Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1918, Page 15, Image 15

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Public Asked to Inform of Vio-
lations of Food Prices.
Food Administration Asks That if'
Any Person Knows of Dealers
Who Do Not Keep to Fixed
Prices Information Be Given.
Definite call for reports on any mer-
chants who charge prices higher than
, the maximums named in the weekly
schedules yesterday accompanied the
". third list of quotations Issued by the
. Food Administration's price interpreta
V tlon committee of Portland. Thomas G.
' Farrell. chairman. The public is asked
Z to co-operate in the effort to limit
i- dealers to the prices and range of
prices quoted with the commendation of
the committee, to this end reporting
any advances over -the committee's price
. list.
In issuing the approved Portland
" quotations yesterday these suggestions
were also given:
Old Stocks Available.
TrC "There are still in the hands of many
grocers fair stocks of wheat cereals,
X and consumers are asked to use these
more freely that loss from moths may
t.-i not occur. .Many consumers have a
mistaken Idea that wheat cereals are
, unobtainable. While present stocks
last the Food Administration allows
the sale of such food and is very desir
ous that they be used.
"Cornmeal is in large supply In this
locality. As Summer weather often
; proves hard on cornmeal, consumers
should use all possible of this substl-
- tute.
"The matter of delivery Is and has
been for some time a serious problem
with the retailers, and consumers are
asked to conserve in this matter as In
Price Quotations Given.
This week's price list follows:
Fresh egfts
Butter, fresh creampry
Potatoes, old, per 100 lbs
Potatoes, new, per 100 pounds ......
Cheese, full cream .................
Fresh salmon, pound
Corn meal, yellow, bulk, 100 pounds
Corn meal, white, bulk. 100 pounds
Corn meal, yellow, 10-lb. bag:, bale
Corn meal, white, 10-lb. baa;, bale
Rolled oats. WO-lb. bass, barrel
Rolled oats, f)-lb. bass, bale ........
Boiled oats. 20-oz. packages, dozen
Kire flour, bulk, per cwt
Barley flour, bulk, barrel
Barley flour, 9 S-10-lb baits, bale ...
Kice, head, per 1U0 pounds
Corn flour, white, bulk. 100 pounds .
Com flour, white, 10-pound bas, bale.
Rye flour, 49-pound sack, barrel ....
Rye flour, lo-pound bag. bale ......
Hominy. 10-pound bag, bale .......
Corn starch, pound
iMf-d fruit, raisins. 100 pounds
Corn syrup, 5-pound pails, dozen
Wheat flour, 411-pound bass ......
Wheat flour, 24-pound bass
Wheat flour. 10-pound bass, bale
AH Moisture Must Be Eliminated
for Shipment Overseas.
WASHINGTON, July 17. (Special.)
The Quartermaster-General's office an
nounced Tuesday that hereafter the
War Department will ship all dried
fruits overseas in a thoroughly dried
condition and not as usually found on
retail markets. Inquiry at the Quar
termaster's office elicits the explana
tion that this means that fruits must
not be subjected to a steaming proT
cess after drying, which process puts
much moisture back in the fruit.
The reason given for the regulation
is that it will save freight space and
avoid any danger of the fruit spoiling.
In addition it is probable the War De
partment has not overlooked the fact
that It will net more fruits for its
Spokane Judge Welcomes Test of His
Eligibility as Candidate.
8POKAXE, Wash., July 17. (Special.)
"The constitutional right of Judge
Webster to enter the Republican pri
maries for Congress will be challenged
in the Supreme Court immediately,"
George Chandler.
"I am more than pleased to know that
an action will be brought at once. I
shall be glad to expedite the matter, so
that the case may be disposed of with
out delay." Judge J. Stanley Webster.
The proposed launching of a test case
to determine the right of Judge J. Stan
ley Webster to become a candidate for
the Republican nomination for Congress
in the Fifth District, after resigning
from the Supreme Court, is an impor
tant development of the campaign here
Porter Separated From 12
Mellow Quarts.
William Jasper Picked Up With
Load of Old Crow.
.TT'OITRE a wonderfully smart man,
X Mister Officer," remarked Wil
liam Japper, ebony-faced porter, as he
was Intercepted at Ninth and Hoyt
streets yesterday morning. "This here
suitcase wasn't makin a noise like I
owned it, sah, a-tall, but I guess -you've
got me connected up with it, all right."
Patrolman Sorenson commandeered
the suitcase and escorted Jasper to po
lice headquarters. The luggage was
pretty heavy and the officer's sus
picions were confirmed after the offi
cial count showed that the suitcase
contained one dozen quart bottles of
"Old Crow." The liquor was not of the
"Aged-ln-the-woods" variety, but of
better product than the average of the
bootlegger's article, the labels indi
cated. Jasper is well known to the police.
He has been up several times for vio
lating the prohibition law. So It was
decided to fix ball this time at $1000.
Frank Worthington to Be Held for
Federal Investigation.
Frank Worthington, alleged draft
(slacker and forger, was returned to
Portland yesterday by Sheriff Good
man, of Burns, and is being held at the
County Jail for both state and Federal
Investigation. Worthington Is under
indictment by the Multnomah County
grand jury lor forgery.
He has been around Burns for sev
eral days. Sheriff Goodman had him
under surveillance as a draft slacker,
and on the morning that he decided
to arrest Worthington for the Federal
authorities he received word from
Sheriff Hurlburt to be on the lookout
for the man as a. forger. "Worthing on
has been working: on an Eastern Ore
gon cattle ranch.
State Game Warden to Conserve Sup
ply in Yaqulna Bay.
A deadline on Taquina Bay to pro
tect the oyster industry and conserve
the supply is being: planned through
the co-operation of the oystermen and
the State Fish and Game Commission.
Carl D. Shoemaker, State Game War
den, who has just returned from Ya
qulna. is preparing- papers for enforc
ing this action when the Fall oyster
season opens.
"I found the oystermen anxious to co
operate with us in protecting- the in
dustry," he said, yesterday. "The neces
sary rules and regulations will be de
cided upon soon by the Fish and Game
Commission. The new plan will mean
many more oysters in future years and
at no loss to the industry now."
British House Members to Observe
Fourth War Anniversary.
LONDON. July 17. Premier Lloyd
George in a few words moved, ex-Pre
mier Asquith seconded, ana tne mem
bership of the House of Commons
unanimously adopted this resolution
"That this House attend St. Margar
eta's Westminster on Sunday, the
Fourth of August, It being the fourth
anniversary of the declaration of war,
to invoke divine blessing on our just
Berlin Vorwaerts Comments on TJ.
Ambassador's Message.
AMSTERDAM. July 17. The Inde.
pendente day message of David R.
Francis, American Ambassador at Mos
cow, to the Russian people, moves the
Berlin Vorwaerts to the following com
"This is a straight blow in the face
of the Soviet government, which can
hereafter be under no misapprehension
as to what to expect from the United
"it is nothing but a blunt, intentional
Wholesaler pays Retailer pays Consumer pays
.$ .39 .40 $ .42 .45 .SO
45 .4T .49 .50 ..r5 ? .BTH
1.60 it 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 J) S.OO
. 3.00 8.3 .04V4 .05 1b
.24 & .25 .27 f .27 4 .30 ti .81
. .15S .16H .17 .18 .20 O .25
.. 8.00 B.70 .07 8 .07H
. 5 25 00 .07 O .07
. 5.70 6 50 .75 rj .80
. 6 95 B.fcO .SO 9 -S5
. 11 25 12.00 .07 .08
. 6.3S 6.75 .SO ft .85
. 1.20 1.33 1-3 .14 & .15
. 8.35 8.65 9.25 (t 9.60 .12 & .12
. 10.50 ll.OO -f7 & .07
.. 5.U5 6.25 .75
. 10.25 10.50 11.70 012.00 .15
.. 5.50 8.10 .07
6.20 .!0 .85 per bap
. ll.OO 11.50 3.50 3.60
. 6.20 6.45 .R0 per has
. 6.20 7.o5 .R5 per bas
.0Ri .10 .12
.12 3 .12 .13 7-1031 .14 .17
. 9.MO 10.95 .12 .IK
. 4.20 (g -so- 4-0 & 6.20 .50 i .55
. 10.4O 10.75 2.85 & 3.00
. 10.60 10.95 1.50 B 1.55
. 5.87 6.05 .70 & .75
provocation, and nothing remains for
the Soviet government but to demand
the recall of the Ambassador.
The importance of the American
Ambassador's action, to Germany, ac
cording to Vorwaerts, is that the war
is to blaze up again in the east and
that German statesmanship is to be
faced with the extremely difficult task
of enforcing the Brest-Litovsk peace
agreement. Not a moment must be
lost, Vorwaerts concludes.
William Murray Thought Buried in
Debris of Demolished Bridge.
After a careful search for the body
of Motorman William Murray, who lost
his life last Thursday when a freight
train on the Estacada division of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power Com
pany plunged through the bridge at
River Mill, divers have concluded that
the body lies buried either In the debris
of the demolished bridge or in the bot
tom of the Clackamas River. Work has
been started in salvaging the engines
ana removing the bridge timbers.
Walter Sterling, of Portland, deep
water diver, has been endeavoring since!
Tuesday to find the body.
England and Peru Sign Treaty.
LIMA, Peru, July 17. England and
Peru have signed a convention estab
lishing a peace and arbitration commis
sion. Sir Maurice De Bunsen signed the
treaty ror .England.
PORTLAND. July 17. Maximum temper
ature, 90 degrees; minimum temperature. 64
ueRrees. Kiver reading, a a. m., 10.8 feet
change in last 24 hours, 0.2 foot fall. Total
rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M.) none: total
rainiaii since aeptemper l. 1917, ss.04 Inches;
normal rainiaii since September 1. 44.
Inches: deficiency rainfall since September
1. 1817. 6.29 Inches. Sunrise, 5:87 A. M. ;
sunset, 8:57 P. M. ; total sunshine, 14 hours
87 minutes; possible sunshine, 15 hours 20
minutes. Moonrlse. 8:30 P. M. Barometer
(reduced to sea level), 5 P. M., 29.84 inches.
Relative humidity at noon, 50 per cent.
Stats ef
60! 940.00..IS
68,100 0.0O . . SE
Pt. cloudy
80 0.10:10;N WIRaln
Calgary ......
Chicago ......
pt. cloudy
64 0.00 .
780. 481.
Denver ......
Des Moines . .
Eureka ......
Galveston ....
76 0.00 .. NW
6O1O.OO . . W
88:0.00 10;S
60i 6:20.00
Kansas jlty..
Los Angeles..
Marshf leld . . .
78-0.44 12 N
80 0.00 . . SW
Pt. cloudy
6Ri0.OOl. . NW!
Med ford
Minneapolis ..
New Orleans..
New York . . .
North Head. . .
North Yakima
9210.00 .. S
74 0.06 .. SW
68! 58 0.00
74 106 0.00
Pt. cloudy
Phoenix .....
Pocatello ....
Portland .... .
Sacramento ..
St. Louis.
Salt Lake . .
San Diego . . .
106. 0.00
Pt. cloudy
78 0.0O
880. 00:12 8
82 0.00:20iW
90:0.00 ..IN
Pt. cloudy
74 0.00,12iNW
San Francisco.
64 0.00 20;W
Seattle ....
Sitka .....
Spokane ...
82 0.00
Pt. cloudy
80 0.00
Tatoosh Island
62 0.18
. . 10.00
Walla Walla
Winnipeg . .
76 108 0.00
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
681 78 0.02
tA.-M. today: 'P. M. report preceding day.
Portland and vicinity Fair and continued
warm; gentle northwesterly winds.
Oregon -ana Washington Fair and con
tinued warm: gentle northwesterly winds.
Idaho Fair and continued warm.
Columbia River Bar "Report.
NORTH HEAD. July 17. Condition. of the
bar at 5 P. M. Sea smooth; wind northwest.
Timber Shipments Show Great
Increase Over April.
Resumption of Normal Log Move
ments Decidedly Pleasing to
Fir Control Board Head and
Oregon Millnicn.
Between 750,000 and 1,000,000 feet
more timber in the shape of logs for
shipbuilding and for the spruce-
I production organization is being deliv
ered daily than has been the case
since April 24r when Kerry's tunnel,
through which logs as far back as
the Nehalem country were being
brought to the Columbia River,
blocked by a cave-in. Delivery of the
first logs moved through since was
made yesterday at Portland, the tunnel
having been reopened late Sunday.
H. B. Van Duzer. of the Fir Control
Board, made known yesterday that the
normal movement of logs had been re
sumed a fact that was decidedly
pleasing to him, as well as some of
mlllmen. Since the tunnel became
blocked it has proven a task on log
gers to supply all demands, while a
greater effort was necessary on the
part of mills to keep up with the needs
of the shipyards and the spruce force.
For various reasons the blocking of
the tunnel was not given much pub
licity, but with the officials of the Fir
Board and Emergency Fleet Corpora
tion it was viewed as a serious obsta
cle. The ability of loggers and mill
men to keep up the supply of material.
regardless of the daily output from the
Isehalem district, is looked upon as an
excellent demonstration of what can be
done in an emergency arising from
any single log-producing section being
cut off. Not a single ship was de-
layed as far as her hull construction
figured by the accident.
Also, the blocking of the tunnel en
abled the logging crews to pile up
considerable material to be hauled out
when the way was cleared and quan
titles of logs will now be dumped into
the Columbia. The outlet on the river
Is at Kerry's, formerly knewn as the
old Wood's landing, being below Clats-
kanie. The logging road connects with
the North Bank road on the lower river
and taps a territory where excellent
specimens in the way of fir and spruce
are to be cut.
Steel and Wooden Plant Executives
Meet With Schwab Party Today.
Severed shipbuilders and officials of
the Emergency Fleet Corporation left
here last night for Seattle to attend
a conference there today with Charles
M. Schwab, director-general, and
Charles Piez, vice-president of the
Emergency Fleet Corporation, relative
to the Macey wage scale.- Thene will
be delegates from all Pacific Coast
ports where vessels are building, both
the employes and representatives of
crafts employed in the plants.
Steel shipbuilders of the Portland
zone will be represented by Joseph R.
Bowles, president of the Northwest
Steel Company; Charles F. Swlgert,
vice-president of the G. M. Standifer
Construction Corporation: A. F. Smith,
president of the Columbia River Shlp-
bftilding Corporation, and Wlliam
Cornfoot, president of the Ablna En
gine & Machine Works. Fred B. rape
assistant supervisor of the division of
steel construction in the Northwest,
also left with the party. The wooden
shipbuilders are represented by E. W.
W night, general manager of the Mc
Eachern Ship Company; James B. Kerr,
secretary of the Peninsula Shlpbulld
lng Company, and II. E. Pennell. pres
ldent of the Coast Shipbuilding Com
pany. Lloyd J. Wentworth. supervisor
of wooden construction in the Oregon
district, was also summoned there. It
was said yesterday that an adjourn
ment would be taken tonight until
Saturday morning, as Mix Schwab and
Mr. Piez were to make a trip to Mount
Rainier tomorrow.
There Is talk that some plants have
paid wages in excess of the provision
of the Macey agreement, and Mr. Piez
announced while here that the scale in
every instance would be the maximum
wages, not the minimum. It is desired
to have the agreement defined in every
feature, so there will be no further
excuse for misinterpreting It.
Launching Feat of Standifer Com
pany last Saturday Is TJncqualed
Half a dozen wooden hulls floats
in & single day by an individual or
ganlzation. which was accomplished
Saturday by the G. M. Standifer Con
struction Corporation in honor of the
presence of Charles M. Schwab and
Charles Piez, of the Emergency Flee
Corporation, has drawn high prais
from James O. Heyworth, in charge of
wooden construction. He telegraphed
the Standifer Interests yesterday and
also sent a message to Lloyd J. Went
worth, supervisor of wooden construe
tlon in the Oregon district, the lette
being as follows
"Hearty congratulations on success
ful launching of six hulls by the
G. M. Standifer Construction Corpora
atlon. July 13. This is the best per
formance that nas eves been done 1
any one day by a contractor buildln
wooden nulls In the country. Have
wired congratulations to Standifer.1
Vessels to Be Laid Down Next at
Northwest Yard Receive Titles
Two Oregon names are included in
those received yesterday for ships yet
to be started at the plant of the North
west Steel Company, No. 17 to No. 24.
they being the West Taquina. which is
No. 17, and the West Wauna, the latter
being No.-19. No. 18 Is to be the West
Zeda, No. 20 the Wet Compo, No. 21
the West Modus, No. 22 the West Ta
cook. No. 23 the West Tigus and No. 24
the West IN oh no.
The Western Main was launched Julv
8. she being No. IS, and tha next will
be the Western Comet, then the West
ern Scout and Westview, after which
the names last received will be applied.
f ollowing tnose will be the West
Cherow, the West Celeron. West Celina,
west cnana, west Chaska, West Cha-
tala, west Cnestoa and West Cheswald,
the latter being No. 32.
More Hulls Ready to Bo Fitted Out
Before OUiers Are Floated.
First of the French vessels the
Foundation Company sent overboard,
the Commandant de Roissin, was the
third to set out on her builders' trial.
having been under way from 8 o'clock
until about 11 -o clock yesterday morn
ing. Her official trial is to take place
early next week and. Judging from
what was accomplished yesterday, it
is expected she will equal the perform-
ance of the Capitalne Remy and Cap
itaine Guynemer. which have been de
livered. The Lieutenant Delorme was
shifted from' the yard to the drydock
yesterday, she being No. 8. There are
10 of the ships afloat.
Captain E. C. Genereaux, of the Bu
reau Veritas and representing the
French government, said yesterday
that It was planned to complete the
machinery installation and general
fitting out of more of the hulls before
launching the 11th ship, as the berths
at the flttlng-out dock were crowded.
Benson Log: Raft Breaks Hawser but
Is Recovered Without Damage.
ASTORIA. Or, July 17. (Special.)
S. Schmidt & Co. have sold the launch
S. Schmidt & Co. to tho Tallant Pack
ing Company. The craft was built In
1902 and since that time has been op
erated as a cannery tender.
As the steamer Benito Veritas start
ed to tow a Benson log raft to sea to
day, her hawser carried away and the
big raft went adrift. It was soon
picked up by other steamers and
moored again in the lower harbor be
fore any damage resulted.
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
S A.X FRANCISCO, July 17. (Special.)
The Pacific Mall Tteamshlp Company an
nouncea that their steamers are making tha
best record for Red Cross coliectlons since
the drive on board the various linens com
enced.. BUI Young, genera! passenger
gent .announced today that his fleet as
far ahead that he was certain that the
hips of the rival concerns would not over
ake them. The Columbia still heads tha
list with $2718 for three trips. Other rec
is ror three trips, other rec-I
Ecuador, io63; Venezuela, $ooo
; Newport. a3 for three trips.
ords are the K
for one trip; Newport, $U$5 for threa trip:
and Smaller imnnnt. fnp n, h.r . f . m . f
expected that the announcement will be I
oted by the other steamship concerns, who
Ill each bring forth their reoords.
To carry on a shipping business. Including
freight and passenger hauling and ship
building, the Parr Terminal Company was
incorporated Tor I?,&oo,ooo today.
Commanders Ryland Drennan. of the sea
training division of the United states Ship
ping Board, today praised the young men
wno are undergoing training to become sea
men engineers and stewards. Mr. Drennan
said that the young fellows are pitching
nto the work and Indications are that 100
graduates will be turned out every week
fter the system is well established. Msny
of the recruits who have never had any
physical training before now show a healthy
ot of blisters.
The importing and exporting business of
an. Francisco has multiplied nearly tour
times during the last five years, according
a report filed by John R Irby. Surveyor
of Customs for this port. The value of Im
port" for the fiscal year of 1913 totaled $16, i7 1818 the Im porta totaled $7o.
99.000. This represents an Increase ot S30
per cent.
SEATTLE, Wash.. July 17. CSpecUl.)
The auxiliary achooner Admiral Sims held
successful trial trip on Puget Sound today
and win be turned over to the Pactflo
Steamship Company probably tomorrow. The
new craft, built by the Puset Sound Bridge
& Dredire Company, la equipped with Sken-
dta engines which today developed an-
eras;e speed of 7 knots. During; the trials
several officials of the Pacific Steamship
f'nmnnrv wai-m ahnarrl at n Ht F A 1t n 1 r
visited the vessel when she arrived at Ta- I
coma, one 10 d used as a. ireigmer.
The Merchants' Exchange today elected
E- H. Hamlin- as president for the ensuing
tTiarlea M. Schwab today presented David
Bodgers, general manager of the Skinner &
Eddy plant, with a handsome gold watch as
a token of his appreciation of the record of
the Seattle shipbuilder.
The Pacific Net A Twine Company Is to
build a new four-story concrete building on
the local waterfront, according to an an
nouncement made by that firm today.
COOS BAT, Or.. July IT. (Special.) Ths
Government vessel Cohasset. renamed
Government vessel Cohasset. renamed
Marshfleld, launched from the Coos Bay
shlpysrd a few weeks ago. Is belnc laden
with & Inmtwr fmrm tn )i. d(.llvr1 at thai.
Pacific port where she Is to have her en-
gines Installed.
w. H. Winn, an accountant or North
H. Winn, an accountant of
Bend, will start Tigunna- tne bonus pay-
ment. for the Kruse A Banks shipyard to-
morrow. The work will require two months
with a force of four men.
Bend, will start figurine; the bonus pay.
The fourth ship to be launched for the
Government by the Coos Bay Shipbuilding
Company hss received the name Mesa and
will leave the ways before August 1. The
company has two Ferris framee up and the
krH laid for the third
jww (a.KucB i' i , i . .v i , aiiiwu i null
Y- TMv... ,hla -.aV a n rt tha
Two cargoes ot salmon arrived from
transferred for shipment to Portland. The
gas schooner Rustler Is due from Wedder-
burn In two days, brlnglnr another cargo
from the Macieay estate cannery.
Marin Notes.
On being floated from tha Port of Port-
land drydock yesterday, the hull of th
new steamer Kashtoh was shifted to tha
Grant Smith-Porter Ship Company's yard
to have her machinery placed
Delivery of the new steamer Blandon was
made to tha Han Francisco at Portland
Steamship Company yesterday. She Is to
be used between Portland and San Francisco
for freight purposes.
Captain John K. Bulgar, supervising In
iDector of tha Weatern district for tha
United States Stesmvessel Inspection Serv
ice. Is in the city on his way from Puget
Sound to his Ban r ranctsco headquarters.
Captain Bulgar and Captain E. S. Edwards.
the latter being Inspector of hulls here,
spent part of yesterday at Vancouver at the
spent pari oi yesieraay at Vancouver at IM
.i ti.i.r.hi. r...i..i. ,
h.,. iir.haat. .r. ha.
. , . ., ,h .
ei.i. nt tvhinitnn was eninniatari T,....
day by the United States sieam vessel in-
spectors and Inspection of the new steamer
"Western Light has been started. Yesterday
the assistant Inspectors went over the gas
llne ferry Queen at Tha Dalles and today
the atearoer Maria and tha new auxiliary
achooner Elvlna Stolt will be Inspected
here. "
Members of the Federal Employes' TTnlon
are to have full control of the barge Swan
tha night of August 6, when dancing and
other features will enliven a trip on the
river. 'The organisation has considerable
strength and It Is proposed to make the
118 outing an attractive one.
C. C. Wall, special agent of the Treasury
Tepartment. is In ths city from his Seattle
headauartera checV!.s "drawbacks' on du
ties. Ha --Zit Tuesda at The Dalles.
wrr a cannery Is entitled to
backs" on sugar used In preparing fruit.
while the Foundation Company has claims
of the sort, as equipment was brought in
from Europe for installation on French
auxiliary schooners building there. I-n the
case of vessels building for foreign account
no duty is charged on equipment Imported.
Arne Arnessen, purser of the steamer
Klamath, has added to a fund for blind
soldiers and sallora, and $30 for tobaoco
for troops abroad, the money having been
contributed by passengers and members of
the crew on the vessel.
Hydrographic Office Notice.
Information has been received from the
master of a British steamship that on July
14. 1918, when about 10S and 130 miles south,
63 degrees west (true), from Farallonea
lighthouse, passed a large number of pine
logs varying from 80 to HO feet In length.
Nautical Expert V. B. Xavy In Charge.
TJ. S. Naval Radio Reports.
All locations given are at 8 P. M. yes-
terday, unless otherwise noted.)
ASUNCION', Ijttouche for Richmond. 232
miles north of Richmond.
WAP AM A, San Francisco for Portland, 33
mllea north of Blunts Reef.
Tides at Aster la, Thursday.
High. Low.
9:B A. M 8 2 feet!8:B A. M.....1.2 feet
9:24 P. M. 7.8 feet 3:5 P. M 8.8 feet
Wasco Pioneer Is Buried.
THE DALLES. Or., July 17. (Spe
cial.) The funeral services of J. B.
Crossin. Wasco County pioneer of
18S3, were held this evening at 7
o'clock at the Crandall chapel. He
was a member of many fraternal orders,-Including
the A. F. and A. it., R.
A. M., O. E. S-, B. P. O. E., K. of P. and
A. O. U. W. The Order of Easter Star
held the chapel services and the
Masonic Order had charge of the grave
Germans Regain Turkish Cruiser.
AMSTERDAM. July 17. The Turkish
cruiser Medjidieh, sunk In 1815 and
subsequently raised by the Russians,
has arrived at Constantinople, having
been seized by the Germans at Sebasto
pol, according to Germania of Berlin.
It Takes Steady Nerves
Gn&rdinjr our lines is like truardine our health w must encourage
the care of our bodies train our organs for bodily endurance, efficiency
and full achievement. We must take
to conserve our health. It is not so
as to cultivate health for leng life, happiness and contentment.
If we wish to prevent old age coming too soon or the sudden attack
of lumbago or rheumatism, if we want to increase our chances for long
life Dr. Pierce 6ays: "Keep the kidneys in good order! Try to
eliminate through the skin and intestines the poisons that otherwise clog
the kidneys. Avoid eating meat as much as possible : avoid too much
alt, alcohol, tea. Try a milk and vegetable diet. Drink plenty of water,
obtain Anuric, double strength, at druggists, and exercise so you per
spire the skm helps to eliminate toxic poisons and uric acid."
Vo troj -nast middle life, for those easily recognized symptoms
. ... i a- ,, . . .
of inflammation, as backache, scalding water, or if uric acid m tne
., j , J v. into rHffrieo trot Annrio at
UIOUU 11CLS) CUJtTVl X mriiml.iguii,
4 V,. Jm. r-o-r-o -fvi. Kiln r sand III-
r . "X V -
Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.. 10c for trial
times more DOtent than lithia and
melts sugar. A 6hort trial will convince you. Send a sample of your
water to Dr. Fierce and it will be
free medical advice to the Invalids
An-uric is a regular insurance
and those who deposit lime-salts in
Wooden Carrier of 5000 Tons
Has Been Designed.
ew Vessel Will Be Distinctively
Columbia River Typo Whlcli
AH Pacific Coast Yards
Will Construct.
Selection of three expert designers
hi.llrtera to checK over a tm-'"
wooden ship plan, as prepared ty offl-
tha Dresron District Ol m
I ... . . . . nu.uinn of
Wooden Ship Construction pl'lon
the Emergency Fleet Corporation, ana
rf.l.lnn in furnish C V T V urCKUIl
I plant today with a set of the plans,
I thev to renort their opinions as to the
I v.- ivtondav. was a start made
-.,, n.nviainf a carri
yesterday toward provldlnir a carr
to meet the-expectations of Char Its i
Schwab, dlrector-Beneral. and cnan
Schwab, dlrector-Benerai. aim y""
Ple vice-president ana general -
T - 1 . -A..nn.a
ager of the tmrgtncj rii.
tion, for a lancer vessel than the pres
ent S500-ton types.
When lunching witn tne duimii i
wooden ships In this district jwonaay.
I " w . - - . . ,
Ik. nfflnlals CaVS SUthOrltV f OT them
I to submit plans and specifications for
unnn-tnn carrier to De distinctively
Columbia River type, which all Pa
cific Coast yards could construct. Pol
lowing the luncheon. E. W. Wright,
manager of the McEachern Ship Com
pany, of Astoria, was named chairman
of. a committee to go into the matter,
and he arranged the session yesterday
morning, which was convenea at me
Hotel Multnomah. Tne plans were iaia
ih,r at the Instance of J. W. Hall.
assistant supervisor of the district, who
was present with cniei i-iuu inspector
Hubbard and Chief Draftsman Reed.
After studvlng the plans, the builders
decided to have the committee of ex-
ixrti take charge, naming j. n. irnt,
president of the Cameron Genoa Mills
Shipbuilding Company, of Victoria, B.
c who
is in tne city; o. n.
engineer of the McEachern Ship Corn-
r " , rk' , Ttnllnsr aunerlnten-
iDany, and Charles Kuung, superinien-
dent of the Peninsula Shipbuilding
fnmninr. Mr. lTloe was with the
I Rendlxsen plant, at Eureka, Cal., for a
I lengthy period before coming here to
I take charge of the St. Helens Ship
building Company designing depart
ment, and then went to Victoria. He
designed the steam, schooner .Daniel
Kern, built by the Kiernan & Kern
Shipbuilding Company, besides having
designed the McCormlck ships, and
steam schooners as well as auxiliary
Mr. Ruling was the designer of the
five-masted "bald-headed" schooner
Columbia River, built on Grays Harbor
for Balfour. Guthrie & Company, be
sides having - had experience of the
kind with other vessels. Mr. Thayer
La In charge of the engineering- work
I at the McEachern yard, and those men.
aided by suggestions from all or tne
yards In the district, are expected to
speedily decide on what is best in the
way of a ship and construction details.
"TR. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is all
L that it is claimed to be and I will
always keep it in the house as it is all that I
need for my children, and grown folks as welL
I do not hesitate to recommend Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin to my friends."
(From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written bv
Mrs. Esther Porter Harrelaon, Geocgw- 1
town, S. C r
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
,Tbe Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 cts. $1.00
A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple
laxative herbs with pepsin that acts easily and
naturally. Children like it and take it willing
ly. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street,
Monticello, Illinois.
advantage of all the known means
much a necessity to fight disease
J T " - v --J, &
Piprpp Invalids Hotel and aurtTKBl
, , ' ,r l T1c , 7 .
pkg. You will find Anuric many
eliminates uric acid as hot water
tested tree ot cnarge, or write ior
and life-saver for all big meat eaters
tneir joints, lry it now.
The main meeting; was held yesterday
morning;, and In the afternoon the com
mittee was in conference with builders
over the Emergency Fleet Corporation
plans. It was decided to obtain space
in the Northwestern National Bank
Building;, so the committee would be
within easy reach of all plana In pos
session of the government force.
There a meeting; will be held at 10
o'clock Monday morning;, by which time
all yards are expected to have their I
suggestions filed. It was made plain
that once the plans and specifications
go East, they will have the backing;
of builders of the district eneaged ex
clusively in turning; out wooden ships,
so every plant must pass on them. It
Is necessary as well that representa
tives of Lloyds and the American
Bureau act with the committee.
Representatives of the yards at yes
terday's gathering- included Mr. Wright
and Mr. Thayer, of the McEachern Ship
Company; F. C. Knapp and Charles
Ruling, of the Peninsula Shipbuilding
Company: F. Kannankon, of the Wilson
Shipbuilding Company: E. Lalng, of the
George F. Rodgers Shipbuilding Com
pany; 11. F. Mccormick, of the St. Hel
ens Shipbuilding Company; Arthur!
Mears. of the Columbia Engineering!
Works: Superintendent Carlson, of thai
t;rant-smith Porter Ship Company:
Charles F. Swlgert, of the G. M. Stan
difer Construction Corporation; Fred
A." Ballln. of the Supple-Ballin Ship
building Corporation: Captain K. C.
Genereaux, of the Foundation Company;
Marry fennell and 11. E. Ulen. of tha
Coast Shipbuilding Company: James
Polhemlus. of the Coos Bay Shipbuild
ing company; Walter Lang, of Lloyds;
K. ti. tuck, coast surveyor for the
American Bureau, and A. H. Bryant.
surveyor In Oregon for the American
Steamer Started on Trial by
Schwab Completes Run.
Steaming I J hours, without so much
as having been slowed at any time.
much less atop, -was the showing made
by the new 8800-ton freighter Western
Spirit, built by the Northwest Steel
Company and fitted out by tho Wil
lamette Iron & Steel Company, which
Charles M. Schwab, director general
of the Emergency Fleet Corporation,
started from her berth at the Willam
ette plant Monday morning at 8:45
o clock. She returned Tuesday at
1:45 o'clock and later In the afternoon
was delivered by the builders to the
Emergency Fleet Corporation. She is
to be taken over by the Navy, Lieuten
ant-Commander Howard H. Rees being
here to assume command.
Captain A. R. Pearson, of the Col
umbia River Pilots' Association, and
Captain E. D. Parsons, a bar pilot, were
aboard the Western Spirit when she
left down and she proceeded outside
for her sea endurance run and returned
without pausing. Tha vessel is a coal
burner and bucked a strong tide en
tering the river and there was consid
erable current upstream as far as the
mouth of the Willamette. She is the
ninth ship delivered to the United
States by those builde's and the 15th
of tha type completed here for the
Crew of Foundered Steamer Safe.
LONDON. July 17. Thirty-five
Americans, constituting; tha crew of
the former Great Lakes steamer George
L. Eaton, have arrived in London. Their
steamer foundered at sea in a storm.
They got away in lifeboats and were
rescued by a warship.
5 1 AT. DAIIA-30 fw
Presents the Xti Oriental Fantasy
With John A. Crawford. Gus Krdman and a
Xletropolitan Compitny of fclnsers and
Three Ftrtormancri Dally, fitit Curtain
at and .
Mat. dally, 10c only. KIshta start T.
All this wert DILLON and FRANKS
la ths Hun-Uns Musical Farce
Comedy, music anil pretty rlr'.a
t aionday. It.irgaln Niphu -tc Only.
Tuesday. Country Store.
Thursday, l-dl. Souvenirs. FRE&
Vrlday. Chorus (Jirls Contest.
rr ti
In a Military Musical Skit
"An Aeroplane Elopement"
In Poetry, Mimicry and Song
7 Whirlwind Attractions 7
A Western Match-Making
CHAT NO. 50.
They're singing of a baby's pray
er just before the dark You can
hear the music quiver through
Oaks Amusement Park The air is
drowsy with it, and a listening,
raptured tree Has turned its leaf
lets into harps to play the melody
The rippling waters of the stream
that hurried by the shore Have
crowded to the grassy banks to
bear the strain the more.
The sweetest poems written by
the sweetest bards of time May
charm the soul with lilting sounds
and honey-dripping thyme But
quicker far to strike an octave
sweet with feeling Are the sing
ers as they sing of baby's twilight
Each afternoon they sing it; in
the evening they repeat And the
medley grows in sweetness every
time the singers meet It's tonic
for all worries and it smoothes all
-r t t.
iiiira vi mic-xw 111. ul i i i tr 1 1 1 uwu-
ing soitiy oi Daoy s iwingnt prayer.
Leave heat behind, put worry off
and let your cares be light Come
out to Oaks Amusement Park and
hear the song tonight.
taueht by professional instructors st
Pelloney's benutiiul Academy. 23 and
Washington. New for beginners
start Tuesday and Thursday evenlni?
this week. All dances uuzot In eight
lessons ladles. 14; gents. Jo. The only
school teaching the entire evening. 8 to
11. Every step and figure of all uances
thoroughly taught. Separate step room
for backward pupils. 1'lenty of prac
tice. Nn embarrassment. 1 ou will
meet refined people and are sure to
learn. One lesson from us is worth six
In the average school. Normal Instruc
tions for dancing teachers. l'rlvate)
lessons, all hours. A full printed de
scription of all dances for pupils free.
War stamps taken as money. Stare
this week. Our prices will advance In a
few days. Call afternoon or evening.
Phone Alain 7 60S. Circulars mailed.
Vnrlalmefl barrage at the B. O. T.
Company. Nortli Ninth and Da vim. at 10 A.
M. J. T. V l.eon. auctioneer.
At the Baker auction house. Yamhill and
W. Park els. Furniture, etc. Sale at lt A. M.
W manufacture for Shipbuilder
Portland. Oregon.
Kates for
Classified Advertisements
The Oregonian.
Dally and Sunday
Per line.
One time
Tv9 consecutive times x.e
Three consecutive times SOo
fcix or seven consecutive times obe
The following classifications excepted,
the rate on which Is 7c 1-r line per day:
8ltuatloos Wanted Male. (situations
Yanted I cm ale. For Kent Kooms
private Families. Board and Kooms
private Families. Housekeeping Kooma
Private Families. No ad taken for
lese than te lines. Count six words to
the line. Advertisements tescept Per
sonals") will be taken ever the telephone
If the advertiser is a subscriber to
either phone. No price will be quoted
over the phone, but statement will be
rendered the following- day. Advertise
HienU are taken tor The Ially Ureco.
nlan until S P. M-t for The Sunday Ore
guutan'unttl P. M. Saturday.
Offlo. Boom IBS CoartboOM. 5th St.
ltiAnft from S to 5. Mln 78. Homo TCion A rsll after offico bourm. Main t..
Hport all cues ot cruelty to th abovo ad-4r-s.
Electrlo Uthl chamber tor until ani-
i maim. Horn amouiance xor sick ana oiuoiea
I animal at a moment's notice. Anyone d
Irlnv a dor or other pet communicate with
Utv JS1I XOr an lost or wiraru aiw-av. w m
iaost after all imr.oundlns. There Is no mora
c.t pound. Just Oregon Humane Socieur