TOE MORNING OltEGONIAN. FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918. HE1P WAKTEP FEMALE. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted advertisements In THE OREGOXUN must stats explicitly the nature of employment and the basis of com pensation, salary or commission. The Oreronlan rejects misleading and objectionable advertising; and any advertisements found to be mis leading should be reported immedi ately to The Oregonian office. THE OREGOfclAN, Main 7070. A 6095. TOUNd LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 99 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. WANTED Women ior operating; streetcars, must be of good moral character, between age 25 and 32 ; men's wage when com petent; personal interview between 4 and 5 P. M. Address North Coast Power Co.. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Young lady for office: perma nent position with opportunity for ad vancement; must be good typist and have good references ; state age and qualifica tions and salary expected. Address AN 874, Oregonian. WANTED Five good looking girls to travel with show; weight 90 to 135; must be of age; experience unnecessary. Call carnival grounds. Williams ave. and Stanton st. ; good salary. Mr. Morris Illusion Show. WANTED Christian Science nurse; one wio thoroughly understands Science, to both take care and teach a sick girl of 20. Write salary expected and references, also phone number. A351.Oregonlan. WANTED Neat young lady, unincumbered widow preferred. to work In root beer and ice cream stand with car nival co. Call Mr. Anderson, Manx Hotel, between 9 and 10 A. M. STENOGRAPHER Beginrwsr with some ex perience, for office work and collecting In largo insurance office; mutt live at home; good opportunity for advancement. AL 543. Oregonian. GIRL to assist with general housework In family of two, at Summer cottage; laun dry sent out. Apply Apt. 2. Benson Apts., 205 W. 20th North. Phone Broadway 5289. WsmteA Domestic. HOUSEKEEPER wanted to go to the beach, good wages; only those who like children need apply. Marshall 4413. Address 568 Elizabeth st. WANTED Girl or woman for general house work In family of adults; good home and good wages. Phone Sellwood 762. WANTED Experienced girl for general houiework at 'Summer home. Main 353, A 3353, No. 94 5th, cor. Stark. WANTED Competent girl for general house work in laraliy or tnree adults. .Phone Main ' 690. or call 198 King st. WANTED A cook In private family who is willing to go to G earn art ; good wages. Broadway 519. WANTED Competent cook ; good wages, small family. Apply mornings. 721 Main, cor St. Clair. RELIABLE house girl who understands a lit tle about cooking; good wages. Apply 407 14th st. WANTED Experienced laundress Immedi ately. Apply 235 Cornell road, or phone Main 3057. References. WANTED Girl for general housework, with opportunity to learn- nursing. Wood lawn 166. WANTED Second girl; one willing to do aunary worn, in private nome. can Main 3BZ1. AN experienced general housework rlrl to go to Gearhart; best wages. Phone Main 75. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework; no laundry. Phono Main 6339. WANTED Capable cook in small family. gooa wages. t iortnrup st.. Main 32. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, 3 adults. $40. Main 3442. LADY'S maid. Good salary. st. Telephone Main 8260. Apply 312 12th WANTED An experienced Apply Athens Hotel. chambermaid. YOUNG girl for general housework; wages. East 2411. WANTED Girl for Phone Main 7291. general housework. GIRL for general housework, no washing. Phone East 4159. RL for second work. Main 3222. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK, GOOD y . ukcijUA UTi WUULt.N MILLS, JtX Ct Vj j Vl X 1. OX Government work, experienced spinners and weavers; good wages, steady, attrac tive wora. .rortiana woolen Mills, Johns. VA.TtD Piano player with experience no can piay pictures ana vaudeville. The 'trana j neater, Oregon city. Or. v ANTED Man and wife to do Janitor work. Will give 8-room apartment and aumo wages. rfrfu HOyL WANTED Dishwasher, man or woman. Ap ply Harrison Hotel. Front and Harrison. WANTED Man and wife, cook and waitress, lui tuuniry noiei. larsnaii a 145. EDUCATIONAL. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. individual Instruction. Short, Practical -uui Aii?Ky piag., .to ana Morrison. MISS M ATTINGLT'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing bchool. day, evening, $." month. 269 near uenerson. Alain HrWis. 1 fcbhUKAPHl, stenography. Bkg. Board. rm. and tuition may be earned. Mackay Bus, Colleges. Los Angeles and Fresno. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free Paid while learning. 234 Couch st. YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration. 911-12 Broadway bids' Main 6274. SHORTHAND and stenography. EAST SIDE OOM-L SCHOOL, 122 Grand ave. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. PORTLAND. OREGON. TEACHER S All kinds of teaching posT tirns. Main 43r. Fisk Teachers' Agency, " FRENCH CLASSES. 301 Corbett bldg. Main S3fl. Copyright. 1918. by Newspaper Fe.tur Servic. too EDUCATIONAL. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. The business of our school la to help YOU get ready to meet the great demand for COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS and BOOKKEEPERS. Our courses will meet your requirements. We shall be glad to show you the work which our students are doing. Day and evening classes. No va cation. Lumbermens Bids;.. Phone Bdwy. 5603. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine shop practice, oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle, Wash. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work; heavy demand for operators, $7i to $85 to start. Fuller's Telegraph School. Panama bldg. WANTED More young women to prepare for telegraph service; many positions open now for women telegraphers. For particu lars write or call Telegraph Dept.. room 218 Railway Ex. bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 276 UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL, WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7445. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue. 234 Burnslde. Bdwy 1731. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison St. ELOCUTION taught, sketches written, coach. Mrs. Hassey. 1442 Leonore St. Wdln. 475. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED salesman and business rep resentative desires suitable connection, with view of permanency, a place wher ability, persistence and faithful attention will have duo recognition; have automo bile. A. W. C.. care Washington Hotel, or Main 7414. - , YOUNG man, 19, wishes position driving car; familiar with all makes of cars and good mechanic Know city perfect. Can fur nish references from garage last employed as to character and ability. Phone Wood lawn 5480. STRONG, industrious, strictly sober mar ried man, A-l rancner, warns worn uh good farm at good wages, anywhere. S 14, Oregonian. POSITION wanted. Experienced in ornce work, correspondence, nanaung inr-u salesmanship. Above draft age. BD 406, Oregonian. WANTED Position as logging superintend ent, familiar eltner norae or steam iok King; references. AV 310. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED shipping clerk wants Job, good references; years one piace; good salesman ability. Marshall 148. BY experienced construction man ana esti mator, any Class; at so concrete, piaio &uu reinforced. Phone Broadway 1879. POSITION as night watchman ; would do some light nignt worn; oesi reierences. Main 7262. PAINTING and tinting, estimates given; prices reasonable. Phone Main oid. u. T. Willard. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position; can give references, uroaaway ioi. room 505. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng done by experienced workman. uroaqway duo. A GOOD, steady home in country for boy 7 years; state terms. Am aas, oregonian. CHINESE boy wants work as porter or any thing mornings. -A. IN gti, ureRonian . YOUNG man wants work, any kind, from 8 to 10, evenings. AL 545, oregonian. PAPERHANGING, painting and tinting. good work, right prices. Mar. EXPERIENCED car or truck driver. Broad - M. way 1251. room 428. call g-iz a. KALSOMINING. painting. plaster patching; reasonable. Main vdJV. WORK wanted for a 2 or 8-ton truck. Phone Broadway -133. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and assistant manager; can take charge of all details of office; capable and efficient; want per manent position. E 329, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Place to learn gen. office work by experienced; can operate typewriter some; willing to take place of office boy. AN 870, Oregonian. WANTED Apartment-house . to manage; several years experience, uan iurnisn uesi local references. BC 315, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, all-around business woman. good saleswoman, wants position, o Oregonian. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; references. Woodiawn 161 1. EXPERIENCED private exchange operator wishes position. Phone Broadway atw. 2 GIRLS would like work for Saturday. Call after 4 P. M.. Broadway 22H2. 2 GIRLS would like work for Saturdays. M. Broadway 226:;. Call after 4 P. LADY would like to care for children In private home. Call Sell. 355. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. EXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires position; capable or meeting the public in any capacity, handling sales, phone, etc. ; best of references. Phone Tabor 1275. EXPERIENCED exchange operator desires post lion with reliable business house or hotel. Phone Main 6064 mornings. EFFICIENT stenographer, experienced in law and lumber, accustomed to responsi bility. Main van. EXPERIENCED and competent stenograph er desires position. Marsnau so.i. EXPERIENCED stenographer sitlon half day. Tabor 7S17. Dress make m. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. remodeling suits and coats a specialty. Call Marshall 960. Housekeepers, A CAPABLE woman desires position as housekeeper in widower's home; business man preferred; no objection to one child. A 352, Oregonian. SWEDISH widow wants position as house keeper; country preferred. J 7, Oregonian. WANTED Plain sewing by the day. Phone Marshall 1950, room 428. Domestics. WIDOW woman, very much in need, would like to do fine washing and Ironing. 851 Holladay ave., near 2Sth-et. bridge. WANTED House, kitchen or chamber work; board and room; no laundry. Main 5822. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To lease about September let. modern 6 or 7 -room house unfurnished : one with garage preferred. Best refer ences. Address L. J.. 203 E. 52d st. South. WANTED TO RENT Small bungalow, 5 or rooms, for family of 2; best of refer encps. Main 4183. WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room house at onre or by August 1; good reference. BD 407. Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished houso or flat. 4 or 5 rooms, with responsible party. Tel. East 38... BY AUGUST 1 5 or fl-room modern bun galow. Rose City Park. Room 3, Broadway. Uraat Britain AUAyjX A qc-Y To W AlrVT- S -This RT To VoUf j I-Thats jfessMijrl iff L 7' r - ST V fF-V SHE'S "DoiaT H4AUi. ,' Bfc fa'AH? KujSTS Tre. ri4Al j J H -. " T VS ;J Jk-- WANTED TO RENT- FREE RENTAL BUREAU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION. In this war-time emergency and scarcity of housing accommodations, we request very patriotic citizen who has a house to rent or rooms to let to mall Information of same to Columbia R. S. B. Corp., box 1202, Portland. Or. RELIABLE business man wants to rent un furnished 5 or 6-room up-to-date house or bungalow, close to Broadway carllne; will pay rent In advance. Phono Woodlawn 4336. WANTED By August 1. 6-room modern un furnished house In Piedmont. Walnut Park or Killlngsworth by responsible party. Woodlawn 958. RESPONSIBLE party wants 6-room bunga low in Rose City Park, will pay 6 months in advance; best references. Tabor 7710. BT DESIRABLE tenants. 5 or 6-room mod ern bungalow. Rose City Parle preferred; references. Tabor 7938. SMALL furnished house, apartment or flat. Call after 4 P. M.. East 4708, ask for flat D. FURNISHED or unfurnished house. 7 rooms. AP 3t8, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG lady wants room and board, pri vate family. Sunnyside district preferred. Tabor 5931. FOR RENT. HOUSEKEEPING and transient rooms at Hotel Meyers. 112 N. 4th at., cor. GUaan. Phone Brdway. 1781. FURNISHEDroomsfor rent. 30 17th st. N. Furnished Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and East Sixth. Hotel Clltord is the principal East Side Hotel and is a hotel of dignity ana i flnement Daily rates, $1 up; two in room. gi.ou; weekly rates. 4.o ana up. CON RA DINE HOTEL, 10th street at Oak. Under new management. Nicely fur nished throughout, rooms single or en suite, with or without private bath, at pop ular prices, with first-class note, service. special weeKiy rates to permanent tmiis. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St.. at Washington. Rates $4.00 per week up, 75c day. Fire proof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center: catering especially to those desiring quiet. harmonious environment. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Fifth and Washington Sts. Right In center of Portland's a otl Titles witn prices astonishingly low zor a down town hotel. We will gladly show you our accommodations and quote rates. ADENA HOTEL. " When In San Francisco stop at Adena Hotel, in heart of shopping district. All modern conveniences. 144 O'Farrell St., opposite Orpheum Theater. Rates, $1 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE, Alder St., Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated: handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. STANDISH HOTEL. 54814 Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modem, $2 per week up. Free phones and baths. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at lOth Rates 50c per day up; weeKiy, up; running water; free phone and baths. HOTEL TAIT. Newly renovated, large, airy rooms, 93.50 and up. 12th and Stark sts. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 20th and Wash. All outside rooms, cool, ciean ana airy; rates $3 and up a week. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable ana stnctiy xnoaern; steam heat ; rooms large, clean. HOTEL CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; room $3 up. Main 0472, A 4783. TWO large, clean, outside rooms, water, bath, lights, cooking gas. $15 per month. Phone Broadway 2333. HILLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone. $18 mo. up; without bath. $14 up. 733 Washington. KATHERINE APARTMENTS. 140 N. 23d. furnished room with bath. Marshall 19Q. LARGE, neatlv furnished bedroom, walking distance. $1.75 per week. 431 Sixth et. NICELY furnished rooms, close In. able. 32U Montgomery st. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NICELY furnished room, modern home, with young couple, for lady who Is employed. 303 11th st. Main 375S. LOVELY large room, running water, private porch, suitable for one or two business men. 161 N. 22d st. ROOM Suitable for one or two gentlemen, near South Portland shipyards. F car to 1619 Virginia st. FURNISHED rooms. $2.50 up; walking dis tance of shipyards; gentlemen only. 54 N. 16th st. 269 14TH, near Jefferson Choice rooms; walking distance. Main 8893. FURNISHED or single rooms. 1003 st.. 1 block west end N. & S. car. NICELY furnished front room, walking dis tance; bath. S29 E. Ash. ELEGANT 5188. rooms and location. Marshall Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL RESIDENCE HOTELS. The Campbell. 23d and Hoyt., Mar. 881. The Campbell Hill, 741 Wash.. Main 7584. OUTSIDE ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1 person, $45 a month and up. 2 persons, $75 a month and up. Elevators, phones In all rooms; many rooms with private bath. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance $3.50 per week. E. 47S2. 12 E. 7th st. THF! MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 Tenth st. For business girls and stu dents. Reason a hie rates. Marshall l Joi. PARKVIEW Family hotel. 386 Montgomery st.. in South Parkway; walking distance; excellent table; reasonable rates. M. 3 i Rooms With Board in Private Family. T()T'T, business woman wishes roommate: pleasant room, well furnished, separate beds. East 15. 1 ROOM with hoard In modern, private home ; reasonable rates. Kast 4w. PRIVATE home for children. East 2446. Furnished Apartments. LIVING room, kitchenette, bath, large closet, private phone. Argyle Apts., cor. Market and 14th. GRAND OAK APTS. Modern furnished apts., walking distance. Grand ave. East 8302. 5 ROOMS, all outside, completely furnished In mahogany, 00; West Side. Phone E. 931. LIGHT 2? room apt. ; baths, dressing-room; walking distance, Chapman, cor. Miii. MILL APTS. One room walking distance; adults. and kitchenette. 82 Mill st. 4fil EAST MORRISON, cor. E. Sth. furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apsrtments. Right. Reserved. Registered in U S IXTRA-MODERS APARTMENTS HATE - a 11 - 11 ' jnrr: i FOR RENT. Furnished Apsrtment. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier A. Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. Walking distance. References. THE STELWYN HIGH-CLASS. Elegantly furnished 2, 3 and 5 rooms, with sleeping porches; very clean; fur nished In Chinese-rugs and willow; excel lent service. Bachelor apts. Travelers can be accommodated by day. week or month. Ref. required. Marshall 2t30. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th sts. ; 2 and 8 rooms, new, modern, clean; save 6c carfare ; 5 mln. from business center; references. HOUSEKEEPING room or private room in an apartment nous lor single man, cen tral; must have phone in room. AL 509, Oregonian. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished 5-room apartment to responsible party; grand pi ano. Lucretla Court Apartments. Rent $70. KA.THER1NE APARTMENTS. 149 N. 23d. 3 -room apartment, completely furnished. Marshall 1W. THE LAM BROOK 2 -room furnished apart ments. East 40j. Unfurnished Apartmenta. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. Hlgh-clasi Lucretia st. perfect in all details. Marshall 1013. A 3637. KINGSBURY APTS., 168 Vista ave.. 23d and W ashlngton ; very desirable 3 and 4 -room with outside balcony, furnished and un furnished. 70S DAVIS STREET. Seven-room duplex apartment In fire proof bldg., mahogany' woodwork, fire place, 3 bedrooms and maid's room. BRUCE APT., 268 N. 25th it Modern 6-room apt. and sleeping porch, telephone, heat and water, janitor service. Tel. M. 49. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, o ana 6-room, reasonable. Main 7&1S. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private porch. CHOICE apartment, S14. Corner Union a' and KlUingsworth; brick building. 8 OR 4-room upper flat and garage; 2 housekeeping rooms lower floor. Clackamas st. also 31 4-ROOM flat, 20th; adults. 708 Sandy boulevard. Rose City car. MODERN, clean, well-furnished 4 -room flat on carline. woodlawn 821tt. 6-ROOM flat and 6-room flat, or an 11-room house. Main 494. Furnished Flat. 5 ROOMS, clean, well furnished, lower flat electricity, gas and wood range, bath, half block from East Morrison car. 14 E. 33d. Phone East 5260. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall; walking distance, furnished for housekeeping; in eluding gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, mil free: $15 month up. Take "S" or 16th-st car North, get off at Marshall st. Broadway 5038. ONE room with kitchenette. comDletely fur nlshed, steam heat, running hot and cold water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from Fifth and Morrison sts.. $16 up. 291 Co lumbia St., near Fifth. ONE large H. K. room, also one nice sleep' in g-room. kJ3 Morrison. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. 818 8-ROOM furnished apartment, bath, porch and entrance; adults. 6th st. S., Sellwood 165. private 472 E. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. blocks Broadway bridge. East Side. East 3HK. 441 Ross st. SLNGLE H. k, room. 18 a month and up suites, $12 up; walking distance. 645 H w ashlngton. TWO big, light, airy rooms, with kitchenette, three Diocks to Morrison st., lacing park, reasonable. 225 West Park. 3-ROOM apartment, bath, porch and en trance; adults. Sell. 165, 672 E. 6th. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent; newly furnished. tiverett street. HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private family, Marshall 4174. TWO rooms for light housekeeping. E. 22d st. 606 2 NEWLY furnished H. K. E. 1th st. rooms. $15. 223 TWO desirable H. K. rooms, $15. dren. 690 E. Burnslde. FURNISHED Chapman. housekeeping rooms. 170 8 ROOMS, furniture, 13th. housekeeping apt. 174 Hous HELP SHIPBUILDING. NORTHWEST STEEL CO. WANTS YOUR LISTINGS. You can serve your country by helpln shlobullders locate. Liat your vacancies, furnished or unfur niahed houses, rooms or apartments. Write or phone. A. J. England, Mai: 1193. 11-ROOM house In good condition; full ce ment basement, on two carllnes, close In aitltMhln for board and roomers. Call Cen tral Hotel, cor. Broadway and Alder, room 16. Phone Main 2227. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC service. Broadway 580. A 6747. llgh vor rkn'T S-room house, with Karaite hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace; good location: $40. S. D. lncent Co, hot phones. - ' S-ROOM house. 3 blocks from car. S block from shipyard, in St. Johns; $8 per month Including water. Tel. Main 3H.3. NRWT.T decorated 6-room house to respon sible parties, located at 847 E. Salmon st. Owner on premises 4 to 6. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 32S E. 41st st.; $25 per month. J. I. Kamopp, Ry. Ex. hldg. Main fiT.t. 9-ROOM house, good condition, 43!i 14th st West Side; 36. Phone Main 6967. 5-ROOM cottage, newly renovated. SSth St., Hawthorne district, ?2S. Tabor 24. EXCELLENT modern home. $40. 71 thorne ave. at 21st. East 1203. !1 Haw- 6-ROOM house. West Side. North Portland; good location. Tabor 11Q1. FURNISHED 8 rooms. West Side home, until Sept.: no children. Main 47. Furnished Houaes. MODERN house. Rivera district. 20 minutes by car; four bedrooms, sleeping porch, three baths: ample grounds and garden ; will lease nine months or year. BD 408, Oregonian. 7-ROOM farmhouse. 1 acre fruit and garden. 1 block to car. 1 minutes out: 15. with water. Benedict. 2C7H Oak. Main 1743. FURNISHED 5-room house, gas. electricity, river front, Jennings Lodge. Oregon City rar. llIS per month. AP fts."i, Oregonian. 5-ROOM furnished. E. SIM., near Gltaan, 22.r.0. A. H. Bell. 2"! Gerllnger bldg. MODERN, completely furnished hotel, fine valley town. By owner, Broadway 3125. POLLY AND HER Patent Office ACCOMMODATIONS FOR DUCKS, OF" FOB BENT. Furnished House. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. 5 rooms, modern, sleeping porch, gar age: will rent for 3 months; will be at house after 10 A. M. East tto". TO responsible tenant, modern 7 -room house, best Irvlngton district. 6u. Main 306. Summer Reports. CAMPERS, ATTENTION. Columbia Beach "BY THE SEA" now open; most economical vacation for you and the family; beautiful groves, fresh water streams and lakes, offering good fishing; finest stretch of ocean beach on the Clatsop shore; abundance of sea food to cut the "high cost of living." Largo box tents, fully equipped. Including light, wood and pure mountain water; moderate charge. For reservation and particulars call COLUMBIA BEACH COMPANY. 212 Lumbermens Bldg. Bdwy. 1613. COTTAGE AT 8ALTAIR. (Tlllamnok T4earh I Ocean f rontase. near station, hot and cold water: will be for rent for balance of season after July 23. Phone Main 7070. ask for House 3. FOR RENT Sea View; for the rest of the season or for August; very reasonaoie; tne nicest home; all conveniences; completely furnished for large or small family. Park surrounding, central location. Wte - Box 126. Sea View. Wash. NEAR Mt. Hood, a few guests will be taken at the Allen Orchards, Upper Hood River vallev. Parkdale. Or.: dally Jitney and re R. service from Hood River. Address M. H. Allen as above. iignts ana water: ocean iront. taepara Cottage, box 153. Seavlew. Wash. FURNISHED 6-room cottage on the ridge at Beach Center. North Beach, $40 bal ance of season. Marshall 8U8. 6-ROOM cottage at Beach Center. North Beach. Frt-e spring water, everything clean and homey. 5bl 3d st. SEVEN-room furnished cottage, Sesslde, Or. Bath, electric lights, and garage. Phone E. 3653. FOR RENT at Rockaway Beach. S-room furnished cottage, reasonable. Tabor lsi3. evenings. NEAHKAHXE For rent. August. 5-room beach cottage, fully furnished, splendid view. Eaton. Phone Mar. 42M. FOR REN room cottaee. fine view of the ocean 763. Seavlew. Wash. Phone Tabor 6-ROOM furnished cottage, fireplace and bath. Ocean Park. wsn. Mar. 3G13. 6-ROOM house, on paved street, near ocean. Seaside. Phone Woodlawn 4o38. THREE-STORY building. 25x110. cor. Front ana oak; reasonable rent. inquire 74 Front st. Offices. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing; office building accommodation ; rent reasonable. Sweeney Investment Co., 816 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. PRIVATE office with stenographic service. tiu fin oc k iiock. Phone Broadway ni.. 601 RALEIGH BLDG. Offices, one 6th and Washington. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SPLENDID opportunity awaits man capable earning siu. a year and able to rurntah $2000, to manage as jobber exclusive wholesale distribution food product In Oregon; give experience and qualifica tions. C 333. Oregonian. HANDY man can buy in good auto garage witn rename mechanic ; want partner to sell gasoline, supplies, etc., and help In shop. Can clear $200 month for each part ner. Room 403, Dekum bldg. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest In established real tatate business, get aavice oi roruana rteait v noara. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. WILL sell my pool hall, barhar shop and soft drink parlor; nm engaging In other business. This is located in the beat re sort town in Washington. Box 16S. Car son. Wash. A CASH business, opening for steady man ame to arive auto truck, or willing learn, can clear $50 week. $."50 required securen. Koorn 43, Dekum bldg. LAUNDRY for sale, sawmill town, doing good business; modern machinery, other Interests require attention. Write Kalama Meam L.aunciry. Kalama, wash. FOR SALE General mdne. business In Vat ley town! dolns $J00O per month. Will In voice fjuiiii. expense very iignt. ro iix- tures. BF BSO. Oregonian. AUTO GARAGE Sell supplies, do repairing and Jti cars steady storage: 3-year lease profits good. A bargain at $12o0. - Call Room 403, Dekum bldg. GOOD, paying hotel, with restaurant In connection, close to shipyard, no op post tlon ; terms If desired ; must sell by Aug. 13. rnone Kast Bi.tu. BARBERS We have an exceptionally good hnv In a A.rhalr ha-nf .Hn, -nH wvrtil- room. See us for particulars. Portland Cutlery, 86 6th st. ST. JOE. IDAHO, restaurant for sale: tran sients, logging and mill trade: rooms for 12 steady boarders; $o50. I. W. Tlmmer man. TAILORING BUSINESS. A well established business In a large city on the Coast: price reasonable. Write AV 139. Oregonian. FOR SALE Feed, building material, coal and transfer business: good location. Phone Tabor 110 or :2s8. LADY with means can secure Interest In war essential of merit. For particulars write to J. Sheehy. Neppach House, cltv. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sale at bargain. W. Butler, Skamania, Wash. MOTORCAR DELIVERY A TRANSFER CO., 2d N. Broadway, open for contracts. Phone B'way 2968: residence. Tabor 1R73. MAN to take charge of motor truck, small amount of cash required. Call West Side Fuel Co.. cor. 10th and Gllsan sts. FOR RENT Dining-room with furniture: good location, doing good business; 300 meals a day. 350 Glisan at. CASH grocery store. Juat and wife: no delivery; Basset t. 53 Union ave. the no N. place for man agents. J. A. HAVE loOO acres of range; want partner to raise beef cattle. No. 213. 515 Park. Van couver, Wash. BARBER shop, bargain at $J0o cash, or terms; near city; two chairs. AV 311, Oregonian. TAIXXRINO BUSINESS A well established business In a large city on the Coast: price reasonable. Write A 139. Orearonlan. BEST Bl.'Y In city, money-making picture theater: will stand Investigation. Ad dress owner. AR 67ft. Orea-onlan. A FINE, small grocery. If you want ners; no reasonable offer refused. Sell. 1405. L hufll- Phone FOR SALE Or rent, newly equipped lunch counter, liberal terma. J 8. Oregonian. WILL sell splendid cafeteria on easy terms. Call 348 2d St. SELL my rooming-house; called to service. 201 lrtth st. 5 SAWMILLS; Oregonian. best b arga.ns known. J 16, li-CHAIR barber shop, cheap once. AV 147. Oregon I a n. If taken at PALS COURSE. BT CLTFF STERHETT. BrRINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CONFECTIONERY BARGAIN. $500 lets you In a store clearing $40O a month profit: ill health necessitates quick action, reason for selling on such easy terms. A. J. De FOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main W67. $300 PER month profit, combination cah store, pool, cigars, tobaccos, soit annas. Ice cream and confectionery, for sale or will trade for clear, improved real estate. No agents. See owner. 121 Urand ave. Portland. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nile. RITTER. LOWE St CO.. 203-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. SAWMILL I desire to get In touch with purchaser for a going sawmill on the Co lumbia River; capacity about lOO.OuO; de sirably located for rail and water ship ments. Hart, 910 Ch. of Com. Tel. Mar shall 1585. ' SAWMILL Party with $5000 to take half interest and management. Large supp.y of timber. Contracts let for logging. Lum ber contracted at. goo4 prices. Good mone maker from start. Auto Specialty Co., 62 Sixth st. FOR cook or baker, man or woman, to buv cheap, a bakery, restaurant, fruit and veg etsble stand, doing big business; small town; no competition: will exchange for Portland property. Box 76. Brownsville. Oregon. CONFECTIONERY and grocery, across st. from school. If looking for good business, must see to appreciate ; modern living room, reasonable rent; must sell this week. 357 Lombard St.. Wdln. 3704. WHEN WANTING to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busi ness, address J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. Hotels and Roomtj -Houses. HOTEL BEGGS, Canyon City. Or., county seat Grant Co., Chrome center; stockmen's headquarters: 44 rooms, well furnished. doing good business, good reasons for selling, terms. For particulars, write Mrs. Virginia Beggs. owner. Canyon City. Or. IF YOU WISH To Buy, Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or room In -house of any kind, anywhere, see H. M. Niles. WATCH OUK ADS. WE GET RESULTS. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-2O5-207 Hoard of Trade Bldg. 44 ROOMS, hot and cold water in all rooms. rent IHi month; lease for 3 years; clear ing $:;mi month: Winter's fuel ail In and paid for. Mil lership. 4.;i Chamber of Com. 16 ROOMS, all housekeeping, rooms all fulL owner retiring. This Is a snap ir taaen at once. Price $950 canh ; no agents. Call at No. 208 13th street. FOR RENT Rooming house, ten rooms. furniture for sale, roomers remain If agree able. 407 Holladnv ave. East 7640. JAPANESE acent for selling and buying hotel and restaurant and land. lusho Takemura, 02 N. 5th st. A 1530. FOR best bargain in rooming or apartmnt- houaes see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty o.. 240 4th st. MARY E. LENT. HOTEL APART MENT -HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLDG. FOR quick sale, list your hotels, apartments and roomrnahoiiaes with Geo. T. Moore Co.. Ablngton bldg. WK have some fine buys rn rooming-houses. Mlllershlp. 431 hamher of Commerce. LOST AXO FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Knllway. Light & Power Co.. July 1 llls: 4 purses. 2 films. 1 receipt, money. I union card. 1 bunch keys. 1 pr. gloves. 1 book. 1H park- ace. 1 broom. 1 bottle meoldne. 1 wrenoti, 1 can soap. 1 cycle. 12 lunch boxes. 1 um brella. 1 basket. 2 travel ins; baicx. 1 suit case. Owners may obtain property at Firt and Alder Streets Station. STRAYED From Charley Holtgreaves' rap ture on Columbia Slough, 1 bay mare. i:t60 lbs.. 8 years old. Percheron strain : 1 bay mare, about 1S,"0 lbs.. 11 years old. Shire strain; 1 brown gelding. l.'l.'O lbs.. 5 years old; 1 sorrel gilding. 14.".0 lbs.. 7 years old. A liberal reward will be riven for rn for mation leading to the recovery of the aw me. Fraxler A- McLean. 240 E. Eighth. LOST Off Sunday train, near Hood River, white Boston bull terrier; answer name "Jeff; silt In right ear, had collar on, weight about 20 pounds; reward. Notify asent Union Pacific Railroad, at Hood River. LOST On main floor of Meier A Frank's, a pa see I containing merchandise. Finder please notify owner. 612 E. 28th st. N. Reward. i-OST Pair of spectacles. Council Crest na tion car. Wed. afternoon. Phone Main 744. P.eward. LOST by working girl, a I. add A Bush Bank purse from Salem, containing Main 8630. Lillian Thompson. LOST On Sunday, eyeglasses, in Columbian Optical Co.. case; reward. Main 3156. 506 Montgomery st. I POUND Purse, with small change, on Haw thorne and 12th st. Call East 7s;. LOST Purse on Oregon Finder call East 3SW. City car, Sunday. Reward. FOUND On Estacada car purse. Call 88 17th st. Sun. night, a LOST Bicycle, foot Nevada street. Reward. Marshall 6181. SPECIAL. NOTICES. Miscellaneous. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by Mrs. A. V. Kaspar. July 17. V. Kaspar. FINANCIAL. WOULD like Interview with partv interested in financing an Invention ; sells for $100 to $1000 ; have machine in operation; would prefer party out of draft or willing to claim exemption; will release on aver age of 2 men out of 5: also possible for a 12-year-old child to operate same; sold to farmers; worth investigating. Address AO 773. Oregonian. $2uj.ooi) To LOAN In sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Bek. 2Ia-21G Failing bldg. Phone Main 3407 LOANS, notes. Lewis A- 'o.. contracts, mtfia. purchased. 4 Iwls bldg. Mn In Money to Iin on Rest Ktate. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO. 2d floor United States Bank Bldg Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe clally In large amounts- 5 H Pr cent up. l7."s. LIBERTY BONDS. Win pay cash for any amount. PlttOcK block. $2.hi TO $Ji gages: no Ing btdg. nd 7 refund old mort Ward, attorney, Spald- bonus. $30O, $400. :.o0. 7.V. Jlooo and up at low est rates, quirk action. Fred W, German Co.. 7-12 Ch. of Com. Main 44.V MONKY to loan on real estate security at goinc rate of interest. Otto A Harkson Reaity o.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY o loan on farm and improvedclty property. K. K. Baxter. 74 Spalding bldg. LO A NS on city and fa rm propert v. .1 nfr rent up. F. Furhi. 4UQ Cham, of Com. SKK lS Imlav; loans any C ELLARS-M 1'RTON Co.. mount. 0-7.. '26 Gasco bldg MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PKR CFVT LOITIS SALOMON CO., 4Q Pelllna h:Ag. 1 ' ' 1 FINANCIAL. M oney to loan on Keasl Estate. OUR installment plan la the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month tor a6 months, or -1.4 per month for 6u months, or 1.17 lor Ifii months pays a $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts In proporition. We loan on improveu city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVLNuS & LOAN ASS'N 242 Stark. St.. Portland, or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON ANU IDAHO. LONG TIME IF LEtlHEU AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. WM- Mac MASTER. 331 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG.. PORTLAND. MOKTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privileges. A. H. B1RKELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' Marshall 4114. A 41 IS. MORTGAGE LOANS. D9W 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO Corbett Bldg. $300. $4uo, $000. $750. $10OO and up at low est Interest rates. liberal prepayment privileges; no delay. GORDON IN V &i L' MENT CO., o3l Chamber of Commerce WANTED $ouv0 Laurelhurst. $2500 Ala meda Park. 225o River Bank, all 7 per cent: $3uu0 ti per cent Irvington. C. J. Johnson, 313- Henry bldg. $0oo. 1000 AND upward on improved real estate, favoraule terms ; no delay ; no brokerage. Jonn Bain, o07 Spalding bidg. Money to Loan 1 hattek and Salaries. S, A LA R Y . LOANS. CHATTEL. WE Loan MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly pay men ta. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO IN DORSE R. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed tncomta. on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and other personal prop erty; legal rates. - Business confidential, private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed. 3U0-3O7 Dekum B:dg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland busineaa men to pro tect borrower. C. Myers Herrman, mgr.. Stark su Money loaned on alamonds jewelry. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; all articles held one year. Panama Loan Office. b4 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since IsSS. Dan Marx, 2SJ Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED From private party. $6000. three ears at dT. on highly improved aubur ban farm 30 acres, nearly new modern improvements, cost over sIO.ikk. P. ace atued at W.uo and tree irom Incum brance. Address R. S. Thompson. 2d and Mam, Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Party with S2.1.O0O and ability to raise JlOO.Ooo when necessary; money to be used In a cash business, without rick, se curity rn nature of warehouse receipts. AN :tH2. Oregonian. WANTED. e2ioo on modern home. PESHO.N & HAWK. MAIN lldd. J10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PERSONAL HAIR OOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 20-inch wavy awitcli. 2 aep l-'r' 24-inch wavy switch, a sep l-"" All-around transformation 1.45 llairdralng. shampooing, face mssK. hair bobbins, manicuring, 2Cc li.ur moved by electric need.e. switch made of combines, P.c. We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors. 4m-412 Dukum bldg.. iid and Washington. Marshall 1702. AN ELECTRIC CABINET BATH, a tub and a scientific massag reduces high blood pressure and softens the rtrn-. Iron side Institute. U'7-S-! Pit toe k block. Nurse attendants. Phone Broadway ;1 2. Open i to 7. Sundays by appointment. I WILL pay S1k reward for information leading to the w herea bouts of I.elle Free man Fowler and her four children, eldest, girl I. WUma curly red hair : Dorothea 6. Norma 4, baby boy 1 Va years. Address Frank Fowler. Harper. Wash. WILL gentleman who witnessed car acci dent, cor. Yamhill and lath sts.. Monday night at 10:40. please leave name and ad dress at Red Cross Shop. lOti Fifth si., or phone Main 4M2. LADIES, come in and get both your feet fixed up good for fl by Ir. Eaton, the chiropodist, that doesn't hurt you; " years in Partland. Examination tree. Oiobe The ater bldg.. lllh and Wash. Bdwy. 2SJ4- SPIKITUALISM Mrs. M. L. IUh St.. cor. Main, teaches card reading: aiso lessom health and success. LA MAR, 235 palmistry and in science of FEBVKT A H AN E BUT. leading w ig and toupe maker, it mat stock human hair goods; ha ird Teasing, manicuring, face nd scalp treatment. :;' Aider. Main o4i. W A N T KD Prese u t add ress of A I. Finney. Ifft Willows. Cttl.. lor Portland In June latft ; const ructural worker. Address E. Kinney, Vernalla. fa!., care Buckeye mine. AM going to Boekawuy Bench via auto Sat urday. July 20; will leave t A. M. Have room for four adults. Address B 410. Orc gonian. MISSES DANIELS AND B It IGGS, mani curing, electrolysis, facial and acu ip treai-ment- 322 Filed nor bldg. Hi oadvt .1 y MJ. REV. M RS. J- C. SCHOKI. teacher Trui h Heading, daily circle. Sun. and Thura., 8 P. M. 406 Jefferson. A 3M2. INFORMATION wanted concerning the w hereabouts of H. C. Sholemau. 1 ecently of Burns. Or. N. Brown & Sons. Burns. Or. L" PKItKLlOl'S hair deatroyed forever. Lr. Bfcrchs multiple needle method. Indorsed by phyah-lans. T4 Swetland bldg. GRADUATE nurse Hours 2 to or l4:i. fut c. :os t reats lumbago, by appoint ment. 3d. etc. Main F A C K tn a a x e, d n d ru f f . 1 1 h i n k s-a " p. moles removed. 210 Fliedner bids. Rroad ay lrts.V SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental, spiritual psyt-ho-metrist. Headincs daily. Circles Tues.. Frt. P. M. ."" Goodnough bids. Marsh. 2".OS. MISS Ml'LLEN S Moved bldg.. 10th -nd Wmh. sts. treatments, mamrurlng. to 4t Fliedner Sea lp and facta I R m a d w a y .1 . RHEUMATISM. constipation. nerve and stomach troubles cured. DtukIcrs Dr. El ma Sore n sen, 01 Panama bids ELLA CACKETTK. scientific f.i.e. 1 rent ment?. manicuring. phampoo. Rrondway bldff. Main irt7. Si ' PK KFLl'oCS hair. mole, warts removed bv lO-needie method; trial fn-e. Josie Fin ley. 1 4 Eilers bldg. Mam PROF. SMIDT. 212 Swetland bids; Mam 1 J41. Minera.1 steam ba t ha. srien 1 if ic massaire by one understanding the bodv. BEST steam bath and massace in -ity, chi ropractic, vi bra ft on and elect ric. TV. Ma -garet Haynte. .".17 Swetland bids-. Mn. 1 7t". M US. STEV ENS. years Port land's r - niwned pal mist and apt ritual reader. 37. Taylor St.. cor. Weal Park. l'HIMKPA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. M F.. ."."'I. Pell. mornings MOLF.S. superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. I . H Ml. 42! FJted n er bid K. Bdwy. a IT ;.