AMCSEMEXT8. I i I , . " ' Rate, for EW REAL ESTATE. T in I, . I HEILIG TONIGHT . PnM Main 1, A 1122. XAST TIMES. SATIRDAV MATIXEB AND JVlCiHT A MARGARETTVT Anglic IX THE MERRY MILITARY LOVE COMEDY. "BILLETED" eh From New lork and Chicago. Prices 50c to 2. Mat. 50c to 1.50 Plus War Tax. LYRIC aSKX" Mat. daily. 10c only. Nights start 7. All thla week DILLON and FRANKS In the Howling Musical Farce. "FAMILY AFFAIRS." Comedy, music and pretty girls. Monday, Bargain Night. 20c Only. Tuesday. Country Store. Thursday, Ladles' Souvenirs. PREEL Friday, Chorus Girls' Contest.! OANTAGE ii MAT. DAILY 2:30 HARRY GIRARD A CO.. OFFER "The Wail of an Eskimo." A Dramatic Kpisodo of the I'ar North Six Other Bis Acts. Threo Performances Dally. Night Curtain at T and 9. e11 1 1 If If II II III I. i mi TODAY WILLIE ZIMMERMAN Introducing President Wilson General Pershing; President Poincaire King George and others. 7 Greater Attractions 7 Including "The Heart of a Girl" Featuring Barbara Castleton COMING SUNDAY: MAY YOHE Formerly Lady Francis Hope. CHAT NO. 45 vvnat do you know about widows? Probably nothing. You may tninK you do, but you don't. No one does. Widows are among the mysteries. The nearest ap proach to positive knowledge re garding tnem is the belief that there are only two kinds grass widows ana widows in weeds. But that is wrong, also, for there are many other kinds. At the Oaks Amusement Park next Sunday will be introduced one of the many types of widows. For purposes which a visit to the Oaks will disclose she will be called "The Red Widow." For a week there after she will make her appearance twice daily in the auditorium aft ernoons at 3 o'clock and evenings at 9. Come out and look "The Red Widow" over, and your knowledge concerning widows in general will be materially increased. Tomorrow, Saturday, will be thp. last performance of "The Girl and the Game." You had better come out and hear Ed Armstrong sing, "7, 17 and 70," one of the most appealing vocal features heard here in many moons. It is also worth while to see 10 pretty chorus girls build a full-rigged ship for the al lies while they tell what is going to be done to the Kaiser. Watch these Chats for a surprise announcement soon. Visiting the Oaks Amusement Park is like getting a Summer va cation for 6 cents carfare. Trans fers from any part of city. JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr. Council Crest Free amusement park and plenlo grounds. 1200 feet above the city; Scenlo Railway Carrouaal. River Trip, Shooting Gallery. Games, Refreshments. Dancing every even ing except Sunday. Monte Austin sings. HOP A G. G. GAR OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office. Room 58 Coortiuaje, 6U St, Entrance. ITione from ttol. Mate 17. Kama Vbon, A S&S&. Night call after of flea boon, Mala S70. Report ail rs mem of cruelty to th. abov, ad reaa. Electric lethal chamber for small ani znaia. Eonw ambulance) for sick and disabled animals at a moment's ootlea. Anyoo. da. sJriag a doc or otbr pac eammtinLeacs with . Can for all lose or stnyd suck, as we CJUr vonad. Just Ortra h.. . fc.d.u ,jdi Special yg! Attraction wJfittfr) ascured the 3L'v?V services of AffX H- T- TERWILLIGER. JiAfI? Th w'lI-nown swim- I y 1 ming Instructor, to give rllJLn FREE LESSONS IN V5!plV SWIMMING Jt;?2s To ladles on Mondays and u4J Wednesdays. 10 A. M. to viwVr?. 2 PM- and children .tpV?V on Tuesdajs and Thurs- Rates (or Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. -Daily Snd Snnriny . Per line. One time llo Two consecutive time ............ 22c Three consecutive time SOe bix or seven consecutive times Mo The following; classification excepted, the rate on which in Te per line per day: Situations Wanted -Male. .situations Wanted Fema le. For Kent Rooms Private Families. Board and Koonu Private Families. Housekeeping- Koomi Private Families. No ad taken for less than two lines. Count six words to the line. Advertisements (except "Per sonals") will be taken over the telephone if the ad verti ser Is a su bscr a ber to either phone, is'o price will be quoted over the phone, but statement will be rendered the following- day. Advertise ments are taken for The Daily Orego nian until P. L; for The Sunday Ore gonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. DIED. KINDER At River-mill, Or., July 11, Arthur G. Kinder, age 46 years, husband of Alice Kinder, of Oakgrove. Remains at the residence establishment of J. p. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of fu neral hereafter. G9PIIn tnIa city Jul 1918. Arthur fV Good, aged 42 years. Remains are at the funeral parlors of F. S. Dunning, Inc. 414 East Alder st. Notice of services will appear In a later Issue. FCXERAL NOTICES. MAKER July 10. at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. N. Gatens. 010 East -loth st. N., Dr. Edwin Augustus Maker, survived by two sons. Dr. Seth c. Maker arid Dr. C G. Maker, both of Seattle, fhV,ouJird'Jehter". Mrs. A. R. Menden hall. Mrs. W I,. Gatens. Mrs. P. H. Dunn. v.w",KP;?IntoBn'an1 on Ulster. Miss Elizabeth Maker, all of thla city. Private "Jfr11 fvJwlll be held tomorrow Friday), July 12. at 10 A. M.. from the residential funeral home of Wilson & Rosa, E. 7th and Multnnmah ini.r... u City Cemetery. SCHWARZMXJf The funerJl gervicel of th() I MuociJii ocnwarzman, who passed away In this city. July 10. will be held chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Com- r Ut r- .M:'.IronI the Pianv. corner Third and Clay. Friends in- I Rl i interment jn zamlly lot, I SKANDERTTP Jnlv 10 at IK. .n dence, 7S06 Sixty-third avenue Southeast, oaanaerup, aged Si years, be loved wife Of Tony Olsen T,. neral services will be conducted tomorrow (Saturday). July 13. at 4 P. M. from Pear- JuartaKing parlors, Russell street bi. u..iuu .tcuua. f nenas invited. GILFILLAN The funeral services of Nell Rae GUflllan, late of Delmar, Or., will be iuib irnuBji morning at lo o clock at the residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at 5th. Friends Invited. Interment at ML Scott Park Cem- BOURCY-In this city. July 11. 191S. Loni. wodbff0Uors.U f irepTace. "fifi tin hr" Jwapoleon Bourcy. aged 48 years, of 360 attic. All builtT.n fetturea- ?S2SS2W-ith?e Vancouver Avenue. Friend, are Invited one block of Aawtnn?'av,'1 7''" tO attend th fnnnral aurvlna. nl.i- be held at 10:30 A. M. Saturday. July 13, from Holraan's funeral parlors. Interment j.wci view emeiery, CHIRGWIN The funeral services of Ed ward West Chirgwin will be held In the xaoor r-resDyterian unurch, cor. oeiraoni ana ootn sts., today (Friday), July 12, at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited to u-iLcuu. iniermeni in nose City Ceme- 'vlj. TTXERAt DIRECTORS. HOLM AN UNDERTAKING CO. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streets. Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistant- Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. j Wash, st., bet. 20th Sc. 21st, West Side. juain xowi. Lady assistant. A 7865. J. P. FLNLEY A SON. Progressive Funeral Directors Private Lrive Women Attendants MONTGOilERY JLT FIFTH. Main w A lo09. WILSON & ROSS M,uJtHnomah at 7th- DUNNING & McENTEE. funeral director. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway I F- S. DUNNING. INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 East Alder St. East 62, B 2525 ' & ijJN OOK B"Im2"t ' 35th A. AmO. x I ai.. ain u ais. w. h. HAMILTON Fu- nciai perviLc, nMd Cj. ijiisan. Tabor 4319. P. L. LERCH. East 11th and Clay streets. FuRIC55 5llenc. t-jdertaklng Parlors. 12th and Morrison sts. llwy. 2534. A 2235! A T? 7.TlT.T.Tr'.L? m soFwimaTAv. SKEWES l;NDEBTf7vr. camdiw v.i. jTii "r"""1- 0,1 --- . o,, A x.,-i. i.any assistant. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-2fi 4th st.. opposite City Hall. Main 8564. Philip fc3tLEI5INO GWNlTfc CO.! I U THIRD VT MADISQM TraElF-rj CEMETERIES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Perpetual care assured with every purchase. No expense afterward. Prices lower. Courteous treatment to all FLORISTS. CLARKE BROS.. Florists, 287 Morrison mt Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral nc.'mig. io Drancn stores. MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florist. I Washington. Main 26S. A 129. Flowers I for all occasions artistically arranged. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S3 Wfl-hTrTTTTr, st., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 6102. A lf61. bids: fhMi?A?5am ?216' A 2121' Celling I bldg.. 6th and Alder sts. NEW TODAY. Garages Call for Illustrated Price List. 854 Ankeny St. Phone Broadway 14. Sam Connell Lumber Co. MORTGAGE WANS feiFSS improved city and farm property) I. Ullmest repayment privilege if pre- I u yewmpc reuasie eervlce. A. H. BIRRELL GO. 217-210 Northweitera Bank BuUdlag. JNO. B. COFFEY MORTGAGE i n a x a Insurance, Surety Bonds 303 WIICO X BLDG. Main 70X. A S702. MORTGAGE LOANS OX BUSINESS AND RESLDEXCsl PROPERTY. BOBERTIOX 4ft EWTAG, OT-8 SortswMten Uaakt Bids. Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7070 A 6095 THE MORSiyQ Stock Farm Willamette Valley, consisting; of about 700 acres, well fenced, plenty of water and (rood buildlne-s. hill County about two miles from i,J?na miles from McMinn villo and Dayton. In pursuance of . n n h . County Court the above ranch will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on the 20th day of July 1918 at the County Courthouse. McMin'nville,' Oregon. ' rr.T.ia tt -c a xt Administrator of the Estate of Thomas uttnow, deceased. REAL ESTATE. r'eaft?1?.,5""1' bu1"-! change dead .t?llZ.tto Uv5 "ts; I do all kinds of alterations and repairs; sea my designs for new homos. Max M. Meyer, con tracting arc t. Concord bldg. Alain 137s. Formerly Supt. Oregon Homo Builders. ACRE TRACT 11200 . -3 DOWN, 15 MONTH fir ,VZL tW"?trd" . some fine Th r;"tand.'n; "dewalks to Sandy Blvd. and carllne. Pressure water, gas COMPAW ?r?.H vJ- HARTMAN Klrf, iX' . Chamber of Commerce Mala -US, A-2U&0. 100x150 TRACT PARKROSE .SO DOWN. 12.50 MONTH 1821 Blvd.. sidewalks, gas, electricity, pressure 1 ' iv n i (j canine and Sand iTHrr. big snap. L Ji ,nw?mme.r.c?Bld- & "ark St,., , "O-14 HOMESITES On Oregon -.iv-mv., u minutes from Portland 7a arfiTn m lit atl.n tVH. irA . T,T .. lo joo; 2i down, 10 a month. rda .1,.".,. 1 wltn eCorinlc. owner. Phoni T"AT VACANT LOT Turn a burd, Income. We de.irn ar,H k.,h furnish the money If desired. Eight years inr.hi',rllf ndV v.11" Bu"y o - contractm, architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. IRV'INGTON SNAP. ion-resiuent will take S1200 11 cash clear title. near btanton GODDARD & WIEDRICK. "43 Ktrlr K, 60rJn?T '0tit Montv."l. Price S400; Private . . ... ,aC v Ul VO. Jl A OUT I , J , 2fk Vk, ,T " i-A.N SELL YOUR LOT J&laln 4SUX For Sale llouees. HAWTHORNE 3000. east Th -Hawthorne avenue, facinjj ou can buy this property on terms, with per cent interest on the unpaid balance. The house is now vacant and you can uav v w au IU1UUI 1UW. a A. G. TEEPE CO., starK bt,. near 3d. Main 351. 1 uiAico. own ana sanuy. ATTRACTIVE SU.N.VVS1DE HOME. o-rm. home, f. c. basement, elect, and gas. modern plumbing, paved st., etc.. In ,,u "o mortsage to assume -ui. iaoor and s. a. carllne; fruit, berries, etc Price X2730; ioi down, Dai. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDO. To Buy Your Home. Main 106b. H AWTHOR V K riKTWiPT 5-room modern bungalow, den, hardwood ctinni uajiement, attic, garage street paved and paid for. This Is nearly new; price $.",u0 cash. 10O0 niort- eage. balance $20 per month, 6 per cnt aua-waot.. A UBBCOnlUn AUgUSl X. CH A r-MA.N -WIX TLER CO.. iuim riawthorne Ave. Tabor 2245. I S2G00 ARTISTIC FI'RN' isHFn Rrvcu nii --. very auracuve Dungaiow. cor. lot 1 v ' i iu wers ana snruouery, Al plum b- .. 'iuica, etetji. gas. iirvpiuce. built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen: nra.eticti.llv new. Good furniture. Price $2o00, $1000 uuwi. x-. inn st., ciose to car. wee FRANK L.. ilcUUlRE, ABINGTON BLDG To Buy Your Home. Alain lUtf. t00 CASH. BALANCE EASY. o-room. well-built cottage, good cement basement, abundance of fruit trees and berries; two blocks from car and school. Price $1600. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. a. v arrlner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $1800 BUNGALOW. L.'0 DOWN. 4-rm. attractive bungalow, f. c. base went, fireplace, elect, and gas, paneled d.-r., with beam celling-. Al plumbing fix tures, near r ranmin iiign. irlce lsoo, S250 down. See FRANK L. McGL'IRE, ABINGTON BLDO. a o uuy x our nome. iiain lutia. 200 DOWN. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. SlUOO. ff-rm. bungalow, artistic lines, cor. lot, modern plumbing fixtures, elect, and gas. E. ISth and Ellis ave. 1 blk. to car. Price S1900. No st. liens. See. FRANK. L. McGl'IRE. ABINGTON BLDG. i o rsuy i our nome. jiain luu.. S2100 PENINSULA HOME. 1300 DOWN. tt-rm. home, nath, toilet, elect, and gas, 50x100 lot; Albina ave.. near Alnsworth; h. B. St.: vacant, move in today. Price X2100, $300 down. $15 per mo. See FRANK L. McGl'IRE, ABINGTON BLDG. To Buy Your Home. Main IOCS. BIG SACRIFICE MOVE RIGHT IN. Swell 8-room house, larare rooms, hall den, bath, full basement, furnace; good as new: room lor garage; one oiorK to car: near school ; worth about $4500. Price jaoOO; $r00 cash, easy payments. Main 3;t8S. Now vacant. BUNGALOW BARGAIN 14.0. 4 rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen, gas. email basement, fruit trees and berries, full lot. only 100 feet to car and paved street; a dandy little place; part terms. , ti. AKEK8UN, 5UO StOCK fcXCh. Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 5-room modern bungalow. 230O; S500 cash, balance s-0 per month. 8 per cent Interest: possession August 1. LHA PMAN -WLNTLtK (?.. 1078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 2245. $3250 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW J3250 o-room moaem ouneaiow. lot aoxiyo a 1 1 Improvements In and Included In price. Owner going to Canada. Grab this Quick. Main 1700; evenings. East 2086. PAYS OVER 13. $14,500 buys two-story, 8 flats of 6 rooms each, strictly modern, with lot 100x100, corner Alberta and Cleveland ave. Income $ltM) month. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. TWO mod. 6-room bung., nearly new, hard wood floors, fireplace, all bulllt-ln effects. close to school and car; imp. paid; $2350 ana s4uu; lerma. jtosa. owner. Main laM- $31)00 S-ROOM modern home. Alberta dls trlct; fireplace, f uil cement basement; worth $4000. $"oo will handle. Now va cant. J. A. Wickman Co., 314 Stark si. Main 583. $4800 ROSE CITY PARK. Dunga.ow. 0 rooms and bath, hardwood floors through- out. fireplace, furnace. iir finished; cor ner lot. garage. 530 E. 46th N. Tabor .a HAWTHORNE CAR 5-room modem bum. low. $2000: $20o cash, balance $15 per month. Possession Julv 15: CHAPMAN-WINTLER CO.. 1078 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 2245. GOOD -4 -room bungalow on 72x100. Kenton district; a good place for a working man. Price only $1600, $50 cash, balance like rent. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. A BARGAIN Attractive bungalow, 6 rooms ana sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, garage, all improvements, garden. Mt- Ta bor, SSth car. 2044 Hawthorne ave., near hd st. modern. garage, built-in conveniences; furnished, if desired. Possession at once. Owner. Woodlawn 5fi67. ROSE CITY" PARK Modern 5-r. bungalow on 49th st.; hardwood floors, fireplace and built-in conveniences. Price $3250; terms. Main 5812, or Tabor 8741. MODERN 5-room bungalow, bath, kitchen and bedroom In white, sleeping porch lot 40x120: $1500; terms to suit. Rosa, owner Main 13X0. FOR SALE Westmoreland bungalow six rooms besides sleeping porch ; easy terms Near new golf links. Telepbdne Sellwoed 2674 TWO lots, seven-room house and barn on Macadam and Nebraska at-. South Port land; $2000; close to shipyarda. Mam 1692. $3300. BEST buy north of Hawthorne: full lot and 6-room modem bungalow. Marshall 5141. IRVINGTON car, attractive 7-room modern home, bargain $5000. terms; vacant 12th. Owner at 474 Tillamook st. Phone E. 6344. ROSE CITY PARK Modern S-roonT bunga low, full lot. paved at. See owner. 1453 Tillamook st. $1750 $350 DOWN. $20 per month. per cent, o-mom oungalow, sidewalk, paved lot Vxl00. Tabor OHO. ' 10-ROOM house, fixed for 4 families to live; rooms full; price $3O0. East 1374. IxtVINOTON R. T. BTRFFT HOMES. . ; irv. AGENT. OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, For Sal 150x1 TO TRACT . . .. ,7--ROOM HOUSE D,. living-room and kitchen, pantry, bath, with all r ! t 1 1 1 r. in o i -. . BrTtl"-'"""' houM "wl" alned and painted, well constructed, cello ih,r,..,. 1O0 ALLOWED FOR IHB WORK YOU DO th. 0t or beT buh planted, but . - " vieareu, line lor gar- ffwB'-,ooOU .iakr 41 M 11 "ands. we 5-.i w 300 ?" the Purchase price of 21.,0. You plant flowers and trees. . . 230 DOWN BALANCE STRAIGHT TERMS NO MORTGAGE WHAT CAN YOU PAY? , ,,-MAKE US AN OFFER 1 block from Sandy Blvd.. pressure wa ter piped to tract. - HARTMAN COMPANY. 1,az. Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 208. A 2050. DESIGNERS AND ERECTORS OF ARTISTIC HOMES. NORTHWESTERN TRUST COMPANY. WILCOX BLDO. Main 31T. Sixth and Washington, $4750. . HIGH-CLASS BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY PARK. You must see this choice bargain before 11 pone. Besides the usual rooms there .fji8!!y den- beautiful breakfast room. m."Jd rom and large attic. An attrac tive, well-arranged home; in neat, first class condition; like new; has every up-to-date feature; Ideal location; close to RC ar,W?t 5?h1"- Cttn be Been ny time. or rti,- H111VL9 H"nrv bldg. Mala 1902, or residence. Tabor 613S. GREY ENAMEL FINISH GARAGE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW CORNER ROSE CITY PARK A BEAUTY . $1500 J-.L. HARTMAN COMPANY ?'.J AMBER OF COMMERCE MAIN 20b x o050 MAGNIFICENT LAURELHURST HOME. Owner moved East authorises me to force Immediate sale of his home. It has a wonderful scenic location, commanding an unobstructed view of both mountains. Has fhJL w.a,er neat. tra large rooms throughout, every built-in convenience; 2 blocks to car. Cost $12,000 when mate rials were at lowest price: $8000 buys It today. J. DELAHUNTY. owner's repre entntlve. Main 1700: evenings. East 2088. I-ROOM HOUSE 100xS:iu TRACT , $2100 Parkrose, 1 block to carllne and Sandy Blvd., ground all cleared, fruit trees, ber ne.,'5.hJcken"hou"e' Pressure water. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of ?i?tmrn,ir,BlaB'' ttl and Stark Sts.. Main 6-ROOM T.AT'R F.r.HiTD Of Uf-ic Small cash payment, your rent money i . ir uonars per month wll jui nome irouDie. A ll sell you thli gOOd-aS-neW- (Urnnm mnlAn K... .a. K..M when materials were on bed-rock basis fiuuu under original cost. 1 block to car. fun including all improvements. J. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700; evenings. East 20S9. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. r ive rooms, f lrenlarv full k... me"V furnace, hard surface streets in and noiu sLreet, near doth. l-rice 3u0. terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. a. arriner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TWO BARGAINS. Modern J-story. o-room house with .?. K " em-iopoa sleeping porch and garage r lkmshlU; in best section of Rose ny rarn, at real sacrifice; easy terms; nice lawn, shrubbery and trees; near car. Also modem 5-room bungalow with nnu garage : in same neighborhood ; unfurnished. A big snap with easy terms. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. OX SANnv $300 All hardwood floors, beautiful In terior, houMe built only one year, first time offered. A great big snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark sts. Main ALBERTA BARGAIN. Out-of-town owner must have money st once; 5-room bungalow, nice fruit trees ana snruooery; clear or all incumbrance iwo oiocas ironm car; sumner street, near stn. .trice .ou. Must be sold at once. C. A. Warrlner, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW SNAPS. Modern 5-room bungalow with, hard wood floors, fireplace, large lot. lawn. fruit trees; 2 blocks to car; $'..650; $500 casn, Daiance line rent. I also have a modern 5-room house with garage, in good neighborhood, for $2Aoo, on easy terms. S. W. LEONARD. Tabor 34rfj. evenings, lanor 04r. -OX HALFiACRE TRACT 6 ROOMS HARDWOOD FLOORS $400 down, white enameled finish, large rooms; fine bathroom, fruit and berries ana chicken house. Price only S35O0: big snap. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. t Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main FOR PALE By . non-resident, very choir. looxioo feet. East Taylor street, splendid walnut and fruit trees, fine street Improve ments 3 1-10 lots), a beautiful place with iu-room iioush (rooms win rent), garage; Erice only $5500; terms. This is the best uy in Portland. Address Gilman. box 43. uaroennorae, cr. HOW MUCH FOR LAURELHURST HOME? Two-story, nearly new 7 rooms, hard wooa floors throughout. French doors. large stone front and side porches; room for garage; close to car. Must sell this week and want orfer. S. W, LEONARD, Tabor 84:t3. Evenings, Tabor 7045. $2350. BELMONT ST., NEAR 27TH. 8-ROOM HOUSE. House modern and In good repair. Lo cated on corner of Belmont, near 27th. J. L. KARNOPP A CO., 817-319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Mjiln 673. LARGE fine home, 9 rooms, attic, basement. xurnace. o iirepiaces; iuii quarter block, paved streets; garage. House or ground earn worth the price asked for both. East 4Uth and Taylor. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE BARGAIN. Modern, large eight-room residence ; fu'i basement, garage. Lot 95x115, trees, lawn, roses s daisy. Cheap. Broadway 8125. FIVE-ROOM house; lot frontage 130x77; paved street. 8 large cherry trees. East 47th. between Mt. Tabor and Hawthorne lines. Only $2850; easy terms. I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce. 25 PER CENT below value Strictly mod ern. 7 rooms and sleeping porch. 2 lots, fruit trees and shrubbery, fine view, select location; cut price $6850, cash payment $850. balance $35 monthly and interest. 184 E. 53d. 7-ROOM bungalow. $2500; easy terms. Im mediate possession. Absent owner offers this exceptionally well-located property, near high school and streetcar, on very easy terms. W. H. Ross. 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. NICE 8-room house, never ' been occupied, corner lot. only $S00; $50 down; also 4-room house, half acre ground. 6-cent carfare. $1500: $50 down. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade. ANYONE wanting a good home with an extra house to rent, ground 100x127 lo cated N. E. Nehalem and 11th ate.. Very reasonable terms; must go East. For full particulars phone owner. 8eilwood 22''a. FOR SALE Modern home In Beaumont. will sell cheap and on reasonable terms. Apply owner. 1124 Northwestern Bank bldg.. phone Marshall 1234. FOR SALE Best-built bungalow In Rose r, snap, out a very good buy. Apply owner. 1124 N. W Bank bldg. HL'BBELL A SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 216L HOUSES ranging In price from $1500 te $50iu: no charge for Inspection. J. jjj.. iioyw " p.. "J- ci.ii. omg. jaaln 673. FOR RENT or sale. 5-room cottage, on. block from Oregon City car. Jennings Lodge. Carl L. Smith. $23O0 6-room house, fireplace, paved streets on Richmond carllne. Rents for $25 5oi Broadway bldg. ' FOR SALE: Five-room, modern house, lot 50x100 ft.. Mt. Scott carllne; furnished: $1800. Phone Tabor 2722. ' HOUSE, by owner; going away; 6 large rooms, furnished, sleeping porch, garaae vcry reasonable. Flrland. Tabor 1346. ' At?.ERTA. aitrlct, 7-room modern, for $1850; $350 cash, balance easy. AO 754. Oregonian. BRAND new bungalow on Parkrose acre Owner. 121B N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643! A BUSINESS corner with house and two lots for sals. Inquire 604 E. 12th st. 13, 1918. or Sale Houses. GROVELAND PARK m u,. , iv a?'fu' 7-roorn bungalow, with hard MmJnf'Kr- ,lpeP'c- bulll-m buffet? ful cement basemenr. fnrro. - fiaSrl ln'truct m? to -e-il ., this' reduced figure, a wonderful buy In this splendid aVilV.SL'.J"" of MuPT2bir and near th. Franklin High Schooir TtrZ 24 Stark St.. . . ...... Branch office. 50th and Sandy, .n Main LAURELHURST BUNGALOW Ilvin,"e,ant 8 room bungalow with large ---- - ' ' uen ana two lire A" modern built-in conveniences f bedrooms, garage, ground 75x100. All im r original cost $buo. ca , . . on terms, iocatea on Roy Court, near Gllsan st. J- L. KARNOPP & CO.. S17-819 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 67 IRV'INGTON 1 1 A H L' ii i - v. - . t . , Swell B-room bungalow, furnace." fl Place, outret. bookcase. rviitK panel dining-room, beam ceilings, laundry trays, fine fixtures, garage, lot 50x100. 14- .v -"" t" street, near Alns worth. a home that must be seen 'to be appreciated; price $3450: $1000 cash and - auto at your service. GKl'SSI & DOWNEY. 318 Board of Trade. Main 745 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW t-vvui lVs blks. from Sandy. 5 rooms, modern, east iront. narawood floors, fireplace, full cement basement, wash trays, built-in conveniences, beautiful comer lot: $500 per mo, 1 n IS is a real homo and won't last long. See it todav. Derr A King, 804 H Oak St.. Broadway 266. $1450 PENINSULA HOME. FURNISHED $1450. e-rm. cottage, 3 years old. 75x100 lot wnite enamel bath, toilet, lavatory, elec, """ " a., fjw aown. balance Ilk FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton Bldg., To Buy Your Home. Main 106S. ROSE CITY PARK. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. 100x100. . tnis beautiful bungalow. Large ?.. . "' 1 a regular park, lit tnui trees, shrubbery, etc.; garage. Pric , Luuicu i hi iinmeaiate sale. A. G. TEEPE CO.. CO Stark St., near 3d. Main 3518. praucn onice. autn ana sandy. GRAND AVE. Hni:sR um.o Good 8-room house, corner lot 50x100, on Grand ave. and Sklrlmnr. i.. i a,uui Will sell for $2450. with paved street and ' iions paia; any reasonable terms GRU9SI A DOWNEY. Jl laoara of Trade. Main 74X2 W1LLAMETTR Hnr.UTa Oh RSlelKh Street Bune-ulnw with A rnnm and bath on 1st floor; two finished rooms and attio on 2d floor; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; fine view; lot 70x100. GODUARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. HAWTHORN"? HISTR TiT 5-room modern house, practically new, jot oviiuu, iirepiacs. two nice bedrooms, Dam. xtra large kitchen, full cm on basement; all built-in f'atnr- .rr.. paved and paid ; price reduced to $.H;i50 ur quicE saie ; no agents. Tabor 774V. PORTLAND HEIGHTS KAHRilV Client In Idaho anxious to make quick sale of his 6-room residence, with furnace and fireplace; has lTo-feet fronting on Talbot road; carline In rear; magnificent GODDARD Sc. WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. ATTRACTIVE RESIDENCE ON CORNER IN CENTER OF IRV'INGTON FOR SALE BY OWNER; $14,000. BD 368, OREUO- S5UO DOWN. Near Franklin High School, 100x100 cor ner, 1 blk. to car. A dandy 5-room mod ern house, with sleeping porch. Fruit, berries, shrubbery, large garden, $3250, in- viuum rvcrvinuig. MAXWELL, 270 Stark St. Main 3052. FOR SALE RY OWNER. Beautiful new $U.'iOO home In Albina xieignis. on pavea street, half block from canine; i rooms, ount-in features. Ire piace. run cement basement, double ga rage, 101 ana nair : win sell lor S4.oo. W ill take car as part payment. Address ox;.i-. r.ugene. Or. ROSE CITY DISTRICT Artistic. almost new 5-room bungalow at amonUhlngly low price; full lot; paved street; everything i me iujuuir exeppi i urnace. wnirh win install (your nc lection 3lOO. or maice reauction; anout 4.0 canh. 5i E. 37ih North, BM car. Owner, Main 7129, iurrnoon. FOR MORTGAGE $350. Piedmont home; hall. living. dining, Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bath, cement base ment and furnace : 25 annle. near. Dcn-h cherry. English walnut and prune trees; lOirxlOO; stone wall, around place; 18-foot uhck auey. .t4i. FINE HUM E. Nearly new 7 -room house, has not been occupied yet. with all modern conveni ences built in and a tine lot overlooking riv-r, wouiu uk- ioi as part payment. Call evenings. Woodlawn 54 Su. 7 West Sumner. $32O0 BEAUTIFUL 7 -room bungalow; fire place, pi pea Tor i urn ace, lot 0x 140. You will admire this, from the hardwood front door a.nd side-lights to basement door. Don't delay. $50O will handle. .1. A. Wickman Co.. 314 Stark st. Main SM. IRVINGTON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Modern 6-room residence on Weidler street, near East 21st. Front room i:.x23. with fireplace; hardwood floors, nicely decorated, prlre $.r.OO. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Very mod. 6-room bung.. hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-in effects; house nearly new; $2950; terms. Ross, owner. Main 1390. ROSE CITY PARK 6-room bungalow. strictly modern, near cars, on 49th street, paved and paid, nice shrubbery. $75 fuel In basement; owner leaving city. Price $3750. Tabor 6441. $2650 $250 CASH. Good 6-room bunga low, fireplace, sleeping porch, buffet, built-in kitchen, full basement ; near car, good district. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. EAST YAMHILL ST. $3600. 3 -story. 8 rooms; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen; 1 bedroom and bath on 1st floor. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 STARK ST. A FEW more bungalows or houses from $1500 to $50OO. Call up for Inspection. J. L. KARNOPP A CO., 817-819 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 675. BUILT BY OWNER. Five-room bungalow, Groveland Park. Every modem convenience. Attractive lot. fruit and fir trees. Price. $36O0. Tabor 7441. A NICE 5-room bungalow, two lota, fruit. oerriee. vegetanies ana flowers, located near Firlund Station. Mt Scott carllne. at a reasonable price. Call 455 Plttock blk. WEST SIDE. JUST THINK. 6-room house. Overton street, only $2100, $800 cash. 803 SPALDING BLDG. :o25 ROOMS, bath, furnace, full base ment, beautiful fixtures, corner lot. Cost $3500: $S00 cash win handle. J. A, Wick man Co.. 314 Stark St. Main r$3. BARGAIN to close estate: ft-room cottage In our.nyeine. street improvements In and paid: $22.50. Taggart, 416 Chamber of t ommerce. IRVINGTON HOME $4000 ; 6 rooms, sleep ing porch, free basement: furnace, tuh. East 3483. $3500 6-ROOM house, sleeping porch, flre place, 1O30 Mallory ave. Owner. Wood lawn B9H2. for Sale Pusloesa Property. BIG BARGAIN. VANCOUVER. WASH. Homewood Hotel, on 4th street, near poatofflce and big shipbuilding plant: lot fiOxloO: 23 rooms; rented at $75. Price cut to $6300. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 8TARK ST. Suburbea Home. FOR SALE Two acres, tine 7-room house, fruit, etc.. running creek, near carllne. cheap. Call at third house north, of Rls ley Station. Oregon City car. Homesteads; Rellnqqlshmente. O. A C. HOMESTEADS now open for entry. July 17 last day for iin.. -ao snow you tnese ianos In any locality you may choose at a rea sonable fee. Filing papers made out and free Information. A former Government cruiser. Office hours. 8 A. M. to 8 P. M 801 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak sts.. ad Joining Government land office. W. H. JOHNSTON. HOMESTEADS. Government farm lands on good roads, near schools and close to Portland (for merly p. A C. grant), open to entry until July 17. We classified and mapped these lands Tor Uncle Sam for over two years, and know where and what they are. We lo cate them at reasonable rates. MAPS ANDERSON A ANDERSON, 431 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale -Acreage. FOR SALE SIX ACRES, for $1500 cash. Part beaverdam. 5 acres cleared, family orchard Just bearing, rive room house, good barn and other outbuild ings; 3S miles to depot, stores, postoffice and high school. Owner. E A. Powell. Route 2, Battleground. Wash. WILL sacrifice two acres. "Metzger Station. Oregon r.lectrlc car. opposite park. Terms Owner, 2044 Hawthorne ave. Phone D ?" For Sale Farms. phrovldennc. K? CU' T"m- KEAL ESTATE. For fraic Farm. ,oun UP n tate. the following proposi-tiS.; cfe re D"r Btho' Utllla; $20 an HsTta e. east of Cottage Grove. Thl. I. . an acre. Into odd sections. an be divided ... , A GREAT BARGAIN. Urne.'aerVraortlrioTn!: WlkihLrilTJLJiLl'l-EY ETOCK FARM a uZlll fiiiim,n and land. fence .0 acres in crop 7-room ? u -. b"-ia only 8 miie. trom good pet- a?.. and " mcn ro.d,t!T SILVtRTON LUMBER COMPANY Sllverton. Or. " : lUY oc..d ,n the chOo.c: low. terms II d.ii aVi.k; SV"' r Portland trade In good residence in Vood district. AH 390. Oregonian. ' FOR SALE -N. W. i of S. W. V. ta tp a. h. 1 y,.; IS miles of Portland, nln. .h,. h V-.VLk "i 31 cr" merchant: - ... uuu-i . innes two loauinar .tatlons; price $4000. terms. Address ill in ,boutnwestern Washington --' ..niers only, upon easy terms and low pries. $5 per acre and up. Wm. MrT'iTA '. eto. -r-V! t uf4. X, A.conia. v asb. w iic.fc .arm. acres, ,-r, - County; owner, widow: sons drafted pTrl cash or city property. McClure Schmauph lod Railway Exchange bldg ''""nauch, bt ACRES, about 35 acres In cultivation, on acre: only $100 down, "long tune on b"- ..yg.. poaro or Trade. v-iJHK.i.., IKLIT, GAROEN RANCHfT isear x-ortiana ; T5 to $;oo per acre; easy est soil; farms for sale, all slsea urlanil dill V ki . . . . . vut'. rorwana. LITTLE FARMS, near Wlll.mlna." iTUIi leuccu. cicarea, running water: emninv. meet; $25 down, $10 uawuiu. efeSSe it. r?narp. da st. i;.ua TO $1000 cash; good HS-acre horn. i j. lt: McNew" Buxton: On" " Va 1(117 I'm mr In 1A . , . - LOUGUD-OFF lands. $10 acre up; running water, aood soil hm.k - " " . easy terms. Jesse R. Sharp? 83 H 3d st v AiiL.i, rlne location for country hnm. gooa roaas. line scenery. Owner. BJ 314, SHEEP or cattle ranch. 4201 acres, at $S.3 - ' .iv.vwv irst pay merit. M. Fitz. maurice. Condon. Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. HOUSES WAXTKn i want attractive modem houses L-..r00j..r'f""r' . not " $401(0; quick action If price Is right. PAUL C. X1LR-?-oL- c" J-AURELHURST CO. S Office. -'OSs Stark st. Main 1700. A 1315 , WB KNOW OREGON. f.u..".iPUI 'n,3 years learning of lis, anu otner rt-sourcea. LIST YOt rt LANDS with IT urca- AN'DERSON A ANDERSON. ' 431 Chamber of Com HOUSES WANTED ' . ' "nt ,er ettr.c.lve modern houses m good renalr. n.,i c,. . f.c'?a lf Dr',-'e Is rlght. PALL C.' MLR. i-oi.' CV LAURELHURST CO'S off lei. -'.OS Si ark st. Main lTuu. a lilS. 'l.J.ii01 ATE MV CLIENT AT ON't'K WANTS HOME IN N. E. SEC TO 1 15. Hi" HAS $10OO. PLEASE LIST PROMPT'. Y 0'.'H?JI-lE-N'BKRU' ABINGTON. BLDU" to Irs. In Portland." Main 4su3. HAVK th. v. . , r in ' "" , lor a goou home " ' -"""'"i must oe worth the money Want to hear direct from owner. a'1' t- dd,rrm"- Drice. etc in first letter. AG .lip, ttrogonian. H.WL five bona fide home buyers for nice homes within 2 minutes' walking dis tance of Jefterson High School. Must be airect from owner. tt. jvessier. utKi Con- gress st. Call only 7 1 A. il. HAVE customer for S to 12-room residence: , , . . nmucm: w Dav cash Vn-, M.UU0. J. c Corbln cS.T 3US-T Lewis bldg. MOUNT TABOR district preferred: want S $4000.- Slarihall 5141."'- l "XC'eU HAVE the cash to pay for a good home n a good district. Give address, price, etc! Infirst letter. AG 374. Oregonian WANT bungalow In Hawthorne dl.iricf owners, let m. ltnw -. ,. . . sell, price, terms, etc. AG :t77. Oregonian not list your house with the leepe co.7 They get results. 264 Stark WANTED 1 or 5-room bungalow, .a.l. terms; one. lot to V. acre of vrnnnri x..-. Montgomery. ANTED To buy from owner, 5-room oungalow, on terms: must be reasonable ANT house eouity; will give $100 cash an - acres on Columbia River. Tabor iti: ANTED 2 lots in Laurelhurst or Irving " A-N r 4 or 5-room modem hmm. .mHa.. mr m$ iiij ecu. neiiwooa Jl. Farms Wanted. aa iru A re innii Khmonr r - v. Snfy"KE' A .Bnnelt- 4 W. Holly st.( WILL trade good paying country store for . luwwiiu siotn rancn. AV 140 Wanted te Rent Farms. Artir.u o rent fn rm Yl nave family ana plenty o: -- -sjm. a, ..i 1 1 Hau r. TIMBER LANDS. -r. LAM! ONLY 640 acres ilm ber land In Klickitat County. Wash. mostly yellow pine, some fir. $20 per '. VJl1"7 iimoer iana or same nature . Si . rv ror au Per cre. x. x- uaies. 001 cmxi Ankeny at Portland, Or. run sale 100 acres timber In Linn kit c or'Kn' Mrs. John P. Nugent. -,uu," J o i ave.. t-emraua, nam. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c j. Mccracken. ao4 mckat bldo TEN to one hundred million, close to R. R. transportation : price very reasonable. L kw. u.viiiii'm, out t namoer or t ommerce. 80 ACRES COKDWOOD 14 miles on elec. trie line. Jease R. sharp. S3i 3d St. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HAVE a client who owns one of the finest new apartment houses In Chicago, no interne anu tour stores: two years old annual rental over $50.0O0; party wlshee " wii. property tor a gooa. large ranch. Send full description first letter and I will do same. K. B. Kingman, Co- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10 acres Ira- , 'msatea iana. 25 acres In alfalfa, all in cultivation S miles from Delta. Utah. 30 sharea of water fnmi.hi.. feet of water per acre, for all time, goea "." .. x. sw. x-iaeeciu. uallaa. WANT small house In good condition; have lot 1 block Rose City Park car first ....... .i. tasu, give price, descrip tion, number and street. AK 465. ur- GCi2D cr""1 for vacant lots SO acres near The Dalles; 10 aorea Improved, orchard -house nearly new. good well. Exchange for well-located vacant lota. W. H. Rosa, lluu .- . w. nank bldg. 80 ACRES for aale or trade, at Maygars. Or -eo. ,c,r caii be cultivated. mile from school. 1 mile R. R. station and boat land ing. $1200. Might take auto. John O. Emmerson. Route 5. Vancouver. Wash FOR exchange, well located, close-in busi- " wnw, x-omano. si.gntiy incumbered -rented: want to exchange equity of $5500 for Improved farm or home. Address own er. AH 402. Oregonian. IRRIGATED alfalfa land SO acres, two miles from good town. Paid-up water right. Want well-located Portland vacant lota up to $4000. W. H. Ross. 1100 N. w. Bank bldg. LIST your property wltn us for results ex changes of merit; established 10 yeara Tne Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 -'ark st between Washington and Stark sts. LOT in good district. Improvements In and paid, to trade for good house and lot' cash difference. 382 Glenn ave. WILL trade good paying country store for equipped foothill stock rancn. AV 140 OreRonlan. WANT house equity: will Kue $Io cosh and 1'H acres on Columbia River. Tabor "HAT fcave you to exc nance ror Tillamook Beach lots s? Aldress BD 141. Oreeonian. BUNGALOW in Parkrose for 3 or 4 clear lots. Main 143. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLA N EOf S. bran7eSnPdr0err,a'rmTh,enyCU.m; on the market at one-fourth ?he prfje. of adjoining lands. For further details wrue le-mtSr W" -N'' .! FOR SALE or trade; pool tabic. What hav you. Main 3uC. complete. TOR RENT FARMS. ?.,RE .hdquarters for farm rentals and .A Ir'"1 wl" convince. lf looking wifK .larm..,. buy or fommunlcaio Uh the office that gets action. 143 rr'- 40 acres under plow. IS acres Ptistare. stashed and seeded; (loo or moo acres ou;rnic,'. family orchard: good soil, well watered with a rivers - sprincs. on Pacific Highway. 26 miles h -,n ori;nd; good 7-room house. ;fn 00- holds SO tons. S slan ch ons for cows, pig pen and dalry nouse. some tools go with the place as a fixture. The rent Is- $1HX per i.'....?nd. Pi'1 th:s -vr- Personal property for sale Is a.", first-class cows, h'o. ' "K;. 1 yUIK team, wagon and harness, milking machine and Sep arator. Price $i'..00. $-000 down, bal ance terms. ... , SPLENDID STOCK FARM. X.S acres. Myrtle Point. Or.; 14o acres V U ? acres bottom land. 50 acres under plow. .o cre. stump pasture, a.l kinds small fruit, 2 acres apples, cherries. Pears, prunes, ail Al sou. a.l fenced, P. o. . mile, school le.ephone. good roads, two-story lo room house, good condition: plenty springs and creeks: barn holds SO tons hay. 32 head cattle. 4 horses ii "Jn?kB .J10""- blacksmith shof. noodshed. milk house, will lease 5 to 7 years for $k0 per year. Personal property for sale reasonable; wagon hack, mower, rake. 2 cultivators. 1 a'r- disc harrow, hand cultivator and drill; three plows, hoes, forks, etc.: harness. 3 horses. IS cows, s heifers, 2-year-olds; 10 yearling heif ers. 1 Jersey bull. 13 hoK. 3 dozen chickens. 3 stands bees, crops, 14 acres corn, 12 acres oata. wheat and cheat: - acres beans. 2 acres garden. Give possession NovemNer 1. HERE IS ONE OF THE BEST CLOVER AND TIMOTHY PROPOSI TIONS IN THE VALLEY. THE ' OWNER HAS OTHER BUSINESS MOVE RIGHT ON. DON'T KAIL TO SEE THIS. 10 acres. Newberg. all good A-l bottom land. 20 acres onion land. 30 acres pas ture, 70 acres under plow, u acres , ashed. AH sub-irrigated. ID acres timber. All kinds small fruit. All fenced and cross fenced with woven barbed wire and boards. 2 miles from R. R., good paved road right from Portland; near school, church etc. It Is exceptionally well watered with creeks and springs, good well, fair new 6-room house, new largo barn, holds 100 tons hay. 40 head cat tle, chicken house, wood house; rent 00 per year. Will give lease. Per sonal property and crops for sale. All household furniture, lo good milch cows. Jersey and Durham. 7 heifer calves, 25 hogs. 7 brood sows, x.l young pigs. 25 goats. 3 good horses. 1 boar, 75 chickens. 14 geese. 10 tur keys. 2 stands bees. Everything goes for $1500. This won't last long. You must act quick. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board ef Trade Bldg. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. TEAM of mules for sale. 7 and 8 vears old good, true workers and sound. Phone H3X. Milwaukie. in the morning or evening, or cor. c.2d and Sunnyside road, near Clack amas. WANTED Pasture for five ponies, or wl:l aiiow responsible parties to use them th:a Summer and coming Winter for their keep Write to or call at the office of Bratlie McClelland Mill Co., Hldgefield, Wash. $100 HOUSE. $40. Horse about 10 yra. old, full of life. In good condition. EDWARDS COMPANY. 5th and Oak. 'OR SALE Good, sound young team, 5 yrs old. weight 1400 each: aiso good heavy wagon and harness. Phone Pacific. 2ur5. Oregon City. S KRESH cows, aell or trade for beef cat tle; o weu-orea jerseys, sou each. Take Vancouver car to Coiuiuola blvd. atation. 1 block north. WANTED A o-inch used waKon: must be In good condition and reasonable price Call Marshall 455S, evenings. DEAD HORSES and animals hauled away tree, r-oriiauu. iteuaenng Co. Call Wood lawn 20. JUST ARRIVED lo head fresh dairy enwa un calves: neavy iui:kers; llolstelne. Durhams and Jerseys. 751 K. Ash. TEAM of oung gray marea with good har- ne.ii. weigiit auout .tao pounds: cheap Tabor 70'.. WANTED A two-sealed surrey, cheap for iii. ' .11 xt. xs. moi, . uaauioer ox Commerce Bldg. Main 1434. WAGONS and 300-lb. learn, reasonable. M. Olsen Transfer A storage Co. DEAD horses and cattt. taken quick. W. pay trie iiiost lor dead cow. 'labor 42U3. DEAD horaea taken; cash paid for dead cows. Phone calls paia. Milwaukie 69-J. 5 GOOD Shropshire ewes. W". H. Clevelaud. Gresham. or. Phone 471. OR TRAUE 1! small horses for milch cow; one Is a good saddle horse. Marshall 314. ou-LB. team. S years old, at a bargain. Call 7.".y Mallory. after 2 1. M. rianos. Organ, and Muscat Inst rumrot . AT THE SECURITY SToRAGECo! $:t0 cash buys large rosewood square piano. $45 cash buys small English 75 upright. $75 cash buys small English $:un upright. $M5 cash buys small American ;t50 upright. $135 cash buys mod. large $4oo piano. $100 cash buys mod. mahogany $4J5 piano. $l:0 cash buys mod. mahogany $450 piano, $J15 cash buys new only stored $475 piano. t -35 cash buys new only stored $4l5 piano. $J55 cash buys new only stored $4.r0 piano. J..i4. cash buys player-piano. $750 modal. e.itiO cash buys piay er-plano, liloO moasu $-5, $."o. $3. to $45 b.-st parlor organs. 109 FOURTH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. A MA HtXlAN Y phonograph, plays all rec ords, just uesd one month. Will sell on reasonable terms to right party, or will give discount lor cash. BF 330, Orego nian. BUY. HELL. RENT AND EXCHANGE TALKING MACHINES AND RECORDS and all kinds musical instruments. NEWMAN. IXs 1st. Main 4415. Tabor 79R. FOR RENT Cabinet Orafonola. with records. Empire Transfer A Storage Co. Broadway 155. BL'RDETTE wai. organ, like new, S3J50; Everett, worth $5U0. $375. Harold lx Gil bert. 3S4 Yamhill st. TJM.25 $1J cash. $6 monthly, buys 1917 moaei new unproved piano in mahogany and oak at Sen wan Piano Co.. Ill 4tn st, . ILL pay cash for "Weber player piano. $75 CASH secures Hohler upright Security Storage Co., 109 4th st. PLAY ER piano for rent, music included. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhi.l st. 'OR RENT Player, with music. En plre Transfer A Storage. Broadway 155. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 34 Yamhill st. PIANOS tuned. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor eo 1 4. brag. New bng. Conservatory. Furniture for Sale. SOLID OAK combination bookcase and writing desk, slightly used; 2 glass doors on book section, adjustable shelves: 11 drawers and French plate mirror over writing tabl, also canopy top; a fine buy at $14.50. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. ISS-lfHj First St. WILL sell or trade for light car or bus. furniture including piano. Grafonola, gas stove, dining table, six dining chairs, sew ing machine, heating stove, Z leather rock er?;, l rocker and other things. $4-5. E 33 N. Oregonian. DESKS. ROLL-TOPS; BRUSSELS RUG, REVOLVING CHAIRS TO MATCH. A chance to buy office, furniture, ma hogany and oak. for about half price. Closing out offices and must sell at once. 205 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. VERY good piano, $110: refrigerator, cost 3,i, sell si.; Outlet, library table, chif fonier, sewing machine, etc, lulo Al btna ave., apt E. Mississippi car. FURNITURE for sale and 5-room flat for rent; a bargain. 141 llth St.. cor. Alder. LEAVING city, household furniture for saie. Ml Clackamas st. I'hone East 310?. FOR SALE Part of furniture 3 -room " W. Broadway. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage. bOO Cor- Ptt st. log. Rabbits. Birds. Pet Stork. 1 PAIR Canada geese, large layers; useful. ilk mi pome. line aaamon to gentleman S country home: 2 pair Toulouse geese, 1W dor, chickens. 119 East Mohawk. St. Johns. FOR SALE cheap, brindle bulldog. Must good oe laaen ny someone wno gives l home. Main ! 7 U. THOROUGHBRED .Scotch Collie nunmes. beautifully marked. Males $10. fenias $5. Tabor 737. 'I0 5Sth ave. S. E. Typewrlten. GUARANTEED factory reouf It typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; tnu mi tit iib i4i i n noiesa.e Type wrlter Co.. retail dept., 221 Wash, st. N1VV Remington, rental plan; rent applies to islbte models. Remington Typ writer Co.. eti Broad wsy. Telephone Broadway 6"J1. FOR RENT Underwood s"n"d Remington , typewriters. Empire Transfer A Storage o. Broadway 155. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. -31 Stark at. M-!ti wot aui makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 94A 5th. Main 306H. REBUILT typewriters and supplier Corona,. iea.ers. E. w. Pse Co., 110 Sixth,