11 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX. MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1918. HT.I P WANTED MALE. ISCLE SAM WANTS IVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This U no time to shirk; every nil should do his utmost: mlddls-aged men can now "com back ; boys are seeded at one to fill soldiers' places: tbe T. M. C. A. Employment and Advisory I- fiartment Is able to five pwceless advice; puts you Into the largest place you are bis to (111 successfully. special membership of S3 baa been devised to aid those who need it; don't miss this modern, scientific and thor oughly business-like way of securing a position. Phono Mala TOO. A 634I. Call at once tn person If possible. ' IWANTED FOR "AWMn.t, NEAR PORT- LA U, UNE UritlJfAKCK, ONE BLAt-h.-SMITH HELPFR THREE LABORERS. APPLY 1117 YEOX BUX3. MONDAY OR I FIVE men .to work la lea cream factory. s can wasners. 2 delivery helpers. 2 Ford delivery drivers. CRYSTAL ICS STORAGE CO. 432 Eaet Salmon Street. KlftHT TY1 . n - vara- MnnMillt OOel- tlon. Multnomah Hotel Garage, 2d and Ankeny. Help TVat- sltssassu JF YOU ere an expert, we want you. If you wish to be taught to bo one wo have fa cilities for doing It. An old-llns life In surance company, nearly a third of a cen tury old. ona or the oest in ins unneo. States, has a place for either one. We can show you a proposition that will brine; a good, big Income. If you are Interested write na All communications numniuw. Axdre-a AY 37S. Oregonlan. DRUG, label and pillbox salesman wanted who has had Drevlous experience; line op portunity lor right party. AV S72. Orego- man. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS. S3 to 810 per day selling the lat est electric aluminum plate for- cleaning silverware: no fake. w, rite lor Inforroa tlon. Home Supply Shop. 118 Brown it, Spokane. Wash. WaSTF.n Men not aublect to draft, to aid as supply the demand for fruit trees and ornamental stoca. -ai m.tj . City Nursery, fralem. Oregon. AGENTS at once, cell 60c per month hos- - pltal tickets, zoo coroett Diog. HELP WANTED fEMALK, WANTED 8 neat-appearing young women aa demonstrators: good salary; no ex perience necessary: either city work traveling. Apply BurUngame, Vcnable Hotel. WANTED Experienced girl to do cooking, waiting and downstairs work, no laundry work, Small but attractive hoouse on Port land Heights. Phono any day before noon to MsrahsU Coo, wages S4Q to WANTED Klc-appearlng saleslady to work 40 hours a week, salary and com mission. Call between and lo A. si.. Funiel Magaxlne Co., Stock Exchange bldg. MEAD waitress wanted for dining room, for .tel. serving abou" 400 meals t iinaritnes and aaiary ax-I out-of-town hotel. per day; state experience and salary ex pected. F 41. oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS millinery makers and trim- ne.ai fnr house: r 1 1 V and OUt-Of-tOWtt DOS I' lions; good wagaa. Muller Raas Co. of weson. (WANTED experienced baby's nurse to care for two bseles; attractive home on Port land HelgMa. Wages 845 to 880. Phone any day before noon to Marshall 663. COClD cook. Grand Ave. Hotel. 834 Grand ava. 8 blocau south Hawthorns ave. Ap ply Mondal morning In person. riTR operatdr; before 10 A. Broadway. also nailers wanted; apply at U. Llebea A Co.. A4 aaiary U per month. Apply Monday at the Haaelwood. 88 Washington at. YOUNG LADY assistant In office. Must be good writer and accurate at figures, r 43, Oregonlan. sWKLfi wants: steady employment St good I wages. Apply Troy Laundry Co, E. 10th and Pine sta fcTENOORAPHER. 8100: bookkeeper. 812S; dictapbons operator. 888. 801 N. W. Bank bul.dlng. V A NT ED Kitchen helper, prefer oue who can help Co, luvsrsias notei. at. JDiua, or. Col. -tl- WANTED Yf-ung lady to assist In light housework lor family of two. Apply 780 I Pettygrovs. WANTED women to do band Ironing; good pay. steady work. Apply in person. Crys- tal LAundry Co. sIXPk'RT seamstress wanted to run double needle machine. Pacific Tent Awning Co.. 1 North lat St. WANTED A buttonhols maker; rood wages, at sad y work. 408 Merchants) Trust building. EXPERIENCED feeders and rolders on mangle. Apply In parson. Cryatal Laun- dry Co. liOrtJEKEEPER wanted: take care borne. Phone Wdln. 30:10. Call between A and 8 A. M and P. M. .WANT housekeeper for small family in country. 8 3. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced counter girl at St. Nicholas cafeteria. 1 -ft ntn St. WANTED Chsmhermald. Apply S4dS Al- der st. Central Hotel rnona Alain 2227. WANTED A woman to run dry room. A- p.y In person. Crystal Laundry Co. WAITRESS wanted. 52 8-1 St. Marathon Restaurant. lOL'.NO LADY for soda fountain work. Park- I Ins Pharmacy. 8th in-L w ash. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenographer I for wno!e house. J e. uregonian. W A NT ED Chambermaid. Hotel. 171 Lownsdale. Apply at Mallory WANTED Experienced chambermaid once. Main Gordon HoteL EXPERIENCED tallnrees aa helper on coats. John Noes, frit. Johns, or. FIRT-CLAS woman abort order cook; top waxes, pvi Alain si.. ancoqver. WANTED Girls for brush dept. Portland tiroom co.. aotn ana uoiiaday. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may bs obtained by calling stain 102. A 266T. WANTED Capable girl for second work In email ramiiy. wain gz. 7ou North rup st. WANTED Girl to work In restaurant. 85 N. stn st. WANTED Dishwasher, good pay. Apply s' cast nuraaiae at. WANT experienced lady dlshwashsr eventnga 101 0th. tor WANTED Experienced waitress. The Nor ton, l.'tn st. a.'ain P41. t . MIDDLE-AGED lady to cook. Apply fowl wwi si. x none nnwawir jeia. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long ea gagemems. no traveling. Casino Theater. WAITRESS wanted. Pullman Restaurant, nj .'ni ota st. WANTED Woman for chamber work 1 to 8 STRONG women for manufacturing work. AITRESS wanted. Campbell Hotel. WAITRESS wanted. 100 W. Park street. A WAITRESS wanted at 2 40 Alder St. ALL - Hit CaaSt VJ Crrifht, It IS, by No-srspapeX HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG LADIES FOR TELEPHONE OPERATING, NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. $ PER WEEK PAID WHILE LEARNING. RAPID ADVANCEMENT IN SALARY. PERMANENT POSITIONS. EXTRA PAYMENTS TOR SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. APPLY TO TELEPHONE! COMPANY OPERATING SCHOOL. 8IXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STB. BETWEEN 8:30 A. M. AND 8:30 P. M. WOMAN of unquestioned culture and re finement, nigh school or college education. 25 to 40 years old and unincumbered, for blgh-oiass traveling position; preference given ona who through financial reverses or oa account of the war finds It neces sary to enter the business world; expe rience unnecessary; salary and railroad faro from e'.art; personal Interview neces aary; call between 1 and afternoons only; no telephone calls John A. Hill, room 844. Multnomah Hotel. A LARGE wholesale bouse has opening for a competent atenograpber, who .has also had experience In figuring and general offlos work- Good salary will De paid, with chance for advancement. Hepiy in own handwrltina. statins' aaa. experience, former employers and aa.ry expected. AB 388, Oregonlan. OPPORTUNITY awaits live-wire, well edu cated. pleasant appearing satesiaay. xest class professional and commercial trade so licited. Lines cover special office acces sorles ars in great demand. Liberal com niiaalona DsJd rluht nartv. Factories rep resented. Call 86 Railway Exchange. Material Chasers. Phone A 3255. AT ONCE A bright young lady not afral of hard work lor collector In the city. Salary or commission or both. Bond re oulred. ADDly at once. Western Maga- sine Corporation. 907 Spalding bldg.. Port land. Oregon. AT ONCE; Bright, energetlo young lady capable of meeting the public one witn some selling sxperienco preferred. Small salary to start commensurate with ability to learn. 9 to 10 A. At- vu e-paiaing oiog. WAITRESSES. Idaho, fare paid: ranc cooks, 850. 875; city, waitresses, cooks, gen- work. Hansen s Employment Co.. azt aau- Ington. Wanted Oomeet Ice- WAN TED An experienced girl for general housework ana cooaing. no lauuuir w upetalra work. Main 6339. A Coil PET EN T alrl for aeueral housework two in family; seeond maid Kept; wages 840. Phone Main 2195. i SECOND girl In family of two, that has some experience in cars of lnvauus. reier. ence required. Broadway awn. GIRL wanted for cooking and housework S U -".veretu nesr 20th at. Main 4i4. . rr,MPlCTRT woman for reneral hou work; no washing. Telephone airs, voor- hles. Bellwood, 1UUJ. EXPERIENCED woman cook for family of seven adults: best wages, sua rourteeutu SL, cor, Harriaon. wintrh TCvnerlAnced laundressi refer ences required. APPiy -na ornon iiwj. Phone Main 80BT. GIRL wanted for general housework; family. East 4a7. AT ones, girl for housework. Good wages. Mar. 221. . wiVTPn rioad maid for general house work: small family; 130. call aiar. lost COMPETENT girl for housework and cook Ing; no washing. Main 7057. 741 Irving at. WANTED Young girl for general house work. 480 E. 24th N. Broadway car. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, SPINNERS WANTED, GOOD WORK. GOOD PAT. OltKUU?! till nuuibiv mo. OREGON CI 11. ON Government work, experienced spinners and weavers: good wages, steauy. attrao- tlve work. Portland Woolen Mills, at. Johna wiKTIlD Middle-aged waiter or waitress night work; stesdy place ana gsoa wanes Address Royal Club Ksstaurant, Koseburg. Oregon. WANTED A retoucher, steady work. bow- Ill Studio. 420 s wasn. at. atain b--. DISHWASHER wanted. 288 Front at. EDUCATIONAL. WOMEN TELEGRAPHERS IN DEMAND. Great opportunity for women as tele graph operators, take places of men being drafted for signal corps. Positions paying a aood salary and advancement, partlcu lars. write or call Hallway Telegraph lnet zm Railway Ltcn. Didg.. fortiana PRACTICAL, training in gaa. electrical and ateam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine saop practice, oxy-acetyiene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. write tor catalogue, be ams g;nglneerlng ecnooi. Seattle, w asn. PORTLAND' 61 ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH schoou conducted oy experts personal attsntlon. practical work; heavy demand for women operators. 878 to f&5. Fuller's Telegraph School. Panama Diag. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 278 UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7448. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE Bin vou while learnlna. gives you a I of tools, guaranteea you a position; send for catalogue. 244 Burnslde. uawy nil. MI6S DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLSUK. Individual Instruction. Short, Practical Course. Allsky bldg., Sd and Morrison. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit- ing School, day, evening. (3 month. 2o 14th. near Jefferson. Main 8893. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE tsaches men and women the barber trade Ires. Psid walls learning. 234 Couch st. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trads free; wages while learning; position guaranteed, Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison St. SHORTHAND and stenogrsphy. EAST BIDS tux l plhuu iim tirand ave. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY. Free reglst n. sll Bdwy. bldg. M. B274. FRENCH lessons given by Parisian lady. Phono Marshall 4400. FRENCH CLASS. 801 Corbet t bldg. Main 8388. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANT contract for cutting cordwood. M. x. y, 174 Aiorno St., Portland, ur. LINOTYPE operator, country town. Y 674. oregonlan PRINTER Competent, city and country ex- penenos; sxempt. 2, uregonuian. POSITION by middle-aged man aa watch man or janitor, tteiiwood swiff. AROUND cook wants work. E. 1540. iUMV MOTS I HAJtJ Fsotsirw Sorriess Inc. Oatst Britain JtT SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. RAWUII.I. KITPRRISTE'DENT. Wanted, position as sawmill supt.. by rAnahle lumtwrmin end mechanic With '. dears' tiDriBM in Hoait mills: can hand labor and get results; good references. Ad dress A V S70, Oregonlan. WANTED Position as mill supt., by prac tlcal. mechanical lumberman with J years' experience In large and modern mllla V 608. Oregonlan. HOTEL clerk for 80-room mill hotel: must have soma knowledge of accounting; state experience and wages expected. S 78. Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED auditor and accountant AMn for nositlnn aa lumber or logging married, age 8a; best of reference AB 843. Oregonlan. CARPENTER and millwright 'with expert ence as sawmill operator and manager de- elrea employment. E 4Q1. oregonlan. ABSTRACT OP TITLE MEN. Do you need a reliable, experienced ab- stractorT A R 6SO, Oregonlan. IOCNO MAN wishes any kind work In tow from a to 10 P. M. Also all day Sunday, AN 420, Oregonlan. CARPENTER foreman, IS years' experience at bouse game, open for position. . a 898. Oregonlan. Ll CARPENTER wsnU work afternoons near M. A. carllne. Phone Woodlawn 1587. EMPLOYMENT In garage or machine shop by active boy over 15. senwood za-jx. PAPER hanging, painting and tinting; good work; right prices. Alar. SITUATION wanted Saturday. Sundays, er both. J. C. Flcht, 1008 E. Salmon eu Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. DO you need a young man In your business who has had executive experience, is a first-class bookkeeper and who will give the same personal Interest to your business that bs would give to his ownt aiarneu, exempt f ram draft, can start work at once. BF 418. Oregonlan. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper, cashier, high grade man, with' college training and 25 years' varied experience, desires position; highly recommended; out-of-town position acceptable. W 412, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED accountant. bookkeeper. credit man, 8 years' experience, desires position, local referencea. beat of recom mendations. C 440, Oregonlan. I AM an aocountant and bookkeeper, 12 yrs, experience; 38 years old: best references. Main 2817. BY exnerlenced bookkeener. Dosition reauir- ing V or part of time. Phone Mar. 4262. POSITION wanted by keeper. 895 E. Alder. experienced book- Phone East 735S. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. UNINCUMBElRED woman wants position In widower's or bachelor's home, helper 1 camp or cooking for small crew; good wages n 430, oregonlan. WANTED bv young lady, position In doctor" or dentist s ortlcs; rexerences given, rnona Marshall 1054. LADY wante house cleaning or other work. by hour or day; satisfaction guaranteed. Hroadway 000. LADY wants cars of apt. house, room for sel and husband, soms wagea; city preferred. w 405. Oregonlan YOUNG lady typist, dictaphone operator or general office work; three yearr expe rience. A 44S, Oregonlan. WANTED A place to take cars of children evenings while mother is away; reference. woodlawn loll. LAUNDRESS wishes 8 hrs. work Monday, West Side. Phone 8 to 10 A. M. only. Columbia 018. EXPERIENCED Swiss girl wishes seoond work, private family; wages f40-45. Aiw 626, Oregonlan. , EXPERIENCED lady wants to manage apt. or rooming-house. Main 1J2. REFINED high school girl will take care of children during aaj, nil liaor ouiz. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants day work. 85 cents an hour. S2Q 70th St. b. E. BY experienced middle-aged woman, cham bermaid work in hotel, feast Dili. GIRL, 15 years old, with experience, will care for children during day. Taoor sno. EXPERIENCED laundress wsnts washing from 8 to 4. 85c hour. Broadway 1842. M. P. P. PLAYER UNION will play for dances also. Main 4W. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EFFICIENT stenographer and bookkeeper; 5 years with ona firm ; oesi roierenoea Main 2817. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition: good references ana moderate wagea Phone Broadway 8601. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po- sitlon. Marshall o.i. EXFERIENCED etenographer wants posi tion, woodlawn 4661. YOUNG lady wants permanent position in doctor's or dentist's office. Tabor Vit. TO obatetrlo cases professional care. 340 for 14 daya. Oregon burgicai xioapitai. Main 1566. PRACTICAL nurse wants work, maternity caaea preferred. Woodl. 4538, before 11:30 A. M. INVALIDS, private room, cars trained nurse. City rer. Tabor 221 Dottiest ICS- COMPETENT woman housework or cooking. wants general woodlawn etui. GIRL experienced In housework wants work by day. Tabor 7Wa. WOMAN wishes housework; no cars chil dren. East 6S4, after lo A. ."w. to r. i. YOUNG woman would like work la bakery or other -work. D 613. oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. FREK RENTAL BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING ' CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patriotic cltlxen who has s houss ts rent or rooms to let to mall Information r same ts Columbia R, a. B. Corp.. box 1202. Portland, Or. MODERN 8 or 9-room house, ono with gar age preferred. Portland Heights or n.noo Hill d'-trlrt. Wanted for a year or longer. Call a r Monday. Room 859, Multnomah Hotel. AG 340, Oregonlan. WANTED by 6ept 1 A 9 or 10-room house on west Fide, in gooc condition ana gooa location to keep business rooms. Will buy furniture If suitable. ' Tabor 57. WO adults, no children, want 4 or 5 room bungalow or apartment, Beaumont, ait. Tabor district, on or befors September 1. Tsbor. 7497. PERMANENT, careful tenants want fl-room house. Give full particulars. xju sou, Oregonlan. WANTED Small furnished house at once. Brosdway 5652. apt. 84. FIVE to 8-room house with or without acre age, suburbs fortlana. xnono iviain wp. Apartments. WEST PIDE Modern 4-room upstairs flat. with porcnes; ror aauits. ui pxite. v 480, Oregonlan. . POLLY AND HER PALS &S, r6trr tdiv Lxjtl fi , r f r - Right ResarrecL Register in U. S. Patent Offico ASHTJR'S FATE GIVES FAIR WARXTSO. BY CLIFF" WANTED TO RENT. Apartments. YOUNG couple with no children desire fur nished apartment; permanent; it must have porch, not neoeesarily Bleeping porch; references. Please give phone number in replying. Address AS 845. Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMEN with boy of 13 wants board and' room private family near Irvington school. Beginning Sept. 1st. T 460, Ore gonlan. FOR RENT. furnished Rooms. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14tb feu. at Washington. Rates 84.00 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to thoss desiring quiet, harmonious ervironmeat. CONRADINB HOTEL, 10th St- at Oak. Under new management; nicely fur nished throughout; rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath, popu lar prices, llrst-clasa hotel service; spe- clal weekly rates to permanent guests. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD, least Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clltord Is the principal East Bids Hotel snd Is a hotel 01 dignity ana re finement. Daily rates. 31 up; two In room. si.so; weekly rates, X4.00 and op. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and W&ahinsrton StS. Right In center of Portland's activities, with prices astonishingly low for a down town hotel. We will gladjy show you our accommodations ana quoiq xai.ee. HOTEL NAVARRE, Alder St., Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly ran ated: handsomely furnished. Katss rea sonable. RA BftEVT HOTEL. 271 U Grand ave.. furnished housekeep ing and eleeplng rooms for rent; also One 8 -room suite with bath. East 21. NOTICE. SHIPYARD WORKERS? t?a Vpnnt T Ir-tul under new manage, msnt; renovated.- Rooms, 81. 50 up. 25) N. First st. Ed. B. Johnson. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Large lte-ht rooms S2.50 week up. BrlcK sidg. running water; close in. 865 Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at loth. Rates Too per day up; weeaiy ea.ow up running water; free phone and hatha HOTEL, PRINCESS, the leading hotel of the East Side; modern, convenient, niga quality, low price. Eaat Sd and Burnslde. THE WEAVER, 710 Wash. St., Marshall 6170. Residential hotel, private nun mo phons in every room. References. irvirvA hotet, In heart of shopping dis trict: all modern conveniences. 1 j imr- rell at.. San Francisco. PALACE HOTEL, 448 Wash, it.; downtown location; respectable and strictly mouera steam heat: rooms large, clean. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. All outside rooms, cool, clean ana airy; rates S3 and up a week. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St- Strlctl modern, private baths en suite; room 44 up. Main 9472. A 4783. - HOTEL. T AIT. Newly renovated, large, airy rooms, 83.50 and up. J2tn and t-targ sts. FURNISHED rooms, porch, $2.50 up; 16th and Davis. Bdwy. B220. jnq emiaren. HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, ptfone. $18 mo. up; without bath. 814 up. 733 Washington. Furnished Rooms In Prlvas Family. FOR RENT Two unfurnished steam-heated rooms with bath and porch; witn or witn out privilege of kitchen; private entrance rererence. uaii main iou evenings 01 Sundays. 780 Irving St., near St. Vln cent's. Apt. 8. LAUHl-JLHURdT Largs front room, large closet. Bleeping porch, furnace heat, next to bath; furnished or unfurnished. 1035 Multnomah st. Close to good car service. Phone Tabor B7S. BEAUTIFUL large room, hot and cold water, private porch; suitable for one or two business men; West Side. 161 North 22d st. NICELY furnished room in beautiful home. West Side, walking distance, electrlo lights, phone and bath, for one or two persons. Main 7U3. FOR RENT 2 bedrooms with privilege of using kitchen, close In and near shipyard; take Allsslsslppl-ave. car to uupont at., walk eaat to 25L Call after 5:30 P. M. FOR RENT 2 bedrooms with privilege of using kitchen, close in and near shlpyara take Miaslssipl-ave. car to Dupont St.. walk east to 25L Call after 0:30 r. m. LARGE, well furnished front room with piano, walking distance, $12. East S430. 254 Union ave. North. TWO nicely furnished bedrooms In private family; nice location, woo m. Ajavis. LARGE front rooms, nloely furnished. -160 N. 21st st. Tjnfarnlehed Rooms. $10 8 UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2MU Larrsoeo at., cor. tiacaamaa, near shipyard. THREE unfurnished rooms, close In. $18. 202 H McMllIen St. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL RESIDENCE HOTELS. The ramnbell. 23d and Hort,. Mar. 881. v The Campbell Hill. 741 Wash., Main 7581 UUiaill. AWIB HUM XJWAXkV. 1 person, $45 a month and up. 3 persona $75 a month and up. Elevators, phones in all rooms; many rooms with private bstiu ROOM and board for business girls: all modern conveniences: walking distance $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th St. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth St. For business girls snd stu dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 1261. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 886 Montgomery St.. In South Parkway; walking distance; excellent taole; reasonable rates. M. 3783. PRIVATE horns for children from 8 to 12 yeara 714 Everett st- Mar. 2162. THE MANITOU. 281 13th Pleasant rooms. double or single, with good board. Booms With Board In Private Families. ROOM furnished apartment. desirable location, close In; $32.00: adults only, call Marshall 1857. between 0 and 2 o'clock. FOR GENTLEMAN Pleasant room in at tractive, modern horns, close in. aiain 8792, 411 Mill. LARGE, airy, well-furnlshed room with board; private family, close in. west bios. Main 4B47. WO front rooms with or without board. Mam 8354. CHILDREN to board la private family. Sell. 1780. Furnished Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on tha Faclfls Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. THE STELWYN. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished 8-room apt., with Bleeping porch, Chinese rugs and willow furniture; all outside rooms; also 2 and 8 rooms with sleeping porches, desirable for officers or bachelors; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 3 ROOMS and private bath. Monday even ing. 840V Mississippi ave. lC iT! J l it ' J E FOR RENT. Furiilsheo Anvrtnienils. JULIANA APTS., 45 Trinity Place; 2-room apt. No children. Marshall VH3. CJnf nmishetl ABartimma TnS DAVIS STREET. Seven-room duplex apartment In fire proof bldg., mahogany woodwork, fire place, 8 bedrooms and maid's room. k'INT.SHIIRY APTS.. 188 Vista ave.. 23d an Washington; very desirable 8 and 4-room with outside bsicony, turnisnea ana un furnished. THE MARLBOROUGH, 21st and Flanders, 6 and o-room, reasonable. Main 7010. WEIST APARTMENTS, 69 N, 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private porch. ONE unfurnished 5-room apt. for rent. Call urmonde Apts. 656 landers, iso children, Furnished or TJnfurnished Apartments. 2 AND 4 furnished and unfurnished H. K. rooms. 532 Williams ave. 5-ROOM flat, gas range, gas water heater. linoleum. 215 East 16th, cor. Salmon. Farrnshd Flats. MODATRN 6-room flat, vacant Aug. 8. Own er, j- ctn, near Market. Main 7040. Honscfceeptag Rooms. MAKE the Bushmark your homo. Complete lurnuuiea Housekeeping rooms; modern; close In ; reasonable. 565 Washington st. 1 ROOM, furnished, including lights an cooking gas; $13. 187 17th SC. near Tam il 111. . MOHR. S6Vs Union ave. 60. Close-in, clean rooma.slngle. en suite, $3 week and up. TWO nice front housekeeping rooms, ho ana coia water. r33 Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. HOUSEKEEPING room in private family, also furnished rooms for rent. 851 Thur man. Call from 6 to 9 evenings and all un ouaaay. 1 OR 2 housekeeping rooms: also sleeping- room; electric, gas, bath, phone. 181 17th St.. corner xamhill. ROOM and board In private family; suit able for ons or two. Call at 649 E. Burn- Biae. PRIVATE family, excellent room and board. 34 Columbia, cor. 10th. Main 2S64. NICELY furnished 2-room suite, reasonable. e piocas rrom Postorfice. 265 6th. FRONT H. K. room, $12 per month; walk iug qistance. D4o wasnington st. Houses. HELP SHIPBUILDING. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. Yon can serve your country by helping shipbuilders locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfur nished houses, rooms or apartments. Writs or phons. A. J. England. Main IIMO. ELEVEN-ROOM MT. TABOR horns for sale or rent; strictly modern, two baths, sun room, sleeping porch, mahogany And white enamel finish, hardwood floors through out; garage, lawn, fruit trees, etc; $100 per month. 117 East bath at. $35 MODERN S-room house. Thurman at. near Forestry bldg. ; all rooms attractively papered and painted, pantry and bath white enamel, cement basement, electricity, gas. large yard, fruit trees, peuwooa auji. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 680. A 8747. 5-ROOM modern cottage, lit. Scott, cheap. Garden and new furniture: lor sale, in- quire 410 E. Main st. Eaat 8027. Ask Mrs. 6immons. After 10 A. M. Furnished Houses. NICELY furnished 3-rooin suite, very deslr able. In modern home; phone, gas, elec tricity and heat furnished ; walking dis tance, to adults. 94 N. 16th at., corner Flanders, West Side. $50 6-room cottage, piano, vlctrola. walk ing distance; no children; uae of live rooms, only $45, Call afternoons. 358 13th, or phone Main 2541. IF YOU are looking for a furnished house or apt., wo have several choice vacancies in different parts of the city. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. MODERN, completely furnished hotel, thrlv ing valley town. By owner. Bawy 0120 FURNISHED 6-room house for rent in Irv ington for a year or more. Phone E. 5 LEASE furnished modern 4-room Rose City bungalow. Tabor 7242 after 6 P. M. Summer Reports. CAMPERS. ATTENTION. Columbia Beach "BY THE SEA now open; most economical vacation for you and the family; beautiful grovel, fresh water streams and lakes, offering good fishing; finest etretch of ocean beach on the Clatsop shore; abundance of sea food to cat the "high cost of llvie.' jarss huT tents, fnllv eoulDned. Including light. wood and purs mountain water; moderate charge. For reservation and particulars " COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 161Z FOR RENT 4-room cottars at Gearhart Beach for the balance of August and the month of September; furnished Buuaoio for vacation outing: rent $25 for the two months. Address apt. 204, carmeuut Apt., 13th and Jefferson. FOR RENT For rest of the season. 6-room cottage, all furnished; running water; nice big ground; well located at Beach Center, Wash. Rent $40. Call 8unday, Main 6502; week days. Main 9299. NEAH-KAH-NIE 6-room furnished beach cottage, for August, $50. Week days. Main 0422; Sundays Main 76. FOR RENT Attractive 7-room furnished cottage, ocean front, Newton station. Long Beach, balance season $30. Bdwy. 3517. FOR RENT Furnished five-room cottage at Long Beach, Wash. East b32o. TWO-ROOM furnished Summer house at Seaside, $10 a week. Tel. Wdln. 4638. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls: also rooms aultaoie for llgnt manufacturing; ortlc building accommodation; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg., 8d and Washington. CHOICE) office rooms in the United States National Bank bldg., at sixth and stark streets. Inquire at the bank. LIGHT private office with stenographic service. Bdwy. 1076. 510 Pittock block. BTjerNESS OPPORTUNITIES. JAPANESE sgent for selling or buying ho tels ana restaurants ana lana. insno Takemusa, 92 N. 6th St.. Portland. Phon A 1680. WILL sell our cigar store, soft drink parlor and confectionery store; price reasonable: 228 Morrison at. Good reason for selling. LUNCH counter and table restaurant In wholesale aiatrlet; man and wife can make big money. Investigate. 462 Gllsan. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sals at bargain. W. Butler. Skamania, Wash. CONFECTIONERY snd reataursnt for sale. 114 Washington at., Vancouver, Wash. Good reason for selling. ONE large hotel for sale or trade at Ter rebonne, or. Phone Wdln. 693, or call at 1202 E. 23d at. N. BARBER shop for sale, 4 Oregontaiu chairs. V 465, WELL-LOG ATED downtown confectionery for sale; long lease. BF 488, Oregonlan. w yoMy Do IT. Si&A ITERRETT. 1L 1 I 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THE IDAHO GROCERY, LOCATED IN THE CONGRESS HOTEL BUILDING. 6TH AND MAIN STS., FOR THE PAST SEVEN YEARS, AND DOING A STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS. IS NOW FOR SALE, OWING TO THE ILLNESS OF PROPRIE TOR. SEE OWNER. 232 TH ST., AT ONCE. IF YOU WISH . To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles, RITTER. LOWE 4 CO., 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER'S tin Montana townslte business cheap account sickness; four dandy towns, one 160 acres, present value $2u000; will treble In few years; may trade for good business or ranch: also- fine Minnesota farm, sale or trade. All unincumbered. 1624 W. Sharp, Spokane. - l SNAPPY soft-drink and oonfectionery parlor, dolna aood business. Buyer ma stay in same for a week and be convinced. ir .want something good, this Is it. inn place la beside- the moving picture thea ter, 6517 Foster road. Take ML Scott car, get off at Arleta station. PARTIES with capital desired to Invest In established manufacturing corporation In Portland. Money needed to enlarge oust neas to handls contracts on hand. Full par ticulars. X 412, Oregonlan. MILLINERY stock and fixtures in a dept. atore. eatabllsaed 11 years, in heart of factory dierrict. no better location in city other business reason for seUlng. O 387, uregonian. - SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE. Confectionery, tobaccos, etc.. in live suburb, with no competition; living-rooms in connection; Cheap rent. uooa reason for sacrificing. Call owner. Tabor 9177. FOR SALE Cash grocery, by owner. Will sell by inventory or lump sum of $400 If taken at once;- rent. Including 3 living- rooms. $10. Phono Eaat 848. 288 San Rafael st. FOR SALE At Kennewick. Wash., a mdse. store, dry goods, notions, men s furnish ings and shoes: will sell with or without fixtures; price 66c on the $1; invoices $10,000. P. H. Boesche, trustee. PICTURE THEATER BARGAIN. Splendid equipment, elegant arrange ment. 400 capacity, finest town In state great bargain; hurry. Investigate. Liberty Theater, xioseDurg, or. ICE cream parlor, candy kitchen, cigars sn tobacco, fixtures worth price saked; aver age $35 per day; full stock of goods; aver age 10 gallons ics cream a day. Call Eas 2139. MILLWRIGHT wanted as partner in small sawmill wno can invest soma money, r'ln opportunity for right man. AV 830, Ore gonlan. RESTAURANT, by owner: bargain; good business, good fixtures, large stock mer chandise; price $600., 427 Main st.. Oregon City. FOR SALE Stock of goods, clothing, dry goods, furnishings and shoes. In good coast town, goods bought right, big margin. AV Obl. uregonian. Hotels and Roomlng-HoU4es. IF YOU WI8H To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of any kind, anywhere, see H. M. Niles. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. KITTKK. X.OWE at CO., 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP One of the best hotels In St. Johns, close to shipyard, full all th tlms; clears ovsr $100 per month; bargal for quick sale. Call at Riverside Hotel, St. Johns, or phono Columbia 200. 16-ROOM boarding and rooming house, $750; will Jake automobile or furniture of small house as part payment- 284 Main st. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL A APARTMENT-HOITSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. ONE 120-room apt., ono 38-room apt., 22 room apt., 17 -room apt., 15-room apt. west side. SU1 Raleigh bldg. IF It is for sale, wo can get It. 601 Raleigh Bldg. IXST AND FOUND. $50 REWARD FOR BTOLEN AUTOMOBILE. Chevrolet touring car. Oregon Stat license No. 68.219. factory No. 12.778. motor B 8818: electric front and back lights, 3918 model, new car, used about 10 days. If located, kindly hold and wire above. Automobile was taken from oak, cor. Park st. Reward expires November 1, 1918. A. L. Howard. 212 Fourth at. Dated Portland, August 2, 19ia LOST Between Woodburn and Falrview. August 8, 1918, two black pocket books containing two liberty bonds. $100 each. $100 In currency, also valuable papers. Please return to John Loser. Falrvtew, Or. Phone 18X Gresham and receive s liberal reward. LOST Between 18th and 19th on Marshall or In front of Aitonia Apts., black purse containing $21; In dire need of same finder please return. Reward. 473 Will lams avenue. LOST On Columbia Highway, Tuesday, July V, large gray double wool blanket. Finder will be rewarded by notifying owner, H. wiliiston, Vancouver, Waah. Phone 8roj. PARTY who took green silk parasol Satur day afternoon In Olds, wortman dc King millinery dept. is known. Return same to Oregonian office at ones and avoid prose cution. LOST By aged hard-working man, out of employment, small black purse contain ing $31 in currency, about $3. no in silver. Finder please call Tabor 774. Liberal reward. OPEN-FACE Hampden 17-Jewel, gold case watcn, engraving on back rt. H. ; liberal reward win be paid to Under. wood lawn 1616. 30 REWARD for return of llbertv bond No (1107565 and $110 in currency. Finder call J-.,. 1232. LOST Black purse, containing about S50. BBiweon r ront si. ana luin si. rteturn to r'eariess rroauce co. xteward. w . J. Law, LOST Theta Delta Chi Fraternity nln: name Deyette on back. Reward. . Phone Main 692l. LOST Little girl's red purse, containing car 11CM.BL, ceiiin auu e uiii. x inaer please can rJdwy. ?iutf. LOST Between Portland and 6alera. 2 tires mounted on nrestone rims. J? inder please call Tabor BBf3. xteward. LOST A wallet containing $100 and valu able papers ana pictures. 1086 Francis ave. Reward. LOST Purse on Mt. Scott car. Finder pleaae pnons j.apor 1001. upward. LOST Pair nose glasses with tortoise rlma. Reward. Wdln. 1492. SPECIAL NOTICES. Miscellaneous. ON and after Aug. 8, 1918, I will not bo responsible for any debts or obligations contracted by my wife, Batella Benton. - C. R. BENTON. FINANCIAL. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates W. G. Beck. 215-218 Falling bldg. Phone Main 8407. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Cash for any amount, 211 United States National Bank Bldg. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtga. purchased. Lewis Co., 4 Lewis bldg. Main 688. U. 8. LIBERTY BONDS. -Will pay caah. 653 Pittock block. J O - J- How. ASU& FINANCIAL, Money ta Loan on Real Eetats. OUR installment plan Is the beat and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 86 months. OT $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts lo propoxitlon. We oan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN A63N. 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MOHTGAOE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO, LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO 8UIT THE BORROWER. CURP.ENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. 831 U. a NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE In easy Installments with 10 years' tlms to repay; fully protected by life Insur- , ance under the home purchase plan of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Interest 6 per cent; no commission. For particulars see Mr. Strong, Equitable office, Oregonlan bldg. . MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly clossd. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRKELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO.. 2d floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe daily la large amounts 5fc per cent up. $"300. $400. $5007"$750. $1000"and-upatlow-est interest rates, liberal prepayment priv ileges: no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. 7"" FARM st CITY PKOPEKTV. 5-. 6, 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate, favorable terms; no delay: 110 brokerage. John Bain, 607 Spalding bldg. $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at low eat rates, quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Clu of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estato security at going rate of lntereet. Otto Ac Harkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS made on improved city and farm property. 801 P. S. Nat'l Bank bldg. MONslY. to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Selling bldg. $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. SION. P. O. BOX 878. NO COMMlSe LOANS on city and farm property, 5 po cent up. F. Fuchs. 420 Cham, of Com. SEE US today; loans any amount, 6-7. CELLARS-MURTON CO., 725 Gasco bldg. Money to I .an Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WH LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly.' semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strlotly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSES. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICE-NSED. 518 Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans msdo to persons on salary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential, private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Llcenaed. 306-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business inea to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herrman. mi:, 394 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds, Jewelry. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. 84 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all articles heia 1 year; estaousiieii since lfeb8. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED Graduated loan from $4000 to $25,000, gilt-edge collateral security; will pay 10 per cent Interest; we invito your thorough investigation with our co-operation, by appointment. Address X 460, Ore gonlan. ' vV'E can loan your money on Improved property. 301 U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg. WANTED 11 GOO at 6 or 7 per cent on im proved city property, u 4i0. uregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-iuch wavy switch. 2 sep $1.50 24-Inch wavy switch. 8 sep J.Oo All-around transformation L45 HairdresHlng, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25o. Hair re moved by electric needle, switch mads of combings, 95c We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Marshall 1762. SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. U LA MAR. 235 5th St., cor. Main, teacnos ysimisujr card reading; also lessons In science of health and success. SOPHIA M. SEIP, mental, spiritual psyoho- metrlst. Readings aaiiy, circles inn, Frl. 8 P. M. 606 Uooduough bldg. Marsh. 2503. $1 WILL get both your feet fixed up good at k'T. ibaion s, mo .iii rnnfuu. " -Jw -hurt you; 5 yeara here; exam. free. Globe Theater bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2824. FEB VET HANEBUT. leading wig ana toupe makers, linosc sluch. nuwau " -' gooda; hairdresslng. manicuring, face aad scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 646. WANTED by a club, name ana laanw ox two children neeaing imiuumi prefer children whose father is In service. J 105, Oregonlan. LIBERTY Pile Remedy la guaranteed or money rerunaea. - meuw -"'- flioted. Call at 218 Stock Exchange Bid. or writs Lock Box 441. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever. Dn. BurCll B multiple neeuie xnemuu, xuuv.aM by physicians. 004 eweuanq oia. FACE massage, dandrutt, itcning scaip. moles removeo. r iwubm viua. way 1885. . MISSES DANIELS AND BRIGGS, mani curing, electrolysis, ii ment. 822 Flledner Bldg. Broadway 898. liEV. MRS. J. C. SCHUKi. teacner lrutn Reaaing, aaiiy eh "",":"' 8 P. M. 4u6 Jefferson. A 3812. GRADUATE nurss treata lumbago, ota. Hours a to o or 07 ypuiuiiuvu. ,v - Main 1049, flat C. 808 3d. RHEUMATISM. constipation, nerva and StomaCn irouuiee vui. - u Elma Sorensen. 508 Panama bldg. tJLLA CACKETTrJ, acleollllo lace, scalp treatments, in am l u 1 ,11 x.. enaiuyvw. wi Broadway bldg. Main 1307. UPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by lO-neeaie miiDV-i, iimi rw. umtw r ,u- ley, 614 Ellers bldg. Main 6368. PROF. 8MIDT, 212 Bwetland bldg. Mala 1941. Alinera.1 sivam ubiiib, iv-ieninis massage by one understanding the body. MRS. STEVENS. 2 years Portland s re nowned palmist ana spiritual reauer. sis Taylor at., cor. West Park. H. O. WOOD would like to see or hear from Harry Raymond as soon as possioie. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. B44 E. ma. pen. 2-jia. mornings. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 rneaner Diag. rsawy. seta. H. DocToVLtL Trrr