Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 05, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Entered at Portland (Ornon) Poatofflce as
secondclaaa mail matter.
Subscription rata Invariably in advance:
I T Mail
r(!r, Sondar Included, one year " 2?
r.-a:iy. Sunday Included, six montni .
Liai.jr. Sunday included, three months
I-ai.y, tonday trcluued, oie month ..
rei:y, wltnoul tnnday. ona year ....
t'::y, without Sunday, aix months
ret:y. withom Sunday, ona menu
WeelcJy. one year
f under, one year
Bandar and weekly
By Carrier.)
Daily, Snndsy Include, one year ....
Ia liy. Sunday Ineladed. one month ..
1 i.y. Sunday included, threa montna
Caucasians iito the field, would ex- aggregate without their aid. Neces
tend a hand to the militant Russians sity has been a powerful stimulant of
or tne south, would stop Turko-eer- l ingenuity; in the past few months.
man penetration "fof Central Asia and Many have been surprised to learn
would give the allies control of the how much could be done by recourse
Baku oil field. . to the most primitive methods. The
The policy announced by the Pres
6 oo
present Summer has been particularly
favorable to the drying of small fruits
In the sun. with, sometimes, slight as
sistance from the kitchen stove. And
ident of "bending all our energies to
the resolute and confident purpose of
winning on. the western front" will
contribute to the success of these al- home drying outfits are neither mys
lied enterprises in Russia. The grow- terious nor complicated. They can be
lng American army will constitute fashioned by anyone who is "handy
sucn an imminent aanger to uermany 1 with tools, at small expense.
that it will compel the Kaiser to send I The pear crop of the Pacific North
more of his forces to the west, thus I west is a bumper one this year, and it
making easier the work of the allies should not be overlooked in this con
and of regenerated Russia in the east. I nectlon. The considerable Quantities
f-i-r. t?o tunoay. B? Freed from the Insidious forces which of pears which ripen Just after the
xai!y! without Sunday, on month 63 I betrayed them both under the Czar I prune season ends suggests that many
VZm!9ih. ttnmil'Untolto advanuge on other fruits, as has
iigm a. winning war mm uuey nave 1 ueen none in a lesser way in otner
been, and they may experience such a years. It Is to be hoped also that no
resurgence of martial ardor as will I apple will be permitted to go to waste
astonish and overwhelm their ene- I because It is below grade.
The importance of food conserva
tlon cannot be overestimated, and In
terest in the subject should net be per
mitted to lag.
.. 1 25
r riik. GIto Doe toff Ice address in I oil. tn
rltiditir muntr and atata.
r-ostace Katoe 11 ta IS pas-ae. 1 cant: la
t 32 patea, 3 cents; 34 to 4a pasee. S cents:
to u parrs, 4 cants: 2 to "S pases, i
cents: TS to 82 paea, cents. Foreign post- I mlea
as, uousiv n(w
rln Raala-aa OfflM Viml Conk
ltn. Brunswick bulldlns. New York: Verrea
Conk. In. Steaer bulldlns;. Chicago; Vsrrea
f-Ankltn KrM Ptm. bulidlne. UelTdlt. Mich.:
hen Francisco representative, R. J. BldweU.
f2 Market street.
A mother who Is anxious about
economical but tasteful dress for
har rhlldfAn. mm A vhfl haa decided
ru-aa. r yir. ausrv -;- views ob luxury and extravagance. In
The Associated Prass Is exclusively antl- I ,, . . -.,.
Sales of the controlling Interest in
thVnJ for renahiication of all news both war and peace times, has found the Portland Flouring Mills Company
l:epatehea credited to it or not otherwise a, pointed homily on the subject from ana jtg allied corporations to Max H.
wMIJrar "d Xh' V-' vee"6' 1 Houser Is an event of more than or-
patchee herein ara also reeerved.
with a
ah nrhta of republication at special aia- nu , 7. I dlnary Importance in the commercial
request ior re-puDiicnuon. " f Pi.n t t-
lng and sound and 1
8 Oregonlan submits
little essay herewith, with the ex
I ansa 111 LRI an r am if, ac ailU DUUUU OUU KJKJ Ui lao . -.
PORTLAND. MONDAY. AUGUST s. ma. I v. ... r,-.-ni. n,hmit. tv.a lana control or an enterprise which
it on to The Oregonlan
affairs of Portland. It fixes in Port
In FlJ . 1 I
bA? 'tThe "?1JL.!Sbm " had Its inception In this port and
iituw essay w""' which, by being linked with Interior
planatlon that It la a letter from Ben- .,. . ...
Jamln Franklin. Uien (June 8, 1779 1 . ua A n . . - . m ' .
In France, to his daughter Sara In ' ,A,(1,p.MI(,rtk .
America: I t m
Iywa va av avici5a vvuun ay. a io j.avv
that some of the mills are In compet
ed, a yard of common uia 1 24, and that I lng ports left the way open for the
It now reoulrad a fortune t maintain a 1 center or oneratlona fn rm rpmnvpri
Jzed his foreign policy. They seem to family in wry piain r.-I P"dvr. thither and for Portland to be reduced
Ignore the patent facts that the only uid "0f?.d;.w3i5 J! iln.m hi ' t . n,,horninnta nnsttinn m r-n.
semblance of government existing In Bn(1 'indurtrtons. and I could scarca beiiew trol passed Into outside hands. That
residue Russia is in scarce conceaieo. my ayea in readinr in5?;, possibility has now been removed
l lanp w lh ff-manv inn anmiiv to 1 " r - - . . - 1 r . , ,
on." and that you yourself wanted oisxk pins I mr. xxuuser uu pruTea jiiutseix loy
and feathers from Franca, to appear, I sup- I aj to Portland on every occasion. By
This leius m. to Imatlna that removing, here from Pomeroy he
It Is not so much that the goods ara grown I proved his conviction that this port Is
dear aa that tha money haa crown cheap. I tvA mln oontar nf tf vaMtn Vnrili.
force: that the Independent republic ",t? u" "L"", west, and by building up here the
founded in Transcaucasia was eager I 'Vk.,. 'Vr.T.VTJ WT,', I tt Bxaln Mrt hnnl nMR In this
ior aia from me aiiies out una ovea 1 p( (iovas mlt ht ba haa for half a crown. I section he proved both his own bus
destroyed by Turkish and German Id. The t ' lness ability and the soundness of hi
The plans announced by President
XVUson for American-Japanese help
to Russia are marked by that ever-
scrupulous regard for the Integrity
tf other nations, which has character-
alliance with Germany and enmity to
the allies; that the new governments
which have been set up In Ukrainla
and Finland are mere creatures of
Germany, and were established by
vaders; that the similar government p-bJV&pS? thwnr'm'.y
.ki.k ..A.u- v. . w-- I An n nn. ha nnn fnlrAn a. lnnmo- nnrr
iounaea in suoeria ey win xiur- 1 maka our frugality necessary: and aa I am m every movement to establish Bteam-
vath invites mUltary aid; that every way. vnmchto, that doetrina. I cannot la h, u fr the Columbia River,
jiarty In Russia except the Bolshevik! by"? "Tur1.ubi Z which is an earnest of his Intention to
xaakes a like appeal and that that
Tarty retains its hold only by terror-
But the words "seem to Ignore" are
used, because the President's carefully
phrased announcement contains evl
dence that he has taken cognizance of
these facts, and has shaped his pol
icy to produce from them develop
ments favorable to the allies. He is
so fully convinced of the right of the
children with foolish modes and luxuries.
L therefore, send all tha articles you de
sire that ara useful and necessary, and omit 1
tha rest; for, as yon say, you should "have
great pride la wearing anything I send, and
showing It as your fathera taste." I must
avoid giving yon an opportunity of doing
that with either lace or feathers.
If you will wsar your Cambria ruffles as
1 00, ana tage care not to mena tne noies.
they wiu come in ume to be laoet ana reatn.
era, my dear girl, mar ba had in America
from every cock a tall.
promote that end byxnaklng the bulk
of his exports from here. "Flour will
constitute such a heavy tonnage as
to prove a strong attraction to ship
owners. If importers and other ex
porters follow his example by giving
their business to this port as soon
as shipping lines are established, no
doubt need be entertained that ton
nage will be offered. Assurance to
that effect haa been given by the
Franklin was not merely a phll-
Czecho-Slovak army to make its way I osopher; he was an economist and a operating department of the
xcrouga xiussia unmolested oj aus- i rather.' paternal iove is as 01a as Corporation.
man ana uerman prisoners mat ne 1 time and SO is paternal advice, it is
proposes to protect it. He studiously I rare that counsel more than one hun-
refrains from mention of the Bol- dred years old has sucfa peculiar per-
sheviki. but implies that their govern- tlnence to times so far apart.
ment is not worthy of the name and is
It remains for the people of Port
land to do their part. They have
given abundant proof of their ability
and willingness to give liberally for
patriotic purposes which are national
In scope: they have equal ability and
should be equally willing to invest, in
enterprises which appeal to their
The Oregonlan seams to think that Gover-
I nor Wlthrcombe. when the road bond bill
I was pending, could do nothing mora nor I civic patriotism and Which also prom-
leaa tnsa ne aia m m. auonussion 01 tne js proflt tO them. Shipping COm
measure to tha people Just aa prepared by rf 7 "
th. Portland bunch panies are the proper sequel to ship
The Governor could have Insisted that tha I tfuildlng, and are the best means of
a tool of the enemy, for he says his
object is "the rendering of such aid
as shall be acceptable to the Russian
people in their endeavors to regain
control of their own affairs, their own
territory and their own destiny." He
evidently expects the "few thousand"
American and Japanese troops to measure carry a clause requlrins tha bonds fostering that Industry, which is the
prove rallying Points for those Rus-I b "old at not leas than their par value. I . , - . , ,..,,
wul ne uiun t. -
Ha coald have Insisted that the measure They will attract transcontinental
should carry a proviaion which would per- freight over the railroads, and will
mlt tha people to elect whether they pre- . .
f erred an annual tax for road purpoeea ' - -.v . .--
rather than bonds, but ha didn't. Scio I adjustment of railroad tariffs to which
Tribune. I Justice entitles it. They will stimu-
The Legislature, and not the Gov- late traffic on our inland waterways,
AVI If fArmnlaf IliA waf AAAil Thill I vh ATI will nflVA f h A Aff AAt Af frtpf TItf
" T. . . u. . n"11 .ubmitted it to the people. railroad rates down to the level de
at. viaaivosioa. jucnanget ana Jioia i,. T.i.t,iM nnt Ra.. Immri hv ih vit mHt
wmcn maysuosequenuy oe neeaea 07 naa the privilege and the pow- All 'of these things can be accom-
Russian forces evidently the forces D.inTin I nii.h a.aai. Tnrtiar.A win
pleased about sale at' par value of 1 pull loyally together to build up their
the bonds. port by building up Its commerce and
The Legislature, and not the Gov-1 manufactures. Mr. Housers acts as
ernor, had the privilege and the pow-1 a public-spirited citizen and as a sue
er to provide for an annual road tax: cessful business man mark him as a
but it did not. I leader in this work, and the grain and
If the Governor might have Insisted I flour traffic which he controls will
on this, that or the other clause in prove sin Irresistible drawing card -to
condition, so might the Tribune, or I other water traffic.
elans who wish to take up arms
against Bolshevik-German terrorism
and to organize an orderly government
which will exterminate the bands of
murderers, brigands and traitors which
masquerade as a military force under
the name of Red Guards. The allied
which the President expects to be or
ganized against the Germans and Bol
The expectation seems to be that
the Russians will rise up so rapidly
against their oppressors that either
they will invite further military help
or that any further military help need
only take the form of munitions. When
'a vveua n uveal vvvuvuaIV alCty
he given by the proposed civil com
mission In the shape of reconstruction
and equipment of railroads, farm lm
plements, industrial machinery, re-or
ganization- of, industry and advice in
forming local governments, without
danger that these things will redound
ta the profit of the enemy, as was the
case with large quantities of the ma
terial supplied to the Czar's govern
ment. Thus the President brings his
scruples about meddling In the inter
nal affairs of another nation and
against "merely making use of Rus
sia" into harmony with the purpose
to help Russia and again to, bring
Russia into line with the allies against
There are many good grounds for
believing that these expectations will
b'e fulfilled. Tha only pro-German
parties In Russia are the Bolshevikl
and the monarchists: all other parties
are so disenchanted with a German
peace that they prefer open war.
Wherever an armed force hostile to
Germany has appeared, the people
have overthrown the local Soviet and
one. Tet the sole responsibility was
with tKa T .AfHelcif iifA
" I C , TTT "T- 1 . l 1
The Tribune goes far out of its way O1ov"u"' " " ,";
T7rfAr,tAHiw a- ia A,,itA whiiia Pl" 'r extension of the draft age-
to stand by the record in the road ls -trooffest tesUmony n
bond matter, since the policy of high- "9 favor; because he had previous,
way construction under the bond plan demurred to It and had been granted
ls being admirably vindicated. The "m,8 to prepare a plan of his own. In
rw cat, i n t. iAA.t. A,ifi. V.A. designating 18 to 46 as the limits he
cause the Incident illustrates strik-"Vl7 follows the feneral practice of
ingly a phase of the referendum evo,J DJ?on .wl"a tnves umver-
whlrn la lta mnt rlAfart lrluuul' icomi. uk w
be to place at the disposal of the Pres
ident all the material likely to be
available for soldiers and which
might be needed, and to let him pick
the best according to general rules.
Then he may call Into the Army any
age-class and may defer calling other
classes so long as they pursue certain
training or occupations in which men
are needed. That would carry out
the work-or-fight idea to perfection,
and young loafers would disappear.
Acceptance of the wide age-limits
proposed, is gratifying evidence that
the President's dictum about an army
without limit is to be acted upon, if
Congress consents. It permits regis
tration and classification of the men
within those limits once for all, leav
ing no further work of that kind to
be done except as more young men
reach 18. It provides a grand muster
roll of the Nation, from which the
Army can draw until thetask which
it has la hand is completed. It is no
tice to Germany that the American
people Intend to go through with that
task, and as its effect is felt on the
battle-line, the delusion of greatness
will the sooner be knocked out of the
German people's heads. ' '
A Line o' Type or Two.
Hew to the Line, Let the Qutpa Fall
"Where They May.
(By B. L. T. Published by Arrangement j
With Chicago Tribune.)
Slim picking's today for tha Colyum,
Contributors' stuff on tha wane:
That etlll In our chair we may loll dumb.
lis nsoatui tnis peaoe to profane.
Information Given Confidentially Will
. Bring Results, Mr. Hugrheon Saya.
PORTLAND. Aug. 4. (To the Edi
tor.) There ls much being written Just
now on the subject of Portland's hous-
In Other Day.
Twenty-five Years Asro.
FronS Tha Oregonlan. August 6, 189S.
Bloomlngton, I1L Vice-President and
in conditions, a large percentage of Mrs- Stevenson and party return from
Extinction of the United States debt
incurred in the Spanish war, which
was accomplished by the payment of
$(4,000,000, reminds us how the cost
of war has increased In only two TJec-
ades. This sum, regarded as huge in
1898, did not cause a ripple in the
treasury when it was withdrawn.
which it possibly were better If sub
Jected to a rigid censoring, on the prln
olple Involved in the old saying that.
"It s an ill bird that fouls its own nest.'
I have before me a running com
ment on the resort of the Housing As
sociation's investigation which lays
great stress on 'bad smells," "putrid
ity," etc, using these and other synon
ymous expressions again and again.
when as a matter of fact they do not
occur in the report itself.
Th, lnt.ITTl.ant lnn...laln.. nf ITlO
. .1 ......... '.J VJA.fc ... T I.U bl.U LU. U V . ...u
tne n.wi tne worm aeries cany, al- association being fully aware of the commission as Register of the Ore-ron
tnougn tne tram traversed a wild fact that a bad smell ls not of neces-1 City Land Office and assumes charge
country; weemy newspapers in tne I any unneaitny, tnat in an invesuga- or tne oince.
email daces 'nnbllshed dallv artltlAna tion of .this character bad odors are
a-nd anld tharr. at tha nib.. ...Hnn only valuable as they Indicate a con- Laying of brick has commenced on
Thi lo.t wav mtia T, 1 ity. -1 dition and that perfume is often used the Grand Union Station. Despite the
. " r to hide disease and is
So here's for a twist In our grammar.
Or city not mentioned arlKht:
Then hoi tor the horde with tha hammer I
My dear, tney re just crazy to bltel
" . . Albuquerque.
When the war., began we were In
Winnipeg, coastward bound; but we got I
Washington, D. O. Representative
Bland, leader of the silver forces in the
House, plans Introducing a bill provid
ing for the free coinage of silver when
Congress reconvenes.
Portland business hbuses advertise
they will accept county warrants at
face value In exchange for dry eoods
and clothing.
Colonel Robert A Miller receives his
news of the Franco-American advance.
although on the edge of a popular Sum
mer place on the east ehore of Luke I
Michigan. Monday forenoon we lay in I
wait for the mail carrier, but the best
he could dig out of his cart was
Grand Rapids paper dated Saturday.
to that extent as prevailing financial stringency, the In
terested railroad companies will nush
the building to an early completion.
Half a Century Ago.
From Tha Oregonlan, August 6, 186S.
Eastern states exrjerlenca a narlod of
23 days of unusually hot weather with
Count Reventlow says that peace
would be easy "merely a matter of
Joining Grey and Wilson in the league
of nations." But he seems to have
overlooked the possibility that Ger
many's performances might cause her
to be blackballed.
Mayor Thompson, of Chicago, has
made a mistake In the body for which
he ls candidate. ' He should be seek
lng appointment to the Bundesrat
from some petty German prince. He
does notUtnow that this country is the
United States.
There are so many candidates for
state offices in the three parties of
Idaho that none can bank on the sore'
heads of the other crowds, which is
comforting to the plain people whose
duty is to vote and not run for office,
The Italians might revive the glor
es of ancient Rome by compelling
that German general to march through
the city, dressed in his pink pajamas,
as the barbarians marched, chained to
the chariots of their conquerors.
The Pacific Coast still carries the
banner of shipbuilding, Portland win
nlng one first and two third prizes out
of a total of six, though the Fleet Cor
poration still refuses to annex St
Johns to the city.
Perhaps boys who steal automobiles
may be reformed by confinement on
an "automobile farm," whatever that
may be, but there is little sense in
coddling a plain thief of any brand.
Portland has a reputation for hospi
tality to maintain. It must provide
shelter for the Grand Army veterans
when they visit us. The appeal for
rooms must not go unanswered.
Having a cabinet crisis, the Fillpl
nos are introducing all the latest Im
provements in constitutional rule,
Twenty years ago they did not know
what a cabinet was.. '
There will be nothing too good for
the American prisoner in Germany
when he gets back, and there will be
nothing too fierce for the Hun who
harasses him.
It ls sad that the moral and pad
fist precepts of Claude Kitchln have
made so little impression on his ex
partner that the latter has become a
war profiteer.
The Italians "made monkeys' of the
German officers in , pink pajamas
taken in the recent advance in Al
bania; The Italian has a proper sense
of humor.
Spain being the harbor of refuge for
Germans, ls an appropriate place for
the ex-Czarina who caused her hus
band to lose his throne and his head.
It ls that the people must take as
it ls given to them any measure sub
mitted through the initiative or refer,
endum. or reject it. There ls no
opportunity for change or compromise
or elimination or correction, after
discussion, and after it may be made
Objection to lowering the draft age
to 18 has come from those members of
Congress who have not yet been able
to reconcile themselves to the stern
necessities of war. They talk tearful
ly about sending "our boys" to be
clear that any such measure, should ktUled- oonvanlenUy forgetting that
ha .h.j va- it. imr,T.A-,.m.-,t Th. the soldier takes only about one
bill submitted in response to outright chance in 15 or 20 of being killed,
and unmistakable publlo demand -and Some men have to take that chance,
designed to meet & public need ls "d the question for the legislator is
likely to have features demonstrably who will go most wUlingly. who can
detrimental' to the publlo Interest; flEh best th? best chance of
yet the people have no alternative but coming out alive and who can best be
t .lr rL'T rr.' mr. r" to accept them or to reject the good "Pa.rea- un au lno8B Points reason
fav oecarea tor tne allies. ; . na lnaa l . , . : tar-Chamhr "1 experience point to the young
been the case at Vladivostok. Arch-
angol and on the Murman coast. The
peasants of the Ukraine are up in
arms against the Germans who have
restored the great estates to the land-
rrnnn rtf hurlcstalre nnlltlnlnna nnv I man
Jaundiced and envious newspaper aien unaer zx nave xougnx neany au
publisher may take advantage of the ar"' d composed three-fourths
general recentlvitv toward anv nro. of the Union army in the Civil War.
t . t. l That is nroof of their wlllinemess. for
. .. ... uuwu Bum. i i r mniu ijim. hji t.i x i
owners ana nave stolen tneir grain. I ' rlw-v la very large maiorRv of the Union sol
une bociai revolutionary party meets I, t Km ., . , ' dlers were volunteers. They have en-
terrorism wim terrorism, the work- . . , a. Mflnu mnBt TBV. thuslasm and idealism, which are con.
men are deserting tne uoishevlki and , il,' trlbutors to victory. They are in the
the latter hold control of the Soviets 7 , ... I formative stasre. and can most auicklv
Alio imuauve ia icguiaugu vy urot I " ' in S
Intention. If It cures, so much tha "-'"" "l uiawunuo .uu iiu
better. If It kills, what are you going
to do about It? ,
' In Kansas City Saturday the tern.
perature rose to 108, but Kansas City
ls In' "wet" territory and people with
long memories know what that means.
The Ford "eagle" or submarine
chaser can do 85 knots and ls being
turned out at rate of one a day. Some
thing will happen in a few months.
These food-hoarding penalties on
New Tork hotels are a terrible In
fliction on the guzzlers who have not
yet learned that there is a war.
More than 300,000 Americans went
overseas in July and that was a move
ment 'the Huns expected to stop with
their tin-can sinkers.
Let the Government have all the
big Oregon prunes. The small sizes
being expensive, naturally will be bet
ter than ever.
objectionable as a bad smell. Suspicion
of the health officer ls aroused by ex
cessive perfume as quickly as by bad
If there is a body of men that should
be authority on bad smells It ls the
Master Plumbers' Association, which I
notion. He was perfectly uninterested, order to be a menace to health. ad the m!iep s,"Jer n f.r?m 97 !
Perhaos we should be as aDathetio as onlnlrm med tn h that hd small m l" "aa8 . Mfy deaths
he If we signed ourself "R. F. D." were not dangerous and were objeo- " reported oauy.
ivualao ill biiat Lucy ncio uioaK I dchuid w,ihltitnn T . j,
than th. T.wBnanr Th. fmnn- th.t th.v nft.n Inlpat. tn. r.-BAnr.A nt I . . vi W
i. V& . mour ana uiair propose tormina a third
disease germs and to this extent were I nartv with rhi n. n.-i i7.Y .
- . v.. t . k.i.ii .i. . -::.... ": ........, u.Ui. ,
nmoy i lho icjj.uiooi laimuuuDo, sua uBiiiui in mi.di Muun mo buuiuq i candidates for President and Vice-
lemaiaau -.utsiit lur a. L least, so .nours. I icai liuuuio. du 11. ia xiut m uau I xreslacnt- reBDectiVely
Bells were rung and whistles blown, odors the Housing Association ls after,
Nobody doubted the glad tidings. News-I but the conditions that give rise to I ' Mass meeting of the citizens of Uma
papers are scoffed at as bearers of I them and absolutely nothing ls gained tllla County ls called to consider tha
false witness; but a yarn that starts
outside a newspaper office ls accepted
without question.
The Loves of Laura,
Sir: . I thought you had done with
Laura B. and her wooers, but since
Aries has come belatedly to bat per
mlt me to suggest that if said wooers
should read a story of T. B. Aldrlch's,
"Mademoiselle Olympe Zabrlskl." there
would be a sudden and chagrined ehy
lng away from the bewitching Laura.
The plot thickens. Laura, the
charming waitress at Everett's, Eagle
River, Wis., denleB, reports Q. F. L., the
Blackburn appendage.
by euch articles as the one before me. proposed relocation of the county seat.
una arkiuie in question suggests mail
possibly It would be wise to employ I Washington County farmer makes
only healthy, normal, as well as intelli- first eala of year's wheat crop at 80
gent persons to Aandle matters of this pur ouanei.
Ferdinand of Bulgaria has left home
because of 111 health. It ls understood
kind that the morbid and prude should
keep away for the wrong deduotions
and the publicity they produce are a
distinct hlnderance and Injury rather
than a real help.
When the Mayor appointed me on the
special housing committee to look Into
conditions I asked him If he wanted
reports or results, and he said: "Hop
to it and If ' you find something that
needs to be done, get It done."
And pursuant thereto, there ls not
a family in the city living in Insanitary
quarters or unhealthy conditions due to
any cause other than faulty, old-style
construction, who may not obtain
prompt relief by reporting confiden-
James A. Waters, of The nn..
brings detailed report of stage hold
up near Pelican Station In tha Blue
Mountains, when four- masked high
waymen obtained about 17000 in mnnav
and valuables. Most of the monev waa
taken from Wells Fargo & Co.'a treas
ure box.
Systematic Plan Desirable If Real Re
form Ia to Be Wrought.
PORTLAND. Ausr. 2. ITn tha v.Al.
tor.) I do not like to criticise the ad-
that he Is taking the hot water at tiaiiv th. m with n th t.nt .-n,J.'(. tn Penitentiary;
Inbad. In w'Pm,. B,ed bv tha cnmnTn.nVnt: I " " J.Utlc d fault
The record I have already in my pos- I .,, ...
)nrf)r.t whnt h AinZ . . tfl prison. itninK
one is justified in maklnsr criticism
I session indicates what can be done
Sir: Over the hot sands at noon today without Dublicitv or embarassment to
came an naaji to my oasis Dearing anybody the results speak for them
parchments testamentary ana tne kiss selves.
of peace from a brother Gnostio dwell- Also, if any of the pen-wielding city
lng to the southeast at Al-Madlnah. I house cleaners know of a case that
looked aslant at his scrip and scrip- ought to ba fixed up, due to bad plumb-
page qui multum peregrmatur raro mg, or no plumblne. or broken sewers,
the meam
(no "St. Francis,
only upon personal Investigation and in
full' accord with the facts. From what
I have heard and read of the present
administration of the prison, I believe
the officials to be very capable men.
However, I have become acquainted
with a good deal of the conditions at
tur but flaccid of soul 'neath or any other cause except those defects the Penltentlarv thronVh naat
erlo lentor of buzzing files that only the new housing code will tKfm&Z2l
trancis, ,-to an ins nuia ; reciiiy ana will report same, saving t a . . .
and sultry heatI bade him enter the full data duly signed by complainant, cerltv of "I"", "il" . , Ji " "ln
kaabah, spread a fresh mat, and he told with address and telephone number, It mada of th ahAiihlr,-St cmiolsm
his tale. ,As a representative citizen Is not going outside of our experience ToUniry contract wUh nrivat. indTvin"
and prominent educator, my name was in "many cases to say that each such f j. Tln "LYiPA.1?":
down for a paragraph in "VVho's Who case will be promptly cleaned up and people who are wt teourtt Into con- .
ln the Buckeye State" revised ed. set right. tael. dir.,..iv . ij.,f '.T.V. .v.-
12,000 names cloth or genuwine leath- A test case is Invited.' A hearty co- prlson T inaustrai proble.u To them
er pecial terms to priests and pun- operation on the part of our citizens lt ls DUt a matter of nonular
dits first payment due on receipt of with our present machinery will work da a8 to tner8 bel a Drlson at all"
book, and He went away after a wondars and give the Mayor what he Ther( deeo nSn?lJww-Aw.
.1 n r m ...1,11. .l.a I . " - - -
while leaving me to raise the Kantian wants results rather than reports.
question: "How is nature possible?"
And then, yielding to the soporous I
allurement of the siesta, I sank
Somewhat faint and fain '
To an immense complacent dreamery.
When, lo, quickened by a eynthetic
Imagination, my pla mater was
straightway delivered of a little, Shin
lng, winged thing an 1-dear (N. E. 1. c.).
Why not a "W. W." for the Une7 As a
rationalizing lntellectuallst. It would be
easy for you, relying upon deduction
Manager Builders' Exchange.
Enlisted Man Relates Experience Try.
Ins; to Have Shirt Pressed.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 3. (To
tha Editor.) In a recent issue of The
Oregonlan a short editorial took a rap
at the slackers, or "yellowbacks" (as
ever, ln the successful tmmoaea of
prison. For a 'wideawake citizen to
visit the prison, see the Inside and out
side workings, become interested In
the causes of making or umnaking of
manhood, the political policies In
volved and the study of human nature
ln its severest forms, lt requires very
broadminded people to avoid narrow
convictions as to right or wrong
Right at this time, when the world
war ls of utmost concern to us all, is
alone, to piece our ideographio pseudo- they are called by soldiers), that are difficult to make any great change In
the state institutional programme. It
ls well that plans should be worked
cut for the future, however. This prin
ciple should be always kept alive:
There is always room for betterment
and progressive policy. It ls not show
ing much interest ln the solution of
with the soldiers stationed around proDiems to sup along easily until
Portland, and the main objection to it something happens. I would suggest
was that it was scarcely strong thRt a .commission of representative
enough. anc interested oitisens be appointed.
When a man in uniform walks down " '" "l muuairy, iaDor ana
the streets of the city of Portland. If lne Bla" ac '"ge, to try ana get
nymity, revealing us ln the starkness of I allowed to roam the streets of Port
our soul-life "There is a certain lm- land while hiding from the draft offl-
plety," says John Addlngton symonas clals behind the title of shipyard work
I quote bravely and accurately, for I've I er, while in reality only about 25 per
Just looked lt up 'In formulating een-1 cent of the Broadway loafers are
tences about the author or our Demg actually engaged in the yards of the
and the molder of our character." city. The editorial made a great hit
Peccavl, mea culpa. but may I, or may
I not have the privilege of drawing the
veils of Isls and venture, for a starter,
mere hint, as lt were, of a partial
psychograph of (yea, verily) the a. of
nv h th. .v. nf nn. a ? Thi.B! R T . T
Of Puritan descent, mingled with the he is unfortunate enough to be a trifle fair and systematlo proposition before
blood of the Waltons of Staffordshire; bit bowlegged, carries a few pounds
with Lamb and Dickens an ardent city I more weight than he ought, or if he
dweller; dislikes sports and muslo, but happens to be decidedly skinny, the
enloys listening to Brahms; favorite street-corner comedian, who naa re-
fruit, the Tjarsnio: horticultural prefer- celved his education ln a basement
ence. Viola alba, or the columbine; f a-1 billiard hall, ridicules the service man
vorite beverage, lao caprlcomae hirsu- to his fellow street bums.
tate; recreations, reading "Memoirs -oil wnen a woman is seen on tne siroeiB
My Dead Life," and elmp. selling;. pub- with a soldier ln your fair city the
the people and the Legislature, In b
half of a new or Improved Institution.
Oregon ls not going backward to tha
old order of things, don't forget that,
what we want ls united effort to no
Ucations, compiler new ed. "Cauoerles
du Lundl"; motto, "Let me punctuate
It." - P. D. S.
cigarette coupon clippers rise up on
their toes and remark that the women
of the country are "going to hell fast'
First call comes, and we all begin to
Assembly blows, and we're out on
the line;
Opening for the first time Conrad's lleve me, Mr. Editor, it ls getting to
'A Personal Reoord." we lighted on the that stage in the game right in Port
following paragraph in 'the prefaoe. It land where a woman almost needs the
made us think of oertaln, very. Jour- protection of a soldier to get through
nals of opinion whose editors oonfuee the Jam of alleged "yellowbacks," who
their fountain pens with the fountain of spend the greater part of their time
with all the soldiers running loose. Be-I Reveille sounds and the flag goes up,
Then the day opens with a hop and
"He who wants to persuade should
nut his trust not ln the right argument
but ln the right word. The power ot
sound has always been greater than
the power of sense. I don't s.-y tuis
by way . of disparagement. It Is better
trying to start a flirtation with some
soldiers wife.
And then there is the man who en
deavors to get rich over night off the
boys from Vancouver. This type of
man ls right ln the same class with
the "yellowback. but there I
for mankind to be impressionable than chance for the men to get bank at
A woman is candidate for sheriff in
a Nevada County and in this era of
letting; the women work, why not?
A movie star is lost in the Aviation
Corps in the man who fell 1600 feet
at Scott Field and escaped death-
only by ousting or killing their oppo
nents, by Tammanylzlng elections and
by suppressing free speech and the
free press all this in the name of lib
erty. The Finns would donbtlesa wel
come allied aid in overturning the
aristocratic White Guard government
to use arms. They have agility, which
ls valuable ln war. They have endur
ance, which ls a prime requisite, and
they have power of quick recuper
ation, which diminishes with age. Few
It will be a mistake for frultgrow- I have denendenta to becomn a. burden
wnicn nas Deen sec up py uerman mil, I ers to overlook this year the posslbll- I on the Nation or their families. Few,
nary iorce. , lues of dehydration in connection I If anv. have reached nositions of lm,
It ls most significant that the Pres-1 with the preservation of their surplus. I portance. from which they can 111 be
ldent says tne uovernment will make While there ls little doubt that the spared. The training, discipline and
no "effort to restrict the actions or best product of the cannery carries a experience which they gain in the
interfere with the Independent Judg- stronger appeal to the popular taste Army enhance their usefulness as clt-
ment of the governments with which than the dried article, there will be lzens, and the Nation gains more by
we are now associated ln the war." room for both, and. the drying pro- imparting these qualities to young men
i ne statement implies tnat .Britain or cess possesses many economic advan
France, or both, are disposed to ren- tages.
der far more substantial military aid The saving of sugar ls not the least
to Russia than the President proposes, of these. This ls particularly true of
Being 2000 miles nearer the scene, home drying, where families have al
they are in much better position to do ready exhausted their allowances of
so. At the Invitation of the people sugar for canning purposes. It ls an
cf Northern Russia, they might send earnest of the good intentions of
a sufficient force to Kola and Arch- orchardists and owners of berry
angel to occupy and defend the rail- plantations everywhere that more
roads from Kola to Petrograd and fruit ls being dried this year than
from Archangel to Vologda. When ever before ln the history at the conn
the hungry people of the capital see try. The good work .should continue,
their neighbors on the north getting There cannot be too much. Every
food from abroad, they may turn from farmer .and every family who cul ti
the party which has brought famine to vate a small garden should aim tc
that which brings bread. Far td the save every pound of every commodity
south the British army ln Mesopota- that ls grown.
mia msy advance, when the hot sea- The bulletins of the Department of
son ends, through Assyria and Ar- Agriculture upon dehydration are
menla to the deliverance of Transcau- highly -Informative and lt would be
casta. Thst would serve several ends, well for all to obtain them, but a great
It would bring th Armenians and deal has been accomplished In- the
than by imparting them to middle
aged men.
Under the bill as submitted to the
committees of Congress, the War De
partment would have discretion to de,
fer calling out the youngest men If ex
perience ln this war should dictate
that older men can do better service.
It ls proposed to classify the new men
according to age, within the general
classes already established, and If the
Department should desire to call the
men of 20 before those of 18, it would
be free to do so. It would also have
the opportunity to direct the educa
tion of an 18-year-old Into channels
useful in war by deferring draft on
condition that such study should be
followed. It might spread the train
ing of the younger classes over two or
more years so that their service ln the
field would begin at 20 or 21.
The mala effect of the bill should
The ticket scalper ls put out of bus
iness by Government control, yet he
had his uses at times.
The woman power of the country-
18 to 45 must not be overlooked. It
ls busy ln the essentials.
The man-power of the American
Army will be ln the 18 to 45 draft,
fighting and working.
Wilson owes a visit to the Coast and
to himself, to see Oregon go first" ln
the next loan drive.
An easy American way of pro
nouncing Soissons would be: So soon?
Ach, himmel!
Foch s pressing establishment, on
the Vesle ls doing a good business.
There's nothing like a stiff breeze
to put ginger in the step.
Better Lewis than Thompson .
about the Chicago idea.
Only a losing enemy destroys his
ammunition dump.
"Coast shipyards lead
Uv course!
In output."
Feels like
a regular Fall fair
refleotive. Nothing humanely great
g-reat, I mean, as affecting a whole
mass of lives has come from reflec
tion. On the other hand, you cannot
fall to see the power of mere words;
such words as g'ory. for Instance, or
pity. I won't mention any more. They
are not far to seek. Shouted with per
severance, with ardor, with convlotlon.
these two by their sound alone have set
whole nations ln motion and upheaved
him, for who knows, possibly if the
old boy continues to boost prices every
time he sees a soldier coming; he will
have a nice little ban placed on the
Rose City, much the same as Seattle
experienced some time ago
The writer, who ls a Portland boy,
and has been for the past 10 years and
was proud of the fact, wont over to
the city the other day. Unfortunately,
he had washed his shirt the day before
1 " . . : I I .. ...... kT. knti. I . In
. 1 J V. WwnTC nhl.h ..... IA11U V AO UUBUW jiaro .v Vi woowv ...
our whole social fabric.'
A Prussian deputy imagined Fred
camp, the company tailor being busy.
It was too warm to wear the regulation
blouse, or coat, so he depended on
An their flehtlng for them. We don't
wonder now that they have troubles in
their own country. ENLISTED MAN.
erlok the Great as eaying to the faint of having his shirt pressed when he got
heart: "Devil take you I You ought to to Portland. -The first tailor wanted
be ashamed of yourselves!" But the 50 cents to run an iron over it; three
..j 1.1 a.. iik.w nn..,,. others refused to do it at all, while
"DgsrwulTyouTlvefoTerr" the fifth did a lukewarm Job and said
6 a quarter. Strange to relate the first
Beginning tomorrow, eays Mr. Hyde, four tailors were of a country that
about 10.000 unskilled laborers will be has been calling on the PepP'e of the
called from the non-essential Industries Unltea states rot- iooa aria clotn.K ana
tr. manufacture materials for war use. asking the -soldiers of this country to
Mr. Hyde does not know whether he
will be summoned, and this department
Is likewise unadvised.
Speed hint to the Crown. Prince: Try I
the skip-stop plan.
The Tanks will not, to com sv phrase, I
be denied. - 1
"Colonel Stanton said, Tjafayette
Nous Somme la" " Columbia, S. C.
The Colonel said something.
Germany Is holding Belgium, says
Von Hertling, as a pawn.
"In hoc slgno vlnces 7
A Very Different Job.
No. Clarlnda, you are confusing war
with beverages. The occupation oil
Kola is not the manufacture of Koks,
College Training for Aviation.
PORTLAND, Aug. 4 (To the Edi
tor.) Please give information concern
ing colleges ln which aviation training
can be obtained In addition to tne reg
ular course of studies. READER.
University of Illinois, Urbana, 111.
Names of others, if there are any, can
be obtained by writing to the Educa
tional service department of such pub
lications as Review of Reviews, Mo
dule's, .Cosmopolitan, etc
Like the song of a bird
In the matin hour.
Waking the golden bee
Waking the flower.
Is the song of my heart
In sweet lasting hope,
Floating to you,
Eagh soft, silver note.
Like " the shadows that fall
In the still of the night.
When the world is asleep.
My soul takes its flight.
It soars o'er the sea
'Neath star-studded skies.
Guided by love of you
Greater than I. ,
Eugene, Or.
-BAKER, Or., Aug. $. (To the Edi
tor.) (1) Is Zane Grey, author of
"Desert Gold," "Riders of the Purple
Sage," etc. a man or woman .' (2) How
much training does a girl have to have
before she will be sent to France as a
nurse? READER.
(1) Zane Grey ls a man. (2) It de
pends upon her capability and the na
ture of the training she has received.
a Jump.
You can't beat ua, 'cause we're feeling
And we'll listen for taps from over
the Rhine.
Soupy, soupy, soupy, without a single
bean, '
That's mess call without a streak of
Come on and gat your pills and Iodine,
The sick, lame and lazy fall Into
Doctor up the wounded to cross the
And we'll blow taps for Berlin's
That's fatigue and we polloe up the
Drill call sounds, fall in with a snap;
Reoall comes and we stop with a
For that is the end of a big, long
tramp. i
We're dismissed for the present time,
And we'll listen for taps on Hlndan
burg's line. .
Stop and listen; retreat Is being blown.
can you hear without being shown T
The only time the flag comes down
When to the colors the buglers
Stand at attention and salute the Na
And wait for taps on the Kaiser's
Call to quarters, and we stop for the
No more talking until broad day
light: The mystery of all is tatto call,
Then dreams of home and peace for
When we've saved the world for de
mocracy, i.
And taps ls blown on autoeracy.
Hooverlalns; Fuel.
PORTLAND. Aug. 4. (To the Edi
tor.) In Hooverlzlng fuel, Mr. Holmes
has forgotten one Important thing,
which ls this: On the coldest Winter
days the most of the tenants will leave
their windows open and call for heat.
Now if he will make a rule that all
windows must be closed during the
day, and maybe opened from 10 P. M.
to 8 A M., this would not only save
fuel but make us all happy, for which
we will ever pray. LANDLORD.
Adoption of War Orphan.
SHERWOOD. Or., Aug. 3. (To the
Editor.) Where can I find out how I
could obtain a Belgian or French war
orphan to adopt in my home?
Consult C. Henri Labbe, French and
Belgian ConsuV Labbe building, Pa,
land, -