Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 19, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Scale for Shipbuilders Will Be
Fixed at Philadelphia Con
ference in August.
JVIessrs. Schwab and Piez Take TTp
Iiabor Conditions and Macy
Award at All-Day Hearing
"With Seattle Builders.
SEATTLE, "Wash.. July 18. (Spe
cial.) Charles M. Schwab, director
general of shipbuilding: operations for
the Emergency Fleet Corporation, and
Charles A. Piez, vice-president of that
branch of the United States Shipping
Board, will meet with Pacific Coast
delegations of both shipyard operators
and the employes who build the ships,
and the United States Shipping Board's
wage adjustment board at Philadelphia
on August 5 to settle the wage ques
tion now affecting the shipbuilding
This was the programme agreed
upon after an all-day conference par
ticipated in by Mr. Schwab during the
morning, and carried on for the rest
of the day by Mr. Piez and Mr. Cuthell.
the latter being the Shipping Board's
3Ionter Lnncheon Given.
Mr. Schwab, accompanied by
Eaton and a number of shipbuilders,
most of wham were from the Grays
Harbor district, left at 2:40 this after
noon for a visit to that section, but be
fore their departure they attended a
monster luncheon given under the aus
pices of the Seattle Chamber of Com
merce and Commercial Club at the
Arena at noon.
The labor situation, which had been
in a more or less unsettled state ever
Since the findings of the Wage Adjust
ment Board, known s.s the Macy com
mission, made last Fall, is now ger
erally admitted to have reached a
more satisfactory stage for complete
adjustment than has been the case at
any previous stage since the Govern-
ment entered into its gigantic ship
building programme.
Today the wage question, working
conditions in the various plants and
differences in the scale paid in the
Skinner & Eddy plant and the Macy
award formed the principal topic dis
Adjustment ot Arranged.
During the morning conferences both
Mr. Schwab and Mr. Piez frankly In
formed the representatives of the Metal
Trades Council, and later in the day the
latter imparted the same information
to the shipyard officials, that they were
not in a position to arrange any read
justment of the wage question by them
selves, as that particular matter rested
virtually entirely with the adjustment
board comprising V. Everett Macy
Charles A. Coolidge and .A. J. Berres.
There were, however, several working
conditions called to their attention
which they promised to remedy, or at
least Charles M. Schwab, as Director of
Shipbuilding, did.
The nature of the labor requests as
well as the tentative rearrangement of
certain conditions were withheld pend
ing the return of the visiting shipping
board officials to Philadelphia, where
they contemplate the framing of an
entirely new shipyard schedule em
bracing the new conditions as well as
the satisfactory portions of the exist
ing schedule.
Dr. Allen P. Koyes Lectures on Proper
Feeding Before Large Crowd
at Liberty Temple.
Mayhap It is the crystal water of
Bull Run that lends to Portland babies
stature and stamina beyond their
years, or tha celebrated Oregon clime,
or both. At any rate. It is certain that
many of them have raced ahead of
their ages, according to the records
which are being made at Liberty Tem
ple during "better babies" week, which
closes tomorrow.
In one family the . investigators
found a trio of such examples yester
day, and the smiling mother bore
away the official testimonials to the
very superior young Americans she
has given to the Nation. The children
are Belva Tobin, Celsey Tobin, and
Louis Tobin. of 46 North Sixteenth
street. Belva, the eldest, is 5 years
old, but has the development in height
and weight of an 8-year-old girl. Louis
Tobin, her brother. Is ZVz. but in
weight and height he is far beyond the
third-year average. The real infant
of the family, Celsey. thousrh not S
months of age, has the weight of an
average child of 11 months, and the
neignt or an 8-months-old babv.
Yesterday at the free clinic Dr. Allen
P. Noyes lectured on the proper feed
ing of children, answering many ques
tions as they were asked by attendant
mothers. The clinic conducted this
afternoon will be under the direction
of Dr. W. G. Patrick. Tomorrow after
noon, the conclusion of the week, will
mark the visit of Mrsl W. K. Davis, of
the Department of Agriculture, who
will speak on foods for children.
This Piano is a bargain. It is a
standard make and we give with it
our guarantee and written exchange
agreement. We also have:
Large size Hardman at $285
Another standard make at $265
An excellent practice Piano. .$125
Terms to Please You.
G.F. Johnson Piano Co.
' 149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison.
f "
- ! 'T v
Liberty William Russell, "Up
Romance Road.
Majestic William Karnum, "True
Peoples Dolly Sisters, "The Million-Dollar
Columbia Dorothy Dalton, "A
Soul for Sale."
Star Mae Murray, "Her Body In
Sunset " Doug" Fairbanks,
"American Aristocracy"; Bill
Hart. "Hell's Hinges."
Globe Frank Mclntyre. "The
Traveling Salesman."
I I stor
story of a young man looking
excitement and thrills, and
the audience will experience the same
excitement and thrills in watching the
picture. It Is a regular "Daredevil
Dock" story of plots and counter-plots
for kidnaping a girl: the hero foiling
the plot of the villain, and his won
derful fight against the gang of crooks
who are attempting to hold him and
his fiancee prisoner while they blow
up the warehouse, and also the ship,
which is starting forth loaded with
supplies for the allies.
William Russell, athletic star, whose
popularity has been increasing rapidly
of late, contributes many a strong-man
feat to the thrills of this picture. The
plot is highly colored, but one is not
expected to take it too seriously, and
it can't fail to amuse and thrill at the
same time.
Gregory Thorne and Marta Millbanke
(Charlotte Burton) are a pampered
young engaged pair, but are opposed
to conventional engagement and mar
riage, so decide upon an elopement.
Gregory hires four second-story men
to effect an abduction at the same
time an emissary of a foreign gov
ernment decides to abduct Marta to
hold her as hostage, until her father.
a shipper, promises to stop shipments
to the allies.
In the darkness Gregory's men and
Eckstrom's meet and complications en
sue. The arrival of the police adds
to the excitement. Marta mistakes one
gang for the other and permits her
self to be carried off. Gregory, who
pursues, is captured and the two held
as hostages. Eckstrom threatens to
blow up the Gregory warehouses and a
ship, but Gregory outwits Eckstrom by
a clever ruse, saves Marta from death
and compels Eckstrom to reveal the
hiding places of the infernal machines.
For once the young people are sated
with adventure.
News pictorial offers as a special
feature the funeral of the late Mayor
Mitchel, of New York, with its air
plane escort. A "Smiling" Billy Par
sons comedy Is also shown.
There's a new show at the Sunset
Theater today, Owner-Manager Jen
nings deciding to offer his big Fair
banks-Hart double bill this morning
Instead of waiting until Sunday,
"American Aristocracy" will be the
Fairbanks comedy-drama, while Bill
Hart will. appear In "Hell's Hinges."
The bill partakes of an all-star of
ferlng,, for In addition to Hart and
Fairbanks their supporting casts In
clude Jewel Carmen, Portland girl
Louise Glaum, Clara Williams and Rob
ert McKlm.
"American Aristocracy" is a clever
satire on the society side of the life
of the Industrial barons, with Fair
banks in the role of a Southerner and
bug-hunter who falls In love with a
daughter of a hat-pin aristocrat and
wins her through a series of episodes
involvfng smugglers and a United
States gunboat.
"Hell's Hinges" Is a dramatic tale
of the West, with Hart as a bad man
who falls victim to the Innocence and
beauty of a preacher's sister and from
preacher-baiter becomes an ardent
champion of the small religious crowd
in the wxld frontier town.
Italians Like Yankee Films.
According to information received
in Portland by J. W. Palmer, eecre
tary in charge of war work recruiting
for Oregon and Idaho, Italian soldiers
take to American comedy films like a
duck takes to water. The Y. M. C. A.
war workers here have secured Happy
Hooligan, lt.razy Ivat and Fatty Ar
buckle films and the Italians laugh as
heartily as American audiences.
"Give us 'H Commendatore Spac
cone," they shout. Translated, it
means Happy Hooligan. The titles
have been made over Into Italian.
Other films shown are the Drew com
edies, Mable Normand, Victor Moore.
Booby Bumps and Sid Chaplin. Later
Charlie Chaplin will, be Introduced.
The Chaplin films are having a run
at the American front.
Screen Gossip;
.Pauline Frederick, soon to commence
work for Goldwyn, where her husband
Willard Mack, is head of the scenario
department, will bid farewell to cos
tume drama and return to modern emo
tional roles.
Herbert Rawlinson and Milton Sills
are "Jerry" Farrar's first two leading
men in her pictures for 1918.
Rube De Remer, who was one of the
big figures in Rex Beach's "The Auc
tion Block," is now leading woman for
Harold Lockwood. Hal is back in New
York after a long filming period in
Some big news in the shape of star
acquisitions is due from Fox some of
these days. Rumor has it that Vir
ginia Pearson, June Caprice and Jewel
Carmen are to De supplanted by other
They say Bessie Love got $40,000
from Pathe to break the contract which
bound her to that concern.
m m m
Shirley Mason, new Paramount star,
asserts that she wants to play in noth
lng but happy pictures.
m m m
Lasky Is beginning to brag about
Wanda Hawley, but one can hardly
blame the studio, for she's the prettiest
little blonde you ever saw. Wanda be
gan to steal hearts from the minute
she appeared timidly before the lens,
and you ought to see the way even a
bunch of jaded studio workers gaze
upon her.
Nell Shlpman, who made such a hit
in "God's Country and the Woman" two
seasons ago, has another big North
west snow picture in "Baree, Son of
Kazan," written by James Oliver Cur-
Pearl White has enjoyed a remark
able career.
At the age of 7 she was a child ac
tress in an obscure "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
troupe playing in the mountains of the
Southern states; at 12 she was a
trapeze performer in a small circus; at
18 she was a leading woman in a dra
matic stock company.
m m m
Douglas Fairbanks next Artcraft
picture to follow "Say. Young Fellow,"
will be "Bound in Morocco." the story
of which, written by Allan Dwan, Is
described as a snappy, high-geared, ro
mantic comedy-drama of the 20th cen
tury. The production is now well on
the way toward completion under the
direction of Mr. Dwan, this being his
third picture with Fairbanks as star.
Geraldlne Farrar has a baby grand
piano in her dressing-room at the Gold
wyn studios, which accounts for the
fact that the apartment Is twice the
size of any under the big glass top.
While Mary Garden used to play soli
taire between scenes. Geraldlne Farrar
sings. Snatches of song float down the
corridoV and harmonious chords echo
through the building. The other stars
now have music while tbey make up.
Vivian Martin, who has Just com
pleted "Her Country First for Para
mount under the direction of James
Young, has picked out Banff Hot
Springs, in the Canadian Rockies, as
her Summer resting place. Miss Martin
has earned her vacation and expects to
remain in the Switzerland of America'
for some time. .
Peggy Hyland, 'William For star,
takes many precautions to guard her
eyes from injury from the lights dur
lng the making of a picture. Chief
among these is her Insistence that de
fusers, or ground glass, be placed be
fore the lights so that the glare will
be somewhat decreased. She uses an
eye wash after every appearance be
fore the camera.
William Farnum spent his abort va
cation between pictures on a most suc
cessful fishing trip at Cata.lia Island.
Having finished "Riders of the Purple
sage," he has started "The Rainbow
Trail, which is also by Zane Grey.
Donald Gallagher, who is supporting
Nazimova in her own picture. "L'Occi
dent," has joined the Aviation Corps
and will start training as soon as his
work in the picture is completed.
Clfford Bruce, remembered In "Blue
Jeans," is war working, too. He has
purchased a farm and has turned over
one of his cars to the Junior Naval Re
serve for use between Ngr York and
Camp Dewey.
The newest recommendation for "go
ing into pictures" is, according to the
casting director for World: "I am the
young lady who holds the record for
selling the greatest number of liberty
bonds in Cordele, Ga."
The Chicago studios of the Sellg
Poloscope Company have been closed,
confirming rumors that were current
for over a year. It is stated authori
tatively that practically all the studio
activity will be concentrated in the
Pacific Coast studios.
Ruth Roland won a $300 prize for the
I design of a riding habit.
Chautauqua Auditors Held
Spellbound by Forest
Music Imitation."
James A. Burns Speaker at Evening
Programme; Thavlu's Exposi
tion Rand Is Billed for Ap
pearance Today.
8 Physical culture.
9 Mother Goose Chautauqua.
9 Industrial Club work, direc
tion Miss Parker.
10 "The Church of History."
Dr. Bralnerd.
11 Forum. Programme in
charge Women's Press Club of
Oregon. Instrumental solo, Mrs.
Carlln Dewltt Joslyn; vocal solo.
Miss Edith Beyer; dramatic read
ing, Mrs. Lucy Edwards Bruce:
music, violin solo, selected. Frank
Sngihara; humorous reading.
Miss Aileen Brong; address, "Pen
Women In War Service," Mrs.
Lucia Faxon Addlton. president
Women's Press Club; "America,"
by audience.
2- Thavlu's Exposition Band.
4:30 Portland All-Stars vs.
5 Symposium. "Boys" and Girls'
Clubs." Miss Alice Joyce, state
8 Grand concert, Thavlu's Ex
position Band and accompanying
OREGOX CITY. Or., July 18. (Spe
clal.) Charles Crawford Gorst held a
large audience at the Gladstone Chau
tauqua spellbound this afternoon
while the songs of birds burst from
his marvelous throat in perfect imita
tion of the feathered folk.
Mr. Gorst was introduced by R.
Bruce Horsfall, of Portland, a persona
friend of the lecturer, and himself
great lover of birds. Mr. Gorst. he
said, is one of the greatest authorities
and critics of bird tones in the world,
and through the medium of his many
phonograph records has become known
to all nations.
In the programme also appeared the
Zedeler Symphonic Quintet with
number of pleasing selections. Its
afternoon rendition of "The Poet and
Peasant" overture called forth hearty
encores. The evening numbers lnclud
ed selections from "II Trovatore," the
opera "Louise," "Slcillano Rigordon
Chopin's "Nocturne," the third and last
movements from the overture of "Will
iam Tell," and the "American Fatrol,
by the troupe.
James A. Burns Speaker.
The speaker on the evening pro
gramme was James A. Burns, on "Re
making the Kentucky Mountaineer.'
Mr. Burns is president and founder o
the Oneida Institute, the college in th
hills of the old feudal territory, and
has had much experience with these,
people of the mountains.
The Chautauqua is planning extra
parking facilities and attendants to
handle the crowd which is expected at
the grounds tomorrow to hear Thaviu's
Exposition Band, led by the magnetic
Thaviu himself. The organization of
40 pieces had the honor of opening and
closing the San Francisco Exposition In
1915. The band Is the largest that has
ever appeared on a Western Chautau
qua circuit. Ralph Errole, lyric tenor
of the Chicago Grand Opera Company,
with others, will be heard in selec
tions from the masterpieces of the
Forn n Hnr Announced.
The forum hour will be In charge of
the Women's Press Club of Oregon. The
10 o'clock Bible discussion will be led
by Dr. Brainerd. with "The Church of
History" as his topic. Miss Lorene
Parker, of the extension department
of O. A. C, will preside over the In
dustrial Club meeting at 9 o'clock, and
it Is expected that a large number of
the boys and girls, members of the
club, will attend.
The baseball game tomorrow will be
between the Wilsonvllle team and the
Portland All-Stars. At 6 o'clock to
morrow the symposium will be under
the direction of Miss Alice Joyce, state
leader of the boys' and girls' clubs.
The Exposition Band will be heard at
2:15 in the afternoon and again In the
evening at 8. Extra cars will be run
from Oregon City and- Portland and a
half-hour schedule from First and Al
der streets will be maintained, the cars
going directly to the grounds.
F. W. Bathe, Employe of Shipyard,
Suffers Burns While Helping Volun
teers to Extinguish Flames.
Fire, caused by the explosion of an
acetylene cutting and welding torch.
broke out in the deckhouse of hull No.
SO, under construction at the Peninsula
shipyards, at 10:56 o'clock yesterday
morning and for a time threatened to
destroy the partly completed vessel
The exact amount of damage has not
yet been determined, but probably will
not reach more than a few 'hundred
dollars. If the damaged boards can
not be replaced the entire deckhouse
and surrounding parts of the vessel
will have to be rebuilt and will involve
an expenditure of more than 81000.
Ray Nlblock was operating ths torch
when It exploded. He was uninjured.
F. W. Bathe, another employe of the
yard, was burned about the face while
helping the volunteer fire department
to extinguish the blaze.
Several departments answered the
fire alarm, but arrived on the scene
just as the volunteer department, com
posed of shipyard workers, was ex
tingutshing the last of the blaze.
Fire Marshal Grenfell yesterday
praised highly the work of the vol
unteer shipyard department and Is en
couraging the workers In all other
yards to form similar units.
Gonzaga's President California Head
of Society of Jesus.
SPOKANE. Wash.. July 18. (Spe
ciaC) The Very Rev. Francis C. Dil-
Inn. A T niRMnt nf Hnmnri Uni
versity for two years, and one of the
builders of that institution, has Deen
appointed superior of - the California
province of the Society of Jesus. The
California province comprises the
states of Washington. Oregon. Idaho.
Monians, Wyoming, i;aiiiornia ana mo
territory or Alaska.
Father Dillon will succeed the Rev.
Richard A. Gleason. S. J., who has been
provincial the last four years.
Word of the appointment, which
came from Rome, was recetved last
night by the Rev. Father James Brogan.
S. J., present rector of Gonzaga. Father
Dillon, who is now In Portland, will as
sume his new duties Immediately. He
has been treasurer of the district under
Father Gleason for the last two years.
Father Dillon was born In 1866 at Ha-
gerstown, Md. He entered the Society
of Jesus in 1887. and was ordained at
St- Ignatius. Montreal. In 1896. He first
came to the Northwest In 1888 and
served with remarkable success In the
Indian missions In the Coeur d'Alenes.
He was made assistant treasurer of
Gonzaga College In 1894. In 1903 he
was appointed president of Gonzaga
Judge Rosamaa Dec-lines Dismiss
Charges Efforts to Go to Work
Are Held Belated.
William C. (Bill) Barker, heir to
extensive timber holdings and well-
known man around Portland, was tried
In Municipal Court yesterday for- vio
lation of the idlers' ordinance and the
prohibition law. Judge I toss man heard
the evidence and announced that he
would take the case under advisement
until this morning, when he will pass
liarkcr was arrested Sunday at a
bathing resort near Ross Island by
Chief Engineer Prfhm, of tha harbor
patrol, and Patrolman Klingensmith
who testified yesterday that Barker,
while bathing, made frequent trips to
his locker, where he partly consumed
the contents of a bottle of whisky
They also, said that he admitted to
them that he had not worked since
the idlers' ordinance was passed, de
claring that he was too ill to do' any
work. Barker did not refute these
H. N. Hogue. Barker's attorney,
asked the court to dismiss the charges
against the young man and allow him
to enlist In the Navy. or. in case h
failed in the physical examinations, to
go to work in a shipyard, which Bar
ker said he was willing to do. Judge
Rossman said that Barker had had
the opportunity to enlist or go to work
in the shipyards for more than a yea
now and that it was only after he had
been arrested that the idea of entering
a useful occupation entered his mind.
He concluded that this case should be
decided so that It would not only af
feet Barker but all men of his class.
Judge Rossman fixed bail at 1250
on the charge of violating the prohi
bltlon law and 8100 on the charge
violating the Idlers ordinance. Bar
ker furnished the required amount
which is a reduction of the origina
bail proposed, and regained his liberty,
He had been in jail since Sunday aft
Dr. E. H. Pence and Frank Branch Riley
Also Scheduled to Speak at Audi
torium Saturday Night.
Major Franklin H. Martin, in pre
war days a prominent Chicago sur
geon, who has been active In all de
partmental work associated with the
medical programme of the war, will
deliver an address in the auditorium of
Lincoln High School tomorrow even
ing at 8 o'clock under the auspices of
the state committee of the Council of
National Defense.
The meeting is to be public and will
be of general interest in the topics dis
cussed. As for Major Martin, he is
said to be a brilliant speaker with a
message which he delivers as a repre
sentative of the Government. Other
speakers will be Dr. E. H Pence, of
Westminster Presbyterian Church, and
Frank Branch Riley, also of this city.
who will speak on patriotic themes.
Major Martin was formerly general
secretary of the American College of
Surgeons, and was managing editor of
one of the leading medical publications
of America. At the outbreak of war he
was appointed by Prestdent Wilson to
serve on the advisory committee of the
Council of National Defense.
Today Major Martin is at Camp
Lewis and Seattle, and Is expected to
arrive in this city tomorrow morning.
He will deliver an address In San
Francisco on July 22.
Breaking of Quarantine
Fines for Offenders.
G. B. Cook and Mrs. R. P. Burdette,
whrf were arrested recently by City
Health Officer Parrish. charged with
breaking quarantine, were tried yes
terday and fined $20 and $10. respec
tlvely. According to Dr. Parrish. the
families of both were quarantined for
It Is said that someone called the
health bureau as a blind and asked
to have the health officer call that
day and was told that the doctor had
planned to make the call the following
day. When this news was received the
families, it Is said, went on a picnic.
The health officer called at both homes
and found both families away.
Aurora-Salem Road to Be Improved
When Conditions Permit.
SALEM, Or., July 18. (Special.)
Reports In circulation here to the ef
feet that the State Highway Commis
sion, in postponing construction of the
18 miles of Pacific Highway between
Aurora and Salem was taking a slap
at Marlon County, brought the state
ment from State Highway Engineer
TJTJTT Trl T Days. Commencing
XI 12 1 11 Vj Jlon. Eve.. July S3.
THEATER Twice Daily 1:15-8:14
Following tbe Elag to France!
Aucpices ol tne V. B. oot.
Released by the Committee
on Foblle Information.
Ororge Creel, t fealraua
Taken by TJ. . Sis-
nal Corps and Ntir T"
Pbotosrsnners. r,-Ti
Augmented orchestra WfcJ
MAIS. sV-aS-TVTi."
EVES. c-" 'Vr,
25c, 50c War Tit
77" " , , .. .;; ;v ..;. .
ij. ... . v, .. .;, V .
f ' . :'X
r: - ' - r -. i
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:; . j I covert
Nunn today that such reports are un
founded and that the Commission will
go ahead with construction work as
soon as conditions permit. A number
of features entered Into the postpone
ment of the work, he said.
Premature Explosion at lleppncr,
Or., Injures Portland Man.
F. C. Dollarhide. formerly of Port
land, was badly hurt by a premature
explosion while he was at work for the
Warren Construction Company at
Heppner, Or, Tuesday. He was rushed
to Portland and is now at St. Vincent's
. '
; ,0
n v;t
: and,
H mote
.SbCfflMliii i i i imaasniMSMilBl .
What Happened to a Hun i'lot
When a Regular Yankee
Butted in With a
Love Affair.
'Iwas Hard to
The Fiaeral
Showlns: Theodore Roosevelt, t hi
Mourner, and
Hospital. He is about 15 years old and
The accident occurred near Jones
Hill. Efforts are being made to locate
his brother. C M. Dollarhide, believe!
to live here.
Convicted I. W. W. to Join Army.
ASTORIA. Or.. July 13 (Special.)
Anthony May, un avowed I. W. W..
was convicted in the Police Court to
day on a charge offf criminal syndical
ism In distributing literature advocat
ing sabotage. The defendant was fined
$.'0, but the sentence v. as suspended,
as May wants to join the Army. Ho
was one of four men arrested on the charge. Two of. the others have
been convicted but have appealed to tha
Circuit Court. The charge against the
fciirlh man was dismissed.
1 J
V - . 1
i . - ' ' .V'
. X1'
but Twas Done
y ti
or Mayor Mitel
Escort of Airplanes.
iel. I
ef I