Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Unless Restrained by Law, Di
rectors Will Refuse to Re
tain School Head.
Board Members Declare They Will
Not Be Influenced by .Mass
Meetings Attended by
dernian Partisans
George M. Orton and George B.
Tliomas, two of the three members of
the Board of Education who voted to
depose Superintendent of Schools Ald
erman andto transfer him to the posi
tion of acting superintendent of war
work, declared emphatically yesterday
that unless District Attorney Evans
holds that the board exceeded its au
thority in so transferring Mr. Alder
man they will positively refuse to
rescind their former action.
Dr. E. A. Sommer, the third mem
ben of the board who joined with
Directors Orton . and Thomas in re
moving Mr. Alderman, is at Camp
Lewis, but it is known that he is even
more pronounced in his opposition to
Mr. Alderman than are his associates.
District Attorney Evans was request
eded Tuesday by Mr. Thomas to give
an opinion as to whether or not the
board acted within its legal rights in
deposing Mr. Alderman as head of the
city schools and assigning him to other
duties. Mr. Evans had not completed
his examination of authorities and for
mulated an opinion yesterday.
Lrgal Opinion Awaited.
From the expressed attitude of Di
rectors Orton and Thomaj and the fact
that Dr. Sommer is particularly un
friendly to Mr. Alderman, it is appar
ent that the question of his reinstate
ment hinges entirely on the opinion
to be given by District Attorney Evans.
If that decision holds that the board
acted Illegally in removing Mr. Alder
man, Directors Orton and Thomas said
yesterday that they would accept that
decision and permit Mr. Alderman to
continue as Superintendent of Schools
for the ensuing school year'.
But, if the District Attorney holds
that the board acted within its rights,
it is a certainty that Mr. Alderman will
not be reinstated by the present board,
except it is ordered by some court.
Neither Mr. Orton nor Mr. Thomas
will be influenced, they say, by the
action of Tuesday night's mass meet
ing which requested the reinstate
ment of Mr. Alderman. They maintain
that they have acted In the best of
faith and, as they regard It, for the
best interests of the schools, and, un
less it is shown that their position
cannot be sustained legally, they 'will
refuse to be dissuaded from the posi
tion they have taken.
Contract Is Questioned.
"Tnesday night's meeting was com
posed largely of the partisan friends of
Mr. Alderman persons who worked and
voted against Mr. Thomas and me in the
election and are opposed to us today,"
said Mr. Orton yesterday. "Personally,
In view of the circumstances, I do not
feel bound to respect their wishes.
"If the District Attorney holds that
we had a legal right to transfer Mr.
Alderman, to assign htm to other du
ties, I shall stand by my vote regard
less of mass meetings. I am convincea
that Mr. Alderman is not the proper
man for the head of the schools. For
that matter, I do not believe that the
present board Is morally bound to re
tain him as Superintendent. The for
mer board -had no business to contract
the services of Mr. Alderman for an
additional two years on the eve of
their retirement from office.
"Besides. Mr. Alderman is personally
resDonsible for the lack of harmony in
the schools today. Fully four-fifths of
the principals and teachers are unable
to work with him. They cannot get
along with him. -
"If we are advised that "Mr. Alderman
cannot be removed from the head of
the schools, I shall abide by that de
cision. I would not favor resorting to
litigation in order to oust him. Law
suits are expensive, as the taxpayers of
this district too well know. They have
been called upon to pay about $21,000
In court costs contracted by Mr. Alder
man as a result of his protracted con
troversy with Mrs. Alexander.
Mr. Thomas was even more pro
nounced in his attitude towards Mr.
Alderman, and said that if the action
of the board was sustained by the Dis
trict Attorney's opinion, in view of the
conduct of Mr. Alderman in the last
three weeks, he would vote summarily
to discharge him from the employ of
the district.
"I wish it distinctly understood," said
Mr. Thomas yesterday, "that I was not
pledged against Mr. Alderman in the
recent election. I did say that, if
elected, I would make an investigation
of the condition of the schools and
their administration by Mr. T Alderman,
and if I found those conditions as they
bad been represented to me, I would
favor making a change in the head of
the schools.
Incident Declared Closed.
"Following the election I did make an
Investigation, from which I convinced
myself that the best interests of the
schools would be served by getting rid
of Mr. Alderman. Incidentally, I might
say that before the election I was
solicited to declare for Mr. Alderman,
This I refused to do. although it i
well-known fact that, with the excep
tion of Mr. Orton, the fether leading
candidates for Director were all pledged
to Mr. Alderman.
'In view of these facts, the vote by
which Mr. Orton and I were elected was
expressive of the dissatisfaction of the
patrons of the district with Mr. Alder
man. To show that I am trying to be
fair in this controversy and working
in the interest of harmony in the
schools. I wish to say. that no later
than this morning I told a delegation
of school principals that called upon
me in opposition to Mr. Alderman, that
so far as I was concerned the Incident
was closed; that unless they desisted
in their activities, they would be the
next to be discharged.
Dr. Sommer Absent.
"So rar as 1 am personally con
cerned, if the District Attorney or
other competent legal authority ad
vises us that the board acted within
Its rights in removing Mr. Alderman
and he refuses to comply with the
action of the board. I ehall vote to
discharge him from the employ of the
district altogether."
Today is the regular time for a
meeting of the board, but It is doubt
ful if a session will be held. Dr.
Sommer is at Camp Lewis and cannot
be in the city. Mr. Thomas left last
night to rejoin his family at Long
Beach, and Mr. Orton will not be able
to attend the meeting. This leaves only
O. M. Flummer and Dr. J. Francis
Drake, a minority of the board, in the
Ever since the majority of the board
created the office of superintendent of
war work and assigned Mi Alderman
to the duties of that position there has
been considerable speculation as to just
what the duties of that office might
be. Acting Superintendent of Schools
Grout yesterday compiled a list of the
various school activities that would
properly come under the supervision
of such superintendent. They number
20 and are as follows:
Spirit That Makes American
Army Win Should Extend
Far Behind Lines.
War Work Activities.
Benson School training' enlisted men.
Red Cross membership drive.
Red Cross salvage campaign.
Junior Red Crews auxiliaries.
Direct sifts to soldiers, sailors and nurses.
Liberty loans.
Thrift stamps and war savings certifi
Food conservation.
War gardens.
Farm labor enlistment of boys.
Berry-pickin? enlistment of girls.
Belgian relief.
T. M. C. A. campaign.
Classification of draft board question
Adoption of war orphans.
Syrian and Armenian relief.
Service flags.
Oregon soldiers and sailors' emergency
High school orchestras and glee clubs en
tertainment of enlisted men,
Smilage book camoaien.
Mr. Grout also issued yesterday the
following' interesting- statistical In
formation concerning the Portland
Population of Portland Sll.SM.
enrollment in secondary schools.... 7.43
Enrollment in elementary schools... 32.291
Enrollment In kindergarten schools.. 509
Total enrollment 40.237
iNumser oi teacners in secondary
schools 275
umber of teachers . in elementary
schools 734
umber of teachers In kindergarten
schools 8
umber of principals and supervisors 126
ud Epton and IiOvett Latourell
Force Bars and Get Away.
On the eve of their being: sent to the
State Training; School two youthful
delinquents confined in the juvenile
quarters of the County Jail escaped
Tuesday night. The boys are Bud Ep
ton, youthful forger and automobile
thief, and Lovett latourell. Implicated
the burglary of the Aaron Fox mer
chandise store at Troutdale last Fall.
The boys bent the bars of the window
and squeezed through to the roof of the
Courthouse. Running around to the
east wing of the building, they opened
manhole in the roof and made their
way down the six flights of stairway
and out through the Fourth-street en
trance of the building.
W. G. Sontag Charged With Failing
to Support Family.
Of Rash. Cross and Restless and
Lost Sleep. Troubled 3 Months.
"A red rash broke out on my baby's
face. It first started with little red
pimples and then formed
blotches close together on
her face, but were more scat
tered on her head. She was
cross and restless and lost
quite a bit of sleep. She
scratched until her face bled
and her hair fell out.
"She had the trouble nearly three
months before using Cuticura. With
Must a few applications I noticed a dif
ference and after using one and a half
cakes of Soap, and not quite one box
of Ointment she was healed." (Signed)
Mrs. ri. hi. Mooch, 915 Polk St.. San
Francisco, Calif., Dec 31, 1917.
Cuticura Soap and Ointment usually
prevent pimples or otner eruptions.
Smmvl. Bach rt T MaiL Addrm nmt-emrA
"CaUesra, Dp. H. l...o." .Sold e very w bar.
X 3
Total In teaching corps 1.143
W. G. Sontag, former Portland fire-
man under indictment for larceny or
firearms from the Hudson Arms Com
pany, was returned from Prineville yes-
terday because of the alleged violation
of a parole granted to him last Fall.
Sontag s case was postponed for one
year pending his good behavior, but on
complaint of his wife be was arrested
at Prineville and will be held to an-
swer the indictment, to which he has
already made a full confession.
Sontag has been working on a farm
in Eastern Oregon, but has failed to
provide for his wife and family, it is
alleged. His conduct in Eastern Ore
gon is also said to have been bad.
Harry X. Clarke, of Cleveland, Who
Never Fires a Man, Tells
Portland Shipbuilders
How He Manages.
an enthusiastic and triumphant
exponent of the belief that the teach
ings of Christ "work" when used as
the basic foundation of relations in
the industrial world is Harry N. Clarke,
iacrory nead, of Cleveland, O., now
spnding three days in Portland, carry
ing his message to the industrial heads
or the city.
Mr. Clarke Is president of the Corte
Scope Company and general manager of
the Clarke-Thomas-Clarke Company.
both of Cleveland. He arrived here
yesterday with a party of three other
leaders engaged in extending activities
or the X. M. C. A, to industrial fields.
The others are Er. Peter Roberts, of
the International T. M. C. A. commit
tee, an immigration expert and writer
on immigration topics; George S. Gar
diner, president of the Eastman-Oard!
ner Lumber Company, and Charles
Green, vice-president and general man
ager of the same company. Dr. Rob
erts and Mr. Gardiner live in New York.
Mr. Green conducts the mill and log
ging camps of the Eastman -Gardiner
Company at Laurel, Miss.
Visitor Never "Fires" Men.
As president and general manager
or Cleveland lactones, Mr. Clarke has
never had an employe discharged in
15 years, nor has he "lost" one, in the
ordinary sense of the word. If one of
his workers expressed a desire to leave.
Clarke was instantly on the Job taking
counsel with the worker, placing him
or her in another department if so de
sired, or personally landing a position
elsewhere for the departing employe.
At noon yesterday Mr. Clarke spoke
before 25 heads of shipbuilding firms
at the Portland Hotel. There he out
lined, in a 30-minute talk, his experi
ences and methods in handling a fac
tory In accordance with the "teachings
of Christ." I
Messrs. Gardiner and Green will
speak today noon at a luncheon-conference
of lumbermen, to be held in the
blue room of the Portland Hotel. Mr.
Clarke may also be heard briefly. Dr.
Roberts will meet with educators and
naturalization officials tomorrow night
for a conference. F. A. McCarL secre
tary of the war work council of the
Y. M. C. ' A. on the Coast, also accom
panied the party here from San Francisco.
The general purposes of the move
ment for betterment of Industrial con
ditions was pithily summarized by Mr.
Clarke yesterday:
War Workers 'eed "l'Dnrk."
The morale of the American Army
is wonderful. It is something the like
of which military leaders have never
seen before all the leaders admit this.
As the right kind of spirit has put the
punch in the war, so we must now put
the same punch, or spirit, patriotism,
morale whatever you call it in the
Industrial situation. I call it the prac
tice of the Christian spirit."
While the effort for bettering the
spirit of men in the military status, Mr.
Clarke pointed out, reaches as yet but
2,000.000 men, the same movement in
the industrial world must touch 12,
000,000 Hives.
HUtiHJQ 03 n
CS S3 6 II
n a On m - i
WHICH do you think you
would be so easily
inclined or induced to
spend money loose in your
pocket or tightly tucked
away to your credit in a
Savings or Checking Ac
count here at the North
western National Bank?
-Our every department of
banking is at your disposal.
23,000 PATRONS
Appointment by Governor to Post Va
cated by Captain Speler Pleas
ing to All Concerned.
. "
SALEM. Or... July 17. (Special.)
Captain W. C. McNaught, well known
in marine circles In Portland, has been
appointed a - member of the Oregon
State Board ' of Pilot Commissioners
by Governor Withycombe, to succeed
Captain J. Speier. resigned. Captain
McNaught has been a shipmaster and
holds a deep-sea license and was named
in the recommendation of the Columbia
River. Pilots' Association, which ex
pressed its desire to have a man hold
ing such a license selected for the place.
Governor Withycombe's appointment
of Captain McNaught is said to be high
ly satisfactory to shipping Interests,
pilots and others who have to do with
the Oregon State Board of Pilot Com
mlssloners. For almost six years he
has been surveyor in Oregon for the
San Francisco Board of Marine Under
writers, looking after cargoes on ves
sels, surveys on occasion of accidents
and the like. Previous to coming to
Portland Captain McNaught was in
the deep-water trade, having been
sailor from boyhood, so he is counted
well qualified for his new position.
C. G. Wilson, of Clark & Wilson, pres
ident of the commission, expressed him
self as pleased that Captain McNaught
had been named, declaring it essential
that a licensed man and one of expe
rience be on the board. Thomas Nel
son, of Astoria, manager of the Fish
ermen's Co-operative Packing Com
pany, is the Clatsop County member.
Captain Speier. of the bureau of oper
ations of the Emergency Fleet Corpor
ation, formerly Harbormaster, renlg-ned
Second Lieutenants 'Dismissed From
Army Service.
CAMP DODGE, la., July 17. Second
Lieutenants Arthur W. Furber, of Min
neapolis, and Elmer L. Berg, of Graf'
ton. N. D., both stationed here, have
been dismissed from the Army, it was
announced today.
They were found guilty of leaving
camp without permission while under
arrest on charges of conduct not be
coming an officer. They were ac
quitted of the latter charge. Sentence
was approved by President Wilson.
San Quentin's Gates Open to - Re
ceive Convicted. Murderer.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 17. Thomas
J. Mooney left this city at 10 A. M. for
the "death row" in San Quentin Peni
tentiary, under sentence to be hanged
August 23 for murder in connection
with the preparedness day bomb explo
sion here. '
Before leaving Mooney shook hands
with each of the 179 prisoners in the
County Jail, where he had been con
fined since August 4, 1916.
Extension Course in Elementary Me
chanics and Applied Design la
Intended to Be Practical.
Sixty shipyard draftsmen met at the
Ladd School last night for the first
class in the Reed College extension
course in elementary mechanics and
applied design, which is being given by
Dr. A. A. Knowlton, professor of phys
ics at tieea college.
Representatives from every' shfevard
in Portland have enrolled for the
course, which has attracted much in
terest among draftsmen of the city
Last night Dr. Knowlton took up the
preliminary work, discussing some of
the fundamental problems of mechan
ics. The course is intended to be
practical, and with this end in view, the
data in the problems studied will be
the real data used In the types of ships
now being constructed in Portland.
Much attention will be given to the
best methods of solving problems and
to the use of logarithms and the slide
rule in rapid calculation.
The class will meet Monday. Wednes
day and Friday of each week, for a
period of eight weeks, at the Ladd
School, West Park and Jefferson
streets, from 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock. The
fee for the course is $12.60.
last month after having served on the
pilot commission since June. 1915.
Oregon City Manufacturing Com
pany to Picnic on Saturday.
OREGON CITY. Or, July 17. (Spe
cial.) The employers and employes of
the Oregon City-Manufacturing Com
pany are to have a picnic at Crystal
Lake Park, Milwaukle, Saturday, July
20. Many events are being planned by
the committees which have been ap
pointed to make the necessary arrange
ments, and the affair Is being looked
forward to with pleasure by those ex
pecting to participate In the events of
the day.
Among the features will be baseball
games between the married and single
women, married and single men, foot
races and dancing. Prizes are to be
offered by the mill management, and
A. R. Jacobs, president of the, company.
Is taking an active interest in the at
fair. and is assisting In planning the
day's programme.
We are now show
ing what we believe
to be the finest line of
straws in Portland.
D obbs Hats are
noted for their Style
and Quality.
You will want one
of these straws
come today. The
price is
Successful Student-Soldiers AVI 11
Assigned to Arkansas.
Keen Interest In plans for the cen
tral officers' training camp at Camp
Pike. Arkansas, where Oregon's suc
cessful applicants will be assigned. Is
reported among former Oregon Agri
cultural College students and men of
other institutions, nays President Kerr
in a message from Corvallls.
The plan of having Captain T. F. Mc
Glnnls. professor of military science
and tactics, spend a day In Portland
and another at a central point in East
ern Oregon for consultation with men
who are interested is under considera
Captain McGlnnts Is the officer at
the Agricultural College to whom re
quests for Information or for blanks
phould h addressed.
In Our Fifth Street
Corbett Bldg.
Fifth and Morrison
Achievement of Pershing's Crusaders
Moat Iatc-restlna; Gratifying;
LONDON, July 17. Prominence again
Is given to the fighting of the Ameri
cans at Fossoy and Jaulgonne on Mon
day by the newspapers of London.
Commenting editorially, the Telegram
"The feature of the battle upon which
the eyes of the entire world are fixed,
and those of the enemy with particular
Intentness, Is the conduct of the Amer
ican troops. The magntticent counter
attack In which the American Army
Corps flung back the Germans upon
the Marne after they and crossed was
one of the historical Incidents of the
whole in Its moral significance.
"Our French comrades should ad
mit the chief honors in the initial days
to the resistance of the American
troops." says the Graphic "The Amer
icans demonstrated the wisdom of the
policy of hlttlne: nt an offensive as
soon as it shows itself.
"By far the most interesting and
gratifying event of the battle." says
the Daily News, "was the achievement
of the Americans. They held, perhaps,
the most critical position and kept their
fiont intact. Their success has a sig
nificance which the enemy will best
Premier CIcnienceau Visits Front.
PARIS. July 17. Premier Clemen
ceau visited the front yesterday. He
returned to Paris at night, but went
bark to the front this afternoon.
XJ. S. Railroad Manager Will Direct
Steamship Line.
Under an order of the Federal Rail
road Administration, the jurisdiction
of J. P. O'Brien, general manager of
the O. W. R. & N., is extended to the
Portland & San Francisco Steamship
G. L, Blair, general manae-er of tha
steamship company, with headauartera
at San Francisco, will hereafter report
to ivir. u urien.
Mother III, Father Does Washing,
m Baby Falls Into Boiler.
MARSHFIELD. Or., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Alton Butters, the four and one-half-year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Butters, of Allegheny, fell into a
boiler of scalding water Monday and
died from his burns at 5 in the evening.
The father had been doing the fam
ily washing, owing to illness of Mrs.
Butters, and while out of the room the
child climbed into a chair, which upset
and propelled him into the boiler which
was resting on the floor.
France to Get Meat Dally.
PARIS, July 18. The abolition of
meatless days in France after July 20
is ordered in a decree issued today.
The restrictions on consumption In res
taurants of milk and cheese are con
sequently to be abandoned.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nlan. atain, tmv, a nuns.
Convicts'- Prize Money Held t'p.
SALEM. Or- July 17. (Special.) Sec
retary Olcott today referred to Attorney-General
Brown for an opinion tn
its legality a claim of 150 submitted
by Warden Murphy, of th Penitentiary,
for payment of prizes awarded to con
victs in athletic contests held Julv 4
at the prison.
Army Order.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 17. Tha following
orders were iaaued by tha Western epart
ment of the Army here today:
First Lieutenants Henry Foster Marshall
ana beorge ju. nocne, united states Uuards,
Presidio or ban Francisco, will proceed to
tort Douglas, utan, lor duty.
Second Lleutonant James H. McCarron.
United States Guards, Presidio of San Fran
cisco, -will proceed to Garfield, Utah, for
' Second Lieutenant Joseph Lang-. United
States Guards.-- Presidio of San Francisco,
will proceea to urtc laana. lor duty.
Lr of absence for 16 days ia granted
Captain Frederick J. Von Rohan, Fourteenth
Infantry, or uiwton, y
What is Castoria
QAST0RIA is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing
Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nqr other Nar
cotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been
in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea;
allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and
Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30
years, has borne the Signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All
Counterfeits,, Imitations and " Just-as-Good" are but Experiments that trifle with
and endanger the Ijealth of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Letters from Prominent Physicians
(addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
Dr. Albert "W. Kahl, cf Buffalo, N. Y-. says: "I have used Castoria in
ray practice for the past 26 years. I regard it as an excellent medicine)
for children."
Dr. Gustave AL Klaengraeber, tt SC. Paul. Minn, Baysr "I Bare used
your Castoria repeatedly In my practice with, good results, and can recona
mead it as an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children."
Dr. XL J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo, says: I hare used and prescribed
your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of years
and find it to be an excellent remedy for children."
Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, P-, says: I hare used yonr Cas
torla In the case of my own baby and find it pleasant to. take, and hare
obtained excellent results from Its ves."
Dr. J. 13. Simpson, of Chicago, I1L, saysf "I hare used your Castoria In
cases of colic In children and hare found It the best medicine of its kind
on the market." -
Dr. R. E. EfikTIdson, Of OniaHs, Neb, saysf "I Bnd your Castoria to be
Standard family remedy. It is the best thins for infants and children I
hay. erer knoarn and I recommend It."
Dr. I TL. Bobinson, of Kansas City, Mo, saysr "Tour Castoria certainly
has merit. Is not Its ace, its continued use by mothers through all these
years, and tha many attempts to imitate it. sufficient recommendation!
5"tat can a physician add? Lea-re it to tho mothers."
Dr. Edwin T. Pardee, of New York City, says: "For several years I hsrss
recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, as it has
Invariably produced beneficial results."
Dr. N. B. Slzer, of Brooklyn. N. Y, sayss "I object to -what are called,
patent medicines, -where maker alone knows what ingredients are put in,
them, but I know, the formula of yonr Castoria and adTise Its use."
Ca-nuiriE CASTORIA always
Eeara the Signature of
Kt Contents 15Tlnid Praohmi
ft i V v law . :
P 'S3 i skmUvUiIhtrbod by Kcgw-
StwnarAs asd Bow&rf
Thereby Promoting Drjeston
Checffotocss ana kcsj.w-u-ncBhcr
Opium.Morpbine w
Mineral. NotWAhoo iv
jtUSrmwa ffrJaMr
X;;) and Feverishs .sod
nrsutlin thercfrorjnWallr-
? V 1 fac Simile Si$nrof
f.iii. c.-r v sun
Mrs. Davis Saj-s Tanlac Helped
Her More Than Everything
Else Put Together.
Remarkable, Indeed, was the state
ment made by Mrs. Uussie Davis, who
resides Just outside the city limits in
North Portland, while In the Owl
rrusr Company's store recently. Mrs.
Davis declared that she has received
more benefit from two bottles of Tan
lac than from other treatment and
medicines that cost her more than two
hundred dollars, which she has paid
out during; the past three years In her
efforts to restore her health.
"I have suffered from atoraach trou
ble for three years or more," said Mrs.
Davis, "and kept Renins worse in
spite of all I could do. On the twenty-fifth
day of last May I underwent
an operation for what was said to be
appendicitis, but the misery in my
stomach not only kept up, but it seems
to me my suffering was even ureater
than before. There was a heavy feel-
Ins In my right side, accompanied by
pains extending: clean through to my
back, which .1 was told was caused by
bad condition of my liver. My food
would ferment, causing; gjas. shortness
of breath and such lrregrular beating;
of my heart at times that it would
frighten me. My nervous system had
become almost a wreck. I was hys
terical at times, slept very poorly and
the slightest noise would cause me to
jump. I continually lost weight, had
no strength and energy and was hard
ly ever free from headache.
I kept reading; what others had to
say about Tanlac, but as I had al
ready paid out more than two hun
dred dollars trying: to get relief, I
naturally had little confidence in it to
help me. But as time went on and 1
kept g-ettlng- worse I reached the
point where I was willing: to trv any
thing:. So I bought me a bottle of Tan
lac and, actually, when I finished taking-
it I was beginning: to feel like
new person. I have taken two bot
tles now and am gointr to keep on
using: it for a while, but I have al
ready aratned seven and a half pounds
In weight and have strength to do my
work easily. My appetite is good and
I don't have sour stomach, gas and
palpitation like I did. I am now free
from headache, my nerves are in much
better shape and I sleep good every
night. Tanlac has built me up won
derfully and I am so thankful for It
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