TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN. TUESDAY, JULX 23, 1918. 13 TOOTHACHE GRIPS EMPEROR W1LHELH ,1 8-Mile Ride to Potsdam Is Taken Before Breakfast; . Dentist Summoned Early. KAISER'S TALK MEMORABLE American Dentist Listens to Prus sian Despot Boast of Victory Over Italians When 300, poo Prisoner Were Taken. Continued From First Fagg.) rider carrying the bugle whoso dis tinctive notes only the Kaiser may use. It was a matter of only 18 miles to the palace, but the weather was foggy and we traveled at a comparatively Blow pace, traversing at one point a road which had been built specially for the Kaiser's use, and it was nearly 8 o'clock when we arrived at the garden sates, where two armed sentries were stationed. While the Shell-Room and other state rooms were accessible to visitors before the war, no one was ever per mitted to visit the private apartments of the Kaiser upstairs. On this occasion, however, I was guided right through the Shell-Room, through a door opening on the left and up a wide staircase to the Kaiser's Garderobe, or dressing room. Royal Breakfast Served Dtiit. There I found breakfast ready for me. It consisted of real coffee, real white bread, butter, marmalade, sugar, cream and cold meats. It was the first food of the kind I had eaten In some time and practically no one in Germany outside of the royal family and the Junkers was any better off than I in that respect. I disposed of every morsel of the meal except one slice of bread, which led Schultz, the Kaiser a head body-serv ant, who conversed with me while I breakfasted, to remark that I had bet ter eat that, too. "Even here," he suggested, "we don't get any too much of that, and I fol lowed his advice. Spurlos versenkt! Schultz volunteered the information that the Kaiser had suffered pain the greater part of the night, and advanced the opinion that his condition was all due to the war. As a matter of fact, however, when I came to examine him , I found him to be suffering from an af fection which, while extremely painful, was common enough an inflamed pulp. which would have resulted in a swell lng and an abscess unless promptly treated, but which could hardly have ' been attributed to the cares of war, no matter how heavily they may have weighed on the Kaisers mind. "While I was breakfasting, the Kaiser was dressing. His valet entered sev eral times, I noticed, to take out arti cles of clothing from the massive ward robes which lined the room. I had just completed my meal when I received word that my patient was ready to receive me. Kalaer Looks Haggard. As I entered the Kaiser's bedroom he was standing in the center of the room, fully attired in an army gray uniform, but without his sword. He looked more haggard than I bad ever eeen him, except once in 1915. Lack of deep and physical pain were two things with which he had had very little ex perience, and they certainly showed their effects very plainly. "In all my life, Davis," he said, "I have never suffered so much pain. I expressed my sorrow and started to imDrovise a dental chair out or an up holstered arm-chair on which I placed eome pillows, and, as the Kaiser sat down, he laughingly remarked: "Look here, Davis, you've got to do something for me. I cant fight the whole world, you know, and have a toothache!" I employed neither a general nor a local anaesthetic. At various times since the Kaiser had been my patient I had suggested that 1 could save him pain by the use of . local anaesthetic, - but he had always refused it. "The ladies like an anaesthetic, no doubt. Davis," he had said, "but I can stand It without. Go ahead!" and I may say, at this point, that in all my experience, I never observed him to flinch while in the chair. He was the best patient in that respect I had ever treated. - It. often occurred to me, after the war started, that in his own callous ness to pain lay the secret of his dl regard for the pain and suffering he caused In others. My work on this occasion occupied, perhaps, twenty minutes. When I was through and the Kaiser's pain relieved, his spirits seemed to re vive appreciably, and he explained why it was he was so anxious to have his tooth trouble removed as quickly as possible.-. ... Italians Canght Napping. "I must go down to Italy, Davis he said, "to see what my noble troops have ' accomplished. My gracious, what we have done to them down there! Our offensive at Riga was just a feint. We had advertised our in tended offensive in Italy so thoroughly that the Italians thought we couldn't possibly intend to carry It through For three months it was common talk in Germany, you remember, that the great offensive would start In October, and so the Italians believed it was all a bluff and when we advanced on Riga they were sure of it. They thought we were so occupied there that we could pay no attention to them, and so we caught them napping! , The Kaiser's face fairly beamed as he dwelt on the strategy of his gen erals and the successful outcome of their Italian campaign. "For months Italy had been engaged in planting her big guns on the moun tain-tops and gathering mountains of ammunition and supplies and food and hospital supplies in the valleys below in preparation for their twelfth Isonzo offensive. "We let them go ahead and waited patiently for the right moment. They thought that their contemplated often tsive must inevitably bring our weaker neighbor to her knees and force her to make a separate peace!" By "our weaker neighbor" the Kaiser, of course, referred to Austria, and how accurate was his information regarding Italy' expectations and how easily they might nave been realized were subsequently revealed by the publication of that fa mous letter from Kaiser Karl to Prince Sextus. Victory Boasted Of. "And then," the Kaiser went on "when their great offensive was within a week of being launched, we broke through their lines on a slope 3000 fee high, covered with snow, where they couldn t bring up their reserves or new guns, and we surrounded them "We took practically everything they possessed food enough to feed our en tire army without calling upon ou own supplies at all. Never before had our armies seen such an accumulation of ammunition. I must certainly go down to see it. "We cut off their northern retreat, and as they swung their army to the couth, we captured 60.000 of them up to their knees in the rice fields. One of .be great mistakes they made was In carrying their civilian refugees with them clogging their narrow roads and impeding the retreat of their soldiers. We had taken possession of their most productive regions, and their retreat was through territory which yielded them nothing. Just think of that re treating army thrown upon the already impoverished Inhabitants of that sec tion. Why, they'll starve to death! Everywhere we went we found their big guns abandoned. In one small vil lage we came upon a gun decorated with flowers and surmounted with a portrait of Emperor Franz Josef. It had been put there by the Italian In habitants of the village to show their happiness at being released at last from the yoke of the intolerable Italian law yer government! How terribly they must have treated them! Italy will never get over this defeat. God's Help Asserted. 'This was real help from God! Now, we've got the allies!" and he struck his left hand with his right with great force to emphasize his apparent con viction that the turning point in the war had been reached with Italy's col lapse. How optimistic, enthusiastic and su premely confident the Kaiser was at this conjuncture can be Imagined only by those who are familiar with the depression in Germany just before this Italian offensive was launched. Every one seemed to realize that Austria's abandonment of the cause of the cen tral powers was imminent; her support then hung only by the flimsiest kind of thread. Had the German-Austro offensive against Italy fallen down or the 12th Italian Isonzo offensive been successfully launched, a separate peace would almost certainly have followed, and no one realized that better than the Kaiser and his generals. His bub bling enthusiasm in success only em phasized in my mind the outward calm he had' unceasingly displayed even when the outcome had looked ao un promising. That the Kaiser now regarded him self and his armies as invincible I felt sure and that the success In Italy would be followed at the first favorable op portunity by a gigantic offensive on the western front. Victory Over Allies Expected. Indeed, on a subsequent occasion. when he called at my office for further treatment, and again referred to the Italian triumph, he remarked: "If our armies could capture 300,000 Italians and those 300,000 might just as well be dead as far as Italy Is concerned we can do the same thing against our ene mies in the west!" This was one of the Interviews I -was so anxious to report to the representa tives of the American intelligence de- Dartment at our leeration in foDen- hagen and, later dVi, when I finally ar rived Ift that city, I related it in great detail to them. I remained in Copen hagen 11 days and during the greater part of that time I was being inter viewed by one or another of the rep resentatives of our intelligence de partment. (Exactly two months later, on March 21, the western offensive broke out as I had feared.) I called at Potsdam a day or two later to attend the Kaiser again and found him still in the same triumphant mood, and so anxious was he to get down to Italy that he called at my office three times that week to enable me to complete my work on his affected tooth. LARGER MILITIA IS AIM MORE NATIONAL GUARD XJTflTS DE SIRED BY" GOVERNMENT. Plan Explained to Adjutant-General Williams, Who Returns From Wash ington More Rifles Sought. The War Department wants a max imum number of National Guard units organized in Oregon. To make it as easy as possible fo communities to join In this effort, smaller places which may be unable to muster a full company will be permitted to organize platoons. This was one of the things he learned at Washington, reported Adjutant- General John M. Williams, who returned yesterday after an official trip to the National capital. The desire of the militia bureau to have the National Guard strengthened to fullest extent was explained by General J. Mcl. Can ter, head of the bureau. He said that the militia may' possibly be called into Federal service, but not for overseas duty. Adjutant-General Williams went to Washington primarily to confer with Provost Marshal-General Crowder over details of the selective service. Many proposals and changes were talked over, but these cannot be divulged to the public. An effort to influence the chief of ordnance to send more new rifles to Oregon for the use of military units was taken up with that official. It met with no success. He found there is no possibility of obtaining addl tional rifles of modern make. YOUNG JEWS ENTERTAINED Men Who .Arc-to Entrain Thursday Have Luncheon at Club. Fitting farewell was given a number of the selected men who are to entrain Thursday for Camp Lewis by members of the Jewish Welfare Board yester day noon, when a luncheon at the Con cordia Club was enjoyed. Each of the men was presented with a comfort kit by the women's auxiliary of the Wei fare Board and a Bible, the gift of Joseph ehemanskt. Adolph Salomon presided. Invoca tion was pronounced by Rev. Robert Abrahamson. D. Soils Cohen delivered a stirring patriotic address. It is privilege, he said, for the young mi to have the opportunity to enroll under the banner of freedom. Edward H. Weinbaum gave a brief practical talk. SALARY INCREASE GRANTED 0 County Commissioners Considering Application of Kelly Butte Men. But one of several petitions for sal ary increases was decided yesterday by the county Commissioners. The re quest of John Stltes, in charge of the county automobile service, for an in crease from $125 to $150 a month, was granted. Eighteen county . employes at Kelly Butte filed a new petition yesterday asking that they be increased . from $3.50 to $4 a day. With two excep tions the employes are men of families and own their own homes. The in creased cost of living, they say. makes It Imperative that they receive higher wages. The petition Is under consld eratlon by the board. PUBLIC MISLED IS CHARGE Federal Trade Commission After Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. WASHINGTON, July 22. Attempts to mislead the public in its advertis lng of 'service stations" were charged by the Federal Trade Commission to day in a complaint against the Good yean Tire & Rubber Company, , of Akron, O. The complaint alleges the stations are not maintained by the de fendant, but are dependent on indi vidual willingness of dealers. Unfair methods of competition also were charged against the company. ARMY DISCIPLINE IS WHOLESOME THING Regulations Build Instead of Wreck Character, Says W. G. MacRae. MILITARY POLICE ON JOB Officers Courteous Lot but Very De termined, and Boys Soon Come to Know That Orders Are for Their Own Interest. BT WILL, G. MAC RAT5. (Mr. MacRae recently returned from France, where, for six mnnths. he was eoclated as The Oreiconlan correspondent with the Pacific Northwest regiments. This Is the first of a series of articles by Mr. MacRae.) Among the many general . orders is sued by General Pershing to the A. E. F. in France was one granting to all American soldiers the privilege of drinking light wines and beer. This simple statement of fact will, without doubt, make members of the "bone-dry" set stand up so straight that they will fall backward. To these people I will say they have failed to get the psychology of this splendid move of the commander-in-chief. They have failed to see that in granting this privilege every soldier was placed on his honor and that that most subtle thing prevented him from making a beast of himself. Bacchus) Kept at Distance. In the first place, there Is a quirk In all of us, something that makes the best of us take a strange delight in doing the things which the law says one shall not. I have - seen how the order worked out, and I say without fear of contradiction that as a result of that order, speaking now of the American soldier In France en masse, he Is not abusing the privilege record ed by that order. To the undisciplined mind army orders are the Inquisitions conceived by his Satanic majesty, but real soldiers in the making take spe cial Joy in obeying them. In France, yes, and In America, there are many things which a soldier may not do. Most of them are the things which he will not do, whether he is In the Army or out of it. Soldiers Are Safeguarded. There is no chance for the sons of Uncle Sam to overplay the drinking game, no chance for being lured away from the narrow path by mademoiselle. There is a general order which reads that American troops are not to be bil leted with spinsters or widows. Some of them may sleep in rooms in wnicn kings and Queens once Blept, but more often the soldier finds himself billeted with the cows and chickens. Chances are he will be compelled to do a day housecleaning before be makes his bil let presentable for the inspection of the medical officer, in cleaning up ne may have disturbed dust that had been accumulating for a century. The boys even have to clean tne vii lage streets. They do this in spite of the protest of the Mayor, who howls and says the "craiy Americans" sweep up too much dirt and. that It is silly to be constantly sweeping the streets. Military Police on Job. One of the chief duties of the mill tarv DOlice is to see that all these or ders are obeyed. M. P. (military police) is a king and has as much authority as General Llgget or the big chief him self. And woe betide the orricer, De he a Second Lieutenant or a General, or a nrlvate. who does not obey the M. if. They are a courteous lot and by the same token very determined. Even though the American soldier enters the service a, raw "rooky, and for the first three or four days has run against this discipline try-out, he soon comes to know that everything in this line is for his interest. About the first thing he learns is that in the sa lute he is not saluting the man in the uniform, but the uniform Itself, which is the honor garb of the Government of the United States. After this know! edge has sunk deep, it becomes as easy for the soldier to obey commands and the various military restrictions as It is to breathe. Army Builds) Character. With the A. E. F. in France, like the Army at home, there are many gen eral orders which a soldier must obey. I have received many letters and in quiries from parents. The burden of their inquiry is: The conduct of my boy was good before he joined the Army, but 1 don't know what it is since he joined the Army. I will answer this by . saying that the Army is not a wrecker of character. On the contrary and write it large a hitch, as the soldiers call an enlistment in the Army, is the greatest builder of character that has been discovered. All of us are the architects of our future. As we travel along life's journey, we can make or mar the picture. Army life has a greater tendency to make this picture than mar it. Rule Are Ironclad. Take the orders governing the sol dier's conduct in France. Whether it be in a French village or in a large city, the orders are strict. The execut lng of these orders and seeing that they are obeyed by the officer as well as by tne private are in the nanas of the mill tary police. If an organization is sta tioned In a little village, the next vll Inge may be Just a short walk away. There may be an interesting chateau half a mile beyond his billeting district In the first place, the company com mander Informs his men Just where these lines extend, and anyone wishing to go beyond these limits must first obtain permission. Hardly ever are there any distinguishing marks that indicate these boundaries. There are no sign boards, but there are members of the military police. Mr. Soldier Wanderer is given the right about. No excuses are accepted and the soldier has a deep respect for all members of the M. P. After he has received the order to go back, it's a case of going wniie tne going s good. Boys Cager to Meet Huns. There is a great desire In the heart of every American soldier in France to get into the trenches and come to grips with Fritz at the earliest oppor tunity. Now here Is where the order permitting soldiers to drink liarh wines and beer comes In. Tour soldier is not a fool. He has been told times without number that only the physical ly fit may be allowed to fight in the trenches. Hence, having this over whelming desire to get into the trenches, he makes It a duty to keep physically fit. He Is fully conscious that only by living a normal life can he remain physically fit. He also well knows that to drink to excess is to do the abnormal. It is for this reason. then, that he shuns anything that smacks of the abnormal and has re moved from his way of living all ex cesses. Did I say all excess? No, not all For the excess he Indulges in is the hardest kind of work. Your soldier does all this because he knows that by doing so he will at some time In the near future obtain the one great ob Jectlve get into the firing line and give the Huns helL That's what he UaMa"e I ill I sfcl L mjUmA T i -f-EK U The Popular Motor Oil More ZEROLENE is used for automobiles on the Pacific Coast than all other oils combined. Leading motor car distributors praise ZEROLENE, correctly refined from selected California asphalt base crude, because it maintains its lubricating body, at cylinder heat and gives perfect lubrication with less wear and less carbon deposit. ZEROLENE forms and keeps a perfect lubricating film around the pistons and cylinder walls. It leaves less carbon because, being made from asphalt-base crude, it burns clean and goes out with exhaust. ZEROLENE is the correct oil for all types of auto mobile engines. It is the correct oil for your auto mobile. Get our lubrication chart showing the cor rect consistency for your car. A.t dealers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) traveled over 6000 miles of rail and water to do. Doctor's Call Freqnent. Now for a brief insight into the orders he must obey. First of all. Uncle Sam sees to It that all of his sons in France have the best of food and plenty of It. He has the best of shoes and clothing. Next, the soldier, every week of his life, has to stand a physical examination. It Is not a case of merely standing up before the offi cer doctor and being told to "Stick out your tongiM" or "How do you feel?" If the soldier does not appear at morning sick call. The medical officer may happen at the billet at any time and announce a medical Inspection. The company may have Just come in from a long road hike, or they may have just re turned from the rifle range, all dusty and dripping with perspiration. This Is the period when If a eoldler nas anything w-rong It will show. If the soldier has a bad tooth or a corn, or a little pain in his "tummy." on the sick report he goes and he Is patched up. How different it was In 1898 or 1916. No Malingerers Nowadays. The morning sick call was always a dread to the Army medico or the company commander. Malingerers were the order of the day. In France one almost has to compel a soldier to report at sick call. There are two reasons for this: Dread that he may miss his chance when It comes to be sent to the front and dread of being sent to the base hospital. Once sent to the base hospital he be comes lost to his organization. With him goes to the hospital his D and A card (description and assignment card), his rifle, gas masks, his barracks bag. In fact, all of his property. When he is discharged luck may be with the eol dler and he may again be assigned to his own command, but he at once be comes a casual and is more likely to be sent to any organization that the chief of the "pill battery" may select. And now for the manner in which he must conduct himself when off duty. As I said, he may drink light wines and beer. The beer is 100 per cent more vile than-near beer. Hence t-e does not drink much beer. The American soldier has a most decided sweet tooth. Most of the wine in France is. a "dry" wine. The dryer it Is the better the French men like it. The American, never hav ing been a wine blbbler, does not take to the French vin blanc or vln rouge, hence he does not drink much of It. There's your answer to the prohibition ist who came near dying In a fit when he read that General Pershing decreed that the American soldier In France might have his wine and beer. Lady Friends Are Eyed. . Another thing the American soldier may not do when he Is off duty is to loiter and talk with a woman of the street. All of the larger cities are zoned and the American soldier caught in any one of these zones Is subject to arrest by the military police, night or day. If the soldier is caught out walk ing or talking to Mademoiselle it Is the duty of the M. P. to say: ''Soldier, to what organization are you attached?' Then when he has given the answer, the M. P. will say: "Let ma see your Identification tag." The soldier's not through yet. There is also Mademoi selle to be accounted for. "What is the name of your lady friend?" Soldier, be careful. Just saying that he'e a friend and that you know her la not enough. The M. P. is most polite, but bothersome and wretchedly per sonal. He must know her name and ad dress. Mademoiselle supplier this. The names of both the soldier ai d the girl are In the morning turned over to the Provost Marshal. - Provoat Marshal Takes Hand. Here one would say is the place to drop the nonsense. Not so. The Pro vost Marshal, armed with the young woman s name and address; goes to the French police. All questionable women are registered with the French police. If the soldier has fibbed about the lady friend and her name is on the police register Mr. Soldier is either punished O) ' LE N? -TRADE MARK by his Captain or is ordered before a court-martial. Protection No. 2. The soldier may not leave his billet or the place where his command is without pass, which Is always limited to the number of hours he may stay away from camp. He must not have liquor on the table before htm after 8:30. ' He must be out of the cafe by 9:30 and be at his billet or barracks at 10 P. M. This 10 o'clock means Just that, not five minutes after 10. Every favor he wishes to enjoy in the Army, the Dass permission and the rest, de pends upon his good behavior. Boys Must Write Home. . Another thing, his pass permission depends upon his letter writing. Either his Captain or the chaplain or any one of the three Lieutenants may be the censors. They know Just how many letters each soldier writes and to whom. More than 100 times I have heard this dialogue between the censor and the soldier: Soldier Captain, may I have & pass this evening? Captain When did you write to your mother last? (Maybe the soldier might try to fib a little. No go.) Captain You're a fine soldier. Tou ought to be ashamed to ask me for a pass. What, a pass for you? Not on your life. Go and write to your mother and perhaps I'll give you a pass. FOUR SEEK DIVORCES HUSBAND'S COXTIXrOl S SPBEE" IS ONE WIFE'S REASON. Extreme Cruelty In Alleged by Two Women Florence Campbell Mourns Her $1000. It was one continuous "spree" for Sain La France from the day of their marriage, early this year, until the day he left her, June 3. last, asserts Mabel La France, In filing suit yesterday for a divorce. She says her husband re mained in a continual state of Intoxica tion from the day she made her mis take In marrying him. William J. Byrne, en automobile salesman. Is made defendant In a divorce suit filed by Mary E. Byrne, who charges extreme cruelty. The plaintiff says her husband makes $350 a month, and she asks for $100 a month In permanent alimony and support money for their son. They were mar rled In Portland in 1901. Extreme cruelty Is charged by W. T. Churchward In a suit for divorce from Edna May Churchward. They were married In California in 1911. Florence Campbell is plaintiff In a suit for divorce from Alvera Campbell, whom she married at Vancouver early last year. She says that she had $1000 in the bank when she married htm and he refused to work while . her money lasted. She accuses him of cruelty, failure to provide and Infidelity. She asks that her maiden name of Florence Hayes be restored. COUNTY TO BUY MACHINERY Contracts Will Be Let for Road making Equipment. Multnomah County will purchase 823,000 worth of good, modern road making machinery. Unanimous decision for letting contracts for new road equipment was reached at a conference yesterday between the County Commis sioners and Assistant Roadmaster Chap man. The contracts will be awarded at a meeting tomorrow morning. The new equipment will include one scarifier, two tractors, four trucks, one land leveler, an air compressor and two trailers. It Is possible that other smaller Items will be added. Bids for this equipment were re ceived by the board last week. The equipment will be purchased from a number of firms. j a Correct Lubrication for the Air-Cooled Type Engine Proper cooling and correct lubrica tion are two things vital to the life of any automobile engine. Engines are either water-cooled or air-cooled. Our illustration is of the air-cooled type. . Engines of this type, like all internal combustion engines, require an oil that maintains its full lubricating qualities at cylinder heat, burns clean in the combustion chambers and goes out with exhaust. ZEROLENE fills these requirements perfectly, because it is correctly refined from selected California asphalt-base crude. ZEROLENE U mad in several consis tencies to meet with scientific exactness the lubrication needs of all types of auto mobile engines. Get our "Correct Lubri cation Chart" corerinf your car. At deal ers everywhere and Standard Oil Service Stations. r7rssrjr - . DAVIS LETTERS HEAD Parents of Wife of Kaiser's Dentist in Portland. HOME IS ON 69TH STREET Letters Received While Daughter and Son-ln-Law Were Still in Berlin Told of Interesting Experiences There. Two Portland people are following with special interest the story of the Kaiser by Dr. Arthur N. Davis which Is now appearing in The Oregonian. They are Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Proctor, of 30 East Sixty-ninth street, and they are proud of the distinction of being father-in-law and mother-in-law of the Berlin dentist who is said to have been the closest American friend of the Kaiser. "We are very proud of Dr. Davis," said Mr. Proctor. "We knew about his story long before it was published and we have been watching for it. The letters we have received from him and from his wife, our daughter, have shown us how interesting their life in Berlin has been. For over a year be fore they returned to America, we had not had a single letter from them. We weren't worried except that we feared some crank might shoot the doctor on account of his. connection with the royal family. "Although she was not permitted to bring anything from Berlin, my daugh ter smuggled out a picture of their house on the Tiergarten. so we have seen the beautiful place where they lived in Germany. Mrs. Davis came to this country about Thanksgiving time and was in Halifax just preceding the disaster there. e expect both Dr. and Mrs. Davis to visit us some time soon, whenever they can get away from New York wb,ere Dr. Davis has opened an office." Dr. Davis was raised In the name town as hta wife. Ellon Troctor. Both of them went to school in Fiqua. O. loiter, Arthur Davis was graduated from the Illinois School of Dentistry and opened an office in the Marshall TONE Tonight if you feel dull, stupid, bilious or constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets, and you will be feeling fine tomorrow. As tasfiisltoj Cars Field building in Chicago. Fourteen years ago he was called to be assistant dentist to Dr. Sylvester, who had been the court dentist at Berlin for 42 years. When he died. Dr. Davis received the appointment from the Kaiser. "Dr. Davis deserves all his profes sional success," esid Mr. Proctor. "He worked, his way through college and was always a ihornuRh student and a pood " workman. Whatever he says nbout conditions in Germany may be relied upon." 1918 CLASS IS EXAMINED Local Board Hustons Work to Make Xcw Men Available. Under the necessity of quickly as signing 1918 class registrants, since they are needed In filling current quo tas, local board No. 7 has all but com pleted physical examinations of those assigned to class 1. Only 12 men of those originally placed in the top group have not been before the examiner. This is believed the speedtost record of any Portland board. Many did not begin examinations until yesterday. Be cause of the small number of class 1 registrants to be handled, several of the hoards will complete the work this week and few expect to need more than ten days for the job. Board No. 7 is seeking information relative to four men of the new class who have failed to file questionnaires. The names s ml old addresses are: Charles A. Smith. Jr., 02- Third street; Robert K. Baker. 3S6 Montgom ery street: William H. Leslie, general delivery. Portland: George E. Brausr. Lamar. Colo. Friends or acquaintances knowing anything of the whereabouts of these men may save them the con sequences of being posted as delin quents by giving In what information they have. CASHIER SALESMAN TRIED U. L. Hopxiii Charged With Using V. S. Mails to Defraud. O. 1.. Hopson. former stock salesman for the United States Cashier Company, will be placed on trial before United States Judge Bran in the Federal Court this morning on an indictment In which he Is charged jointly with several of the officers of the defunct corporation, with a conspiracy to use the United States mails in a scheme to defraud. In all, about 12 men were Indicted and with one other exception, the cases usalnst all of the defendants have been disposed of. Hopson was arrested in ChieaKo some time following his indict ment and has since been out on bonds. United States Attorney Haney person ally will prosecute the case. 3H 109.2