Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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HERE is an opportunity for Portland people to participate in a business in which all have a direct and per
sonal interest. This company requires additional capital to keep pace with the growth and prosperity of
our community. We want more of the people of this community to become financially interested in this bus
iness which they know and patronize.
7 Cumulative Preferred Stock
of the Portland Gas &. Coke Company
For the first time; we are directly offering the Preferred Stock of this company on a cash or partial payment
plan to the people of Portland and of all the territory we serve.
This Company Has Reg
ularly Paid 7 Dividends
on Its Preferred Stock
In the past this company has regularly
paid dividends of 7 on its Preferred
Stock. Today, with the population of
Portland rapidly . increasing, and with
greater use of this company's products
for industrial purposes, the soundness
of the position occupied by; this public
utility is amply assured.
Plant and Service of
the Company
Cash or Partial Payments
On this plan, you may buy as many
shares of the Preferred Stock as
you desire, or as we may have to
offer, the price being $100 per
share, plus the accrued dividend to
date of payment.
Under this plan, you may buy any
number of shares up to 25, paying
$10 per share down and $10 per
share each month until the pur
chase price of $100 per share is
paid; final payment to include ac
crued dividend from the last pre
ceding dividend date.
Partial payment purchasers run no risk of loss should they fail to meet
payments at any time or, for any reason, want to withdraw before com
pleting their purchase. If you purchase stock on the time-payment plan,
money paid in can be withdrawn in full with interest at 6 per cent upon
10 days' notice to the company at any time prior to date of final pay
ment. On the other hand, you can pay up your stock in full at any time
and secure stock certificate.
Develop a Portland En
terprise With Portland
More than $700,000 of the $2,000,000
of our total Preferred Stock has already
been purchased on the open market by
Portland people. By more of our cus
tomers becoming stockholders, with the
resulting greater distribution of divi
dends locally, the mutual interests of the
utility and its patrons can be best served.
Make Dividends Pay
Your Gas Bills
At Gasco Station, five miles north of Portland on the Willamette River, is the modern plant
which supplies the gas for over 60,000 customers. This plant supplies gas for Portland,
Oregon City, Gresham, Hillsboro, Forest Grove and territory between, requiring 60,000
meters and 1040 miles of gas mains. It also supplies the gas which is distributed by the
local company in Vancouver, Washington.
An investment in this Preferred Stock provides a source of income
that has proved itself reliable. QUARTERLY DIVIDEND DATES,
FEB. 1st, MAY 1st, AUG. 1st' and NOV. 1st.
Where the Stock May Be Purchased
Stock may be purchased through any employee or at our
offices, Gasco Building", Fifth and Alder Streets, Portland,
or at any branch office. The information coupon (at corner
of this ad), letter, or post card will bring you full details
without any obligation. Owing to the limited amount of
this Preferred Stock for sale, we suggest prompt action.
Portland Gas & Coke Company
X M"T"""'"' I "Passed by the Capital Issues Committee as not incompatible with the National interest, but without anDrovall 1
.ai""SSS5V - ' of legality, validity, worth or security. Opinion No. A 63Q." I S
w fc ii - ii - - ; jrmun r i sw w w a m r a 1 1 r u 1 i r i i i ii riin i rm r i y la i i wjm j jm m v '-r Ln a ir r i r hi ii i ii it- l: l J" f i r i - i i a- r i ' k t i i i r s s sj sv i k.- i i hum
' '" mmm
l 'i'Z&Zh "V--3 Daily Output 7,500,000 Cubic Feet. tyjT 1U li
V- ky f tr:L -ia.
hmm - - p . , u iLLJ luiiiif t r r-frmi i " n
Information Coupon
Gasco Building, Portland.
Will be interested in receiving further particulars on your
Q "7o Cumulative Preferred Stock, including plan of payment.
j Name Address
tin n o n d d
Lad of 10 Jnmps From Boat Before
Shore Is Beached.
NEWBERG, Or.. July 22. (Special.)
Werner Gauguin, aged 10 years, was
drowned in Skookum Lake, acrosfe the
Willamette River from Newbergr, in
Marion County, last night. Ha was
with other hoys In a boat and when
within a few feet of the bank Jumped
out, thinking, it Is supposed, that shal
low water had been reached. He was
beyond his depth, however, and the
other boys were too much excited to
help him. The body was recovered in
about 45 minutes, but efforts to revive
him were without avail. The boy was
the son of Max Gauguin, of Hillsdale.
Puzzling Disease Afflicts Fields of
Jackson County.
GOLD HILL, Or.. July 22. (Special.)
Evans Creek Valley, the heaviest
bean-growing section in Jackson Coun
ty, is threatened with a short crop this
season. The leaves of the plants are
puckering, withering and turning yel
low. The disease is not due to the
drought, .as these fields are all under
The farmers, alarmed at these con
ditions, have made an appeal to County
Agricultural Agent Cate at Medford,
who will spend several days this week
investigating the ailment
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
First or Latest Draft Contingent
Reach Cantonment.
CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma. July 22.
Beginning at noon today, when selects
from nearby points In this state report
ed for duty here, a movement of draft
men to the number of approximately
12.000 was started.
Men will come here in the next six
days from only five states of the eight
which usually contribute National
Army mn to this camp. California
and Washington will each send 40U0.
while Utah. Idaho and Oregon will send
a lesser number. Men from Nevada.
Wyoming and Montana, who usually
come here, will be sent to Camp lodge,
la. It Is expected that, before the end
of the week the total enlisted strength
of the camp will be 36,600.
T. I. Walsh Chooses Alternate.
WASHINGTON. July 22. William
Harman Blark. ex-Assistant District
Attorney of New York, has been chosen
by Frank 1. Walsh rs his alternate on
the National War Labor Board.