t THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIANY MONDAY, JULY " 13, 1918. Him (Brwamnxi PORTLAND. OREGON. Entered at Portland (Oregon) Fostofflce as second-class mail matter. Subscription rates invariably In advmncs. (Br Mall.) Iaily Sunday included, one year . .......$9.04) Iaily. Sunday included, six months ..... 4.25 Xially Sunday Included, three months ... 1' laily Sunday included, one. month .73 Xiaiiy, without Sunday, one. year S.00 Xtaily without Sunday, six months ...... 3.25 lai!y. without Sunday, one month ...... "Weekly, one year .. ............ 1 Sunday, one year ... ................ 2.50 feunday and weekly By Carrier.) Taily, Sunday Included, one year iJatly. Sunday included, one month ..... .75 laily. Sunday Included, three months ... 2.23 lai'y. without Sunday, one year ........ 7.80 3aily. without Sunday, three montns ... 1.15 laily, without Sunday, one month ...... .5 How to Remit Send postoffice money or der, express or personal check on your local hank. Stamps, coin or currency are at own er's risk. Uive postoffice address In full, in cluding county and slate. Postage Kate 12 to 1 pages. 1 cent; 18 o 32 pigai. 2 cents: 34 to 48 pages, 3 cents 00 to ' pages, 4 cents; 62 to 76 pages. a cents; 78 to 82 pages, 6 cents. Foreign post age, double rates. Eastern Business Office Verree Conk Jln. Brunswick building. New York; Verree at Conklln, Steger building. Chicago; Verree & onk!ln. Free Press building. Detroit. Mich.; Fan Francisco representative. It. J. Bidwell. 742 Market street. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press Is exclusively enti tled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited to this papT, and aso the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dis patches herein are also reserved. rOKTLAND, MONDAY, 15. JB1S. RESULTS OF MR. SCHWAB'S VISIT. These are proud days for Oregon and for the state's metropolis, Port land. The director of ship construc tion for the Government tells the Co lumbia River district that it has nobly done its part toward building- that bridge of ships by which the army of democracy is to cross the ocean for final battle with the army of autoc racy, and that he looks to it to do yet more in the immediate future. Of no less importance than this sincere praise from Mr. Schwab is the assur ance from Mr. Rosseter, who fills a position with regard to operation of ships no less influential than that of Mr. Schwab with regard to their con struction, that Portland is to occupy a. large place in Pacific commerce. The words of these two men should be considered In conjunction with those of Governor Withycombe, who broadly views shipbuilding as one of the many activities which must be carried on simultaneously for development and upbuilding of Oregon,. Our energies are quickened to meet the responsi bilities of war, but our minds are also carried forward to the great possi bilities which the future holds in store for continued exercise of those ener gies. The words of appreciation for what is being done and the promise of what Oregon will be called upon to do re late to an Industry which had scarcely any existence in Oregon two years ago. Under the impetus of patriotism, this district has produced more than half a million tons of ships, a total greater than the output of the entire country in 1916, and it bids fair to produce a million tons in the year 1918. Two years ago a contract to build a single river steamer was cause of consider able public gratification. Today Mr. Schwab confidently calls on the Co lumbia River district to produce $200, 000,000 worth of ocean craft next year, and not a doubt is entertained that it will be done. It is not extravagant to expect that before the war ends half a billion dollars will have been ex pended on ships in this district alone. The hearty welcome which Portland gave Mr. Schwab was not inspired merely by the agreeable sensation of being the object of praise nor by joy at the good news of many more ship contracts which he brought. It was inspired by consciousness that we in Oregon are co-workers with him in the same great cause of freedom for the world; by the meeting of the mind of Oregon with the mind of Mr. Schwab; by American readiness to honor a man who has made the most of those opportunities which America throws open to all, and by his remark able personality. Having met the man, the shipbuild ers of the Columbia River may pur sue their work with redoubled energy, for they have gained new confidence that he will do his part. It is now up to them to do theirs. That is the condition of their getting more con tracts. As he expects four steel ships a year from each of twenty-three ways, they may go him one better by making it an even hundred. Wooden shipyards being assured of all the work they can do, provided they ful fill expectations, all doubt as to their continued employment is set at rest, and they can keep a steady flow of hulls into the water. That is the assurance given by Mr. Piez; and Ore son has been looking for it. Mr. Schwab will work with the builders, both of wood and steel ships, by get ing out designs, by letting contracts to keep the ways full, by making steel flow from the mills and engines from the shops. Oregon can now buckle downto work at combining these ma terials with its labor and its lumber to swell the American armada and at supplying ship timbers to other dis tricts. While doing all this, Oregon should set about providing occupation for the ships during the war as well as when it shall have ended. The slogan "Buy Oregon goods" should be applied to the new shipbuilding industry as well s to every other industry. Oregon ships should carry Oregon products to every port. That requires extension of our efforts to the great programme of state development which Governor Withycombe has set before us, as the means of providing cargoes for our vessels and markets for the goods which they will import. It summon us to give attention to Mr. Rosseter's Tart in the programme, and to his call for action. It demands that men of broad vision, long foresight and sound judgment get together to work for a greater Oregon. Patriots will not smoke while travel ing through the forests and others must not. is the spii-it of the procla mation by Governor Withycombe call ing for especial care toward the pre vention of forest fires. All the other precautions enjoined remind us that nearly all forest fires, those' caused by lightning excepted, are the result of carelessness or of ignorance of the extreme inflammability of the carpet which covers the forest floor. This is the reason for the requirement that no fire shall be built until the ground is cleared for six feet in every direc tion "to mineral soil." Otherwise the camper who is a novice might think that he had extinguished his fire when as a matter of fact he had left behind him the seeds of a disastrous con flagration. Campers, fishermen and all others will do a patriotic service by observing the spirit as well as the letter of the proclamation. The coun try needs all of its resources, and it cannot even spare the time of tho army of men who would be Deeded to check a great fire If one were per mitted to start. FUTURE OF WOOD EX BHXPS ASSURED. All doubt as to the future of the wooden shipyards has been removed by the statement of Charles Piez, vice-president of the Emergency Kleet Corporation, that all wooden yards that have been working on Govern ment business would be continued. There need be no apprehension as to the effect of this statement that "we will cut out of the list those yards not making delivery of ships as they should," for only those directly in terested in such yards would wish them to be continued, but it remains to be demonstrated that there are any such. If there are, they will no doubt take the hint and brace up. The wooden ship Ms the vessel in production of which the Columbia River and coast districts of Oregon excel and for which Oregon forests can produce an unlimited amount of materal. Its good qualities have been proved in many years of lumber traffic. There is good cause to believe that the larger types now being built will be perfected until they will be come a permanent product of Oregon, offering a constant market to the lum ber industry long after war prices shall no longer prevail. Having been given confidence as to the immediate future, builders of wooden ships can now go ahead without hesitation and can plan for the future. AN OLD STORY. A good brother of the Prohibition party comes forward today in defense of the anti-tobacco resolution with tho remark that all the advancement made along moral and religious lines has come from the meddling habit. We might find a distinction between pure meddling and attempts at reformation of things actually immoral, but put ting them all rightly or wrongly under the broad head of "meddling," how about the disasters that have also accrued? We have a recollection of grave economic ills traceable to med dling, and there is before us today the spectacle of a world in arms against Kultur because Kultur med dled with international law. There are also numerous cases in which meddling has accomplished nothing. Attempted interference with the use of tobacco is one of the most striking in that classification. In the seventeenth century it was fashionable for kings, popes and potentates to rail against it. King James I of Kngland issued a "Counterblaste to Tobacco." He referred to its use as "a custom loathsome to the eye. hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black stinking fumes thereof nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless. We commend this couterblast to our correspondent as having much more smash and go to it than the mild state ment that the people cannot get fresh air on the streets because of the smokers. Besides, it is less exagger ated. James I died in 1625, but tobacco still lives. In the same century use of tobacco was punished with the knout, by imprisonment, excommuni cation and even death. Popes Urban VIII and Innocent XI turned the thunders of the church against it. In Turkey it was made a crime, and under Sultan Amurath IV it was pun ished by the most cruel kinds of death. But it has thrived on the severest op position. Tobacco is not unknown to the modern priest, the Turks are today the greatest smokers in the world, while almost coincident with the movement against tobacco in this country the War Department has au thorized its free issue to the American Expeditionary forces at the request of General Pershing. There has always been more or less opposition to the use of tobacco, and one would think that inasmuch as the most powerful efforts were directed against it without avail in the days when it was in the beginning, the present-day opponents would be dis couraged. But they have a vision of a new weapon in matters pertaining to the war emergency. The scattering lew make a convenience of them. Our correspondent, for example, would boldly convert the tobacco lands to wheat growing in support of the pressing food programme, unmindful of the fact that heavy tobacco land would have to be drained and wheat growing would then be experimental; while the lands upon which lighter tobaccos are grown cannot be adapted to the successful production of wheat. Supposed rejections from the Army be cause of "tobacco heart" are campaign material only among those who do not know that the irregular beating? of the heart caused by excessive use of tobacco is not a disqualification for military service, and is so held by the Government's draft regulations. NO HOPE PROM THE BOLSHEVIKI. Some persons cherish the hope that the Bolshevik government of Russia will be provoked to new war against Ucrraany by continued German ag gression, and wijl then welcome the military aid of the allies in saving Russia. The origin of Bolshevik prin ciples and the Russian manner of applying them give no ground for this hope, or for the hope that the Bol sheviki will ever establish orderly government, such as any self-respect ing nation can recognize. The Soviets which administer Bol shevik law do not care a rap about Russia, for they are worse than in ternational: they are anti-national. They dream only of making the pro letariat supreme in all countries, and give their allegiance to that class, not to their country. They regard the allies as enemies, because the allies uphold the rights of all classes and maintain the duty of all classes in each nation to defend their country against all classes of any enemy na tion. Bolshevism is derived from the Ger man Socialism of Kail Marx, which Charles Johnston in the New York Times defines as "the child of the German spirit of materialism and despotism," as "densely materialistic and hopelessly unscientific." for it de nies Darwin's "scientific principles of evolution through free competition and the advancement of the better endowed individuals in each species." Experience has proved Darwin's main contention "that practically all ad vance, all development, comes through the better endowed Individuals, the more gifted members of any species, in free competition with the less gifted." In contradiction of the So cialist dogma that all wealth is the product of labor, Mr. Johnston main tains that "all wealth is tho product of intelligence, of thought, directing labor: that without intelligence labor is incapable of producing any wealth whatever." That is the principle of equal opportunity which lies at the foundation of American democracy. Championship of the doctrine of Marx led Russia to "knock her brains out" by destroying what Lenine calls the bourgeois class. This is simply an other name for the better endowed, more gifted individuals, for the in telligentsia, which first propagated liberal ideas in Russia. The Czar killed or exiled this class for oppos ing his autocracy; the Bolsheviki mur ders it for opposing its autocracy and in order to reduce all to the level of the proletariat. Hence any student is shot simply because he is a student, the schools are closed or the higher classes are cut off. and when the teachers protest they are killed for "teaching witchcraft and autocracy." Russia is hungry, ragged, plague stricken, divided and at the mercy of Germany, because the Soviets have knocked out her brains in the process of leveling down. The voice of Rus sia calling upon the democratic na tions for aid cannot be heard, because the least resistance is crushed by the Red Guard as "counter-revolutionary." Russia is Incapable of defend ing herself, because the Bolsheviki have killed that loyalty and obedience which are necessary to an effective army, without which the armies of Foch and Pershing would be a mere rabble. Russia is Incapable of rescuing her self from the bands of murderous madmen which masquerade as a gov ernment. She can be rescued from these .internal destroyers on the one hand and from German absorption on the other hand by none but the allies. To delay is to become a party to the destruction of an afflicted nation. OUT OF TRE CIANO WILD ERN ESS. The troubles of the foreigner who endeavors to learn the meaning of American slang phrases from a sober dictionary is not an uncommon theme ! In American humor, but it is now doubtless dawning upon a great many American soldiers that they have In similar way become objects of French amusement. Americans do not have a monopoly of slang. The French are. perhaps, -just as picturesque in that regard. Therefore, Chevalier d' O de Lory, who seems to be somewhat a master of both American and French argot, has come to the rescue. His little dictionary has no counterpart, it is entirely devoted to putting French language of the street into under standable English. If one will imagine the result of translating literally the following in troduction into French he will learn what the author has done in behalf of puzzled American humanity by the reverse operation: "Classical stuff is not in it just now, and if you know nothing but that you will have to beat it out of your nut when you go in the trenches, or if you go sightseeing. This booklet is for the masses and will be a fountain of knowledge for you if you want to know what's what. Buy It and put in your bean what's in it." One learns by inference from one translation that one Frenchman is in the estimation of another sometimes an oyster. In America we know of both clams and lobsters In the human family. But the supposition that the Frenchman who calls another an oyster means that he is a clam Is in correct. He means that he is what we would term a lobster. But there is more puzzling argot than that by far. A striking example is the phrase "J ai mis mon cache misere au clou." If the American in pursuit of French meanings hears such an expression and turns to his ordinary dictionary he will learn that the other has said, "I have put my hide-misery on the nail." One can Imagine a soldier's throwing away his dictionary in disgust. What the Frenchman means is that he has pawned his overcoat. Deriva tion of the term used for "overcoat" is not hard to reason out. That gar ment is often used as a concealment of sartorial misfortune. An American who had pawned a garment might say that he had "hung it up at Uncle's." He more likely would say that he had "hocked" it. Either of which would be quite unintelligible to the French man who was relying on the common French-English dictionary. Again, when we in America make flippant reference to a death we may say he has turned up his toes" or he has "kicked the bucket." The French man says, "II a casse sa pipe" he has broken bis pipe. Much use a common dictionary would be in translating that expression. Thus is the sweating American as sisted over 240 similar stumbling blocks. We think the author deserves the Distinguished Service medal and the Croix de Guerre. THB APPLE AND THE LOCALITY. News from Eastern apple-growing districts that as a result of the recent severe Winter the mortality among Baldwin apple trees has been particu larly high illustrates one of the under lying principles of commercial fruit growing which must be taken into account by successful growers. Even so hardy a fruit as the apple, with a wider habitat than any other fruit in the world, has its individual idiosyn crasies which we must not ignore. Doubtless there Is a law of nature which governs them, but the refine ments of the law are not easy to un derstand. We are still restricted to the empirical method of finding out. More than a million Baldwin apple trees, according to the New England Homestead, were frozen last Winter in Maine alone, and the loss in two counties is put at 300,000 trees. Simi lar accounts come from other states in New England, while the great Baldwin-growing regions of New York state appear to have ' escaped. The temperature figures by themselves do not account for it. It may have been even colder in some of the localities In which the trees escaped than it was in the orchards whose owners awoke in the Spring to find themselves in possession of nothing but dead trees. In some manner the tree gath ers vitality In one district which it does not derive from the soil, or cli mate, or whatever it may be. in an other. In the pinch, one tree survives, and the other, to all outward appear, ances Just as thrifty, succumbs. What is true of the relatively unim portant matter .of Winter killing ap. plies also to flavor and color and to tho bearing habits of trees. Growers of the principal apple districts In the P .cine Northwest have worked out an efficient formula, and are now pro ducing the fruit which seems best suited to their localities. This is hec essary if the variety, as well as the district, is to maintain its reputation. The Ben Davis apple became a po mological joke largely because people Insisted upon producing it in an un congenial atmosphere. The Missouri Ben Davis is a product far different from the crrk-like substance yielded by Ben Davis trees in some other places. Tho Baldwin, while it does well in a few spots in Oregon, may be regarded as a failure here. No one knows why It develops the "Baldwin punk spot" in some places and not in others. The Easterner who conipluins because he cannot get a Roxbury Russet or a Rambo that is up to his home standard should try our Spitzen bergs, which are far superior to the original Esopus of Southern New York, and he should have an oppor tunity to note how the Winesap has been Improved by transplantation to the Wenatchee and the Yakima val leys. Californians must not expect too much of our Bellflowers, but if they want a- real treat they should keep their eyes on the Willamette Valley in about two months from now, when Gravensteins will be ripe. It is 'part of the business of the modern fruitgrower to discover these Individual preferences and to make the most of them. A good many varieties were rejected after long being tried by the pioneers, because they did not belong here, and others have proved superior to the same apple in Its former surroundings. The standardi zation of the orchard industry Is a slow process, but to those who like the work it is not a tedious one, and the business as a whole is deeply indebted to a good many men who made no money from it. The failures have been quite as instructive as the suc cesses. Small fortunes and years of effort have been lost, although not wasted, in discovering that the Italian prune belongs to Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and the Petite to the coun try farther south. Some day about all of the pears in the world not pro duced in France may be grown In the Northwest, but the time will not ar rive until we have learned which va rieties are superior to all others under Northwest conditions. New Kngland need not despair be cause the Baldwin has deserted it. The thing to do Is to concentrate on the apple that "belongs." That is prac tically what the West has been doing. and it is one of the reasons why we are likely to hold our supremacy for years to come. For fifteen years or more Newberg has had two good weekly newspapers. Their columns contained all that was "fit to print." and editorially they held to good ideas: but the little city Is one-paper size. Mr. Woodward has bought the Enterprise, and the Graphic, first In the field in 1888. will be the sole newspaper, unless "some fellow from Kansas," where they have notions, crowds in. Other places In Oregon might follow the Newberg plan. The theory that the fire on the Ford-street bridge was caused by "lighted cigarettes carelessly thrown" Is not consistent with the statement that fire "broke out simultaneously at eleven different places." That fact plainly suggests deliberate incendiar ism. Frequent trips of the sprinkling wagon would be good protection against firebugs. There would have been much less opposition in the Senate to Govern ment operation of the wire systems if Postmaster-General Burleson had shown less disposition to muzzle the press. Precaution against letting In formation reach the Germans should not be used as a pretext for keeping it away from the American people. When Mr. Jaeger, Judge Jones, Mr, URen and other city men "hit the hay" after a day in the harvest field, there will be little discussion or ex pression of opinion unless they talk in their sleep. Theirs will be the "fun," however. If a station agent may be said to "own" the railroad, then honors are due George Miller, who has been on the job at Aurora for . thirty-four years. His length of service shows him to have been a good man for the place. Improved outlook for corn more than makes up for deterioration in wheat, and all would be lovely if we could teach the allies to eat corn bread. Since King George has taken a liking to buckwheat cakes, there is hope. A man alleged to be a shover of worthless checks. Shove by name, is in jail at Roseburg for lack of bail and wants out. It might be conserva tlon to shove him along, but not this way. We have enough. A second fatality Incident to use of a canvas boat has occurred In 'Ore gon, where the material of wooden boats Is in plenty. This does not im ply that cloth boats need not be used; the wooden are safer. Tliat nnrvam enw In f71arlra fnimtv that gave 68.7 pounds of butterfat in thirty days did very wen ror a fluai- purpose animal; but a j-ioistein or a Jersey will yield more than twice as much. Soldiers In foreign service are to have general news cabled them, but they want the Oocal papers just the same. An Item about somebody he knows Is of big interest to the Yank. These are the days when a man feels good to be alive in Oregon fine weather, cool nights, plenty to eat and appetite good, and so much to do that even the lazy cannot get rusty. One good result of Germany's raid on civilization is that free peoples have taken to observing each other's na tional holidays. It has made the whole democratic world feel its kinship. Hereafter, when a man Is "fired" it can be said for reasons "purely In ternal." following the latest incident in New York Journalism, which sets the pace. The mystery of Von Hlndenburg's death or illness remains as doep as that a the fate of the ex-Czar. Per haps the Kaiser Just talked him to death. Now Is the time to begin laying aside dollars for the fourth liberty loan without encroaching on the quar ters pledged for thrift stamps. ' There are few fires in Oregon, but the Are of patriotism burns more brightly here than In any other state. Those who want to take a shot at the U-boats will have their chance to day by enlisting in the Navy. The fat man can stand being jollied for his perfect 46. Few fat men get Into Jail. Schwab worked hard in the days of his youth and cannot overcome the habit. Another week of fair weather is promised, for these are the rare days. If Wilson, wishes to decide the pro hibition issue, ha will. That's his way. (OIC BACK TO THE DARK AGES. I Mr, Hughe' Letter on Effects ( Postal Zone System, A letter from Charles Evans Hughes to Allen H. Richardson, of the Publish ers' Advisory Board, on the subject of zone postal rates for newspapers and periodicals, contains a clear and unan swerable statement of the effects of the new system. It follows: "I prefer not to accept a retainer to appear before legislative committees upon matters of general policy, as in such matters, if I have anything to say. 1 aeaire to speak, only as a citizen. 1 have no hesitation In sav-tne- that I regard the zone system of postal rates ior newspapers and periodicals, coming under the definition of second-class mail matter, as ill-advised. The com mission on second-class mall matter (appointed in 1911). of which I was member, considered this question and reported unanimously against the zone system.. We said in that report: i ne policy of zone rates was pur sued In the earlier history of our post office and has been given up In favor ot a unuorm rate In view of the larger interest of the Nation as a whole. It would seem to the commission to be entirely impracticable to attempt to es tablish a system of zone rates for second-class matter. ... " 'Progress in the postoffice. with re spect, both to economy In administra tion and to public convenience, leads way rrom a variety of differential charges to uniform rates and broad classifications.' "In my Judgment the zone system for second-class mall matter Is unjust to the publisher and unjust to the public. It not only Imposes upon the publisher the additional rates upon a sectional oasis, out it makes necessary the added expense for the net.ssary sons classifi cations at a time when every economy in production and distribution is most Important. It introduces a complicated postal system to the Inconvenience of the publisher and public when there should bs a constant effort toward greater simplicity. There Is no mors reason for a zone system of rates for newspapers and magazines than for letters. "Newspapers and maaraalnee are ad mitted to the second-class postal rates on me. well-established policy of en couraging- the dissemination of Intelli gence, but. a zone system Is a barrier to this dissemination. If It is impor tant that newspapers and magazines should be circulated. It Is equally Im portant that there should not be sec tional divisions to Impede their general circulation through ths entire country. v e are proud at this moment of our united purpose, but If we are to con tinue as a people to cherish united pur pose and to maintain our essential unity as a jsation. we must roster the Influ ences that promote unity. .The great est of these Influences, perhaps. Is the spread of Intelligence diffused by news papers ana periodical literature. Abuses In connection with second-class mall matter will not be cured by a zone sys tem of rates. That will hurt the good no less than the had. and perhaps some of the best sort of periodical literature will be hit the hardest. "We do not wish to promote section alism, and "one country' means that In our correspondence and in the diffusion of necessary Intelligence we should have a uniform postal rate for the en tire country. The widest and freest In terchange Is the soundest public policy. "I hope that Congress will repeal the provision for the zone system, which is decidedly a looking-backward and walking-backward measure." REFORM DUE TO MEDDLING HABIT I'roklbl tioalst cites Nuraeroai Bene fit a Bat Mentions IV Disasters. PORTLAND. July 14. (To the Edi tor.) I read your editorial on "The Meddling Habit" with a great deal of Interest, as it failed to get the real view of things. If you will read history right you will find that all the ad vancement made along moral, righteous lines has come from this same meddling habit. Just to mention a few: Duel ling, lottery and slavery. All have been abolished because some one med dled with existing sentiment. Judged by electing men to office the prohibition party has not been the success it ought to have been because men have been partisans rather than patriots, yet we have two Congress men now with many minor officers In various sectlos of the conuntry. When the prohibition party was or ganized In 1869 the liquor traffic dom inated everything in American politics, and the party's agitation has been a voice crying In the wilderness of cor rupt politics pointing to needed re forms, some of which, like popular election of United States Senators, the corrupt practices act. and others have become law. Now the only man that can atop the manufacture and sale of Intoxicating liquors alts In the White House. There Is a need of the reform along the Una spoken of In the platform of last Saturday. We are asked to raise mere wheat and use more substitutes for wheat that we may feed our allies. Then let us turn the 1. 600.000 acres now used In raising tobacco to the raising of wheat. It will mean 60,000. 000 or more bushels of wheat to add to the world's supply, and the people that object to being smoked would be able to set some fresh air on tha streets. But there Is a physical side to the question. While living in Evansvllle, Ir.d.. SO years ago. I had occasion to visit the recruiting station where they were enlisting men for the Phllliplnes, and In conversation the officer In charge told me that 65 out of every 100 were rejected because of tobacco heart brought on by excessive cigar ette smoking. Perhaps the great ma jority of the rejections In the present v-ar come from the same source. Many of our soldier boys never have used tobacco, and last Christmas when presents were made to the boys over there, these round tneir pacicaa-es con tattled cigarettes, tobacco and playing ecrds. A nice present to a boy from a Christian home who had no use for any of these thing's. A PROHl. K.nllaltnrnt by Man sad Wife. HARTLAND, Wash.. July IS. (To the Editor.) (1) I would like to know what the requirements are for a grad uate nurse, wishing to enlist as a Red Cross Army nurse. Is there any sal- aiy ? 2) Is there any part of the Govern ment's work whero a man and wife could enlist together? (3) I" there en V part of the Gov errment service where a man with hernia can serve? J. - (1) Applicant must be- between 16 and 40 years ef age and be a graduate of a school of nurses. For information write to Director of Bureau of Nurs ing, Red Cross Divisional Headquar ters. White building. Seattle. (I) We know of none. The Govern ment will not Issue passports to any weman whose husband, brother, father or son. Is serving with ths Expedition ary Forces abroad or at home, or In a civilian capacity with ths Expedition ary Forces, or the Red Cross or the Y. M. C. A. (3) Hernia is a disqualification for military service. RAYMOND, Wash.. July 13. (To the Editor.) fiease aavise wnat you navu heard regarding proposed Central Offi cers' Training Camp for enllfted men and civilians and how a civilian may make application for admittance. RAYMOND. Apply by letter or by person to the Professor of Military Science. Univer sity of Washington, Seattle. BCILDI.NG LAGS BEHI'D GROWTH City Department Pre seats Flgrnres a ad Calls Scot la a Piaa to Attention. PORTLAND. July 13. (To the Edi tor.) The following; is from the June. 1918, edition of the monthly publica tion, "Stone." and is of some interest in connection with the discussion of housing conditions which is occupying a great deal of attention in this coun try at the present time: The Royal Commission on Housing- In Scotland, whose report was published last Kail, estimated the existing shortage ' of houses, on the basis of not more than three persons to a room tan exceas of tliat num ber being regarded aa overcrowding) at Ul. IHM) houses, writes Consul Rufus Fleming, from Edinburgh. A subsequent Inquiry carried out by the Wocal ciovernmcnt Hoard for Scotland through the local authorities municipal corporations shows a deficiency of at least 10O.0OI) houses. It appears, therefore, that there Is practical agreement that the actual shortsga Is very great, ex ceeding loo.uoo houses. If. as held by the Royal Commission, overcrowding should be estimated not at over three persons to a room but at over two persons, and If this higher standard1 be adopted in providing huuses. the new accommodation required will represent between --o.OOu and l'4U.tMo bouses. The local authorities that have In the past taken up the task of endeavoring to house the Industrial population have fourwl. al most without exception, that their schemes Involved a loss, small or great, which tell upon the taxpayers: and as building costs are at present from 70 to loo per cent higher than they were in pre-war years anil will doubtless remain hlph for shrne years to came, the housing problem is considered to be too riltflcult for either private enter prise or the local authorities to solve. Slate aaalstance In the provision of houses being regarded as absolutely necessary, the Scot tish Local Oovernment Board, arter con sultation with the Cabinet and Treasury. haa come forward with a proposal for fi nancially assisting local authorities during the period Immediately following Hie war. The state guaranty takes the form of at least 73 per cent of the loaa. if any. Incurred by local authorities. Assistance will be given In two wava. the one succeeding the other. For a period of years. n"l less than seven, following the Initiating of local pro grammes, the Treasury undertake to par 75 per cent of any approved annual def icit. At the end of that period a valuation ef the property Is to be made and the will then assume responsibility for per cent of any excess In the amount of out standing capital charges over the then value of the property. The local authorities must hold themselves responsible for the remain ing 25 per cent of any loss, but In excep tional cases, where the ratable value of the local authority Is low. t Treasury may ea- tsnd Its assistance beyTnd the tnree-uar- ters. whlcb will be the normal subsidy. It is rather interesting to notice In this clipping that there la a severe housing shortage in Scotland, amount ing to about 226.000 dwellings, and that on account of the high cost of building private enterprise. It Is not taking care of the need. The local governing bodies in Scotland are not able to handle the situation, so this problem has been taken up by the Scottish local govern ment board as a national problem. In Portland we have somewhat simi lar conditions. Private enterprise Is not taking care of our housing shortage and local organizations have not been able to provide an adequate remedy. It therefore would seem that the rem edy in Portland for this housing short age must be tho same as that pro vided in Scotland, namely, some form of National Government aid. It Is in teresting to note, however, that the Scotland plan contemplates and pro vides for a deficit caused by building operation undertaken during the war. This scorns to be more adequately pro vided for than In any plan proposed as yet in connection with Governmental aid in this country. It is to be hoped that this possible deficit will be ade quately provided for in housing opera tions conducted under Governmental aid In the United States. That private enterprise Is not reliev ing tha situation here may be readily understood from the building statistics which show that permits were issued In June for 61 dwellings, in may tor 58 dwellings, and in April for 45. the rate of construction for the year being less than 600 dwelllnsrs. In view of the fact that the increase In Ahe num ber of workers In the near future will probably be from 10.000 to 15.000. the Increase In population being from 30. 000 to 50.000. it can bs seen that an active era of housing construction should be undertaken. A L. BARBUR. Commissioner of Public Works. By H. E. PLUMMER. Inspector of Buildings. CITY HELD BY MANY CONQUERORS Tabriz, Seat of Turk Outrage on Ameri can Consulate. Is Old In History. Tabriz, where the Turks are report ed to have committed outrages against the American consulate, is described In the following war geography bulletin by the National Geographlo Society from Its Washington headquarters: "With a population of 200,000. Ta briz Is out of the most Important cities In Persia. Teheran, the capital. Is the only place In the dominions of the Shah which exceeds It in size. "It Is beautifully situated in a wide valley on the River AJ1. which flows Into the salt lake of Urumlah So miles to the west. Although apparently sur rounded by mountains, Tabriz has an elevation of more than 4000 feet and the climate In Winter la extremely se vere. Hundreds of springs and fountains water thousands of beautiful gardens In this ancient city which for centuries has enjoyed a deserved reputation as a health resort. Indeed, tradition says that the place was founded by Zobel deh. the wife of Harun-al-Rashid. hero of the 'Arabian Nights.' According to this legend. Zobeldeh came here to re cuperate from a fever In the year 791. and a cure was quickly effected, thanks to the salubrious climate, hence the name Tab (fever) rlz ( pourer away), or 'fever destroying.' As a matter of cold history, however. Tabriz was in existence four centuries before the birth of the beautiful Zobeldeh. e "Up to the time of the completion of a railway through the Caucasus and the Imorovement of transportation fa cilities on the Caspian Sea. Tabriz was the emporium of Perslm trade with tho west. Now, however, most of Its trade has been diverted to Astara, on tha Caspian, 150 miles to the east, and to Resht. 200 miles to the southeast. "The Black Sea port of Batum lies to the northwest a distance of 360 miles. There are few buildings of inter est in Tabriz, for It has suffered from the rack of elements and the ruthless ness of many conquerors. It has been held at various times by the Arahs. the Seljuks. the Mongols and the Turko mans. Persia took It from the Turko mans, but It is essentially a Turkish rather than a Persian city today, and Turkish is tha prevailing language. At the beginning of the world war it was occupied by a Turkish army, but sub sequently the Russian forces took pos session. see "Man has not played as great havoc with the buildings of Tabriz, however, as have earthquakes. It has been vis ited many times by quakes, the most disastrous being that of 1721. when more than 80,000 persons are said to have been killed. This disaster oc curred at the height of the city's pros perity, for at about this time the pop ulation of the city is said to have reached 650.000. Of the 300 mosques of which the city boasts only one deserves special mention. It Is the famous Blue Mosque, so-called because it is covered with blue tiles. It dates from the 15th cen tury and is now In ruins. The ark or citadel is a brick building of massive walls, with a tower 120 feet high. "More than half of the trade of Ta briz is with Russia. Its chief imports are cotton and woolen tissues, sugar and tea.'" In Other Days. Half Cntiry Acs. From The Oregonlan. July IS. ISfts. Washington. In the House the bill for the distribution of awards to the captors of Jeff Davis was reported from the committee and passed. London. A dinner was given by the American artist. Bierstadt. last night to Longfellow. Gladstone, Admiral Far. ragut and other distinguished persons were present. . Paris. In a speech in Corns I-eiH- latif. Baroche. Minister of Justice, de clared that the spoliation of church and stale were only a question of time. New York Th. ,i...i.i. vn. arrived from Liverpool with 1100 steer age. Passengers, euti or whom are Mor mon. Th.l- will 1 . - i. n T..-W - -- - . . va .a m " 1VI vian. Ten' thousand other believers will fol low irom Liverpool as soon as they can set shipment. The Halles A lots of Indians from wrm Snrincs paraded the streets in hideous costumes. They howled and pave war dances In the streets. It la said to be the anniversary of their de feat ot trie snake Indiana. Tweaty-rlve Years Age. From The Oregnnlan. Ju:y 1.".. 1S. Chicnsrn Jim rnrhali . ill v. . off the Midway at the World's Fair. "The" fair is intended to be educational." said one of the directors. "Corbett is not elevatinc. 1 do not object to vaudeville shows, but I will not toler ate ngntinK. London. The debate In the House of Commons on the home rule bill was marked by personal attacks on Mr. tiladstone. who. it was claimed, had broken faith with the Irish. Perlin. On account of fodder famine the army maneuvers may be postponed. The army hill, placing the peaco strength at 47!.22! men. was passed. Rrussela The Chamber voted to re vise the eonstitution to enable Belgium to acquire colonies. Taris. Emile ZoTa! the novelist, haa been rppnlnted an officer of the Legion of Honor. NOT KVKRYTHIG M4DE FOR MAN I'tlllty sf Mosquito Nat Disproved by ark mt Unman Benefit. VANCOUVER. Wash.. July 13. (To the Editor.) In a recent editorial re warding the mosquito, you allude to naturalists' finding difficulty in ex plaining Its utility ii iB cvr aiTiicuit ror us to sense utility in any form of annoyance. In conevnlence or affliction to which we may be subjected. This from the fact that we live in a fool's paradise feel that we are nature's one ward, and that nature is our special guardian. It Is a truth that "all flesh is trail,'' and also a truth that the animal king dom Is dependent on the vegetable kincdom. Thence It must follow that to nature ths weal of a spear of mea dow grass Is of more consequence than is thevwoe of earthly ruler, prince or potentate. Thus a poet was led to soliloquise as follows: i O, Nature how fair is thy face. How light is thy heart and how friendless thy grace! Thou laugheat and toyost with any new comer. Not a tear more for Winter, a smile less for Summer. Hast thou never an anguish to heave the heart under? That fair breast of thine, O thou fem enlne wonder? Forall those the younr and tha fair and the strong TVho have loved thee and lived with thee gaily and long. And who now on thy bosom lie dead? and thsir deeds And their waya are forgotten. O hast thou no weeds? And why should nature pander te the animal who cooks his food mora than to the other which eats his raw? When a man realizes that he is not a special creation and that the lilloa of the stream and the daisies of ths field are nearer and dearer to nature than Is he. a long step will have been taken in the right direction. Afflic tions. Ills and annoyances, all nature's grinding stones. She sharpens man's wits by bringing him la contact with, these. COUSIN JACK. COMPANY L. They tell us that In Picardy The sun shines just the same No brighter than It did in those Far days before you came. And that the fairy flowers' bloom Is not a whit more sweet Than in the days before you felt Strange soil beneath your feet But oh! we know the Spring must bs A thousand times more fair In that far-distant Picardy Since you are there! And yet they say ths birds still trill The same enchanted lays. No happier, no glad sorrier- Than In the olden daya They tell us. too. that in the night The moon rides just as high. No closer to tha sleeping; earth No farther from the sky. But oh! we know that land Is blest With saint and angel prayer A thousand times above the rest Since you are there! GERTRUDE ROBINSON. Dallas. Or. Cvnraea at Benawn. PORTLAND. July 14. (To the Edi tor.) Please adivse as to the branches covered by the Government training at the Benson School, also giving particu lars as to entrance. PATRIOT. The courses include auto driving and repair, general carpentry, electri cal communication, forging and black smithing, gas engine, sheet metal work and general plumbing. Men of draft see, possessed of a grammar school education and of some mechanical abil ity are taken at this and similar schools under regular calls of the selective service heads. The next classes will be called for entrance about August 15. if original plans are unchanged. Schnol Trsrtlsg Is Prod set! ve. PORTLAND, July 14. (To ths Edi tor.) (1) Is school teaching: consid ered a useful occupation? (2) Would a man in class 2-B, in a county where class 1 Is practically exhausted be called from his position? A READER. (1) School teaching remains among the productive occupations in the Gov ernment's classification. (I) When quotas cannot be filled from class 1, men In class 2 will be called. Yea, PORTLAND. Or., July 13. (To ths Editor.) Will you Kindly state If ths Government allots the 815 per month to the wife where a man has married since registering. H. J. H. Address sf Pnblleatisn. RAINIER. Or.. July 13 (To the Eaitor.) Please inform me as to ths address of the "Army and Navy Jour nal." I wish to write them a letter but do not know their address. VILAS L- PLUE. It Is 20 Vesey street. New York City,