THE MOBMXG" OREGOXIAN". TSDXESTAT JTJXT 10. 1918. 13 FOB SALE, Furniture for Sale. DESKS, ROLL-TOPS; BRUSSELS RUG. REVOLVING CHAIRS TO MATCH. A chance to buy office furniture, mi feorany and oak, for about half price. Closing out offices and must sell at once. 203 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDQ. J"URXI6HINGS of 5 -room fiat. 3 beds, oak dining suite. Singer "66." Ohio vacuum. Fas stove, kitchen utensils, complete for cash or trade god ligbt touring car. 174 V N. 23 d et. launches and Boats. LAUNCH OREGON. 84 FT-, 6 IN.. 7 FT., o IN. BEAM. 16-H. T. BENTON ENGINE. AIR. PUMP. LOW TENSION" MAGNETO, AUTOMOBILE CUSHION SEATS; SEATS 30 PERSONS COMFORTABLY; IN GOOD. ALL AROUND CONDITION: AN IDEAL BOAT FOR TOWING. FERRY OR PLEASURE SERVICE: FOR QUICK SALE 450. H. X). SMITH, 3&4 GUILD ST.. OR MAIN 3705. FOR SALE Or trade on car, 40-foot motor cruiser, value 9350. Wood lawn 5183. East Machinery. LOGGING ENGINES. One 7xl04 Washington two-drum load ing engine with 42-inch boiler; almost new. One bxlO Tacoma roadlng engine with 48-inch boiler; on good sled and some wire rope. One 9xll Columbia road engine with ire rope, blocks, rigging, etc One 10jixl0 Washington yarding en gine with 56-inch boiler; on good sled with steel water lank and some wire rope. One 10x12 Washington road engine with -inch boiler, on new sled, with approx imately 2500 feet 4fc -Inch wire rope. One 10x12 Washington road engine with 60-Inch diameter boiier. One 10x12 Tacoma road engine with 114-inch boiler; on new sled with steel water tank and some wire rope. One 10x15 Tacoma road engine with 0-inch boiler: on new sled with steel water tank and some wire rope. One 11x14 Washington road engine with 66-inch boiler: on good sled with approx imately 2000 feet S wire rope. One 11x14 Willamette road engine with square fi rebox, boiler and some wire rope. One 40 II. P. horizontal tubular boiler with dome, smokestack and all XU tings complete: In first-class condition. F. B. MALLORY COMPANY, 235-237 Pine St.. Portland. Or. SPECIAL. 1 11x13 Willamette donkey. 1 9x11 Willamette donkey. 1 9x10 Mundy donkey. 2 10x12 Washington donkeys. 9x12 Wheland steam feeds. Also boilers, engines and sawmill ma chinery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., S3 First St. MUST sell threshing outfit: 16 H. P. gear Scott engine, 2Sx4s Burnley separator, steel lank; almost new. Look it over and make offer. Also 12 H. P. double cylinder steam traction engine. E. Brown, Yankton. Or. tOR SALE Hoisting or logging donkey, fully equipped with blocks and cable. Ad dress G. F. Greene. Kingston. Or. FOR SALE, cheap, 1 -horsepow er bnks-Morse engine, good, as new. Seufert. 62S Henry bldg. Fair T. J. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory reoullt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wash, st. iKEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase Visible models. .Remington Typewriter Co., eS Broadway. Telephone Broadway 621. JSEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates, f. J. to., al ftiarit si., aiam nvi. PRACTICALLY new Underwood typewriter for sale. 206 By. Exch. bldg. Main 967. JtE BUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona ALL makes typewriters rented and repaired. Oregon Type LO., iiia otn. mm q-qj. Miscellaneous. ' IEWIXG machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ' P'oyed; machines repaired and rented, $3 per montn. sr.WTVfl MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near Taylor. A 3626, Main 9431. i'tvn Y,nt w rr boilers, nit sizes. 30-ral.. 45: 40-eal.. 47.50; over 600 of our boilers In use in the city. East 76ii9. 169 Adams iu Phone ONE bowling alley, one billiard table, five pool tables. Will sell together or any part for cash. Price reasonable. Address H arry nreneman, jicmnn hip, wr. ri.-RTTPir 4TR for three months' tuition at Behnke-Walker Business College. AO 746, Oregonian. .BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and all cases, fixtures; easy terms. W. J. Qulgley. 227 First. Main Otf. wor SALE New Indian bicycle, with all at tachments, reasonable price. Call at 253 McMillen st. C T W DESK. 1 roll-top desk. 2 filing cabinets, 3 chairs, 2 safes. Bus hong & Co.. 91 Park St. BEEN DRAFTED FINE BICYCLE FOR SALE. MAKE OFFER. 123 FIRST, N EAR ALDER. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bentiey jo. main aoaj. feEVERAL srood second-hand safes at th right price. 46 Front st. Broadway 1966. RELIABLE gas range, good condition, $15. AL 0-u, uregonian. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits for sale, large selection. 3.50 and up. 355 Stark. FOR SALE Bedstead and spring, baby c r a d le, good condition. Sellwoo d 11: 7 J. 6-FOOT oak roll-top desk and swivel chair. Miller, f:J4 Morgan. Main 2!M.. GOOD 12-ln. A. C. electric fan cheap. Selling bldg. 303 SWILL- contract for sale to reliable party, Phone Main 4659. EXTRA fancy Bing cherries. Phone E. 7609. lbs.. 25c. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. BIG STOCK OF USED CARS. We are continually exchanging new cars for old and have some of the best values In Portland. These cars are all thor oughly inspected in our shop before being placed in our used car aepartmeni. n you are contemplating buying a used car, watch our daily ads and SEE US BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. Cole 30 $ 300 J eu fry truck 1100 Ford. 5-pass. ...................... 330 Ford touring 375 Ford truck, light delivery fu0 Chevrolet 550 Juick roadster 700 "ole 8. like new; all extras. fcitoddard-Dayton truck 30 Jeffery. 7-pase., like new lion Chalmers 1025 studebaker. aeries '13, like new..... 30 Maxwell . . 700 3anklin 1000 Cadillac 250 Hudson 1050 Terms If Desired. Open Evenings and Sundays. W. II. WALLINGFORD, K22 Alder. Broadway 2492. KRIES IS Studebaker. looks and runs like brand-new car; 4 Silvertown cord tires; run less than 500 miles; car In finest possible condition. Want cash. Inquire owner. Phone Tabor 474. lAXWELL, 1917, S-passenger. new tires all around, new spare uce. iuu jovu lui.cs. In first-class mechanical condition : no trades considered; price $000. Call Knox. Broadway 1130. FOR RENT GARAGE. 1111 Hawthorne eve., 37x137. Ce ment floor, filling station. Car storage pays the rent. $o0 per month. BARR, Eu5 Lumbermen's bids Broadway 3125. yOK SALE Studebaker six touring car. In Al condition, very cheap, at 109 11th at. near Washington. 1916 CHEVROLET, good condition ; demount able rims: new tires; $400 cash. East Side Garage. - 1913 BL'ICK roadster, fine condition. 5 33x4 tires. 2 brand new; pries $20. Ak 4 Oregonian. 1 LIGHT delivery. Al condition; 1 1916 Hun mobile, fine shape. Rodhatn . Vollurn, Uj N. Park. Phono Bdwy. 609. 191 BUICK llKht six. almost brand new. cheap for quUk sale. See Rich, 37 North Broadway. Broadway 11270. . MODEL IS Packard touring car. fine shape; can be teen at Sandy Road Garage, 24th and Sandy boulevard. 1915 FORD touring cur. mechanically per fect; reasonable. 1415 Rodney ave. Call after 6 P. M. 1917 COLE S. all-weather body, brand-new tire equipment. Phone Broadway 5171. iyl7 FORD touring car. with extras, good as new; snap for cash. Main 7398. evenings. SLIGHTLY used tire. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. 25c; tire repairing. 207 Madison. VILL exchange good Ford truck and cash for automobile. Phone E. 24S6. FORDS ENAMELED. $15. 370 E. Morrison St. JORDS $250 to $450. Hail Washington. & Cass i day. 211 FORD, rebuilt, with new stream-line body $425. 22S Burnside st. 191 FORD, fine condition, fully equipped. Phone owner. Main 7769. LATE 1917 Buick. 5-pasttenger light six; A.-.L euuuiuuu, S4vuu vmu. .lu iMfcuway y.o. FOR SALE ArtOMOBILES. WONDERFUL BUYS in Just new used cars: all makes, all sizes, all prices, all over hauled, all guaranteed as represented. 191T Ford. 5 new oversize Goodyear tires, demountable rims, shock ab sorbers, speedometer, foot accel erator $ 550 3918 Ford, new tires. Just perfect.... 40 1016 Maxwell, good tires, new battery 600 316 Overland Little Six, overhauled. 700 1913 Hupmoblle roadster, 5 new Goodyear all-weather tires, run 6000 miles; some buy BOO Series 18 Stud e baker touring, 90 per cent new 800 Series 17 Studebaker four, 3-pass. ; 90 per cent new 750 1915 Reo, 3-pass., looks new 600 1914 Velio, elec L and s., perfect... 500 1916 Mitchell Six, 3-pass. ; 5 cord tires; 95 per cent new 900 American roadster, just overhauled; fine tires: 75 miles p. h. . . 850 3935 Wlnton Baby Six 80O 1915 Chalmers Master Six, S new cord tires; runs perfect 700 1916 National Six. 90 per cent new.. 1200 Small 5-pass., new tires, overhauled. S10 Oakland 8. 7-pass.. cord tires........ 30 Cadillac light delivery 350 Studebaker 5-pass.. fine tires 50 1916 Overland, Victoria top, seat cov ers, n e w pain t 700 1914 Overland, 5-pass., elec 1 and s. 400 New buys arriving every day. Open Sundays and evenings, CONLETS USED CAR CENTER ' Big Brick Building, Side Entrance. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington Sts. Phone Broadway 2650, 1916 OLDSMOBILE 8 roadster, Al....$ 900 1918 Maxwell. like new 775 3917 Chevrolet, first-class 650 1917 Ford. dera. rims, extras........ 495 1914 Buick four, good car 590 1912 Franklin, great buy 50rt 1917 Chalmers, like new 10U0 And Many Others. WESTERN MOTOR SALES CO.. 33d wy. 5368. Bdwy. and Burnside. PACKARD 1-4S 6-cylinder. 7 -passenger, elec trie starter and lights, siooo. Packard twin six 5-oassenger: only run about 14.000 miles; spare tires and other extras. Price 2oOO. Hudson 6-54; cord tires all around. Cheap at $675. Brand-new Ford ons-ton attachment; never been used. At a special bargain. 1 1-4 - ton Jeffery truck; fine mechanical condition; with or without body; ss-mi. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th and Burnside Sts. Broadway 621. USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. Fvera1 good used cars to eelct from. MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R CO., East First at Morrison. East 7272. B 1216. WEST SIDE SALESROOM Broadway at Oak St. Broadway 515, A 3343. USED CAR BARGAINS. 1 Franklin S00 l Buick r,sn 1 Franklin $300 R Chevrolet $400 to $450 7 Fords $265 to $450 1 Dodge $700 1 Oakland $10 1 Maxwell $150 1 Overland .$175 1 2-Ton Truck. LONG A FTLVA. 462 Hawthorne Ave. 1919 CHANDLER T-psssenger: Just like new, only run 3900 miles; spare tire, bumper. no-glare lenses and other extra equipment. .Bargain at xion'J. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 10th and Burnside Sts. Broadway 521. YOU can make big money every day by Duying one or our used trucKS. ah over hauled and In fine running order. One 5-ton Keseel. $1500. One 8 -ten Federal. $1800. One 2-ton Reo, $900. One 2-ton Reo. $S00. One 2-ton Reo, $750. We will take the old truck In any time on a new uarford: MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, 354 Burnside St., off Broadway. FRANKLIN Model G, first-class condition, Just overhauled, body cut down for Pull man sleeper, adjustable for camping, self starter, electric lights, cord tires, etc. Left with, us to oe sold; terms to rignt $475. Y. M. C. A. Auto School, j. Lester, principal. TWO AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. A 1918 CADILLAC FIVE-PASSENGER AND A SIMPLEX SEVEN -PASSENGER. OWNER IS IN THE ARMY AND HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED. SO MUST SELL CARS. FOR DETAILS CALL F. C. WALKER AT THE BENSON HOTEL. AUTO WRECKERS. We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for otd cars. PACIFIC JUNK COMPANY. 228 Front St. MAIN 4768. BARGAIN. OHIO ELECTRIC COUPE, FINE FHAPE. COST S3600 TWO YEARS AGO WILL SACRIFICE SAME FOR $1000 OR TAKE CLEA R LOTS WORTH LIK E AMOUNT. MANVILLE. MARSHALL 8V 1916 7-PASS. Mitchell 6, In perfect condition. This car will stand tne most rigid test and is a beauty. Rare chance to secure superb car at bargain price. Phone Mar shall 4553, 9 to 12 A. M. Ask for Miller. NEED a good auto or truck more than need mv new 5-room Columbia Beach cot tage costing $1500. What have you? Give lull description ursi letter, xx o. ure gonlan. 117 MAXWELL, run only 4000 miles new non-skid tires: car looks like new has had fine care; must sell. $700. cash or terms. Can 24 tioiiaaay or pnone- aat e225. DON'T BURN GASOLINE. Fords go 100 miles for 50c. This Is no bunk. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. 28 p. .Broad way. FOR SALE New, latest model Chandler car drove 7H) miles: my son nas en us tea an I have no further use for same; a bar gain. Call Broadway 1251. 1917 FORD touring car. In Al shape; brand new Kelly-Springfield tires, same size all around. For quirK saie -ao cash; no trades. Address uregonun. TWENTY auto trucks, equipped for sand, eravel and road work, some flat beds. All makes, three to five-ton capacity. Call 271 E. water st. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; w. wreck all makes of cars and sell thei parts at half price. David Hodes Co fortn isroaaway ana r i ana era. OAKLAND roadster, almost new; must en to be anorectated. Extra tire. Van Pelt. Tabor 724. Business phone. Ta bor 3195. FOR SALE, cheap for cash, one Ford tour in car. 1914: 1 Keo louring car. 1914 Maxwell touring car. 1916. Russell's Ga rage, 1063 Hawthorne ave. CAR with electric lights and starter; sma DAVment down, easy monthly payment By owner. Mr. Morris, 505 Lumbermeui bldg.. Bdwy. 3125. -PASS., high-grade car, looks and runs like new ; w ouid consider small car as part pay. h. a;2. cregonian. LATE 1917 Dodge touring, new cord tires. best possible condition; cash only. Phone owner, Alain chji-. FOR SALE Pore bug. adaptable for truck Bargain if sold at once. 875 Hawthorne, evenings, lapor aaou. FOR SALE Oakland 6-nassenger car: bar. gain ; ran 2000 miles. Call Montgomery. 1916 PAIGE "Fairfield 7-passenger. h run 15,000 miles, used as family car only, Phone A or i aoor ttfo. R.PASSEXGER E. M. F.. in KOOd runnin order. This car is not half used up. $350. ludwaras vompan, oin ana ubk. WANT to sell a food 6-Dassencer Chalm. car, newly painted and overhauled. $400 caan. an loi. hi. SMITH FORM-A-T RUCK Have unused truck attachment for sale at a big sacrl fice. K. i. can Dau Ataer et. cawy. 271 5-PASS. Chalmers '36." Al condition. $390. See Williams st garage, otn and Madison. or can 1 aoor oul. FORD roadster for sals cheap, at 1st and Wash. See Benne REO. TH E TH, In fine condition ; $3- f none taai isoa. 1916 FORD chassis. In good condition, cheap TRAILER for sale; ball bearing wheels, good tires. Room 4. uougias apt.. ia htout FOR SALE 1017 Reo In good condition. Call ait M- -B- ih . FOR PALE AUTOMOBILES- GOOD USED CARS. 1916 Hupmoblle runabout, extra good. $1000 iyi Hupmoblle touring car, ime new iuuu 1914 Hup. 4-pass.. Al shape, bargain; at your own nrice. 1917 Studebaker. light and economical 800 Knox touring car. a real automobile. -4W 1916 Grant Six. very Ileht car 650 1913 Buick, very small car. good shape 350 Overland bug, it's a poach. ........ . 3" Chalmers runabout 3'H) Chalmers Master 6, look lijte new.. 750 Stutx, newly painted eOO Marion, 5-pass ."u Overland touring . .-. , 20 Aiitcneii o, as good as new ov 1916 Saxon 6. the smallest and light est car made 600 and many others you ought to see before ouying eiaewnere. 11 ooeio 1 cost, aai thlng to look at them. MANLET AUTO COMPANY. The House of Fair Uealing. lltb, and Oak at Burnside. Bdwy 217. IF YOU are going to buy a car you had Detter oo so now. or you win not get. ouc 1M17 wiiiys Knight. Mane an oner. 1916 Saxon Six, cheap at $625. Marmon touring, electric starter. $493. Light 4-cylinder Oldsmobile. S750. Studebaker touring, cord tires, $525. Series IS Studebaker. $750. 1917 Oakland touring. $600. SPECIAL TODAY. Ford touring, with extras. $500. OLDSMOBILE CO, OF OREGON, Broadway and Couch. ONE 1917 Oakland eight, like- new, cord tires all around: will sell enrap witn wrms to suit on good security; also 1U13 Ford touring car. in first-class condition; price $:;50. Albina Garage. Woodlawn 1114. STUDEBAKER 1914 model; good condi tion, electric lighting ana starting, rrire very reasonable. Call at garage, 50 N. 20th st. Automobile Wanted. 'ANTED One or more lightweight 5-pass, autos, in good condition. In exchange for all or part of 65 a. land with timber S. W. or Corvallls. clear. This in your oppor tunity to make a profit on your ma chine. Call or write D. A. Chambers, 167 Broadway. SPOT CASH Paid for late model touring cars and road sters- Must be In good condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Washington Street. Broadway 5464. LONG &l 6ILVA. s u t o wreck rs. We wreck cars and save you CO per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and we will duplicate them. Autos bought, regarlless of condition. Phone East 6S40. 462 Hawthorne ave. WILL trade moving picture theater at Sea elde. "The National. Tor good car. Ad dress R. II- Leppla, Hotel Merwyn, As toria, Or. WANT 1917 roadster for cash: Buick. Velie, Dodge preferred. Call Columbia Be fore 5 P. M. WANT Ford touring car, new or practically good aa new. State loweat cash pi ice. BJ 46b, Oregonian WANTED To buy a Ford on easy tetms. 1152 Schiller st. WANTED, for cash, model 191P. or 1914 Buick roadster. AO 50. t'rgonian. I PAY SPOT CASH FOU USED CARS. I. E. OB YE. Grand ave. and E. Stark. Auto Tires and Accessories. MOTORS, e-ears. bearincs. wheels, axles: we wreck all mattes or cars ana sen tneir parts at haif price. David iioaes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. M trcy cl e. FOR SALE 2 -cylinder. 2-speed, 1914 model Indian motorcycle ; price sw. I'lione Mar shall 4i4. or call "28 2d st. . Automobiles, for Hire. NEW CARS FOR KENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS, G. N. SMITH, TMIKU A.NU UllAi STfc. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629 ATTTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage. 86 lth st. Broaaway sw. KwnER'H AUTO SERVICE Highway. d pots, funerals, caning, snoppmg. r. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars. competent drivers, otn. wasn. Aiain iwsu. FORDS for rent, without driver. 443 Stark ;. Broadway 6Z. CLEAN, .classy Hudson; carelul, experienced driver. Marsnaii zszv. PASS Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopping, highway. Broadway Jo 4 7. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. ST. 50 AND UP $7.50. for second-hand suits. J. Meyer the tailor pays the highest price for suits, overcoats, bnpa e-tr w call anvwhere in the citv. day or evenings. Call Marshall 1229. wr 229 Madison st. WAVTPin TWO POOL TABLES. COM PLETE, BALLS, C U 1U. ; uivc PRICE AND ALL DETAILS 1W FIRST LETTER. It 126. OREGON LAN. OUR snecialtv is buying ladies and gents cast-off clothing, mgnest casn price puo. Will call day or nlsht. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3225. or 209 Madison St. HICHEST PRICES PAID. 1 buy all second-hand clothes, especially ladles' and gentlemen's suits and evening gowns, etc. Nt-w buyer. Try me before you call others. Phone Broadway WANT GOOD BICYCLE. Trade vou Photcun. rifle. Victrola, fll lng cabinet, gas range, old violin, banjo. loiiO other useful articles. NEWMAN. 128 First, near Alder. Main 4495. J UN K WANTED J UN K. EST PRICES PAID. for sacks, metal, rubber, second-hand goods. Call Main 734. Ktvoxn-HAXl) CLOTHING WANTED. We buy gents' clothing and we pay full price and over. We buy shoes and hats. Call Main 1923. KK-Piixn-HAXD CLOTHING BUYER, We need the clothing and we pay all It Is worth, caw aiain XL mi- U. S. LIBERTY BONDS. Will pay cash fur any amount. Pittock block. r53 BICYCLE, SHOTGUN, RIFLE TEXT WANTED FULL CASH VALUE PAID. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic an pump shotguns wantea. nocnteiu, 00 ju JUNK. rugs, bottles, sacks. metals, c clothing; tools; gooa prices. -t. HIGH EST PRICES PAID for second-hand Clotnes. Jdain tfJti. WANTE ndian relics of stone Portland Or., P. O. box 474. WE buy your diamonds and old gold Jewelry for cash. 2H- v asningion au WANTED Reasonable, a litres Root Beer barrel. fnone iuain x Furniiare Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURB. Rtnvea. ran ces. run. store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming houses. office furniture, xurniture stocKs; noininj too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention ana courteous ncaiiaeuu MARSHALL 5981. A 8224. READ IMPORTANT READ. We carry a greater aried assortment of new and used merchandise than any store In the city, mere is naraiy an item w h not buv and sell. We specialize 1 h.lf and heavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, office furniture, hotel and camp supplies. When you have anything to buy or sell, call or phone. MAIN 9072. A 7174. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE! CO, 221-3-5 Front st.. cor. salmon. CALL MAIN 300 IMMEDIATELY. WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE3 EVER PAID BY ANYONE IN THE CITY FOR FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THIS BUY ER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 193 F1K&T ST.. NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 809. FELDSTEIN FURNITURE CO., 166-168 1st st., requires second-hand furniture, best prices paid. If you rave any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be aure of good treatment. Main 4633. I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE to ship out of town, will pay mors than Portland second-hand dealers; deal with a courteous business man. STANDA RD. PHONE MAIN 4773 PHONE- X WANT used furniture; cash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for one article or a houseful and a com potent courteous buyer will call. Mar. 2693. FU RNITl'RE W AN T E D We will pay f ull value for your second -hand furniture, beds, dressers, carpets, stoves and bouae hold goods. Call Main 1923. ltS Front at WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 204 First st. WILi p4 best rica AUltsUaU & WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture Wanted. CASH. CASH. CASH. We will pay the highest price for your used furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, of lice furniture, etc. Phone Marshall 587 and our buyer will call at once. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205 and 207 First St. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. HELP1 WAXTEI -MALE. LIBERTY LABOR AGENCY. 24 N- 2d St. Set of fallera. $5-60 and $5.20; choker set ters, $5.20; whistle boys, $4; wood split ters, $4; donkey eng., $5.60; buckers. $4.80. clote in; mill just starting, wants air trimmerman. $5.5u; resawyer. $5.20; line up man resawyer, $3.75 ; off bearer, $4; marker on the rolls, $4.40; lumber pliers and CkP loaders. $4; laborers, $3.60. You may see the boss at the office. IN THE CITY. Laborers around factory. $3.75; expe rienced roofer. 60c to 75c hr. ; wood handlers in the cotton wood. $4; men to work on wood barge, $3 day and board; porter, nights, la restaurant, $75 mo. and board. XCELLENT opening for 3 young men. 18 to 21. to travel and sell for Eastern firm; no experience required: steady position, good pay and advancement; out-of-iown men preferred. 9 to 11 and 1 to 2. Mr. Liverniore. Hotel .Carlton. WANTED Motor car repair man. must be laminar witn ail standard cars, good trouble shooter, able to scrape and fit bearings ; steady work, good pay. Fred Dundee. Broadway at Flanders. WANTED YOUNG MAN EXEMPT FROM DRAFT. GOOD AT FIGURES. FOR WORK ON BOOKS IN LARGE INSURANCE OF FICE. CALL MR. REED. MAR, 669. AFTER 8:30 A. M.. FOR APPOINTMENT. WANTED Experienced man for grocery store, one used to handling high -class trade: answer in own handwriting, giving experience, references, age, salary expect ed start with. BC 262. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, opportunity for man with experience in established wholesale line. State all particulars fully. Y 04, Orego nian. WANTED Three first-class sheet inetal workers; two acetylene welders, standard wages: double time for overtime. Apply timekeeper Coast Culvert & Flume Co. WEAVER wanted for woven -wire bed Hprlngs or man to learn weaving on auto matic weaving machine. Apply Carman Mfg. Co.. 1214 Macadam st. WANTED 5 upholsterers, wage S5.5U a tiay, steady work. Apply at the Court Wright Furniture & Mfg. Co., Union ave.. cor Ankeny. East 6109. WANTED First-class moving picture op erator at once, steady work to the right man. Phone or write. Lew F. CuJiiua, The Dalles, Or. MEN WANTED Conductors and motormen wanted. Call room 32 Electric building, or division superintendent's office at the carbarns. P. R., L. & P. Co. COMPETENT folding box maker at good wages ana steady worK. Pacific La Dei c barton Company, Seattle. Wash. MACHINIST FOR LATHE WORK, STEADY " "JK . j"JiJ tA . f Kill 1 l. -N LJt-.t. BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. WANTED Two news agents to work on passenger tra ins. fcroa 11 casa bond re quired. Apply 11 N. Fifth. FIRST-CLASS millwright for night shift. -Apply ai tne v. eeipurc iumoer to.) iiuo Northwestern Bank bldg. TAXICAB drivers wanted for our new cabs. Steady work and good pay. Call mornings afier 30. 2J1 12th Ft. WANTED Janitor, Neighborhood House. 2d and 00 ds. Main b-.b. Apply between 11 A. M. and S P. M WANTED Operators for Burroughs adding and posting machines for bank work. AN 350. Oregonian. WANTED First-class marker and sorter. wages, -M ncr week. fctar Laundry. Olympia. Wash. YOUNG man, IS to 20 years, to assemble lifiht fiTures and do spray work, call at 6S N. lrtth sr. BARBER. -4 guarantee. 65 per cent, steady .1'b; good over-money. Gus Dowd, ins Dalles. Or. YOUNG man to w ork in shop; salary and trade. Call chance to learn mechanical A. M.. 4o2 V'ashlngton BU ENERGETIC young man for stockroom and shipping department. Apply r lrestone Tire & Rubber Co.. 65 N. Park at. OFFICE boy; opportunity to learn good wholesale Dusinees; state age, rererence and phone number. Y 3.i3. Oregonian. YOl.'XG man wants work evenings; expe rienced salesman and clerical work: other lines considered. AR 61, Oregonian. WANTED Farmer, married or single; good wages, witn room ana ooara. v-au room 702 Spalding bldg. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly competent; stat a?e, experience, rciercnces. salary. Ar 4!. Oregonian. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper or clerical work; above draft age. Ail 413, orego nian. WANTED Janitor, one who can make lilm s?:f useful around, store, fcimons. 1st and Alder. BOATBUILDING company needs services of high-grade bookkeeper, one 'capable of taking entire charge. AO 75o. Oregonian. WANTED Men. handy with tools, for 1 smbllng work. Cutler Mfg. Co.. 3ol E. 10th. CARD WRITER to assist us with our clear ing sale. Apply at once, Levitt s atori cor. 4th and Washington. WANTED Man for solicitor In Portland by Eastern packing company; give references. H 3 1., Oresonian. BASH and door packer, permanent dos tlon, ltght work. Inquire W. P. Fuller & Co., 12ih and Dover sts., ask for Mosher. WANTED ExDerl-nced man to drive milk wagon, wages giu. board ana room. Phone Tabor J t WANTED A boy between 18 and 21 to work in garage at nignt; r-ierences. oiDSon Storage Battery Co.. 12th and Alder. WANTED -Middle-aged man who under- standft milking and care of chickens: small country place. Apply tuo Lovejoy st. A GARDENER for a private place: one who can milk cow. Appiy to Mr. uri, room 7, at -.tu'j 1 nira bireei. WANTED Janitor service; one who under stands the needs In a jowelry store. Call 24 aanington st. MEN' wanted to work on river steamboats. 0 per montn ana ooara. Appiy v ashing ton street dock. WANTED Boy over 18 years old run eleva tor; experience not necessary. Palace Ho tel, 446 Wnshlngton. BARBER wanted; steady job; guarantee $22 week; 60 per cent over ,-. 4J Wash ington st. BARBER, 22, 60 per cent, ?; chance to make good money. T. Boyle, Linnton. Col. 531. STEADY elevator boy or man, day work In hotel; give phone number. C 320. Orego man. WANTED Stock man for wholesale furni ture house, liealy Bros, lath and Hoyt 1 WANTED Middle-aged man as Janitor at the Martha w asiungton. 3MI Juth st. EXPERIENCED' chambermaid wanted; salary. Lind Hotel. 3d and Ash sts. good TAILOR for repair work In clothing store. James J. raiuien, ancouver, aan. MAN wanted to work in wholesale grocery warehouse. 72 North 6th street. SHOEMAKERS WANTED. 76 SIXTH ST. TELEGRAPHER First -ciass. Federal Co.. 7 Board of Trade bldg. Tel, WANTED 2 painters, general work; 85 per day. rv aat, t rcumimn. WANTED Colored porter. Apply at Alder Hotel. 4tn and Ainer. PEOPLES MARKET GROCERY, Taylor. 2 drivers. SLAUGHTER-HOUSE butcher. Smith Meat Co. Frank WELL experienced auto truck driver. Givg phone numoer. Ar oo. oregonian. EXPERIENCED houseman and porter foi notei. iiam 100. EXPERIENCED driver wanted. Package Delivery, 49 Front at. Call WANTED A baker's helper. Inquire Bo- nemian nesiuuram. j - w . rarK Ft. K PERIENCED grocery man. Anolv -ir references, to Peoples Market A Grp. Co, WANTED First-class shoe man: will pay i . j a. wrc gnu Aincr. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman: good salary XO ritjlll. K ' t.. iHiBTiuiui . i loin st. STICKER man wanted at Carman Mfg. Co. 1 L 1 4 jiacaaam YOUNG man for stock and shipping clerk. Micneiin 1 ire .o.. o- uan st. WANTED Two men. Call 317 Oregonian Dldg., pet ween ct aim v. ana o. WANTED Pastry cook, also cook's helper. Campbell Hotel. 2-'.d and Hoyt. MAN and month. wife, logging camp work: 21 North 2d st. I' TRIPE c.eaners and casing men; good wages, -j Aiugi WANTED Experienced grocery porter. Ap- BOOKKEEPER wanted. Columbia 13L for Mr. Stearns. WOOD turner, steady employment. 6 hours. Oregon i nair t.o.. Macadam. SHOE salesman wanted. Staiger Shoe. Oo, BAKBK wanted; steady, job, ifQo Morrison HELP WANTED MALE. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT H IS POST. This Is no time to shirk: every man I ahnulrl da hi, utmmt: mlndia-trtd men I can now "come back"; boys are needed I at ones to fill soldiers places: the Y. M. I C A. Employment snd Advisory De nartnvent is able to give priceless advice; it puts you Into the largest place you are I able to fill successfully. I A an,ilal m m tw- rh i tft tt 3 hu bn I devised to aid thoso who need It; don't I miss this modem, scientific ana inor- 1 oughly business-Uko way of securing Phone Main 870O. A 656L Call at one I In person If possible. FREE EMPLOYMENT. HAMMOND LUMBER CO. LABOR DEPT. 47 Second St.. bet. Couch and Davis sts. WANTED TODAY. Mill Cltv. Or.: South Mill City. Or. Ten mill and yard laborers. $3.60. 8 hrs. Room and board in company hotel, elec tric lighted, steam heat, shower Dams, avnr convenience. Sa.iij week. Company will advance your fare and hln v-rm f rA nf chflriA. Come today. 47 Second street, between Couch and I Davis sts. WANTED At once, young man over IS I years of age with good twin motorcycle. We pay S4 per day; vacations with pay. Western Union Telg. Co. See Mr. Cudahy. or t alley, usa il WANTED A practical superintendent fot a. iirA. mod in wooden ninbulldins yard; stats age, experience and salary expected and give references: none but those fully qualified need apply. Address AV 10 L Oregonian. STEADY man wanted to take exclusive control of good territory In Oregon and Washington: money advanced weekly, out fit and snecial training free, experience unnecessary; our active men are making mod monev. vou can co tne same: clean. hardy, guaranteed stock. Yakima Valley Nursery Company, Toppenls. w ash. EXPERIENCED COST A"C"OUNTANT AND OFFICE MANAGER WITH ABILITY FOR I ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT: GOOD CHANCE FOR RESPONSIBLE I MAN: STATE EXPERIENCE AND PRE-I VIOUS EMPLOYMENT FIRST LL I AN 35, OREGON i A N. MEN wanted by Portlar.d Gas A Coke Co.. at Gasco. on Ltnnton road. Steady employ ment; pay $3.50 to $5 per day. Take free hum at fiiraie. Front and Gllsan sts.. 6 A. ! M., or 23d and Savler at 7:15 A. M. Apply at gas pianc 01 1 ice. WANTED One neat-aooearing. active boy. bet. 16 and 21. for bus boy. to carry dishes and clear table. work 6 days per week SB late as 1- P. M. Salary ( per mo. and board. Apply The Haxelwood. iiSS Wash. street. MEN wanted to carry carbon briquets from trucks to basements of our consumers; average wage $4.25 to $4.75 for 8 hours. inquire r. iL. cor ana lanaers. ron- land Gas & Coke Co. RCH ITECTURAL draftsman wanted by es tablished firm in cttr: must have experi ence house work an4 all kinds construc tion, also be familiar with est 1ms ting. etc. Strict confidence. AH 411. Oregonian. MARKER and assorter wanted; must be swift and accurate etate age. experience. married Send name of two references with iirst letter. Salary $-0. Wenatcnee eteara Laundry. a enatcnee. asn TOUN'G man, over 18. wanted for cutting and creasing densrtment: one with expe rience in naner box factory referred. Columbia Paper Box. Co., East 25tb. and Mouaaay. WANTED Reliable man to drive bakery truck : must be trustworthy and hi sales ability; good wages Royal Baking Co., AU6 Washington at., ancouvcr. nun. Phone 408. JANITOR AND FIREMAN FOR NIGHT WORK; G OD WAGES FOB RIGHT MN. DAVIDSON BAKING CO.. 22D AND E OREGON ST. tiEE MR. DAVID SON. MORNINGS. WANTED Single man to do general farm work. Must be active, wining 10 worn, snd understand farming. Farm 35 miles from Portland. Steady work year around. Fred Dundee, uroadway and anocrs. ARTIFICIAL LIMB MECHANICS Must be first-class litter. eianuara wages, up, according to ability to satisfy customers. Med gecock Ai t if iclal Limb & Brace Co.. 1412 commerce, uaiias, a ex. WANTED Man with general business ex- rterlence. mercantile or otnerwise. canton manual labor; steady position, references required, state experience, age. pnone. A K 471. Oregonian WANTED Blacksmith helper, experienced; mte r ir Lathe nana, exnerienceu: rate, RnLr- lsht hoiim. Went Linn Mills. wh"ro strike on. Call at free employment office on mill walk. A THOROUGHLY experienced lathmlll fore man, either by day or contract, at large plant on Columbia River. Apply box a v 19. Oregonian. WANTED Man to do general cleaning M-or: rnad wares. rtoyai rtaaina vo.. 606 Washington su Phono 40b. Vancou ver, Wash. LABORERS wanted for ditch work; steady employment, top-noticn wages, inquire in. E. corner 2d and Flanders. Portland Gas A ! Coke Co. WIDE-AWAKE man with light car, to han dle established tea and eorree route; guar antee and commission. Boyd Tea Co.. 3d st. w a KTF.n TC-oerienced automobile nainter. Apply Francis Motor Car Co., lotn. ana Hawthorne ave. WANTED A man to care for horses and ard. Marsnaii 3no4. 1J4U rnurman. Help Want1 REAL estate salesman: no money or experi ence necessary. 415 Stock Excnange bldg. COLLECTOR-salesman. city, with or without rig; liberal contract. an A., ai. u. wasn. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS at once: sell 50o per month hospi tal tickets. uo coroett Plug. HHP WAVTFT) FEMALE. GIRLS. 16 OR OVER, TO WORK IN BAG FAC TORY: GOOD WAGES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO 15TH AND EOTT T3. WANTED Assistant bookkeeper, one who is accurate and who can operate typewriter rapidly; give reference and pnone sum- Per, x aOo. oregonian. APPRENTICE girls for millinery and dress making, la sayies. o iaieign oiag., otn ana w asnington sts. POWER machine operators; steady work. good wage. Apply Mmmona Glovo Mig. to., iw n. rtn, cor. r landers. WANTED Experienced waitress. Apply seward iiotei a in ing -room. 10th ana Al der sts. WANTED chambermaid-: must bs ex perienced and competent; none other need apply, note i avarre. Ersi.ES course for few hours' work daily. state education ana age; line opportunity. Ar 01H. oregonian. WANTED A housekeeper for family of two. no washing; 6 rooms; wages s-5 montn. SO East 16th N. WANTED Registered lady pharmacist. Ad- aress w .ou, urogonian. EMPLOYED couple desires responsible nurse girj. Marshall liKiS. TYPEWRITER operator who can cut sten cils. 1 470. oregonian. WANTED Experienced cook, $50 month. Ap ply oio ovej oy. EXPERIENCED girl for confectionery; ref- erences required. Apply .-5 xv. 23d. YOUNG lady to audit sales slips. Apply at once. iTiit store, cor. tin ana vtasn. GIRL for dishwashing; no Sunday work. snamrock uairy Lunch. 4 stark st. WANTED Experienced waitress. Rep u bll c Grill. 347 M orris on. Call Now WAITRESS wanted. 222 Washington sL Washington Restaurant. GIRL wanted to assist with, light house- woric fnone Main 4do. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Hotel u raui, im ana Aiaer. GIRL wanted for waitress. Japanese Restau rant. 23 Burnside at- WAITRESS wanted. Tacoma Restaurant, 30 1 rs. a sc. TWO lady barbers wanted. 104' N. 6th st. WOMAN cook, middle-aged. 669 Savfer. CHAMBERMAID wanted. Campbell Hotel. WAITRESS wanted at 273 Burnside st. WAITRESS wanted at 204 Columbia mt. WAITRESS wai4, 105 N- vta sU HELP WANTED FEMALE. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted advertisements ta THE OREGONIAN mnst stats explicitly the nature of employment and the basis of com pensation, salary or commission. The Oregonian rejects misleading snd objectionable advertising and any advertisement found to be mis leading should be reported iuxmedi- ' ateiy to The Oregonian office. THE OREGONIAN. Mala 7070, A 095, TOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 9 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS rapid increase in wages, call at telephone co mp a nt. room 60l sixth floor park: and oak: streets. . LIPMAN. WOLFE CO. require the follow Two billing clerks. One comptometer onentnr. Must bo thoroufihtv exnerienred and able 10 mrnisn tue nest ot references. Apply superintendents office, seventh floor, be tween s and 10 A. M. cduesday morn lng. WANTED LADY PARTNER. Come with me to San Francisco to take charge of office, books, stenography, eti Salary SI.IO. Investment 2r.oo, w hit h wtl b absoluteiv secured and under vour ron iroi : nun is an ennMUhed business paying extraordlnarv OrofitH on raiiilal tnvrMtil. For Interview call o01 Northwestern Bank oiag. W ANTED For ribbons, one w ho rearui nu.Minees as a career. We a young omo inorougniy experience! ana com petent In the selling, keeping stock and riiFplaylng of ribbons. On.' who ran as sist in the selection of merchandise and who will develop as women are develop ing nere and in other departments. mc- Douga 11 -South v i-c. Seattle. LI PM AN, WOLFE 4c CO. require the fol lowing nelp lor their office; 2 nimng clerks. 1 comptometer operator. Mum be thoroughly experienced and abl 1 furnish the best of rererence. Arnlv O'lperintenacnt s umce. sevenm tioor. n- tween v snd lu a m. Wednesday morning WANTED A young ladv assistant book keeper and cashier; must be rjpld snd ac curate at figures, good penman: oppor tunity Tor rapid advancement, etenocra pher snd typewriter preferred. Ad dree In own nanavrmng. A. oUi, urRotiian. COOK, small town restaurant. sr.O snd room wa tress, no snd board: difhwashT. il per week snd board; .lanltres, $1S50 prr week. Public Employment Bureau. 0O6 City Hall. WANTED Girl 8 to 1 2 esrs old as com nan ton for little girl 2 years old. by re soectahle Tonle: same as horn. Cal Mayers. 11- 4th at. fiione roaaway 1 .81- CLERK desires learning buFines. not afraid of wort. latriy good ataoRrapnr. capaDie of lmnroemnt ; good education, quirk and able to meet public. Ah 13. ore go man. ; WANTED Intelligent young woman of character and ambition to learn hotel cm Ing-room eervl-jc and managemcnL Ad dress P. O. Box D36. Eugeno. Or. WANTED A school teacher. IOO. and an ass slant rter month. Semi npll tlons and auallf temtiens to Clerk of School Board. Homestead, Baker Counl3'. Oregon. WOMAN of 30 or 35 years of age wanted for help in small restaursnt; light work, wages SJ per week and room. 1 are ad vanced. Box 4'-". Wasro, Or. ARMY WORK Few women taught to weave and spin. Preference given tnoe nving on Peninsula. Portland Woolen Mills, Su Johns. BOOKKEEPER Opportunity for girl with experience in t shushed wnmes: le line. Stale all particulars iulU'. Y 303. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED counter girl to work In dairy lunch. S hours per day; no Sunday work. Call at once. Johnson's Lunch. 266 Alder. PIANO PLAYER for vaudeville; must be sight reader: state where previously em ployed and wages received. D 407, Ore- gonian. WAITRESSES, chambermaids, cooks, gen. housework, good plara: some for ramp and out of town. Hanson's. 327 Washing ton st. WANTED Woman janitor. alo two girls to usher. Apply man ger Auditorium Th eater, office. Oaks Park. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper and of fice assistant ; state age and experience. BF 332, Oregonian GIRLS wanted, steady employment st good wages. Appiy iroy i-aunary t-o., x. xutn and Pine sts. I GIRL, capable figuring rates and answering questions pertaining to do nas ana liabili ty. Phone Broadway 694. ASSISTANT bookkeeper; must be neat and accurate; state age, experience ana salary BD 377, Oregonian. I BOOKKEEPERS, stenographers, dictaphone operators, Cillers, sou to siou per montn. 801 Northwest Bank bldg. ANY girl In need of a friend apply to the salvation Army nncue nome, uj mi 15th st. N.. or phone East 123. WANTED -Girls to work in cracker depart ment as packers ana laborers. Apply Tru-Blue Hiscuit c:o. I WANTED Operators for Burroughs adding and posting macnines xor oank worn. a. a."l . Oregonian. ASST. BOOKKEEPER, locsl lumber office state re re rentes ana salary ex pec tea. a.n 343. Oregonian. I TWO waltressea w anted at once in small country tow u , 4x w ce. n uniaa WANTED Girl for general work In small hotel, wages w per xnonin. wun ooara and room. rtoyai notri, neeirr, .r. YOUNG woman for cashier, wrapper snd general ctlice wor in men doming- ana furnishing goods. AN 41'. Oregonian. w a vtf.d Woman to do ordinary book keeping in mornings. o;ov 10 a. noom 612 Stock Exch. bldg. I WANTED Dishwasher snd two waitresses; no Sunday worac o noun uuii , guuu paj. 462 Gllsan st. - GIRL to learn multigraphlng. one who can operate typewriter jjreieneu. xr iot. wib- gonisn. STKNOGRAPHER Must have good ex peri ence. Btate ail particulars. 000, uro- gonlan. m 1 nni.K.AfiED woman to do light house work, xamiiy ot . taii a j grurup st. EXPERIENCED band Ironers. Palace Laun dry, East l"t n anu .verett. LAUNDRY help; experience not necessary. Ash-st. entrance Aiuunoman rtotei. DOORTENDER for Burnsido Theater. Burnsiae. Appiy aner u.o ji.. ji. WAITRESS, good wages. Public Restaurant. 3K4 fc.ast uurnsioe. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call after 11 A. M. Mannann taic, oo, Jiornson. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, r.o iraveiini-. aiino 1 neater. (HOUSEKEEPER for hotel: must have rrf erences. 4. room ana ooara. Main 7 a 4 EXPERIENCED shoe salesladies wanted, ivoonomy niifmrni. Lipmin, w one t"i cook and serve dinners, 1 unmet-ns, Call Mrs. C. R. Froellc, Mar. 1370, teas. EXPERIENCED telephone operators may bs ootainea oy caning .Mam a zmr. PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years old; 10 ears exp. n r.verett. Mar. 183. W'AlTRESS wanted. 404 E. Morrison. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Girl for general housework, good home ana wages, xjuu xiawmorne ave. Ta bor lo. I WANTED Capable girl, general housework no laundry war. y. ot st. Mr shall 4lli. IrnMPETLM arirl or woman for inn nousewor-. 000a name, sou per mo. Airs. O. L. bimmons. Aionte&ano. wash. I WANTED Experienced woman for genera! housework ; small zamiiy : no washing wages 9-19 nunm. km.ii genwooa WANTED A girt or woman for gener housework. .ast szui, or call at ill Mult noman st, I WANTED Girl for ligbt housework: one willing to go to nescn. da uverton. Apt. 3. WOMAN for kitchen porter. Hotel. I W'AlTRESS w anted. Marathon Reslauraat, fix a aw , - - . , HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Refined woman, past middle age. tor two emplojed business people with 5-yar-oid ohiiu. Wi.l have sckJ home, fair and permanent position in f :ns suburban home. Must hae best local rcf erences. Y 47. Oregonian. WANTED- CapMe and rei table house girl. one wno under: nds something about cooking. Scandina ian preferred, but not essential : good home, top-notch wages. Apply 407 I4:h. sfitr 9:0 A. M. COMPETENT woman for general housework na c.-ira 01 turee ciitlnren; references re quired; wages 15 per week. 2roadway 1492. GIRL or woman wanted for nlaln cooking and general housework, small house, fam ily of (line. Phone Main 1'614. GIRL wanted to assist with general houM- orn. gooa wages, .it u;iqu. WANTED Girl for g Tfral housework, two . WUIn. A 20S. i fa ml:y. good pj GOOD girl for general housework: good wsges; small family. Phone East 36v, HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. SPTNNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD f.K. OKhGUN CITY WOOLLX MILLS. OREGON CITV. WAN TED Mm presser. 9 5 per day; two lady pressers, 1S to $20 per week. Must be first-class. The Panioriuu, 1107 Main St.. Boise, Idaho. ON Government work, spinners and weavers; gooa waxes; steady, attractive work. Port land Woolen Mis. St. Johns. KDl'f ATIONAL MlSi DECKERS PRIVATE BUS1NES3 COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short Practical Course. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeep ing, Spelling. Dictaphone. Mimeograph ing. Olfice Training. Adding Machine, Fil ing. Alitky B:i.g GJ and Morrison. MEN. WOMEN, learn the barber trade: shortage of barb-re all over the country: big wages; to $m per week earned while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL, Phone Broidway 17 il. MOHLER BaKHU COL LEGE. 2C14 Burnside st. TAYLOR'S BUSINESS COLLEGE and School of Languages, 60i Stock Exchange bldg., learn tu dictate in Spanish; you will be satisfied with our course. Call and inspect. All business necessary taught. PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice, oxy-acety lene welding, automobile, and tractor operating and repairing. Write tor catalogue. S aitle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. MACHINISTS. loolmaKem and designers wanted Steadv work In ship plants, etc.. at big pay. Sure. easy, home-atudv meth od . Develop inventive p-nlus. Interns tional Correspondence Schoolr. 604 Ycon bldg. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts: person! attention, practical work: heavy demand for operators. 47S to $!3 to start. Filler's Te'ecraph School, Panama bldg. WANTED More oung w omen to prepare for telegraph service, many positions open now. for women t lgra pheVs. For particu lars write or call T?ltgraph D-pt , room 21S Railway Ex. bldg.. cor. Sd snd F'ark. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 27 UNION AVENUE NORTH SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE OR PHONE E. 744R. Ml'HLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a sat of tools, guarantees yod a position; snd for catalogue. 1'34 Burnside, Bdwy. 1731. HAWTHOHNR'aI'TO SCHOOL. 4KJ HAWTHORNE AVE SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. Mls"S MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School, day. evening. 5 month. 263 14th. near Jefferson Main TELEGRAPHY, stenography. Bkg. rm. snd tuition may be earned. Bus. Colleges. Los Angeles and Board. Mackay Fresno, PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women the barber trade free. Pail while iearnlng. 24 Couch sL YATES-FISH EHS TEACHERS' AGENCY Fre reglsirtton. yil-1 Broaaway bldg. iain e.i-a MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. On gun B irber College. 2o3 .Mta.'wi st. ELOCUTION, public speaking taught In your uoine; proiessionai cuacu. oovawn 4175. Armstrong-lioimes Business College. Fliec ner mag., a.iy ana vening. Broaaway leL SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE Institute, 3! -Prlvat e classes. 7-S-9 Pittock blk. The Ironsltl IEA( 'HERS All kinds of teaching posi tions. Main 43,s. risk Teachers Agency. FRENCH CLASSES, 301 Corbett bldg. Main S3S errrATioN-s wanted male. ALL-ARUND printer. Eastern man. de sires to locate permanently on Pacific Cost. Fifteen years' good experience on country weeklies and sm;ill citv dalles: in Portland all week. Address BF 3M, Ore gonian. WHAT do jou want nold by reliable sales man, iindmg 11 nect-saary to clmnce lines account of war? Have successfully cov ered Or.. Wash., and Idaho for 3 years; have auto, above draft ; prefer commis sion bap is. AO 742. Oregonian. WANTED Position as salesman, traveling or permanent: above draft ape; handle any thing, go anywhere. What have you to of fer? State salary or commission. AN 352, Oregonian. WANT work in shipyard, have had 20 yearn experienre. ha e been shipwright foreman sod caulking foreman for years: am able to handle any kind of work In wood ship building. BJ 4. Oregonian. VOL'NO man with some sales experience would like 4 or 3 hours work evenings; can also handle any make automobile. Phone Main 6VM7. ask for apt. 12. WOULD like to hear from someone who could employ a good live man 4 or 5 hours a day collecting or something along this line. J 334. Oregonian. A-l J A PANESE cook wants position, hotel. restaurant or care, m city or country. Ad dress Geo. Watanabe. 120 W. Alder bl, Pendleton. Or. WANTED By competent man working in shipyard, work 5 to 11 P. M- Understand restaurant and commissary work. X &0O. Oregonian. POSITION by a one-armed man; active, ed ucated snd reliable as conector. nignt clerk. r.iBiit watch or messenger. K 324. Oregonian. WANTED A plsce to work mornings and even In ks for board and room while at tending business college. K 333, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as stationary engineer, steamsnovei engineer, or take charge of plant. F. Jenny, Mala 6718. POSITION wanted by young man. 17 years of age. experienced auto driver: can Xur nlah references. AN 42. Oregonian. MARRIED man would like steady lob on dairy rancn or on snares, tu. widows. Marshland, Oregon. TIME, payroll, coMs and a general logging experience, can nauaie a oig camp, au 400, Oregonian AN experienced lumber clerk desires po sition in oiiice, eiiaer at. mill or city, xu 313, Oregonian MIDDLE-AGED man wants any kind of work evenings from 6 to 10. AF 497, Ore s' n ' 11 " EXPEK1 ENTED hotel janitor, single man. above draft, wants position. A 400, Orc gunlan. m ytVNif man with college experience wants position arcniieci a 01 1 ice. xiu ore gonian. WANTED I'ositlon in country for strong boy 13 years old : half orphan, ot good famllv. Broadway 1665. DENTIST, recent graduate, desires position; Portland preferred ; best of references. Main 8:;iiS. AM 417. Oresonian. PAINTING, paper cay or contract. hanging, tinting by th Phone Fast 7i.".. CARPENTERING, contracting, jobbing. 1 siding ana genera 1 repairs, laoor 1UJ4. MAN with finest reference desires employ ment In or out of city. Marshall S27. PAINTING, tinting, etc.. moderate prices. Phone f Irat-casa East 32S7. work BOY. 16. wants position in restaurant; experience. J 3;'..". Oregonian. MAN with delivery car for hire. Phone Ta bor 2043- EXPERIENCED truck driver wants Job. Phone p. -j. A HUSKY boy wants jub. phone Woodlawn, 4u33. BOY with machine wishes light delivery. BJ 413. Oregonian. liookkeeperm. Stenographers, Office. SALESMAN, young man, JO years experi ence, wants to make sv change. L CIS. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man wants employment aa asaianant bookkeeper or any office or cler ical work; good penman, accurst and do pe ndableJX3JJ:JJregjjn EXPERIENCED office man and bookkepr desires permanent position. AK 47V, Ore gonisn. BOO KKKEPEU. married man. above (LraC age, references. AL 030, Orcgoaiax X 4 ft