I'tttW VOL. 1WIII. NO. 17,987. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY. JULY 18, . 1918. PRICU FIVE CENTS. r ALLIES HOLD HIS TO Entire Champagne Front Remains Intact. - FIERCE STRUGGLE CONTINUES Foe Advances One and a Half Miles at Rheims Mountain i for Day's Sole Gain. TEUTON LOSSES FRIGHTFUL Enemy Attempts Strong Push Toward Epernay, but Fails to Make Progress. PARIS, July 17. The French po sitions remain intact along the whole Champagne front, according to the war office announcement tonight. Heavy fighting continued throughout the day, and at some points the Ger mans were able to make gains, but they met with powerful resistance everywhere. The text of the statement reads: "The battle continued today with stubbornness along the whole front. West of Rheims, despite his efforts, the enemy was not able ta make fur ther advance. Our troops by their heroic resistance and incessant coun ter attacks checked, with alternative advance and recoil, the thrust of the enemy. Actions Are Intense. ' "South of the Marne the fighting proceeded on the wooded slopes north of St. Agnan and Lachapelle Monthodon. Very spirited actions north of Comblizy and Festigny en abled us to hold the enemy on the southern outskirts of Bouquigny and Chataignieres. East of Oeuilly the Germans succeeded in regaining a footing in Montvoisin. "Between the Marne and Rheims the battle continued north of Reuil and in the Bois du Roi, which the Germans penetrated and which our troops defended foot by foot. "The forest of Courteon likewise was the theater of violent engage ments. The enemy holds the lines west of Nanteuil La Fosse. "Pourcy, the objective of powerful attacks, several times renewed, could not be reached by the Germans. A brilliant counter attack by the allied troops west of this village drove back the enemy into the Arde Valley. Nu merous enemy dead before our lines testify to the heavy losses suffered by our adversaries. Attack Is Crushed. "The situation is without change in the sector of Vrigny and southwest of Rheims. "East of Rheims we broke up arc attack between Beaumont-Sur-Veslese and Sillery. Our positions remain in tact along the whole Champagne front. LONDOIT, July 17. Dispatches ar riving in London this evening say that at only one point did the Germans succeed in advancing today and then at enormous .osts. Small Gain Is Made. The dispatches assert that at 11 o'clock this morning, after two un successful attempts, the Germans, on a front of six miles, pushed into the French line:; to a depth of one and one-half mile at its deepest point, at Rheims mountain. A semi-official report from Paris reads : Wftiie tne enemy losses were frightful, ours were quite light, espe cially east of Rheims. Whereas dur ing the previous offensive we had to send for reinforcements from other parts of the front, this time those on tha spot sufficed to sustain the shock. Americans' Arrival Helps. "This is partly due to the constant arrival of Americans, which reduces the unequal proportion of the forces. ON THE FRENCH FRONT IN FRANCE, July 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Desperate fighting of a local character marked the battle this morning along the front of the German attack. After a furious battle which con tinues at this hour (noon), the Ger mans occupied the Bourbonnerie farm near St. Agnan, which Franco- IT (Continued on Pass 2, Column 3.) Progress of the War. (Br the Associated Press.) ALTHOUGH the Germans are still attacking the allied line viciously on both sides of the Rheims salient, what Rains they are making; continue to be small ones, on Isolated sectors, and seemingly are confined to the re gion along the Mama and Immediately southwest of Rheims. Eastward from the cathedral city through Champagne the French report they are holding the enemy and Keep ing their line intact. Everywhere the battles are being stubbornly contested, arid where the French and Italians have been com pelled to give ground it has been only after the infliction of extremely heavy casualties on the invaders. The Amer icans nowhere have been forced to withdraw. At Foasoy, near the bend of the Marne between Chateau Thierry and Dormans, they have made further Improvements in their positions. Like their French comrades, the Americans also have been engaged In violent fighting. It becomes Increasingly apparent that the German command is attempt ing the blotting out of the Rheims salient and the straightening of the line eastward through Champagne to ward "Verdun. The hardest fighting of Tuesday was southwest of Rheims. where the , enemy is endeavoring to break through the hill and forest region, reach the railroad running from Rheims to Epernay and force the evacuation of Rheims. In the endeavors, tne German War Office asserts the Germans have driven back the allied troops on the mountain of Rheims between Mantenal and north of Pourcy, the last-named place being about five miles distant from the Rhelms-Epernay Railroad. The French official communication admits that the Germans hold the line west of Nan- teuil-La Fosse, about a mile and half south of Pourcy. and relatively five miles west of the railroad. The German War Office is now claiming the capture of 18,000 prison ers since the present offensive began. It is reported that French reserves ave entered the fighting line along the Marne and that to the north of La Chapelle-Monthodon they have re captured lost territory. The Germans, as was expected, nave brought up resh forces in an endeavor to push forward their project in this region. On the British front in Northern France and Flanders the Germans are keeping up violent bombardmtnts of various sectors. Nowhere, however, has the German command seen fit as yet to start an miantry engagement, if one Is con templated, f In Albania the .French and Italian troops continue to make progress against the . Austrians and . in the Italian sector, up In the mountains, re peated Austrian attacks have been repulsed by the Italians. MUNSTERBERGHUN AGENT Late Harvard Professor Said to Have Headed Propaganda. NEW TORK, July 17. The declara tion that fully $90,000,000 of an aggre gate sale of $100,000,000 German war bonds In this country early in the war went Into a "corruption" fund, man aged by Teuton agents, was made to day by Federal officials investigating German propaganda. iNot only was control of newspapers and magazines contemplated, but pacifist influence in certain colleges was spread, the investigators said. It was charged the late Dr. Hugo Mun- sterberg, of Harvard, and Otto Merkel, arrested last year, were the directing genulses. 'AY RISE BILL PROPOSED Measure to Give Police Salary In-1 crease After 6 Months Favored. Mayor Baker has asked City Attorney LaRoche to prepare an amendment to the present ordinance covering the in crease of salaries for members of the Police Bureau. The amendment will be for the purpose of readjusting the time when the increases for new men go into effect. When new men were recruited for the police department they were told that the first increase in salary would be given at the end of six months. The present ordinance allows the in creases only in June and December. HAY READY, HANDS LACKING Princvllle Dam Builders, Leaving Jobs, Turn Down Farmers. REDMOND, Or., July 17. (Special.) Farmers in this vicinity are having difficulty in obtaining help in their hayflelds. Practically every boy over 11 years of age is out on the ranches I doing the work men usually do. The merchants are aiding by sending a parti of their force to the country each day. and County Agriculturist R. A. Ward Is busily engaged In seeking and locat ing all available laborers. Men leaving the Twohy Bros.' dam project near Prineville take the train here dally for Portland, but all refuse work in the harvest fields. LITTLE HEN BIG FACTOR Use of Eggs and Poultry Instead ofl Meat New Propoganda. CHICAGO, July 17. The importance of the "little brown hen" in winning the war was urged by the National War Emergency Poultry Federation. which was organized today, with the I slogan Equip the hen to fight the! Kaiser." Legislation will be asked providing for conservation of poultry and poul try products, and a Nation-wide propa ganda will be Inaugurated to urge the use of eggs and poultry instead of meat. QUENTIN ROOSEVELT DIES IN AIR FIGHT Youngest Son of Colo nel Boche Victim. CHATEAU THIERRY IS SCENE Lieutenant Shot Down Ten Miles Inside German Lines. COUSIN WITNESSES BATTLE Ex-President and Mrs. Roosevelt Express Pride in Gallant Manner In Which Son Died and That He Could Serve His Country. PARIS, July 17. Lieutenant Quentln Roosevelt, youngest son of ex-Presi dfn Roosevelt, ha, bee killed In an air fight, the semi-official Havas News Agency announces. His machine fell into the enemy lines, but apparently was not in flames when it fell. Philip Roosevelt. Quentin's cousin. witnessed the air battle in the vicinity of Chateau Thierry, In which Quentln was engaged and saw the machine fall, but did not know until later that the airplane was that of his cousin, Le Journal says today. Two Hans Attack QmbIIi. Lieutenant Roosevelt was last seen in combat on Sunday morning with two enemy airplanes about 10 miles Inside the German lines in the Chateau Thler ry sector. He started out with a patrol of 13 American machines. They encoun tered seven Germans and were chasing them back when two of them turned on Lieutenant Roosevelt. Reports of the fight state that the Germans appeared to be shooting at the Lieutenant from the rear, the three machines being close together. Then ! one of the machines was seen tumbling through the clouds and a patrol which went in search of Lieutenant Roose velt returned without trace of him. He appeared to be fighting up to the last moment. One account of the combat states that the machine caught fire before It be gan to falL Lieutenant Quentln Roosevelt was first mentioned in connection with air fighting in France "early this month, when he and other American air scouts had about 20 combats with German 'flying circuses," in which at least seven enemy planes were brought down. Lieutenant Roosevelt was credited with his first victory July 9, when he brought down a German plane at a height of 6000 yards eight miles inside the German lines, north of Chateau Thierry. He saw three planes ap proaching and thought they were his own squadron. They attacked and he fired B0 shots before one of them went down in a nose spin. The two other Germans attacked, but Roosevelt es caped and returned to his field without scratch on himself or machine. Lieutenant Roosevelt went over with the first United States air unit, having (Continued on Page 2, Column 1.) j NOW THAT THE ROTARIANS HAVE PLEDGED A SMOKELESS DAT. j "y J ? o rva v-S1 to?sssy& ( . I C O-A - SroS xv , v- t Gee that's Jth ) . touch! in I 5 mos FOGL I i S i T (CKf-Cfvr cv&xia. lt- t c4svo ? ssv rssts S us.- SrT" CD"' I ! yvv S".s G'-'v & y 74 m- setssvo saa? si ssvsc "TrlZr I I ; Ovrst Tvf 1 , Mxr o ...... r DROWNING IN DREAM LATER PROVES TRUE FATHER GOES TO AID OF SOX AND BOTH LOSE LIVES. Section Foreman, Following Vision, Warns Boy Not to Co to River. Mother of Five Frantic WALLA WALLA. Wash.. July 17. (Special.) Harvesting crews and rail road men spent the day unsuccessfully dragging Snake River near Page, in an effort to recover the body of nine-year-old Paul Fort, son of Albert Fort, section foreman of the O.-W. R. At N. The boy was drowned yesterday, and the father lost his life trying to save him. J. F. Chamberlain, of the Coroner's office, who returned .this morning, ex pressed the belief that the body would not be recovered for some time. The father yesterday cautioned the boy about going into the river, saying he had a dream, the night before in which he saw the boy drowned. Later in the day the boy went In wading and disappeared. The father was notified and hurried to the river, plunging in. He went under and was saved by his 16-year-old daughter, who dragged him out. She ran for help and when she re turned the. father had disappeared. His body was soon recovered. The mother and five children are left. The mother, who is soon to give birth to another child, 1s frantic with grief and refuses to make funeral plans or go to Welser, where the body of her husband is to be buried. She says she will not go until the body of the boy Is recovered. CRAFT HITS MINE; 26 DIE Winimera, 8 000 Tons, Dealt Lethal Blow Ofr New Zealand. VANCOUVER, B. C. July 17. Pas sengers on a trans-Pacific liner brought news of the sinking off the New Zealand coast of the steamship W 1mm era, a vessel of 8000 tons, with a loss of 26 lives. A heavily charged mine placed in the shipping route between Sydney and Auckland was responsible for the dis aster. The lost ship carried a large crew and about 100 passengers. GERMAN PAPER PENITENT Milwaukee Organ Retract and Con demns Hun Government. MILWAUKEE. July 17. Germanla one of the most widely circulated Ger man language newspapers in America, yesterday in an editorial ' condemned the German government in connection with the origin and conduct of the war. It retracts previous utterances and admits that, parrot-like. It had repeated the utterances of the German govern ment's . newspaper organs. "SERUM OF SILENCE" FREE American Women Urged to Endless Chain of Users. Start CINCINNATI. Ohio, July 17. Advo eating a medicine free to all. called "The Serum of Silence." Ruseell T. Edwards, of Washington, urged mem bers of the Women's Association of Commerce of the United States of America, in session here, to start an endless chain of users of this medicine to offset the poison of German propa ganda. YANKEES - IMPROVE POSITIONS Bitter Battle Is Waged Near Fossoy. FIGHTERS DRENCHED BY RAIN Americans Force Many Ger mans to Flee Across River. ENEMY LOSES EARLY GAINS After Sound Thrashing Received From U. S. Troops at Vauz, Foe Is Quiet Yankee Aviators Fell 5 Planes and 1 Balloon. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY OX THE MAR.-SK, July 17. (By the Asso ciate Press.) IS P. M.) At the hoar of flllag this dispatch there have beea bo ehana-es om sectors of the battle fro at held by the America troop or those where they are aa-htlnar with their allies. The fightlB- eoattnnea sporadically throughout tke Marae resrloa, and the artillery aetlvlty is rather heavy all alona- the llae. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY ON THE MARNE, July 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) French observers re ported today that 13 enemy airplanes fell in the region over which an Ameri can pursuit squadron was patrolling and fighting Tuesday. Within the American lines it had been considered sure that the Ameri cans had downed eight and possibly nine enemy planes. WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY ON THE MARNE. July 17. (By the Asso ciated Press.) American troops im proved their positions again today In the vicinity of Fossoy in the river bend district. Giving the Germans no rest, and un daunted by the heavy rain which fell over the battle sones between Chateau Thierry and Dormans, the Yankees pursued the advantage which they had wrested from the enemy in the region of their counter attack yesterday. German Reerosa Marae. Many Germans between the railroad and the south bank of the Marne River during the night fled to the. north bank of the river at several points. The struggle today witnessed slight fluctuations of the battle line In the sector southeast of Chateau Thierry, where the Americans with the French have been engaged against the Ger mans. The enemy attacked the Ameri cans early this morning and gained some little ground at first, but were quickly- rushed back beyond their starting point. The battle at this point continues violently, with the result of the entire operation still in doubt. Van Seetor Koraul. Conditions were normal today In the Vaux region, west of Chateau Thierry, (Continued on Pa ire 2, Column 4.) YANKEE SHOTGUNS . FEARED BY HUNS GERMAN PRESS SAYS AMERICAN BOYS LACK TRAINING. Cologne Gazette Assumes That Tom ahawks and Scalping Knives Will Soon Appear. THE HAGUE. July 17. German news papers received here are raising quite a pother over a story received in Ger many from Switzerland that a large number of American troops have been supplied with sawed-off shotguns for close fighting. The Cologne Gazette, in commenting on the report, denounces America's bar bariBin. and assumes that tomahawks and scalping knives will soon appear on the American front. The newspapers warn the German' troops that the Americans are not "honorable war riors." The Weser Zeltung says the barbar ous shotguns have been served out. not because they are likely to be effective, but because the ill-trained Americans cannot use rifles and are badly supplied with machine guns. MERCURY HITS HIGH MARK Thermometer Registers 90 Degrees Here as Against Yakima 106. Summer prevailed In all Us swelter ing glory yesterday and at o'clock last night the high temperature of 90 degrees for the day was reached. The relative humidity made things sticky and uncomfortable yesterday. 50 per cent being recorded t the weather office. Fair and continued warm is the pre diction for today. Portland fared better than other cities In the Northwest, however, as at Spokane the thermometer registered 100, at Takima 106 and at La Grande 102 degrees. The hourly temperatures at Portland follow: Midnight TV in A. M. 7l 11 A. M. S3 12 M ... : 1 P. M. M 1 P. M. 7 S P. M. l 4 P. M. 4 5 P. M. S P. M. 81 . .72 . .74 . .77 . .7 1 A. M. A. M. A. M. ii. A. A. . .R.I A. . .ST A. A. . .80 A. ENGLAND'S CR0PS LESS Food Situation Better but Season of Anxiety Is Jfot Over. NX1TON". July 17. Drouth, early frosts and labor shortage in Eng land threaten to reduce somewhat pre vious estimates of food production, ac cording to cable advices received today by the Food Administration from the British food ministry. Tne rooa situation is aescrioed as better than last year, tha message said, but the season of anxiety is not yet over. FIJI ISLANDERS TO FIGHT Government Considering Passage of Conscription Measure. A PACIFIC PORT. July 17. Twenty eight men under the command of Ser geant Thomas Home, comprising the third volunteer contingent from Fiji, reached here on a liner today. Sergeant Home said about 13 per cent of the total white population of 3500 of Fiji are men of military age. and that the Fijian government If con sidering the passage of a conscription INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. SO decrees; minimum, S4 deffreos. TODAT'S Fair and continued warm: fentle northwesterly wtnda. War. Allies hold Boche to sMsht salna. Pace 1. Quentin Roosevelt killed In air fight. Pace 1. Official casualty Hat. Pace S. Waahlnston deems battle crisis past. Page 2. Americans Improve positions on Marne. Pace 1. Foreica. Pan-German dream of eronomlc independ. ence shattered. fase tt. Austria's new peace drive made for home use. Pase 1. Domett le. Ex-spy ef Kaiser tells of work la United States. Fase 3. Auto Industry faces financial trouble, says Hugh Chalmers. Pass 2. Secret of ownership of New York Mail well kept. Pace 3. Unification of railroads In Kevada ordered by McAdoo. pase porta. State tennis tourney entries in. Pace 14. Cubs brat Phillies In -I Inninca Pace 14. Shipbuilders' Leaaue may not add games to schedule. Pace 14. Judges are named for diving tournament. Page 14. Pacific Northwest. Evidence Wi that plotters destroyed Eugene dem. Page 4. Oregon City Chautaqua attracts. Psaa S. Father aids drowning son: both die. Page 1. Commerrlal and Marine. Efforts being msde to keep potato tuber moth out of Oregon. Page 19. Corn weakened at Chicago by better crop conditions. Psge 19. Quick sale of Bethlehem note Issue shows sound Investment conditions. Pare 19. Timber shipments show marked Increase over April. Page 1&. Wooden ship of 6000 tons deelgned. Page 13. Portland and Vicinity. Draft call to take 4H men. Page 8. Twelve hundred file on land. Page 4." Now street trsfflc plan la up today. Page It. Watch to be kept to prevent violation of food-price rules. Page 16. Council refuses to railroad Kellaher car service resolution through. Page 13. New fires reported raging In L'mpqua Na tional Forest. Page 13. Monster wsr banquet planned by manage ment at Oaka Amusement Park. Page 12. Ad Club to list rooms for G. A. ft. Page a. Orton and Thomas to remain firm. Page 7. Trainmen's head returns from Washington. Page 20. jjtnf Fyne frolic recalls old dsys. Page 0. Noted Eastern employers talk on war labor morale. Page 7. Italian war fete nets good aum. Page 4- HEW PEACE DRIVE FOR HOME READING "Senseless Bloodshed" Is Denounced. ALL BLAME IS PUT ON ALLIES Attempts at Sowing Discord in Monarchy Declared Failure. GERMAN WAY INSISTED ON Czecho-Slovak National Council In America Declares Austro-Hun. Carlan Minister's Statement Is Admission of Defeat. AMSTERDAM, July 17. The AusUo- Hungarian government reaards the war as "senseless and purposeless bloodshed," and believes it might, be ended when the allies again manifest feelings of humanity. Baron Burian. the Austro-Hungarlan Foreign Minis ter, made this statement in the con cluding portion of his address to the Austrian and Hungarian Premiers Tuesday, according to dispatches from Vienna. After declaring that the allies would not succeed In their purpose of sow ing discord among nationalities in the monarchy, the Foreign Minister said: Allies Declared Blind. "Insofar as they (the entente) are not aiming at the acquisition of terri tory, they are exhausting their strength and ours In order to build on the ruins of civilization a new arrange ment of the world, whereas the ideas underlying such an arrangement, which are capable of realization and which also are warmly approved by us. -might be realized more easily and much more completely, by the peace able co-operation of all peoples. "In spite of all, we look ever more hopefully toward the people now at war with us to see whether at last they have been delivered from the blindness which, aftec fearful afflictions in four years of war, is driving the world ever into that destruction which they can avert if they only wllL" Old Alliances Caskaken. The Foreign Minister said his con fidence was based on the war alliances, particularly the old alliances with Ger many. He said that Austria and Ger many would seek means of extending the alliance so that it will be ade quate for all requirements. Premier von Seydler. speaking in tha lower house of the Austrian Relchsrath on the situation in Austria-Hungary. said: "The internal propaganda methods of our enemies are so absurd that they only testify to their profound ignorance of our conditions. These arrows will rebound sgainst 'our unshakable devo votion to the dynasty, the loyalty of our citizens to the state and the firm Internal cohesion of our state. Force Still Relied I'pon. "In unity with our loyal allies we shall be able to enforce the end of the world, war. "Our Intimate community with them, which we hope to strengthen and ex tend for the future, especially the old and well-proved alliance with the Ger man empire, constitutes for us. as well as for our allies, the best guarantee that we shall maintain for all time our place among the states of the world and be able to insure for our peoples conditions of free and beneficent devel opment." WASHINGTON. July 17. Opinion in official circles as to the note addressed by Baron von Burian. the Austro-Hungarlan foreign minister, to the Austrian and Hungarian premiers, upon the sub ject of peace, is that it evidently was carefully framed with a design to pre pare the way for peace negotiations immediately upon the hoped-for suc cessful conclusion of the present great German drive against the entente ' forces. Bortsa Talks for Ueranany. A commentary on Baron von Burlan's statement Issued today by the Czecho slovak National Council here, says that Burian, a Magyar politician, talks in the name of Germany as much as in the name of Austria-Hungary and says his statement is an admission of defeat, with Austria offering a German peace, accompanied by Austrian whining. Regarding Burlan's assertion that Austria "does mot meddle with the af fairs of foreign countries." and there fore "resolutely declines foreign in terference In any form." the statement aays: "It must not be forgotten that the war was started by an attempt on the oart of Austria to Interfere with the Internal affairs of a neighboring state, Serbia, This refutes , Baron Burlan's statement about non-interference, but also uncovers another lie that Austria has been fighting a war of defense. Austria started this war by her aim to subdue the Balkans: It was Austria who declared war of aggression upon Serbia. t'aecho-Slavalc Freedom Deaaaad. "Baron Burian states that if this war is continued by the entente, 'one-naif of Austria-Hungary nisy per ish In order to make the other half happy." Nobody desires that the Ger mans and Magyars of the monarchy perish: they are to go perfectly free of (Continued on Page 2. Co.umn 2.)