14 THE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1918. KDITATIONAU KOMtN TKLKGHAPHEKd IN DEMAND, tirvat opportunity lor women ma tal grapn operators. take plac.s of men being Jr(ir.l for signal eorpa. Positions psylng a soot salary and advancement. Particu lars. nit or call Rill way Tliraph loaL. 1 Halloa, Exch. blda.. Portland SITCATK8 YTANTEU MALE. A Willi. I. MI PKKINTEXl'KXT. Wntr1. position as sawmill supt.. by a caphle lumberman and mechanic with 12 )pirn' experience In Coast mills: can handle labor and Jfet results; cood feferencea. Ad- 1ra AV 37'i. QreKonlan. 1 i r. to war conditions havs Just severed connection with larc. concern: desire become Identified with established business that offers advsncement: accustomed to m-etln public and not afraid of work. B.I Ml'. QreKonlan. e'biX-CDL'CATED man. axe 40. bachelor. of isrnod appearance and address, seeks I situation as collector or any other posi tion of trust: hlchest references and se- curlty. Telephone Main e31'0. WAMKD-Position as mill supt.. by prac tical, mechanical lumberman with 13 years' experience In larc. and modern mills. V Sl. Oregonian. HOTEL, clerk for 80 -room mill hotel: must I ha. soma knowledge of accounting; state experience, and wages expected. 8 7S. Ore- gonlan. PRINTER Steady. reliable, all-around newspaper and Job man wanta permanent I position; can handle Job presses. IK- s-a. Oregonian. X X P K K I K N ' fcj D auditor and accountant ooen for ooaitlon as lumber or logging; married, age 3o; best of references. -AB 43. Oregonian. KIiJH school graduate wishes work after 4 P. M.. Inside position preferred: knowledge or bookkeeping and typewriting. AK nu. Oregonian. Y A . I c. I) position by experienced grocery clerk and meat cutter: not in draft: pre fer small town. W. Whitlow. 123 W. Tyler. EXPERIENCED gardener wants to work evenings in return for H. K. room and supper: first-class references. 8 70, Ore- gonian. r A t'.P V. T y R and millwright with experi ence; aa sawmill operator and manager da- I sires employment. E 4"i. oregonian. PAINTINiJ and tinting: prices reasonable;! estimates given. G. Wlllard at Co. Main I XMBAI.MER. first-clasa ail-round man. would consider permanent position with I Al firm. A V 112. oregonian. CARPENTER foreman. 15 years" experience I st house iima, open lor position. Jli 3W3. Oregonian. WOULD like to place boy 13 years of age I on ranch permanently II satisfactory. I Marshall 242. EXPERIENCED man. above draft age. seeks position as city salesman witn a Portland rarg. co. E 413. oregonian. JlI CARPENTER wants work afternoons near M. A. car line. Phone Wood. awn 135T. Al ACCOUNTANT dealres work half days or less: permanent or temporary, oraiia, Broadway 245. EMPLOYMENT In garage or machine shop by active boy over IS. sellwood. Jjd. PAPER hanging, painting and tinting; good work; right prices. Mar. -'4tf a. SITUATION wanted Saturday. Sundays, or both. J. C. Flcht. 1XW E. balmon st. KALSO MINING, painting, plaster patching. reaonab.e. 3la;n W.."J. WANT contract for cutting cordwood. P. F.. 174 .Morris St., Portland. Or. FAINTING, paper hanging, kalsominlng I neatly done. East iu21. A JAPANESE wsnts any kind Job after P. M. AJ oh. oregonian. WANTED Boy. about 15. wants work on dairy ranch or farm. Call 155 East th st. LINOTYPE operator, country town. Oregonian. Y 674. MAN above draft age wants position as watchman, day or nlgnt. Main 2ai. CESSPOOL Route A. digger. Martin Rita, Gresham, f PRINTER perlenee: Competent, city and country ex- exempt, s 12. oregonulan. xookkeepers. Stenographers. Offlca. DO you need a young man In your business who has had executive experience. Is first-class bookkeeper and who will give the same personal interest to your buslni that he would give to his own? Married. exempt frxm draft, can start work at once. BF 413. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, cashier, high- grade man. with college training and 25 yearr varied experience, desires position: highly recommended: out-of-town position acceptable. W 412, Oregonian. PRINTER Steady, reliable, all-around newspaper and Job man wanta permanent position: can handle Job presses. BO 325, Oregonian. I AM an accountant and bookkeeper, 13 yrs. experience; 38 yeara old; best references. Main 2M7. BT experienced bookkeeper, position requlr- I ing 3 or part or time. Phone Mar. 4l'qx NIGHT delivery wagon. $5; also harness. Highland Market. 1QQ5 Union ave. North. POSITION wanted by experienced book-1 keeper. 595 E. Alder. Phone East 7358. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. I-iNOTYPE operator deslrea position where she can acquire speed: practical printer. -Address jt. jv. ju.. aj&i onyx su, Eugene, LADY wanta botue eleanlnx or othr work. I by hour or day; atlal'&ctloa ffuax&ateod. I Hrondwajr io. 11ATL RE woman wants poaltlon aa nura or I houaeiceepr: light work, amail wafaa. V' ANTED A place to tako car of chlldran I evtninga while mother la away; reference Mt FRKIKM KD lady elevator operator ami poelt!on; references. BJ AOS, Ore- I COMPETENT woman dealr cook a olace. private family, where second flri kept; fine! vqk: rT. w .Tfccs tMft to s.-nj. Main UoSJ TKI.KPHONB operator wants ooaitlon aa private exchange operator; one who under-I aianus lony-q. stance, h 603. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wlahea work In hotel. Phone 8 to 12 A. M. only. Wood-I N educated lady dealres a Dosltion caehler. clerical or office work. Call Mar- I.DI lated young woman, experienced. wisnes clerical work, billing or aaslatant own Keeping. bj 4vH. Oregon lan. Vl'L'NG lady wlahea poaltlon aa stenographer and off Ice. assistant ; one year'a expert- finr. i none nooaiawn loI. C ! Pfe.TF.NT laundrena wants work Tuea.. Wed.. Thurs. and Frt References. Wood- tawn mil. WANTED Woman, 29. wants elevator work. .A.".Kif.N:ED lady wanta to manage apt. ws . wvuillH-IIOUFf. a!Il OH.. REFINED high school girl will take care tniiarrn aunng nay, call TIPQr 8012. Bl experienced middle-aged woman, cham- in a hi worn in ROTtM. r.KSt 51 H. WOMAN wru work for room rent wages. BJ 504. Oregonian. LADY wants ironing. 40c per c.irf.qre. phnne Marshall 52.13. hour and I 1 IVPURE, UJCUY M4. t USfcD 1J I ill III LSI al laaiTlOr-.A. - s. Conrrizfct. 1OTS. by N pafrar MTtTATIOyS WANTKTt-FKMAI.E. NEAT-AI'I'KAKlNi; young lady wlnhes po-I snion. In doctors office, c zar store drug clerk: can furnish best of refer-I ent-es. AK 5'JR. Oregonian. WOMAN of -7 going to Atlantic Coast In Auaiifft will attend elderly lady. Invalid or child: exDerienceri in nursing and chil dren: references. Write M. E. H.. 1717 MlsAlon ave., Spokane. Wash. EA'PKKIB.VCED young lady wishes clerical work in general ornce: high school grad uate: husband In service. J t2. Ore gonian. WANT work ss housekeeper In widower's home who Is able to pay good wages. Mrs. Delia Kose, General Delivery, fort- land. ur. Bookkeepers. Fteno gran hers. Office). EFFICIENT stenographer and bookkeeper; 5 years with one firm; Main 2M7. best returences. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants posi tion. oodlawn 4Hl. Yol'NG school teacher wishes office work without stenography. B 4 it. Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER, very reasonable. Call East I TO obstetrio cases professional care. $40 for 14 days. Oregon Surgical Hospital. Main 156. PRACTICAL nurse, years of experience. open for engagement. Esst 4ii. Housekeepers EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes position in first-class family hotel. A.-i 4-tf, ore gonian Domestics. YOUNG lady wsnts general housework and cooking; no washing; wages xju-xja. (.an Woodlawn 1341. TWO experlepced women desire position cwiting i u i nairm crew ur vamp. m it TO. Oregonian. LADV wishes permanent position aa dish washer or kitchen helper. Phone aiain 257B. apt. IT. between 0 and 10 A. M. COMPETENT girl wanta position for gen eral housework. Bb 404. oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. FREE RENTAL . BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBU1LDINO CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity af housing accommodations, we reauest every patriotic cltlxen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mall information of same to Columbia R. S. B. Corp., box 1202. Portland. Or. MODERN S or 0-room house, one with gar age preferred. Portland Heights or KnoD Hill district, wanted for a year or longer. Call after Monday. Room 869. Multnomah I HoteL AE 340. Oregonian. TWO adults, no children, want 4 or 5 room bungalow or apartment. Beaumont, ML Tabor district, on or before September 1. Tabor 7497. WANTED To rent a 6 or 6-room furnished house or flat, Washington High School district preferred. Phone E. 8i6i. apt. 6- W ANTED At once, modern furnished or unfurnished 4 or 6-room house. Wood- lawn 4390. NICE, neat family want to rent 6-7-room I Prefer Woodlawn house by September 1. or vicinity. B 464. WANTED To rent furnished house, short or long term, by small family consisting of 8 adults; best references. Phone East 329. SMALL furnished house, modern, by man and wire; reasonable rent, close In or good car service; reference. Phone Mar. 4306. WANTED To rent a furnished house or apartment. 830 to $50. Main 8517. SMALL house or flat by responsible couple. ah uregonian. Apartments. WEST SIDi: Modern 4-room upstairs flat. with porches; for adults. Give prioe. V 480, oregonian. Room a. WANTED To rent. 2 housekeeping rooms, v est bias; completely lurnisnea; heat, electricity, within 10 blocks of P. O. ; miaa;e-agea man ana. wue. n eio, ore gonian. WANTED To rent 2 housekeeping rooms. west Bias, completely lumisnea. heat. electricity, within 10 blocks of P. O.; miadie-agea man ana wire, m 41b, ore gonian. WANTED By young couple, two or three! unfurnished rooms, mtth gas and alec trie I ngnts. j ed. Oregon lan. Rooms With Board. BOARD and room In private family $S week; z meais. 634 otisan st.. near is. 1st. FOR RENT. Kurn lulled Rooms. A Mode rate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrlaon and East Sixth. Hotel CUtord is the principal East Side Hotel and Is a hotel of dignity and re- iineraent. Dally rates. i up; two in room. 11.60; weekly rates. 14.60 and up. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Waahinaton St. Right In center of Portland's activities. with prices astonishingly low for a down town notei. we win giaaiy snow you our accommodations and quote ratea. HOTEL. NAVARRE, Alder St., Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated; handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 Grand ave.. furnished honsekeeo- Inr and sleeDlnr rooms for rent: also one S-room suite with bath. East 291. NOTICE, SHIPYARD WORKERS. Bed Front Htel under new manage ment; renovated. Rooms. up. Zofc r. 1 rat hi. bd. . Johnson. STANDISH HOTEL. 548U Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modern. per ween up. r ree pnones an J oaths. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Large light rooms, S2.50 week up. Brick bldg.. running water; close in. 565 Washington. HOTEL OCKLE Y. Morrison street at 10th, Rates 75c per day up; weekly $3.60 up; running water; free phone and baths. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East bide: modern, convenient, hlrh quality, low price. East 3d and Bumslde. THE WEAVER. 710 Wash. St.. Marshall 6170. Residential hotel, private bath and phone In every room. References. ADEN A HOTEL In heart of shopping dis trict: all modern conveniences. 14- o Far- re U st., San Francisco. ROSE FRIEND, Broadway and Jefferson, furnished room with private bath. Mar shall 1410. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. All outside rooms, cool, clean and airv: rates '3 and up a week. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th st. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main 9472. A 4783. HOTEL TAIT. Newly renovated. large, airv rooms. S3.69 and up. 12th and Stark its. Taub -lL LAST or $d&TZ.) FOR RENT. 1 urn iwhed Koomft. AN'SONIA HOTEL. 124 14th 8u, at Washington. Rates $4.00 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet. harmonious ervlronment. CONRADINE HOTEL. 10th St. at Oak. tender new management; nicely fur nished throughout: rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath, popu lar prices, llrst-claas hotel service; spe cial weekly rates to permanent guests. I HILL.CR EST HOTE Bath. Phone. S18 mo. up; without osth. 914. up. 723 Washington. Fnmfehed Rooms In Private Family. MOTHER and daughter wish to rent part or share o-room furnished flat with man and wife and arrange for board, as both are working. 4o2 H East Market, near oth: 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; 2 shipyards walking distance. Call after B:30 P. M. East 768. FOR RENT Two unfurnished steam-heated rooms with bath and porch; with or witn- out privilege or Kitchen; private entrance; reference. Call Main 4889 evenings or Sundays. 780 Irving at., near St. Vin cent's. Apt. 8. TWO business girls would like to rent furnished front room In flat to one or two other business girls. Kitchen privileges If desired. 'Phone between and 7. East 7007. BEAUTIFUL large room, hot and cold i water, private porch; suitable for one or two business men; West Side. . 181 North 22d st. ' NICELY furnished room In beautiful home. West Side, walking distance, electric lights, phone and bath, for ona or two persons. Main 7095. FOR RENT 2 bedrooms with privilege of using kitchen, close In and near shipyard: take Mississippl-ave. car to Dupont at.. walk east to zol. call alter o:ou tr. an. LARGE, well furnished front room with piano, walking distance, $12. East 3430. 2."-4 Union ave. North. TWO nicely furnished bedrooms In private family; nice location. o E. Davis. CLEAN rooms, bath, heat, light, phone, 18 to $12 per month. Hot latn at. NEWLY renovated rooms, home privileges. walking distance. Mar. 20Q8. au im si. ROOM, employed young lady preferred. Wil- lamette Heights. 4.35 ewton st. SLEEPING-ROOM, walking distance, close to shipyards. 412 10th st. Cnfdmlwhcd Rooms. 110 3 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 280 Ibarra Dee St., cor. i-iacaaniaa, now shipyard. THREE unfurnished rooms, close In. $15. 202S McMlllen st. TWO unfurnished rooms for rent in private family. 4256 6th, Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL RESIDENCE HOTELS. The Csmnbell. 23d and Hoyt.. Mar. 881. The Campbell Hill, 741 Wash., Main 7684. OUTSIDE ROOMS W11M HUAA1A 1 person, $45 a month and up. 2 persons. $75 a month and up. Elevators, phones In ail rooms; many rooms with private bath. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th at, THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth st. For business girls and stn- I dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1251. KING ALBERT APTS.. new 2 and 8-room housekeeping apts. ; elevator, harawooa floors. 11th and Montgomery. WILL board and care for child and furnish room for mother empioyea. Apply Glenn ave. PARKVIEW Family hotel. 886 Montgomery St.. In Soutn Parxway; wanting uisLance; excellent taole; reasonaoie rates, at. oioj. PRIVATE home for children from 8 to 12 years. 714 Everett st. Mar, zioa. THE MANITOU. 261 13th Pleasant rooms. double or single, with good board. Room With Board In Prlyato Families. FOR GENTLEMAN Pleasant room In at tractive, modern home, close in. juain 3792. 411 Mill. ROOM and board In private family; suit-1 able for ona or two. call at oitf m. xsurn- sl i e. LARGE, light front room and board In pri vate family: wanting aisianco. -n,. ma auu Burnsiue. East oeiore noon. CHILDREN to board In private family. Sell. 1780. ROOM In mod. home; home privileges; good table, suitable ror two empioyea. m. 100. Furnished Apartments. VILLA BT. CLARA, Twelfth and Taylor. Most modem apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in connection. Wal king distance. Re ferences. TC flTKLWTN. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished 6-room apt., with sleeping porch, Chinese rugs and willow furniture; all outside rooms; also 2 and 3 rooms with sleeping- porches, desirable for officers or nacneiors; reierencea re quired. Marshall 2830 nn'RMiR APARTMENTS. 13th and Jeffer son, Marshall HVlV lwo, inree or iou rnnm llirht. front, sunny housekeeping apartments; also front sleeping room. 4 irint inminharl onortmnt' desirable lo cation close in: wz.pu; aauiis uuiy. i Marshall 1S57 between 9 and 2 o'clock. THREE and four rooms and private nam. 840 'ft Mississippi ave. CARLOTTA COURT. Unfurnished Apartments, TftlS nVIS STREET. Seven-room duplex apartment In fire- nrrtnf blda.. mahogany woodwork, lira- place, 3 bedrooms and maid's room. irivr.sRiTRY APTS.. 188 Vista ave., 23d and Washington; very u"ii with outside balcony, xurnisnea ana un furnished. ittxe. l&rze. light. 2-room apt.. Dam. aress- -, - . 1 1 lng room, hot water neat, waiamg """ 355 Chapman, cor. win THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, a ana o-room, reason mc. w. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt, ana private porcn, ORMONDE APTS.. 666 Flanders One unfur nished 5-room apt, ror rent; no cnure. Fnrplshcd or rnfurnlshed Apartments. AND 4 furnished and unfurnished H. K. rooms. 532 Williams ave. Flats. 6-ROOM flat, gas range, gas water heater. linoleum, zio aaat j.oiu,cur. oaimuu. MODERN 3-room flat, 1K. 383 Cable st. Chapman car. Main 3476. MODERN five-room lower flat; adults. E. 15th. near Belmont! 164 Furnished Flats. 5 ROOMS, sleeping-porch, front porch, close in. West Side. $35; adults; references. 464 Hall st., Woodlawn lOQo. NICELY furnished modern 6-room flat, has fireplace, porch, etc.: rent i.ou monm; adults only. Call 441 11th st. ELEGANTLY furnished 5-room fli Glenn ave.. $40; one month only. Sellwood 21H2. t, 810 Phone Housekeeping Rooms. 1 SINGLE. 1 double housekeeping-rooms, near shipyards, ground floor 374 2d st. POLLY AND HER PA it Axa I 1 1 imi ini s 1 Great Britain Rigbta Reaerrad. Registered in U. S. Patent Office Jf EEWAII FETDS A SUBSTITUTE FOR SUGAIU BT CLIFF STERRETT. .m a. . .. ..m .. i.i.M.i.t.i.t ..--..-.-- mjjjj j. .-. FOB KENT Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; walking distance, furnished for housekeeping; in cluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all, free; $13 month up. Take "S" or Klth-st. car North, get off at Marshall st. Broadway 5038. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Complete xurmshed housekeeping rooms; modern; close In; reasonable. 565 Washington st. 421 H E. double rooms. MORRISON, cor. E. 6th Single, and suite M. K. and sleeping- TWO nice front housekeeping rooms, and cold water. 633 Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. ngnt. teiepnone. and cooking gas: 33. 405 W. Park st. Main 7864. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping, 21 per month. 682 E. Taylor st. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent. In quire estt irvmg st. 3 NICELY-FURNISHED rooms; adults. East - I B. -'U. Houses. HELP SHIPBUILDING. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. Ton can serve your country by helping shipbuilders locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfur nished houses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England. Main 1193. ELEVEN-ROOM MT. TABOR home for sale or rent; strictly modern, two baths, sun room, sleeping porch, mahogany and white enamel finish, hardwood floors through out; garage, lawn, fruit trees, etc.; $100 per month. 117 East 08th st. 13U9 E. HARRISON, corner of 49th, very modern 7 -room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-in effects, garage; $40. Marshall 858. 404 Gerlluger bide. WILL sell lease to strictly modern 5-room Dungalow for 9 months, together with up-to-date furnishings complete, $1200, cash. Call Tabor 9288. Wonderful bargain. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 674T. 10-ROOM house. West Side, newly decorated throughout, fine location, ooz oekum oidg. 7-ROOM modern, 5 down. upstairs; garage, $30. Year lease. Rose City Park; rent Phone Main 4134. 6-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale. 168 17th st-. between Yamhill and Morrison. HOUSE. 5 rooms, $20 a month; adults only. 312 i. 4itu st. s. Hawthorne car. FOR RENT 8-room bungalow and furniture for sale. Wdln. 3950. $15 6-ROOM house, gas, yard; 826 Sherman street, near sixth. Furnished Honsca. I NICELY furnished 8-room suite, very desir able, in modern home: phone, gas, elec tricity ana neat zumisnea; waiaing ais. tance, to adults. 94 N. 16th St., corner Flanders, West Slda. FURNISHED house, modern in every spect, very desirable, on river at Jennings Lodge; will lease; leaving city. Phone Hampton at Marshall 61o. LAURELHURST. Furnished 8-room house, sleeping porch. Oriental rugs and grand piano for rent- 110 Mlrlmar Place. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 8-room modern house, partly furnished. Call Main 3517. or 202 Wilcox bldg. IF YOU are looking for a furnished house from $40 up, call Main 3S17. FURNISHED, one of the nicest homes in the city. AR 684, Oregonian. Summer Resorts. CAMPERS, ATTENTION. Columbia Beach "BY THE SEA now open; most economical vacation for you and the family; beautiful groves, fresh water streams and lakes, offering good fishing; finest stretch of ocean beach on the Clatsop shore: abundance of sea food to cut the "high cost of livi-i. iargs hoy. tenta fullv eaulooed. including light. wnnd and nura mountain water: moderate charge. For reservation and particulars call COLUMBIA BEACH COM PAN I. 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 1612. FOR RENT For rest of the season, 5-room cottage, all furnished; running water: nice big ground; wen locatea ai Deacn denier, Wash. Rent $40. Call Sunday, Main 5502; week days. Main 9299. ! WANTED To rent cottage. Seaside, Or., two weeks from August n; must oe near ocean and have sleeping accommodations for six people. Y 567, Oregonian. NBAH-KAH-NIB 6-room furnished beach cottage, for August, $o0. week days. Main 6422; Sundays Main 8378. FOR RENT Attractive 7-room furnished cottage, ocean front. Newton station, Long Beach, balance season $30. Bdwy. 3517. FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage at Long Beach. Wash. East 6315. GEARHART Beautiful cottage on ridge balance season. &ox no, irearnart, ur. OCEAN PARK, WASH., furnished cottage. Sellwooa ueo. Stores. OAK, NEAR SIXTH. Light, roomy store, in brick building; all newly kalsomlned and in fine condi tion; good basement, excellent business location and reasonable rent. A. H. BIKKELL JU., Z17 IN. W. 5anK Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. JEFFERSON STREET. Good location near O. E. depot, nice light store In brick building, rent very reasonable. A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4113. BUILDING, suitable for garage or ware house, floor space soxoo feet, on the Last Side. East 204. ROOM suitable for confectionery, school supplies, school luncn or oaKery; opposite two schools. East 707. Offices. j r r- 1 1 : f.tt- storerooms auu nana also rooms suitable for light manufacturing office building accommodation; rent reasonable. Sweener Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg.. 8d and Washington. CHOICE! office rooms In the United States .National BanK Diag., at ixtn ana stark streets, inquire at tne oanic. DESK space to rent In one of best rooms Northwestern - sanK Diag.; teiepnone; give business, references. BJ 484, Oregonian. PRIVATE furnished office. $10; vacant of fices reasonable; nest service. &tock rJx change bldg. PRIVATE furnished office, $10; vacant of- f ces reasonable; best service. atocK ex change bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, SMALL confectionery and soft drink place that woman aione can nannie; state price and terms. S 91. Oregonian. GROCERY STORE, sales $70 day, all cash. no delivery; win invoice, j. a. .ttasseti, 53 Union ave. N. BARBER shop for sale, 4 chairs. V 465, Oregonian WELL-LOCATED downtown confectionery for sale; long lease, tr ua, uregonian. BARBER shop for sale: price reasonable. cor. 4th ana Washington. Hi-i tin. DANDY lunch and coffee stand In a first- class market. Af .ia, oregonian. -the, fioAftrV BttA ILL j$TCH Bl'SrNESS OPPORTUJOTIES. WOOD YARD. Located close In on Eaut Side: own the buildings, rent ground for $37.50 per month; 1 team horses, harnes. 2 4-ft. wagons, 2 short-wood wagons, 2 -cord . yard trucks, boiler, engine, wood saw, con veyor and all necessary tools; price for quick action, $800. RESTAURANT AND HOTEL. Located near shipyard, doing excelnelt business, feeding about 75 for dinner: 4 rooms all full: place clears $250 per month. The price and terms wlli surprise you. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Located In good town of 5000 population I In Eastern Oregon, equipped with Hoff-1 man press, dry cleaning machinery and all I necessary equipment of this kind: well es- taonsnea ana clears $350 to $400 per I month; irams building, rent $20; must be I sola at once; pnee $2000. GARAGE. Close In on East Side, equipped with lathe and all tools that are necessary! to make it a first-class place: large num- I oer ox cars in storage; price $2000. WOOD BUSINESS. Good, close-in location, on East Side; doing good business with room for Im provement: own the buildings, pay $50 perl monm rent; owner has other business: must sell; price $900. LUMBER YARD. In small town, located in excellent farm ing district near Portland; good track frontage and only yard in that district; x. i5.uoo Dupslness last year: the owner drafted and must dispose of this place and he will sell less than Invoice; might I accept some trade. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Niles. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. THE IDAHO GROCERY, LOCATED IN THE AND MAIN STS., FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS. AND DOING A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS, IS NOW FOR 8ALE, OWING TO THE ILLNESS OF PROPRIE TOR. SEE OWNER, 232 6TH ST., AT O.NCE. COUNTRY STORE BUSINESS. For sale or trade, located in good farm ing community aoout 18 miles irom Port land; well-established business ; ground. buildings, feed-grinding mill and about $1800 general stock of merchandise, all go i or iouo. A. J. DeFOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 697. IN order to sow the acreage in wheat that we have planned for next year's crop we I neea ajuuu. we oner amoie aecurity ana I exceptional returns; any that can In-( vest that much and Invest It safely, at the! same time make more than ordinary In-1 teres t ana neip win tne war, win oo well I to write str 4io, oregonian. IN order to sow the acreage In wheat that we nave planned lor next years crop, we neea .uuu. we orrer ample security ana exceptional returns: anyone that can In vest that much and invest it safely at the a Am a Hm m ka mAra, than .rrltnarv In. terest and help yin the war. will do well to write to is J? 4lo, Oregonian. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Niles. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. CONFECTIONERY BARGAIN. $500 lets you In a store clearing $400 a month profit. III health necessitates quick action, reason for selling on such easy terms. A. J. DeFOREST. 918 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. BAKERY" for sale. $500 will handle; a bona fide proposition; terms to suit. Come and watch us work and satisfy yourself. Busi ness has doubled in 6 mo. Machine shop. only shop in town of 3000. We have other interests to take care of. S 69, Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest in established real estate business, get auvice oi mtiana Keaity foara. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. CAUTION BUYERS. Before closing daa of so-called Interest in established reaH estate business, get advice or .Portland .Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. PICTURE THEATER BARGAIN. Splendid equipment, elegant arrange ment. 400 capacity, finest town In state: great bargain; hurry, investigate. Liberty Theater, Koseourg, or. ICE cream parlor, candy kitchen, cigars and I tobacco, fixtures worth price asked: aver age S3o per day: lull stock of goods; aver age 10 gallons ice cream a day. Call East 2139. HANDY man with $500 can buy In good auto garage with rename meonanic; want a partner to sell supplies, gasoline, etc., and help in shop; profits large. Call room 403 Dekum Diag. MILLWRIGHT wanted as partner In small sawmill wno can invest some money. Fine opportunity for right man. AV 380, Ore gonian. FOR SAL13 Stock of goods, clothing, dry goods, furnishings ana shoes, in good coast town, goods bought right, big margin. AV 361, Oregonian. AUTO garage: sell supplies, gasoline; and 35 cars steady storage; net p route $oO per month; trial given. .Room 403 JJekum bldg. JAPANESE agent for selling or buying ho-. tela and restaurants and land. insho Takemusa, 92 N. 5th sL, Portland, Phone A 153H. FOR SALE Old-established transfer and forwarding business; owner compelled to retire on account or sickness. For particu lars and terms apply at 31 2d st. WILL sell our cigar store, soft drink parlor I and confectionery store; price reasonable. 226 Morrison st. uood reason for selling. LUNCH counter and table restaurant In wholesale district: man and wife can make big money. Investigate. 462 Gllsan. A CASH business on Yamhill st., for $1500; clears $350 month; good reasons for sell ing. Room 408 Dekum bldg. NOTICE. General merchandise store for. sale bargain. W. Butler, Skamania, Wash. ONE large hotel for sale or trade at Ter rebonne, Or. Phone Wdln. 693, or call at 1202 E. 23d st. N. RESTAURANT with 9 rooms, doing good business. In payroll town; rent $50. W. D. McAllister. Camas, Wash. GARAGE, repairing, vulcanizing, sunulles. gas, etc.; rent fio; choice location. Owner I sick, must sen; $650. call 188 3d. COUNTRY store, near Portland. $2350. stock alone; sacrmce price lo00; must have cash. Marshall 4U15. ON account of draft, will sacrifice my 14 room hotel, with restaurant, close to ship yard. 24 Alblna ave. PRINTING; well-established, doing good business, good location, lease 515 month; $450 for quick sale. BF 405, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming-Houses. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL ft APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER I tJ-Z-i N. W. HANK BLDG. MODERN, completely furnished hotel, thrlv ing valley town. By owner. Bdwy 8125. 25 TO 40-room apartment-house. Cash. No agents. Wood. 2955. IF It is for sale, we can get It. bldg. 501 Raleigh 1 LS 1 r I 1 i : - . 1 2 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming-Houses. LISTEN TO THIS. 34 rooms, furnished to a queen's taste: excellent location on West Side: good lease at $150 per month: clears $250 per month; It It Is class you are sfter this place has It: $3300 will handle. 18 APARTMENTS. Frame building, rent $150. nicely fur nished, good West Side location; clearing over $200 per month; price $3600. Term a 38 ROOMS. Some h. k. apts.. located close to City Hall, frame building, rent $75; clears over $200 per month; price $2600; $1500 casn. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 28 apartments, all 2s and 3s. all with phone, bath, dressing-room and built-in bed; every apartment Is light and has an ouimae aitcnen; rent $260; 2H yrs. lease; west Biae, close in, brick building; in como $678; well furnished and clean; 4uuu casn handles It. A. J. DeFOREST, 813 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of any kind, anywhere, see H. M. Niles. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. I RITTER, LOWE CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP One of the best hotels in i. jonns, close to shipyard, full all the time; clears over $100 per month; bargain for quick sale. Call at Riverside Hotel, St. Johns, or phone Columbia 200. SMALL APT. HOUSE. 20 rooms; a little beauty; $1000 cash handles It. A. J. DeFOREST, 91SChamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 49 MODERN apartments. 2 and 3 rooms. brick building ; 5-year lease ; Income $1100 monthly; real bargain. E. T. Grif flths, 401 Gerlinger bldg. I HAVE the money for a good rooming or upanmeni nouse. not over fitooo; must show income of $100 or more per month. T 423. Oregonian. IF YOU want the best little hotel in Port land, 39 rooms, strictly modern, get a curve on you and answer this ad. S 71, Oregonian. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found cars of the Portland Railway, Light & power (Jo., Aug. 8, ll18; 2 purses, 1 pair glasses, 7 pases, 1 pair gloves, 1 gaunt let, 1 strap, 16 packages, 8 baskets, 4 lunch boxes, 3 suitcases, 4 travelling bags, 1 rabbit. 1 hat. 1 coat, 1 apron. 1 gocart. August 4, 1918: 1 purse, 4 pairs gloves. Z bags, 1 handkerchief, coins,. 1 busch Keys, Key, l pin l baby shoe, 1 fan, 6 packages. 1 lunch box. 2 suitcases. ? traveling bags, 1 neck piece. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder-street station. ouimay, aukubi , oiue .earner purse 1 wwiimmiuis om una email money ana yuainfic sittinys, Louiicu reai car or Isa bella st. to Montgomery drive; reward. Main 7531 or return to 735 Fern avenue, Portland Heights. LOST On Columbia Highway, Tuesday, Juiy u, large gray double wool blanket, Finder will be rewarded by notifying owner, . wunston, Vancouver, wash, Phone 309 J. PARTY who took green silk parlfsol Satur day afternoon in Olds. Wormian ft King millinery dept. is known. Return same to Oregonian office at once and avoid prose cution. LOST By aged hard-working man, out of employment, small DiacK purse contain ing $81 In currency, about $3.50 In silver. Finder please call Tabor 774. Liberal reward. LOST or stolen Collie pup, aged 6 mo. Dis appeared Sat. morning. Locked collar. and license 2734. 449 E. 9th st. Phone bell. 8401. LOST Small black leather purse, contain ing consiaeraoie money; 50 from son In i1' ranee; iioerai reward, sellwood 247u. o4 toponane ave. LOST Five-foot speaking tube, Monday af ternoon oetween ludor Arms Apartments and Olds, Wortman A King's store. Finder can Main 415 or 1007 Wilcox bldg. A WALLET, containing registration card and receipts of no value. Return to George jeier, care racuie rent at Awning o., tst ana Anneny sts. Kewara. LOST Between 5th and Columbia and 10th and Washington, an Eastern Star pin. Re ward. Tel. Main 1340, between 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. OPEN-FACE- Hampden 17-Jewel, gold case watcn, engraving on pack k. s. ; liberal reward will be paid to finder. Wood lawn 1616. LOST Little girl's red plaid skirt, Saturday night, on m. uroaaway or h. lotn st. jn. Finder please call East 3tf8. LOST Between Portland and Salem, 2 tires mounted on Firestone rims, tinder please call Tabor 3d 7 3. Kewara. LOST Little girl's red purse, containing car ticket, 5 cents and $2 bill. Finder please call Broadway 2409. LOST A sidewalk edger between 28th and Sandy boulevard and Morrison bridge. Main 9316, One dollar reward. LOST Sliver mesh purse, near Meier & Frank Co. Finder please call East 4337; reward. PURSE left at Portland Hotel. Reward. Phone E 2196. ! LOST On Columbia Highway, black hand bag, marked B. A. P. East 165o. Reward. LOST One round brooch in downtown dis trict; finder phone Main Ii4. LOST Canary bird. Phone Broadway 1818. Reward. LOST Red fox fur, between Willholt Springs and Molalla; reward. Tabor 2b 9. LOST Purse on Mt. Scott car. Finder please phone Tabor 1651. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. WILL not be responsible for any debts or obligations contracted by my wife, Myra M. Wilson, or any other party. George R. Wilson. ON and after Aug. 3, 1918, I will not be responsible tor any aebts or obligations contracted by my wife, Estella Benton. O. K. BBiTON. FINANCIAL. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. w. u. .ttecK, zio-zio Failing bldg Phone Main 3407. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Cash for any amount, 211 United States National Bank Bldg. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtavs. purchased. Lewis ft Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Main 6S8. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will psy cash. 653 Pittock block. Money to Loan on Real Etate. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 4118. MONEY to loan on rn1 eUn; iiiHtv . going rate of interest. Otto ft Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Ch amber of Comm e rce. t-,s STcR "&2d 'Balm" 11NANCIAL. Money to Loan on Keal Kstate. (JUK installment plan is the best aud lurtit method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 3d months, or $21.24 per month for til) months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and 'Interest. Other amounts In proporltlon. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVlNliS A LOAN ASS'Nj 242 Stark St.. PortUnd. or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVE!) FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DUKIKED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THB BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. Wit Mac MAS'ttER. 331 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. PAY OFF YOUK MORTGAGE) in easy installments with 10 years' tima to repay ; fully protected by life insur ance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Li fa Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong, Equitable office, oregonian bldg. $300, $400. S;00, $750, $1000 and up at low est interest rates, liberal prepayment priv ileges; no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO., 631 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM & CITY I'RUfEKTY. V UNION ABSTRACT CO.. a Corbett Bldg. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. d floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, espn cJaliy in large amounts. -a per cent up. $300, $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, ravorauie terms; no delay; no brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. (300. $400, $000. $750. $10UO and up at low est rates, quicK action, t red v. uermun Co., 732 Ch. of Com. Main 64J5. LOANS made on improved city and farm property, aui u. s. isut i Hank hldg. MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO., 405 Soiling bldg. $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. NO COMM1S- HlON. V. O. BOX 878. LOANS on city and farm property, 5 pef cent up. r. uehs. 420 Cham, of Com. $500 TO $2500 without commission; improved real estate. Main UT.i!, Tabor o4u. SEE US today ; loans any amount, 0-7. L'tLbAKJj-ilUKTU.N CO.. 725 Gasco bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. "WE LOAN MONEY' on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Lack transaction strlctiy confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY, SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made , to persons on salary of fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other persoual prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential, private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 3U6-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C. Mynrs Hcrrman, mgr., aU4 Stark st. Money louned on diamouda. jewelry. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama, Loan Office, 84 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan 011 diamonds, jewelry; legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since 18SS. Dan Marx. 2S Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED Graduated loan from $4000 to $25,000, gllt-edgo collateral security; will pay 10 per cent Intercut ; we Invite your thorough investigation with our co-optra-tion, by appointment. Address X 460. Ore gonian. WANTED Loan of $8000 to be payable "on or before" five years; will pay 8 per cent interest and give mortgage on producing farm worth $-5,000. Alpha-Uu derwood, Dufur, Or. WE can Joan your money on improved property. 301 U. H. Nat l Bank bltig. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy uwitch, 2 sep $1.50 24-inch wavy switch. 8 sep 1.00 All-around transformation 1.43 Hairdressing, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring. 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings. 96c. We buy your combiiiKS. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg., iid. and Washington. Marshall 1702 AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a sclent t He massage reduces high biouu. pressure and softens the arteritis. Iron side Institute, 327-8-9 I'll Lock block. Nursa attendants. Phone Broaway .'il2. Open W to 7. Sundays by appointment. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR, iWS 5th St., cor. Main, teaches pat mis try and card reading; ulso lessons iu science of lieu 1th and success. SOPHIA M. SE1P, mental, spiritual psycho- metrltit. Readings daily, circlet lues., Fri. b P. M. 505 Goodnougb bldg. Martth. -2503. . $1 WILL get both your feet fixed up good at Ur. caion a, me auuuuioi, in.u uui-su hurt you; 5 years here; exam. free. Globe Theater bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. hJ4. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers, lines t stocK num an natr goods; hairdressing, manlcurliiK, face and scalp treatment. 340 Alder. Main 540. LIBERTY Pile Remedy Is guaranteed or money rerunueu. ino matter now long ai fllcted. Call at 213 Stock Exchange Bid. or write Lock Box 441 SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch s multiple neeuie ineinoa. uiuoraeu by phyalclans. 504 Swetlund bldg. WANT in format ion concerning family oi DocaS roster jverna, iiwr uroinei, uau Foster. Write BJ 482, Oregonian. FACE massage, dandruif, itching scalp, moles removed. 230 FUcdner bldg. Broad way 16S5. m MISSES DANIELS AND BRIGGS, mani curing, electrolysis, facial and scalp treat ment. 322 Fliedner Bldg. Broadway 802. '"lV M US. T. C. SCfiO R I . teacher Truth Reading, daily circle, Sun. and Thurs., 8 P. M. 406 Jefferson. A 3S12. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc Hours 2 to 5 or by appointment. Phone Main 1040. flat C. 308 3d. RHEUMATISM. cons tipat ion, nerve and stomach troubles cured. Drugless Dr. Elma Sorensen. 508 Panama bldg. ELLA CACKETTE, scientific face, scalp treatments, manicuring, shampoo. 4ud Broadway bldg- Main 1307. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-needle method; trial free. Josie Fin ley 614 Eilers bldg. Main 6308. PR F. SMIDT, 212 S wetland bldg. Main 1941. Mineral steam baths, scientifla ni assage by one understanding the bod y. WANT to go California by auto; will pny fare, assist driving or drive wholly for fare. Lapham. Congress Hotel. MRS. STEVENS. 2. years Portland's re nowned palmist and spiritual reader. 374 Taylor St., cor. West Park. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm ot Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213, mornings. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 420 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 3473. StSiES Sua- aaid lQtz