3 THE MOItXING OREGOXIiX, TUESDAY, JULY 23. 1918. SALIENT TURNING INTO DEATH TRAP RED CROSS CONFIRMS DEATH OF BRAVE SON OF FORMER PRESI DENT OF UNITED STATES. Peril Accumulates for German Forces Holding Soissons-. i Rheims Position. ALLIED THRUSTS CONTINUE Enemy Slakes Desperate Efforts to ; Keep Base Open and Permit Withdrawal of Troops." Great Rout Possible. WASHINGTON, July 22. Indications multiply tbat the Soissons-Rhelms salient may prove a death trap for a large section of the German army. It is noticeable General Foch has been satisfied to post his forces on the heights overlooking- Soissons and has mot attempted to take it. The German high command appar ently is making desperate efforts to hold open the base of the salient until troops far down the center of the great pocket toward the Marne can be with drawn. With French and American troops hammering- away from the east and I'rench, British and Italian forces bat tering at the west flank of the Ger man position, it was still far from cer tain tonight that the enemy would be able to get his forces out of the south ern end of the ealient without terrific losses. The situation on the flanks of the ealient was not so clear tonight. Apparently the enemy is fighting hard to hold his position around Oulchy le Chateau, where a railway line from Fismes, probably his chief advance base and located at the approximate center of the base line of the salient between Soissons and Rheims has permitted him to assemble considerable forces to re sist the Franco-American advances. Rout In Prospect. Should the counter attack succeed in forcing this position or in breaking through either to the north or south f Oulchy. it is indicated that the German defeat might be turned into a disastrous rout. If the Fra-nco-Britlsh-Italian forces, as officers here hope, are able to break through strong enemy concentrations toward Fismes Itself, disaster would threaten the whole German position south of this place. r (By the Associated Press.) The drive of the Americans and French into the Soissons-Rheims salient continues. At some points the Ger mans are counter attacking desperately but their efforts have proved futile in more than impeding the advance. Further ' ground has been gained by the allied forces south of Soissons in the center of the line along the Ourcq river and north and east of Chateau Thierry. More Prisoners Taken. Additional- large numbers of Ger mans have been made prisoner and numerous quantities of guns and war materials have been captured. In the Marne region the American troops on the northern bank of the stream are well on the heels of the fleeing enemy east of Chateau Thierry, between Charteves and Gland. At last reports their advance had been puehed virtually four miles from their old PO eltions on the southern bank and they were pressing the enemy northward in the direction of Fere en Tardenois. possibly with the intention of endeavor ing to link up with the French forces proceeding eastward along the Ourcq. Further east along the Marne the French have been enabled- to throw forces across to the north bank of the stream. Severe fighting is in progress be tween the British, French and Italian troops and the enemy southwest of Rheims, where the British have made a. further advance. In Champagne to the east of Rheims the French are re jiorted to have regained all their old front line positions between the River bulppes and the town of Massiges. Rear-Guard Action Fouskt. The German defensive has noticeably stiffened on the western side of the Rheims-Soissons salient, but, although large numbers of reserves have been thrown into the fighting, the ma neuvers seem to be more in the nature ot a strong rear-guard action designed to help the large forces of the enemy in the Chateau Thierry pocket to escape northeastward, than a purpose to stand and give battle with the ultimata aim of holding or beating back the Franco American troops. mat. the Germans now realize to the full that the allies have the upper hand in the battle seems apparent from reports that they are burning villages uenina tnem in their retreat and de stroying large quantities of munitions. The efforts of the Germans to retard the i ranco-American forces were par ticularly heavy Monday in the regions or unssote and Brls St. Germaine, respectively northwest and north o v naieau rnierry ana to the east o Chateau Thierry, where the Americana are giving battle. On all three sectors the enemy lost further ground and his forces In the Chateau Thierry pocket were therefore placed in greater jeopardy. In France and Picardy the British continue to harass the German lines with small attacks and raiding operations. 4. mmm t. wi trri HiK Kiri ' -ft UIMIIMIJMJ 4UUJ mm ii nm ENEMY CONTINUES TO Will Oil PAPER Defeats of Sunday Described as "Complete Success for German Arms." i t a twirii - ; . ft - 4 . y ft : I-"i'-i rCS: S-:iii- -i, -: x :':Y ' 1 '? ' V?' i 'i " (3 i ' " - -.rS Official Statement of Teuton War Office Strangely In Conflict With Actual Results Along French Front. Ql'ESiTIW BOOSBVEI.T. GENEVA, July 22. The American Red Cross here was officially notified today from Berlin of the death of Quentin Roosevelt. DANIELS ASKS FACTS Secretary Orders Inquiry Into Submarine Raid. U-BOAT SEARCH STARTS total of colored class 1 registrants In the state. However, three or four more have since been reported, stated Cap tain J. E. Cullison. head of the select ive service department, in the Adju tant-Generals office. The men are to be sent to Camp Lewis, entralnment taking place within tne iive-aay period beginning August 1. Board No. 1, of Portland, must fur nish the largest quota, consisting of 20 eligibles. The ' Umatilla County hoard is to send the second largest number, which is five. Four inductees are asked of local board No. 4. while No. 3 and No. 6 must each entrain two men. Divisions which furnish but one Inductee are Nos. 5, 7, t and 10, of Port land, and the Baker, Clackamas, Jack son, Josephine and Malheur County boards. 34 TILLAMOOK BOYS GO Citizens Turn Out to Say Farewell to Draft Men. TILLAMOOK, Or., July 22 (Spe cial.) Citizens of Tillamook in full force this morning bads good-by to 31 Tillamook County boys called for serv ice in the Army. The boys who left today were Roland McGinnis, Ed Smith, Ray Houck, Ray Scheese, Paul Edgar, Earl Woods, El mer Clark, Robert Repas, Magnus Han- eon, Gilbert Rock, Emil Schollmeyer, ArtRur Donaldson, Kidney Moon, Nor man Wagner, Charles Seaman, Rufut Miles, Arthur Bodyfelt. Allen Mitchell Xtusk Tatro, Charles Merritt, Gambrell Summers, Emil Heusser, James Hiatt, Marion Gaines, Clyde Webb, Carl Plitz- kow, Al earnard, Hubert Butler. Jim Karaindros, Peter Jenck, Herman Schlappi, Alfred Marolf, Conrad Bauer and Arthur Taro. German . Haider Believed to Have Been Off Cafe Cod for Several Days British Destroyer - Sinks Hun Diver. WASHINGTON, July 22. Secretary Daniels today asked the commandant of tha First Naval District for a re port as to the reasons for the failure of bombs to' explode after they had been dropped by aviators who yester day attacked a submarine off the Massachusetts coast. The aviators twice circled over the submarine when it was shelling a tug and barges, but apparently none of the bombs they let loose exploded. The fact that the submarine at tacked without warning was accepted In some quarters here as indicating the Germans were undertaking to bring their campaign of "frightfulness" to America. Attack Causes Surprise. Officials were surprised that the submersible should have attacked tug and barges, as- these vessels were without military value and the mone tary loss was small. BOSTON, July 22. An investigation was started today to determine why bombs carried by naval aviators failed to explode when dropped on or about the German submarine which attacked the tug Perth Amboy and her barges off Cap Cod yesterday. Experts at the headquarters of the first naval district here said the bombs were provided to the different naval districts with explicit instructions that the mechanism must not be over hauled or any effort made to improve It. It was reported that some of the aviators had said that aome of tha bombs had failed in tests. Rear-Admiral Spencer S. Wood, com mandlng the district, refused to com ment on the report that the bombs dropped by the airmen were "duds. In regard to the attack he said: I want to correct the Impression given currency by certain published stories that the Chatham aircraft were late or not otherwise promptly 'on the Job.' Such stories I know to be a misrep resentation of the facts. The aircraft were there and dropped two bombs. the explosion of either one of which might have been effective in destroying tha hostile, craft. Vigilant Watch Kept. No further reports from the sub marines were received today, although a vigilant watch was kept along the coast by naval patrol boats and hydro aeroplanes. VINEYARD HAVEN. Mass.. July 22. The battle-scarred Perth Amboy. the victim of the attack by a German sub marine off Nauset harbor yesterday, was towed into this port for repairs today. Little damage was done the tug below the water line and her engine i in good condition. The upper structure, however, was badly burned and riddled by shells from the deck guns of the submarine. "SHIRT-TAILS" TOO MMEROIS MULTNOMAH Ul'ARD. Boy Missing From Aunt's Home. OREGON CITT, Or., July 22. (Spe clal.) Langley Turner, 15 years old, from Gooding Station, on the Oswego line, disappeared Friday from the home of his sister, where he lives. Sheriff Wilson has been requested to aid in the search for the missing lad. The boy is light, 5 feet 7 inches tall, weighs about 125 pounds and was wearing blue overalls, and a gray cap with light Etrlpes. He is said to be of a rather weak mind. LONDON, July 22. The British de stroyer Marne has sunk a German sub marine, says an official statement Is sued today by the British Admiralty. Xegroes Called to Army. The first demand upon Oregon for colored registrants was received yes terday at state draft headquarters, com ing as call No. 998, from Washington The call is for 60 men. According to original reports, this constituted the MORE PRACTICE NEEDED MANY 'VICTORIES' ALLEGED m I "H . It j - Mm ill te$f fell JP ifi m hp S. & H. TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE MAZDA LAMPS Better light for same price of old carbon lamps and Three Times Brighter 10, 15, 25, 40; 50-Watt, each 30c? 5 in box SI. 50 IMPERIAL LEMON SUGAR A most delicious Summer drink. One can will make 64 glasses. Price 35 6 Take Your Salt Baths at Home Pacific Sea Salt 10. 25S 35d STERNO CAMP STOVES Convenient, Compact and Inexpensive Small Folding Outfit 50 to $1.00 Large Camp Outfit $1.75-92.25 Sterno Heat 3 Cans for So Sterna BERLIN, via London. July 22. The War Office claims that the fighting in France on Sunday resulted in "a com plete success for the German arms." The official statement issued today describes" numerous heavy operations on all parts of the salient between Soissons and Rheims, and declares that all assaults of the allied forces were repulsed. , North of vine Montolre some of th enemy pushed forward temporarily over the Solssons-Chateau Thierry road. Our counter attacks completely threw them back again. "Vine Montoire and TIgny were also foci of a battle which our counter at tack brought to a favorable conclu sion. In the evening renewed enemy at tacks southwest of Soissons were checked at the starting point. Where they were carried out at all they broke down with heavy losses. On both sides of the Ourcq River in the forenoon the enemy frequently, but in vain, advanced against our lines. After bringing up fresh forces he re turned to the attack In the afternoon After heavy fighting the enemy's as- sault on both sides of Oulchy le Chateau was defeated by our counter attacks. 'North and northeast of Chateau Thierry our detaehMents, which had been left in the forefleld, hindered the approach of the enemy to our new lines. It was pot until evening that he succeeded in launching stronsr at tacks, which broke down with heavy I PjfjtllrMJS "There has been artillery activity on the Marne front. Between the Marne and the Ardre the Britltsh and French continued their attacksr these were re-I pulsed. A successful attack has been made bn the enemy's lines near the Ancre River."' ANTISEPTIC WITCH HAZEL, for after shaving, 8 oz 25 6 oz. Bay Rum 40 3 oz. Castor Oil 25 2 oz. Glycerine 25 6 oz. Rose Water. 25 2 oz. F. E. Cascara Aromatic 25 8 oz. Double Distilled Witch Hazel. .25 3 oz. Powdered Henna Leaves 250 1 lb. Bird Seed 250 Wood-Lark Silver Shine Paste 250 2 oz. C. & W. Insect Powder 250 4 oz. Rochelle Salts ....t 250 8 oz. Cream Tartar O0 1 lb. Boric Acid 400 100 Chocolate Coated Cascara Tablets, 5-grain 350 60 Red Blood Pills 500 4 oz. Spirits, of Camphor 5O0 1 pt. Lister's Antiseptic 600 Clinical Thermometers $1.00 100 Hinkle Pills 350 $1.00 Listerine So0 60c Bromo Seltzer 500 50c Lysol 450 $3.75 Horllck's Malted Milk $3.00 35c Brownatone Hair Dye 300 50c Celery King Tea 45p 16 oz. Cla-Wood Beef, Iron and Wine $1.00 25c Allcock's Porous Plasters, 3 for. .500 25c Carter's Little Liver Pills 100 50c Sloan's Liniment 450 60c California Syrup Figs 5O0 35c Castoria 290 16 oz. Albanol Paraffine Oil 5O0 $1.50 Fellows' Syrup $1.35 Wood-Lark Mosquito Lotion 250 50c Williams Pink Pills 450 ..TJTOSCTArwmTBUBt-"MaSKAlX.70O-WOVtE A6I7I J ZZS l!lllll!li!!lll!llllll!llllllllll!llll!lllllllil!!illi!ll!!i!l!llllllllll!l!tlli FILMS SHOW FRANCE at Heilig Theater Arouse Patriotism. MOTHERS WILL LIKE SHOW T MAN HAS MESSAGE BEX SCOVKLL, ACTOR-ENTEnTAl.N- ER, IN PORTLAND. Scenes "Over Here" and "Over There" Are Taken bjr Signal Corps and Navy Photographers for Use ot American Public. The Rellgloa of the Treaehea" to Be Theme at St. Stephen's Pro Cathedral Sunday. A dramatic picture of life in the trenches is brought back by Ben Scovell, Crusaders at the Heilig last night, pic-actor-entertainer, who has been In the Muring the tremendous activities of the Unbounded enthusiasm, patriotism aflame and knowing no restraint, but evidenced in long reverberating storms of applause, whistling and cheers that must nave Deen neara ior diockb, at tended the first showing of Pershing's Organization Plana to Present "3Ir Own United States" at Majestic o Raise Ammunition Fund. "Too many shirt-tails for the Mult nomah Guard." That's what Major Bowman and Cap tain-Lieutenant Kendall said after the last practice on the rifle range. A shirt-tail, be it known, is the expres sion Army folks use when the soldier who is shooting misses the target and the scorer .waves a red flag signaling no hit. x So the officers held a conference and decided what should be done. They had lots of good shots in the Guard, but they had made a big percentage of misses. The reason was that they hadn't had range practice; and tha rea son they hadn't had enough range prac tice was because they dldn t have enough ammunition. Ammunition costs money and the Guard hasn't got enough money for sufficient range practice. To raise money for this purpose the organization will present a patriotio picture, "My Own United States," at the Majestic Theater for one week com mencing Saturday, July 27. "The Guard is Portland's organiza tion," said Major Bowman, at a noon day meeting in the crystal room annex at the Benson yesterday. "And we are sura the people will support it. In stead of asking for charity, we are coming before them next week with a wonderful pioture which will not only entertain, but by the impression it cre ates, will assist materially In reducing the effects of Hun propaganda." At the luncheon yesterday the fol lowing men, who are completing the arrangements for the - showing of My Own United States, were pres ent: Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell, Sam. Bratton. Major Bowman, Major Drake, Captain Short, Captain West, Lieuten ant Kendall and W. W. Kofeldt. mana ger of the Majestic Theater. GUARD ACCUSES CAPTAIN It. V. Robertson Makes Charges t- San Francisco Authorities. MARSHFIELD. Or.. July 21. (Spe cial.) K. W. Robertson, who was called to San Francisco from the local coast guard station for courtmartlol, on ap pearing before the coast guard authori ties, preferred charges against Captain O. P. Brltt, of the Charleston station. Guard Robertson alleges improper con duct between Captain Britt and Mrs. Robertson, who is 19 years old. Cap tain Britt is away from home, but Mrs. Britt denies strenuously there was anjr ground for the charges, although Mrs. Robertson was' frequently a guest at the Brltt home. C. I. Relgard. atorney for Robertson, however, states they have photographs of endearing letters written by Britt to the woman. Y. M. C. A. service in France for the past year, who is In Portland. He will deliver an address on "The Religion of the Trenches" at St. Stephen's Pro- Cathedral Sunday On his entertaining mission of cheer to the soldiers In France, Mr. Scovell has gone into the front-line trenches. He has lived In dugout:, tramped through mud and water, slept outdoors, gone without food for as much as 72 hours, and shared the hardships of the men of the allied armies. He has brought cheer to the dirty, ragged, mud-stalned. weary troops ot England and Canada and America. Mr. Scovell is the father of the 169th Battalion of Canadian troops. He re cruited these in Toronto. Canada. Two hundred American men ware Included in this battalion, which was practically wiped out at Arras. Of all the men in this battalion, every member of which was a college-bred man, there are but IS survivors. Refused for the army in Canada, Mr. Scovell started to do his bit by visit ing all the convalescent hospitals in Toronto. After his phenomenal sue cess at entertaining the men there, ha was asked to do Y. M. C. A. work In the trenches, and was sent overseas without delay. meeting at Hamilton's Chapel. East eeventy-nlnth and Ulisan streets, at S o'clock tonight for the consideration of matters of Importance to that section of the city. Among tha subjects sched uled for discussion are municipal ownership of telephones and K-cent jitney fare on East Glisan and Halsey streets to Eightieth. DECISION EXPECTED SOON MILK FAMINE IS Astoria Supply Dwindles as Result of Long Dry Spell. ASTORIA, Or.. July 22. (Special.) Astoria is threatened with a near-milk famine as one result of the long-con tinued dry weather. Pastures are fast United States in the great world -war. The pictures, which were taken by U. S. Signal Corns and Navy photog raphers. are the first official American war pictures, and are sent to Portland and to 15 other large cities in America, sponsored by tha United States Government. Theater la Void Ont. The theater was sold out for last night's exhibition and many were turned away. The pictures will run for one week, and all the money re ceived will go to the Government. Following the showing in each of tha 16 large cities, releases will be made in adjoining territories so that every city and hamlet where there Is a mo tion-picture house may see the in spirational films. As an evening's entertainment it is satisfying and complete. Interesting information relative to war activities accompany each picture. A programme of beautiful music adds artistic bal ance, and the audience responds to the splendid combination of stirring mar tial melodies as interpretative of the pictures. Comedy Finds Place. Comedy finds its occasional place. and there is a happy, optimistic cheer about the pictures, with nothing of the morbid and nothing to dishearten. In every essential they are just the plc- .p I pp. liure every wue uuu muuiei "iiu awed- r t Ant U I heart of the soldier boy may see with real pleasure. It Is undoubtedly the finest compilation ot war pictures ever to visit Portland, and gives us an in sight and far-seeing understanding of exactly what our boys are doing and what their lives are like over there. The first half of the picture is de voted to what Uncle Sam'a millions of civilians are doing for the cause "over here." Shipbuilding yards, and massive Supreme Court May Pass on Port land S-Cent Carfare Today. SALEM. Or., July 22. (Special.) De cision by the Supreme Court In the ap peal from Multnomah County as to the legality ot the C-cent fare on the lines of the Portland Railway Light & Power Company. In Portland, is expected either tomorrow or the following Tues day. Arguments were heard In the case about a month ago. Appeal was taken from a unanimous finding of the Mult nomah County Judges in upholding the validity of an order of the Public Serv ice Commision establishing the fare. Four Licensed to Wed. OREGOX CITY. Or.. July 22. (Spe cial.) Licenses' to wed today were Is sued to George A. Ten Eyck. aged 20. and Lillian B. Averill. aged 27. of Sandy, and to Harry M. Rayg aged 28. of 300 Jefferson street. Portland, and Anna Katherine Kerr, aged 19, of Mil-waukle. drying P nd the output of milk is 8hlpa of .teel, of WOod. and- concrete deliveries are short. In normal times there is a considerable surplus of milk at this time of the year, but the sup ply haa fallen off from a very small surplus three weeks ago to a ahortage ot more than 150 gallons per day at present. Farmers have been forced to aupply their stock with ground feed and sev eral herds are being given as much feed as in the middle of Winter. Jesse O. Starr Must Hang. SANTA FE. N. M.. July 22. Jesse O. Starr must hang on July 26 for the murder of Sheriff Dwight Stephens, of Luna County. His fate was sealed to day when Governor Lindsey refused to commute his sentence after a thorough investigation and a visit to the scene of the ehooting. The Governor found no extenuating circumstances. WOMAN COMMITS SUICIDE Resident of Brush Prairie Kills on Second Attempt. are shown in the making until tne huge boats glide into the water. Mighty guns and projectiles are manu factured for study on the film. Airplane Making- Shown. Airplanes are made and their drivers send the bird ships through the skies for our observation. Mighty canton ments stretching for miles are shown, with T. M. C. A. huts. Knights of Co lumbus huts, hostess houses. Red Cross activities and thousands of soldiers learning all the rudiments of the big game of fighting. One interesting feature In the "over here" pictures is the manufacture of the khaki clothes for the soldier. Every detail of this mammoth under taking is shown and causes gasps of astonishment. The last half of the picture shows the boys "over there." General Per shing is shown often, and on every VANCOUVER, Wash.. July 22. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Nancy Howard, a resident of Brush Prairie for many years, com mitted suicide yesterday by hanging occasion his pictured presence brings herself from a stairway In the wood- storms of applause. The boys are plc shed. Her body was discovered by her tured in the front firing line, and their youngest son about an hour after the I day's work told in realistic pictures. act was committed. Mrs. Howard had been despondent for some-time, it is said, and two weeks ago tried to take her life by cutting her throat. At that time she was brought to St. Joseph's Hospital, In Vancouver. She was 6 years oia ana is survived oy three sons. two brothers and two sisters. Her sons live on farms adjoining the family place. Funeral services will be held at Brush Prairie Tuesday morning. Thera is a real thrill about these pic tures with thousands ot our boys marching and performing trench du ties. The tremendous scope of the sub ject matter constantly amases. A handful of captured Germans brought hisses. A group of soldier boys being baptised Just before they went into battle brought an Impressive and rev erentlal silence. Every real patriot will love these pictures and enjoy them. Prior to inmfl m h I invir rxniuuivn ".ui osnri ULHIVIAN-imOn rLUI UKUWb dramatic plea for a concerted cessation of criticism or the Government Dublin. Correspondent Announces Discovery of New Evidence. LONDON. July 22. The Dublin cor- respondent of the Daily News says that additional evidence of a German-Irish plot haa just come to hand in the form of extracts from censored private cor respondence between persons in Ire land and America. Some of the information as to time. places and quantities of munitions to be landed ia understood,- to be re- remarkable. Boston Doctors Summoned. BOSTON. July 22. Orders to Induct Into military service on August II all physicians and surgeons in this state who are of draft age and are In class 1 were received irom Prevest Marshal General Crowder. The registrants will be called August 11 and are to report to Fort Slocum for special training. Montavllla Board to Meet. A. N. Searle. secretary of the Monta vllla Board of Trade, has called a mass Food Hoarder Confesses. Carl Ness, an Alblna householder. yesterday pleaded guilty In the Fed eral Court to a grand Jury indictment charging him with hoarding foodstuffs In time of war. He was fined i0, which he paid. The specific charge against Ness was that of hoarding nine sacks of flour. DISTINCT FLAGS SOUGHT WAR AUXILIARIES COMMITTER TO INVESTIGATE KRAI I. Reports Indicate That Smtleage Books Are Bring Sold I'ndrr Misrepresen tation Throughout State. The War Auxiliaries Central Com mittee met yesterday at the Court house and decided to make additional efforts to see that the service flag of the Army and Navy be kept distinctly different from any service flag adopted for the shipyards or industrial war auxiliaries. The committee Jias re cently received a letter from Repre sentative McArthur, of the Third Ore gon District, saying that the commu nication from the Portland committee is now before the Judiciary committee of Congress. The committee also will make an ef fort to have a rejected service button given to men who had attempted to get into the military forces but were turned down for sundry physical rea sons. Becsuse of reports that smlleace books were being sold under misrepre sentation, the committee voted to con duct an investigation. The chief com plaint is that the books are being eold In some places with the representation that they were good at any Army cen ter or camp, whereas they are only good at certain cantonments. TrubCy Leaves Convict Oan;. SALEM. Or.. July 22 Special.) Al bert H. Jennings, trusty, serving from three to 15 years from Coos County for robbery, left the penitentiary flax gsng some time early thi morning. The gang is now employed near Turner. Jennings has a light complexion and is 25 years old. "I 5 Iff! IVt-' 'l - .Li i (1 II H li II ! h'V. iK i 3 It rj it n ,: s sr 1 v ... ij l .; t ft t t 2 it- ' , : i i . s : ill mm 8 if m I mm t m n hi' I t f "i- I l tJ 'ii fr M.'-4-f 5: si f it i i i -i . :r s US s t i v I t . - . ! t : Getting Money Ahead Puts Worries Behind If you had in this bank all the money you have spent fool ishly during the past few years, how much would you have? Save steadily and deposit in this strong" bank. We welcome your account large or small. sKe United Slates SVational J&ank Sixth mnd Stm rk Cmit W Smrmtu Z.XXXOOGOO '. -i - , u i i-i Wt . ! - .1 .4 f -i -4 '-' l-j'il fl '- .V 'JEjaejnmUgElgULaiWjWI. !!- 2 Hi v-i'T-j -f-4 '-;-;' ;il; -4.-"; y r. X