9 OOaOQnonnngDQQOOODDOOOQDDODDDDDDDOQMQQDQOODOOIJDOOOODQOODOOQnDOOOODDDODOQOODOODOQ CD OUR CONSTANT POLICY is to distribute to the largest possible, number of customers standard, merchandise of reputable quality at prices lower than it can be bought for elsewhere. Our business has grown because we have main tained that policy. This sale offers merchandise in LARGER VOLUME it enables us to quote prices even LOWER than USUAL. You owe it to yourself to TAKE ADVANTAGE of the opportun ity now at hand. ' An entire Quarter Block, 'running on Alder street from First to Second street. Entrances-on all three streets. Dail Deliveries throughout the city. Deliveriesjb Milwau ' : . kie on Tuesdays and Fridays. Private Exchange Main 1786, connecting all departments. Phone orders taken. Orders by mail filled same V day as received. Shipbuilders' checks cashed without charge. Ample funds on hand.. Store open weekdays 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Satur days 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. . C3 crzj v TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, . THURSDAY,- JUNE 13, 1918. FIRST, SECOND AND ALDEr"sTREETS C3 CD cm ci CJ GO CZD CZ3 C3 cm cm cm CJ cm cm ess CD a jo ta cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm CD cm CZ3 cm cm . Imp rt(i"3 cm cm cm ctd C3 cm cm) cm cm cm til IM f3 cm . cz5 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm immimiiimmimiiiiimmimimimiiiiimiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiH OUT PAUTZ I The Fihe$35,000 East-Side Men's Wear Stock of A. Pautz & Son toj 1 Be Sold With Simon's Regular Stocks at Compelling Reductions!! I THE GREATEST SALE-PORTLAND HAS SEEN IN MANY A DAY ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiii Another chapter was added to our mercantile successes - when we 'bought the fine "A. Pautz & Son men's clothing and furnishings stock. It has just been moved toour own store, properly arranged for display and marked at prices , which are absolutely irre sistible. ' In addition, our own splendid stock, embracing every department, has been marked at special prices to correspond with the remarkable reductions which are in ef fect on the Pautz stock. Today we invite you to a sale rich in possibilities, for you a sale in which standard, trade-marked merchandise will be sold at prices far lower than can be found elsewhere. We propose to share writh our thousands of customers the tremendous saving effected by this immense purchase. Be in season! The days of this sale will be Days of Economy! Arrange to come daily. Buy here and save! A Great Sale of Men's Clothes Michael-Stern; Ruppenheimer and Other Standard Makes in All the New ; -Models at Compelling Reductions . Our own and the famous Pautz stock offered at prices you cannot afford to pass by. We save you many dollars on every suit you buy. Note these values and the special prices at which we offer them: . rp-V 'lb; j y , . - Hliyj; Lj . $35.00 and $40.00 Ail-Wool Suits, including blue serge $28.50 $30.00 and $32.50 All-Wool (t O A A C Suits, including blue serge $27.50 All-Wool Suits, in cluding blue serge $25.00 All-Wool Suits, in cluding blue serge $22.45 $19.95 .Where Can You Buy!-. Stiirts f or Meii at Prices Like The.se? Men's Dress Shirts in madras, reps,' soiesettes and silk stripes ; stiff or soft cuffs; all sizes and colors.. Values to $1.75; 1 ifi .' sale price .P Men's Fine Dress Shirts in the very, best of materials; $1.75 to $2.50 values; . fc1 AQ sale price. . . .. . x.r MANHATTAN SHIRTS 25 doz en in fancy silk stripes and in - heavy corded madras; values to $3.50 ; C;l QO for only. . P A yO. IMPORTANT! Note the high quality of the mer chandise advertised in this sale. CLOTHING Michael-Stern, Rup penheimer, etc SHIRTS Manhattan, Cluett-Pea-body, Argonaut, Monarch COLLARS Arrow, Ide, Silver, Triangle HATS Mallory, Stetson UNDERWEAR Cooper's, Chal mers, B. V. D., Porosknit BATHING SUITS Pfister, Jant--. zeiv , . Many other" standard nationally ' known articles of merchandise at prices you cannot equal elsewhere. oys Suits' Wonderful values for boys." Buy their? Summer Suits here for less. ' It pays! Boys' Norfolk Suits, Very Special, $3.85, $4.98, $5:08 Even Groceries Are Reduced! Wonderful Savings Are Yours if You Take Advantage! Simon's sells Groceries of all kinds at prices lower than 'other stores. You save biff, money by buying: at Simon's. New, standard goods; prompt deliveries. ' '. Milk Special! Carnation Milk 16-oz." Cans 10c the Gan Not over 5 cans to a customer. Take advantage! Beautiful Table Ware at Sale Prices Dinner Sets, 42-piece, in dQ QC novel design, very special 4)t7a0 Dinner Sets, 45-piece, in Of blue and gold design. . . . D7a0 Dinner Sets, 42-piece, in q 7 plain blue line decoration OO O China Ash Trays, Hair Receivers, Powder Bowls, Cream Pitchers and many other useful articles, includ ing values up to 45c, offered- "v during this sale at only X vIC Fruit Dishes and Plates in oa floral designs sale price. tjC ' BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME ; We offer a lot of very fine Pictures and Frames far below wholesale cost prices. Every one is an absolute bargain. PRICED FROM 5d TO S2.98 Electrical- Goods A new department in which you can buy for less. If you are going to wire your house, buy electric supplies here. See these prices : Key' Sockets -35d Attachment Plugs .25 Benjamin 2-way Sockets DOc Two-Wire Entrance Switches. . -90c -Switch Boxes with switch and plate, set 85 Fuse Plugs 5 Extension Cords 6-foot, 855 8-foot, Sl.OO; 10-foot S1.10 Paints and Brushes Standard Merchandise for Less ' Than Regular Price Rubber-set Brushes. 75 . Camels-hair Brushes.". .23 to 49? Fancy Tiled Wall Paper, roll...40d Chi-Namel Auto Paint, all colors; . . quart .50 ' Twin City Varnish, 5-gaL. cans S4.05 ' Standard Paints, gal S12.55 Thousands of Yards of Cotton Piece Goods Go on Sale for Less! On every yard a saving to you who take ad vantage! Shop here in our. newly improved dry goods section and save money. Outing Flannels, regular 30c quality, in stripes and checks, light colors, OO 10 to 20-yard lengths, at J C Cretonnes, good quality of 36-inch, or at only OC Ginghams, extra good quality, in plaids, stripes and checks; both light and dark patterns; regular 25c quality, sale 1 Q price only ;. A C Fine Percales, regular 35c grades, in light and dark colors, 36 inches wide; a OP very large assortment of patterns C Good Percales, in 32-inch width, light OI" and dark patterns vC Devonshire Cloth, regular 50c quality, in 32-inch width; stripes, checks . and plain colors. A wonderful assortment. O C On sale at ; OC EXTRA SPECIAL A lot of Ginghams in checks 'and plaids, while they last, J Curtain Sale Special A big value in Scrim Curtaiiis', 34 inches wide by 2 1-3 yards long, with lace edges; white and ecru. $1.31) and $l.lO the. pair. Women's Muslin Wear Wonderful opportunities for saving on season- , able apparel. Women's Envelope Chemise, made of fine quality cambric, neatly trimmed i QCp lace, on sale at .. . Women's Gowns of fine grade muslin, hand somely trimmed in lace and inser- 7Q tion,. short sleeves, slipover style I C SPECIAL Women's fine ribbed, sleeve less " Union Suits, V-neck, lace or fitted knees. An extra value at only 45c Tempting Specials for the Housewife Summer Hats for Men Wonderfully Reduced . Note the makes and the prices! We save you . . money , on the newest styles. . ; Mallory Cravenette Hats, . $4.00 fiJO' QO values, sale price. ;... Panamas and Leghorns, regular J4 OP ' $5 and $6 values, for. .-O Panama Hate, regular $3.50 and'tfJO QQ $4 values for.". y. . J0 ':. SPECIAL Regular $3.50 to $6.00 values in sennets and splits take- your' J 1 QO choice at PA-.I70 WHITE WASH HATS 25 dozen which have' been ' wet and . are slightly , soiled "1 C regular 50c values for. AOC Summer ,Underwear for Men Zero Pricer' B. V. D. Varsity and Hatch one- ' button Athletic Union Suits; 4X4' our sale price only ; ..... .... . J V . Hatch one-button an other standard - makes . of Lisle Union Suits; values to T 1 ;OC $2.25Jsale price...... .... ..... P A ,0. Extra fine Silk Lisle Union Suits, f " AQ regular $2.50. values..... . O A LTJ Cotton Union Suits, extra fine. tf ff fc grades, regular $1.50 values. ... V A UU Porosknit snd Mesh. Union Suits, very. Qfi special at. xnly -iO C Balbriggan Union' Suits,' regular $l'7tSr ' grades, for only". . ' . O C Bargains in Men'i Hose F ine Neckwear Holeproof and Buster - Brown guaranteed nose in line lisle; all colors and sizes... (Not over 4 pairs to a. 'customer.): Special' . . .... . . . . ; The celebrated Invincible Socks, sold OP - . every where, for 39c, special at..... "C. SPECIAL Geo. P. Ide Silver Collars, in all styles and sizes, lo; two for " only" 25c 25c 100 ' dozen Men'rf fine Silk Poplin, Foulard and other fancy weave Ties; values CfL to $1; pur sale price only ; O V . Money-Saviiig Specials for the Man 'Who Toils Work Shirts, regular 85c, 95c and $1.00 values 50 dozen of them, grouped at one 7Q ............ dozen pairs, in- .$2fT"!! $1 .49 flat price... Cotton Work Pants 50 eluding values to price Fine Bathing Suits About Half Price J. J. Pfister and Portland Knitting- Co.'s fine All-Wool Bathing Suits offered, at prices about half what, they are worth. See these bargains! " f $7.50 to $9.00 A 1 1 - W o o tf A rA q Bathing Suits,.. DxHO $6.50 All-Wool Bathing JJO QQ ' Suit vO.iJO $3 Mixed Wool Bathing Suits.: .; $1.73 $2.00 Mixed ' Wool Bathing J -t y o Suits V-A. Our Entire Stock Good Shoes For Men, Women and Children At Astoundingly Low Prices During This Sale We can save you many a dollar on shoes of quality; it will pay you to buy right now shoes for Fall and Winter, as well as for present needs. These are only a part of the lines we-. offer at money-saving prices: , ;. " Men's Shoes Reduced Men's 'High Quality Shoes Packard, Taylor, Tilt. other famous makes values that run to $7-50 the pair Men's Elkhide Outing Shoes; the thing . for Summer, only Men's WJiite Oxfords, very special at ' only :.. md $3.49 $2.79 $1.69 Women's Shnps RpHiipH w Women's Tan Lace Oxfords in a rich shade of tan; ' heel; regular $6; at $3.98 $1.49 $2.29 $1.29 Women's High Quality Oxfords; a big lot of broken lines, sizes 2 to 4 only; values to $6 for only . . . Women's White Canvas Walking Shoes for .only . Women's White Canvas Pumps, priced at only -' Children's Shoes Reduced r : , . Vacation footwear at the lowest of bargain prices. Boys Tan Scuff er Oxfords; comfortable., durable. .$H.08 Boys' Outing Shoes; fine for country hikes. $f.08 Girls White Canvae Shoes, very special . .$1.1." Girls' White Canvas Pumps reduced to $1J29 Children's Play Oxfords; light and com fortable. ..".$1. '29 1000 pairs Tennis Shoes; values to $1.50 for only....89f Women's House; Dresses in ginghams and .. percales, nicely made $1.35 to $2.7 'Women's Allover Aprons in extra quality percale, specially reduced to $1.1 9 Women's White Middy Blouses of heavy white twill, at $1.59 and $1.79 Petticoats of black sateen with 10 inch flounce; sale price Black Sateen Petticoats in extra . quality; elastic band and 10-inch flounce 65c quality; ...$1.25 A Host of Lovely Waists Each a. Bargain! Women's White Lawn and Voile Waists in , stripes and plaids; handsomely made; lace trimmed collars, long sleeves; lj 1 1 Q. all sizes 38 to 46; our sale. ... I A A U Women's Sample Waists in crepe dc chine. Georgette and voile; a very large assortment of colors and styles. OFFERED AT MANU . FACTURERS COST! . 'A' Sale of Hosiery for Women and Children Bargain Prices! Women's fine ribbed Black Lisle Hose or offered at only AOC Children's fine ribbed double . woven O f White Hose at only 3C Children's fine Silk Lisle Hose in black, pink and light blue; all sizes; values lo OC . 45c; our sale price to close. . . ; C Table Ware , Bargains Entire stock of Silver-Plated Knives and Forks, set i.. $3.f9 Silver-Plated Tea Spoons, set Sl.OO Silver-PIated Table Spoons, set $2.00 'Big assortment Butcher Knives 119 C13 cm i CD C1D CD C",T3 CIZ3 CD E m ZZD f "" CD CD da CTD CTD LTD CZZ3 CD CD CZ3 CD CD CD CD ra CD. P-'." CD) CD CO E3 nnnnnnQDODDDOOQDODODDDODnOODGODDOflaDODODODBDDQDODODODODDDODDOOaQDDDODaODQnnnonQ