Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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that the service can be revised as to
place Portland more nearly on a parity
with Seattle, and give Portland a
through service, which Is badly needed.
"Through service from Seattle re
mains unchanged since the Government
took over the railroads, while the serv
loe from Portland has been curtailed
and restricted to the extent that the
through train from Portland to Chi
cago over the Union Pacific has been
discontinued. This same equipment
leaves Portland on train No. 10 at
10 A. M., however, and the train runs
to Pocatello, from which point the ob
servation car runs to Salt Lake and
the rest of the train goes to Green
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii i
Stetson Hats
Public Service Commission
and Mr. Aishton Confer.
1 1 FT
Routing of rreight to Columbia
itlver Iorts to Relieve Conges
tion .Elsewhere Considered
by Regional Director.
Assurance was given the Public Serv
ice Commission oot Oregon of the close
co-operation of the Railroad Adminis
tration and of the desire for the great
est possible harmony between the offi
cials of the Government and the com
missioners representing the power of
the state, insecurlng the highest effi
ciency of service, at a conference held
yesterday afternoon at the office of
the commission, at room 252 Court
house. All the members of the com
mission were present at the conference,
and Regional Director Aishton ex
pressed the hope that he might be
called upon at any time to advise and
assist in any problems that may arise.
The advantages and desirability of
use of the water grades along the Co
lumbia River for the movement of the
grain crop of the Columbia Basin was
discussed, as well as the routing to
Columbia River ports of freight that
could be handled with greater dispatch
through terminals that are not con
gested, which Mr. Aishton promised
should have consideration, and declared I River, where the portiana Sleeper is
R. H. Alahtnn, Korthnrentern Re
gional Railroad Director.
the matter had been given thought.
Likewise the question of adequate
through train service between Port
land and t-he East was gone into dur
ing the cession.
Commission Retains Authority.
Authority of the Public Service Com
mission in matters of an Intrastate
character remains unchanged, and the
control of grade, underground and
overhead crossings, depot and station
accommodations and kindred affairs
will continue practically aa when the
railroads were under corporate con
trol. The new crossings designed to I t.-iqqv. rnniv KnlliUnir Tvn
attached to San Francisco train No.
for Chicago.
"Seattle has two through trains daily
over the Chicago. AlllwauKee '.
Paul line and one over the Northern
Pacific and one over the Great North
ern. Portland ought to have at least
one through tnaln. and we urge that
the train which was discontinued be
contribute to public safety at Divide
and Votaw will be completed as previ
ously intended. The conference was
conducive of a clear understanding of
the relationship that will exist between
the railroad administration and the
In the party with Mr. Aishton, which j
arrived from San Francisco yesterday
morning, were J. G. Woodworth, traf
fic assistant; Ralph Budd, capital ex
penditures assistant; H. E. Byram,
.f ederal manager of the Chicago, Mil
waukee & Puget Sound lines; W. P.
New Surfaced Highways.
KLAMATH FALLS.. Or.. July 18.
(Special.) That work on the new cut
off road from the Shlppington Highway
through via Pelican City to the Fort
Klamath road will be started within a
few days Is the opinion of County Road
Supervisor Thomas Dixon, who inti
mates that this will be the next road
construction undertaken.
The new road via the Pelican Bay
mill will go over, an entirely new route
Kenny, Federal manager of the Great j .,i tt t v
Northern Railway, and Judge George olnder8 making It an all-year-round
i. Keia, or xacoma, or the Northern road. This road will give the mill em
ployes at Pelican City access to town
during the Winter months and cut out
an extensive strip of the old road over
the hill.
Supervisor Dixon states that the big
county, road grader is now at work In
the Swan Lake valley, where a five
mile stretch of new road by way of
Edgewood, Hibbard ranch and thence
south, is being graded.
Thromgh Service Agreed On.
At 10 A. M. Mr. Aishton and Mr.
Woodworth kept an appointment to re
sume the conference on traffic mat
ters, at which were present representa
tives of the Port of Portland. Public
Dock Commission, Chamber of Com
merce and Portland Traffic and Trans
portation Association. The comanittee
had requested the establishment of the
North Coast Limited as a distinctly
Portland train, in accordance with
what seemed to have been Intent when
the designation of the different rail- valiant Sons of Sirs. Mary Pietrok
service for each of the Pacific Coast I Answer Country's Call
cities nad Deen made, it was agreed
that thrnuirh trnln aAf-v1sA nliniilH a
established bv the oneratlon of North ALBANY, Or., July 18. (Special.)
Coast Limited trains Nni l nri 2 frnm A family In which there are four boys
Portland. of draft age was discovered today by
Transportation facilities and the Bit- Miss Mae Tillman, clerk of the local
u at Ion of Portland was gone Into con- exemption board. In working with the
cerning the ability of the port tto draft records of Llnn County. It is the
handle traffic and desirability of the family of Mrs. Mary Pietrok. of Stay-
river route, transfer of cargoes to I
cv.irva oth its riionntch th hnrti I Joseph Ben Pietrok, aged 28, Is
route to destination through the mouth
of the Columbia.
Late In the af ternon the visiting Fed
class 3. Philip George Pietrok, aged
26, was drafted July S and sent to Fort
McDowell, California. Paul Ben Piet-
eral railroad officials were taken for rok- aged 25. was drafted June 24 and
a trip on the river, to give a better
sent to Camp Lewis.
Lawrence A.
idea of the facilities of the port and Pietrok, aged 21. who enrolled in the
recent, region clliuii, w txi vcu u.11 vnxiin
for deferred classification and is In
the relationship of the railroads to
trip occupied the members of the party class 1 and also will soon be in the
until a late dinner hour.
Mrs. Pietrok has three other sons.
two of them being under and one over
the draft limit.
Mayor Urges Placing of Portland on
Parity With Seattle.
Appealing to R. H. Aishton. district Yieia of Cereals Will Eclipse That
Administration, for the placing of Port- of Any Former Year
land on a parity with Seattle on
h rnn irVi train aonrina - thA Vaat Mow-
r Baker, in a letter yesterday directs HOOD RIVER, Or.. July 18. (Spe
.ttprtinn rn ,h frt tht tv,. tnrni.rh clal.) Harvest of Hood River grain
train service to Seattle has not been crops Is beginning. With many tracts
disturbed since the Government took P anted to oats, barley and wheat, th
over the railroads, while the service to Jleld of cereals will eclipse that of any
Portland has been curtailed. former year The p-ain acreage In
The letter to Mr. Aishton Is as fol- th UPPer Valley is especially heavy
: . ; . Manhattan Shirts
Clothes for
Men in War
Service and
We are all doing our part in this
great world war. Some of us in
our civilian clothes, others in the
Army service.
Our store is in a position to keep
you well dressed in whichever
capacity you follow.
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes
are made of all-wool fabrics, which last long and
give service. There's no better way for us to prove
it than have you in one of these suits.
Suits for Business $25, $30, $35, $40 and Up
Army Uniforms $30 and Up to $50
We Carry a Complete Line
of Service Hats and Caps
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for
Quality and Service
Gasco Bldg.
Fifth and Alder
picture la "The Red-Haired
featuring Roy Stewart.
"I wish to can to your attention the
question of through train service be
tween Portland and Chicago in hope
When vou feel badly all over but with
no particular organ of your body notice
ably out of order, you need a tonic for
the blood. You require a medicine
that will benefit the whole system.
The blood reaches every part of the
body and when it is built up the whola
system quickly benefits.
Let the blood become deranged and
deficient in needed elements and the
nerves 'will be badly nourished pad
headaches, neuralgia, sciatica, func
tional paralysis and a host of other dis
orders may result. One such trouble
is nervous headache and the success of
the tonic treatment throueh the blood
is described by Mrs. J. H. Morgan ol
Correctionville, Iowa, who says:
"I was in a terribly nervous and run-
flown condition and suffered greatly
from nervous headaches. Mv head,
Eeemed as though it would burst, and
1 had freauent dizzv srells. I was in
despair of getting well until I read
about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and be
rrnn tabanir them. A few boxes proved
that thev were an ideal remedy for the
treatment of nervous disorders and
since then I have used them as a
family medicine. The pills have done
more for me than anything else and I
tpmrnmeiiif them heartily."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonio
for the blood and nerves. They be
gin at once to build up the system
, rreakened by excess or overwork. They
are sold by all druggists, or sent, post
paid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per
box ; six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Wil
li ams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
this season
For years the planting of grains here
was so light that no threshing ma
chine was operated. An old outfit.
owned by Hans Lage, an East Side
rancher, was repaired year Before last
and this machine and two others will
harvest the crops of local orchardlsts
this season.
Clever Impersonator Talks and Tells
Stories That Her Audience
Kever Geta Tired Of.
Child Imitators who really express
th,e happy little voices and mental
background of real childhood are so
rare that the occasional ones, like Ce
celia Loftus and Irene Franklin, stand
out. It has remained for Undine An
drews, a clever Impersonator on the
new bill at the Hippodrome, to lift the
Imitations Into the realm of sincerity
again. " .
Miss Andrews simply walks onto the
stage and talks a bit with the audience.
telling her hearers that she doesn't
sing and doesn't dance, but that ehe
knows a few children's etorles. The
audience is willing to listen, and ehe
Immediately gets Into the character of
some little girls and boys everybody
knows. Her 6tories are fresh and
new, but It's the little chuckling note
of childish confidence ehe expresses and
the amazing Information she puts into
her eyes and wagging forefingers that
captures her hearers. They applauded
every story and could have kept her
there Indefinitely.
Frank Gardner and his company of
three present a military musical skit
called "An Aeroplane Elopement,"
which is replete with fun. Nell Claire,
a vivacious girl, appears as the heroine
in the skit, and Mr. Gardner, Billy Link,
Junior, and W. J. Gardner all add ma
terially to the comedy with jokes and
dance and drumming. The drum ac
companiment was one of the clever
William Morrow gives a brilliant
characterization of the seven ages of
life. Imitating types from the cradle
to the grave. . He sings nicely, too.
Nance and Taylor appear in a smart
satire called, "'Corsets," In which they
chat amiably about erything and
finally return clad In bathing costumes.
the girl In smart, cute costume, and
the man a caricature. They occasion
much hilarity. A dainty dancing pair
are Joseph Cole and Gertrude Denahy,
whirlwind steppers. Miss Denahy's
frocks are gorgeous and smart.
The Theodore Trio closes the bill In
a comedy gymnastic act In which one
of the Theodores, a strong girl, ably
supports her two partners. One of the
partners provides the comedy. The
Kelso Minister to Do War Work.
KELSO, Wash., July 18. (Special.)
Rev. H. E. Greening, pastor of the
local M. E. Church for the past two
years, has passed all examinations for
T. M. C. A. work overseas, and ex
pects to be assigned to overseas duty
sometime after September 1, when the
conference year and his local pastorate
ends. Mr. Greening was summoned to
day to go to Camp Lewis Monday to
attend a ten-day school of instruction
for Y. M. C. A. workers.
Pendleton Minister Resigns.
PENDLETON, Or.. July 18. (Spe
cial.) Rev. R. E. Clevinger, who has
been pastor of the First Baptist Church
here for the past four years, has re
signed his charge here and expects to
be relieved before September 1. He
has made no plans for the future.
Dr. McLeod, of Minneapolis, Re
signs Pulpit to Join V. 91. C. A.
TACOMA. Wash.. July 18. (Special.)
Rev. Dr. Murdock McLeod. of Minne
apolis, formerly pastor of the First
Presbyterian Church. Tacoma. will be
hut pastor for the V. M. C A. at Cam p
Lewis hereaften, Dr. McLeod came
West on a vacation and was so Im
pressed with the cantonment that he
decided to accept an Invitation to re
main thre. He Is widely known to
Telephone operating offers many advantages to young
women who are seeking employment at a good salary with
opportunities for advancement.
Good Pay
$9 per week paid beginners. jF
Rapid and frequent increase in salaries. - '
Permanent Position
Work is steady and permanent.
Many opportunities for advancement.
Interesting Work
Pleasant, clean, fascinating.
Associates carefully selected.
Pleasant Surroundings
Light and well ventilated offices.
Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms.
Special Advantages
Annual vacation with pay.
Sick Benefits, Death Benefits, Pensions, without cost.
Good Character and Good Health are required. Young
women between the ages of 18 and 26 are preferred.
Previous experience is not necessary. Our employment
office im. located on the Sixth Floor, Room 601, in the
Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets, and is open
from 8:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. We invite you to call at
this office' and meet Miss Thomas, who will gladly discuss
the matter personally with you. An appointment may be
made by calling Broadway 12000.
The Pacific Telephone and
Telegraph Company
Room 601 Sixth Floor
Portland rresbyterlans. having often
spoken In that city.
"With its regular prograi me of mil
itary drill end discipline, its ample
provision for every- comfort and de
velopment of the physical man, the
y. M. C. A. and Knights of Columbus,
with their religions, social and educa
tional work. I think Camp Lewis af
fords the best to be obtained for the
men of the National Army." Dr. Mc
Leod explained.
-Kelso Red Cross Klects Officers.
KELSO. Wash.. July 18. (Special.)
Officers for the year were elected at
a meeting of the Cowlitz county neo
Club rooms last night. George Kerr,
chairman of the chapter, presided, and
the following officers were elected: O.
IX Easton. chairman: Mrs. Eugene Mc
Corkle. Lexington, vice-chairman: Mrs.
Grover Thornton, secretary: E. A.
Knight, treasurer: M. J. Lord, chairman
board of managers: E. M. Adams, C. A.
Pauley. C. J. Shlplay and C. H. Olson,
members board of managers; Grover
Thornton, chairman civilian relief; B.
M. Atkins, chairman military relief;
George F. Plamondon. chairman board
of finance; J. P. Buford. chairman
membership, and Miss Ceclle Hanslckie,
publicity agent.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
Cros chapter tn the Kelso "ommenr-!al nian. Main 7070. A 09S.
Heavy Shipments Leave Moldings
Lowest In Years.
SEATTLE, -Wash., July 18. Western
Washington and Western Oregon lum
ber mills will on August 1 have the
lowest stocks on hand that have been
noted any time during the last two
years, according to the prediction to
day of leading operators.
In May and June xhe mills here have
shipped out 65,000,000 more feet of lum
ber than they cut and there is no sign
of a letup In the volume of orders.
Ostrander Section Man Drowns.
CASTLE ROCK, Wash., July 18.-
( Special) -Gust Jeannises was drowned
In the Cowlitz River near the George
Smith place south of town, at about
12:30 P. M. today. He belonged to the
Ostrander section crew and was un
married. Two boys of the crew were
near swimming. The man could not
Bwlra and they saw he was drowning.
They went to the rescue, but were un
able to get him out, and were nearly
pulled under themselves, so had to let
him go. At latest reports the body
had not been recovered.
Montesano Awards $9 75 Damages.
MONTESANO, Wash., July 18. (Spe
cial.) To Dora C. Titus, of this city,
has been awarded $975 damages
against the city for damages she re
ceived when a plank on a sidewalk
sprang up and she stepped Into the
hole opened. Injuring her foot.
Stolen Saddle Costs $100.
PRINEVTLLE, Or.. July 18. (Spe
cial.) Harry Cayton was fined $100
yesterday in Judge Bowman's court for
the larceny of a saddle from E. C.
Wolke. Cayton la serving the time In
jail because he is unable to pay the
, An. . . r5. - '
The nicest Dlace that you could
possibly spend the Warm Days .
and Moonlight Evenings Is at
The Ideal Rmort for
Women and Children
For Kverybody.
The Beach was never better nor
the swimming more delightful
than at present.
The safest place for ladles and
children to have a day'e outing.
Let the men folk join them In the
evening and enjoy the four hours'
Ladies Mondays, Wednesdays, 10
to 2.
Children Tuesdays, Thursdays,
10 to 2.
H. P. Terwllltger, Instructor.
$150 In Cash Prlseav
Seven Award.
. Make Entries Now at
Portland Knitting Company's
Broadway Store.
Sandy's Kodak Shop,
328 Washington Street,
Genuine Clearance Sale of Suits, Dresses,
Coats, Skirts and Waist
Our Motto Is Money Back if You Find You Did Not
Get the Best Bargains in the City
-;--.-r.:t.-na r prt.rq
Most beautiful Fall styles in Coats, Suits and Dresses to
induce early shopping. Hundreds of Samples just arrived.
We will place the Fall Samples in this Genuine Sale HALF
PRICE. Do not fail to make this inspection.
Hundreds of Suits and Coats
You would hardly believe this statement. Such beautiful
Suits and Coats, all sizes and shades, at Genuine Clearance
Back If
Some in
ThU Lot
Would B
Clveap at
Silk Dresses and Serge Dresses
to be cleared out at once. Some in this lot run. up to $32.50.
At the Genuine Clearance Sale Price
also Hundreds of new Fall styles in silk and Georgette crepe waists,
which arrived a little too early, will be placed in this lJO QE
Genuine Sale at only.... i)d.ZJ
Hundreds of Fiber Sweaters QC
at only PO.UiJ
Minn i.
""" "- ana- " ' ,r '- T -T-