13 THE MORNING OKEGONIAN, FRIDAY. AUGUST 2, 1918. enTATTOJCS W1VITD MALE. IOUXO man. mr draft are. employed, wishes to nikt change. U'nderstanda gen eral afrlca work thoroughly. Hi had 10 rears' experience In railroad and 1oJ vlnar cuniM. from eommlwirT clerk, book keeper, ptrauiur. Una auditor to camp supt. B 449. Oregonlan. TOtTN'O man- 11L wUhaa position drlvln nriiifi -r B vmiW afMrlidoa carefu driver; good mechanic, know city wen and au furnlaa Xlrat-oiaa references, nooa lawn SiXTtD A Boaltloa or truat br a youn marriod man past draft aa-e; 7 years on laat JOO aa bead booaaeeper. caaniar an credit man. Address gnermen at. DOES loir roof laakT Rubber roofing. Ban J rAoflnav tar and srravai. anlngie roofs. repaired and tarred. AU work guaranteed. Mafulra A Haworta. Tabor W7. Eaat WANTED Poaltlon by an experienced. man. aa atorekaeoar In shipyard or aaiP' chandlery atore. Beat of references from former employers. Pbone Tabor ooiu. JAPANESE wanta poaltlon aa any kind of kitchen Job for abort noura oet. 11 jj. M. to I P. M. at any time, aoanw Shtnlxo. 594 Thar man at.. City. tulXG man would like poaltlon aa collec tor or il , nr work: mult be outalde food references: acquainted with city. Main 2JU2. MAN. i vttn' axoerlanca ateara engineer, donkey or milt: woman experienced camp cook: expect top wages, v m. vreaoniao. TOl'NG man wishing to learn farm In would Ilka to locate on rancb wunin ou mi tea o. Portland. Williams. 270 E. 4tn at. JAPA.NE.E boy wanta a poaltlon to do any kind work rrom 9 A. J, to a a-, jo. Call H. 8. L. 103 B. Couch at- city. TOL'Nii man uaed to handling certified milk, bandy with tools, would Ilka to take loo in city, w 4Q1. oregonlan. I.VPtRIES't'ED Janitor and window cleaner wanta abort Job evening ana early room Inc. X 434. Oregonlan. VtKV Intelligent auto repair man. Japanese, great buatier. wanta poaltlon; no waaher. v 47s. Oregonlan. I.11.VKKU wanta poaltlon: familiar with both Corliss and ahde Talva engine. AV Oregonlan. 1HST-CLA.SS auto repairman, over IS years. experienced any make. BP 4.19, oregonlan. I au la i aa ra old. - vre. In hiah achool. yr. experience In clerical work. Main SSI 7. WANTED Job from 1 P. M. to 6 P. M. to drive auto. 334 East Eveertt. HAVE motorcycle with aide car: will do de livery A. M. to a P. l. Pellwood 1.11. SITUATION wanted Saturday. Sundays, or both. J. C. Flchl. lou E. Salmon at. BARBER wants good Job. room 21. Call Eaat SL cVoakkeepera, ateaograpbera, Office. L i '( il'XTAXT. bookkeeoer. cashier, blah grade man. with college training and 28 yeara varied experience, desires poaltlon highly recommended: out-of-town poaltlon acceptable, w 412. Oregonlan. ICCOUXTAXT. bookkeeper: have bad 16 rears bualneea exoerlenca: can take charge of office: am Bow employed but wtsh to make change. A e.ii. oregor.ian. I AM an accountant and bookkeper. 12 yra. experience; 38 years old; beat references. Main 2IT. Ja AN over draft ago with railroad traffic and lumber accounting experience. K 313. Oregon Ian. BT experienced bookkeeper, poaltlon requir ing S or part of time. Phone Mar. 4262. POSITION wanted by experienced book keeper. 5 E. Aider. Phone Eaat THio. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper-stenographer, city poaltlon. F 452. Oregonlan. srrrATioxs wanted female. TOL'.V'G lady, refined, decided brunette, wants any kind of clean, respectable work. Very accurate, quick and willing, home nithta. Call In person. If poaslble. at e-u Larrabee at., room 70. any time after 7. Phone E. 2015. Heferencea. If desired. K&K1.VED young woman educated and traveled, deaires to act as child s nurse or companion to Invalid; would leave city; references required and given. Y 509, Ore- fnnitn. WANTED Poaltlon aa cashier or general office work not requiring stenography and typing: where accuracy and reaponal' blllty are required. Tabor 3BA5. TEACHER with child of S would like to help In home of Christian Scientist. Heal er preferred. Would go to Coaat or moun tains. Ar, S44. Oregonlan. A LADY of refinement and experience de alrea position aa manager of apartment or roomlng-houae: wiahea exclualve charge. Phone Sellwood 2072. Tourer girl 14. wanta work: good home. light housework, care of children; amall vvagea. Phone Tabor D.So Mrs. A. Jacob WILL board and care for Infant or email children In my home: bottle baby a spe cialty: references given. Sellwood 2973. WoMAX mth 1 child wishes house to care for for home privilege or to pay for part of rent. Call Main S.V15. Mra Fen wick. LADY wanta house cleaning or other work, by hour or day; eatisfactioa guaranteed. Broadway fto. WOMAN will cook for huaband'a room and board: must be g-ol room. O 365. Ore gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED woman, poaltlon In city or country, management or home or cooking for imi!l crew. A 39H. Oregonlan. CAPABLE woman wanta housekeeping for widower, or cooktng for men; city or country. Room 10, 2S1 th St. CAPARLE stenographer and general office woman, mercantile and law; experienced. Main H22. A YOUNG lady attending bualneea desires housework, small wagea. Ril. college Main TWO young ladiea wish work after 6 P. 3t. for room and board. D 4A1. Oregonlan. TOLMi woman with S-yr.-old girl wanta work aa housekeeper. D 479, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED waitreas wanta work, pre fers arm service. W 407. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED lady wanta to manage apt. or room I n a-house. Main 8132. SOLDIER'S wife wanta housework 3 or 4 days each week. Tabor 9354. Bookkeepers, menograptaerm. Office). STENOGRAPHER, experienced, cspable and ambttioue. now employed. desirea to chanae posltlone about Auguat 1&. Kefer ' ences. X 4;l. oregonlan. TYPIST wlih good knowledge of shorthand desires position, temporary or permanenC Call East 493. mornings. y"UNG lady wants clerical position, can' operate typewriter and comptometer. V 4 HA. Oregonlan. E V FICIENT stenographer and bookkeeper: a years with one firm; beat referencea. Main 2I7. Tol'NG achool teacher would like office o'r rlerical work without typing. D 468. Oregonlan. TOl'NG lady wiahea poaltlon aa typist or clerical work: experienced. Marshall 9sy EXPERIENCED stenographer desires pool tlon. Woodlawn lloei. EXPERIENCED etenographer deaires po anion. Marshall ,1o2l. Housekeepers. TOL'NG woman wanta ateady place aa housekeeper on farm with full charge of house: good, plain economical cook: good wagea: no trlfiers need answer. O 337. Oregonlan. 1 Coprritrtrt, 1918, by Nwipapr J IT-CATIONS WATTTED rEMAtr. Dre makers. DRESSMAKING, remodeling, tailoring. S3 dr.'or piece work; long experience. Mar. 278. PRACTICAL, nurse wanta work, maternity cases preferred. WoodL 4338. before 11:30 A. M. PRACTICAL, nurse wiehea obalretrlcat cases. Marshall I4. MIDDLE-AGED experienced nurse with children, will leave city. 8 96. Oregonlan. Domes! lea. COLLEGE girl wishes to take care of chil dren at Coast or in country, wining to help with cooking and housework; state wanes. V 477. Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED girl wanta work In well-to-do family that Is looking for ef ficient help. Sellwood 2259. COMPETENT woman desires cooking where second girl is kept: tine cook, big wages, S4S-S50. Main 3H03. WANTED TO RENT. Hons FREE RENTAL BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request every patriotic cltlxen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mall Information of same to Columbia R. 8. B. Corp.. box 1202. Portland, or. THOROUGHLY responsible business man. with wife, no children, desires nicely lur nlshed bungalow, five or more rooma: best cars of furniture, house and grounds as sured: references If desired. Wdln. all ONE nicely furnlahed house, at Ieaot eeven rooma. on Weat Side. Phone Adjutant Office, Spruce Division, Yeon Building. WANT 7 or b-room houae. furnished or un furnished. Must be In desirable loca tlon and atrlctly modern. Want leaae. Best references. Wood lawn 7bu. NICE neat family want to rent 6-7-room houso Immediately or by Sept. 1st. r-re' ferably In Wdbdlawn or vicinity. aiai 15U 2 ADULTS, no children, want house or 5- rm. bungalow or apartment. Heaumon M i. jaoor uiatnci. ptpt. a. iw WANTED iv loth. 4 or 5-room bungulow, furnlahed: will be permanent or may uuy later If suited. Broadway .I'll. ft OR 1 rooms furnished bungalow on Rone City Park car line preferred, immediate possess! o n. Tsnor 724a. TK)-Hi 2 adulta. furnished apart ment or house. 4 to 7 rooms, rnone iii waukle. 3h Y. WANTED To rent furnlahed cottage. 4 6 rooma, modern, near carllne. Phona East 276. WANTED Small furnished houae on the Heights. Telephone Tabor 4BS1. Apartments. BUSINESS msn wants refined unfurnished apt- consisting or living room. Ded room and Drivate bath, front room with up-to- date entrance preferred; will pay twenty to twenty-flva including care ot room lor choice location. O 403, Oregoniair TOUNO couple with no children desire fur nished apartment: permanent: It must have norcli. not necessarily sleeping porch referencea. Please give phone number In replying. Address AK 4ri. oregonlan. WANTED Three-room unfurnlahed apart ment; permanent tenants; adulta only. Phone East b'-'ex. WANTED 3-roomed furnished H. K. apt. $15 a month. 321 "j Water St. Rooms. nvE or two furnished rooma for housekeep Ing. or small furnished apartment, lor old lady alone. Must oe in nice location and atrlctly modern. Phone Woodlawn YOI'NG aentleman wishes room and board In Christian Science home In Irvlngton or Laurelhurst districts. Strictly private home preferred. PIib, oregonlan. WORKING woman wanta amall H. K. room In- nice family. Reasonable rent, Weat Side. Pac. phone. X 429. Oregonlan. WANTED By young man. furnished room In private family; atate particulars, per manent If suited. V 462, Oregonlan. REFINED, middle-aged couple desire 2 or 3 furnished H. K. rooms, bath, private home. K -t. oregonlan. LARGE room with kitchenette. or two housekeplng. furnished. West side; state price. M 2o. oregonlan. Rooma With Board. GIRL wlshea room and board In private family; 16.60 week. E 870, oregonlan. Boslneaa Flares. AUTO mechanic wanta space In garage for repairing or will rent garage, w 404. ore gonlan. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL Baker. 265ft Fifth at., opposite City Hall, tinder new management, strictly modem brick, dandy furnished rooms, run ning water, free batha. special ratea. per manent or transient. Fine, cheerful home for ahlpbulldera. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington Sts. Right In center of Portland's activities, with prices sstonlshingly low for a down town hotel. We will gladly show you our accommodations snd quote ratea. HOTEL NAVARRE. Alder St.. Corner 11th. Kew management. Thoroughly reno vated: haadaomely furnlahed. Ratea rea sonable. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 H Grand ave.. furnlahed housekeep. Ing and sleeping rooma for rent; also one 3-room aulte with bath. Eaat 291. STANDISH HOTEL. B4H Waahlngton St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modern, $2 per week up. Free phones and baths. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Large light rooma. g2.SO week up. Brick bldg., running water; close In. 565 Washington. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at 10th, rtatee Toe per day up: wecaiy s.nu up; running water: free phone and batha. HOTEL PRINCESS, the leading hotel of ths East Side; modern, convenient, high quality, low price. East 3d and Burnsida. THE WEAVER. 710 Waah. at., Marshall SI 70. Residential hotel, private bath and phone In everv room. References. ADENA HOTEL In heart of shopping dis trict: all modern conveniences. 144 O'Far rell St.. Fin Francisco. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Waah. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat: rooms large, clean. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL. 20th and Wash. All outalde rooma. cool, clean and airy; rates $3 and up a week. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; room i3 up. Msln 9472. A 4783. HILLCREPT HOTEL Bath, phone. IIS mo. up; without bsth. 114 up. 733 Waahlngton. TO RENT furnished rooms, nice clean, close In. near Arlington Club. 213 West Park. Facta ra $rncej, In. Gras Britain FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. CON RAD INS HOTEL. 10th St. at Oak. Under new manaaement: nicely fur- - nlshed throughout; rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath. popu lar prices, llrst-claaa hotel service; sp' rial weekly rates to permanent guests. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and Eaat Sixth. Hotel Clitord la the principal Eaat Sid Hotel and la a hotel of dignity and ra- unement. Daily rates. l up; two in room. HOP; weekly rates. J4.00 and up. AXSOXIA HOTEL. 124 14th St at Washington. Rates $4.00 per week up. 73c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusement and shopping center catering especially to those desiring quiet. narraonious ervironment. HOTEL TA1T. Newly renovated, large, airy rooms, $3.50 and up. 12th and btark eta. Furnlahed Rooms in Private Family. CENTRALLY LOCATED, west. 8 or 10 mln utes to business center: quiet and refined ceichDornood, commoaioua grounds, ter raced and back from street large, light bath adlolns room, hot water on tap at any time; an exceptional opportunity for Duslnesa man (Permanent;. roaaway eeio, mornings and evenings. TWO buslneaa girls would like to rent furnished front room in flat to one or two other business girls. Kitchen privileges If desired. Phone between 8 and 7. Eaat 7097. NICELY furnlahed room in beautiful home, West Side. walking distance, electric lights, phone and bath, for one or two persons. Main lOI'O. BEAUTIFUL large room, hot and cold water, private porch; aultable for one or two bualneea men; west side, xoi nonu 22d at. A NICE front room, with home comforte, ludy or gentleman: a quiet place for day sleeping; yi.au per week. i4i tioyi St., yt block from 2.ld. a NICELY furnished 2-room suite reasonable to desirable tenant; 4 blocka rrom post office. Call after 9 A. M. 263 6th. WELL furnished front room, aultable for 2 men In swell private home, close In. 71 trinity place. ROOM Modern home, sleeping porch, walk ing distance, near Multnomah Club. Main 2179. LARGE front room suitable for two young men In Irvlngton district, walking distance to town ; references required. Last FOR GENTLEMAN Pleasant room In at tractive, modern home, close in. Main 3792. 411 Mill. PLEASANT clean room In private family. 307 11th St.. flat c. Main 2o:.. FOR RENT Large, cool room, well fur. nlshed. 414 Market St.. cor. 11th. LARGE, desirable modern rooma; use piano; plaxza. 327 Sixth at COOL comfortable room; no other roomers. Phone East 3409. NICE front room, close In; $2.50 week. Call 6 to 7. 88 10th st. Rooma With Board. CAMPBELL RESIDENCE HOTELS. The Campbell, 23d and Hoyt,. Mar. 881. The Campbell Hill, 741 Wash.. Main 7584. OUTSIDE ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1 person. $45 a month and up. 2 persona, $73 a month and up. Elevators, phones In all rooma; many rooms with private bath. ROOM and board for buainesa girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4782. 12 E. 7th St. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 8S0 Tenth st. For business glrla and atu denta. Reaaonable ratea. Marshall 1251. PARKVIEW Family hotel, 886 Montgomery St.. in South Parkway; walking distance; excellent taote; reasonable rsrtes. M. 3783. PRIVATE borne for children from 3 to 12 years, 714 Everett st- Mar. 2162. Rooms With Board In Private Families. VEGETARIAN, or near vegetarian, board and lodalnx wanted with family by cen tleman coming north shortly, within half hour V ancouver smpyaros: no young enn dren. Write promptly to G. E. B., route 3, box 377, Santa Rosa, Cal. , PLEASANT, well furnished front room fof 1 or 2: meals optional; convenient to North Portland yards. Marshall 943. FRONT alcove rsom. two or more gentlemen desired; also single rooms, good board, 894 Columbia, cor. 10th. Main 2864. LARGE, airy, well-furnished room with board; private family, close In, west bide. Main 4.147. CLEAN front room, choice location, close In; breakfaat If desired; reasonable. Main 1263. WELL furnished room with board. Reason able. 706 Flanders, net. 21st and 22d. ROOM in mod. home; home privileges; good table, suitable for two employed, ti. ion. FnrnlshFd Apartments. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. Referencea THE STELWYN. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished 5-room apt., with sleeping porch, Chinese rugs and willow furniture; all outside rooms; also 2 and 3 rooms with sleeping porches, desirable for officers or bachelors; referencea re quired. Marshall 2S:t0. APT. in 8-room bungalow, kitchen. Bleep ing room and bath, not ana coia water, light and phone: large living-room and piano; $15 per month. Woman works by dav. Phone Sellwood 3487. HARRIM AN APTS.. 164 N. 24th Now Is your opportunity to secure one large e room apt., with two dlsa-ppearlng beds snd large sleeping porch. Referenoea. Main 375. THE EVERETT. A44 Everett, between 20th and Ella sts., furnished 3-room apartment, all outalde rooma. walking distance. 01 EL APTS, 790 East Ankeny. Modern. completely ruraisnea a-room apt., jigm, airy : no children. East 1808. LADY alone will share elegant B-roora apt. to couple, s.io; inciuaes everyining.- mtr shall 633. . -ROOM furnished apartment, very modern. Irvlngton Apts. Eaat lotn ana inump son. 2-ROOM apt.. $35. This Is a nice one. The Rexford. Main 653. Unfurnished Aoortmenta. SINGLE rooms and two-room eultes, unfur nished, free gas lor cooxing anu iigni, steam heat and elevator service: centrally located; Goodnough building. Fifth and Yamhill. Inquire of elevator man. 705 DAVIS STREET. Seven-room duplex apartment In fire proof bldg.. mahogany woodwork, fire place. 3 bedrooms and mald'B room. KINGSBURY APTS., 188 Vista ave.. 23d and Washington; very aesiraoie 3 ana -ruoin with outalde balcony, furnished and un furnished. WO and three-room apartments, unfur nished, gas. electric, not mouern iui clean; $5 and $7 per month. Albina. Ta bor 571. EIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt, and private porch. CLEAN 3-room apartment and bath, near Foundation shipyard. Marshall 4761. LARGE 2-room apt., bath, dressing room; wa 1 kin g distance. ono v napwau .nm. POLLY ILL A L.TTL& m HP A I Rights Reserved. Registered in U. S. P.t.nt Office IT MADE AIT ATTRACTITK SKY-PIECE FOR PA, TOO. FOB BEST. Unfurnished ApaTtmenta. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS. ST. FRANCIS. 20th and Hoyt. 1 4-room choice corner apartment. Call Broadway 4861. GUILD apartments, 3 and 4-room un-fur-nlshed apartments. Between 23d and 24th. Thurman & Vaughn, close to shipyards. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. 5 .and C-room. reaaonable. Main 7S1U. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments, AND 4 furnished and unfurnished H. K. rooms. 532 Williams ave. Flat. S ROOMS and bath, desirable for 1 or 2 adults. 344 Montgomery. Phone Wood lawn 148. MODERN 5-room lower flat, near Belmont. 164 E. 15th, Furnished Flats. $26.50. 4-room furnished nat. private bath and sleeping porch, fine location, block to Mor- rlson car. Adults. Phone Eaat 5043. NICELY furnished modern 5-room flat, clean, light rooms, has fireplace, porch. etc.: walking distance; rent S37.0O month adulta only. Call 441 11th st. 5-ROOM flat. Bleeping porch, front porch, close in on west bide; zjo; adults; refer. ences. Wld. 10U6. 6-ROOM upper flat furnished. water, garbage removed. Adults,- $35. 573 East balmon. 4-ROOM furnished flat; adults. East 1719. 004 Williams ave. Housekeeping lipoma. THE BEAVER. 12th .and Marshall: walkln distance, iurnlshed for housekeeping: In eluding gas ranges, electrio lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free: $lu month up. Take "S" or 16ih-st car North, get off at aiarsnail eu Broadway 5038. MAKE the BiTshmark your home. Complete xurnisned housekeeping rooms; modern; close In; reasonable. 505 Washington st. NICE clean unfurnished rooms at reasonabl rental. See landlady, 204 Fourth at. near j-ayior. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma owi nroaaway. west side. Housekeeping- Rooms in Private Family, FOUR rooms for H. K. or for Bleepln rooms, upper iioor; 1 large room an kltchenete. lower floor; with or withou garage. 331 Clackamas. TWO housekeeping rooms, electric lights ana gai range, sinK; Sio montn. 4 is, 21st St. Phone Marshall 4553. MlELI furnished housekeeping apart ments; walking distance. 90 E. 12th. East DON'T search. Two cor. rooms, gas range, oath, electricity: $13. 300 4th st. ROOMED furnished housekeeping flat, $2 a weeK. a4 f ront. COMFORTABLE, clean housekeeping rooms. tm.j otn st. NICE front room, H. K.. $2.50 week; for man. ss 10th St., call 5 to 7. HELP SHIPBUILDING. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. Tou can serve your country by helping shipbuilders locate. List your vacancies, furnished or unfur nished houses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England, Main 1193. ELEVEN-ROOM MT. TABOR home for sale or rent: strictly modern, two baths, sun room, sleeping porch, mahogany and white enamel finish, hardwood Iloora through out; garage, lawn, fruit trees, etc.; $100 per month. Ill .ast ostn St. 6-ROOM house, on AVilliams ave. car line. newly renovated, equipped with gas and wood ranges, instantaneous neater, lino leum, furnace, hardwood floors. Will lease for year. Rent $27.50. Phone before 12 noon, woodlawn 1518. BEAUTIFUL home. Eastmoreland. 8 rooms, in white enamel, sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, hardwood floors, large grounds: rent $50 a month. Fayne Co. Main 91112. WHEN 1'OU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 8747. FOR RENT or Bale 5-room modern house with garage. Call at the house from 1 till 6 P. M. 698 76th street: 4 blocka south of RC carllne. STRICTLY modern 6-room bungalow to re sponsible adults. 148 Curry, West Side, walking distance. $30. 249 Bancroft ave. ST. JOHNS, for rent or sale. 8-room house, good location. Owner. Tabor 3045. MODERN 5-roont bungalow; adults; 946 Clinton st. Sellwood 712. $25. IRVLNGTON bungalows, $35 per month, 7 rooms. Main 3123. MODERN 4-room for rent. Broadway 3125. Furnished Houses. 1 WILL rent my magnificent home on east slope ot lit. Tabor, fully furnished, ready for housekeeping, every modern conveni ence, large attractive ground with plenty of fruit and shrubbery, a splendid place for particular people. Place Is valued at $30,000. Will lease for one year to re sponsible party who can give bond, for $75 a mouth. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. GENTLEMAN and grown son with large Irvlngton home desire to sell at reasonable price. Or will rent to congenial couple, arranging for board and room, or will rent, reserving sleeping accommodations. No children. 436 L. ,27th st. N. Phone East 6949 evenings. FURNISHED house for Summer months to reliable party; adults only: garage. If wanted. 1203 E. 9th N. Phone Wood lawn 5262. . ' FURNISHED 8-room house, sleeping porch. Oriental rugs and grand piano lor rent. 1 10 Mlrlmar place. ' 6-ROOM house, partly furnlahed, close to St. Clares cnurcn ana scnooi. Aiarsnail 4226. Tabor 1347. MODERN 6-room house, partly furnished. with piano. Adults, rellaoie. lii E. Ankeny St. IF THERE iB anything In a furnished house or apartment from $35 and up, call Mar shall 9S5. 6-ROOM furnished flat. Belmont, near 25th; water rent paid: 32.59. 8.13 N. w. Bank blilg. 6-ROOM. fine. cosy, new bungalow, garage; adults. 440 E. 52d st. south: MODERN 6-room furnished house; $20. J. Culllson Co., 2oa Morrison. FURNISHED house for rent. 7.16 69th st. Phone Tabor 3540. Summer Resorts. CAMPERS. ATTENTION. Columbia Beach "BY THE SEA" now open; most economical vacation for you and the family; beautiful groves, fresh water streams and lakes, offering good fishing; finest stretch of ocean beach on the Clatsop shore; abundance of sea food to cut the "high cost of llvi-" lats box tents, fully equipped, including light, wood and pure mountain water; moderate charge. For reaervation and particulars " COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. . 2-ROOM cottage. Long Beach, cleanly fur nished. 2 beds, desirably located, balance season $35. Marshall 2.109. ONE of the finest Seaside cottages for the month of August. Phone East 1010. AND HER PALS BUT (TS a V - I '-I frxmw fir-7 k FOR RENT. Summer Renorta. GEARHART Will rent for balance of aea aon my 8-room house, completely fur nished A. H. BIRRELL. 217 Northwestern Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4111s, ATTRACTIVE beach cottage at Seavlew, Wash., for rent for remainder of season. Reasonable. Call East 493, mornings. NEAH-KAH-NIJS 6-room furnished beach cottage, for August, $50. Week days, Alain 0422; Sundays Alain B37P. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halla; alao rooma suitable for light manufacturing; office Duuding accommodation; rant reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. PRIVATE furnished office. $10; furnished office, including law books, etc. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. SMALL office for rent, furnished, or fur niture for sale. See supt. Nortliwestern Bank bldg. LIGHT private office with atenographlc service. Bdwy. 1076. 610 Pittock block. 2 STORES, brick building, freshly renovated, cheap rent. Inquire McKlnley Mitchell, 202 Stark St. Both phones. Main. A 2131. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BIG GROCERY CONFECTIONERY $3000. Nice, clean stock of groceries and con fectionery; good fixtures; business aver aging $75 per day; 3 living-rooms, fur nished; concrete building; rent only $25; will either take the above sum or Invoice. If you want a good paying business see. us at once. HAGERS REALTY CO.. 325 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 2330. JEWELRY-OPTICIAN. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION, CHEAP RENT HIGH-CLASS FIXTURES (NEAR NEW), SACRIFICE FOR "QUICK SALE" OR ' CONSIDER SUITABLE PARTNER. ESTABLISHED, REPAIR TRADE (OVER $400 PER MO. ADDRESS OWNER, V 470. OREGONIAN. WANT silent partner to invest $5000 in old established manufacturing business that will clear you $3000 a year right now. and is growing rapidly. In two years It will net you at least $5000 per year. Part ner in draft, only reason for this oppor tunity, will bear rigid Investigation. Principals only. E 883. Oregonlan. SOFT DRINKS. CIGARS AND CONFECTIONERY. Only one In neighborhood. If you are looking for a snap and a good business, come and see this today. Must sell on account of other business. Phone Broad- way 2478, 5j4 Washington- st. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nlles. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. MOST prosperous weekly newspaper In best town 01 tuuu people in :ortnern luano; no opposition and pays $o00 a month. Big, almost new plant, run by electric power; war makes it necessary to sell auicklv and will take $3500 cash or trade for larm valued at sjOOO. AV 365, oregonlan. A SNAPPY soft-drink and confectionery parlor, doing good business. Buyer may stay in same for a week and be convinced. If want something good, this Is it. This place is beside the moving picture thea ter, 6517 Foster road. Take ML Scott car. get off at Arleta station. ICE CREAM, confectionery and light lunch parlor, on one 01 the best boulevardi leading out of the city of Portland. Fine automobile trade, good going business must leave on account of nervous break down. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE Complete wood hauling outfit. with good Job hauling: also crop on 3 acres with house rent $10 per month: small cash payment, bal. monthly. Called to service, reason. Address W. E. Balti more. Jennings Lodge. Or. COUNTRY HOTEL Modernized, doing ex cellent business In staple town of 700, in dependable section. Will sell furniture and rent building or sell entire plant. Ex ceptional opportunity. Chas. H. O'Nell, Prescott, Wash. PARTIES with capital desired to Invest in established manufacturing corporation in Portland. Money needed to enlarge busi ness to handle contracts on hand. Full par ticulars. X 412, Oregonlan. FpR SALE At Kennewick, Wash., a mdse. store, dry goods, notions, men s lurnisn tngs and shoes: will sell with or without fixtures; price 65c on the $1; Invoices $10,000. P. H. Boesche. trustee. PICTURE THEATER BARGAIN. Splendid equipment, elegant arrange ment. 400 capacity, finest town in state; great bargain; hurry, investigate. Liberty Theater. Roseburg. Or. ICE cream parlor, candy kitchen, cfgara and tobacco, fixturee wortn price asxea; aver age $.".5 per day; full stock of goods: aver age 10 gallons ice cream a day. Call East 2139. CAUTION. BUYERS: Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real estate ousiness. get advice of Portland Realty iloara. PAUL COWGILL. Secretary. SWELL downtown confectionery for sale. good business, long lease; everything o. K. Price X3000: S2000 cash. bal. easy terms: best location in Portland. Y 511, Orego nlan. wir.I. sell our clear store, soft drink Dar. lor and confectionery store, 226 Morrison St., city. Price reasonable. .Best location; good reason for selling. PARTNER wanted In auto garage to sell supplies, gasoline, etc.. and help m shop; profits good; $675 cash required. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Three-chairttiarber shop, bath connected. In the best live town in Ore gon. $325 will handle. Address box 335, North Bend. Or. FOR SALE: Stock of goods,, clothing, dry goods, furnishings and shoes, in good coast town, goods bought right, big margin. AV 361. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Drug store doing $50 per day; stock and fixtures win invoice from ssnuu to $4000. Must be sold at once. AC 434, Oregonlan. AUTO garage, sell supplies, and 35 cars steady storage; net profits $250 month, trial given. Room 403 Dekum bldg. LIGHT lunch counter cheap, good business and cheap rent: good opening for man and wife. Main 2610. 101 Park st. BIG SNAP For sale or trade, restaurant and lunch counter, large patronage, cash trade: rent $15. 462 Gllsan. ONE large hotel for sale or trade at Ter rebonne, Or. Phone Wdln. 693. or call at 1202 E. 23d St. N. MAN with truck; $12; the year-round Job; or will sell D. A. truck and give you a Job. West Side Fuel, 10th and Gllsan. TAILORING BUSINESS A well established business in a large city on the Coast; price reasonable. Write AV 139. Oregonlan. WOODY ARD for $800, est. 12 years; profits good. 403 Dekum bldg. 8-ROOM apt. -house. Sale on account of sickness. Main 7296. FLORIST stand for rent. Cascade Market, 3d and Yamhill. $2350 stock mdse.. make me an offer. Mar Bhall 4975. BARBER shop for sale. 4 chairs. V 465, Oregonlan. 6cJlA MAXtLMU Fiv Little, BT CLIFF STERRETT. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming-Houses. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. ONE OF BEST WEEKLIES IN STATE. LARGEST IN 8. E. OREGON. Located in county seat, only paper In city, largest in county, doing good business. Good plant, including linotype. Modern brick building may be included In deal. Owner wanta to enlist and must sell to make getaway. About $5000 cash re quired, balance to suit purchaser. Paper enjoys splendid reputation and is good money-maker. Large paying subscription list, at $2 por year. Irrigation develop ment aure to double buaJncss within two years. For further information Inquire of George Huntington Currey, Editor Mal heur Enterprise, Valu, Oregon. ' ) CENTRALLY LOCATED. South of Washington and west of Broadway; 51 rooms. 9 with private batn, pnones in all rooms. Northwestern heat; clears $500 per month; $4500 will Handle it. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. One of the best-furnished small hotel in town; brick building, rent $150 per month with good lease: has 84 rooms excellent West Side location; $3300 caBh to nanaie. 88 . ROOMS. Some housekeeping apartments, close to City Hall; frame building, rent $75; clears over s-uu per month; price $2600, $1500 casn. 18 APARTMENTS. Frame building. - rent $150: nicely fur nlshed, good West Side location; clears over 200 per month: xjtoo w 11 handle It WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Mies. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board ef Trade Bldg. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house ot any kind, anywhere, aee H. M. Nlles. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. HITTER, LOWE & CO., 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR quick action and a square deal list your real estate, apartment hotels and roomrag-nouses with ADVANCE REALTY CO.. 501 Raleigh bldg. Main 6013 7 ROOMS of elegant furniture, right down town, clears 4U and your apartment. Price x2j; terms. 362 Alder. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL & APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. WANTED To buy hotel or rooming-house on west bide, oO to ou rooms. L 320, ore gonlan FIRST-CLASS hotel and boarding house. reasonable; lnormatlon. Wdln. 620Z. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cara of the Portland Railway. Light & power Co., July Ji, lius: 3 purses, pair gloves, 1 hair ribbon, 1 brace, 1 saw, 1 scythe. 2 belts, 1 bathing suit. S pack ages 1 coat. 2 suitcases. 5 lunch boxes. 1 bank check. Owners may obtain prop erty at f irst ana Aiaer-street station. LOST On Columbia Highway, Tuesday, July 9. large gray double wool blanket. Finder will be rewarded by notifying owner, H. wiuiston, Vancouver, wash. Phone 309J. LOST Package of money, $10 and a $2 check made out to Irvlngton Park r loral Co.. wrapped In newspaper: left on Wood lawn car. Finder call Florist, Main 5152. Reward. LOST Somewhere between East 12th and East 6th. on East Morrison street, lady's shop basket containing wearing apparel. Finder please call East 2335. Reward. LOST Small black purse on Lambert, coin purse, containing money, between Public Market and May Apts. Main J mi, 611 Spalding bldg. FOUND In Carroll Public Market, a purse containing money. Call at booth 369 Sat urday afternoon. Inquire for Mrs. Mul- rooney. . LOST Purse at Meier & Frank's neckwear counter, containing $42. Party finding same call Woodlawn 5462 and receive re ward. LOST One cameo and one signet ring. Left in glove dept. either Meier & Frank's or Llpman-w oire s. Reward, aiarsnai 2880. LOST Small black purse on Laurelhurst, between 17th and 19th aves. east. Broad way 4080. Room 858. Reward. LOST Two Russian wolf hounds, one black and white, one brown and white. Call Broadway 566. evenings. LOST Probably on Morrison St.. small L- shaped pearl set sorority pin. Call East 2o06. Reward. LOST Airedale pup, about 4 months old, with collar and black name plate. Re ward If found. Phone Main 4348. LOST Anchor-shaped sorority pin, set in diamonds. Finder please can oeuwooa 421. Reward. LOST Gold nugget watch charm, on some steamer. Reward, c. J. Anderson, oil Ore gon bldg. BETWWEN Multnomah Falls and city Wed nesday, bundle bedding. Please call Wdln. 4234. LOST Black horse, barefooted; write Mr. Kiermler, box 39, R. 2. Hillsdale. Or. LOST Bloodhound pup. from 510 Wash st. Broadway 2H52. Reward. LOST Sunday on Estacada car, sliver mesh purse. Sell. 2701. B. 3325. NICKEL crank handle, return to 129. loth st. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. I WILL NOT be responsible for any debts or obligations contracted by my wife. Anna E. Baker. ELMER L. BAKER. Proposals Invited. SEALED proposals will be received at office of undersigned, 401 court House, until 4 P. M. Thursday. August 8. 1918. for gen eral work of entrance steps and porch floors of Thompson School. Bids will be opened under authority of board of di rectors at first meeting after hour set. DeDOsit of $2 Is required for plans and specifications, which may be obtained at office of F. A. Naramore. euperintendent of properties, 303 Court House, certified check for 10 per cent of amount of pro posal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of directors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. FINANCIAL. FIRST mortgage loans for sale on new houses In Rose City Park. Portland Se curities Company. 313 Ch. of Com. $200,000 TO LOAN In sums to suit: building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 215-218 Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Cash for any amount, 211 United States National Bank Bldg. LOANS, notes, contracts, mLgs. purchased. Lewis & Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 688. U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash. 553 Pittock block. Money to Loan on Real Estate. $300. $400. $500. $750, $1000 and up at low est Interest rates, liberal prepayment priv ileges; no delay. GORDON INVESTMENT CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM CITY PROPERTY, 5. H7,. T UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Corbett Bldg. $300, $400, $500. $750, $1000 and up at loiT est rates, quick action.' Fred W. German Co.. 732 Ch. of Com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rate of Interest. Otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. n&- .- jV !- Jr MM A ..mi FINANCIAL. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan la the best and surest method ot paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, r $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in propoiitlon. We loan on Improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASS 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM. Mac MASTER. 881 U. b. NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. . MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. SIT Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4110. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., 2d floor United States Bank Bldg. Mortgage loans and bond Issues, eape clally in large amounts. 0 per cent up. $50,000 PRIVATE money, at 6 and T per cent. Bums to suit; improved, no farms. Schaefer. Broadway bldg. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON Jc CO.. 408 Selling bldg. VANCOUVER loans preferred, up to $5000; private funds. Call 426 Henry bldg. WANT $2800 on residence property, 6 per cent. 3 years. BP 418. Oregonlan. $500 TO $10,000 TO LOAN. NO COMMIS SION. P. O. BOX 873. $500 TO $2500 without commission; improved real estate. Main 3752. Tabor 8402. LOANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fucha. 420 Cham, ot Com. SEE US today; loans any amount, 6-79. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 725 Gasco bldg. Money to Loan Chatteti and Salaries. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY . on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each, tranaactlon strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture. -planoB. etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 218 Falling Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made to persona on Balary or fixed Income; on household furniture, pl anes, diamonds and other peraonal prop erty; legal rates. Business confidential, private- office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 306-807 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business man to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herrman. mgr., 394 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds Jewelry. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. 84 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates; all articles held 1 year; estaoilahed since 188$. Dan Marx, 2S8 Washington. Ltomnm Wanted. WANTED $3000 at 6 for 8 or 5 yeara. win give 1st mtg. on income property valued at $12,000. Will pay no commis sions. R. H. Sharlnghousen, 1178 Albina ave. Phone Woodlawn 8745. WANTED $2500 at 7 per cent on fine cor ner lot for building new house, first-class security. E. J. Gelser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED $4000 loan on good frin, 140 acres improved fo acres in cultivation. JOHN WEIST. 707 GASCO BLDG. MAIN 764. $30,000 WANTED on fine Walla Walla Co. wheat ranch, worm $o,uoo. 420 tienry bldg. ' WILL give liberal discount on $936 contract. payable $15 per mo. 7 per cent. 991 K. Madison. WANTED $1500 at 6 or 7 per cent 011 im proved city property. D 470. oregonlan. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-lnch wavy switch. 2 sep $1.50 24-incll wavy switch. 3 sep 1.00 All-around tranaf ormatlon 1.45 Hairdressing, shampooing, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle, awltch made of combings, 95c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d, and Washington. Marshall 1762. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a scientific massage reduces high blood pressure and suftena the arterlea. Iron side Institute, 327-8-9 Pittock block. Nurse attendants. Phone Broadway 312. Open 9 to 7. Sundays by appointment. RHEUMATISM of all kinds cured or no pay. 283 cures without a miss; 1 nave cured some of the worst cases in the Northweat; can give the best references in the country, over 30 years' experience. 326 Stark st. Gentlemen only. $L WILL get both your feet fixed up good at U r. caton ins 1 iiirupuoiai mat uur.ii l hurt you: 5 years here: exam. free. Glob Theater bldg., 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2S24. WANTED Girl 8 to 11 years old thst needs a home, orphan preferred, as companion for little girl 2 years old. Call Meyers, 112 N. 4th st., Broadway 1781 SPIRITUALISM Mra. M. L. LA MAR. 235 5th at., cor. Alain, teacnes paimisiry ana card reading; also lessons In science ot health and success. SOPHIA M. SEIP, mental, spiritual psycho- nietrist. Readings daily, circles lues., Fri. 8 P. M. 605 Goodnough bldg. Marsh. 2503. , FEB VET & HANKBUT. lesding wig and toupe makers, finest stock human hair goods; halrdreBBing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 349 Alder. Main 646. LIBERTY Pile Remedy is guaranteed or money refunded. No matter how long af fllcted. Call at 218 Stock Exchange Bid. or write Lock Box 441. SUPERFLUOUS hair destroyed forever. Dr. Burch's multiple needle method. Indorsed by physicians. 604 Swetland bldg. fXcE massage. dandruff, itching scalp, inolea removed. 230 Fllcdner bldg. Broad way 16S5. MISSES DANIELS AND BRIGGS. mani curing, electrolysis, facial and acalp treat ment. 322 Flledner Bldg. Broadway 892. HEV MRS. J. C. SCHORL teacher Truth Reading, dally circle. Sun. and Thurs.. 8 P. M. 4O0 Jefferson. A 3S12. GRADUATE nurse treats lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to 6 or by appointment. Phone Main 1049, flat C. 308 3d. RHEUMATISM, constipation, nerve and stomach troubles cured. Drugless Dr. Elma Sorensen. 608 Panama bldg. ELLA CACKETTE. scientific face, scalp treatments, manicuring, shampoo. 408 Broadway bldg. Main 1307. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10-needle method; trial free. Josle Fin ley 614 Ellers bldg. Main 6368. PROF. SMIDT, 212 Swetland bldg. Main 1941. .Mineral sicaiu unuii, bichiiiiv massage by one understanding the body. MRS STEVENS, 2 years Portland's re nowned palmist and spiritual reader. 87S Taylor t cor. Weat Park. PRIMEDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 ado, pen, mornings. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Flledner bldg. Bdwy. 3473. i if .