THE MOItSTXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1918. DAKS WILL DO BIT Big War Benefit for Red Cross Planned. GOOD PROGRAMME ASSURED Passes and Permits to Be Exclude, Jfo Expense Incurred, and Every Cent Taken In to Go to Great- est Mother on Earth. "WTiat 1b expected to be the greatest war benefit ever held in Portland Is being arranged at the Oaks Amusement Park xor some date In the near tuture. The entire proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross by John F. Cordray, manager, the concessionaires and em ployes of the park. Julius !. Meier was named as chair man of the arrangements committee yesterday by the executive committee of the chapter, and Mr. Meier Imme diately appointed a committee consist ing of J. C. English, William A. Rupp, H. H. Cloutier, Charles F. Berg, C. B. Waters and Orton E. Goodwin, which will hold its first meeting In Mr. Meier's office at noon tomorrow. "Every cent to the Red Croes" is the motto of the committee and it Is planned to conduct the benefit bo that every cent received in the park will go to the greatest mother on earth, and with no expense Incurred ;ln the holding of the benefit. Good Programme Asaared. While the committee organizing the Oaks' Red Cross day will have the benefit of the hundreds of employe at the amusement park, it is planned to augment their numbers with at. least BOO members of the Kd cross. .Be cause of the enormous attendance ex pected, novel entertainment features will be added, so that a continuous programme may be offered from noon till midnisrht. For the first time in the history of The Oaks all passes and permits will he excluded, it is announced, and an admission fee charged for every per son entering the grounds. Headquarters will be opened imme diately and committees- organized. The restaurant, cafeteria. Ice cream stands, etc.. will be operated by the commit tees with the assistance of the conces sionaires. Patriotic Service Aim. "It ia the desire of The Oaks, right In the heart of the season, to tender a real patriotic service," said Mr. Cordray. "The suggestion emanated from one of our informal meetings with the concessionaires and It was decided that no matter what the cost, something worth while should be ten dered to the Red Cross. Everyone of us will work night and day to make the day a, conspicuous success." Mr. Cordrays tender was immediately accepted by the Portland chapter, which will devote the proceeds to lta war work, this being specified by the donors. "Following the first meeting of our committee Friday we shall be in shape to announce preliminary plans to In sure the best results to- the Red Cross of the generous offer of Mr. Cordray and his associates," said Mr. Meier. LUMBER RATE ALTERED SMALL MILLS MAY SELL AT RETAIL IN SMALL LOTS. ooopoo oooooooooooooooooo oo Boaeooa eoooeooooooooeoeooooeooooooo IttHifi CpV GERTRUDE F. CORBETT, llllllllllllillllillllllllllllllllllli't Bill:' uniinmiiiiiii OOOOOCOOSOOOOO 0 00000fOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOnoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Limit of 20,000 Feet for Such Trans actions Is Placed by Price Fixing Committee. Retail sales of lumher, in amounts smaller than 20,000 feet, may be made by sawmills under an extended inter pretation of price regulations made yesterday at Washington and commun icated to H. B. Van Duzer, chairman of the fir production board. . By the recent price announcement fears were aroused that mills accus tomed to doing some retail business or maintain distributing yards, as many mills do, would have to drop this business or sell at wholesale prices. In reality such was the effect of the regulation promulgated by heads of the lumber section of the War Indus tries Board. The change in the -original rule was telegraphed to Mr. Van Duzer by Charles Edgar, acting director of lum her for the War Industries Board, as follows: "Price fixing committee has modi fled ruling as to retail sales from mill yards. Mills allowed to charge reason able advance for retail services In amounts less than car lots, of approxi mately 20,000 feet." GLASS MUST BE PICKED UP Ordinance Passes Providing alty for Failure. Pen Persons who drop glass on the streets of Portland and fail to remove it will be arrested and prosecuted. The City Council yesterday passed an ordinance submitted by Mayor Baker providing a penalty for failure to remove broken glass from the streets or sidewalks. For several months there has been general complaint that milkmen and grocery delivery clerks fail to pick up broken glass caused by dropping of bottles. Following the passage of the ordinance Mayor Baker announced that it will be strictly enforced. Physicians of Three States Meet. SEATTLE. July 17. Physicians from Washington, Oregon and Idaho today opened a three-day convention here of the Northwest Medical Association with a number of nationally known physicians in attedance. Two days of the meeting will be devoted to scien tific discussions, and on Friday the delegates will visit Camp Lewis, Amer ican Lake. Dr. Franklin H. Martin, chairman of the medical section. Na tional Council of Defence, and Dr. A. H. Logan, of Rochester, Minn., are among the well-known speakers here for the session. Today's meeting was devoted to routing business matters. YESTERDAT one of the most pic turesque and artistic benefits for war relief, the Italian fete at the nome of Mrs. Lee Hoffman, attracted society. Gay and colorful waa the Cafe Chan tan t given at On-the-Hlll Tea Garden and the success of the af fair attested to the popularity of the garden for social entertaining. Mrs. F. J. Cobbs had charge of the dinner. . Now society is looking forward to another day at the tea garden. Mrs. E- L. Harmon, who has charge of the Red Cross benefits on Tuesdays and Fridays, has announced a splendid pro gramme for this Friday, when Miss Marion Bauer, a well-known composer, will speak on "The Modern Trend of Art in Music and Its Relation to War." Mrs. Harmon will be assisted by Mri Trultt Hughes. Miss Fay Nichols, Miss Louise Small, Mrs. John Placeman and Mrs. W. T. Belcher. Miss Bauer will speak after 4 o'clock immediately after tea has been served. The public is in vited. The garden is reached by way of the Kings Heights car or by auto out the Barnes road about a mile and a half from the head of Washington street. ' Dr. Zudle Purdom, an attractive vis itor from Kansas City, "iio., who has been visiting her sister. Mrs. F. E. Moore, left yesterday for a trip, to Spo kane in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Powers, Dr. Theodosla Purdom, Mrs. Moore's mother, is a visitor here and is being entertained at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Moore. Several outings and luncheons at the golf club have been given recently in compliment to the visitors. Mra. George H. Smltton," formerly of Portland, but now of St. Paul, is visit ing with Mra Burt W. Richards in Irvlngton. Miss Belle Shields received orders yesterday to report for duty at Camp Lewis, Wash. Miss Ruth Shields is overseas with Base Hospital unit 46. Mr. and Mrs. A. Krumrey have an nounced the engagement ' of their daughter. Miss Pearl Mmnie Krumrey, to Sam Nagel, of this city. . The bride elect is a pretty girl, popular in her set. The East Side Lavender Club will have a delightful outing tomorrow when the members will sro to Laurel- hurst Park and hold a social picnic Each of the "lavender ladles" will take a lunch basket. The club is one of the branches of that interesting organiza tion whose personnel includes women more than 60 years of age. Some are rich and others are possessed of only few of this world's goods, but they all meet on a common basis of.friendliness and have most attractive programmes. Mr. and Mrs, Martin Martlno. whose wedding was a recent event, have gone to Oakland, where they will reside and where the bridegroom is a prominent lawyer. The bride was Miss Alice Munns, of Minneapolis. Their mar riage took place in Vancouver at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, with the rector. Rev. C. W. Holmes officiating. The bride la a niece of the Rev. Mr. and Mra Holmes. . . . ILWACO, Wash.. July 17. (Special.) The first military wedding at Fort Canby since its occupation . by soldiers enlisted for service in the present war took place Monday night, when Miss Mabel G. Score, daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Score, of St. Paul, Minn., be came the bride of Sergeant Harold Pratt, of Fargo, North Dakota. The ceremony was performed by Chaplain willard .lkins in the presence of a large number of officers and men and about 50 civilians. The bride and bride groom, attended by Mrs. William Toung, of Fort Canby. and Sergeant Kent Schumaker, entered the hall to the strains of Lohengren's wedding march, and advanced to a dome of red, white and blue streamers, with a large American flag for a background, soldiers on both aides of them forming an avenue with crossed bayonets ele vated above the bridal party. The bridegroom is prominent in business circles in North Dakota, and first met his bride when she went to Souris, that state, to teach in the high school. They had planned to be mar ried in June, but Sergeant Pratt'a call to the colors, and the distance of the bride from her fiance, compelled them to defer the happy day for a short time. The bride arrived here Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Pratt, father and mother of the bridegroom. sergeant and Mrs. Pratt will reside at Seaview until the former receives orders to go to France. Mr. and Mrs. George Flanders, of Portland, are house guests of Mrs. Willis Straughs at Miller cottage, 331 Third avenue. Seaside. CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, Wash., July 17. (Special.) Miss Cora Reese, for merly a bank clerk In Portland, Or., and Joseph Henry Leonnig, a soldier whose home is at Haines, 'Or., were married last night in Knights of Co lumbus headquarters here by Rev. Patrick H. Deignan. of Seattle Colleze. Adrian F. Ward, general secretary of the J.nlghts of Columbus, and Mra Susan Stott Cronan, both residents of Portland, were the witnesses. Private Leonnig and his bride were taken to Tacoma after the ceremony by John E. Cronan, also a Portland man. Important on today's social cal endar will be the fiesta to be held on the grounds of St. Jo seph's Home for the Aged this evening. The garden party will include vaudeville features, music, spe cialty booths, the serving of refresh ments and a general good time, and all for the benefit of this splendid Insti tution, the home for the aged conduct ed by the Sisters of Mercy. The home is at East Thirtieth street, corner of East Stark, and is reached by Sunny- side or Mount Tabor cars. Mrs. F. P. Harter is chairman of the committee that has made the arrangements, and to her and her assistants credit for the attractions will be due. The Home Guard Band has promised to play some of the most inspiring selections. The general public is invited. WELL-KNOWN COMPOSER TO LECTURE AT GARDEN FRIDAY. "ON-THE-HILL" TEA ' y --u I ' ! j -, J 3 Over One-Half Now of our 1917 models at old and reduced prices in our Clearance Sale of 99 New 1917 Models and Resale of 95 New Used Pianos Soldi pending from a headband of tiny or ange blosoms. The bridal bouquet was of white roses and orchids tied with narrow satin ribbons and tulle. Mr. Failing is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Failing. His brother, Edward Failing, married Marjorle Hol comb and so by the ceremony yester day the Holcomb and Failing families were united for the second time. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Cecil Hol comb, a sister of Eliot Holcomb and grandniece of Miss Christine MacCon nell. The bride is a charming and inter esting girl. Mr. Failing is well-known in business circles. He represents old established families of Oregon. His grandfathers were John Connor and Josiah Failing, pioneers of Portland. He is a nephew of the late Henry and Edward Falling. The bridegroom is planning to leave soon to enter service. This $730 Reed & Sons 1917 Model $362 $23 Cash, $15 Monthly Last Fall we ordered more carloads of pianos and player-pianos than required, owing to advance In prices dating from December 15, 1917. Consequently we now find in stock quite a number of the more expensive 1917 models unsold, which we are CLOSING OUT AT OLD AM) HEDUGD CASH PRICES as follows: 221917 Models Principally high grade pianos, which, not selling rapidly at (500 to $650, now sell quickly at $365 to $468. the prices of cheaper grades. These plan os have all of the up-to-date improvements, 50 more tone and effi ciency. 99 New Upright Pianos Thompson $375 f 245 Thompson 425 290 Singer.... 475 3 45 Singer.... 525 356 Singer.. Steger.. Steger.... 750 Steger. 650 Reed & S's 500 Reed & S'a 600 Steger.... 550 635 550 365 375 395 395 395 425 Player Pianos Thompson 650 4 35 Thompson Thompson Thompson Singer.. . . Singer.. . . Reed &. S's Steger.. . 750 650 650 750 750 750 50 435 4B5 4ST S35 562 562 562 695 Elec. Sfer.1050 Grand Pianos Steger. 1050 5 95 Steger.... 1160 695 7 -Re-Sale Pianos The equity goes to you. They are 1916 and 1917 models; good as new, not much used, with all up-to-date improve ments; 50r more tone and efficiency, and yet you buy at a saving of $107 to $382 if you buy before they are sold. 95 New Pianos Re-Sale Pianos Thompson $375 $268 Thompson 425 285 Singer.... 625 328 Steger E50 JS3SO Re-Sale Player Pianos Thompson 650 3S9 Singer.... 750 435 Steger 850 468 10 to 90 New Tsvd Parlor Organ Gamp & Co. 85 25 schulz Co. . 125 35 Iird Sqaare Planoa C'ts & Co... 250 35 lard ITprlght Pianos Collard.... 25 45 Hohler.... 300 S3 Gabler 350 115 Hallet A D. 375 135 Etlers Duo. 450 165 450 TTeser..... 400 S165 190 190 210 215 245 260 260 265 Kroeger.. Bennett... 500 .450 410 375 375 Kimball... Kurtzrnan. Thompson. Kneisel. . .. Davis & S's 375 Thompson. 395 Used Grands N.Y.Fn'ft 1000 163 Steinway. 1100 495 TERMS $5, $10 OR MORE CASH $3. $6 OR MORE MONTHLY "" 1 j n J or other securities taken in part or full payment of Pianos or Player-Pianos during this sale, VutLSll UnQ XjOllQS as also your old piano, organ or talking machine. y- 1 xr "T 1- - A T -1 Read, study and compare oar quality, prices aad ' Order Your Piano by Mail win i.r- e ... It u-ord and terms mn advertised aad er buyers. OWX-OF-TOWX BrYKRS WE PREPAY AJfD MARK FREE DELIVER Y . OP PIATVO TO YfttR HOME within 2P miles, and the piano will be shipped subject to exchange within one year., we allowing the full amount paid. This vir tually gives you. a one-year trial of the piano you order. ...... , .v Every piano or player-piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as also tha usual guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical instruments. Mint sctorers' ( out Distributors, 111 Fourth Street at Washington ScSiwan Piano Co. WARRAXTER BA( KEI1 BY MAM' MILLIONS I CAPITAL, WohnSRiiMiChm'id By Edith Knight Holmes Oregon "W. C. T. TJ. had charge of the 11 o'clock service at Gladstone yester- ay. Mrs. Lucia Faxon Addlton gave the address. At noon a special prayer for the boys In service at the front was offered. In observance of the custom of the W. C. T. U. for 40 years and in compliance with the request of Presi dent Wilson the members asked God'i blessings upon the men -who are offer tng their lives for humanity. www The women of the Kanning Kitchen were greatly encouraged in their work by the fact that about fifty of the men who are stationed at theBenson Poly technic 8chool gave their services glad ly and picked cherries in different parts of the city on. Tuesday. The men have promised to help again today and Saturday. - The women of the Capitol Hill Red Cross unit are asked to go to the workrooms at the Unman & Wolfe store today. Those taking the 9:07 train from Capitol Hill will arrive at the right time. The members of the auxiliary to Company E. 162d Infantry, will report this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock in the Safe Ttiffl? for Infants aad Invalids E-IOB LICK'S THE ORIGINAL HALTED MIL K Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form. For infants, invalids aad growing children. Pure nutrition. upbuilding tit whole body. Invigorates nursing mothers aod tb.e aged. More nutritious than tea, coffee, etc. Instantly prepared. Require no cooking. Sabttitute. Cos TOU Suae Pric The marriage of Miss Helen Barber. sister oi Airs. i. t. Alderman, was sol emnized on Monday at Rochester. N. T., where Miss Barber became the bride of Paul Matteson, of Providence, R- I. Several Portlanders attended the cere mony, which was solemnized In the home of Miss Adelia Barton, the bride's aunt. As Helen Barber, the bride was popular for her gracious manner and charming personality. In addition to Mrs. Alderman, she has another sister, Miss Fannie Barber, and three broth ers. Dr. Joseph L. Barber, Lieutenant- Colonel John Barber and Colonel Alvin Barber. The latter Is in France, a staff officer, and the former is at Fort Ix gan, Colo. The bride was graduated from Wellesley. Mr. Matteson is the son of Judge and Mra Charles Matte son, of Providence. At a simple wedding service last night at the home of her sister, Mra Edward Failing, on Clackamas street. Miss Barbara Holcomb became the bride of Frederick E. Failing. The Rev. O. C. Wright officiated in the presence of the relatives. Miss Jean Failing, the pretty little niece of the couple, was flower girl. The bride wore a Decora ing gown of white satin .and lace. Her small parlor of the T. M. C. A. The prayer service from 4 to 4:30 o'clock is open to all friends of the boys in Company E. Sunnyslde Red Cross unit will do war work at the schoolhouse today at 1 o'clock. The Centenary Red Cross auxiliary will work at the church today. Members of the Catholic Woman's League will, meet for Red Cross work today at 129 Fourth street. . The 'Red Cross Auxiliary of Kendall will meet today. All members are urged to be present. Eastern Star Red Cross Auxiliary will meet at Olds. Wortman At King's store for work today. The regular meeting of the Kenton Red Cross Auxiliary will be held at the clubhouse today. The Montavilla Red Cross workers are requested to be at the schoolhouse for work today. " The women of the St. Mark's Auxil iary for Red Cross work will meet at the parish house today. The Navy Red Cross Auxiliary will meet today at room 415 Spalding build ing. . Highland Parent -Teacher Red Cross Circle will meet Friday, from 10 to 4 Domestic Science By Lilian Tingi-e. I TOLEDO, Or. Kindly rive recipes for sour cream cookies and for Ice cream. MRS. E. B. JUDGE that you want wheatless cookies and "sugar conservation" ice cream. Sour Cream Cookies One cup thick sour cream, cup sugar, cup syrup (or cup honey In place of the sugar and syrup), one egg yolk, one teaspoon salt. 3 teaspoon soda, hi teaspoon nut meg or vanilla extract or one teaspoon grated orange or lemon rind as may be preferred. Beat the cream tbut not enough to turn to butter) with a Dover egg beater. Beat in all the other in gredients but the soda: then mix in "flour to roll." using instead of wheat flour a mixture of equal parts of barley and corn flour, or oat flour and corn flour as may be most convenient. The amount of flour will vary quite a little. Be careful potato get the mixture too stiff, but Just firm enouah to handle when chilled. Adding too much flour is what makes hard rookies instead of crisp cookies. Add the soda with the flour. Considerable skill In rolling Is re quired and both time and trouble may be saved by either putting the mixture on a greased pan in flattened Palis or by teaspoonful as drop cookies or by making the dough into a roll (handling very lightly with) floured hands and cutting 4-inch slices off the roll. These placed cut side up will spread a little and give shapes that are not perfectly regular, but the method saves time and the cookies taste Just as good. They are a little less sweet than -pre-war" cookies, but if well made are very light, crlsn and delicate. The tops may be decorated by chopped or halved nuts if desired. Ice Cream. Three cups milk, one cup thin cream or 1H cups whipped cream, two eggs, V cup sugar, H cup corn syruD or honey. M. teaspoon salt, one tablespoon vanilla. Beat the egg yolks with sugar and syrup or honey. Scald the milk in a double boiler, pour it on the first mix- J ture. return to the pan and cook a few I minutes, stirring all the time. Remove from the fire, let cool, add the cream and flavoring. Place in the freeser and freexe to a mush. When half frozen add the egg yolks beaten stiff with the salt and finish freezing. Pack and let stand to ripen. For a plainer cream use oniy one egg, or substitute rich milk for part of the cream. For a very plain cream one quart rich milk mixed with one egg yolk and the swetening and flavoring may be made lukewarm and mixed with one Junket tablet dissolved in one table spoon water. Turn at once into the freezer and let coagulate before freez ing. Then freeze in the usual way. This very plain Ice cream seems less plain if colored and flavored with car amel and vanilla or with mapleine and is easily made. A small amount of ice cream can be easily frozen in a large baking powder can set in a lard pall full of ice and salt. This is a useful plan for an in valid or "Just for two," as it takes very little ice. Beat up the mixture once or twice while freezing. It may well be set in the flreless cooker while freezing in order to save ice and keep it in good condition until serving time. Gimhlm Jail Termm. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 17. (Spe cial.) Five days In Jail for five men participating in or watching. a gam bling game was the sentence given by Justice W. S. T. Derr yesterday fol lowing a raid by the police officers on the Bud Smith stable. Th officers found the "bones rattlinir." with about Jo In money on the floon. -rhen they arrived, they testified. The men ar rested are Edgar Welch. R. H. Wer. Charles Maybie. George Barlow and Ed Hartwig. They pleaded guilty. Fines of 920 and costs were also assessed in sdrlitian to the .111 sentence. Wm$m) iMgayl fBWi I I I at II TXTHAT'S in a name? Everything. For 66 years the housewives of the Pacific Coast have come to know that Sperry Flour and Cereals are dependable food products of uniform high quality. The Sperry name is a protection in every home. Sperry Flour Co. CALIFORNIA O.L Hil,MI '"I ' '; J IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WHEN BABY TRAVELS don't change his milk The baby nourished on Eagle Brand "can be safely taken on summer journeys. When Eagle Brand is his regular food, there is no question of the slightest change in his diet no danger of hot-weather milk contamination. For wherever you go, at whatever season, Borden's Eagle Brand is always obtainable and always of uniform purity. If Nature's own food is insufficient, use Eagle Brand. Even in midsummer's heat the baby will retain it and digest it easily. It is pure, wholesome and economical, with a 60-year record of successful baby-nourishing. At better groceries; drug stores too. BORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK COMPANY Borden Building Bc rare the EagLt is on the 5e" rt S I Ail 1 W NewYoifiini! "CW TOP K UJi UmfiiTniiff TELEPHONE OPERATORS WANTED Telephone operating- offers many advantages to young women who are seeking employment at a good salary with opportunities for advancement. Good Pay $9 per week paid beginners. Rapid and frequent increase in salaries. ,-' Permanent Position Work is steady and permanent. Many opportunities for advancement. Interesting Work Pleasant, clean, fascinating. ' Associates carefully selected. Pleasant Surroundings Light and well ventilated offices. ,T Comfortable lunch and recreation rooms. Special Advantages Annual vacation with pay. Sick Benefits, Death Benefits, Pensions, without cost. Good Character and Good Health are required. Young women between the ages of 18 and 26 are preferred. Previous experience is not necessary. Our employment office is located on the Sixth Floor, Room 601, in the Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets, and is open from 8:30 A. M. to 5:3J P. M. We invite you to call at this office and meet Miss Thomas, who will gladly discuss the matter personally with you. An appointment may be made by calling Broadway 12000. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company Room 601 Sixth Floor PARK AND OAK STREETS imiiiimimiiiiiiiiiimiimiiimmiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiimii miiiiriiiimiiiiiKi lace veil waa arranged attractively ds