IS THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1918. SITUATION' S WANTED MALE. DENTIST. licensed C-egon, Washington: first-class operator. taeX and thorough; 6 years' experience; state salary or -commission or terms first letter. AP 283, Oregonlan. I'IRST-CLASS hotel janitor, above draft age, desires position. M 434. Oregonlan. - Bookkeeper. Stenographers, Office. 11XPERIBXCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher wishes position in city. AR 460. Ore gonian. IXPEBlEN'Cf b accountant, employed, hav ing 3 hours' spare time each evening. L .225. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FKMALE. . "WANTED by mother and son, both good 'milkers, position caring for 15 or 20 cows, or as cook in camp with son as helper or - flunkey. Address Rose London. Marlon, Or. AMBITIOUS young woman desires perma nent position in doctor's office where she may learn laboratory work; experienced telephone operator- and accurate typist. AC 327. Oregonlan. A WOMAN of education, speaking French, fluently, "desires iosition as companion. References given and asked. Telephone, mornings. Miss Ferris. Main 4841. COMPETENT Teacher will tutor elementary subjects; can give references. L 233, Ore- gonian. LADY, employed, wants light room and board; services In return. W 2W0, Ore gonian. WANTED A position as housekeeper by a middle-aged, capable woman; country pre ' ferred. K 290. Oregonlan. WANTED by two steady reliable girls six hours' cleaning per day; best references. Address ' M 421. Oregonlan. . TOUNG, energetic girl wishes position as typist: no experience; $45. Main 4210. 434 Salmon St. TO go to home and take care of children by day or hour, by responsible young married woman. Phone Tabor 9426. DINNERS, teas, parties, weddings planned, prepared, served. Best ref. East 6196. WORK answering phone, no typing;, by young lady; references. Woodlawn 1611. LADY wants general housework by hour. Phone East 8404. STENOGRAPHER, familiar with Insurance. bonding and lumber. Phone Marshall 4728. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. TOUNG lady, with high school and two years' college education, wishes position h-s general office girl. Write- M Hagberg, Gresham, Or. STENOGRAPHER wants permanent posi tion: has had some experience; give ref. Marshall 115. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper: had charge of one office 5 years. Main 2817. TEACHER desires work for Summer, billing or filing, or making herself useful in of fice. G 2S0, Oregonlan. TOUNG . lady wants general office work; some knowledge of bookkeeping. Phone Main ' 7S76. GTRIv wants general office work. Woodlawn lo66. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posl tlon. Insurance preferred. Mamhall 8b21. YOUNG woman wants Phone Tabor 419. clerical position. HIGH SCHOOL graduate desires position. Call Woodlawn 4053. Dressmakers. FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable home or day. 204 ; 4th et. Phone Main 1 292. Nurses. FOR a good practical nurse with hospital experience call East 4769. NURSING by refined middle-aged lady, or care of invalid. AR 450. Oregonlan. Housekeepers. WANTED By woman of refinement, po sition as housekeeper in widower's home with good class people; am good cook, manager; will give good references. AV 54, Oregonlan. REFINED young lady wishes housework with family at beach; Seaside preferred. Will be at 1". W. C. A, 10:30 to 1, Friday. P. M. . WANTED Position as housekeeper In gen tleman's home by young lady; no triflers. AS 807. Oregonlan. HOUSEKEEPER, by refined woman with child 6 years; no triflers. Phone Broad way 2002. CAPABLE woman wants general housework by month. Call SSI T or address 2006 C St.. Vancouver, Wash. Domestic. EXPERIEECED cook wants place in first class family. Main 9386. WANTED TO RENT, Houses. IN DESIRABLE location, within five blocks of carline, four to six-room modern fur nished or unfurnished bungalow. Call Tabor 1233. WANT to rent 4 or 5-room furnished or partly furnished flat. West Side, close in. Adults. Main 7282. WANTED Furnished house, not less than 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Call East 2330. ask for Mrs. Lewis. 6-ROOM bungalow in Irvington, with ga rage ; would like one or two-year lease. Tabor 6578. FAMILY of four persons wishes to rent a reasonably modern 5 or 6-room furnished house. AC 296, Oregonlan. W ANTE D To rent, 5 or 6-room house' or bungalow. Phone Tabor 8439. WANTED 7-room unfurnished house, vlngton district. S 376. Oregonlan. Kooim. LADY desires first floor rooms, or flat, nicely furnished for housekeeping, in de sirable location with private family, as home for herself and 6-year-old daughter. Call Tabor 1253. WANTED To rent 4 furnished housekeep ing rooms, or house, or flat, not more than 5 minutes' walk from P. O. T 320, Oresonlan. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in private home, with heat. 2 bedrooms. Address, full particulars. AM 433, Oregonlan. WANTED by two working girls a reason able housekeeping room in private family; references exchanged. M 423, Oregonlan. Rooms With Board. WIDOWER. 84, desires board and room with home privileges: young widow s home pre ferred: no objection to children; no other roomers. L 223, Oregonlan. HOARD and room for mother and care for pirl of 3. 606 E. 32d St., Vancouver, Wash. SOMEONE to board 2 children. 2 and 4 yars. Mrs. Barry, Bdwy. 2C90. Miscellaneous. RESPONSIBLE party desires lease on small suburban place, convenient to carline; must have good buildings;' give details. AR 453, Oregonlan. FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison street at lOtb Rates 60c per day up: weekly. $3 up: running watc-: free phone and batha MOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway Low rates permanent guests, steam heat, phone. Rfep Vsip rLV ifer V Copwrickt, 1918, by Newspaper Foatur Sorriest, xnc Great Britain FOB RENT. Furnished Rotmi. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Fifth and Washington sts. 'Right in center of Portland's activities, with prices astonishingly low for a down town hotel. Ask for Mr. Myers. He will gladly show you our accommodations, and Quote rates. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Eatt Morrison EC and East Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the prlnry.eal Ears Side . Hotel and is a hotel of algnlty jid re finement. Daily rate. SI up ; two In room. $1.50. weekly rates. 4 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington. Rates $3.50 per week up, 7 Bo day. Fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center, catering especially to those desiring quiet, harmonious environment. DrNA HOTEL. When lit Son Francisco stop at Adena Hotel, in heart of shopping district. All modern conveniences. 144 0Farrell at., opposite Qrpneum Theater. Kates, $1 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE, Alder St., Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated; handsomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. THE BRISTOL. 12TH AND STARK. Shipyard workers, the water Is red hot day and night. Hot and cold water and phone In every room; 20 private baths; $3 to $5. THE KELVIN. Transient rooms ooc and np: $3 per week and up. H. K. rooms. 8aStt Yam- hill. Marshall 1628. STAND1SH HOTEL 648 Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cool, ccinfortaole rooms, modern, $2 per week up. Free phones and batha HOTEL. CORDOVA. 2S8 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suite; rooms $1 up. Main 9472. A 47S8. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. MAKES the Bushmark your home. Large, light rooms: $2.50 week up. Brick bldg., running water; close In. 565 Washington. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th St., T block from Monlaon; clean and modern rooms, $1 per day, or $20 per month. Furnished Booms In Private 17 'ly. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, double or single, running water, can arrange to cook breakfast, 15 minutes' walk to P. O. 143 N. lath st. Phone Broadway 22G6, West Side. FURNISHED room In beautiful home; spacious grounds and veranda; West Side; gentlemen only. 812 Marshall St. Tel. Marshall 6901. NICE, large Bleeping-room orssefcround floor, st. entrance; suitable for I or 2 gentle men; 5 min. walk from P. O. - 515 Mor rison St. Phone Bdwy. 2976. PLEASANT, furnished room In private fam ily for lady. 49ti Jefferson, apt. 201. Phone Main 7127. MODERN and convenient room for gentle man; close In, West Side; steam-heated flat. Call Mar. 2538. A LARGE airy room for gentleman at Mi. Tabor. Kent $10. Home privileges. Phone Tabor 9299. COSY rooms, modern conveniences, suitable for gentlemen, at $2 and up per week. 411 Stark st. FOR RENT Large sleeping porch. with dressing-room; exclusive district, cor. 19th and Hawthorne. East 7978. $10 COSY room In nice home for gentle man. 54 Lucretla St., nr. 23d and Wash. LARGE desirable rooms; modern residence. Use piano. 327 Sixth. ROOMS Gentlemen only; walking distance. 511 Morrison. Broadway 26HS. THREE large rooms, kitchenette and bath lower floor; adults. $2u. Marshall 4558. BRIGHT, cool room, adjoining bath, piano, modern home, central. Main 7040. ELEGANT front room. West Side, san st. Marshall 3613. NICELY furnished front bedroom, very ra eonable. 751 Holt st. Marshall 1401. Unfurnished Rooms. 1 TO 4 large rooms, unfurnished or fur nished, electricity, gas, water, etc. Room la. lbaj fourth st.. cor. -or .Morrison. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. $80 Tenth st. For business girls and ata dents. Reasonable rates. Marshall 125L PARKVIEW Family hotel, 8 Montgomery at., in South Parkway; walking distance: excellent table: reasonable rates. M 878$. THE WEAVER. 710 Wash. St. Marshall G170 Residential hotel, reasonable rates; private phone and bath In every room. 452 MORRISON, corner 13th. choice room and ooara; modern conveniences, walking a, stance. FEW choice rooms with bourd. cor. 17th. Broadway 2618. 654 Couch, Rooms With Board in Private Families. WANTED Refined girl under 30 who plays -piano or oiner instrument wen to room and board. Good home, private family. adults. Give name, occupation, address ana pnone. al dtt2. oregonlan. NICE front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, with good home cooking; mod ern with all conveniences. Alain 4157. NEAT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with good nome cooking; a real nome; shipbuilders. welcome, .cast i4us. ROOMMATE for gentleman working at ship yards: gooa room ana board. t14 4th at. Main 5283. FURNISHED 3-room apt. 105 E. 11th, neat xjiDrary. RESPECTABLE lady wants to take care of enmu Main i&nz, apt. 16. CHILDREN cared for in private home. 363 naisey St.. near union ave. East 2446. BEST care girls, school age or under; sleep ing porcn. Cjast 1D02. ROOM and board In elegant refined home. ecu Clay et. ATTRACTIVE. modern room. homelike. close in. aiain mvj. 411 Mill. ROOM and board in a private family, suita ble for 1 or 2. close in. 322 Broadway. Furnished Apartment. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 2urh and Ella Sts. Furnished 3-room apt., all outside rooms. witn sleeping porcn: walking distance. LILLIAN APARTMENTS. 6th and Montgomery.- 3-room apt.. strictly moaern. fnone atarsnau 137s. STELWYN High-class, attractive furnished 5-room, sleeping porch, all outside rooms; rets requirea. Alar. -S30. BEUNA VISTA APTS.. 2 and 3-room. fur nished, 434 Harrison st.; references. Main 1091. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. 4-room newly furnished apt., sleeping porcn. juarsnaii 3181. ARGYLE APT. 2 rooms, bath: cor. brick; ail oumofl. uor. nm ana ja-aret. PORTNOMAII 3 and 4 rooms, hardwood floors; walking distance. 200 East 13th, THE LAM BROOK 2-room. furnished apart ments, $22. East 4062. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and . 17l Mocem. wa'aing distance. JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity Place 2 and 3-room apts. Marshall VSS. FOB RENT. Famished Apartments. ' THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. - Five m:nntea walk to Meter At Frank's store; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 8-room furnished apartments, all outalde, with French doors and balconies. I 7- VTLLA 8T. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Most modern apartmenta on tne Pa c trie Coit; furnished complete. Roof Garden in Connection. ' Walking distance. Reference. THE PENROSE. Grand ave.. between Mor rison and Belmont. 2 and a rooms com pletely furnlsned. Solid brick bldg. White enameled and mahogany finish. B. 4548. GRAND OAK APTS. Modern furnished apts.. walking distance; Grand ave. 8302. Unfurnished Apartmenta. MERLIN APARTMENTS, corner Broadway and Grant Choice 3-room. strlcuy mod ern front apartment, bath and dreaslng closet: no children. Marshall 426. THE DEZENDORF APTS., 208 16th su. near layior; exceptionally nice o-room apt. ' MEREDITH 3 rooms, front; wall bed: walking distance. 22d and wasnington. Main 7134. KLEIN APARTMENTS. Glisan and 17th. modern, walking distance. Broadway 620 WE1ST APARTMENTS. 9 N. 23d street large rooms apt, and private porcn. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, 5 and o-room, reasonable. Main 7516. 3 ROOMS, adults. Tabor 5182. Furnished or TJnf urniahed Apartmenta. KINGSBURY APTS,. 188 Vista ave.. 2Sd and Washington; very desirable a and 4-room with outside balcony, furnished, and n furnished. KING ALBERT APTS. -New two and three-room housekeeping apartments; dressing rooms, hardwood floors and elevator. 11th and Montgomery. LUCRETIA COURT APARTMENTS. High-class, perfect In all details. Lucretla St. Marshall 1613. A 8U3T. CHOICE apartment, $14. Corner Unloa ave. ana Kuiingswortn: oncK ouuaing. flats. IRVINGTON flat. $40: 4 large, sunny rooms. narawooa floor, large cioseta ana attic, bath, Dutch kitchen, linoleum, gas range, shades and fixtures. 389 E. 12th St. N. Broadway car. MODERN 5-room flat, has fireplace, fur nace, porch, etc; easy walking distance; rent $30 month. Call 441 11th at. $17.50 WEST SIDE: not strictly modern: o rooms; wanting oistanee. o- imp, aaiu Furnished Flats. TWO months, comfortably furnished flat In Irvington. accessible to 2 canines, -i-none East 6898, or call 341 E. 13th St. Ji mornings. ONLY $27.50 5-room. clean, well furnished flat; gas. bath, sleeping-porcn. ligni ana cool. 2 carlines; walking distance. 772 K. Taylor. Phone East 5260. MODERN 6-room flat, completely furnished. for Summer months, oil -fci. via is. t-none East 7044. FURNISHED lower flat for rent. 355 Eaat Glisan. 4-ROOM flat close in; also 4-room apart ment. Sellwood 128. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 433 V4 Larrabee. FURNISHED flat for rent. 505 Lumbermen bldg. 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern. 506 East 22d. No children. Housekeeping Keoma. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: walking distance, furnished for housekeeping, in cluding .gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free; $15 month up. Take S. or lth-st- car North, get oft at Marshall St. Broadway 5038. ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur nished, ntam heat, running not ana ce.a water, phone In every room. 7 blocks from Filth and Morrison sts.. lo up. issi ca lutnbla St.. near Fifth. TTFITRXI.-iHED rnnm, for lizht liousekeep ing: elevator service, tree gas, llgnt ana Janitor service. Main 6018. MAKE the Bushmark your home. Complete furnished housekeeping rooms: modern, close In; reasonable. 565 Washington et. THREE partly furnished housekeeping rooms. light ana gas. 124 Knott st. LARGE room, convenient sleeping porch, llgnt rl. K., all privileges, uoj landers. 41)1 EAST MORRISON, cor. E. 8th Com pletely xumisnea single n. jv. rooms. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. 2 OR 3 rooms and sleeprna; porch In mod ern nome for refined couple: good location. beet car service. 915 E, Taylor. Tabor r,roi. LIGHT and airy room for housekeeping. everything furnished; best neighborhood. 656 Glisan after 3:30 P. M. TWO rooms for light housekeeping, facing the south, for two. 414 L. .Bin. corner of Alder. East 2533. CLEAN, pleasant room for light housekeep ing. 262 12th st CLEAN, well-furnished housekeeping rooms at 1000 E. Main, near 34tn. Tabor eia. LARGE front H. K. room, bay window. 174 13th. cor. Yamhill. ONE well furnished housekeeping room. 314 Main st. 2 WELL furnished housekeeping rooms. 314 Main st. House WHEN YOU MOVE. Use NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC llfbl service. Broadway 580. A 674. FOR RENT 3-room house, partly furnished, $9 per month. Including water. Vo N. L. 17tn st. inquire after o p. M. 473 Failing. LARGE 7-room bouse. East 17th st. Broadway, $40. R. J. O'Neil, owner. Board of Trade bldg! and 717 FOR RENT Fine bungalow, strictly modern no children. 474 E. 3 'J in St., cor. Division, Tel. Tabor 5721. MODERN 6-room house will be vacant July 1: located at East 24th ana aiultnoman $35 per month. Phone East 6623 5 ROOMS, $15. Take Portland Uta. car to &3 Terrace drive. DESHON & HAWK. MAIN 1166. 14TH AND E. Taylor 7-room modern house, adults only. s-l.o. aiaui ijiii NICE Laurelhurst residence $40. Glisan. Phone East 5670 S-ROOM modern house In Irvington. garage. Dr. Daytftn. Main J:i. NICK bungalow. 6-R., sleeping porch. Frank lln school; vacant, wooaiawn rtiiy. GARAGE for rent. 500 20th su E. North. Irvington district. 202 EAST 47TH Modern 6-room, furnace. garage. $32.50. Main lapo. Furnished H onsen. 6-JtOOM house, partly furnished: no small children; reterencee. iou tl.. aiikbdj, FURNISHED 8-room house for rent at 453 E. 14th imnKion. tt-i-o n: ish w.Ti house for rent at once. Port land Heights, reasonable. Call Main 6581, 6-ROOM furnished cottage. Rose City Park $35. Inquire 501 E. 46th N. Tabor 1994, POLLY Rights Res res. Rercfstersxl in U. 3. FOB KENT. Furnished House MY HOME for rent, furnished to adults, permanent; 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, bath, basement, yard, gaa and electricity, no . garage, no furnace, no garden. Call today after 0 P. M., all day Sat. and Sun.. 640 E. Stark, cor. E. 17th. Sunnyslde car. BEAUTIFUL new 5 rooms, furnished. 2 sleeping porches, enamel woodwork, strict ly modern; references. Prefer to lease Fine yard, garage. 710 East Madison at-, near 2oth. FOR RENT 7-room modern furnished house with piano, in good residence district; nice yard, iMes; rent $40 per month. Call 1109 lamnill it., - cor. vtn. BEAUTIFUL home, 8 rooms, situated in tbe choicest part of IrvfnKton. Quarter block. ft Sttuble garage, completely furnished and equipped. Inquire 266 4th st. Main 8564. LLEUAM and completely furn. 6-room house. Hancock - at., Irvington; adults. Tel. East 4753. COMPLETELY furnished hotel, fine Valley town; rent, sale or trade. 005 Lumber men's bldg., 5th and Stark. Mr. Morris. TO 2 or . 3 adults, 7-room furnished house. Irvington; references required. L 234, Ore gonlan. STRICTLY modern, beautifully furnished 6-room lower flat, with garage. Mr. Mor ris. 505 Lumbermens bldg. FURNITURE 7-room home for year's lease. laoor 2UU2. 1032 paclflo st. 6-ROOM furnished house. 4 or 0 weeks. Phone Sellwood 147S. NICELY furnished 5-room house for rent. juiy ana August, tast 0707. Summer KMrte. BEACH RESORTS,. SEAVIEW Large house. cspacity '10 persons, place for auto, electricity, city water, 100x100 fenced, on R. K. track. 1 minute to depot, all or part of season, $60 per mo. Phone . e 1374 or AP 207. Oregonlan. NEAR MT. HOOD The Geo. W. Allen or chards In the upper Hood River Valley. Parkdale. Or.; every home comfort; fresh vegetables, fruit, milk and cream; dally R. R. and jitney service from Hood River. Tel. Broadway 25, or address as above. GEARHART. Attractive 8-room cottage, completely furnished. Electric lights, bath, broad veranda. Entire aeaaon. $150. Phone Main 6624. SEASIDE, beautiful 7-room bungalow. Board walk. Splendidly furnished, for season. Main '4789. FOR REN room cottage, fine view of the- ocean bor 763. Sea View. Wash. Phone Ta- 6EASIDE Completely furnished cottage. aesiraDie: bath, electricity. X120 for July and August. Inquire room 549, Nortonla. WANTED A cottage at Seaside or surf from July 15 to Sept- 1. Kent must be reasonable. Marshall 2622. COMPLETELY furnished cottage tor rent at Gearhart for June and September. Mar shall ei70. COMPLETELY rurnlshed housekeeping rma. ocean ironu .mraa Bnepard. tseaview. Wash. FOR RENT for the season, an eight-room nouse at seaview. Long Beach, completely rurnlshed. Phone SIM. AT SEASIDE Small house for rent by week. Phone Woodlawn 4638. FOR RENT it Seaside, 4-room cotage for East 644; evenings East 2083. the season. CANNON BEACH, furnished bungalow, very uesiraoie. ,iarsnau lotto. Del. 4-9 A. 31. SEASIDE Clean, sanitary cottages over looking ocean. Tabor 1854. Reasonable. 6-ROOM cottage for sale or rent during August. Phone Sellwood 1478. SEASIDE Attractive ft-rm. cottage, modem conveniences, nicely furnished. Bdwy. 3548. SMALL cottage for rent. Seaside, until July 1. Marshall 124. Stores. FOR RENT Store building situated on the corner 01 mast both ana Glisan sts. A splendid ' location for grocery store or meat market. Room In good condition. Jtenx very reasonable. Inquire, w. H. Ham ilton. 197B E. Glisan St., or E. P. Mem, 143 E. 78th St. N. FOR RENT Splendid offices, second floor btevana Diag.. very cneap renu Apply room 202, Stevens bldg. FURNISHED office. $10; 8-offlce arrange aervice. Stock Ex- meat. $30. Best chsnre bldg. FOR RENT Store. 248 1st at., between Main and Madison. Office. VERY desirable offices, single rooms and suites: rental from a to $45 per month. including use of largo and complete law library; excellent location, banking dis trict. Phone Broadway 1769. or call a 218 Fenton bulldlsg. 84 6th St.. between Stark and Oak. OFFICES, storerooms and halls; also rooms suitable for light manufacturing: office building accommodation; rent reasonable. Fweeney Investment Co., 815 Dekum bldg.. so ana wasnington. PRIVATE office. 18x10. with stenographic service at reasonaoie rate, bio I'lttock block. Surroundings suitable for engineers. contrsctor. mig. agent, etc Phone Broad way 1075. RALEIGH BLDG., 6th and Wash. Offices for rent; would lease entire floor for a term of years. Main 6018. PRIVATE OFFICE. WITH STENOGRA PHER. GOOD SERVICE. PRO-RATA EX PENSE. G 277, OREGONIAN. MAIN 163. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNTTIES. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest fn established real estate business, get advlcs of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWOILL. Secretary. SUBURBAN GARAGE and repair business. clears 4UU montn, large stock of tires, accessories, etc.; 2 cars go with It: price $2100. Particulars, room 511 Railway Ex change bdg. 10 YEARS' lease with privilege t buy property and improvements on best busi ness corner In Vancouver. Wash. Inquire Marcus Cohn, 205 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR SALE $12,000 stock of hardware im plements and furniture In a valley town, in a good farming community. Reason able rent. AV 45, Oregonlan. ON account of death In my family have de cided to sell my market aud grocery at East 6th and Burnslde: a good chance for someone. . Phone East 603. J. L. Haas. AUTO GARAGE Excellent- location, sell supplies, do repairing and full of steady storage; profits over $400 month: will sell cheap. Call room 4Q3 Dekum bldg. BARBER shop, will sell shop or fixtures or trade; this will stand Investigation. Address. A. E. Peterson, 457 State st., 8r lem. Or. MUST Bell st once, first-class confectionery store, cigar ana news liana ana lunchroom; good location; good reason for selling. Main 3791. I WANT someone with six to ten thousand . dollars to take vice-presidency of good, growing and paying concern. II 308, Ore gonlan. WANT some one to Join me In logging proposition. Must have knowledge of logging and some money; will stand In vestlgatlon. East 3922. I WILL sacrifice all stock, fixtures and fur niture In the best little confectionery. grocery and delicatessen In Portland for $1100 cash. F 375, Oregonlan. LUNCH counter for rent or sale: all ready tor DUSinfBB. uau at .i.-i tst ana tronch. AND HER PALS Patent OSicm ASHCR KNOWS THE KIXD OK A IM) G TO SELECT BY CLIFF STERRETT. " - 'HX'.'-'HA' s e e s s e e e s e s e s s e e s s sees $J.D;il' e i BUSINESS OPPORTCMTIES. ABSTRACT PLANT FOR SALE. An up-to-date abstract plant and sys 'tern covering all of Lewis County. Wash ington. Including all the towns and cities therein. Price reasonable and will sell for cash, or partly cash, and balance on suitable terms. Poor health, requiring the owner to move to a different climate, is. the reason for selling. For further In formation and particulars write to W. H. Cameron. Centralis. W'ash. I AM offering mv coal and transfer busi ness, also equipment, at a sacrifice on ac count of being drafted. It consists of one team, harness, large gooseneck mov ing wagon, piano trucks and other equip ment; urn dnln An ,T,'.',l,Tit bUAiaBSS: $65U. which is less than cost, will buy everything complete. 100 Belmont st. Phone Tabor 2625. Res. phone Tabor 165. THE VOGAN CANDY COMPANY has a list of desirable retail stores being offered for sale; this list Is supplied free to anyone interested: it you wish to sell your place, tell us about it and we will Include same In Hat: it yon wish to buy, this list may contain what you want; write, call or phone. - COUNTRY STORE. For sale or trade. In rural district, with in easy access, to Portland: about $15iH) stock. 1 acre land, good buildings, feed rrtndlng mill, truck for hauling and 5 acres of potatoes: alt goes for $7500. A. J. De FOREST. BIS Chamber of Commerce. Main 6987. GROCERY. Ice cream and confectionery; bll iiara parlors: in Kaitern ureton town, cen ter lot big wheat ratslna and stock coun try. Doing a business of over $20,000 per year.' For sale at bargain. Too much other business to give proper attention. Will take $4500 to handle. Deal with owner di- rect. write V 92. Oregonlan. MECHANICS. TAKE NOTICE. Oarage for sale In small country town, lot 50x120; new 14-ln.x8-ft. Lodge Jfc Shlppley lathe, 14-h. p. gas engine, com plete outfit, light blacksmlthlng tools, some stock: $1600 wilt make you boss of this Job. Thos. H. stange. 272 Sixth st. HAVE 40 M. Columbia River mill In full operation, good logging railroad., profita ble orders, special freight rates, plenty timber close In; must have experienced partner with few thousand to take full charge operation. Can't depend on hired manager. Tabor 0O6. IS YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of sny kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUIt ADS. WE GET RESULTS. H. M. Niles. HITTER. LOWE A CO., (03-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. AUTO GARAGE. A reliable mechanic wants a partner to sell the supplies, gasoline, etc.. and help in the shop; profits are good: $HKK required, which will be secured. Call room 4ua Dekum bldg. WHEN WANTING to sell, buy or trade your mercantile busl- uesa. aoaress J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sta WE HAVE a good grocery store, well lo- , J. "n-v uuiiumg, corner, low rent, doing fine business: i- n h hi, k, Hrhi Call 163 V. West Park st.. Wells 4t Andcr- BLACKSMITH shop, tools and tt-ronm mt tags for sale, good location, reasonable price. Call at 515 Morrison or phone ,ftU.cj -" i " w?iw--n tf ana i j a. m. WANTED A lady or gentleman with $2500 to $oOOO for an Industrial proposition: se- luniy yui up lof mo money. A 290. Ore gonlan. HOTEL FOR SALE. Good business, price $sooo. no trail- have had this place 11 years. Write M. B. names, lone. or. ua-r-uni 1 r lor man out of draft to get into a safe little business; $200 win nanaie it. money secure. Call 511 Rail way Exchange. FOR SALE $21X10 general stork of clean. staple merchandise. Will sell at Invoice two-tniras ct stock at 1917 price AV 4. t-iregonlan. OPPORTUNITY for active man In Went Side garage; has large storage and a money maker; $623 will handle; low rent, good raw. u rtauway exchange bldg. . PICTURE THKATEH Finely equipped picture theater for sale at bargain. Best town In state. Owner here temporarily. 666 Kearney street. BIGGEST bargain In town: confectlonerv. grocery, living rooms: no competition. U45 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 527.1. FOR RENT Twin City lbr. yard. Lewlston. Idaho. Address Berry A Wllks. Lewis ton. Idaho. A CASH GROCERY Sales over $loo day. all cash and no delivery; a bargain. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. NOTICE. General merchandise store for sale at bargain. W. Butler. Skamania. Wash. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good busi ness, town 5O00 inhabitants, on account of III health. AV 21. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE. Good location. 14 room a East 2303. PARTNER for wood, coal business. Apply West Side Fuel Co.. luth and Ullsan sts. MEAT market cheap; In the draft. Call Ta- oor ni; rine location. WATER-POWER plant. 24-hour service, for saie. 1 on. ureKoniuu. SMALL restaurant cheap. itlg transient trade, cheap rent: terms. IHH4 flth st. N. Buslnene Opportunities Wanted. WANT a hotel or an apartment lioune that eauuu casn win nanaie. II 314. Orego nlan. Hotels and Koooiinx-l louse LARGE APARTMENT HOUSE. Over 100 rooms. In first-class building. Tf l located- clo In. 2s and 8s; rent only $300. 6 years' lease. Income over $1100 count for yourself. The furnishings are of good quality and well kept up. This Is the best money-maker lu town, bar none: $O00 cash required. 0,0 A' J' OeFOREST. 918 Chamber of Commerce. Main fill AT. FAMILY HOTEL TO LEASE. 100 rooms, very attractive building and grounds. Ideal location, close In. and the house has long been recognized as one of the finest family hotels on the Coast. To experienced man or woman of some means exceptional concessions will be made. A. J. De FOREST. 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main Kfl7, 30 ROOMS. 14TH AND PETTYGKOVK. WORKING MAN'S LOCATION. Frame building, small rooms, cheap rent, vacant. Go look It over. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. IF TOO WISH To Bay. Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of ai kind, anywhere, see H. M. Niles. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO, 208-205-207 Board of Trade bldg. BARGAIN 12-room house, very good fur niture; best West Side location. Marshall 48e0. IO-ROOM brick flat, very central. West Side, well furnished, clean; a bargain; S3QP. Oarland. 18S Third. 9-ROOM housekeeping, modern, rent $2; lease: good furniture: must sell, price $550. rn 163Vs West Park st, MARY E. LENT. HOTEL A APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 728-24 N. W. BANK BLDCa FOR best bargain Ir rooming or apartmeat houses see members of the Really Board. Yates Realty Co.. 248 4th St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming-Houses. HENRY C CRANER, (Member Portland Realty, Board.) FRANK W. BEACH. Editor. (Pacific N. W. Catering and Hotel News) 212 Selling Bldg. Telephone Main 1800. HOTEL c Af AKTAlc.NT SPECIALISTS. 11-ROOM housekeeping, modern, low rent. gooa lurniture. located near v nite tem ple: price $750. Bargain. Call 103'.3 W. Park. Wells at Anderson. LOST AND FOUND. TWO new "J" and "D" 34x4 U tires, with Goodyear inner tubes, on demountable rims, attached to frame holding tall light and Oregon license No. 42117, disappeared June 1. East Side Highway. Salem to Port land. Report to Sheriff, Oregon City; Sheriff or City Marshal, Salem, or Ches ter V. Dolph. Main 2M, or Main 533, Port land. THE following articles have been found on cars 01 tbe Portland itailway. ignt oc Power Co.. June 19. 191S: 1 wrist watch. 1 purse, 1 bag, 2 handkerchiefs, 2 pairs gloves, 1 file. 15 packages, 1 hat, 2 bot tles, 9 lunch boxes, 1 can varnish, 2 grips, 1 &anjo. 1 baby buggy. 1 umbrella. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder- street station. FOUND Mink, fur. In ladles' lavatory at ista nouse aunaay arternoon. uaner may secure same by paying for this ad and calling- 682 R. Vancouver. Wash. LOST Wednesday evening, gold mesh purse between Grand ave. and itn. uaisy .m. Ktnssley engraved inside. Liberal re ward. East 2727. LoST Between 4th and 5lh. on Morrison. a whlte-and-pink knitted shawl. Reward. East 374U. LOST At Waukena Falls, Sunday, lady's dark red wool sweater. Reward. Mrs. liornaday. Home phone B lSf.6. LOST Black natent leather purse, on 5th, bet. Wash, and Aider. Mrs. Younle. Tabor 2321. or 527 East 46th North. Reward. LOST Three yards black satin Wednesday In Meier Franks. Tabor 8214 or 264 E. 24th. Reward. LOST Gold pin. set with pearis. between 35th st. and Peoples Theater. $3 rewaro. Tabor 4280. LOST Child's pongee coat, downtown sec tion, Sunday. Call Marshall 715. room 7, mornings. LOST Plush scarf. Wednesday Broadway bet. 10th and 13th. Call East 7G49. on E Reward. LOST Near Burnslde bridge, lady's light colored suit; reward. East 2403. LOST One Palm Beach Washrlte glove, on Alder st. East 1344. or AE 315. Oregonlan. LOST Seal neckpiece, Orpheum, Monday afternoon. Phone East 1303. Reward. LOST Large cameo pin in downtown dis trlct. Reward. Call Tabor S06. LOST Purse, containing -about $70 and Con federate bill, $20. Cal) East 46'.9. Rewsrd. LOST Black ebony ear trumpet- 747 well. J. W. Danle:s. Marshall 364. A FUR lost st Sells-Floto Circus. Call Woodlawn 2530. Reward $10. tfCLL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE OF YELM IRRIGATION DIS TRICT. YELM. WASH.. June 8. 1911 Sealed bids will be received at this office until 1 P. M. June 2. 1918. for the pur chase of the first issue of Yelm Irriga tion District 6 per cent gold bonds, ssme being 20' HI bonds of One Hundred Dollars denomination, having a total par value of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, maturing in nine series from 1929 to 1987, interest payable semi-annually. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, payaoie to leiro irnga. tlon District, for 5 per cent of the amount bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned after contract awarded. Signed F. H. Koyse, Secretary Yelm Irrigation District, Kiri X I -T-.r nrnnnMili will be received at of flee of undersigned. 401 Courthouse, until 8 P. M. Wednesday. July 3, 1918, for al terations to beating plant of Highland School. Bids will be opened In room 804 Court house at 4 P. M. same date. Deposit of $2 is required for plans and specifica tions, which may De outainea at omco 01 K. A. Naramore. superintenueni 01 prop crtle. 303 Courthouse. Certified c-lieck for 10 Der Cent amount of proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the right to reject any and all pro rosals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk, lated 6-19-18. RIDS EXTENSION OF TIME. Time for recelvinar bids on general work heating and ventilating, and plumbing of un,n.Alr School has been extended to 3 1'. M. Wednesday. July 3. 1918. which bids will be opened In room 304 courthouse a A 1'. M., same date. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk nnted e-iu-iM. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF TKAl'B-MARK REGIS TRATION. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Tru Blu Biscuit Company, a corporation of th state of Washington, has tiled in the offic of tho secretary of &tate or tne state Oregon for record, application to rec lster trade-mark consisting of the word "Branola. which trade-mark is to be ap plied to Health Gems or Biscuits and which la owned by said Tru Blue Blscul Company, of the city of Spokane, and stale of Washington. TRU BLU BISCUIT COMPANY. By J. K. Smith. Sec FINANCIAL. CONSERVATIVE BONDS. Municipal and corporation, for dlscrlm lnatmg investors; also prime mortgages FEAR 41 GRAY, 102 Fourth st, MONEY to loan first mortgage real estate security. any amounts. current rati Phone E. A. Baker. Main 3002. $2uo.oo To LOAN in sums to suit: bulldin loans, lowest ratea W. G. Beck. 215-21 Diag. r-none Alain 3401. LOANS, notes, contracts, mlgs. purchase- Lewis at Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. -ilain 68s. Money to Loan on Kea 1 Estate. $Jou. $4m. $0ou. $700, $11100 and up at low est Interest rates, liberal prepaymen privileges; no deiay. uokuu.n lvtM MENT CO.. 031 Chamber of Commerce. $5o0. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate, favorable terms; no delay; no broa erage. John Bain. 5U7 Spalding bldg. UoNEV to loan on real estate security going late of Interest. utlo c Haraao. rteaity jo.. su cnamoer or commerce. $300. $400. $500. $.50, 41000 and up at low est rates, quick action. Fred W. oermaa t o., la in. ot com. Main 6445. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. , ay, jpax ter. iw spaiaing bldg. SEE US today; loans any amount, 6-7. 1 a. 1. Ap-jac it 1 cu.. 7-a Gaeco bldg. LOANS on city and farm property, $ par rem up- a-. ru:pi, cnam. of com. $lonu To $:t0Hj on farm. H. I'.'ll Chamber of Commerre. Dlckinaou. siwiu. 1 t-EK CENT, without commission. M. A. Zollinger. Main 101. 504 Selling bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. sua selling bid 1 bbs tvry v-e-i FINANCIAL. Mssey to oa Be t Eff. OUR Installment pian Is the best and s7st method of psytng a' loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $-'1.24 per month for 6u months, or $15.17 tor 96 months pais s $1000 loan and laterest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan ou improved city property Or for building purposea No commissions charged. EMUlTAb-E SAVINGS A LOAN ASSTN. 242 Stark Su. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON 1MPROVEO FARMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENT 81 TO SUIT THE BO K ROWER. CURRENT RATES NO COMMISSION. WM. Jaao M ASTER. 701 CoK-riXX BLIKJ, PORT LAND. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed, Attractive repaying privilege, A. H B1HKELL CO. UT Northwestern fciank Blda. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FARM LOANS. Any - amount, current rates: nv an a seven-year loans with privilege to repay part or all any time. VERMONT LOAN A TRUST CO, 814 Matonla Bldg.. Salem. Or. MORTGAGE LOAN. 6 vi 7 UNION ABa TRACT CO. Corbett Bldg. $2000 ON house and lot ana $22O0 on another nouse ana lot. oota lu central ast Port land, west of 2uth su; i per ceut Interest. BO 128. EDWARD E. GOUDET CO.. fd Boor United Stales Bank bids. Mortgage loans and bond issues, csps clally In large amounts. per cent up. $500. $loou AND UP. NO COMMISSION. P. O. BOX 873. PORTLAND. OR. Money to Lorn n Chattels and Salaries. . SALARY. LOAN AS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN HONEY en short notice to sa.aried or working; men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly . payments. Lac a transaction strictly vonli aentiai. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSBR. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, eltx. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLU -LilA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 817 pal ing Bunding- IF YCU NEED MONKS. SEE US. SALARIES. CHATTEL, Loans mada to persons on salary or fixed income; on household furniture, pi anos, diamonds and vtuer personal prop arty . legal ratea Busin s coulidn'lrj; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed.) 3Q6-307 Dekum bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by rorliana business man to pro tect borrower, C Myers Herrman, mgr.. 8U4 Stark su Mouey loaned oa ouuoaa s, jewelry. WANTED Money to loan on good first mortgage security, current rates. Phoae E. A. Baker. Mam 3U02, MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jeweiry : leg I rates; cu articles neid 1 year; established since lebS. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. MONEY to loan on anything of value, legal rates; ail articles neid o:.e ear. t'aaaiu Loan Olfice. 84 Third, near Oak. U ana Wanted. WANTED. $2u0O $3000 $4500. On Improved city property. DESHON at HAWK. MAIN 11 WANT $.1000 direct on Walnut Park resi dence; 6 per cent good security; uo com mission. AE 301. oregonlan. rtHSONAU BA1H GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. 10-Inch wavy switch. 2 Sep. ........ .$1 M $4. Inch wavy switch. 8 sap.......... 104 All-around transformation ......... .. 1.4$ Hairdresslng. shampooing, face massage, bslr bobbing, manicuring. 25a. Hair re moved by e.ecwlc n.aio, switch made ol combings. 95c We buy your combing feanltaijr Par.ors. 4uu-41 Dekum biOg s and Washington. Mamnall 1762. AN EECTivlC-CAlilNET BATH. A tub. a scientific mussaie. rejuvenates you takes out tne kaika reduces bisa b.ood pressure, and eliminates rheumatism. Ironside Institute, o27-9 l'ttock block. Nurse attendants. Plioue liroaaa-ay 1, Open O to 7. Sundays by atpuinlnieoL JOSEPH laliEKWooD. noted Psychic from London and Australia, lectures sundae. W. O. W. Temp.e at a P. M.. 12S 11th su : mt'ssa.i-s. etc. Consulted. Ti,lord I.Ida:.. 407 Murrison at loth. Retain; uaily; circles Monday. Wean-day, t-'rluy. a i M. LADIES, come In aiul gel both your ivt-t ilxcd up good lor 1 uy Dr. Eatuu, liie chiropodist ibal doesn't hurl you; 5 eais in Portiaud; examination live, G.obe The atcr bldg.. lltli and Uasii. lid wy. 2 J 4. P1 RITUALISM Mra M. t LA MAR, 23$ $lh SU, cor. Main, teaches palmistry and card reading; also less uu s la ecisuce 1 bealth and success. A- tav i' 11 AN to. li LI T. leading wig aal loupe makers, finest stOwia human baa. goods: manicuring, lacs aii scalp treatmenu a4'j Aider. lam Old. GRADUATE Be.fiian tram-id nurse; electric biankt-ls for rui-utii-iUsui. cl-. Louiso N--1-r.fl, 2s loth St. .Marshall .'iO.:;. FORECASTS AND LESSONS. By mail or oral. Auaiua Astrological School. 3o0 Morilsonsl 20 years est. RHEUMATISM. constipation. nerve ui.d stomach troubles cured. DruK-t !:'. Etna Sorensen. Panama bldg. KEY. MRS. J. C. SCHOKl. independent Bible spiritualise Circles Sunday, Tuesday and TiiUTbuay, 8 P. M. 40b Jefferson su A 31 GRADUATE nurse treats lumoago. etc.. Hours 2 to o or uy a-ppolul luuu Mam 1o4'J. flat O. SOS 3d. MISS MULLEN'S facial, scalp treatment manicuring. 13th und Washington, Nulls criand Hotel, Broadway 917. "HONEST merchandise at bones I prices" 1 coats, dreases. aau-uv p-ttticoaUa, yo Park street. MISS MULLEN' has moved to 409 FUedner bldg., lo: li and Washington sts. Scalp aud facial tiealiiienus; manicuring. USSES-DANIELS AND BRIGGS. manicur Isls, electrolysis, facial and scalp treat ment. Fileutier biug. Broadway 812. WILL Mrs. E. R. ii. call at American Ho tei, 3d and Flanders, beu 7 and 8 1. M. .' important. ELLA CACKETTE. scientific facial, scalp ireatnunt. manicuring, shampoo, teaching- "i" Broadway btilg. Main 1307. SUPERFLUOUS hair, niolea. warts remov4 bv lu-netd-a metnod. ,1 ml live Josie Fta ler. 6H Ellers bldg. Main C3BS. PROF, b llDT. 212 Swetiand bidg Mala 194L Mineral steam baths, scientifia massage by one undersua tiding the body. SOPHIA B. SE1P. mental, spiritual peyclio metrist. Reaaings usi.y. Ciruies Tues.. Fru s P. M. o-'9 Ooodnougli bidg. Marsh. 2A03. BEST steam bath and massage in city, chi ropractic, vibration and electric Dr. Mar garet Haynie. ill Swetiand bldg. Ma. ITtv. MRS. STEVENS. 25 years Portland's re nowned palmist and spiritual reader. 8$ Taylor it, cor. West Park, FACE massage, dandruff. itching scalp, moles removed. 230 FUedner bldg. Broad way 16a, SCALP TREATMENTS. 441-2 MORGAN BUILDING. MARSHALL 367. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs A p Hill. 429 Klledner bids. Bdwy. S4IA PR1MEDA BALM, lormrlj called Balm al Figs. 644 E S3d fell. 2213. mornings SCALP treatments, grsy hair restored to it natural color. S04 Swetiand bldg. e e e e e : e : 4)