 4t. uregonian. OFFICE boy; opportunity to learn good wholesale ousiuess; biaie age, reierences and phone number. AL 06., Oregonian I vniTVf; man in wholesale house. Address. stating age and experience, ais. ot., ore- gonian. STABLEMAN wanted; good salary. Inquire JB. & o. i. co. staoie, mn ana uavis. I NIGHT CLERK, for out-of-town hotel. AE 70, oregonian! 1 WANTE ourg man to drive light deliv Apply Sherman, Clay A Co. ery truck, W ANTED Skilled picture framer; , only such need apply, woodara, Clarke co. EXPERIENCED man for milk plant and creamery work, zua -:a sx. CYLINDER and platen feeders wanted. F. W. Baltes & Co.. printers. AUTO mechanic, offer exceptional oppor tunity for gooa man. ranor puis. DRIVER for Ford delivery; must be ac quainted with city streets. 1256 Halaey. MAN wanted to work In factory. Luckel King & Cake Soap Co. WANTED Janitor for office building. Ap ply ui toroeu oiag. B1 ACKSMITH wanted; man that can do shoeing; steady job. AV 3SS, Oregonian. GOOD shoemaker wanted; steady position. Jim. The bnoe uoctor. ugene. ur. MAN for washing car and helper in garage. U. S. Laundry Co., 180 Grand ave. EXPERIENCED janitor for apartment house. Reference. 038$. Oregonian. WANTED Colored porter. Crystal Barber Shop, 123 Broadway, near Waeh. , HELP WASTED MALE. WANTED TO LET Contract on station, work, one to five miles of grading; lighw cast over srradintr. verv little rock. WoiiA to begin at once. East Ore go u Lumber f. -o enterprise, or. J VV AN TED Baker. S130. board and room easy job; close In; also 2 waitresses for country hotel; fare advanced; a good home for - somebody. Liberty Employment Agency, .North second. BAKER for hand shoo in small town: mar ried man preferred: wife can work in scr department. Address J. L Keeler, CYLINDER I-KHnrf 1CAXTED. Best vages 'and steady fc experi enced feeder. Metropolitan F. Co., -ii . uaK st. l-none Main 1669. WAN-TED Men and boys to Insert the Sun day Oregonian Saturday night only. Boys must be m years oid inquire or u. iewey, casement oregmian oiag. WANTED 2 first-class sheet metal workers at once; extra good pay and working con ditions for good workmen. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. WANTED A first-class cook; must be fast man; salary $125 per mo.; work ti days per week. See Chef, Broadway Hazel wood, 127 isroaaway. WANTED Experienced fry cook; good wages. (rive phone number or address. J 3bi uregonlan. CABINET maker and sash and door ma chine man for airplane and ship work, in city. 507 Oregon bldg. BARBER wanted, Washington st. $7 guaranteed. 486 YOUNG man wanted for bellboy, from 11 to z and from ft to 11 sr. M. uail at iifo st. WANTED Truck driver for 1-ton White trucKI Appiy Armour & jo. BOYS wanted, factory, 16 to 20. 34 N. 1st street. WATCHMAKER wanted, permanent posi tion. AG 393, Oregonian. WANTED Baker's helper, good wages. Call at uuo wasiiington st., Vancouver, w asn. EXPERIENCED man for soft drink parlor. Apply 120 is. Broadway. WANTED Millright and saw filer at Car men Mfg. Co.. 1214 McAdwm st. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $7 guaran teed. 152 4th st. WANTED Barber, Commercial st. $25 guaranteed. 500 EXTRA help for mrn's furnishing and shoe department for baturaay only. frimon a. WANTED Dishwasher; no Sunday work. B. & A. Store, 10th and Alder. BARBER wanted, steady job. 73 N. 6th st. OFFICE boy wanted. X 478, Oregonian. BARBER for Saturday. 120 Second st. Help Wanted Salesmen. IF YOU are an expert, we want you. If you wish to be taught to be one we have fa cilities for doing it. An old-Mnfe life in surance company, nearly a third of a cen tury old. one of the best in the Unitea States, has a place for either one. We can show you a proposition that will bring a good, big Income. If you are Interested write us. All communications confidential. Address AV 378, Oregonian. DRUG, label and pillbox . salesman wanted who has had previous experience: fine op portunity for right party. AV 372, Orego nian. SALESMEN WANTED Farm machinery and automobiles; state salary and experi ence. Address F 477, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, $5 to $10 per day selling the lat est electric aluminum plate for cleaning silverware; no fake. Write for informa tion. Home Supply Shop, 119 Brown su. Spokane. Wash. WANTED Men not subject to draft, to aid us supply the demand for fruit trees and ornamental stock. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery, Salem, Oregon. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tlcketa 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED AT ONCE PLAIN COOK, OREGON HOTEL, cottage grove, oe. good Wages. WANTED Girls for stockroom and order dept., wholesale hardware firm, $4a montb to start. Call at Y. W. C. A. Employment Dept., Broadway and Taylor hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. WILL pay a salary of $25 weekly for one order a day; good-appearing young ladies with outside selling experience preferred. Call 609 Eilers bldg., mornings. WANTED Girl to learn tailoring business. Prefer one having had power machine ex- 5erience. Apply Brownsville WoDlen tills, 3d and Morrison. HEAD waitress wanted for dining room, for out-of-town hotel, serving about 4U0 meals per day; state experience and salary ex pected. J? 401, uregonian. W ANTED Young girl between 16 and 18 years to assiyt in -light housework; good home and good wages for a good girl. &75 East 15th st. North. HAVE opening for refined lady as house keener: parents employed : 3 adults anc daughter age 14. Main 949 or Broadway 174u, weekdays. FIRST-CLASS millinery makers and trim mers for house: city and out-of-town post tions; good wages. Muller ft Raas Co. of Oregon. WANTED Competent nurse girl, one month at Gearhart, thereafter in Portland; good wages. Call room 80s Hotel Ala 1 lory, lore noon only. WANTED Machine operators, double and single needled, on shirts, overalls, macki naws and waterproof clothin. Apply Hirsch-Weig aifg. Co.. 203 !urnside st. WANTED Experienced chocolate dipper salary SrtO per month; steady position. Apply ine iazeiwooa, aas wasmng ton st. WANTED Woman for housekeeping: two In family, no washing, one who understand nursing, $40 a month. Call Bdwy. 1440 day time. HAVE calls for experienced stenographers. For full information call at the Nolsfcless Typewriter Distributing Company, 81 4th st. WANTED Woman to work In soft drink stand at Columbia Beach Sunday. Inquire or A. Hi. meters, in linerty .Market, ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East loth st. or phone East 123. WANTED First-class millinery saleslady must have long exp.: permanent position. Hoffman Millinery lo ;iT Morrison st. STENOGRAPHER, J100; bookkeeper, Jl-'i; dictaphone operator, $35. uul N. W, Bank butimng. WANTED Practical nurse, sanatorium ex perience, age 30 to 45: good health essen rial. AO 40. Oregonian. WANTED Lady who is a first-class pants and vest maker and an all around helper. H. T. Lester, Pendleton, or. rtlRr.S for fancy feather work: experience in millinery necessary; good wages. Hartness Plume Shop, Park and kamltiu. GIRL for kitchen work In private hospital; no cooking; good wages. AK 414, Ore gonian, STRONG girl wanted In packing room. The Columbia Mills, Inc., B44 Morrison St.. city. GIRL USHERS. New Grand Theater, loo 6th St. YOUNG lady for general office work and typewriting. F. W. Hal tea & L o printers. WANTED Girl 12 years old, to make her home with me. Tabor 1307 Belmont. BARBER wanted for Saturday, $9 guaran teed. -34 nrpt st. EXPERIENCED dining-room girl. Old Peo ples Home, E. ol'd and sandy read. CHORUS GIRI.S Highest wages, long en- ga gements. no traveling, i asino ineater. WANTED Experienced governess; ence. AV :, Oregonian. WANTED Cook and second girl on ranch or cook and helper. AV jyy, oregonian. USHERS wanted at the Sunset Theater. Call between l- ana - rriaay. LADY DEMONSTRATORS wanted. 313 Stock Excnange piog. ppiy -j to o jr. ji. oniy. WANTED School girl to work for board, room and carl are; easy, jituor mxa. EXPEIENCED chambermaid. Palace Ho. tel. 446 wasn. ex. WANTED Experienced waitress. Morrison st. YOUNG girl for general housework, or stu dent neiper. Atain taov. EXPERIENCED telephone operators msy bs obtained by caning Jiain iu.. a om. GIRLS to work in concessions Oaks Park. See trs. metiens. FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicurist. The .Benson Hotel ijeaucy r-arior. YOUNG lady to work in drug store. Call after 7, yhu ooin ave. r. r,. EXPERIENCED millinery makers; apply in per60n. istsu Aiaer st. WANTED Experienced nursemaid, good wages, irnone jiain .ow. - YOUNG lady stenographer and assistant bookkeeper. sj ivt. uregonian. MILLINERY apprentice; must be handy witn neeaie. roniana s emporium, otn. WANTED--At once, young ladles for out side selling. Koom oug atewart Hotel. WAITRESS wanted. White Restaurant, 24',i d st. N. si. week ana up. WAITRESS wanted. S North Third st. DINNER waitress. Call T564. HELP WANTED FEMALB. YOUNG LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING, NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. $9 PER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARN 1X0. RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN ALARY. PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS FOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. APPLY TO TELEPHONE COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL. SIXTH FLOOR, PARK AND OAK STS. BETWEEN 6:30 A, M. AND 5:30 P. M. WOMAN of unquestioned culture and re finement, high school or college education, 25 to 40 years old and unincumbered, for high-class traveling position; preference given one who through financial reverses or on account of the war finds It neces sary to enter the business world: expe rience unnecessary; salary aud railroad fare from start; personal interview neces sary; call between 1 and 3 afternoons only; no telephone calls. John A. Hill, room 644. Multnomah Hotel. RETAIL Jewelry firm needs the services of may 000K Keeper ana etenograpner ana general office work: desirable position for experienced and efficient lady and one who has some executive ability and steady. Address letter to M 830, Oregonian. WANTED Nlct-appeaiiug saleslady to work 40 hours a week, salary and com mission. Call between 9 and 10 A. M., Sunset Magazine Co., Stock Exchange bldg. EXPERIENCED young woman bookkeeper and stenographer wanted by contractors; salary $luo; answer in own handwriting, staling references and experience. AO 6US, Oivgonian. AN experienced past ry cook. Appiy 169 3d. 3 LADY barbers wanted. AE .17S, Oregonian. Wanted lomest lea. WANTED A girl to do cooking and ironing for family of six at Reed College ; ref erence required; salary, $10. Cull Sell. 1235. WANTED Girl for general housework in apartment, 2 in family, good wages. Telephone Broadway references re quired. WANTED First-class maid for general housework, 3 in family, no washing, good wages. Tabor 7045. At 1092 E. Bufnside. AN elderly woman for light housework in small family. call Too Albina ave., or phone C 2187 after 5 P. M. WANTED Girl for general housework and neip taKe care 01 cnuaren; no cooxing. Call at 606 5th st. EXPERIENCED second maid to work in private family; good wages. Broadway 2578 from 9 to 12 A. M. EXPERIENCED second girl; good refer ences; wages $40. Phone Miss Ainsworth, Main 752. WANTED Woman to do light housework In Rose City Park bungalow, some cook ing. Tabor 8026. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work ; must be good cgoic. call between 8 and 1. Main 289. A WOMAN for general housework to go to Eastern Oregon; no washing. Box 206, Wasco. Or. STRONG, healthy girl, 10 or IS. good home. good wages, family of tnree. 101 jsortn 22d St. A COMPETENT girl or woman for general nousework; gooa wages, cxt cornea roau. Marshall 47S7. WANTED Girl for general housework; also for tBklng care or cnuaren. weo. a. iior knn, Quarters 26. Vancouver Barracks. WANTED Girl or wom;in; general house work; good wages. Tabor 6 Jo 2. GIRL for general housework, family of three adults. Ti'- i.pvejoy st. ( A COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework; good wages. Jii cornoti roaa. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family, good wages, l-ust 4ubi. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Apply 794 Quimoy st. .Main -ii - J. GIRL for general housework; no cooking. !J5 Irving et., nr. 22a. . WANTED Young girl for general house work. Apply nT.i e. istn isortn WANTED Good maid for general house work, S40. t an Aiarsnau !.-. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED l'JOU hopplckers; make your vacation a paying proposition ay neipins T. A. Livesley & Co. pick their OS0 acrea of hops, located on the following well known yards: . Lakebrook. Holmes. Mur phy andaPerclval, situated at Salem and Independence; hops very heavy; excel lent camp grounds, stores, butcher shop, restaurant, fine water, free tents, straw and wood; apartment-hou.se at Lakebiook; about IS to 20 days" picking; will send 300 pickers about August 23; othel spe cial trains will leave Portland about Sep tember 3, 4 aud 5; railroad tlcketa and accommodations may be secured on and after August 10 at 305 McKay bldg., cor ner 3d and Stark sts.: will pay 50 cents per box or $1 per hundred pounds; call early to secure tickets and accommoda tions, as Oregon has plowed out lS.OftO acres of hops and many less pickers ars required to harvest the crop. Telephoui number. Main 1S48. EMPLOYERS We can fill your needs for office help, male or female. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. U S GOVERNMENT CO-OPERATING. 247 Davis St. WOMAN'S DIVISION, SOU Oily Hall. Sr'NVEES WANTED. GOOD WORK, GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS, OREGO. CITY. ON Government work, experienced spinners and weavers; good wages, steady, attrae- tlve work. Johns. rortiana wooien axiim. St. BARBER warned, man or woman; steady Job. 234 1st st. KUICATIONAL. WOMEN TELEGKAFHERS IN DEMAND. Great opportunity for women as tele grapn operators, take places of men being drafted for signal corps. Positions paying a good ealary and advancement. Particu lars, wrlto or call Railway Telegraph Inst-, 21S Hallway Exch. bldg.. Portland PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mecnanicai drawing, machine shop practice. oxy-acetylens welding, automobile and tractor opeiatlng nd repairing. vvriie ior caiaiosuo. o- attle Engineering School, Seat me, Wash. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCMUUI, conauctea oy exports; personal attention, practical work; heavy demand for womn operators. $73 to $S-V Fuller's Telegraph School, Panama bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 2T!S UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE E. 744S. HAWTHORNS AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Special Summer rates,' day and sight classes. u "MISS DECKERS PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short, Practical Courso. AllJky bldg.. 3d and Morrison, MOLFK BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, fclvt-s you a set of tjols, guarantees you a poslllon; send for catulngue. 34 Burnflde. Bdwy. 1731. MISS MATT1NGLYS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day, evening, o inomu. . .u 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3813- WANTEI) A capable lady or man to taksj charge or studio in ancouver. wasn., rt;i eietues required. Phone Broadway 713. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teache men and women ine oaruei uau. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade ires; wages wmie learning; poa.nun bu.i4iiiq.u. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison St. FRENCH lessons given by Parisian lady. Call Marsnau 44ov. ira. naumiuu, mlra apis. TEACHERS Ail kinds of teaching posi '. Fisk Teachers' Agency. tlons. .Main o. SHORTHAND and stenography. EAST 6IDH COM U SUHUUL, l uranu Btft LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY. Free reglst n. fll Bdwy.' bldg. M. 674. IS your child somewhat below grade? Ex pert tutor, laoor oo.. FRENCH CLASS. 801 Corbett bldg. Main 33ML SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Work for 2-ton truck, by day. or month, can uroaaway pjf. evenings. WANTED Position on small farm or fruit ranch by single man. i au, uregonian. MARRIED man wants work as Janitor in apartment-nouse. a.m o.-ii. uregonian. CESSPOOL digger. Martin Rita, Ores ham. Route A. YOUNG man wants auto work; has had some experience. O 379. Oregonian. BY elderly man with some busluuss ex perience. W 412, Oresonlan.