THE MORNING OREGONIAN. 3IONDAT, JULY 15, 1918. 11 SHIP WORK GREAT Figures Emphasize Expansion ... of Work in Portland. NOTABLE PROGRESS MADE In 19 Months Number of Employes Increases Tenfold and Payroll 13 Times, While Ship Tonnage In Water Is Immense. Figures that tell In short, -rlvld Btrokes of Portland's progress In ship building In the past 19 months have been compiled by the Chamber of Com merce and are made the subject of a special front-page article In this week's Issue of "Portland Commerce." A tenfold increase In the number of employes, a monthly payroll 13 times as large, nearly 20 times as much wood en ship tonnage In the water, and a clear gain of more than 200,000 tons In steel ship tonnage these are some of the facts made clear in a comparison of the ship business in Portland now and on December 10, 1916. FJfrures Are Given. The article itself, which tells the rest of the surprising- story, follows: Dee. 10, 101 . July 9. 1918 Plants bufMins; steel ships ....................................... 3 5 Plants buildins wooden ships A 17 Number of employes . 4.2no 41.400 Monthly payroll (302.400 83.874.4O0 riteel cargo ships launched .................................. 0 2", Tonnage of steel ships launched 0 202,400 Wooden ships launched 4 9(1 Tonnage of wooden ships launched ................................ 18,500 849.800 Cargo ships on ways not launched 11 94 Tonnage of ships on ways not launched .......................... 48,000 370,4O0 Total amount of contracts unfilled ................... .$22,250,000 $200,000,0110 Three under construction. Portland 85.200 Steel 7.800 Outside of Portland , S.200 Wood 293. SOO Total 41.400 Total 870.400 Number of vessels launched 191. 1917. 1918. Wood . 4 81 61 Steel 0 8 18 Tonnage Wood 18,500 117.800 213.K00 Etecl 0 61.600 140,800 Totals 18.500 179.400 353.300 "The history of shipbuilding in Port land for the past 30 months is one of remarkable achievement. Almost un known as a shipbuilding center in 1916, the city today occupies a pre-eminent position as a producer of both wood and steel vessels. Shortly after war was declared a few scattering; contracts were placed with Portland constructors. So splendid was the Portland record that more and more contracts became available, with the result that today four immense plants are building steel vessels, while in the district 17 yards are buildingr ships of wood. "On July 11 Oregon had produced 26 steel cargo vessels and 96 wood ships had been launched. Ships on the ways, under construction and awaiting: launching, numbered 94, of which 11 are steel ships. Unfulfilled contracts on hand in the Portland district totaled the immense sum of $200,000,000. "The development of the steel ship Industry in Portland is worthy of spe cial note. In Oregon, and directly trib utary to Portland, the greatest lumber manufacturing city in the world, is a stand of comniercialSKimber officially estimated in excess of 660,000,000,000 feet, and yet Portland has in less than three years become one of the great steel shipbuilding centers of the country. Table Is Compiled. "The statistical bureau of the Cham ber of Commerce has compiled the fol lowing table, which tells in figures Just what has been accomplished iu the shipbuilding industry in Oregon. CHROXOMETKR DEMAND HEAVY Eugene Merchant Sells Instruments in Slock for Many Years. EUGENE, Or., July 14. (Special.) The United States Government is reaching out to jewelry stores through out the country to secure a supply of chronometers for use in equipping the large number of vessels which are be lli!? launched, as evidenced by the pur chase of a chronometer from the M. L. Kreamer jewelry store in Eugene. The chronometer had been in the window of the store for many years and was used as a timepiece by persons wish ing to compare their watches. The supply of chronometers in the United States is said to be limited, necessitating the commandeering of these instruments wherever they are found. The Kreamer chronometer is of English manufacture and has been in constant use for over 60 years. MARINE SCIIOOIi RUNS NIGHTS Tacoma Instruction Course Draws Experienced Fishermen. TACOMA, Wash., July 14. (Special.) Enough students have answered the call for the free navigation school in Tacoma to permit Professor C. 1). Shane, formerly of the University of California, to open a night school in addition to his day sessions. Many fishermen who have spent much time at sea are taking the course. More of them will enroll as soon as they return from the Alnska fishing banks. George Munro, of Tacoma, has fin ished the course. He will go to Alaska for the fishing season, and when he re turns will take a berth on one of the Emergency Shipping Board's merchant men. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. s.w vr.AXi'Isco. July 14. (Special.) A vessel flying the colors of tho Kingdom of Sium is expected to arrive at a Pacific port ahorllv. probably being the first of that fiac- to come to America. Shortly after de daring war against tiermany. taking her stand with the allies. Slam's rulers took over five German vessels that were in tiiam ki:i norta. The steamship on the way Is of fair size and will bring a cargo of rice. A large freight and passenger vessel now at a Vacifto port will be disinfected follow inir discharging by order of the quarantine officials. Ilala are reported to have made a stronghold of the craft. She brought 115 first cabin paj-sengera and a 3400-ton cargo. All ocean-going vessels in tUe bay looked their '"prettiest" today in honor of the anni crsary of the fall of the Bastlle. The i-'rench tricolor was floating on every ship in the harbor, while all signal flags were festooned along the rigging. Tides at Astoria Monday. llish. Low. B:16 A. M...H.O feet 111:23 A. M 2.0 feet 6:4S l. Al....o reet Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD, July 14. Oondl'ion of tho bar at 5 P. M. : Sea. smooth: wind, south west. 10 miles. RATE RISE IS ALLOWED l'alls City Electric Company Re ceives Limited Permission. SALEM. Or.. July 14. (Special.) The Public Service Commission has granted the Falls City Electric Light Company a right to increase Its rates, but not to such an extent as applied for by the company. The commission states there seemed to be no particular ob jection to the rates as applied for from the citizens and the city council, but they appeared unjust and discrimina tory to the commission. The commission n Its order states that the unsystematic manner of han dling the company's accounts makes it practically impossible to determine the status for 1917. MILTON PIONEER IS DEAD Patrick Kelley Once Member of lieg Ulatnre From Umatilla. MILTON, Or., July 14. (Special.) Following a long illness, Patrick J. Kelley, pioneer settler of the Walla Walla Valley, and one-time member of the State Legislature from Umatilla County, died at his home here yesterday at the age of 86 years. Mr. Kelley is survived by his widow, two sons, two daughters and many other relatives. The children are: Harry F. Kelley, of Washtucna, Wash.; J. E. Kelley, of Milton; Mrs. a B. Will iamson, of Lostine, Or., and Mrs. Sarah Ward, of Seattle. HUN CUSS WORDS LEARNED Salt Lake Youth Prepares to Express Opinion of Kaiser Bill. SALT LAKE C1TT, July 14. When the U. S. Marines march into Berlin there is going to be one Salt Lake representative peculiarly fitted to tell one William Hohenzollern just what Zion thinks of him. For Cavendish W. Cannon, of this city, has enlisted in the Marine Corps. For several months prior to his en listment Cannon was studying German but he Insisted that his teacher school him in only one branch of the German language profanity. "1 want to learn how to cuss fluently in German," said Cannon when ques tioned concerning his peculiar studies, "so that I can tell Kaiser Bill and the rest of his gang just what I think of them. If 1 didn't know all the words in the German "cuss dictionary,' how could I do it?" HUSTLERS' FETE GOES ON Mid-Summer Festival Reopens on Albina Grounds. The Mid-Summer Festival of The Oregonian Night Hustlers' Club, held on the circus grounds last week, proved to be such a huge success that citi zens of the Albina district have pre vailed upon the festival committee to continue the affair one more week at Albina. Saturday night the traveling exposi tion was loaded into the heavy circus wagons used in its transportation and hauled across the river to the vacant lot on Williams avenue, between Mor ris and Stanton streets. Today that lot is transformed into a veritable fairyland. An innovation in the history of out door parks is to be tried out. The ad mission to the grounds is to be free. No charge to the grounds for any one. The Whip, the sensational riding de vice, will be one of the features. Other features are there In quanti ties and quality. The affair will open at 7 o'clock tonight and continue all week. SOLDIERS SAFE IN FRANCE Portland Relatives Receive Letters From Men Overseas. Relatives and friends of officers re cently stationed at Camp Lewis, who left for overseas several weeks ago, were relieved yesterday to learn that these men have arrived safely on the other side. Among the first messages to come were those from Major Philip Carroll, of Portland, 348th Field Ar tillery, and from Lieutenant R. B. Kuy- kendall, of Eugene, of the 347th Field Artillery. Lieutenant Kykendall is brother-in-law of Robert E. Smith, of Portland, state manager for liberty loan campaigns. Major Carroll is a former West Point man, who was commissioned Captain at the first Presidio training camp and promoted to Major while at American Lake. JACKSON PEAR CROP GOOD Yield of 90 Per Cent Forecast and Apples Will Be 55 Per Cent. GOLD HILL, Or., July 14. (Special.) Pear orchards In the north 'end of Jackson County will net the growers a 90 per cent crop of good quality fruit. while the apple crop will average 5a per cent. Is the report of the Bhippers in this district. The drought will not affect these crops to any extent, as the principal orchards are under irrigation. The Del Rio orchards, two miles be low Gold Hill on Rogue River, with 12,000 boxes from eight-year-old trees, will be the largest individual shippers of pears in this district. Prospects for a successful year the coming season lor the fruitgrowers were never better in the history of the country in spite of the labor and box shortage. AGED FARMER DROPS DEAD Body Found in Yard of Home on Siulaw River by Neighbor. EUGENE. Or., July 14. (Special.) George Pettey, Lane County farmer, was found dead in the yard at his home on the Siuslaw River, six miles south west of Lorane, today,' according to a telephone message received by Corone Marion v eaten this afternoon. W. Y. Hawley, a neighbor, was passing Pettey's place and found the body. The message to the Corone stated death had apparently resulted from a stroke of apoplexy. Pettey, who was 72 years of age, lived alone an had no relatives. Youth Injured at Play. Joseph Albemese. son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Albemese, 667 Fifth, street., suffered a broken arm Saturday afternoon while playing on the - unfinished chutes of the new Marquam Gulch playground Young Albemese is 6 years old and he is the first victim of the new play ground. Read The Oregonian classified ads. The Bank of California National Association Portland Branch Third and Stark Streets Capital Surplus and Undivided For convenience of our depositors, our Savings Depart ment will be open on Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock until further notice. ' Interest Paid on Time and Savings Deposits STUDENTS MUST SERVE UNIVERSITY TRAINING CORPS LINE FOR active duty. Enlistment Contracts For Students Over 18 Yearn Make Them Sub ject to Call of War Department. EUGENE, Or.. July 14. (Special.) An order received from the War De partment last night oy Colonel W. H. C. Bowen, professor of military science and tactics, at the University of Ore gon, provides students entering the Army training corps at the university this Fall must enlist In the United States Army for the period of the war. The students army training corps Is a voluntary organization. The order in part follows: All able-bodied students In the col leges In which training unita are or ganized will be encouraged to enlist f over the legal enlistment age of 18 years. Students under 18 will be en couraged to enroll in the training units. Students neither enlisted nor enrolled will not be entitled to enter the train- ng units or to receive the instruc tions. The enlistment contracts for 11 students over 18 will constitute them members of the Army of the United States, and they will become thereby subject to active service at the call of the President. The enlisted students will be on fur lough status until called to the colors, and will receive no pay or allowance, except when attepding Summer traln- ng camp, in wnicti case they win be entitled to transportation and rations. It will be the policy of the Govern ment not to call members of the stu dents army training corps units to ac tive duty until they have reached draft age, unless urgent military reasons compel an earlier call. A memorandum of information re ceived by Colonel Bowen regarding central officers' training schools says that no applications made directly to the War Department will be considered and that applications from Oregon must be made through the military de partments of the University of Oregon or the Oregon Agricultural College. Oregon applicants will be sent to camps as follows: Infantry, Camp Pike, Little Rock, Ark.; Field Artillery. Camp Tay- or, Louisville, Ky; Machine Gun Training, Camp Hancock, Ga. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL. REPORT. PORTLAND. July 14. Maximum tempera ture, 87 degrees: minimum. 5 degrees. River reading at a A. Al., 11.2 leet: change in last 24 hours. 0.4 foot fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 V. l.). none: total raintau since September J. lini. B".u-t mcnea: nor- al rainfall since September 1, 44.7 Inches: deficiency of rainfall since September 1. 1117. Inches, sunrise. 4:34 A. si.: sun set. 7:r, P. M. Total sunshine July 14. i; hours. 25 minute: possible sunshine, 15 hours, 25 minutes. Moonnse. f. At.: moonset. 11:38 P. M. Barometer (reduced to sea level) at S P. M.. 20:81 inches. Rela tive humidity at noon. 41 per cent. THE WEATHER. Wind k3 Etate of Weather STATIONS, Baker ..1 fi'Jl 88 0.QO'14lNE ICIoudy Bolso I 6S 88 O.lffll 4IVV Pt- cloudy Boston r 0"S 4IW Pt cloudy PL cloudy Pt. cloudy Calgary ..... 74 O.oo lo NE 74 0.O0 IO1NE Chicago .... Denver Des Moines.. 8 0.02 12 8 Cloudy eti U.02I. .1 Rain Rain pt. cloudy Rain Clear Eureka ..... 2 0.1C)I 8'N'E tS 0.001 B'S Kitn.r.n M'.vw Galveston Helena ..... 60 Juneau ,.. sn o.ooi 4 s ,..) 8S O.OO 14 SE ..I 74 O.II012iSW Kansas City. . Cloudy Los Angeles. Marshfleld .. Medford .... Minneapolis . New Orleans. New York... North Head. . Clear 52 H 0.001 6 XWICloudy 4!l 8H'0.lM)'l2:NWjCloudy 41)1 8li U.U0I12 SE (Cloudy ...I 4 O.Otti 4iSE IClear . . .1 RO.O.lOl 4VW Cloudy 54! 2 O.ou lO, SW Cloudy North Yakimal O.ool. .1 ICIoudy Phoenix Pocatello .... Portland 10O 0.0010 XWlClear 7 0.4il'J s IClear t7 o.ool IN' IPt. cloudy Roseburr .... s n.noiio XWIPt cloudy Sacramento . . 82 0.O0 12 R IClear Kt. Louis SS 0.00 10 E PL cloudy Salt Lake.... 80 0.00 lOiN'W 70 0.00 10 w 84 0.01) 22 W 7fl 0.OOI1O W 1)4 O.nol 4 SB 7S 0. Ill) HI N en'O.Oll 2418 64 0.001 4'SW 04 0. 0 10 W 84 O.OO IO N 70 0.001 8 N Cloudy Clear San Diego San Francisco. C ear Seattle Spokane ..... Tacoma . . . . . Cloudy Cloudy Pt cloudy PL. cloudy Clear Tatooah Island Valdest ... Walla wail Cloudy Rain Cloudy Washington Winnipeg .. t A. M. today. P. M. report ot preceding day. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably showers: westerly winds. Oregon and wasnington r-ronaoiy snow- era; cooler east portion; moderate westerly winds. Idaho Probably showers and cooler. EDWARD L. WELLS. Meteorologist. Leather Plant Is Burned. STOCKTON. Cal., July 14. Fire of unknown origin almost wiped out the large plant of the Wagner Leather Company here late yesterday. The loss is estimated at 1100.000. Mill Site Is Cleared. MARSHFIELD, Or., July 14. Pre paratory to re-building the Johnson sawmill recently destroyed by fire at Rates for Classified Advertisements la The Oregonian. Dmily and Monday- Per Una. One time l-9 Two cooMatlT time ............ tie Three eoneecative time BOe bix or hvMi consecutive time The (olIowinK ebtMlf .cmtlons excepted, the rate on wbteh lm 1e per line per dnjs Situations Wanted Male. Situations W"antri- Female. For Kent Koouia -Private Families. Board and Hoorna Irlvate Fa mil I. UouMkefuinc Rooms Private F'amiliea. No no taken tor letta thwa two linit. Count tlx words te the line. Advertisements (except "Per sonal") will be taken over the tephens If the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following daj. Advertise ments are taken tor The Daily Ore go nian until ft P. M.: for The Sunday Uis Konian until 6 P. U. Saturday. $8,500,000.00 Profits.... 8,295,394.00 Coqullle, E. E. Johnson set a force of men at work clearing the sit and the new structure will be under way at once. To separate the building from proximity to the business section of the city, as the other mill stood. Mr. Johnson has purchased two acres of land adjoining his site on the east and will utilize this In reconstruction. We manufacture) for Shipbuilder BOAT SPIKES BOLTS SHIP RIVETS NORTHWEST STEEL CO. Portland, Oregon. AMCSEMEXTS. FANTAGEQ MAT. DAILY 2:30 MR. GEORGE CHOOg Presents the Newest Oriental Fantasy , . "AN ARABIAN NIGHT.'' With John A. Crawford. Gua Erdman and Metropolitan Company of tilngera and Dultcer. . OTHER BIO ACTS xnree - Performances Dally. Night Curtain at 1 ana V. LYRIC MtTKICAt STOCK Mat dally. 10c only. Nights start T. Ill this week DILLON and PRANKS la the Howling Musical Fare. 'SAILING ALONG." Comedy, music and pretty girls. Monday. Bargain Night, -uc Only. Tuesday. Country Store. Thursday. Ladles' Souvenirs. FREE. Vrlday. Chorus Girls' Contest. DANCING taught by professional instructors at uenoney's beautiful Academy. 23d and Washington. New classes for beginners start Tuesday and Thursday evening this week. All dances taught in eight lessons laaies, ; gents, .:. 1 ne only school teaching the entire evening, s to 11. Every step and figure of all dances thoroughly taughL Separate step room for backward pupils. Plenty of prac tice, xno emuarrassment. xou win meet refined people and are sure to learn. One lesson from us is worth six in the average school. Normal instruc tions for dancing teachers. ' Private lessons, all hours. A full printed de scription or an dances tor pupils Tree. war stamps taaen as money. start this week. Our prices will advance In a lew oavs. Call afternoon or evenine. rnone Alain ioib. circulars mailed. xijs el rsi t CHAT NO. 47. The Oregon State Pharmaceutical Association, in holding; its annual convention at Oaks Amusement Park and favoring this natural playground as the 6cene for the gathering of the druggists of five states next year, has set an ex ample which other societies and organizations, whether social or commercial, would do well to fol low. The Oaks Amusement Park is but a few . minutes' journey from the heart of the city, is provided with frequent car service and can be reached at a cost of 6 cents. Be sides, it is the neatest and cleanest and most spacious spot of the kind near Portland and at all times of fers a multitude of pleasures and entertaining features. The fact that it is right on the river and has long, broad walks for the accommo dation of boat and launch parties should not be overlooked when se lection of a place for outdoor gath erings is being considered. Pic nickers, families and associations should take advantage of this ideal spot for their outdoor amusements. Special arrangements for such gatherings may be made with the management at all times. A cor dial welcome is extended to all organizations. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. TRAVELERS' Gl'IDE. STEAMSHIP Sails Direct for SAN FRANCISCO I.OS ANGELES SAN DIEGO :SO P. M. MONDAV. JlLlf 15. , San Kmnclaco. Portland at Los Angeles Bteampahip Co. FRANK BOl.LAlL AL 101) Third Street. Main I. CRENCH LINC JP CCUrUIlE EEIEHAII TUISlTUITlQUf t inn batal tsrtlu NEW TORK BORDEAUX PARIS HXEKLT DEPARTURES. Fagasl Bros.. I'ae. Ceeut Agents, 10 Cherry ot- Seattle, er .sur Local Ageata. AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND AND MCTH SEA TIs, Tahiti sad Karatooga. stall U4 pas senger eej-rlce from Ban Ifraaclac. ever ist dare LMOM 8. sj. co. o JTEW ZKAT.AMD. tS California gl Daa risMlsn, sub. ssllmaa as TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. INDIAN powerplua, good condition. Apply Rli Ainsworth avenue week, days after 4 P. M. MEKTINO NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS Members or Portland Lodge, No. 142. B. P. O. Elks, ftr requested to attend the funeral of our lata brother, V. M. l SUva. today (Monday). July 1)18. at 2:30 P. M. Services tVi;ifp taking parlors ot J. P. Flnley rTf'-nX? jl Ron. Otti and Montgomery. Vlaltins brothess are invited to attend. By order ot the K. R. M. K. SPACXPINQ. Bee Jo- Itz. 6UNNYSIDE CHAPTER. NO. 128. A. F. AND A. M. Staled communication this (Monday) evening, at 8 o'clock. Dawley's Hall. K. S4th and Yamhill. U' grcea By order of Worthy PN L. DOWNING, Sec. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A. F. AND A- M. Special com munication this (Monday) eve. at 7:S0 o'clock. Work In the E. A. decrees. VUltora welcome. W. M. DeLlN. Sec Gl'L REAZKB GROTTO. NO. 5. will give an Informal dance on the "Swan." on Friday, July 20. Vem mera and Masonic (rat.rnlty In vited. EMBLEM Jewelrv. buttons, charms, plaa. ew deslsna. Ja..r Broa JS1-S h at. FRIEDLANDER'B for l?d emblems. elaaa pine and anedala. 10 Waanlnctoa at. DIED. HALVERSON At th. residence. 4T Blsi-k- ton., July 14. Ol. Halveraon. seed 61 yoars; husband of Rlsl. Halvor son. father of Klmer M. Halveraon. of Davenport, la,, and "Wilbur A. Halveraon, and Edna O. and Adolph 1. Halvernon. all of Portland: brother of Halbor and Jonta Halverson, Wisconsin; 1la Annie Feathers and B. C. Wilson, Wtaconaln. Notice of funeral later. Remains at the residential parlor of Miller ac Tracey. HI!. I. In this city. July 14. Molly K- Hill. aged years, wire ot k. -. itui. ot i . i Courtney street, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Homers, of 701 Vanderbllt St.: sister of Eva L. and Emma Homers, of this city: C. C Somers. ot Bend, or., and H. H. Bomers. of Cedar Kaplds. la. The re mains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Klntey & Son. Montgomery at 6th. Notice of funeral hereafter. MONTGOMERY At SIS I..O sve.. July II. Atella Montgomery, aged t9 years. - mo. and 24 daya. Krienda wlahing to view the remains may call afternoon today and un til noon tomorrow at the residence funeral parlors of Walter C Kenworthy. and M.VI4 Eaat lSlh St.. Sellwood. after which the remi.lns will be forwardeC to Belle Fuurche, 6. D.t for lotermtnL THOMPSON July 14. at 100.1 Feneca St.. Oeorge A. Thompson, aged ol years, be loved husband of Mra. Mellsaa, M. Thomp son. Remains ar. at A. R. Zeller Co.'s parlors. Funeral announcement later. FCNERAL NOTICES. WATKINB At the family residence, OI2 Powell Valley road, July 13. rermella w. 'Watklns, aged .7 years 4 montha 2-1 days, wife of David M. Watklns, mother of Claude W. and ;uy E. Watklna. grand mother Ouy I. Watklns, all ot this city: of Len B. lllxson. of Salem: Julia R. Illxson and Mrs. Belle Prince, of this city. The funeral aervlces will be held at th. conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. Eaat Mid. funeral directors. 414 East Alder SI., ror. lxth. at 2 P. M. tomorrow 1 Tuesday). Friends Invited. Interment ML Scult Park Cemetery. ML'NIINOTON In thle city. July 14. J1. Dr. John Huntington, aged years, late of Walla Walla. Wash., brother of Wallace Huntington, of Kelso. Wash.: Edwin snd Klmer Huntington, of Castle Rock. W'ssh. : Chandler Huntington, of Milton. Cal.; Spencer Huntington, of North Yakima. Wash., and Mrs. Henry Windsor, of bhe4 lon. Waah. Friends invited to attend the funeral services which will be held at llolman's funeral parlors at 11 A. M. to morrow (Tuesday). July 16, 1018.: Inter ment at Kelao, Waah. 8TIGER At Tacoma. Wash., July 12. Clin ton . Stlger. age A3 years 5 months, be loved son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ritlger. husbsnd of Alberta Stlger fnee Hennlngl. fnther of Edward, Clinton, Jr.. and Vivian May Stlger. brother of cieorge. Leonard and Ray Htiger, all of this city. Funeral services will be held In the con servatory rhapel of Y. 8. Dunning, Inc., 414 E. Alder St., today (Monday), July ir. at 10:30 A. M. Friends Invited to at tend. Interment at Milwaukle Cemetery. MILLER In this city, July 13. Mrs. Eliza beth Miller, aged if years. Funeral aerv lces today (Monday ), July 15. at 2 P. M.. from United Brethren Church. Mallnry avenue, between Beech and Fremont. Re mains have been removed from Pearson undertaking parlora. Russell street at Union avenue, to the residence of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cook. 786 Twelfth street North. Interment Rose City Cemetery. STEWART At the home of his daughter. Mrs. Olivia C. Jackson. July 13. Charles Andrew Stewart, aged 60 years 2 months 5 days. He Is survived by his two daugh ters, ten grandchildren, seven great-graiid-chlldren. The funeral services will be held at the residence at 4 P. M. today (Monday). Krlende Invited. Interment Lone Kir Cemetery. Arrangements In care of F. S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder street. GERMAN In this city. July 13. 1918, at the residence or hta rtarenta. Q7L t Doer drive Frederick W., infant son of Fred W. and Nellie German, aged 9 months 10 daya. The funeral will be held tomorrow (Tues day), at 8:80 P. M.. from the chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Company, Third and Clay, thenc. to the Cathedral. Fif teenth and Davis, where services will be said at 9 A. M. SILVA In this city, July 14, Major Valen tine M- C Silva, aged 74 yeara. husband or Mrs. Nannie D. Suva and brother of Miss Marie Wilson, of Chicago. 1IL The funeral services will be held today (Mon day) at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Flnley fion. Montgomery at 6th. Friends Invited. Incineration at Portland Crematorium. CHANDLER In this city. July 14, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. N. Huggins, J091 Franklin sL. Cordelia B. Chandler, aged AO years. Funeral aerv lces will be held today (Monday) at 10 o'clock A. M., at the residence establish ment of J. P. Flnley St Son. Montgomery gt 0th. Friends Invited. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. CHRISTIANSEN Funeral services of the late Katie Christiansen will be held to day (Monday), July 13. at S P. M.. at the reorganized Church of the Later-Day 8ainta, Seventy-sixth and East Glinan streets. Interment at Multnomah Park Cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller gt Tracey. PORTER The funeral aervlces of Csrrie C. Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Porter, of 4212 42d St. 8. E-. will be held today (Monday) at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Ml Olivet Baptist Church. Broadway and Everett sts. Friends Invited. Interment at Mt. Bcott Park. Cemetery. J. P. Flnley & 8on, directors. MATHI8EN Th. funeral services of Solo mon Martin Mathisen, late of 1KMI E. Sal mon St., will be held Tuesday. July 16. at 1 o'clock P. M., at the residence estab lishment of J. P. Flnley & Bon. Mont gomery at nth st. Friends Invited. In terment at Mt- Scott Park Cemetery. DI'KE Th. funeral services of th. 1st. John H. Duke will be held Tuesday. July ir at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the residence establishment ot J. P. Flnley Son. Mont gomery at 6th. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Zlon Cemetery. Sylvan. Or. TVSr.H At, nlRFCTORl. HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1S7T. Third snd Salmon Streets, Main 607. A 1511. Ladr Assistant. Perfect Funeral Service (or Leas. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. st.. bat. loth as 21st. West Side. Main 26UL Lady aaslst&nL A Tt&A. J. P. FIN LEY A SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. Privste Drive Women Attendants. SlONTUUAIERlC AT FIFTH. Main . AI5. WILSON & ROSS dSautaJi"- East 54. C sltti. DUNNING A McENTEE, funeral directors, Broadway and Pine street. Phon. Broadway 4U0. A 4558. Lady attendant. F. a DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder St. East 52. B U'iJ 3. BREEZE & SNOOK SJi MR. AND AIRS. W. H.. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 11)73 E. Gllssn. Tabor 4319. F I. 1.KRCH. Eaat 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. Eaat 781. B 1388. ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts. Bdwy. 034. A 2J3. A. R. ZELLER C0.: vs. IS. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 41iJ, A Z32L. Lady assistant. Matron. PoptlandBnsiness;Bulle1in A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and classified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. AOOKUION I'LKATINO. hemstitching;, ilbatinu. all lat- Lr STILES. tASIEKX NOVELTY ID., Sot, KIt'TH. EASTtKX NOVELTV CO.. STARK HT. BKOADWAT 000. K. SIEP1IAS, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cordioa slUe pie.iL. buttuus covered, mail orders, am PitiocK block. Broadway 11. AtiATK CITTKKS ANU Mm. Jt'WtUHa. J VVELK V ana natch repairing. Millar's, ' Wash. St.. Majestic Tnealar bias. itlAHA MEAL. I.HOIXU FEEDS. HAY. WALTER SCOTT. Board of Trade. M. 67. ASSAVKKa AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAf OFFICE. 142 Second Oold. sliver and platinum bought. ATTORNEYS. MORRIS A. OOLPSTE1N. practice In courts. mi2 Northwestern Bank bldg. all BARBER MrPLIrX" REYNOLDS) MONEV-BACK TONIC Bar bers exclusive; sold direct- P. O. Box 2a. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO. We buy eu an ainus uarocr supplies. a : K. BARBER SUPPLY HOUSE We sell U kinds of barber supplies, go N. 2d St. BEAITY SPECIALIST. SL I'EKKLl'uUS HAIR destroyed forever by aiu.npie. .eeuie urinoa. alH wetland oiag CARPET CLEANING. northwest uuu ca. established laoa. Flutf ruga and lag runs woven, all sl&ea. i-.ast in ana xsyior. East 2.vo. B 12ho. CANCER. I- M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED. 812 Morgan bldg. Marshall 014.1. CKI.Ll LOIIt MITTONM. THE mwiS-llilDSO.N COMPAXY. SS7 Washington. Broadway 4.14. A 1254. CHIROPODIST AND ARCH SPECIALISTS. WILLIAM. Estelle and Floretie DeVeny, the only scientific chlrupod ists and arch spe cialists In the city. Pariors ::02 Gerllnger u.tig.. southwest corner. Second and Alder. I'hone Main lil. Lit. GARTNER, Ctitropodisu Bunions, a spe cialty, uniy piece in city toot arcaes maae to order. 226 Alder. Main I0M. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN. DR. McMAHON. Macleay bldg.. loori chiro practic, worlds best. Adjustments made easy, oostinate cases ouc rate. CIRCULAR I.ETTKR8. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610-11-12 Royal bldg. Mar. z.i2. loo letters multlgraphed. VI. 00. COLLECTION AGENCIES. NET1I i- CO.. Worcester bldg. Main IT (Ml No collections, no charge, established ItHlu. DANCING. MRS. Fl.KCK'S ACADEMY Social and stag, dancing, private Instructor; classes Tut., Fri.. . lo 10. 1"9 2d at., bet. Wash. snd Stark. Main Zlnn. Larn to dance Summer classes, prlv lessons. Ringiers Acad.. 14tlu orr Bun., leading school: 10 lessons $.". lt.iwy. linsO. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, lead ing school. SOW Firth: s private lessons. 11 A. M. to 0 I'. M. Broadway -.1 DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. DR. G. II. HUTHMAN, veterinarian, hosnl- tal. 41a E. Tth at. Last Iftli, x mtk; Dogs and horses clipped. Ml 1 1 RIGS AND KAU RIGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS lnprraln, itrusaeia. Smyrna. Axminater raff niKi, nil Bier, mall onlcr prompt; lookleu 0x12 ruga, at ram or dry rlrant?i. $l."t. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. WESTERN FI.l'l'K RUG CO. M-n6 Union Ave. N. East 6.-16. B 1473 FLUFF RUG AND RAG KIB FACTORY. NORTHWEST RL'O CO.. established 10O3. Fluff rugs snd rag rugs woven, all sisea. Eust 8th and Taylor. East 30SO. B 120. WHOLESALERS AND AVTO TOPS. DCrlRUlLI.K Bl'GGI TOP CO., th and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade Bldg. DRV GOODS NOTIONS. L. D1NKELSPIEL CO. VSTo" st-t HATS AND CAPS. THAN HO USER HAT CO.. .'3-55 Front SL HIDES, WOOL, CASCARA BARK. KA11N BROS., IBS Front St. PAINTS AND l.CBRICATINO OILS. V. P. Fn.l.KH CO.. 12th and Davis Pts. FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 2S7 Morrison .L Main or A 1R3. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MARTIN & FORBtS CO.. --I Washington. Alain -" - " for all occasions artistically arranged. TONSET1I FLORAL CO.. .Si "asnington Del. etn ann ------ MAX 11. SMITH, Main 715. A 21S1. Selling bldg., 6th anil AloeriiB. MONl'MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 24-28 4th St.. opposite City Hall. Main 8004. Philip Neu er Sons for memorials. EHCr;oiINlvi GaMMlTEl co.l LI 1-i-nao .T r-!ATIICIM TKt-ET CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Perpetual care assured with every purchase. No expens afterward. Prices lower. Courteous treatment to all AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House, 10 Furniture. 1HM-171 Second su A. M. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room IS Co.rUi.aae, Stb Si. Lot ranee. Phone from t. S. Main 17". Horn. Ptione A SSI Night call after office bosn. Mala 170. Report all cases of cruelty to the abov. ad dress! Electric lethal chamber for .mill ant. mala Horse ambulance lor sick snd disabled animals at a rnomeot'e notice. Anyone de siring a dog or other pet communicate with . call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look' alter all Impounding. There la no mar. city pound, just Oregon Humane Society. SIW TOD AT. FOR LEASE The Stonebrook Hotel 265 FOURTEENTH. Near Jeffersos. laejalr..f A. B. Steinbach 415 C.roett Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS ImprofH cltT mm& farm property! ilallnrit rfpayncit prtvllem Iff pr . (erred prompt, reliable eenrfee. Ae H. BIRRELL GO. 417.21 .Voii.wratrrs Bank BaU4lsg. Marshall 4114. JL 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BUSINESS AND REIUE.CI PH.OPfcB.TY. ROBKRTSON a EWI.1G. go 7 -a A.rt hw.atera liaak. Bids. irinulii&rarTlinG-t JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER. Jim I CD 102 Third St. Expert watch ' !LLLr.ll maker. Work guaranteed. LilUL TUIELUOKX, violin luchtr. pupil 1-evclk. am FUedner bids. Bdwy. lliitJ. OPTOMETRIST!, AND OPTICIANS. S Saw ULAMiLti AT A SAt l.U y'Ta I solicit your patronag. on th. - ' oasis ot capan.e aervicc lDO. unila of kanafiKd n - r r.. ti . a trial will convince. chaa. W. Goodman, opto metrist, 2l Mornaon. PAINTING AND DECORATING. G. W. RILEY, painter and decorator. 1733 inia at., A- ortiana. or. beimooa on .. PATENTS. R. C. WRIOHT 22 years' experience V. 8. ana foreign patents. 6t'l Dekuro b'.dg. PATENT ATTORNEYS. GQLDBEKQ. ma Worcester bldg. Main :r.2J. THYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, l'5 Broadway b'.dg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach. liver, kidneys, bowels, throat, goitre, scalp, high b.ood pressure. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. S'.ark-Davls Co.. 212 Tiiird. Mam 7!'7. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRE.-S J. E. Gantanbeln. Mgr. 1'rluitng and linotyping. 10wo Front at cor. Stark. Mam or A 141 8. DDIWTIVfS BALTES COMPANY, I IlinilllvJ i,t and Oak sts. Main lny A 1163 PRIVATE MATERNITY HOME. PRIVATE maternity home. g.0.OO includes everything. 642 Gantenbeln ae. E. 3:o&. REAL KSTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES. 404 Wilcox bide. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING. 2D-HANQ clothing. We pay highest for men's and ladles' clothing. shoes, etc. We buy furnttur. and every thing of va!ue. Main 4776. 246 First SL (MOMHI.lNU STORES. MAIN 64Uo bicycles bought, sold and ii chrnged. We buy everything. 233 Front. STORAGE. FIREPROOF STORAGE OLSklN TRANSFER CO.. 24S FTNK. C. M. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan sL. corner ISth. Telephone Broadway 12S1 or A 1169. We own and operate two large class "A warehouses on terminal tracks. Low est Insurance rates in the city. MADISON-ST. DOCK at WAKEHOCSK. Of fice 1K Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 16tl. 1'ACKlNil. MOVING. STORAGE. SECURITY tTORAGH e: TRANSFER CO.. I".', Park St. Main SI !'.-. A lti.'.l. STORAGE AND TRANSFER CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4U KLA (JTREKT. si kiimi m v.t:. C. J. HASaiat-THuM, Swedish nur; air Cymnut curt, rlinunatiani, lumbago and lomMilt trouMe, 61. Llekum bldj. M .it n 170 WATCH EXPERT. WATCH REPAIRING. Special ail tha mack. By brlnrtng- this ad. matnuprlnpa or Jewel ftOc; all work Kuaranteetl. liarry Brown, ax pert watch and Jewelry repHtrins;. 171 1st, corner Yamhill. Main 2tA2. MI AM) t OAU SHORT GREEN SLABWOOD Multnomah Fuel Co. M 6640. A III. MANUFACTURERS PAINTS. OILS AND GI.AS. RASMl'St-EN & CO.. snd Tsylor. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 4-R6 Front SL 1 1 1 MRINf, AND STKAM M PPLIES. M. U KLINE, M-S Front St. PRODICK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDI.NG & FARREI.U 140 Front St. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Xorthrup. BASH. DOORS AND GLASS. Fl'Ll.ER & CO.. ll'th and Davis Sts. WALL P.VPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Pt. Co.. 17'J First St. MORGAN TVAT.T. PAPER CO.. ;n ;d St. NEW TODAl. Stock Farm One of the best stock farms In the Willamette Valley, consisting- of about 700 acres, well fenced, plenty of water and good buildings. Located in Yam hill County about two miles from Whiteson and six miles from McMlnn ville and Dayton. In pursuance of an order of tha County Court the above ranch will bs sold at public auction to ll"e highest bidder on the 20th day of July. 191&. at the County Courthouse, McMlnnville. Oregon. ELLIS McLEAJf, Administrator of the Kstato of Thomas A. Barlow. Deceased. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE -LOANS. Insurance, Surety Bonds 302 WILCOX BLDG, Mala 702. A 3702. REAL ESTATK. MODERNIZE your bulldinca; ehingf dad realty Into 1W avsota: I do all klnda of attoratlooa and rpa.ira; uv Ucsirns for new homes. aUa.x M. Ufytr, con tracting aro t. Concord bide !aln 1BT4. Formerly bupt. Oregon Horn Buiiderm. ACRK TRACT laUW 25 DOWX, S15 MONTH About two-third cred, some fine ffr trea stand inc. aidewalki to bandy bt vd and Ceixline; pressure water, r-ta; nlc home around. J. U H AKTM AN COM FANV, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bac, 4itx fc Stark Sta. Main OS, A 2000. 100x1 ;,0 TRACT PARK HOi K IMJWN. lS-50 MONTH $25 1 H blocks to carlina and Sandy blvd., sidewaika, saa. electricity, preasura water, itniiind all cleared; a blc map, J. la.. HAKTMAN COMPANV, No. Cham ber of f ooiroerce Bldg. 4th St Stark bis. Mala 20$, A -000. THAT VACANT 1XT Turn a burdoa Into In com a. Wo deatsn and build any thine, furnish tho money If desired. .lsUt yeaxa In Fort I and, L. K. Bailey Co.. coiitractna architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. ML" 1ST sell at once 2 lots on Waverley Ileirbis or 1 lot In Proebstet's addition. Charles ironic. Cor'aHls, Or. 60-KOOT lot. Won Lav 11 la, price $400: F'nTate Roberta. Marine Corps. Tabor 1727. G. C GOLUENBF.RS CAN SEL.L. YOUR LOT 315 Abinrion bide Main t or sl lat and' -Beax h Prupetir. Apartment Property. FOR SAI..E Rooming house and restaurant, owner Is In Krauce Is reason ; a good buy. CoL C31. il.HilKTA barg.t.n; good 6-rooru house, S luLs. aarden and xruit; terms; Ouy from owner. 1 1 !." Ktist 30ih FOR BALE By owner, new 1 -room bunga low, lot ".'.1123 feet : two Mocks car tine, eitf Bryant su. Woo'Kaw n district. ONLY ft POO. $73 cajh. bal. $10 per month ant Interest- J no. 11 U.biton. I'tiS tark t Marishall 12. -ROOM house with bain and toilet. In good residence auction. $70. Call at eOs 1' bldg. SMALL house, SOxlOO corner lot. easy terms. Cwner, 13i Burrage at- Phone Wdln. 541. 4-KOOM hous. CUd st. IS. E.. 40J.1UO lot, $1100; $-jO cash will handle. East 3148. IRV1NCTON K. T. BTHHET. KUMtU 1RV. ACJi.NT.