Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, June 11, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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    the: morning oregonian, Tuesday, june 11, iois
Oar Homeopathic Department
(Mezzanine Floor)
Carries a. Most Complete Line
" By Keeping Him Clean
Brazilian Vessel Brings Report
of Fight Between Trans-,
. port and Submarine. '
Survivors of Various Victims of
Raiders Continue fo Reach Amer
ican Ports Mauban Sunk
Off Italian Coast.
WASHINGTON. June 10. Germany's
submarine raiders, which some 16 days
aero made their first appearance in
American waters since the declaration
of war, apparently are still ranging
off the Atlantic coast, though no re
ports of additional sinkings had been
received at the Navy Department late
tonight to add to the official toll of
18 craft sent to the bottom.
The last announcement from the de
partment concerning the operations of
the raiders came last night and told
nf the sinking of the American steamer
Pinar del Rio Saturday morning off
the Virginia capes.
The master of a Brazilian steamer
arriving today at an Atlantic port said
he had sighted a submarine this morn
ing 75 miles off the New Jersey coast
and had seen an American transport
open fire on the U-boat, but at the
department late tonight it was said
that no confirmation of this encoun
ter had been received.
Survivors of the Pinar del Rio ar
riving at Norfolk said after they aban
doned their ship they saw the subma
rine which sank the Rio send down an
American sailing vessel and a schooner
but, so far as known, their crews have
not yet been landed and the Navy De
partment said It had no reports to con
firm these statements.
"Mother" Ship Theory Doubted.
Observers here were not inclined to
agree with the theory of the Rio's sur
vivors that the vessel which they saw
near the submarine was a "mother"
ship. They believed rather that it was
probably a freight steamer which the
raider had overhauled and kept within
range of its guns with a view to re
plenishing Its stores at leisure before
sinking the craft.
Even if the raiders are accompanied
by a "mother" ship, it was said, the,
latter vessel would hardly make its
appearance in the shipping lanes, where
it would be in imminent danger of
encountering the swift destroyers and
other patrols vigorously, seeking the
American transport fired five shots at
a German submarine this morning 75
miles off the Jersey coast with un
known results, according to informa
tion brought here tonight by the cap
tain of a Brazilian steamship.
Five Shots Heard.
The ship, .bound north from a South
American port; sighted the submarine
soon after 10 o'clock. Immediately full
speed ahead was ordered and the vessel
zigzagged. , -j.
A. few minutes later a. vessel In
the distance, which later was identi
fied as a United States Army transport,
opened fire on the submarine. Two
shots were heard, followed almost im
mediately by three others.
The submarine was too far away,
said the South American captain, for
him to tell whether any of the shots
took effect. He also said that he
thought the transport was too far from
the submarine for the latter to try a
hit with a torpedo.
Result of Fight Unknown.
The Brazilian steamer continued its
course with all possible speed for this
port without waiting to ascertain the
result of the encounter.
NORFOLK, Va. June 10. Survivors
of the American freighter Pinar del
Rio, arriving here today from Manteo,
N. C, said the German submarine
which sank their vessel 110 miles
northeast of Cape Henry last Saturday
morning after a stern chase of more'
than an hour was accompanied by a
large steamer which they believed to
be a "mother" ship.
They also asserted that after their
vessel was sent down by gunfire the
submersible sank two American sailing
"Walter C. B. Burrows, first assistant
engineer of the Pinar del Rio, described
the craft with the submarine as a
vessel of 6000 gross tons with a single
funnel amidships. She was painted
gray and stood some two or three
miles in the offing while the subma
rine sank the Rio. When the American
craft went down the submarine sig
nalled the vessel in international code
"follow me," and the U-boat and her
consort steamed away.
NEW YORK, June 10. Captain J.
Mackenzie and 16 members of the crew
cf the American steamship Pinar del
Tiio, who have been missing' since the
vessel was sunk by a German subma
rine off the coast of Maryland on June
8, reached here today on a Norwegian
steamship, which rescued them from a
small lifeboat about 70 miles off the
coast of New Jersey.
All the members of the crew are thus
accounted for. The chief mate and 15
men were landed early 'this morning
on the North Carolina coast.
Hour Granted to Quit Ship.
The U-boat sank the Pinar del Rio
75 miles off the Maryland coast with
gunfire after the crew had been given
opportunity to get into the two life
boats. Captain Mackenzie said. The
Americans took their time and it was
half an hour before they left the ves
sel. Captain Mackenzie and his compan
ions drifted 10 hours before being
picked up by the Norwegian ship.
NEW YORK, JunTlO. Twelve mem
bers of the crew of the auxiliary
schooner City of Pensacola. sunk by
If you suffer with any eruptional
trouble, do not let another day pass
without trying Poslam.
Let your own skin tell you how effi
cient it is, what splendid help it can
render you In driving away Pimples,
healing Eczema, disposing of Rashes',
soothing and . allaying Inflammation'
The test Is to apply Poslam to a email
affected surface at night and in the
morning look to see improvement.
Healing power which supplies a sooth
ing, comforting influence is here, in
concentrated form.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to -Emergency Laboratories, 243
West 47th St.. New York City.
Poslam Soap, medicated with Poslam,
brightens, beautifies complexions, Adv.
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a submarine in May near Genoa, and
30 members of the crew of the steam
ship City of Wilmington, destroyed
by fire at sea with a cargo of cot
ton, arrived here today.
The City of Wilmington's crew was
picked up by an outward bound ship,
landed in Italy and sent home by
American consular representatives.
Manban L,6ss Reported. ' "
News of the sinking of the Amer
ican steamen Mauban off the coast of
Italy in May was brought here today
by 26 members of her crew, who ar
rived on a freight steamship. The
Mauban, 1253 tons gross, was last re-.
ported leaving Manila for European
Rescue Ship Starts to Pick Up Crew
and Passengers of Tacoma.
WASHINGTON. June 10. The ice
steamer Roosevelt, of the Bureau of
Fisheries, has located the crew and
passengers of the Tacoma, fisheries
ship, which was crushed in the ice of
Bering Sea and has gone to their
assistance. Four other ships were
towed to safety by the Roosevelt.
The following wireless message from
the commander of the Roosevelt was
received today:
"Brought barkentlne Centennial to
safety. She had no rudder and stern
post was gone. Have located camp of
Tacoma survivors. Am going for them
The fleet carried several hundred
persons, mostly workmen going to
work in the salmon canneries.
Reports from the Roosevelt said
there was 20 to 60 feet of ice where the
vessels had expectced to find ready
After completing a trip to the Prlbi
Icff Islands the Roosevelt had returned
to Unalaska for quarantine because
diphtheria was discovered on board.
The ship was just completing her term
of isolation when word came that the
merchant steamers needed assistance.
10. Tugs arrived here today with the
Japanese f relgh'ter Aikoku Maru which
ripped several holes in her hull when
she struck a reef near here during a
heavy fog yesterday. The vessel was
to be put In a drydock immediately.
She was taking water in two forward
A PACIFIC PORT, June 10. Marine
cieU' here today wondered if the Japa
nese freighter Otaru Maru No. 2 was
the vessel which an arriving steamer
last night reported burning and aban
doned at sea.
The Otaru was due here a week ago
from the Orient. Nothing has been
heard from her for some time. She
was to have been turned over to the
United States Government on her ar
rival. Recent Rain Is 'Welcome.
CHEHALIS, Wash., June 10. (Spe
cial.) A soaking rain fell here at 3
o'clock this morning, breaking what
had threatened to be a most serious
drouth. Up to this morning no rain
had fallen for several weeks and the
dry ... weathe had become serious.
affecting growing crops, late planted
grains and gardens. Owing to the late,
cool Spring season many farmers de
layed planting for the past two or
three weeks. - '
Today's rain will add many thou
sands of dollars to the crops for the
season. .
Bill Carrying $2,862,752,237
for Merchant Marine Up.
Appropriation of $3,250,000 for
Continuing: Alaska Railroad Is
Approved; Original Estl-
mates Reduced.
WASHINGTON, June 10. An appro
priation of $1,761,701,000 for the Ameri
can merchant marine is provided in the
sundry civil bill reported to the House
today by the appropriations committee.
The measure carries a total of $2,862,
752,237 in direct appropriations and the
House is expected to add upwards of
$50,000,000 more.
The vast amount recommended for
ships and shipping Is $1,282,694,000
less than the Shipping Board requested.
Chairman Hurley explained that re
ceipts from the operation of ships can
be devoted to building charges and
that no curtailment of the building
programme is contemplated.
Of the Shipping Board total. $1,438,
451,000 is for construction in this coun
try; $55,000,000 is for building Ameri
cans ships abroad; $87,000,000 for es
tablishing shipyards; $60,000,000 for
operating ships heretofore acquired,
and $6,250,000 for recruiting and in
structing ships' officers.
Appropriations recommended for
other branches of the Government in
clude $2,616,000 for the Food Admin
istration; $1,681,000 for the Fuel Ad
ministration; $1,477,249 for the coast
guard and $1,150,009 for the War In
dustries Board.
Some Redactions Made.
Reductions were made in appropria
tions for the Council of National De
fense, the Tariff Commission, rivers
and harbors contract work and the
Alaskan railroad.
The sundry civil appropriation bill,
carrying a total of $2,862,762,281 In di
rect appropriations and authorizations.
Including an emergency shipping fund
of $1,761,701,000, was reported to the
House today
No provision was made in the bill for
the renewal of the President's war
emergency fund, of which only about
f20.000.OGO now remains, and the House
is expected to add $50,000,000 for this
Out of the original $100,000,000 fund
allotments were made for the expenses
of the committee on public informa
tion, but it is proposed now to make
a direct appropriation of $2,000,000 for
the committee.
Chairman George Creel has been
afked to appear befoie the appropria
tions committee tom.ccw to explain
the need for the approrlat.'rn.
Big Deficiency Ircm Submitted. -
A deficiency estimate of $1,293,556,209
for the Army Quartermaster's Depart
ment for th present fiscal year. In
addition to appropriations already
made, was submitted to the House to
day by Secretary Baker. The largest
Item is $1,031,601 ?25 for clothing and
ramp and garrison equipment.
This exceeds the annual peacetime
expenditure of the entire Government.
A Senate bill appropriating $2,000,000
for the vocational rehabilitation of
soldiers disabled in the war was passed
today by the House after the adoption
of an amendment prohibiting the Fed
eral board for vocational education
from employing in the work any man
of draft age who is physically fit for
military service.
Railroad Estimate Cut.
An appropriation of $5,250,000 for con
tinuing work on the Alaskan railway
was approved today by the House ap
propriations committee. This Is a re
duction from the original estimate.
SEATTLE. Wash.. June 10. "Al
though we asked for about $7,000,000,
we can do a great deal of work on the
Alaska railroad with the appropriation
approved today," W. C. Edes, chairman
of the Alaska Engineering Commission,
said when told that the House appro
priation committee approved an appro
priation of $5,250,000 for work on the
Northern railroad this year. I
The Alaska Engineering Commission,
of which Mr. Edes is now sole member.
has charge of the work on the Govern
ment railroad which is being built be
tween Seward. Anchorage and Fair
banks. Present plans call for the com
pletion this year of the Seward-Anchorage
section and extension of the road
southward toward Fairbanks.
Growers at Many Points Urgently in
Xeed of Help.
An urgent call to Portland families to
go to the strawberry ranches of Ore
gon and Washington immediately as
pickers to save the 1918 crop has been
made by the Public Employment Bu
reau, TJ. S. Government co-operating, at
847 Davis street.
Strawberry pickers are needed at
Hood River, Salem and Rex, Or., and
Hood and White Salmon, Wash. The
hot weather has hastened the ripening
oi the berries and the growers are in
urgent need of help to gather the crop.
Groups of women and families can aid
the Government's food conservation
programme and at the same time make
money by going to the strawberry
fields Immediately.
Tents, cooking utensils and bedding
are needed by those who plan to go.
Some Will Visit Portland Before Re
turning: East.
BAKER,' Or., June 10. (Special.)
Dr. L, G. Hoxton, University of Vir
ginia, with the Government eclipse
party, left tonight for Portland, which
city and San Francisco he will visit
before returning East. Doctors Harriet
Blgelow and Mary M. Hopkins left for
Portland Sunday, while others will go
directly, all expecting to leave
Wednesday - except Dr. George H.
Peters, who goes Thursday.
The observing station has been dis
mantled, the instruments prepared for
shipment and the naval station which
built and tore down the station is
j ready to depart.
Banish hot dis
comforts. Buy a
Polar Cub today.
Throws a good,
strong breeze at a
cost of One Cent
for six lone hours.
Keeps the hottest kitchen, the
warmest dining-room, the stuffy
office, cool on the hottest day.
PRICE $5.85
Special Array L-
Bath Kit
Can Be Used Anywhere No
plumbing or running water needed.
Easily carried; weighs only 1V
pounds. Quick shower, shampoo,
massage, rubdown, all in one.
$5.00 Complete
Ready for instant use.
A New and Complete Stock of
Every piece stamped with the name is
assurance that we are selling the genuine
50c Camelline .x. 455
50c Robertine 45
Mavis Talc. Powder.. 25
Mavis Toilet Water S1.00
10c Shah of Persia Olive Castile Soap,
3 for .1 256
lOcMaxine Elliott Buttermilk Soap,
3 for 25
50c Pozzoni's Powder 396
$1.00 Delatone ...906
$1.00 Othine 986
$1.00 Miolena Freckle Cream 856
$1.00 Wood-Lark Freckle Cream 856
Mum 256
50c Pompeian Massage Cream.
$1.50 Oriental Cream
Sanifold Tooth Brush
Antiseptic Tooth Pencil
Save Your Face
gives to your razor just the edge you want
makes shaving a delight. With it the
life of your razor is prolonged and your own
a joy.
Best of all they are made here at home a
Portland product, worthy and well-finished
reasonable in price and our guaranty of
perfect service with every one.
Styles and prices rfor every purse:
S1.00 S1.75
S1.25 S2.00
S1.50 S2.25
See our window display and daily demonstration.
The New Dental
Floss Holder 50c
No Stop Until tl. S. and Allies
Win, Says Lansing. .
Secretary of State, in- College Ad
dress, Assert Prusslanism and
Enduring Peace Cannot
Be Harmonized.
SCHENECTADY. N. T.. June 10.
"Prusslanism and the idea of enduring
peace among nations can never be
brought into harmony; compromise
cannot even be considered," Robert
Lansing. Secretary of State, declared
here today in an address as honorary
chancellor of Union College for 1918.
Instance after instance from his own
experience at the head of America's
Foreign Office were cited to prove his
point because, he asserted, "Americans,
even those intellectually equipped, have
but vague ideas ofc the attitude which
made Prusslanism possible."
The causes of the war, Mr. Lansing
said, were simply the German desire for
world dominion.
"That was and is the central thought
of Prusslanism," he said. "It excited
the cupidity of the governing and
wealthy classes of the empire; it das
sled with its anticipated glories and by
its promise of a boasted racial su
periority to the German millions who
were to he the Instrument of achieve
ment. With a devotion and seal worthy
of better cause they turned their
energy Into those channels which would
aid the ruling class.
"We must go on with the war. There
Is no other way. This task must not be
left half done. We must not transmit
to posterity a legacy of blood and
"We may in this great conflict go
down Into the valley of shadows, be
cause our foe Is powerful and Inured
to war. We must be prepared to meet
disappointment and temporary reverse,
but we must, with American spirit, rise
above them. With courageous hearts
we must go forward until this war Is
Witness at Revenue Bill Hearing Saya
War Cnta Poor People Propor
tionately More Than Rich.
WASHINGTON", June 10. Hearings
on the new general revenue bill, de
signed to raise 8. 000. 000. 000 by taxa
tion this coming year, were resumed
today by the House ways committee.
Drafting of the bill will probably start
next week.
Benjamin C. Marsh, representing the
Farmers' National committee on war
finance, the first witness today, waa
questioned by Representative Moore,
of Pennsylvania, regarding an article
he wrote saying he had been informed
by a member of Congress that the rea
son excess profits had not been taxed
was because bankers control the news
papers and the newspapers intimidate
Congress. He declined to give the
name of the member.
"Do you think that statement Is
true?" asked Representative Moore.
"I am afraid that in some cases It
Is," he replied.
Marsh told the committee he believed
the poor people of the country are
paying more to support the war in
proportion to their incomes than are
the rich.
Gold Hill Aids Red Cross.
GOLD mtt.t1 Or., June 10. (Special.)
The shuffle of 1400 feet resounded
with Joy at the barn dance in the for
mer happy hunting ground of Chief
Sam. Rogue River Valley's favorite
Indian chief, last Saturday evening,
given under the auspices of Sam's Val
ley Chapter of Gold Hill's Red Cross.
The merry-makers came in 100 autos,
from an area ertendlng to Ashland in
the south. Glendale In the north. Apple
gate in the west. Derby in the east,
and nearly depopulating Gold Hill for
the evening. The proceeds of the even
ing enriched the coffers of the local
chapter to the amount of $2tS.
Helena Postmaster Impressed by
Literature and Enlists.
SYRACUSE, N. T.. June 10. So im
pressed with the United States Marine
recruiting literature sent him to give
to prospective applicants was Carl
H. Hamlin, postmaster at Helena, N. Y.,
that he forsook his Job and came here,
where he enlisted himself in the Ma
rine Corps.
Thus the Marine Corps lost a re
cruiter, Helena lost a postmaster.
Recruiter Hamlin lost his fee for the
enlistment of Applicant Hamlin, but
the Marines gained a patriotic recruit.
Centralia schools and manager of the
city's wan savings campaign, and Lee .
Proffitt, who has been appointed to or
ganize local business men for war
savings day. June 28, today attended a
conference of war savings workers in
Seattle. From there Professor Reed,
will go to Kllensburg, where he will
address the state convention of County
Superintendents on the war savings
record of the local -yehools. which Is
on of the bst in the state.
Widow of Wealthy St. I-ouis Brewer
Leaves Germany.
ST. LOUIS. June 10. Mrs. Lily
Busch. widow of Adolphus Busch. brew
er, who has been in Germany since the
opening of the war. will arrive in Ha
vana. Cuba, within 24 hours, accord
ing to word received here today.
Mrs. Busch is accompanied by Harry
B. Hawes. her son's attorney, who went
to Europe several months ago with
passports from the tState Department
to bring her back home.
In Germany Mrs. Busch is said to
have conducted a hospital for wounded
War Savings Workers Sleet.
CENTRALIA. Wash., June 10. (Spe
cial.) Edgar Reed, superintendent of
U . r : J
; r ". ..HSR,,. J
To Have
To Hold
These are a few of the many
symptoms of Defective Vision.
Let me give you the benefit
of my twenty years' successful
experience in treating these de
fects. Thousands of Portland
people can testify as to the com
fort to be had from using my
Dr. Wheat
Eyesight Specialist
207 Morgan Bldg.
Washington at Broadway
Carter's Little
Liver Pills
will set you right
over night.
Purely Vegetable
Small Fill, Small Dom, Small Prica
Carter's Iron Pills
Will rcatore color to tbe faca of
thoM who lack Iron la tbe blood,
as most pale-faced people do.
Hundreds of thousands are af
flicted with Irregularities of the
Kidneys, urinary passage and
bladder. Thousands have found
true comfort and benefit using
K.ilm wort Kidney Tablets, sold
by all druggists. Mrs. Frank
Monehan. 1619 Penrose St.. St.
Louis, writes: "I am takinc Balm
wort Kidney Tablets and must
say they are the finest thing; on
the market and I feel I could
not live if I had to be without
For sale by the Owl rru)f Co.
stores and all other druggists.
Tobacco Habit
Easily Overcome
A Kr Yorker, of wide experience, has
written a book telling how the tobacco or
nuft habit may bo easily and quickly bao
Uhed with dellffhtfu! benefit. The author.
Edward J. Woods. 1821 A. Station E. New
York City, will mail hie book rreo on request.
The health Improves wonderfully attar
tobacco craving la conquered. Calmness,
tranquil Bleep, clear eyes, normal appetite,
good digestion, manly vigor, strong memory
end a general gain In e.-flclencr are among
tha many benefits reported. Oet rid of that
nervous. Irritable feeling: no mora need of
pipe, cigar, cigarette, nuff or cbewlng to
bacvo to pacify morbid dealra. Adv.
For Burning Eczema
Greasy salves and ointments should not
be applied if good clear skin is wanted. '
From any druggist for 35c, or $1.00 for
extra large size, get a bottle cf temo.
When applied as directed it effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and
heals skin troubles, also sores, burns,
wounds and chafing. It penetrates, cleanses
and soothes. Zemo is a dean, dependable
and inexpensive, penetrating, antiseptic
liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you
bave ever used is as effective and satisfying.
Tho E.W. Rose CoQereland. O.