16 TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1918. FIRE BUG SUSPEGTED Dynamite Cap and Fuse May Explain Mill Blaze. FIRE MARSHAL ON GROUND Soys Playing Near Rice-Kinder Lumber Plant Site Find Sack Containing Explosives Of ficers Start Investigation. With the finding: of a largo Back filled with dynamite caps and about 60 tiet of coiled fuse yesterday afternoon by small boys playing: near the ruins of the Rice-Kinder lumber mill, which was almost destroyed by fire a. short time ag-o, the belief that the fire was of incendiary origin has been substan tiated, according to State Fire Marshal Stokes. He investigated the cache where the explosives were found. The damage to the plant at the time of the fire was between $50,000 and $60,000, partially covered by insurance, accord ing to officials of the mill. At the time of the fire various opin ions were griven as to its cause, al though Mr. Kinder, vice-president of the lumber company, and several other officials were confident that the blaze started from an explosion near the roof of the main plant over the boilers. After an investigation conducted by officials of the city Zire department, employes of the mill and mill authori ties, it was ventured by some that fire started in sawdust in the boiler-room. After yesterday's investigation by the State Fire Marshal, he gave as his opin ion that the mill was wiped out by a fire of incendiary origin, and the au thorities are investigating a number of clues. An envelope contained in the cache had written across the face of it "giant powder" with a blue pencil. Several empty pasteboard boxes found in the cache were greasy and oily, indicating that they had been buried in the vicin ity of dynamite. At the time of the fire several em ployes of the lumber company were un der suspicion owing to some trouble among the men of the plant, but no evidence was found connecting them with the fire. ' North Dakota "Prairie Dog" Almost Perfect One. V. D. Knickerbocker Now On "Way to Marine Training Station. OT. PAXIL, Minn., July 26. "Say, pard, aj I"m a 'prairie dog' from North Da kota and I want to go over there and become a 'devil dog,' " and, relieving himself of this sentiment, "William E. . Knickerbocker, of Dogden, N. D., took his place in line in the United States Marine recruiting station here. Knickerbocker passed an almost per fect physical test and is now on his way to Paris Island, S. C, to the ma rine training station there. CURRY PEOPLE ARE LOYAL Mrs. Jennie Kemp Carries Gospel of Food Conservation. In the face of many obstacles, Mrs. Jennie Kemp, of Portland, special lec turer of the State Food Administration, is carrying the gospel of food conser vation to remote portions of Curry County. She writes from Gold Beach to assure the superiors that her visit and the food-saving message are warm ly appreciated there. "It is interesting to see how grateful I the people are to the food administra tion for sending some one in," she says. "They have hardly seen a soldier in uniform, newspapers are two or three days old when they come, we are get ting practically no news of this big victory, yet the people are giving all their boys, much money and are doing splendidly on food conservation. CHIEF ENGINEER IS NAMED A. J. Witchel to Serve Spokane & Inland Empire Iinc. A. J. "Witchel was appointed chief en gineer of the Spokane & Inland Empire Railroad and the United Railways Com pany yesterday by F. S. Elliot, the new president or the roads. These proper ties were not taken over by the Gov ernment at the time the Spokane, Port' land & Seattle, Oregon Electric and Oregon Trunk Line were federalized. Mr. Witchel, who will have headquar ters in Portland, has been with the North Bank system ever since Its or caniza tlon. A. E. Lupfer, chief engineer of the Spokane, Portland & Seattle lines un der Government supervision, . will re linquish supervision of the Spokane & Inland Empire and United Railways lines. MABSHF1ELD TO HAVE BAND Chamber of Commerce Guarantees $200 Monthly Till 1919. MAESHFIELD, Or., July 26. (Spe cial.) The Marshfield .Chamber of Commerce declared a guarantee of 200 a month for the remainder of 1918 for a new band and will ask the city for a similar appropriation at the end of the year. Musicians are to hold an im mediate meeting to select bandmen and it is believed a much larger concert or ganization than the old Coos Bay con cert band can be gathered. The hope expressed at a meeting of union leaders and Chamber of Com- ieics men imi mgnt tor tne purpose v. vcicuiaimu here was that the band could be ready for the editorial gathering in August, as mere are many Danamen ready ror Immediate work. . . , - n r-VMO o r nv nrnnwrnm DU I O DUU I nCUUVCntU Paul Gaman, Aged 1, Drowned In River, Missing Since Monday, i The body of Paul Gaman, aged 7, who had been missing since last Mon day, was found by members of the Harbor Patrol in the river below the Northern PaciTic Lumber Company mill late yesterday. The victim of the drowning is the son of John Gaman who lives in a houseboat near the lumber mill. The river was dragged several times without results, but yesterday the body floated free from the current and came to the surface. It is believed that the boy accidently fell in the river or took cramps while emimming. The body was taken in charge by the Coroner. Alleged Wlfebeater Held. C. Witt was arrested for wife-beating AMUSEMENTS. PANTACE MAT. DAILY 2:30 xs. If. were, inc.. rrrwun "HOOS1ER OIRL" Who's Your Girl?) A flirtation In two appointments, with Hilly Tate. Evelyn Bennett and a Broadway Beauty Chorus. 6 Other Bis; Acta 6 Three Performances Daily. .Night Curtain at 7 and 9. Pm USEIVIF NT CHAT NO. 58 Today is the time to prepare to spend tomorrow at Oaks Amuse ment Park. Get a lunch together, get the family together and . all together come out for the day. Kitchenette and checking service; cool, clear Bull Run water, spar kling from fountains, and long benches outdoors, or indoors in case of showers, are provided with out cost. Hundreds of other fami lies and numerous societies will be there for an old-fashioned open-air gathering. No matter how many taay come, there will be room and comfort for all. In the afternoon or evening, you are invited, without expense to yourself, to be the guests of the management at "The Baggage man," a laughter-provoking musical comedy to be presented by the Armstrong Folly Company in the big sideless auditorium. A splen did range of music by the Oaks Orchestra, the finest and largest in the city, should be sufficient in itself to bring you out. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. The Big Resort, the Clean Resort, the Ideal Resort for "Women and Children for EverybodT COLUMBIA BEACH Finest "Wading and Bathing Beach Anywhere Around Portland. Free Swimming Lessons Ladles Mondays, "Wednesdays, 10 to 2. Children Tuesdays, Thursdays, 10 to 2. H. P. Terwilliger, Instructor. A Wonderful New Bath ing Attraction for Night Bathers Revolving Rainbow Tower throws every color of the rain bow over the water and beach. DANCING every evening and all day Sunday." ROLLER SKATING nd many other amusements. Take Vancouver Car. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office Boom IRS Courthouse, 5th fit. Phonn from 8 to 6. Main S78. Horn. Thma. a ight call after office hours. Main 270. Report all cases of cruelty to ths above ad dress. Electric lethal chamber for arnall ani mals, .worse amouiance zor atcic and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any on do siring a dog or other pet communicate with us. uau lor an iost or straw a stock, a wm look after all Impounding. Thers la no mors city pouna, just Oregon Humane Society TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Competent tray Hrnadway unH. at the Union Depot late yesterday. Just as ne was preparing to buy a ticket to leave tne city. His -wife complained to Officer Staton that her hus band took great pleasure In beatintr her up periodically. Mrs. "Witt who has two small children, told the officer that she would swear out a complaint today for the prosecution of her erring spouse. A charge of desertion may be added. Witt was locked ud in the City JaiL HORSE TALE PROMISED MARYLAND ALLEN TO DO TARTARS OF" THE RANGE. Well-Kaom Writer Goes) to Cnmn Lewis to Cover Remonnt Station for Magazine. The remount station at Cairnv Ll where hn-krnn l ll,..jk . .v.. - - ' ua LUD tartars of the range, the reariner. snort ing, unbroken horses that are destined to become cavalry mounts for service in France, is to be the subject of an article " by Maryland Allen, widelv known writer of short stories, whose noma is in tne local suburbs of Rock- spur. Mrs. Allen leaves for American Lake today, and will remain ft the canton ment tor a weeK or more, securing material for the descriptive yarn anent the remount station, which has been contracted for by a magazine of most lf,miii0. I rpUrtt.o-V, fra Allan n .1-. written descriptive articles and feature stories of places and events, her work nntn, inriivMnni ,. i I . fiction is more widely known. Re cently she sold to the Munsey com I ft AVrt J . - i fy "'"'"' lwiv ui mo oouin Seas, which is soon to appear. High School Districts Get Funds. OREGON CITT, Or., July 26. (Spe cial.) More than $15,000 was appor tioned today py county School Super intendent Calavan to high school dis tricts in Clackamas County to cover the cost of educating students from districts where standard high schools are not maintained. The apportioned districts do not embrace Colton, as the report rrom that district has not been received, and Portland, which files Its claim, for high school tuition in the FalL The districts receiving monev I will get the balance, amounting to 25 per cent of their apportionment, in uctODer. Alaska Id still under a territorial form or government with officers ap pointed by the President and laws f.ade by Congress. Persons living in the territories do not vote for Presi- Idont. K I a AMUSEMENTS. Get Happy" ' Dance Tonight A nerfect floor the lartrest in the Northwest the famous Coun cil Crest Orchestra, Monte Austin singing with the dancing, and a great jony crowd to neip you en Joy it. Come up tonight. SUNDAY is the picnic day on the moun tain top. Nelie n's" Orchestra plavs in the Ola orcnara irom a until 10 P. M. Try a ride on the fastest cenic railway on the Coast. Council Crest Park ADMISSION FREE, .iiuiwia n"wt i DANCING Tonight Ringler's Cotillion Hall 14th Off Wash. Coolest and largest hall. Ball-bearing spring floor. Roof garden. Best music. Butterfield sings. Informals every Tues., Wed., Thurs. and Sat. eves. POPULAR PRICES. OATVOIN'fi SCHOOL LESSORS DAILY. PRIVATE AMI CLASS, lO LESSONS 5. Broadway 3: ISO. A 33.11. MEETING NOTICES. All KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Stated session this (Saturday) evening, July 2". at 8 o'clock. Masonic Tem ple. West Park and Yamhill streets. Entertainment after ouslness session. Vliltlnr no bles cordially invited. By or- uer ot tne potentate. HUGH J. BOYD. Recorder. OREGON LODGE, HO. 101. A. . and A. M. Special com munlcation this (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in F. C. degree. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order of r-ollE, B. fAKKlSK, Sec EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, ulna. new design. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 6th at. FRIEDLANDF.R'3 for to .nKLnis class pins nd aaedala. S10 Waslilnaton it FTNEBAL NOTICES. LEEZER James Leexer. at Good Samaritan Hospital. July 2. He leaves two daugh ters. Mrs. Kate Jones and Miss Beatrice j.eezer. eacn ot Portland; two sisters, Mrs. w. w. neeiey. Kusnv lie. ill., and Mrs. Nellie Bolce, of Minneapolis, Minn.; three I'lumerfl, Dumufll J., ot AIDauy. Or. Joseph H., of Echo. Or., and Paul, of Illinois. funeral services at Sellwood crematorium. - t - M. tomorrow rsundavi under auspices of Kenton Lodge, A. P. and a. m. rtirtner particulars call Chambers Kenworthy Company. BURKE In this city. July 25. William A, JurKe. ard 37 years. The funeral cor. tege will leave the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley as Son. Montgomery at i-utn, at luittu o ciocjc this (Saturday) morning, ana proceed to tne uatnedrai. Fifteenth and Davis streets, where serv ices will be held at 11 o'clock- Friends Invited, interment at Mount Calvary Cent etery. SCROGOS In this city. July 25. John M Scroggs, aged 45 years: beloved husband of Alberta Scroggs; also survived by his motner, fuizaoein poiiocs: ana two step- aaugniers. Airs. Aina and Goldle c&r ney, and one sister. Miss Myrtle Scroggs. Funeral serviced will bo held today (Sat urday), July 27, at 2:30 P. M-, from the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Incineration at tne Portland crematorium. KEAVNET At residence. 801 North Twen ty-flrst street. July 26. John G. Keavnev. aged 3 years 9 months; son of Mr. and Mrs. John Keavney. Funeral will be held from St. Patrick's Church, Nineteenth and Davis streets today (Saturday), July ' , ,i " - i ncnu, iuiibu. luiermeni Mount Calvary Cemetery. Dunning 4k Mc Jniee, cureciora. JACKSON In thls'clty. July 26. Edward J, .jacKson. aged years; son ot Mr. and Mrs. ttlias Jackson, of S75 East Twenty sixth street. Funeral services will be held today (Saturdays at a o'clock P. M. at the family residence. Friends invited Interment at Rose City Cemetery. J. P. Flnley & son, directors. I DAILEY In this city, July 25. Ida Dailey, I years; beloved wife of Rupert Dailey: also survived by seven children. Funeral services will be held today ( urday). July 27, at 8:30 P. M., from th chapel of Miner & Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park Cemetery. AVERY The funeral services of the late Dustin Avery, of 475 East Fifty-first street North, will be held today (Saturday), July 27. -.t z P. in., at tne Portland cremato rium. corner Fourteenth street and Bybee avenue. Friends Invited. Remains in care of Walter C. Kenworthy, HALGREN In this city. Jnlv 25. John Hal gren. aged o4 years; beloved husband of Emma Halgren. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday), July 27. at l::iU P. M., from tho chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at tne oreenwooa cemetery. TH ROLL The funeral services of the late Phillip Throii win be held today iatur dav). July 27. at 9:30 A. M-. from thi chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Multnomah Parle cemetery. WESTMORELAND The remains of Baby Westmoreland were forwarded Friday. Jul 26, at 4 P. M.. to Everett. Wash., under direction or Miner ft rracey Ratee for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and bundmy " Per line. One time lie 1 wo consecutive times ............ tic Three consecutive times.. VOc bix or seven consecutive, tunes... ... tlo The following classifications excepted, the rate on which is ?e per Line per days situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Kent Kooms Private Families. Board and Koonn Private Families. liouMlceepinir Kooras Private t amilies. No mm taken for less tliMn two lines. Count six words ts the line. Advertisements (except "Per sonals") will be tk.rn over the tMephone If the ndvertiKer Is ah subscriber to cither phone. No price will bo quoted over the phone, but statement will bo rentlered the following day. Advertise ments are taken tor The Dally Orego nian until -S P. M.; for Tbo Sunday Uro vuian until I. M. Saturday. n the W. M. A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or 'other information, telephone A 6095, House 29. ACCORDION PLEATING. HEMSTITCHING. 10 CENTS PER YARD. PLEATING, ALL LATEST STYLES. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. S5H FIFTH. EASTERN NOVELTY CO.. STARK ST. BROADWAY 2000. K. STEPHAN, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordion side pleat, buttoiis covered, mall orders. 219 Plttock block. Broadway lout). AGATE CITTEKS AND MFG. JEWELERS. JEWELRY and 355 Wash. St., watch repairing-. Miller's Majestic Theater bldg. ALFALFA MEAL. GROUND FEEDS. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. 8667. ASS A VERS AND ANALYSTS. MO.ITANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS courts. A. GOLDSTEIN, practice In 802 Northwestern Bank bldg. BABBEK SLITLIES. REYNOLDS MONEY-BACK TONIC Bar- bera exclusive; sold direct. P. O. box I'll. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY' CO. We buy and sell all kinds of barber supplies. 250 2d. O. K. BARBER SUPPLY' HOUSE We sell all Kinds of barber supplies. 36 N. 2d at. BEAl'TY SPECIALIST. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Method. 6Q4 Swetland bldg. CARPET CLEANING. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 19o3. r iuii rugs ana rag rugs woven, all sizes. East 8th and Taylor. East 2580. B 12so. CANCER. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 812 Morgan bldg. Marshall C143. CELMI.OI1) BUTTONS. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A 1254. HIROPODIST8 AND AKCII SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Florelle DeVeny. the oniy scientmc cniropodists and arcli spe cialists In the city. Parlors 302 Gerllnger bldg., southwest corner Second and Alder. Phone Main 1801. DR. GARTNER. Chiropodist. Bunions a spe cialty. jniy place in city foot arches made to order. 22a Alder. Main 10S1. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMAHON. Macleay bldg.. loo chiro practic, world's best. Adjustments made easy. Obstinate cases 50c rate. ClKCl'LAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. 2582. 100 letters multlgraphed. (1.5U. COLLECTION AtiKNCIES. KETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17HH. No collections, no charge, established 19IIO. DANCING. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private Instructor; classes Mue., f n., o to lo. loo 2d St., bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, lead ing school. 8oH Fifth: 8 private lesnons J 1 A. M. to P. M. Broadway 23: Learn to dance Summer classes private lessons, itlnglers Acad.. 34th.' off Wanh., i.-! i ii k ntiiuoi , ju lessons .. rn wy. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAI DR G. H. HUTHMAN, veterinarian, hosnl tal. 41S E. 7th St. Kast 1S47. B 1U62. nous and norses clipped. FI.IFF RIO AND RAG RIG FACTORY. NORTHWEKT RUO CO.. established 1HH3. r iuii rugs ana rag rugs woven, all eizea. r.aat m and layior. halt H 1'JSO. WHOLESALERS AND A VTO TOPS. DUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. Hth and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. DRY GOODS NOTIONS. L. DINKELSPIEL CO. riT s" HATS AND CAPS. THANHOUSER HAT CO, 53-65 Front ft. HIDES, WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. 195 Front Et. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davis Sts. PAINTS. OILS AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor. DIED. BROWN July 26. James Brown, aged b9 years, late or xieno, cr. rtemains mi iun nlng A McEntee's chapel. Notice of fun eral later. ROSS In this city. July 25. Alex Ross, aged 61 years. j-unerai nonce laier. rrmuiii are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. FO'ERAt DIRECTORS. HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Street. Main 607. A. 1611. Lady Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash, at-, ML 20th 21st. Vtjsat Side. Main 20U1. Lady assistant. A TttsO. Jf P. FLNLKI c SON. Progressive Funeral directors. Private Drive Women Attendants, MONTGOMERY AX tieiH. Main h. A 1598. ItrlT CHM JP- "PnClSi Multnomah at 7th. VV 1UUVA1 vx a..vw- lad ady AamatanL C 8165. DUNKlN'i 4 McENTEB, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430, A 4588. Lady attendant. , F. 6. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN KULK UNDERTAKERS 414 S.aat Alder St. East 62. B 2525. BREEZE & SNOOK Belmont at 35th T. 125s, B 254ti MR, AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1U78 E. OlUan. Tabor 4318. ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors. 121b. ana Morrison sts. puwy. jj.. a oo, A. R. ZELLEK CO.ri'o-c'iV.s: 6KEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2821. Lady assistant. PT T T?T?r,M East 11th and Clay at- CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Perpetual care assured with every purchase. No expense afterward. Price lower. Courteous treatment to all FXORIST9. CLARKE BROS., Florists, 287 Morrison St. Main or A 1805. Fin. (lowers and floral deslgms. No branch stores. MARTIN FORBES CO., Florist.. 354 Waahlnrton. Main 269. A 1289. Flowars for all occasions artistically arransad. TON8ETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington St.. bat. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1161. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. JL 2121. 6llin bide.. 6th and Aldrr sts. MOVCMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th St.. oppo.lt. City Hall. Main 8564. Philip Neu de Bons for memorials. BE BLAElStNli ciftANlTCCO. . lit J il l ?fX-T-, toe Sale Hoo.es. mill The Oregonian, Main 7070 or n.liT BIGS AND RAG RfCS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrain. .Brussels. Smyrna, Axmtnsier rag ruga, all sixes, mall order prompt; booklet. 9x1 "J rugs, steam or dry cleaned. $1. !.". CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN" FLUFF RIG CO. 54-Mt Union ave. N. East tfOUI. 1 1475. JKVVKLKK AND WAK'HMAKEK. J.KELLER 102 Third st. Expert watch maker. Work guaranteed. HOSPITAL. OREGON SURGICAL HOSPITAL at 320 1 Montgomery offers best of services on con- valescent and obstetrlo cases; rates rem- I sonable. Main 1366. MASSEfK. C. J. HASSELSTBOM. Swedish masseur; sick gymnastic cure, rheumatism, lumbago and stomuch trouble. 612 Dekum bldg. Main VtO. 'MI, THEILHORN, violin teacher, pupil Kevcik. 207 Flledner bldff. Bdwy. lo-u. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. I'.l.ASSKS AT A SAVING. .. - 1 solicit your " -t ! ha.l, f canabla service. Thou- sands of satisfied patrons. .A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, opto metrist, -uU Morrison. PATENTS. R. C. WRIGHT 22 years' experience U. and foreign patents. oOl Dekum bldg. PATENT ATTORNEYS. (5 OLD BE KG, 20 Worcester bldg. Main 2025. PHYSICIANS. increased efficiency: drugless treat- UU ,0 menta. Goitre. paralysis, headache. tonsilltl. Dr. "Watters, 30tS Swetland bldg.. Mar. 4SU2. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. 005 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver. kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high blood pressurs. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLVM RING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 Third. Main 77. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbein. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. Front at.. ccy. Stark. Main or A 141S. PRINTING , i BALTES & COMPANY, nd Oak sts. Main 165, A 1 1j PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME. PRIVATE maternity home. $50.00 Includes everything. 542 Gantenbein ave. E. 3oOS. KEAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES. 404 Wilcox bldg. SECOND-HAND STORES. lAIN 541(0 Bicycles bought, sold and ex c h ansed. We buy everything. 233 Front. ' STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE r. M. OI.SEN TRANSFER CO.. 24 PINB. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St., corner ISth. Telephone Broadway 1281 or A J 109. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rates In the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK & WAREHOUSE. Of fice 1S9 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main lrtl'l. PirKINR. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO.. 105 Park St. Main Ml'... A l .!. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 418 FLANDERS BTREKT. MANUFACTURERS PIPK. PIPE FITTINGS AMI VALVES. M. I.. KLINE. Front St. PLIMBINO AND STEAM MPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. 84-S Front St. PRODITE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKR1UXH KARRELL. HO Front St. HOPE AND BINDING TWIN K. Portland Oordane Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis Sis. WALL PAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 1 First St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 2:10 2d NEW TO DAT. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved city and farm property! la stallanent repaytneat privilege If pre. lerredi prompt, reliable service. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 117-210 Northweitra Baolc DnlldlB.c MONEY TO LOAN 1M ISccd the Money and We Wink to wn Any Amount From :MI to .ou,uuu, iru fLm til tne ecarlty. iEO. H. THOMAS. 287 Oak St., Hoan 2, Alnsnsrlk Bids. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 302 W ILCOX BLDG. Mala 702. A. 3702. FARM LOANS. insurance company money to loan at In went current rates on Willamette Valley lai-Tns. .-no commission, o aeiaya. PEVEREAUX MOKTXJ AGE COMPANY. ou i concord building, 2d and, Stark, eta. Portland. Oregon. KEAL ESTATE. MODERNIZE your buildings; ail kinds of repairs; sea my designs for new homes. Max M. Meyer. Concord bids;. Main 137i formerly bupt. Oregon Homo Builders. PREMISES S05-303to 14th St.; part cash. oonas or mortgage, uwor, oi clpaia infr Diag. ' For Bale Lots. WONDERFUL HOME SITE. 6 ACRES. S. W. side, near carllne: also fine fori Institution or frroup of homes: beautiful view river and mountalna. Owner leav ing for rrance, sacrifice for cash; terms or some trade. 833 N. w. Bank bldg.. OWNER will sell 100x110. paved street, be tween Industrial centers on Peninsula, on carllne. Hard-snrfaced street leading di rect to city. Well adapted for garage or apartments. AO ib4 Oregonian. Main 81)08. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. w e aeslani and build anvthlnv. furnish the money if dealred. Eight years In Portland. L. R. Bailey Co.. contracting srcnitects. iNprtnwestern sank Diag. WILL make a present of 2 houaes to parties buying two lots. GEO. A. CARSLET. ' 4703 42D AVE. S. E. "WS" CAR. ANY part 10 good lots near Flrland for sale or trade by the owners. 615 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. TWO lots 50x100 each, close In. 2 blocks to Sellwood car. (650 each. Terms to suit. Owner. H 384. Oregonian. C. C. GOLDENBERQ CAN SELL YOUR LOT. 213 Ablngton blag. Main 4303. A HOOD 8-room shack on 50xl00-foot. In Woodstock, cheap. Mrs. Johnson,. AO 792. COTTAGE IN SOUTH PORTLAND NICELY SITUATED. Ari'Ll ail IS. 28th ST. NORTH. BEAUTIFUL home In Piedmont, all mod ern conveniences, by owner. Wootllawn 3"17. 6-ROOM bungalow, ern conveniences. 3017. In Montavilla Call owner. . all mod. Woodlawn IF you want a house bargain, call at once and see Cullison Co.. jh.im Morrison St. BY OWNER 1 rmi Scott oar. (125; ., bath, garden, fruit. Ml terms. Sellwood 862. IRVINOTON HOMES. R. T. STREET. IRV. AGENT. MODERN 8-room house; large lot. near I Twohy Sros, planL Terms. Tabor 3itf. KEAL ESTATE. IRVIXGTOK. A most desirable and attractive resi dence of elRht J r;e rooms, practically new ; larg;e aiass enclosed steeping porch, heated If desired; tiled bath and shower, separate bath for maid's room, tiled ftre- place in uv in it-room ana Dearoom, con servatory and beautifully finished through out, i ms property nas every moaern orftTenlcnco. even to bursjlar alarm sys tem ; located In the very best part of Irvine-ton on lOOxloO. well Improved with flowers and shrubs, south and east front as. u im uiviori ii ii mm . i jtz i t-t- i (o.vi'w . and $20,000. but owner will make an at- I tractive price on actual sale, or exchange his equity for desirable. W ELL-LuCATLD vacant or Improved Portland property. V 458, Oregon.an. ALL CULLED BARGAINS. Modern m -story bungalow. Rose City Park, on 59th St., 60x100 lot; t3tU0. Ross City Park, modern 5-room bunra- low. with garage. oOxlOO lot; best home environment; $3500. Five-room bungalow In Westmoreland, asphalt street tpald), near car. 50x100 lot; 2JiO. Five-room bungalow on S. P. Electric, at Huber Station, lot T5xloo; only '.0u. If you are in the market for a home. don't fall to see us. THE CROSSLEV-VWARS CO.. 270 Stark 8t- DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COSIPANT, WILCOX BLDO. Mala SS1T. Sixth and Washington $250 DOWN PENINSULA BUNGALOW. Here Is a brand new bungalow. Just put ting on the finishing touches; modern very attractive and well-built; on paved street; l blocks south t Johns car, 1567 Fisk su Price, only S2500; $250 down, balance $20 per month. Interest In cluded. A bargain. Exclusive agents. see FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Ttldg. To Buy Your Home. Main 1068. $200 DOWN E. ASH. AT 15TH. PRICE. $1U00. Great opportunity to buy 5-room modern house, close in. walking distance, modern plumbing, white enamel fixtures, full ce ment basement, electricity and gas. No mortgage; street Hens all paid. See this today. Autos at your service, bee FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. To Buy Your Home. Main ll'oS. " BEST BUY IN CITY. Big shingled 5-room bungalow, room for three rooms upstairs: hall, white enameled bath. Dutch kitchen, full basement, fire place, all bunt-Ins, electricity, gas, lift, garage. 50x100 lot. 2 blocks to car: hard street paid: good place for children; beau titui view: now vacant; owner neeas money: $2400; $400 casli. $15 per month. Main FOR SALE Modern 8 -room house, large north sleeping porch; bam. garage, chicken house, well house with engine, also city water; lIVi acres fruit, berries, beautiful sr rounds, holly trees and house: lo min utes' walk from Keed College and Frank, lln HiJEh School, three blocks from Wooo. stock sschool. See owner. 1005 Kast Sal mon St. Tel. Tabor 834 3. ROSE CITY PARK home, built for convent ence; 5 rooms, 2 halls and bath, floored attic. run cement oast-ment. urepiace, hardwood floors, built-in bookcases and buffet, large kitchen. g and etoctric fix tures. large porch, east front; flowers, gar den, fruit; buy direct ; terms. Owner leav tng city. t;41 K. u.th N. Tabor 71l. YOU Will save time, and find the home you are looking for at our office. We have over 3oo houses to select from. e have photo graphs of these houses and full d esc rip lion. Autos Ht your service. See FRANK U McGUIRE, Ablngton Btdg. To Buy Your Home. Main lOHS. KUNNTSIDE HOME. Five-room modern house, gas heated, cement basement, with laundry traa fruit trees and berry bushes, labor 31.1. or call and see. Owner. 9 K. 37th at. FOR PALE. BARGAIN. Modern. large eight-room residence full basement, garage; lot 90x115. trees, lawn, roses a daisy. Cheap. Broadway 812i. VACANT. MOVE IN TOMORROW. Very well built 5-room bungalow, one block to Mt. Tabor car; all modern con veniences, full cement bssement. hard wood floors. Only $'J350 t worth SUOOO), iOO down, balance easy terms. JOHNSON, 212 T.umhermens bldg. Broadway 1612. (got 5-room house. 37x148 lot. fruit trees. walKs. Stewart cimimn. Stt.'.O 2-room house. 3 lots. 100x120. ML Scott district. Terms. $1050 4 rooms and bath, basement, elec tric lights, near Fulton car. Terms. A. H. AKERSON. 5QQ Stock Ex. Bldg. MAKE IK AN OFFKR. My 6-room modern Sunny sid liomr. irr-tce, full cement bait-nifnt. furnac. doubie plumblns. one bedroom firat floor, two second. u.rden. fruit, etc.; clear; price 320; $'0O rash. Owner. Tabor 11)4, or call itt K. Sulmnn Bt. NEW. modern. 0-room butiR-low, Iia w- thorn district cise io cr; nirnwooa floors, 1 ireplHce, furnace, Iutch kitchen, built-in conveniences; $;. $1800 cash, bal. to suit. AN 376. Oregonian. HAWTHORNE AND 30T11. $J750. $27.-.0. 5-room bungalow, tip-top shape, paved street and everything paid : the bargain you are looking for. Charles Kingler Co.. Henry bldg. $J0iO PATTUN A K-. 0 bULUOlv AUO Kast Side North. 6-room bungalow, sub stantial; a beautiful home, way under value; eay terms. Charles Rlngler Co., Henry bldg. 4-ROOM modern bungalow. Mt. Tabor car- line; fireplace, otruwooa noors. uii ce ment basement, large atUo, bullt-lna. Onj S173. e-UU cash, balance easy terms. JOHNSON 212 Lumbermen bldg. Broadway 1612. YOU could have gladness In your heart In this home; gooa i-room nouse. near i ones mo re, block from car. 10 fruit trees, ber ries, garden, e-HSO. terms. Phone owner after 7 P. M. Tabor 7437. NEW HOUSE Half-hour from center or city; gas. electricity, .rtuii iun water; an modem conveniences; 7 rooms and large sleeping porch, about acre. Address own er. 7-2 Broadway North. Seattle. VERY CLOSE IN Weldler. near East Third. T rooms and sleeping porch: furnace, fractional lot. Price. $37uu. Goddard se W I edrlrk. 243 Stark St. $900. Comfortable 4-room house, fine corner lot. plenty of fruit trees; Portland blvd. and Boston at., on the Peninsula; terma. R. E. MENEFEE ac CO.. 417 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Main 4035. ONLY 25 MINUTES TO WEST SIDE. 6 lots. 25xloo. and 4-room modern house. 1625. (325 caah. remainder d'O per month. Includes 6 per cent Interest. K K. Steams. 202 Wilcox bldg. BROOKLYN Modern 6 room house, pantry. bath room, casement: gooa connmon; cor ner lot. garage. $2r0. Will take cottage or bungalow. Cash difference. Owner. Ulve particulars. H 385. Oregonian. IF you have (1000 cash and can pay (40 monthly on Dalance mis oeautuui ana strictly modern home, priced 2.1 per cent below value, will Interest you. 134 E. r3d. FOR SALE Seller's contract on house tnd nL Amount OI coniraci, touui Interest: paymenta, (20 per mo. and In- teresl Well secured. K. 366. Oregonian. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house, furnace, garage, all assessments paid, u block from MV car; am leaving city. Phona Taber 643J. 116 E. 67th St. N jEW. modern. 5 rooms; win be finished abOUt AURUH - v-- -" -" nu builder. 614 Dekum bldg. Phone Main 70; residence phone. Tabor 7507. ANYONE wanting s good home with an ex - .521 Nehalem ave.. Sellwood; very reason able terms: owner going fc.aat. TrtlT .nn tnnve riant in a modern Bronm house, lot nuiii"'. uiocm &rom jeiicnon High School, (2700; suitable terms. Phone Oak Grove. 5-ROOM house, full Dasement. lumace. all Improvements pm. wtiwen niwmonii and sunnyiiua .ow uown, balance like rent. 99a East Main. 50x100. and modern o rooms, sleeping porch. Close in On r,asi in ai. rrira ..i.au. Cost (440. J. H. Ulbaon, 266 Stark St. Marshall 12. irnR SALE Modern l-room residence, full lot. peneci conuinuu. Ji ,wiluiui, aua 22d St. Apply premises. FOR SALE 3-room house sad lot 80x100 ,11 planted; (600, terms. Owner, Mar shall 937. 2r,00 BrXGALOW. b'ork off East Gill san St. cars. xl.'.O HAWTHORNE, easy terms, modern 6-room bouse, no scents. Tabor 7247. KEAL ESTATE. 2 BIG BARGAINS. $2100 SKkOO cash: fine new modern 5-room cottage, complete except furnace; concrete floored basemen t, it bea rooms. lu.l bath, c.ose In. 4e:mont St., short lot, hard street a.i paid, near business and has certain future values for business pur-pus-, se.cct district; worth $4ouo. $3.o0 91500 cash, large 6-room modern house ana uen, etc., hails up and flown, full basement. Juil lot, hard street all paid, in Dest part ainui I'ark. worth 5tHJu. AM oOl, Oregonian. X O houses, seven rooms each and mod - rn. In lluilauay addition on old.: lo minutes lk. Irom business section, good neighborhood and property that mil ad vance In value. Will sell one for $4uvO or both for 7i00. term, if desired. Thla property will make a splendid home as laell us a good business investment. Rea son for selling, am of draft age and need at least J.'huo to get my affairs 111 shape for wife to handle when 1 leave. J. i'. Llch. K. K. 1. . Junction City. Or. ROSE CITY PARK. Owner here from Cunaua and must sell Immediately. Two 5-room bungalows with hardwood floors, fireplace: built-in buffet, furnace. Both In splendid location with paved streets. One is priced at x'50 and the. other :ici0. owner has reduced price In order to effect immediate sale. J.IOtl cash will handle. A. ti. TKEPE CO.. 110 t?ark it., nr. od. Main Jult. xiranch ot -lite, outh and sndy. KKHMuXU BUNGALOW 3H0. 5 rooms and den. real modern with fire place, lurnacc. hum-In burfet. etc Owner here from Canada and has re duced price in order to make Immediate sale. J..OO canh will handle. A- G. TEKPB CO.. ::)4 Stark t.. nr. 3d. Main 3il Branch office. 50th and Sandy. -''OOM bungalow. SuxlOo lot. close in. 2 .un. ivf cur, eiiuu; auu cash. Dalance lo a month. Don't overlook this snap 8-room mod ern house, tit -SxltKI lot. some lruit: -blocks from Alberta car. for -'i50; J375 cash, balance l't month, including Inter est. Glton & Morris, 431 Chamber of Commerce. t-ioj VE o!d two like this last week. -Modern bungalow. fireplace, hard wood floors, buffet. Uutch kitchen, full basement, attic. Eaxy terms. acant. An attractive home, newly painted and tinted throueho.it J". A. W ICK.MAN CO.. ol4 Stark si. Main SS. ROSE CITY CAR. $14(K) $5tl DOWN". 5-room bungalow on K. 6Sth 16 blks. to car, lot 48x110. This price for quick action. V. R. KASER. Main 6173. . 517 Corhett Bldg. $--5 lluys 5-room modern bungalow, attic. fireplace, full cement basement, hard wood lloors. bufiet. Dutch kitchen. Inside finish very artistic. Let us show- you this. You -will want it t'.tt- a h.iiij. J.A. WICKMAN CO.. 314 Stark St. Main SS3. AT LAST "HERE'S WHAT YOU WANT." 6-room modern house, fine condition, tur nace. fireplace, cement basement, laundry trays, fruit and berries: hard surface sts. in. Price of $3H0O includes everything. 500 down. Soe R. W. Gill with Rummell Rummell. 1'74 Stark it. Full SALE By owner, two acres in Mon mouth. Or., tiled, fenced with woven wire, fruit and berries. 0-room modern house, near high school, two blocks from State Normal School: price $;'.".Mi. easy terms. Charles Jnckson. Dallas. Or., box PRETTY 5-room bungalow for sale. Full 60x100 lot: hot water heat, fireplace, large rooms. Dutch kitchen: fine location. I N minutes ride from town, $3rto. Inquire 396 Monroe St., or call East for owner. $2500. Nice bungalow, near Franklin High School. 5 rooms, sleeping porch and attic; SI400 rash, balance mortgage. Owner, SO-J7 55th st S. E. 5-ROOM house. - block to Mt. Scott car? for tale cheap, or will trade In for 6 or 7-room. In Hawthorne district; will as sume jlSIKI to -""0- BD 437. Oregonian. $J7.0 t'OSY 5-room bunBiilow. Hawthorn district, hard-surfaced sis., cement base ment, fireplace; small payment down, bal ance like rent. J ohnson-Dodsoti Co.. n.,4 N. W. Hank hhlg. 45"M Buys a cosy grsy bungalow In Rose City Park. 6 rooms, bath, hardwood floors, fur nace, garage: modern In every respect. phoae Tabor SO50. Mt'DEMN 7-rooiu house, 4 bedrooms, fire place, furnace. Ruud hot water healer, gas raiidc. built-in conveniences. Mar shall 4:e.n : Sunday. Sellwood -T-?. STRICTLY modern. 5 roma and bath, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors. $3o0; S.'.OO down and IJ5 per month. Call Ta bor MiO. Address 70 E. 61st N. KEXTON district, $!'. .".( cash, balance like rent; 4-rooni house, lot 75xll. freshly Pointed and tinted. Johnson-Lodson Co., N. W. Pink ' 'd g. KOR ISA lalC n rent terms, house and lot 2S Helmont Small payment down, balance $"J." per month. Van Dellen Lum- ber Co., The LaMes. 1 K I N iTON Immr. 7 rooms. H. W. floors, sleeping porch. t-un parlor. 3 fireplaces, built-in conveniences, etc.. lot 5xl50. by owner. Kast M4i. llt'BPKLIi t HUSK 11 T Y house cheap. tON. 1 41! 1 Sandy, oldest firm PARK, can sell you a good See us first. Tabor 21 HI. VKRY desi ra lIe S-room house, re. I ba rg tn ; l,.dd Addition; close to carllne. fo2 .El liott ave. Phone Kast 417S. ALBKRTA bargain; good A-room hou.e. S lots, garden and fruit; terms; buy from owner. 10fS Kast .oth North. 9 KKMS. '2 urepiace. g.ts. electrtciiv, front and hack stairs, near Failing School. I-ot x 1 .V M a m h a 1 1 4 4 4V 5-ROOM hou!. corne nar Franklin Hiich 4iti:t r.4i h st. s. K. r lot; fine ehrubhery. alt-o 1! adjoining lots. MODKRN t-room bungalow, close to I-aurel-hurst Club and Park. 1170 Kast Ankeny. For price anti terms phone Main 453. i-HOOM corner bungalow, near Alhlna. and l,omr:trd. $J-'.; cash. Tabor fto. For 8alf Business Property. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A BARGAIN. Apartment-house site. 100x100. t'enlral Kant Side, close in. Undoubtedly the most suitable location on the East Side lor an apartinent-houpe whose apartments can be profitably leased at low rates, thus Insuring against va cancies: some present Income. Telephone Kast tlO for particulars. FOR SALE At Kennewlck. Wash., a mdse. store, diy goods, notions, men s lurnisn lngs and shoe's; will sell with or without fixtures; price 75c on the (1; Invoices (10. OOP. P. H. Boesche. trustee INCOME PROPERTY. Bringing (sou monthly; owner leaving citv; (lo.oOo cash will handle, balance terms, some tra'le. H 37S. OreKonian. For Sale -Acreage. ACRES, half acres, quarter acres. (1 down. (1 week buys a home In bearing trult. close to school and Alberta car. Gary. 1219 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ACRES. (1500. near 82d St. and end of Hawthorne Ave. car line. Hart. 910 Cham ber of Commerce. Telephone Marshall 3 ,VSN. uburban Homes. 5-ROOM house, full basement, good wen: acre ground ail fenced, nair ciearen, iw minutes to Estacada cars at Gates. (1500. (loo cash. (15 per month." J. H. Gibson. 2HH Stark til. Marshall 12. SUBURBAN homt-s and acreage from (1M10 to (1..000. Inquire AinerurooK. iniru house north of Rfsley station. Oregon City car. , MODERN residence at Garden Home tO. E. Ry. Gtlmnn. box 43. Garden H ome. Homestead.; Relinquishment,. WANTED Two parties, each to take a homestead and timber claim and buy my deeded timber claim: aggregate stumpage 5.000.0O0: honiesteads join; ail join mile; large creek crosses; 6 miles to R. R. At home sfter 7:30 P. M. 210Vi 1st U Portland, or. Wm. H. Smith. O. 4V C. HOMESTEADS now onen for a direct flllnir. I csn locate you on a good claim. 3"! Worcester bldg. adjoining Government land ofllce. H. JUH.MU For Sale Farms. 2 FINE farms for sale, located in the choic est part of Polk Co.. ail In cultivation; one 3i0 acres, one 175 acres. Party leav ing and wishes to sell at once. Price, are low terms If desired. Might take som, Portland trade In good residence In good dstrlct. AH 3'.'", Oregonian. 50U0 ACRES in Southwestern Washington for sale, to settlers only, upon easy terma and low prices. (5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location. terms. eta. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY. Taeoma Bidg., Tacoms. Wash. CHICKEN7FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: (75 to -O0 per acre; easy terma: best soil; .arm, for sale, all also. slcFarlslid. 14"8 Teon blCg . Portland. nji ACRES, 5 acres cleared. 5-room house, good big barn, creek. spring; timber enough to pay for place; 17 mile, out. Cheap. B 42. Oregonian. FOR RENT 50 acre, dairy and prune. V, mile to electric station. mile to echool ; ,tock and Implement, for aale- Indeptn- dence. Or.. K. Box lOO. LITTLE FARMS. near Wiilamlna; level, fenced, cleared, running water; employ ment: (25 down, (10 month. Jesse R. Sharp. s:m 3d ,t. LoGGED-OFF lands. (IO acre up; running water, good Boil. tillable, employment, easy terms. Jesse K. Sharp, safe 3d sc. V