TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN. RATE IS AMENDED Lower Tariff on Eastern Oats and Corn Promised. DECENT ADVANCE UNJUST Portland Grain Men Point Out Error in Schedule as Announced and Railway Administration Will . Remedy It, Says Robinson. soula. Two cars each to Denver and Fort land. Potatoes One car to Butte, July 24, one car to Denver. Fears One car eacrj to Seattle, Salt Lake and Winnipeg. Peaches One car to Seattle. Plums One car to Cheyenne. Mixed deciduous fruit One car each to Butte and Great Falls. Destinations ot Oregon and Washington carlot shipments were: "Washington Apples, Tne car to' Seat tle; plums, one car to Kerrobert; onions, one each to Helena, Seattle, Denver, Cal gary, Mooiejaw. Bismarck, and two each to Edmonton and Chicago. Oregon Onions, one car to Chicago. ' " Butter Barely Steady. Egg prices are gradually advancing as the supply of -fresh Oregon ranch falls off. Deal era yesterday quoted 43 nu, case count. The butter market was reported steady. The demand for cubes was light and 45 H cents was the best price offered. Poultry was firm and dressed meats were steady. LIST IS IRREGULAR Stocks Are Weak in Early Ses- sion, but Harden Later. POOLS ARE CONSPICUOUS Steel Goes to Highest Point of AVcek Trading in Railway Shares List less Internationals Are Fca ' ture of Bond Market. The westbound freight rate on oats and corn from the Middle. West to this city was recently advanced to 76 cents a hun dred. to correspond with the rate on wheat shipments, although there is no such move ment of wheat in this direction. The In justice of such a rate was pointed out by local grain men to.F. W. Robinson, chair man ef the Portland district freight traffic committee, and they are advised that the tariff will be amended, making the rates 61 to 61 cents, a change satisfactory to all concerned in tne hanaung or these cereals. Oooreo A. IVestgate. president of t . rwiimnu itiercnftnii ,xcnange, nas re ceived the following letter from F. W. Rob inson explaining the situation: "Referring to conference this morning with yourself and grain men and millers of Portland, members of your exchange, re specting westbound rates on coarse grains' from Eastern producing and shipping points to this territory: ' "As explained to you, the application of . general order :S Is specific in that it pro vides that the rates on oats and corn, bar Icy and coarse grains shall not exceed the new rates on wheat. Agent Countiss In amending westbound trans-continental freight bureau tariff 4-0 published specif- lcally the rates on wheat, and amended the items in the tariff carrying rates on corn by advancing the. rate frdm SO cents generally in group F to 70 cents. This is Bank Clearings. - Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Portland, . .'. .S:t,701,72 Seattle 4 7.::0i!. 1 Kfl Tacoma T5.81." Spokane : 1. -"89, -443 Balances. $ 4.-,r, T.M I.eiM.ooa 228. 14:t &74.00S PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. ' July Delivery: . Oats No. 2 white feed Barley -Standard f-ed ....a.;,..'......,, "A" brewing ......... , Thirty days Barley, No. :.' .......'.. ....... , Barley, feed ............ ......... Barley, brewing Kastern oats and corn in bulk: Oals No. 3 white :. . . . I 3S-lb. clipped white Corn 1 heifer. .v ' 1 bull.. .10.-.0 1 bull... 1490 bulls, .ltts.'i 8.r,o .: 8.00 e. SATURDAY, lv hoiti.. JULY 21 1918. 19 1 hog.... 2 hogs... 7 liogs... 1 hogs. . . 70 lambs.. 221 lambs.. 3 lambs.. 37 lambs.. 10- lambs.. r lambs.. 06 yearl . . 3.V 3 60' 170 17.00 275 17.A0 295 17.75 2-' 17.5 R5 13.75 7R in.r.o 73 10.OO & 12. SO 5 11.30 f.4 VJ.OO 91 lo.r.o 107 6.00 200 7.00 No. 3 yellow No. 3 mixed . . Thirty days -,. j Oats. No. 3 ." flipped oats . Corn, yellow Corn, mixed . . : ..... . . . . WHEAT Government bushel. v- 1'LOl'R Straights. SIO.OS'S. 11.15 per bar rel; whole, wheat, S10.3O; graham, 9.9tri 10.35; barley flour. $llt&12 per barrel; rye flour, g 1 1.5U 12.50' per barrel; cornmeal. S11.40&12 pep barrel; corn flour, $12.20' 13.41); oat Hour, xi2.rIKg 12.75. 87.O0 .'. 65.00 . 55.50 H7.00 R7.00 65.00 basis. 2.20 pet NEW YORK, July 26. The stock mark was hesitant and irregular In the first hal f today's superficial session, presumably on the failure of sensational war rumors cur rent yesterday to materialise, but prices hardened latere a few leaders making max imum quotations for the current movement. Pools were conspicuous in numerous minor specialties, but' steels, allied equipments, coppers and some of the tobaccos featured the occasional intervals of activity, mainly on short covering. , United states steel was easily- In the fore front, furnishing about 40 per' cent- ofthe offerings and atttaininir the niftiest orice 55.00 I of the week at 10H4.. clnsinsr half a rjolnt 56.00 under its best. Bethlehem. Crucible and Lackawanna Steels. Republic Iron ami Colorado fiel gained 1 to 2 points. Utah coppers and oils 1 to and General Cig"ars was prom inent for its sudden rise of 4 points. Kails were extremely listless. Union Pa cific, as an instance, remaining altogether unquoted until at the 'end. while Heading slowly regained its 1 point reversal. Other backward issues included Uenerat Motors, Sumatra Tobacco. Industrial Alcohol and Cuban Cane Sugar. Bales amoumted to 345,- nilA th, l-n. Internationals fared better than domestic ssues in the irregular bond market, Paris 6s gaining and Anglo-French 5s a small fraction. Total sales, par value, aggregated 4.H25,tioo. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. CLOSING STOCK 54 hogs.. 100 16.on 3-hOKS.. 215 17.75 10S hogs.. 1115 IS. on 2- bogw. 205 17.00 l ewe... ino 10.00 3 ewes., no .0O 1 ewe. . . fio 7.0ft 10 lambs. 74 12.oo A3 lambs. 82 1H.50I 4 ewes. 48 yearl.. 105 10.751 1 ewe... 2 yearl.. 120 10.501 Prices current at the local yards are as follows: Cattle Prices. Prime steers $11 .7r.fi) 1.2. 75 Oood to choice steers 10. 76 IT 1 1 . 75 Medium to good steers 9.R0W10.75 Fair to medium ateers 8.50iu 9.5(1 Common to fair ateers 5.501 8.60 Choice cows and heifers 8.IOf 8.60 Med. to good cows and heifers B.OOi 7.50 Fair to med. cows and heifers Canners ... Bulls ". Calves 7.00 11.50 Hogs Prime mixed IR.OoeiS.lO Medium mixed ... 17. H3W17. ! Rough heavies l.e5(S17 00 Vlg 15. 7Sj 16.25 Kast-ofthe-mountains lambs.. 13.75trl4.25 Valley lambs ... . 1S.6014.00 Yearlings 9 .60 W 10. 7.. Wethers ... . 8.60 9.50 Ewes 8.00 8.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, July 2H. Hogs Receipts, 18. 000. slow. Most 15W20c lower than yes terday's average. Butchers. 18.45i 18.75; light. 818.60i 18.85; packing, 17.70!19.35: rough, 17.2tft 17.45; bulk of sales. 17.70a 18.40: pigs. $17.23!jf is. . Cattle Receipts. t(HM. beef steers steady. Butcher cattle dull, tendency lower. Calves steady. Beef cattle, good choice, S17.15'J CORN PRICE LIFTED Fear of Damage From Hot Winds Sends Market Up. CHICAGO GAINS V2 CENTS B.OOB 6.00 I a.OO 4.60 I 5.601 7. so' Only Two Days Ago Talk of Frost Danger Was Stimulating Factor. Breaks Early In Session Due to Successes by Allies.. Bid. .$61.00 61. OO 55. OO 66.00 56. OO 57.00 MILLKEED Net millfeed nrices. carlnts: very plainly an error, ana authority has I Bran. $31 per ton; shorts. $33 per ton; mid- oeen granted to amend such publications on 1 uiings, jj; roiiea uarley. u; roiled oats. Am Beet Sugar. . American Can... Amerlr-an Loco. Am Sm & Refg. $69. CORN Whole, $75; cracked, $76 per ton. 1 Am Mgar Ketg. 11 A X uuv nr nrices r. r b Pftrt and; " Eastern Oregon timothy, $31 per ton: Val ley timothy, $29; alfalfa. $2525.50; Val ley grain hay. $24&2U: clover. $24: straw. 910. . ' ne day's notice to the commission, which we have requested Agent Countiss by wire to do and to advise the date effective. This will Result in making the rates on oats and corn ranting from 56 cents to 61 cents per 100, petindi from the principal producing cections, which will include Minnesota, the Dakotas, part of Wisconsin, Kansas and Ne braska. "I have, also telegraphed to K. M. Pearce, chairman of the St. Paul district freight committee, requesting that he advise the Era In dealers at Minneapolis and St. Paul and others in his territory of the applica tion of these rates In order that they may likewise be informed. In view of the fact I Young Americas. Ea per pound; Coos and f"ba Cane Sue. that other communities are Interested 1 1 Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point; Triplets, 24 c; I tlll Securities am sending a copy of this letter to parties I ung America, -ioc per pound; long . lairy and Country Produce. BLTTER Cubes, extra.-45rT4.SU,c: nrimi iimis, 4V!tC, prints, extras, box lots, tic; cartons, box lots, 51c; half boxes, J-c more; less than hair boxes, ic more; butterfat. No. 1; r4c per pound delivered Portland. r-iKJS Oregon ranch, current receipts. 43c; candled, 4Bc; selects, 48c per dozen. CHEiCSE Jobbers buying prices, f. o. b. aoeK, Portland: Tillamook triplets, 23c; Am Z It & Sm. . Anaconda Cop.. AtrhiFon A (i 4W1SSL Rait & Ohio . . . BAH Copper. . . California Petrol . Canadian Panif . Central leather Ches & Ohio. . . , Chi M & St P. . Chi & N W c r i & p ctrs. . Cliino Copper. .. Colo Fu & Iron. Cmn Prod Ra g Crucible hteei . . OITOTATIONS. Sales. High. Law. bin. 1,800 Alh 7 47's 1,100 1. 1H 4IMI Till J I If J M 6,-JOO 04 ann nr. vi '' N-V 300 103'. 1U lOS 6'IO o4- r-4 Ts'A -jr.! shown below, in order that , they may in form all Interested in their respective com munities." The -others to whom the letter was sent were: J. B. Campbell, president o the Spokane Merchants Exchange; I. W. Hill secretary of the Seattle Merchants Ex change; S. J. Wcttrick, manager of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and J. W. McCunc, secretary of the Tacoma Cham ber of Commerce. - horns, He per pound. foul, TRY Hens, 2t w 24c; broilers. 28 v27c; ducks, young. 110c: gecae and tur keys, nominal. LAL Fancy, 17al7ic per pound. -PORK Fancy. 23 fr 230 per pound. CXITPED OATS ARE BID Other Offers in Coarse Grain , Market Are Unchanged. The coarse grain markets were generally steady yesterday. At the Merchants Ex change clipped oats bids were rasled 50 cents but other offers were the same as on Thursday. Weather conditions In the Middle West, as wired from Chicago: "Winnipeg cloudy, and cool in western part; Minneapolis cloudy, rain yesterday; Duluth threatening, cool; Chicago, St. Louis clear, hot; Peoria clear; Kansas City cloudy, hot; St. Joseph. Hutch inson, Topeka. and Ohio Valley clear, hot Omaha part cloudy. Forecast: Illinois, Mis souri, Wisconsin. Iowa and South Dakota part cloudy and unsettled with probable thunder showers tonight and Saturday with not much change in temperatures. Western part of grain belt cloudy, showers for to night and Saturday." Fruits and Vegetables. Local jobbing quotations: FRUITS Oranges, Valencias, 188.80 lemons, 18. 7D 10.50 per box: bananas. 8c per pound; grapefruit, $4.O07.00; canta loupes. $l.b.) 4.oO percrate; watermelons, 3y3-c per pound; peaches,, fll.40; new auDles. z.ta per nox: mums. niuncn per box; apricots. 32 per box; pears. S.1.o0 per box; caeabaa, 4c per pound; grapes. $2 3 3 per crate. VJitiisrAuiJji,s xomatoes, J4il.5U per crate: cabbage, 43?4c per pound; lettuce, S3.50 per crate; cucumbers, gll.75 per doxen; peppers, llftc per pound; peas. 120 124o per pound; beans, 0&12c per pound celery, $1-1 per dosen; Summer squash. SI I Ray Consol Cop per aozen; eKSPiani, 1 1 'ti .-uc per pound. I Reading FOTATULS Erie r. General Electrlo General Motors. t;t North pfd.. Gt Nor Ore ctfs Illinois Central. lnspir Copper. . Int. -M Old. ... Inter Nickel . .. Inter Paper K C Southern. . Kennecott Cop. Louis Nash.. Maxwell Motors Mexican Petrol.. Miami Copper.. Missouri Pacir.. Montana Power. Nevada Copper. N Y Central . . . N Y N II & II . . Nor & Western. Northern Pacif. Pacific Mall . ... Pac Tel Tel.. Ppnnsvlvanla Pittsburg Coal lino 000 o'.eOO ! I V. '. 1.1O0 ."OO T..ROO il.omi 3.SH0 2,71m 200 3".70O son 2,100 000 B.soci 400 000 High. LOW. 'iiii 4T'i "7'i . "fl'i 7i) 7S 110 110 UO-H 0414 "BO 103'. !' 04 ' 04 - K,o'i 67 'z 4 . B7 "ia"-, 'UK CHICAGO. July 26. Fear ef crop damags from hot winds In the Southwest gave the corn market a pronounced, upward awing today, after breaks due to fresh gains for the entente allies In France. The close was unsettled "ic to lt-c net higher, with Au rust 1 1.62 "4 1.53 and September S1.S3T4 fr 1.54. - Oats finished hQ to lWc up and provisions down 5c to 70r. Notwithstanding that two days ago frost danger was a bogey, the com market today 38.43; common, ln..-,0'ii 1 7 : butchers, stock round nigh temperatures a powerful source ,'nm d mi i,i.r.r. ? rini,ij f.nnra andiof disturbance- to values. At first, however. cutters. .264i7.r.O: mockers and feeders, continued oeieais or tne i.ermans. especially Kood Vhmop xinxi l:t: Inferior common. the capture of Oulchy. led to general sell 7r.ein. ...1.. ort ,nH ,-hnlr. I Inl and to resulting downturns in prlrea iir r.oiff. 17 . - , " I Slightly enlarged rural offerings, together Khn RAMlnt. 11 IVUI - ..nH . n " ' ' " ii. i ..it view. i uin K i ii i toiiui i.mh r.o . ...... , i.ji,,m kl)ijr. I lions, tended also to Dring aooui weaaness. around 1 lou-er. Kheer, sleadv. ' l nen came talK or not winds, and mere Throughout the rest of the day absence of selling pressure was very evident and th buying waa persistent, although chiefly In small lots. Seabord Inouiry helped to lift the ost market. The chief element of strength, though, was sympathy with corn Sharp declines in the price of hogs carried down provisions. Liquidating sales de veloped, and about the only support wss of a local character. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Aii; $1.02 Il.o.Ti it-pt 1.023 1.T.4 1, OATS. . . . .! .70', . . .(! .69ii MESS PORK. 4.Vtt 4Y13 ..40.00 4.1 5 40.00 LAKD. ..26.40 ..26.30 26.32 26.20 SHORT ItlBS. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, July 20. Hogs Receipts, 10,000, 2c lower. Heavv, H7.7R y 1 8.1 0: mixed. S17.80ilg; light. $17.5.119 18.00; pigs, $12tT 16: bulk of sales. tlT.MKtl 18. Cattle Receipts. 2000, steady. Native steers. $12.40 1S.40: cows and rreifers. $7.5013.0O; Western steirs. 10.4Si 16.20; Texas steers. SO.noi 12.50: range cows and heifers. 7.r,0 1 1 : manners. $74i8; stockers and .feeders. Isn 13: calves. $10nl3.&o. Sheep Receipts. 33oo, steady to stronger. Wethers. $1214: ewes, $IO.OO Jcla; lambs, $176 18.50; yearlings. $13jt14.50. FEDERAL OPERATION'S EXTENDING Auz. t'ept. 40 V, 47 44 71 .'lO?, 57 '4 15 ISO (11 31T4 03'i 301. 36 , 40 40 '4 4:1 on '-3 20'7 00 K viou iai" ' oi '' 31. 117 30 200 !,400 300 200 300 - 3hi noo 4H0 300 400 -New, $3.70i&4 per hundred. 11a $22.50 per sack. 400 nn 300 2.000 Rep Iron Steel ll.iuu . 2sa; 100 -. .2!H "'." 211', 71 41 102 7; 32 '44 i 23 0 93 ONIONS Walla Walla. S2.SO: California. I Shat Ariz Cop.. .. . " ' 1 t-. v.am Par r. 300 , S4 Staple Groceries. Local jobbing Quotations: SUGAR Sack basis:' Fruit and berry. $S.0B; beet, $7.05; extra C, $7.65; powdered. In barrets, x.ij; cuoes, in oarrels, ss.ua. NUTS Walnuts, 0c; Brazil nuts, 16c filberts, 20c: almonds, 1823c: peanuts. 19c; cocoanuts, $1.60 per dozen. SALT Half-ground. 100s, $15.00 per. ton: U,i hlehem Steel 9VS, fii..D iuii, uniij, .-o per ton. RICE Blue Rose, 31.70W12C per pound BEANS Jobbing prices: Small white, 13 targe wnite, iic; oayou. n thorn Rv . .. 00O Studebaker CO.. 1"" Texas Co ;" Union Pacific .. 200 U S Ind Alcohol 2.800 U S Steel 1355I!2 do Pfd l.ioo Utah Copper . . goo Wabash pfd 300 Western Union. 4 00 nr 4nv -Rleetric 2m 23 T4 46 1.-.3 122 12S 108 111 R1 24 Va 82 84 '4 2814 no ' 29 '4 ,60 ' 174 ' 71 V, 40 102 . 87 a 00 14 L'3 01'.. 'S3ii 23H 40U 101 '4 122'i - 1377-, 10 -111 Vi 8) 24 81 vi 42 84 H - .-.14 42 02 2.1 41) -46 44 i 7 2 0.". 10 144 . l."4 ! ::i B7 -52 . 117 Wx 17 33 113 28 - KOVi 20 '4 23 00 . 20 - 7 1 14 4o 103 B2 20 44 51 23 '1 8 1. 1 S3 ' 23 45V 1 52 12 1 128 107 74 111 '4 81 24 81 hi 4J S3H Total sale's for the day. 335.000 shares.. BONDS. July Sept. July Sept. July Contracts for Clvlllaof Ntipplint Are I'romptly brt Aside. NEW YOr'k, Jury 26. Dun's tomorrow will say: - arled as the economic readjustments have already been, the extension of Federal domination of trade and industry has con tlnued without Interruption and steadily becomes more far-reaching In Its influence. greatly exceeding earlier expectations ana 1 - - monopolizing a constantly increasing pro portion of the Nat on s producing capacity but no precise calculation can be made as to the supplies tha will be available for ordinary uses, and civilian contracts are promptly set asido n iierevcr they inierrere with work of a special character. ' Under the conditions, the state or "busi ness obviously cannot be gauged by. the usual standards, and ' that the notable ac tlvltv manlfewted in many quarters results either dlrectlv or - Indlrec-tl v from pressure of war needs eaeb week's reports maaa plainer. - - v weekly bank clearings were jj.j".,-j.i- Low. $1.50 1.01 . .68 Close $1.52 1.53!! -.69 4.1 10 40.0O ; 40 26.25 24.40 24.70 24.85 24.85 21.70 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2 yerlow. $1.73; No. 3 yellow, $1.67 (a 1.70: No. 4 yellow. $1.37I.6n. Oats No. 3 white. ie.-f ii'ir: new. 10 B7Uc; standard. 76J77c; new, 76 4j7c. Rye NO. 2. $l.nT. Barley $1 1.17. Timothy $00f 8.20. 1 'lover Nominal. Pork Nominal. I.n rd 26.25 w 20.4O. Illbs $23.87 U 24.5ft. Morris Brothers, Inc. Established 25 Years. . 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. i- THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON Municipal Bonds Yielding from S.25 to 7 If you must Mi I, I. your Liberty Bonds. SRI.l, (a IS. If yoa mat BUY more Liberty Bonds, BUY from I s. BUY and we SELL, at the market. Telephone Main 3409. Liberty Loan Department Open Until 6 P. M. Saturday New York and Eastern cities, lie left Friday for Gearhart where he will spend a few weeks in his new ho-.ue at the beach. A. Harold Noon. C. 1. Yager. R. Cochran, J. K. Tuttle. Lieutenant F. Pulnski and Knsisrn H. O. Waldo, all of the United St-' tea Navy Relief Fleet, are at the Imperial. They are here to ssist In taking out one of our recently launched ships. One of the members of the party here to take out a recently launched vessel is A. Harold Noon, who is at the Im perial. Mr. Noon has been for the last lour years on the stall or tne r-an Francisco Chronicle. He lately enlist ed and has been appointed a paymaster In the U. S. N. R. F. . RAN ' - . Naval Htores. SAVANNAH. ' tia:, July 26. Turpentine I Quoted firm. 6f00iic: sales, 2oJ barrels: re celots. 107 barrels: shipments, 20 barrels stock. 26.1104 barrels. Itonln firm: shJps. tsk Darren: receipts. 04 barrels: stoi-k, 77,200 barrels. uuote: B. T) and B. $10:.F. $10.00: U, $10.1": H $10.1fi; I. $10.20; K. $10.70: M. lo.on; N, $11.10511.10; wo, $ii.iosni.it); ww, n.i:. Cottooai Market. NEW YORK, July 26. Cotton Spot, quiet. Middling. 28.00c. Duluth Unseed Market. DULUTH. July 26. Linseed, $1.60; arrive, $4.S8. Metal Market. NBW YORK. July 26. Lead, unchanged. Spelter, easy and unchanged. - Dried Fruits at New York. NEW YORK, July 26. Evaporated ap- ples, c(ulet; prunes, firm; peaches', scarce. Hops at New York. ' NEW YORK, July 16. Hops, unchanged. ' Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, Juiy 26. Butter, unchanged. Hggjt ReceiptH, 0273 esse, unchanged. drain at 8an IranrlM-o. FRANCISCO, July 26. Klour, not Grain Wheat, Government price. $.1.80 per cental: barley. $2.SS92.tM: oats, red feed and seed, $2.70; corn, California yellow. nominal. Hay "Wheat and wheat and oats, s- tr S4: tame osts, $42rt; barley. $1H322; al falfa,' $16924: barley straw, B0Jr0e. Meals Alfalfa, carload lots, jiv.; co- counut, nominal.. MEN FILMED IN TRENCHES Second Feature of Following the Flag" In France Is Itcady. NEW YORK, July 20. "America's Answer.' the second feature install ment of the United States Government' war serial. "Kollowinc the 1- lag; to France." of which "Pershliin's Crusa ders" is the first, will bo exhibited in New York at . the Georsre M. Cotran Theater befrinrilns on the evenlns of Monday, July 29, it waa announced yes-, terrday by Charles S. Hart, director of the division of films of the committee on public information, which has charge of the picture. The new film Is in eight reels and will tell In pictures the story of the arrival in France of the first 600.000 men of the American Army and what they have accomplished. The activities of the soldiers from the time of enter ing transports to their arrival at the front-line . trenches will be depicted. The bulidinK of SyOO miles of railroad In France, the erection of preat piers and railroad shops, where hundreds of American-built locomotives are assem bled, and all of the work beinc done for the maintenance of the American expeditionary forces will be reproduced on the screen. There will also be pano ramic views of military activities at I lie front and of details of life in the lirnchea. America's Answer" has been select ed and assembled from more than 30,000 feet of film made by order of oeneral l'crshinsr under the direction of the srenei-al staff. Members of the Sternal Corns did the nhotocraphlc work. Gen eral Pershing has seen and approved the film and Is said to be keenly in tercstcd In Its patriotic purpose. Langdon, 234 Nineteenth. July 12, a son. OWKN To Mr. aad Mrs. Harry Klsworth Owen. tSI4 Kast Morrison, July S. a son. TAYLOR To Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Taylor, ll'.ifl Detroit. July 19. a son. . MORGAN To Mr. and Mrs. Jess S. Mor gan. ,21 Liberty, July !, a son. lliLDKr.TH To Mr. and Mrs. Hiram G. Hlldretb. 40:t Twelfth. July 16. a son. KlAhl o Mr. and Mrs. r rank. Klnskl, 1116 Kast Twenty-second, July 21, a daugh ter. FAKKR To Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Baker, 66 West I'rcscott, July 22, a daugh ter. Marriage Llcetsaea. CRArDOCK-CULI" Jesaa B. Craddock, 24. . KM Third St.. and Sadie Culp. legal. 140. Gihhs st. RICK MAN-CLUSTER Arnold M. Rick- man. 21. Northern Hotel. and Mildred Cluster. 111. m2 High at.. S. K. anderso.n.wood F.lder O. Anderson. 22. GreMiam. and Inez Wood, 16, Gresham. SM1TH-OHAKKIN William 11. Smith. 76. 16 Kust Sixth street North, and Laura M. Chaffin. 47. same address. WL'RFKL-OWKNS R. L. Wurfel. 20. HO Fast Sixteenth i,t.. and Loreta Owens. 21. 4?0 F.i.tt Kleventh st. 311 KRMAN-L1BMAN Oscar L. Sherman. 21. lurid Kait Eighteenth St.. N., and Rose Llbnian. 19, 760 First at awouvrr Marriage Licenses. STALKY-SANDYS Thomas Staley, 20. Portland, and Miss Keru Slandys. 10, l'ort land. HALL-PARSONS Sigurd Hall. 2. of Portland, and Miss Lovelle Parsons, 20, of Portland. KLANNF.RT-CALLKART Thomss Flan nery. legal, ef Goldendale. Wash., and Mrs. Helen I'allearv. legal, of Goldendale. Wash. Wll.LS-WliOLHUlGK John Wills. 2V of Tacoma, Wash., and Miss Myrtle Woolridge. 01. of Battle Ground. Wash. of of PERSONAL MENTION. C. R. Scholz, of Pendleton, Is at the Seward. B. E. Welch, of Coos Bay, Is at the Carlton. KAISER HARD TtT SUIT Germany's Kmpcror Is Still Seeking Suitable National AnHicm. AMSTKRDAM, July 10. (Correspon dence of The Associated Press.) Ger many's Emperor is still scekinsr a suit- ble "National Anthem." German of ficials have decided that the music of Hcil Dir 1m Sicgeskrani" (Hail to Thee In the Victor's Crown") should be changed as it is the same as the tune to which "God Save the KinR" is suns, or else that an entirely new hymn should be substituted. A committee of prominent Germans was formed and poets and musicians throughout Germany were requested to compete in the national air contest. More than 3.200 pieces were submitted, some of them being; sent to the Em peror himself, but no fit hymn has as yet been found. 1 It led Import Is Prohibited. CRIPPLES DO WAR WORK Handicapped Men May Become Im portant Labor Factor. NEW YORK, July 10. The local labor shortaee may be met. In many lines, by cripples. A survey of the H. Jensen, of San Francisco, Is at the! city's industries is now being made by K. rt. ttigier, purchasing; agent 01 tne Kansas City Gas Company. Mr. Bigler himself 13 handicapped by the loss of a hand and a log. He says that a properly instructed cripple can do anything that the average worker can do. He has been demonstrating this In shops and factories throughout the city. Business men who have come in con- Carlton. A. Lv Lvtle. of Los Angeles, la at the Portland. A. J. Larm. of La Grande, Is at the Imperial. W. D. Walker, of Antelope, Is at the Cornelius. C. T. Batrd. of Cincinnati, O., is at the Benson. BOY IN KNICKERS BURGLAR Uhkc: large , white. 12c: bayou. 10c: Terminal receipts in cars were reported I lima, 10',4c; pink. 9c. Oregon basis; buying prices; White, Wc; colored, 7c. - , CUJJrtt. toasiea. in arums, litfc. by the Merchants Exchange as' follows: Wheat.Barley.Flour.Oats.Hay. Portland, Fri. .. 20 .. ;t .. '9 Ysarago 1 1 3 1 2 Season to date.. 120 11 01 47 litH Year ago 61 7 40 . .l 62 Tacoma, Thurs.. S . . . . 1 ... Tear ago . . . . . . .". Season to date.. 10 .4 -. . 16 16 Year ago 68 1 .. .. SO, Seattle. Thurs .. 6 Year ago .", :t 17 Reason to date. 2 7 102 .".' :10 Year ago .: 12 7:1 OS 116 TOMATO SUPPLIES ARE HEAVY - -ir . K R. HX 4 IT tS 1.1') S none;, picnics, 25c; cottage I iwlh,rn pac 4s SOi-MlT S Lib 4s Local Market Is Overstocked and Prices Are Weakening. , Tomato supplies have become heavy and the market has weakened. Two hundred boxes of Oregons arrived by boat yester day and 60 boxes by express. Two cars of California tomatoes were also received. Prices ranged from $1 to $1.50 a box. Lp to the Issuing of the . last report, drouth conditions had affected Oregon's . crop anverseiy ana its condition was reckoned at 79 per cent for this year, in .comparison with 87 per cent for 1917 and S6 per cent of the 10-year average. Idaho's crop is reported to be above the average having a condition on July 1 of 88 per Provisions. I.bcal Jobbing Quotations HAMS All sizes, choice, 35c; standard, 34c; skinned, roll. 31c. LAKD -Tierce basis, standard pure, compoundi 23c. BACON Fancy, 475? 48c; stajidard pure. 43(9440; choi. S43'41c. DRY SALT Short, clear backs, 2934c: exports, ao lS3c , Hops, Wool, Etc HOPS 1917 crop, 13914c per pound; con tracts, 16 S 17c wool Eastern uregon. sseaec: valley. &4$r61c per pound. MOHAIR Oregon, new clip, 05o per pound. CASGARA BARK New and old. llo per pound. tallow no. 1, 120 per pound; No. 2, llo per pound. ' Hides and Pelts. HIDES Salted hides, 25. pounds and up. 15c; salted stags, 50 pounds and up, 11c; salted and green kip, 15' to 25 pounds, 16c; salted and green calf, to 15 pounds, 2530c; green hides, 2 pounds and up, 12c; green stags, 50 pounds and tip, Oct dry flint hides. 28u; dry Hint can, 32c; norsenides, gL2&p salted horsehldes, $34. - U s rf 2s reg. . 0" do coupon.... 9s U S 3s reg 4 do coupon .... 09 TJ S 4s reg . . . .106 'A do coupon ....1064 Atchen gen 4s.. a0 r R ref 5s f.7K Northern Pac 3s 60 , P T & T 5a .... 90 Penn con 4'i 4 t4 ITnlon Pae 4s .. SJi'-i TJ S Steel 5s . . RH S P cv 5s 9Si Anelo.-Freneh 5s 821? U S Lib SVis.. 99.84 nr.. m Boston Mining Stocks. WOSTON. July 26. Closing quotations: Allouez nOlOia dominion 42 57 68 4i 2 '.-4 4'i ini IVi 28 78H PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. 40c: dry cent of normal, in comparison with 80 perl short-wool pelts, 25430c; salted pelts. May cent on July l, ll7. and 84 per cent' the I takeoff, J 4. 10-year average. The July report of the United States Bureau of Crop Estimates reckoned the condition of the crop throughout the L'nited States as 87.8 pr cent of normal In comparison to conditions of 85.9 per cent in July 01 iai and 80.3 per cent, the 10- year average, Oils. x GASOLINE Bulk, 21c; engine distillate, bulk. 12c; kerosene, bulk, 10c; cases, '.20c LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, S1.92; cases. 12. 02; boiiea, barrels, I1.U4; cases, sz.04. TURPENTINE In tanks. 79c; cases. 89c SAN FRANCISCO rilOUl'CE MAKKE1 Ariz. Com : . 13 onceoia .. Cal & Ariz ns Qulncy . . & Hecla 455 Superior ... C R Con Co B S & B M .. F, Butte Cop Min 9'i. Shannon ... Franklin " Isle Roy (Cop).. 2H Vvinona .. ., Lake Copper .. Wolverine . . Mohawk " I uiauu, North Butie ai Money, Exchange, Ete. NEW YORK. July 26. Mercantile paper. unchanged. - Sterling, unchanged. Demand, 4.70 6-1 6, cables, $4.76 7-16. Francs, demand. 8-71H.: cables. 5.60T4. Guilders, unchanged. Lire demand. 8.1; cables, 8.50. Bar silver ana Aiexican aoiiu.ru. um-nKUBcu. Time loans strong and unchanged. r'.j 1 1 Tnonev. weak: high, 6. per cent; t. a r.Ae ient: rullnr rate, o 14. per cent closing hid. 3ti per cent: offered at per cent; last loan, i.pcr tcm. . ; T.ONDON. July 26. Bar silver, 48 13-J6d per ounce. Money, 2 per ceni. Discount rates Short and thVee months bills, 3 17-32 per cent. ALL LINES ARE STEADY NEW YORK. July 15. A boy in nickerbockers had been committing so many flat burglaries In Brooklyn, setting fire in - several of the places. that the police arrested steDhen Green. 15 years old, lof 370 Baltic street, most ly because he wore knickerbockers and because he had been arrested four times previously. At the Sixth Branch Detective Bu reau Detectives Clare and McClunn said Stephen had been Identified by ersons who had seen the youngr bur glar and had admitted robbing 15 apartments and starting fires in two f 1 them. The boy was arraigned In the ichil- ren's court on a charge of robbing nd setting fire to the apartment of Adolph Horowitz, 158 Smith street, and found guilty. - In quick succession, the police said. partments at 151 Smith street and t .1 Bergen street had- been entered and robbed of small articles. The- police alo accused Stephen of robbing an apartment at 137 bin It 11 treet, after which the place was -et on fire and $1000 damage done. WASHINGTON WHEAT MATURES Spring Grain Progresses Unsatisfactorily, owing to Deficient Moisture. The Washington weekly crop report says extremely hot weather in the eastern di vision, without alequate rain, was adverse to growing crops, but favorable for haying and harvest. Cutting barley and early oats; yield fair to poor. Rain Is much needed for pastures and vegetable gardens which are suffering from lack of moisture. Winter wheat maturing nicely, cutting generally, quality fair. Early Spring wheat cutting will begin about the 20th: crop is making unsatisfac tory progress on account of deficient rain , fall, and some has been badly burnt by hot winds. RECEIPTS OS" PEACHES INCREASING Brisk Local Demand Is Holding All Prices Steady. , Peaches were steady with a brisk demand and fair receipts, which included 300 boxes f Oregons by express and 100 boxes by boat and two cars from California. Oregon Hales and Alexandera sold at $11.10 and Early .-Crawfords and Triumphs at SI. 100 1.25. California Early Crawfords brought S1.3.1.40 and other varieties Sl.2501.35. The cantaloupe market was weak, ow ing to the accumulation of supplies dur ing the damp weather. Burbank plums were offered at S3 and Tragedy prunes at S22.25. Potatoes are still ruling strong, Call- xornta sacaea siock selling at S3.75$s4 per cwt. The recent rains have, improved the outlook for tho local crop. Carlot Shipments of Coast Produce. Carlot shipments of California produce to Western markets were: Cantaloupes One car each to Rock Springs, Calgary, Ogden, Pocatello and Mis Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables. Fresh Fruit, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, July 26. Batter, 47 0 52c. ' ,- Eggs Fresh extras, 48 : fresh extra pul lets, 46c. . - . Cheese Young Amarlcaa -not quoted; new firsts. 24 'Ac. Poultry Large hens, - 231c; roosters. young 40 43c; - fryers, JSc; broilers, 38c; pigeons, 92.00; squabs, sj.ou; geese, 21u2ac; turkeys, live,- 25&2JC 1 Vegetables-Oreen peas, . 6 8c: aepara- gus. 5 o c ; Summer squash, -SI. 2a; egg- plant, S1.40cfi 1.60; peppers, bell. SI. GO; chile, 9V4U; tomatoes, iacfrt.o; lettuce, Hog sjsi; celery. l.ou-; potatoes, wnite, (r :t; sweet potatoes. 8$i 10c; onions, red. SL..75 yellow. S2.1.& 2.2a: garlic, loc; beets. $1.501.65; carrots. - 90cfc $1 ; turnips, 6060 75c; rhubarb, $1. 75132; cabbage, llc; artichokes, 2.50&4; cucumber. $11.25; string beans, 5c; lima beans, 89c; okra, 12 Vt 15c: corn, S2&2.25. Fruit Cantaloupes, standards, SI. 5052.75: watermelons. l6-2c; casabas. 24c: lemons. choice, S.d6; grapefruit, S2t2.50; oranges. $3&6: bananas. Hawaiian, 5$j.7; pineapples. X-.'..",0i 6; apples. 2i2.00; strawberries. S8 g 10 ;- cherries, black Tartarians, nominal; blackberries, e'ffsc; raspDernes, 7tolOc; peaches. S191.&0; gooseberries. &Q9c; cur rants. $R!ft,9; loganberries, IWSc; apricots. 7rcSl.o0; pears, uartletts, 1.752: figs. double layer. $1 if 1.25; white, 754 'J0c; plums. SI 4 1.25. Receipts r lour, yi:n quarters; barley. 3105 centals: beans; 144 sacks; potatoes. 2305 sacks: onions, 4,2 sacks: hay, 073 tons; hides, 670; wine. 145.620 gallons. Coffee Futures Dull. NEW YORK. July 26. Dullness prevailed In the market for coffee futures today. September sold at 8.46c and March at 8.03c Closing bids: July, 8.22c; September, 8.46c; October, 8.54c; December. 8.71c; January, S.78e: March, 8.92c; May. 9.07c. Spot coffee steady; Rio 7s. 8Hc: Santos 4s, 115c. Cost and freight offers were scarce, owing to the absence of an exchange market In Brazil New York Sugar Market. NEJtV YORK. July 2. Raw ' sugar. steady. Centrifugal. 6.055c; fine granu lated, 7.50c. DOZEN LOADS OF STOCK RECEIVED AT NORTH PORTLAND. Rnik of Hoar Salea Are at 918 and Suyera Pay 13 to 913.73 for Good La El I: s. ' Trade was active at the stockyards yes terday with a moderate run of about dozen loads. Prices were steady lntall lines at the former vange of quotations. uood steers brought S 10.50 and 111 and the best cows on sale went at . in tne nog ai- vlsion S13 was again tne ruling quotation. There was considerable business done in .lambs at S12 to S 13.75 for the best stock of- terea. - ' Receipts were 200 cattle, 400' hogs and 1400 sheep. Shippers were: With hogs S. L. Overton, Brownsville, 1 load. "With cattle F. J. McCarty. Echo, 1 load W. W. Couper, Union Junction. 1 load Thompson & Gentry, Heppner, 2 loads; S. L. Overton, Brownsville, 1 load. - With sheep George Rogers, "West Scio, 1 load. - With mixed loads Hout A Snod grass, Crabtree, 1 . load cattle, hogs and sheep J. E. Proffltt. Dayton. 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep: Roy Winter. Newberg, 1 load hogs and sheep: Frank Wann, Mount Angel, 1 load hogs ano sneep. Tho day s sales were as follows: Wart. Price - Wgt. Price. 21 cows.. 867 S 7.00 1 wether. 140 9.50 7 cowi.. O'-'O 6.011 I buck... 2.10 (too 12 cows.. 910 7.:ir. 24 goats.. S6 5.50 5 cows.. 1000 roo . 8 cows... 9:to 4.50 12 cows. .1012 6.25 2 cows.. .10O0 3.55 22 cows.. 840 6.50 6 cows... 950 0.00 .1 cow... 9711 4.0O 2 COWS...11K0 8.110 2 cows.. PO.") 3.00 2 cows... 975 6.00 O.cows.. 985 7.75 4 cows... 800 3.50 2 cows.. 755 3.0O 15 cows..'. 920 7.00 1 cow... lloo 6.75 3 cow . 8:10 5 75 22 steers. 1000 31.00 3 cow.... 770 7.50 steers. IOOO O.rvQ 1 cow. . . . 7rto 5 25 1 steers. 965 10.50 1 heifer.. 570 5.25 26 steers. 1045 8.25 1 heifer.. 620 700 3 steers. 800 7.50 1 calf 170 11.50 5 steers. 740 6.25 2 bulls... OHO 5. on 1 calf 2O0 II.OO 1 bull...10!o 0 00 5 calves. 225 10.75 a bulls.. .1180 5 50 1 calf... 380 9.00 140 hogs... 205 18.00 Andy Greyson, of Conrad. Mont., is at tact with Mr. BiKler and bis work are the Qrcaon keenly interested. The physically han- a - i.',e, of Seattle YVaah is at dicapped men offer an unexpected labor A. O. arrow, of Seattle. v ash., is at 8Upplv at a critical time. Department the Oregon. Dr. W. H. Reynolds, of Condon, is at pw York Lad Said to Have Admit-I the Oregon R. V. Caldwell.- or Hooa rtiver, tea IS li-sfHpaclcs. is at the Perkins. A. Lv, Fisher, of Jackson, Mich., Is at tho Imperial.. W. M. Round, of Lone; Beach, Cal., is at flie Cornelius. stores, ciiraretto factories, the shoe and piano industries and many others have found that the cripple can be as em- clent as the normal worker. One de partment store has promised to flu 30 places with competent disabled men Mr. BlKler was loaned by the .Kansas City Gas Company to the Red Cross Institute for Crippled and jusabieu Men. 311 Fourth avenue, until January WASHINGTON", July. 26. By order of the War Trade Board importation of rice for consumption In the United States after July 31 was prohibited. It may be imported in bond for shipment to Central America or the Wests! ndies. Wooden Ship Is Launched. SEATTLE, Wash.. July :!. The wooden ship Brisk. 3500 tons, built by the National Shipbuilding? Company for the Minnehaha Motorship Company, of New York, was launched here toniarht. She is designed for the trans-Pacific trade. ISoclies Threaten Finland. STOCKHOLM, July 26. The Nya Daarligt Allehanda says Germany has made serious representations amount ing' to an ultimatum to Finland for the purpose of securing the establishment of a monarchy there. The appointment of a military governor is threatened. A. D. Steinau, of Chicago, 111., is at j 1919. jie ies attempting to make a the Seward. I complete survey of local industry be- K. E. Pittser, of Kansas City, Mo., is I fore he returns. at the Eaton. Mrs. Joe Laybol, of Elma, Wash., is at the Eaton. James E. Bannon, of Pendleton, is at the Portland. S. A. Alloway, of Boise, Idaho, is at the Portland. J. W. West, of Hood River, is at the Washington. John Ekern, of Lyle, Wash., la at the Washington. HOG ISLAND GETS STEEL Great Lhlpbuildlng Plant Receives Adequate Supply of Materials. PHILADELPHIA. July 19. Steel is now arriving at tha big Government shipbuilding plant at Hog Island in adeauate Quantities, according to H. W. A. P. Wilson, of Oakvllle, Wash., Is I Blood, an engineer for American Intcr- I1AII.Y M ETKORO LOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. July 26. Maximum temper ature, 6U degree; mlninxuru temperature. Ad degrees. Kiver rending, A. M., 0.7 feet; change in last 24 hours 0.2-foot fan. Total rainfall 5 I. M. to .1 P. SI.), . inch: otal rainfall sin-e September 1. 191 1. 39.0'J m-hes; normal rainfall since September 1. 44.4.'t Inches; df-flcienrv of rainfall since September 1. 1017, ft.24 inchea. Kunrise. 4 A. it.: sunset, K:4H r. M : total sun- hlne. 2 hours in minutes: possible sunshina. hours 2 minutes- Mominse, io:otl P. M.; moonset, S:2rt A. M. Barometer (reduced seal level). 5 P. M . SO 04 inches; relative humidity at noon, 57 per cent. THE WEATHER. at the Seward. J. W. Harrison, of San Francisco. Is at the Benson. Frank O. Long, of San Francisco, (si at the Perkins. J. J. Kenney, of Astoria, Is registered at the imperial. W. W. Pettlgrew, of Redmtnd, is at I the Washington. Mildred and Meta Reed, of La Grande, are at the Rltz. H. C. Coen and Mrs. Coen, of Salem, are at the Eaton. PEASANTS REGAIN HOMES Retaken French Area Kast of Cha teau Thierry Again Populated. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMT ON THE AISNB AND MARNE FRONT. wh r, tha ot... July ZD. tty trie JVEauuidieu rrcaa.l 1 French peasants again are choking tne roadways below the Marne east of Chateau Thierry. But this time fhey are groins; home, instead of leaving. Evary road ieaamsr nortnwara con tains streams of peasants and vehicles. national Corporation The fabricators of steel parts for ships," Mr. Blood said, "are making good, and the steel committee, recently appointed to see that the shipyards are stocked with ateel parts, has done much toward the solution of the problem. The Hog Island yard, the largest In the world, is preparing for its first launching on August 4. The ship Is the Red Jacket. It is an 8000-ton freighter. Two more 8000-ton freight carriers are nearly half completed. The Arthur B. Lakey. of Pittsburg, Pa., Is 1 second launching Is expected - to take at the Multnomah. May Enright. of St. Paul, la registered at the Washington. F. J. Joy and Mrs. Joy, of Aberdeen, (SRIPPE FATAL TO. SWISS . r More , Than 800 Members of Army Are' Dead -of Spanish Malady GENEVA, July .26. It Is officially announced that there have been 805 deaths in the Swiss army from Spanish S. W. Allison and family, of Honolulu, S. I., are at the Perkins. H. L. McFadden, of Harrlsburg. Is registered at the Oregon. H. Gibson and M Dalles, are at the Ca Frank :W. Johnson, of Greencastle, Ind,, is at the Multnomah. M,B. .Fitzgerald, of New York. K. T., 18 regisiereu at tuo dciisoii. W. M. Abbott and family, of Gates, are registered at the R(ts. Frank H. Sherwood," of Rainier, registered at the Cornelius. rjlace a week after the Red Jacket leaves the ways. Tne tnira vessel win follow shortly after the second, and then it will be a week or ten days be fore there are further launchlngs. After that Hog Island expects to turn out completed hulls at the rate of two a week. grippe. The number of civilian deaths I Kaylor. of Molallav are at the Rlt has not been published. - The hospitals are . overcrowded and there is a great lack of doctors and nurses. . Annual Trial Meet Set. YAKIMA, Wash., July 28. The Yak ima Field Trial Club tonight set Sep tember 27, 28 and 29 for Its annual field trials near this city. The trials are part of a circuit Including; Oregon, Wash ington, California and British Colum bia, . Yakima. Pears Worth $37.30. YAKIMA, Wash., July 26. State Food Administrator Hebberd today suggested $37.60 as a fair price for Yakima pears contracted to tho cannery here for S22.50 a ton. The growers accepted the prico and the proposition is being con sidered by the cannery officials. Phone your want ads to Tha Orl(0 nian. Main 7070, A 6085. nr.. Gibson, of The BEAN NO MORE DESPISED Jarlton. I . Holland Restores to I ubllc Favor Lowly Food of Bos-ton THE HAGUE. July 10. The Boston baked bean, formerly despised except by the humble classes of Holland, has been restored to public favor by the J. W. Steele, of Centralis. Wash., Is recent embargo on shipments of wheat from America. Fort' thousand acres of land have been converted Into areas for growing beans and peas. Queen WiLhelmina is setting an ex ample for her subjects in cultivating cereals by growing rye on the lawns of her country estate of Het Loo. Trade in food substitutes thrives registered at the Multnomah. Mrs. R. A. Gregory and Mrs. O. L. E. Hunt -and Mrs. Hunt, of Camas, Wash, are registered at the Eaton. F. W. Burns and Mrs. Burns, of Spo kane. Wash., are at the Multnomah. J. H. Gerrin and Mrs. Gerrln. of I .m..Tiirlv. The rjolice of Alkamaar re- Prlnevllie, are rcarinicrea at tne fon-l cntly sid 400 bales of roasted flow land. I er bulbs and 400 pounds of milled L. T. Hackell and Mrs. Hackell. of acorns which were Intended for use in Port Huron, Mich... are registered at the making coffee. C?arlton. I ) Much of the shortage of nllk. butter, r u incold., Mrs. Insrold and dainrh. eggs, meat and fresh vegetables is due tar of Los Angeles, are registered at to the fact that Holland has to barter the Perkins. 1 many of these good things for German u xr McCormaek. Hie shlnhnlM.r I coal and Iron. and lumber operator of St. Helens, lsl at the Benson. Ira C. Barber and Mrs. Barber, of Mc- Minnvillc, are registered at the Seward. Mr. Barber Is a member of the-Oregon Legislature from Yamhill County. Will G. Mac Rae, war correspondent of The Oregonian, Just returned from the battle front In France. Is enjoying a much-needed rest a( the Cornelius. S. Solomon, of the Wonder Millinery, has returned from a six weeks' trip to DAILY CITY 1 STATISTICS Births. NELSON To lr. and Mrs. Edward Nel- mon. 1AU Morris. July lO. a son. SMITH To Mr. and Mrs. James E. Smith liiTrt Haven. July 2.i. a son. PETERSON To Mr. and Mrs. Miles W, Peterson. ti2 Olisan, July 21. a daughter. WEHTLUND To Mr. and Mrs. ehxrlev Weatluud. 13 West Emerson, July 19, a son. LANGDON To Mr. and Mrs. Edwin U. STATIONS. i 5 1 si 3 o m 3 : " c 'Weathtr B.ikrr Hoi tnslon ....... 'ftlKktry 'Iiliauo ...... Lnvr lea Moines . .. Eureka ...... Gulveaton H Jena ....... t Juneau KMiisaa City. . l.o An re ies. .. Marsh. U li . .. Mod ford M inneapoHB . . Nw ( rlans .. New York . .. North Hal . . No nh Yakima f'hoenlx POCsitf 110 . . .. Portland . . . . . Rntburff Sacramento . . Lsouln Suit hake San rtep:o Pan KrancUco. eattle Sitka Spokane Tacoma Tatnn.sh Island tYaldez Wall a Walla .. Washington . . Winnipeg tVJ Irifto.lU'l'J.N Pt. cloudy H 7H 0.00 Nw; Pt. ctoucy H4i Kv.tM,i. .;sw 44) ,n o.(Ki. . NB 74' ttJ U.SHj.iVsH tH 0.04,12 K 7J 1 rt.OT I . . iN IS S4 ' o.ajlio N hi' fvO.01 14 tK ruti i4o.22 10 xe 541 . . . :o.0.. . ,s SOiino O.Ool. . sW tjol 7'i 0.1KX10 sw fH 7t n.o; .V 76 0.OO riaudr Ft. cloudy Cloudy Vtear Pt. cloudy riper Cloudy t'lotirty tlrUi iClfur lesr NW.Cl.ar N Wi'ker HSi 7s.o.0JI.-'W if'lcar "! M n.o,..ISB Cloudy ho 0.01, 'J S !dar r4i rt'0.0s H NWjCloudy r4, "tt o.rtoj . .:N W.Clear T.lOtt O.on . .jN N'lcar 54, Srt n.oo'. . sw Pt. cloudy 5; 0,iiu. NK IIUlu 71' n.Mij . . xV clear 7t. louo.oo in swji'lfur r" I 10:0. on uo s ii'ifir j o. '. .;w 54 0.0H24 HV t; n.i; . ,iv it! O.oni . JNW ;' t o.o- 14 sv O.O0 4S! "lear "lear I ear Cloudy 1'loud v iCInutl V Cloudy 74 14 W Cloudy li o.0! . .)SK K'lear 6O 0.00 . .(NWPt. cloudT A. M. today. P- M. report of preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Generally cloudy; gentle nortnwpjifny reprn nun " -. . ... . warmer eaHL portion . rimv nutit:0t., wlndn. Ida o ! NIC n T l.T.AM. Metrn1oiri-t. TRAVELERS' CTIDK. I li f UriTli 109 Third 8t. Mala t asUs,Uai. Sk Ktcb1kan. WranrelU Juneen, Zoarlaa Heinn, Ska ej way. Cordova, Vatdaa Sowaxd tad Aacfiorsca 8peacleU 8ummer Escnnleae. Roun4 trip ratea to all Alaska points. Largest sblpa. unequaled service, low ratea, cluainc bertH and meeia Make reeer vatlona. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND ANl SOCTH 8EA9 Tla Tahiti and Raratoaaa. ad all and pa. ssncsr s.rvlt. from 8aa a ranclsca .vary ss) aarp DNIOH K. . CO. OF NEW ZEAtAND. M CUfraUa t.. taa FrmatclaM. r iacaa st. anishia and sailraasl aasaclsa.