Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 06, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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AUGUST 6, 1918.
Bulk of Oregons Now Coming
Show Fair Quality.
Movement of New California North
ward D ra w i n z to Close Trade
From Now On Will Depend
on Home-Grown Stock.
The movement of new California potatoes
to tho Ores-oa market U drawing to a closo.
Broker say that a few carlo da are yet to
bo brought In. but from now on the trade
will In tho main depend upon tho products
t this state. Up to this time new Ore
coos coming- la hare for tho most part been
too Immature to soli readily In competition
with the bast California stock, bat the
latest arrivals show decided Improvement
In that respect, and from now on too
chances are that tho balk of tho home
4rown offerings will bo fairly well matured.
For tho time fancy California are selling;
to tho trade at IS-iO to 13.73 a hundred,
bat tho market, as a consequence of the
Improvement In tho quality of tho Oregons
now coming, is conceded to bo easy In tone.
Tho best home-grown stock now available
la quoted at S3.S3 to 3-S0, prices not far
from the present range on southern spuds.
Crop prospects still show considerable va
riance In different parts of tho Coast country-
and estimates therefore are subject to
revision with tho developments of the Fall
season. In soma of tho Irrigated districts
tho outlook la for a yield per aero not far
from tho normal, but tho acreage planted
this year la said to bo somewhat under tho
average for recent year. Tho aggregate
yield will In all probability be a good deal
under that of last year.
In tho Willamette Valley It la understood
that tho yield baa been cut down much by
tho absence of rain during tho growing sea
son. Many fields are reported to bo matur
ing with- tho tubers only about half grown,
which will mean light crops where such
conditions prevail. East of tho Cascades
there will probably b a fair to average
oat pot.
Tho price rango for tho Fall and Winter
months Is altogether a matter of specula'
tton. but at this time. In view of tho nn
favorable outlook In some sections, there
seems to bo small danger of anything like
tho ruinously lew prices that ruled at tlmee
last season. Dealers say there la every as
surance for tho farmers of at least fair
prices for quality potatoes.
Sharp Advance la Prices ea Eastern Corn
Also Is Reported.
At the Merchanta Exchange yesterday
there wae an advance of SO cents on Eastern
eats. $33 being tho quotation on No. t white
for August delivery, and clipped oats at the
sama time went to 133.60. a lift of SO cents
over tho previous quotation.
Tho corn market also ahowed a stiffening
tendency. No. s ysllow advancing from $66
to $, while No. S mixed went from 96-4
to $63, August delivery.
Tho American visible supply of wheat
waa reported aa follows:
Bushels. Increase.
August g. 101 17.1A.00 a.P'W.iino
Ausuet T. ItflT 6.S19.000 1.071.000
August P. 1916 44.IH1.0OO S.l'2.noo
Auauat S. 191.1 T.37A,rMm 794. ono
August a. 1914 29.744.000 S.OtSO.OUO
Decrease. '
World shipments from the principal ex
porting countriea. flour Included, were re
ported as follows:
From Aug. 3.
V- S.. Can. ..
Argentina.. 6,047.000
Australia... S'O.OOO
India 2S0.0OO
Week Week
ending ending
July 27. Aug. 4. '17.
5.T40.OOO 4.r.20.OO0
7,M.OO0 21000
a4U.UO0 620.000
Totals.... 9.4S3.0OO 11.4S9.000 T.594.000
Total since Same period
July 1. 'is sst season.
V. f. and Can l.VlTe.nno 27.8.1.V0O0
Argentina .......26.no6.ono l.MLOno
Australia 3.3OO.0OO 7.4.-.2.0OO
India 1.200.000 $.222,000
Totals 46.130,000 40.041.000
Terminal receipts la cars, as reported by
tho exchange were:
Portland, lion.. 60 ... 3 2 2.t
Tear ago I 1 ' S 4 6
Feasoa to date.. Sl K4 114 61 340
Year ago 79 10 60 76 96
Tacoma. Sat.... 3 .. .. 1
Year ago 3 1 .. 3
Feason to date.. M 0 .. It 16
Year ago 02 2 .. 12 96
Feattle. Sat
Yearago 2 a A6
Feasen to date. . 61 $ 146 46 62
Yearago 79 14 118 58 D.2
Moderate Supplies sad Ceoe. Demand Tend
to Keep Prices Cp.
Dealers yesterday reported tomatoes hold
ing their own in good shape. Receipts for
tho day totaled about 400 boxes from various
quarters. The demand waa good and tho
market appeared to bo a shade stronger
than for some days past. Tho stock offered
for the moat part showed fair to good qual
ity. There were few Caltfornlas In sight.
Ore irons, ripe, sold generally at $1 to $1.23.
while select stock In some caaea brought as
high aa $1.50.
A report from tho Bureau of Crop Es
timates says of conditions In California:
Southern section Tho early crop for ship
ping In Lea Angeles County la reported as
light this year. Worms reduced the volume
of shipping stock about SO per cent In cer
tain districts where Earllanas are pro
nounced. The crop of the Stone variety Is
generally considered larger, of better quality,
and earlier than last year. Some districts
will begin shipping Stones the first part of
August, while others will not bo roeady antll
much later. Curly leaf has appeared la car
tain fields. Considerable damage In San
Fernando Valley by blight haa destroyed
snany plants and some fields. Tho Increase
la tho acreage of the Fall crop la estimated
to bo $0 per cent.
Central section The prospects for good
yields of tomatoes are not generally fa
vorable. Tho deficiency of moisture In cer
tain districts of Alameda. Sonoma. Sacra
mento. Santa Clara and other counties gave
the plants a poor start and serious de
velopment of diseases subsequently affected
crops. The damage In San Lorens district
of Alameda County Is particularly severe,
many flelda being a total loss. Injury Is
also reported around Hayward and parts of
Santa Clara County. No evidence of blight
er fuaarlum haa appeared In tho Manteca dis
trict of Joaquin County and the crop Is
reported la excellent condition. Horn worms
have done some damage In this district.
Tomato frnlt worm ia doing no serious In
jury in this part of the state yet.
laveattgatlesi at Baker Dissipates Theory
That Poises. Scattered Along; Road.
BAKER. Or.. Aug. 6. 8peclaL) It haa
been definitely determined that the cause
of the death of several hundred head of
sheep near hero and at Prairie City a few
days ago was poisoned weeds on which the
sheep bad been feeding whtlo being driven
to tho loading pens at Prairie for shipment
to Baker. It was at first believed that poi
son had been scattered along tho read and
in tho pens or that a sudden epidemic
of djseass had broken out. but tnveatlga
tton ahowed a patch of poison weed along
tho road about four miles from Prairie
' through which the sheep had been driven.
Market Mews Service) Obtained.
TAKIMA. Wash.. Aug. S. Dally market
mows eel-vice over a direct Government wire
la to bo given hero by the United statea Bu
reau, of Markets during; tho soft fruit sea-
son. A repreaentatlva of the bureau arrived
hero yesterday and haa astabliahed aa of
fice In the Masonic Temple building for
that purpose.
Indian Farmer Mill Exhibit.
TAKIMA. Wash.. Aug. 8. Ben B. Olney.
a Yakima Indian farmer and stockman, la
the aecond person to apply for space at the
coming stats fair here for an Individual
Six Hundred Tons of Cherries Canned.
TAKIMA. TV ash.. Aug. 5. Six hundred
tons of Yakima cherries were canned by the
Libbjr. McNeill at Llbbv cannery here this
aeaaon. The amount made in round num
bers 960.000 cans.
Bank Clearings.
Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities
yesterday were aa follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland ... $4,477,040 $707,544
Seattle 6.0SS.71 901.594
Tacoma 933.804 177.340
Spokane 1.424.693 472,454
Grain. Floor. Feed. Etc.
Merchanta Exchange, noon session.
August delivery Bid.
Oats. No. 2 white feed $58.00
Barley, standard feed 4.00
barley, "A" 63.00
Eastern oata and corn In bulk:
Oats, No. 3 white 62.00
3H-pound clipped white Mi. 50
Corn. No. 3 yellow 6R.O0
Corn, No. 8 mixed 60.00
September delivery
Oata. No. 2 5S.30
Barley, feed 53.00
Barley. "A" 54.00
Oata, clipped &2.00
Oata. clipped 32.00
Corn yellow 6S.00
Corn, mixed 6i.00
WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 per
KLOCR-Stralshts. 310.93911.13 per bar
rel: whole wheat. 310.30: graham. $9,900
10.35; barley flour. $llw12 per baral: rye
flour $11.304912.30 per barrel: cornmeal.
f 11. 400 IX per barrel: com flour. $12.20
13.40: oat fiour. 312.50 A 12.73.
uu.i.rRen ve miiifeerf nricea. carlots:
Bran. $111 per ton: aborts, $11.1 per ton: mid
dlings. $3U: rolled barley, $70: rolled oata.
CORN Whole, $73; cracked. $76 per ton.
HAY Buying prices f. o. b. Portland:
Eastern Oreann timathr. 134 Per ton: Val
lev timothv. I2S: alfalfa. 326027: Val
ley grain hay. $2628: clover. $260 28;
straw. $ J 010.
Dairy and Country Produce.
BUTTER Cubes, extra. 47tt04c; sec
onds. 44c; prints, extras, box lota. 32c: car
tons, nor lota S3c: half boxes. lie more
less than half boxes, la more: butterfat.
No. 1. 33c Per pound delivered Portland.
EGGS Oregon ranch current receipts,
43044c: 'candled. 47c; selects. 4c per doxen.
CHEESE Jobbers' buying prices, f. o. b.
dock. Portland: Tillamook triplets. 23c;
Young Americas. 26c per pound; Coos and
Cum. x. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, ici
Young America, 25 He per pound; long-
horns. 23Hc per pound.
POULTRY Hens. 23024e; broilers. 269
27c: docks, geese and turkeys, nominal.
VEAL Fancy, 18019c per pound.
PORK Fancy. 23 ij 0 24e per pound.
Fruits and Vegetables.
T.oca1 Jobbing quotations:
FRUITS Oranges, Valencia!. $818.50;
lemons, $7.30010.23 per box: bananas, go
per pound; grapefruit. $3.3003.73; canta
loupes, $233 per crate; watermelons,
2tr2Ue per pound: peaches, 75c0$1.4O;
new apples, $1.2302 per box; plums. $2r2.23
per box; apricots, $2 per Box; pears. aou
per box; casabas, 4o per pound; grapes. $2
03 per crate.
VEGETABLES Tomatoee. 73c0$1.8S per
crate: cabbage. 404feo per pound; lettuce.
82.5003 per crate; cucumbers. ,73c0$l per
box; peppers. 13c per pouna; peas, 1-0
12 Wo Der Dound: beans. 10011a per pouna;
celery, $1 per doxen; Summer squash, $1
per dozen; eggplant. 15c per pound; corn.
$2.75 per crate.
POTATOES New. $303.26 per hundred.
ONIONS Walla Walla. $2.30 0 2.73; Cali
fornia. $2 0 2.50 per aack.
Staple Groceries.
Local Jobbing quotations:
SUGAR Sack basis: Fruit and berry.
$805: beet, $8.73; extra C, $7.63: powdered.
In barrels. $8.75: cubes, in barrels.
NUTS Walnuts. 30c: Brarll nuts, 16e:
filberts. 20e: almonds. 18923c; peanuts, 10c;
cocoanuta. $1.60 per dozen.
SALT Hair-grouna. uws. eio.eo per xon;
60s. $17.25 per ton: dairy, $25 per ton.
RICE Blue Roee. 11.700120 per pouna.
BEANS Jobbing prices: Small whits.
1$4014e: large white, 12c; beyon. 10c;
lima, 15ttc: pink. c. Oregon basis, buying
prices: White, 8f9c: colored. 7c
COr riili Koasiea, in arums, 41 ty-6
Provisions. j
Local Jobbing quotatlona:
HAMS All sixes, choice, SIS Vic: standard.
S4Hc: skinned, none; picnics, 23c; cottage
roll. 31c.
LARD Tierce basis, standard pure. 27 He;
compound. 23c
BACON Fancy, envroic; sianaara pure.
44T4.".c; choice, 84041c
DRY SALT Short, clear Backs, 280340;
exports. 280 31c
Hops, Wool. Etc
HOPS Nominal.
WOOL Eastern Oregon. 35056c; Valley,
54061c per pound.
MOHAIR Oregon, new cup. 030 per
CASCARA j5Axvn rew ana oia. ijo per
TALLOW no. J. J-c per pouna; !. 4,
11c per pound.
GRAIN BAGS Carlots. 28 hie.
Bides and Pelts.
HIDES Salted hides, S3 pounds and up,
15c: salted stags, 50 pounds and np. 11c:
salted and green kip, 15 to 25 pounds. 16c;
salted and green calf, to 15 pounds, 2503Oo:
green hides, 25 pounds and np. 12c; green
stags, 50 pounds and up, 9c; dry flint hides,
28c; dry flint calf. 82c: horsehides. $1,250
2; salted horsehides. $304.
PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. 40c: dry
short-wool pelts, 25030c; salted pelts. May
takeoff, $304.
GASOLINE Balk. 51c; engine distillate,
bulk. 12c; kerneeno, bulk, 10c; cases, 20c
LINSEED OIL Raw, bsrrels. $2.01; caaea
$2.11: boiled, barrels, $2.03; caaea, $2.13.
TUKriKTlAt in tanks. 7c; cases. 89c
California Protection Board Now Safeguards
BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. "The Cali
fornia cattleman la an unusually sentimental
person," said Chief Inspector JT B. Newsom,
of ths State Cattla Protection Board today,
and to prove this statement ho cited the
fact that of the 15.000 cattle branda filed
In this office here more symbols of ths
heart have been chosen than any other
I: Is expected that 30.000 different brands
to designate cattle ownership In this state
will have been filed by ths end of the year.
Tho symbols submitted not only give proof
of tho cowman's sentimental nature, cele
brated In song and story, but show a re
markable Ingenuity. Newsom said. In ad
dition to thouaanda of different combinations
of letters, numerate, bars, squares, diamonds
and other conventional design, many other
signs are adopted. Next to the heart sign
the horseshoe Is the most popular.
Tho "lazy" letter. In a horizontal or re
clining position. Is common. Variations of
tho signs are the "running. "rolling" or
"flying" letters. Included la the last are
several hundred old-tlms Mexican symbols.
marked free hand with a "running" iron,
which show the Influence of Indian chl
rography. Tho law creating the State Cattle Pro
tection Board waa passed In May. 1917, and
since January L 1918, haa given much time
to eliminating duplications of branda Cow
boy detectives unknown to ranchers In var
ious parts of California, are employed to
assist la bringing cattls stealers to Justice.
E. E. Lolghton. Los Angoles attorney, acts
as special prosecutor for the board In such
cases which. Newsom said, are of especial
Importance now because of the Increased
value of beef. Ths board members areRalph
Bull, Eureka, chairman; Arthur Hebron, of
Salinas, secretary, and Dr. J. P. I.verson, state
Cora Crop Threatened.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Anc. 0. Intense heat
and lack of moisture are seriously threat
ening the succeaa of the corn crop in
Nebraska, crop experte atated here todav.
In many sections of the etato serious dam
ago haa already been done.
f new York Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 5. Lead unchanged.
8 pot, $8.05. Smelter quiet. East St. Louis
delivery, spot, $3.0300.17.
Market Opens Weak, but Has
Strong Tone at Close.
Announcement of Coming Dissolu
tlon of International Harvester
Company Has Effect on
Securities Market.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. The stock market
waa In a atate of auspended animation dur
ing the greater part of today's session, but
quickened and atrengthened materially in
the final hour, closing with a strong tone.
United States Steel and kindred aharee fea
tured the uprush at extreme advances of
2 to 4 points.
Tho most obvious case of cause and effect
waa furnished by International Harvester,
the common aharea of the domeetic com
pany gaining 5 in connection with the an
nouncement of the forthcoming voluntary
International Issues were steady to strong
under the lead of Utah Copper and Granby
mining specialties were occasionally featured
by Linseed Common and Preferred, National
Enameling and Burns Bros.
Moderate improvement was manifested by
raila in the general advance of the last
hour, but trading In that group was alwaya
of minor proportions. Sales amounted to
Domestic and foreign bonds were firm.
Liberty 8 He touched par. Sales aggro
gated $5,375,000. Old U. S. bonda were un
changed on call,
Sales. High. Low. bid.
Am Beet Sug 69
Am Can 700 474 46fc 4714
Am Car A Fdy
Am Loco 66Vi
Am Km A Rfg. 300 78 78 78h
Am Sug Rfg HO
Am Tel Tel.. 7.900 92VI 90 92
Am Z L A S... 600 1S' 18 18
Anaconda Cop.. 2.8o 66 s 65 "A 6
Atchison 200 85 1 85 83 V
AG&WISSL. 200 103 W 103 103 ft
B A S Con 200 274 2714 27V,
Calif Petrol 18
Can Pacif 400 153 15214 L"3
Cent Leather 6714
Chee A Ohio 56
C M A St P 400 43 7s 43 43 74
Chi A N W 92
C R I P CtfS. 400 23 V, 23 14 -3
Chlno Cop 300 811 Is 38 39 Vs
C F A 1 200 4514 43 45
Corn Prod Rfg. . B.0O0 44 43 'i 4414
Crucible Steel.. 2,600 67 6714 66
Cuba Cane Bug. .wo 8i)V4 3v a
Ilst Secur T.smi o 01 o
Erie L100 14 14 147
Gen Electric 144
Gen Motors ... 3.100 15214 14S l.'lVi
Gt Nor pfd P01,
;t Nor Ore etfs. 1.000 81 8114 Al
111 Central vnva
Insp Cop 3.000 53 52 527s
1 M M pfd 9774
Int Nickel 1.B0O 30 2974
Int Paper BOO 36 8574 awm
Kennecott Sop.. 700 34 33 33
Loula & Nash 11-:
Max Motors.... 300 72 72 72
Mex Petrol .... 2.800 101 10074 10114
Miami Cop 2814
Mis Pacif 6O0 2314 2314 23
Mont Power 67
Nev Cop 200 20 2H 2014
NT Central... 600 71 71 7114
N Y N H & H 39
Nor A West.... 800 103 103 103
Nor Pacif .... 600 88 8774 87
Pennsylvania .. 0O 44 4374 43
puts coal ..... m M nu ni
Ray Con Cop... 600 24 23 23 K
Reading 3.100 88 8214 8774
Rep Ir A Steel.. 3,500 9274 91 92
Shat Ariz Cop 16
Sou Pacif 700 84 84 - 84
Sou Railway .. 50O 23 23 2314
studebaker Cor. 1,900 4474 43 44
Texas Co 40 153 151 152
Union Pacif l.aoo 121 120 121
U S Ind Alco... 1.500 12814 127 128
U S Steel 94.000 110 108 10974
do pfd 11014
Utah Cop 1,200 82 81T4 1
Wis pfdf B 2314
West Union 78
Westing Eleo .. 200 42 41H 42
Bethlehem B . . 8.700 S4T4 82 84
Totals sales for the day, 265,000 shares.
.! 'Kor-Pacific 4a..
,9S I do 3s
.99P T A T 5s
80'Penna con 4s..
'106 141 Union Pac 4s
MO6V3 l-u S Steel 5s
..81 I So Pacific cv Bs.
.53 lAnglo-French 5s
. .99 iU S Liberty 3 Vis.
TJ S ref 2s reg.
94 74
do coupon . .
TJ S 8s reg
do coupon . .
U S 4s reg....
do coupon . . .
Atchen gen 4s.
D A R G ref 5s.
NYC deb 6a..
Boston SUnlnr Stocks.
BOSTON. Aur. B Closinr quotations
Alloues 49IO!d Dominion.... 42
Ariz Com
Cal A Arts ,
451 I Sup A Boston.
. .5
Cal A Hecla.
Centennial ,
.1214 Shannon
. .4
East Butte
Utah Con
Winona ..
Isle Royalle ...
Lake Copper...
North Butte . . .
Granby Cons
Greene Cananea..44
Money, Exchange, Etc
NEW YORK. Aug. 5. Mercantile paper,
four months. 6 per cent; six months, 6.
Sterling, 60-day bills, $4.72; commercial
60-day bills on banks, $4.72; commercial 60-
day bills. $4.71; demand, $4,73 6-16; ca
bles, $4,76 7-16. Francs, demand, 0.71; ca
bles, 5.69. Guilders, demand. 51 ;'cables,
62. Lire, demand, 8.01; cables, 8.
Bar silver. 99 c
Mexican dollars, 77c
Government bonds Irregular; railroad
bonds firm.
Tims loans strong. Sixty days, 6 per cent
bid: 90 days, 6 bid; six months, 8 bid.
Call money firm. High. 4 per cent;
low, 4; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 6;
offered at 5; last loan, 5.
LONDON, Aug. 6. Today Is a holiday on
tho London Exchange.
Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh
Fruit, Etc.. at Bay City.
SA FRANCISCO, Aug. 5. Butter 50
Egfrs Fresh extras, 49c; . fresh extra
pullets. 48c.
Cheese New firsts, 2514c: Young Amer
icas, Oregon. 27 c.
Poultry Hens 290 81c; roosters, young,
36c; brollere. one-pound. 40c; fryers. 3Gc;
pigeons $2.60; squabs, $3.50; geeae, 21025c;
turkeys! live. 25028c
Vegetablee Green peas. 809c: asparagus,
nominal; Summer squash, 50060c lug box;
egxplentr- 76c0$l lug box: peppers, bell,
6057c lag box; chile. 65075c lug box: to
matoes, small boxes, 25050c; lettuce, $10
1.50 crate; celery, nominal; potatoes, white.
$2.85 0 3 cental; sweet. 8010c; onions, new
red, $1.7502 cental: new yellow, $2,150
2.25; garlic. 13c; cauliflower, 40960c dozen;
beets, new,'$l. 5001.63; carrots. 90c$l; tur
nips, new, 65075c; rhubarb, 1.7542 box;
cabbage, 10114c: artichokes, $2.5004 large
crate;, cucumbers. 75c0$l lug Box; string
beans, green, 405c; wax, 405o: lima. 406c;
okra. 12 015c: cantaloupes, Turlock
standards. $1.26 01.75: green corn, $1.7502
sack; watermelons. 1 02c; casaba melons,
2 14 c
Flour $11.20: wheat. Government. $3.50;
barley, new crop milling grade $2.55 2.60;
oata. red feed and seed. $2.6002.55; corn,
California, yellow, nominal.
Fruit Lemons, fancy, $507 per box;
grape fruit, $3.5004 box; oranges, Va
lenclaa. $306 box: bananas, Hawaiian, 607c;
pineapples, $2.50 0 6 dozen; apples, new crop,
$2 0 2.50 box; strawberries, $7010: cherries,
nominal: blackberries. $8010; rapberrles, $8
010; peaches, 9Oc0$1.25 lug box; goose
berries, nominal; currants. $809 chest; lo
ganberries, red and black. $7 09; apricots,
as to size, per lug box. $102; pears. 60075c
lug box; figs, California, double layer box,
$101.25: white, 75690c; plums, $101.25
large basket; crabapples. $1 small box.
Hay Wheat and wheat and oats hay, $22
0 24; tame oat. $24 0 26: barley. $18022;
alfalfa, first cutting, $16020: second cut
ting. $25 0 24; barley straw, 50 0 80c: meals,
alfalfa, new crop, $31032; cocoanut, nom
inal. Receipts Floor, 1226 quarter sacks; bar
ley 4653 centala; beans. 8042 sacks; po
tatoes, 6376 sacks: onions, 1062 sacks; hay,
108$ tons; hides. 467; wine. 69,525 gallona.
New Toxic Sugar Market.
NEW YORK. Aug. 6. Raw sugar stesdy.
Centrifuge!. $6,035; refined steady. Cut loaf,
$0; crushed. $8.75; mould A; $9; cubes,
$8.25; XXXX powdered, $7.70; powdered,
$7.65; fine granulated and diamond A, $7.30;
confectioners A. $7.40; No. 1, $7.35.
New York Coffee Quotations.
NEW YORK, Aug. 8. There waa further
liquidation of September contracts la jtae,
market for coffee futures today, accom
Danied bv a moderate demand for May.
Prices opened at the decline of 2 points
and closed net 1 point lower to 1 point
higher. September aold at e.2oc ana May
at 8.91c; September, 8.25c; octooer. s.aoc,
December, 8.53c; January, 8.61c; March,
8.77e: Mav. 8.91c. Soot coffee dull; Rio 7s,
8c; Santos 4s, llc No fresh offers were
reported in the cost and freight market.
Santos spot and future unchanged. Bra
zilian receipts, 21,000 bags. No report from
Naval Stores Quotations.
savannah. Ga.. Aua. 6. Turpentine
Firm; 45 c; sales, 240 barrela; receipts,
336 barrels: shipments, 254 barrels: stock.
27.180 barrels.
Rosin Firm: sales. 846 barrels: receipts,
ur.n harrela- ahlnments 1460 barrels; stock.
70 sil h.rr.l. Onnte: ' B. Zl0.15ffil0.35; D,
$10.35; E. $10.3010.35; F, $10.40010.45; G,
$10.55010.60; H. $10.60: I, $10.60010.63; K.
$11.10; M, $11.25011.30; N. $1L4511.B5;
WG, $11.05; ww, ii.wgi-
Chlcago Batter Quotations.
CHICAGO. Aug. 5. Butter Steady.
Creamery, 3943e.
Eggs Higher. Receipts, 13,673 cases;
firsts, 3838c; ordinary firsts. 36$37c;
at mark, cases included. 8637c.
Eastern Dried Fruit Prices.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Evaporate ap-
nl.. anl.f it.t. 131A016C.
Prunes Firm; Callfornlas, 8016c; Ore
gons. 12 016c.
Peaches Firm; standard. 12012e;
choice, 12013c; fancy. 14014c
Bop Market Remains Dull.
NEW YORK, Aug. 5. Hops Dull : state,
medlmum to choice. 1917. 85043c; 1916,
nominal; Pacific Coast. 1917, 20023c; 1916.
Spot Cotton Market. '
NEW YORK, Aug. 6. Spot cotton steady.
Middling, $ai.ou
D ninth Unseed Market.
DTJLTJTH. Aug. 6. Linseed. $4.46.
SOLD AT $19.15.
rrlce Ia Said to Be Hlarhest Ever Paid
(or Pork Staff In the Part
land Market,
Price records were again broken at ths
North Portland stockyards yesterday when
two loads of extra quality hogs were disposed
of at $19.15, which is said to be the highest
price ever paid In the local market for pork
material. For tho best in tho hog lino the
top quotation at the close of last week was
$18.60. The hog market unquestionably is a
strong affair.
Other hogs during tho day aold at $16.73
to $19, according to quality and weight, and
tho sales of pork stuff for tho day were con
siderably heavier than for several days past
There was no evidence of weakness in other
lines, but at tho aame time no spectacular
developments as in the case of hogs. Prime
steers held their own at $12.75, while others
sold at an extreme range of $8.75 to $11.85.
Cows went at $5.25 to $8 and calves held at
$6 to $11.50.
Receipts were 1150 cattle. 100 calves, 1150
bogs and 1300 sheep.
Shippers Included Coles Dodd, Haines;
Grover Brothers, Payette; George Stroham,
Hermlston; Sol Dlckerson, Welser; O. K.
Weed, Cottonwood, Cal.; A. Luce Orlantt,
CaL; J. E. Ford, Marshfield; Baldwin Sheep
A Land Co., Madras; W. Herrln, Bend; E. E.
Harpald. Bend; John Hays and C. F. Kelly,
Kahlotus, Wash.; J. W. Summers, Patterson.
Wash.; R. J. Stewart, Kelso, Wash.; Prine
villo Land A Livestock Co., Shanlko; E. V.
Boyer, Robinette: T. Palmer, Condon; G. S.
Conley and G. F. Brown, Corvallls: A. A.
Peterson, Wren; G. R. Hannon, Roseburg;
M. H. Dement, Myrtle Point; R. C. Hlllman.
Plymouth; J. N. McFadden, Corvallls; G. W.
Mercer, North Powder; J. W. Chandler, La
Grande; H. W. Larkin, Hermlston; Jack
Kendall, Willamlna. and F. McCoy, Maupin.
The day's sales tnclnded tho following:
Wt, Prlce.l Wt. Price.
29 steers. .1005 $11,501 5 calves.. 24 6.00
21 steers,. 1180 11.85110 calves.. 273 11.50
26 steers.. 940 8.751 3 calves.. 856 9.00
19 steers.. I'M) 10.25143 hogs ... 237 17.50
18 steers.. 1070 U.25I 4 liOKS... 215 17.25
9 steers .. 850 7.0UI17 hogs.... 218 18.73
25 steers. .100 12.751100 hogs.. 208 19.15
37 cows... 1100 7.00118 hogs.... 1VJ 18.50
3 cows... 1020 6.508T hogs.... 190 19.00
8 cows... US5 8.0020 hogs 227 17.50
8 cows... 740 S.00i2U hogs... 220 19.15
19 cows. ..1155 6.231 5 hogs.... 124 16.75
6 cows... 970 6.50132 hogs... :94 19.15
4 cows... 947 7.25145 hogs.... 214 18.50
2 calves . 2.50 10.00
Prices current at the local yards are aa
Cattle Prices.
Prime steers $11.7512.73
Good to choice steers 10.73011.73
Medhim to good Bteers 9.50 f 10.75
Fair to medium steers 8.50 9.50
Common to fair steers 5.50 S.50
Choice cows and heifers 8.000 8.50
Med. to good cows and heifers. 6.000 7.50
Fair to nied. cows and hellers. O.liuw B.uo
Canners 3.000 4.50
Bulls B.50 0 7.30
Hoks '
Prime mixed .
Medium mixed
Hough heavies
16.000 16.50
East-of-the mountain lambs ... 13.0014.00
Valley lambs 12.50013.00
Yearlings 9.50'g 10.00
Wethers 8.50 9.50
Ewes 6.00 0 8.00
Shipments to Leading Livestock Markets of
United States.
Destinations of livestock: loaded August 4.
'Double-decks counted as two cars):
Cattle. Horses. Mixed
Calves. Hogs.Shep.Mules.Stock.
Baltimore .... 19 1 1 ..
nfwton ...... .... 38 ....
Chicago 159 247 48 8 7
E. St. Louis. Ill 42 21 2 6 1
Ft. Worth 67 5 ' 1
Kansas City... 405 86 8 8 8
Oklahoma Cltv 89 33 4 .... 1
Omaha 264 63 46 ....
St. Joseph 22 26 2 8
Sioux City.... 4 33 2 1
Wichita 66 3 1
Various 57 26 12 11 6
Totals 1294 6B1 1S7 . 30 64
One week ago 1268 4S3 192 17 49
Four w'ks ago 1011 647 67 35 76
State origina of livestock loaded Aug. 4:
For Portland
Total Portl'd
One week ago
Four w'ks ago
For Seattle
-. Washington..
Total Seattle
One week ago
Four w'ks ago
For Spokane
Ttr Spokane
One week ago..
Four w ks ago
Omaha Livestock Market.
OMAHA, Aug. 5. Hogs Receipts 6000,
market steady to 10c higher. Heavy, $18.10
018.90; mixed. $18.53018.63; light, $18,400
19.40; pigs, $15018; bulk of sales, $18.25
Cattle Receipts 18.500, market slow to
steady. 15 to 25c lower. Native steers. $12.40
01S.4O; cows and heifers. $8.23 0 13.25;
Western steers, $10.50016.50; Texas steers.
$9.50 0 12.50; range cows and heifers, $80
11.50; canners. $708; stockers and feeders,
$7.50012.-50; calves, $10013.50; bulls, stags,
etc.. $7011.50.
Sheep Receipts 7700, market steady to
strong. Wethers. $12.50 0 13.60; ewes, $10.80
013; lambs, $160 17.25; yearlings, $130
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Aug. 6. Hogs Receipts 33,
000, strong at Saturday's best on good hogs;
others very slow and lower. Butchers, $19.10
019.20; light, $19.45019.80; packing. $180
18.95 rough, $17.60 0 17.90; bulk of sales.
$18.10019.65; pies, good and choice, $17.75
Cattle Receipts 20,000, good or better,
steady; others slow and lower. Calves,
ateadv to 25 cents lower; beef cattle, good.
choice and prime, $17.60 0 18.73; common and
medium, $10.50017.50; butcher's stock, cows
and heifers. $7.25 014.25; canners ana cut
ters. 86.25627.25: stockers and feeders, good.
choice and fancy, $10013; Inferior, common
and medium, $7.75 0 10; veal calves, good
and choice, $16016.55.
Sheep Receipts' 17.000. Native lambs
weak. Western lambs held higher; bidding
steady. , ..
Weather Reports Send Market
Sharply Upward.
Sizzling Temperatures and Scorch'
ins Winds in Middle West Are
Factors Ruling in Chicago
Board ot Trade.
CHICAGO, Aug. 5. Corn shot skyward to
day. Impelled by fear of crop damage due
to widespread record-breaking heat and to
raiiure of expected raina. The market
closed strong at the topmost level, o net
higher, with September $1.62 1.63 and
October $1.63.
Oats gained lo to 2Hc The outcome
in provisions varied from 10c decline to a
rise or 7 cents.
Excited buying rushes hoisted the corn
market at the opening. Reports of alszling
temperatures, scorching winds and lack of
moisture were augmented by forecasts that
indicated that no immediate relief was In
prospect. All other price-making factors
were temporarily Ignored, including even
tho war news. Brief transient reactions
caused Dy profit-taking took place at in
tervals during tho session, but aa soon as
the market ahowed a fresh scarcity or of
ferlng the quotations soared azaln with
out a check until the gong cleared the pit.
uais caugnt the buying fever from com.
Provisions were listless. Lard responded
a little to the bullishness of corn, but pork
and ribs were weakened by tho nearness
ot xne government maximum.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. Hleh. Low. Close.
Sept. $1.39 $1.6.1 $1.59 $1.2X
kjcu ...... t.ou 1.64 l.Otf l.ra
Sept. 67 .67 T4 .67 .6i
Oct 68 .69 '.4 .68 .6,a
SOP!. ..' 44.83
Sept. 26.75 26.70 26.70
Sept. 24.95 24.95 24.85 24.87
Sept. 44.85
Cash prices were:
Corn No. 2 yellow, $1.7601.77; No. 3 yel
low. fl. 6701.70: No. 4 yellow, tl. 6001.61.
Oats No. 3 white, 69694c; standard.
Rye No. 2. $1.38.
Barley 410c $1. t
Timothy $608.60.
Clover Nominal.
Lard $26.66.
Ribs $24.25023.
Minneapolis Barley Market..
MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 5. Barley, - 2c
Visible Grain Supply Change.
NEW YORK, Aug. 8. The visible supply
of American and bonded grain shows ths
following changes: -
Wheat. Increased 8.986,000 bushels; corn
decreased 626.000 bushels: oats decreased
1,681.000 bushels; rye Increased 9000 bushels;
barley decreased 271.000 bushels.
Chanse Would Brlnp; AH Sections Into
Harmonloua Groups From CU
matlc Standpoint.
BOISE, Idaho, Aug. 6. (Special.) A
plan is proposed for the re-arrangement
of the boundary lines of the three
states of Idaho, Oregon and Washing
ton, so that the more geographical fea
tures of the three states may be taken
advantage of. Such a step would re
quire the sanction of the Legislatures
of the three states Involved and also
that of Congress.
Under this plan Oregon's boundary
lines would be so changed as to form
that state out of the present western
portion and the western portion of
Washington. This would make It a
coastal state giving it the Puget Sound
country including the cities of Seattle,
Tacoma and the present capital of
Washington, Olympia.
Washington would be formed out of
the eastern portion, of the present state
and the northern or panhandle section
6f Idaho. Idaho would include all (if
the present portion or southern part of
the state below the Salmon River and
the vast eastern empire of Oregon.
From a climatic standpoint, this pro
posed division would bring all sections
of the three states into harmonious
Next Tear's Teaching Force at Cen
tralis Announced by Board.
CENTRAIilA, Wash., Aug. 5. (Spe
cial.) The local School Board an
nounced today that all contracts have
been signed by members of next year's
teaching force
B. K. Cook has been elected principal
of the Oakvlew School to succeed M.
L. Juneau, resigned, while Conrad Lust,
of Cheney, will succeed Walter H. Mar
tin as principal of the Logan School.
E. K. Harkness. who la engaged in
T. M. C. A. work at Camp Lewis, has
resigned as principal of the Washington
School and will be succeeded Dy miss
Z. May Meighen. J. B. Russell will be
principal of the Lincoln school, suc
ceeding J. P: Cavanaugh.
Miss Meighen today succeeded rl. K.
Rogers, principal of the Edison School,
as canning and garden club leader in
LAMORBATJX Elra Lamoreauz. 988 Mon
tana street. July 29, a son.
JEFFERS Martin Jeffers, 185 Morris
street, July 29, a daughter.
MACHT Wlihelm Macnt, railing
street, July 29, a daughter.
ETHRINGTON William James jstnring
ton. 146 Russett, Jaly 27, a son.
LITTLE Carl Mlze Little, llio jsast
Davis, July 27, a daughter.
HUDDLESTON Harry Huaaieston, mils-
dale. Or., July 27, a daughter.
BONNEATJ Peter E. Bonneau. 189 Church
street, August 1. 1918, a son.
Maniaze Licenses.
40. 306 Front street, and Mrs. Goldle Shan-
baum. legal. xa Grant street.
GlRONa-KLlNGER Fred R. Glbons. 26.
Boring. Or., and May L. Klin gar, 20, 6363
Ninety-second - street Southeast.
BELL-JENSEN Albert Bell, 20. 1311
East Fourteenth street, and Eva O, Jen
sen. 20, same address.
COPPOCK-YOUNG Ross H. Coppoek, le
gal, Salem, and Lorene Young, legal, 923
Weldler street.
ttsi MmAS-BHiNT Gus Keramldas.
33 63 Fifth street, and Josephine Grant, 22,
1774 Seventeenth street.
Lombard. 24, 248 Fargo street, and Mar
garet McNamara, 23, same address.
MILLICAN-8EARS Delmar Milllcan. 21,
499 North Twenty-first street, and Marls
Sears, 18, 605 North Twenty-first etreet.
t l ' it . ti v f ' 1 1 h and Iran H
Conner. legaf. Multnomah Hotel.
GURTLE-ERICKSON Stephen J. Gurtle.
86, 654ft Wllliama avenue, and Anna Erlck
son, S3, 772 Williams avenue.
Vancouver Marriage Licenses.
T A T crtV-T.VnTW Tnhn T.arann. S3. of
Portland, and Miss Myrtle Ledin, 22 of
.CAKTER-TRAWICS. Samuel carter, iiv,
Morris Brothers, Inc.
Established 25 Years.
. 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. '
Municipal Bonds Yielding from S.2S to 7
If yon must SELL yonr Liberty Bonds, SELL to TJS. If yau can BUT
more Liberty Bonda, BUY from la, We BUY and we SELL at the New
York market.
Telephone Main 3409.
Liberty Loan Department Open Until
6 P. M. Saturday
We offer out of our allotment
American Telephone and Telegraph Co.
7-Year Convertible 6 Gold Bonds
at 94 and Interest, to Yield 7.10
DATED August 1, 191S DUB Auguit 1, 1S25.
Registrable as to Principal
Principal and Coupons Feb. 1 and Aug. 1.
payable In New York and Boston
Denominations $100 $500 $1000
Convertible at holder's option after two years Into etoclc of the
company at 106. Conversion privilege offers opportunity for ex
cellent profit. For the past 12 years dividends of 8 per cent per
annum have been regularly declared. Average price of the stock
on the New York Stock Exchange since 1901 haa been high
145, low 122.
These bonds are the direct obligation f ths company: are senior
to the outstanding capital etock, which at the present low market
price represents an equity of over 3400,000,000 for the company's
funded debt, including these bonds, of $233,000,000.
Operation of the company Is now conducted by the United Etates
Government, which assures maintenance of earnings.
Price 94 and Interest to Yield 7.10'
We reserve the right to withdraw thn
offer at will and to advance the
price to conform with market value
Capital and
of Salem, Or., and Miss Allelne Trawick,
20, of Salem, Or.
GEXSER-EASLEY Mathlas Genser, 2T,
ot Webb City, Mo., and Miss Helen Easley,
21, of Debb City, Mo.
WILLIS-MILAN Walter Willis. 32, of
Forest Grove, Or., and Miss Eva Milan, 18,
of Forest Grove. Or. . ,.-.
PURDIN-FRENCH Homer Purdln. 21. of
Forest Grove. Or, and Mrs. Celia French,
22, of Forest Grove. Or.
nUliUon-"" m .
of Dallas, Tex., and Miss Genevieve Row
ley. 20, of Vancouver, vvasn.
1IONAKEA-U1BSUJI James xnonane
of Portland, and Miss Olive Gibson, 18, of
Portland. , , ,
MONROE-HALli rrQ jionc,
M r.hfild. Or., and Mrs. Grace Hall, legal.
of Eugene, Or.
Building Permits.
BEN KING Erect shack. Ivanhoe street;
between Catlin and yrumbull; builder, same.
125. K, .
RUDOLPH IfBUIBUn xvcymr --
North Seventeenth, between Lovejoy and
Marshall: 50.
i ot .ml '' Knrth PmnL between
Burnslcle and Couch ;15now A Galgiani, bulld-
T.: . tr c .... !t!t Va.t Seventh.
between East Couch and East Burnsido.
builder, same; u.
E B. BARTHROP Repair residence. lZea
East Fortieth street, between Woodstock and
Martin: G. W. Glllihan, builder: 40. .
DAVID KURTZ Repair sleeping porch,
Morris street, between Union avenue and
Rodney; builder, same: 70.
. . i . tii.'-tii -or ,-TTWT Rnnlr rRldenee.
821 Eugene street, between Union and Boo-
Fifty-eighth avenue, between Sixtieth and
Sixty-second; builder, same: 25.
MAUDE E. TILLMAN Repair store build
ing, 1101 ti Belmont street, between Thirty
seventh and Thirty-eighth streets; Walter P.
Tillman, builder; 50.
uvanijUUA. ua ' -' ' - . ......
896 Court avenue, between Mason and bald-
more; L. W. Zel!er. ouituer;
OVERLOOK LAND CO. Erect residence,
915 Court avenue, between Skldmore and
oiason: v. w. z.ener. ouuuer,
Broadway, between Forty-second and Forty
third; B. F. Pond, builder; $2500.
X,3ArtX4a "c,." - ----
between Yamhill and Taylor; Ferrell Roof
ing Co., Duuaer; iou.
pnRTT.Awn. A n r B. Maximum temper
ature. 7fi decrees: minimum. 69 desrees.
River reading. 8 A. M.. 7.5 feet; change
in last 24 hours, 0.2 foot fall. Total rain
fall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.), none. Total
rainfall since September 1, 1817. 89.0.V
Inches; normal, .oo incnes; aenciency,
R 47 lTiiltu Kunrlae. 8:58 A. M.: sunset.
8:35 P. M. Total sunshine. S hours 81 min
utes; possible, 1 hours 87 minutes. Moon
rise. 4:52 A. M. ; moonset. 7:45 P. M. Ba
rnmntmr reduced to aea level) 5 P. M..
80.08 Inches. Relative humidity at noon.
62 per cent.
1 lie wbAiniin.
State of
s 5
M n
i SI
i -
I :
Baker 80 7210.00 .. NW Pt. cloudy
Boise 68 7810.00 14 W Pt. cloudy
Boston 64 84(0.06 .. S Cloudy
Calgary 48 ...
Chicago 74 102 0. 00110 SW Clear
Denver 62 8610.20!. .INB Rain
Des Moines 10410.001 2SVV Cloudy
Eureka . 52 6210. 00 16iNW Clear
Galveston .... 80 8610.00 lSiSE Pt. cloudy
Helena 62 62j0.01 10 VV Cloudy
tJuneau 62 . . . 10.00 . . 8 Rain
Kansas City .. 86 104;0.00 18 S Clear
Los Angeles .. 84 0.00 .. S Clear
Marshfield ... 60 74 0.00 .. NW Clear
Medford 45 80:0.00 10 NW Clear
Minneapolis .. 72 8610.00 12 NE Cloudy
New Orleans.. 76 02,0. 00.. SB Cloudy
New York ... 86 00 0.18120 SW Cloudy
North Head .. 68 80 0.00114 NW Cloudy
North Yakima. 68 88 0.00 16 NW Clear
Phoenix 74 96 0.78 .. NW Clear
Pocatello .... 64 80 0.00 12 W Clear
Portland 51 ... 0.00 . . NB Pt. oloudy
Roseburg 66 78 0.00 10 NW Clear
Sacramento .. 60 9410.00 .. NW Clear
St. Louis 84 10410. 00 241SE Clear
Salt Laks .... 72 R0.00 10IN Clear
San Diego ... 88 760. 00 .. SW Clear
San Francisco. 64 74 0.00 18ISW Clear
Seattle 66 740.OO..W Clear
Kitka' 6810.00 calm Cloudy
Spokane 62 84(0.00 . .(SW Cloudy
Tacoma 66 72I0.OO..N Clear
Tatoosh Island 64 6610.00 10ISW C oudy
tValdez 44 ...10.88 calm Cloudy
Walla Walla.. 62 8210.00, . . SW Pt. cloudy
Washington .. 741 8SI0.04 ..IS Clear
Winnipeg 64 76,0.00 . ..VE Pt. olondy
f A. M. today; -P. M. report preceding day.
-Portland and vicinity Fair; gentle west
erly winds. ,
Oregon ana wasnington fair, roeucrme
westerly winds.
Idaho r air, except inowcn uuinik
portion; warmer southwest and cooler south
east portion. . . . .
Choir Organized In La Grande.
LA GRANDE, Or., Aug. 5. (Special.)
-Prof. Edwards, of Baker, In La
Grande tonight put the finishing touch
upon the community choir which is
to supply the music at the patriotic
conference of all war agencies next
Thursday. This is the first choir of Its
kind in Eastern Oregon.
Irrigation to Be Investigated.
TAKIMA, ,Wasb Aug. . (Special.)
Surplus $600,000
NO. 282 - FACTS I
Among reasons given by the
Council of National Defense for
greater use of highways is
"The farmer Is relieved of liaul-
lng his products to market,
conserving farm labor. Haul-
lng done by five men with
; wagons can be done by a man
with a motor truck at many
times the speed." To accom-
plish this It is necessary to
pave highways with
: 711 Journal Bide Port land.Or.
I FACTS - NO. 282 - FACTS !
State Hydraulic Engineer Marvin
Chase is expected here in the next few
days in connection with the apportion
ment and restriction of the Summer Ir
rigation water supply to private Irri
gation canals. He will also Investigate
conditions which caused the demand of
the State Game Warden that flahways
be placed in storage dams, including
those of the Government
A. L. Valentine to Represent Flume
Company In Seattle.
A. L. Valentine, former Mayor of
Nome and for the past nine years
superintendent of public utilities In
Seattle, has been made Seattle man
ager of the Coast Culvert & Flume
Company of Portland. The company
has undertaken a large amount of
work for the Government and John S.
Beall, president of the concern, plans
to distribute much of this work through
the Seattle office.
Mr. Valentine was in Alaska during
the gold rush. He removed to Seattle
15 years ago and served two terms aa
engineer of King County before he was
elected to the Department of Publlo
and all kinds of Fruit Boxes shipped
anywhere, in small or large shipments.
1114 E. Taylor St, Portland, Or.
Phone Tabor 3609.
Ketchikan, WrangeU. Juneau, Douglas,
Haines. Skagway, Cordova, Velds
Bsward and Anchorage.
Special Summer Excursions. Round
trip rates to all Alaska points. Largest
ships, nnequaled service, low rates. In
cluding bertha and meals. Hake reser
vations. STEAMSHIP
Sails Direct (or
For Particulars Apply
Frank Boll am. Agent,
109 Third Street. Main 2.
Fast American S. S. SONOMA, TENTt'BA.
Honolulu, S70 1st, 6o 2d. bailing dates oa
Oceania B. s. J evi ntia du o. a i;ai.
Honolulu, Suva, Now Zealand
Largest, newest, best -equipped steamer.
For fares and sail In sa annly Can Pac Bll
way, Third St., Portland, or Oeneral
I AsaW 44Q beymour bt Vancouver, ii, Jb