THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY. JUNE 11, 1918. TRADE TO DEVELOP III TRANS PACIFIC 1 You Are Invited to Flag Day Exercises at Municipal Auditorium, 8 P. June 14, Auspices Portland Elks,J,:::::;::';: A Quarter Is A Small Coin but it looms big in the world war, because patriotic Americans are using their spare quarters to buy Thrift Stamps and help Uncle Sam. On sale Accommodation Bureau. kirts. Cut to ' Measure Free If materials are "purchased in our Woolen Dress Goods Shop, Second. Floor, we will cut plain tailored skirts to measure free. We baste, fit and make ready to. finish for $1 upwards. We Are Superbly Ready With All Graduation and June Bride Needs Personal requirements and gifts of every good kind are best pur chased from Meier & Frank's. Everything of highest quality at lowest prices compatible therewith. tMkmUtJL - ' . Former Premier of South Aus tralia Talks to Members of Chamber of Commerce. The- QuaLttV Stork or Portland eaclv "With All Warm Weather Meeds TONNAGE NEED EMPHASIZED business Men Shown Ways in Which They Can Do Most to Aid Nation and Allies by Encouraging Production of Shipping. Hon. Crawfod Vaughan, former Pre mier of South Australia, was the prin cipal speaker at the members' coun cil of the Chamber of Commerce at the weekly luncheon yesterday. Mr. Vaughan has been occupied for the past seven months on behalf of his government in the interest of develop ing: trade relations of mutual benefit to the allied cause and in visiting the shipbuilding plants engaged in the pro duction of tonnage for the United States and other countries. During the past week Mr. Vaughan spent some time in the Puget Sound district, where two yards are engaged in building ships for the Australian government. 11 Hon. Crawford Vaughan, Former Premier of South Australia. T These contracts call for 14 wood ships, some of which have already been launched, to be used in trans-Pacific trade. His address yesterday was chiefly uevoiea to acquainting the business men with the ways in which they can do most to aid the needs of the coun try by encouraging the production of shipping of foodstuffs and encouraging the spirit manifested by the shipyard workers who are voluntarily assuming individual responsibilities or making sacrifices to aid the common cause. He related how 1100 employes of one ship yard at Olympla worked a full shift or Decoration day and refused to per mit any time to be turned in for that day's work, making that as their con tribution to the Nation's need of more Shipping. Products Similar to Orreon. South Australia, of which Mr. Vaughan was formerly Prime Minister, is one of the six states of Australia, of which Adelaide is trve capital, and is somewhat similar to Oregon in the diversity and character of its products. Its exports are wool, hides, pelts, grain, mineral ores and hardwoods practic ally primary products. "Australia has 6,000,000 tons of wheat and 100,000 tons of sugar and only awaits sips to help supply the needs of the allied countries for these articles of food," said he, "and the shipbuilders who are giving their best service in building ships are serving the ailed cause well. "When the ships are provided for this transportation across 6000 miles between the ports on this side of the Pacific and Australia there is abundant call for the cargoes that will supply tonnage in both directions! We need a. preat deal of your lumber, and can exchange - some of our hardwood for your soft woods. We can furnish iron ore, 68 per cent pure -for your steel plants, and from our great steel works at Newcastle, New South Wales, can etr.d manufactured steel or ingot iron.' "By reason of our seasons being Just the opposite to yours there should be a considerable interchange of fruits and agricultural products at all times. "The Australian orchardists, both in the growth of citrus fruits and the staples of the temperate .zones, are harvesting "their- crops at the season when .fresh, fruits, are exhausted In America. The islands of that part of the world also afford a great variety of needed products. A great deal of ct pper is picked up" in the South Pa cific Islands and comes to your ports. Ours is not a country of dense popu lation, but some of our neighboring islands have many times our own population. Java, for instance, has 39,000,000 people." Captain T. Templer-Powell, speaking on the "Humorous Side of Trench Life," gave . an excellent insight into the character of the British Tommy,-as witnessed by an officer in the first year of the war, serving in Belgium and at Tpres. With the happy faculty of finding the amusing side of the most trying incidents of the war, and interpolatng the lesson learned by the men at the front, the British officer was accorded enthusiastic appreciation toy the members of the Chamber. LOCAL MILK PRICES SOAR t Increase of One Cent a Pint Effec tive Throughout City. An increase of 1 cent in the cost of milk sold by the pint by Portland creameries became effective yesterday, together with .. number of other rec ommendations made by the City Milk Commission. ' Among the new regulations for the delivery of milk to consumers was the abolishment of the, back door delivery, Bubstltutnig delivery of milk at any doorstep nearest the street- The cream eries also discontinued the delivery of 1-3-pint bottles of cream, will no longer exchange unsold milk and cream from the grocery stores and apartment- nouses and insist upon empty bottles from all consumers each day. HURRAH! 15c MEAT. Roast veal 15cBreast veal 16c Rump- roasts 15cBeef pot roast ..16c Boiling beef 15c Spup meat 10c Hamburg steak 18cSausage 18c Sirloin steak 20c iib beer steak.. 20c Frank I Smith's, 228 Alder St. Adv, jr 4 1 1MB 17 9 tine ' , ,,im . 1 I tt I'd i 2 ! "A Meatless - Meal" will be -the subject 'of Mrs. Louise PalmerWeber's lecture-demonstration in our Sixth Floor Auditorium today -at 3 P. M. Ladies should bring paper and pencils to take down recipes. Questions cheerfully answered. Portions served." Prompt attendance is requested.. Mrs. Weber, who is "a noted au thority .on dietetics and home eco nomics, -. can be consulted free in our Ninth Floor Grocery any day from 10 to 12 and 3 to 5, except during lectures. I -The Rose and - Peony Shows continue today. The Rose Show is store-wide, displays being made in every department. The roses were all procured by our employes and arranged by them. The man agement has donated $100 to be distributed in Thrift Stamps amongst members of the winning departments. The Peony Show, comprising over 100 varieties from the Weed Nurseries, is held in our Sixth Floor Auditorium. Admission free. New. Wash Dresses For Summer are here in wonderful variety, and they are of utmost loveliness and charm. All beautifully made from finest materials. An inex haustible selection in all the' newest models. Moderately priced. x , ' Voile, organdy, gingham, linen and crepe materials. Coat, vestee and the new blouse effect, also surplice and short-waisted models. With buttons, bias bands, fancy girdles, pockets and other smart trimmings. The color as sortment is infinite. All sizes for women and misses. ' A wide range of prices t $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15, $18.50 and Up to $35 Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Wear The National League For Woman's Service has wonderful possibilities for the woman who wishes to improve her war-time efficiency. The league works in closest harmony with every line of authorized Government activity. Its membership is open to all who are desirous of serving their country in an -honorable capacity. The service is voluntary. Every woman who can afford time for some part of the valuable work that the league is doing should enroll without delay.' Classes Now Being Formed as follows. Some of these activities will interest you: Classes in stenography, typewriting, office work, salesmanship, telegraphy start Monday, 24th inst. Classes in auto mechanics and driving start Monday, the 17th. A purely nominal fee is required for these two classes. Overseas Relief Work, making aviators' and sailors' kid glove jackets and league bags, opened yesterday in our Auditorium. Join today. . Uncle Sam's Kitchen for canning fruits and vegetables opens at Grand avenue and Hawthorne Thursday, the 13th.' If you know of excess fruit or vegetables, please notify the league at Marshall 4600 and the motor division will call. , . ' " Official headquarters for the league on our sixth floor. "Goodyear9' Garden Hose Now is the best time to select your garden hose. Our stocks of Goodyear guaranteed garden hose are complete. We have this hose in 25 and 50-ft. lengths, complete with adjustable spray nozzle and couplings. We quote a few of many items and prices y i2-in. Walrus Rub'r Garden Hose, 50 ft, $10.25 12-in. Walrus Rub'r Garden Hose, 25 ft', $ 5.60 -in. Walrus Rub'r Garden Hose, 50 ft, $11.00 34-in: Walrus Rub'r Garden Hose, 25 ft, $ 5.95 y2-mch Trout Cotton Garden Hose, 50 ft, $ 6.50 12-inch Trout Cotton Garden Hose, 25 ft., $ 3.70 s-inch Trout Cotton Garden Hose, 50 ft, $ 7.00 34inch Trout Cotton Garden Hose, 25 ft, $ 3.95 Steel Hose Reel, holds 50 ft -in. hose, $ 1.97 Wood Hose Reel, holds 50 ft -in. hose, $ 1.50 Something unusual in shirt sales. This silk shirt sale is repeated by request.. The story in brief: Six weeks ago we. held a sale of - silk shirts at $5.65. We do not hesitate to say it was the greatest sale of its kind ever known. The buying was unprecedented. But some of our good patrons were pre vented by one cause or another from sharing in the sale. We have received frequent requests as to when such silk shirt values might be again available . This sale, which begins today at 9 A. M., furnishes the lswer. 600 New Silk Sliirts just received in a special shipment .are included in this sale, with the balance of the fine silk shirts left over from our previous sale' all at the one price This means that you have choice from over 1000 beautiful shirts of finest quality silks at a price which does not begin to express their superfine qualities of material and workmanship. Peau de Crepes, Broadcloths. Bengralines and Jap Silks as famous for their wearing qualities as for their beauty. Equal to the finest custom-made shirts, at a fraction of the custom tailor's price. Plain, two-tone, multi-color and satin-striped designs. Many patterns In complete set of three. All sizes In this sale at $5.65. Silk shirts are In greater demand at this time than ever they're Ideal for Summer wear. Don't be satisfied with less than three at this extraordinarily low price for high-frrada silk shirts $5.65. Men's Furnishings Shop. Main floor. ' tv:ti1s lift i 1! li -A t 4 1 r il ' ; W v i - if 1 . . , . ; . .A - Advance Notice to Wearers of "Nemo" Corsets We have just received word from the factory that on and after Monday, July 1, 1918, the prices on certain models of the famous Nemo corsets will be increased. Women who wear these nationally favored corsets should supply their needs for months ahead at Meier & Frank's during th,e month of June before the inevitable advance. We have an unusually large assortment of the popular Nemo corsets in all the old fa vorites, as well as several new models. Nemo corsets are strongly made of serviceable rffa terials. We have styles and sizes here to fit women of all builds. Our expert corsetieres will see that you se cure the right model for your particular type of figure. Today is a good time to supply your needs at the following prices: SELF-REDUCING NEMOS, $3.50 TO .$6 WONDERLIFT NEMOS, $6 TO $10 Corset Shop, Third Floor. "Community'9 Plate Silver For June Bride Gifts It is hard to think of a more appropriate or acceptable gift for the June bride than a gift of silverware. It is useful, attractive, and, best of all, enduring. We are principal Portland distributors for the famous Community Plate Silverware. This silverware is very heavily plated with pure silver on a hard nickel silver base. Guaranteed to give ordinary family service for 50 years. Our stocks of this silverware include such popular patterns as the Adam, Patrician, Sheraton, Louis XVI. We have most complete assortments of all pieces in these designs. We quote a few prices in sets of six. Teaspoons, $3; tablespoons, $6; H. H. medium knives, $7.75; F. H. medium forks, $6. You may buy single pieces of silverware or complete sets. Prices are proportionately the same. See our large special display of Community Tlate today. Silverware Shop. Main Floor. Basement. Fifth Street. Furs Stored in our perfectly refrigerated safety vaults on the premises, where an always below freezing temperature is maintained, are absolutely se cure against moths, dust, theft, fire, loss or damage. Remodeling and repairing of Winter furs in accordance with the coming sea son's fashions executed now at special Summer rates. Phone and our auto will call. Our Wirthmor Waists $1 We are sole Portland agents for the famous Wirthmor dollar waists. Wirthmors represent the maximum of waist value it is pos sible to obtain in a waist made to sell at this most moderate price $1. Four new models just received go on sale today. ' The former quality has been maintained the former price has been retained. As always SI as always worth more. Waist Shop. Fourth Floor.M Marquisette Yard 27c 1000 yards of good quality white marquisette- Curtains of this ma terial will combine serviceability with attractiveness. Wall Paper Roll 50c Wall papers suitable for living room, hall or den. Imported El lonbury silk fibre wall papers in green plain and figured effects. Limited quantity at, single roll 50c. Seventh Floor, Sixth Street. BOHN SYPHON Refrigerators Are Scientific Food Savers More food is spoiled through im proper refrigeration than any other way. Bohn Syphon refrigerators are constructed according to principles which are scientific, practical and ef fective. They reduce food and ice bills materially. They insure lower temperature because of the rapid and unobstructed circulation. AH in all they are the most desirable refriger ators made. We have complete stocks of all styles and sizes in the famous Bohn . Syphon refrigerators. If desired, Make Your Own Terms in Reason Sixth Floor, Fifth t?treet. f-t'r I Mil "ill w i tfcik jiffs " -.1 J " l 'j 615 :MH II Ml m:M. ill i'ii iiiit'irLiiTrli'm'tr New Leather Purses at $3.50 Women's new leather purses of good quality Morocco or Vachette leather. The popular envelope style with back strap. Prettily lined with moire silk and fitted with mirror. One illustrated. After the quantity we have on hand is sold there will be nJ more of these purses obtainable at this low price. We advise early se lection. Leather Goods Shop. Main Floor. CfAPTAIN WELTY ADVANCED "Tumulty of Camp Lewis" Is Pro moted to Majorsliip. CAMP LEWIS, Tacoma, June 10. A promotion of importance was an nounced at division headquarters this morning- In the advancement to Major of Captain Maurice D. Welty, aide to Major-General H. A. Greene, as well as acting chief of administration and co-ordination of the general staff. From the early stage of the canton ment Major Welty has been spoken of as the "Tumulty of Camp Lewis," al' of the thousand and one details con nected with the administration and organization of the camp having crone over his desk. Major Welty received his appoint ment to West Point from Pennsylvania in 1906 and graduated in 1910. With General Greene he came to Camp Lev.-is in .August. 1917. Duning his -service he has seen three years in the Philippines. Sot Lesser has paid 1200,000 for the, rights to exhibit the Griffith war story," "Hearts of the World." In the 11 Pa cific Coast and Mountain states. I . & : NEIGHBORHOOD ROW ENDS Lents 'Disputants Shake Hands and . Call -Off Hostilities. District Judge Jones and Attorneys W. A. Carter and Thomas G. Ryan, rep resenting: the rival disputants, brought about a happy settlement of a neigh borhood row yesterday. The princt pals on both sides were Induced to shake hands, return to the their homes and hereafter live in peace and har mony. The trouble all arose over a nomadic cow, the property of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bruce, of Lents. The animal, when released from the family lot. per sisted in grazing along the parkway bordering on the premises of E. J. Mi htoney, a nearly .neighbor.' One day last week, so the testimony showed, Mahoney drov the cow Into his barn and kept her jn custody, until Mrs. Bruce paid an! impounding fee of II. In tendering the payment, however, Mrs. Bruce slapped Mahoney. who, Mrs. Bruce s-nrore, laid severe hands upon her. Vhen Mr. Bruce came home from work aid learned of what had oc curred he vent to the Mahoney home and threatened his neighbor with vio lence. Mahoney then appealed to the courts and caused the arrest of Bruce for threatening to commit a felony. The case came before Judge Jones yester day for preliminary hearing. After hearing the testimony on both sides. Judge Jones dismissed the complaint and after a conference with the law yers in the case suggested that the two couples shake hands and decree the In cident closed. This was done. Yakima Drugstore May Lose Sales. YAKIMA, Wash.. June 10. (Special.) Mayor F. H. Ewect. of this city, an nounced today that, as a war measure, he would stop all selllnK of liquor by druK stores if such action should prove necessary to curb abuses of prescription privileges by doctors and illegal sales by drupffists. ASK FOR and GET M r Back's The Original Malted Milk For Infanta and Invalid Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price