THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY,' JUNK 13. 1918. JULY SUPPLY ASKED Government Calls for Bids on Potatoes and Onions. I Spokane, Wash. . . 15 Tacoma, Wash. . . 4 Various 424 86 132 42 CAMP LEWIS NEEDS LARGE Tenders AVill Be Received by Quartermaster-General tTntil June 2 0. Successful Bidders Will Be As sisted in Getting Cars. Ths Quartermaster-General hu Issued a call for quotations on potatoes and onions for use In Army camps during tha month of July. Camp Lewis will rnquire a larger quantity than any other camp In the coun try. Bids will be received until June 20. according to a circular Issued yesterday by K. Li. Ringer, of the local office of the .Bureau of Markets. The amounts listed below are only approx imate, and the right Is reserved to In crease or decrease these quantities 10 per rent, as the needs of the various camps may require. All quotations must be on the basin of per 100 pounds delivered at camp, subject to inspection and acceptance at that point. Payment will be made by the Individual camp Quartermaster on the basis of net weight at time of delivery, and will be made promptly on the receipt of cars. Proposals for the whole or for any part of these requirements will be considered. Quo tations should be made for each camp sep arately, and must include delivery to points specified at such times and in such quan tities as the respective camp Quartermaster may direct. In view of the car situation, the Quarter - master's office will assist the successful btaders in placing cars, provided they are unable to secure an adequate number them selves. It Is the understanding that con tractors shall make every effort to secure cars. The following are the approximate potato and onion requirements, in pounds, at the various camps during the anonth of July, on which bids are asked: . Potatoes.Onlons. Bost. Dpt.. Cambridge Mass. 170,000 5.500 Camp Devens, Mass 900.000 Kort Adams, Newport. R. I. 000.000 I"t. Preble. Portland, Me 110,000 Cp. Merritt, Dumont, N. J 5,000 Cp. Upton. Long Isld., N. T. 700.000 Cp. JDlx. N. J. .7 1,000,000 Cp. Mills, Garden City. L. X.. 400.000 Aviation Sup. Dept.. U. X. . . 200,000 Cp. Meade. Md. 800,000 Cp. Lee, Va 800,000 Cp. Grant. Ill 1.000.000 Cp. Sherman. Ohio SS-S2 Cp. Custer, Mich BOO.OOO cp. Doniphan, Ft. Sill. Okla. 140.000 Cp. Taylor, Dumesmil. Ky. .. 850.000 Cp. Pike. Ark 2'222 Cp. Funston, Ft. Riley. Kan. BOO.OOO Omaha. Neb.. Depot S2-222 Cp. Dodge. Dodge. La. 22' 222 Cp. Greene. N. C ?I'222 Cp. Jackson, S. C B92 P22 Cp. McClellan, Ala. 4ll2'222 Cp. Wheeler. Ga. J22'222 Cp Gordon. Chamblee, Ga.. . 600.000 Cp' Hancock. Wheless. Ga.. . BOO.OOO Cn Wads-worth, Calvert, S. C.1.000.00O H,.rl. S. C 250.000 Cp. Shelby. Miss. 20.000 Cn Trabls. San Antonio, Tex 590.000 40.000 cp. Arthur. Tex. Cp. Bowie. Tex BOO.OOO cP. Logan. Tex J"2'222 KI Paso. Tex.. Depot 700.000 cp. codV. n. m. 222-222 Cn Kearnev. Cal BOO.OOO Cp. Fremont, Menlo Pk 50,000 20,000 6.500 20,000 70.000 30.000 20.000 60,000 75.000 75.000 20.000 50.000 10.000 40,000 35.000 S0.000 30,000 15,000 30.000 20.000 40.000 60.000 10.000 75.000 25.000 40,000 40.000 40.000 50,000 Cal 650.000 t Am. Lake, wasn.i.uiiu.uiiu liu.oyv Tefferson Barracks. St. Louis 150.000 12.000 Camo jShP?on7 Yukon. Fla.. 300,000 25.000 CATTLE SUPPLY HEAVY TWENTY LOADS ARB RECEIVED FROM CALIFORNIA POINTS. Totals 150 18H5 428 81 254 One week ago 1372 1501 407 83 311 Four weeks ago.. .1645 1068 604 89 247 fetate origins of livestock loaded June Id: For Portland- California 5 Oregon 7 7 38 .. 4 Washington 1 Totals Portland, lit One week ago.... - 12 Four weeks ago.. 10 For Seattle California 12 Oregon ........... 1 Totals Seattle... 13 One week ago..... 7 tour weeks ago... 5 7 ' 36 4 4 10 1 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. June 14. Hogs Receips, 20.- 00O. Strong: mostly lOc above yesterday's average. Bulk, S18.305 16.60: butchers. 1A.S5616.55: packing. tltta.18.S5; light, S16.5516.70; rough, 15.5015.75; pigs, l6.2516.75. Cattle Receipts. 5000, steero stready to strong: few on the market. Beat, 17.80; butchers' stock, slow to lower, quality poor; calves steady. Sheep Receipts, 7000. Slow to unevenly lower. Heavy sheep hardest hit and drug on the market: good big weight ewes, S13.&0. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. June 14. TTos-h Rr.4niii onn Market 16c higher. Heavy, f 16.30l.4O; mixed. 1S.35Q 16.45: light. tl4oa.l.75: pigs. fl2016; bulk of sales, $18.3516.4.. Cattle Receipts. 1500. Market steady. NatiVA itflffriL Sl2ftn?,1R. - k.f.n t9.7515.50; Western steers. 9.73g 14.75: Texas steers, JD12.73; range cows and heifers, $7.509.50; canners, tS 0 9.75; atock ers and feeders, t7.B0 12.75; calves, 8ig 13.25; bulls, stags, etc.. tSlV Sheep Receipts. 6O00. Market steady. Tearllngs. 1617.S0; wethers. 14.508 16.75; ewes, tlllS.BO; lambs, $16 20.60. CHANGES CAUSE LITTLE COXFCSIOJf. Business Readily Adjusts Itelf to Nnr Government Restrictions. NEW YORK, June 14. Dun's Review to morrow will say: Great fundamental chinrtL .fr.i i ki. domestic and foreign commerce, are of fre quent occurrence and cause considerable hes itation, dui less unsettlement and confusion than might have been expected. Close co operation between private Interests and rep resentatives of the Government, promptly ef fected wherever the occasion requires it. renders the many economic adjustments eas ier of accomplishment, and the absence of conspicuous disturbance in any quarter con tinues a gratifying and reassuring feature. That the centering of energies in the vig orous prosecution of the war Impliea tlll tighter restrictions on ordinary operations, there has been clear recognition and scarcely a weak passes without the development of some action having a large bearing oa the future course of business. Weekly bank clearings were 15,311,259.917. Coffee Futures Steady. NEW TORK, June 14. Coffee futures were steady today. Prices opened at an advance of 1 point, and the market closed at a net advance of 2 to 3 points. July sold up from 6.01c to 8.04c, while May held around 8.85c. July, 8.03c: September. S.15c; October. 8.21c; December, 6.36c; January, 8.41c: Mann. 8.33c: May. 8.60c Spot coffee irregular; Rio 7s, 8c: San tos 4s, 10-s&llttc. Haying In Lane County. - JUNCTION CITY, Or.,, June 13. 'Spe cial.) Haying ts In full swing In Northern Lane County. Due to weather peculiarities the yield is only one-third the customary amount. Hay is selling for $20 in the field. The vetch crop is suffering greatly from an attack by aphis and only a small amount of the crop will be harvested. 'aval Storen. SAVANNAH, June 14. Turpentine firm, 534c; receipts, 45 barrels; sales, 381 bar rels; shipments. 51 barrels; stocks. 23,852 barrels. Rosin firm, sales. S34 barrels: receipts, 824 barrels; shipments. 4 barrels; stock, 95,295 barrels. Quote: B. t8.B5B9: D, E. F. G. H. L. $: K. t.05; M. 0; N. t9.05; WG. 9.25; WW. t9.35. Wool Programme Being Enlarged. BOSTON. June 14. The Commercial Bul letin win say tomorrow: "The new clip domestic wools ara be ginning to arrive In the Eastern markets and valuations have already been started In order to give the mills supplies as rapidly ss possible. In this connection, the Gov ernment programme is being enlarged to meet the needs of the situation." Chicago Dairy Prod lire, CHICAGO, Juno 14. Butter unchanged. Eggs higher. Receipts, 13.295 cases; firsts, 30V33ic; ordinary firsts. 2630Hc; at mark, cases included. 290 32c per dosen. With Increased Run, Market Declines 25 to 35 Cents Sheep Lower With. Poor Demand. The cattle market took a turn for the wnme vxtsidiv. Twenty-three loads were i:ved at the North Portland yards, of -which 20 loads came from California. As consequence of the largely Increased supply .V, market Went off 25 tO 35 Cent. chtpn were also weak and averaged B0 nrs lower as a result of the - restricted demand. The hog market continues steady. ReeelDta were 920 cattle. 21 calves, 471 lirvu. and 21 sheen. Shippers were: with hoss Edward Bros.. Monroe, 1 load. With cattle A. F. Hunt, Merced, Cal., 9 loads; D. E. McCarty, Corning, Cal., loads: W. G. Russell, 2 loads; L D. Luce, 4 loads; O. E. Gorsline, Tehama, Cal., 1 load; M. M. Hoctor, Goldendale, 1 load; G. Applebaum, Pomeroy, 1 load; G. Hlldebrand, Condon, 1 load. With mixed loads Frank Wann, Mount Angel. 1 load cattle, calves and hogs: C R. Donaldson, Monitor, 1 load cattle and hogs; .lames Madison. Cambridge, Idaho, 1 load rattle and hogs; O. E. Butterlck. Dodge, Wash., 3 loads cattle, calves and hogs; G. W. Eyre, Salem, 2 loads cattle, hogs and sheep; H. Waggemer, Sutherlin, 1 load cat tle, calves and hogs; Hout A Snodgrass, Lebanon, 1 load cattle, hogs and sheep. The day's sales were as follows: Wt Price.! Wt. Price. 4S5 t6.00il39 hogs 26416.50 u.50: 30 hogs.... I s ln.ixj 8.001 43 hogs... 9.501 lOhozs... 11.00! 47 hogs. .. u.ooi 15 bogs... 12.001123 lambs.. 6.00! 3 yearlg' 9.1)0! 10.00! 6.001 5.001 4.751 8.0W 9.001 5.75 S steers. . 8 cows. . . . 9S8 4 heifers.. 785 : cows ...1110 OP0 860 . .1205 . . 604 . . !50 ..1010 .. 157 .. 720 550 S00 810 614 625 910 16 ewes. 1 wether.. 25 steers . . 1 cow . . . 4 bulls .. 2 bulls. .. 2 bull's ... 64 hogs 2 hogs. ... 4.00! 97. hogs.... 4.25! 7 hogs... . 5.001 5 hogs... . 5.0OI 17 hogs.... 6.50! 47 hogs... . 9.251138 hogs.... 0.251 13 lambs.. . 12.001 37 lambs... 7.001 13 ewes.... 8.001 2 yearl'gs. at tha local yards 173 117 213 127 72 116 118 140 1120 1340 1660 93)0 1275 215 255 197 192 IPS 340 390 187 74 61 90 110 1150 15.25 16.50 15 60 15.00 9.00 7.50 8.50 11.70 7.50 7.00 6.00 6.75 16.50 14.50 16.50 16.40 15.75 13.50 15.50 16.50 15.00 14.25 5.00 10.00 1 heifer 7 steers. 5 steers 7 cows. . 1 cow . . . 9 cows . 4 colvee. .. 1 steer. . .. 1 heifer. .. 8 rows. . . . 1 heifer. .. 10 mixed. .. 21 cows. . . . 4 cows. . . . 1 cow S!W 7 cows .... 825 9 steers... 470 8 cows. ... 715 1 steer .. .1010 14 steers... 850 7 steers . .1070 12 steers. .. D90 3 cows .. .1005 14 hogs.... 198 Prices current at tha local yards are as follows Cattle Prices. Prime steers tilt. 50 3 14.50 Good to choice steers 12.50913.50 Medium to good steers 10. 50(3 11.50 FbIi to medium steer lO.OOfl 11.00 Choice cows snd heifers 10.50311.50 Med. to good cows and heifers.. 7.003 9 00 cannera S.50 B 00 Bulls 7.00 9.00 Cal-es S.0011.00 Hogs rrime mined 16 50? 16.65 Medium mixed 16.35&16.5o Hough heavy 15 5H&13.A5 Pigs 15.23 515.50 Sheep Kas-t-of-mountain lambs........ 13.5011600 Vailev lambs j 13.50 "Yearlings 0.00410.00 Wethers 8 50 9.50 Kives 5.00 gi 8.00 DESTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED Shipments En Route to Leading Livestock Markets of Country. Destinations of livestock loaded June 13. (Double decks counted as two cars.) Cattle, Horses, Mxd Calves Hogs Sh'p Mules St'k Aupun, .uinn. .... m. Maltlraore, Md. ... 4 Boston, Mass. .... 5 Buffalo. Y 21 Chicago. Ill 231 282 71 14 1 8 4 Cincinnati. O. Cleveland. O. Cudahy. Wis. Denver. Colo. ..... 11 Detroit, Mich 4 F.ast St. Louis. 111. 27 Fort Worth, Tex.. 81 Indianapolis. Ind.. 17 Jersey City, N. J. 17 Kansas City, Mo.. 98 Los Angeles. Cal... 12 Louisville. Ky 2 Milwaukee, Wis... 9 Nashville, Tenn... 1 New York. N. T . . . 98 Ogden. Utah Oklahoma City ... 25 Omaha, Neb 84 Philadelphia. Pa.. 19 Pittsburg. Pa. .... 41 Portland. Or 13 St. Joseph. Mo 42 fralt Lake City.... 4 St. Paul. Minn.... 4S San Francisco, Cal. 83 Seattle. Wash. ... 18 29 18 46 25 282 14 26 62 12 18 7S 42 12 115 3 V 19 I 28 " "a 108 21 12 7 44 "87 7 1 11 6 a 7 1 15 13 3 16 10 1 31 ia 40 9 7 25 "is 6 3 1 Armour & Company 6 Serial Convertible Gold Debentures Dated June 15, 1918 Denominations $1000, $500, $100 Interest payable June 15 and December 15. Convertible on and after September 1, 1918, into 7 cumulative preferred etock. As members of the underwriting syndicate we invite sub scriptions early to insure full allotment. Subscription books will close Tuesday, June 18, at 10 A. M., or earlier, without notice. Subscriptions received at prices to yield as follows: One-year maturity., Two-year maturity 1M Three-year maturity 74 c Four-year maturity 714 Five-year maturity 4 lkr;. Six-year maturity l . 714 Federal income tax not exceeding 2 to be paid 'l .c company. ' ' . . ' LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY MO RRIS BROTHERS. Inc Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building. Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON . Me Buy and Sell Liberty Bonds at the Market. If you must SELL your Liberty Bonds, SELL to US. If you can BUY more Liberty Bonds, BUY from US. We BUY and we SELL at the market. The New York Market closed the week ending Wednesday, June 12, 1918, as follows: 3Hs 1st 4s 2d 4s 4 Us 99.70 93.66 93.84 96.14 99.64 94.60 94.36 96.52 99.68 94.94 94.94 97.30 99.90 94.70 94.86 97.00 99.63 94.92 94.78 96.82 99.68 94.66 94.66 96.70 GOVERNMENT AND MUNICIPAL BONDS Rate. 4,000 fNorth Bend, Oregon, Imp 6 1,000 'Astoria, Oregon, Water 5 462 fAstoria, Ore., Imp. Ser. No. 10 6 461 fAstoria, Ore., Imp. Ser. No. 11 b 500 fAstoria, Ore., Imp. Ser. No. 12 6 1,383 fCity of Cornelius, Ore., Imp... 6 1,000 fCity of Cornelius, Ore., Imp... 6 500 f Athena, Oregon, Water 5 2,000 Ontario, Ore., Waterworks.... 6 2,000 " " " 6 5.000 " " " 6 5,000 " " " 6 5,000 " " u 6 5,000 " " " 6 5,000 " " " 6 5,000 " " " 6 2,000 " " " ...... 6 5,000 Port of Toledo, Oregon 5 9,000 " " ' 5 10,000 " " " 5 10,000 " " " 5 10,000 " " " 5 10,000 " " " 5 Maturity, Price. Yield. J&D 1923 103.04 5.40 J&J 1937 100.00 5.00 F&A 1923 103.04 5.30 F&A 1928 104.50 5.40 F&A 1919 100.72 5.25 J&J 1920-28 To Net 5.50 J&J 1920-2S To Net 5.50 F&A 1915-25 100.00 5.00 M&S 1929 104.22 6.50 M&S 1930 104.48 6X0 M&S 1931 104.72 5.50 M&S 1932 104.95 5.50 M&S 1933 105.17 5.50 M&S 1934 105.38 6.50 M&S 1935 105.57 5.50 M&S 1936 105.76 5.50 M&S 1937 105.94 5X0 J&D 1922 98X8 5.40 J&D 1923 98.27 5.40 J&D 1925 97.69 5.40 J&D 1927 97.18 6.40 J&D 1928 96.94 5.40 J&D 1929 96.71 5.40 1,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 3,000 6,000 5,000 13,500 4,000 1,000 20,500 S.000 16,000 1X00 25,000 17,000 500 500 41,000 City of Prineville, Oregon, Imp. Nez Perce Co., Ida. Highway.. Rate. Port of Toledo, Oregon 5 'Port of Newport, Oregon 5 5 " " 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 Maturity, J&D 1930 J&D 1923 J&D 1924 J&D 1925 J&D 1926 J&D 1927 J&D 1928 J&D' 1924 J&J J&J 1933 1934 f Couer d'Alene, Ida., Refdg. . . . Newdale, Idaho, Water f Ucon, Idaho, Water .'. -Province of British Columbia. Victoria, B. C, Gold Bonds... fCity of Victoria, B. C Gov'nment of the Dominion of New Foundland Gold Bonds.... City of Edmonton, Alberta.... 6'i 6 M&S 1924 J&J 1927 J&J 1937 A&O 1928 M&S 1928 A&O 1919 M&S 1920 A&O 1920 A&O 1921 M&N 1922 M&S 1925 J&D 1928 M&S 1920 Price. Yield. 96.50 5.40 98.27 97.97 97.69 97.43 97.18 96.94 100.00 To Net To Net S3 To Net 87 100.00 100.00 90.81 93.92 97.96 96.21 96.33 94.82 93.62 S9.57 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 5.40 6.00 5X0 5.50 5.25 6.00 6.00 6.25 6.85 6.85 6.85 6.S5 6.85 6.85 6.85 100.00 6.50 99.08 6.50 3,000 The above bonds are direct liens of the municipalities issuing same. fDenotes bonds of $500 denomination. 'Denotes bonds of $1000 denomination. -Denotes bonds of ?50, $100, $500 and $1000 denomination. Denotes bonds of $100, $500 and $1000 denomination. TELEPHONE MAIN 3409. LUMBERMENS BUILDING Capital and Surplus $600,000 FIFTH AND STARK We Are Receiving Subscriptions for ARMOUR & CO. 6 Serial Convertible Gold Debentures Dated June 15, 1918 Denominations $1000. $500, $100 Interest payable June 15 and December 15. Con vertible on and after September 1, 1918, into 7 cumulative preferred stock at the option of the holder. As members of the underwriting; syndicate we invite subscriptions early to insure full allotment. Subscription books will close Tuesday, June 18, at 10 A. M. or earlier without notice. Subscriptions received at prices to yield as follows : 1- Year Maturity 6 2- Year Matnrity 7 3- Year Maturity 7y4 4- Year Maturity 7 Va 5- Year Maturity 7 8 6- Year Maturity IVc Federal income tax not exceeding1 2 to be paid by the company. Clark, Kendall & Co. Northwestern Bank Building, Portland, Or. $so,ooo ONTARIO, OREGON 6 Gold Water Bonds Maturing $5000 Yearly From 1928 to 1937 KEELER BROTHERS Capital and Surplus $750,000 UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Telephone Broadway 74 $60,000,000 Armour and Company 6 Serial Convertible Gold Debentures t Total Authorized Issue $60,000,000 Dated June 15, 1918. Due in six equal annual installments June IS, 1919, to 1924, inclusive. Interest payable Jun lStn and December 15th. Principal and interest payable in United States gold coin at the Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, or the Trustee's Agent in New York City. Coupon debentures in interchangeable denominations of $1,000, $500 and $100 with privilege of registration as to principal only. INTEREST PAYABLE WITHOUT DEDUCTION FOR ANY FEDERAL NORMAL INCOME TAX NOW OR HERE AFTER DEDUCTIBLE AT THE SOURCE NOT IN EXCESS OF 2Tc CONTINENTAL AND COMMERCIAL TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, CHICAGO, TRUSTEE Redeemable at par at the option of the Company on any interest date upon 60 day's notice, as a whole or in series, in which latter event the Company must call for redemption all the debentures of one or more of the , series first maturing. Convertible on and after September 1, 1918, par for par, into Armour and Company 7 cumulative preferred stock, which is exempt from personal property tax in the State of Illinois. Further information in regard to this issue is given in a letter of Mr. J. Ogden Armour, President of Armour and Company, from which we summarise as follows: The entire proceeds of this issue will be devoted to the reduction of the Company's current liabili ties, thereby not increasing present indebtedness. These debentures "will be the direct obligations of Armour and Company. Total assets as of October 27, 1917 (the close of the Company's last fiscal year) were $314,174,135.89. There is no lien of any kind upon the property of the Company except its first closed mortgage (dated June 1, 1909, due June 1, 1939) for $50,000,000, which is a lien upon approximately $60,000,000 out of a total of $103, 801,644.88 capital assets. During the last three years the average annual earnings of the Company, available for interest charges, have been approximately $21,950,000, and the average annual interest charge (including inter est on the bonds ) has been approximately $4,480,000. During this period over $46,000,000 net earnings have been retained in the business, after paying cash dividends amounting to $6,000,000. In 1917, earnings applicable to interest from sources within the United States were over $27,000,000 on a gross volume of business amounting to $575,000,000. The earnings for 1917 do not include any revenue from business originating in South America or other foreign countries, the volume of which business amounted to ap proximately $300,000,000. K The Trust Agreement will contain, among other covenants, provisions that no additional mortgage shall be placed upon the properties and assets of the Company, which does not include these deben tures in the lien of such mortgage, and that current assets of the Company shall be maintained in an aggregate amount equal to at least one and one-half times all current liabilities, including these deben tures. The 7 Cumulative Preferred Stock, into which these debentures are convertible, may be redeemed by the Company at 115 and accrued dividends. The total presently to be authorized will be $60.000,000 all of which will be reserved to be exchanged for these debentures. $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 MATURITIES AND due June 15, 1919 99.25 and due June 15, 1920 97.75 and due June 15, 1921 96.25 and due June 15, 1922 95.75 and due June 15, 1923 96 and due June 15, 1924 95 and PRICES interest, yielding about 634rc interest, yielding about 7'iTc interest, yielding about 7 4 interest, yielding about 74 5" interest, yielding about 71sCr interest, yielding about 7VsSo Aabcrlptlon will b revived aiibjeet to allotment until 10 A. M. Tursdar. Jane 1. wltfe. tha right reserved to cloae the booki earlier without notlee. In aradlna; your order It la advtaahle that yon apeclfy whether a anbatltnte maturity Tvlll be satisfactory. If maturity selected raaaot he allotted In lull. Temporary certificates will be ready for delivery on or about June ISth. The statements contained herein ara sot guaranteed, but are baaed noon information which we believe bs be accurate and reliable, aad apoo which we bar acted in the p tire hue of these arcuritiee. Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank Chicago Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc. Chicago New York First Trust and Savings Bank Chicago Illinois Trust & Savings Bank The Merchants Loan and Trust Company Chicago Chicago Passed by the Capital Issues Committee as not incompatible with the National interest, but with out approval of legality, validity, worth or security. Opinion No. A-576. 1 4 4 ' 34 8 12 1 2