THE 3IORXIXG OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1918. FOB MLE. 3Ia-hinery. LOGGING ENGINES. One 7xI0U Washington two-drum load ing engine with 42-inch boiler; almost new. One 0x10 Tacoraa roadlng engine with 48-inch boiler; on good aied and. some wire rope. One ftVsxll Columbia road engine with wire rope, blocks, rigging, etc. One 10'ixlO1 Washington yarding en gine with 56-inch boiler; on good sled with steel water tank and some wire repe. One 10x12 Washington road engine with 0-inch boiler, on new sled, with approx imately 1" 00 feet 4 -inch wire rope. One 10x12 Washington road engine with 0-inch, diameter boiler. One 10x12 Tacoraa road engine with . 64-inch boiler: on new sled with steel water- tank and some wire rope. Oq 10x15 - Tacoma road engine with 60-inch boiler: on new sled with steel water tank and some wire rope. One 11x14 Washington road engine with 66-inch boiler; on good sled with approx imately 2000 feet H wire rope. One 11x14 Willamette road engine with square firebox, boiler and some wire rope. One 40 H. P. horizontal tubular boiler with dome, smokestack and all fittings complete; in first-class condition. F. B. MALLORT COMPANY, 235-237 Pine St.. Portland, Or. SPECIAL. 1 11x13 Willamette donkey. 1 9xll Willamette donkey. 1 PxlO Mundy donkey. 2 10x12 Washington donkeys, ft 9x12 Wheland steam feeds. Also boilers, engines and sawmill ma chinery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 83 First St. FOR. SALE Hoisting or logging donkey, fully equipped with blocks and cable. Ad dress G. F. Greene. Kingston, Or. LITTLE GIANT hammer, 50-lb., also 1 hand blower, either Royal or 400. Sorepture &. May, 5th St., Oregon City. Miscellaneous. STOCK OF MERCHANDISE. Consisting of 18 barrels of crockery, 21 cases of matches, large assortment of thread, ribbons, ladles', men's and chil dren's hosiery, big assortment of station ery and toys, inks and other good stock. This Is a clean stock, just shipped in from Kastern Oregon, and must be sold. Will sell at discount. Prefer to sell altogether, but will sell separate; stock invoice about $3500. Call 40 N. Sixth St., Broadway 1024. FOR .SALE CHEAP Must be seen to be ap preciated, these two bargains In ladles' evening gows or dress costumes: One new est in dress, size 38, price $10; one new black satin gorgeous gown, cost $H5. will ell for $25, or will exchange for anything of value such as furniture, cherries or chickens, pig, rabbits, canary birds or eggs. Address Lents, Or., Ii. F. P. 3, box 45. Corner Buckley and Foster road. 6EWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented. 13 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 3d. near Taylor. A 8626. Main 043 1. XJSED hot water boilers, all sizes. 80-gal., $5; 40-gal., $7.50; over 600 of our boilers In use in the city. 189 Adams st. Phone Kst 7659. ONE bowling alley, one billiard table, five pool tables. Will sell together or any part for cash. Price reasonable. Address H a rry Breneman, McMlnnvlIle, Or. ROYAL ANN cherries. 5c a lb.; Black Re publicans, 4c lb. picked. 1135 Llebe, Wood stock car. FOR KALE Sewing machine, all attach ments, good condition, private party. Room 405, 350 Vfe Morrison st. FOR KALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds, machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark st. MILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show eases and wallcases, fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 390. FOR SALE New Indian bicycle, with all at tachments, reasonable price. Call at 25; McMillan St. BEEN DRAFTED FINE BICYCLE FOR SALE. MAKE OFFER. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. SLACK REPUBLICAN cherries, 3c on tree. 4831 E. 00th st. S. E.. Stewart station. CHERRIES, Bfngs 8 cents, pick them your- -If 1.1 7 'l n.lmnnt FOR SALE 3 beautiful fox terrier pups. 1141 East Yamhill st. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentley Co. Main bo Si!. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1966. FOR SALE Bedstead and spring, baby cradle, good condition, betiwooa lm. SWILL contract, for sale to reliable party. Phono Main 4659. FOR SALE Black Republican cherries. Phone Tabor 7104. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BIG STOCK OF USED CARS. We are continually exchanging new cars for old and have some of the beBt values In Portland. ' These cars are all thor oughly inspected In our shop before being placed In our used car department. If you are contemplating buying a used car, watch our daily ads and SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. Cole 30 $ 300 Jeffery truck 1100 Jord, 5-passenger 350 Ford touring 375 Ford truck, light delivery 50O Chevrolet 550 Buick roadster 00 'o)e K, like new. all extras. Stoddard-Dayton truck 350 Jeff t-ry, 7-pass., like new 1100 Chalmers 1100 Studbaker, series 18, like new .... 050 Franklin 1000 Cadillac 250 Hudson l5rt Briscoe 680 Terms If Desired. Open Evenings and Sundays. W. H. WALLING FORD, 622 Alder. Broadway 2402. 1918 FORD touring car with lots of extras, very reasonable terms given; car can be seen at Palace Garage Co., 12th and Stark. Ask fnr pilchard MONEY advanced on automobiles If you ntore car with us. Auto Reconstruction Co., 3d and GHsan ats.. city. FOR SALE Pope bug, adaptable for truck. Bargain If sold at once. 875 Hawthorne, evenings. Tabor 8950. 1913 OVERLAND, 6-passenger, good con dition. 5 good tires; price $325. Inquire 7204 65th ave. S. E. FOR SALE -1914 Ford touring car. excellent mechanical condition, almost new tires, $300. Main 0769. FORD touring, best of condition, good tires; must sell, $325. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. PAIGE, 1917, 7-pass., perfect condition, prac tically new, bargain. Call 147 3d st. Main 4919. -PASSENGER Paige, run 8000 miles; elec tric starter, lights; 9475 cash. Marshall 217. . 9-PASSENUER E. M. F., in good running . order, 'in is car is not nan usea up. au. Edwards company, otn ana ua. VANT to sell a cood 6-passenger Chalmers car, newly painted and overhauled. $400 cash. t;aii tei. J-i. SMITH FORM-A-TRUCK Have unused truck attachment ror saie at a Dig sacri fice. R. L Call 530 Alder St. Bdwy. 2717. 1 LIGHT delivery. A-l condition: 1 1916 Hud mobile, fine shape. Kodhain & Voilum, 9.; N. rarK. fiiona proaaway xsvv. WILL sell my Ford ton truck for $450: will take part cash, balance easy terms; good condition. A ti uregonian. lttirt CHEVROLET, good condition : demount able rims; new tires; $400 cash. East Side Garage. 1913 BUICK roadster, fine condition. 5 83x4 tiros, - Drana new; price iov. Aft. ttd, Oregonian. FOR SALE Ford, good condition, elec trio lights, new tires; bargain lor cash. East 7 iro. 1916 CHEVROLET, Al mechanical condition, $123; terms. CaIlEagt1962. - FORD roadster for sale, splendid condition. Going away. Garage, 2d and Main. MASTER SIX CHALMERS, $S00 Phone Marshall 4795. AUTO trailer lu Rood condition : new hard tires; ?SO. II. A. West, Oswego, P. O. JITST SELL 1917 5-passenger .Overland. Call Main 1105. SLIGHTLY used tires, $3 to $15 each; vul - canlned. 2.Sc; tire repairing. 207 Madison. 1 H -TON truck. Continental motor, just overhauled ; will sacrifice. 22S Burnside. 1916 FORD touring car, A-l condition. $400. t'nor.e r-. w.i FORDS ENAMELED, 915. FORDS $250 to $450. Hail & Casslday, 211 Washington. 1918 DODGE, run 700 miles, extra tire; bar galn. Tabor 6478. ISO E. 33d. FORD roadster for sale cheap. See Bennett m 1st and -Wash. REO. THE oTH. In fine condition; 9325. Phono East 1868- 1918 FORD touring, samo as new, owner must sell. SO Grand ave. X.. near Burnside. OA K LAND roadster, good condition, will sell $250. Owner. 30 Grand ave- N. 1916 FORD chassis, In good condition, cheap JiEW Ford roadster body for sale cheap Wood I awn 143T. FOR SALE 6-passenger Ford. Sell. FOR PALE AUTOMOBILES. WONDERFUL BUYS in just new used cars; all makes, all sizes, all prices, all over hauled, all guaranteed as represented. 1917 Ford, 3 new oversize Goodyear tires, demountable rims, shock ab sorbers, speedometer, foot accel erator -...$ 650 jwio jora, new iiwa, just periect ... 4UU 1916 Maxwell, good tires, new battery 600 116 Overland Little Six, overhauled. 7O0 liU'.i Hupmobile roadster, 5 new Good year all-weather tires, run 6000 miles: some buy 600 Series 18 Studebaker touring, 90 per cent new 800 Series 17 Studebaker four, 3 -pass. ; 00 per cent new 750 1914 velie, elec. L and s., perfect-.. 550 1916 Mitchell Six, 3-paas.; 5 cord tires; 95 per cent new P00 1915 Winton Baby Six 800 1915 Chalmers Master Six, 3 new cord tires; runs perfect 700 3916 National Six; 90 per cent new.. 1200 Small 5-pass., new tires, overhauled. 3lo Oakland 8. 7-pass., cord tires 850 Cadillac light delivery 350 Studebaker 5-pass., fine tires 250 1916 Overland. Victoria top, scat cov ers, new paint TOO 1914 Overland, 5-pass., elec. 1 and a. 400 New buys arriving every day. ' Open Sundays and evenings. CONLBF8 USED CAR CENTER. Big Bri'-k Building, Side Entrance, S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington fits. Phone Broadway 2606. SNAPS. 3916 Oldsmobile 8 roadster, Al 3118 Maxwell, like new 3917 Chevrolet, first-class 1917 Ford, dem, rims, extras... 3914 Buick four, good ear ..$ 900 650 4!5 M'O 1912 Franklin, great buy ;i1 1917 Chalmers like new lot And Many Others. WESTERN MOTOR SALES CO.. Bdwy. 5368. Bdwy. and Burnslde. USED CARS., Chevrolet delivery 175 3915 Ford roadster 3 916 Ford roadster 0 3 914 Ford truck 65 3918 Ford truck with body '"J 3916 Saxon Six 600 3914 Overland .0 3915 Chandler, snap J2 3917 Hudson Super-Six 3;-' 1915 Cadillac 13)0 1915 Franklin roadster 1000 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington sts. City. PACKARD 1-48 6-cylinder, 7-passenger. elec tric starter and lights, $1000. Packard twin six -5-passenger; only run about 14.000 miles: spare tires and other extras. Price $2500. M Hudeon 6-54; cord tires all around. Cheap at $075. Brand-new Ford one-ton attachment, never been used. At a special bargain. 14-ton Jeffery truck; fine mechanical condition; with or without body; $So0. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPAM. 10th and Burnside Sts. Broadway 521. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Franklin 1 Buick 1 Franklin mlAA'Z' 3 Chevrolet 5 7 Fords '. 265 to 1 Dodge 1 Oakland 1 Maxwell 1 Overland 1 2-Ton Truck. LONG ft SILVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. .$600 .9550 .$300 $450 $450 .9700 .9150 .9150 .9175 1918 CHANDLER 7-passenger: just like new. only run syuu mnes; sp.r mw. i,ui"vci' no-glare lenses and other extra equipment. Bargain at $1550. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10th and Burnside Sts. Broadway 52L USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. Several good used cars to select from. MITCHELL, LEWIS &r STAVER CO., East First at Morrison. East 7272. B 1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM, Broadway at Oak st. Broadway 515, A 3343. LATE 1917 FORD touring car, same as the early 1918; just completely overhauled; a big value at $485 cash. Model 83, 5-pass. Overland, good condi tion, $e-o; must do iom oy o.t.u(ujr DEALERS USED.CAR CLEARING HOUSE. Grand Ave. and East Stark St. YOU can make big money every day by i .. iiflfa All nnr Buying viia wi - hauled and in fine running order. One 5-ton Kessel. $1500. One 2-ton Reo, $900. One 2-ton Reo. $800. We will take the old truck in any time MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 354 Burnside St., off Broadway. TRTTCTC BARGAIN. 3 -ton Republic, run less than 1500 miles, good as a new inicn; - dukim. ouflv trmM 1 u, -ton worm-guard Federal, just overhauled, run about a year; price $1600, terms. Koehring .uacnine uo., to Hawthorne ave. SMALL, CLASSY CARS. Maxwell, 5-pass., fine shape 9 Maxwell, 5-pass., like new 9 rtuiCK. n. u-prus --- nH trt ii-nA.KS O.tJ 40 rc down, balance 10 equal monthly FLETCHER & JAMES, us on ii gtuau FRANKLIN Model O, Iirst-ciaas conanion, just overhauled, body cut down for Pull man sleeper, adjustable for camping, self- starter, electric UgniS, coru i cn.. icii with us to be sold; terms to right party; $475. Y. M. C. A. Auto School. W. J. AUTO ti. HiL. tve-tto. We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good parts for less than half price. If. ,.r. all IrinHa ftf tiled bodies tOT Sale. 1i it.... nplnai rtaii fnr Aid Cfl.rS. MAIN 4768. CADILLAC, 1913, 7-passenger, mechanically perfect; tires apienaiu cunuuiuu, nninnii- inan rims. Will sell on reason able terms to responsible person. Phone Wilkinson, jjusn jane rmim xrirfc-rv Bond auto or truck more than nAri mv now 5-room Columbia Beach eot tage costing $1600. What have you? Give lull aesenpuun - w v gonian. 1918 MITCHELL. 4-PASSENGER CHUMMY ROADSTER, JUST LIKE NEW; COST EQUIPPED. 91700; WILL SELL FOR ttor KALE New. latest model Chandler car drove 700 miles; my son has enlisted, and I have no mrtner use ior ssiue, our- gain. -iall Jroaqway ijol TWENTY auto trucks, equipped for sand, gravel and road work, some flat beds. All makes, three to tivo-ton capacity. Call 271 E. Water st. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at half pVlce. David Hodes Cow. North Broadway and Flanders. STUDEBAKER 1914 model, good condi tion, electric lighting and starting. Price very reasonable. Call at garage, SO N. 20th street. 1916 7-pass. Mitchell 6, in perfect condi tion; run only enough to limber tt up. and Is a beauty. . Car may be seen at 42 N. 21st st. 6-PASSENGER. 4-cy Under Chalmers: elec tric lights, air etarter; In first-claas con dition: $390. See Williams at garage, 6th and Madison, after 4 P. M. OAKLAND roadster, almost new; must be seen to be appreciated. Extra tire. c Van Pelt, Tabor 724. Business phone. Ta hfr 3195. NEW 191S Maxwell touting car; win sell or trade for bug. Call at 895 Belmont or China Inn. Ask for Fred Lizar. FOR SALE 1915 Ford, shock absorbers, tire rack, tool box, extra horn, special Joints on front end. Call Tabor 285. FOR SALE 1917 Reo in good condition. Call after 6 P. M., 263 E. 45th. FOB 6 ALE AUTOMOBILES, t 4-PASSENGER chummy roadster, cylin der, 45-horsepower; new spare tire, bump er, clock and other extra equipment ; in excellent condition. Run lea than 600O miles; had the best of care. Owaer leav ing city. Cash or terms. East 2066, or AS 407, Oregonian. BEST BUG in Portland; 6-cy Under, high power engine. Gray & Davis starter and lighting system, vacuum feed, gas tank in rear. A bargain for cash. Ask for Mr. Fulton at 370 East Morrison. "DON'T BURN GASOLINE." Absolute satisfaction guaranteed, investi gate this; agents wanted. Gasifier Sales Co., 23 N. Broadway. CAR with electric lights and starter; small payment down, easy monthly payments. By owner, M r. Morris, 005 Lum bertneni bldg., Bdwy. 3125. BRAN L new large Hupmobile. latest model, cord tires; will trade lor smaller car and cash. 367 Stark st. FORD, 1916 mod .-J. for sale; can be seen at C3 Sixth st. Broadway 1177. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED One or more lightweight 5 -pass, autos, in good condition, in exchange for all or part of 65 a. land with timber d. W. or Corvallis, clear. This Is your oppor tunity to make a profit on your ma chine. Call or write D. A. Chambers, 167 Broadway. LONG at SILVA, auto wrecker. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in th parts you need and we wlil duplicate tnem. Autos bought, regarlless of condition. Pnone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne ave. WILL trade moving picture theater at Sea side, "The National," for good car. Ad drens R. H. Leppla, Hotel Merwyn, As toria. Or. WILL trade pew Wick player piano, 5u music rolls, for light car; no junk. AB 413, Ore gonian. WANT 1917 roadster for cash: Bulck. Velle, Dodge preferred. Call Columbia 1072 be fore 5 P. M. WANTED Late model Ford roadster or cabriolet: muut be in Al condition; cash. After 2 P. M Derlcks, 16 N. -Broadway. IMPROVED residence lot on East Side to trade frr ton truck. X 362, Oregonian. 1 PAY SPOT CASH FOR USED CARS. L. E. OB YE. Grand ave. and E. Stark. WANTED Use of 7-pass. car by nr. or day. Inquire 66 6th st. Motorcycle. DRAFTED Electrically equipped Harley Davlduon and side car, fine condition, cheap. H. J. Hoffman, Oregon City, or call 470W. 1916 MODEL, good condition. Boulevard Garage, 42d and sandy. can a iter q:u P. M. 2-C YLINDE R motort ycle, good condlt on; newly overhauled. $55 cash. Phono re al- way 2127. A 1918 S-S?EED Indian motorcycle. 1409 Powers st. St. Johns car to (JoiumDia Diva. Auto Tires and Accessories. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes ox cars ana sen tneir parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. FOR SALE Four 36x4 non-skid casings. tubes and rims, mounted. J. Jr. Jjooth, 1124 Board of Trade bldg. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD A .NO STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 loth St. Broadway 40. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funerals, catling, shopping. .Last 4uo. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars. competent drivers, oth. wasn. Alain tono. FORDS for rent, without driver. 443 Stark st. Broadway o. FINE 7-pass. Hudson ; careful, experienced driver. Aiarsnan zjv. 5-PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling shopping, nignway. roaaway aot. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the highest price lor suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere in the citv. day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229, r J. J Madison at. WANTED TWO POOL TABLES, COM PLETE, BALLS. CUES, ETC.; GIVE PRICE AND ALL DETAILS IN FIRST LETTER. R 126, OREGONIAN. OUR specialty Is buying ladles and gents' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225, or 209 Madison St. HIGHEST PRICES PAID. 1 buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc. New buyer. Try me before you call omen. inone Broaaway na. WANT GOOD BICYCLE. Trade you shotgun, rifle, Victrola, fil ing cabinet, gas range, old violin, banjo. 1000 other useful articles. NEWMAN, 128 First, near Alder. Main 4495. JUNK WANTED J UNK. H 1CHEST PRICES PAID. for sacks, metal, rubber, second-hand goods. Call Main . KECOND-H AND CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and. over. We buy shoes and hats. Can Alain J.y-d. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and we pay all It Is worth. Call Main 74. 20i 1st St. Will pay cash Xor any amount. 553 BICYCLE, SHOTGUN. RIFLE TENT WANTED FULL CASH VALUE PAID. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST, NEAR ALDER. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic and pump shotguns wanted, iiocnieia. so a a. JUNK, rags, bottles. sacks, metals. old doming; toois ; gooa prices, r-aui -j. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-hand clothes. Main 9344. WANTED Indian relics of stone make. Portland, Or., y. V. box 4 4 4. VS buy your diamonds and old gold Jewelry for casn. -y- wasnington st. WANTED To lease an apartment-house, fur nished. AK 4i7, oregonian. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. i Stoves, ranges, ruga, store fixtures, res taurant outfits. hotels, rooming houses, of flea, furniture, furniture stocks: nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention ana courteous treatment. MARSHALL 598L A 8224 READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any store in the city. There is hardly an Item we do not buy and sell. We specialize In shelf and heavy hardware, sporting goods. household goods, office furniture, betel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell. call or pnone. MAIN 9072. A 7174. LKVIN HARDWARE Ac FURNITURE! CO., 221-3-5 Front st-. cor. salmon. CALL MAIN 809 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS. ETC YOUR CALL WILL BRING THUS BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. ' 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 309. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, al lies -furniture, etc. Phone Marshall 587 and our buyer will cai: at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First St. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 166-168 1st st., requires second-hand furniture, best prices paid. If you rave any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE to shlD out of town, will nay mora than Portland second-hand dealers: deal with a courteous Dusiness man. biA.NUAKu, PHONE MAIN 4773 PHONE. I WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseiui ana a competent courteous Duver win can. .Mar. I'eys. FIlRNITt'RK WANTED Wa will naw f,.ll k. value for your second-hand furniture. ' beds, aressers, carpets, stoves and house hold gooes, oau .Main ivzj. ia iront st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURB of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Jiain 407 or 204 First st. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL X PASti. Al. 3332- WILL pay best pricea Marshall 2682. HFLP WANTED MALE. fTtT ST-CLAPS stlckerman. Kautz Mfr. Co WANTED Good auto mechanic. 954 Thur- man st. MAN for chore work. Inside and outside. Apply taooa bamantan Hospital. MIDDLE-AGED man as night watchman, witn worn part oi time. 1256 Halsey. HELP "WANTED .MALE. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR U. 8. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Co-operating with Public Employment Bureau City of Portland. Becauae of urgent need, appeal is made, by the Government for aa many men working iu noli -essential industries as can be spared to secure employment in the shipyards, ou the farm and other war emergency work. HARVESTING WORK. 340 men at The Dalles. - 20 men at Redmond, 16 men at Enterprise. 30 men at Moro. 5 men at Cvlver. $3 A DAY WITH BOARD. GENERAL FARM HELP. Farm hand and milker at Warren, Or., $60 and board. Dairyman at OsVego. $59 and board. Farm hand and milker at Kelso, $60 and board. Elderly man at Rickreall, Or., to do light chores; good home; $20, room and board. One experienced milker, 25 to $0 cows, at Woodland, Waah., $70, room and board. One milker and farm hand at Wood land, Wash., $60, room and board. General farm hand and milker at Ya quina. Or., $60, room and board. Man and wife at Yaqukna to handle barn and milk house, milking machine, $75 per month ; unfurnished house, wood, water, milk and butter. SHIPYARDS. 10 joiner electricians. 200 machinists. 100 etearnf itters. ' loo pipefitters. 1041 molderi. 20O bolter-ups. ' 15 electricians. 50 machinists' helpers. 10 acetylene welders. 200 ship carpenters. 10 coppernmit hs. 20 patternmakers. 50 molders' . helpers.' 200 fasteners. 20 lead workers. 50 ship joiners. 50 caulkers. 10 lead plumbers. 1 0 cement work era 20 Installing machine men. 6 first-class marine machinist drafts' men. 25 boilermakers. GOVERNMENT SCALE. U. 3- GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 247 Davis St. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT HIS POST. This Is no time to shirk: every man should do his utmost: middle-aged men can now "come back"; hoys are needed at once to fill soldiers' places; the x. M. C. A. Employment and Advisory De partment is able to give priceless advice; it puts you Into the largest place you. are able to fill successfully. A special membership of $5 has been devised to aid those who need It; don't miss this modern, scientific and thor oughly business-like way of securing a position. Phono Main 8700, A 656L Call at once in person ir possiDie. WANTED A Practical superintendent fol a large, modern wooden shipbuilding yaro; state age, experience and salary expected and give references; none but those fully qualified need apply. Address AV 101. oregonian. HERDSMAN, msrried. to take charge of small nera registered Ho 1st ins. Wages $0 per month; modern house and fuel. Address farmer, postofnee box 608, Seattle, Wash, stating age. nationality and references. LIBERTY LABOR AGENCY. 24 N. 2d street Band sawyer, shaper ana turner man, one nr.; pianer sixer man, t.ou; saw mill engineer, $125 mo., close; setter, $4.80, close in: wood handler. $4: 2 blacksmiths' beipers, $4; lathe machinist, $6; 2 drill press men, x-4. WANTED Tea and coffee salesman for route in city; salary and commission; chance to advance rood rleht at this time: best of references and borrrt asked. Apply in person only. Jewel Tea Co., Incorpo rated. Ask for Mr. Baker. EXPERIENCED shoemakers. Apply super intendents office, basement balcony, Meier & ranK to. MEN wanted by Portland Gas A Coke Co., at liaico. on Linnton road, bteaay employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take free bus at garage. Front and Gllsan sta, 6 A. M., or 23d and Savler at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas plant office. MEN Wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucKs to casements ot our consumers; average wage $4.25 to $4.75 for 8 hours. inquire N. E. cor 2d and Flanders, i'ort land Gas & Coke Co. WANTED Colored short order cook and pastry baker, 7 to 8 hours a night; no bread or rolls; must be good on pies and cakes. Apply Union Depot Restaurant, union oepot. WANTED Electrician. 56Mc rate. 8 hours man witn some motor winding experience required; good chance to get ahead. Strike on but not bothering West Linn mills. Ap ply at free employment office on mill walk. WANTED Office and outside man, must be abl to operate typewriter; In application state age and if married, experience and salary expected; also state references. V Ji, oregoniau. MARKER and assorter wanted; must be swift and accurate State age. experience, married Send name of two references with first letter. Salary $25. Wenatchee Steam Laundry, A ena tehee, wasn ARTIFICIAL LIMB MECHANICS Must be first-class fitters. Standard wages, up. according to ability to satisfy customera Hedgecocit Artificial umo st nrace to., 1 41 4 commerce, jjauas, xex. WANTED Blacksmith helper, experienced rate. &:e. i.aiha nana, exnenencea: raie. 66"rac: eight hours. West Linn Mills, where strike on. Call at tree employment office on mill walk. WANTED Man and wife, no children, for janitor work In small apartment-house; man ma.v also have other cmolovmenL Apply F. E. Bowman &. Co., 213 Chamber ot commerce oiag. WANTED Man for general warehouse work; permanent position; gooa pay. Ap ply General Electric Co., 15th and Mar- snail sts. SERVICES of a high-grade bookkeeper o accountant wanted lour to six days each month to take care of central ledger, etc C 1140, Oregonian. WANTED Lumber accountant, familiar with loeerina and camp accounting a main office; wages $150; give telephone and mail address, v ai. oregonian. RELIABLE man. with light car. to ban die established tea ana corxee route; $35 per week and commission, jfcioya Tea Co. 226 3d st. EXPERIENCED man and wife, cooks log cine camo. $225 month. Must have ref erence. Lumbermen's Employment Agency, corner 2d and Ankeny sts. WANTED Three first-class sheet metal workers: two acetylene welders, standard wages: double time for overtime. Apply timekeeper coast tuiven sc riumo to. MEN WANTED f Conductors and mtftormen wanted. Call room 302 Electric building, or division superintendent's office at the LABORERS wanted for ditch work; steady employment, top-nottch wages. Inquire N. E. corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Gas A Coke Co. At'TIYE Darty with automobile to connec himself with realty firm. Address BD U4. oregonian. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor for outside hotel paper; city. A 325, Orego nian. WANTED Elderly man to caro for in valid man in country; small wages; good home, l l ronianu oiva. WANTED Experienced Janitor; good sal ary, steady employment. Apply Lyric Theater, -itn ana BiarK sis. WANTED Night janitor, one who know: how to fire a boiler; hours 3 to 11 P. M. Call 269 Sixth st. A GARDENER for a private place, who can milk a row. Apply to Mr. Burt, In room 7. at 250' Third st. WANTED By wholesale house, experienced man for night janitor; references re quired. BF dl, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS wagon and automobile wood worker. Wentworth A Irwin, 20O 2d st. Main 2892. PORTER wanted. Morgan Building Barber snop. DISHWASHER wanted at Hoyt Restaurant, s0 J-ioyi. BOY wanted. Apply room 305, Plttock block. BKI.P WANTED MAI.K. WANTED. Csndy.maker for wholesale trade. Per manenu Apply In person, afternoons. VAN R A TVER CANDY CO.. 66 Grand Ave. IN THE CITY Husky men for factory work. 94. ou to s; young men. i.ia. isdoi-y work; clean easy, Uht work; factory runs steady. Oner for mill, $4.25. S hours. Young men over 18 for machine shop? $3.50 up. 8 hours, no carfare. PORTLAND LABOR AGENCY, 1 1 North Second Street. OX Y ACETYLENE WELDERS. We want a first-class welder, one who can weld aluminum and steel pressure tanks successfully ; no other need apply; firat-claas wages. Cook A Gill, 409 Davis t. uroadway 26. WANTED Motor car repair men : familiar witn an standard cars, good trouble shoot er, ablu to scrape and ftt bearings; steady orn, good pay. i red uunaee, sroaaway ana r lanaera. WANTED Single man for Janitor of small apartment-house: references ream red. An- ply F. E. Bowman & Co., 213 Chamber of v. ommerca niag. WANTED Drug clerk, young man, with 3 or years- experience in arug store. Must be willing to work. Not necessarily regis- irea. iiuntiey lrug t o.. Oregon City, Or, WANTED Bright, energetic youm man. snout is or ih years ox age. to worn in automobile shop. Wentworth & Irwin, 2d sua iay ior. GERBKR, THK RADIATOR MAN. wants two experienced radiator r.nd fender repair men; $8 per day. 8 hours work. 55 xm. wtn st., corner Davis. Broadway 1873. WANT two men In our sales department excellent opportunity 'If you can show that you have ability. Call between 4 and 5 f. i. J. e. English Co., 14S nth at. Yot'NG man. about 20. to assemble liftht fix tures ana do spray work. Call at 6s North ivtn st. WA NT ED Good washman or xt man that understands machinery, who wants to learn ine wasnroom worn, al ojo, oregonian. WANTED Man to do lanltor work In of nee ouiiaing; h nounr work; gooa pay to gooa. steaay man. am eat, oregonian. CABINET makers wanted, either day or piece worn: good wages for good, fast men. larman Airg. oo., izi Macadam st. WANTED Man and wife on ranch, man for iarm work and irrigating, woman to cook. Address AV 146, oregonian. WANTED Man on ranch, must be good farmer and understand irrigating. Address av i -in, oregonian. WANTED A man of good address and suf ficient education for work as a reporter. W 840. Oregonian. TEAMSTERS, auto drivers and helpers. Ad piy room 2io Oregon Didg., between B and l A. Al. WANTED Boy for afternoon and evening work, must be i years or age. Apply ub!ic Library, loth and Yamhill. MAN ever draft age to travel, one not afraid of work. Apply Under-Ground China town Show, wortham, Cornwall Grounds. COM iBTENT folding box maker at good tn-a mmm m n.1 alpailv work Puol flrt I Ahftl A WANTED Two news agents to work on passenger trains. small casu bond, re quired. Apply 131 N. Fifth. WANTED Elderly man as watchman, 6 to 12 P. M. ; must have soma bookkeeping experience. Muitnoman .no tel. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer combined ; $iOQ, room ana ooara ana up. 25 n. mzi et. TAXIi'AE drivers wanted for our new cabs. Steady work and good pay. can mornings after u:bu, ii:in st. WANTED Operators for Burroughs adding and posting macnines ior oana worn, am iioO, oregonian. TWO flmt-class satin finish and hard goods men wanted quick. J. u. Mcuonaia Choco late Co., salt Lake city, man. WANTED First-class marker and sorter. Wages. $:.o per weex. mar j-aunary, Olympls. Wash. WANTED Farmr, married or single; good wages, with room ana ooara. can room 702 gpaioing Piog. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats. $70 per month ana ooara. Appiy wasning ton street aocw. W ANTKD 2 rood willing workers for tem porary job in merchandise dept. Trt-state Terminal to., ma tourii. WANTED An experienced chauffeur; steady position; references required, v 400, ore gonian. BARBER, steady position. Morgan Building Barber Shop. w x VTK.n Stock man for wholesale furnl ture houoe. neaiy rtros. l.itn ana noyt sts. YOUNG men wanted. Portland Rubber Mills, East ih ana riarnson ROCK CRUSHER foreman, and must install plant; $6 a day. iv st. TAILOR for repair work In clothing store. James J. paduen. Vancouver, wash. TELEGRAPH ER First-class. Federal Tel, Co., 7 tioara or iraoe "tag. WANTED 2 painters, general work; $5 per tl iy. K. Sit I, uitbwiihii. FLOOR man for garage. One who can han die all makes ot cars, ruin ana isyior. KITCHEN help wanted. Harrison Hotel. Front ana iiarnson. SLAUGHTER-HOUSE butcher. Frank L, smitn Meat WELL experienced auto truck driver. Olve pnone numoer. At- uregonian. EXPERIENCED porter; fine wages. Bei son riotei oaroer snop. EXPERIENCED houseman and porter for hotel. Aiain uo. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $7.50 guar aniee. i n i nnama, a iaer St. BOY with wheel; chance to learn nice busi ness. Apply aaz wasnington st. EXPERIENCED counter man, no Sunday worK. Kopgrti iairy j-iuncn, ivi tn St. EFFICIENT poultryman wanted at Jones' Market, r ourtn a-na Aiaer. WANTED A baker's helper. Apply Bohe mian Restaurant, 127 w. Park st. ASSISTANT shipping clerk with millinery experience. Aiuiier ar naan co. EXPERIENCED driver wanted. Call a I'ackage uenvery. w front st. WANTED At once, man at lunch wagon. iUJ 4in si. BARBER wanted for Saturday; $6 guar- FIRST-CLASS awning hanger wanted. Pa cific Tent at Awning co. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman; good salary to rignt party. itosentnars. 10th st EXPERIENCED grocery man. Add! v. fr references, to Peoples Market & Grp. Co. EXPERIENCED night clerk. Apply bet. -12 ana z o cioca. capita xiotei, bqu Taylor st. WANTED Partner. 50 H. P. Linn County sawmill. Frank Wilson. Brownsville, Or. WANTED A man to care for horses and yara. jaarsnau oo. iau i nurman. SHORT order cook. J. B. Restaurant, 313 iiurnsiue. THREE experienced meat cutters. Gelln sky's Market. 271 Yamhill st. WANTED Experienced soft drink mixer, snort ii u ii i diuiiiiumau noici. TRIPE cieaners and casing men; good wages. -3 Aiuer bl. WANTED Experienced grocery porter. Ap ply Lang & Co.. 1st and Ankeny. WOOD turner, steady employment, 6 hours. ureson Lnair ,u.. iav jiaununm. SHOE salesman wanted. Staiger Shoe. Co. BARBER wanted; steady Job. L'Q5 Morrison. DRIVER for Ford delivery. 1256 Halsey. Help Wanted Balessaesu COLLECTOR-salesman, city, with or without rig; liberal contract, can a. m. 402 Wash. WANTED AGENTS. FASTEST selling patriotic novelty on mar ket; sell at sight; agents make $5 to $10 day. Write immediately for protected ter ritory or send j. ior sample prepaid, American rvoveiiy ,o., ioi wtn ave.. be an :e. AGENTS and demonstrators for new soap products. Call 455 Plttock block. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, one who ii accurate and who can operate typewriter rapiaiy; give rererence ana phone num ber, i soo, oregonian. WANTED Nurse for. partly paralysed wo. man ; modern home ; $40 month. W, p. Brortc. w-:q sc a. l aoor 127. CHORUS GIRLS Highest waaes- lona n gage men ta, no traveling. Casino Theater. HELP WANTED rTMAlF. GIRLS, 1 OR OVER. TO WORK IN BAf FAC TORY; GOOD WAGES, 6TEAPY EMPLOYMENT. . APPLT AT ONCE. AM S3 HARRIS NEVTLLV CO IftTH AND HOYT 8TS. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted advertisements la TUB OREGONIAN must state explicitly the nature of employment and the basis of com pensation, salary or comrmaaloa. The Oregonian rejects misleading and objectionable advertising and any advertisements found to be mis leading should be reported tmmeai atsly to The Oregonian office. THE OREGONIAN. Mala 7070. A 60, TOUNO LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED SO PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. GOODNOE H ILLS, WASHINGTON. 12 Women U n nrnt out l.r ir.n rA r- Kmv about three weeks' work from Monday. July 16. Will pay fare. $2.20, one way on beat. Will furnish shelter; must have conning utensils and bedding. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, Women's Division, 306 City Hall. Port land. Or.; U. B. Government Co-operating. WANTED For ribbons, one who regards uuviuni career. we want a young ""man morougnjy experiencea sna com petent in the selling, keeping stock-and displaying of ribbons. One who can as sist in the selection of merchandise and who will develoo as women are develop ing here and in other departments. Mc ' Dougall-Southwlck. Seattle. I COULD use two ladies of ability in a nrnt-ciass financial institution, who can give Al references. Only those capable of meeting the public and presenting an ab solutely legitimate proposition need apply. All answers will be treated as confiden- tiai. Address A 344. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer for two weeKs' work. Jf willing to do billing, record keeping, etc.. chance for perma nent position and advancement. Salary to oegin, $73. Olve phone number, refer encea and experience. i 334. Oregonian. JANITRESSES Apply superintendent's of- xice, oasemcnt Daicony, Meier A rank Co. WANTED A refined woman for general nouseworic; must do good plain cook and willing to go to Gearhart cottage In Au gust; two in family; references required. ""i jitnniu si. f none 3iarsnan zm.i, WANTED A school teacher, $100, and an assistant a o per montn. scna applica tions and qualifications to Clerk of School Board. Homestead, Baker County, Ore g o n. A Tiiri iaxi rr ...... i . v. erences, capaoie oi assisting in snipping aepartment; must oe acquaintea wtta city. Appiy ii . lieoes & co.. let j-sroaa way. WANTED An experienced waitress and aownstairs maid, also tor upstairs work, at private country Summer home; good wages, a iv 43, oregonian. OUT-OF-TOWN mercantile house wants lady Dooakeeper wno can do some typing and nas anowieage oi general oiilce worK. Inquire 504 Dekum bldg. HEAD bookkeeper and cashier, some exneri ence handling credits, wholesale house good salary and permanent position. BC 2tl. Oregonian. WANT reliable woman, competent to man age confectionery store and soda foun tains; evening hours, 4 to 12 P. M. A 322, oregonian. ARMY WORK Few women taught to weave ana spin. trerrence given t&ore living on femnsuia. A'ortiana wooien Jdius, t- jonns. WA NTED Experienced chocolate diopera Kusseii & oilbrrt Co.. East 24th and Hol- laday. Rose City canine. WANTED 2 mangle girls. 2 markers or sorters, x coaar gin. i aio Launary. tz. iwn ana Morrison. Apply at side door. YOUNG lady bookkeeper, one who has had some experience, desired. Apply at once. The Gauld Co., 12th and Everett. GROCERY CLERK, experienced in deli catessen work ; state age. experience and salary. A M 4Vi. oregonian. WANTED An elderly lady to care for boy featuraays ana bunoays. Apply at 4ba J)i vision. Det. h ana i. WANTED At once, bookkeeper for substi tute work. Give reference and phorsv num ber. BD 3, Oregonian. PRACTICAL woman to heln rare fa: woman and baby and three rooms; easy work and good wages. lObtt East 16th X, WANTED Young ladies for magaxlne crew tour by auto; can clear big money. Appl alter l t. :u., .Mr. nogers, fatace note LADY to keep house for gentleman and tend ice cream ana sort arms: stand a few hours. BD 3 1 2. oregonian. ASSISTANT bookkeeper; must be neat and accurate; state age, experience ana salary. 15 1 oii. oregonian. BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, dictaphone operators. Diners, ;u to siou per montn. aui p ortn west ana oiag. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 392 East latn st. iN.. or pnone .&ast is. WANTED Someone to knit girls sweaters with sleeves; win xurnisn yarn; state price. BD 351, oregonian. WANTED Operators for Burroughs adding and posting macnines ior oanic work. A.S WANTED Firist-class lady demonstrator. Apply in person, iuu front St., a no faavi nar co. WANTED Young lady stenographer: glvi age, experience, reference and phone num.' her. Air aoa. cregonian. STENOGRAPHER, principally billing; one with experience on comptometer preierreo. Utve pnone. - sao, oregonian. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call after 11 A. M. Mandarin Cafe, 362H Morrison. WANTED Young lady stenographer for in suranco oirice. Appiy coroett oiag. WAITRESS wanted. Stine'a Restaurant, 70 Broadway". WANTED Lady to cook short orders for breakfast. St. icnoias ca:etena. COLORED chambermaid wanted. Alder. . WANTED Young lady to wash dishes. Ma jestic Restaurant. 4&o w asn st. WAITRESS, also kitchen help; $35, room and board. &4 rtooq st. aiain osi. , WANTED Markers and sorters for second place; good wages. xne. cregonian FIRST-CLASS cook. The Lunch Box. 160 3d st. sunuay work. YOUNG lady to do office work; must be good penman, good -at figures. Muller A Raas co. WANT experienced chambermaid T wasrea $1 per week. Palace Hotel. 446 Wash, st. FIRST-CLASS saleslady, millinery expet ence preferred. Muller A Raas Co. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. $40, room and board, campoeii hui rioiei. HOUSEKEEPER for hotel: must have ref erences. $40. room and board. Main 7.5S4. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may be obtained by calling Main 1UL', A 2tf7. EXPERIENCED stenographer and cashier for meat market. BO 2UO. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced beauty parlor girls; good wagea. A 827. Oregonian. PRIVATE home for children S to 12 years old; 15 years' exp. 714 Everett. Mar. 2162. WANTED Pastry cook, also cook's helper. Campbell Hotel. 23d snd Hoyt. LADY wanted for confectionery sloes. 301 Burnside. Broadway 157. Wanted Domes ice. A GIRL for second work in a private fam ily. Appiy to Mrs. Burrell, S2S Hawthorne ave. Phono East 87. WOMAN for kitchen porter. Campbell-Hill Ho tei. HELP WANTED FEM.Ut Wanted- Domestic. WANTED Refined woman for two cm- rtrlila J?ur.ln'' people with 5-year-old child. Will have good home, fair wages and permanent poaitloa in fine suburban h-on!,-- Mut nv t local references. 46.. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED coek in private, family of wu gooa home; in modern conveniences. Mrs. w. A. Carlisle, phone Suburban 4. ChehalU. Wash. WANTED Experienced cook, small family. v appijt iu aiarsaau st.. mornings between 9 and 11. GIRL 14 to 16 for general house worie, good V- iouiy ox tares. 101 GIRL to assist with housework. CTd lata WAITRESS wanted. Marathon Restaurant. 62 Sd su GIRL for second work. Main 8222. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD PAY OREGON CITV WOOLEN MILLb. ON Government work, experienced spinners mi cvra. gooa wages, steady, attrac tive work. roniand Woolen Mills, fci. Johns. STRONG woman or elderly man for janitor. forenoons. 733 Wash. KDrfATIOXAL MEN. WOMEN, learn the barber trade; nui mica ui inmcn m u over me country ; big wages; $5 to $! per Week carnd while learning. THE BIG SCHOOU Phone Broadway MOilUK BARBER COL l.EtK. 2H4 Burnside st. WANTED Chemists and laboratory men to help supply shortase of drugs, dyes. etc.. cut off by war. Learn through SURE, easy home-study method. "all Interna tional Correspondence Schools, 604 Ycoa bldg. TAYLOR'S BUSINESS COLLEGE and t-enool or Langusges. O0 Stock h.xchange bldg., learn to dictate In Spanish; you will be satisfied with our course. Call and inspect. All business necessary taught. PRACTICAL training iu gas, electrical and. steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oxy-acety lens welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Se attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work; heavy demand for operators, $75 to $85 to start. Fuller's Telegraph School, Panama bldg. WANTED More young women to prepare ior teiegrapn service; many positions opea now for women telegraphers. For particu lars write or call Telegraph Dept., room 218 Railway Ex. bldg., cor. 3d and Stark. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 275 UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE OK PHONE E. 7445. MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue. 234 Burnside. Bdwy. 17SL HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOT. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. DAY AND NIGHT CLASS ES. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short. Practical Course. Alisky Bldg., 3d and Morrison. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing fccnooi, day, evening, (o month. 2u 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3893. TELEGRAPHY, stenography. Bkg. Board, rm. ana tuition may be earned. Alack ay Bus. Colleges. Los Angeles and Fresno. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch at YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration. t 11-12 Broadway bldg.' Main 6274. MEN, WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Or gon Barber College, 2:3 Maalxon st. ELOCUTION, public speaking tau-:ht in your nome; proiessional coach, w wn 4i75. Armstrong-Holmes Business College. Fliec- ner bldg.. day and e.enlng. Broadway 182L TEACHERS All kinds of teaching poil- tioi. Main 4835. Flsk Teachers A g racy. FRENCH CLASSES. 801 Corbet t bldg. Main 3386. 6ITITATIONS WANTED MALE. MARRIED man, age 33, at present in my own ousiness, wnicn is name to oe cur tailed any time. If you have an opening for a high-grade business man. experi enced In buying, soiling and all-around executive work, this is your opportunity to gM in touch with such a man. Know materials thoroughly. Know production and can handle men. AK 470, Oregonian. A POSITION with a house where they can use a man not subject to flratt as stock keeper, shipping clerk, salesman or any thing to be useful; best of references; has been employed 10 years in the same house In Portland, IS years in an Eastern house; understand all lines of household goods. AH 4ul. Oregonian. WANTED Position by high-grade account ant and office manager. Thoroughly ca pable of taking entire charge of any office. Can furnish the highest of creden tials. A 326. Oregonian. IF YOU need a man for clerical position er timekeeper, office work of any kind, write me. Am 2u yrs. old, married. Have office experience and can give references. P. R W.. 211 Stanton et.. Portland. SALESMAN, young man. 10 years' experi ence, wants to make a change. E 315, Oregonian. MAN and wife, who re first-class, experi enced and economical camp cooks, want permanent place with logging or mill com pany; have references and want good place with top wages. D 410. Oregonian. MAN with family, well acquainted in Port land, partly employed, wants steady work 4 to 8 hours a day; some office and gro cery experience; drive Ford. BO 2M, Ore gonian. WANTED Position as manager, office man ager or purchasing agent, by man of long experience; age 45 years. Present position non-essential during war: can furnish best of references. H 4t4. oregonian. WANT work In shipyard, have had 20 yearV experience, have been shipwright foreman and caulking foreman for 8 years: am able to handle any kind of work In wood ship- WANTED By a married man, a place on a general farm with two boys 16-lS years old. for salary and shares. Address 619 Overton sc. Portland. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, timekeeper and adding machine operator wants, perma nent position; best of references. AO 53, Oregonian. YOUNG man. subject to draft, wants work. Experienced as bookkeeper, typist and timekeeper. Will accept anything. Rei-f erences. A 816. Oregonian. A-l JAPANESE cook wants position, hotel, restaurant or cafe. In city or country. Ad dress Geo. Watanabe. 120 W. Aider sc. Pendleton. Or. . WANTED By competent man m-orking ,ln shipyard, work 5 to 11 P. M. ITnderstand, restaurant and commissary work. X Sou, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND American farmer and dairy man, married, wants steady position on ranch with house; references. AV140, Ore gonian. HUSKY schoolboy wants work along me chanical lines as helper during Summer months. AK 464. Oregonian. .. COOK with wlfo wants job in camp or small hotel; state wages and particulars. AM 4S9. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel janitor, single man, above draft, wants position. AB 400. ore gonian. . , RELIABLE, energetic man, above draft, de sires any "kind employment. BO 2U2, Ore gonian. DICK BRINGM AN for lawns, garden work, w oo d ; 40C an hour. Phone Broadway 2213. LUMBER tallyman wants employmenu BD 370, Oregonian. PAINTING and tinting: prices reasonable; estimates given. G. T. Willard. Main 5453. CARPENTERING, contracting, jobbing. r- sidlng and general repairs. Tabor IUJ4. ELDERLY man wants work as janitor or watchman. BJ 464. Oregonian. GOOD truck driver, familiar with city, wants permanent position. AB 40K Oregonian. SEPARATOR tender wants job through. threshing. Box 1. Mllwaukie. PAINTING, tinting and paperhanglng, very reasonable. East 7021. Bookkeepers, Stenogrspners. Office. SITUATION as assistant bookkeeper or cler ical work; above draft age. W 358, Ore gonian. ' .. EXPERIENCED office man and bookkeeper desires permanent position. AK 471, Ors- gonian. B1TCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED A place to take care of children evenings while mother is away; references. 'Mood lawn iu. LADY with ear will do collecting iu city. AB 4Q.". Oregonian. GIRL wants work in cafeteria. Phone East 2646. apt- 31L