T6 TIHS 3IORXIXG OREGONIAN, , SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 1918. ffAXTEB REAL ESTATE. ATTENTION, HOUSE OWNERS. Wo have unexcelled facilities for soll lns little modern homes and liave, right now. clients ready to bay. We specialize in home properties and can get quick re ' suits. If you want to sell a8d sell quickly, let us get busy for you. THii CROSSLKY-VIGARS CO.,' ; Specialists in home properties. , 270 Stark St. Main S0E2. I HAVE a number of clients wanting small improved acreage near Portland. If your place is for sale at the right price I can ell It in 24 hours. Write at once, or com in. A trial will convince. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. A. G. Bender, RITTKR, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WAT? TED Bungalow In Irvinfiton; half cash. BC lei, Oregonlan. SIX or else five rooms, floored attic, good basement, stationary tubs. gas. electricity; near school and car. Not over 15 mm Hiss' ride to Union Depot. About I25uO; 300 down. J20 month, including interest, f'refer h. s. streets and sewer connections. Woodlawn SB9 or AB 3'-'3. Oregonlan. HOUSES WANTED. I want a few attractive modern houses In good repair, not over J4000. Quick action if price Is right. PAUL. C. MUR PHY, at LAUHELHURST CO.'S office, 270 H Stark St. Main 1700. A 151.J. Wanted to Rent farms. WANTED To rent ranch suitable for diver sified farming between now and Fall. H. Uunt. K. 3, Corvallis. Or. KAPERIENCED farmer wishes good dairy . farm on milk route, good fertile soil; mate all particulars. H 300. Oregonlan. WANTED To lease or rent, with privilege of buying, from 1 to 6-acre tract. Mrs. H A. Davidson. 224 Bond St., Astoria, Or. FOB KENT FARMS. WILL rent on shares or cash, crops In, 92 acres, about 75 under cultivation, about .'0 in fine crops. 1 team, 1 cow, calf, steer, 2 brood sows. 6 piss, chickens, 1 wagon, 1 plow, harrow, set harness, etc., for sale reasonable. Six miles from Lebanon, at Waterloo. Good soil, small house and WATCH OTJR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. HITTER. LOWE & CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade. TIMBERLAND9. 25 M CAPACITY mill, fine truck and trailer, million and a half of Umber: on R. R. close to Portland, J10.000. terms. 412 Fen ton bldg. , IDS PALE 2 million feet of good timber on county road. Entire amount can be con tracted to mill it best prices. S S38, Ore Xnnian. I'OR SALE 100 acres timber in Linn County. Oregon. Mrs. John P. Nugent. ' 817 outh Tower- ave.. Centralis. Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUtiHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. ao4 mcKat bt.po. WANTED Old growth fir stumpage; must be, sound and reasonable, free from knots. BC IPS, Oregonian. WANTED Party to take small logging con tract. Very favorable conditions tor enner horse or small donkey. TJANDY tie mill with truck for aalo at a bargain. 412 Fenton bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE, owners only: 2i acres, and all in crops; a little over :(0 miles from Portland on Oregon Electric; 40 rods from station; all new buildings: a good team, harness, cow. chickens, also 2 hoss: mile from church and school, n-iu ..n nr tnda for city nroBerw: Kive description and price. BF 269, Ot toman. FOR SALE or trade. 180 acres containing approximately 2.000.000 feet fir and 1.000,000 pine: one mile from railroad; also 2S0 acres of farming and cattle . raising land. J. T. Perkins, box 92, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE or exchange. 15 acres fruit (Clear) ; also house and lot (clear) In Los Angeles for Northeastern Orrgon clear f;irm or Western Washington farm. Ad dress, George A. Pike, 3030 Winter St., Los Angeles, Cal. SPOKANE HOME TO TRADE. Good 8-room modern house, alose in, near North Central High School, to trade fur strictly modern 5 or 8-room In Port land. 923 E. Everett. East 3710. ' CLEAR Rose City Park lot on 42nd st, near Sandy: price $1000, all improvements In and paid : will trade for work horses. Tabor O00S. BERKELEY, California (Highlands Add.) Choice lot. building restriction. $3000. to exchange for Portland property. AB 330, Oregonian. LIST your property with us for results: ex changes of merit; established 10 years. The Ernest Younger Co., 105-107 Park St., between Washington and Stark sta OWNER will take small modern house or good lot part pavment on modern 6-room house with sleeping porch; clear; walk- . ing distance. East 1515. TO EXCHANGE Beautiful corner on Haw thorne avenue and 23d st. for clear Seattle. Wash., house. AV 949. Oregonlan. WILL trade a Herbert M. Cable piano as uholn or part payment on automobile. Jl. E. Collier. Black Rock. Or. " WHAT have you to exchange lor Tllla - mook Beach lots? Address BD 141, Ore eonlin. 1100-ACKE wheat ranch for timber pasture - land. AP 2tjj, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. S-CHAIR barber shop near city, value $300, to trade for what have you? Mail reply to W. L. Gorsage, Gresham. Or. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. JUST in from the ranch tind must sell nice bay mare 7 yars old. sound, weight about ItioO pounas. guaranteed in every way, anso her mate, brown gelding 9 years old, Knimrl and true worker: heavy double har- ness and light farm wagon; also 3 head of 1100-pound nurses and harness, cheap. 392 Knott at.. H block East of Union ave., phone East 53S. SPAN of .heavy draft- horses guaranteed ' sound and true, wun neavy truck nar ncu- niqn a ninerla horse at less than one half their real worth; the autS truck has taken their place. Nottingham & Co.. 2d and East Wash. et. CHOICE registered and grade Holatein ,.- from herd of late AV. V. Cotton for sale. H. H. Copells for admx.. Ridge field. Wash. WE have installed an auto truck and have span of young horses to cell; weight 200 " lbs.; sound i&id true: $2tf0. Central Door Sr. Lumber Co.. 481 Glisan st. om; 1200-lb. horse, good for farm or de livery; one 1000-lb. horse, good saddle or driving. D. Lagrand, 230 Arthur at. Mar Hbull 46S4. DiOAD HORSES and animals hauled away . free. Portland (tendering Co. call wood lawn 20. . FINE ymin? Jersey cow, giving extra quality of milk, fresh soon, at a bargain. G. A. Cobb. tii5- Raleigh MtlK. WANTED to rent or buy pack horses. Sum m-r camp. Boy Scouts, 13 Northwestern - Bank. bldg. .Main 333. ' 5 YOUNG cow.s for sale, 3 to 5 gallons. Call Oak Grove 23-W., between 12 and 1. GENTLE riding pony for sale, $20. Phone Oak Grove 148. yra. old DEAD horses taken; cash paid for dead cows; phone cans paiq. jiiiwaukle 9-J. XEAD horses and cattle taken quick. We pay the most for dead cows. Tabor 4203. FOR SALE OR RENT 3200-oound team. harness, wagon. 428 Schuyler. East 4989. WANTED A few mii.-li goals; state breed Hjtd price. H r i:it. oracomau. Pianos, OrgaUM and Musical Instruments. PLAYER piano, bungalow style, nearly new - and in perfect condition, cheap at $3;iO, - including 40 records; will accept liberty hondp. Kenneth Mcrvay, 'llllamook su Phone East P344. KIMBALL upright piano: -will sell less than half; Just as good as when it came from factory. 12o 4th St., hot. Wash, and Al der. v SNAP Fine mahogany player piano, party leaving city, $450 cash; no dealers. Tabor 2i. FOR SALE Deagan professional three and ojie-haLi octave xylophone; tlrst-class con .Jition. Call at 172 N. ISth st. after 6 P. a $215 cash buys $410 Kurtzman Piano in dull . mahogany, good as new. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth St., at Washin gton st. C2S1.25 $12 cash, $6 monthly, buys 191 model new improved piano In mahogan 1 and oak at Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. STEINWAT Grand (like new). $625: Weber. - rosewood (small, plain, perfect). $300. HAROLU a. Giipjcrtr. aae xamnill tat. $135 CASH for splendid upright piano in fine condition: must sell before 20th. O 2S5, Oregonlan. P.ENT a piano. No squares or thump boxes. HAROLD o. i t.Jti r-. i , am xamlull St. I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. 1 1 A Ftp LP S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. PIANOS tuned, $3. George T. Peck, Tabor S."74. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. $75 cash secures Hofaler & Hohler -upright piano, pecuniy p a h-j ... -in EDISON cylinder phonograph and 75 rec Old, flV. euiui si. FOB SALE. Pianos. Organs amd Musical Instruments. LET us put a. Brunswick phonograph In your home at our risk. Owing to expen sive alteration in our store, which we will be making this coming week, you are given this opportunity to test this famous phonograph in your own home without charge. No obligations to pur chase. Call and select the style you want to try. Wakefield Music Co.. 427 Wash. et. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 309 old English upright, cash $.4.1 3.i0 American make upright. cash...$ 95 S400 modern oak upright, cash. .... .$133 43U modern mahogany uprlglv. cash.J160 $375 new stored 1917 models, cash.... $215 $425 1917 model $235 and a $45u one. $205 109 4TH ST., AT WASHINGTON. FISHER upright piano, mahogany, plain case. Just like new; only used 6 months; sell at big reduction. 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Stroud pianola, bench and $50 choice rolls; instrument of latest make and used only short time; bargain, cash or terms. -Broadway 6579. FOR SALEPiano. mahogany case; also fur niture. 2051 E. Burnside st. Furniture for Sale. MISBT FURNITURE CO. has moved to " " 183-190 FIRST STREET. MAIN 5768. DESKS. ROLL-TOPS. FLAT-TOPS. REVOLVING CHAIRS TO MATCH. A chance to buy office furniture, ma hogany and oak, for about half price. Closing out offices and must sell at once. 205 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. SIISH FURNITURE CO. has moved to 18&-190 FIRST STREET. MAIN S76S. 3-BURNER gas range, almost new; also painter's blocks and tackle; leaving city. 571'2 36th ave. S. E. DINING-ROOM set; rug 9x12: typewriter. 3400 53d st. S. E. Mt. Scott car to Creston. HOUSEHOLD furniture cheap. Phone Woodlawn 4142. I)og. Kahbits, Birds, Pet Stock. OLD English shepherd dog. 1st prize Port. Kennel Club. 109 N. 14th st. Call bet. 5 and 9 P. M. . WANTED 2d-hand or used canary brooding and single cact'i, reasonable and in good order. Box 100. Astoria, Or. Poultry. GUARANTEED laying Leghorn pullets and young hens. 1.25 each. J. R. Maguire. 7S7 Oregon St. East 105. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Leghorn chick ens, $1.25 each, pbonf Columbia 706. RHODE ISLAND RED mother hens, $2 each; also baby chicks. East 1805. Machinery. FOR SALE Two 54x16 boilers, complete. 1 60x18 boiler, complete; 1 6x6x8 boiler, complete. 1 15 H. P!, 2-cyIinder Union gas engine, complete. 1 14xlSxl4 Inger.ol Rand air compres sor. 1000-ft. cap., 60-in. flywheel, complete, good as new. 3 Burley drills. The above Is no junk. Room 5. Hotel Ockley. Marshall 2300. ONE 8VixlO Willamette donkey engine. In excellent condition. Including equipment; will sell at big sacrifice. Apply Robert Jackson, Box 05, R. F. D., No. 3, Castle Rock, Wash. THRESHING outfit. 16 h. p. Gaar Scott en gine. 28x48 Rumely separator; J. I. Case steel tank, run two seasons. E. Brown, Yankton, Ore. x FOR SALE Hoistins; or logging donkey, fully equipped with blocks and cable. Ad dress G. F. Greene. Kingston, Or. 12 H. P. double cylinder steam traction en gine, in good condition; cheap. E. Brown, 'Yankton, Or. GAS tractor, wells, drills, sawmills, drag saws. Reierson Machinery Co. 1295 Ma cadam st. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co.. retail dept., 321 Wash, st. NEW Remington, rental plan; rent applies to purchase. visible models. ttemington Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway 621. " FOR RENT Underwood and Remington typewriters. Empire Trans. & Storage Co., 145 11th st. Broadway 155. SEE new Oliver No. 9, $49, $3 down. $3 monthly, like rent. w. W. Ferguson, 445-7 Stark su Broadway 290 and A 438L NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals st cut rates, p. P. Co.. 231 stark; st.. Main I47. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. IIO sum. ALL MAKES typewriters rented and repair- ecu uregon lype to., ma otn. aiain oooe. Cash Kegiaters We Make and Sell Orjy NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS AND CREDIT FILES Lowest prices. Small monthly payments. No interest charges. Vritten guarantee Old registers repaired, rebuilt, bought, sold and exchanged. J. R. MUMMA. Agent. The National Cash Register Co. S90-92 Stark Street Broadway 1818 Miscellaneous. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. CONSISTING OF Showcases and wallcases. Large tables and counters, candy Jars. Cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutters, meat slicera. - Roll-top desks, flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. - One large and one email Icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soda fountains: also one 20-foot front and back bar. with large mirror. work board and sinks, complete GOODS -SOLD OX EASY PAYMENTS. HOCHFELD BROS.. 212 Morrison St. FOR SALE A good young team, weight 3100, good for hauling lumber, wood or logging; also 3-ln. wagon and harness. Team in good condition, working every day. (jail .ast 4o, or address -40 E. iiotn su N. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of ail makes, sold for less: no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented, $3 per montn. - SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor. A 3620. Main 9431. AN assortment of high-grade stationery. consisting o .tllghlana linen Panetrles. note and letter tablets, links, mucilage, etc.; also fine assortment of birthday and Christmas cards; invoice $265. Call Satur day afternoon or feunday. 82o E. Taylor st. ONE-16-ft. motor boat in first-class con dltlon, cheap; one handsaw, one 20-gallon gasoline tank, one roll of fence wire, one iron bedstead. Mary Petersen. 30th and Washington sts.. Mllwaukle. Or. KED hot water boilers, all sizes. 30-ral. $5; 40-gal., $7.SO; over 600 of our boilers in use in the city. 189 Adams su Phone East 765B. PIANOS, Victrolas, bicycles. Iceboxes, all kinds stoves and furniture ror sale cheap or exchange.. Hall, & Cassidy. 126 First. ONE almost new 120-gallon gasoline Bow ser tank and pump al a sacrifice by G. A. Cobb, 605-6 Raleigh bldg. AN $80 six-hole malleable steel range, fine condition, for $40. 426 Glenn ave., near East Grant st. BILLIARD and pocket billiard' tables, show cases ana wauoase, iixtures; easy terms, W. J. Qulgley. 227 FlrsU Main 53S9. FOR SALE CHEAP. 40 i Sixth st. N 2 sine wall cases, A showcases, 1 safe. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds, machinery, rails, cara Railway Equipment Co, 285 Stark st. FOR SALE Royal Ann Wherries oh S large trees. urecniTjoa ave. feellwood 1018. FOR SALE Large steam, pogiable drilling rls. For information, C. A. I'oters, Nampa, Ida. BBAUIIFUI, silk quilt for sale. Tabsr 6834. Inquire SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right price. 8 Front st. Broadway 1966. UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits for sale, large selection. $3.60 and up. 355 Stark. TAILOR-MADE SUITS, slightly used, from $4 and up. Uncle Joe, 39 3d St.. comer Ash. GENUINE Alaska mink muff and collar yiece. v ell worth the money. East 8356. FINE 6xSJ-j view camera: symmetrical FS lens: complete outllt. 24 1st st. s. USED A-B condition. gas range for sale; first-class bast 2 4. COMPLETE restaurant outfit, all or Dart of. Tabor 2120. 6-HOLE kitchen range, wood or coal. 791 Corbett st. . FOR SALE! Multigraph machine, $65 casht oargain. wooaiawn VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought- Bentley Co., Main 8582. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. 1915 FORD touring, fine condition, irood tires sacriime. j.s-.. fnone t-Jast 15i5. FOR SALE 3-ton Packard truck; Call Sellwood 2411. $1000. CLASSY BUG. worth $600, $400 cash. Tabor 1027. PARTY with auto truck to take log haul ing contract, g S&3, Oregonlan, FOR SALE ACTOMQBILE9. BIG STOCK OF USED CARS IN TRANSIT. WATCH OUR DAILY ADS. These cars are all thoroughly over hauled in our shop before being placed ii our used-car .department and are the best values In Portland. SEE US BEFORE BUYING - ELSEWHERE. Chevrolet, 5-pass. $ 600 Studebaker, 7-pass. Ford Cole 30 Maxwell, special .............. Case. 7-pass.. like new Mitchell. 7-pass.. almost new.. Studebaker. 7-pass Jeffery truck ......... Briscoe 3S Ford roadster ................ Ford, 5-pass. . . . 4.-.0 . . . 3".0 . . . 3110 . . . 2S5 ... 11O0 ... 110O ... 5110 . ... llMiO . . . BOO . . . 395 . . . 350 I erms if desired. Open Evenings and Sundays. W. H. WALLING FORD. 522 Alder St. Broadway 2492, 1917 Mitchell, 2-pasa. roadster. 6-cyl. .$1250 1917 Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-cyL 1100 J914 Mitchell. 5-pass., 6-cyl 700 1915 Mitchell, 5-pass.. 4-cyl. 675 1912 Mitchell, 7-pass., H-cyl fiOO 1912- Mitchell. 5-pass.. 6-cyL 551) 1914 Studebaker, 4-pass. coupe, 4-cyl. 5O0 Ford truck, with .body and top...... 550 Two-ton (ruck witn cab 1250 Sampson truck 200 . Light truck, can be put in running condition at small expense, only. . 75 Brand new camping trailer; will sell at coHt. IIITCHELL. LEWIS STAYER CO.. USED CAI DEPT. Kast Morrison at First St. East 7272. B 1216. WEST SfDB SALESROOM. Broadway at Oak St. Broadway 515. ' A 3343. FORD bug. A-J shape: $335. Ford sedan, with electric starter. 1 Maxwell touring car; $100. 1 Mitchell 5-passenger. 1 Jeffery 5-passcngcr. new paint, A-l shape: $450. 1 Studebaker roadster, A-l shape; 8 new tires; $275. 1. Chassis, with electric starter and lights. 1 Maxwell roadster, starter and lights; like new. 1 7-pasaenger Paige, like new. 1 While 3-ton truck, with dump body. 1 Federal l-tdn, A-l shape. THE PACIFIC K1SSELKAR BRANCH. WE STILT, HAVE POME EXCELLENT BUYS IN USED CARS. 1017 Ford, every possible extra $ 575 1915 Buick roadster, .6 dandy tires.. 650 1914 Overland bug 40 Overland touring, good tires " 275 Reo the 5th. perfect condition 900 Chalmers roadster wire wheels, cla.-s ; 1000 Chalmers. 7-paseenger. like new 1150 btuneoaKer six, repainted, good tires, snap Franklin, 4-cyl.. the Economy car. ., 500 500 Open Sunday: rms Given. WESTERN MOTORCAR SALES CO.. BIIOADWAT AT Bl'RNSIDE. USED TRUCK BARGAINS.. 1 H-ton G. M. C. Price $1500: terms. truck, nearly new. 3 H-ton Reo, new motor, good tires. Price $650; terms. 1-ton Federal for sale cheap. PORTLAND MOTORCAR COMPANY. "10th and Burnside Sta. Broadway 321. USF.D CAR BARGAINS. One 1912 Franklin One J916 Dodge One Overland ................. One Michigan ................. One Hup 20 One Studebaker ................ Two chassis, each Two 2-ton trucks, each . Hon .. 175 . . J 75 . . lno . . looo One 2-ton Pope-Hartford truck.. ;oo Several Hudsons. Paiges, Chalmers, sold on easy terms. ' LONG & SILVA, 462 Hawthorne Ave. . AUTO WRECKERS We wreck most all makes of cars and sell the good parts for less than half price. We have all kinds of used bodies for sale. Highest prices paid for old cars. PACIFIC JUNK -COMPANY, 228 Front St. MAIN 4768. -PASSENGER Packard, model 648. fully equipped, 6 Goodyear cord tires, good as new, seat covers, etc. Al mechanical con dition. Cheap if taken at once. Terms, If required. Apply Brunn Motor Car Co., 444-416 Stark st. BRAND NEW HUPMOBILE. "1 hae order for brand new car, all paid, go.to agency and select a new car. Se me fit 275 Union ave. N., and make oiler. Adcox. MODEL 48. J9-0, 5-passenger Fierce-Arrow only been driven 15.0OO miles, upholster ing and top in perfect condition; used as private car. Make me an offer. BK 27 Oregonlan. s 1 EARLY '17 Dodge, run 11.000 miles. $S25 i -pass. r januers, goou snape. si&o; l fi-pass. Michigan, like new. $525. We nave others. Aimna Garage. 8.,0 Gar. field ave. Phone Woodlawn 1114. FOR QUICK SALE. My 1918 Maxwell touring car. almost new, extras; big sacrifice. Phone Broad way r.vius. FOR SALE 1015 -Cadiliac 8. two new tires. otner two in goou conaition. just com pletely overhauled; $1400. E. E. Bosworth, Loroeii oiag. Aiarsnan thij. TWENTY auto trucks, equipped for sand, gravel and road work, some flat beds. All makes, three to five-ton capacity. Call 271 t. water it. 1916 BUICK. 6-cyl.. 7-pass.. in excellent shape; 2 new cord tires. WIXTON MOTOR CO.. 16th and Washington. Bdwy. 3 614. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all makes of cars and sell their parts at hair price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flanders. LIGHT repairs and machine work: lowest ' prices, on motorcycles, bicycles. Ford re pairs, any old thing. 686 Union ave. Wood lawn 34O0. FOR QUICK SALE. My 191S Dodge touring car, run very little. Just like new. extras;- sacrifice. Broadway 5368. ask Hemblll. FOR SALE Late model, 4-cyl. Bulck. 4 cord tires, 1 extra Kelley Springfield. A-l condition. 190 N. 21st st. phene Broad way 2869. BIG SACRIFICE My 1918 Ford touring car. almost new, cost over $70o; will sac rifice for casiu Broadway 530S, ask for Hembill. 19J7 STUDEBAKER. 1912 American. 1012 Cadillac, all in -good mechanical condi tion. It will pay you to Investigate. Brunn Motor Car Co., 444-446 Stark st. DON'T BURN GASOLINE. Fords go 100 miles for 5oc This is no bunk. lo A. M. to 8 P. M 28 N. Bdwy. FORD bug, with extras, reasonable; also Elmore car, $100; snap; cash only. After 4 P. M., Lincoln Garage, East 0291. FORD delivery car for sale, 1915, in good condition; price $..o; call alter 6 p. M., 37 11 th st.. Flat C. Main 2U55. BUICK roadster, fully equl!li-d, govxi tires e-xcelient sulf-smaii s car. $,bo. Phone Tabu 15026 or Hron.lnay 12::7. FORD, in fine sharx-, used vt:i-y little. Show vou bill of sale of car. .Main 2bi, afttr 6 P. M., Marshall 1027. DODGE touring, dandy condition, new tires; look it over, at $670. Fletcher & James, 33 N. Broadway. 1914 MARION, 5-pass., completely over hauled and repainted; make offer. Call East 6304. FORD roadster, electric lights and dim mer and tires In good coudition. Tabor 1918 CHKVKOl.KT, extra, tire, all equip ment: $ooo. 1 . 1. Hoyu American jtuu- dry Co. sx- BUICK. runabout, fine condition starrer and E. L.: a bargain at $30. Owner, ave. N. 0 Tiraild FOR SALE or trade, late model Lyons Knight 0-past.enger car. Taul Stalger A Co.. 9th and Couch. ONE-TON Ford truck, $49o. Terms. Call Bennett Meat Co., 4th and Yamhill. FORD touring, best of condition: must sell $375. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Burnside. SLIGHTLY used tires, 3 to $15 each; vul canlzed. 25c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. BRUSH runabout, good order; handy for chores. $170. 112 E. lltn. ror. E. Alder. $100 DOWN buys light roadster with self starter: can't be beat. 530 Alder. 4-PASSENGER Stearns, good condition. Mllwaukle, or Sellwood 906. FORD delivery, panel body, good tires, $300, Phone East 1675. . FORD bug: leaving town; will sacrifice; $275. owner, urano ave. zs. Automobiles Wanted. WANT automobile in exchange for choice beach lots at Tillamook Leach. Adjoins railroad and county road. Address AJ 211. Oregonlan. WANT HghO auto, have contract, payable $20 monthly; pay difference. Broadway -"j - : . WILL trade 5-pass. Packard in good condi tion for Ford. BD 284. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for good Ford; tion to old model. East 4RH6. no objec- WANT light trailer for camping, way 151t SbU Everett st, , FOR SALE AVTOMOBIX.ES. Automobiles Wanted. 6POT CASH. Paid for late model touring cars and roadsters. Must be In good condition THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. C27 Washington Streeu - Broadway 6408. LONG & SILVA. Auto wreckers. We wreck cars and save you 50 per cent on parts. Send in the parts you need and , we will duplicate thera. Autos bought, regardless of condition, phone East 6S40. 402 Hawthorne ave. WANT to buy an auto, 1917-1913 model, 6-cyllnder; state condition of car; give phone; will make appointment; am not a dealer; will pay cash. Address AO 660, Oregonlan. RIGHT PRICE. I will give you cash for your Ford, Max well or Bulck, or good tight car. No junk wanted. Adcox, 275 Union ave. North. Motorcycles. rFOR SALE 1917 Harley-Davldson electric speedometer and Dream tandem; 57s down. $5 per week. 1732V Derby su. Kenton Station, evenings or Sunday. INDIAN big twin, electrically equipped. perfect condition; run Juo mues. imii sell at a discount for cash: BD 290, Ore Iranian. MOTORCYCLE with side seat, fine condition must sell; worth $2i5. will sacrifice lor $1S5: some terms if desired. Owner, 30 Gran d ave. N., near Tlurnslde. MOTORCYCLE. Hurley Davidson. 3406 03d St. S. E. Mt. Scott car to ureston. 1914 TWIN HARLEY, Prvsto lighu tandem, first-class condition. 39 Wheeler at. HARLEY-DAVISON motorcycle. $85 cash. 316 N. 2UTh St. FOFtD wanted, will pay up to $4o0 cash. 228 Burnside st., Brosdway 2339. AUTO wanted for cash. Call Sell wood 3033. Anto Tires and Accessories. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; ve wreck all makes or oars ana sen tneir parts at half price. David Hodes Co., North Broadway and Flandera NEW Ford tubes and tires cheap, a1o 32x4 cord and 34x4 cord tires; two 37x5 non skid. 530 Alder. BIGGEST Klaxon horn made, cost $35, make offer; also bumper. 03O Alder. Automobiles for Hire. NEW CARS TO RENT WITHOL'B DRIVERS. DE IAJXE 8-CTl,;XDEB, 6 OR T-PAS-SENGER. SAXON, 6CYLINDER, 6- PASSENGER. PACKARDS. CHKVROLET3. FORDS. ALL NEW CARS. G. N. SMITH. THIRD AND GLISAN. BDWT. 2629. HAVE 2-ton truck, suitable for general de livery purposes; want contract wun some reliable film Is city: references given. Sell- wood 880. Harry Slaughterback. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIV ERS. G. N. SMITH, THIKU AH L ULlSA-t STS. A 262!. BDWY. 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates, city Gsrsgs. 86 Tenth st. Broadway 840. NEW 7-pass. cars, Columbia highway sight seeing, depots, lunerals, shopping; reason able. Main 2953. HIGHWAY AUTO SERVICE Good cars. competent drivers, tilxth and Washlngton. aiam 7uo. NEW 7-nass. car. Columbia Highway, sight seeing, depots, lunerais. snopping; reason able. Alain 29.d. b'OUDS for hire, with or without; driver. 443 Stark. Broadway 3o32. SNYDER'S AUTO SERVICE Highway, de pots, funerals, caning, shopping. E. 4Q83. FORDS for rent, without driver. 443 Stark ,IL Broadway 3o32. 6-PAijy. Dodge for hire, touring, calling-. shopping, highway. Broadway doll. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND LP $7.50 for second-hand suits. J. sieyer the tailor pays the utchest prlco lor suits, overcoats, shoes, etc. We call anywhere in the city. day or evening, call Marshall 1229, or 220 Madison st. SECOND-HAND clothes wanted; highest prices paid xor your castoit ciotning, etc Broadway iS4j. 12U is. otn. WANTED TWO POOL TABLES. COM PLETE, BALLS. CUES, JSTC.; GlVhl PRICE AND ALL DETAILS IN FIRST LETTER. K 126. UhliGOMAN. OUR specialty is buying ladles' and gents' cast-oft clothing. Highest cash pries paid. -will call day or night. PEOPLES' SKCO.-iD-HAXD STORES. Marshall 3225 or 20r Madison St. HIGHEST PRICKS PAID. I buy all secoud-haYid clothes, especially ladles suits and evening gowns, etc. .New buer. Try me beforo you call others. Phone Broadway 3'J2.- TRUNKS. VALISES. SUITCASES, SHOT GUNS, RIFLES. 'IOOLS BOUGHT, SOLD and EXCHANGED. Main 44U5. Tabor 679S. 128 frlrst. near Alder. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER. We need the clothing and we pay all It Is worth. Call Main 3.44. 201 14 1st su WANTED to rent or buy, several 12x14 or Joxl2 tuiits. Boy Scouts, 813 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 333. WANTED Second-hand mediuin-slzed gas candy furnace. Address xu l. Kocbcr, llo 2d st., ll'liboro. or. JUNK. rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old clothing, tools. Good pries. Last 294. WINCHESTER and Remington automatlo & puuip shotguns wanted. ilocbleld, Jo 3d. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for second-band cloth: Main 9344. WE buy your diamonds and old gold Jewelry tor casn. 294 vvauningion su JUNK. rags, bottles, sacks, metals, old cloth ing, toois: good prices. East 294. JUNK, rags, bottles, sacks. metals. old clothing, tools; good prices. East 294. Furniture Wanted. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, 180 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FUR?fITURK. GtoY?. ranges. niKS. store fixtures, res taurant outfit. &ots, ioomlnghouioi, office furniture, furnlturs stooKs; no thins too bin or too smai; lor us. fromyt mi- teotioa aua courteous ireauusnu MARSHA,LLi 50M. A 8224. REAU 1MFOHTA.NT READ. "We carry a greater varied assortment of new and used merchandise than any stors in the ctty. There Is bardly , an item ws do not buy and sell. We specialise In shelf and neavy hardware, sporting goods, household goods, o lilies furniture, not el and cami) suDDiies. When you have anything to buy or sell. can or p.hone MAIN 9072, A T174. LEVIN HAKDWAHo Sc FL'KMTCRE CO. 221 -a -5 Front St.. cor. Salmon. CALL MAIN 00 IMMEDIATELY PAT THE HTOHKPT CASH PRICES EVliit PAID BY AN.U.Xhi IN in l Ci i. X OK FL t.N TUKK. MJAKPiiTS. 1". 1 C. VOl K CALL WILL WKI-SU '1'liL liL'Y EH WITH 'U1K MO-Nlilf. KLIXK'H FTKNITURE STORK, 18 FIRST SI'-, NEAR TAYLOR. MAIN 30i. CASH. CASH. CASH. "Wo witt pay the hlxhest price lor your usea lurnuure. carpets, stoves, ranges. , lice furniture, etc. Phone Marshal &7 and our buyer will call at once. CEVIHTZ FURNTL'RE STORE, 2Q3 and a07 First St. MISii FURNITURE CO. will pay hluaefl cnh price ever paid .'or t'ed furniture. carpots. niKu, stows, .ranges, nice fur n 1 1 u re and fixture. ft will pay you to ca 11 us. You will r-e money a head. MISU FUR.N'l TUKE CO.. lob-luu First. Main 57GS. KELDbTEIN FURNITURC CO.. ltt-ltJ8 -si St.. requires, second-hand furniture; bes nrirea Daid. If you need any furniture, new or used, call on us and you will be sure of good treatment. Main 4.;i. I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE to ship out of town, wUl pay more than Portland socond-haad dealers, deal wita courteous ouslnens man. STANDARD. PHONE MAIN 4773 PHONE. 1 WANT itHfd f urnlturei cash will be. nald for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goodr. tail us for one artlcl or a houseiul and a competent courteou buyer wiil call. Mar. 2693. WANTED Second-hand household f urnl ture; large or small quantities; good prices paia. v.au up Marshall Od-t. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash Phone today. Main 4fl7. or 104 irst st. "WILL BUT furniture of 3-room h. k. owner. Must be snap. AE WZ. Oregoninn, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 8332. v WILL pay best prices. Marshall 21K2. HELP HAMKU MA17E. BAKBKK wantod, ts cuh ranlc-e. No studen 1 ;." N. tt h st near Union p tat ion. BOX to run elevator, experience not neces sary. Falace Hhtei. 446 Wash. EXP. fry cook, roan or woman. 214 Wash. st. DlsnWAH.K wanted. 70, .Broadway, HELP WANTED MALE. WINDOW TRIMMER AND SIGN WRITER FOR MERCANTILE! STORE. GOOD OP PORTUNITY FOR RIGHT MAK. MUST BB THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED. WILL PAT BIG SALARY TO START. F 813. OREGOSIAS. UNCLE SAM WANTS EVERY MAN AT 2IS POST. Tnia l no time to shirk ; evei y man should do his utmost; middle-aged men can noxv "come back": boys are needed at once to mi soldiers' places; the X. M. C. A. Employment and Advisory De partment la able to glv priceless advice; it puts you Into the largest place you are able to fill successfully. A special membership of $5 has been devised to aid thoao who need It; don't miss this modern scientific and thor oughly buslnese-like way oC securing a position. Phone Main 8 7 OA. a 656L Call at ones In person if possible. LARGE mercantile hou ha opening for office boy. Position permanent, with chance of advancement. Reply In own handwriting, stating age, experience ed ucation and salary expected. Reply to T 822. Oregonlan. WANTED. MEN AND BOYS TO INSERT SUNDAY OREGON I ANS, SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY. BOYS MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD. IN QUIRE OF E. D. DEWEY. BASEMENT OREGONIAN BLDG. BLACK OA P and loganberry pickers wanted Dy June 4 at ocrvais. Twelve Mile, w a ronda, Katacada, Salem. Wood burn. New berg; fine outing and make .monev; good accommodations for early signers; pay 1U to l3c per lb. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. U. S. Government co-operating. 247 Davis Street. MAN, over 31, to take charge of garage and battery shop at night. Good wages to steady worker. Apply uiron Electric tiara fie, I J tn and Alder. AUTO MECHANIC Thoroughly experi enced, famtliao with all makes of cars. Good salary. Apply SS East 7th at. North. MEN wanted by Portland Gas Sc. Coke Co. at t.asco. on Linnton road, steady employ ment; pay $3.00 to $5 per day. Take free bus at garage. Front and Glisan sts., tf A. M., or 23d and S&vier at 7:10 A. M. Apply at gas plant oilice. WEST LINN MILLS. Do you want a job? Strike on but not bothering us. Lowest wage $3.86, eight hours. Board if oealred. 30c meal aud Deai liy night. ARTIFICIAL LIMB MECHANICS Must be first-class fitters. Standard wages, up, according to ability to satisfy customers. HeogecocK Artificial Limb &. Brace Co., 1412 Commerce, Dallas, Tex. WANTED Y'oung man or willirg lad to neip witn janitor worn Deiore ana alter study bourn, in exchange for business col lege course. rtione Broadway J.o.1 write to C 217, Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced auto electrician. who can turn out xirst-ciai-s work. Apply .mt. waiKf-r, uare John li. Walter at Co., th and Pine. WANTED Driver for Ford delivery car. jiiiauic-ugea man preirrea. rotate reror encr and salary expected. AN IbTi, ore gonlan. . WANTED Young man lout IS years of age, to work m grocery store. Give refer ences and state salary. BD 2bU, Ore go nlau. SALESMAN wanted for Washington. Ore gon. Utah. Colorado and Texas; splendid sideline. Morgan Razor Works, 1st and Salmon. WANTED Experienced cabinetmaker and iinlnrier. Apply Allah t urnlture Lo4 j ly First st. WANTED First-clawi barber; $'J0 cur run teed, good over money. W alter W alters. Hood River. Oregon. WANTED A f irvt-clajtw sawyer for band rig. day shift. Appty the W eat port Lumber company, uuo Nortnweniern Bans: oiig. WANT E1V A l once, man strong enough to do gardening and da chores on J -acre tract. ell wood 1730. BOY wanted for grocery stor ; one who In able to drive t ord. East lde Grocery, 4.14 B. Burn Hide. VOL'NG man, quick with pen and figures. bookkeeping knowledge, preferred: state ail particulars luliy. X 2so, Oregonlan. WANTED Delivery boy, with wheel: good opportunity trr right boy. Apviy Detmer Woolen Co., 148 5th St. LARGE exporting and Importing house wants capable young man Tor shorthand and typewriting. AP 24'J. Oregonlan. BOV . about 17 years old for general of fice work in manufacturing pi ant ; reply in own handwriting. D :i41. Orrgonlan. WANTED Wash man for wet wash de partment ; good wages. Phone aioaei Laundry. The lAl.es, Oregon. WANTED A man preser for Hoffman ma inline; steady position, uuecn city uye Works Grand ave. WANTED Night man for garage work: must be experienced. Apply Sandy Road Garage. 24th and Sandy blvd. WANTED Aviator or balloonist for flight July 4 at Eugene. Or. wire terms July Fourth Committee. WAITED Experienced upholsterers; good pay, good working conditions, r . a. Har mon Co.. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED Experienced snipping porters: alHO janitor, good pay. call at oince oi supt., Alln A Lewis. WANTED Man over draft age for night bread counter. Royal Bakery, llth and Evrrett. WANTED Experienced wnngerman : steady position. Apply at once. c. s. iaunury Co., 180 Grand ave. m WANTED Marker and so-rter at once, top wags. Whito Steam Laundry. Hoqulam. Wash. YOUNG man. 18 years or over, extra for Saturdays only. Simons, First snd Alder. WANTED Clerk that Is past the draft ge. Manning Ac Co., 4th and Ald-r sts. WANTED Experienced auto dcUverymen. A pply S8 E. 7th St. North. JANITOR for small hotrl; short hours, good wag--. BC 1 '-. Orrgoniaii. TKIFE ch'Hners snd casing men; good wags. 228 Alder st. . FRENCH hand laundry worker; good pay. si-ady work. Enke's City Dy Works. PORTER wanted. Shop. Morgan bldg. Barber WANTED Platfprra men and drivers at 67 Sixth st.' DRILL-PRESS hands wanted by Commer cial Iron Work. E. 7th and Mad iron. TWO men for packing snd shipping depart ment. Routledge Seed Co., 1452d st.- WANTED Fxpcrienced farm hand ; four cons to milk, llolman Fuel Co.. 04 Zth m. AD SOLICITORS, trade and class papers. Clyde, 309 Stock Exchange. MACHINISTS wanted- Apply Commercial Iron Works. E. 7th and Madison. FIRST-CLASS porter for barber shop, bam H. Howard. 110 4th st. DRIVER for delivery wagon. Apply to Em pire Market. 295 1st st. KITCHEN porter, Chinese or Jap. street. :S4 Wash. BOY or young man to learn the drug busi ness. Cottel Drug Co. J MEN wanted. Apply Portland Rubber Mill. Kant tl. and Harrison. MAN with truck or teams wanted to haul wood, 4 H miles. Main M03. LOGGING-CAMP cook, 113 a month. ply 21 North 2d. Ap- MIDDLE-AGED man for elevator. Lenox. Hotel SELLUAN, Hotel Lenox. Thir and Main. HELP WANTED MALE. BOYS. IS OR OVER, TO WORK IN BAG , FAC TORY; GOOD WAGES. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLY AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE COw. 15TH AXD HOYT STS. ENERGETIC, capable sales manager, car pets, draperies. Eastern Wash. Write full experience and state salary anted, or phone appointment. F. W. Kasex, Imperial Hotel. ilEN under 45 years of ags as masatrer and Mlesman to handle line of food products, .sealing direct to trade: road nositlnn in those who can qualify; ood salary to gmru i juj, 'regomun. MEN W ANTED Conductors and motormea wanted. Call room 302 Electric building, or division superintendent's office at ths carbarns, p. R.. Lir & p. Co. - a.- i oy immeaiaieiy. experienced auto mobile tire man for our SERVICE AND AUJuaiiAu aepartment. Apply Flak Rub ber Co.. 54 N. Broadway. WA.Mtu Boy with 2 years' experience in composing room oi print suop; good chance for right boy to complete apprenticeship. Write or call. BfSHQ.W; A CO., 91 Purk su JAPAN ESW boy wanted for chamber bnv - or ft aays weeiciy, or could use a boy for f hours or so every morning. Arleigh Club, 20fl Park st. EXPERIENCED pressor u. men's coats and vests; steaay position; good wagee. Brownsville Woolen Mills, Morrison at Third street. WANTED By corporation, bov to learn mechanical trade. . Steady position. anl ripid advancement for the riKht boy. AM 418. Oregonlan. GOOD chance for office boy wantine per- uiMuviiL posiuon wun financial concern. Apply in own handwriting. BO 18d, Ore gonlan. BILL CLKRK. best of opportunity for ad vancement in w holca 1 Krocery business. State all particulars fully. X 2'J.i, cue gonlan. MAN for dry cleaning room, must be strong and not afraid of work ; steady portion and good pay while learning. Applv Mr. Franks. V. IS. Laundry Co., ISO tirnd ave. WANTED Active man under 4 with good references; steady position. 94 per dav; state experience, phone. AO t7b, Oreo inun. WANTKE Man and v. lfe to wortt on farm near Portland; mu-t be experienced farm er and understand care of stock. AO &, UreKoniau, WANTED Man having some knowled of printing to operate a small print pLint; steady position to right party, iiive full Particulars). Address At" :i7. Orgnnin. WANTED An ex -rail road man to wrtto health and accident Insurance: one Mith experience prefprred. Ask for Mr. Hoec. Now Perk! nn Hoiel. WA NTF.D First-class barber to go to Hoqulam. Wash.; guarantee $'7 on 4. - For particulars apply Lewis Stengcr Bar ber Supply Co. NEAT appearing young or middle-aged man wit a, some Initiative for cUrica.1 position ; one familiar Willi collections preferred, p rmanent position. Call 4M Ptn.it lirt. GOOD opportunity for ouo who has had pmau experience, as iob print'-rs appren tice, cr boy who wishes to learn print ing tra:c J. R, Rofc. fKi 1st nL WANTKD Experienced truck driver: must be acquainted with city and know how to take care ol car. F Sl'J. Oregonian. WANTED Experienced fry cook and count errrlan. Cozy Dulry Lunch. o J3 Wajsh Ington st.. nf-wr Stli. WANTED Boy to drive grocery delivery nagon on Saturdays only. Apply L. Mayer cc co.. iuo otn st. EXPERIENCED Ford driver for delivery car. Apply .tay city .Market, tn & lam hill. WANTED 2 men as news agents to work on passenger trains: small cash bfnd re quirvd. Apply at 131 N. .rith. MEN wantt-d to work on river steamboats, $10 per month and board. Apply Washing ton-street dock. WANTED A reliable man under 40. capable manual labor; stute experience, age, phono. AO t77, Oregonian. COMBINATION proof reader and job com positor. ;io. Permanent. The Arcady l'rvus. 222 Stark. WANTEl V.x por'.enoed Ford mech-i nics. Rushlight Sc Pcnnc , Eat 3d ana Brod- r- WANTED Mitn for laundry work ; goot WHKen. New System Wet Wash.. 007 E. Flanders. WANTED Night watchman to do Lght jan itor work ; ttate ex prlence and refer ences. A II Oregonian. INSTRUMENT man with railroad experi ence for logging roud. $ 1 1 and board. The Frederick Post Co., W'J ftt h t. BOV to work in Wiioiea lious. Apply D. B. .MHrldo Ac Co., Koyal bl.lg. BLACKSMITH WA N TED eplmne Ma In i;ui. -St cud y job. Tel- WAN1 KD months. -Man cook for Summer cam) N. W. Bank bldrf. WA NT ED Flint a as p.iptr liuiigur. M. Smith Co.. l Williams ave. "W. BOV Id to drive Ford and deliver groceries 10 per week. ti4 K. Morrison. WANTED Japanese for bid room work, f. 1 Simon st. WANTED First ca'idy maker; no other need s pply. 341 Wa.h. it Help W anted We,iessen. W ANTE D Salesmen itn Ford, and one en foot, to sell and collect In city. Cad a to 10 A. M . 402 Washington st. W A NT: O A G E NTS. PORTRAIT men. make p-r day seiitng my patriotic flag porfaits. 24 -hour scrv Ire on prints anl finished work. Write fur catalogue. E. H. Roberts Portrait Com puny. Kansas City. WANTED Five young ladles, neat appear ing and well educated: $12 to $18 a week for those who qua I if v. CaH before 10 A. M., 170 3d. room o'i'.i. CoFNTV riahts: seil TANKII; modern auto fuel; filth year on mrKct; Ru.t,rantf vd ; 1m to 2" p-r cent TANKII. C v -'..nd. . AGENTS at on-e; seil iKc p-r month hospi tal tlcketa 20 Corbett bldg. WEIJP WANTED FEMALE. GIRIgS. 1 OR OVER. TO WORK IN BAG FAC TORY; GOOD WAGE 3. STEADY EMPLOYMENT. APPLT AT ONCE. AMES HARRIS NEVILLE CO. 1BTH AND HOYT STS. HOOEKEEFEK t. anted on a farm; wiil hsiv full chare of the house; not oitjs-et to chlidron; good wag's. AH rrgonlan. WANTED Typist; whn HncMfrmQ Biif ev perince aud salary required. AC 2i3, Ore WANT experienced girl f'r table srvlre in confectionery. g-od ges. Bungalow Swet Shop, WaMi. st. COMPETENT second gi ri . g . work ; good wages. Inquire . corner St. CInir. n:r.tl bouse 21 Main su. EXPERIENCED dlsb washer wanted. Apply o."'2 Morrison aftor 10 A. M. LADY f r kitchen work. 6-7 Hood at., Port land. W A ITHUSS w anted. Pendlcton'Mtestaurant. Third and Yamhill sta. WOMAN eprtncd in r pairing clothes. Enke's City Dye Works. WANTED Waitress. Canton Restaurant, 403 Main st., Vancouver. Wash. NURPEGIRL -"Phone East 60OI. 14th st. N. lo'ington car. East LA D Y pressers : good pa y, airy workroom. Enke's Ctty Dye Work. CHAMBERMAID for the Portland CalLst room "0. GIRL to work in concessions. See Mr. stef fens. Oaks Park. WANTED trashier. H. Restaurant. 31o Burnside. The J. CHAMBERMAID at Euclid Hole-:. Washington. ISih and COOK'S helper, 4 to 6. 3d P. M. Hill Hotel Campbell WAITRESS wanted. Call st 14ft Second st. tL&LP, waated in cafeteria. m . Buxuslde. tHFXP WANTED PEMALg. HELP WANTED. Help Wanted advertisements la THE OREGONIAN most state explicitly the nature of employment and the bmala of oota peosatlon, salary or commission. The Oregonlan rejects misleading and objectionable advertising and any advertisements found to be mis leading should be reported Immedi ately to The Oregonlan of floe. THE OREGONIAN. Mala 7070. A 606 K. YOUNG LA-DIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONa NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. 19 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY. ROOM 601. SIXTH FLOOR. PARK AND OAK STREETS. BLACK CAP and loganberry pickers wanl- d by June 24 at Uervaia. Twelve Mite. W aeon da, Estaeada. Salem, Woodburn. Kewbergr, fine outiny and make money; good accommodations for early signers; pay 1'4 to l',c per lb. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Women's Division, . 3Q City Hall. PRESSER3 FOR LADIES WORK Broadway Dye and Cleaning Works UOVKHNMENT WORK Opportunity for a lew women to Iarn to v cave and spin Army good. Preference given to those living o:i t he Peninsula, Apply PorUand Woolen Mii'w. St. Johns. W ANTED Capable stenographer for law of fice; hours l to .V stnte experience and Mlary desired. Write Oscar llayler, Dal las. Oregon. WANTKD Woman cashier and bookkeeper. lctria light and water plant, Eaatern 'r-goii town; work varied; mature age Tr tcrrert. A V S4S, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED markers and sorters, ma-chin- hands, mangle hands; also Inexperi enced girls want'M. National Lauudry Cv. E. hth and Clay sta. VW.1AN as partner In institution: one wh is capable and ran furnish good reference, sortie capital required; give inferences in nswr1ng. F Ml. Oregonlnn. WANTED Woman having some knowledc of printing to operate a small print plant: flrady position to right pnrty. Oive full particulars. Address AN V79. Oregonliu. TH RE K more energetic. Inexperienced wom -en to call on Portland homes. Permanent lsniona; $15 weekly to beginner. Chi cago Portrait Co.. box a 40. Portland. WANTED Young high school girl, to a:: with liotwcwork. Summer -months. Can learn to cook. Family ma v go to beach for vacation period. Call East "27. GIRLS WANTED 16 ears and over, to 1- urn bindery work; good opportunity- for Kill who wish to learn trade. BUSHOXG CO.. 1U Park sr. GIRL to opera to power machine; rplndtd opportunity to larn tailoring buMn. Jirownsvilic Wollen Mills, Third and Mor l k-on Ms. WANTED 1'irnt-clrfjis marker and sorter to take chare of plant out of cttv ; good vaeca to right paYty. AR 422. Orego nian. COM PETENT maid for upstairs work in 1-rivato family; wag-s $".5 to 40. accord ing to ability; references required. Thoue Main ".:;. Vol.Ni? girl for housework; no cooking. Call mornings, t7 North 17th sL Broadway EXCELLENT opportunity for lady desiring tpen public stenographer's office.- AJ Stll. Oregon la n. AN V girl in net'd of a friend apply to ttm Sa.lvu.tlon Army Rescue Homn. 392 East l.'.th st. N.. or phone East la. fcMAHT girls to press ladies' drfa, 10 we-k to start. S7o Grand ave. North. nea Broadway. SCHOOL girl to asr-lsi in seneral house work and care of children during vacation period. Rhone Wood law 11 MIL ABLE woman to handlo telephone In laun dry office, mud possess patience and i 1 -ylonir.cy ; phone. Bl 2:;u. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED typist, state experience snd ialary wanted; give phone. AG 2o;, Ore Kni tn. YOUNG lady ca.-lnir for mercantile office; must have knowledge of bookkeeping; state experience. A J 3(V4. Oregonian. WAN TED Housekeeper, on ranch ou taint town; good home Xor light one. AP 2;.. Oregonian. MIDDLE -AG ED Inn v know a hout tar of I. A hi and house keeping. Apply at Pow ers Furniture .Co.. Mr. Nobson. W ANTED A Catholic lady, aged f0 or over. in Btiuiii ttaKery store, light work. city. AV .11. tregonian. LX I'EKIENCED gul for ehlrt pres ; good aim goou nana ironera l on land Hot. 1 I.MiitKlry W AN TK1 Ev perienced cok. We4inelw s a n d upd;i ys off; no laundry, fine wagr&. ANTKP Woman pi clerk in grocery and delict .fis-n perience. Telephoue Main :.:.. Tuor T2':. L.M'KKI L.N C ED puts operator; steady po- n'.lm, gonl TipcK. Apply PrownsvUlK Woolen .Mills. Morrison at Third tr--t. WANTED J- -hool girl to help with care go to beach for Summer. of rluldrei Marstu W A N TEI Stenoar hr for eteady prwu- t ion with old established concern. Ittate sa l.iry expected. Bl 211. Oiegonian. 4 ANTED An enerretlc woman for laun dry work: good wv. New If y stem Lain ttr'. r'i" E. Flantl'-rs. iit ."-I N ESS ei'. . t; Kruphy or higi school girl to work for room, board aud wapoi Main 2'.T i. or Park st. HIN'UKIJV tilKLS WANTED With or with-. 1'itl previous experience. Ill MiU.NU & CO.. !'l C.rk si. WOMAN dish wa In r for ivinp close ta Portl.t nd ; "o room wad board. Call N. SVcond St. CX'L'XTKR girl. 12 per week; eo:orei maid " for theater. $U. Hansen's, o27 Wash. W A IT R ESS WANTKD I'mon Depot Kca tauraiiT ; experience not m cessary. A GIRL wanted to work in a nonfectionei y and soft drink store at SI4, Purnnide. WANTED Lauy to do .laniior work In of -f s. e hidg. Apply 24 Si a rk St. EXPERIENCED tdf-phon operators my be ebtal'iRd by calling Main 1U2. A 20tfT. PiilV'A'lE homo for riindten 3 1 oto. lj years" ex p. 714 Everet t. o 12 years Mir. 2162. CiioRVS Gl ggetnents. il-S Highest waces. long en no trave. ;niC. Casino Theater. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted; call after 11 A. M. M anda rln Cafe. "-3 Morrison. WANlLl Winau to take Interest in hus n.4x .'.40 1 ashiugton. WANTKD Kitchen help, no Sunday work. Liinrh Box. 16l od St. GIRL lor cotifoctionery store, or c n:i. Phone 67 ti. W A I TRESS wanted. R White Aiestaurani. 24 hour. (12 a week. - 2d st. WANTED Waitress. Marathon Restaurant. .".2 Tluwl st. i-; i 1; poricnccd hmsi res. pa iace Lh un-try. Lat 1'nh and Everett. G1KL or woman to do lrlUov and elevator work. Cnmnbeil Hill Hoi"!. W ANT El- W ait re. ; good w ages, room anil board. Ma I lory Hotel. 171 Lowngda.e, MAN ICL" HIST wanteL m-rc Bstrbr Shop. Chamber of Cotu M itn 710T. o I B L w an led for general housew ork ; X adults, one baby; wmall nous-. Main M23. COOiv wanted on nm li; god pay and good homr to riKht party. AR 42'-. Orpponlvi. HIGH school ctrl to care for baby tnss. 1 l.T Kii'g Albert Apts AN experienced maid for second work aud sewing. Apply 740 Hoyt. Main 156 WOMEN for general kitchen work, phone Ea.nt bl50. Alblna Hotel. Tele- W an td Domestics. WANTED Experienced cook; wages $50. Phono Miss Maude Ainsworth. Mala 752. NfRSE GIRL to go to Hood River Vaiiey. 773 Johnson. Main 2075. W'ANTEl Cnpahle girl to do cooking; three ' In family; bt wages. 610 Flanders st. GIRL to Hs!st with general housework. 12-40 l'i vInIoii gt. Phone Ta In.r 4'.2. Gl RL or woman for light housed ork ; fcinall tnmc-'Ow. nm rnykiiiff. Tabor 8"2rt. GiKL to so 10 the orach and asit In gen eral housework lli one Marshall 4115. WOM AN for country home. good, plain cook; good wages. Phone- Broadway tOOX WANTKD School girl to go to the beacbT Xabor 691. .