THE MORNING OltEGONIAN, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1918. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. ,VANTKD Capable woman for general housework: w adults. Excellent wages. Hood home. Call bet. 6:30 and S P. M. S08 Northrup. M 464. Oregonlan. HELIA8LK girl for general work and as sist with cooking; good wages, according to experience; family of 8 adults. Alain 3442. WANTED Two competent girls, one to coolc and one necond girl; small family, good wages. TJ1 Main St.. corner at. Clair. Main 610S. COMPETENT girl to do cooking; good wages. Inquire at 429 Vista avenue, cor nf r Carter Lane. Portland Heights. V'ANTED Experienced woman for cooking, light downstairs work: no laundry; high wages. Phone East 47. ."WANTED Young school girl for light work in small family: room and board, also sal ary. Phone Main 42d'i. A COOK for a family, no other work re quired. Apply to Mrs. Burrell, 828 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 87. WANTED Good cook to go to Gearhart for Summer; big wages. Answer, 251 King St. Marshall OK. RANTED Girl for general housework; wages $35; adults and baby, small house; Scandinavian preferred. Sellwood 25Q6. .WANTED Experienced girl for genera! housework; f?ood salary and home. 375 East 11th North, near Broadway. GIRL, for general housework. No washing. No Sunday dinners. Good wages. 826 Kearney near 2&th. CAPABLE woman for general housework. Apply Mrs. R. C. Angell, room 223 Mallory Hotel. OIRL wanted to assist with general house work; no washing, good home. 874 North rup. , .WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing: adults only. Main 2(147. 5" WO experienced arm waitresses; one short order, cook, can do pastry. Savoy Cafe. Aberdeen. Wash. WANTED Girl or woman for general house work for elderly couple: one willing to go j the beach. 51)4 E. Vain St. .WANT good, competent girl to assist with general housework, small family. East iODfl. 21 E. 19th at. N. feCHOOL girl for board and room; small and easy place. Call Main 4203. WANTED At once, girl for housework: good wages. Marshall 221. 210 North 22d. EXP woman for general housework; good wages. Apply Mon.. Toes. 800 Marshall. WANTED A girl lor general housework, family of adults. Apply 3K1 10th St. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. EXPERIENCED spinners and weavers want ed to work on- Government goods. Good wages, steady work. Apply Portland ' Woolen Mills, St. Johns. fjpTVNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK, GOOD PAY OREGON CITY WOO LIEN MILL. OREGON C1TT. TEACHERS, ' or other Intelligent men and women can cure good employment suitable to times In character and earnings. Call afternoons at Carlton Hotel, ask for Mr. Dew. ilEN and women to demonstrate Multnomah Chemical Co.'s products. Call 0 to 12, 371 E. Morrison. EXPERIENCED cook wanted at the new Paris Restaurant. 269 Alder. SHORT order cook, man or woman. J. B. Restaurant, 313 Burnside. EDUCATIONAL. ATTENTION LADIES INTERESTED IN CROCHET OR SALE OF FINISHED WORK. AND DESIRING FREE IN STRUCTIONS IN CROCHET, TATTING AND KNITTING, CALL OR WRITE SALES MANAGER. 8294 THIRD ST., OPP. AUDITORIUM. MISS BECKER'S PRIVATSJ BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short Practical Course. Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeep ing. Spelling, Dictaphone, Mimeograph ing, Office Training. Adding Machine. Fil ing. AilSKy piqg.. on aim ' MEN, WOMEN, learn the barber trade; shortage of barbers all over the country: big wages: $5 to $10 per week earns while learning. THE BIG SCHOOU P? ' Broadway 1731. MOHLER BARBER COL - LEG E. 234 Burnside St. - PRACTICAL training In gas. electrical and team engineering, mechanical drawing, machine-shop practice. oxy-acetylene welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. S attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE! pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue; 284 Burnside 1L Phone Broadway 173L TWO more students can enroll at the Adcox Auto School, Union ave. and Wasco at., by n . . n inn n-iH t)iA hnlnnrn of tuition fee after securing employment; Mondays ana Tuesday only. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE r.niPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts; personal attention, practical work: heavy demand lor operators. o to a; to sxaru Fuller's Telegraph School. Panama bldg. WANTED More young women to prepare for telegraph service; many positions open now for women teiegrapners. or par. ticulars write or call. Telegraph Dept., room B18. Railway Ex. bldg.. 3d and Stark. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 275 UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE. OR PHONE E. 7448. JELEGRAPHY, stenograpny. Bkg. Board, rm. and tuition may be earned. Mackay Bus. Colleges, Los Angeles and Fresno. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teaches men and women in Daroer traae tree. Paid while learning. 284 Couoa au STATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCT-. Free registration. Ull-L. Broadway bldg. Main 6274. MRS. HANNUM S SHORTHAND SCHOOL aay ana nigm. iiiiamooK ana lanten beln. East SSoO. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free: wages wniie learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber college. 233 Madison st. Armstrong-Holmes Business College. Filed per bldg.. day and evening. Broadway 1821 TEACHERS All kinds of teaching dos! tlons. Main 4885. Flsk Teachers' Agency. FRENCH CLASSES. S01 Corbett bldg. Main 33R8. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. POSITION wanted as night or day watch man. Address AH 37Q. Oregonlan. MARRIED man wants work from 9 A. if. w o r . .n. rimim orqauw ay utTS, KALSOMINING. painting, plaster patching Keo.nnnhle. Main B.V ".ii.iiiiig, POSITION as night watchman; accustomed m pum nrjin, ucbl ifieiences. .Main 72.l2. WANTED Position as hotel lanirnr hv perienced young man. B 377, Oregonlan EXPERIENCED truck driver, knows citv well. W 293. Oregonlan. I s. r k x 1 m m mmmmmmmmmc. 1 " - Copyright. 1 91 8,J.y Hm?,.pprJZUT. Strvlcm, Inc. Great Britain,RiBhHRerTL R.Ut.r.ia U. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED kitchen man wants position as night man in restaurant, miki coffee, mush, etc., for morning; $3 per night. W 202, Oregonlan. LET US make out your statements and do your posting; best of references: strictly confidential and very reasonable. Mar shall Wl. BOT about 15 for insurance office; oppor tunity for advancement; must live at home. Address in own handwriting. BC 220, Oregon Ian. Al CHAOFFEI'R wishes position driving car for private family; exempt draft; married man. Main 13U8. T. F. Price. WANTED By thoroughly experienced office man, bookkeeping a few hours evenings. P. O. box 42. city. NIGHT WATCH MAN. reliable, trustworthy: references: age 45. 33 Grand ave. S. J. W. Estes. WANTED Steady place for boy 15, through grammar school; will go on farm. 688 E. Morrison St. WANTED To do painting for automobile. AC 350. Oregonlan. POSITION as watchman. Phone East 3303. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. GENTLEMEN. Here Is your opportunity to obtain the service of a 24-year-old young man with high school and college training, expe rienced in office work and trading with the public Willing to accept any kind of managing position. Heady to leavo town; references. AF 471. Oregonlan. WANTED An executive position by tech nlchal graduate with 12 years' practical experience In handling metallurgical and chemical processes, machinery and men. Address E. C. T.. 512 Lewis bldg.. Port land, Or. WANTED Opportunity to keep light set of books evenings. AO 652. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER wants temporary position till Sept. 1. G 321. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG woman desires position in doctor s oftice: capable of answering phone Intel ligently and operating typewriter. Wood lawn 4872. LADY, excellent caretaker, with 15-year-old daughter, would care for home during owner's absence: references. Address Mrs. Cunningham. 5839 Foster road, city. TEACHER wants cashier, clerical or other suitable position; quick to learn: neat; good references. AE 258. Oregonlan. A HIGH SCHOOL girl of fin character would like a position during vacation. Answer Box 134, Carson, Wash. EXPERIENCED primary teacher will give private lessons or will care for children afternoons or evenings. Sell. 2349. WANTED By . a refined and competent young lady, clerical, office or telephone board position. Phone Tabor 6444. YOUNG lady with good education desires position as cashier in business house. Phone Woodlawn 45(8. DINNERS, teas, parties, weddings planned. pre pared, served. Beat rer. East Pi 90. BEGINNER in stenography desires position. Call East o329 Monday morning. EXPERIENCVED stenographer desires po sition. Woodlawn 1200. PLACE as vegetable girl or kitchen helper; state particulars. AO 3q. oregonlan. COLLEGE .woman wants general office work for the Summer. East 4.70. GIRL, 18. wants position, sewing preferred. Tabor 1534. EXPERIENCED girl wishes to take care of house for Summer, w Bio. uregonian. WASHING, ironing and cleaning, cooking and sewing a specialty. Phone jaat g.tai. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. STENOGRAPHER desires permanent Psl- recommentiatlons. East 8369. YOUNG lady with experience wants posi tion as assistant DooKKeeper or eienosra.. pher. Call East 8031. Dressmakers. WANTED Plain sewing. Call between hours of A. M., 2 P. M. 408 ijtn su Marshall 2388. " EXPERIENCED dressmaker from East wants sewing coats, suits ana aresses price reasonable. Tabor 3899. DRESSMAKING- very reasonable. East 6698. Housekeepers. WANTED By middle-aged woman, position as housekeeper in a respectaoie wiaower s or bachelor's home: no objection to chil dren. Call Mrs. Ella Winters. 1553 E. Flanders, or Tabor 8602. WANTED TO KENT. Hous WANTED By reliable party, modern un furnished 5 or 6-room bungalow, or nouse; Irvlngton preferred; cash In advance; references exchanged. J 811. Oregonlan. . FURNISHED 4 or 5-room house; references furnished, will lease either in city or on canine adjacent to city. Tabor 6425. Rooms With Board. REFINED young woman wants board and room in a home where ner cniia, years old, will have best of care while mother la employed during day; price must be reasonable. T 411, Oregonlan. YOUNG couple with baby would like to board at homelike place with privilege of doing baby's laundry. Woodlawn 4636. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14ln sc. at Washington. Rates 83.50 per week up. 76a day. Fireproof, laige, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet, harmonious environment. aDFNA HOTEL. When to 'Sun Francisco stop at Adena ' Hotel, In heart of shopping district. All modern conveniences. 144 O'Farrell at., opposite Orpneum Theater. Kates. .1 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE. Alder St.. Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated; handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. THE. MELVIN. Transient room AOo and op; (3 pet week and up. H. K- rooms. 858 $4 Yam- hlll. Marshall 1628. ONE large, furnished room, kitchenette, also two nicely furnished connecting rooms, use ok aitcnen, pnone ana laundry. V 91, ore- gonian. STAN DISH HOTEL. 648 Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, comfortable rooms, modern. S2 per week up. Free phones and baths. HOTEL. CORDOVA. 268 11th su Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms 81 up. Main 9472. A 4788. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.: downtowr. location; respectable and strictly modern steam heat; rooms large, clean. MAKE the Bushmark your- home. Large. light rooms. 82.50 week up. Brick bldg., running water; close In. 585 Washington. FURNISHED room to rent: also teats and cottages, with every convenience. Emma Matthews. Ocean Park. Wash. HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th St.. block from Moriison; clean and modern rooms, 81 per day, or 820 per month. WILL sublet neat room and kitchenette. Apt. 17, Gray Gables, 10th st. FOR KENT. Furnished Rooms. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington st. Right In center of Portland's activities, with prices astonishingly low for a down town hotel. Ask for Mr. Myers. He will gladly show you our accommodation and quote rates. a Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit, HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford Is the principal East Side Hotel and is a hotel of dignity and re finement. Daily rate, SI op; two In room 81.50. weekly rates. 84 and up. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison street at iota Rates 60c per day up; weekly. $3 up; running watc: free phone and baths. HOTEL BROADWAY, 22 N. Broadway Los rates permanent guests, steam beat, phona Furnished Rooms m Private Family. LARGE, well-furnished room; clothes closet, bath and toilet same floor; $3 per week; smaller room, same conveniences, $2 per week; 12 minutes' walk to postofflce. Nob Hill district. W car. 624 Flandera at. Broadway 4752. FURNISHED room, with hot and cold wa ter; homelike; with bath and phone; ex cellent tame ooard; easy walking distance from business center; rates reasonable. 332 loth St.. comer Market. Main 03H1. NICE, large sleeping room on ground floor, street entrance; suitable for 1 or 2 gentle men; S mln. walk from P. O. C15 Mor rison st. Phone Broadway 2976. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, good neighborhood, one block from Hawthorne car. 254 E. 16th. cor. Madison. Phono East 234. 2 FRONT rooms. $2.50 per week; nice yard; no children; home comforts; suitable for lady or gentleman. Phone Main 70L 741 Hoyt St.. V, block from 23d. 2 YOUNG men; large, modern, sleeping-porch; uressing-room: not and cold water; line 10 cation. Mar. 4215. 351 W. Park. ROOM for rent, 777 Kearney, near 23d: home privileges, use of piano; with or without ooara. call Main 54. MODERN and convenient room for gentle man; cIobo In, West Side; steam-heated flat. Call Mar. 2536. COSY rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for gentlemen, at 82 and up per week. 4ii MarK st. ROOMS Gentlemen only; walking distance. nil Morrison. Broadway 2638. 209 14TH, near Jefferson: choice rooms. wanting distance. Main BSH3. IRVINGTON room; new home, one block to "i" or car. Breaklast. East 419. Rooms With Board. THE HEREFORD. Modern residential hotel. 785 Hoyt st. Private exchange connecting all rooms, excellent table. Main 3305. ROOM and board for "business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance: 18.50 per week. E. 4782. 12 E. 7th at. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 Tenth st. For business girls and sttt denta Reasonable rates. Marshall 125L PARKVIEW Family hotel. 8S6 Montgomery St., In South Parkway; walking distance: excellent table; reasonable rates. M 8783. GOOD board and clean rooms at the Grand Ave. Hotel, 334 Grand Ave.. 8 blocks south or Hawthorne ave. THE MANITOU. 201 13th. one large, airy doable room, running water, big closet and gooa meais. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th Choice rooms and board, modern conveniences, walking aistance. FEW choice rooms with board. 654 Couch, cor. litn. Broaaway 261. Rooms With Board In Private Families. A NICE modern home for men only, good table board, near Union and Alberta. 1099 oarlleiu. woodlawn 2025. LADY having Ideal home at Long Beach will give excellent board to paying guests; children tutored. information. 290 12th NEAT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with good home cooking: a real home; shipbuilders. welcome. r.asc ius. ROOM MATE for gentleman working at ship yards; good room and board. 614 4th at. Main 6283. CHILDREN to board In private home. 365 naisey st. ,ast Z44tt. ROOM, board, sleeping porch, two gentle men. 576 Ladd ave. E. 2333. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta, Five minutes walk to Meier Frank's (tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 3 and 8-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconlea VILLA ST. CLARA. . Twelfth and Taylor. - Most modern apartments on the Paclfla rgoast; furnished complete. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. Rcferenoea. THE PENROSE. Grand ave.. between Mor rlson and Belmont. 2 and 8 rooms com pletely furnished. Solid brick bldg. White enameled and mahogany finish. E. 4548. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20th and Ella Sta Furnished 2-room apt., all outside rooms. witn sleeping porch; walking distance. THE IRVING. 4 -room furnished apt.; adults only. Mar. snail 2748. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4-room newly furnished apt., sleeping porcn. Marshall B1S1. LADY, employed, can share four-room fur nished apartment with elderly lady; price reasonable. Alain ouiu. MORTON. King and Washington; a modern three-room furnished apartment, ready Tuesday. Main 1082. GRAND OAK APTS. Modern furnished apts., walking distance: Grand ave. East 8JU2. THE LAM BROOK 2-room furnished apart ments. 822. East 406: CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17lh Modem, walking-distance. TJnfurnlshed Apartments. 705 DAVIS STREET. Seven-room duplex apartment In fire proof bldg.. mahogany woodwork, fire. place. 8 bedrooms and maid's room. THE DEZENDORP APTS.. 208 16th st. near Taylor; exceptionally nice 6-room apt. NICE front 4-room apartment, unfurnished Phone Broadway 2029. is. zutn Luclle Apts. WE1ST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d street 6 large rooms apt. and private poroh. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders 5 and 6-room, reasonable. Main 7516. KLINE APARTMENTS. Glisan and 17th modern, walking distance. Broadway 020. 3 ROOMS, adults. Tabor 5182. Furnished or TJnfurnlshed Apartments. KINGSBURY APTS.. 188 Vista ave.. 28d and Washington; very desirable 3 and 4-room with 'outside balcony, furnished and un furnished. KING ALBERT APTS. " New two and three-room housekeeping apartment!; dressing rooms. hardwood flop rs and elevator. 11th and Montgomery. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect in ail detaila 41 Lucretla st. Marshall 1513. A 3637. CHOICE apartment. S14. Corner Unloa ava and Kllllngsworth: brick building. POLLY VERY . FOR RENT. IRVINOTON flat. 140; 4 large, sunny rooms. hardwood floor, large closets ana attic, bath. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, gas range; shades and fixtures. 8811 E. 12rh st. N. Broadway car. ROOM unfurnished flat, 733 Hoyt, near 22d. Apply 139 6th st. Main 627a. Furnished Flats. COMPLETE furnishings 6-room flat on West Side for sale, flat for rent If desired; fur nlshlnss good as new and comolete In every detail. Including groceries, ready to step in ana Keep nous, f lat steam heated, modern conveniences. 69 North 18th. (ROOM upper flat, nicely furnished, to rent. July and August, to responsible party; references needed: West Side. Marsh. 1658. 4-ROOM flat, strictly clean, modem, adults. East 1908. II ousek eep log THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall; walking aistance. xurnianea lor housekeeping, in cluding gas range, electrio lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; 813 month tip. Take S. or lnth-st. ear North, get off at Marshall st, Broadway 6038. ONE room with kitchenette, completely for nisnea, steam neat, running not aaa eela water, phone in every room. T blocks from Fifth and Morrison sta (18 an. 2l Co lumbia St., near Fifth. UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; elevator service, free gas. light ana Janitor service. Main 6018. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close to Founda tion and boiler works. 828 17th at North. H. K. ROOM, free phone, lights, gas. hot and cold water. (12 per month, walking distance. 645 Washington. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Complete zurnianea housekeeping rooms; modern; close in; reasonable. 665 Washington st. NICELY furnished room for housekeeping. icwmuiB rent. J e XNOrtn -lit. 461 EAST Morrison, cor. E. 8th. Furnished x ana z-room . k. apartments. FURNISHED H. K. suite. 815 N. 2 2d at. Broadway 2069. Hooaekceplng Rooms In Private Family. CLEAN, well-furnished bousekeeDlns- rooms t 1000 E. Main, near 84th. Tabor 8769. LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent; newly furnished. 735 Everett st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cook Ing gas Incloded. 885 Halsey st. 3-ROO.M suite. 820 per month: no children. 021 E. Pine st. HOUSEKEEPING room, walking distance. 221 12th St. Main 8429. CLEAN housekeeping rooms in private fam- mj. uwriipn tenant. OS7 Taylor. WHEN YOU MOVE Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIO light service. Broadway 680, A 674T. FOR RENT 6-room house, beautifully lo- li vto r 1 on 1 street; bathroom, con crete basement: rent 823. Furnished lion WIDOWER, 40. with boy 12. will share . own nome with young couple with out children: la a plain home; gas. bath phone, electric lights and Iron. lawn. 3 cnerry trees, 1 prune. 1 plum, war gar aen. berries, flowers; free rent to right Pa"'- Tabor 5356 until 10 A. M.. 6 to .w mt. ji., or ou 1, oregonlan 8-ROOM modern furnished house. 441 2d St., 845 per month. POWEKS FURNITURE COMPANY. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. 3D AND YAMHILL. IRVINGTON HOME, beautiful corner, choice ""-l'ui quarter oioca, a room, well fur nished, double garage. Inquire 266 Fourth St. Main 8564. FURNISHED 7-room house with sleeping porch and garare. for Julv mnA a... 480 E. 26th st. North (Irvlngton). Phone ci.cua. i ana completely furn. 8-room nouse. nancock st.. irvlngton; adults. ALL modern 8-room house and four-room nut, wen zurnisnea, witn garage, yard, walking distance. 629 E. Ash. East 113. blrllCTLT modern, beautifully furnished u-Koom lower list, with garage. Mr, Mor rls, 605 Lumbermens bldg. 17 8-ROOM cottage. Kern Park: roses. Main 3072. McFarland. 603 Teon bldg. Summer Reeorts. TILLAMOOK BEACH Ocean Lake, modern u-roum cottage, zacmg ocean; all conven- K-ui-cs. 101- june, juiy ana September. Main 2000. cottage for rent at-Seavlew. Wash. Six rooms, completely furnished, with excep tlon of bedding and linen. Inquire 80 r ourtn et. SEASIDE Furnished cottage, desirable lo cation, modern conveniences, reasonable price juiy ana August. Room 649 Nor tonla Hotel. FOR RENT At Long Beach. Wash.. B- room furnished cottage, two blocks from depot, one block from the beach. Phone .ast 6325. FOR RENT At Rockaway Beach. "The vraiei nours, 5-room rurnlshed cottage, reasonable. Tabor 1878. evenings. 7-ROOM cottage. Seaside. Or - funl,hl electrio lights, bath, garage, paved street. "B'nein waiKs. fnone uroaaway 4f. FOR RENT 5-room cottage, fine view of tne ocean; bea View, Wash. Phone Ta bor 703. SEASIDE Modern cottage completely fur nished, one block from Moor Hotel, for season. Alain 8749. NEA-KAH-NIE For rent. August, 840. 1 5-roomed beach cottage, fully furnished beautiful view. Eaton. Marshall 4287. COMPLETELY furnished cottage for rent at uearnart Zor June and September. Mar shall 6170. RESPONSIBLE party can have small cot tage at Gearhart. July and August. 830 per mo. iiL'i pittock. Broadway 255. WANTED A cottage at Seaside or surf from July 15 to Sept. 1. Rent must be reasonaoie. Marshall 2622. COMPLETELY rurnlshed housekeeping rma. ocean front. Emma Shepard. Seavlew. stt-Ahiut, clean, sanitary cottage, over looking ocean; reasonable. Tabor 1H54. 4-ROOM furnished cottage at Ocean Park Wash., for rent for July. Call East 3749. SEASIDE. 6-room cottage. Jot). Main B404. close to ocean. CANNON BEACH cottages for rent. Apply -. rt 1 . n m nunmuiui B I . , cor. JllBSOUri. FOR RENT or ssle, Latz furnished cottage. Apply r . L-i. nasr, uearnart. 0-ROOM furnished cottage, bath, fireplace. -1 - n . t n . f , , . ,011. lannBii .in i n . SEASIDE Attractive 5-room cottage, mod ern. wen zurnisnea. rsawy. PW4. r'l RNISHED house on the ridge. Long PBt 11. mvn. i iraiQn. narinail 4.WB6. Stores. FOR RENT Store building situated on th corner oz Kast BUtn ana Glisan sts. apienaia location lor grocery store or meat market. Room In good condition. item very rensonaoie. inquire, w. 11. Ma ilton. 1973 E. Glisan St.. or E. P. Mertz. i-t-i r.. rtn st. r. FOR RENT Splendid offices, second floor btevens Diag., very cheap rent. Apply room cravens Diag. FURNISHED office. 81?; 8-offlc arrange- r-.-nL 130. Best service. Stock Ex Chang bldg. AND HER PALS SP.t.nt OffI., CHIC. YES, AXD CHECKERED, TOO, FOR RENT. Start LOCATION FOR HIGH-CLASS READY-TO-WEAR FIRM. We have "confidentially" an unusual ready-to-wear lease. Location. Geary and Grant ave.. Ideal for high-class trade, sur rounded by the bset retail firms. The rental la right. INQUIRE HOLJIAN A SAMUELS. 45 Montgomery St.. San Francisco. WILL rent whole lower floor or divide to suit tenant- Marshall 444Q. Otflcee. VERT desirable offices elturle rooms and suite: rentnl from 85 to a 845 per month. including u of large and complete law library; excellent location, banking dis trict. Phone Broadway 1769. or call at 218 Fenton building. 84 6th St.. between Stark and Oak. OFFICES, aloi-erooms and halls; also rooms suitable tor light manufacturing: office building aceemmodatloa; rent reasonable, Eweeney Investment Cow 816 Dekun bldg.. 8d and Waahington. PRIVATE office. 13x10. with stenographic service- at reasonable rate, 510 Plttock block. Surroundings suitable for engineers. contractor, mfg. agent, etc Phone Broad way 1075. RALEIGH BLDG., 6lh and Wash. Offices zor rent; wouia lease entire floor for term of years. Main 6018. PRIVATE OFFICE. WITH 8TENOGRA PHER. GOOD SERVICE. PRO-RATA EX PENSE. G 277. OREGON I AN. MAIN 13. OFFICE adjoining public stenographer. Call ' Broadway 8732. LARGE studio for rent 2 days per week. reasonaoie. can baat iziq. BTSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. run bale or trade. Clatskanle Livery A ranarer and - blacksmith shop in connec tion, doing a good business; the only transfer and blacksmith shop in town. The reason for selling, have logging contract and cannot handle both. It will pay to look this up. Clatskanle Livery & Trans- rer. Clatskanle. Or. GROCERY. Ice cream tnd cnnfectlnnerv : bll tiara parlors: in Eastern Oregon town, cen ter of big wheat raising and stock coun try. Doing a business of over 820. 000 per year. For sale at bargain. Too much other ousiness to give proper attention. nil take 84500 to handle. Deal with owner dl rect. Write V 02. Oregonlan. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ON ACCOUNT or UKArr, WAGON. TEAM AND HAR NESS AND BUSINESS PAYING ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY DOLLARS PER MONTH. CALL AT 327 DAVIS ST. FOR INFORMATION. PHONE BDWY. ioo. 1 IF TOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Boslness of any kind, anywhere, ese WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Nllea. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 0S-S03-207 Board of Trade Bldg. STOCK, fixtures and two Ford delivery cars J ""' grocery, an in line con dition. This la a splendid opportunity to make a good Investment. Will reduce kCk to "ult Pffchaaer or sell separate. T. "ou or can at atore. &oth i oanuy oouievara. AUTOMOBILE laundry and garage, best lo i""'"' " town, equipped with gas water heater and tank, oil tanks. Bowser 5-gal. stroke gas pump: will sell all. Including nii. ; -" . i"f price 01 pump. Rent g-'.. Call Jones. Bdwy. 9. 109 11th st. u OA1.B CHEAP Tsnk wagon, horses cans, witn tne business. In running order of the Red Tank Oil Co.. ? i "retail coal oil business In Port land. Selling on account of sickness. Ap- s-.rf - a o-aisv V, O. TAILORS. ATTi-VTrAv ThlB hop did do to S1500 worth o: ousins from March 1 in i .n.i .- .. wVi V?- A Bood lac for the rticht man. p ' , t- ' rauit tak a ret. a1 a s L IXIO. OA ITTIOM nnTi-Dc Bfor Io,in deal of o-c"i:d lntrt advlco of Portland Roait nniM PAUL COWG1LL. Secretary. a-o.Nii KUUM and mott rirlnir .777T 7Z aalO. DHnnv nl am ilnlr,. a i , . fln Washlngton-stm. location. Hi snap for quick aale, account other bualneBs; to r -r .ease. 430 waehln " 1 peciajtiea, mail-order buaineat, larg "ui.ia. complete new equipment; can be conducted by lady at home; owner aolna to France. v-. utt roruana. AL-AntvA i.Hninir venture. Duvinir nvt- per cent; established 3 years, offers 30(m) TV-"'-' expansion. Anderson. 17 Hote Be ward. JjlKhMLAiiS arooery. established business, ovu cibii customers: amount of stock to suii purcnaser ,t Invoice price; dally wales au it-Atta leas with privilege to buy property and improvements on best busi ness corner in Vancouver. Wash. Inquire wr, PiWK r.aCnT)F DlOg, account 01 aeatn in my family havs de ciueu 10 sen my market and grocery a.ast om ana Huraside: good chance for uiiieyiiB. none r-ast ouj. J. L, Haas. RESTAURANT and confectlonerv. dnin aood business. In payroll town ; rent : ror Dotn; -year lease. Box 207, Camas, bfAfb in a hulldlna-. electric wiring m,A Iran; suitable for a shop or Industrial bni. lies. v.. mi ous Jast lith St.. corner of Clinton. SMALL grocery, delicatessen and ice cream parior. wnn n nvins; rooms, furnished. See owner. 265 Broadway. Phone .Main vi -'"i pnarea i' copies Amuaemen pr snare. .now nay in a: quip terly dividends of 30. Must sacrifice. in arn, refconian. WANTED A lady or gentleman with $.00 aw ?..v,u.r lut o ii uiuuBinni proposition; se curlty put up for the money. A li'JU, Ore soman. HOTEL FOR SALE. Good business, price $U00. no trade have had this place 11 years. Write M. B. nam es. 1 on e. ur. CONFECTIONERY and lunches; good touris town; arowing ousineas; clean stock an fixtures: moderately priced. Address A fi.. Orea-onian. FOR RENT Twin City Ibr. yard. Lew Is ton. Auanu. aaarcH xierry m w 11 ks. Xw la- ton, iaano. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sale bargain. W. Butler. Skamania, Wash. ULr-riAL, mere nana ise Dusiness, country .u w , iii iuiiil jww ; c nea p rent ; ao' ing j:uuu per month, o ga. oregonlan FOR SALE 22 housekeeping rooms, 8 blks, from Foundation shipyard, cheap for cash. 1 uregoman. iva 1 .HAnftti, aning aoout s.-fuu a mo. mostly casn Dusiness : a aood monv maker, no competition. Phone Wdln. FOR SALE Feed, building material, coal and transfer business ; good location. Phone Tabor 110 or &2S. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. Well-doing business on Yamhill cheap. Inquire at 221 N. 17th st. SMALL restaurant, very cheap, big tr cheap rent, terms. lOrt1 N. 6th. FOR SALE Small, well-paying ceh gro cery. West Side. BP 2iM. Oregonlan. LUNCH counter for rent or sale f all "ready for business. Call at 33 1st and Couch. ROOMING-HOUSE, Good location. Kjst 2303. PA RTN E R for wood, coal business. Apply West Side Fuel Co.. 10th and Glisan sta SAW FJ-DT Cl&FF STERHETT. BrSTVESS OFPORTT7C1TTK9. A BSTRACT PLANT FOR SALE. An up-to-date abstract plant and sys tem covering all of Lewis County. Wash ington, including all the towns and cities therein. . Price reasonable and will sell for cash, or partly cash, and balance on sultabl terms. Poor health, requiring the owner to move to a different climate, is the reason for selling. For further In formation and particulars write to W. H. Cameron. Centralis. Wash. BaMnsw Op port wnl tie Wanted. WANT a hotel or an apartment hous that 83000 cash will handle. 11 814. orego nlan. ITetri and Rooming-Hone HENRI C CRANE R. (Member Portland Realty Board.) FRANK W. BEACH. Editor. (Pacific K. W. Catering and riotal Kiwi) 212 Selling Bldg. Telephone Main 1800. HOTEL k APARTMENT toi-ECIALIST3. rr too wish To Buy. Sell or Exchange , Rot el. apts. or rooming-bouse of as) kind, anywhere, see H. M. Nile. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE at CO, t0S-2O-207 Board of Trad bldg. HOTEL LAV IN A, 2UH North 23d St., con taining 27 rooms, furniture ai; owner win give lease. Inquire Wakefield. Fries & Co.. or st premises. FOR best bargain in rooming or apartment- nouses see members 01 tne Keaity uoartx Tatea Realty Co.. 249 4th su MART K. LENT. HOTEL A APA RTMENT-HOl'SE BROKER 72S-24 N. W. BANK BLIXi FURNITURE of 22 rooms, for sale cheap. Col hi First St. M-KCIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE OF TELM IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. Y ELM. W AMI., June B. IHlf Sealed bids will be received at this office until 1 P. M. June 29. Tor the pur rhM of the first issue of Yelm Irriea tion District per cent gold bond, same being 2000 bond of One Hundred Dollars denomination, having a total par value of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, maturing In nine series from 129 to 1937, Interest payable semi-annually. R.h bid tnuat be accompanied br certified check, payable to Yelm Irriga tion District, for ft per cent of th amount bia The riant 1 reserved to reject any and all bids. Check of all unsuccessful bidders will bo returned after contract Is awarded. Signed F. H. Koy, Secretary Teim Irrigation District. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF TRADE -MARK. REGIS TRATION. TCi ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; Notice Js hereby given that Tru Bin Ttraruit romoitn v. a. comoration of thi state of Washington, has filed In the office of the Secretary of Slate of th state of Oregon for record, application to reg ister tnrie-mirk consisting of the word Hrtnola." which trade-mark Is to be ap died to Health Gems or Biscuits and which la owned bv said Tru Blue Blscu Company, of the city of Spokane, and tat of Washington. TRU BLU BISCUIT COMPANY. By J. K. Smith. Sec xxst and rorxix LOST A small leather pocketbook contain lng between S12o and 9140 in currency. Finder will be amply rewarded by return inir same ti owner. 609 Fenton bldg.. Port land. OreKon. LtST Lady's sold watch on Albma Kllllngsworth ave. or Feninsuia fara Initials G. F. 1. on watch and fob. In quire Oregonlan business office. LOST MunoRram watch fob, tr rlday noon between Burnside bridge ana fine tree Coffee House. Return to 1S1 Burnside reward. , LOST Triangle fraternity pin. gold, pearl set. T In center, initials and 'OS ILL on back: reward for return or notice to T, R, Howser. 300 Jefferson st. ONE suitcase on Sandy road, about 2 :SO P, M.. finder please report to St. Charles Hotel and receive reward. LOST Gentleman's umbrella: carved bon handle; on Orson uity car line. 1 nursaay. Reward. 223 Hroadway. Main Srt.J Monday. LOST A Minx fur collar in woman's lunch eon. Multnomnh Hotel. Return to Mult nomnh Hotel. Liberal reward. LOST A twenty-dollar bill .t the Peoples Theater in or outld the door. com munlcate Oregonlan office. LEWELLYN setter dog. female, black an white. Answers name Wueen. itewara found. Call Woodlawn 41 OS. LOST Tauoe fox fur. between market an loth and Washington. Call Broadway ll'J'J, or at 24 N. Hroadway. Kewara. FINANCIAL. CONSERVATIVE BONDS. Municipal and corporation, for d I scrim lnatlug luvestora ; also prima mortgage X KAK At G HA X, lo2 Fourth, st. MONEY to loan first mortgage real stat security. any amounts, current rat. Phone E. A. Baker. Main 3002. &20U.OOO TO LOAN In sums to suit; bulldln loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 2 IS -21 Falling blog. Phone Main 3407. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtga purchased. Lewis at Co.. 4 Lewis Diag. .asm ess. Money to Loss on Heal Fat ate. MORTGAGE LOAN a. 6 6 1 UNION ABSTRACT CX. Corbett Bidg. $ 20OO ON house and lot aad $220O on another hous ana lot. 001 a in Lenirti csi Port land, west of 2uth st; 5 per cent interest. 4C 12s, oregonlan. (3o, $400, ..ou, $TS0, $1000 snd up at low est Interest rutes. liberal pi epaymen trlvlleses-. no delay. GORDON IN VEST MENT CO., 631 Chamber of Commerce, EDWARD E. GOUDET CO.. tA Ooor United Statea Bank bldg. Mortgage loans and bond issues, esp dally In large amounts, Ot per cent tip. j00, $1000 AND UP. NO COMMISSION. O. BOX S73. PORTLAND. MONEY to loan on real estate security going rate of Interest. Otto at Harkson Realty Co., 41d cnamner of Commerce. $3S00 FOR $4000 at 7 per cent, on East Std business property, xaoor -10. frinclpa oniy. WANTED 2.'0O at 5 per cent on modern lu-room sUaureinurst oungaiow. t 372. Ore gomnn. 9 SO 1. $ 1 ou u AND u p w ar d on Impro ved real estate. lavorauie terms; no a.May; no broa erage. John Haln. 007 Spalding bldg. tlotiO TO LOAN on real estate: mle-lit ni for a good $"o0 loan; submit your securit MONEY to loan on real estate Mcurit going at of Interest. Otto Ac lUrktoa Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Com mere. 6EE US today ; loans any amount, cuuni'ai -wv.. .ta Gas co bldg. w .v o uu cny ana 1 arm property, a pr m -r. f wu. nam. 01 com. 1. without commission. m. a. y-oninger. .Main 101. Ait4 Selling bldg. at OK TG AG E LOANS. 0 and 7 PER CENT. BAjiu.i a cu.. 4Us Selling bid FINANCIAL. Moaey to I .am on Keal Ktat. OUR Installment piao Is the Den and aurest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 tor 96 months pays a S100O loaa and Interest. Othsr amounts In proportion. W loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. . No commission charged. EQUlTAbLi; bAVl.NOS LOAM ASS M. 242 btark Sl. Portland. Or. UOKTGAUK LOANS ON IMPROVEl V A H M S IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG. TIME IF DESIKEL) AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT RATES. NO COMMISSION. W AL Mac M ASTER, ?01 CoKJETT BLDG POHX LAND, - MOKTGAGS LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed Attractive repaying privilege. A. H. BIKHKLL CO, JUT Northwestern Bank Bide Marshall 4114. A 411S. FARM LOANS. Any amount, current rates; five and soven-yaar loans witn priviige to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN A TRUST CO, 314 Masonic Bldg.. Salem. Or. 13 0O. $400. SSOO, SiSO, 10OO and up at low est rat, quica action, r rea v . wrmaa Co.. 732 Ch, of Com. Main t443. MONEY to loan on farm and improved city property, tv. liaxter. .04 bpa.ding bldg. Money to Ixtan Chattels and Salaries. SALARY. LOAN AS- CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eaca transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Failing Building. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTEL. Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamond! ajid otnr personal prop erty ; lesal rates. Business conndanMrJ : private office PORTLAND LOAN CO. LlcenseL 3Q6-307 Dekupa bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect borrower. C Myers lierrxuan, mgr.. 31.' 4 Stark iu Money loaned on diamonds Jewelry. WANTED Money to loan on good first mortgage security, current rate. Fhon E. A. Baker. Main 3o02. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; an articles neia oue ear. Panama Loan Oft ice. b4 Third, near Oak. MONEY to loan oa diamonds. Jewelry ; legal rats; cm articles held l year; established since 1MSS. Dan Marx, 2S3 Washington. LNtnH Wanted. WANT S.1O00 direct on Walnut Park resi dence; 0 per cent goon security; no com mission. A E 301. Oregonian. I WANT $5tx on four-room house and flv lots; will pay g per cent lor three years. Call Ma i-n ;;si7. WANT 3SOO, 6 per tent. resiaence. triua s,tHH. rCKSONAU HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICKS, 30-Inch wavy switch 2 sep flM S4-lnch wavy switch. 8 sep. ....... 1.04) All-around transformation ........ 1 44 Hairdresalng. shampooing, face massass Hair bobbing, manicuring, 25o Hair re moved by eiectrlc needle, switch mad oX combings. 9&c We buy your combings, feanitary Parlors. 4uO-41t Dkurn bidg Aa and Washington. Marshall lTtii. AN ELEC XK1C-CAB1NE T BATH. A tub, a scientific massuge, rejuvsnateg you takes out the kinks reduces hi-a blood pressure, and elimint.tes rheumatism. Ironside InstltUL. 27-2tf Pit lock block. Nun attsndant. Phone Broadway 31. Open 0 to 7. Sundays by appointment. JOSEPH ISHERWooD. noted Psychic from London and Australia, lectures Sunday, W. O. W. Temple st s P. M.. 12S 11th su; messago, etc. Consulted. Tilford bUlg . 407 Morrison at lOtU. Readings da.i:y; circles Munuay. Wednesday, Friday. & P. M. STOMACH, bowel, liver, nervous, rectal. rheumatism, lemale disorders respond to drug lens methods ; of lice splendidly equipped; electric light baths given. DIL HENRY COLLINS, 113 Broadway Bldg. WANTED Young and attractive woman for pomi ton with hmh-clusa vaudeville act; excellent opportunity lor travel uunu Summer mouths; no experience rcquirt-u. Apply Strand Theater, bet. 12 and 2 I'. Al. LADIES, come in and get both your let uxed up good lor 31 by Dr. Eaton, the chiropodist that doesn't hurt you; S years In Portland; examination tree. Giobe Tiie ater bldg.. 11th and Wash. Bdwy. 2S. 4. SPIRITUALISM Mra M. u LA MAR 333 Ota, IL, cor. Ma. 10, teaches palmistry Aa4 card raading; aio 1-vbi la uac jJ health and success. MvMVET c SAM.bUT, leading wig an toup m.keri, finest stock, human bva goods; hairdressiag. manicuring, f ac aad scalp treatmenu 34d Aider. Mala &4a. G it A DU ATE Belgian trained nurse ; electric biaukeis (or rnttumatism, etc. Louis Net xei, 'J 9 loth st. Marsha:! So.iJ. M1S MULLENS Mttved lo 4dU Klicdnef bldg.. lutli and Wasnington sis. Scalp anC facial t rea. tme ills, manicuring. forecasts and lessons. By mail or oral. Adams Astrological School. 3S0a Morrison su 20 y ears eat, RHEUMATISM. constipation, nerve -and stomach troubles cured. Druglea Dr. Elna Sorensen. Panama bldg. GUlTllK, eularg'-d g-ands. do iike othei, cure yuure.f permanently, safei external t rea tni Tilt. A. K. Sirucnafi, liiitsboru. Or. REV. MRS. J. C. SCHORI. Independent Blbl spiritualise Circles Sunday, Tuesday and Thursuay. 8 P. M. 4Qo Jefterson st, A 3M1 GKADUATK nurs treats lumbago, etc Hours 2 to & or by apuoiutiucut Maui 1U4H. flat C. aot 3d. "HON EST msrcbstiUlM at honeat prices"; costs. lrMa aau-L. pttico.ta. Wo Park street. MISSES DANIEIis AND B1UGGS. manicur ists; eieclroiys.s, Xucial and scalp treat ment? 322 Kliedner bldg. Bioadway c'.2. ELLA CACK.ETTE, scientific facial, scalp treatment, manicuring. shampoo. teaca lnt. 4tt Broadway bldg. Main 1.107. fcUPEKFLUoUS nair. mo lea, war la romoitt bv 10-ncdi meilu'd. 11 ml Irre. Jmi Fla ley. 614 Ellers bldg. Main fc3ftS. PROF. toMlDT. biug4 Main IsHL Mineral steam baths. scienutio niassage by on understanding the body. SOPHIA B. SE1P, mental, spiritual psycho met nsU Readings daily. Circtes Tues., KrU 8 I. M . t-"J Goodnough blu. Marsh. 20u3. LEST steam bath and massage in city, chi ropractic, vibrution and electric Dr. Mar garet Haynie. 517 Swetland bldg. Mn. i;i3. M RS. STEVENS. 20 year Portland's r sowned palmist nd spiritual rur. Taylor SC. cor. West Park. FACE massage, dandruff. itching scalp, moles removed. 20 i'l.edner bid. Broau v. uy ltitJ. SCALP TREATMENTS. 451-2 MORGAN U t' 1 LP ING. MARSHALL 37. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs M D. Hill. 42 FllednT bldg. Bdwy. 3471, PHIMEDA BALM. Flga W44 E. 33d formerly called Balm oJ Sell. 2213. mornings 6CALP treatments, gray hair restored to US natural coior. &04 swetland bldg. -.----