Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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Rainr.nat Contracts Declared
, Tainted With Bribery
. and Conspiracy.
Officials and Employes of Manufac-
turin? Concerns in Custody,
Officers of Army Reported
. to Be TTnder Surveillance
der the provisions of the Bancroft
bonding: act for the past 10 years, will
be sold. The council yesterday adopted
a report presented by Commissi one
Kellaher which reads as follows:
Referring to the sale of property for un
paid bonded assessments bonded under the
Bancroft act and the amendments thereto,
the Commissioners in 1013, on account of
the inability of property owners to pay the
Installments and interest on the bonded as
sessments against their property when they
oecame due. because ot the conditions pre
vailing at that time allowed the property
owners to pay the Interest only on assess
ments bonded prior to July 1. 1915. This
policy bas been continued to this date.
The City Treasurer was instructed to
stamp upon each receipt issued for inter
est only, this waiver:
"This money Is paid and received on tne
express condition that no right of the city
shall not be estopped from Immediately
asserting all rights that It had before ac
cepting this payment of Interest."
Conditions have now changed so in at
property owners should be able to pay both
the Installments and Interest on the bonded
assessments against their property. I, there
fore, respectfully recommend that where the
10 years allowed for payment of bonded
assessments have elapsed and the payments
have not been made that the property be
sold for the whole uppatd bonded assess
ment and Interest, and that where tne iw
years have not elapsed I recommend that
commencing; with August 1918, that a pay
ment of not less than one installment and
one year's interest be accepted.
Speed of New Attack Brings
Up Nearly AH Yankee.
Troops From Marne.
NEW TOKK, July 22. Extensive
conspiracies involving: bribery and
graft in connection with Army con
tracts for rubber raincoats sent to sol
diers in France were disclosed tonight
by department of justice officials,
simultaneously with the arrest of 17
officers and employes of 15 manufacturing-
companies in New York and
They are charged with bribery,
fraud or conspiracy.
Officers of the Quartermaster's
Corps involved are under surveillance
and probably will be arrested soon in
I Washington or other cities.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars of
raincoat contracts are tainted with
fraud already uncovered by Depart
ment of Justice agents, and other dis
closures affecting Army . orders for
clothing, soldiers' equipment, machin
ery and supplies, and involving arrests
on criminal charges may be made soon,
it was learned.
Some Colonel, Majors Suspected.
Most Army officers at whom the fin
ger of suspicion points are of the lower
ranke, but a few of the ranks of Major
and Colonel are said to be under inves
tigation. Direct bribery of unnamed Army of
ficers who had charge of letting con
tracts or inspecting goods is charged
against a number of those arrested to
night. Among those arrested were:
Felix Gouled. a -wealthy clothing manu
facturer, who is charged with acting as go
between for other contractors and with
seektng to solicit contracts under the
illegal contingent fee system.
Joseph Hydemen, Wm. Sydeman and Joi.
Wood of the Sudeman Rubber Company.
Ralph Cohen of the Yorkshire Manufact
ing Company.
Ralph Rosenthal of Haneuer & Rosen
thal. Alfred Zeittel of the Automobile Raincoat
Company, Inc.
Louis Fried S. Halpren of the Interbor
ough Raincoat Company.
Polly Clamons of the Manchester "Water
proof Coat Company.
I. M. Halpern of the National Cement
Simon Harris of the Karris Raincoat
lWris denser of Iesser & Stenge.
Joseph Pines of tife Pines Rubber Com
pany. L.. T. IT. Tellim of the Eureka Rubber
Manufacturing Company.
Fraud Look Investigated.
The round-up follows weeks of in
vestigation by agents of the Depart
ment of Justice and War and Navy
The arrests are an outgrowth of the
Government's campaign against the
illegal system by which scores of
agents have obtained Army contracts
on a contingent fee basis.
Department of Justice officials to
night declared that many of the. rubber
coats furnished by rontractors charged
with fraud were reported unsatisfac
tory by General Pershing.
Investigation developed, it was said,
that through the bribery of Inspectors
rotten cloth and rotten rubber were
used for the coats, dimensions were
scanter than specifications, and seams
were not cemented properly. A few
rain storms were sufficient, it was
eald, to make these coats fall to pieces.
It was announced that in some cases
manufacturers intimidated military or
civilian Inspectors of raincoats by
threatening to use influence in Wash
ington to obtain their dismissal if they
did not approve the coats manufac
Others practiced fraud by secretly
shifting rejected goods to other plants
to which inexperienced inspectors or
those who would "play the game" were
Flirty "Hoosler Girl" Is Topline At
traction, With Billr Tate and
Two Others.
Another bright and breezy Summer
bill is on view at Pantages this week.
The bill is exceptionally well balanced
and starts a good pace at the outset
which keeps going at a uniform mo
mentum until the last note of the exit
"Hoosier Girl" is the topline number.
It is a flirtation in two appointments
featuring Billy Tate, who is an Al Jol-
soneque funster in white face. Bins
Cushman and Evelyn Bennett. It is all
set to gay melodies and a Broadway
Beauty chorus in smart raiment pro
vides background. Tate is funny and
sings a brave comedy ballad about Car
rfe and Harry which is a riot. His
singing voice is excellent. There are a
half dozen clever songs and dance spe
cialties in the act, and it is scenically
A clever turn is that of Green Mc-
Henry and Dean, who introduce melo
dy from farm life. With one happy
chap at the piano, another dancing in
fine style and the other singing in a
big, melodious voice, this turn is high
ly humorous.
Richard the Great is not another
Tarzan; he is a real ape, but he has
made a fine little man of himsell ana
nuts over an assortment of tricks.
Dick is going to hold a reception for
children at the Saturday matinee.
A surprise act is offered by a trio of
talented girls, Doris and Alma Wilson
and Lillian Brown. One is a butterfly
and coaxes the other two as elderly
spinsters from their cocoons until they,
too, are lovely and smart. The very
room Is made to undergo an astonish
ing transformation and the dialogue is
smart at every turn.
Jimmy Lyons is a Hebrew statesman
who saunters in to talk of the war and
women and politics and a lot of things.
Mickey Feeley belles his last name as
far as his head is concerned for if he
could "feeley" in his cranium he surely
couldn't use it for a bouncing board.
Mickey is a comedian athlete and so is
his acrobatic partner. Bam Dura.
The Pantagescope is an exhibition
of interesting pictures taken of Alas
kan and the northwest industries.
has -managed the spaghnum moss cam
paign for Coos Bay Red Cross work, re
ports that the headquarters is ask
ing for supplies of the moss for cities
in other parts of Oregon. Dr. Haydon
has been giving 15 days of each month
to the service and has gathered large
quantities sufficient to keep the Coos
Bay chapter busy for another month.
To give ' people familiarity with
spaghnum moss he placed on exhibit an
endless variety of thia family of
mosses, only one of which is adaptable
for Red Cross bandages. The dry
season has been favorable to gathering
large quantities, which have mostly
been obtained seven miles from Marsh
field on North Inlet. Many people eend
In assertions of finding new bogs, and
Dr. Haydon has traveled much in exam
ining useless beds. The supply gathered
here is said to be of an excellent
Reports That Spans Over Willamette
Are Unsafe Are Cause for
Immediate examination and investi
gation of the safety of the bridges
across the Willamette River in Port
land is to be made by Ernest E.
Howard, of the engineering firm of
Harrington, Howard & Ash, of Kansas
City. Authorization for this investiga
tion was given yesterday by the County
Commissioners. Mr. Howard is now in
the city and will start his examinations
at once.
This investigation is ordered because
of conflicting reports made recently
concerning the safety of the Morrison
and Burnside bridges especially. Two
different engineers have submitted en
tirely opposite views as to the safety of
the bridges, and the County Commis
sioners determined to call in Mr.
Howard for a third examination.
One report, submitted some months
ago by State Bridge Engineer Purcell,
stated that should two heavily loaded
streetcars and two heavy trucks meet
at the same point on the east approach
of the Burnside bridge, the structure
would undoubtedly collapse. Since that
report was made minor repairs have
been done, but the board wants to sat
isfy itself as to the safety of the other
bridges as well.
Germany's Dream of Empire and Rus
sia's 'Desire for Outlet to Sen
Causes of Present War.
"This is not the Kaiser's war," said
Dr. Harry Huntington Powers at the
Lincoln High School auditorium last
night. "It is the wax of every last
Gretchen and Hans in the German em
pire." '
Increasingly large crowds are attend
ing Dr. Powers' illuminating and in
teresting lectures on the war, which are
given under the auspices of the Uni
versity of- Oregon. In last night's lec
ture he showed how inevitable it was
that France and Germany should one
day meet on the field of battle. Ger
many's dream of empire and her failure
to get territory in any part of the globe
coupled with the desire of Russia for
an outlet to the sea were determining
causes of the present struggle; accord
ing to the convincing explanations of
Dr. Powers. Another reason for war
was the large sums of money which
French banks had lent Germany on
call. The first drawing of the sword
was stopped by the French banks in
lr-ll, when they threatened to call in
their loans should the Kaiser open hostilities.
A particularly interesting sidelight
on the war was Dr. Powers' statement
that the reason Germany developed her
dye-stuff industry so thoroughly was
that the dye-stuff factories could be
changed to explosive manufactories on
few hours notice, and that the raw
materials used were largely the same.
This evening Dr. Powers will discuss
the reasons for England's entrance into
the war. The lecture begins at 8
o'clock and is free to the public
Headquarters and Units Move With
Rapidity French Generals Give
High Praise to American
Officers and Men.
(Copyright by the Press Publishing Com
pany, the New York World. Published by
THE MARNE, July 22. Around the
salient from Soissons on the north and
to beyond Chateau Thierry in the
south everything is going forward de
spite heavy German counter attacks.
The speed of the new advance had
brought nearly all the American
troops from the Marne up to last
The tired fighters in the front ad
vance have been allowed to rest In i
the tracks of fresh Americans. French
and British, who leap-frogged through
them to the vanguard of the battle
Pontoon Bridges Used.
The allies have crossed the Marne on
pontoon bridges at many places, but
despite their speed they were not al
ways able to keep in contact with the
enemy owing to tha rapidity of the
German retirement. The French and
Americans, however, have added to
their long list of prisoners.
Headquarters and units of all sizes
have moved with such frequency that it
is impossible to keep track of them and
each day finds new American units
added to the attacking force during the
previous night.
General Petain and Premier Clemen-
ceau in a visit to the front paid their
respects to the American Generals and
ventured into some of the captured
Troops In Fine Spirits.
The tremendous uplift of the advance
fills the llarne Valley with exultation.
It is like a dally Fourth of July cele
bration. The troops are in fine spirits.
All arms of the service are on their
toes In an epidemic of cheering con
fidence. The arrival of British rein
forcements going forward through the
smashed villages has brought new
cheer to tht holiday makers.
Two hundred civilians Immured in
Chateau Thierry since June 4 wept and
cheered as the Americans and French
entered and the last Germans withdrew
from the other side of the town.
The occupation has left their loved
town a wreck, the streets filled with
litter from vandalage and shell fire.
Wine cellars were emptied and barri
cades in the streets built of the bar
rels and furniture, camouflaged in
many places of curtains, tapestry and
bedclothlng. Tumbled masonry, piles
of cobblestones uprooted by shells,
gutters- flooded by broken mains, walls
breached, were everywhere.
Cathedral Badly Damaged
Through this marched the French
advance forces while the hysterical
town folk wept with joy. The idow
Depred. 87 years old, was greeted by
the French general in command. She
said she had cared for Boche wounded
and in return her house and shoe re
pair shop were not harmed.
The civilians had sufficient food dur
ing the occupation and were not mo
lested except for an occasional search.
The cathedral was badly damaged, its
pictures being torn down. Artillery
ana motor cars were parked there, gun
wheels crushing the floor tile. All
civilians were locked in the cathedral
last night and on releasing themselves
this morning found the foe gone and
friends coming up the street. Old men
and women kissed the blushing Amer
icans who wandered into the town to
see tne wreckage.
College Education May Shorten Train
ing but Will Not Be
To train nurses for service so as to
relieve those already trained for over
seas duty, the National Council of De
fense Is calling for 25,000 young women
of America to volunteer.
Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, who is
chairman of the State Council of De
fense, will act as recruiting agent for
Oregon. The call is for women be
tween the ages of 19 and 25. Intelli
gent, responsible women of good edu
cation and sound health are wanted
the pick of the country. A college
education Is a valuable asset, and many
of the hospitals where the training
win oe given will give credit for col
ege work. Some schools of nursing, on
the other hand, do not require even a
high school education.
Women will be given an opportunity
o enroll in the United States Student
Nurse Reserve, as the unit is called, in
any one of three ways. They may en
gage to hold themselves In readiness
until April 1. 1919, to accept assign
ments to nurses schools and will be
sent to schools as fast as vacancies
occur: they may become candidates for
he Army Nursing School, established
by the War Department, with branches
n selected military hospitals, or they
may hold themselves In readiness until
April 1, 1919, to accept assignments
either to a civilian training school or to
the Army Nursing School. Those who
enroll thus will be called as soon as
the need arises.
The Government will rely on the etu
dent nurses to fight disease at home.
to care for those injured in hazardous
war industries, and to make themselves
ready to serve when the time comes as
fully trained nurses, either abroad or
at home.
The course of training will vary from
two to three years, according to the re
quirements of the school where the
women are sent. Student nurses get
their board, lodging and tuition free
and, in most schools, get a small allow
ance to cover the cost of books and
Property Owners Urged to Wipe Ont
Bonded Indebtedness.
Froperty owned by people who have
failed to pay bonded indebtedness un
Scalp Sores
If ran want speedy help trr D. D. D.
rrsseriptien. So easy to applr. not
greasy or umsbt. U washes into the
scalp sod the relief Is instant. Try ft
today. It is gwuteed. Uc see sad
Portland Club Will Have Two Ex
perts of East as Guests.
Tomorrow noon, at its resrular
weekly luncheon, the Portland Ad
ciuo will listen to a talk by W. A.
xnompson. or New York, dlrecton of
tne advertising bureau of the Ameri.
can Newspaper Publishers' Association
The meeting will be held at the Hotel
Another guest will be Maior E. F!
tjrltcnfieid, of Critchfield & Co., of
Tonight at the Benson the Rotarians
will assemble at 6:30 for the hearing
of reports from their delegates to the
recent war work convention of Rotary
uiuos at ban francisco.
Diver Seizes Woman's Foot and She
Dies of Stroke of Apoplexy.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. (Special.)
Nick Jalis, accused of having caused
a fatal stroke of apoplexy to Belie Mrs.
Clara Spooner while the two were In
the water at an Alameda bathing resort
Sunday, was today charged with bat
tery by John Spooner, husband of Mrs.
The battery charge was filed on rec
ommendation of the District Attorney's
office to hold Jails temporarily while
the case is investigated. Jails is ac
cused of having grabbed Mrs. Spooner
by the foot as he dived into the water:
Mrs. Spooner became highly hysterical
and her nervous condition resulted in a
stroke of apoplexy from which she died
this morning. Jails is 31 years of age
and a. laborer.
Trestle Xear Vancouver Burns; Pas
sengers Are Transferred.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 22. Ope
clal.) Street car service between Van
couver and Portland was interrupted
today and many shipyard workers were
late to work due to the burning of a
portion of the trestle of the Portland
Railway Light and - Power Company
near Columbia beach early this morn
ing. About 100 feet of the trestle was
A freight car, which is kept at the
Hayden Island end of the line, was
pressed into passenger service until
temporary repairs could be made and
passengers were transferred during the
greater part oi tne aay.
Lucelle Keats Pays $35 for a Fast
Trip on Williams Avenue.
Twenty-one speeders and three vio
lators of the traffic ordinance drew
fines In Police Judge Rossman's court
yesterday. The biggest fine (35 w
Imposed upon Lucelle Keats, who was
said to have been going down Williams
avenue at about 50 miles an hour.
Others contributed in varying amounts
down to 5.
William Waicka was saved from
Jail sentence by telling the judge he
was awaiting a call Into the U. S. M
rines. His fine for an alleged speed
oi 4b miles an hour was 825.
Others were fined as follows: H. A.
Carpolis 810, R. C. Hubbard 85. Sam
Hornstein 5. Bert Stone 816. J. F. Mc
Farland J5, J. E. Riggs 810. E. R. Gady
815. Roy Slmms 812.50. Ray Neblock
815. C. B. Malarky 815, Roy Beevls 810
D. B. Catton 815. Dick Edwards 820,
Steve Williams 817.60. F. L. Gaines
817.60. G. Murphy 810. J. C. Story J8
A. Vinton 813. H. Wanke 817.50. All
but the first three were on SDeedinar
Mrs. Mary" C. Bauer. Dcsnondent
Swallows Lye Salts.
Mrs. Mary C. Bauer, of 801 Ivon
street, was found dead in her room yes
teraay atternoon by her 16-year-old
daughter. Taking of lye salts caused
her death, according to Coroner Earl
Despondency over ill-health is
thought to have led to the act. Death
came after much suffering, according
to the coroner. Mrs. Bauer was 43 years
of age.
She is survived by a husband, a
daughter and two sons, all of this city.
The body was taken to the Lerch un
dertaking parlors. Funeral arrange
ments will be made today.
Municipal Organization to Play a
Forestry Building.
There will be a Municipal Band con
cert tonight at 8 o'clock at the Forestry
Building, under the auspices of the
Bureau of Parks. Percy A. Campbell
director of the band, announces the
following programme:
March "The Ambassador" E. E. Barley)
overture "Comlque (Rels-Bela: patrol.
"Amerloan" (request). (Meacham); suite.
--Alianus. (-fin loat continent") (
qursij iaxraneK); excerpts rrom the ope
retta -ner oomiflr jioy (request), (Craw
ford-Romberj?) ; waltz, "Bower of Beauty'
(Kills Brooks): Idyll. "The Mill in th
Forest" (request). (Ellenber-) ; National
anthems of the allies; community sins,
The next concert will be given at
South Park Blocks, Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock.
1 1
i Hi
Fresh Beef Travels
on a Rapid Schedule
Fresh beef for domestic markets goes
from stockyards to retail stores within
a period of about two weeks. Although
chilled, this meat is not frozen; hence it
cannot be stored for a rise in price.
A steer is dressed usually within
twenty-four hours after purchase by
the packer. The beef is held in a cooler
at the packing house, at a temperature a
, little above freezing, for about three days.
It is then loaded into a refrigerator
car, where a similar temperature is
maintained, and is in transit to market
on an average of about six days.
Upon arrival at the branch distrib
uting house, it is unloaded into a "cooler",
and placed on sale.
Swift & Company requires all beef to
be sold during the week of arrival, and
the average of sales is within five days.
Any delay along the above journey
means deterioration in the meat and
loss to the packer.
Swift & Company, U. S. A.
Local Branch, 13th and Glisan, Portland, Ore.
German Machine Attempts
Day Attack on City.
region of Courmount. Roncheres and
Vllleneuve the same day. Our aviators
brought down nine enemy machine."
LONDON. July 22. The aviation an
nouncement tonight by the British Air
Ministry says:
"On July 21 the very strong west
wind and low clouds almost entirely
prevented flying except on a omall part
of the front. The machines in this
sector dropped bombs on various
targets. Including railway stations,
where a direct hit was obtained on an
ammunition train.
"In combats five hostile machines
were brought down. Four of our ma
chines are missing.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Sheridan Cannery Has Prepared
Five Carloads This Season.
SHERIDAN. Or., July 22. (Special.)
Harvesting of the cherry crop for 1918
Is neanly completed. The Sheridan dis
trict has yielded the largest crop of
Bings, Royal Anns and other varieties
in years. The cannery at Sheridan Is
running to capacity. The employes are
nearly all women. It has canned more
than five carloads of cherries, logan
berries and other small fruits.
The cannery Is under the supervi
sion of Roy Graves. The need of pick
ers of the remaining loganberry crop
Is great.
Coos Bay District Is Asked to In
crease Supply.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. July 22. (Spe
cial.) Dr. W. Haydon, of this city, who
Merchants Vrged to Meet.
The 6tate Council of Defense has
called a meeting for Thursday night
at 8 o'clock at Library Hall, when all
merchants affected by the one-dellvery-a-day
regulation will be taken up and
discussed. All merchants affected should
attend, say otitciais oi tne council, as
there are certain problems to be
worked out and remedies and plans
suggested for maintaining the greatest
possible efficiency under the war
time regulation.
Army Promotion Looms.
George F. Mackenzie, sergeant in the
Medical Corps at Camp Lewis, who has
been recommended for the central of
ficers' training camp. Is a Portland
boy, the son of John Mackenzie. He
is also a brother of Lieutenant Aeneas
Mackenzie, who is held In a German
prison camp at Heidelberg.
I IllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll
Activity of Bombing Machines Main
tained at High Pitch; Fifty Tons
of Projectiles on Enemy Rail
road Communications.
PARIS, July 22. A German airplane
made an unsuccessful attempt to reach
the region of Paris today. It was
driven off by the French anti-aircraft
This -was the first attempt to raid
Paris - by daylight since the German
Taubes flew over the city in September,
Lieutenant Rene Fonck, a leading
French, ace, brought down two Ger
man airplanes on July 1. two on July
18 and three on July 19. Fonck's total
Is now officially 66 machines.
"The activity of our bombing ma
chines was maintained at a high pitch
on July 21. During day and night 50
tons of projectiles were dropped on
enemy railroad communications, can
tonments and bivouacs in the valley of
the Vesle and the Ardre.
"The stations at Laon,' Fismes.
Berry au Bac and Fere en Tardenols,
crowded with troops and convoys, were
the objects of very violent bombard
ments. A great fire followed by sev
eral explosions was observed. Another
fire broke out in the Fismes station.
"Tens of thousands of cartridges
were fired at German troops and bat
teries ' which were silenced in the
Yes; S. S. S. Is Purely Vegetable
Nature's Safe Blood Treatment
Known for 50 Years as the Best
Remedy- for Rheumatism,
Catarrh, Scrofula, Skin
Scientists' have discovered that the
forest and the field are abundantly sup
plied with vegetation of various kinds
that furnish the ingredients for mak
ing a remedy for practically every ill
and ailment of mankind. Medicines
made from roots, herbs and barks which
Nature has placed at the disposal of
man, are better than strong mineral
mixtures and concoctions. Mineral med
icines work dangerously on the delicate
parts of the system, especially the
stomach and bowels, by eating out the
lining . membrane, producing chronic
dyspepsia and often entirely ruining
the health.
S. S.-S. is made entirely of gentle
acting, healing, purifying roots, herbs
and barks, possessing properties that
build up all parts of the system, in ad
dition to removing all impurities and
poisons from the blood. 8. 8. 8. is a
safe treatment for Rheumatism. Ca
tarrh. Scrofula. Sores and Ulcers, Skin
Diseases, Blood Poison and all disor
ders of the blood. It cleanses the en
tire system and It's permanent. Get
S. S. S. at any dreg store today. It Is a
standard remedy recognized everywhere
as the greatest blood antidote ever dis
covered. If yours is a peculiar case,
write to Medical Director. 443 Swift
Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Adv.
Telephone operating: offers many advantages to young
women who are seeking employment at a good salary with
opportunities for advancement.
Good Pay
$9 per week paid beginners.
Rapid and frequent increase in salaries.
Permanent Position
Work is steady and permanent.
Many opportunities for advancement.
Interesting Work
Pleasant, clean, fascinating.
Associates carefully selected.
Pleasant Surroundings
Light and well ventilated offices.
Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms.
Special Advantages
Annual vacation with pay.
Sick Benefits, Death Benefits, Pensions, without cost.
Good Character and Good Health are required. Young
women between the ages of 18 and 26 are preferred.
Previous experience is not necessary. Our employment
office is located on the Sixth Floor, Room 601, in the
Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets, and is open
from 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. We invite you to call at
this office and meet Miss Thomas, who will gladly discuss
the matter personally with you. An appointment may be
made by calling Broadway 12000.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company
Room 601 Sixth Floor
Q) lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllirnillliliii
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