Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 02, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    the aicraxixG obegonian, Friday, august 2, 191s.
Sale of
Palm Beach
Cool Cloth Suits
I -
Governor Withycombe Says
There Is No Honor Among
Thieves and Convicts.
flan Xow Formulating fur Submis
ion to Next Legislature Which
Will Provide Inside Km-
. ployment for Prisoners.
BALEM. Or.. Aug. 1. f Special.)
The "honor system" and the trusty
system are failures and there is ne
"honor anting thieves. The only solu
tion of the Penitentiary problem is the
establishment of some sort of an indus
try inside of the prison walls, with the
trusty and "honor sang" plans done
away with entirely.
These are conclusions reached by
Governor Withycombe after three years
of experience, and after extending; len
iency to large numbers of convicts,
who, the Governor asserts, have shown
they are not appreciative.
The Governor Is now formulating; a
plan for submission to the next Legis
lature. which will provide for the em
ployment Inside of the prison.
Honor Asaoas; Thieves."
"There Is no honor among thieves,
asserts the Governor. "The sneak thief
nd the burglar are absolutely devoid
of trustworthiness, honor, or gratitude.
The manslaughter man Is a much bet
ter man Inside of the prison, at least
. and much more to be depended upon.
The only solution of the. present grave
situation la in the establishment
some Industry Inside the prison wall
which will keep the men confined and
at work. For three years we have ex
tended to the men considerable lent
ncy and have allowed them trusty
nd honor privileges, because we felt
that certain classes could be redeemed
under the privileges offered. No doubt
many men can be, but the majority of
those now la the prison are unfit for
the leniency which has been extended,
and they should be confined inside, un
der the vigilant eye of guards, who see
that they do not escape.
Blnader Was Blade.
"I am firmly convinced, in addition,
that it Is as cheap to operate the farm
on the outside by free labor as it Is
by the use of trusties, with the conse
fluent breaks occurring frequently, and
the heavy expense entailed in chasing
such men and in watching their move
ments. I think one of the worst blun
ders mad: was when the stove works
was abolished, as with that Industry
flourishing the men were kept em
ployed on the inside and under guard.
"I have the deepest sympathy for
"Warden Mnrphy. He has endeavored to
do something for the men and to make
their burdens a little lighter, but the
ystem is a failure, and there is no
question about it. The men themselves
have made it a failure by shewing
their lack of appreciation of what the
warden has endeavored to do for them
In mitigating the severities of their
"However, I wish to add that where
man has proved his worthiness he
should be given every consideration.
Not all men In the prison are desperate
or confirmed criminals. I also am
strongly In favor of some plan of seg
regation so that new offenders do not
come Into immediate and long contact
with the more hardened types.
Pahllrlty Dlrerterahlp of Liberty sad
Clbla Theaters Aaaamea for
Jeasea Vea Herberg.
Paul E. Noble, hustling and aggres
sive exploits of photoplays, known
throughout the film " orld as "No
Bull" Noble, is back in Portland.- The
former manager of the Metro Film
I e
I S : - -7 - J : Hi
I - - . .rf. ' ft
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Ml v s ' ', " '
I I tiff r . I .;. r '
Peoples Mary Pickford, "How
Could Tou. Jean?"
Majestic Arnold Daly, "My Own
United States."
Liberty Norma Talmadge, "The
Safety Curtain."
Sunser Bill Hart. Tnithful Tul-
llver"; Charlie Chaplin. "His
Night Out."
Star True Boardman, "The Doc
tor and the Woman."
Columbia M arguerlte Clark.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin."
Globe Margaret Ulington, "The
Clrcle "The Fall of a Nation."
Hellig "Hearta of the World."
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 1. The passing
of Kenneth Harlan to points south
to enter the service of your Uncle Sam
was the beginning, and, as it followed
closely upon the departure of Wallace
MacDonald, the producers began to feel
the end was near. Now that Norman
Kerry has announced his intention of
enlisting in the Navy, they are sure of
It. Leading men' are getting scarcer
every day. When we say leading men,
we speak of the handsome young devils
who are there with the moving picture
clutch at the fade-out. Of course, we
do not mean to slight the dashing Lew
Cody or the appeallngly pensive yet
forceful Douglas MacLean or the sigh-
inspiring Mr. Held. And there may be
others, but, be that as It may. there
are not enough to go around. Which is
why Charley Gerrard Is shaving off his
mustache, Charley Clary playing hand
ball and Balph Lewis parting his hair
in the middle. Of course no one ex
pects to see Spottiswoode Aitken play
ing the Juvenile to Mary Pickford's in
genue, nor will anybody venture to im
agine Herbert Standing Jumping over
a wall as the hero to kiss Vivian Mar
tin as the heroine. But something
must be done. They will have to dig
up Ponce de Leon's well-known foun-
ain of youth or stick to photo drama
tisations of the plays of John Drew
and Henry Miller. Those in which the
sweet young thing falls in love with
and marries the man who has been Just
like a father to her. even if she has
never called him "Papa" or "Daddy."
Players on Vacation.
Now that the. vacation season is on
many celebrities of the Famous Play-
ers-Lasky studios in California are no
longer to be seen around their accus
tomed haunts. Vivian Martin, one of
the younger favorites in Paramount
pictures, for Instance, is dividing a six
weeks' resf between the Canadian
Rockies and the Atlantic Coast. Doro-
hy Gish., Viola Dana and Constance
Talmadge boarded the fastest east-
bound trains, ticketed through to the
Graat White Way the moment they
were free to go. Most of their time
will be spent in shopping or rather in
uying fine raiment, for there is a wide
lstinction between making purchases
nd mere shopping, as any woman can
ell you. Mary Pickford will allow her
self only two weeks' vacation this sea
soon, all of which will be spent in New
York and one the road between there
and California. Dorothy Dalton has
returned to the studios, having com
pleted her alleged vacation, for all the
time was devoted to the selection of a
large assortment of stunning gowns and
supervising their construction in New
ork. They will be seen in the eight
Paramount pictures which will occupy
her time for the next year.
Caruso's Leading Woman.
Caruso, greatest of tenors, who was
Induced by the Famous PlayersTLasky
Corporation to appear in motion pic
tures, will make his first plunges into
the silent drama accompanied by Caro
lina White as leading lady. Miss White
Is a Boston girl who has won distlnc
tion on both operatic and concert stage
not merely for a fine voice, but also for
histrionic ability of a high order and
unusual beauty. The latter qualifies
tions won her the present engagement,
for singers who appear on the screen
have little use for voices.
Miss White made her operatic debut
at the San Carlos Opera-House in Na
pies In 1910. Later she was a member
of the Chicago Opera Company for six
years, during which time she created
the role of Minnie In "The Girl of the
Golden West." Afterward Bhe created
roles in the initial presentations of
"The Secret of Suzanne" and "The Jewels
of the Madonna" at the Metropolitan
Opera-House in New York City.
Predict Fame for Lila.
That within three months Llla Lee,
the new Paramount star, who is now
appearing in her first motion picture
"The Cruise of the Make-Believes," will
be as well known as any star of the
screen Is the promise of th Famous
Players-Lasky Corporation.
"Within three months every man
woman and child in America will know
who Lila Lee is, will know her story
will know what she Is going to do in
pictures," said one of the executives
of the Famous Players-Lasky organi
sation last week. "And not only will
they know about her, but they will
flock to the theater that shows her
photoplay. Over a dozen National mag
axines have already displayed her pic
ture on the front cover and last week
her picture waa on four different pub
lications on" the news stands all over
the country."
Screen Gossip.
Out In Australia they have a maga
zine called Green Room. It's customary
to give a "Green Room Cake" a real
cake of huge proportions to actresses
of stage or films for special achieve
ments. However, they've broken a rule
and awarded the cake to Charlie Chap
lin for his work in "A Dog's Life." It's
on the way across the Pacific now.
Jewel Carmen says that when she
weds she's going to choose a husband
with blue eyes like her own. Jewel
has observed that every couple she
knows of which one member has brown
eyes and the other has yblue. Is un
happy. Robert Fairbanks, who Is connected
with the production end of Fairbanks
pictures, tried to imitate "Doug" the
other day and broke a couple of rlba
Hereafter he will leave the stunts to
fflwlplllll ' .ill I
-fe-7f :
Dorothy Green, screen vampire, re
turns to the flickers after an absence
hof two years in "Pirate Gold."
Film people are very busy with war
work these days, including the raising
of funds to establish a convalescent
hospital for wounded moving picture
men and also to care for the dependent
families of these fighters. -
"Lady Beautiful of the Screen" Is
what they are calling Catherine Cal-
a I
Paal E. Soble. Who Rejoins Port'
i.-j ii.n "
Colombia aad Liberty Publicity 1
Director. I
Exchange and old National Theater has
Identified himself with the Jensen &
Von Herberg interests and haa left
the management of the American The
ater. Butte. Mont., to tisum publicity
directorship of the Liberty and Colum
bia theaters of this city.
Hp. Noble is recognized as one of
the leading exhibitors of the North
west, being one of a group of three or
four who stand at the top In film ex
hibition. Immediately after leaving the
National in 1916 . he went to Butte,
became manager of the American
Theater, and most emphatically put
that photo playhouse on the map. He
thus soon atrat-ted the atentlon of Jen
sen & Von Herberg. who operate a
chain of theaters in the Northwest,
and after many flattering offers he
accepted one which would permit him
to bring his wife and boy titled "the
Portland Rose" from his nativity back
to Portland.
Ecaped Prisoners Unheard From.
SALEM. Or Aug. 1. (Special.) No
word was received by prison officials
today from either Bennett Thompson
or Fred Thurber. who escaped from the
Penitentiary Tuesday, or from the
three trustees, who ran away yesterday.
HEARTS ""v .Km
IT-Viitusrft-r iitraiiTiy'-''-r'ln irr-ia iSitnai mm ii i niffi V iim isrif 3
Norma Talmadge
Safety Curtain
Puck, half child half woman, thought the whole wide
world a swindle and a cheat until she met him.
On the $50,000 Giant Organ in Special Musical Selections
Regular $12.50
Here is an opportunity to get
one of these well-known Sum
mer Suits at a great discount.
You'll get two seasons from one
of these suits. They are cool
and comfortable and dressy
practically all sizes on hand.
Get yours today.'
n.eouTcm:p U.S. atcmt orriei
Special $9.50 '
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
t Gasco Bldg., Fifth and Alder
vert, widow of the ' late Paul Arm
strong, the playwright. Miss Calvert
is being starred in a number of pic
Norma Talmadge received more than
the customary film thrill the other day
when a huge machine in which she,
Eugene O'Brien and others were going
on location started slipping down a
steep road towards a 200-foot citir.
A boulder stopped the car a foot from
the edge.
Uorcmrita Fisher has recoverd from
a n attsnlr of nneumonia. Margarita, is
an Oregon girl, formerly, living at
. " i
Nothing "up stage" about Mae Marsh.
They say she's the most modest of all
the film stars.
Theda Bara has made 32 pictures for
William Fox. He's the only producer
she has worked for. . ' .
Jewel Carmen aspires to drive an
airplane. She's an expert angler ac
cording to the studio press agent, pro
viding her company with many a rain
bow trout while on locations near
mountain streams.
Anita King.' now a Plaza Picture
star, who gained all sorts of fame for
driving from California to New York
alone, in her motor, with a message
from the Mayor of San Francisco to the
Mayor of New York, is reported to have
another stunt of a similar nature,
which she Is going to pull off in the
near future.
Lou Tellegen having completed his
tour in "Blind Youth," is accompanying
Miss Farrar to Wyoming where he will
vacation while she works.
Frank Campeau, the. heavy villain In
the Douglas Fairbanks Artcraft pic
tures, and a most villainous villain he
is on the screen, has adopted a S-year-
oia r rencn orpnan.
Rockcliffe Fellows, that well-set-up
young Canadian,' is leading man for
Madge Kennedy in Friend Husband."
His splendid work opposite Ethel Clay
ton in her many feature pictures has
made him one of the most popular of
the stage stars who now devote their
time to pictures.
Denizens of the California colony of
Famous Players-Lasky film celebrities
who have not been able to escape the
dally grind console themselves with
Sunday parties at nearby beaches, fol
lowed by dinner and dancing at the
Ship Cafe. Some ravishing bathing
costumes are to be seen on the beach.
by looking far enough back to be safe
from flying spray which, as anybody
knows, often damages bathing suits.
EVE. 25, 50, 75, $1.00
IAT. 25, 50, 75
Ya 'member . the pickaninnies
'n the bloodhounds 'n the Uncle
Tom 'n the feller with big whip
'n all the big bales of cotton?
, 9:30
For fcx Cents
"Cooled With Ice Makes It Nice'
America's Dainty Favorite
Marguerite Clark
Young Ladies for
Permanent Positions
Pleasant, Light and Clean Work
No Experience Required
Rapid Increase in Wages
Call at Telephone Company;
Room 601 Sixth Floor
Park and Oak Streets 'r
Between 8:30 and 5:30 P. M.
Cadillac Touring $150
Buick Four Touring . . . v, 350
1917 Ford Touring 400
Studebaker 4-40 500
Oakland demonstrators at cost. Part cash, part time.
Oakland eight touring at a bargain.
344-350 Burnside St.
John Devltt Recommends Vlnol to Cre
ate Strength and Vitality.
Marl ton, N. J. "I am 69 years of age
and after a severe sickness was In a
weak, run-down condition. Vlnol has
built me up and made me strong, so
now I feel real well again, and I can
recommend it to others for such con
ditions." John M. Devltt.
The reason Vinol was so successful in
Mr. Devitt's case is because it contains
beef and cod liver peptones, iron and
manganese peptonates and glycero
phosphates, the very elements needed to
build up a weakened, run-down system,
make rich, red blood and create
strength. It is perfectly wonderful what
it does for old people. The Owl Drug
Co. and druggists everywhere. Adv.
Cadomene Tablets
Absolutely Restore
Vigor, Vitality. Strength to
Weak Men and Women.
For sale by the Owl Drug Co. Store and
all other druggists. Adv.