THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, MONDAY. JULY 15. 1918. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. SACRIFICE SACRIFICE. Grab this today 7-room house and two choice lota. Bath, full cement baaement, gai, electric light, war garden, berries, fruit trees; we.:i worth JGOO In normal times, but if sold this week S210O. Terms to suit. Com today. It will sell quick at this price. 1140 Vernon ave., near Killingsworth ave. ON" HALF-ACRE TRACT 6 ROOMS HARDWOOD FLOORS $400 down, white enameled finish, large rooms, dandy bathroom; fruit and berries and chicken house. Price only $3500; a big snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20 S, A 2050. OWNER offers modern, 7 rooms, hard wood floors, all built-in effects, extra large bathroom with fizs and tub bath, full cement basement, bricked-off J11 vault, cabinet kitchen, screened-in back porch, fruit trees, garage. Place could not be reproduced for $uitO0. Price only $;;.V0. Sell wood 3361. SPECIAL 7-room modern home, about 4 years old, 4 blocks from Glisan-st. carline ; would cost over $30O0 to build; taken on mort gage, for sale for $2500; 300 cash, baL $30 per month- Hurry. 1230 Sandy boule vard, Sunday. OUR son is going to military school, our daughter going to college ; we are left alone and have no use for 7-room resi dence with modern appointments; white enamel finish; ground is 100x100, corner, with very fine shrubbery ; centrally lo cated on East Side, Price $7500, with terms. Main 831. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful new $6500 home In Albina Heights, on paved street, half block from carline; 7 rooms, built-in features, fire place full cement basement, double ga rage, lot and half: will sell for $4300. "Will take car as part payment. Address Box 332. Eugene. Or. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Beautiful, almost new house, 9 rooms, large wooded grounds, fine view, all hard wood, 2 baths and fireplace, sleeping porch, lavatory, very close in, among fine homes; owner enlisted- Marshall 4827, A 3839. Call mornings. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. 7-room bungalow, sleeping porch, fire place, built-ins. hard floors, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, beautiful lawn, rosf-s, improvements in, block to car, $0ono; $4U0 cash, $15 per month. Owner going to war. Main 33S8. business hours. CHEAPER THAN RENT ROSE CITY PK. 5 rooms, fireplace, full basement, Dutch kitchen, 3 years old; lot 30x109; price $2500, including hard-surface streets, $500 cash, bal. $25 per month. Brooks, owner, 724 Chamber of Commerce, phone Main 1434. FOR SALE BARGAIN. Modern, large elgnt-room residence; fu'j basement, garage. Lot 95x115. trees, lawn, roses a. daisy. Cheap. Broadway 8125. " GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY To secure a fine home for less than half cost; look at 88 76th st., two blocks south of Gleason carline, 8 rooms; $17O0 takes i t, y cash. Main 1 434. Call for Mr. C. R. DeBurgh, 724 Chamber of Com. BUNGALOW BARGAIN, $1450. 4 rooms and bath, Dutch kitchen, gas, mall basement, fruit trees, lot 50x100. half block to car and paved street; a dandy little buy, part terms. A. H. AKERSON, 506 Stock Exch. Bldg. ROSE CITY SXAr. $300 7-rm. Calif, bungalow. R. C. . ; coHt $4500. See us for homes in this dis trict. Autos at your service at any time. "Main 4 03. G. C. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. $2900 HAW. swell bung. ; h. w. firs., fire place, b. c. attic, f. c. bast., writing desk, il. k, clothes chute, best plumbing; $300 cash. Main 4803. G. O. GOLDENBERG, ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." " CLASSY BUNGALOW SNAP. 1 Vj -story modern 8-room bungalow, in good district ; nice lawn ; $3250. Terms. S. W. LEONARD. Main 1700. Evenings, T a hor 7645. $2000 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $2000 B-rm., modern, the beat in this dist ; very attractive; $300 cash. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." ROSE CITY PARK. Brand new 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, fireplace; block from car; price $3500, terms. Owner, Tabor FOR SALE by owner, 5-room bungalow, garage, newly painted, one block from Ulis;in car, or will sell furnished with piano and wood reasonable; some terms. Tabor 0017. " $100 CASH. $10 PER MONTH. $800 TOTAL PRICE. 5-room house, large lot, plenty fruit trees, near Arleta School. A. H. AKERSON, 506 Stock Excb. Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNgXlOW7$1800. Attin, sleeping porch, bath. Dutch kitch en. 100x100 lot. fruit and berries. 0 blocks school. block car, only $200 down. GEO T." MOORE CO., Abington bldg. EAST Sth and Broadway, a very desirable 7-room house, partly furnished; lot 75x 100, fine fruit trees; a big bargain at $6000. short time only. Owner, 371 E. Sth N.. Phone East 5820. $2950 6-RM.. new bungalow; hardwood firs., fireplact. buffet, all conv. ; $750 cash. Pen insula dist. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803. NOTICE Widow lady has houses in a good renting location, 2 farms for sale, bar gains ; want to leave city. G 3o3, Ore gon la n. . HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $2200 5-room. bath, sidewalks, paving in and paid for, $2200; easy terms. GEO T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. ANYONE wanting a good home with an extra house to rent, ground 100x127-2. call 521 Nehalem ave., Sellwood; very reason able terms: owner going East. PARTY going East lias modern. 2-story home, located at 847 East Salmon St., reasonable. See owner for terms, il East Ash st. Tabor 7617. WEST SIDE SNAP. $1050. 4-room modern, bath, electricity and gas, 1 block to Fulton car; terms. A. H. AKERSON, 506 Stock Exch. Bldg. UNION AVENUE. $2000. 5-rm. cottage, block Union ave., lot B0xl42. 12 fruit trees; termH. GEO T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. MODERN 6-room house with sleeping porch, corner: clear; easy walking distance, cen tral East Side; good neighborhood; real home. Owner. Phone East 1515. IN THE shipyard district. 4-room house, $1150, $100 cash. $15 per month and in terest. Jno. H. Gibson, 266 Stark st. Mar fhall 12. ALBERTA DISTRICT, $1900. 5-room, bath, 50x100 lot, clot to Union ave.; 6 carlinesi easy terms. GEO T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 8-room modern house, nice shrubbery and trees; convenient location; $5500, terms. Tel. owner. Mar. 1720. BALE. LEASE OR TRADE Rose City bun galow. 5-room. corner, modern, paved sts. Come see it. No. 1060 Lambert Place. A en a p, easy terms. VE CAN show you how to make $500 on a Haw. bung. You can buy it for $2250 now. Modern, of course. Investigate now. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. BARGAIN to close estate: 6-room cottage in Sunnyside. street improvements In and paid : $2250. Taggart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Westmoreland bungalow, six rooms besides sleeping porch; easy terms. Near new golf links. Telephone Sellwood 2674. $200 DOWN. $15 MONTH. 4-rm.. dbl. const., bath, Dutch kitchen, lot 56x152. 4 blkf. school, 7 blks car. $1350. i Eo T. MOORE CO., Abington bldg. $2M0 5-ROOM house on car line. 12 min utes from city, improved st., boih in front and back of lot, paid for. Terms. 650 Milwaukie ave. IRVINGTON Modern 7-room house below cost. 6-ji E. 24th st. N., near Stanton. East 6633. ALBERTA bargain ; good 6-room house. 3 lots, garden and fruit ; terms; buy from owner. 101. East UOth N. $4000 6-rm.. Haw., new ; a dream. Every conv.: terms. Main 403. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTON BLDG. 7-ROOM modern house with two lots, on corner, cement walks and sewer. Cheaper than you can build. Owner, Sellwood 1757. HOUSE near Jefferson High. Piedmont car barns, 17 1 Albina. ave. Sundays call Wood lawn 5176, weekdays Bdwy. 3215. Hl BBELli A Su, 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first Tabor 216L IRVINGTON home. $4000. 6 rooms, hard wood floors, sleeping porch, white enamel finish, near school. East 34S3. ' IRVINGTON ' 7-room bouse, built for a home. Phone owner. Tabor 2732. fcELL new, modern, two-story flat, 5-room each; and 4-room house on carline; cheap. A 52S Oregonian. FOR SALE Five-room, modern house, lot 50x100 ft., Mt. Scott carline; furnished $l!k)0. Phone Tabor 2722. HOUSE, by owner; going away; 6 large rooms, furnished, sleeping porch, garage' very reasonable. Firland. Tabor 1346. 4-ROOM house, 63d st. S. E., 40x100 lot $11"0. $200 cash will handle. East 3148. A BUSINESS corner with bouse and twi lots for sale. Inquire 604 . 12th at. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. 150x170 TRACT 4-ROOM HOUSE A big living-room and kitchen, pantry, bath with all fixtures in, 2 large bedrooms upstairs, house newly stained and painted; well constructed; ceiled throughout. $300 ALLOWED FOR THE WORK YOU DO Not a tree or berry bush planted, bat the ground Is all cleared; fine for garden ing; you take it aa it stands, we allow $3u0 off the purchase price of $2150. You plant flowers and trees. $250 DOWN BALANCE STRAIGHT TERMS NO MORTGAGE -"-WHAT CAN YOU PAT MAKE US AN OFFER 1 block from Sandy blvd.; pressure water piped to tract. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th at Stark Sts. Main 208, A 2050. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 4- room house and large lot, 1 block from car line, $2000; $300 cash, balance term a 5- room bungalow and large lot. fruit trees, berries, also garden; $2250; $500 cash, balance terms. 5-room modern bungalow and large lot; street Improvements all in and paid ; $2600; $500 cash, balance term a A well-bull t 6-room house, with sleep room bungalow; $2850; $800 cash, balance terms. A wel-bullt 6-room bouse, with sleep ing porch ; full basement, furnace, large lot; $3200; $500 cash, balance terms. P. M. MADDEN REALTY CO.. 1028 Hawthorne Ave.. Near 34th. Tabor 9355. $5750 ROSE CITY PARK Dutch Colonial VIEW PROPERTY All floors hardwood, hot-water beat. 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch, beautiful sun room with magnificent view of valley and mta., den, beautifully decorated through out; shown by appointment only. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Sts. Main 208, A 2050. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COM PANT WILCOX. BLDG. Main S517. Sixth anl Washington. VIEW PROPERTY, SUBURBAN HOME. One acre and 8-room practically new bungalow, 20 minutes from Courthouse on Pacific Highway, directly opposite Waver ley Golf Club and near -Rivera Station, Southern Pacific elec. line, 5-cent carfare. Bull Run water, gas, both phones; house has four large bedrooms, maid's room, sleeping porch, sun porch, built-in fea tures, fireplace, large furnace, fine yard ; view Oregon City to Vancouver; no agents. Owner, BC 281, Oregonlan. GREY ENAMEL FINISH GARAGE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW CORNER ROSE CITY PARK A BEAUTY $4500 J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY -NO. 7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. MAIN 208 A 2050 VIEW PROPERTY. SUBURBAN HOME. One acre and 8-room practically new bungalow, 20 minutes from Courthouse on Pacific Highway, directly opposite Waver ley Golf Club and near Riviera station. Southern Pacific Electric line; 5-cent car fare. Bull Run water, gas, both phones; house has four large bedrooms, maid's room, sleeping porch, sun porch, built-in features, fireplace, large furnace, fine yard; view Oregon City to Vancouver; no agents. Owner, BC 2sl, Oregonian. BIGEST SNAP IN IRVINGTON. $4400 Fine 7-room bungalow, sleeping porch. Ivory and white enamel woodwork throughout. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, buffet, built-in Dutch kitchen, wash trays, every modern convenience, corner lot 50x100. hard-surface streets, all paid; would consider terms. R. E. MENEFEE & CO.. 417 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 4035. 4-ROOM HOUSE 100x330 TRACT $2100 Parkrose, 1 block to carline and Sandy blvd.. ground all cleared, fruit trees, ber ries, chicken house, pressure water. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th A Stark Sts. Main 20 8, A 2050. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK ON SANDY BLVD. $3800 All hardwood floors, beautiful In terior, house built only one year, first time offered; a great big snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th &. Stark, Sts. Main 20?. A 2050. HAWTHORNE-RICHMOND. $2100. My goodness, folks, just think of It! A 5-room bungalow with fireplace, built-in buffet, good-size lot, all street improve ments in and paid and all of this for $2100, on terms. This is a snap a down right bargain. A. G. TEEPE CO., 24 STARK ST.. near Third. Main 3516. Branch office. 1395 Sandy blvd. FINE old home. lOOx.00, all kinds of fruit, walnuts, chestnuts and flowers; can raise all fruit and vegetables for large family; house has 8 rooms and bath ; near car and school, few blocks to Reed College, Woodstock; sell to settle estate at $4H0, half cash. Phone Sellwood 264. Suburban Homes. -3 ACRE and 1-room houfe. $550; $150 cash, remainder $10 monthly; 25 minutes to west side. 10 lots and 4 rooms, running stream, de lightful location. $1250; $250 cash, re mainder $15 monthly. F. K. STEARNS. Main 3517. 202 Wilcox Bldg. A VERY oleasant home. Courtney Station, Oregon City line; 1-minute walk from sta tion; l'j-cent rare to city; large lot; plenty of fruit: house 6 rooms, basement, sleep ing porch, gas. electricity, water, sewer age, periect state oi- repair; easy terms; no agent. Call up the owner. "W. R. Moore. Phone Oak Grove, 16, M. FOR SALE 7-room house, barn. i acre earden land, on naved road. Oregon City carline; gas and water Owner, Ed SobczinsKi. Park Place, or. FOR SALE Two acres, ilne 7-room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near carline. cheap. Call at third house north cf Ris ley Station, Oregon City car. AT LAKE GROVE. Corner acre, 3-roora rustic bungalow, elec tric lights, water. McFarland. 603 Yeon, Homesteads; Relinquishments. HOMESTEADS. Government farm lands on rood roads. near schools and close to Portland (for merly O. & C. grant), open to entry until JU1V li. We classified and mapped these lands for Uncle Sam for over two years, and know where and what they are. We lo cate them at reasonable rates. MAPS, ANDERSON & ANDERSON, 431 Chamber of Commerce. O. & C. HOMESTEADS now open for entry. July 17 last day for choice lands. Can show you these lands In any locality you wish at a reasonable fee. Filing papers made out and free informa tion. A former Government cruiser. Of fice hours. 8 A. M. to 8 P. M.. including Sundays. 301 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sts., aa joining uovernment land office. W. H. JOHNSTON. 80 ACRES, good location, good auto road right to place, some cleared, more easily cleared; fine spring right at door, good 3 -room house, stable and woodshed, house bold furniture and tools. Mrs. H. L. Marston, Carlton. Or., R. No. JL Tabor 14D5 alter i P. Ju. For Sale -Acreage. 64-ACRE farm. 4 miles south of Forit Grove. 18 acres under cultivation, lots of fine pssture. running water and good tim ber, house, barn and outbuildings; would consider Portland property in exchange. 10 acres, lo miles east, 4 y acres in cultivation, oaiance good timber, near Base Line road. 5 -a ere Lewiston orchard tract in full bearing apples; will consider Portland property in exchange. Exclusive owners. .SJA..N l M A. I U dt JL,fc. A1SON, 702-3 Selling Bldg. A SACRIFICE. One-half acre of good land and fine lo cation for a home: 76th and Division St.; $1200; terms or cash. W. H. Johnston, 301 Worcester oiug. jtiain 3tiio. & V. -ACRE full bearing prune orchard : 1 miles from Canby; $3000. P. M. Madden Realty Co., 102 Hawthorne ave., near 34 in. TaDor hjoo. within city; limits y acre and 2-room bouse, price $1000. See owner, 367 E. 7th at. isortn. CLOSE IN About 3 acres, 3-room house, gas, 2 acres bearing orchard, barn. etc.. 4th -st. electric line; terms. Marshall 4769. $10O0 FIVE acres, level, best soil, on red electric. $100 cash, free wood, near school. Muln HT' XI i Vu rUnil Kilt Vnn .Mv l&O ACRES, 35 cultivated; $4200. Hugh Ma gee. Scott Mills. Or. REAL ESTATE. FOR PALE: 320 acres wheat land. In culti vation, 15 miles west of Walla Walla; at a bargain for cash. Here Is a money-maker: 40 acres of Willamette River bottom land. In cultiva tion, 26 miles from Portland. mile from Now berg High School. Too can make easy money quickly on this: 40 acres. 24 miles from Vancouver. 1 mile from Pacific Highway; finest of sandy loam' soil, unimproved. For sale 7-room house, 5 rooms fin ished; 70th and Oregon sts., Jonesmore addition. For particulars, write H. A. Calef, owner, 64-70 Sth St., Portland, Or. TOU LOOK THESE UP AT ONCE. 86-acre dairy farm. 2 blocks from city limits; 80 a. under plow, 13 -room house; fine large barn, silo and buildings worth over $6000; lots of fruit; $10,000. terms. 53 acres choice bottom land 6 miles out. fine road; V mile good school. 2 6-room dwellings, 2 barns, 8 wells, windmill, other buildings; 48 a. under plow; all fia. rich bottom land. $S0Oo; fine terms. 29 acres 2 blocks city limits, good house, good Oregon barn, 2 a. bearing prunes; snap at $4500, H cash, bal. 4 years. 163-acre dairy farm 4 miles out. 148 acres tiled, best barn in county, 2 modern dwellings, fruit; fine modern dairy farm; $125 per acre, fine terms. INDEPENDENCE REALTT CO.. INDEPENDENCE. OREGON. A GREAT BARGAIN. Fine stock ranch, over 700 acres. In Wil lamette Valley; good transportation; im provements, hay land, natural Summer and Winter pasturage. Price $30 per acre, part cash, liberal terms on balance. If in terested write to box 47S, Portland, Or., to make appointment to meet owner or to receive other details. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. Cheap land, remarkably easy terms, landseekers' excursion party leaves Port land for Calgary, Alberta, Saturday, July 20, reduced rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific Railway Co., 208 Railway Exchange bldg. L. P. Thornton, district representative. DAIRY RANCH for sale by owner, consist ing of 120 acres. 20 head grade Jersey cows, registered Jersey bull; water piped to house and barn ; also creek on place ; good outbuildings and large silo. Terms to suit purchaser; 2 miles from good town. Address R. F. D. 8. box 55. Castle Rock, Wash. Phone 1F8. FOR SALE My 160 acres in W. Yam. Co.; aoout l ?t minion it. oia-growth lir, lots of cedar, good logging stream; about 20 acres slashed. In grass; lots of good bot tom land ; house and sheds. Four miles from station. $3500, terms on half; would consider trade. B. E. Wright. Swiss Home, Or. 11 ACRES for rent, all cleared, 112 wal nut trees bearing, 12 Lambert cherry trees, apple trees, currants, loganberries. Lotan blackberries; 1 acre In all ; good 7-room plastered house, large barn; good roads, spring water; 6 miles from Port land; $4500. G 348. Oregonian. 2 FINE farms for sale, located in the choic est part or poik to., an in cultivation; one 300 acres, one 175 acres. Party leav ing and wishes to sell at once. Prices are low, terms if desired. Might take some Portland trade In good residence In good dist ric t. AH 390. Oregonian. FOR SALE N. W. of S. W. U. sec, 16, tp a, o. x vv . ; is mues ot fortiana, nine acres cleared. In wheat; 81 acres merchant able red fir timber; 3 miles two loading stations; price $4000, terms. Address box 71 2. Nampa, Idaho. 6000 ACRES in Southwestern Washington xor saie, 10 seiners omy, upon easy terms and low pries. $5 per acre and up. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, i acoma uiug., acoma., w ain. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. terms; best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, 603 Yeon bldg., Portland. LITTLE FARMS, near Wlllamina. level. Xencea, ciearea, running water; employ ment; $25 down, $10 month. Jesse R. Sharp. 3i 3d st. THE Curtis farm of 400 acres, near Sherar's oriage, wasco uouniy, on easy terms, by the owner, Frank B. Cole. Tacoma. Wash., Providence bldg. $1500 TO $1000 cash: good 38 -acre home; 10 years logging in iu minutes waiiL. write J. R. McNew, Buxton, Or. LOGGED-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, kouu boh, y iinuuiv, employment easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp. 83 3d st. 40 ACRES Fine location for country home; . good roaas, line scenery, owner, iJ 374, Oregonian. SHEEP or cattle ranch, 4291 acres, at $3.50 an acre; $10,000 first payment. M. Fi ta rn au rice, Condon. Or. $60.000 LARGE stock, grain, fruit farm. vt iiiampue v aney. uwnr. iuo josnua Green bldg., Seattle, Wash. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR LEASE for term of years on shares in Wasco Co.. half section, 73 In crop, wheat and rye cut next week; lots of out side range and running water, all fur nished. See owner, 9 New Western Hotel. 332 Glisan. WANTED REAL ESTATE. A MODERN, up-to-date 5 or 6-room bun galow, witn paved street and garage, in restricted district: prefer Hawthorne. Piedmont, Walnut Park. Laurel hurst or R. C. Park, not too far out; pay down $500 to $1000; would like to trade In some good acreage, near city; price must be ngnu -v jwi, uregonian. WE KNOW OREGON. Having put in 35 years learning of Its farming, timber land, and other resources. LIST YOl'It LANDS WITH L'S. ANDERSON & ANDERSON. 431 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES WANTED. I want a few attractive modern bouses In good repair, not over $4000; quick action if price Is right. PAUL C MUR PHY, at LAURELHURST CO'S. office. 270H Stark st. Main 1700. A 1515. WE HAVE buyers for Tacoma property. wnat nave you xor sale 7 communicate with us at once for quick action. Fidel ity Rent & Collection Co., Ill South 10th St., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED To buy. by responsible party, modern house or bungalow, five rooms and sleeping porch, terms reasonable. C 3u0. Oregonian. 5 TO 7-ROOM modern house in Rose Citv Park or Hawthorne district; have clients waiting. Call Marshall 802. A 4414. Ask lor w. w. Jordan, t . E. Taylor Jo. I WANT some good houses, cheap and on eay terms; ouyers waiting, j no. x. oio son, 266 Stark. Marshall 12. HOUSES ranging in price from $1500 to $.'oou; no charge ror inspection. J. L. Kar nopp A Co., 31 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 675. Farms Wanted. WILL trade good paying country store for equipped foothill stock ranch, AV 140 Oregonian. Wanted to Rent Farms. WANTED By thorough, experienced farmer or dairyman, stocked farm or dairy ranch on snares ; can give oest oz reterencea i2'. Denver ave.. city. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE, CASH ONLY 640 acres tim ber land In Klickitat County. Wash.. mostly yellow pine, some fir, $20 per acre, other timber land or same nature in this vicinity is held for $30 per acre. Address T. E.' Oates, 561 East Ankeny St.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE Mill site and timber on Evans Creek, in Jackson County, Or., in good timber belt. The S. W. of Sec 34-33. 3 w.. oo per acre, some terms it desired. Address owner, 1023 Pine street. Seattle, asn. FOR SALE 100 acres timber In Linn County. Oregon. Mrs, John P. Nugent. 817 South Tower ave,. Centralis. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J Mccracken. ao4 mckat bldo. TH IRT Y thousand cap. mill. large donkey, complete, now operating; on railway. BC 24. Oregonian. 80 ACRES CORDWOOD 14 miles on elec tric line. Jease R. Sharp. 83 3d st. PILING WANTED Rail or water. O. V. Gamble, Gerllnger bldg. TO EXCHANGE: REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE: House and lot, good town Idaho, for auto, or what have you? Address X 355, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange Choice Income property. Hubbard, Oregon. Address C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Oregon. FOR SALE or exchange, 6 acres Board man station. Oregon City car. Address X 356, Oregonian. WE put buyer and seller together without commission. Oregon Realty Exchange In vestment Co.. 41 Stock Exchange bldg. WILL trade good paying country store for equipped foothill stock ranch. AV 140 Oregonian. WHAT have yon to exenange for Tillamook Beach lots? Aldress BD 141. Oregonian. TO TRADE- 160 acres fine land. Mosler.OrT, for merchandise stock. AP 379. Oregonian. TO TRADE 20-acre apple orchard, bearing, for merchandise stock. A 311. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Property In San Diego for Medford. Oregon, property, or The Dalles. O, C. Shelley. 355 E, Glisan at. -REAL ESTATE. HAVE a client who owns one of the finest new apartment bouse In Chicago, 1 10 apartments and four stores; two years old; annual rental over $50,000; party wiabee to trade this property for a good, large ranch. Send full description first letter and I will do same. E. B. Kingman, Co lurobui. Mont. LIST your property witn us for results; sx changes of merit; established 10 years. Tne Ernest Younger Co.. 1O5-10T Park sL, between Washington and Stark sts. FOR SALE or exchange I am still offer ing that choice 231 -acre farm near Wood burn for sale, or part trade. C M. Crit tenden. Hubbard, Oregon. WANT $3oo0 home and $looo auto for $4000 mortgage contract. $300 monthly payments being made now. C A. Haulenbeck. 424 Henry bid. FOR SALE or exchange, half Interest In J jo acres or timber, v sshlngton. Want auto, or what hava you ? Address AL 6o7, Oregonian. FOR FAXK. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. FOR SALE Good, sound young team. S yra oiu, vteignt nuu eacn; aiso gooa neavy wagon and harness. Phone Pacific, 20F5. WANTED To buy at once, 50 head of h rtr k V m it ram a rt A rrt ill. A n O .. .1 1O50 to 1200. Phil bueter. 380 Front St., cor. Montgomery. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away iree. roriuaa tendering ta Call wood- iawn u. FINE, fancy Shetland and Arabian stock. VArv mmart nm a Imlnlnv K. rain f- :i 174tf Wayland st. Phone' Sellwood 1257. PAIR of mules for sale or trade. 2!5 14th st., apt. 25, or call Mar. 368, Monday after 5:30 P. M. BEST 3V-ln. wagoa In state for sale at h cost; nas been used but very little. Call Columbia 232. DEAD horses and cattle taken quick. We pay the most for dead cows. Tabor 4203. DEAD horses taken; cash paid for dead cows. rnon cans paid. Milwaukie b-J. FOR SALE Delivery wagon with truck. case -t . Pianos. Org ans and M us leal Instruments. AT THE SECURITT'sTOBAGB CO."" $30 cash buys large rosewood square piano. $45 cash buys small English $275 upright. $75 cash buys small English $300 upright. $05 cash buys small American $350 upright. $135 cash buys mod. large $4oO plana $160 cash buys mod. mahogany $425 piano. $100 cash buys mod. mahogany $450 piano. $215 cash buys new only stored $375 piano. $235 cash buys new only stored $425 piano. $255 cash buys new only stored $450 piano. $345 cant) buys player-piano. $750 model. $365 cash buys player-piano. $650 model. $25, S.lo, $35 to $45 best parlor organs. 109 FOURTH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. BUY, SELL, RENT AND EXCHANGE TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS ana an Kinas musical instruments. NEWMAN. 12S 1st. Main 44U5, Tabor 6798. A FINE old violin, worth $100, will take half for cash; this Is not simply a piece of wood with four strings. Co- FOR RENT Cabinet Grafonola. with recorus. empire xranszer storage Co Broadway 155. $281.25 $12 cash, $6 monthly, buys 1917 model new improved piano In mahogany and oak at Be h wan Piano Co., Ill 4tn IL BURDETTE wal. organ, like new, $32.50; Everett, worth $500, $375. Harold S. Gil bert, 3S4 Yamhill st. W ILL pay cash for Weber player piano. Consider 65-note. AM 480, Oregonian. $75 CASH secures Hohler upright piano. Security Storage Co., lo9 4th st. PLAYER piano for rent, music Included. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill st. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 3&4 Yamhill st. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8074. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. WANTED Kirut-class 'cello; muxt be good instrument, reasonaoiy pricea. labor -luJlo. ftirnlt ure for Sale. MASSIVE solid-oak bookcase, price $125. Reasonable. 705 Flanders. DogH. Rabbits. Hirds. Pet Stock. FOR SALE Three beautiful fox terrier pupa mi Ciiiai xumni.t su BABY chicks, day old and week old. East jftoa Dt-iore io a. m. i&t Oregon. FOR SALE Thoroughbred H. R. rooster, 1 year old; cheap. 702 E. loth. 13 HENS and rooater, $14. 62 or phone Sellwood 110U. Holgate st. Launches and Boats. PROPELLOR steamboat cheao: also several tons three-quarter-In. machine bolts and extra nuts. tiu -us, uregonian. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory reoullt tvoe writers. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; sena ior price iimu ins v noiesaie type writer Co.. retail dept., 321 Wash. St. NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purcnase, v lsioie moaeis. iteming ton 1 ypewnter (JO., oo sroaawey. Xeispboa Broadway 621. FOR RENT Underwood and Remington typewriters. Empire Transfer A Storsgs to. croaaway jdo. NEW, rebuilt, second-band rentals at cut rates, r. u. lo., ji Marx st. Alain 1407. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon i ypewnter jo.. 4A otn. wain 38. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona ueaiers. w. fease to., HO teixtn. Machinery. LOGGING ENGINES. One 7x10 "A. Washington two-drum load Ins engine with 42-lnch boiler: almost daw. One 0x10 Tacoma roadlng engine with 49-Inch boiler; on good sied and some wire rope. One 0x11 Columbia road engine with wire rope, uiocas. rigging, etc. One lu'ixlOW Washington yard In en gine with 56-inch boiler; on good sled with steel water tank and soma wlrs rope. One 10x12 Washington road engine with 60-inch boiler, on new sled, with approx imately joo reet k -incn wire rone. One 10x12 Washington road engine with eu-incn aiameter Doner. One 10x12 Tacoma road engine with 54-inch boiler; on new sled with steel water tank and some wire rope. One 10x15 Tacoma road engine with eo-inch boiler; on new sled with steel water tank and some wire rone. One 11x14 Washington road engine with fm-incn Doner; on good siea with approx Imately 2ooo feet H wire rope. one 11x14 Willamette road engine with sou are firebox, boiler and some wire rope, One 40 H. P. horizontal tubular boiler with dome, smokestack ana all ritungs complete; in urst-ciass conoiLion. F. B. MALLORY COMPANY, 235-237 Pine St.. Portland. Or. SPECIAL 1 11x13 Willamette donkey. 1 OWxll Willamette donkey. 1 9x10 Mundy donkey. 2 10x12 Washington donkeys. 2 9x12 Wheiand steam feeds. Also boilers, engines and sawmill ma chinery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St. Miscellaneous. 1 LARGE galvanized water tank, about S-ft.xl0-fL; four cedar tanks, about 7-ft.x 16-rt. In diameter. In fine condition, all complete; eight very fine rubber-Ured nacks. orignial cost :uw eacn; large as also small and large pipe fittings and valves ox ail sizes, i o earns, cnsnnei iron, angles. shafting, pulleys, boxes, etc. Eler&ih Steel & Iron Works. 8S-90-92 2d st. N. Broadway 2058. FOR SALE CHEAP Must be seen to be an predated, these two bargains In ladles' evening gows or dress costumes: One new satin dress, size 38, price $10; one new black satin gorgeous gown, cost $65. will sell for $25. or will exchange for anything of value such as furniture, cherries or chickens, pig. rabbits, canary birds or eggs. Aaaress lents. or., it. r u. a, dox 4:-o. Corner Buckley ana rooster roaa. $250 CASH, bankrupt stock. Including 7 new gas water heaters, li cozen gas ana elec tric fixtures, all new; 40 dozen gas and electric globes. 60 dozen gas mantles, vises, etc. Call 210 Columbia St.. bet. Front and 1st, today SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented, $3 Ter montn. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor. A 3626. Main 043 L USED hot water boilers, all sixes. 30-sal $5; 40-gal.. $7.50; over 600 of our bollara in use in the city. 1S9 Adams iu Phoas Esst 7659 FOR SALE A Boynton hot-air furnace. II registers, casing complete. In good condi tion. bj 20. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds, machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. ZJa stark st. BILLIARD and pock-t billiard tables, show cases ana waucases. nxiures; easy ten W. J. Wuigley. 227 First. Main 5399. BEEN DRAFTED FINE BICYCLE FOR SALE. MAKifi OFF Ext. 12 FIRST. IN fc, AK ALUhK. FOR SALE New Indian bicycle, with all at tachments, reasonable pries. Call at 255 McMillen St. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co. Mstn 8582. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the ngnt price. e r noni st. xsroaaway ivoa. GOOD blue-flame oil stove with oven, used very little. Laitisus. CLEAN" 12xi4tent. complete. $20. Wdln. 4434. TWO tlu sales tor sals. 40 is 6ta sU Is'orth, TO EXCHANGI FOK SALE AUTOMOBILES. USD AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. 1917 Mitchell. 7-p.s, 6-cyI $13.10 1117 Mitchei;., ft-cyl lo.,u 1115 Mitchell. 5-pas., 4-. I bT5 lt14 Mitchell. 5-past.. 4-cyl 55o 3114 Mitchell, 6-pas., 6-cyl 650 11 12 Rambler. 5-pasa.. 4-c 1 --' li14 Studebaker coupe . '. &"0 1117 Oldamoblie. 8-cyl.. 5-pass 12--0 Ford truck with body 5.o 2-ton truck, new attach 1250 Used Car Dept.. MITCHELL LEWIS A STAVE R CO.. Esst Morrison at First St. East 7272. B1216. West Side Salesroom. Hroadway st Oak st. Broadway 615. A 3343. BIO STOCK OF USED CARS. We are continually exchanging new car for old and have some of the best values In Portland. These cars are all thor oughly lnspetced In onr shop before being placed In our used car department. If you are contemplating buy lug a used car, watch our daily ads and SEE L'S BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. Cole 30 9 nno Jeffery truck 1100 Ford, 5-passenger ................... 30 Ford touring 375 Ford truck. light delivery 500 Chevrolet 6o0 Cole 8. like new. all extras. Stoddard-Dsy ton truck 350 Jeffery. 7-pass.. like new 1 too Studebaker, series '18, Ilk new l50 Franklin HwQ Cadillac 2-0 Hudson J'"" Saxon 'JV Maxwell - ' Maxwell , Chalmers, 1T lO-o Terms If Desired. Open Evenings and Sundays. W. H. WALLING FO R D, 622 Alder. Broadway 2492. STOP, LOOK AND READ. Fsve Money Buying Your Car Here. 1P14 Putck 4. a. and startr $ 5JS 1917 Chevrolet, first class r 1915 Apperson Six 3 1917 Chalmers Six. like new S25 1912 Franklin, make dandy bug 4.3 1916 Cadillac 8. like new 16o0 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO, Broadway and Burnslde Sts. Broadway 53GS. B U I C K. t Tff mnnvi. TP ASKENGER. THE CLASSIEST CAR IN THE CITY. SPECIAL TOP WITH PLATE 1 GLASb WINDOWS IN SIDE AND REAR CUR TAINS. CORD TIRES. TIRE PLMP, SPOT-LIGHT; SPECIAL $100 PAIN T JOB. FLEETWOOD GREEN; KXTKA TIRE AND TUBE. EVERYTHING JIM LIKE NEW. MUST SELL. PRICE REA SONABLE. WOULD TAKE UBKKTJ BONDS FOR ALL OR PART PA Mfc-NT OR TERMS. " MR. HILDE BRANDT, 344 BURNSIDB ST. FRANKLIN Model G. first-class condition. Just overhauled, body cut down for Pull man sleeper, adjustable for camping, self starter, electric lights, cord tires, etc Left with us to b sold; terms to right party; $473. Y. M. C. A. Auto School. W. J. Les'er, principal. AUTO WRECKERS. We wreck most all makes of ears and sell the good parts lor less than hslf price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for o.d cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 22 Front St. MAIN 4768. NEED a good auto or truck more than I need my new 6-room Columbia Beach cot tage costing $1500. What have you? Glvs full descripUon first letter. H 33, Ore gonian. i FORD delivery car. Ford delivery body. Spot light, motor meter. 300 account Mo Caskey register. National cash register. Hobart coffee mill. Toledo rales and showesses. Phone Tabor 5214, Monday. BUGS, BUGS. Classy bugs. Just like you have been looking for. Newly painted. Step In and look them over. Sandy Rd. Garage, E. 24th and Sandy rd. MAXWELL 5-pasaenger. In good running order; detachable tonneau, 3 tire almost new. 2 about 50 per cent: $115 cash takes It. 462 Hawthorne avenue. NEW Csdlllac limousine, only ued two weeks and covered less than 4oo miles; rare opportunity to buy an rleirant ma chine at a bargain. Call 62 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE New latest model Chandler car, driven 700 miles: my son has en listed and hve no further use for same; a bargain, terms. Call Broadway 1251. FOR SALE Pope-Hartford roadster. fins condition; two extra tires. New York Ga rage, 153 E. 6th. between Morrison and Belmont. TWENTY auto trucks, equipped for sand, gravel and road work, some flat beda. Ail makes, three to live-ton capacity. Ca.1 271 E. Water sU MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; w wreck all mskes of cars snd sU tbsir parts at half price. Dsvld Hodea Cow. North Broadway and Flanders. NEW HUPMOBILE. Have order for new Hupmoblle. Will sell for $100 discount, cash or terms. Call Miss Kelsey. East 7445. afternoons only. STUDEBAKER 1114 model, good condi tion, electric lighting and starting. Price very reasonable. Call at garage, 50 N. 20th street. BEST auto buy In town. 7-pass. Mitchell, in first-class condition; have two cars, so must sell one. See this car before you buy. 315 Stark t,. any time Monday. 1916 FORD In first-class condition; has apeedometer. shock absorbers, good tires; $350, terms. Stipe Garage, Beaver ton. Or. lltf FORD; shock absorbers, speedometer, new tires: runs and looks like new; $375; terms. Stipe Garage. Beaverton. Or. MONEY advanced on automobiles If you store car with us. Auto Reconstruction Co., 3d and Gtlsan sts city. 1918 OVERLAND, 5-passenger. good con dition, 5 good tires; price $325. Inquire 7204 65th ave. 8. E. B-PASSENGER Paige, run 8000 miles; elec tric starter, lights; $475 cash, Marshall 217. EMITH FORM-A-TRUCK Have unused truck attschment for sal at a big aacri fice. R. L Call 530 Alder st. Bdwy. 2717. OAKLAND six. 5-passenser. driven 2000 miles; new extra tire. Best of condition. Marshall 21S3. CADILLAC. 5-passenger, good condition, elec lights and starter; bargain. 347 East 7th North. SE RI ES 9, 5-paasenger Franklin, In good condition, reason for selling, going in the service. E 332. Oregonian. 1917 HUPMOBILE touring car; runs Ilk new; excellent condition. Sandy Rd. Ga rage. E. 24th and Sandy rd. I9T7 MAXWELL, a dandy little car in Al condition. Phone E. 6441 or call evenings, 255 E. 23d St. CUT-DOWN Ford, shock-absorbers and ex tras, good condition; $375. Phon East 1737. owner. CADILLAC. 5-pass.. good condition, elec. lights and starter. Bargain. 347 E. 7th st. N. MAXWELL, nearly new. good running or der, good tires; a bargain, terms. Phone Woodlawn 3145. CLASSIEST bug in city, reasonable, 7U1 E. Salmon. Phone East 496. 1916 HUDSON, looks and acts like new; a snap, terms. Woodlawn 3145. Bl'ICK roadster, light six. good condition; sacrifice; going East. Main 70t4. 5-PAS S. Ford, 1917 model. In fine condition"; lots of extras. Wdln. 1427. FOR SALE 5-pass Velle csr and 2-ton Federal truck. Write AV 113. Oregonian. FOR SALE: 1916 Ford In good running or der. 103 West Richmond st., St. Johns. 1U17 MODEL Franklin limousine, fine con. II tlon; terms If desired. Phone Main 6134. ELECTRIC runabout, newly painted, very reasonable. Tabor 8903. or Main 5535. FORDS ENAMELED. $15. 370 E. Morrison St. FORDS $250 to $450. Hall ex Casalday, 211 Washington. FORD roadster for sal cheap. See Bennett at 1st and Wssh. REO. THE 5TH. In fin condition; $325. Phone East 18H8, FORD delivery In fine shape, $425. Owner, 633 Bolmoat st.. flat X, FORfcALE ArTOMOBILFS. FOR SALE 1917 HUDSON touring car. practicallv new. only driven 4..mi miles: all new tires, wire wheels, bumper and spot light; $1750. Marshall ft7ul after 6:3o this evening. Autombilee Wanted. Lu.Nij SILVA. auto wreckers. We wreck cars and savs you fco per cent on psrts. Send In the parts you need and we wt.l duplicate them. A j toe bought, of condition. 1 none Em 640. tt2 Hawthorne ave. (WILL trade moving picture theater at Sea- iue. ie .-National. tor good car. Adore- R. li. Lepp, Hotel Merwya, As toria. Or. WILL exchange two cliy luis in Boise. Ida., for automobi.e. Wm. A. Kill a a. saver ton. Or. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED CARS. L. E. OBYE. Grand ave. and E. Stark. LIGHT flve-paasenger or runsbout; must be in gooa snape. ul ureonian. Motorcycle MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS. 1914 Twin Excelsior $100 3 wis Cleveland 160 Single Thor ;5 Single Reading-standard 30 Agency for Indian motorcycles and bi cycles, new and used bicycle. Evening Repair Shop, 355 N. 23d. Phon Broad way 5060. INDIAN power pi us. good condition. Apply 515 Aln worth avenue week day after 4 P. M. Auto Tire and Acreoric. MOTORS, gears, oearlngs, wheels, axles; w wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts st hs.f price. David Hods Co. North Broadway and Flanders. Automobile for Hire. NEW CARS FOR KENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND G LI a AN bio. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. 86 loth sU Broadway b40. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funerals, calling, shopping. East 452, HIGHWAY AUTO 6KHV1CU Good cars. competent drivers. 6th. Wash. Main 70S0. FORDS for rent, without driver. 443 Stark St. Broadway 3532. FINE 7-piss. Hudson ; careful, experienced criver. jiarsnan io.a. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 354T. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $ 7.60 A N D U P $ 7.30. for second-hand sutts. J. Meyer the tailor pays tne nig nest price xor suits, overcoats, shoes, etc W call anywhere la the citv. day or evening. Call Marshall 1229. r juaaison iu WANTED TWO POOL TABLES. COM PLETE. BALLS, CUES ETC.; GIVE PRICE AND ALL DETAILS IN FIRST LLiIc.iL It 126. OKLOU.MA.N. OUR specialty Is buying ladles' and gents cast-off clothing. Hignest cash price paid. Win can aay or nigni. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. or 2u0 Madison St. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. 1 buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladies' and gentlemen suits and evening gowi.s, etc .w buyer, lry me before you call others. Pbone ii road way ZVSZ. WANT GOOD BICYCLE. Trade you shoucun, rifle. Vlctrola. fll Ing cabinet, gas range, old violin, banjo looO other uitvful article. NEWMAN. 120 First, near Alder. Main 4495. fcKCuND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. W buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and over. We buy shoes and hats. can Main a. J U N K- W ANTE D J U N K, for sacks, metaj. rubber, second-hand K OOU .uu aiu -. BICYCLE, SHOTGUN. RIFLE TENT WANTED FULL CASH VALUE PAID. MAIN 441(5. 12S FIRST. NEAR ALDER. V. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash Xr any amount. 553 I'll IOC K OlOC SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. W need the clothing and we pay ail It Is worth. t.aii aiain -ui 1st st. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic and pump shotguns wintea. tlocnield, b5 3d. JUNK. rags, bottles. sacks, metals, old clothing ; loois; gooa prices. E-ant HIGHEST PltlCUS PAID for second-hand c.oi ilea. Alain UJ-n. WE buy your diamonds snd old gold Jewelry xor casn. tanmgion sc. WANTED To lease sn apartme&l-hous. fur- nisttca. Atv 44i, oregonian. 1-urn it ure Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO MP ANT. 1S5 to 1UL First St. BEST CASH PRICES FA1D FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, ruga, ator fixture, res taurant outfit, hotels, rooming houses, otfice furniture, furniture stocks: nothing too big or too small for urn. prompt at tention aud courteous treatment. MARSHALL &1SL A 3124. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any ator In the city. There is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialise ta atietf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household sjooda. of tic f urnitur. hot! and camp supplies. When you hv anything to buy or slL call or phon. MAIN 9072. A T174 LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURK COt. 221-3-5 Front at., cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 809 I M MEDIATELY. WE PAT THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITX FOR FLRN1TURE. CARPETS. ETC YOUK CALL WILL BRLNG TUii UCT EU WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 FIKS.T ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN soa. CASH. CASH. CASH, W will pay the highest prlc for your used furniture, carpet, a love, rang, of fice furniture, etc, Phon Marshall 58T and our buyer will call at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 166-168 1st C. requires second-hand furniture, bast pricea paid. If you rav any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4333. 1 MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE to ship out of town, will pay more than Portiand second-hand dealers; deal with a courteous business man. STANDARD. PHONE MAIN 4773 PHONE. X WANT used furniture; cash will b paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for on article or a houseful and a competent courteous Duyer win caii. Aiar. iitiai. FU U N I TV K E W AN T E D W will pay full valu for your second-hand f urnitur. beds, dressers, carpets, stoves and hous hold goods. Call Main 1U23. 193 Front st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; hav the ready cash Phone today. Main 4S2T or 204 First St. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. WILL pay best pricea Marshall 2G82. HELP WANTED MALE. BUSH ELM AN wanted, either by week or percentage. Olsen t Okeson, Hammond. Or. TWO men above draft age who understand running portable woodsaw In the city. Ad dress -t58 East 6th St. WANTED First-class tailor. J. s. Jensen. The Dalles. Or. BARBER wanted. Must be flrst-claas. North w os t era bank Bidg. Barber Shop. WANTED Young men as ushers. Call at The Strand Theater. NIGHT cook, Newport Restaurant. $J5 a wlc 147 N. th st. WANTED Two helpers. Columbia Wlr A Iron Works. TRIPE caners snd casing men; good w a grs. - Amr TELEGRAPHER First-class. Federal Tel. Co., 7 Bosrd of Trade bldg. fc LAUGHTER-HOUSE butcher. Frank L, Smith Meat Co. WOOD turner, steady employment. 8 hours! Oregon Chslr Co.. 1110 Macadam. BARBER, first-cias. non-union shop; best cuuni ntee. Call Sanitary. 49 Morrison. STEADY work for a 2 or 3-ton truck. Broadwsy 133. EXPERIENCED houseman and porter for hotel. Main 13X SHORT-ORDER cook. 313 Burnslde. . J. B. Restaurant. WANTED A 1 auto mechanic; good wage to right man. Wt4 Thurman mt, WANT experienced'night clerk. L 2S6, Ore gon 1 a n EXPERIENCED driver wanted. Call at Pa c kage Delivery. 49 Fro n t st. EXPERIENCED shoe aiemn; good salary to right prty! Rosenthal's. 1l 10th St. DISHWASHER wanted. 70 Broadway. PORTER wanted. LU :a Sixth sU HELP WANTED MILE. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. Th:s Is no to sh.rk: every man should do his utmost; middle-aged mea can now "com back" ; boys are needed st once to fi-l soldiers' places; th Y. M. C. A. Employment and Advisory D- f'rtmnt is abl to give priceless advice; t puts you Into th Ur(i p. ace you art b: to fill successful. y. A special meir. Orrahip of $3 baa bee, devised to aid those who need It; don't miss this modern. cientlf ;c and thor ouchly busincss-Uk way of securing a po:t:on. Phon Mala 8 TOO. a 656L Call at one In person if posiibte. air trim merman, bridal va1 l. lumbek1nq co.. 117 yeon bllh2. want for palmer mill. 1 automatic air tr1mmekman. apply Monday. 117 yeon bldg.. or report. if experienced. to supt. at bridal veil. monday a, m. air t rim merman. HERDSMAN, married, to take cbarg of snii.l herd r-Ki3tred lloli'.dni. Wases $0 pfT month: mm1.rn Iiahu mntt A.1.1ra Farmer, posiofde box 50!s Seattle. Waso stating tie. nationality and reference. E-V wanted br Portland Clm a Pnka fft. at Gasco, on Llnnton road. Steady employ inent; pay $ to $5 per day. Tak fre bu at ctrase. Front and Glisan sts.. A. M.. or and Savir at A. M, App.jr P ant ori:c. LIVE proposition with a strictly Pscific .1 wnt-crn ior a experienced solicitor selling tea and coffee; permanent position with guaranteed alary and coinmtsalon lo men who can get result.. Apply Ideal lea Co., 711 Union ave. N. & ANT ED Collector, single man who can furnish reference, salary $10..'0 a week nd commission; fine chance lor advance ment to a rosd position for right man. Apply bet. 2 and ii todav 40 Oregonian. W ANTED Motor car repair men; familiar with all standard cars, good trouble shoot er, able to scrape and fit bearings; steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee, Broadway and Flanders. W ANTED Apprentice boy for coppersmith shop; do not appiy unless you Intend to learn the trade: must be 16 years of age or over. Northwest process Co.. 30 14th st. N. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks to basements of our consumers; average wage $4.5 to $4.73 for hours. Inquire N. E. cor I'd and Fiandera. Port land Gas & Coke Co. WANTED Electrician. 56c rate, 8 hours; man with some motor winding experience required: good chance to get ahead. Sink on but not bothering West Linn mills. Ap p.y at free employment office on mill wa.k. ARTIFICIAL LIMB MECHANICS Must b f .rst-class fitters. Standard wages, up, according to ability to satisfy customers. Hedgeccck Artificial Limb A Brae Co 1412 Commerce. DaUas. Tex. WANTED Knife and bead grlnderman for pla.iing mill; applicant must be capable and experienced in work Indicated: salary $1J0 per month. K-hour day. Apply Cromett estcrn Lumber Company. Wa.una. Oregon. WANTED By large bakery at Seaside, X cake baker s helper and one bread baker's helper; good wages, ateady work; chanc to combine Summer vacation With good position. BT 473. Ores o n i a n. WANTED Experienced man lo drive car lor dye house. .lu?t be n ell acquainted in Irvlngton. Piedmont, Alhlna districts and exempt from dra:t. Good aalaiy. Call at 1--4 Sandy blvd. WANTED Msn under 40, with good refer encea, general business experience, caps ble manual labor; steady position ; slat experience, age. phone. BD 3iS, Orego nun. WANTED loo caipenu rs at $rt ik per elht hours, b v the Hurley-Mason Company, Ta coma. Wash.; heavy timber construction; men required to Join the union; fees psy ahie weekly. Report at !-'." Commerce it WANTED An experienced steam enKlneer and machinist for day shift for a Colum bia River mill: state experience and wages. E 3.. Oregonian. WANTED Three flrt-claa sheet metal workers; two acetylene welders, standard wasea: double time for overtime. Apply timekeeper Coast Culvert St Flume Co. MEN WANTED Conductors snd motormen wanted. Call room 3u2 Electric building, or division superintendent's of tic at th carbarn. P. R.. L. A. P. Co. MILL and yard men wanted at Multnomah Lumber A Box t'o. foot of Bancroft ave.. . Portland. SeeJ night foreman bet. & and 6:30 P. M. RELIABLE man. with light car. to han dle established tea and coffee route; $35 per meek and commission. Boyd Tea Co. 1-' 3d st. WANTED Two men a helpers for ware house work. Mock clerk Xor hardware ana tinware. Require some experience.. M. Seller & Co.. fith and Pine. WANTED Experienced counter man for coffee house; must have references: also kitchen man. The Beacon Coffee House, 7 3d st. BA RBER wanted, steady job or vacation work; $ guarantee per week. Good prices. Apply to Lewta-Stengcr Barbers Supply Co. WANTED Two drivers on bakery routes; must hftM sales ability . rood wages. Royal Bnklng Co.. oot Wash. St.. Van couver. Wash. Phone 40s LABORERS wanted for ditch work; steady employment, top-notlch mace. Inquire N. E. corner -d and Fiandera Portland Gaa 4 Coke Co. WANTED Experienced hotel Janitor for small hotel, single msn preferred; giv room. Conradine Hotel, loth and Burn slde sts. WANTED A colored man to play heavy parts in a 15-minuta act; must be expe tienced. Write, a:nd photograph. BD Oregonian. WANTED Landscape gardener and florist. Must .b American. Apply room 740, Chamber of Commerce, between 10 and 12 A. M. WANTED First-class automobile mechanle by well-established garage. Medford. Or. Good wages, permanent. Inquire 65 Park street North. ASSISTANT bookkeeper with lumber ex perience. Address Doty Lumber c Shingle Co.. Doty. Wash. WANTED Bright, hustling boy, about 16 years, to run elevator; short hours. Con radine Hotel. 10th snd Burnslde sts. MAN to take charge of motor truck, small amount of cash required. Call West Side Fuel Co., cor. IQth and Glisan sts. EXPERIENCED dishwasher, good Wages, no Sunday work. Call early Monday morning. 210 Alder. WANTED A stenographer who understands fir Insurance, to substitute In office for two weeks. Call Main 14. or A 1414. WANTED First-class automobile repair man. New York Oarage, 163 E, Sth. be tween Morrison and Belmont. WANTED An experienced head waiter, good salary paid. Apply Monday morning at room 604 Buchanan bldg. WANTED Man for laundry route. over draft age, good opportunity for live man. American Laundry Co.. 140 East 3d st. N. WANTED Jap with good references to do general housework ; good wage. Benson Hotel, room 1114. Apply at once. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $70 per month snd board. Apply Washing ton street dock. WANTED Good, steady man to work in washroom ; good wages; steady position. TPiy io person. Crystal Laundry Co. CABINET makers wanted, either day or Piecework ; good wages for good, fast men. arman Mfg. Co.. 114 Mscadam st. 3 OR 4 good woodchoppers at Page's Spur on Estacada line: good camping grounds. E. Ee, Brown, at Boring. WANTED Man on ranch, must be good farmer and understand Irrigating. Address AV 14S. Oregonian. r TEAMSTERS, auto drivers and helpers. Ap ply room -15 Oregon bldg.. between 8 and 12 A. M. TWO firat-class satin finish and bard goods men wanted quick. J. G. McDonald Choco late Co.. Sslt Lake City. Utah. Help Wanted Sale COLLECTOR-salesman. city, with or without rig: liberal contract. Call A. M. 402 Wash. WANT FD AGENTS. DOES this mean anything lo you? A llf insurance company with $13,300,000 In assets and $4,ooO.OOO In cash surplus, now paying to policy holders th largest cu mulative and annual dividends, will ne gotiate contracts with self-sustaining agents, either city or country. Inquiries held confidential. Addreaa AV 117. Or gonisn. ATTENTION. SALESMEN over draft age. If your present employment is non-essential, call and see us. Permanent work guaranteed. SI 3 Stock Exchange bldg., & to 0 P. M. Sunday 10 to AGENTS st once. Sell oOc per month ho pltal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANT experienced chambermaid; wage $13 per week. Palace Hotel. 446 Wh. at. EXPERIENCED atenofc rapher and assistant bookkeeper. Call Mount Hood Sosp Co. WANTED Chambermaid. Apply house keeper Clyde Hotel. WAITRESS wan ud. Grand av.