ME MORNING OKEGONIAN, THURSDAY, JTJIT 18, 1918. THE YAM v E COMHIMG 2 FOLLOW the AG to JRANCE jl T7 L THEATER 7 Q r Starting Twice Daily 2:15 and 8:15 v o United States Government Official War Films HE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT has made it possible for the great American public to be an eyewitness to the vast activ ities of the Army and Navy both "Over Here" and "Over There." Through the medium of the motion picture you are enabled to see in the making the momentous force which is to end the greatest war of the ages. THESE PICTURES ARE FOR YOU These official figures will give the people of Portland their first oppor tunity of seeing our boys in action in France; to understand just what these months of preparation have brought about in combating our com mon enemy; to enable the worker in the factory and office, the toiler in the field in fact, every man, woman and child who is doing his or her part, to visualize the result of their labor to the present time. These remarkable pictures' will show those who subscribed to the Liberty Loans, Red Cross, Y. M. C. A., Knights of Columbus, Navy and other cam paigns what their money has accomplished. Every American will be intensely interested in seeing the baking of mountains of bread for the Army, the making of millions of uniforms, the manufacture of tons of guns, the launching of thousands of airplanes into the air and thousands of ships into the sea. You will thrill with a vital pride at sight of OUR Navy and OUR Army in action our own crusaders striding in legions on to victory! You will see Our Boys "Over Here" and "Over There" the first-line trenches in France, the first batch of German prisoners caught by the Yankees the hundreds of important and interesting de tails of modern warfare. You may see YOUR boy, or your neighbor's boy, or your friend behind the lines at work or play or marching through the streets of some little French town. You will see the mighty Pershing, President Poincare, of France, and Secretary of War Baker on his recent tour of inspection of our armies in France. In short, you will see AMERICA IN THE WAR This remarkable motion picture, fittingly entitled "Pershing's Crusaders," was photographed by official Government cameramen, sent with the Army and Navy for that purpose by the United States Committee on T.r ' r i i ruDiic lniormauon, oeorge vreei;cnairman. .... lly-1 NO WAR TAX Prices 25c and 50c. All Seats Reserved. : Seats Now Selling NO WAR TAX The Following Patriotic Firms and Individuals Have Contributed This Page to the U. S. Division of Films Henry Weinhard Plant, 475 Burnside R. M. Wade & C, 332 Hawthorne Ave. D. C. Warren Motor Car Co., 58 N. Twenty-third Russell & Gilbert Co., 777 Holladay The W. G. McPherson Co., 441 Nineteenth Street Blake-McFall Paper Co., East Third and Ankeny Portland Motor Car Co., Tenth and Burnside v Overbeck & Cooke Co., Brokers, Board of Trade Bldg. Overland Pacific, Inc., Broadway and Davis The Northern Pacific Lumber. Co., Foot of Sherlock G. A. Morrison Lumber Co., 6022 Seventy-second S. E. Loggers & Contractors' Machinery Co., 70 Fourth St. Koehring Machine Co., N. W., 250 Hawthorne Ave. David Hodes Co., 95 North Broadway Howard Automobile Co., Fourteenth and Davis G. G. Gerber, 55 North Ninth Columbia Steel Co., Tenth and Johnson Archer & Wiggins, 75 Sixth Street Ballou & Wright, 80 Broadway Brunn Motor Car Co., 444 Stark The Beebe Co., 182 Morrison