Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 09, 1918, Image 1

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VOL. LYIII. XO. 18,006.
Uhllllll 111 W IIIIIIU 111!
Ill BIG llffl DRIVE
Progress of the War.
(Br the Associated Press.)
The historic battleground between
Amiens and Montdldier asraln is the
scene of a mighty contest. This tim
the British and Frenph are the agsres
sors and under their fierce onslaughts
in the first day's battle they have pene
trated deeply into the German position
orer a front of more than 20 miles,
reaching from the region of Braches to
the neighborhood of Morlancourt.
Following short but intensive artll
lery preparation and aided by misty
weather, the allied attack took the Ger
mans completely by surprise and they
fled almost everywhere pellmell before
the tanks, motor machine-gun batteries.
cavalry and infantry sent against them.
All the objectives set for the Austral
lane, Canadians. Englishmen an
Frenchmen were attained In remark
ably quick time and at- last accounts
Thursday night the allied forces were
Man- rifroon Mifoe Wirlo rirnpn making progress. Wherever th
Wllk I II iwwii ii.iivw ww ,,, . V...1. V, was
decisively defeated.
Thousands of Germans were made
prisoner. Large numbers of guns were
captured, great quantities of war ma'
terials were taken and a score or more
of villages and hamlets were reoccu
...... 1 f 1 WluuiuiM
100 GUNS VYUN, SATS LAW were inflicted on the enemy.
At its deepest point the penetration
of the German line was about 7 miles
eastward from Vlllers-Bretonneauz to
Framerville. while from two to five
miles was gained air along the front
I from northwest of Montdldier to the re
glon around Morlancourt. The fighting
extended north of Morlancourt to the
Albert eector. but no official details
concerning it have been received.
The advance of the allies In the
center places them well astride the
Allied Smash Winning on
Amiens Front.
in Fos's Line Between Pies-
siec and Morlancourt,
Berlin Admits Loss of Posi
tions to English Between
W Ancre and Avre.
WITH THE FRENCH ARMY IN railroad leadln from Villers-Breton-
FRANCE. Aug. 8. The 6lopes or tne neux to the important Junction at
V1W of the Avre have been carried Cbaulnes, where lines radiate northeast-
and the allies have reached the plateau l"ara "" na uul""'""
beyond. They are making further railway nortnward to
progress and overcoming every ob- Bra. a crosse1 when the allies
ctacle along the line everywhere. I took Framerville.
I Well out on the plains and pressing
HtLilLJ. , AUg. ciae x-iiguau i forward. 6eemlnrlv with great rapid
have forced their way into German I ity, the present offensive of the French
positions between the Ancre and the and British gives promise of seriously
Avre, according to a statement issued menacing me enure u rum.
... . - Ti'.r near the sea to Rheims.
this eveninjr by the German Var ... . .. ,
uua c.Kuvua, j Lnder the pressur of the offensive
Ullice. I the menace to the channel Dorts seems
I . . 1. - n . 1....., . A
PARIS, Aug. 9. (9:40 A. M.) The AlrMi. th.r. haT. been to th
number of prisoners taken by the northward from the positions where
French and British in Picardy now ex-1 Crown Prince Rupprecht ' had formed
eeeds 10.000. according to the latest his men for a drive toward the chan
Hews from the battlefront. " retrograae movement Dy ne
a in fW 1 T" T I UCrinMIIS W S HUl Half 1 UUBVIC " HM
Allies Take Enormous Booty. . . .. cousIn on
The allies also nave taken an enor- the soissons-Rheims salient badly shat
nous booty in guns and material, says I tered and unable to lend him aid, it
Marcel Hutin. in the Echo de Paris. I is apparent that Rupprecht will have
I to defer nis campaign to cut on tne
LONDON, Aug. 8. In aerial fight- cross-channel service.
In Wednesday preceding the offen- On the Vesle front little fighting oc
iv n Picardv. British airmen SX- curred Thursday, except in the process
counted for 22 German machines, 15 VfV11"1" f.?,"!"" !,B 'l!
.... . . .1 . . HWIVW -.Mw.w. uuvw. ...
I whicn were aestroyea, says me oi- tnceeeant raIn of tnemy gheiis, both
fkial statement on aerial operations! the American and the French, troops
tonizht. I improved their stands.
FRANCE, Aug. 8., 4:30 P. M. (By I U. H. U. DttODntMft ntVUnu
the Associated Press.) Fighting I "
Laid to Winter Care.
their way through the Germans at
dawn on a front of over 15 miles be
tween Amiens and Montdidier astride
th n'v-r Somme. British and French
troops this afternoon had reached Auf -spedai.)-Mor.
. . . r , , ..... I than 100 pounds of surplus honey per
r,UM ilu" " " I colony Is the record of some O. A. C
Which this morning belonged to tile bees in tests carried on this Summer.
enemy. I The result is attributed almost entirely
The Prussians and Bavarians fled winter care by A. L. Lovett. ento
before the advancing infantry and m?IOf 1 8t- ,who ,nad8 the tMt?- tet
. . . . . colonies, similar in every way but win
tanks, leaving many of their guns be- tered ln tna nBUal manner. made no
hind them. such record. Plenty of stores, plenty
Large numbers of prisoners have of room and plenty of protection make
been taken, both by the British and UP'M Iorrau't , , .
, , , , . , . . I The successful colonies were win
1uipBuiiv, uu"uuk tered ln a double hive, the upper part
eHy have been inflicted on the enemy, fined with stores, the whole protected
Thus far, everything has been ac-1 from cold and moisture. A circular
eomplished with excessively small describing better, wintering practices
, . ... I may be had from the college on re-
17 Men Only Lost.
Of one entire British corps, for in- LIVES LOST IN STORM 18
stance, two nours alter tne attacic
began, only two officers and 15 men Hundred Believed Injured in Louisl
of the ranks were reported as cas- mnm. Damage $1,000,000.
The artillery has followed up the lake charles. La-. Aug. 8. The
Etorm troops closely and now is hurl-! known dead as the result of the hurrl
ing shells down upon the enemy cae whlcn truck southwest Louisiana
forces, Which, taken by surprise and Many persons believed to have been in
fiercely attacked, must be in a more the path of the storm, however, had
or less crippled condition. It IS be- not been heard from, and it was be
lieved that reinforcements are on the I Heved the list was incomplete.
Yln rfcem The number of injured will probably
Smash It, Recommends
Federal Board.
Three Great Banking. Groups
Said to Ba Interested,
federal: seizure -urged
National Acquisition Proposed of
Principal Stockyards, Cold Stor
age Plants, Warehouses and
Boiling Stock.
WASHINGTON. Augr. . Investiga
tion of the packing; Industry of the
country by the Federal Trade Com
mission culminated today ln an an
nouncement that the commission had
recommended to President Wilson that
the Government commandeer and op
erate for the public ' benefit stock
yards, cold-storag-e plants, warehouses
and refrigerator and cattle cars, and
thus destroy what was ' characterized
as a monopoly.
Monopolistic control of the essential
food supply, not only of the United
States and its Army and Navy, but also
f the entente countries, was charged
by the commission against the five
great packing companies Swift. Ar
mour, Morris. Cudahy and Wilson.
Control by Banks Charged.
The last-named company, the com
mission's report said, la controlled by
three of the strongest banking groups
in the United ' States Kuhn, Loeb &
Co., Guaranty Trust Company and
Chase National Bank.
Further close affiliation between the
packing industry and financial inter
ests was reported. The Commission
said that in the great financial centers
the packers had representation on the
directorate of large banks through
members of the individual families, or
through ' officers, directors or confi
dential employes. -
The commission's report on the pack
ing Industry was the third made in its
general investigation of food supplies
ordered by President Wilson and Con
gress last year.
The report was made public through
the White House without further com
ment than that it had been presented
July 5 and bad not been made public
because the President desired first to
get full information.
After detailing the control of the five
packing companies over the meat and
allied industries, the Commission says
this control rests ln the hands of a
small group of individuals J. Ogden
Armour, the Swift brothers, Morris
brothers, Thomas E. Wilson, acting
under the veto of a group of bankers,
including the Chase National Bank,
Guaranty Trust Company, Kuhn, Loeb
Commander Tells His Forces That
America's Entrance Into War Has
' Strengthened Allied Arms.
PARIS, Aug. 8 General Petain.
commander-in-chief of the French
armies, has Issued the following order
of the day to the French troops:
"Four years of effort, with our
staunch . allies; four years of trials,
stoically endured, begin to bear fruit.
"His fifth attempt in 1918 smashed,
the Invader retreats, his man power de
creases, and his morale wavers, while
at your side youn American brothers
have no sooner landed than they have
made a baffled enemy feel the weight
of their blows. -
"Incessantly placed 'In the advanced
guard of the allied peoples, you have
prepared the triumphs of tomorrow.
"Not long ago I said to you: 'Ab
negation, patience; your comrades are
"Today I say: Tenacity, audacity
you shall force victory.'
"Soldiers of France, I salute your
banners illuminated with new glory.'
Master of Canada Mara Weights
Own Body With Sandbags.
bags carried . to the sea's depth the
body of Captain T. Tamamoto, master
of the Japanese steamer Canada Maru,
who ended his life early yesterday be
cause. It is . believed, he feared dis
grace as a result of the stranding of
bis command July 30, according to re
ports received here. The captain took
his life aboard his boat as she was
being towed to drydock.
A detailed report said the Japanese
skipper carefully planned his end. Dur
lng the night he made his will. At 6
o'clock he went to the . side of his
boat, weighted himself with bags and
fired three shots into his brain. His
body toppled over the side and no
trace of it has been found.
Men Wanted for Both Domestic and
Overseas Service. ,
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 8. A call for
men not registered in hte' draft,- and
draft men who have been given de
ferred clasifications, to enlist In- the
472d Engineers was sent out by the
Western Department of the Army here
The 472d Engineers engage in pro
ducing military and aerial maps, and
are used ln both domestic and over
seas service.
(ConciudeJ on Page 3. Column 1.)
Letter to Parents In Seattle Says No
tice Received of Honor.
SEATLE, Aug. 8. Lieutenant John
S. Griffith, Seattle, 1 a member of the
British Royal Flying Corps, in writing
a letter received by his parents here to
day, said he had been notified he was
to be decorated by King George with
the distinguished flying cross.
Griffith said he was credited with
nine victories.
Orders Issued by Baker
and Daniels.
Action Taken Owing to Pend
ing Draft Legislation,
Older Men, With Prospects of Age
Limits Extension Looming,
' Might Quit Indispensa
ble Occupations.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 8 Voluntary
enlistment in the Army and Navy will
be suspended completely to prevent
disruption of industry pending dispo
sition of the bill proposing to extend
draft ages to include all men between
18 and 45 years.
Orders were issued by Secretaries
Doubling of Levy on Tobacco Pro
posed Instead of Higher Range
Previously Agreed On.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. Tax of
10 per cent on amounts paid for leased
telephone and telegraph lines, including
press associations and brokerage cir
cuits, a horsepower tax on automobile
owners and a doubling of the tobacco
taxes of the present law, instead of a
higher range of rates previously agreed
upon, were written into the JS, 000, 000.-
000 revenue bill today by the House
ways and means committee.
Chairman Kitchin. ln a statement Is
sued tonight, replied to the telegram
of Secretary McAdoo favoring retention
of the present excess profits law and a
flat 80 per cent war profits tax as an
alternative, according to the greater
rewnue likely to be raised in each cor
poration's case.
Mr. Kltchin's statement Indicates that
the committee would retain in substance
the dual or alternative system it agreed
upon, but would Insist that the excess
profits tax. Instead of remaining at the
present rates, be Increased, either as
the committee has agreed on them or by
some compromising adjustment.
"We have been trying to work out
the Inequalities involved in the alterna
tive system and to fix a proper rela
tion between the excess profits and war
profits tax methods," said Mr. Kitchin.
"The committee Is thoroughly convinced
that with the alternative war profits
tax the excess profits tax rates in the
present law are too low. With the ex-
"Ra 1rl inH Tta niol rH rpt! n er tti a f n rt
voluntary enlistments be accepted after "" profits rates tentatively agreed to
today until further orders.
Officers' Camps Affected.
The orders also exclude civilians
from appointment to officers' training
camps until further notice.
The orders were issued after a con
by the committee and the alternative
war profits plan, wo shall catch every
Incessant Shell Fire Is
Braved by U. S. Men.
North Fismes Heavily Shelled
by Americans.
Hun Retreat to Aisne Indicated by
Prisoners' Statements of Posi
tions Which Have Been Pre
pared to North.
ON THE VESLE, Aug. 8. (By
the Associated Press.) Under al
most incessant shellfire the Ameri
cans struggled forward today to
slightly better positions north of the
Vesle. French divisions to the east
and to the west did their part in
straightening the line.
This day was not marked by organ-
i7or1 of f Qr"lrc onvurViard olnniv thn frkrf
but was punctuated by sharp minor
f erence between Secretary Baker and Coos Bay Logger Says He Used Rope enSaements i which the American
to Bind Roll of Blankets.
gunners successfully covered the oper
ations of the infantry and the engi
neers. Along the entire front there
was evident a determination to sta
bilize the lines. Whether the battle
Secretary Daniels and were made pub
11c after President Wilson had visited
the offices of both secretaries late in
the day. MAESHFIELD, Or., Aug. 8. (Spe
It is not known whether his viBit I clal.) J. W. Ward and Frank Nelson,
had to do with the enlistment sltua-1 loggers who left the North Bend Mill
tlon. but just before he conferred with & Lumber Company camp on Davis that becan Julv 18 had virtually ended
the Cabinet officers there was no indi- Slough yesterday, accused of cutting or whether the Germans will withdraw
wiwu ma.t v. oui.u .uAAacv i Luc rupo on ino camp iiagpoie ana Ln u a
ture was anticipated. : lowering the flag, were arrested here
Hut Mci Needed at Home. today at the Lloyd Hotel. Ward con-
Tt was explained that the view of tends he did nt toucn the flag fasten
the Government Is that many of the lnss. eison sjaia no cut on tne rope
older men are indispensable in their to blnd nis ro11 of blankets. Today
beyond the Aisne are unanswered
American Force Strengthened.
To the Americans already north of
present occupations, but the natural officiate went to the camp and took the river there was added consider-
result of the debated draft age aues- airiaavits irom several persons who able strength dunne the nijrht and
tion is certain to lead to a rush to the ad oeard ne men threaten to tear eai.jy morning,
recruiunK oixices. . i ..
It is regarded as essential that men
greatly needed at home should be pre
vented from rushing Into the Army
under the mistaken Idea that they are
certain to be drafted anyhow and pre
f er. to join' the service voluntarily.
Baker Issues Statement.
The War Department's action was
announced in the following statement
Issued by Secretary Baker:
Carpenters at $6.60 Jieeded for War
Housebuilding Drive.
The line tonight is
well fixed along the Rouen-Rheims
road from near Bazoches, which still
is in the hands of the Germans, to a
point well east of Fismes. The Amer
icans hold Fismes apparently securely,
but the village of North Fismes proved
difficult and at midday was subjected
to a terrific shelling by the American
artillery with the intention of making
SEATTLE, Aug. 8. Hundreds of
building carpenters, at a wage of $6.60,
and hundreds of laborers, warn 14. BO
The War Department today has sus- to .5 were caned urrentlr todav bv it untenable
ponded further volunteering and the th- iahor committee of the war honso. With that (small nninfc once cleared
r'P' n.T drire-. Frederlck Sh"- th. line d run uninterruptedly to-
pension will remain ln force until the cooperaun&.
chairman. Labor union officers are
legislation now pending before Con
gress with regard to the draft ages is
disposed of and suitable regulations
drawn up to cover the operation of
the selective system under the new
This action is taken In order to pre-
There is no surplus of skilled or un
skilled labor ln Seattle, according to
union officials.
Concluded on Page 5. Column 1. )
Portland Aviators Commissioned.
ington, Aug. 8. John Tate Kern, of
460 East Twenty-first street and Ern-
ward the east.
Artillery Used on Foe.
The Germans have had strong ma
chine-gun positions in Fismes and to
the north and east. It was the oppo
sition offered by them that resulted
in the American determination not to
attempt occupation by the infantry,
What tomorrow holds forth for the
reach 100.
Jl. 000.000,
The property loss will total
according to conservative
enemy cannot be forecasted, but the I estimates.
outlook is not a promising one under
present conditions. 9LAVI0
Moreuil and the country front ad- CUHVIU
joining Villers-Aux-Erables have been orders for Immediate Stabilization
taken by the French, while the Brit-
at Camp Wadsworth Given.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 8. Orders for
the immediate mobilization at Camp
Wadsworth. Spartanburg, S. C. of the
Slavic Legion, authorized by the Army
apropriation bill, were announced to
day at the War Department, providing
ish have captured the Dodo and Hamel
woods and Marcel Cave after hard
fighting, and pushed a considerable!
distance beyond.
Hard Fighting Experienced.
Especially hard flgTiting was ex
perienced, and Still is in progress, on I voluntary enlistment of Jugo-Slavs,
the left flank of the fighting front in Czecho-Slovaks and Ruthenlans and
the neighborhood of Morlancourt. ZmSZZZ an! luT
ine weauier neipea in me advance. tria-Hungary.
North of the attacked zone the bar
rolled forward, and with them the in- Insect Hordo visits Fanners 1
Okanogan Valley.
WENATCHEE. Wash, Aug. 8. Dam
age estimated by farmers in the Oka-
fan try swarmed toward the enemy
lines. .These lines were reached and
passed as a mist started to roll in.
All alons the line, except possibly
northward on the left flank, very nogan Valley at about SCO.OOO has been
i;ttl rnemv shellintr was experienced done already by a migratory horde of
after the attack got well under way. "hLrs . wh,ch, ?v,r l?,e'
", , wheat fields, damaged alfalfa, timothy
nearly au me country ireuy d oat, cropat
fought over and that now in front Oil More than 60 square miles of terri-
,rf:d,d on p, 2. column i.i ' I tory la said to be infested by. the pesta.
$$$$7 porwr Wfo moot i
est Goodnough swigger, of loss but to destroy the enemy witn artu-
Thurman street, Portland, have been erv
I commissioned oecona Liieuienanis in tne
I air service.
The Weather.
I YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 69
decrees; minimum, 07 degrees.
TODAY'S Probably fair; gentle westerly
The testimony of prisoners today
continues to indicate that positions be-
.nn Vio AicnA Viava Vippn nrpnured bv
the Germans and that the present ac
tion is to gain time and inflict as much
loss as possible on the Americans
and their allies.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. General
General petain teiis French to remain firm. I Pershing's communique for yesterday
received today reported briefly the
crossing of the Vesle River by Amer
ican troops. It follows:
"Headquarters American Expedi
tionary Forces, Aug. 7, 1918. Sec
tion A east of Bazoches our troops
have crossed the Vesle and gained the
Rheims-Soissons highway. Hi3 coun
ter-attacks broke down under our
ON THE VESLE, Wednesday, Aug. 7,
10 T. M. The Vesle was crossed east
and west of Fismes late today by ad- L
Germans hard hit by new allied drive.
Page 1.
U-boat sinks steamship Merak. Page
Germans go wild on learning of outbreak of
world war, says Dr. Artnur is. juavis.
Page 13.
New drive stirs Washington. Page 7.
Americans improve position on Vesle. Page 1.
Official casualty list. Page 2
JTew rovernment established In Northern
Russia. Page 3.
Berlin report says Russia at war with Eng
land. Page 3.
Enlistments ln Army and Navy suspended.
Page 1.
rrowder calls 130.20T to colors. Page S.
Tax on leased wires proposed. Pags 1.
Packers accused of gigantic monopoly, ditional American infantrymen. West
Page 1. nf ricmae Vm AmnriMtic arp hrpalc-
t v,.. v.t.r trill ul . ....v.-,,
ur. xra-io ,wu 1 " r . . .
to Roumanla. Pane 6. i mir up counter-an-ttcno.
Bounteous crops forecast for United States. t .-.(. cf tne Americans who
. . ... , m J
Sports. I had crossea tne river aunng i uesaay
Philadelphia wins double-header from Pitts- njght and Wednesday morning, a de-
Roy Hanley and" Mik. Morsn. Northwest tachment of infantry crossed the
footDa.ii stars, - sign up m juwu. yesle under a Darrage just Derore
r.nfnnt nfl fitmdifer teams to clash Bun- noon luubv. i wu utiici ucwu-iimcnu
day. Page u. reached the north bank later.
Pacific Northwest. Th Germans COUnter attacked the
Fewon4 "pL't" n ba"ot th" ye" """ Americans west of Fismes this after-
Commercial and siartne. noon, but were scattered by the Amer-
High butter prices ln ran and winter jean artillery. In bitter fighting the
montns practically cenam. r.m n. i . - -j v..
r market swlnes imward as consequence '"" "" uvciocaa uicn
of advrs crop snowing, rag. u. I onets eiiectiveiy. A lew uermans
Proposed extension of . Federal regulation , . , ., tu0,
weakens stocK market, i-age n. i itv-. .iuUmv.."i "..
Dock charges fixed by commission. Page 14. 1 retired.
Port junsaiction to oe m u, tum- . K.lcfro
missions counsel, f&so r- i " Mv.w ..v.. -.-..t
Portland and vicinity. the American infantry north of the
Y. M. C. A. programme In Coast spruce I Vesie IS irom a Knoll nortn OI ta-
camps to do a.rectea irom mim zoches. Here a number of German
- I . . ....
a. a. R. plans are fast taking shape, machine gun companies nave dug in.
i-ago n. I r il.. A j4. i i.
r ,hn rnr of Teutons renonnr. -I. "lie Ul nic .inciivH ueutuiuieriia
legiance to Kaiser, i-age . which crossed the river today rein-
Tueater manage. prii nw ana . , v A 4L
working agreement or employes. Page 13. 1 iul,-tu njimu.0110 oivug
Oregon orait Doaras are tola to speed up. 1 KheimS-bOlSSOnS highway Who are
LtH A i.ijLa 11'
Page 6
,--. Weather report, data and forecast. Pace 17.
.iCoucluded oa Fage 2, Column 3.)
ED 1 05.2