Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 23, 1918, Image 1

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    - a i ir - tr t ik ii i i i i 1 1 i . x 1 1 i .mm iv
VOL. L.VIII. NO. 17,991.
CIS COIlllll
Yankees and French Surge
Across Marne.
Royal Patient Suffers
Sleepless Night.
Reinforcements Rushed From
Picardy to Crown Prince
in Menaced Salient.
Terrific Resistance Made by
Enemy to Avert Disas
trous Withdrawal.
TERS, July 22. (Via Ottawa.)
North of the Marne the Germans are
making preparations for a further re
treat. PARIS, July 22. American and
French troops are across the Marne
in force and hard fighting is in prog
ress. The Americans crossed, the river
between Charteves and Gland, east of
Chateau Thierry, and captured the
wood of Barbillon.
French troops, says La Liberte,
continue to cross the river Marne
northeast of Chateau Thierry. They
are following rapidly in the heels of
the enemy, who cannot long ' hold
ground with General De Mitry's army
coming up from the south and Gen
eral De Goutte's army coming from
the west.
German Artillery Futile.
The latter army already has reached
the region of Chatelet wood.
General De Goutte's troops, which
have been fighting hard since the be
ginning of the counter offensive, last
night crushed the effort made by the
Germans and took 1000 prisoners. In
formation received in Paris today
says that French patrols operating be
yond Chateau Thierry have learned
that the retreat of the Germans ex
tends several miles deep.
Big Guns to the Rear.
The German artillery can scarcely
be heard. This seems to indicate that
the big guns have been ordered re
moved to the rear.
The situation in the Marne salient
has become increasingly difficult for
the Germans. The German Imperial
Crown Prince called for help from his
cousin. Crown Prince Rupprecht of
Bavaria. German Divisions from the
army in the north have been hurried
down to protect the western flank
of the defeated army which has been
driven back over the Marne and eject
ed from Chateau Thierry by Franco
American troops.
Crown Prince Reinforced.
The Bavarian Crown Prince an
swered the German Crown Prince's
appeal for help and sent some of his
divisions from the Picardy front.
An equal number of British divis
ions was detached from the northern
front and moved to the battle sector
southwest of Rheims. The British
divisions are composed of picked
British Back at Old Stand.
It is interesting to note that the
British division on the front south
west of Rheims have again taken the
same place in the battle orrle.- which
the British occupied when driven back
in the May offensive.
Their transport from the British
front to the Champagne front was ex
ecuted in a most skillful manner.
Heavy German counter attacks
launched for the purpose of checking
the progress of the allies between the
Marne and the Ourca todav were with
out avail, according to the War Office
announcement tonight, and the French
and British made further advances in
the region of Le Croix and Grisolles,
as well as northeast of Mont St. Peter.
Counter Attacks Broken.
The statement reads:
"During the course of the day the
Germans attempted by powerful
counter attacks to check our progress
between the Marne and the Ourcn.
The Franco-American troops resisted
all these assaults and increased the!
trains, advanciner bevond the heichts
east of Lacroix and Grisolles, taking
the village of Epieds and gaining
ground northeast of Mont bt. Pere.
"Between the Marne and Rheims
(Concluded on Page 2, Column l.J.
London Reports Strong Close, With
Confidence General and Money
In Good Supply.
LONDON. July 22. The war news re
ceived since Friday has put dealers on
the Stock Exchange and the public, in
an excellent mood.
Values had risen in virtually all
cases before buyers appeared, and the
execution of a number of orders caused
a further hardening in prices.
Consols, the war loan, French fives,
oils and shipping shares were promi
nent, and even where no business was
done prices were marked higher.
Russian mines and oils were active.
The market closed strong and confident.
Money was In good supply. Discounts
were quiet.
General Addresses Wounded Ameri
cans In Paris Hospital.
PARIS, July 22. (By the Associated
Press.) "Tour country is proud of you,
and I am more than proud to command
such men as you. You fought splen
didly." General Pershing thus addressed
wounded American soldiers lying in the
American Red Cross hospitals in Paris
today. In each ward of every hospital
he talked to the men. He inquired if
they were being well cared for, how
and where they were wounded, what
regiments they belonged to, and ex
pressed his sympathy to scores of pa
tients. '
General Pershing also talked to the
physicians, surgeons and nurses, and
thanked them for the work they were
doing in caring for the wounded.
Portland Physician at Camp Lewis
Receives Commission.
CAMP LEWIS. Tacoma, Wash., July
22. Dr. Ralph Charles Matson, promi
nent Portland, Or., physician and em
ployed here as a contract physician in
a civilian capacity, today received a
commission as major in the Medical
Corps and was assigned to immediate
active service.
Major Matson spent a year with the
British army in France during the
hardest fighting of 1916 and 191T. He
is considered an authority on tubercu
losis and was recently placed in charge
of the examining board composed of
21 medical officers who will examine
arriving National Army men for
evidences of tuberculosis, foot trouble
and heart disease.
V. S. Will Control and Operate Cape
Cod Waterway.
WASHINGTON. July 22. To protect
the coal supply going into New Eng
land from Southern ports from the
menace of submarine operations off the
New England coast, control and oper
ation of the Cape Cod Canal Is to be
taken over by the Government.
President Wilson is expected to is
sue the formal proclamation tomorrow.
Government operation of this water
way has been under consideration by
the War, Navy and Commerce depart
ments and the railroad administration
for some time and plans to take it
over have been hastened by the appear
ance Sunday of a submarine off the
Massachusetts coast.
Americans Entertained Before Leav
ing for Front.
ROME, July 21. American Congress
men visiting Europe were received to
day by Ambassador Page and were en
tertained by Colonel M. C. Buckey,
military attache at the embassy. They
will leave for the Italian front Monday
WASHINGTON, July 22. Plans were
made today for another Congressional
party to visit the European war zone.
The party will leave the last of this
month. Already more than 30 Repre
sentatives in Congress are in the war
zone or on the way.
Adverse Action of Unofficial Con
vention Will Be Ignored.
William Randolph Hearst intends to
enter the primaries for the Democratic
nomination for Governor, no matter
who is recommended to the party voters
of the state by the unofficial conven
tion of the party which will open here
This statement was made tonight by
L. J. O'Reilly, long Mr. Hearst's con
fidential secretary and now commis
sioner of water supply in New York
San Francisco Printer Arrested on
x Charge of Fraud.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. Following
charges that he obtained over 310,000
through the employment of girls to so
licit for spurious charitable organiza
tions, James J. Worthington, a printer.
was arrested here today.
Worthington was charged with en
gaging 12 girls in this city to work for
him. Some of these girls were said to I
have informed against him.
U. S., Japan, England
and France to Act.
Economic Aid Will Be Conveyed
to Afflicted People.
President In Statement Will Declare
Aims of America Unselfish and
Concern Solely Welfare
of Slavs.
WASHINGTON, July 22. Plans of the
United States for participation in the
expedition to give military aid to Rus
sia are expected to be announced In a
public statement by President Wilson
very soon, probably before the end of
the week.
The statement, it is understood, will
be of a very explicit nature, beside
making clear the means of the aid to be
It will say that the United States has
only unselfish motives and Intends to
stand firmly beside the Russian people
In their fight for democracy.
Personnel to Be Omitted.
The sending of economic aid also will
be announced in the President's state
ment, but the personnel of the commis
sion probably will not be.
Plans for the military expedition to
be conducted jointly by the United
States and Japan with Great Britain
and France do not at this time contem
plate the reconstruction of the eastern
front as a battle line to draw German
troops from the west.
Objects to Be Defined.
The objects of the expedition, as they
will be outlined In detail in President
Wilson's statement, which personally
he Is preparing, .will be to protect
American interests, the Interests of the
Russian people 'themselves in their
fight for democracy and for the. safe
guarding of vast supplies which will
be sent to Russia as part of the pro
gramme of economic aid.
The President's statement will be
the official announcement to the world
of the decisions which have been re
ferred to In recent news dispatches
from Tokio and London.
No official announcements have been
made before, it Is understood, because
the United States has been awaiting
official word from Toklo of the accept
ance of its proposals, which are under
stood ' to differ somewhat from those
advanced by Great Britain and France,
Obstacles Prove Ineffective.
President Wilson has been conduct
ing the negotiations practically In per
son, giving them almost his undivided
attention. His determination to see a
democracy preserved for the Russian
people has been unaltered by any of
the difficulties which have made the
task of finding a way to extend aid to
them a most discouraging one.
A report that Germany and Finland
(Concluded on Ftc 8. Column 8.
Incident at Marne When Teutons
. . Withdrew Shows . Ability to
Meet New Conditions.
(By the Associated Press.) The
American Indians in France quickly
adjusted themselves to the conditions
of the country. They soon became just
as cunning a: In their native haunts.
This la illustrated by an Incident when
the Germans were withdrawing across
the Marne. Indian scouts, with Amer
icans, were sent over the river.
At one crossing three Indians im
provised a raft and chained it to the
north aide of the Marne. They fastened
the raft and then started on an explor
ing expedition. The Germans discov
ered the strange footprints on the river
bank and came upon the raft. They
awaited the Indians return, but after
reconnoltering, the Indians approached
their hidden raft cautiously and. scent
ing trouble, made a hasty retreat.
The Germans realized that these
strange red men were not of their
kind, and must therefore be an enemy,
and began firing. The Indians ran
through the woods like deer, and fin
ally struck for the water, in an en
deavor to reach the south side.
These Indians, reared along the river,
swim like Hawaiians and are able to
remain below the surface for a long
time. The Germans saw splashes in
the water and began firing. The In
dians dived and swam down stream
under water. When they came to the
surface for air they brought up a hand
ful of clay, which they had grabbed
from the river bottom, and with this
they camouflaged their hands and faces
while on the surface for a brief breath
ing spell.
Finally the Indians reached the south
bank far below the Germane, the cur
rent assisting them. Then they crawled
back and peered through the bushes
and watched the Germans seeking the
bronzed figures who apparently had
been drowned. The Germans, thor
oughly angered, shot the raft to pieces.
Assistant Secretary of Navy Roose
velt Confers With Sir Eric Geddes.
LONDON, July 22. Franklin Roose
velt, the American Assistant Secretary
of the Navy, who is in London, had a
conference this morning with Sir Brio
C. Geddes, First Lord of the Admiralty,
and later lunched with A. J. Balfour,
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs,
and Viscount Milner, Secretary ' for
War. '
WASHINGTON, July. 22. Mr. Roose
velt made the trip on a destroyer, to
inspect and co-ordinate the naval ad
ministration on the other side of the
Atlantic. During Mr. Roosevelt's ab
sence the office of Assistant Secretary
will be in charge of D. McL. Howe.
Hospital Trains Crowded With Ger
man Wounded Block Lines.
GENEVA. July 22. Railway traffic
between the Rhine towns is greatly dis
organized owing to the number of
wounded ' arriving daily from the
French front in hospital trains. Trains
from Germany are arriving at the Swles
frontier many hours late.
The German Empress returned to
Berlin yesterday in mourning.
18-Mile Ride to Potsdam Is
Taken Before Breakfast.
American Dentist Listens to Prus
sian Despot Boast of Victory
Over Italians When 3 00,000
Prisoners Were Taken.
(Dentist to the Kaiser, for 14 Tears.)
In - October, 1917. commenced the
German offensive against Riga, on the
Baltic. Within three or four days the
Germans captured successively the
Oesel, Runo, Obro and Moon Islands In
the Gulf of Riga and then carried their
invasion to the mainland. Their ap
parent objective was Petrograd and on
October 19 the Russians announced that
the seat of the government would be
removed from Petrograd to Moscow.
These successes on the Baltic failed
to overcome the depression in Germany
caused by the serious internal situation
in Austria at this period. Munition
factories were being wrecked by
hunger-crazed and war-weary strikers
and the populace was being shot down
in great numbers in the food riots
which developed in various parts of
Austria. Not since the war began had
the outlook been so discouraging for
the Germans.
Then, on October 21, just as things
were looking their blackest, the great
German-Austro offensive against the
Italians was started. In three days the
Italians were swept out of Austria and
the Teutons pressed forward to the
passes west of the Isonzo River leading
to the Venetian Plains. By the end of
October the Italian armies were In full
retreat. Before this offensive was over
the. Germans captured, they claimed.
no less than 800,000 prisoners and eev
era! thousand big guns, besides vast
stores of munitions and supplies.
Kaiser Has Toothache.
The exultation of the Germans over
the triumph of their armies in Italy
knew no bounds. While it was at Its
height I had an interview with the
Kaiser which will ever remain one of
the most vivid in my memory.
It was about 3:30 one Sunday morn
ing when I was aroused by a maid
who. In an awe-stricken tone of voice,
announced that the Neue Palais, the
Kaiser's palace at Potsdam, was on the
phone. I went to the telephone and
was Informed that the Kaiser was suf
ferlng from a bad toothache and would
send his motor for me within an hour
or so.
I got up at once and packed my In
struments, and at 6:30 the car, a big
gray Mercedes landaulette, arrived. Be
sides the chauffeur there was' an out-
( Concluded on Pact 18. Column 1.)
Revelations Made in Correspond
ence of Strrnsch, Protege of Bis
marck, Relative of Kaiser.
NEW YORK. July 22. That Teuton
conspirators planned, even after this
country's entrance into the wsr, to use
German reservists to Invade Canada
and Mexico, is Indicated in the seized
correspondence of Dr. Frederick Au
gust Richard von Strensch.
According to Federal officials. Von
Strensch. when arrested, was described
as a former protege of Bismarck. To
day he was described as a relative of
the German Emperor.
The objects of the proposed inva
sions, according to- the authorities.
were to hamper the dispatch of Cana
dian troops abroad and to join armed
Mexicans for the purpose of making an
attack on the United States.
Federal officials believe Alexandra
Vara, better known as the Countess
von Schelle. was the author of letters
signed "L" which were found in the
belongings of Von Strensch.
The woman was arrested shortly
after Von Strensch's apprehension last
week. In these letters were sentences
Indicating that between November.
1915, and April 20. 1917. plots were in
existence for 25.000 German reservists
to cross from Buffalo, N. Y.. to Bridge
burg. Ontario, and for 100,000 Germans
to enter Mexico at unnamed points
along the Rio Grande.
A Federal official expressed the be
lief that within the last month Dr. van
Strensch had made an unsuccessful
effort to send to Germany, via Holland,
the pattern of a new gun for which re
markable claims sre made.
The correspondence also disclosed
that a German, assuming a Russian
alias and disguise, had entered the em
ploy of the Curtiss aviation plant. The
spy is now being watched by Federal
A photograph of Von Strensch. taken
In the uniform of an officer of the
Prussian Guard, was found alongside a
picture of Frederick William I. father
of the present Emperor.
Call for Assistance Sent in From
Great Round Shoals.
NANTUCKET, Mas? ; July 22. An
airplane which landed at the village
of Wauwinet tonight brought word
that a steamship was in distress near
Great Round Shoals, about five miles
off the eastern end of the island.
The. vessel was described as in need
of Immediate assistance, but the nature
of her injuries was not disclosed.
The crew of the Coskata coast guard
station has gone to the assistance of
the vessel.
- The village of Wauwinet Is at the
extreme eastern end of the Island.
Tbe Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 78
degrees; minimum, 65 decrees.
TODAY'S Showers: moderate westerly
Official casualty list. Pace 2.
Allies on offensive all along- battle line
Pace 1.
Germans likely to abandon pocketed area
between Soiaaona and Rheims. Pago 2.
Allied galna continue on French front.
Page 1.
Parla defenae folia new air raid. Page 5.
Teuton defeat admitted by pro-German
preaa. Page 3.
Soiaaona-Rheims aallent likely to prove death
trap for Germane. Page 4.
Toothache grtpa Emperor William. Page 1.
Germans continue officially to claim sue-
ceaa on French front. Page 4.
Allies advance In Soiaaona aallent. Page 5.
Wounded Yankeea in finest splrlta. Page 8.
Hun atocka alump. Page 2.
Indiana In Prance display their old-time
cunning. Page 1.
Stork market stiffens as allies smash Huns.
Pago 1.
United States and alllea to intervene In
Rusala. Page 1.
Officers and men in Army forbidden to cor
respond with atrangera. Page 1.
Dona eat ic.
German reserrlat plot In United Statea ex
posed. Page 1.
Metal Induatrv of America freed from Ger
man control. Page 6.
Danlela orders inquiry Into U-boat raid off
Cape Cod. Page 5.
Many arrests made In war order fraud case,
rage 5.
Pacific Northwest.
Admiral Thomas aaalgned to Washington
University. Page 12.
Marriage plana of couple aged 6S and S3
are foiled. Paga 4.
State tennla tournament opena. Page 15.
Fate of organlxed baseball to be known to
morrow. Page 15.
Thelma Payne wlna fancy diving cham
pionship by constant practice. Paga 15.
Kumagae. Japanese tennla expert, seeka
matchea. Page 15.
Commercial and Marine.
Entire available wool supply may be uaed
for military purposes. Page 10.
Corn weakened at Chicago by bearish crop
reporle. I'aca 19.
Stocka decline In face of favorable war
news. Page 18.
Llveatock prices tending upward at North
Portland yards. rage 10.
Ship output Increaaea In Oregon t diattict.
Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Army discipline builds instead of wreck
ing character, eaya Will G. MacRaa,
Page 13.
Patherln-law of Kaiser's dentist Uvea in
Portland. Page 13.
Two Portland homes made happy by newa
of' San Diego aurvlvora, Paga .
Free bridge tolls for Army forces referred
to War Department. Page L'O.
Tburaday gala day for selective men leav
ing for camp. Page 11.
John B. Yeon reslgna aa county road
master. Page 10.
Countess de Bryas to visit Portland July 29
and 30. Page 11.
Colton man flrat at land drawing. Page 14.
Kenning Kitchen workers break all records
In canning cherries. Page 12.
Grocers to frolic at Eatacada Park. Page 12.
Superintendent of Schoola Alderman must
ko. Is ruling. Pajce 12.
Official films of U. S. soldiers In France are
shown. Page 4.
Rival randldatea for presiding of flora in
Legislature already busy. Page la.
Canadian Sergeant In Portland wears three
war medals. Page S.
Weather report, data and forecast. Pag 15.
Allies Aggressors at All
Points of Battle Lina
Retirement of German Armies
to Prepared Defenses at
River Vesle Likely.
Fighting Ability, Discipline and
Adaptability Mentioned in
War Reports.
LONDON, July 22. Hard fighting
is proceeding- in all sections of the,
line from Soissons to Rheims, ac
cording to dispatches reaching Lon
don this afternoon, but always with
the allies on the offensive and the
Germans fighting desperately to save
what they can before the onrush.
The French gathered up 45 guns, in
cluding six large calibre, in the fight
ing along the Marne, where the Ger
mans were compelled to retreat very
hastily, leaving behind material of all
Retreat Seems Inevitable.
Although the Germans are fighting
bitterly along the bottom of the sal
ient, there are indications they realize
a retreat is inevitable. There is a
great congestion of troops around the
top of the salient, which may indi
cate preparations for a new line.
With the district south of the
Marne cleared of Germans, the allies
are constructing bridges for pursuit.
River Vesle Next Stand.
The Germans undoubtedly will con
tinue to fight in the most stubborn
manner for the salient, but if things
continue to go well the enemy is like
ly to be forced back to the line of the
river Vesle, which offers good de
fenses and has good communications.
The Germans made several heavy
counter-attacks on the western side of
the salient and the fighting appears to
be. growing in intensity all along thi3
weftern tip.
Counter Attacks Costly.
A German counter-attack near,
Grisolles won a slight advantage for
them, but all these moves are only in
the nature of an attempt to hold up
the allies.
All these counter attacks are cost
ing the Germans heavily, as they
must be launched without adequate
preparation and on ground ill adapt
ed for the German purpose.
One of the German high command
actively engaged in endeavoring to
find some way of holding up the
American forces at the bottom of the
pocket, is Major-General Hell, for
merly Field Marshal von Mackensen's
chief of staff, who recently was sent
to the west front from Ukraine. The
Americans captured several docu
ments bearing General Hell's signa
ture. Many compliments have been
Cont1nued on Page 2. Column 1.)
ING. Sixty-page hook FREE to every
reader of The Oregontan. Savins
food, savins space containers are
three savings with one effort, and
each is important. The first you
MUST, the other two you may
have to. GET READY by sending
for the handy FOOD DRYING
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READ HOW. with the simplest
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ucts of the home garden.
The saving of containers Is an
Important matter. You may not
be able to get as many as you
need. WHY WAIT? Dry your food
supply It loses none of Its fla
vor or food value In the process.
Why can water with your veg
etables? Add the water when you
get ready to cook them next Win
ter. In the meantime DRY every
bit of available food let none go
to waste.
ING your perishable food. Send
your name and address to The
Portland Oregonlan Information
Bureau. Frederic J. Haakln, di
rector. Washington. D. C
Inclose a 3-cent stamp for re
turn postage and ask for a free
copy of the Food Drying Book.
. .. . K r