TIIE MOItXIXG OREGOXIAX " WEDNESDAY AUGUST 7, 1918. 13 EEAL ESTATE. t'mr Male flo-. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 1EW JRufKHTV- ROliMS DEN. k,lr: CITY PARK- 2LACE NOW VACANT JLST LIKE NEW. All rooms hax)!wood floor, except la balh, anl kitci.'iv. Old Ivory finished throughout. ecpt den. Hot water heal. A.so ma rootu and g.sssed-la rear porch. Also pin ( porch. Toliel la bucmcDt. . Iandy lciKn. Price $6ou0. Win Bhow this place by appointment. J. L. UAKT MAN CuMPANi. No. 7 Chamber o Cum- mere Bidg.. 41b A stark Bis. Alain -ua. A -WOO. , .--- $.11501300 DOWN. ROSE CITY AND BEAUMONT CARS. WHO 13 THE LUCKY ONE? 8 rooms, ail on on floor, besides 1 rooms finished upstairs; hardwood floors la main rooms, fu-epiac and bullt-ln er- .. iects, lumace. cement basement and laun dry trays: lot 6oxlo0; street paved. Im provements bonded. i'lac has been rented and needs tinting. This price means take It as It la J. L. llartman I o., 7 i'harabr of Commerce bidg., 4tft and Stark s'a. Main 2os. A UP SO. Host CITY PARK. fJd&u A REAL HOME. Let US show you this swell bungalow, located on exceptionally ales corner In Rose City, with ail Improvements paid. Hardwood floors, fireplace, bullt-ln buffet. furnace, etc hls Is way aoove too orui nary la class. A beautiful boms In splendid locution. See this sure. A. O. TKEFE Co.. 2l Stark St., nr. 3d. Mala '!. Branch office. oOth and Sandy. IRVINGTON PAHK BUNGALOW. Swell 6-roon bungalow, furnace, fire place, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, panel dining-room, beam ceilings, laundry trajs. fine fixtures, ftarag. lot sOxlUU. 14 foot alley, on K. 31st street, near Alna worth. A homo that must be seen to bs appreciated. Price $34. MI. IltKX) cash and $. per month, our auto at your service. UHl SI m 1XIH.M.1, $16 Board of Trade. Main T432. HATH'.NF. . . IJii-(l.Ar. Here la your opportunity to buy a mod ern ft-roora h t i,i. with furnace, fireplace, ak floors, etc. On a paved street; lot ftOxlOO. with an abundance of fruit. It Is n snap and will sell at once. Terms. $3oo casn ana s per montn. a. u. iLr.rc CO., 264 Stark ft., nr. 3d. Main Solo, Branch office, goth and Sandy. tAT PINK sit. BUNGALOW. Five r.-Krr. s. modern, close to school. tore and tar. Hard surface streets. Must be sold at er.ee. Pries tUuOO. A. Warrlner. RTTTF.il. LOWE A CO., .03.3-7 Hoard of Trado Bldg. PENINSULA HOUSE! Wo have buyers walling for houses In the Peninsula and Alberta districts rang ing In price from $Suo to $-uuu. List with us for quick sals. T. 11. Cnmte, Pale Mgr.. COS A. RcKENNA CO. TIT Chamber of Commerce. M. 452X HOUSE OR BUNGALOW wanted. I am needing several homes, all prices. Have buyers watting. Can impose of yoara. W. R. KASER. Main 6173. 517 Corbett Bldg. PARTY here In town to bur 6-room modem bungalow up to $3300. Have All cash. If I yon wish to Mil your house, answer at once. O. GCSTAFSON, M7 Tsoa Bldg. Main 2419. ALBERTA DISTRICT Wi hare clients for Ifig 6 or ft-room houses, from S1SOO to $2500. J. L. KARNOPP 4 CO.. M7-ll Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. FOR BALE. rOR MLE AUTOMOBILES. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $230 7-octave square piano, cash I 23 I 3'N 7 l-$-octave square piano, cash.. 60 1 273 7-octave English upright, cash. 45 1 300 T-ootavs French upright, cash... S3 320 American make upright, cash.. 85 1 4110 Isrge oak upright piano, cash. 165 S.iO new, studio model piano, cash.. 215 3T5 new, stored, upright piano, oash. 2:13 4-." new. stored uptight piano, cash. 255 4."i0 new, stored, upright piano, cash,. 283 i.iu neoer man. player piano, cash., wo 6'i0 modern mshy. pisyer piano, caaii 85 83 parlor organ with mirror, cash.. 25 125 parlor organ with mirror, cash.. 83 - New pianos already gone 375 to 3150 Dinner, ins aoove prsnos ought to sea i quickly at this time. Pianos bought and I sola tor cash ana stored for Boo monthly. i" etn st. at Washington. iSi. ... I DON'T buy old, unimproved pianos when I i inJin??-,r?o ,ne Security Storage Co. Is offering now, rln ln Pc Improved $350 pianos for $215 and modern 'u,o player pianoa for $365 cash at 103 I 4th St.. at Washington St. WANTED. AT ONCE. A modern residence up to $10,000. ALL CASH. Located either lrvlnglon. ML Ta bor or Laurelhurst. No others. O. GUSTAFSON. 0T Yeon Bldg. Main 2413. WANTED IN HAWTHORNS OR ROUS CITY DISTRICT. .One 5 or 6-room bungalow and one 7-room FOR SALE Conover Bros upright piano, BUY, SELL. RENT AND EXCHANGE TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS I ana ail kinds musical Instruments. NEWMAN. 123 1st. Main 4496. Tabor 6793. WE OMAN standard upright, rich, sweet I tone, spienuia condition, mahogany case. Columbia Grafonola, cabinet model, like new. Main 7i or AAat 545b. house. Main 61 73. W. R. KASER. S17 Corbett Bldg. Clark rase. 1507 East Salmon au Phone Ta- I bor 484. DECKER It Son. rosewood upright, 3100; Hamilton. UK, modern. $200, Harold o. uiioert, ssi zamnill at. Is1 you have a moderate priced house for I sale from $300 to $3000 list It with ths Old established firm. Phoae Mala 205L -L23 $12 CASH. $6 monthly, buys 1018 633 Chamber of Commerce. I model new Improved pianos In mahogany I NOW is the time to turn your house Into end osk at Echwan Plane Co.. Ill 4th st. money; the time to sell Is when the other COLUMBIA Grafonola, cabinet sise, a. fellow wants to buy; we have customers I for nouses, see us. (lODDARD A WIEPRICK. 248 Btark St. I AM a stenographer in the city: want to . buy a ft or 6-room strictly modern bun mine: have all cash. Don't delay answer ing, as I am anxious to get located. AN B2. Oregonlan. WANT CALIFORNIA PIm Af ecreeee or rottaae as ereo ex- Change for Portland home: value -Tu0. J. fj. corDin CO., 004-7 i.ewia oiug. records, nearl sale. KIT K any ne 5. Msln nd I w, reasonable for quick I st. Furniture lor Sale. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds. $1.75 up. Springs. $1 up. t Alattresses. $1.50 up. Chairs. Too up. Dressers, $0 up. Dining tables, $3 tip. OWL FURNITURE CO. . 204 First 6t. THE BIO RESPONSIBLE FIRM. With large line of just new nsed cars. Every one overnauled and ready to run. "We are not curbstone or fly-by-nlrht deal ers; we are here to stay and stand back oi every car we sell. 191T Ford roadster, looks brand new.$ C30 ivia ord touring. 4-epeea transmis sion 450 1916 Maxwell, new battery, perfect.. 6o0 1816 Oakland little 6. runs like new.. Too 1017 Chevrolet 4U0 00 per cent new. eoo Series '17 Studebaker. S-pass.. vo ner cent new 700 Series 18 Studebaker. touxlne. Just new $00 1816 Mitchell roadster, 3-pass.. cord tires 000 3015 Bulrk. little . looks new.....:. 600 1914 Overland, dec light and starter. overhauled 850 1914 Veils, eiec. light and starter. runs perfect 550 1018 Studebaker, little 4. looks new... 3O0 Series 17 cUudebaker 4, 7-paes.,. per fect TOO 18X4 Chalmers 6, 7-pass.. eleo. light and starter 850 1914 Haynes, 6-paes.. elec. L. and S.. 350 lal5 Caso, 6-pass., runs perfect 250 Hudson 6-54, runs like new 1916 Winton. baby 6. elec L. and S. . Son Franklin bug, Just rebuilt 8O0 1B17 Mitchell 6, Just new 1000 112 Cadillac, 6-pass.. new tires 800 Hil 7 Oakland 8 7-paae.. just perfect. 000 1916 National 0. runs and looks like new . 1200 Pope-Hartford racing; bug 600 Llppert Stewart, 100-pound delivery. fine body 400 New buys arriving every day. Liberty oonde at face value. Liberal terms to all. We make you a satisfied customer forever. CONLET'S .VSED CAR CENTER. Big brick building, upstairs, side entrance. 3. w. cor. ldtn and vtasmngton sis. Phone Broadway 2056. I WANT housVs of all descriptions for sale. I CONGO LEUM RUGS AT 10 TO 83 PER Fey frale Boslnese Property. ' OVKR 10 PER CENT NET INCOME. Fine 3-story and basement, brlc apart tnenc house property, corner, cenffil West Side district, completely furnls."ed; the oest buy In portlsnd. HAGKRU RKALTT CO.. ?3 Railway Ks. Blg. Main S330. Dlcce ha.f price. property wo:fstel! on Front street . 114 First. fiabarbaa Hemes Have a number of buyers waiting. If your f ' price la right I csn sell your property. Gloson, 26 stork. Marsnaii iz. LN" Rose City Park, modern 5-room bunga- I low: must nave rurnace. tirepiace, naro-i wood floor; not over $3000. Seilwood 476. I SHACKS AND SMALL HOUSES WANTED. Price must be right and terms easy. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. W A T rl 'Utvi.m H or 7-room house. Lsil- relhurst. Irvlnston. etc.: .-ooo to soouu. John Singer, 4 Chamber of emmerce. I WANT to buy the best lot In Lsurejhurst at a bargain for casn. is .tup, tiregonian. Q. C GOLDENBERO TO SELL TOUR HOME. 215-16 Ablngton Bldg. Main 4-uj. Wanted te Rent Farm a CENT DISCOTJNT. Conjroieum rugs, slightly demared In j hipping, rn sixes 0x12. 9x10. 7U.x. 6x0. 4HxK: large assortment of patterns; 10 1 to 33 per cent off the regular prices. llrst come first served. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 First St. FOR SALE Good Majestic range for wood or coal. 1 14s Kearney, cor. USED CAR BARGAINS. ' One Dodge. $690. One Buick. No. 87. $635. One Chevrolet, $450. One Chevrolet, $375. One Chevrolet, $300. One Overland. $300. . One Overland. $200. One Maxwell. $175. One Hupmoblle roadster, $375. One Hupmoblle bug. $225. One Maxwell roadster. $75. LONG 8ILVA. 462 Hawthorne. DKSIRABLE SUBURBAN HOME 7-room unfurnished house on s acre of land, planted to bush fruits, grapes, fruit trees ra bearing, all kinds of choice rosea, ah rube, etc.: $lt50. MRS. C. L. GREIPEN. Maplewood. Oregon Electric. - FOR SALE 54 a. on good road, 20 mtn. walk. 6c rarrare; high state of cultiva tion, abundant fruit, etc.; well-built, com fortable house, modern poultry and brood er house, gas light In house and outbulld- Inge: $'i?.o. $jimh cash, baiauce terma owner. Tabor 2J3'). FOR SALE A suburban home, SU arrea. paved road. 4-room bungalow, also Summer I cottsge; lignt, gas. rlty phonea. fine water. garage, chicken houses, fruit, berrlee, large I Uvn, corner; a snap for quick eale lor ciQ. isyior. aiam e,-x $lVinORKOJN' CITY car. (-room. H acre. native trees, m Diocks evergreen htation: J.. cash, balance terms. Gibson, 266 f -ara. jurrniti 1 FOR the best suburban homes and acreage out or J ort.and come to Alderbrook on 4regen 4'ity car.' third house north of I F.liiiev s'atlon- $A5oo $1D CASH. $15 month: 4-room piss tered house, acre ground. H cleared: well, I -t mne to cstacaua car. liiosoa. 206 Stark. Jtarsna.l 1-. CHOICE acre homes at Uardea Home. S. . N. Gtimo. box 43. Garden Home. Or. I HAVE Just arrived from the East and want to rent a large zarm witn nay, stoca nd Implements; I have the caah to pay for seme. AE 841, Oregonlan. TIMBER LAND. 22d. FURNITURE of 5 rooms for sale and the I rooms for rent. 441 H 0th St., cor. College. FINE oak extension table. Phone Broadway 12.000. local 49. between 6 and 11:80 P. M. FOR SALI Dining-room furniture, private I nome; no dealers, ynone least ooe. DogT"Babhlta. Birds. Pet Stock. PEDIGREED black miniature Pomeranian ma e. beautiful specimen: very rare breed: high price. Address HJ boo, oregonlan. Launches and Boata. I FOR 6ALE Racine canoe, good condition. Phone East 2301 net. o ana 7:uo p. m. BEARCAT ROADSTER. - , . 1. . , . . A. I ,U - , . . robin's ear hlue painting, natural wood artillery wheels, four aew tires, two extra . rims and tires, fine top. The olassiest racy roadster offered for sale this sea son, price xizsu. AUTO REST OARAGE, 200 10th St. FTUTZ DISTRIBUTORS FOR OREGON. MX'ST sell my Studebaker touring car, newly paintea, new paniasoto top, new uies, two good spares on rims. This car Is In splendid running condition and looks line: will consldsr any reasonable offer; will aoceDt liberty Don da Phone E. 2619 even Ings or Main 24 HO week days. 821 E. 8th t. North. IF YOU are looking for an Investment that Is worth while, look this up: 140 acres. close to Falls City, Or., with over 2 Machinery. AMERICAN. eight-Inch, four-slrled moulder. in good condition, call Travis. East U535. million feet or good saw timber togeiner i -r,-c- 1 1 - . n n - 1 1; i,nHAnnu ivvrw " " .1.. . I with saw outfit, 70. Marsnau bhl. of nak wood. There are also 1614 acres of I young prunes two years old and lie acres wamso-vii storage tana, capacity iuv to of old orchard. T acres of other land un- I 150 barrels. Call Smith at Watson Iron der cultivation, good house and barn, also l works. ONE 1918 K-passenger Cadillac, run 6000 miles, good cord tires, ttiixo, seat covers. This car Is as good as new. Price $2600. One 1918 4-passenger Chandler Chummy roadster, wire wheels, run 8000 miles on cltv streets only. Price 1850. Inquire owner. Marshall 1686. apt. 43, roraoam Apartments. good water. This place will have to be seen to be appreciated, and the price is only $43 per acre with good terms. V 412. Oregonlsn. Typewriter. For 9le Acreage. WHY live In towa when you can buy a fine modern home with nearly an acre of ground, on River road at Oak Grove, close to car, a'l In cultivation, flowers, fruit trees and berries, only $3000. Easy terms. Here is another: 1 acre, ail In cultiva tion. 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, elec tric Heine, spring water piped to house, lies tugre and s.ghtly with a wonderful view. AJuOO. IVm will handle. H acres. 1 mile from Damascus, fine going place, all In cultivation, woven wire I OAK rolls, for sawmilla. Illiuee Mill Manu- FOR SALE 13-M. capacity mill In 8 his.. H million feet of timber more available; Russell engine, boiler end csrrlage rig. solendld conveyor system. 8-gang edger. plsner. log haul, cut-off. new belts, extra saws. 94il0 donkey. 4000 ft. H trip, 20OO It. 1-ln. main line, all oiocas, small tools. including saws, wedges, peaviea. axes. blacksmith tools, etc; cookhouse outfit for 25 men. Owner -e-nlng to war and will make a price of $70oo on the whole outfit. Call 213 Chamber of commerce. loo ACRES timber, 6 million big fir and sugar pine on this claim; 6 hundred mil lion feet of timber tributary: ideal mill site, right on Southern Paelflo R. R-. In Douglas Co. All this timber must come out through this mllL Address W. Brown. Glendale. Oregon. WOOD for sale. Fir at $4.50. grub oak. $6. On ears at Marlon. Oregon. Also ship knee In car lots. O. JL Smith. Jefferson. Oregon. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND Si)LD. C. J. MCCRACKEN. HQ4 McKay Bldg. PILING and sblp knees wanted. O. V. Gatu ble. 503 uerilnger bldg ' fences, fsmlyl orchard, good 6-room house, barn and a large, expensive, modern chicken house, farm Implements and part f crop. A $45imj pisre for only $-o0U. JOHN E. HOWARD. 373 rhsmber of Commerce Bldg. fsctory. Oakland. Oregon. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALU .vi a p. t-M. soia on montniy paymenta; send for price list. The Wholesale Type- wrlter t;o.. retail aept., axi wash st- NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase, visible models, jismington Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. Telephone tsroaaway e-i. Full RENT Pianos. Grafonolas and type writers. Empire Transfer & Storage Co. I uroadway 1 .'.). REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. rJ. W. Pesse Co.. 110 Sixth. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark SU. Main 1407. ALL m&kee typewriters rented and repaired. I uregon Typewriter uo, V4A oth. Main 8668. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no sgentr employed; machines repaired and rented. $J Per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 8d. near Taylor. A 3(126. Main B431. I SNAP 8 cases raxor clams. 60-gallon steam Kettle. co-gsL steam retort with canning outfit. 3 farm -pumps: phone J. Landigan E. 603U. 406 Vancouver are. Call Sundays or alter o r. at. HOUSEHOLD goods, furniture, gas range. uaveneau, aiicnen caoinet, cniTtoniers, rugs. beds, lawn mower, bicycle, etc. Call I at 384U 0-a st. a. E. after s P. M. STUDEBAKER Six must be sold at once; will take liberty bonds, war stamps, cash or small car as part payment. All tires ln good shape; 2 new tires; good mechanical condition; good top and side curtains. No reasonable offer refused. Must be seen to be appreciated. Main 461K) or Main 7317. Mr. Shaw. AUTO WRECKERS. We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good parts for less than half price. ' We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prlcea paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY, 232 Front St. MAIN 4768. YOU CANNOT BEAT THIS. HUDSON SUPER SIX. 1917 MODEL, LOOKS I, IKE NEW; RUN ONLY 8500 MILES; TWO NEW CORD TIRES AND EXTRA. ONE REAL BARGAIN AT $1575. TERMS FOR PART IF DESIKED. MAIN 8320. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN $700. A light touring car ln perfect condition, looks and runs like new, used by private party; will accept liberty bonds as pay ment, or will sell on time. 121 North 3d St.. comer Glisan. 1 it 1 7 FORD, AA1 condition, demountable rims with eura tire and rim, snocK aosoroers. Yale lock speedometer, spot light, foot throttle; a red-hot buy for cash money. W. J. Lester, Y. M. C. A. Auto School. Main 8700. TOR SALE ACTOMOBILES. HERE Is our today's list of used car bar gains. Of course, these are continually changing, as we are dally getting In new barRalnand we ask that you call at our - salesroom and Inspect the cars that we may have before purchasing elsewhere. Broadway 2492. Cole 8, 4-passenger Chummy," al most new $1800 Hudson Six. S-paasenger; Just re painted 1100 Hudson Six, same as above, slightly newer 1130 Huumobile. 6-passensjer. first-class ehape, newly repainted 1100 Studebaker, good buy 875 Maxwell, 5-passenger 650 . Studebaker 450 Ford chassis . 285 6toddard-Dayton delivery truck 860 Cadillac, 6-passenger 250 Jeffrey, with new 2-ton truck attach ment 1100 Fwrd, 5-passenger 850 Briscoe, G-pasuenger, almost new.... 950 Ford delivery car ' S50 Cole 30. ideal for bug S00 Maxwell, 5-passenger 675 Hudson SuDer Six sedan. Deri act ehape 1800 Ford roadster. Just overhauled 400 Studebaker Six 600 Carter Car. suitable rabulld hue1 or delivery 1R Chevrolet 400. 6-passenger or) j Jackson, 5-passenger, good shape.... 7501 Overland. 5-oe.ssenjrer. now being re painted . 600 Elgin, new 1150 Studebaker Four 360 Chevrolet '17, S-passenger. . 600 Chevrolet '17, 5-passenger 600 Ford '18, new 600 ' Studebaker, excellent S50 Saxon '18 1 . 150 W. Hl WAILLNOFORD. Distributor. LIBERTY SIX. PREMIER BTX. BRISCOE FOUR. HOOD LUMBER TRACTOR. PARRETT FARM: TRACTOR. 622 Alder St.. at 16th. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First EL BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, ruga, store fixtures, res taurant outfita. hotels, rooming houses. office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing I too big or too small for ua prompt at tention and courteous treatment. -MARSHALL 698L A 8224. HELP WANTED MALE. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of I new and used merchandise than any store ln the city. There Is hardly an Item we ) do not buy and sell. We specialize ln I shelf and heavy hardware, sporting gooas. household goods, office furniture, hotel and camn sunnliea. When you have anything to buy or sell can or phone. MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 Front St., cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUY ER WITH THIS MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 182 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR ' MAIN 30. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This is no time to shirk; every man should do his utmost: middle-aged men can now "come back J boya are needed at once to fill soldiers' places; the Y. M. C. A. Employment and Advisory De partment Is able to give priceless advloe; It puts you Into the largest plaoe you are able to fill successfully. A special membership of $5 has been , devised to aid those who need it; don t miss this modern, scientific and thor oughly business-like way of securing a position. Phone Main 6700. A 656L Call at once ln person if possible. WANTED SAWMILL MEN. 1 resawyer $5.20 1 bench sawman, experienced In frame and specialty factory out ting B OO 1 boom man at mill slip 4.80 All abovs are 8 hours work, excellent hotel accommodations, Governmsnt rate. ' continuous work. Houses for unmarried 1 men. If above positions are filled we can ; give you similar work upon presentation of this advertisement. Apply CROSSETT WESTERN LUMBER CO.. WAUNA. OR.. 73 miles below Portland on S P. A S. Ry. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Immediately, competent dairy man to mu small nera cattle ana care for other stock on ranch: comfortable living quarters, permanent position for right party. Paclxio Fruit St Produce Co., 2 aklma. Wash. WANTED. All-around printer. C. STKTTI.KR AlKG. 300 Oregon St. CO.. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1318 Mitchell, used very little. Just like new. with seat covers: 7-Dass.. 6-cyl.: price $1600 1917 Mitchell. T-Dass.. 6-cyl 1373 luu autcneu, o-pass., o-cyi uio wa.millp jaoiorcar men, must oe laminar See the above cars at west sine sales-l with all standard cars, good troublf room, Brnadway at Oak st. Broadway! shooters; able to scrape and fit bearings; WANTED Single man to do general farm worn: must do active, wining to worK ana understand farming; 35 miles from Port land. Steady work year around. Fred Dundee. Broadway and Flanders. E15. A 8343. 1917 Mitchell, 7pass.. 6-cyl 1017 Mitchell, 5-pass.. 6-cyl 1!)1H Mitchell, 3-pass.. 6-cyl 1917 Mitchell, 2-pass., 6-cyl 1014 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyl 1918 Mitchell, 5-pass 4-cyl 1912 Auburn, 5-pass., 4-cyl 1916 Jeffrey, 5-puss., 6-cyl... several or them to select rrom. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER, USED CAR DEPT. East Morrison at First St. East 7272. Broadway 1218. .$1250 . 1075 . STTT1 . 12o0 . 700 . 675 . 273 . 750 steady work, good pay. Broadway and glanders. Fred Dundee, BOOKKEEPER, with cost accounting expe- rlence. must be quick, accurate ana not l Afraid of work; good salary; advise age, l former experience ana salary expecteo. m 41i, oregonlan. GOOD office boy, aboupt 16 years old. for lanre insurance ofrtce, salary sou. one wno i will etay and learn the business; answer I own handwriting, giving name, parents f and full Information. AL 691, Oregonlan. I WANTED Master mechanic for sawmill; must be thoroughly competent ana under stand Corliss engines and be able to man age a large machine shop ln connection I with the mill. Apply 701 Lewis oiag. HATNES J914 4-cyllnder, 8-passenger. ln ex- I BIG newspaper wants experienced news- m .hi iham- Mnan i oaosr aaverusinK solicitor, one wuu T-paasenger 6-40 Chalmers; . wonderful cial features experience preferred; give I buy: rune like new; six good tires. I age, experience, salary er proposition. 6-passenger Marlon, Al condition, new vi, oregonlan. painting tour practically new urea, maae MEN wanted , carrjr carbon briquets from ua mi uucc. i trucks In basements or our consumsrs; idii veuo. run vjiij vwr iuu. - i tires and snare. A. C. STEVENS. 16th and Washington. Broadway 1614. average wage $4.25 to $4.75 for 8 houra xnquire . m. cor. za ana t unaera Port land Gas A Coke Co. WANTED MAN AND WIFE FOR FIRST AND SKf-O.ND COOKS IN LOGGING CAMP NEAR PORTLAND FEEDING ABOUT 125 MEN; MUST BK EXPERI ENCED AND ABLE TO USE SUBSTI TUTE AND FOLLOW GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS REPLY. GIVING EX PERIENCE AND REFERENCES AND STATE WHEN YOU CAN REPORT FOR WOKIC AJ 667, OREGONIAN. WANTED. Night watchman; give references and wages expected. AJ 600, Oregonlan. WANTED Men to read meters and deliver bills. Short hours and good pay. Give full particulars as to age, experience dependents, telephone, etc.. In first letter. Must be able to walk. K 457, Oregonlan. STEADY men wanted to take exclusive con trol of good territory In Oregon and wasn lngton; money advanced weekly, outfit and special training free, experience un necessary; our active men are making good money, you can do the same; clean, hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenieh. Wash. FORD touring. Just overhauled S 800 Mc-del 7 overland. 3 new tires oov l.iirhr siv. Mitchell, thoroughly over hauled 778 7 - pas. Paige, first class 1100 6-pass. Paige, new tlree 00 8- 40 Hudson. Just overhauled. ; 900 Ford touring, first class 450 Late model Hudson Super Six. bar- "48" Pierce-Arrow. cord tlree 1100 Cole "8" In fine condition lono Bulck Ileht "4." like new 850 Open evenings and Sundays. Terms given. TnM ACMK AUI.U 1-J.. Phone Broadway 2790. B31 Alder St. ""! -,?" U1U - .1 . .,!, I rirv-cleanlne or cow ana n an ay witn toois; can 1 1 v o i ...... .w. ... .. ... , - in 2-ronm house on Dremlses: good op portunlty for man of good character. 235 Stark st. plant; experience not necessary to man wllllur to lefcrn. Steady position and chance for advancement. Apply to Mr. V ranks. U. S. Dry-Cleanere, ISO Grand ave. HOTEL clerk for 80-room mill hotel: must have some, knowledrs of accounting: State experience and wages expected, s 78. ore gonlan WANTED Man and wife, cooks, for rail road construction camp. Apply western Commissary Co., B14 second ave. ooutn, Seattle. MEN WANTED Conductors and mowrm.ti M wanted who nr. not now engaged ' u. wm, ' " ' " . . ii -. vnPb inn v Went 1, tin EXPERIENCED stove mfln. Apply superin tendent's office, basement balcony. Aider & Frank Co. Automobiles Wanted. or division superintendent's office at the I carbarns, sr. K.. Li. at r. wo. WANTED Baker, second man. gteady Job, at once. The Corvallia Bakery, corvauis. Mill nrrnM river from Oreeon City. Can uee three men every dny, so. come along. Strike on but not bothering us. Wages 42c hour, eight hours' work . ROADSTER WANTED. Will exchange two choice lote at Saltan- WANTED Young man to work In packing station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and railroad: face the Paclfio Ocean; also 25 bv 'about 140 feet, suitable for business or for cottage; wilt pay some umerence. Address A 402, oregonlan. Bonm. rood chance for advancement; Ap ply Chanslor & Lyon Co., Broadway and Couch. FOUR able-bodied men to work on right-of- way clearing, with donkey engine; experi ence not necessary. Wages, $5.20 per day; board, $1.05 per day. See D. K. Stewart, 501 Lumbermen's bldg., at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. BOY, 16 or over, with wheel, $50 per month I jiEN wanted by Portland Gna & Coke Co, LONG SILVA, auto wreckers. We wreck cars and savs you 50 per cent on parts. Send ln the parts you neea ana we win uupucaie inoiii. Autos bought, regardless of condition. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne ave. CHEAP ACREAGE. Five acre. $2.h; $10 down. $3 per month feuye ft acres of land between Portland and Cenlralla, on the main line of three railroads. lSi miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills; some of this land la partly cleared; run ning streams, some bottom and some bench. Some of this land Is good onion land. Can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange Bidg. FoR EXCHANGE Moved from California to Portland: home place, 2 acres, with two houses. A rooms anil ft rnnms: V HO trees T years old. splendid condition; plenty of LSED hot water boilers, all sixes, 80-gal., FOR SALE Small caah register, like new; one 4-ft. top lift cigar case: 12 3-ft. stools: gas range; dishes; trays and other res-1 taurant equipment. 23 E. Morrison. FOR SALE. 2 Ford roadsters. 1 Ford passenger. 1 Ford bug, 1 motorcycle, 1 Overland, good condition; price reasonable. Call 351 1st St., night or day. il: 40-gal.. $8.50. Over 700 of our boil ers now in use. 201 Adams St.. east end or Steel bridge. Phone Esst 7659. 1 BARREL boiled oil. ft ft-gallon cans of psint on, a quantity or paper felt for ouiiaers use. ti. Asain. a . sront at- Broadway 2000. $10ou CASH BUYS 10 ACRES. 8 acres under cultivation. 4-room celled house, barn and chicken house, near school and station: $looo cash gives you clear I deed and abstract to all. Including furni ture, tools anl cnirRena. LI" E DDE MANN COMPANY. V13 Chamber of Commerce. 11.70 ACRES with crop. 47 Belgian hares, milk goat, two klda, tools, etc, if Inter ested, write me. Price we can arrange to suit: must seii. rt. .no. box bi, aaiem. -'regon. loo ACRES, Lincoln Co., partly Imp. stock or dairy, 94 acres Benton Co.. 60 acres timoer. pal. partly Imp., $15 per acre. Address 533 Ysmhlll St., Portland, Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; $73 to $2O0 per acre; easy terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizea McFsriand. 143 Yeon bldg.. Portland. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good sail. H tillable, employment. easy terma Jesse H. Sharp. 3d at. 6" 8 ACRES, on Oregon Ectric line, all In cultivation, no buildings. Hart. 810 .hs.rn: of Com. Tel. Marshall 15? 5. FOR 8ALE 10 acres, near Goble. Or.; two- room nouse, gooa spring, eaay terma. Aa. Thorson. Ltnnton. Or. BEST and cheapest water frontage oa Young's Pay. Astoria. B 478, Oregonlan. ON E acre. $120O. at Waverley Heights. Sell-I wooq iwii. ACRE for sale. $1200, on Waverley Heights. SelL 1911. water; 8 miles Los Angeles, 10-cent fare; 3iUO0 actually Invested. $Jouo mortgage. July 190; want trade for property radius Portland, Tree acreage unimprovea con sidered, or bungalow, would assume some; might consider Medford, Eugene. R &14, Oregonlan. 20 ACRES. IN HIGH STATE OF CULTIVATION. Close to electric line: good set of build ings; all kinds of fruit and berries; team of horses, harness, etc.; machinery and tools; finest kind of spring water piped to buildings; price $J0u, will accept good house up to 3-jouo. HAGER3 REALTY CO.. 825 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2330. SALTAIR BEACH LOTS. Will exchange two choice lots, 25x140, at Saltair station, Tillamook Beach, near depot and hotel, adjoins board walk, county road and faces Paolflc Ocean, suitable for business or cottage. Want city property or close-in acreage. Address H 899, Ore gonlan. - FOR EXCHANGE Half section of land In the great corn belt of southeastern South Dakota: well Improved; near town; will exchange one or both Quarters for Wil lamette Valley land; prefer cheap land for stocKraising; would assume part. r. J. Robinson. Bilverton. Or. a OREGON FOR PORTLAND. 18 acres some prune and apple trees, bal. diversified farming. Running water. 6-room house, outbuildings. 15 mln. walk from P. O. on Pacific Highway. $6000. CLEVELAND. Bdw. 8125. WILL sell or exchana. for California nron- VKH.M,C'.ne.C". ,0$- "Pal"(J - . - . i ciimiKeu. uuukiil. nenriev in Mom v j erty. 125-acre farm, l Si miles north of i . l : r Corvallia; $13,000. Box 263. Corvallls. Or. I NIGHT delivery wagon. $3; also harness. mgniana aiarnet. mus union ave. North. TO responsible operator, 8Vs-ton truck. nearly new, now wonting on jfaciiic nign way; work will not be completed for 2 or 8 months. Phone M. 780, Portland; Main 60. Oregon City LARGE fireproof Mosler safe for sale at good xigure: in iirst-ciasa condition. Northwest ern Electric Co. purchasing department. Plttoca riocK. - BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, shew cases and wallcases, fixtures; eaay terma W. J. Qulgley. 227 First. Main 6899. HEAVY gasoline drag-saw outfit; 2V4-horee- power engine; three saws. price, $85. Write P. B. Gregory. Orchards, Wash. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, an ainas. macninery. rails, cars Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. 1917 HUDSON super six, ln the best of con dition, looks Just like new. brand-new tlrea This Is a real buy and a mighty good In vestment. I challenge you to find its equal. Tabor 610. 1918 CHANDLER, 7-PASSENOER. Run 1500 miles, painting, top and tires like new: on account of forced sale will sacrifice for $1695. AUTO KE6T UAHAUE, ZP lth St. BARGAIN 1916 Mitchell Six, perfect me chanical condition: never driven except by present owner, who will gladly demons trate; gooa tires, rnons g,agt guia. HAVE Deluxe Player Piano, nearly new. costing $1100, and some casn to trane ror a first-class car; prefer Dodge, Bulck, Maxwell or Overland. An excellent trade guaranteed; hustlers make considerably more: easy work delivering telegrams; no Sunday work. Apply 7 Board or Traae, OXY-ACETYLENB welder to weld aluml num. steel, cast Iron ana ao ail ainas of braxing; steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee, Bradway and Flanders. WANTED Middle-aged man to act houseman, chauffeur and to do a little gardening; good home and board; $30 per mo. AE 330, oregonlan. at Gasco, on Llnnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $3 per day. Take free bus at garage. Front and Glisan sts., 6 A, M., or 23d and Savler at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. DRIYKR wanted. Midway Bakery, 1287 Mllwaukle St., Seilwood 1383. Help WamXI Salesmen. for someone wanting a fine player. Tabor I YOUNG, experienced, single man to do ln- I PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED CAR& L. E. OBYE, Grand ave. and E. Stark. WANTED Franklin car; give series and price first letter. Iv 400, oregonlan. WANTED Bulck Six 6-pass, for cash from private party, 'labor lod. Motorcycles, side and outside, work ln grocery store; must be able to drive Ford: references re quired. Main 8495. WA NTED M ACHINIST FOR LATHE I WORK. STEAL) I VV UKa, UUUU X'A 1 . I FRED DUNDEE, BROADWAY AND I FLANDERS. WANTED A first-class cook; must be fasti man; salary $125 per mo.; worn o aays per week. See cnel. troaaway naseiwoou, xti Broadway. INDIAN motorcycle, new, 191S, lightweight Twin. 1913 Twin and 1915 lightweight - single. The Evening Repair Shop, 853 N. MAN wanted as elevator operator 23rt. Phone Broadway aiiou. Indian agency and other makes. handy man with tools preferred. Apply secretary Elks Club, Broadway and Mark sts. Al HARLE1-DAVIDS0N motorcycle, fully I MAN for office and outside work, typist; equipped, with presto-lite-, speedometer and tandem. Inquire 333 Oak st. state age, if married and experience: give references. Aqaress w sw. iregoman. KNEE bolter wanted, left-handed. Inquire Mr. Atchison, western cooperage to., Willamette blvd., phone Columbia 52. WANTED at once, good auto mechanic Apply ln person, Aioina uarags, 000 Gar field ave,, cor, or anaver. FOR SALE 1914 Twin H.-D. motorcycle. MAN, over draft age, for Inside work; good FOR SALE New light-weight Twin Indian motorcycle. Call between 6 and 8 eve nings. 828 H Holladay, room 8. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson motorcycle with side car, o-epeea, ai conaition, cheap for cash. Call Tabor 9021. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; ws wreck all makes ot cars and sell their Rarts at half price. David Hodes Co., orth Broadway and Flanders. A COMPLETE set of ten numbers of new Hawkins electrical guides for sal cheap. uitii Alain jozw or sua j-ront. 2 T. W. DESK. 1 roll-ton desk. 2 filing cabinets, 3 chairs, 2 safe. Buahong & vi xara si. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addinsr ma chine and showcase. 174 1st at., corner Yamhill. FOR SALE: Range, hot-water tank, coun ter stools and other restaurant fixtures. 44 ix. 1st, uroaaway 3875. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the ngnt price, ea Tont al. Broadway I960. 2 LOTS ln Alameda Park to exchange for house and lot or good business. Alar ahnll 6162. , FINE five acres. 14 mile from Portland. for small house. Room 111. 11 12th street. COMBINATION wood and coal steel range ln excellent condition. Phone Tabor 7307. $150 GRAFANOLA. solid oak case, almost new; asp witn recorda 862 Mj Aider. Sale Fruit Land. 32 ACRES Canada for property Kelly, 718 Swettand Bldg. here. I COMPLETE moving picture outfit for sale witn 10 reels. 03 second St. iICE berry ranch with good house, close to Portland. Kaepb-errles, loganberries. blackberries and pear trees. For sale very reasonable, on easy terma This place will pay for Itself within a short time, as It Is highly Improved. Crop all sold for next two years. Bell Real Estate Co., sis By. Exch. Blflg. 200 N. 13th, FOR SALE, For Sale- Farms. YOUR CHANCE IN CANADA Rich lands and business opportunities offer you Inde pendence. Farm lands. $11 t $30 acre. Irrigated lands, $33 to $36: 20 year to pay: $2000 loan la Improvementa Loans of livestock. Taxes average under 20 cent an acre; no taxes en Improvementa personal property or livestock. Good markta churches, schools, roada telephones. Ex cellent climate crops and livestock prove It. Special homeeeeker' far certlflcatea Writ for free booklet. Allan Cameron. Horses. Vehicle. Livestock. ONE 6-year-old horse, weighs 1300. $60 cash. or will take liberty bond In exchange. Take alt. Scott car to A,ents junction. H mile east ot Foster road. Pleasant Hill farm. MAKE me an offer for a good 1000-lh. horse; 1 cannot afford to keep hlra. E. Barbur, 1157 Freemont, at 38th st. Phone week days, Broadway 1795. STRAW for sale on the ground, also 10 good work norses ana z coits. almost 8 years old. $00 to $iuw cash. Call 228 Alder street. FOR SALE Four draft and one drlvlne team, star Sand Company, 210 Board of Trade Dine. HOG feed potatoes, 25o sack. cor. Kenny. BLACKBERRIES for sale. Tabor 8727. FOB SALE A fTOM OBILES. FOR SALE 1911 seven-passenger Packard 80 touring car. Haa been used only occa sionally during the Summer in past five years. Waa overhauled, painted and all worn parts replaced with new. Has a new one-man top: also an extra Victoria top. They are interchangeable. Haa new tonneau windshield, two extra tire rims, and one extra tire and two tire covers, also trunk rack. This car Is complete ln every detail and almost as good as new. Price $1500 cash. Can be seen at Speedwell Garage. 14th and Couch streeta Telephone Broadway 89T4 or E. C. Shevlln, Main 4811. General Superintendent Land Branch. Ca- I MAKE me an offer for 8 horses, wagon and I W17 BUICK touring car ln strictly first-class iinth sit, Cal- I oouoie Harness. uwrii iiracej. .u tu. i condition. Brewster green with cream- nadlan Paclfla Ky 403 Ni gary. Alberta. BETWEEN TWO RAILROADS. B acre of fine rich soli In Willamette Valley, near Dallas: this place Is all un der cultivation and Is first-class land, and Is Improved with a good nous, barn, and 1 well fenced; also ha running water. This place la actually worth $200, but for good reasons I am sacrificing It for only $180 per err, with good term to right yany. Who wants It at this price I AG 36. Oregonlan. S FINE farms fnr aale. located ln the choic est prt or roik Co.. all In cultivation: on 30O eres, on 175 acres. Party leav ing and wishe to sell at once. Price are low. terms If desired. Might take some rnrtiana trane in gooa reeiaence district. ah 3!m. ireroman. 0"C ACKES tn Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon essy terms and low price, sj per sjrr and up. Writ for map showing location. terms, etc WEYKKHAUSKR TIMBER COMPANY. Taroma Hldg.. Tacoma, Wash. )OK SALE 20 acres, most all In cultiva tion some timber. level: goon buildings, fine, young orchard, near carlln. 6 miles from Vancouver, never-falling soring, soil all rood; price $3.".oo. R. c Osburn, 112 Wssh. sc. Vancouver. Wash. Phone 176. 5 ACRES. 20 miles from Portlsnd on Sandy piurr rose: 17 cnitiva?ed: fine creea 041 rlvs; fair buildings; ML Hood carlln mile. Prl- 8A500. terma at 8".. G W. Andrews. Boring, No. L Phone Gresham 874. a ACRES bearing prunes, cement houe, S rooms, plastered, flreplnce, outbuildings, l.e fare Vaucouver, $2500. Thomson. Mo hswk bldg. FOR SALE Son scree, near Oregon Cltv; win maae spienalu, aairjr ranch. AAA bJJ, Oragoalaa. LEAD HORSES and animals hauled away I tree, portiana Atenaering to. can wood-1 lawn an. LIGHT delivery wagon for sale. $5; also old harness. Hyland Market, 1005 Union ave. N. PAIR mare. T and 10. work single or dou ble, tru puller; $125 take them and harness; will giv trial. 644 Lake at. DEAD horses taken; cash paid for dead cowa Phoue calls paid. Mllwaukle 6l-J, DEAD horses taksn quick: we pay most fori crippled horses and dead cowa Tabor 42U3. tO HORSES for sale cheap, 1300 to 1600 lba Being replaced by autos. 12tb and Everett. I CHEAP mare and good saddle pony at your own price, luze r.. w amnwi. colored wheels. Seat covers, curtains open with dodr, Pyrene, spot light and other ex tra. Government official transferred, of fers car for $1200. Auto Rest Garage, 208 10th st. ft-PASS. car. bearings, gears, etc.. In fine shape, best of material throughout; nice looking, best leather upholstering; very cheap car to run. equipped with distillate burner; a car for service; snap. $350. Call 1S8 Third st. 1917 VELIB $0O. In extra good shape, lncludlns- I new cord tires and 3 old ones, chains. 3 extra rims; only run 12.000 milea Will sell for rwn only, v-wii nunuiawii o-lll. REO 2-ton truck, good running condition. all good tires; sjou aown, balance small monthly paymenta Al Auto Works 4k Painting Co., aj Alder. FIVE-PASSENGER Carter Car. $250 cash ln fine shape. Smith, 121 N. 3d St., cor. 3d ana iiiisan. 2 FORDS '13 touring, good shape, new tires '15 roadster. Al shape. See at 22 N. 15th, or call Bennett, Bdwy. 5463, after 7 P. M. BUICK D 45, 6-poSsenger, with all extras; -cash only, bee car. btelgera Garaave, 9th and Conch sts. OAKLAND SIX, extra tire, run 6200 miles. - good tires; bargain for cash, steiger's Garage, 9th and couch ets. FOR RENT Pianos. Grafonolas and type writers. Empire Transfer & Storage Co. Broadway loo. FOR SALE 1914 Ford, running gear Just overhauled; $260 cash. Room 12, 461 E. Morrison. SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK Have unused truck attachment for sale at a big sac- rltlce. H. A., call oau Alder st. aawy 2717. STUDEBAKER, light 5-pass., demountable rims, good tires; a nargain at $200. 30 Grand ave. N near Burnside. OAKLAND roadster for sale, $200; will take all bonus. Apply Dover Apts., it, 4th and Thurman. D 487. Oregonlan. 1916 OAKLAND, 3-passenger roadster, In Al condition; has many extras; a bargain; reasonable terms. Tabor 6610. 1916 FORD with '18 body, in first-class con dition, good tires and $50 ln extras, $o50. Apt. 2. 310 Benton st. FORD touring, good condition; owner must sen; sacrifice; xauo. eo urand ave. N., near Burnside. 1914 FORD touring. Al condition, good tires. speeaometer; terms, call axter o p. Al. Woodlawn 2785. COMPLETELY equipped car. electric lights. spot ngnt ana starter, extras; eaay terms. Bdwy. 8125. 1917 HUPMOBILE ; this car is almost new, haa the nest 01 care; must sell. 829 East 61st N. Tabor 1667. SALE or trade. Stoddard-Dayton roadster. r ine condition. J. Matheson, Houseboat, ir t. cainornia at. f17 DODGE touring car, excellent shape. real oargain xnr casn. ai Auto works oe painting Co., 05 Alder. $75. East 7082, evenlnga FOR SALE 1914 Dayton- motorcycle, fully equipped. Call East 5on7. - wages for five days; experience not neces- I ary. mau .ejast naisey. WANTED First-class truck and touring car salesman for high-grade line; good prop osition for right party; experience neces sary; must give reference Inquire W. S. Relchert. salesmanager. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co. Main 780. Also want first-class territory man for" both wholesale and retail selling; high- grade trucks and touring ears; experience necessary; must give reterencrs. iuqur Mr. Nash. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co. Main 780. IF YOU are an expert, we want you. If you wish to be taught to be one we nave ra cilltles for doing it. An old-line life In surance company, nearly a third of a cen tury old. one of the best In the United States, has a place for either one. We can show you a proposition that will bring a good, big income. If you are interested write ua All communications confidential. Address AV 378, Oregonlan. DRUG, label and pillbox salesman wanted who has had previous experience: line op portunity for riuht party. A V 872, Orego nlan. . SALESMEN WANTED Farm machinery and automobiles; state salary ana experi ence. Address F 477, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. TWIN cylinder Excelsior, Al condition, $55. Tabor 1(42. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2829, BROADWAY B-. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th st. Broadway g-to. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funerals, calling, shopping. East 4582. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cara competent drivers. 6th. Wash., Main 7080 NEW Ford, experienced driver, $L50 per hour. laoor 1U-B. FINE 7-passenger Hudson, careful, rienced driver. Marshall 2329. 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 8347. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. OUR sneclalty is buying ladles' and gents' cast-on clothing. Highest casn price paia. will can aay or nignt. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison SL HIGHEST PRICES PAID. I buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles ana gentlemen suits ana evening gowns, etc New buyer. Try me before you can others, pnone Broadwayi sua.. FOR TRADE OR SALE ADDING MACHINE. TYPEWRITER, ROLL TOP DESK. FILING CABINET. CHECK PROTECTOR. ELECTRIC FAN. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and over. We buy shoes and hat Call Main 1923. JUNK WANTED JUNK. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for sacks, rubber, second-hand gooda Call Main 78L WANTED To buy one second-hand lathe, medium else; also vulcanizing plant for seotional work. Address AP 298, Oregonlan. SLIGHTLY used tires. S3 to $13 each: vul canixed, oc; tire repairing. '-'07 Madison 1818 BUICK RUN 350 MILES. EAST 2230. OAKLAND 8 QUICK SALE $873. Left with Mr. Maxon, Broadway 2270. 1918 CHEVROLET, almost new, with lots of extra equipment; best buy ln Portland, $760, terma Al Auto Works A Painting Co., 625 Alder. . HORSE and wagon for aale cheap. Apply I FOR SALE One ft-paasenger Reo, central sii Burnsioe st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. CONOVER baby grand piano, less than two years old, cost soo; win sen tor $suu. e. 8 BUSINESS girl want use of piano for storage. A'none poiween o ana 7 :.u, j-ast 7097. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD 8. GILBERT, 384 Yamhill St. controL newly painted: also one saxAu, cord tire and tube; $2-10. After 6 p, M., 941 E. 39th St. 8. Seilwood 2312. 1 LATE model Ford, 1 Chevrolet, In good condition, cheap for cash. 445 Hawthorn ave. NEW Chevrolet touring, $100 off today's price: only run 1000 milea Marshall 4472, bet. 6 and 7 P. M., or B 488. Oregonlan. PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor P-374. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. I HAVE A 1917 Dodge sedan, looks like new; make me an offer. Marshall 368. W ANTED Used upright piano: must be bar gain forcash;IhoneSellwood 3503. RENT a piano, no squares or thump boxea Harold 8. Gilbert, S4 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Overland model 83, A-l shape. o tires, can .94 Stanton, after o p. ai. SOLID oak Kimball organ, cheap. 348 Sec ond St. STEINWAY piano for sal: almost new; tn it see 10 appteciAt, ., ti MITCHELL Six, ln perfect condition, at bar gain price; run ir man soou miles; car may be seen at 4- . lst st. OAKLAND roadster for sale. $200; wtll take all bonds. Apply Dover spts., 11, 24th and Thurman. D 4S7. Oregonlan. 1917 MAXWELL, best of mechanical condi tion throughout, ariio, terma Al Auto Works A Painting Co., 625 Alder. FOR SALE-Good Ford delivery. Owner, 533 Belmont st- BUG BOD-. 810 -SI XCtRTuiZX -. & Grand ave. A. Ul? FOKD touring, like new; must sell. 30 ursna ave. near nurosicte. $150 DOWN buys Ford touring, in Al shape. i:aii taoor uu. HAVE your Ford wheels tightened at 1385 mvision. "lsoor oooa. WANTED 1917 or 1918 Ford. $200 cash, balance terma Address 738 Minnesota avs. LIMOUSINE top for 1915 Ford machine, good condition, $45. Marshall 661. BY" OWNER 1918 -Ford roadster, run less than 1000 miles. 654 4th st. BUICK 4 for sale. Tabor 694; ditlon: used 4 months. good con- 1913 FORD; parties leaving city; right for quick sale. East 8392. price 1918 FORD car, $100 in extras, price $600. Leaving city. i. 401, tjregoman. WHITE, lat model touring car, fice. Owner, 145 Front ft. FORD chassis, best of condition; will aell SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER W"e need tbe clothing and we pay all U Is worth. Call Main 734. 201 hi 1st SU WINCHESTER and Remington automatic and pump ahotguna wanted. Hochfeld, 85 d. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. " Will pay cash. 553 Plttock block. YOUNG man wanted for bellboy, from 11 to 2 and from 5 to 11 P. m. .; at i- AGENTS. $5 to $10 per day selling the lat est electric aluminum plate tor cleaning silverware; no fake. Write for Informa tion. Home Supply Shop, 119 Brown at., Spokane, Yvseh. WAVTTcn Ist-class automobile mechanic Motor Car Repair Co., Broadway and Burnside, WANTED at once, two men with some sales exnerience. Call S17 uregonian oiug., oeu 8 and 9 and 4 and 8. waVTF.n Dentist. first-class plateman; good salary; steady position. BC 824, Oregonlan. OPERATOR for small electric plant; one with electrical experience, uw vuntuiu bidg. ERRAND boy one, with wheel, preferred. Apply Rice and pneian, r runt ana ua streets. , WANTED Men not subject to draft, to aid us supply the demand ror trull trees anu ornamental stock. Cash weekly, capital City Nursery, Salem. Oregon. AGENTS at once. Sell 50o per month hos pital tlcketa 200 coroett oiag. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Housekoeper for small rooming- house; country town, can between iu a. M. and 2:30. Information at 429 Taylor street. WANTED Two Al carpenters and one I WANTED Strong, good girl, no experience shingler. at once; resiaence worn. . 1 required. Pacific Tent & Awning u.. a Northwestern Jiank Diag. 1 North First st. HOUSE CARPENTER or man handy with I WANTED Waitress for country hotel, East- tools, not necessarily a iiuiuuer. - wo 1 ern Oregon; rare advanced. .iuerty wiuur Woodlawn 8340 I Agency. 25 North Second. WANTED An experienced stock cutter for j WANTED Lady who has had grocery ex- detail mlllwork. Write Tacoma Mlllwork Supply CO., taconia, yy-au. nerlence. Call at 875 East Morrison St., at Union ave. Tri-vn-T. -leek- nleht nosition: also steward for firet-claee interior city mini. uuun-e 1 O, 604 Buchanan bldg. WANTED First-class pastry man, $33, 6 rlnvs: must unuersL uu iuudhiuic a, i 23(1, Oregonlan GIRLS wanted to work In stove factory. Apply Purdin Bros., I!,, water ana Aayior, before 2 P. M. WANTED Kitchen helper, prefer oue wli can help conk, mvei.iue noiei. ou jonns. Or. Col. 2011. YOUNG man wanted for bellnoy trom 11 to WANTED Experienced waitress. Apply 0 2 and from 0 to 11 P. 6th st. ONE vegetable man, one aisnwasner, us week ana ooara. -00 first ,i-i Restaurant. vvpcbievpeD delivery boy with motor- cvcle. Hamuel Atosenoi&ct oe u., i iiui and Alder. to 10 A. $1., superintendents office, Olds, Wortman & King. HOUSEKEEPER wanted; take care home. Phone Wdln. -ao. can oetween o aua o A. M. and P. M. WANTED Two waitresses. Apply Reyal Cafe, 612 commercial Bl Astoria, r. Good wages. TRIPE cleaners and casing men; food I WANTED Girl 12 years old, to make her v wages, .--q viHT.pi.ARq machinist for lathe and gen eral machine snop worn, van pi - mm. 1 n 1 . a ck SMITH wanted; man that can do shoeing; steady joo. -ay . fiOOD shoemaker wanted; steady position. .Tim. The snoe iuciur, auscuo, vi. EXPERIENCED grocery porter wanted. Apply i-ang a: to., r irst anu ahmjiij bib. ELDERLY' man to .keep shop clean. BUR- NESS MAttllil, mm aim nmrr m. WANT two good husky men for yard work. handling rails, etc; goou wasw. pii. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand clothes. Main 9844. JUNK, rags, bottles, saoks, metals, old cloth' lng, carpets: good pricea East 294. WANTED Up-to-date reed baby buggy. reasonaoie. pnone taoor e-uu. Furniture Wanted. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay th highest price for your used rurmturevcarpets, stovea, rangea, of fice furniture, etc Phone Marshall S87 and our buyer will call at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 186-168 1st st., requires second-hand furniture, best palces paid. If you have any furniture, new or Used, call bn ua and you will be sure of good treatment- Main 4633. Z WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves ana ranges ana .an Kinds or household gooda Call us for one article or a houseful and a competent, courteous buyer will call. Mar. 2693. FURNITURE WANTED We will, pay full value tor . your Becona-nana lurniture, beds, dressers, cArpets, stoves and house hold gooda Call Main 1923. 193Frontst. WH NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; hav the ready cash Phone today. Maln4627 or 204 First at. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. jVill pax. cash, aiain ..32. MAN for washing cars and helper in garage U. S. Laundry i-o.. ioi wtum eve. MAN wanted to work in warehouse. Mason- Ehrman io.. loin anu vj-mi. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman, good salary, a-- wasnington st. WANTED Presser on machine. Wardrobe Cleaners & Aiyers, -i nimu. EXPERIENCED Janitor for apartment- house worn. IPO vial ave WANTED Truck driver not afraid of work. Apply 4 1- C jpurnaiup pi- WAN TED First-Class Alder st. laborer. E. EXPERIENCED male price clerk in whole sale Implement house. X 450. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED Janitor for apartment- house, rteierence. v ooo. m-egnmaii. WANTED Night clerk, local hotel; particulars AJ qui, tiregonian. give WANTED Elderly man as night elevator operator, hotel. AJ pwb. oregonlan. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, pub lications, it. t.. ciyoe, -mi diock ,x. NINE experienced men, threading machines and die grinamg. inquire -10 .1. inn. DRIVER for delivery, must know the city. 1256 Halsey St. WANTED Horseshoer at 130 12th st. N. PORTER wanted for pool hall. I 1st st. BARBER wanted. 46 N. Third. wa-led, steady Job. J3 N. 6th, at. home with me. Tabor 1222. 1307 Belmont. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long tn- gagements, no tinypmm. -w,n-, hi-,i--i. LADY DEMONSTRATORS wanted. 818 Stock Exchange Diag. Apply 4 to o r. m. oniy. WANT housekeeper for small family In country. u. uregonian. SALESLADY to work all or part of time. Peterson studio, .14 i-ittoca dim. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply at Mallory Hotel, 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Girls for brush dept. Portland Broom Co., 26thand Holladay. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 102. A 2667. FIRST-CLASS hairdresser and manicurist. The Bensun Hotel Beauty Parlor. YOUNG-lady to work ln drug store. Call after 7. 7140 B3th ave. 8. K. WANTE At once. waitress and 222 Washington st. dishwasher. WANTED Woman for chamber work 1 te i P. M. 347 Oak st WANTED First-class manicurist. mah Hotel barber shop. Multno- GIRL for plain cooking and housework. arhalI478T. FIRST-CLASS chambermaid. Alexandra Court, 53 Ella st. WANTED Young, experienced lady for work ln grocery. Apply 836 17th St. North. WOMAN to do dinner cooking, P. M. campoen tiotei. 12 to EXPERIENCED millinery makers; apply in person, alio Alder st. . WOMAN for cook's helper, Marshall 881. 4 to 8 P. M. WANTED Errand girl. Crane Letter, 612 Rftyal bldg. GIRL to care for child and help with house work. 87.1 worth Hint street.: w tar. WA NTED Linen -room nay 1180. gill. Call Broad- AN experienced pustry cook. Apply lto. 8d. ' WAITRESS wanted. Campbell Hotel. W 101.2J