THE MORNING OltEGONTAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 13. 1918. 17 HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. WANTED A woman as housekeeper for 2 bachelors on a farm at Svensen, near As toria, Three to cook (or; (30 per month. John Pedersen. Sveneen, Or. VANTED A young girl between the ages of 15 and IS years, to assist In light house work; experience not necessary. oi E. loth st. N. VANTD Experienced girl for general housework. In family of three adults; no laundry work, no furnace fires. 197 North 25th st. Marshall 4197. PERSON to do evening dinner work reg ularly in small family, or breakfast and dinner, if employed payments arranged. Kast 7S. "WANTED Experienced maids, one for cook and one for Becond work; references re nuired; family of two; highest wages. East 4562. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family; good home ana goon was.. Apply Sunday, Sunday, woodlawn ill, -bl Ains- woria ave. HOUSEKEEPER wanted by man with 3 children, no hired men, country town. Box 21, lone. Or. EXPEKIEXCED girl for general house work, small family; excellent wages. Main 4207. 463 Montgomery drive. EXPERIENCED cook for private home on ranch lu Central Oregon; no washing, sec ond girl emptoyed: wagfs S4Q. Call C 1680. WANTED Experienced woman for general housework; small family, good wages. 400 Kan 24th St. North. Telephone East 7182. COLORED girl over 14, or elderly woman to assist in housework; wages $15. Broad way 640. GOOD girl for cooking and general house work to go to the beach. Call forenoons only, 794 Irving St.. Main 8235. HIGH SCHOOL girl to assist in light house work; J15 month. Phone East 1903, or call 506 E. ISth st. North. WANTED Girl for housework, experienced or Inexperienced. Phone after 10:30 A. M. Tabor 4S89. WANTED Woman for light housekeeping. Phone East 35o8. Call between 8 and 12 A. M. WANTED A young girl for some house work and to care for 2 children. Broad way 19B4J . HOUSEKEEPER for widower and two sons in country. C. L. Cox. McMlnnvllle, R. P. D. 1. ONE maid for second work, apply to Mra Montgomery. 825 Hawthorne ave. Phone F.ast 6773. WANTED A girl for general housework with a family going to beach. Marshall S3. 247 N. 24th Ft. GIRD for general housework to go to Hood River Valley; small family; $45 for com petent girl. 773 Johnson. Main 2075. WANTED WOMEN for housekeeping; work easy, no washing, good home. Ap ply 390 Broadway. WNTED Girl or middle-aged lady to as sist with housework; good wages. Tabor S358. 8D GIRL In family of two; reference re quired. Call up Broadway 8509. WANTED Second girl, two In family, good wages. Call East 2351. GIRL, for general housework, family 8 adults. Phone East 1430. WANTED Experienced chambermaid. Phone Main 136. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. EXPERIENCED spinners and weavers want ed to work on Government goods. Good wages, steady work. Apply Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns. SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MliLa. OREGON CITY. WANTED Loganberry pickers for 50-acre patch; will pay 114c per lb. to those stay ing through season; have good camping grounds, good water, free wood and straw. Address Paradise Farm. Sheridan, Or., box 263. WANTED Man and wife, woman to cook and general housework, man to assist and take care of lawn. F. S. Morris. 201 Rail way Exchange bldg. EXPERIENCED man or woman window trimmer and card writer at once; perma nent position. Kennard & Adams, 539 Williams ave. W ANTED Loganberry pickers; I will be at the St. Cnariea Hotel Monday, June 1. Carl AspinwalL PROFESSIONAL vocal or piano, 14 lessons, $5. E 280, Oregonlan. WANTED A competent cook at Old Peo ple's Home, E. 32d and Sandy. EDUCATIONAL. YOU may not yet realize the great de- mind for STENOGRAPHERS. BOOK KEEPERS. DICTAPHONE operators. Will you help meet this demand? Our courses will Interest you. BURSELL PRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Lumbermen s bldg., 6th and Stark. Phone Bdwy. 5601. Miss F. Bursell. principal. Cool study rooms. Day and evening classes. . UlS liEU'KLKa PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Individual Instruction. Short Practlca. Course, Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeep ing, Spelling, Dictaphone, Mimeograph ing, Office Training. Adding Machine, Fil ing. AUsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. MEN. WOMEN, learn the barber trade; shortage of barbers all over the country; big wages; $5 to $10 per week earned while learning. THE BIG SCHOOL. Phone Broadway 1731. MOHLER BARBER COL LEGE, 234 Burnside st. PRACTICAL traming In gas. electrical and steam engineering, mechanical drawing machine-shop practice. oxy-acety!en welding, automobile and tractor operating and repairing. Write for catalogue. Ss attle Engineering School. Seattle. Wash. WANTED Mors young women to prepare for telegraph service; many positions open now for women telegraphers. For par ticulars write or call Telegraph Dept., room 218. Railway Ex. bldg.. corner 3d and Stark. "ELLIOT-FISHER PRACTICAL TRAINING SCHOOL" 6 weeks' course. Operators in structed in bookkeeping and billing ma chines. Apply Elliot-Fisher Co.. 405 Henry bldg. . MOLER BARBER COLLEGE pays you while learning, gives you a set of tools, guarantees you a position; send for catalogue; 234 Burnside st- Phons Broadway 173 L HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 402 HAW THORNE AVE. REDUCED TUITION RATES UNTIL JUNE 15 ONLY. PORTLAND'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE TELE GRAPH SCHOOL Conducted by experts: personal attention, practical work; heavy demand for operators, $75 to $85 to start Fuller' s Telegraph School, Panama bldg. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 275 UNION AVENUE NORTH. SPECIAL SUMMER PRICES. CALL. WRITE. OR PHONK E. 7445. GIRLS between 18 and 25 years to learn comptometer, adding and calculating ma chines; positions pienmui, gins scarce. salaries good, bib morgan oiag. TEACHERS needed for 1018-19. Clark Teachers Agency. 412 tjnamoer oz com merce bldg.. Spokane. Wash. lELiGRAFHI, stenograpnv. Bkg. Board, rm. and tuition may be earned. Macka Bus. Colleges. Los Angeles and Fresno. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE teacnas men and women the barber trade free. Paid while learning. 234 Couch st- YATES-FISHER TEACHERS' AGENCY Free registration. 911-1-1 Broadway bldg. Main 6274. MRS. HANNUM S SHORTHAND SCHOOL, day and night. Tillamook and Ganten beln. East 3860. TUTORING in elementary and high school subjects by city teacher. Phone Main 1467. 11th and Salmon sis. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, day. evening. $5 month, 268 14th. near Jefferson. Main 8893. MEN. WOMEN, learn barber trade free; wages while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. Armstrong-Holmes Business College. Flled ner bldg.. day and evening. Broadway 1821 TEACHERS All kinds of teaching posl tlons. Main 4885. Flsk Teachers' Agency TUTORING, elementary and high school subjects. AG 232. Oregonian. FRENCH CLASSES. 801 Csrb-t Bldg. Main 1028. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. FIRST-CLASS hotel Janitor, above draft age, wants position. AP 278. Oregonlan. EOT 14 would like position a or errand boy. East 7208. POSITION as nightwatchman; ences. Main 7252. office boy best refer. BOT, 16. wants half-day work. AF 402. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants to work In Spring garden after 5 P. M. 86 N. loth st. Jasu. PCSITION wanted between 7 and 12 at night F S47. Oregonlan. JAPANESE wants position, to do cooking country preferred. G 312, Oregonian. BOY, 17, wants 2 months' work on farm; lata wag vs, J. urcuitii - SITUATIONS WANTED HALE. MR. PRINTER A thoroughly competent printer and newspaperman, with 24 years' experience In city and country shops, as superintendent, working foreman and outside man. and at present time In charge of one of the principal Job print ing plants In Spokane. Is going to resign the 15th of June and am looking up a position in or near Portland; am a union man; what have you to offer. Address, Geo. G. Dunne, 1220 Vi First avenue, Bpo ksne, Wasn. WANTED. A position with a mercantile house or manufacturer, requiring the services of an office and sales manager, with the Inten tion of Investing later. Fully familiar with office work. Over draft age. AP 263. Ore gonlan. MAN 25 years old, married, ex. from draft, desires steady employment; 6 years sur veyor and foreman work, past yr. engaged field chief Oregon State Highway Survey; can furnish best of references and bond. What have you to offer? Room 323 Roland Annex. 209 4th St. ENERGETIC young man of 23, not subject to draft, who has experience as hotel, grocery and shipping clerk, wants re sponsible position. AJ 865, Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by laundryman. working foreman or marking and sorting pre ferred; state full particulars. AV 30, Ore gonlan. FIRST-CLASS clothing and men's furnish ings buyer and manager; best or refer ences, presently employed. 1029 S. E. boulevard, Spokane, Wash. GENTLEMA.. wants work, mornings and evenings. In payment for furnished or un furnished room, or for meals. BF 261. Oregonlan. ALL-AROUND printer-editor; good news paper writer and ad writer, with Ideas, wants situation in Portland. AE 295, Ore gonlan. SITUATION wanted by two young men about three or four hours per day be ginning at 10 P. M. BD 280, Oregonlan. LIVE WIRE man. married, draft exempt. wants situation in Portland. Address G Zi'J, Oregonlan. PAINTING, tinting, SI. 25 per room up; paperhanging, 2 per room up. Marshall 6139. EXPERIENCED logging camp timekeeper and commissary man, past draft age; A-l references. AN 285, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED sawyer or mill foreman wants position; married, past draft age. BC 191, Oregonlan. CHINESE wishes to do Janitor work, such ss cleaning out nan, theater and office bldg. Call at 246 Pine st. ALL round baker wants position, country preierrea. v rite or apply at IV. 200 Columbia st-. city. YOUNG man, going to auto school, wants worn alter 4 in mo afternoon. AB 322, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED driver wants car to drive; private driving preierrea; references. BD 288, Oregonian. MAN with experience wishes position in theater; can manage house. BF 268, Ore gonian. ROOF work, reshlngllng, patching and tar ring, rseacnam. r-nona Marshall ion. JAPANESE, first-class cook, wants position xamiiy or notei none A Slav. NIGHT watchman wishes position; will do any ngnt work, t-ast 5152. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. COLLEGE girl wants work for the Summer doing general office work or billing, can use the typewriter; has had 8 years' prac tical experience and can furnish suitable references. AH 842, Oregonlan. ALL-AROUND office man, middle-aged American; active, efficient, good corre spondent, cost accounts, collections, capa ble of taking charge, city or country. BC 190, Oregonlan. WANT set of books to keep of evenings: also close books for . corporations. AF 414. Oregonlan. WANTED Small set of books to keep even ings, or ,:, uregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG woman can cook for large crew. Have 2 daughters, 17 and 11; son, 14. Want place on large improved ranch where can work Inside or out. Address Mrs. Belle Wltchler. General Delivery. Portland, Or. WANTED by mother and son. both good milkers, position caring for 15 or 20 cows, or as cook in camp with son as helper or flunkey. Address Rose London. Marlon. Or. YOUNG woman, experienced, wants place to cook for large crew. Will go any where, either contract or wages. Have daughter 17, waitress, and son 14. helper. AP 266. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED and educated ladjr desires position as companion and. managing nouekeeper; good seamstress, also piano teacher. AH 343, Oregonian. NEAT woman desires position as experienced elevator operator, night or day. or nosl- tlon as cigar clerk to learn the business. J 282. oregonian. WANTED A position of trust, by capable married woman not arraia or hard work; quick to learn; hours 8:30 to 4:30. A 27o, oregonian. WANTED Position answering phone or making self useful about office during Summer vacation by teacher. Telephone Marsnaii i4tz. TO go to home and take care of children by day or hour, by responsible young marriea woman, fnone laoor vszo. WANTED Position as housekeeper by un incumbered middle-aged lady; best of ref erences. Phone East 6089. LADY with auto school training desires po sition in an auto repair ana service sta tion, tsj 394, oregonlan. WANTED Place to take care of children evenings while mother Is away; referencea Woodlawn loll. WORK answering phone, no typing, by young lady; references. woodlawn 1611. LADY violinist wishes to play with non union orcnestra. AJ g73. oregonlan. TYPIST and office assistant. Call Tabor 8461 between 10:30 and 3:30. YOUNG lady wishes position in office for bummer. Phone Taoor 1292. Bookkeepers, 6tenographers, Office. YOUNG lady wishes position as bookkeeper or stenograpner; experienced, competent; references. Address J 247, Oregonian. or phone Broadway 339. EXPERIENCED stenographer, also expe rience In general oflfce work, desires po sition in some good office. Phone Colum bla 602. BY first-class stenographer, position In law office: willing to begin moderate salary if advancement for meritorious work cer tain. BC 193. Oregonlan. LADY university graduate, knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting, desires cler ical position forenoons or afternoons. Main 1467. YOUNG woman with several years' expe rience as stenographer and bookkeeper, wants position. Can furnish references. Call Main 2479. BOOKKEEPER. 6 years' experience, general office work; best of references. AL 878. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper; had charge of one office 5 yeara. Main 2817. EFFICIENT bookkeeper, ten years' experi ence, changed positions once; age 28. Main 2817. GIRL wants position as cashier or clerical. Woodlawn 1566. F 814, Oregonlan. EFFICIENT cashier, assistant bookkeeper; S years' experience. Main 2817. POSITION wanted by experience stenog- rapner atter june ii. Ar. jm, oregonlan. YOUNG lady wishes general office work. At 424, uregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, cashier and typist desires position. Tabor 8746. Dressmakers. WANTED Situation In office to assist In bookkeeping or any kind or clerical work; can use a typewriter and have knowledge of shorthand; can furnish suitable refer ences. AJ 862. Oregonlan. Housekeepers. POSITION as housekeeper in home of re- iinement, oy capaDie. intelligent woman; reierences given aiiu requeateo. .tfroad way 2198 or G 281. Oregonlan. Domestics. YOUNG woman with good reference, expe rience, wants worn in small lamily. AN 282, oregonian. I WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED to rent. 4 or 5-room cottage h. nlshed, near carllne; 2 adults, responsible panj, Ar io, uresoDiaa. WANTED By responsible party, a 5 or 6 roora modern furnished house, reasonable rent. Phone Tabor 1361. WANT to rent unfurnished 6 or 7-room house in good neighborhood on or before July 1. Tabor 60:9. A COUPLE with no children wish to rent 5 to 7-room modern house In city or suburbs will take good care. H 270. Oregonlan. ' WANTED 4 or 5-room, mod. flat or bun galow on E. Side, by young couplo and baby. L 201. Oregonian. TOUNG married couple would rent fur nished place for Summer or longer. Chan. P. Cough. Hotel Ritz. MODERN 6 or 7-room house, with garage. E. Kxattlser, 249 Salmon st. WANTKD TO BEST, llous REFINED family of three will take leas, at profitable rental on new five or six room bungalow. Rose City Park. Laurel hurst or Irvlngton. Prefer new building, ready for occupancy October 1. 1018. Phpne Main 596. before June W. WANTED House to rent. 9 rooms, must have 2 baths, sleeping porch and garage for period of Bummer months or longer; best of reference; no objection to East Bide. Call Benson Hotel, room 601. TO RENT House, arranged for two fam ilies or two small bouses; must be reason able; reliable tenants, permanent; stats rent and location. BF 2tl0. Oregonlan. WANT 4 or 5-room furnished bungalow; re sponsible party; prospect of buying; Haw thorne or Mt Tabor district preferred. Call East 300. Apt. 27. between 12 and 8 NICELY furnished house or bungalow, Laurelhurst, Hose City Park or Irvlngton; 6. 6 or 7 rooms; $40. Write or phone F. M. Jansberg. Carlton Hotel. 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished house, with large yard or adjoining lot. suitable for raising chickens. A K 894. Oregonlan. Apartments. WANTED Two or three-room furnished apartment. West Side; must be modern; references. H 299. Oregonlan. SMALL furnished flat by man and wife by June 15. AJ 350, Oregonlan. FURNISHED 2 or 8-room modern apart ment. Main 3446. Rooms. YOUNG woman wants light housekeeping room within walking of postoffice- Call Broadway 20S7 before 10 A M. Rooms With Board. WANTED 2 unfurnished rooms with board In private family, by young married wom nn employed. Husband home week-ends. Broadway or Irvlngton car lines preferred. East 6186 after 6 P. M. MAN wishes clean housekeeping room, or room and board in private family. E 2SS. Oregonian. YOUNG man of better education wishes board and room In private home. AH 337, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Fnrnlshei Rooms. A Moderate-Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison fit. and K. ,if PI T? tt Hotei Clifford la the principal East Side notei ana is a hotel or dignity ana re finement. Dally rate, $1 up; two in room. $1.50. wsek:y rates. $4 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 Hth st.. at Washington. Rates $3.50 per week up. 75c day. Fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusement and shopping center; catering especially to those desiring quiet, harmonious environment. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Fifth and Washington sts. Right in center of Portland's activities, with prices astonishingly low for a down town hotel. Ask for Mr. Myers. He will gladly show you our accommodations and Quote rates. NORTON1A HOTEL. Portland's downtown. nign-ciass tamiiy hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men aud women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reason able rates. HDrNA HOTEL. When In San Francisco stop at Adena Hotel, iu heart of shopping district. All modern conveniences. 144 OFarretl St., opposite Orpneum Theater. Rates, $1 and up. HOTEL NAVARRE. Alder St.. Corner 11th. New management. Thoroughly reno vated; hanasomely furnished. Rates rea sonable. HOTEL BRISTOL. 12TH AND STARK. Shipyard workers, the water Is red hot day and night; large outside rooms, hot ana cold water and phone in every one; $3 to $5. HOTEL TAIT. 11 12th st-. near Station. Rooms by day, week, month ; phones In each room, clean, cool, comfortable; rent reasonable. THE MELVIN. Transient rooms 5uo and week ana up. H. K. rooms, hul. 1628. up: $3 per tZi Yam- STANDISH HOTEL. 548 Washington St.. Cor. 17th. Clean, cooi. comfortable rooms, modern, $2 per week up. Free pbongs and batha HOTEL ARTHUR. 170 11th St.. hi block irom Morrison; clean ana modern rooms. $1 per day. or $20 per month. HOTEL OCKLEV, Morrison street at 10th Kates 60c per day up; weekly, $3 up; running water; free phone and balbs. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.; downtown location; respectable aud strictly modern. steam beat; rooms large, clean. HOTEL, CORDOVA. 269 11th St. Strictly modern, private baths en suits; rooms $1 up. Main 9472. A 4788. HOTEL BROADWAY. 22 N. Broadway Low rates permanent guests, steam heat, phone. GOOD room, two beds; walking distance. 36. Baron Apts.. 295 14th. Main 4484. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. IN IRVINGTON. on Broadway car, well furnished, light, airy room, large porch, hot water all the time, home conveniences. East 186. A LARGE modern front room, facing park, choice location, close in, breakfast If de sired. Marshall 2424. 451 West Park. TWO nice, clean sleeping rooms, good loca tion, suitable for lady or gentleman; breakfast If desired. Woodlawn 1677. BEAUTIFUL, large, cool room, suitable for business man; select location, walking distance. 161 N. 22d St. NICELY furnished rooms, light and airy, gentlemen only. 611 Morrison. Broadway 2638. NICELY furnished room for gent. Phone and bath, $2.50 per week. 148 E. 72d st. Phone Tabor 475. BEAUTIFUL, large, cool room, suitable for 2; good location, walking distance. 414 Market, corner 11th. LARGE, airy room, fireplace, use of bath and phone, walking distance, reasonable. 546 E. Alder. SLEEPING-PORCH with large dressing room, 693 Hawthorne ave., corner 19th. $10 COSY room in nice home for gentle man. 64Luoretla st.. nr. 23d and Wash. FRONT bedroom with alcove. modern. West Side. 729 Glisan. Marshall 3613. 2 FURNISHED rooms in private family. Park st Mar. 3969. TWO nicely furnished rooms. 334 13th N. East 7540. NICELY furnished room in private home for gentleman employed. East 6617. BEAUTIFUL, large, cool rooms, select lo cation, walking distance. 161 N. 22d. IRVINGTON room. new home, 1 block to i or a car: breakfast. East 419. ELEGANTLY furnished, light, airy room lu aeugnuui nome. isoo rllli. Main 8789. CLEAN, pleasant room, - all conveniences. very desirable location. 166 N. 23d. Rooms With Board. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $3.50 per week. E. 4732. 12 E. 7th st. THE MARTHA WXSHINGTON. 880 Tenth st. For business girls and stu dents. Reasonable ratea Marshall 125L PARKVIEW Family hotel. 886 Montgomery si, in Doutn faraway: waiKing distance: excellent table: reasonsble ratea M 8743. THE WEAVER. 710 Wash. St. Marshall 5170 Residential hotel, reasonable ratea; private pnone ana oatn In every room. FEW choice rooms with board. 654 Couob, cor inn. sroaaway 2618. Rooms With Board In Private Families. PLEASANT room In lovely borne, with all nome pnrueKes wouia Doara canr.n. couple or fix for housekeeping. 711 East Antceny st. E.ast -'343. FINE, large furnished room, with break' fast; West Side, close in. Main 6652. OUTDOOR room, reasonable. 692 Schuyler, cast BOARD and room for two young men, 803 iitn. Furnished Apartments. THE PENROSE, Grand ave.. between Mor rison and Belmont. 2 and 8 rooms com pletely furnished. Solid brick bldg. White enameieq ana manogany finish. E. 4548. THE EVERETT. 044 Everett, bet, 20th and Ku Kt. Furnished 3-room apt,, all outside rooms, with Bleeping porch: walking distance. 6-ROOM FURNISHED apartment in central East Side. Built-in fixtures and all con veniences. Apply 55 East 24th street North. East 3U5L GRAND OAK APTS. Modern furnished apta. walking distance; Grand ave. East aiioz. BEUNA VISTA APTS.. 2 and 8-room. fur nlshed. 434 Harrison at,: references. Main 1091. NICE 2-room Main 653. apartment; $35. Rexford. 443 HASSALO, one room, kitchenette, all conveniences, walking distance. $15 up. ARGYLE APT. 2 rooms, bath; cor. brick: all outside. Oor. 14th and Market. CARLGTTA COURT. Everett Modern, wa'king dlstsnca and 17th HERMENIA, 400 Hall st, cor 10th, nlshed 8-room front apartment. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 Trinity Place 2 and 8-room apartments. Marshall 9S3. FURNISHED 2 or 8-room modern apart ment. Main 8444. " ' TOO LATE! TOO LATE! TOO LATE! SIX O'CLOCK. SIX O'CLOCK. SIX O'CLOCK. THIS EVENING IS THE CLOSING HOUR FOR WANT ADS FOR . TOMORROWS OREGONIAN. AFTER THAT HOUR TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR BEST. Forqlsueq Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier tk Frank's tore; good surroundings; strictly modern 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all ootslde. with French doors and balconies, VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth and Taylor. Meet modern apartments on the Paelfl, Coast; furnished complete. Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. Refereneea THE IRVING. A 8 and a 4-room furnished apartment. Marshall 274S. Cnfnrnlahed A psrtmesu. NICE, front- 4-room unfurnished apartment. $30. Luclle Court. 228 N. 20th. Bdwy. 202g. BONNIE BRAE. Corner apt.. 3 rooms, sleeping porch. new, mn ami Hancock sts. FORD HAM A 4-room furnished apt. for 8 muiiiui, no cniiaren; rent ,47. ou. Mar- snail losi. NICE 2-roora Main 653. apartment, $30. Rexford. WE1ST APARTMENTS. 9 N. 23d street a large rooms apt, and private porch. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders ana u-room. reasonable. Main 751a. DESIRABLE 3-room front apt., also 1 room and kitchenette; walking distance. 32S Mill. I TWO unfurnished sleeping rooms, private porch. 161 North 22d st. KLEIN APARTMENTS. Glisan and 17th moaern, walking distance. Furnished or Cnfnrnlahed Apartments. KI.NGSBLRY APTS.. 188 Vista ave.. 23d and Washington: very desirable 8 and 4-room with outside balcony, furnished and un lurnisnea. LUCKETIA COURT APARTMENTS. I High-class, perfect in all details Lucretla st. Marshall 1513. A 863T. THE LA MB ROOK 2-room furnished apart- inqnts. r;aat 4U62. CHolCli apartment, $14. Corner Union a' and Kllllngsworth; brick building. snata. IRVINGTON FLAT. $40 I large, sunny rooms, hardwood floors, large closet and attic, bath. Dutch kitchen, linoleum, gas range, shades and fixtures, furnished. 889 n.. lta st- is., forenoon, .Broadway car. FOUR neatly furnished rooms, bath, walk ing distance. West Side business center, adults, $23; references. Phone Woodlawn 6-ROOM upper, very modern, choice neigh borhood, 269 E. 25th. V4 block from nawtnorne ave, $30. Woodlawn 1797. IN BEST part of East Side, S-room flat. viemi ana wen xurnianea. Phone .ast SUbi. ISTH AND E. Ash--5-rooin modern lower corner, iirepiace, furnace. E. 287L 6-ROOM lower, modern flat; heat and yard. x a oor ifw. Furmlshed Flats. $20 MODERN upstairs four-romed sleep- forqp. inquire ioi n;. sum south, cor. FURNISHED H. K. rooms for Summer; no cruiuren; ai l. Tabor; $20. Tabor 8518. Housekeeping Rooms. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall: walking eluding gas ranges, electrlo lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free: $16 month up. Take S. or 16th-st- car North, get off . .-u.i.iLan i. xaroaqway ouos. ONE room wltn kitchenette, completely fur. ,uvu. nr. l. running not ana co.d ?ster, phone In every room. 7 blocks from ' . ' ' uu Morrison L, sio up, 291 Co lumola St., near Fifth. 2aL 11TH ST.. THE LENDORA 8 furnished n- rooms; otner furnished or H. K. 1113. LIJHT lou8keePlnsT rooms for rent, newly .u.uM?u. iihi ivereu at. Main D821. Housekeeping Rooms In Private ramllyT",ri.u or housekeeping rooms. fur nished or unfurnished; elegant home; 7 minutes' walk to Postoffice. Call A 4703. mumiuii ei, j-acinc pnone applied for. FOR RENT 2 large front housekeeping IcArVT ',' V, weea, warning aistanco. r Lit.MbnhD housekeeDlna a n rl .:- rooms, tree pnone. wanting distance. 533 aiuirwoa st. FOR RENT Two unfurnished housekeeping a. "iiu ,,"s lKL wie, cueap. inquire apt- ONE front housekeeping suite, one sleeping .-...., luiuuain. MOnt- B v ... u . .7 . tUKMbilhU housekeeping suites. $2 50 WQCH. Tl I AIIOll St. H. K. ROOM for refined gentleman, hath gas, eiec. sa lamnin. yfr blk. Pub. Lib. ONE single housekeeping room, near ship yards, walking distance. 694 Everett. BEAUTIFUL room with privilege of light uwuhwiiiu. Aiarsnau .BIO. COZY front room near 21st and Waahlng- tcn; reasonable. Main 2160. RENT. SlO PER rnvTlT 4-room house and sleeping porch, fur- nisnea. witn -o acres, all In crop; 2 acres voiatoes, i acre logan, raspberries and strawberries; large prune and apple or chad, plenty of cherries; 2 cows, l horse, rubber-tired buggy, 1 brood sow. 50 chick ens, all farm implements. This place Is leased for 5 years. 1 mile from carllne and city limits. Price $7000 for crop and stock. M1LLERSHIP, 431 Chamber of t,ommerce. $22.60 GO LOOK! $22.50 615 Bryant st,. 2 blks. Wdln. car? A.e modern nome, orchard, etc, neat and clean. Main 4X0:1 G. C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLPG. WHEN YOU MOVE, Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 8747. 6 ROOMS, 6 months for $90 In advance: fine condition, but not strictly modern, N. E. wr. uom ami via. jimq ii.v, 6-ROOM COTTAGE. $ is! 535 Terrace drive, Ptld. Hts. car. DESHO.t A HAWK. MAIN 1166. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Hawthorn ,1 trict, rent -o. uonn m. Payne Co., Main WJ1.E. GOOD 8-room house: gaa, electricity, fur nace, ot- owcu. truest eiae). Call S. FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, with rruit. a place tor cnickena. Tabor 2629. 6-ROOM house to rent for 3 months, partly m . i.l iA-jO T V.L v lurnianeu. x-ns c. i in n. 6-ROOM hous. modern, waikioc diatajice. duo n.asT. Ain. (5-ROOM house, near shipyards, $15 per mo. Marshall 838. HOUSE. acres. Phone Tabor 1S91. Fnraiabel Ilotise. 0-ROOM furnished Dunjalow for 4 months; aauits oniy; L.aureiounL Tabor 6125. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 8-room hous, de- airaoie location, w est eioe. Main 2U32. 9-ROOM bunralow, furnished, carafe. Eaat 62d. $75. FURNISHED. X ood, modern, R-rooni bunca- sleeping porch. Tabor 7608. low, with FURNISHED 6-room bunralow. one blockTto car. on eota iu roon Aa&or 7970- FOR RENT. Furnishers Booses. ROOMS AND GARAGE. NICELY FURNISHED. Will rent to Oct. 1 : garden, fruit trees, piano; no children, $35 per month. J. L HARTMAN COMPANY. T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FURNISHED small cottage. $20 per month; also tent houses In beautiful grounds on river. 5 minutes walk from Boardman. Oregon City car. Gas. water, electric lighta. No young children. Main . 478, Oak Grove 126X. CAMP houses on Oswego Lake to rent, fur- nmneu or uniumisneu. coating, swimming, fishing. Excellent commutation train serv ice. MacLean. 514 Lewis bid. Main .-7- or from Oswego station walk to lake for airections to Macl.ean s Camp. FOR RENT Beautifully furnished home for summer or possibly six months; fine lo cation. West Side, $100 month: no chil dren. Immediate possession. Call Main 4670. T-ROOM modern home. East Side, close In. adults only: references. Apply for apart ment. 410 Harrison st. COTTAGE, four rooms, for two months, rea sonable. Call before 2 P. il. Saturday. 67 East 9th st. N. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house In Irvlngton for Summer months. Call East 6269. , MODERN 6-roora furnished apartment for rent, sleeping porch, until September l. 791 Northrup st. apt. r. ELEGANTLY furnished West Sid home, garage; $100. Neuhausen & Co. Main S07S. 4-ROOM furnished house. 4U1 K. 33d st. Summer Resorts. NEAR MOUNT HOOD, on an Upper Hood River Valley fruit ranch, a few select guests only. All the appointments of a first-class home. Beet of tables. Ad dress George W. Allen. Orchards. Park- dale, Or. MODERN cottage, completely furnished, for season, one block from Moore Hotel. Sea side. Main 374r. Also for sale. FURNISHED cottage, facing the ocean, at rtockaway Beach, arranged lor one or two ramllles. lo, oregonian. FOR RENT 4-room furnished colts. Bay Ocean, central location. - Call Sellwood 2662 Monday. COMPLETELY furnished cottage for rent at Gearhnrt for June and September. Mar- snail eiTO. 5-ROOM cottage; e!ctrle lights, city water; ciose to ocean; $au for season. beaaide, Main 5404. FOR RENT 5-roorned cottage at Cannon Beach, furnlnhed. Inquire of Miss Mary . oerman, r- Co a., it fuR RENT Good furnished cottage at beasiae, nr., until July j. j;ast oioi. Tabor 4378. COMPLETELY rurnlshed housekeeping rms. ocean front. tmmi buepard, beavlew, Wash. ROOM furnished cottnge, fireplace, bath. ocean park. wasn. Mar. ;613. FOR RENT Modern 7-room houce at Sea side, completely furnished. Woodlawn 23 4 SEE Gilbert, Seaside, for handsome 7-room bungalow. 503 Boardwalk, or 329 Salmon. SEASIDE Clean, sanitary cottages over looking ocean. aoor 1854. Reasonable. SEASIDE furnished cottage. 5-room. elec lights, near Deach. Bdwy. 8o43. SMALL house for rent at Gearharc Broad way 646. CANNON BEACH Fumlsh-d 10-room cot tage for rent Marshall 2418. PROPERTIES for sale, houses for rent. FOURTEENTH AND PETTYGROVE BLDG. Suitable for factory, warehouse or stor age. RITTER, LOWE C.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT Splendid offices, second floor btevens Ding., very cheap rent. Apply T room 2u2, elevens Ding. FURNISHED office, $10: 8-offlce arrange ment. S30. Hest service. Stock i chsnsre bldg. Office. OFFICES, storerooms and halls: also rooms suitable for light manufacturing: office building accommodation: rent reasonsbla bweeney investment I'd. 815 pedum 8d snd Washington. ONE- to four large office rooms for rent. equipped with heat, light, electricity, cook lng gas. etc.; second floor, room 18. 165 4tn. corner or Morrison. PRIVATE OFFICE. WITH STENOGRA PHER. GOOD SERVICE. PRO-RATA EX PENSE. G 277. OREGONIAN. MAIN 163 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FIRST-CLASS cleaning, pressing and dye piant ior sale, will sell at invoice, uooa paying business. Two partners, . one In France, other must go to service, reason for selling. Address 209 W. Main st,, Cen trails. Wash. FOR SALE A tin and sheet metal business In best town in Southern Oregon: tool and machines at about half price: stock a cost: Door health reason for selling. Ad dress J. A. Smith. 140 North Grape street. nearora, or HANDY man with $630 and wilting to learn can buy In a good auto garage with reliable mechanlo for a partner. Can clea $150 to $200 month for each. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Good paying drug store, stock and fixtures, invoice soooo: yearly sales average $12,000. Owners called for Army service, csuse for selling. Address P. O. Box 867. Pe Ell. Wash. A REAL OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST SMALL AMOUNT IN MFO PLANT CONNECTED WITH SHIPBUI1.I1 ING. GOVT. CONTRACTS. AE 296. ORE GONIAN. HAVE 8tate rights. Oregon and Washing ton. on best seller before people today. $1000 or $2000 will handle and bring very large returns. If Interested, address At 405. Oregonlan. FOR SALE; General merchandise store In Willamette Valley, on R. It, good farm lng and timber country: stock and fixtures will Invoice about $8000. Cash deal only. AV 82. Oregonlan. CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Interest fn established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. PARTNER wanted, small lorging proposi tion. Logs alresdy contracted at highest prices. All readv to operate. $!0ou to $1,100 required. Net $40 to $50 per day. S 353, Oregonlan. ON account of death In my family have de cided to sell my market and grocery at East 6th and Burnside: a good chance for someone. Phone. East 603. J. L. Haaa. FOR SALE Old-estabilsUed. well-located hotel. 50 rooms ana dining-room: wit stand closest Investigation; terms can be arranged. D 345. Oregonlan. HOTEL FOR SALE. Good business, price $S0O0, no trade; have had this place 11 years. Write M. B. Haines. lone. Or. OWNER suburban store must sell account other Interests. Clean, fresh stock, low rent, living-rooms; can clear $150 month. Call 611 Railway Exchange bldg. $750 WILL buy complete equipment, form ulas, etc., laaies tnnet specialties Busi ness; can be conducted at home. P. O. Box 5T.5, Portland. BARBER shop, will sell shop or fixtures or trsde; this win stsna investigation. Address. A. E. Peterson, 457 State st. 8t lorn. Or. BUSY garage and repair shop, has large storage, full line macninery. etc.. very reasonsble rent. Call room 511 Railway Exchange bldg. ON account of draft, for sale the best lit tle drug store in portlann; jjnuu casn will handle: might take some trade. F 348, Oregonlan. I FOR SALE Grocery and delicatessen. live Am sick and must sell. 266 Broadway. living room n ....... ...... -.. . , . Main 1204. LUNCH ROOM, In business center, doing nice business. can snow gooa. tan Room 10. Irving Hotel, after 2 P. M. Oak st,. near Sixth. GROCERY STORE Doing about $60 per day: living-rooms upstairs; iwu muuu iur selling. Call Sellwood 26. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good busi ness, town OOOO innaoitanta. on account of ill health. AV 21. Oregonlan. SMALL restaurant, centrally located, doing a good business, loeai plica iur man anu wife. BC 189. Oregonlan. WANTED Party to take Binall logging con tact. Very favorable conamon mr oitner horse or amall donkey. 8 3o7. Oregonian. FOR SALE Junk and hide buntnesn In well- located town m laano. mun bm. on ac count of draft. AV a. Ort-gonlan. I OWNER drafted; 4-chalr barber shop. 1 I bath, close to Portland. Kent Barber Supply, S.T l v unnntoojt. AUTO GARAGE and repair shop, fully equipped ; prouia etw moniu , win ami cheap. Call room 403 Pkum bldg. FOR RENT Twin City lbr. yard. Lew is ton. Idabo. Address erry a lues. iwia ton. Idaho. LINNTON. larce Karaite anrt repair shop. See Joe benuoa or pnone Aiarsnaii j;h. I GOOD place for a dentist, located here five J years. Went Side city. Woodlawn 5055. I FOR SALE small cash rocery. 258, l wis-u. BCKTNEM OPPORTUNITIES. HENRY C. CRANER. (Member Portland Realty Board.) STORES. HOTELS. APARTMENTS. RESTAURANTS. Main 1800. 212 Selling Bldg. Notary Public. SALE, cheap, sawmill, consisting 1 d , bol'r. 1 BO H. P. engine, Saw- -'". i ex20 Fay & Edgar planer. 1 6x12 itjriin combination p.aner, 1 two-saw trimmer, side cdner, 2 cut-off saws, s.ab conveyor line rolls. 54-in. head blocks, 2 saw-dust conveyors. log haul, log turn, all in flrat-class running order: this In bank ruptcy and must be sold. L. O. Nlfihtln gale. trustee. Molalla. or. FLOUR MILL. .T.or. Dv owner, best little country mill In Willamette Valley Linn Co.), 25 bbla., fine water power, built 1912. well equipped; power alone worth the price. Electric plant wanted: Dwelling and garden all ready for you. Price tight. "y terms If desired. Address Box 62, It- D. 1. Sclo, Or. ICE CREAM, nesr-beer aud lunch-room for saie. Everything new. Dandy place, swell equipment, fine Washington-street location, cheap rent, 1-year lease, fine stock, doing good business. Big sacri fice for immediate sale, account of other business. Best opportunity o er offered In this line In Portland. Call today. 4.10 ashlngton street. SUBURBAN GROCERY SACRIFICE. In best suburban district, 6 miles Port land, New, fresh stock, new fixtures, rent low. Old established business, good snd still growing. Stock Invoices about $4f00. Owner In poor health, must quit. Ad dress owner F 840. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Gents furnishing goods store in man town in center ot large logging eperatlons. close to livestock district on R. K. 40 miles from main line at Baker. Or. This stors Is doing a good business with every reason to Incresse trade. Ad dress Pat McKenna. Whitney. Or HAVE 40 M. Columbia River mlU In full operation, good logging railroad, profita ble orders, special freight rates, plenty timber close lu; must have experienced partner with few thousand to take full charge operation. Can't depend on hired manager. Tubor 80H. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchangs a soilness or any kind, anywhere, see WATCH OUR ADS. WE GUT HI JET RESULTS. H. M. Nile RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 108-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR HALE One of the best confectionery mores in the Willamette Valley, doing good business, fully equipped with the best of fixtures, on account of poor health; will take $600 leas thsn It cost; living rooms in eonnecMon. AV 86. Oregonlsn. WANTED Partner to act aa -cashier and assist In restaurant business; experience not necessary. I do cooking, etc. Will clear $125 to $1S0 per month each. Price for H Interest. $475: fine chance to honest party. BF 262. Oregonlsn. FOR SALE Half Interest In S-cbair bsr- ber shop and two bath tubs: only shop In town In a good wheat-raising district. Price $230. no money down. can pay montnly paymenta Write or phone C M. Plyler. Grass Valley, Or. PRINTING PLANT for sale. $750 cash. In arart. must selL BJ 3P9. Oregonlsn. Hotels and Rooming-Honses. HENRT C. CRANER. Member Portland Realty Board.) FRANK W. BEACH. Editor. (Pacific N. w. Catering and Hotel News) 212 Selling Bldg. HOTEL A APARTMENT SPECIALISTS. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENT HOTSE. Ideal West Side location. 132-room building In 43 two and three-room apart ments of tono and quality; never pays less than $450 per month net profit tthls means net). Owner hires all work done and retains best apartment for his own xamiiy. i-rice sraoo, part time. A. J. De FOR EST, I3 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Hotel, apts. or rooming-house of at kind, anywhere, see H. M. Niles. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE A CO, 203-205-207 Board of Trade bldg. WELL furnished 40-room houee. centrally locjiiea. tor lease tor term oi years to re liable and responsible parties. References required. owner, A 2ol, Oregonian. FOR SALE First-class 30-room family hotel. West Side, w-alking distance; terms, $160O cash. bal. $900, terms. No agents. A J 864. Oregonlan. MART K. LENT. HOTEL A APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER 723-24 N. W. BANK BLIG. FOR best bargain lr rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 249 4th St. FOR SALE Rooming house of 19 rooms. 1 21 Vi Grand ave. Phone East 6032. FURNITURE for sale of 7-room house; good location and cheap rent. 229 N. 16th. LOST AND FOUND. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. June 13. 1918: 3 purses. 1 hag. 7 pairs gloves, 2 gloves. 3 keys. 1 re volver report card. 1 pin, beads, 11 pack ages. 1 sack. 1 pick, 1 kodak. 3 lunch boxes. 4 suitcases, 2 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at First and Alder street station. LOST Gold wrist watch somewhere between Portland Riding Academy and Garden Home, suitable reward If returned to 4S4 Multnomah st. East 4472. PARTY finding lady's pink handbag, lost in Walnut Park, containing papers with name of Rose Hornschuch, call Main 1945. Reward. FOUND Purse containing small sum of money. Owner can have same by descrlb. lng correctly and paying for this adv. AJ 32. Oregonlan. LOST Silver quartermaster pin. on Second between 39th Ave. and Foster Road or on Mount Scott car. Reward. Tabor 2343. LOST Ford touring csr license 2140 Oregon; liberal reward leading for any information leading to its recovery. Phone Main 7612. LOST Thursday in shopping district, gold brooch, colored enamel and seed pearls: reward for return. Call Tabor 7H93. LOST Plain gold-handled, 2-bladed knife with small ring In end. Call A. J. Tucker, Broadway 431. Reward. LOST Third and Morrison. Monday, dia mond ring, liberal reward. AF 4oS. Ore gon tarn LOST Gasoline tank from back of auto on Barnes road to HUlsboro. near Orenco. Phone Woodlawn 2123. LOST Lady's black purse. In downtown shopping district. Telephone East 156. LOST A peart half-moon pin, keepsake; reward to finder. 240 Front at. SMALL handbag, finder please call Tabor 4227. Reward will be paid. LOST Pair gray aueda gloves. 1598; reward. Phono East LOiT Bunch of keys; return to Portland Hot 4-1 and receive reward. LOST Tire price book and address book. Call fcJroaflway 1'14. newaro. LOST Automobile headlight. Reward. Tabor OftCClAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. OFFICE OF TELM IRRIGATION I13- trict, yii, june o. ivi' Sealed bids will be received at this office until 1 P. M. June d. 191S, for the pur chase of the first Issue of Yelm Irriga tion District 6 per cent cold bonds, same beinc 2-0 bonds of One Hundred Dollars denomination, having a total par value of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, maturing in nine series from 1929 to 1937, Interest payable semi-annually. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to Yelm Irriga tion District, for 5 per cent of the amount bid. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Checks of all unsuccessful bidders will be returned after contract U awarded. Signed F. H. Koyse, Secretary Yelm Irrigation District. Miaoellaneoas. NOTICE OF TRADfcZ-MAKK. REGIS TRATION. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice Is hereby given that Tru Blu Biscuit Company, a corporation of the state of Washington, has filed In the office of the Secretary of btate of the state of Oregon for record, application to reg ister trade-mark consisting of the word "Branola. which trade-mark is to be ap plied to Health Gems or Biscuits and which is owned by said Tru Blue Biscuit Company, of the city of Spokane, and state of Washington. TRU BL,U BISCUIT COMPANY. By J. K. Smith. Sec. ON ACCOUNT of being drafted I have sold the Marsh Hat Works. 3S2 Morrison St., and will not bo responsible for same. W. B. Marsh. FTN ANCIAL LOANS, notes, contracts, mtg. purchased Lewis Co.. 4 Lewis bldg. Main Css. ManT to I-esva. oa Heal tf"-ttsttt FINANCIAL. CONSERVATIVE BONDS. Municipal aud corporation, lor discrim inating luvettors. FEAR & GRAY. 1U2 Fourth t-t. MONEY to loan first mortgage real estata security. any amount. current rales. fhor.t E. A. Hsker. Main 3iHjj. $2oo.uo0 To LOAN la suras to suit; building loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck. 215-214 bids. Phone Siu 3407. Moaey to Loan oa Real OUR Installment pian is the oest and surest method oi paying a loan. $2.2b per niuuih for 6 months, or $-1.-4 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 tor 96 mouths pays a $lu0O loan and Interest. Otbvr amounts la proportion. , We luau on Improved city property Or for bu,idlng purpossa. No conimiaiu,s ccarged, EviUi i Abi.L LOAN ASS'N. ' 242 Mm Si.. Portland, On uoniuAuti Loans on hii-hoveu FAKMS IN OREGON. WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME is UtainaU AND kAl'MbM HI INS i'ALLMlt Is) TO ft'll' THE buKROWEii. CCih LN X' hAltS NO COMMISSION. Wit Ms. MASTER. 7U1 Colt-liiir iSLLXi ruti 1 L.VMJ, MOKIOA'Ja A.OAN3. Any amount, low rates, promptly dosed, Attractive repayiug privl.ega. A H. blKKi.lX CO, 817 Northwestern Aiank Uldn. Marshsll 4114. A 4116. FARM LOANS. Any amount, current rates: fiva ana seven-year loans with priiLcge to repajr part or alt any time. VERMONT LOAN A TRUST CO. 814 Masonic idg.. Sa.em. Or. $2000 ON house aud lot and $2200 on aaothsa house ana lot, oota tn central .ast Port land, west of 2utn st.; 4 per cent interest, rxj 12s. orcgonlan, EDWAKD E- GOL'DET CO, xd noor Lnned Slates bunk bldg. Mortgage loaus and bond issues, espe eiaiiy In large amounta. 6 V per cent up. MORTGAGE LOAN a. 6 6'A 7?, UNION aBoIRalI COw Cornell $uOU. SlO'H) AND CP. NO cualJil.-.-,llj.. o. box !;.. louiLAxn, MoNKV to loan on real estate security at going isle of interest, otto & Alaraaosi hti.'.y Co, 413 Chamoer of Comrasrce. $300. $400. $iuo. $,S0. sluoo and up at low est rstes, quick acuun. Fred Vv. uermara o.. 732 Ch. of Com. Main 445. tuo, slum) AND upward on Improved real estate, lavorable terms: no delay: no brok erage. John Bain. 5o7 Spalding bldg. $ou TO $25uo without commission. Improved real estate. Tabor 84Q2. Main 8752. MONEY to loan on larru and improve city property. K, K Baxter. 7o4 fepaiaing biag SEE US today; loana any amount, 8-7?W C ELLA RS-MUR Ton Co.. 721 oaaco b.dg. MONEY To LOAN, wood 1422. n. E. Cumpston, SeU- kOuO TO $jih0 to loan, city or larm mart nags, no coaimisaion. P. O. box siA LOANS on city and farm property. 6 per. cent up. F. r'ucbi, 42Q Cham, of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS. S and 7 PER CENrl LOUIS SALOMON at CO.. 408 telling bldg. $0". $Juuu OK $;i5ol. clients money, to loan on city property. 5ti2 Dekum bldg. Mone) to Loan Chattels nd fealartra. SALARY. LOAN AS. CHATTEL. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to sa:aried or working; men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. EacJa transaction strictly connaential. NO MORTGAGE. NO 1NDORSSR. ABSOLUTELY NO eECLKITf. We loan on household furnitures pianos, eic without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 317 Failing Hui.dlng- IF YOU NEsU MONEY. SEE US. BAUK.ti CUaTTELA Loans made to persons uu salary or fixed income; on houeenold furniture, pi e n os, diamonds and other personal prop arty, legal ratea butmvjM comii3alFj; private offloa. PORTLAND LOAN CO. Licensed. 3O6-307 Dekum bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to pro tect bcrrower. C M ors Alerrman. mgr., 8j4 fctark st. Money loaned on aiamoads. jewelry. VA.TE D Money to loan oii good first mortgage security, current rate. Phone E. A. Baker. Ma'n ot'u2. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry; legal rates, ell articles heid l year; estab.lsnsd since lfr?S. Dan Marx. 2S3 Vv ashlngton. MONEY tu loan on anything of valus, legal rstes; al. articles ne,d J-.e ear. Panama Loan OnicD. t4 l bird, near oak. Loans Wanted. WANTED AT ONCE. $2500 at S per cent on sixty 25x100 lota. close tn,East Side.V. Hafner. Main 8517. WANTED $4600, 3 years. 6 per "cent; flni Irvlngton home, modern, insurance $50u0; no agents. T 303, Oregonlan! $1000 FOR 5 years, at 6 or 6 3 . 1st mortg. apu-housc. East side; wortu $18,0u0; no commissions. C 2S6. Oregonlan. $lo0. S PER CENT, on 4-room house and eieht lots. Hale. Main 3517. $15o0 for 3 years. 6 or 7 per cent, excellent security. P. O. Box 2!. ruuOiiAU Id A. IK tiUU.Ua. LUWKST PK1C1C9. S0-lncn wavy switco, J. sp. ...,. .81. 3 24-lncn wavy sucn. sen. ........ . 1.04 Ail-arouud transformation ........... 14$ Id eirU reusing. tiUsiupioiig. fce massage ttair bobbing, m. a .curing, ic. Hair re moved by e.ectr.c aavum, switch made ox combings. UIic We bu your coiuMngv tAuiint j Pari or a. 4uu-41 Lum b.tlg. 4 and VV-.hlPnion. Jdarsnali AN K.tC LH IC-CA. kii.S c.T BATH. a tub. a act entitle m..-Lt, rejuvenate you la s out tne kiuka reo uti higa b.ood iie.uis, ana eUuiiiiAtcs rhwumausm. lronsiae institute. 3- P'ttoca. oock. N uie -tLnia-um. f tioa Bro-m wvay 1J upen U t 1 . iundji oy stpyoiaiiuenL JOSEFHTsHhKWOob, noted "psychic Me uium troiti Luuuou and Australia, lectures iuuu.y, w. u. W. leiuyio at a k. M.t 1-S 11th at ; nieces, etc consulted. Tutor 4,, 40 1 -JU.O i tayjil at iviu. rv:a-t tiai. ; circith Jaouuay. Weuuesaay. n- iia . 3 Jal. LAblLa, come In aud get both your Xeet l.xeu up good lor 1 oy Dr. Eaton, lite Hi sit uotbu i nun you. & ye.i iu I'oiliaiiu. cJsLaiiiisklion true. Uiubt '4'" tcr bi uk., lltu tua vvajan. B a -y. z 4. VVOL'LL line to kauw liiw a uereabouta and. uu.ri-& oi Carol AnQ.-rrOii, or i Hiv ra. Lubt hi-.ra I rum J.n., lul&, Portland. fc. B Anacrboii. It. '1, Cubcauc. Mont. eih su. cor. jtaio. icbi Asm--j'jr aa a card rauiug. iMu--i u vutstc J be. lb. . rid aucceaa. a.A a. 4 t tt a..s aLLi X, ieading wig eat to up oukvi, liiiest SLu- uurnaa bM guoua. Aiiaiaki, niuiburing. icm a4 K-.p iro-inieuL si.: Aiuor. juain 64 d. i AKtOV LN treat mc nta and electric mas A4d tor rneuiiai:&iu. poor circulation, juarucunng. siuip tivaimcuta. ran cm L Mo rue, :u3 w cuaaa biu. lain o4d4. FUHECAST8 AXD LIviiSONS. 1V nis-ii or oral. Aaama A-Htro logical School. ttsiUVa JUonisoa su 20 years eat. GHADl'ATh) iielgian trained nurse: electrlo blaxikt-ta tor etc. iouiao .t iti. .?s l.iwi t. M-rnall KEV. MRS. J. C. -CUuKi, Independent Bib. .pintuajia. Circle bunu-, i ut-uy and 'inurauay. o P. AL.40ti Jetieraou su A a.l-i. GRAUCATE nurso treats lumbago, etc liour to & or oy avoiuuicu. Maia 1J4U. fiat C. aoo 3d. "Mu. fc-d- meruiiauaise at honest prices, coata, uxeaa, aairta. tnituig-U too -fsvr e if l. jiA CACKETTu seen liric Icia. scaio treatment, man. curing, snamoo. teaco. lng. 4uti liroaaway Main 1307. .LravKi LbouA nair. luoica, varta removee. bV lO-tietU.e siiviiLtl. t.i .i tic:. t ou 'ia ley. 614 Etiers bidg. Alain Ul&a. MlaS MlLLc.N S facia., scaip treatments! manicuring. lJih ana Wabuington, Reiner land iiotet. larottUay pKUf'. biiDi, 1- bweUand bldg.. Maim lr4l. Aiineral iteim bat lis. acienutiS) iuaasage by one uuuci standing the booy. tiOFHlA 11. ishUf. mental, spiritual psycao meti ist- KeauiuKS daily. Circes Tuea b ri, e t. M. o-J Qouunoma bug. Marsn. I't). X bain and xuaiagc tn city, chi ropractic, vibration and electric Lr. Mar- garet riaynie. 617 tjwetland biqg. Mn. sKa. c it. v ivNS, 20 yeara tgriiftaU i re no weed pa mist and spiritual reauer. gt Tsytor sc. cor. West rark. L jS. KIHLL A. tiACKi. chiropodist, desire appointments wth old aud ueiv paueatai resident wor a solicited. .aat aabl, FACE maassfse, daudruff, itching scaTp niolea removed. ii Fuedner bldg. Broads way 16.i. SCALP TREATMENTS. 401-2 MORGAN BUILD IN U. Marshall 367. llOi-K&. superfluous nair removed, at rs Ju D. hill. Fiiedner bldg. Bdwy. ft7a, rhiafa-UA BALM, formerly calledHaFm o4 Flga h44 E 83d. Sell. 2213. mornings LAO V barbers; shaves. S5c nr. 15c; haircut. H"ct face mass a g t tiiian. corner tfth LADIES, children, sick see Dr. EJna Soren sen. drug less healer. (i(8 Panimi bldg. 6CALP treatments, gray hair restored to Kg natural color. 504 Swetland bldg. JESSIE BURTON, 47, Oregonian. please answer this. AH